Cat Urbigkit Papers, 1907-2009

Overview of the Collection

Urbigkit, Cat.
Cat Urbigkit Papers
1907-2009 (inclusive)
13.10 cubic ft. (14 boxes) + 291 MB
Collection Number
Cat Urbigkit was a Wyoming sheep and cattle rancher concerned with the reintroduction of the Gray Wolf into the Yellowstone area. The collection contains research, newspaper clippings, and administrative records of suits brought against various federal agencies.
American Heritage Center, University of Wyoming
American Heritage Center
University of Wyoming
1000 E. University Ave.
Dept. 3924
Laramie, WY
Telephone: 3077663756
Access Restrictions
Access Restrictions

There are no access restrictions on the materials for research purposes, and the collection is open to the public.

Additional Reference Guides
Additional Information

Finding aid available in repository.


Historical NoteReturn to Top

Cat Urbigkit was a writer, photographer, and rancher from Big Piney, Wyoming. She graduated from Pinedale High School in 1983, and later married Jim Urbigkit. They raised sheep and Hereford cattle in Sublette County. Urbigkit spent more than a decade conducting research on the history of Wyoming's wolves for her non-fiction book, "Yellowstone Wolves: A Chronicle of the Animal, the People, the Politics," released in 2007. She and her husband were party to several Federal lawsuits dealing with Wyoming wolves, including the lawsuit challenging the wolf reintroduction program in Yellowstone National Park.

Content DescriptionReturn to Top

The Cat Urbigkit collection contains subject files (including wolves and Teton National Forest), legal documents, notebooks of clippings and printed material, books, VHS tapes, audio cassette tapes, slides, and a poster all dealing with wolf reintroduction in Wyoming, Montana, and Idaho.

Use of the CollectionReturn to Top

Restrictions on Use

Copyright Information

The researcher assumes full responsibility for observing all copyright, property, and libel laws as they apply.

Preferred Citation

Preferred Citation

Item Description, Box Number, Folder Number, Collection Name, Collection Number, American Heritage Center, University of Wyoming.

Administrative InformationReturn to Top

Related Materials

Related Materials

There are no known other archival collections created by Cat Urbigkit at the date of processing.

Acquisition Information

Acquisition Information

This material was received from Cat Urbigkit in 2009.

Processing Note

Processing Information

The collection was processed by Krist Jessup in April 2017.

Detailed Description of the CollectionReturn to Top

1A Index/1B Expenses, 1995Return to Top

Container(s): Box 6

2002 Wolf, 2002Return to Top

Container(s): Box 4

2003 Predator Study, 2003Return to Top

Container(s): Box 5

2004 Wolf, 2004Return to Top

Container(s): Box 4

2005 Wolf, 2005Return to Top

Container(s): Box 4

2007 Wolf, 2007Return to Top

Container(s): Box 4

Audio Tapes, 1991-1992Return to Top

Container(s): Box 13

Alexander Archipelago Wolf, 1994-1995Return to Top

Container(s): Box 6

Amerindian Dogs, 1986Return to Top

Container(s): Box 2

Another Look at Wolf Taxonomy, 1992Return to Top

Container(s): Box 10

Anti-Wolf Literature, 1975-1988Return to Top

Container(s): Box 2

APHIS (Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service), 1992Return to Top

Container(s): Box 3

Bounty, 1907-1943Return to Top

Container(s): Box 6

Brief of Amicus Curiae Applicant Nez Perce Tribe, 1997-1998Return to Top

Container(s): Box 9

Briefs, Appendices, Oral Arguments - Wyoming Farm Bureau Federation v. Bruce Babbitt, as Secretary of the Interior, 1998Return to Top

Container(s): Box 8

BTNF, 1974-1985Return to Top

Container(s): Box 11

Cardwell Wolf AUS, 1994Return to Top

Container(s): Box 6

A Case History of Wolf-Human Encounters in Alaska and Canada, 2002Return to Top

Container(s): Box 5

Cat Urbigkit Vs. US Department of Interior, 1994Return to Top

Container(s): Box 1

Charles Kay, 1992-1996Return to Top

Container(s): Box 5

Cheyenne FWS (Fish and Wildlife Service) Sighting - Vaughn Index, 1992Return to Top

Container(s): Box 1

Chico Wolf, 1988-1992Return to Top

Container(s): Box 6

Coexisting with Large Carnivores - Lessons from Greater Yellowstone, 2005Return to Top

Container(s): Box 7

Compensation, 1987-2004Return to Top

Container(s): Box 5

Complaint, 1962-1992Return to Top

Container(s): Box 2

Control Plans, 1971-1995Return to Top

Container(s): Box 3

Copies of Agency References, 1977-1988Return to Top

Container(s): Box 3

Court Materials, 1994Return to Top

Container(s): Box 9

Daune's Decision, 2000Return to Top

Container(s): Box 6

Decision Record and Finding of No Significant Impact for the Assessment of Predator Animal Damage Control on Public Lands, 1994Return to Top

Container(s): Box 3

Deer Lodge Wolf, 1994-1996Return to Top

Container(s): Box 6

Digital Media, UndatedReturn to Top

Container(s): Box 13

DNA, UndatedReturn to Top

Container(s): Box 13

Dog Skull from Dubois, 1995Return to Top

Container(s): Box 3

Downes Olenhouse, 1997Return to Top

Container(s): Box 8

DOW, NWF (National Wildlife Federation), WWF (Wyoming Wildlife Federation) - Legal Files, 1997-1998Return to Top

Container(s): Box 8

Draft Reports, 1992Return to Top

Container(s): Box 3

Draft Wyoming Gray Wolf Recovery and Management Proposal, July 1997Return to Top

Container(s): Box 5

Durward Allen, UndatedReturn to Top

Container(s): Box 6

Elk Mountain Kids, UndatedReturn to Top

Container(s): Box 3

Ernest R. Vyse - Professor of Biology - Montana State University, 1994Return to Top

Container(s): Box 3

Endangered Species Act (ESA): Return to Top

Container(s): Box

Container(s) Description
Endangered Species Act
File 1
File 2
File 3
Suit Injunction

Enhanced Black Rock Tape (VHS), November 25, 1993Return to Top

Container(s): Box 13

Exp Pop Rule Comment, 1994Return to Top

Container(s): Box 6

Extra YNP (Yellowstone National Park) Stuff, 1994Return to Top

Container(s): Box 1

Fed Def 98.8009, 1998Return to Top

Container(s): Box 8

Final Report in 1978 Wolf Survey, 1978Return to Top

Container(s): Box 1

Fish and Wildlife Service Case, 1992Return to Top

Container(s): Box 9

Forests - Beaverhead, Gallatin, Caribou, Targhee, 1975-1992Return to Top

Container(s): Box 4

Foundations , 1991Return to Top

Container(s): Box 2

Freedom of Information Act (FOIA): Return to Top

Container(s): Box

Container(s) Description
1994 FWS (Fish and Wildlife Services) Search
Cody/Big Sandy Wolf
Fish and Wildlife Service Cheyenne
Fox Park Wolf
Kaufman, Washington DC - DNA Test Results
Lawsuit Discovery FWS (Fish and Wildlife Service)
National Parks Service
Presence of Wolves and Wolf-like Canids in Bridger-Teton National Forest
Presence of Wolves in Wyoming
YNP (Yellowstone National Park) Reports
YNP (Yellowstone National Park) 1993 Reports

Friends of Animals, 1997-1998Return to Top

Container(s): Box 9

Fundraising, 1995-1999Return to Top

Container(s): Box 3

FWS (Fish and Wildlife Service) Wolf Lawsuit, 1992Return to Top

Container(s): Box 8

General Biographical Information, 1986-1994Return to Top

Container(s): Box 3

Geographic Variation in the Cranial Morphology of the Wolf in Northern Canada, 1997Return to Top

Container(s): Box 13

Grand Teton National Park Wolf Sightings, 1992Return to Top

Container(s): Box 1

Gray Wolf Reintroduction - Research Materials, 2008-2009Return to Top

Container(s): Box 4

Gray Wolf Poster, UndatedReturn to Top

Container(s): Box 14

Idaho Wolf, 1989-1991Return to Top

Container(s): Box 3

Idaho Wolf Update, 1996Return to Top

Container(s): Box 5

Images, UndatedReturn to Top

Container(s): Box 13

Important, 1976-1986Return to Top

Container(s): Box 6

Intent to Sue Department of Interior and Fish and Wildlife Service, 1994Return to Top

Container(s): Box 1

Italian Wolves, 1981-1989Return to Top

Container(s): Box 2

Jack Lynch, 1988-1989Return to Top

Container(s): Box 3

Jack Potter - Trapper, 1994Return to Top

Container(s): Box 3

James Hill and NPCA (National Parks and Conservation Association), 1997-1998Return to Top

Container(s): Box 9

James R. and Cat D. Urbigkit - Administrative Record 1-7 of 7, 1997Return to Top

Container(s): Box 10-11

James R. and Cat D. Urbigkit v. Babbit - Administraitive Records - Extra Copies , 1994Return to Top

Container(s): Box 2

James R. and Cat D. Urbigkit v. Babbit - Administraitive Records - Volume 7 of 7 , 1988-1993Return to Top

Container(s): Box 2

Legal Opinions/Citations, 1987-1990Return to Top

Container(s): Box 2

Leo Cottenoir Wolf, 1943-1995Return to Top

Container(s): Box 6

Louis Roberts Wolf, 1996Return to Top

Container(s): Box 6

Magazine Clippings, UndatedReturn to Top

Container(s): Box 11

Main Street Wyoming: Wolves Part I (VHS), January 21, 1993Return to Top

Container(s): Box 13

Methods, 1972-1988Return to Top

Container(s): Box 3

The Mexican Wolf, 1993Return to Top

Container(s): Box 1

Mexican Wolf Recovery, 1982Return to Top

Container(s): Box 10

Mexican Wolves, 1980-1999Return to Top

Container(s): Box 3

Miscellaneous Individual Sightings, 1969-1986Return to Top

Container(s): Box 2

Miscellaneous Magazines, 1963-1995Return to Top

Container(s): Box 10

Montana, 1993Return to Top

Container(s): Box 3

Montana - Clips, 1986-1988Return to Top

Container(s): Box 3

Montana Wolf Management Plan, 2002Return to Top

Container(s): Box 5

NAS 98.8008, 1998Return to Top

Container(s): Box 8

Nebraska Whooping Crane Sighting Reports, 1992-1993Return to Top

Container(s): Box 1

Newspaper Clippings, 1992-1997Return to Top

Container(s): Box 12

Newspaper Clippings - Reintroduction into Yellowstone, 1997-2000Return to Top

Container(s): Box 7

Newspaper Clippings - Wolf Reintroduction, 1997-2000Return to Top

Container(s): Box 9

NDSU (North Dakota State University) Population Dynamics Modeling Software, 1989Return to Top

Container(s): Box 3, Folder ahcdm_11718_001

North American Quaternary Canis, 1979Return to Top

Container(s): Box 10

North Dakota, 1991Return to Top

Container(s): Box 3

Northern Rocky Mountain Wolf Status and Coordination Meeting, 1988Return to Top

Container(s): Box 3

Nowak, 1993-1994Return to Top

Container(s): Box 6

Opening Brief, 1998Return to Top

Container(s): Box 8

Oregon Wolf Lawsuit, 2003Return to Top

Container(s): Box 4

Original Appellate Argument, 1996Return to Top

Container(s): Box 7

Paws, 1990Return to Top

Container(s): Box 3

Personal Miscellaneous, 1988-1995Return to Top

Container(s): Box 6, Folder ahcdm_11718_002

Population Definition, 1994Return to Top

Container(s): Box 2

Predation and Thomas, 2003Return to Top

Container(s): Box 5

Predator Control, 1989-1994Return to Top

Container(s): Box 3

Prior Filings, 1997Return to Top

Container(s): Box 7

Public Opinion Polls, 1987-1989Return to Top

Container(s): Box 3

Rawlins ADC (Animal Damage Control) Plan, 1993Return to Top

Container(s): Box 3

Readings from Conservation Biology, 1995Return to Top

Container(s): Box 13

Recovery Plan, 1986-1987Return to Top

Container(s): Box 11

Red Wolf Reintroduction to Bull Island, 1988-1989Return to Top

Container(s): Box 3

References/Chronology/Legal, 1982-1989Return to Top

Container(s): Box 2

Reintroduction Appeals, UndatedReturn to Top

Container(s): Box 4

Reintroduction of the Gray Wolf into Yellowstone, 1994Return to Top

Container(s): Box 1

The Reintroduction of Gray Wolves to Yellowstone National Park and Central Idaho - Environmental Impact Statement Draft, 1993Return to Top

Container(s): Box 10

The Reintroduction of Gray Wolves to Yellowstone National Park and Central Idaho - Environmental Impact Statement, 1994Return to Top

Container(s): Box 10

Report on Wolf Survey, 1975Return to Top

Container(s): Box 6

Rocky Mountain Natives - Wyoming Wolf Recovery Project, 1993Return to Top

Container(s): Box 3

Scientific Literature References, 1973-1995Return to Top

Container(s): Box 3

Shoshone National Forest, 1991-1999Return to Top

Container(s): Box 4

Similar Species, etc., 1995-1996Return to Top

Container(s): Box 6

Similar Species/Situations, 1981-1998Return to Top

Container(s): Box 6

Social Structure/Population Genetics, 1987Return to Top

Container(s): Box 2

SRM (Society for Range Management) Speech and WACD (Wyoming Association of Conservation Districts), 1993-1994Return to Top

Container(s): Box 3

Standing Support, 1994-1997Return to Top

Container(s): Box 6

Stanko and Wolves, 2002Return to Top

Container(s): Box 5

Statements to Congress, 1990Return to Top

Container(s): Box 2

The Status and Distribution of Wolves in the Northern Rocky Mountains of the United States, 1981Return to Top

Container(s): Box 12

Supporting Information Miscellaneous, 1977-1995Return to Top

Container(s): Box 6

Supporting Materials, UndatedReturn to Top

Container(s): Box 2

Table Mountain (Lander) Wolf, 1985Return to Top

Container(s): Box 6

Telephone Memos, etc., 1992-1995Return to Top

Container(s): Box 6

The Timber Wolf in Wisconsin, 1993Return to Top

Container(s): Box 13

Transcription of Oral Argument on Administrative Appeals - Wyoming Farm Bureau, Ubigkit, and National Abudon Society v. Bruce Babbitt, 1995Return to Top

Container(s): Box 9

Urbigkit 98.8011, 1998Return to Top

Container(s): Box 8

Urbigkit Emergency Motion for Injuction, 1998Return to Top

Container(s): Box 6

Urbigkit v. Bruce Babbitt Secretary of the Interior, UndatedReturn to Top

Container(s): Box 7

Used References, Notes for Book, 1971-1995Return to Top

Container(s): Box 6

Vernon Bailey, 1907Return to Top

Container(s): Box 6

Was that a Wolf?: A Video Guide to Wolf Identification (VHS), 1992Return to Top

Container(s): Box 13

The Wolf: The Ecology and Behavior of an Endangered Species, 1970Return to Top

Container(s): Box 13

Wolf Flight Funds, 1983-1989Return to Top

Container(s): Box 2

Wolf Hybridization Information, 1992Return to Top

Container(s): Box 1

Wolf Legislation 2003, 2003Return to Top

Container(s): Box 5

Wolf Management, UndatedReturn to Top

Container(s): Box 3

Wolf Monographs, 1967-1987Return to Top

Container(s): Box 2

Wolf Organizations, 1988-1994Return to Top

Container(s): Box 5

Wolf/Outfitter Survey, 1988Return to Top

Container(s): Box 2

Wolf Plan 2002, 2002Return to Top

Container(s): Box 4

Wolf Reintroduction - Research Materials, 1907-1995Return to Top

Container(s): Box 6, 11

Wolf Suit Stuff, 1994Return to Top

Container(s): Box 3

Wolves, 2001Return to Top

Container(s): Box 5

Wolves: Behavior, Ecology, and Conservation, 2003Return to Top

Container(s): Box 13

Wolves at Black Rock (VHS), November 25, 1992Return to Top

Container(s): Box 13

Wolves and the Endangered Species Act, UndatedReturn to Top

Container(s): Box 12

The Wolves of North America Parts I and II, 1944Return to Top

Container(s): Box 13

Wolves of Northern Idaho, 1984Return to Top

Container(s): Box 11

Wolves of Northern Idaho and Northeastern Washington, 1986Return to Top

Container(s): Box 11

Wolves for Yellowstone? A Report to the United States Congress, 1990Return to Top

Container(s): Box 2

Wolves for Yellowstone? A Report to the United States Congress - Volume 4, July 1992Return to Top

Container(s): Box 10

Worland ADC (Animal Damage Control), 1993Return to Top

Container(s): Box 3

Worland ADC (Animal Damage Control) Plan, 1994Return to Top

Container(s): Box 3

Worland BLM (The Bureau of Land Management), 1975-1991Return to Top

Container(s): Box 4

Wyoming Game and Fish Open Record File, 1974-1991Return to Top

Container(s): Box 11

Wyoming Law Review, 2001Return to Top

Container(s): Box 13

The Wyoming Outdoorsman, Spring 1998Return to Top

Container(s): Box 3

Wyoming Wildlife, February 1971Return to Top

Container(s): Box 6

Wyoming Wolf Coalition, 2004Return to Top

Container(s): Box 4

Yellowstone National Park, 1992-1993Return to Top

Container(s): Box 3

Yellowstone National Park Exhibit 14, 1993Return to Top

Container(s): Box 1

Yellowstone National Park Reports, 1972-1985Return to Top

Container(s): Box 11

Yellowstone Wolf Reintroduction - Research, 1975-1994Return to Top

Container(s): Box 2

Young and Goldman, 1994Return to Top

Container(s): Box 6

YNP (Yellowstone National Park) Reports - Glenn Cole, 1958-1971Return to Top

Container(s): Box 12

Names and SubjectsReturn to Top

Subject Terms

  • Wildlife management.
  • Wolves -- Idaho.
  • Wolves -- Law and legislation -- Yellowstone National Park.
  • Wolves -- Montana.
  • Wolves -- Reintroduction.
  • Wolves -- Wyoming.

Geographical Names

  • Wyoming -- History -- 1947-1999
  • Wyoming -- History -- 2000-