Montana Department of Transportation, Photo Section Unit photograph collection, 1958-1998

Overview of the Collection

Montana. Department of Transportation
Montana Department of Transportation, Photo Section Unit photograph collection
1958-1998 (inclusive)
17 linear feet
Collection Number
PAc 1986-015
The records of the Montana Department of Transportation, Photo Section Unit photograph collection contain negatives, color transparencies and some print images of various road construction projects, department personnel, Governors and state events.
Montana Historical Society, Library & Archives
Montana Historical Society Research Center Archives
225 North Roberts
PO Box 201201
Helena MT
Telephone: 4064442681
Fax: 4064445297
Access Restrictions

Collection is open for research.

No textual or other language materials are included in the collection.

Historical NoteReturn to Top

The Montana Department of Transportation, Photo Section Unit photograph collection is a compilation of the materials of the Department of Highways (later the Department of Transportation) Photo Section unit. The Photo Section unit employed photographers for the Montana Highways Department/Department of Transportation beginning in 1958. Many Department divisions utilized the Department photographers for various assignments. These included: the Safety Division for images of traffic accidents and safety procedures; the Materials Bureau to capture images of materials used; Construction and Preconstruction Division to capture before, during, and after images of Highway projects; and the Highways’ Attorneys to capture images for legal purposes. The Department of Highways Information Unit, later the Department of Transportation Public Affairs Bureau also frequently utilized department photographers for media relations such as images used by the Department for public information and awareness, images of major state events such as the National Governors’ Conference in 1960, Federal officials or National and International dignitaries visiting the state, and inauguration events for State Governors and Lieutenant Governors. The photographic services were also used for Department events such as retirement parties, employee identification photos, and Highway conferences. The Photo Section Unit operated until 1998. A list of the photographers that were employed by the Highways Department/Department of Transportation are: Chet Dreher, 1958-1965; Marvin Kalland, 1959-1970s; Ernie Neath, 1960s; Walter Sill, 1963-1965; Garry Wunderwald, 1965 to 1971, and Travis Smith, 1971-1990s.

Content DescriptionReturn to Top

The Montana Department of Transportation, Photo Section Unit photograph collection consists of prints and negatives, black and white, as well as color transparencies taken by Highway Department / Department of Transportation photographers from 1958 to 1998. The images originated with the Department of Highways, Highways Division, Photo Section Unit (1958-1965) which includes original negatives and proofs. Included as well, are images related to the Historical Society, and some images of various public officials. The images capture highway construction and planning, traffic accidents, public events, Montana's Territorial Centennial celebration, Montana governors and their activities, Highway department personnel and workplaces, effects of natural disasters on highway systems, as well as equipment and other Highways related material and affairs.

Other Descriptive InformationReturn to Top

Many of the photographs in this collection are attributed to specific photographers. Many photographs are not attributed and not listed

Chet Dreher

Marvin Kalland

Ernie Neath

Walter Sill

Garry Wunderwald

Travis Smith

Use of the CollectionReturn to Top

Restrictions on Use

The Montana Historical Society is the owner of the materials in the Photograph Archives collections and makes available reproductions for research, publication, and other uses. Written permission must be obtained from the Photograph Archives before any reproduction use. The Society does not necessarily hold copyright to all of the materials in its collections. In some cases, permission for use may require seeking additional authorization from the copyright owners.

Preferred Citation

Montana Department of Transportation, Photo Section Unit photograph collection. Box and folder number. Montana Historical Society Photograph Archives, Helena, Montana.

Administrative InformationReturn to Top


The Montana Department of Transportation, Photo Section unit photograph collection materials are arranged in three series. The first series contains photographs taken during Governor Donald G. Nutter's short term in office. These photographs were originally numbered 1 through 23, but "NU" was added to the numbering to differentiate photographs in Series I from Series III which also contains the numbers 16 through 23. The second series contains photographs relating to Montana's Territorial Centennial and each job number is preceded with the letter C. The remainder of the collection in Series III is arranged by job number. This series contains two different numbering systems. The first system begins with job number 16 and continues sequentially to 492. Starting in 1961, the numbering changed to the following system: job number begins with the last two digits of the year and is followed by a sequential number (i.e. 65090 is the 90th job in 1965). In some cases, there are gaps in the numbering, this is due to missing negatives or the number was skipped.

Acquisition Information

Acquisition information available upon request.

Related Materials

See the Montana Department of Highways photograph collection, 1915-1959, Lot 28 for related photographic materials.

Detailed Description of the CollectionReturn to Top

Series I: Governor Donald G. Nutter Return to Top

Description Dates
NU 01: Governor J. Hugo Aronson birthday reception
NU 02: Governor Aronson with Board of Education
NU 03: Governor Hugo J. Aronson and department heads
1960 September 1
NU 04: Governor Nutter, Judge Harrison, Lieutenant Governor Babcock during mock-up of inauguration
1960 December 20
NU 05: Inauguration ceremony Govenor Nutter and Lieutenant Governor Babcock
1961 January 1
NU 06: Mrs. Nutter and Mrs. Babcock preparing for inaugural ball
1961 January
NU 07: Judge Castles gives oath to Leuthold
1961 January 9
NU 08: Inaugural Ball
1961 January 14
NU 09 : Thank you Mr. Governor Dinner for J. Hugo Aronson
1961 January 15
NU 10: Governor Nutter at his desk
1961 January 18
NU 11: Governor Nutter
1960 February 10
NU 12: Max and Hamms treasure steak
1961 March 1
NU 13: Governor Nutter and Legislators
1961 March 4
NU 14: Governor Nutter and Commissioner Wren
1961 February 21
NU 15: Denny Gordon
1961 March 22
NU 16: Governor's office staff
1961 March 22
NU 17: Governor Nutter, Wayne Bratten and Max Smith make monitor tape
1961 March 29
NU 18: Governor Nutter and family broiling steak
1961 March 31
NU 19: Treasure steak to the President
1961 April 28
NU 20: Mel Engles andsecretary with Inaugural Ball invitations
1961 December 28
NU 21: Commissioner of Agriculture Edward Wren
1961 January
NU 22: Governor Nutter presenting mothers certificate
1961 June 16
NU 23: Gov Nutter dedicating “Big Medicine” (white buffalo
1961 July 13

Series II: Montana's Territorial CentennialReturn to Top

Description Dates
C1: Centennial Warrants-Deschamps, Hempstead, Omholt, Northey, Upshaw and Dussalt
1963 March 8
C2: Centennial Train mock-up
C3: Babcock signs Centennial Appropriation with Upshaw, Hawks, Gilluly and Judge
1963 March 11
C4: Centennial Pistol Committee
1963 March 23
C5: Virginia City invite to Babcock
1963 April 2
C6: Sam, Uppy and Rocky at Original Governor's Mansion
1963 April 2
C7: Judy Morstein, Jack Hume and Kelsey pulling Centennial Train
1963 April 9
C8: Manning in receipt of First Centennial Bulletin
1963 April 16
C9: Fjare, Kelsey and Henry Old Coyote
C10: Pictures of Nevada City and Virginia City
C11: Pictures of Helena Baton Twirlers (Cheesecake)
1963 May 16
C12: Helena Dancing Girls (Cheesecake)
1963 May 16
C13: Virginia City Centennial
1963 May 24-26
C14: Centennial Train Committee
1963 May 23
C15: Governor Babcock and Earl Goodno - Uppy and Earl
C16: Senator and Mrs. Dave Manning with Uppy at Original Governor's Mansion
C17: Governor Babcock and Uppy with picture of Norse King
C18: Centennial Train Committee at Kelsey Ranch
1963 June 21-23
C19: Copies of Centennial Coins, Decals, Warrants and invitation to Norse King
C20: Presentation of check from Humble
C21: Hugh Potter (and) Gun Collection
C22: Centennial Nuggets
1963 July 3
C23: Centennial World's Fair Exhibit
1963 July 20
C24: Centennial Colts and Coins
1963 July 25
C25: Gals and Centennial Plates
C26: Elona Rogers and Centennial Gun
C27: Cover possibilities for Centennial Cookbook
C28: Montana's Doubleheader
C29: Murray, Loble, Mattice and Chief U.S. Eagle
C30: Donna and Ann with invitation to Faubus
C31: Bronze Medallion
C32: Uppy gets check from Phillips
C33: Copies of Great Falls kids and Norse King
C34: Montana Bankers $15,000 Check
C35: Lyman Rice and Bud Wert and art work for Train
1963 November 26
C36: Portrait of Uppy
1963 December 9
C37: Portrait of Pace
1963 December 9
C38: Portrait of Mike Kennedy
1963 December 9
C40: Portrait of Ott Tschache
1963 December 14
C41: Rose Parade
1964 January 1
C42: Centennial Colt .22 given to Governor
C43: Portrait of Hugh Potter
C44: Centennial Copy Negs for Rose Bowl Publicity
C45: Foote Collection
1964 January 17
C46: Paintings on side of (Centennial) Train and Montie Montana
1964 January 19
C47: Custer Coin
C48: Great Falls Ad Club Centennial Program
C49: Betty Babcock (Copy Negs)
C50: Uppy and Rock sign contract with Tim
C51: Gold Exhibit
C52: Dave Manning and Dairy Princess
1964 January 27
C53: Carpenters working on Train
1964 January 28
C54: Jack Hume
1964 February 13
C55: Bill Briscoe
1964 February 13
C56: Top hat, Centennial tie, and welcome flag
1964 March 2
C57: Centennial Train after arrival in Helena
C58: Montana Centennial Program cover
C59: Gold Inventory
C60: Montana Prospectors Exhibit
C61: S and H Green Stamp Check Presentation
1964 March 1
C62: Centennial Committee meet in Helena and Train dedication
C63: Centennial County Chairman in Helena
C64: Chase Presents Centennial Program to Mrs. Babcock
1964 March 17
C65: Charles Russell Commemorative Stamp Issue at Great Falls
1964 March 19
C66: Uppy plays pool at Dillon
C67: Centennial Queens at Mansion and Helena Civic Center
1964 March 21
C68: Bonnie Robbins, Centennial Queen
1964 March 23
C69: Bonnie Robbins, Kitty Quigley and Mike Kennedy
1964 March 23
C70: World's Fair Exhibit Model
1964 March 25
C71: Copy negative of "Laying of the Corner Stone of State Capitol Building, 1899"
C72: Fergeson and Warrants Centennial Committee etc.
1964 March
C73: Copy of 1885 Map
1964 March
C74: Premier of "Last Chance Gulch"
1964 March 30
C76: Centennial Train Gold Inventory
1964 April 2
C77: Telephone Company Centennial Cover
1964 March 3
C78: Mrs. Babcock mixing souffle at Executive Mansion
1964 March 3
C79: Train Bulletin artwork
C80: Mrs. Babcock and cookbooks
1964 April 6
C81: General and Mrs. Potter reception by Babcocks
C82: More Gold
C83: Rogers Company Writers
April 9, 1964
C85: Copy negative of Kelsey portrait
C86: Centennial Train Model
1964 April
C87: Custer Battlefield painting to be used in Centennial
C88: 100th Territorial Birthday Celebration
1964 May 26
C89: Rose Parade Awards
C90: Heath and Tibbs present Record to Babcock
C91: Governor Babcock and Henry Old Coyote (Plays Chief In Custer Battle)
1964 June 18
C92: Centennial Ball Committee Chairman
C93: Copies of lantern slides (miners, steamboats, Indians, etc.)
C94: Helena Stampede Parade
1964 August 1

Series III: Montana Department of TransportationReturn to Top

Description Dates
16 : Highway Personnel - (Helicopter)- Highway Building
17: Highway Commissioners with Apache (Airplane)
18: Aerials of Ulm Interchange Under Construction
19: Springdale Cut
20: Snow Cat
21: Truck Salvage Operation From River
22: Highway Persons - Meetings - Scott Hart- Cessna
23: Glendive Bridge - Malta Bridge - Forsyth Bridge
24: Highway Personnel in and near Building, Taken Previous to September 1958
25: Various Scenes - Bridges- Signs - Construction
26: Butte Aerials and Helena Interchange at Helena
27 : Highway Personnel in and near Building. Quinnell - Imel - Sime - Swede - Butler - Apache (Airplane)
1958 Sepetember
28: Bridge Dedication at Forsyth - Parade - VIP's
29: Springdale Cut - Aerials
30: Interstate Construction, Great Falls to Helena - Overpass at Ulm - Farm Approaches
31 : Highway Commissioners
32: Permanent Center Line Installation at Helena and Montana Avenue
33: Garrison Bridge on Highway 10 - Interstate Construction near Drummond
34: Glacier Park Scenes - Signs - Troy Bridge
35: Right of Way near Whitefish for Reynolds
1958 October 7
36: Scenes over Helena
37: Construction on Interstate near Drummond
38: District Engineers
1958 October 20
39: Springdale Cut - De Pew Property near Livingston
40: 9 (Nine) Mile Road Dedication at Butte
41: Springdale Cut and Road to West
1958 October 13
42: Pennsylvania State Highway Visitors
43: De Pew Property near Livingston
44: Bridges - Roads and Town - Littering Signs
45: Highways in and near Billings - Bridge
1958 December 2-4
46: Billings and Shiloh Overpass
47: Gordon Platts
1958 December 17
48: Interstate Cascade to Ulm - Signs - Interchange - Aerials
1958 December 19-20
49: Cuts and Slides at Missouri River Bridge
1959 January 9
50: Springdale Cut - Bear Creek - Gallatin Gateway Road South
1959 January 15
51: Fred Quinnell (State Highway Engineer)
1959 January 19
52: Albert W. Jones (Bridge Engineer)
1959 January 19
53: Myron Lockey (Preconstruction Engineer)
1958 January 19
54: Bill (W.E.) Bawden (Maintenance Engineer)
55: Don Devore (Technical Engineer)
1959 January 19
56: Harold W. Brown
1959 January 20
57: Lehman Fox (Construction Engineer)
1959 January 20
58: Robert O'Leary (Chief Accountant)
1959 January 20
58: Howard Buswell (Assistant Planning Survey Manager)
1959 January 20
60: Bob Downes (Personnel Officer)
1959 January 20
61: B. Burgess
1959 January 20
62: Swede (Melvin) Lindgren
1959 January 20
63: Cato Butler
1959 January 20
64: George Sime
1959 January 20
65: Paul Reynolds (Attorney)
1959 January 20
66: Mel R.) Wickman (Road Plans Engineer)
1959 January 20
67: Model of Bear Canyon Interchange
1957 January 19
68: Lab Testing Equipment for Paper By Bob Gustine
1959 January 21
69: Construction - Monida Area
1959 January 22
70: Underpass Dedication Ceremony - Great Falls - Governor Burns and Fred Quinnell
1959 January 26
71: Bridges
1959 February 1
72: Culvert Installation at Missouri River Slide Are
1959 February 19
73: Aerial of Slide Area at Missouri River
1959 March 16
74: Aerials of Monida - Lima Area
1959 March 27
75: Doris Stalker
1959 April 3
76: Drummond and Tarkio Construction
1959 April 11
77: Views of Construction at Avon and Drummond - Philipsburg South
1959 April 30
78: Blast at Silver Lake
1959 May 1
79: (Brooke Prossenti)
1959 May 6
80: Views at Springdale Cut
1959 May 6
81: Views on Route 3 Billings to Lavina, Shawmut to Hedgesville, Deep Creek Pass
1959 May 7
82: George Neumeyer for Ebasco
1959 May 8
83: Idaho Weigh Station
84: Construction Scenes and Glacier Park Scenes
85: Jack Wheeler (Commissioner Secretary)
1959 May 19
86: Margaret Roberts
1959 May 19
87: Snow Plow Operating and Other Views
1959 May 18-19
88: Jack Ghandour - Swede - Dreher - Gil, Lebanon
1959 May 23
89: WASHO (Western Association of State Highway Officials) Committee
1959 May 25
90: Slide Area near Avon F-249 (Federal Area Project)
1959 May 29
91: Slide Area near Avon F-249 (Federal Area Project)
1959 May 29
92: Interstate Signs and Construction near Drummond
1959 May 29
93: Panoramic Views of Helena
1959 May 30
94: Panoramic Views of Butte
1959 June 8
95: Scenes Along the Gallatin (Highway)
1959 June 10
96: Billings Division Office
1959 June 11
97: Toston Bridge and Overpass
1959 June 10
98: Soil Cement Stabilization North of Roy
1959 June 11
99: Drilling at Slide on Missouri River
1959 June 11
100: Bridge over Missouri River North of Roy
1959 June 11
101: Right of Way in Glendive West (Wagon Wheel)
1959 June 18
102: Aerial and Ground Views of Construction in and near Glendive
1959 June 18
103: WASHO (Western Association of State Highway Officials) Convention
1959 June 21; 1959 June 26
104: Springdale Cut
1959 July 9
105 : Billings Overpass - Shiloh Overpass
1959 July 9
106: Truck Fire on MacDonald Pass
1959 July 10
107: Various Construction Scenes
1959 July 5; 1959 July 9
108: Snow Plows
109: (Montana State) Capitol
1959 July 14
110: Aerial of Interstate Construction - Lima - Monida
1959 July 17
111: Slide Area at Whitefish - Aerials
1959 July 23
112: Hungry Horse Dam - Aerials
1959 July 23
113: North Dakota Visitors - 180 Interiors
1959 July 21
114 : Glendive Right of Way - Aerials
1959 July 30
115 : Various Construction Scenes
116: B K Club in Butte for Right of Way
1959 August 6
117: Springdale Cut
1959 August 7
118: Helena Overpass
1959 August 6-7
119: Construction Scenes in Tarkio - Superior Area
1959 August 3
120 : Madison Street Bridge in Missoula
1959 August 3
121 : Fred Robinson Bridge Dedication (Malta)
1959 August 16
122: Earthquake (Damage and Slide)
1959 August 19
123: Earthquake Delegation
1959 August 22-23
124: Earthquake (Damage and Slide)
1959 August 22-23
125: Bridge at Terry
126: Overpass at Billings
127: Bridge Dedication at Missoula
128: Forest Service Road in Idaho (Spokane By-Pass) - Lewis and Clark Highway
129: Hebgen Area and Spillway at Slide
130: Earthquake Area
131: Earthquake Damage in Hebgen Area
132: Bridge Dedication - Glendive
133: Interstate Construction East of Glendive
134: Bridge Dedication - Terry
135: Volkswagen Wreck (West of Roundup) (Traffic Accident)
136: Dromedary Truck Rig
137: Proposed U. S. (Highway) 12 Through Idaho
138: McMillan's (Mac's) Charts
139: Construction in Glendive Area
1959 October 14
140: Interstate Construction - Hardin Area
1959 October 14
141: Construction in Billings Area
1959 October 14
142: Badlands South of Glendive
1959 October 14
143: Del Bonita Road Dedication
1959 October 17
144: Shelby Interchange
145: Going to the Sun Highway
146: New Airstrip at Babb
147: Helena Overpass
148: Tarkio Interchange
149: Silver Lake
150: North of Philipsburg
151: Butte Area
152: Slide near Avon and Garrison Bridge (Overpass)
153: East of Drummond
154: Cascade - Ulm
1959 November 23
155: New IBM (Computer)
1959 November 23
156: Vaughn Area
1959 November 23
157: Armington
1959 November 23
158: Springdale Cut
1959 December 10
159: Construction South of Livingston
1959 December 10
160: Helena Overpass
1959 December 10
161: Slide near Garrison
1959 December 10
162: Earthquake Area
1959 December 10
163: Brockway Property in Superior
164: Earthquake Damage to Roads
1959 December 17
165: Billings Overpass
1959 December 18
166: Billings Mossmain
1959 December 18
167: Stranded Cattle (Townsend Area)
168: Helena Overpass
1959 December 19
169: Interstate Construction near Drummond
1959 December 19
170: Interstate Signing - Lima - Monida
1959 December 19
171: Butte Overpass
1960 January 5
172: Roy Bridge Area Mosaic
1960 January 6
173: Bridger Bowl and Belmont Ski Area
1960 January 9
174: Culvert Installation at Crow Agency
1960 January 12
175: Interstate Construction South of Hardin
1960 January 12
176: Springdale Cut
1960 January 12
177: Billings Overpass
1960 January 12
178: Interstate Construction Between Billings and Laurel
1960 January 12
179: Bureau of Public Roads Office and Personnel
1960 January 15
180: Slide near Havre
1960 January 18
181: Commission
1960 January 19
182: Commission and Delegation
1960 January 21
183: Name Plate (for Printing Easel - Montana Highway Department)
1960 January 30
184: Belmont Ski Meet
185: Snow Slides and Scenes Along Marias River
1960 January 28-29
186: News Clip of State Victory in Condemnation
1960 February 1
187: Right of Way Individual Identification Pictures
1960 February 3-4
188: Right of Way Group Picture
189: Town of Columbus
1960 February 5
190: Miles City Underpass
1960 February 4
191: Miles City Overpass
1960 February 4
192: Bridge Site South of Miles City
1960 February 4
193: Miles City (Main Street)
1960 February 4
194: Glendive
1960 February 4
195: South of Glendive
1960 February 4
196: Proposed Bridge Site South of Glendive
1960 February 4
197: Interstate Construction Between Billings and Laurel
1960 February 4
198: Billings Overpass
1960 February 4
199: Proposed Interchange at Terry
1960 February 4
200: Lou Richardson Construction Yard near Miles City
1960 February 4
201: Interstate Construction at Glendive
1960 February 4
202: Philipsburg - Maxville - Silver Lake
1959 October 22
203: Blizzard on MacDonald Pass
1959 November
204: Elkhorn Ghost Town
1960 February 28
205: Forest Fire South of Helena
1960 February 28
206: Kids Hitching Rides
207: Frontier Town
208: Missouri River and Mountains (Winter)
209: Fred Quinnell, Hugo, and Alex S. at 1958 Christmas Party
210: Processing People
211: Barbara Berg (Stern View)
212: Helena Scenes (Old Homes, Etc.)
213: Guy Waddel
214: Snow Scenes in Helena
215: Myron Lockey Presentation
216: Missouri River Bridge
217: Ski Pictures - Dorothy Viche and Maurice Richey
218: Work atop Slide at Hebgen
219: Dave and Willy on Mount Helena
220: School Bus - Truck Wreck (Accident)
1960 February 10
221: Flood at Trident
224: 5 Year Presentation to Halverson
1960 February 17
226: Airplane Wreck South of Winston
1960 February 22
227: Car train wreck near Clancy
1960 February 24
228: Parsons Bridge (Collapsed)
1960 February 23
229: Ski Shots at Bridger Bowl
1960 February 22
230: Ski Shots at Mt. Belmont
1960 February 28
231: Contract Pictures for Jack Wheeler
232: Highway Personnel (Kelsh Plotter - Ed Warren)
1960 March 9
234: Parsons Bridge Meeting in Butte
1960 February 29
235: Interstate Hearing in Wibaux
1960 March 9
236: Lighted Intersections in Glendive
1960 March 10
237: Structure on Billings - Laurel Interstate
1960 March 11
238: Bureau of Public Roads Personnel
1960 March 16
239: Delores Racine (Miss Indian America 1959)
1960 March 17
240: Core Log Drilling on Interstate West of Butte
1960 March 18
241: Highway Booth at Outdoor Show in Butte
1960 March 18
242: Kelsh Plotter and Operators
1960 March 21
243: Interstate Future Route West of Miles City
1960 March 23
244: Pompey's Pillar
1960 March 23
245: Billings Overpass
1960 March 23
246: Interstate Construction West of Billings
1960 March 23
247: Springdale Cut
1960 March 23
248: De Pew Property South of Livingston
1960 March 23
249: Highway Management School
1960 March 25
250: Interstate Overpass at Helena (Ground Views)
1960 March 30
251: Slide at Avon (Ground Views)
1960 April 1
252: Art Zion
1960 April 4
253: Aerials of Helena (Regional) Airport
1960 April 4
254: Helena Overpass (Aerials)
1960 April 4
255: East Helena Smokestack
1960 April 4
256: Aerial Views in and near Butte
1960 April 7
257: State Training School (Boulder)
1960 April 7
258: Ebasco People with Fred Quinnell
1960 April 6
259: Anaconda Smelter
1960 April 7
260: Parson's Bridge
1960 April 7
261: Buffalo Skull
1960 April 15
262: Interstate at Tarkio
1960 April 12
263: Interstate Construction at Superior (Dirt Work and Bridges East and West)
1960 April 12
264: Spring Break-Up in West Montana
1960 April 12-14
265: Bridge at Thompson Falls
1960 April 13
266: Bridge at Trout Creek
1960 April 13
267: Construction on Bull Lake Road
1960 April 13
268: Bridge at Libby
1960 April 13
269: Pat Martin Pulling Truck
1960 April 14
270: Plane Wreck at Helena (Regional) Airport
1960 April 7
271: Springdale Cut
1960 April 19
272: Livingston Bridge
1960 April 19
273: Break-Up in Secondary Road (Manhattan - Amsterdam) South of Manhattan 1.2 Miles
1960 April 23
274: Helena Snow Scenes
1960 April 23
275: WASHO (Western Association of State Highway Officials) Planning Survey Conference
1960 April 25-26
276: Helena Overpass - Unloading Steel
1960 May 6
277: Scenes over Helena
1960 May 5
278: Scenes Along Hound Creek Route to Great Falls
1960 May 9
279: Pictures of Photogrammetry Operation
280: Montana State College Field House (Worthington Arena)
1960 May 6; 1960 May 9
281: 15th Street Bridge - Great Falls
1960 April 8
282: Interstate Construction at Shelby
1960 May 10
283: Interstate Construction at Sunburst
1960 May 10
284: Havre Airport
1960 May 10
285: Interstate Construction Between Vaughn and Great Falls
1960 May 10
286: Slide West of Havre
1960 May 10
287: (Jawbone Creek) Project "Keep Montana Green"
1960 May 7
288: Interstate Construction Between Shelby and Sunburst
1960 May 10
289: Interstate Construction in and near Superior
1960 May 15
290: Tarkio Interchange
1960 May 15
291: Helena Overpass
1960 May 15
292: Montana State University
1960 May 15
293: Slide at Avon
1960 May 15
294: Madison Street Bridge - Missoula
1960 May 15
295: Helena Overpass
1960 May 13
296: Billings Highway Office
1960 May 20
297: Miles City) Golf Course
1960 May 20
298: Interstate Construction West of Billings
1960 May 20
299: Billings Overpass
1960 May 20
300: Interstate Construction West of Miles City
1960 May 20
301: Springdale Cut
1960 May 20
302: Interstate Construction East of Glendive
1960 May 20
303: Soil Cement Samples
1960 May 24
304: Camping Scenes
305: Earthquake Area
1960 June 1-2
306: Underpasses on Interstate at Coeur D'Alene, Idaho
1960 June 2
307: Bridge at Thompson Falls
1960 June 3
308: Interstate Route at Deer Lodge
1960 June 3
309: Interstate Construction at Superior
1960 June 7
310: Scenes Along Flight Lines at Mullan Pass
1960 June 7
311: Mac's Chart
1960 May 20
312: Scenes Taken in Wyoming Highway Headquarters
1960 June 10
313: Traffic Accident 2 Miles West of Belgrade
1960 June 13
314: West Shore Flathead Lake State Park
1960 June 12
315: Springdale Cut
1960 June 13
316: Billings Overpass
1960 June 13
317: Slide Area near Missouri River Bridge
1960 June 13
318: Construction North of Grass Range
1960 June 13
319: Proposed Route East Side of Grass Range
1960 June 13
320: Junction 19 and 376 North of Roy Bridge
1960 June 13
321: Interstate Construction West of Billings
1960 June 13
322: Zonolite Operation at Libby
1960 June 12
323: Model of Billings Interchange
1960 June 13
324: Location of Great Falls Interchange
1960 June 17
325: Great Falls Overpass - Underpass
1960 June 17
326: New Highway Shop in Great Falls
1960 June 17
327: Helena Overpass - Damaged Girder
1960 June 20
328: Slide at Avon
1960 July 5
329: Interstate Construction East of Glendive - Pipe Installation
330: Proposed Interstate Route at Deer Lodge
1960 July 5
331: Interstate Construction - Drummond Area
1960 July 5
332: Butte Area
1960 July 5
333: Avon - Garrison
1960 July 5
334: Warm Springs
1960 July 5
335: Galen Sanitarium
1960 July 5
336: Bridge Dedication at Libby
1960 June 11
337: Interstate Construction on Superior Interchange
1960 July 12
338: Auto Wreck (Traffic Accident) near Skyhi Drive-In, Helena
1960 July 10
339: D. Alexander Cement Plant - Superior
1960 July 12
340: Interstate Construction at Superior
1960 July 12
341: Prison Farm - Deer Lodge
1960 July 5
342: Interstate Route Through Billings, East to West
1960 July 13
343: Interstate West of Billings
1960 July 13
344: Airport at Livingston
1960 July 13
345: Interstate in and West of Miles City
1960 July 13
346: Interstate East of Glendive
1960 July 13
347: Interstate at Springdale
1960 July 13
348: Helena Overpass
1960 July 19
349: Editors Tour of Montana
1960 July 17-19
350: Livingston
1960 July 13
351: Big Hole Battlefield Road
1960 July 25-29
352: Underpass at Drummond
1960 July 29
353: Saddle Mountain Forest Fire
1960 July 25-29
354: Skalkaho Forest Fire
1960 July 25-29
355: Skalkaho Falls
1960 July 25-29
356: Construction on Jackson - Dillon Road
1960 July 25-29
357: 75 Ton Le Tourneau in Berkeley Pit
1960 July 25-29
358: Underpass at Springdale "Longest and Biggest"
1960 July 25-29
359: Construction on Targhee
1960 July 25-29
360: Angus Herd in Big Hole
361: Scene Along Gallatin River at Cave Creek
1960 July 25-29
362: Gross Vehicle Weight, Truck Axels
363: Early Auto Wrecks
364: Helena Overpass
365: Fresia Rovas, Chilean Accountant
1960 August 5
366: Surfaced By-Pass in Earthquake Area
1960 July 30
367: Interstate Construction in Superior
1960 August 9
368: Interstate Construction at Drummond
1960 August 9
369: Interstate Construction at Deer Lodge
1960 August 9
370: Interstate Construction West of Miles City
1960 August 22
371: Highway Department Picnic
1960 August 21
372: Aerial Camera Belonging to Bill Woodcock
1960 August 22
373: Shope Paintings in Highway Halls
1960 August 18
374: Auto Accident East of Browning
1960 June 23
375: Antique Shop East of Helena
1960 August 29
376: Interstate Construction in and near Anaconda
1960 September 7
377: Gold Creek Interchange near Drummond
1960 September 7
378: Interstate Construction in Butte
1960 September 7
379: Interstate Construction at Deer Lodge
1960 September 7
380: Scenics - Mountain Road, Sheep Grazing
1960 September 6
381: Fred Robinson Bridge North and South
382: Construction - Grass Range South
1960 September 6
383: Interstate - Springdale Area
1960 September 7
384: Secondary Construction Hobson West
1960 September 7
385: Interstate Bridge at Livingston
1960 September 7
386: "Wickie" Debree, Helena Highway Shop
387: Secondary Construction North of Avon
388: Secondary Construction North of Avon
389: Construction in Anaconda
390: Interstate Construction North and South of Deer Lodge
391: 15th Street Bridge, Great Falls
392: Interstate Great Falls to Vaughn
393: Bureau of Public Roads Construction - Kings Hill
394: Slide near Missouri River Bridge
395: Secondary Construction West of Hobson
396: Bureau of Public Roads Construction - Kings Hill
397: Construction on Grass Range Project
398: Interstate Construction, Vaughn Area
399: Primary Construction at Havre
400 : Interstate Construction - Sunburst
1960 September 26
401 : Interstate Construction - Shelby
1960 September 26
402 : City of Chinook
1960 September 26
403 : Helena Overpass - Ground Shots
1960 September 26
404 : Interstate Overpass - Helena (Aerial)
1960 September 26
405 : Scenes over Helena
1960 September 26
406 : Interstate Construction - Deer Lodge
1960 September 27
407 : Secondary Construction - Avon North
1960 September 27
408 : Interstate Construction - Anaconda
1960 September 27
409 : Interstate Construction - Butte
1960 September 27
410 : Gold Creek Interchange
1960 September 27
411 : Slide at Avon
1960 September 27
412 : Berkeley Pit - Butte
1960 September 27
413 : Antique Shop East of Helena
1960 September 27
414 : Culbertson Bridge over Missouri River
415 : Interstate Construction at Miles City
416 : Interstate Construction at Glendive
417 : Interstate Construction West of Miles City
1960 September 28
418 : Interstate Construction South of Hardin, Custer Battlefield Interchange
1960 September 28
419 : Interstate Construction Billings to Laurel
1960 September 28
420 : Interstate Bridge at Livingston
1960 September 28
421 : Interstate Construction at Springdale
1960 September 28
422 : Mr. Burns, Mr. Hallan, Signing Union Contract
1960 September 29
423 : Richey, Chief Don Rau Looking at Signs
1960 September 29
424 : Interstate Construction at Helena
1960 October 17
425 : Interstate Construction at Anaconda
1960 October 17
426 : Interstate Construction at Deer Lodge
1960 October 17
427 : Sleeping Giant
1960 October 17
428 : Interstate Construction Between Butte and Anaconda
1960 October 17
429 : Silver Lake Road
1960 October 17
430 : Interstate Construction at Helena
1960 October 25
431 : Burning of (Fire) Antique Shop East of Helena
1960 October 20
432 : "Big Hole" Monument
1960 October 25
433 : Interstate Construction at Deer Lodge
1960 October 25
434 : Interstate Construction at Anaconda
1960 October 25
435 : Bureau of Public Roads Construction near "Big Hole"
1960 October 25
436 : Sugar Beet Plant at Sidney
1960 October 19
437 : Lignite Burning Electric Generation - Sidney
1960 October 19
438 : Old Highway - Railroad Bridge and New Highway Bridge East of Fairview
1960 October 19
439 : Interstate Construction at Glendive
1960 October 19
440 : Primary Construction North of Brockway and Van Norman
1960 October 19
441 : Primary Construction East of Culbertson
1960 October 19
442 : Primary Construction East of Circle
1960 October 19
443 : Project Control Charts
1960 October 27
445 : Maintenance - Butte and Helena
1960 October 28; 1960 November 1
446 : Donald Gruel
1960 October 27
447 : Harry Burns
1960 October 27
448 : Secondary East of Dutton
1960 September 26
449 : Armory at Helena
1960 November 3
450 : Interstate Construction at Deer Lodge
1960 November 4
451 : Interstate Construction at Helena
1960 November 4
452 : Interstate Construction at Superior
1960 November 10
453 : Site of Northwest Airline (Airplane) Crash
1960 November 10
454 : Plywood Plant at Missoula
1960 November 10
455 : Waldorf Paper Products Plant West of Missoula
1960 November 10
456 : Diamond Match Factory at Superior
1960 November 10
457 : Secondary Construction East of Hardin
1960 November 28
458 : Glacier Obliques
459 : Al Greiner
1960 November 30
460 : Interstate Construction Vaughn Area
1960 November 29
461 : Art Serumgard Retirement
1960 November 30
462 : Roy Gagle
1960 December 1
463 : Charles King
1960 December 1
464 : Montana Highway Department
1960 December 1
465 : Interstate Construction at Helena
1960 December 1
466 : Main Street of Richey
1960 November 29
467 : Sanding Operations at Richey
1960 November 29
468 : Weldon Road Into Circle
1960 November 29
469 : Pipe on Lentz Property at Circle
1960 November 29
470 : Circle - Sidney Highway
1960 November 29
471 : Tongue River Bridge at Miles City
1960 November 29
472 : Interstate Construction at Miles City
1960 November 29
473 : Glasgow, Montana
1960 November 22
474 : Fort Peck Dam
1960 November 22
475 : Frazer, Montana
1960 November 22
476 : Wolf Point, Montana
1960 November 22
477 : Intersection of Number 2 and Number 13 Between Wolf Point and Poplar
1960 November 22
478 : Poplar, Montana
1960 November 22
479 : New and Old Road Between Poplar and Wolf Point
1960 November 22
480 : Early Survey Equipment Belonging to Fred Quinnell
1960 November 29
481 : Ashley Roberts
1960 December 7
482 : Louis Chittim (Construction Engineer
1960 December 7
483 : Big Mountain Ski Area
1960 December 9-11
484 : "Portland Cement" Dinner
1960 November 21
485 : Governor Aronson, Commissioners: Fred Quinnell, J. Wheeler
1960 December 20
486 : Don Douglas at Work
1960 December 20
487 : Chittim, Kallano, and Lindgren
1960 December 20
488 : Fred Delano's Christmas Tree
1960 December 22
489 : Interstate Between Drummond and Gold Creek Interchange
490 : Helena (Regional) Airport Construction
1960 December 28
491 : Interstate Overpass at Helena
1960 December 28
492 : Tellorameter Demonstration
1960 December 2
61001: Senate and House Highway Commission Tour of Highway Department
1961 January 25
61002: Steve Weber
1961 January 13
61003: Bob O'Leary
1961 January 13
61004: Aerial Camera Made By Montana Highway Department
1961 January 25
61005: Interstate Construction at Deer Lodge
61006: Snowmobile Trip Into Yellowstone Park
1961 February 14
61007: Soldier's Chapel
1961 February 15
61008: Interstate Fencing Project at Deer Lodge
1961 February 17
61009: Interstate Construction near Deer Lodge
1961 February 10
61010: Interstate Construction near Butte
1961 February 10
61011: McGaffic's Service Station - Helena
1961 March 7-8
61012: Right of Way School at Helena
1961 February 14
61013: Interstate Structure at Livingston
1961 February 9
61014: Highway Commissioners, Quinnell and Wheeler
1961 March 22
61015: Otis Waters
1961 March 22
61016: Ted James
1961 March 22
61017: Roy Sorrels
1961 March 23
61018: George Gossman
1961 March 23
61019: Stan Halvorson
1961 March 23
61020: Lewis and Clark Caverns
1961 March 25
61021: Three Cool Cats
1961 March 23
61022: Marv Developing Film
1961 March 23
61023: Primary Construction at Anaconda
1961 March 30
61024: Armstead Dam Area
1961 March 30
61025: Interstate Construction at Helena
1961 March 30
61026: Interstate Construction at Nistler
1961 March 30
61027: Interstate Construction at Deer Lodge
1961 March 30
61028: Secondary Construction of Bridge near Deer Lodge
1961 March 30
61030: Montana State College
1961 April 6
61031: Interstate Construction at Livingston
1961 April 6
61032: Interstate Construction at Billings
1961 April 6
61033: Interstate Construction Billings - Mossmain
1961 April 6
61034: Mary Curnow's Hat (Bridge Department)
1961 March 30
61035: Interstate Construction at Livingston
1961 April 10
61036: Interstate Construction at Miles City
1961 April 11
61037: Interstate at Billings Bridge
1961 April 11
61038: Interstate Construction at Reed Point Bridge
1961 April 11
61039: Interstate Construction - Superior (Irrigation Ditch)
1961 April 21
61040: Waldorf Paper Plant near Missoula
1961 May 3
61041: Interstate Construction at Helena
1961 May 3
61042: Old Helena Fairgrounds
1961 May 3
61043: Helena (Regional) Airport construction
1961 May 3
61044: Interstate Construction at Deer Lodge
1961 May 3
61045: Interstate construction at Superior
1961 May 3
61046: Unpacking new aerial camera
1961 May 18
61047: Intersection of Center and Central Streets - Great Falls
1961 May 15
61048: May 24 Bid Letting
1961 May 24
61049: New aerial camera installation in 180 (airplane
1961 May 24
61050: George S. and Swede L. and Switchboard (Operators
1961 May 18
61051: Ghost Town (Maiden, Montana) North of Lewistown
61052: Interstate Construction at Livingston
1961 May 28
61053: Interstate Construction at Deer Lodge
1961 June 2
61054: Interstate Construction at Helena
1961 June 2
61055: Interstate Construction at Deer Lodge
1961 June 7
61056: Interstate Construction at Helena
1961 June 7
61057: Helena (Regional) Airport Construction
1961 June 7
61058: Telephone Company's ARMCO Steel Building - Helena
1961 June 7
61059: Raynold's Pass Road
1961 June 7
61060: Primary on U.S. (Highway) 191 North of Duck Creek "Y"
1961 June 7
61061: Construction on Hebgen Lake Road
1961 June 7
61062: Construction on Targhee Pass
1961 June 7
61063: Construction on Quake Lake Road
1961 June 1
61064: Parson's Bridge
1961 June 10
61065: McGregor Bridge Dedication at Great Falls
1961 June 12
61066: Earthquake Slide
1961 June 8
61067: Polson Airport
1961 June 8
61068: Interstate Construction at Cascade
1961 June 12
61069: Interstate Construction at Helena
1961 June 16
61070: Interstate Construction at Anaconda
1961 June 16
61071: Butte
1961 June 16
61072: Radar Base Interchange West of Miles City
1961 June 16
61073: Reed Point Bridge - Interstate
1961 June 16
61074: Interstate West of Billings
1961 June 16
61075: Interstate Billings Bridge
1961 June 16
61076: Interstate Construction at Livingston
1961 June 16
61077: Interstate Great Falls - Ulm
1961 June 16
61078: Interstate Constructions at Miles City
1961 June 16
61079: Interstate Construction at Cascade
1961 June 16
61080: Primary Construction at Grass Range
1961 June 16
61081: Construction at Bowmans Corner
1961 June 16
61082: Interstate Construction at Bozeman
1961 June 19
61083: Forest Fire East of Helena
1961 June 21
61084: Bridger Canyon North East of Bozeman
1961 June 19
61085: 9 Ton Blast at Cascade Interstate
1961 June 22
61086: Stripping crew near Wolf Creek
1961 June 22
61087: Intersections in Great Falls
1961 June 1
61088: Interstate Construction at Anaconda
1961 June 8
61089: Interstate at Cascade
1961 June 14
61090: Lynn Rintoul - Birch Construction Company
1961 June 8
61091: Interstate Paving at Miles City (Slip Form Paver)
1961 June 29
61092: Gallatin River Scene
61093: Anaconda Primary
1961 July 7
61094: Junction Montana 40 and U.S. 93 South of Whitefish
1961 July 7
61095: Bridge over Two Medicine Creek on U.S. (Highway) 2 near East Glacier
1961 July 7
61096: Manchester Interchange
1961 July 7
61097: Intersection 1st Avenue North and Park Drive, Great Falls
1961 July 7
61098: Interstate Construction at Cascade
1961 July 7
61099: Bridger Club
1961 July 6
61100: Manry Farm
1961 July 6
61101: Kenyon Trailer Court
1961 July 6
61102: Interstate at Rocky Canyon
1961 July 13
61103: Interstate Construction at Livingston
1961 July 13
61104: Slide Area South of Livingston
1961 July 13
61105: Blast at Rocky Canyon
1961 July 13
61106: Bozeman Fairgrounds
1961 July 13
61107: Interstate at Superior, Truck Wreck and Signs
1961 July 18
61108: Superior Airport
1961 July 22
61109: Interstate Construction at Deer Lodge
1961 July 22
61110: Interstate Construction at Superior
1961 July 22
61111: Parcells at Hathaway
1961 July 24; 1961 July 31
61112: Interstate Construction West of Miles City
1961 July 24; 1961 July 31
61113: Interstate Construction in Helena
1961 August 1
61114: Primary Construction at Glasgow
61115: Highway Fair Booth
61116: U. S. Customs Port of Scoby
61117: Traffic Accident
61118: Lee Lewis Truck Stop at Kalispell
1961 August 7-8
61119: Downtown Kalispell
1961 August 7
61120: Intersection North of St. Ignatius
1961 August 7
61121: Construction on Lyndale Avenue at Helena
1961 August 7
61122: Construction - Kalispell North to Airport
1961 August 7
61123: Construction Along Swan Lake Road
1961 August 7
61124: Bureau of Public Roads - Construction South of Glacier Park
1961 August 8
61125: Right of Way Parcels at Kalispell
1961 August 8
61126: Interstate Construction at Cascade
1961 August 8
61127: Interstate Construction North of Helena
1961 August 8
61128: Secondary Construction Between Anaconda and Deer Lodge
1961 July 25
61129: Interstate Construction at Nistler Junction
1961 July 25
61130: Primary Construction at Anaconda
1961 July 25
61131: Interstate Construction at Dillon - Armstead
1961 July 25
61132: Interstate Construction at Helena
1961 July 25
61133: Interstate Construction at Helena
1961 August 8
61134: Primary Construction at Glasgow
1961 October 4
61135: Lalond Construction Crusher near Lodge Grass
1961 October 24
61136: Long Brother's Construction "Belly Dumps" (Dump Trucks
1961 October 24
61137: Interstate Construction near Hathaway
1961 October 31
61138: Interstate Construction near Miles City
1961 October 31
61139: Primary Construction at Missoula (Higgins Bridge)
1961 November 16
61140: Secondary Construction West of Sidney
1961 September 15
61141: Interstate Construction at Helena
1961 September
61142: Interstate Construction at Deer Lodge
61143: Interstate Construction West of Rocky Canyon (Trailer Park)
1961 September 6
61144: Right of Way
61145: Primary Construction North of Glendive
1961 September 15
61146: Interstate Construction at Livingston
1961 September 14
61147: Interstate Construction East of Miles City
1961 September 14
61148: Cattle on Montana 20 Between Circle and Sidney
1961 September 15
61149: Sime at Circle - Model T's
1961 September 15
61150: Richey City Park and Secondary Construction
1961 September 15
61151: Interstate Victor Interchange
61152: Primary Construction at Glasgow
1961 October 4
61153: Interstate Construction at Livingston
1961 September 6
61154: Interstate Construction at Rocky Canyon
1961 September 6
61155: Dedication at Broadus
61156: Quake Lake Road Construction
1961 November 10
61157: Interstate Construction at Helena
61158: Gross Vehicle Weight Vehicles
61159: Right of Way
61160: Interstate Construction at Livingston
1961 September 6
61161: Primary Streets - Montana Avenue and Baker City Streets
1961 September 14
61162: Miles City Dedication
61163: Joe Mairle and Fred Quinnell, Jr.
61164: Prison at Deer Lodge
61165: Interstate and Primary Construction - Helena
61166: Dedication of Circle - Sidney Road
1961 September 16
61167: Alzada to Ekalaka, Signs and Bridge
61168: Interstate Construction near Helena
1961 November 8
61169: Belfry Dedication
1961 October 12
61170: Home for the Senile and Aged
61171: Butte ground breaking
61172: Highway Commission Bus Tour
1961 October 23-27
61173: Anaconda Lumber Mill at Bonner
61174: Wolf Creek Canyon
61175: Helena (Regional) Airport
61176: Interstate Construction at Helena
61177: Wolf Creek Canyon
61178: Interstate Construction at Cascade
61179: Interstate Construction at Rocky Canyon
61180: Interstate Construction North of Helena
61181: Darkroom Construction
1961 August-September
61182: Poplar Drainage
1961 September 19
61183: Interstate Construction at Livingston
61184: Primary Construction at Anaconda
61185: Interstate Construction at Livingston
61186: Airport Construction at Livingston
61187: Higgins Avenue Bridge at Missoula
1961 October 5
61188: Street corner view taken from a top school building
61189: Interstate Route at Butte
61190: Interstate Construction in Helena
61191: Helena (Regional) Airport
61192: Primary Construction Helena
61193: Intersection at Missoula - Brooks and Middlesex
1961 October 5
61194: Interstate Construction Helena
61195: Office Force - Great Falls
1961 December 7
61196: Ernie Neath
61197: Chet checking film
1961 March 27
61198: Appraisers School
1961 December
61199: Processing Personnel
1961 December
61200: Ben Briscoe and Mable Wold
1961 December 7
61201: Paper Work for 23 Parcels - Great Falls Office
1961 December 7
61202: Members of Legal Staff
1961 December
61203: Auto - Bus Wreck near Harlowton
1961 November
61204: Raynolds Pass
1961 November 13
61205: West of West Yellowstone on U.S. 191
1961 November 11
61206: Rocky Canyon
1961 November 11
61207: Livingston South and East
1961 November 10
61208: Hardy Creek - Cascade
1961 November 10
61209: Bureau of Public Roads - Retirement
61210: Higgins Bridge - Missoula, Bid Letting
61211: Primary Construction - Lyndale Avenue - Helena
61212: Interstate Construction Helena Overpass
61213: Interstate at Butte re-touch Job
61214: Interstate Wolf Creek Canyon
61215: Highway Personnel
1961 September
61216: U.S. (Highway) 287 Junction North of Slide Area
61217: Craig Hearing
1961 September
61218: Bureau of Public Roads Saving Bond Presentation
61219: Core Samples-Interstate at Deer Lodge
61220: Truck Wreck on Macdonald Pass
1961 August
61221: Highway Booth at Deer Lodge Fair
61222: Interstate at Deer Lodge
61223: Primary (Route) at Glendive
61224: Erecting Signs at Capital Interchange
61225: State Highway #43 near Wisdom
61226: Sweetgrass (buildings including grain elevator and train depot
62001: Interstate Construction at Miles City
1962 January 2
62002: Interstate West of Miles City
1962 January 2
62003: Interstate Construction at Wibaux
1962 January 2
62004: Alex Stephenson and Martha Sewell
62005: Howard Buswell and IBM Processing
1962 January 10
62006: Highway Department Snow Plow near Belt
1962 January 23
62007: Right of Way
1962 January 23
62008: Chopper (Helicopter - C-47 ) Wreck, North Helena
1962 January 24
62009: C-47 (Airplane) Wreck (Aerials)
1962 January 25
62010: C-47 (Airplane) Wreck (Ground)
1962 January 25
62011: Bridge Department Farewell to Jim Alexander
1962 February 2
62012: Ethyl Moore, Radio Operator
1962 February 8
62013: Iranian Highway Patrol Lieutenants
1962 February 8
62014: Interstate Construction at Livingston
62015: Highway IBM Department
1962 January 11
62016: Contract Award in Fred Quinnell's Office
62017: Interstate Construction North of Helena
1962 February 9
62018: Interstate Construction at Wolf Creek Canyon
1962 February 9
62019: 15 Ton Blast at Wolf Creek Canyon
1962 February 12
62020: Retirement of Guy Wadell
1962 February 16
62021: Park Avenue Between Jefferson and Butte, Anaconda and Pacific Railroad at Anaconda
1962 February 19
62022: Greenough Mansion at Missoula taken during C of C Meeting of 1961 in Missoula
62023: Radio Tower at Missoula
1962 January 24
62024: Perma Bridge
1962 February 26
62025: Interstate Construction at Wolf Creek Canyon
1962 February 28
62026: Governor Nutter
62027: O.E. Letting Preparation
1962 March 6
62028: Interstate Construction North of Helena
1962 March 5
62029: Interstate Construction North of Helena
1962 March 7
62030: Interstate Construction at Wolf Creek Canyon
1962 March 7
62031: Gross Vehicle Weight Copy Negatives
1962 February 26
62032: Interstate Detour North of Helena
1962 March 14
62033: Kalland Making Mosaic
1962 March 14
62034: Interstate Construction- overpass in Clark Canyon Dam, Beaverhead River Bridge, Clark canyon damsite, Clark Canyon Road, Interstate Idaho Line Dillon, I 151 (11) 37 U1, Livingston, Bear Canyon
1962 March 13
62035: Interstate Construction (No Location
62036: Chet Dreher
1962 March 12
62037: Interstate Construction North of Helena
1962 March 16
62038: Interstate North of Helena (Detour Signs)
1962 March 20
62039: Fred Quinnell and Governor Tim Babcock
1962 March 19
62040: Bridge Construction at Fort Benton
1962 March 20
62041: Interstate Construction at Wolf Creek Canyon
1962 March 21
62042: George Sime
1962 March 21
62043: Butte North of Cascade - Ulm Interstate
1962 March 21
62044: Interstate Construction and Blast - Wolf Creek Canyon
1962 March 23
62045: Processing Personnel (Bob Hamilton-Bill White)
1962 March 27
62046: Sign at Prospect and Montana, (Helena, Montana
1962 March 26
62047: Higgins Bridge (Missoula) Delegation
1962 March 28
62048: Interstate at Deer Lodge
62049: Building Darkroom Easel
1962 March 22
62050: Interstate Detour - Helena North
1962 March 30
62051: Interstate (Oregon Avenue in Butte)
1962 April 3
62052: Interstate Construction in Helena Valley
1962 April 3
62053: Interstate Construction at Wolf Creek Canyon
1962 April 10
62054: Tom Ratchford
1962 April 18
62055: Snow Plow Scenes (Mel Ruder)
62056: Bob O'Leary
1962 April 18
62057: Interstate at Wolf Creek
1962 April 26
62058: Primary Construction at Helena
1962 April 26
62059: Interstate Between Helena and Wolf Creek
1962 April 26
62060: Interstate Helena - North
1962 April 18
62061: Interstate Construction Pitzville - Clinton
1962 April 24
62062: Primary Construction - Helena
1962 April 26
62063: Primary Construction near Bigfork
1962 April 25
62064: Higgins Bridge - Missoula
1962 April 25
62065: Perma Bridge
1962 April 25
62066: Secondary (Route) at Thompson Falls
1962 April 25
62067: Bridge South of Libby on U.S. (Highway) 2
1962 April 25
62068: Somers
1962 April 25
62069: Secondary Construction Between St. Regis and Paradise
1962 April 25
62070: Libby - Fish Hatchery Bridge
1962 April 25
62071: Interstate Construction North of Helena
1962 April 26
62072: Interstate Construction Hardy Creek - Cascade
1962 April 26
62073: Interstate Parcel at Reed Point
1962 April 30
62074: Interstate at Springdale
1962 April 30
62075: Interstate at Shiloh Overpass
1962 May 1
62076: Right of Way Parcels at Reed Point
1962 April 30
62077: Right of Way Parcel at Reed Point (Whithan)
1962 April 30
62078: Interstate West of Miles City
1962 May 1
62079: Interstate Construction East of Hathaway
1962 May 1
62080: Interstate -Vaughn to Great Falls
1962 May 2
62081: Interstate Cascade to Ulm
1962 May 2
62082: Interstate Construction South of Cascade
1962 May 2
62083: Interstate Construction at Wolf Creek Canyon
1962 May 2
62084: Interstate Construction North of Helena
1962 May 2
62085: Interstate Construction at Butte
1962 May 3
62086: Sorrels and Tim Babcock
1962 April 24
62087: First Road Construction Through Wolf Creek Canyon
1962 May 2
62088: Interstate Construction Progress in Wolf Creek Canyon
1962 May 2
62089: Aero Commander, Camera Installation
1962 May 7
62090: Interstate Construction at Rocky Canyon
62091: "30 Year" Tie Clasp
62092: Lehman Fox
1962 May
62093: Highway Lab
1962 May 22
62094: Ted James and Others
62095: Interstate Construction at Helena
1962 May 14
62096: Interstate Construction at Wolf Creek
1962 May 14
62097: Interstate Construction at Rocky Canyon
62098: Chet Developing Film
1962 May 11
62099: Primary Construction at Helena
1962 May 14
62100: Interstate Construction North of Helena
1962 May 14
62101: Bridge Pier at Glendive Interstate
1962 May 10
62102: National Highway Week Dinner at Jorgenson's
1962 May 22
62103: Ground Breaking at York Road in Helena Valley
1962 May 23
62104: Highway Employee Cleaning Right of Way at Glendive
1962 May 15
62105: Beverly Zinniel, Glendive
1962 May 15
62106: Wibaux Hearing
1962 May 15
62107: Interstate Construction - Wibaux
1962 May 15
62108: Slide on U.S. (Highway) 2 East of West Glacier
1962 June 4
62109: Interstate at Butte
1962 May 31
62110: Primary (construction) at Anaconda
1962 May 31
62111: Interstate at Deer Lodge
1962 May 31
62112: Interstate North of Helena I15-4 (6)
1962 May 31
62113: Primary construction at Helena
1962 May 31
62114: Treasure State Industries Parcel (Helena Valley)
1962 June 11
62115: Interstate Construction East of Miles City
1962 June 8
62116: Road Washout at Armell's Creek
1962 June 18
62117: Primary Construction at Lewistown
1962 June 18
62118: Governor's Mansion - Helena
1962 June 19
62119: Highways Week Displays
1962 May 23
62120: Marilyn Shelton
1962 May 23
62121: Interstate North of Helena
1962 June 6
62122: Primary Construction at Helena
1962 June 6
62123: Jack McCarthy
62124: Jeanette Magnus
1962 May 23
62125: Interstate Hearing at Wibaux
1962 May
62126: Interstate Overpass at Helena (North)
1962 June 6
62127: Interstate Construction near Armstead
1962 June 25
62128: Interstate Construction West of Cascade
1962 June 25
62129: Interstate Construction at Wolf Creek Canyon
1962 June 25
62130: Interstate Construction North of Helena
1962 June 25
62131: Interstate Structure West of Clinton
1962 June 26
62132: Right of Way Parcel - Clark and Johnson - North of Evaro
1962 June 26
62133: Right of Way Parcel - McWilliams - North of Evaro
1962 June 26
62134: Right of Way Parcel -Earling and Dowd - North of Evaro
1962 June 26
62135: Right of Way Parcels North of Missoula near Evaro
1962 June 25
62136: Slide on State Highway 20 East of Ovando
1962 June 28
62137: Right of Way Parcels at Reed Point
1962 June 27
62138: Interstate Construction at Reed Point
1962 June 27
62139: Interstate Construction at Rocky Canyon
1962 June 27
62140: Slide at Nyack (Flathead County
62141: Gross Vehicle Weight Pictures - Various Vehicles
62142: Interstate Construction at Butte
1962 July 8
62143: Construction on Montana (State Highway) 43 at Wisdom to Idaho Line
1962 July 7
62144: Construction on Montana (State Highway) 43 at Big Hole to Bitterroot
1962 July 7
62145: Construction on Lolo Pass
1962 July 7
62146: Gross Vehicle Weight Pictures - Vehicles
62147: Concurrent Audit
1962 July 6
62148: Right of Way
1962 May 31
62149: Art Zion - Mrs. Paulicek Presentation
1962 July 3
62150: Processing (Personnel
1962 June-July
62151: Aerials over Swan River
62152: Right of Way
62153: Right of Way
62154: Billings Aerial Scenes
62155: Interstate Bridge at Billings
62156: Welcome Sign ("Welcome to Montana, Big Sky Country"
1962 July 11
62157: U.S. (Highway) 93 Looking South From Gibbons Pass
1962 July 6
62158: Gross Vehicle Weight Vehicles
1962 July 20
62159: Lame Deer
1962 July 20
62160: Interstate Construction Helena - North
1962 July 23
62161: Interstate Construction - Livingston
1962 July 23
62162: Interstate Construction - Rocky Canyon
1962 July 23
62163: Interstate Construction - Butte
1962 July 23
62164: Interstate Construction - Wolf Creek Canyon
1962 July 23
62165: Livingston Airport
1962 July 23
62166: Airport - Helena (Helena Regional Airport
1962 July 23
62167: Zent Hardware Building - Hysham
1962 July 20
62168: Right of Way Parcels near Evaro
1962 July 24
62169: Higgins Avenue Bridge Construction - Missoula
1962 July 24
62170: Proposed Interstate Route - Missoula
1962 July 24
62171: Sorrels and James - Luncheon
62172: Interstate Construction - Miles City
62173: Interstate Construction - Wibaux
62174: State Women's' Club Meeting - Missoula
1962 July 14
62175: Flag Stand on Parking Meters
62176: Higgins Avenue Bridge - Missoula
1962 July 14
62177: Interstate Construction - Wolf Creek Canyon
62178: Primary Construction - Billings
62179: Interstate Construction - Wibaux
62180: Interstate Construction - Hathaway
62181: Interstate Construction - Miles City
62182: Primary Construction West of Baker
62183: Primary Construction - White Sulphur Springs
62184: Primary Construction - Lewistown
62185: Interstate construction - Circle South
62186: Secondary (construction) at Montana (State Highway) 24
62187: Slide at Nyack (Flathead County
1962 August 7-8
62188: Railroad Crew at Work - Nyack
1962 August 8
62189: Logging Truck Wreck at Swan Lake
1962 August 6
62190: Car Wreck on U.S. (Highway) 2 West of West Glacier near Lake 5 turnoff
1962 August 7
62191: Interstate Construction at Reed Point
62192: Right of Way Parcels - Alberton (Interstate 90) I 90-1(4)
1962 August 6
62193: Highway Picnic
1962 August 12
62194: Engineers From Burma and Cowan
1962 August 13
62195: Interstate Construction at Wolf Creek Canyon
1962 August 13
62196: Interstate Construction North of Helena
1962 August 13
62197: Interstate Construction - Butte
1962 August 15
62198: Right of Way Parcel - Alberton
1962 August 15
62199: Gross Vehicle Weight Vehicles
62200: Walker Brown Retirement
1962 July 31
62201: Helena Signing Project
62202: State Parks Cabin Sites at Canyon Ferry
62203: New IBM Machine (Computer
1962 August 16
62204: Scenes over Billings
1962 July 20
62205: Gross Vehicle Weight
62206: Lolo Pass Road Dedication
1962 August 19
62207: Interstate Hearing Display
1962 August 20
62208: Interstate Capitol Interchange - Helena
1962 August 20
62209: Walt Sill
1962 June 19
62210: Set of (Wooden) Wheels near Winston
62211: Ernestine Dorner
62212: Interstate Construction - Rocky Canyon
62213: Right of Way Parcel West of Billings Airport
1962 August 23-24
62214: Weigh Station Between Billings and Laurel
1962 August 24
62215: Weigh Station Billings East End
1962 August 24
62216: Interstate Construction West of Miles City
1962 August 24
62217: Interstate Construction at Miles City
1962 August 24
62218: Interstate Construction Between Custer and Hysham
1962 August 24
62219: Interstate at Ulm
1962 September 4
62220: Interstate at Cascade
1962 September 4
62221: Interstate Construction North of Helena
1962 September 4
62222: Interstate Construction at Wolf Creek Canyon
1962 September 4
62223: Capitol Area (Helena - Aerials
1962 September 4
62224: Fred Wells
1962 September 6
62225: Dorris Stalker
1962 September 6
62226: Maurice Richey
1962 September 6
62227: Signing on Interstate Northeast of Helena
1962 September 6
62228: Scenic Bridge Drilling
1962 September 7
62229: Highway) 287 at Bowman's Corner
62230: Montana Secondary Highway) 326 East of Big Fork
62231: St. Regis to Paradise Cutoff
62232: Flathead Lake
62233: Perma Bridge
62234: Higgins Avenue (Missoula) Bridge
62235: Wolf Creek Canyon
62236: Interstate - Deer Lodge
62237: Somers - South
62238: Interstate Butte - Urban
62239: Hardy Creek - Cascade
62240: Bureau of Public Roads Bridge Between St. Regis and Paradise
62241: Interstate Dedication at Livingston
1962 September 14
62242: Right of Way Parcel at Somers
1962 September 14
62243: Governor Tim Babcock Portrait
62244: Right of Way
62245: Miscellaneous Construction Scenes
62246: Charley King - Independent Record "Family Album'
1962 August
62247: Helena (Regional) Airport Tower
62248: Interstate Construction - Wolf Creek Canyon
1962 September 20
62249: Interstate Construction North of Helena
1962 September 19
62251: Fred Hoss
1962 September 28
62252: Miscellaneous Scenes (including bridge and railroad construction; main street Lewistown, Montana; and other unidentified roads
62253: Thelma and Kermit Brant Right of Way Parcel South of Logan
1962 October 3
62254: Bureau of Public Roads Construction Between Gardner and Livingston
62255: Interstate Construction at Reed Point
62256: Interstate Construction North of Helena
1962 September 25
62257: Interstate Construction Wolf Creek Canyon
1962 September 25
62258: Grover Power
62259: Paul Poirer
62260: Interstate Between Miles City and Hathaway
1962 October 16
62261: Interstate at Miles City
1962 October 16
62262: Weigh Station at Miles City
1962 October 16
62263: Interstate Construction Hysham Hills
1962 October 16
62264: Interstate Construction South of Custer
1962 October 16
62265: Interstate Construction at Reed Point
1962 October 16
62266: Interstate at Livingston
1962 October 16
62267: Permanete Cement - South of East Helena
1962 October 16
62268: Three Rivers Forming Missouri
1962 October 16
62269: Trident Cement Plant
1962 October 16
62270: Interstate Route at Three Forks
1962 October 16
62271: Interstate Construction at Rocky Canyon
1962 October 16
62272: Primary Construction Lyndale Avenue - Helena
1962 October 16
62273: Interstate Hardy Creek - Cascade
1962 October 29
62274: Montana Highway 287 Between Wolf Creek and Bowman's Corner
1962 October 29
62275: Right of Way - Tunnel Number 5 in Wolf Creek Canyon
1962 October 30
62276: Appraiser School
1962 November 3
62277: Weigh Station North of Ravalli
1962 November 7
62278: Weigh Station at Columbia Falls
1962 November 7
62279: Weigh Station at Kalispell
1962 November 7
62280: Interstate Construction Helena - Wolf Creek
1962 November 7
62281: Interstate Construction - Cascade
1962 November 7
62282: Sounding Clark Fork River at Scenic Bridge
1962 November 7
62283: Aero Commander (Airplane) and (darkroom).
62284: Miscellaneous Construction and Scenes
62285: Ciel Clemments
1962 November 13
62286: Rest Areas
1962 November 12
62287: Bridge Dedication at Missoula
1962 November 20
62288: Ben Briscoe
1962 November 27
62289: Ernie Neath
1962 November 27
62290: Paul Johnson
1962 November 27
62291: Buck Dundas
1962 November 27
62292: Bill Britton
1962 November 27
62293: Oscar Ostenson
1962 November 27
62294: Bill Schweyen
1962 November 27
62295: Clint Fulkerson
1962 November 27
62296: Joe Fry
1962 November 27
62297: Milo Lahn - District Engineer in Lewistown
1962 November 27
62298: Senator Cris Bentz - Carter County - President of Canadian-Mexican-American International Highway.
1962 November 27
62299: Fort Benton Bridge
1962 November 28
62300: Interstate Construction North of Helena
1962 November 28
62301: Primary Construction East of Dodson
1962 November 28
62302: Interstate Construction West of Miles City
1962 November 28
62303: Interstate Construction South of Custer
1962 November 28
62304: Interstate Construction at Cascade
1962 November 28
62305: Interstate Construction Hysham Hills
1962 November 30
62306: Interstate at Wibaux
1962 November 30
62307: Interstate Construction at Miles City
1962 November 30
62308: Weigh Station West of Wibaux
1962 November 30
62309: Tan Lee - Hydraulics Department
1962 November 26
62310: Right of Way Parcels - East of Piltzville
1962 December 5-6
62311: L. W. Hargrove (Urban Engineer
1962 November 26
62312: Hoar Frost on Capitol Grounds (Helena
1962 December 13
62313: Construction on Rimrocks North of Billings
62314: Deyle Parcel - East of Laurel
62315: Paradise Cut Off Bridge Dedication
62316: Mel Wickman - 35 Year Service Award
1962 December 18
62317: Right of Way - Guillotte Parcel in Wolf Creek Canyon
1962 December 17
62318: Right of Way - Clara Munger Parcel
1962 December 17
62319: Christmas Party
1962 December 15
62320: Billings Airport - Road Construction
1962 November 30
62321: Highway Women's Christmas Luncheon
1962 December 21
62322: Snow Scenes of Capitol (Helena
1962 December 23
63001: Processing (Personnel
1963 January 15
63002: Legislative Committee for Highways
1963 January 15
63003: Bob Keck - Planning Survey
1963 January 16
63004: Montana State College Tour of Highway Building
1963 January 15
63005: K.W. Bergan and Bureau of Indian Affairs
1963 January 25
63006: Safety Department
63007: Snow Slides at Quake Lake
1963 January 4
63008: Cameron Bridge
1963 January 4
63009: Missouri River ice jam at Townsend
1963 February 6
63010: Clark Fork River at Interstate Bridge, West of Clinton
1963 February 6
63011: Otis Waters (Last Commissioners' Meeting)
1963 January 30
63012: Right of Way Parcels - East of Laurel
1963 February 8
63013: Townsend Bridge ice jam
1963 February 8
63014: Bridge Washout at Logan
1963 February 8
63015: Clark Fork River at Interstate Bridge West of Clinton
1963 February 8
63016: Interstate Construction at Reed Point
1963 February 8
63017: Right of Way Parcel - South of Hysham
1963 February 8
63018: Right of Way Parcel - South of Custer
1963 February 8
63019: Bridge Site North of Custer
1963 February 8
63020: Interstate Construction Hysham - Custer
1963 February 8
63021: Commissioner Bud Nass
1963 February 18
63022: Right of Way Parcel at Laurel (Mackey)
1963 February 25
63023: Right of Way Parcel at Laurel (Richardson)
1963 February 25
63024: Farewell to Otis Waters
1963 February 26
63025: Safety (Department) Pictures By Clint Fulkerson (of road and wrecked car
63026: Radio Station at Miles City
63027: Gross Vehicle Weight Checks and Doris Wanamaker
63028: 10 X 10 Enlarger (Photography Equipment
1963 February 20
63029: Cole Parcel - Model
63030: New Snowplows at Shop
1963 January 11
63031: Gross Vehicle Weight -Log Trucks
63032: Public Hearing
63033: Sen. Ben Stein at Fred Quinnell's Desk
63034: Highway Delegation to St. Paul
63035: Ice jams near Logan
63036: Car - Patrol Wreck (Traffic Accident) on MacDonald Pass
1963 February 12
63037: Larry Venable
63038: Semi-Truck Wreck West of Drummond
1963 March 1
63039: Doug's Trailer Sales at Libby
1963 March 6-7
63040: Culverts under U.S. (Highway) 93 at Whitefish
1963 March 7
63041: Dave Rydquist, Mrs. Bell, and Fred Quinnell
1963 March 8
63042: Governor Tim Babcock getting photo for Driver's License
1963 March 8
63043: Gross Vehicle Weight Vehicles
1963 March
63044: Miscellaneous - Highways Personnel, Roads
63045: Core Samples From Lab
1963 March 19
63046: Right of Way Property - Montana Avenue in Butte
1963 March 19
63047: Interstate 15 Stickney Creek - Hardy Creek Public Hearing Display
1963 March 20
63048: Highway Commission
1963 March 25
63049: Town of Wolf Creek
1963 March 25
63050: West Miles City Interchange
1963 March 25
63051: Miles City
1963 March 25
63052: Billings Airport Road Construction
1963 March 25
63053: Interstate Construction East of Custer
1963 March 25
63054: Interstate Construction at Wolf Creek Canyon
1963 March 25
63055: Wolf Creek
1963 March 22
63056: Interstate Construction at Wolf Creek Canyon
1963 March 26
63057: Interstate at Bearmouth - Public Hearing Display
1963 March 22
63058: Gross Vehicle Weight Vehicles
1963 March 20
63059: John McCarthy Family Album Pictures
1963 March 13
63060: Safety (Department
63061: Photogrammetry Publication
63062: Camera Filter (Photography Equipment
1963 April 4
63063: Art Quinnell
1963 April 8
63064: Highway Department Building
1963 April 9
63065: Mine Property East of Highway Building.
1963 April 9
63066: Map of Billings Area South
1963 April 10
63067: Primary Construction East of Wagner
1963 April 12
63068: Bridge Site North of Poplar
1963 April 12
63069: Right of Way - Munger and Kelly Parcels - Helena North
1963 April 12
63070: Gross Vehicle Weight - New Long Car Carrier
1963 April 23
63071: Right of Way
63072: Aerial Photos Taken By Sime
63073: Bridge over Dearborn River on Montana (State Highway) 287
1963 April 25
63074: Interstate Construction - Brady
1963 April 25
63075: Great Falls - Aerials
1963 April 25
63076: Interstate Construction - Wolf Creek Canyon
1963 April 25
63077: Interstate Construction - North of Helena
1963 April 25
63078: Interstate Construction Between Billings and Laurel
1963 April 26
63079: Big Spring Creek West of Lewistown
1963 April 26
63080: Billings Airport Road Construction
1963 April 26
63081: Slide on U.S. (Highway) 87 near Geyser
1963 April 26
63082: State Parks - Canyon Ferry
1963 April 29
63083: Culvert Washout on Secondary (State Highway) 313 - South of St. Xavier on Soap Creek
1963 April 30
63084: Billings Airport Road Construction
1963 May 1
63085: Interstate Construction - Mossmain to Laurel
1963 May 1
63086: Interstate Construction - Hysham to Custer
1963 April 30
63087: Great Falls - Aerials
1963 May 6
63088: Highway Department Interchange Model
63089: Miscellaneous Scenes on Highways and at Lewis and Clark Caverns
63090: Howard Buswell, Gagle, Dugan, and Geologists - Slide Study
1963 May 10
63091: Right of Way Parcels - Manhattan
1963 May 13
63092: Interstate Construction - Three Forks to Logan
1963 May 13
63093: Interstate Construction East of Bozeman
1963 May 13
63094: Montana State College - Bozeman
1963 May 13
63095: Hill Crest Homes - Bozeman
1963 May 13
63096: General Meagher Statue in Front of Capitol
1963 May 13
63097: Miscellaneous Highway Construction and Views (Rocky Canyon; Quake Lake; Clark Canyon; Yankee Jim Canyon; Lima Weigh Station; Butte Interstate; Opportunity; Three Forks, Logan Interstate
63098: Billings Airport Road Construction
1963 May 17
63099: Interstate Construction at Custer
1963 May 17
63100: Interstate Construction at Reed Point
1963 May 17
63101: Concurrent Audit Jazz
1963 May 21
63102: Betty Behl Goes to School
1963 May 21
63103: Interstate Construction - Bonner to Clinton
1963 May 20
63104: Interstate Construction - Butte
1963 May 20
63105: Interstate Construction - Rocker
1963 May 20
63106: Interstate Construction - Alberton East
1963 May 20
63107: Lundy's Shopping Center
1963 May 22
63108: Permanente Cement Plant
1963 May 21
63109: Secondary Construction - South of East Helena
1963 May 21
63110: Yellowstone Park Scenes
1963 May 22
63111: Right of Way - Kelly Ranch, Helena Valley
1963 May 29
63112: Tower Junction Bridge Dedication at Yellowstone Park
1963 June 2
63113: Glendive Interstate Hearing Exhibits
63114: Miscellaneous Negatives (Traffic Accident; Bridges; Interstate Construction; Signs; etc.
63115: Gross Vehicle Weight Vehicles
63116: Highway Commission Special Safety Meeting
1963 June 19
63117: Safety (Department
63118: Tunnel Lighting Apparatus (Equipment)
63119: Signing on Interstate Construction North of Helena
1963 June 12
63120: Rusty's Tavern - 15th Street, Great Falls
1963 June 25
63121: Interstate Construction at Laurel
1963 June 27
63122: Interstate Construction - Three Forks to Manhattan
1963 June 27
63123: Billings Airport Road Construction
1963 June 27
63124: Billings - Aerials
1963 June 27
63125: Interstate Construction - Rocky Canyon
1963 June 27
63126: Lorin Hardie - 40 Year Presentation
1963 June 26
63127: Interstate Construction Hysham to Custer
1963 July 1
63128: Slide on U.S. (Highway) 12 Between Avon and Garrison
1963 July 3
63129: Interstate Construction North of Helena
1963 July 3
63130: Interstate Construction Wolf Creek Canyon
1963 July 3
63131: Billings Airport Road Construction
1963 July 1
63132: Georgia Highway Department- Aerial Photo Section
1963 July 18
63133: Right of Way - Parcels 26 and 29 at Clinton (Koch Parcels)
1963 July 23
63134: Highway Commission Bus Tour
1963 July 21-24
63135: Bob Champion
63136: Railroad Tunnel near Glacier Park
1963 June 21
63137: Survey Trainees From Congo
63138: Fort Benton Bridge Dedication
1963 July 4
63139: Auto Accident on Interstate Construction North of Helena
63140: P/I (Public Information Office) Copy Negatives (Snow plow trucks and other road equipment
63141: Earthquake Slide Area
63143: Miscellaneous (Interstate Construction
63144: Dearborn River Bridge Dedication
63145: Coffee Cart in Construction Office
63146: Interstate Construction - Wolf Creek Canyon
1963 August 8
63147: Interstate Construction - North of Helena
1963 August 8
63148: Sommers Parcel - East Missoula
1963 August 7
63149: Crombie Parcel - Missoula
1963 August 6
63150: Interstate - Livingston
1963 August 5
63151: Interstate near Wibaux
1963 August 7
63152: Interstate East of Hathaway
1963 August 6
63153: Interstate at Miles City
1963 August 8
63154: Cooke City Highway
1963 August 9
63155: Interstate Construction Between Custer and Hysham
1963 August 6
63156: Myhre Receives 30 Year Pin at Miles City
1963 August 7
63157: Erosion of Banks Upstream From Tongue River Bridge
1963 August 7
63158: Schultz and Lindsey - Gravel Operation Northwest of Glendive
1963 August 7
63159: Makoshika State Park
1963 August 7
63160: Interstate East of Glendive
1963 August 7
63161: Drilling North of Glendive
1963 August 8
63162: Great Falls Office Personnel
63163: Hardin Public Hearing Display
1963 August 1
63164: AASHO (American Association of State Highway Officials) Conference in Wolf Creek Canyon
1963 August 1
63165: Miscellaneous Shots in Wolf Creek Canyon
1963 August 1
63166: Miscellaneous (Mossmain to Laurel; Three Forks; Billings West; Rocky Canyon; Logan - Manhattan; Reed Point; Laurel Interchange
63167: Miscellaneous (Evaro - North; Alberton; Cut Bank - Main Street; Big Fork - Swan River
63168: Tests Photos over Helena
1963 August 14
63169: Priest Pass
1963 August 8
63170: Snowplow
63171: Governor Tim Babcock at Lost Creek State Park
1963 August 19-22
63172: Sommers Parcel - East Missoula
1963 August 20
63173: Right of Way - Berg Property - Helena Valley
63174: Right of Way - Helena Valley Nursery
1963 August 30
63175: Interstate Construction Alberton - East
1963 September 4
63176: Interstate Construction Bonner - Clinton
1963 September 4
63177: Interstate Construction East of Anaconda
1963 September 5
63178: Interstate Construction - Butte
1963 September 5
63179: Interstate Construction - Three Forks to Manhattan
1963 September 5
63180: Interstate Construction - Rocky Canyon
1963 September 5
63181: Interstate Construction - Wolf Creek Canyon
1963 September 5
63182: Lewis and Clark Caverns State Park
1963 September 5
63183: Sign Vandalism on Great Falls - Vaughn Highway
1963 September 3
63184: Night Views of 10th Avenue South - Great Falls
1963 September 3
63185: Tourist Survey at Montana State University(Dean Nathan Blomberg, Professor Wilson, Howard Buswell and Wayne Dugan)
63186: Safety Department (Traffic Accident
63187: Re-Codification Project at Montana State University to unify Highway Laws (Don MacPherson, Gardner Crowell, Howard Buswell and Wayne Dugan, Rupert C. Schneider, John P. Paston, Kemp J. Wilson, James T. Harrison Jr.)
63188: Missoula (Aerials)
1963 September 4
63189: Aerials, unidentified location
63190: Governor Tim)Babcock (and Mrs. Babcock) with seat belts
63191: Railroad Tunnel #5
1963 July 16-17
63192: Fort Benton Bridge in 1908
63193: Custer Battlefield (Monument
1963 August 8
63194: Button Shop in Helena
1963 July 1
63195: Bureau of Public Roads Open House
1963 September 1
63196: Governor Tim Babcock, Sorrells, Fred Quinnell and others
1963 September 1
63197: Safety Department(Traffic Accident
1963 September 1
63198: Miscellaneous (Road Damage; Interstate Construction, slide near St. Mary's; F-227 (6) St. Mary's; Main Street, Cut Bank; plant mix operations on F-260 (7); F-149 (19) south west Fort Benton on 87; F-235 (25) west of Stanford; S-290(16) Geraldine
1963 September 1
63199: Interstate Helena - North Road Dedication
1963 October 1
63200: Montana Highway) Patrol Photo License Facilities
1963 October 4
63201: Gross Vehicle Weight Pictures
63202: Tom Dartman
1963 October 4
63203: John Trammel
1963 September 10
63204: Jim Hahn
1963 September 11
63205: Bill (William) Benner
1963 September 10
63206: Foote Gold Collection
63207: Wolf Creek Motel and Gas Station
1963 September 20
63208: Shot Up Signs at Shop
1963 September 1
63209: Public Hearing on Hysham - Forsyth Road at Hysham
1963 September 1
63210: Miscellaneous (Interstate; Interstate Construction
63211: Reeder's Alley, Helena
1963 September 1
63212: East Helena to Permanente - Road Dedication
63213: Agates
63214: Interstate Construction - Wolf Creek Canyon
63215: Interstate - Helena North
63216: Gross Vehicle Weight - Vehicles and Scenes
63217: Right of Way - Simonsen Parcel - North of Corwin Springs
1963 October 9
63218: Tunnel #4 in Wolf Creek Canyon
1963 October 14
63219: Interstate Construction East of Anaconda
1963 October 16
63220: Interstate Construction - Butte
1963 October 16
63221: Airport Road Construction - Billings
1963 October 16
63222: Kenneally's Service Station - Anaconda
1963 October 16
63223: Primary Construction Between Miles City and Jordan
1963 October 17
63224: Channel Change (Yellowstone River) at Miles City
1963 October 17
63225: West Miles City Interchange
1963 October 17
63226: Hugh Pipe Wolf Creek Canyon
1963 October 17
63227: Right of Way Wolf Creek From Wolf Creek to Lyons Creek
1963 October 17
63228: Construction East of Townsend
1963 October 17
63229: Right of Way - Evans and Gladstone - Butte
1963 October 21
63230: Interstate Scenes - Butte
1963 October 21
63231: Miscellaneous - Alberton Interchange; Huson West; Bridge East of Three Forks; Interstate East of Three Forks Railroad Overpass; Southeast of Manhattan; I-90 South of Manhattan; Cattle on Road near Avon
1963 October 24
63232: Miscellaneous - Grass Range; Main Street, Lewistown; Shawmut Comfort Station; Roundup South; Elmer Liebelt, section man flowing wells painting bridge railing; Burtus Jones, section man Harlowton at Shawmut comfort stop; Ready-Mix truck entering highway at west end of Lewistown; Rimrocks; Jack McGhee; Van Norman; Fort Peck; Highway Building
1963 October 31
63233: Interstate Construction near Laurel
1963 November 7
63234: Interstate Construction - Reed Point
1963 November 7
63235: Primary Construction on U.S. (Highway) 87 Between Lewistown and Roundup
1963 November 7
63236: Weigh Station South of Laurel
1963 November 7
63237: Billings Airport Road Construction
1963 November 7
63238: Miscellaneous - Rest Area; Stop Sign East of Townsend; Lincoln Road Interchange; Great Falls; Ray Wiley; 15th Street Great Falls
63239: Quake Lake
1963 October 9
63240: Montana State Capitol Scenes
1963 October 1
63241: West Yellowstone Airport
1963 October 9
63242: Mr. Rudek, Highway Shops
1963 November 15
63243: Retaining Wall - Wolf Creek Canyon
1963 November 15
63244: Huge Pipe, Wolf Creek Canyon
1963 November 15
63245: Flemming Parcel, (Simms)
1963 November 19
63246: Interstate Construction - Wolf Creek Canyon
1963 November 19
63247: Barnes Parcels
1963 November 22
63248: Billings Airport Road Dedication
1963 November 26
63249: Huson East and West, Piltzville, Clinton
1963 November 21
63250: Interstate Public Hearing Display for Dillon
63251: Right of Way Appraisers School
1963 November 15
63252: Right of Way
63253: Sorrells, Highway Users with Litter Signs
63254: Rocky Canyon in Early Days
63255: Wolf Creek Canyon - Mosaic
63256: Project Control Chart
1963 October 18
63257: George Sime
63258: Construction East of Townsend; Bureau of Public Roads Building - Helena
63259: Wolf Creek Canyon - Aerials
1963 December 2
63260: Right of Way - Stan Healy Residence, Missoula (R. Heppenstal, Zion, Piffer, Dreher)
1963 December 3
63261: Highway) Project Control Charts
1963 December 5
63262: Highway Shop - Lewistown
1963 December 4
63263: Elk and Buffalo
63264: Governmental Panel Before Montana Federation of Woman's Clubs
1963 October 12
63265: P/I (Public Information Office) (Equipment)
63266: Bridge Dedication at Glasgow
1963 December 5
63267: Portrait of George Sime
1963 December 9
63268: Portrait of Vern Gray
1963 December 9
63269: Portrait of Chet Dreher
1963 December 9
63270: Interstate Project Sign, Wolf Creek Interstate 15
1963 December 10
63271: Highway Bridge Across Missouri River, Below Holter Dam. Interstate 15
1963 December 10
63272: Safety Department (Tractor
63273: Connie Ward and mother, Margaret Ward
1963 December 10
63274: Sanding Operation on MacDonald Pass
1963 December 18
63275: Wayne Duggan
1963 December 18
63276: Safety Department (portrait of Clint; wrecked car; and Department of Highways equipment)
1963 December 1
64001: Sno Go (Snowplow) - MacDonald Pass
1964 January 16-17
64002: Interstate Hearing Exhibit at Terry
1964 January 10
64003: Right of Way Appraisers at Placer Hotel
1964 January 23
64004: Roliflex cameras
64005: Gross Vehicle Weight -Pictures of Warrents
64006: Montana Highway Department Photo Sign
64007: Safety Department (Traffic Accident
64008: Billings Office Ribbon Cutting Hoax
64009: Right of Way - Pierce Packing Company Feed Lots - Aerial
64010: Radio Shack Crew
64011: Governor's Office
64012: Capitol Renovation
1964 January 9
64013: Dillon Display
64014: Interstate - Proposed Route Columbus West
1964 January 8
64015: Miscellaneous Scenery (Mountains, Lakes
64016: Snow Plow (mounted on truck) on MacDonald Pass
1964 January 16
64017: Television Display, Traffic Safety
1964 January 20
64018: Safety (Department) (Vehicle Damage
64019: Dillon Public Hearing Display
64020: Safety (Department) at Miles City (Vehicle Damage
64021: Highway Department Directory in Lobby
64022: Lewistown Highway Department Building
1964 February 11
64023: Safety (Department) (Vehicle Damage
64024: Gross Vehicle Weight (Vehicles
64025: M and S Ready Mix Plants, Missoula and Lozeau
1964 February 17
64026: Don Devore
1964 February 28
64027: John Walsh
1964 February 28
64028: Bill Purvis
1964 March 2
64029: Lee Phillips
1963 March 11
64030: Training in Service - Construction Seminar
1963 March 11
64031: Great Falls Public Hearing Display, Interstate
1963 March 1
64032: Elmer Speer
1963 March 1
64033: Right of Way, Chicken Inn, Missoula
1964 March 16
64034: Right of Way - Hawn Parcel - Great Falls
1964 March 19
64035: Montana Aeronautics Commission - Queen Air - Bill Wyman
1964 March 19
64036: Interstate Hearing Display - Clancy
64037: Auto Wreck (Traffic Accident) - Wolf Creek Canyon
64038: Devore and George Sime
1964 March 10
64039: Billings to Pompey's Pillar - Public Hearing Display
64040: Three Forks to Whitehall (Construction) Public Hearing Display
64041: Traffic) Violation on One Way Ramp
1964 March 20
64042: State Capitol Signs on Interstate Approaches to Helena
1964 March 20
64043: Data Processing Personnel
1964 March 27
64044: Safety (Department) (road and truck)
1963 March 1
64045: Safety (Detour; Truck and Traffic Accident
1963 March 1
64046: Old Holt Tractor
1964 March 30
64047: Right of Way - Dahlberg Parcel, Number 51
1964 March 30
64048: Right of Way - Kohler Parcel Number 98 and 99
1964 March 30
64049: Process Camera (Equipment) - Forest Service, Missoula
1964 March 31
64050: Interstate Construction - Missoula
1964 March 31
64051: Right of Way - Wheeler and Lyman, Parcel 83
1964 March 30
64052: Right of Way Jeszenka Parcel, Nos. 109-113-114-116
1964 March 30
64053: Troy McGee
1964 April 3
64054: Interstate Construction - Wolf Creek Canyon
1964 April 3
64055: Misspelled Detour Sign
1964 April 3
64056: State Historical Museum (Montana Historical Society
1963 March 3
64057: Governor Tim Babcock Profile Shot for Medallion
1963 March 3
64058: Winter Night - Exterior of Governor Mansion
1962 December 26
64059: Governor Tim Babcock, Parks Personnel and Fort Benton Personnel
1963 March 3
64060: J. D. Holmes, Governor Tim Babcock, Lyle Downing
1963 March 3
64061: Governor Tim Babcock, Jack Hallowell, Strope
1963 March 3
64062: Governor Tim Babcock on Capitol Lawn
1963 March 3
64063: State Dinner - Executive Mansion
1963 March 3
64064: Spangler Property near Opportunity
1964 April 7
64065: Interstate Construction - Route 10 East of Anaconda
1964 April 7
64066: Miles City Underpass
1964 April 8
64067: State Industrial School at Miles City
1964 April 8
64068: Communications Personnel and Equipment
1964 April 17
64069: Interstate Public Hearing Display - Great Falls to Ulm
1964 April 16
64070: College Students Visit Highway Department
1964 April 20
64071: High School Honor Students Visit Highway Department
1964 April 20
64072: Road Plans Group
1964 April 21
64073: Jack Cameron
1964 April 21
64074: Missoula District Office
1964 April 29-30
64075: Organite Plant - Sommers
1964 April 30
64076: Interstate Construction at Missoula - Van Buren Streets
1964 May 1
64077: Primary Construction at Missoula
1964 May 1
64078: Public Hearing Display - Interstate in Clinton
64079: Walt Anderson
1963 September 17
64080: Safety Personnel Pictures at Jorgenson
1964 April 27
64081: Processing Personnel
1964 April 27
64082: Paul Poirier at Work
1964 April 27
64083: Art Quinnell at Work
1964 April 27
64084: Safety Pictures (railroad tracks, trestle, and trains
1964 April
64085: Historical (Images of mule and oxen driven wagons, car stuck in mud, possibly road construction using horse drawn wagons, old road equipment
64086: Governor Tim Babcock in Cowboy Hat
1964 March 3
64087: E. H. Cowan - Bureau of Public Roads
1964 May 6
64088: Ernie Neath
1964 May 6
64089: Right of Way - Crombie Parcel, Missoula
1962 November 7
64090: Traffic Sign Display
1964 May 8
64091: Paul Johnson and Bob Champion
1964 May 4
64092: Safety Proclamation at Governor's Reception Room
1964 May 1
64093: Interstate Construction - Wolf Creek Canyon
1964 May 14
64094: Construction - Rocky Canyon
64095: Spangler Property and Area near U.S. (Highway) 10 and 10A Junction Between Butte and Anaconda
1964 May 15
64096: Interstate - 2 to 4 Lane Transitions Between Helena and Wolf Creek
1964 May 15
64097: Interstate - 2 to 4 Lane Transitions - Alberton and Superior
1964 May 15
64098: Interstate Construction - Alberton and Huson
1964 May 15
64099: Snow Capped Mission Mountains
1964 May 15
64100: Paul Johnson at Work
1964 May 18
64101: Berkley Pit - Butte
1964 May 18
64102: Anaconda Company Concentrator - Butte
1964 May 18
64103: Interstate Construction - Butte
1964 May 18
64104: Interstate Between Lima and Armstead
1964 May 18
64105: Big Hole Battlefield Monument
1964 May 18
64106: Montana (State Highway) 43 near Wisdom and Big Hole Battlefield
1964 May 18
64107: Interstate Construction on 91 near Armstead
1964 May 18
64108: Bannack (Aerial
1964 May 18
64109: Nevada City (Aerials)
1964 May 18
64110: Virginia City (Aerials)
1964 May 18
64111: Truck Turn-Out - Virginia City (Aerials)
1964 May 18
64112: Governor Tim Babcock at Galen (Montana State Hospital
64113: Harvest Scenes
64114: Open Range Study
64115: Helena (Regional) Airport
1962 September 25
64116: Bowling Champions
1963 April 15
64117: Bureau of Land Management Delivers Patent to Governor Tim Babcock
64118: State Historical Museum (Montana Historical Society
64119: Mike Kennedy and (Charlie) Russell Collection
64120: U.S.S. Helena Plaque
64121: Fish and Game Booth
1963 January 11
64122: Morris Griffith
1962 December 27
64123: 30 Year Tie Clasp
64124: State Board of Health
64125: Gun Collection at Charlie Russell Museum
64126: Model T Races; Governor Tim Babcock
64127: Governor Tim Babcock and Others
1962 April 25
64128: Governor Tim Babcock and Mrs. Babcock
1963 January 3
64129: Mike Kennedy and Allan Vaughn Elston
64130: Grouse on Capitol Lawn During 1961 Hunting Season
64131: Visitors From Sudan
1962 October 8
64132: Unemployment Compensation Building
64133: Alberton (Highway) Model Pictures
64134: Frank Murray, Secretary of State
64135: Governor Tim Babcock and Parents, Grandparents
64136: State Board of Institutions
1964 May 1
64137: Bob Knapp with Bowling Trophy
1964 May 18
64138: Rest Area at Twin Bridges
1964 May
64139: Road Maintenance on Montana (Highway) 41
1964 May
64140: Construction on (Montana Secondary Highway) 281 - Cardwell to Boulder
1964 May
64141: Lookout Pass to Saltese - Public Hearing Display
1964 May
64142: Cattle on Highway
1964 May 19
64143: Plowing Snow - Cooke City to Red Lodge - Beartooth Highway
1964 May 19
64144: Moose and Calf
1964 May 19
64145: Harry and Sarah Jackson - Sculptor and Painter - at Museum
1964 May 21
64146: Conrad Public Hearing - (Highways) Exhibits
64147: Interstate Construction Between Manhattan and Three Forks
1964 June 1
64148: Interstate Construction East of Reed Point
1964 June 1
64149: Interstate Construction - Laurel, East
1964 June 1
64150: Standard Oil "Custer's Last Stand" Presentation at Museum
64151: Mrs. Babcock at Mansion
1962 June 19
64152: Governor Tim Babcock and Others for Law Day
64153: Governor Tim Babcock with Christmas Card
64154: Mrs. Babcock in Mansion (cooking in the kitchen and setting the table
1962 November 8
64155: Rest Area West of Shawmut on U.S. (Highway) 12
1964 June 4
64156: Indian Caves South of Billings
1964 June 4
64157: Primary Construction on U.S. (Highway) 87 Between Billings and Roundup
1964 June 4
64158: Interstate Construction at Billings
1964 June 4
64159: Floods in Northwestern and Central Montana
1964 June 9
64160: Floods in Northwestern and Central Montana
1964 June 10
64161: Civil Defense Operation in Helena During Flood
1964 June 8
64162: Safety (Department), Flood Pictures
1964 June 9-11
64163: Striping Operation East of Helena
1964 June 3
64164: Safety - Bridge Construction Accident near Superior
1964 June 1
64165: Montana Highway Department Photo Name Plates
64166: Flood Damage - Hardy Creek Bridge
1964 June 17
64167: Flood Damage - Teton River Crossing South of Choteau
1964 June 17
64168: Flood Damage - Deep Creek Crossing South of Choteau
1964 June 17
64169: Flood Damage - Teton River Crossing North of Dutton
1964 June 17
64170: Flood Damage - Bridge North of Bynam
1964 June 17
64171: Flood Damage - Dupuyer Creek Crossing, North of Dupuyer
1964 June 17
64172: Flood Damage - Conrad Canal Crossing North of Dupuyer
1964 June 17
64173: Flood Damage - Birch Creek Crossing on U.S. (Highway) 89
1964 June 17
64174: Flood Damage - East Glacier Water Works
1964 June 18
64175: Flood Damage on U.S. (Highway) 2 West of Summit to Bear Creek
1964 June 18
64176: Montana Bankers Convention at East Glacier
1964 June 18
64177: Flood Damage on (Montana Highway) 49 at Two Medicine Crossing North of East Glacier
1964 June 18
64178: Flood Damage to Curbing on U.S. (Highway) 2 at East Glacier
1964 June 18
64179: Flood Damage at Two Medicine Creek South of Browning on U.S. (Highway) 89
1964 June 18
64180: Bridge Repairs North of Bynum
1964 June 18
64181: Highway Commissioners
1964 June 24
64182: Interstate East of Reed Point
1964 June 24
64183: Interstate Construction - Big Horn Area
1964 June 24
64184: Primary Construction North of Custer
1964 June 24
64185: Interstate Construction - Billings
1964 June 24
64186: Rocky Mountain College - Billings
1964 June 24
64187: Interstate Construction - Belgrade
1964 June 24
64188: U.S. (Highway) 12 - Townsend and Area North
1964 June 24
64189: Interstate Transition - Springdale
1964 June 24
64190: Interstate Transitions - Livingston
1964 June 24
64191: Sorrells, Johnson and American Legion with Safety Light
1964 June 26
64192: Flood Damage on U.S. (Highway) 2 Between West Glacier and Essex
1962 June 25-26
64193: Flood Damage on U.S. (Highway) 2 Between West Glacier and Essex
1964 June 29
64194: St. Ignatius and Mission Mountains
1964 June 30
64195: Higgins Avenue Bridge - Missoula
1964 June 30
64196: Flathead Lake
1964 June 30
64197: Interstate North and South of Brady
1964 July 6
64198: Bridge By-Pass on Teton River South of Brady
1964 July 6
64199: Primary Construction on Montana (Highway) 20 Between Fort Shaw and Simms
1964 July 6
64200: Flood Damage Repair on Montana (Highway) 20 West of Fort Shaw
1964 July 6
64201: Hardy Creek Bridge By-Pass
1964 July 6
64202: Bailey Bridge Erection - Essex
1964 July 6-9
64203: Flathead Lake Lodge
1964 July 3-4
64204: Flood damage repair west of Essex on U.S. (Highway) 2
1964 July 2
64205: Safety Trophy Presented to Governor Tim Babcock by Western Insurance Information Services
1964 July 9
64206: Safety (Department including views of road signs, bridge, roads and fallen rock)
64207: Gross Vehicle Weight (Areas
64208: Right of Way - Conn Parcel, Drummond
1964 July 10
64209: Asphalt Testing Equipment in Lab
1964 July 14
64210: Garrison Interstate - Public Hearing Display
64211: Intersection of U.S. (Highway) 10 and 347 in Belgrade; Aerials
1964 July 14, 16
64212: Interstate Construction - Reed Point
1964 July 16
64213: Interstate Construction - Belgrade to Bozeman
1964 July 16
64214: Permanente Cement Plant - Montana City
1964 July 16
64215: Interstate Construction North of Helena
1964 July 15
64216: Dedication on Montana (State Highway) 43 - Wisdom to Idaho; Ribbon Cutting
1964 July 19
64217: Dedication at Del Bonita - McGrath, Alberta
1964 July 27
64218: Marge Kennett Retirement Party
1964 July 24
64219: Dutton - Interstate Public Hearing Display
1964 July 24
64220: Unloading of Process Camera (Equipment)
1964 July 30
64221: Gross Vehicle Weight (Vehicles
64222: Lewis Chittim
1964 July 31
64223: R. F. Kitchingman
1964 July 29
64224: Montana (Highway) 326 Construction East of Big Fork
1964 August 4
64225: Organite Plant - Sommers
1964 August 4
64226: Primary Construction on U.S. (Highway) 93 near Sommers
1964 August 4
64227: Reconstruction of U.S. (Highway) 2 Between Summit and West Glacier
1964 August 4
64228: Interstate Construction at Sweetgrass
1964 August 4
64229: Denney's Underpass on U.S. (Highway) 2 near Essex
1964 August 4
64230: Manwell Pastor, Peruvian Engineer Visits Highway
1964 August 5
64231: Safety (Signs, Roads
64232: Don Winfield
64233: Marge Kennett's Son
1969 July 30
64234: Presentation of Safety Light to Highway Commission by American Legion
1964 July 24
64235: Primary Construction Townsend East on U.S. (Highway) 12
1964 August 11
64236: Interstate Construction East of Belgrade
1964 August 11
64237: Interstate Construction - Manhattan East
1964 August 11
64238: Interstate Construction - Three Forks to Manhattan
1964 August 11
64239: Interstate Construction - (I-90) Homestake Pass to Butte
1964 August 11
64240: Interstate 15 Construction - North of Butte to Elk Park Pass
1964 August 11
64241: Interstate Construction - West of Butte
1964 August 11
64242: Interstate Construction - Opportunity East and West
1964 August 11
64243: Primary Construction - Opportunity
1964 August 11
64244: Greycliff to Reed Point Interstate - Public Hearing Display
1964 August 11
64245: Process Camera Installation (Equipment)
1964 August 6
64246: Gene Pfeiffer
1964 August 13
64247: Interstate Construction - Wolf Creek Canyon
1964 August 17
64248: Interstate Construction East of Alberton
1964 August 17
64249: Interstate Construction - Missoula to Clinton
1964 August 17
64250: Bridge Site at Polson
1964 August 17
64251: Interstate Construction - Scenic Bridge (Spanning Clark Fork at Old Highway 10, Tarkio vicinity (Mineral County, Montana))- West
1964 August 17
64252: U.S. (Highway) 93 and Montana (State Highway) 35 Junction at Polson
1964 August 17
64253: Secondary Construction South of Alberton
1964 August 17
64254: Russell Street Construction - Missoula
1964 August 17
64255: Loading Big Sky Keelboat - Mandan
1964 August 25
64256: Interstate Railroad Overpass East of Bozeman
1964 August 18
64257: Guy Speery , Major in Bozeman 7th Cavalry
1964 August 18
64258: Lima to Red Rock - Public Hearing Display
1964 August 24
64259: Presentation of Uniform Highway Law Report (McPhearson, Johnson, Cromwell, and Buswell)
1964 August 24
64260: Tom Dartman - Machine Operator
1964 August 24
64261: Ed Volmer
1964 August 24
64262: Interior Views of Governor Mansion
1964 August 25
64263: Safety (Vehicle damage
64264: Bozeman -Roundup Parade (Highway Department Entry)
1964 August
64265: Safety (Signs
64266: Interstate Dedication at Bonner
1964 September 4
64267: Bridge Construction East of Missoula (Gary Dees, Bridge Inspector, Missoula)
1964 September 4
64268: Jim Kiethley
1964 September 8
64269: House Chamber and Charlie Russell Painting
1964 September 3
64270: Roger Pruess Gives Painting to Tim and Mike
1964 September 8
64271: Scenes Along West Gallatin River
1964 September 7
64272: Primary Construction South of Ekalaka
1964 September 8
64273: Medicine Rocks State Park South of Baker
1964 September 8
64274: Ed Dalakow (Daliko)
1964 August 19
64275: Safety Department (Car Damage
64276: Demolition of Sherman Hotel - White Sulphur Springs
64277: Gross Vehicle Weight Photos
64278: Public Information Photos (cars and road equipment
64279: Historical Pictures, Helena Main St, 1869 and (Indian woman on horse carrying child in cradle board, 1880)
64280: Higgins Bridge Construction at Missoula
1962 May 2
64281: Gross Vehicle Weight Photos, Pickup Campers
1964 September 8
64282: Anaconda Highway Dedication
1964 September 13
64283: Safety (Traffic Accident
64284: Lewis and Clark Cavern Highway Entrance
1964 August 5
64285: Traffic Sign Display
64286: Safety Photos (Road Closures; Vehicle Damage
64287: President Lyndon B. Johnson, Canadian Prime Minister Lester B. Pearson, and Others - Malmstrom Air Force Base - Great Falls (Columbia River Project - Treaty
1964 September 16
64288: Sulphurous Solution (Lab Images
1964 September 17
64289: New Striping Machines at Shop (Equipment)
1964 September 23
64290: Interstate Construction - Butte Area
1964 September 19
64291: Project Control Boards (Highway Projects)
1964 September 24
64292: Roy Sorrells
1964 September 24
64293: Miscellaneous Construction Scenes
64294: Interstate Dedication at Butte
1964 September 24
64295: Fish Survey
64296: Stock Pass on Ree Property - East of Glendive
1964 September 21
64297: Stock Pass on Debroski Property South of Wibaux
1964 September 21
64298: Stock Pass on Forman Dairy Property - Miles City
1964 September 22
64299: Dedication at Townsend
1964 September 27
64300: Safety (roads, wreck cars
64301: Interstate 15 North of Helena
1964 October 3
64302: Townsend Airport
1964 October 5
64303: U.S. (Highway) 12 - Townsend East
1964 October 5
64304: Forman Dairy - Miles City
1964 October 5
64305: Montana (State Highway) 24 Flowing Wells to Fort Peck
1964 October 5
64306: Rock Creek State Park - Fort Peck Reservoir
1964 October 5
64307: Dedication of Montana (State Highway) 24 at Flowing Wells
1964 October 4
64308: Civil Engineers Meet at Jorgenson's
64309: Public Hearing Display of Columbus
64310: Safety Pictures (Road Closures, Men Working Signs
64311: Right of Way
64312: Gross Vehicle Weight (houses, large trucks, weigh station sign
64313: Old Machinery for Shorty Shope Paintings
1964 October 13
64314: Interstate Construction - Billings, West End
1964 October 14
64315: Interstate Construction Between Billings and Laurel
1964 October 14
64316: Interstate Construction - Laurel
1964 October 14
64317: Interstate Construction - Missoula, East Missoula
1964 October 19
64318: Interstate Construction - Drummond
1964 October 19
64319: Primary Construction - Billings Heights
1964 October 20
64320: Primary Construction U.S. (Highway) 12 White Sulphur Springs - East
1964 October 20
64321: Interstate Construction - Manhattan
1964 October 30
64322: Interstate Construction - Three Forks and Logan
1964 October 30
64323: Right of Way - Cabbage Patch Area
1964 November 4
64324: Right of Way - East of Cabbage Patch
1964 November 4
64325: Construction East of Drummond
1964 November 4
64326: Bass Ponds West of Drummond
1964 November 4
64327: Scenery - West of Drummond - Clark Fork
1964 November 4
64328: Safety (Road Construction Signs
64329: Construction - Pipe in Wolf Creek Canyon
64330: Right of Way
64331: Interstate Construction - Custer to Big Horn
1964 November 5
64332: Primary Construction U.S. (Highway) 10 - Billings
1964 November 5
64333: Secondary Construction Kinsey Area
1964 November 5
64334: Interstate 90 Construction -Butte to Pipestone Pass
1964 November 6
64335: Interstate 15 Construction - Butte to Woodville Hill
1964 November 6
64336: Right of Way
64337: Right of Way
64338: Safety (Vehicle Damage
64339: Safety (Vehicle Damage
1964 November
64340: Right of Way - Tubbs Parcel Missoula, 1015 Rose Street, Missoula, I IG90-2(9)
1964 November
64341: Safety (Overpass, Various Buildings
64342: Right of Way Parcel - Number 6 and 8, Project Number 1 (IG - 90 - 8(5) 433
64343: Safety (Damaged Guardrail; Bridge; Accident Site
64344: Right of Way negotiation - B. Putnam and T. Dartman
1964 December 3
64345: Project Control Boards (Highway Projects)
1964 December 3
64346: Dedication of Nutter Plaque
1964 December 6
64347: Dark Room, Film Hanging Device (Equipment)
1964 December 4
64348: Maintenance Vehicle Blinker Light
1964 November 23
64349: Bridger Canyon Slide
64350: Gross Vehicle Weight (truck carrying timber
64351: Governor Tim Babcock
64352: Gross Vehicle Weight (truck at weigh station carrying large beam
1964 December
64353: Bridge Department at Work
1964 December 21
64354: Highway Users Conference at Jorgenson's
1964 December 18
64355: Burned Truck near Big Timber
1964 December 1
64356: Fred Quinnell Farewell - Testimonial Dinner at Jorgenson's
1964 November 6
65001: Al Leuthold, State Bank Examiner, Swearing in Ceremony
1965 January 4
65002: Governor Tim Babcock and Lieutenant Governor Ted James, Inauguration ceremony
1965 January 4
65003: Sonny Omholt, State Auditor, Swearing in Ceremony
1965 January 4
65004: Safety (Roads
1965 January 1
65005: Blast in Wolf Creek Canyon, Vicinity of Biopipe
1965 January 11
65006: Interstate Looking North From Blast Area
1965 January 11
65007: Deer and Scenery, Sieben Ranch, Wolf Creek Canyon
1965 January 11
65008: Right of Way - Parcels Numbers 19 and 43, Sidney Loop
September 27, 1962
65009: Hydraulics - Alder S. and Ruby R. residence
1965 January
65010: Frost - (State Capitol Grounds - Helena
1965 January 20
65011: Tom Dartman
1965 January 20
65012: Primary Construction U.S. (Highway) 89 - South of Livingston
1965 January 20
65013: Slide Area U.S. (Highway) 89 - 6 Miles South of Livingston
1965 January 20
65014: Interstate 90 Between Three Forks and Manhattan
1965 January 20
65015: Seven Day Fog over Helena
1965 January 20
65016: Interstate 15 Construction Wolf Creek Canyon
1965 January 20
65017: Interstate 15 Construction Overpass Wolf Creek Canyon
1965 January 11
65018: Accounting Office
1965 January 22
65019: Safety - Logging Truck - Highway Truck Wreck near Missoula
1965 January 21
65020: State Advertising Department Facilities and Personnel
1965 January 26
65021: Highway Commissioners
1965 January 26
65022: Driver Training Class with Highway Department Sign Panel - (Helena Senior High and Adult Class (Helena)
1965 January 26
65023: Driver Training Class - Students
1965 January 27
65024: Paul Johnson Farewell to Commissioners Sorrells and Gosman
1965 January 28
65025: Stan Mongrain Working on Traffic Counter (Equipment)
1965 January 28
65026: Governor Tim Babcock, Governor Aronson, Governor Bonner - Meeting
1965 January 2
65027: Missoula Builders Property on Russell Street - Missoula
1965 January 8
65028: Forest Service - Scenery
1965 February 16
65029: Flint Creek Slide on U.S. (Highway) 10A
1965 February 11
65030: Project Control Boards (Highway Projects)
1965 February 15
65031: Right of Way
1965 February 16
65032: Governor Tim Babcock with Commissioners
1965 February 23
65033: Rocks on Interstate 15 - Wolf Creek Canyon
1965 March 3
65034: Construction - Wolf Creek, North of Wolf Creek
1965 March 3
65035: Safety (Roads and Signs
65036: Hydraulics Seminar
1965 March 4
65037: Project Control Boards (Highway Projects)
1965 March 10
65038: Right of Way - Signs Along Euclid Avenue, Helena
1965 March 16
65039: Safety (Personnel, Roads
1965 March 12
65040: Mark Bielenberg
1965 March 1
65041: Montana Senate
1965 March 3
65042: Right of Way - Popish Parcel 39
65043: Senate Presentation to Gerrard
1965 March 6
65044: Right of Way - Cabbage Patch at Drummond (Trailer Court
65045: Jefferson City - Public Hearing Display
1965 February 1
65046: Photo Lab - Operations and Equipment
1965 February 1
65047: Bill Ashton Retirement Dinner at Jorgenson's
1965 March 17
65048: Slide on U.S. (Highway) 89 South of Livingston
65049: Interstate Construction - Wolf Creek Canyon
1965 March 17
65050: Bud Nass
1965 March 23
65051: Vandilinder
1965 March 23
65052: Arnold Swanson
1965 March 24
65053: Alex Blewett
1965 March 24
65054: Stan Halverson
1965 March 24
65055: Traffic Department (Personnel
1965 March 25
65056: Main Street, Helena in 1880
65057: Gross Vehicle Weight (large trucks, Montana Highway Patrol officers, and crane
1965 March 29
65058: Safety (Vehicle Damage, Bridge
1965 March 1
65059: Rocks on Interstate 15 - Wolf Creek Canyon (Rock Slide
1965 April 1
65060: Huge Pipe (Construction) - Wolf Creek Canyon
1965 March 3
65051: Huge Pipe (Construction) - Wolf Creek Canyon
1965 April 1
65062: Project Control Boards (Highway Projects)
1965 April 7
65063: Troy McGee -leaving Highway Department
1965 April 2
65064: World's Fair Exhibit Cars (in Front of Capitol Building
1965 April 8
65065: Right of Way - Ed Courtney Property, Parcel Numbers 8 and 20 - Gallatin County
1965 April 7
65066: Right of Way - State Vs. Lutes, Parcel 34, Project S243(1)
65067: Elected Officials Reception (Capitol Building
1965 January 1
65068: Safety (roads, fallen wall
1965 April 1
65069: Centennial Time Capsule Ceremony
1965 January 1
65070: Completed Secondary (construction) - Two Dot to Lebo Lake
1965 April 12
65071: Primary Construction on U.S. (Highway) 12, Shawmut to Harlowton
1965 April 12
65072: U.S. (Highway) 10 construction project - East of Billings at Billings Heights
1965 April 12
65073: Interstate 90 Construction - South and East of Billings
1965 April 12
65074: Interstate 90 Construction - Belgrade to Bozeman
1965 April 12
65075: Interstate 90 Construction - Manhattan to Belgrade
1965 April 12
65076: Interstate 90 - Public Hearing Display at Warm Springs
1965 April 12
65077: Gold Nugget (Mark Bielenberg)
1965 April 13
65078: Safety (Trucks
65079: Bureau of Public Roads Office in Helena
1965 April 19
65080: Right of Way
65081: Striping Operation Signs
1965 April 20
65082: Secondary Road Construction - East and West of Hall
1965 April 22
65083: Interstate Construction - Drummond
1965 April 22
65084: Right of Way
65085: Slide (Landslide) South of Livingston
1965 April 27
65086: Striping Operation in Helena
1965 April 28
65087: Placing Model of U.S.S. Montana in Capitol Rotunda (Helena
1965 April 27-28
65088: Highway Users Conference Luncheon
1965 April 28
65089: Dean Houseman Retirement Dinner
1965 April 28
65090: Walt Sill Going Away Party
1965 April 23
65091: Blewett and Halvorson with Court Decision
1965 April 26
65092: Martha Hotel Fire in Helena
1965 April 28
65093: Safety Pictures (roads, signs and wrecked car
65094: Interstate 90 - Opportunity
1965 May 3
65095: Interstate 90 Construction, Gregson Interchange
1965 May 3
65096: Interstate 15 Construction - Elk Park Pass to Butte
1965 May 3
65097: Interstate 90 Construction - Homestake Pass to Butte
1965 May 3
65098: Interstate 90 Construction - Homestake Pass to Whitehall
1965 May 3
65099: Proposed Interstate 15 Route South of Boulder
1965 May 3
65100: Carlson Ownership on Missoula - Interstate 90
1965 May 4-5
65101: Moving the Greenough Mansion - Missoula
1965 May 5
65102: Turah Bridge West of Clinton
1965 May 5
65103: Blackfoot River Bridge near Bonner, Interstate 90
1965 May 5
65104: Interstate 90 at Bonner
1965 May 5
65105: Interstate 90 Construction at East Missoula
1965 May 5
65106: Farewell Luncheon for Fred Delano
1965 May 6
65107: Farewell Luncheon for Everett Keeler
1965 May 3
65108: Right of Way
65109: Gross Vehicle Weight (trucks and details of truck
65110: Right of Way
65111: Safety (roads, fallen rock and road construction signs
65112: Interstate 90 Construction, Billings - East
1965 May 12
65113: Lovell Clay Parcel - Billings
1965 May 12
65114: Weschenfelder Parcel at Park City
1965 May 12
65115: Interstate 90 Construction - Bozeman to Belgrade
1965 May 12
65116: Interstate 90 Construction - Manhattan to Belgrade
1965 May 12
65117: Project Control Boards (Highway Projects)
1965 May 12
65118: Interstate 15 Construction - Great Falls -Gore Hill Construction
1965 May 9
65119: Governor Tim Babcock Presentation to Union Oil Company and Kalispell Chamber of Commerce - Charlie M. Russell Award
1965 May 11
65120: Butte to Boulder, Boulder to Elk Park - Public Hearing
1965 May 20
65121: Gross Vehicle Weight (truck carrying large load, and wrecked car
1965 May 27
65122: Safety Department
1965 May 29
65123: Construction on Skalkaho Road - Montana (State Highway) 38, South East of Hamilton
1965 June 2
65124: Interstate 90 Construction - Missoula to Bonner
1965 June 2
65125: Interstate 90 Construction - West of Missoula
1965 June 2
65126: Primary (Highway) 10 A Construction at Drummond
1965 June 2
65127: Interstate 90 Construction at Drummond
1965 June 2
65128: "California Walker" John Stahl, Billie Enright, Larry Wendel and Governor Tim Babcock
1965 June 2
65129: Interstate near Sieben and Wolf Creek Canyon
1965 June 3
65130: Libby Dam and Reservoir Site Along Montana (State Highway) 37
1965 June 5
65131: Yaak River Road (Troy) - Construction
1965 June 5
65132: Emery Parcel North of Troy on U.S. (Highway) 2
1965 June 5
65133: Seventeen Mile Creek, South of Yaak (Troy) - Road Construction
1965 June 5
65134: U.S. (Highway) 2 - Summit to Essex
1965 June 5
65135: Interstate 15 Construction at Great Falls
1965 June 5
65136: First Auto Show in Helena (1913
1965 May 1
65137: Project Control Boards (Highway Projects)
1965 June 8
65138: Safety Department (Vehicle Damage
1965 June 9
65139: Interstate 15 Construction - Wolf Creek North
1965 June 8
65140: Interstate 15 Construction - Wolf Creek Canyon
1965 June 8
65141: Primary Construction on Montana (Highway) 287 North of Wolf Creek
1965 June 8
65142: U.S. (Highway) 2, One Year After the 1964 Flood
1965 June 11
65143: Governor Tim Babcock Being Filmed for National Rifle Association, Willard VanDyke interviewing Tim at Museum
1965 June 17
65144: Public Information
1965 June 21
65145: Clark Canyon Dam
1965 June 22
65146: Interstate 15 near Clark Canyon Dam
1965 June 22
65147: Interstate 15 Construction North of Clark Canyon Dam
1965 June 22
65148: Interstate 15 Construction in Wolf Creek Canyon
1965 June 23
65149: Interstate 15 Construction Wolf Creek - North
1965 June 23
65150: Flood Repair - Deep Creek Crossing on Montana (Highway) 287 South of Choteau
1965 June 23
65151: Wheeler Parcels and other comp. sales (includes following farms: Wheeler, R.A.` McConkey, Kona, Watkins, Krammer, Borahers-Neely, Luckey and Violette)
1965 June 24, 30
65152: Clark Fork River - Bridge East of Nine Mile Creek
1965 June 24
65153: Tucker Smith's Going Away Party - Accounting Department
1965 July 1
65154: Alex Blewett -Sign Damage
1965 June 30
65155: New (State) Department Heads
1965 August 1
65156: State IBM Section at Mitchell Building
1965 June 28
65157: Nass Presents Check to Paul Johnson
1965 June 1
65158: Flag Ladies at Bonner Interstate Job
1965 June 24
65159: Safety Department (Personnel, Roads
1965 June 1
65160: Interstate 90 Construction - Huson West
1965 June 30
65161: Interstate 90 Construction - Tarkio East
1965 June 30
65162: Interstate 90 Construction - Superior East
1965 June 30
65163: Secondary - East of Big Fork
1965 July 9
65164: Primary construction on U.S. (Highway) 2 at Nyack
1965 July 9
65165: Primary construction on U.S. (Highway) 2 at Denney's Underpass
1965 July 9
65166: Weigh Station on Montana (Highway) 209 North of Seeley Lake
1965 July 9
65167: Meeting at Great Northern Tunnel Number 2 - West of Essex
1965 June 11
65168: Great Northern Tunnel Number 2 - West of Essex
1965 July 5-9
65169: Pinnacle Peak West of Essex
1965 July 9
65170: Buildings Along Montana (Highway) 209 South of Kalispell
1965 July 9
65171: Mountain Goats at Salt Lick - East of Essex
1965 July 6
65172: Project Control Boards (Highway Projects)
1965 July 14
65173: Jim Hahn
1965 July 14
65174: Road Grader (Gader) - East of Garrison
1965 June 24
65175: Rest Area - East of Garrison
1965 June 24
65176: Safety Pictures (falled road signs, roads, car wrecks, and unsafe roads
1965 July 12
65177: Sunset - Interstate 90 Madison River Bridge
1965 June 20
65178: Karen Munson at Lobby Tourist Information Center
1965 July 15
65179: Karen Munson at Lobby Tourist Information Center
1965 July 19
65180: Lowell Purdy
1965 July 20
65181: Dedication - Arrow Creek, Secondary Highway
1965 July 25
65182: Governor Tim Babcock in Colorado Gulch
1965 July 21
65183: Traffic Safety Award Presentation to State of Montana - Jorgenson's
1965 July 21
65184: Project Control Boards (Highway Projects) - New Board
1965 July 26
65185: Safety Department (roads with tire tracks, possibly from an accident)
1965 July 28
65186: Carroll College in Helena
1965 July 30
65187: Interstate 90 Construction - Belgrade to Bozeman
1965 July 30
65188: Interstate 90 Construction - Manhattan to Belgrade
1965 July 30
65189: Bozeman, Main Street and North 7th - Construction
1965 July 30
65190: Interstate 90 Construction - Billings
1965 July 29
65191: Primary Construction - Billings Heights
1965 July 29
65192: U.S. (Highway) 87 South of Roundup
1965 July 29
65193: Covered Wagons near Reed Point
1965 August 2
65194: U.S. (Highway) 12 East of White Sulphur Springs
1965 August 2
65195: Primary Construction - Harlowton East
1965 August 2
65196: Fort Logan
1965 August 2
65197: Secondary -South of Two Dot
1965 August 2
65198: Safety Department (Traffic Accident
1965 August 3
65199: Dillon - Public Hearing Display Boards
1965 August 6
65200: Glendive to Fallon - Public Hearing Display Boards
1965 August 8
65201: Ernie Neath Going Away Luncheon
1965 August 9
65202: Safety (Traffic Accident
1965 August 10
65203: Terry Bass
1965 August 6
65204: Interstate 15 Bridge over Prickly Pear Creek - Wolf Creek Canyon
1965 August 12
65205: Safety Department (road and truck carrying large load
1965 August 13
65206: Right of Way
1965 August 10
65207: Project Control Boards (Highway Projects)
1965 August 13
65208: Construction of Highway 2 at Tunnel Creek, near Denny's Underpass
1965 August 18
65209: Safety Department (traffic accidents, roads, road construction and road construction signs
1965 August 13
65210: Rest Area East of Ovando
1965 August 13
65211: Right of Way
1965 August 24
65212: Repair of Slide Highway 2, East of West Glacier
1965 August 18
65213: Highway Research Board, Photogrammetry and Aerial Survey (Personnel
1965 August 18-20
65214: DePew Property
65215: Gross Vehicle Weight (trucks with large and wide loads
1965 August 28
65216: Jack McCarthy
1965 August 26
65217: Governor Tim Babcock and Capitol Tour Guide, William Hanson
1965 August 27
65218: Jack Beckert
1965 August 31
65219: Safety Department (road and road signs
1965 September 3
65220: Project Control Boards (Highway Projects)
1965 September 8
65221: Right of Way
1965 September 7
65222: Shri J.S. Maryn from India - Pat Martin
1965 September 13
65223: Safety Pictures (Vehicle damage
1965 September 12
65224: Board of Regents
1965 September 13
65225: Gross Vehicle Weight (trucks carrying large loads
1965 September 15
65226: Advertising Department
1965 September 15
65227: Vicky Burkart
1965 September 16
65229: Don MacPherson
1965 September 16
65230: Charles Tooe
1965 September 16
65231: Jonas Johnson
1965 September 16
65232: J. Riley Johnson
1965 September 16
65233: Harry Alley
1965 September 15
65234: Governor Tim Babcock and Paul Johnson, Signing of Highway Week Proclamation
1965 September 17
65235: South of Livingston, DePew Property
1965 September 24
65236: Post Card of Lookout Pass
65237: Cliff Thompson's Retirement
1965 August 24
65238: Copy Negatives for Legal Department (flood, Swenson house, roads
1965 October 1
65239: Gold, Agriculture, and Homestead Exhibits at Montana Historical Society Museum
1965 September 30
65240: Safety Department (Signs, Vehicle Damage
1965 October 12
65241: Project Control Boards (Highway Projects)
1965 October 8
65242: Clark Fork River Channel Change - East of Clinton
1965 October 11
65243: Governor Tim Babcock with State Flag (Flag Taken to Viet Nam on Governor's NATO Trip
1965 October 14
65244: Lodge Grass Public Hearing Display
1965 October 20
65245: Detour Curve at Foot Gore Hill - Great Falls
1965 October 23
65246: Governor Tim Babcock and Cow Belles
1965 October 15
65247: De Borgia Public Hearing Display
1965 October 15
65248: Shelby Public Hearing Display
1965 October 15
65249: Elsie Mann Property Right of Way - Great Falls (One Block North of Vaughn Road and 21st Northwest)
1965 October 23
65250: Candid Photos of Public Relations Employees (Personnel
1965 October 17
65251: Billings Interstate Construction Obliques (Aerials)
65252: Delacy Map Exhibit at Montana Historical Society
1965 October 29
65253: Halloween Night at Governor Mansion
1965 October 31
65254: Centennial Train Returns to Billings From World's Fair
1965 November 2
65255: Gross Vehicle Weight (weigh station sign and trucks carrying large loads
1965 November 2
65256: Gross Vehicle Weight, Fairbanks-Morse Scale Damage
1965 November 5
65257: Right of Way
65258: Student Engineers From Montana State University
1965 November 5
65259: Project Control Boards (Highway Projects)
1965 November 8
65260: Safety (traffic accident
1965 November 8
65261: Shorty Shope and Painting
1965 November 9
65262: Margaret Roberts
1965 November 9
65263: Slide at Belt on U.S. (Highway) 89
1965 November 30
65264: Scenes Along Montana (Highway) 287 Between Whitehall and Virginia City
1965 November 18
65265: Safety (car wreck from traffic accident
65266: Interstate 90 Construction - Missoula
1965 November 12
65267: Interstate 90 Construction - Drummond
1965 November 12
65268: Right of Way Appraiser School
1965 December 9
65269: Gold Display at 1st National Bank - Helena
1965 December 7
65270: Traffic Signs in and near Helena Area
1965 November 22
65271: State Warrant for 1892 World's Fair
65272: Lincoln Area Economic Study
1965 December 2
65273: U.S. (Highway) 12, West End of Helena
1965 December 10
65274: Project Control Boards (Highway Projects)
1965 December 13
65275: Early Scene at Lincoln
65276: Appraisers Pictures Along Swan
65277: Safety Department (State Highway Department car, road
1965 December 22
65278: Right of Way
1965 December 22
65279: Montana Float in Rose Parade - Pasadena, California
1965 December 28; 1966 January 2
65280: Governor Tim Babcock Christmas Luncheon
1965 December 23
65281: Helena Highway Shop Operations
1965 December 31
65282: Garden Brothers, Garry and John C. - Bowling Trophies
1965 December 17
65283: Robert's Roost Knives
1965 November 30
65284: Transportation Information System - Materials Inspectors Class
1965 December 14
66001: Project Control Boards (Highway Projects)
1966 January 6
66002: Governor Tim Babcock and U.S. Troops in Viet Nam
66003: Data Processing
1966 January 1
66004: Sanding on MacDonald Pass
1966 January 5
66005: Kinman Right of Way Parcel (Interstate 15) I-15 - Elk Park Flat
1966 January 11
66006: Safety Pictures (traffic accident
1966 January 1
66007: Test Pictures of Spot - O - Matic (Montana State Capital buildings and portraits
1966 January 10
66008: Governor Babcock - Freedom Under God Presentation
1966 January 20
66009: I-90 (Interstate 90) Construction, Whitehall Area
1966 January 5
66010: Ford's Project Report - Parcel Number 33, Sale 16
1966 January 1
66011: Glass Beads - Striping
1966 January 19
66012: Traffic Department
1966 January 20
66013: Safety Department (traffic accident and poor road conditions
1966 January 28
66014: Paul Johnson - Clint Fulkerson - Safety Plaque
1966 January 31
66015: Bureau of Public Roads Personnel
1966 January 31
66016: Paul Johnson and Ed Cowan - Bureau of Public Roads Personnel
1966 January 26
66017: Ken Martello and Painting
1965 November 9
66018: Olympic Luge Sled at Capitol Building - Helena
1966 January 28
66019: Scenery
66020: Dreher, Kalland, Gary Wunderwald - Candid Shots
1966 January 1
66021: Whitefish Winter Carnival
1966 January 18-20
66022: Prickly Pear Canyon bridge(Interstate 15)
1966 February 5
66023: Ed Cowan's Going Away Party at Jorgenson's, Bureau of Public Roads
1966 February 4
66024: Boy Scouts Luncheon with Governor Tim Babcock
1966 February 9
66025: National Security Seminar with Governor Tim Babcock
1966 February 8
66026: IBM Display Data Processing
1966 February 9
66027: Governor Tim Babcock and Paul Johnson, Bill Purvis, Safety Award
1966 February 15
66028: Dillon Delegation at Commission Meeting
1966 February 15
66029: Commissioners
1966 February 16
66030: Safety (traffic accident)
1966 February 18
66031: Project Control Boards (Highway Projects)
1966 February 8
66032: Safety (traffic accident, and wrecked car)
1966 February 28
66033: Jackson Hole Snowmobile Race
1966 February 27
66034: I-15 (Interstate) Construction, Wolf Creek to Craig
1966 April 6
66035: Right of Way Parcels North of Craig
1966 April 6
66036: U.S. (Highway) 12 Between Baker and Miles City
1966 April 10
66037: Mrs. Babcock and Arbor Day Promotion
1966 April 21
66038: Harold F. Weggenman, Purchasing Division
1966 April 21
66039: U.S. (Highway) 12 Between Miles City and Baker
1966 April 14
66040: Construction on U.S. (Highway) 12 West of Plevna
1966 April 14
66041: Safety (Vehicle
1966 April 1
66042: Gross Vehicle Weights (equipment, personnel)
1966 April 20
66043: Snow Plow, Glacier Park
1966 February 18
66044: Safety Council to Governor Tim Babcock - Driver Improvement Plan
1966 February 16
66045: Project Control Boards (Highway Projects)
1965 March 25
66046: Project Control Boards (Highway Projects)
1966 April 8
66047: Jim Patten
1966 April 12
66048: Gross Vehicle Weight (trucks
1966 April 22
66049: Governor Tim Babcock Trip to Wyoming, Snowmobile Race with Governor Hanson
1966 March 1
66050: Safety (road conditions and road construction road signs
1966 April 6
66051: Right of Way - Mount Placer Area
1965 April 9
66052: Dreher's Going Away Party at Jorgenson's
1966 March 22
66053: Centennial Train Commission Meeting at Jorgenson's
1966 April 20
66054: Materials Lab
1966 April 25
66055: Safety (roads
1966 April 29
66056: IBM Section Farewell to John Garden
1966 April 29
66057: Governor Tim Babcock and Tom Collins, Rose Bowl Parade Award
1966 May 3
66058: I-90 (Interstate 90) Construction Homestake, East and West
1966 May 4
66059: I-15 (Interstate 15) Construction Butte North I-15-2(18)131
1966 May 4
66060: I-90 (Interstate 90) Construction Pipestone Hot Springs West
1966 May 4
66061: I-90 (Interstate 90) Construction Whitehall, East and West
1966 May 4
66062: I-90 (Interstate 90) Construction Belgrade - Bozeman
1966 May 4
66063: I-90 (Interstate 90) Construction Manhattan - Belgrade I90-6(14)287
1966 May 4
66064: Secondary Construction - Townsend to Canyon Ferry
1966 May 4
66065: Project Control Boards (Highway Projects)
1966 May 6
66066: Ousel Falls and Area West of Soldier's Chapel
1966 May 22
66067: Rest Area near Avon
1966 May 23
66068: I-90 (Interstate 90) Construction at Billings I90-8(22)444 and I90-8(23)447
1966 May 25
66069: I-90 (Interstate 90) Construction West of Billings
1966 May 25
66070: Primary Construction U.S. (Highway) 12 Between Locate and Plevna
1966 May 25
66071: Construction on Montana (Highway) 287 North of Quake Lake
1966 May 24
66072: Primary Construction on U.S. (Highway) 89 Between Browning and Dupuyer
1966 May 26
66073: Gates of the Mountains - North of Helena
1966 May 27
66074: Sign - Legal Department Images
1966 May 10
66075: Primary Construction on (Highway) 20, Circle - Glendive
1966 May 27
66076: Interstate Construction Superior - East (I90-1(31)54; I90-1(30)50; I90-1(36)48; I90-1(31)54)
1966 June 2
66078: I-90 (Interstate 90) Construction Missoula, West (I90-2(25)95; I90-2(27)103)
1966 June 2
66079: I-90 (Interstate 90) Between Frenchtown and Nine Mile
1966 June 1
66080: Paul Johnson Receives Service Award From Blewett
1966 April
66081: Construction Raynold's Pass to Ennis U.S. (Highway) 287 and 50 (See 66129)
1966 June 4
66082: Materials Lab Pictures
1966 June 10
66083: Driver Improvement Course, Presentation By Governor Tim Babcock (Course graduates receive certificates presented by Governor Tim Babcock)
1966 May 23
66084: Prickly Pear Canyon (Interstate 15
1966 May 28
66085: Construction Bridge (Interstate 15) I-15-4 (29) 227 - Craig North and South - Missouri River
1966 May 28
66086: Black Eagle Dam and Falls - Great Falls, on Missouri
1966 May 30
66087: Project Control Boards (Highway Projects)
1966 June 8
66088: Right of Way Pictures
1966 June 6-20
66089: Roy Gagle Retirement Dinner at Golden Cache
1966 June 17
66090: Construction on U.S. (Highway) 12, Harlowton - Ryegate
1966 July 19
66091: Bowman's Corner
1966 July 20
66092: Construction on U.S. (Highway) 87 - Roundup to Billings
1966 July 19
66093: I-15 (Interstate) Construction - Wolf Creek to Craig
1966 July 20
66094: Construction on U.S. (Highway) 12 - White Sulphur Springs to Harlowton
1966 July 19
66095: I-90 (Interstate 90) Construction - Park City to Laurel
1966 July 19
66096: Last Chance Stampede - Helena
1966 August 6-7
66097: Avalanche Lake - Glacier Park
1966 August 4
66098: Safety Department - Gary Wunderwald (Vehicle) Accident
1966 July 21
66099: Slide South of Dillon - Pipe Organ (Interstate 15
1966 July 7
66100: Highway Department Building
1966 July 7
66101: Construction on U.S. (Highway) 93 - Ronan-Pablo
1966 July 21
66102: Construction on U.S. (Highway) 93 - Polson Bridge
1966 July 21
66103: Project Control
1966 June 6
66104: Don Smail
1966 June 4
66105: Centerline Cover - Highway Building
1966 August 1
66106: Project Control Boards (Highway Projects)
1966 August 4
66107: Safety (roads, signs, street light and large tank
66108: Safety (traffic accident, unsafe road conditions, State Highway department truck, vehicle damage
66109: Paul Johnson
1966 August 4
66110: Safety
1966 July 26
66111: Cardinal Station on Euclid Avenue - Helena
1966 July 19
66112: State Advisory Department Award-Josephine Brooker
1966 August 19
66113: Indian Days at Poplar
1966 August 16
66114: Cooke City Highway, See Also: Beartooth Highway, Number 66127
1966 August 14
66115: Festival of Nations - Red Lodge
1966 August 13-14
66116: Missoula Urban I-90 (Interstate 90) Concrete Cracks
1966 October 17
66117: I-15 (Interstate 15) Great Falls - Central Avenue West, Sun River Bridge
1966 October 9
66118: Bozeman, 7th Avenue and Main
1966 November 1
66119: I-90 (Interstate 90) Bozeman to Manhattan
1966 September 22
66120: I-90 (Interstate 90) Bozeman to Manhattan
1966 July 15
66121: Halloween Night at Governor's Mansion - Helena
1966 October 31
66122: Helena, Business Establishments along Prospect and 11th Avenue
66123: Highway Hostess Bonnie Jo Robbins Answers Letters
66124: Riley Johnson Inspects Highway Movie Film
1966 September 12
66125: Don Devore and Ted James - Lieutenant Governor - Sign Highway Week Proclamation
1966 September 16
66126: Safety (gas tank and road construction)
1966 October 1
66127: Red Lodge, Beartooth Highway, See Cooke City Highway #66114
1966 August 14
66128: Highway Hostess Bonnie Jo Robbins and Visitors
1966 July 15
66129: Construction on Raynold's Pass to Ennis, See Also Number 6681
1966 June 4
66130: Governor Tim Babcock in Elementary School
66131: Project Control Boards (Highway Projects)
1966 September 7
66132: Broadwater Grocery west of Helena
1966 September 20
66133: Project Control Boards (Highway Projects)
1966 October 5
66134: I-90 (Interstate 90) Construction Gregson, East and West
1966 October 10
66135: Marvin Kalland Taking Photos from Aero Commander
1966 October 27
66136: Project Control Boards (Highway Projects)
1966 October 10
66137: Ted James (Lieutenant Governor), Acting Governor
1966 September 2
66138: Weigh Station - Billings Truck Route
1966 October 24
66139: Slide Area on U.S. (Highway) 2 at Nyack
1966 October 12
66140: Safety (road construction and signs
66141: Comparable Sales for Bandman Flat Parcel - Rattlesnake Area - South Edge of Missoula
1966 October 16
66142: Montana State University Group Visits Highway Department
1966 November 15
66143: Project Control Boards (Highway Projects)
1966 November 10
66144: Paul Devine
1966 November 15
66145: Homestake to Butte and Pipestone, I-90 (Interstate 90
1966 November 17
66146: Cattle Drive South of Basin, U.S. (Highway) 91
1966 November 17
66147: Governor Tim Babcock and Ralph Kenyon Viewing Construction of Senate Chambers
1966 December 6
66148: Project Control Boards (Highway Projects)
1966 December 13
66149: American Right of Way Association Group at Carroll College
1966 December 1
66150: Montana State Flag
1966 December 23
66151: Commission Trailer Sales on Euclid Avenue, Helena
1966 December 1
66152: Army National Guard Hanger at Helena
1966 December 22
66153: Skyway Flying Service at Great Falls International Airport
1966 December 23
66154: Governor's Christmas Party for Staff at Jorgenson's
1966 December 19
66155: Miss Montana Leaves Helena for 1967 Rose Bowl Parade
1966 December 29
66156: Airport Hanger for Highway Plane
1966 December 22
66157: Montana Historical Society, Miss Dempsey, Librarian
66158: Snow Plow at Glacier Park
1966 February 1
67001: Rose Bowl Parade and Activities in Pasadena
1966 December 29-1967 January 3
67002: Walt Anderson
1967 February 11
67003: Advertising Department's Million Maps
1967 February 2
67004: Highway Department Open House for State Legislators
1967 January 17
67005: First Lady's Annual Governors' Prayer Breakfast
1967 January 27
67006: Orvin Fjare with Advertising Booth
1967 January 20
67007: Snowmobile Trip to Park, Travel Editors
1967 January 27-28
67008: Lewis Chittim
1967 February 15
67009: Governor Tim Babcock, Bill Korizek, and Larry Mayer, Vocational Education Proclamation
1967 January 20
67010: Project Control Boards (Highway Projects)
1967 January 10
67011: Billings High School Class Visits with Governor Tim Babcock
1967 February 10
67012: Governor Tim Babcock and Representative Wolfe
1967 February 6
67013: Governor Tim Babcock and Robert E. O’Callahan, Civil Defense
1967 January 27
67014: Governor Tim Babcock, Spanish Student and Senator Hibbs' Son
1967 January 20
67015: Governor Tim Babcock Signing Third Bill to Be Signed in - 1967 Legislative Session
1967 January 20
67016: First Lady's Legislative Tea at Governors Mansion
1967 February 15
67017: Paul Johnson
1967 February 1
67018: School of Mines Students Visit Highway Department
1967 March 17
67019: Spring Break-Up on Montana (Highway) 20 and (Highway) 209 near Clearwater Junction
1967 March 22
67020: Photo Lab Operations
1967 April 14
67021: District Employees Meeting at Headquarters
1967 April 17-19
67022: Displays at the Second Annual Travel Clinic at Great Falls
1967 April 19-20
67023: Buffalo Jump Diorama, Charlie Russell Room -(Montana)State Historical Society, Museum
1967 February 1
67024: Big Mountain and Winter Carnival at Whitefish
1967 February 19-20
67025: Lewis Chittim and Alex Blewett
1967 April 25
67026: Leroy Hargrove, Urban Engineer
1967 April 26
67027: Richard Mathews
1967 April 26
67028: Economic Study of Prospect Avenue and 11th Avenue, Helena
1967 May 4
67029: Chalmer Wise Retirement Luncheon
1967 May 3
67031: Charles Stack, New Personnel Director
1967 May 9
67032: Polson Bridge
1967 February 19
67033: Land Board Office Personnel
1967 May 2
67034: Sign Maintenance at Gates of the Mountains Interchange - North of Helena
1967 May 8
67035: Slide South of Livingston
1967 May 13
67036: Paul Porier, Traffic Engineer
1967 May 16
67037: Sign Maintenance at Wolf Creek
1967 May 17
67038: Interstate 94 Construction - Lockwood, East and West
1967 May 16
67039: State Land Board with Governor Tim Babcock
1967 May 18
67040: Jim Keithley
1967 May 23
67041: Interstate 90 Construction - Park City to Laurel
1967 May 23
67042: Lodgegrass to Hardin, Public Hearing
1967 May 24
67043: Interstate 15 at Wolf Creek
1967 May 26
67044: Interstate 15 Construction, Craig North and South
1967 May 26
67045: Interstate 15 Construction at Great Falls
1967 May 26
67046: Right of Way Supervisors Meeting at Helena
1967 May 18
67047: Interstate 15 Bridge at Craig Across Missouri
1967 May 28
67048: Office Partitions - Forest Service, McGaffic Building in Helena
1967 May 31
67049: Construction School - Homer Wheeler
1967 June 5
67050: Jim Burton Presenting Slide Lecture
1967 June 5
67051: Project Control Boards (Highway Projects)
1967 June 6
67052: Lewis Chittim and Grant Myer Plan Statewide Inspection Trip
1967 June 5
67053: Interstate 90 Yellowstone River Bridge, East of Reed Point
1967 June 12
67055: Lewis and Clark Dedication at Camp Disappointment near Cut Bank, Lewis and Clark Trail
1967 June 16
67056: Interstate 90 Construction Superior - East
1967 June 15
67057: Primary Construction - Euclid Avenue, Helena
1967 June 15
67058: Primary Construction - Lolo to Missoula
1967 June 15
67059: Brockton to Poplar - Public Hearing
1967 June 20
67060: Primary Construction Euclid Avenue, Helena
1967 July 10
67061: Scenic Shelter East of Columbus
1967 July 10
67062: U.S. (Highway) 2 East of Kalispell
1967 July 10
67063: Foy's Lake Road West of Kalispell
1967 July 10
67064: Ed Towe, Circle - Historical Society
1967 July 11
67065: Western Governors Conference at West Yellowstone
1967 June 24
67066: Western Governors Conference at West Yellowstone
1967 June 25
67067: Western Governors Conference at West Yellowstone
1967 June 26
67068: Western Governors Conference at West Yellowstone
1967 June 27
67069: Western Governors Conference at West Yellowstone
1967 June 28
67070: Interstate 94 (Interstate 94) - Construction Rosebud County Line East
1967 July 12
67071: Interstate 90 - Park City
1967 July 13
67072: Interstate 90 in Rocky Canyon
1967 July 13
67073: Scenic Views Along Quake and Hebgen Lakes
1967 June 28
67074: Intersections and Traffic Light Controls at Billings
1967 July 10-13
67075: Intersections and Traffic Light Controls at Billings
1967 July 10-13
67076: Intersections and Traffic Light Controls at Billings
1967 July 10-13
67077: Intersections and Traffic Light Controls at Billings
1967 July 10-13
67078: Intersections and Traffic Light Controls at Billings
1967 July 10-13
67079: Intersections and Traffic Light Controls at Billings
1967 July 10-13
67080: Intersections and Traffic Light Controls at Billings
1967 July 10-13
67081: Intersections and Traffic Light Controls at Billings
1967 July 10-13
67082: Intersections and Traffic Light Controls at Billings
1967 July 10-13
67083: Intersections and Traffic Light Controls at Billings
1967 July 10-13
67084: Intersections and Traffic Light Controls at Billings
1967 July 10-13
67085: Intersections and Traffic Light Controls at Billings
1967 July 10-13
67086: Intersections and Traffic Light Controls at Billings
1967 July 10-13
67087: Intersections and Traffic Light Controls at Billings
1967 July 10-13
67088: Intersections and Traffic Light Controls at Billings
1967 July 10-13
67089: Intersections and Traffic Light Controls at Billings
1967 July 10-13
67090: Intersections and Traffic Light Controls at Billings
1967 July 10-13
67091: Intersections and Traffic Light Controls at Billings
1967 July 10-13
67092: Intersections and Traffic Light Controls at Billings
1967 July 10-13
67093: Intersections and Traffic Light Controls at Billings
1967 July 10-13
67094: Intersections and Traffic Light Controls at Billings
1967 July 10-13
67095: Rose Bowl Executive Committee Meets at Frontier Town
1967 July 11
67096: Acting State Highway Engineer - A.W. Jones
1967 July 10
67097: Ed Volmer Receives 35 Year Award
1967 July 7
67098: Yellowstone River Float Trip
1967 July 8
67099: U.S. (Highway) - 87 Great Falls to Havre
1967 July 22
67100: U.S. (Highway) 2 Havre to Malta
1967 July 22
67101: U.S. (Highway) 191 South of Malta
1967 July 22
67102: U.S. (Highway) 2 Malta to Hinsdale
1967 July 23
67103: U.S. (Highway) 2 Hinsdale to Glasgow
1967 July 23
67104: Montana (State Highway) 24 Glasgow to Fort Peck
1967 July 24
67105: Montana (State Highway) 24 Fort Peck to Flowing Wells
1967 July 24
67106: Rest Area on Montana (State Highway) 20 at Flowing Wells
1967 July 24
67107: Montana (State Highway) 20 - Van Norman to Circle
1967 July 24
67108: Montana (State Highway) 20 South - Circle to Glendive
1967 July 24
67109: Interstate 94 (Interstate 94) Yellowstone Bridge - Glendive
1967 July 24
67110: Interstate 94 (Interstate 94) - Glendive to Wibaux
1967 July 24
67111: Montana (State Highway) 7, Wibaux to Baker
1967 July 24
67112: U.S. (Highway) 12 - Baker to Miles City
1967 July 26
67113: Interstate 94 (Interstate 94) - Hysham to Custer
1967 July 26
67114: U.S. (Highway) 87 - Billings to Roundup
1967 July 27
67115: U.S. (Highway) 12 - Roundup to Harlowton
1967 July 27
67116: Primary Construction - Harlowton to White Sulphur
1967 July 27
67117: U.S. (Highway) 12 - Harlowton to White Sulphur
1967 July 27
67118: U.S. (Highway) 12 - White Sulphur to Townsend
1967 July 27
67119: Interstate 94 (Interstate 94) Construction - East of Billings
1967 July 21
67120: Interstate 90 - Laurel to Park City
1967 July 21
67121: Ground Breaking Ceremony Interstate 15 , South of Helena
1967 August 7
67122: Ed Towe Antique Auto Collection Grand Opening
1967 August 5
67123: Right of Way - Montana City to Clancy - Interstate 15
1967 July 31
67124: Right of Way - Montana City - Gold Core Drilling Operations
1967 August 10
67125: Interstate 90 Laurel Construction, East and West
1967 June 12
67126: I-15 (Interstate 15) Construction - Sun River Bridge, Great Falls
1967 June 17
67127: Interstate 15 Wolf Creek Rest Area, "Hungry Bear" Garbage Can
1967 June 22
67128: Interstate 90 - Homestake Pass and Whitehall East
1967 July 17
67129: Project Control Boards (Highway Projects)
1967 June 26
67130: Interstate 15 Construction - Montana City, North and South
1967 August 16
67131: Interstate 15 Construction - Montana City, North and South
1967 August 18
67132: Interstate 15 Construction - Montana City, North and South
1967 August 21
67133: Project Control Boards (Highway Projects)
1967 August 22
67134: Interstate 15 Construction - Montana City, North and South
1967 August 24
67135: Interstate 15 Construction - Montana City, North and South
1967 August 30
67136: Harvest Scenes North of Montana City - Diehl Ranch
1967 August 30
67137: Melvin Wickman Retirement Dinner
1967 August 29
67138: Interstate 15 Construction - Montana City, North and South
1967 September 1
67139: Interstate 15 Construction - Montana City, North and South
1967 September 5
67140: U.S. (Highway) 12 - West of Avon, near Rest Area
1967 September 7
67141: U.S. (Highway) 93 - Polson to Somers, West Shore
1967 September 7, 10
67142: U.S. (Highway) 2 Construction - Bridge at Essex, Middle Fork - Flathead
1967 September 8
67143: Pacific Northwest Travel Association Convention -Glacier Park Lodge, East Glacier
1967 September 7-10
67144: U.S. (Highway) 93 - Polson Bridge
1967 September 10
67145: Interstate 90 - Drummond and East Drummond
1967 September 7
67146: Interstate 90 - Missoula
1967 September 7
67147: Interstate 90 - East Missoula
1967 September 7
67148: Montana City to Clancy - Right of Way Parcels Before Construction
1967 August 2
67149: Interstate 15 Construction - Craig North and South
1967 August 2
67150: Primary Construction - Euclid Avenue, Helena
1967 August 31
67151: Secondary Construction - Manhattan to Central Park
1967 August 31
67152: Interstate 90 Construction - Three Forks, West
1967 August 31
67153: Interstate 15 Construction - Montana City to Clancy, Aerials
1967 August 31
67154: Interstate 15 Construction - Montana City, North and South
1967 September 13
67155: Interstate 15 Construction - Montana City, North and South
1967 September 19
67156: Project Control Boards (Highway Projects)
1967 September 26
67157: Moving of Stickney Creek Bridge
1967 October 3
67159: Interstate 15 - Wolf Creek to Craig
1967 October 4
67160: Moving of Stickney Creek Bridge
1967 October 4
67161: Interstate 90 - Rock Canyon, Bozeman to Livingston
1967 July 20
67162: Project Control Boards (Highway Projects)
1967 July 26
67163: Kermit Anderson, Public Relations Writer
1967 August 15
67164: Civil Defense Equipment at Helena Highway Building.
1967 August 15
67165: Ed Towe Antique Ford Collection, Helena
1967 August 17
67166: Visitors From Peru - Lewis Chittim's Office
1967 August 1
67167: Interstate 15 Construction Progress at Montana City
1967 September 27
67168: Interstate 90 Superior East
1967 September 21
67169: Primary Construction - U.S. (Highway) 93 Missoula - Lolo
1967 September 21
67170: Interstate 15 - Wolf Creek Canyon, near Rest Area
1967 June 22
67171: Interstate 15 - Wolf Creek Rest Area
1967 June 22
67172: U.S. (Highway) 12 - Railroad Overpass East of Helena
1967 October 18
67173: Interstate 15 - Construction Progress at Montana City
1967 October 16
67174: U.S. (Highway) 12 - East Helena Overpass
1967 October 17
67175: Construction - Interstate 15 , Montana City, North and South Aerials
1967 October 17
67176: Project Control Boards (Highway Projects)
1967 October 27
67177: Gross Vehicle Weight - Drummond (Hughes truck overloaded with D-9G Catapiller and Ripper)
1967 October 24
67178: Interstate 15 Construction Montana City, North and South
1967 October 1
67179: Highway Department First Aid Classes
1967 October 31
67180: Robert O'Leary
1967 November 1
67181: Homer Wheeler
1967 November 1
67182: Charles Klimper
1967 November 1
67183: Ross Henry
1967 November 1
67184: Ed Miller
1967 November 1
67185: Andy Sangray - Photo Lab
1967 November 1
67186: Making Flash Plates - Photo Lab - RC-8 Camera
67187: Interstate 15 Construction South of Helena, Montana City North and South
1967 November 15
67188: U.S. (Highway) 12 - Overpass West of East Helena
1967 November 15
67189: Civil Engineer Students Visit Montana Highway Department
1967 November 14
67190: Interstate 15 I-15) Construction -Montana City, North and South
1967 November 16
67191: Central Avenue West - Great Falls
1967 November 15
67192: John J. Leary - Commissioner
1967 November 22
67193: U.S. (Highway) 89 Birch Creek to Browning - Award Winning Highway
1967 November 15
67194: Project Control Boards (Highway Projects)
1967 December 1
67195: Montana (State Highway) 20 West of Lincoln Maintenance Award
1967 November 16
67196: Gross Vehicle Weight (recreational trailer and Xerox truck
1967 September 8
67197: Harold Treadway
1967 July 1
67198: Highway Car Damaged at Materials Lab
1967 March 24
67199: Weigh Station Sign at Drummond
1967 November 17
67200: Rose Bowl Parade, Pasadena
1967 December 1
67201: Big Mountain Ski Area
1967 April 7-9
67202: Interstate 94 - Yellowstone River Bridge at Glendive
1967 November 28
67203: Walt Anderson and Insurance Ballots
1967 November 30
67204: Dean Seler - Miles City
1967 November 29
67205: John Vynk
1967 November 29
67206: Bureau of Public Roads Personnel
1967 December 1
67207: Barbara Reike
1967 December 28
67208: Morris Griffith, Last Bid Letting
1967 December 20
67209: Kermit Anderson
1967 December 20
67210: Highway Department Carpenters
1967 December 20
67211: Morris Griffith Retirement
1967 December 28
67212: Mel Rygg, Office Engineer
1967 December 28
67213: Refresher Shorthand Course at High School
1967 December 14
67214: Gary Wunderwald shows Instamatic to Jim Trankel
1967 December 1
67215: Ed Dalakow and Ruth Martin Retirement
1967 December 1
67216: Processing Personnel
1967 December 1
67217: Interstate 15 Construction, Stickney Creek, North and South
1967 December 8
67218: Project Control Boards (Highway Projects)
1967 December 22
67219: Interstate 15 - Craig, North and South
1967 December 8
68001: Pacific Northwest Travel Association meeting Helena
1968 January 13
68002: Interstate 90 - Turah, East of Missoula
1968 January 17
68003: Construction - Culvert in Missoula
1968 January 17
68004: Dave Holliday
1968 January 15
68005: Business Establishments on U.S.(Highway) 10 and McLeod Street-Big Timber
1968 February 7
68006: Brogan Parcel North of Gardiner (Federal Aid Project) F-217(14)
1968 February 9
68007: Frost Scenes North of Gardiner
1968 February 9
68008: Sign posts on Interstate 90 East of Bozeman, "Breakaway"
1968 February 9
68009: U.S. (Highway) 287 - Bridge at Toston Showing Dangerous Abutment
1968 February 9
68010: U.S. (Highway) 12 Missouri River Bridge at Townsend
1968 February 9
68011: Former Highway Department Chief Engineers
68012: Project Control Boards (Highway Projects)
1968 January 23
68013: Processing Personnel
1968 January 30
68014: Montana Highway Commission
1968 January 30
68015: Alex Blewett, Hal Sterns with New Highway Map
1968 January 29
68016: Dewey Nay and painting
1968 January 30
68017: Construction Worker
68018: Highway Right of Way Reviewers
1968 February 7
68019: Walt Gibson Resigns From Right of Way
68020: Project Control Boards (Highway Projects)
1968 January 10
68021: Safety Features: Guard Rail, Breakaway Signs, Bridge Approach
1968 February 13
68022: Bridger Bowl Ski Area, Bozeman
1968 February 11
68023: Project Control Boards (Highway Projects)
1968 February 26
68024: Materials Personnel Meet at Lab
1968 February 1
68025: Safety Features - Helena to Craig - Interstate 15
1968 February 26
68026: Safety Features - Wolf Creek to Great Falls - Interstate 15
1968 February 29
68027: Bowman's Corner
1968 February 29
68028: Beautification - Interstate 15 - Wolf Creek
1968 February 29
68029: Dearborn River Bridge on U.S. (Highway) 287
1968 February 29
68030: 15th Street Bridge - Great Falls
1968 February 29
68031: Lewis Chittim's Birthday and Klemper's Going Away
1968 February 16
68032: Montana (State Highway) 3 West of Billings Airport
1968 March 5
68033: Traffic Lights on Highway in Billings Heights
1968 March 5
68034: Right of Way Parcels - West of Divide, Montana (State Highway) 43
1968 March 7
68035: Right of Way Parcels - West of Divide, Montana (State Highway) 43 - Irrigation Ditches
1968 March 7
68036: Right of Way Parcels - South of Melrose - U.S. (Highway) 91 - Irrigation Ditches
1968 March 7
68037: Interstate 15 Construction - Montana City North and South
1968 March 6
68038: Damaged Weigh Station South of Darby - U.S. (Highway) 93
1968 March 14
68039: U.S. (Highway) 93 - Location of New Weigh Station South of Missoula
1968 March 14
68040: Rest Area Abuse - Wolf Creek Canyon
1968 March 25
68041: Interstate 15 - Bridge in Wolf Creek Canyon
1968 March 25
68042: Interstate 15 Construction - Montana City to Clancy
1968 March 25
68043: Interstate 94 Bridge Construction - Glendive
1968 March 28
68044: Interstate 15 Construction - Montana City North and South
1968 March 11-21
68045: Right of Way Reviewers School - Helena
1968 February 9
68046: Engineers' Week - Signing with Governor Tim Babcock
1968 February 9
68047: Project Control Boards (Highway Projects)
1968 March 12
68048: Project Control Boards (Highway Projects)
1968 March 26
68049: John Campbell Paintings - 2nd Floor Halls
1968 March 29
68050: Drivers Improvement Class
1968 March 1
68051: Blatnik Commission Pictures
1968 March 26
68052: Employees in Personnel Office, Charles Stack
1968 April 10
68053: Project Control Boards (Highway Projects)
1968 April 10
68054: Interstate 15 Beautification - Capitol Interchange, Before
1968 April 12
68055: Safety School, Safety Department, Driver Improvement
1968 April 25
68056: Construction U.S. (Highway) 93 - South of Missoula - Buck House Bridge
1968 March 14
68057: Nimrod Hot Springs - Interstate 90 Parcel - West of Bearmouth
1968 April 20
68058: Interstate 90 - Parke Parcel West of Bearmouth
1968 April 20
68059: New Brush Cutter in Operation (Equipment), Deep Creek
1968 April 23
68060: Interstate 90 Construction - Three Forks
1968 April 18
68061: Interstate 15 Construction - Montana City to Clancy
1968 April 22
68062: Interstate 15 Construction - Craig North
1968 April 22
68063: Highway Bowling Tournament at Bozeman
1968 April 27-28
68064: Planting Willows Along Prickly Pear Creek - Interstate 15
1968 May 8
68065: Information Center in Great Falls - 10th Ave South - U.S. (Highway) 87 and 89
1968 May 5
68066: Personnel Directors Conference - Helena
1968 April 18
68067: Project Control Boards (Highway Projects)
1968 April 24
68068: Defensive Driving Course for Instructors (Highway Patrolmen)
1968 May 7
68069: Project Control Boards (Highway Projects)
1968 May 8
68070: George Flaherty
1968 May 10
68071: Orvin Fjare
1968 May 14
68072: Jim Kelly, Movie Photographer - Montana State University, Bozeman
1968 May 13
68073: Riley Johnson
1968 May 15
68074: Safety Modification to Dump Trucks
1968 May 20
68075: Primary Construction U.S. (Highway) 310 - Rockvale to Fromberg
1968 May 20
68076: Jack Beckert
1968 May 24
68077: Don Smail
1968 May 27
68078: Ed Miller
1968 May 24
68079: Gene Stetler
1968 May 27
68080: Howard Buswell
1968 May 24
68081: Mountains - Bob Marshall Wilderness - Aerials
1968 May 3
68082: Walt Anderson Going Away Party
1968 May 1
68083: Interstate 15 Construction - Montana City, North and South
1968 May 22-23
68084: County Commissioners Conference on Civil Defense
1968 February 15
68085: Right of Way Negotiation School - Carroll College
1968 February 28-29; 1968 March 1
68086: Ed Miller
1968 May 29
68087: Bridge Construction Accident near Montana City
1968 May 22
68088: Project Control Boards (Highway Projects)
1968 May 28
68089: Project Control Boards (Highway Projects)
1968 June 12
68090: Highway Hostess, Susan Hagler
1968 June 14
68091: Origin and Destination Survey near East Helena
1968 June 18
68092: Interstate 90 - Three Forks and Logan
1968 June 19
68093: Interstate 90 - Logan, Highway Mowing Machine (Operator James Anderson)
1968 June 19
68094: Project Control Boards (Highway Projects)
1968 June 27
68095: Interstate 90 Construction - Rocker, West of Butte
1968 July 9
68096: Interstate 90 - Homestake Pass, East of Butte
1968 July 9
68097: Bridge Department Employees
1968 July 5
68098: Montana (State Highway) 43 - Construction West of Divide
1968 July 19
68099: Interstate 15 Construction - Montana City to Clancy
1968 July 19
68100: Interstate 90 Construction - Butte East Interchange
1968 July 19
68101: Interstate 90, (Interstate) 15 Construction - Butte to Nissler
1968 July 19
68106: Rock Quarry on Interstate 90 - East of Butte
1968 July 25
68107: Project Control Boards (Highway Projects)
1968 July 18
68108: Driver Safety Instructors Receive Trophies
1968 July 5
68109: Intersection U.S. (Highway) 89 and (Highway) 12 - North of White Sulphur Springs
1968 July 30
68110: U.S. (Highway) 12 - Cattle Crossing Seven Miles West of Harlowton
1968 July 30
68111: Completed Primary - 1/2 Mile East of U.S. (Highway) 12 and Montana (State Highway) 296
1968 July 30
68112: Paint Striping near Harlowton - U.S. (Highway) 12
1968 July 30
68113: U.S. (Highway) 12 - South of Townsend
1968 July 30
68114: Interstate 15 - Paving and Scenery near Hardy Creek
1968 August 1
68115: Interstate 90 - Bearmouth East and West Dedication
1968 August 2
68116: Interstate 15 - Construction North of Craig
1968 August 8
68117: Dear Property - Interstate 15 North of Craig
1968 August 8
68118: J. G. Shelter atop Mt. Helena
1968 August 8
68119: Halverson Parcel - Hardin
1968 August 5
68120: Right of Way Parcel East of Hardin
1968 August 5
68121: Interstate 15 Construction - Montana City North and South
1968 August 22
68122: U.S. (Highway) 12 - West of Lolo; John Van Vynck, Maintenance Award
1968 August 30
68123: Montana (Highway) 508 North of Troy; Jim Keithley, Construction Award
1968 August 30
68124: U.S. (Highway) 2 - Malta to Saco; G. E. Flemming, Construction Award
1968 September 3
68125: U.S. (Highway) 12 - Miles City to Baker; Ken Rapp, Construction Award
1968 September 4
68126: U.S. (Highway) 212-310 - Laurel to Rockvale; Bill Woolston, Maintenance Award
1968 September 4
68127: U.S. (Highway) 287 - Ennis to Virginia City; Dick Miller, Maintenance Award
1968 September 10
68128: I-94 (Interstate 94) Construction - Pompey's Pillar to Ballantine
1968 September 4
68129: State Advertising Department's Traveling Exhibit
1968 September 20
68130: Bridge Snooper - Interstate 15 Overpass near Helena
1968 October 23
68131: Interstate 15 - Beautification Project at Capitol Interchange (Helena
1968 September 25
68132: U.S. (Highway) 93 - School Crossing in Lolo
1968 September 26-27
68133: U.S. (Highway) 12 - School Crossings - near Helena, Allison, and Euclid; Euclid and Kessler
1968 September 30
68134: State Board of Institutions
1968 June 10
68135: Data Processing Seminar
1968 July 22-26
68136: Strip Farming South of Park City
1968 July 24
68137: Project Control Boards (Highway Projects)
1968 August 5
68138: Lewis Chittim and Grant Meyer
1968 August 9
68139: Project Control Boards (Highway Projects)
1968 August 12
68140: Gross Vehicle Weight Scalemen and Uniformed Patrolman
1968 August 21
68141: Project Control Boards (Highway Projects)
1968 August 29
68142: Project Control Boards (Highway Projects)
1968 September 16
68143: Interstate 15 Construction - Clancy North and South
1968 September 30
68144: Cooke City Highway, Beartooth - U.S. (Highway) 212
1968 July 30
68145: Project Control Boards (Highway Projects)
1968 October 4
68146: Interstate 15 Construction - Montana City, North and South
1968 October 9
68147: Northern Pacific's Test - Three Unit Truck Transport (Gross Vehicle Weight)
1968 October
68148: Interstate 90 Construction - Cardwell to Milligan Canyon
1968 October 25
68149: Interstate 90 Construction - Milligan Canyon, Junction 287 (I 90-5 (8) 265)
1968 October 25
68150: Interstate 90 Construction - Three Forks East and West (I 90-5(16) 272)
1968 October 25
68151: 1968 Awards Dinner
1968 October 29
68152: Interstate 90 Construction - Overpass Bearmouth West
1968 October 25
68153: Interstate 90 Construction Bearmouth West (Bridge Columns)
1968 October 25
68154: Interstate 90 Rattlesnake Creek - Missoula
1968 October 25
68155: Interstate 90 Water Works Cut - Missoula
1968 October 25
68156: Army Corps of Engineers Test Site at Fort Peck
1968 October 30
68157: U.S. (Highway) 2 Construction - West of Brockton, F-240 (Federal Aid Project)
1968 October 30
68158: Construction Bridge South East of Poplar
1968 October 30
68159: Montana (State) Supreme Court Justices
1968 November 19
68160: Montana) State Legislative Audit Committee
1968 December 2
68161: I-94 (Interstate 94) Construction - Pompey's Pillar to Ballantine
1968 December 2
68162: Montana State) Legislative Council
1968 December 9
68163: Kermit Anderson Birthday Party
1968 December
68164: J.B. Rauch (Right of Way) Retirement
1968 June 20
68165: Interstate 15 Hardy Creek Dedication
1968 October 31
68166: Interstate 15 Stickney Creek Dedication
1968 November 15
68167: Interstate 90 Construction - Bearmouth East and West
1968 September 30
68168: Project Control Boards (Highway Projects)
1968 October 17
68169: Lewis Chittim Addressing Highway Division Engineer
1968 November
68170: Project Control Boards (Highway Projects)
1968 November 6
68171: Student Engineers Day, From Montana State University, Bozeman
1968 November 8
68172: Project Control Boards (Highway Projects)
1968 November 14
68173: Lewis Chittim and Charles Stack
1968 December 23
68174: Interstate 90 Butte, Homestake Pass
1968 July 9
68175: Governor Forrest Anderson's Inaugural Ball
1968 January
69001: 1969 Rose Bowl Parade and Activities
1968 December 27-1969 January 2
69002: Governor Forrest Anderson's Inauguration
1969 January 6
69003: Governor Forrest Anderson's Inauguration, Reception
1969 January 6
69005: Hardy Bridge and Missouri River ice jam, Aerials
1969 January 24
69006: Snowbound Elk near Head of Hound Creek
1969 January 24
69007: Snow Removal Equipment - Great Falls
1969 January 23
69008: Hardy Bridge and Missouri River ice jam, Ground Shots
1969 January 23
69009: Interstate 15 North of Wolf Creek - Winter Travel Scene
1969 January 23
69010: Project Control Boards (Highway Projects)
1969 January 13
69011: Legislative Open House
1969 January 15
69012: Project Control Boards (Highway Projects)
1969 January 24
69013: "Sno-Go" (snow plow) removing snow on Lyndale Avenue, Helena
1969 January 28
69014: Aero Commander 680F (Airplane) at Helena (Regional) Airport
1969 January 29
69015: Electrical Engineers Designing Highway Plans
1969 January 30
69016: Snow Removal in Helena
1969 January 31
69017: Kelsh Plotter and Jack Anthony
1969 February 3
69018: Interstate 15 Construction - Montana City North and South
1969 February 24
69019: Cattle on Interstate 90 - East of Bozeman
1969 February 11
69020: Project Control Boards (Highway Projects)
1969 February 14
69021: Right of Way School
1969 January 17
69022: Engineering Week, High School Students visit Highways Department
1969 February 18
69023: Right of Way Culvert Study, near Ballatine
1969 February 21
69024: Public Hearing - Fox Farm Road and 10th Avenue South, Great Falls
1969 February 21
69025: Project Control Boards (Highway Projects)
1969 February 27
69026: Highway Commissioners
1969 February 25
69027: Interstate 15 6 Miles South Cascade
1969 May 26
69028: Spring Runoff Along Euclid Avenue West to Broadwater, Helena
1969 March 27
69030: Ed Vollmer, Maintenance
1969 April 3
69031: Interstate 15 Construction - Montana City North and South
1969 April 8
69032: Interstate 15 Construction - Montana City North and South - I IG-15-3(8) 177
1969 April 9
69033: Interstate 15 Construction - Clancy North and South - I 15-3 (15) 173
1969 April 9
69034: Interstate 90 Construction - Cardwell to Milligan Canyon - I 90-5 (19) 255
1969 April 9
69035: Interstate 90 Construction - Milligan Canyon to Junction 287 - I 90-5(18) 265
1969 April 9
69036: Interstate 90 Construction - Three Forks East and West - I 90-5(16) 272 and I 90-6 (21) 275
1969 April 9
69037: Interstate 90 Construction - Bozeman North side - I IG 90-6 (22) 305 and I IG 90-6 (23) 304
1969 April 9
69038: Interstate 90 Construction - Bearmouth West - I 90-3 (14) 135
1969 April 9
69039: Palin Parcel - Interstate 90 Bearmouth East
1969 April 9
69040: Interstate 90 Construction - Bearmouth East - I 90-3 (14) 135 U-1
1969 April 9
69041: I-94 (Interstate 94) Construction Glendive East and West - I IG 94-6 (14) 209
1969 April 10
69042: I-94 (Interstate 94) Construction - Terry to Fallon - I IG 94-5 (7) 174
1969 April 10
69043: Hysham Rest Area
1969 April 10
69044: Interstate 15 Construction - Ulm to Gore Hill - I 15-5 (30) 260 U-1
1969 April 12
69045: Interstate 90 Construction - Toluca to Hardin
1969 April 16
69046: Ed Vollmer's Retirement Dinner
1969 April 18
69047: Right of Way - Butte Traffic Accident
1969 April 16
69048: Buck and Charles Stack - Service Awards
1969 March
69049: Marvin Kalland, Gil Warren, Phil Fauven, John Kiscis
1969 March
69050: milepost Board, Don Smail's Office
1969 March 18
69051: Materials Lab Shear Sample
1969 March 12
69052: Service Awards
1969 March 1
69053: Project Control Boards (Highway Projects)
1969 March 18
69054: Project Control Boards (Highway Projects)
1969 March 31
69055: Grover Powers
1969 April 4
69056: Jim Sawyer
1969 April 7
69057: Project Control Boards (Highway Projects)
1969 April 1
69058: H.S. Hanson, Commissioner
1969 April 22
69059: William Kessner, Commissioner
1969 April 22
69060: C.R. Cooney, Commissioner
1969 April 22
69061: Interstate 15 Construction Along Missouri River - near Dearborn River
1969 April 12
69062: Board of Regents
1969 April 15
69063: Boulder North and South Public Hearing
1969 May 1
69064: Project Control Boards (Highway Projects)
1969 May 2
69065: Montana (State Highway) 287 - 6 Miles North of Three Forks
1969 May 5
69066: Intersection at Montana (State Highway) 287 and U.S. (Highway) 10 - West of Three Forks
1969 May 5
69067: Interstate 90 Construction - Park City West - I 90-8 (48) 416 U-1
1969 May 5
69068: Interstate 90 - Laurel
1969 May 5
69069: Interstate 90 - West of Ballantine (milepost 11)
1969 May 6
69070: I-94 (Interstate 94) - Huntley Interchange
1969 May 6
69071: I-94 (Interstate 94) - Hysham Rest Area
1969 May 6
69072: I-94 (Interstate 94) - Looking East Toward Pompey's Pillar (milepost 2042)
1969 May 6
69073: I-94 (Interstate 94) - 2 Miles East of Pompey's Pillar Interchange (looking west)
1969 May 6
69074: I-94 (Interstate 94) - East of Big Horn (milepost 59 1/2 east )
1969 May 6
69075: Meyers Bridge near Hysham - S-367 5
1969 May 6
69076: Construction - Cartersville Bridge - S-259 (4)
1969 May 6
69077: I-94 (Interstate 94) - Sarpy Creek Interchange Looking East
1969 May 6
69078: Highway Maintenance Section House - Forsyth
1969 May 6
69079: Interstate 90 Construction - East of Three Forks I IG 90-6 (21) 275 U-1
1969 May 7
69080: Interstate 90 Homestake Pass - Continental Divide
1969 May 7
69081: Interstate 15 Construction - Clancy North and South - I 15-3 (15) 173 U-1
1969 May 14
69082: District Highway Banquet (at Frontier Town) in Helena
1969 May 20
69083: Drill Rig at Rest Area near Dearborn River (on Fred Deer Ranch)
1969 May 28
69084: Interstate 15 - 6 Miles South of Cascade
1969 May 26
69085: Interstate 90 Construction - Park City West - I 90-8 (48) 416 U-1
1969 May 22
69086: Interstate 15 near Craig, Looking South and North
1969 May 26
69088: Project Control Boards (Highway Projects)
1969 June 3
69089: Helena (Regional) Airport Open House - Highway Display
1969 June 1
69090: I-94 (Interstate 94) East of Big Horn, Looking West (milepost 57)
1969 May 6
69091: Poplar Bridge
1969 June 4
69092: Glendive Bridge I-94 (Interstate 94
1969 June 5
69093: I-94 (Interstate 94) Construction - Glendive East and West - I 94-6 (14) 209 U-1
1969 June 4
69094: I-94 (Interstate 94) Construction - Terry to Fallon I94-5(7) 174 U1
1969 June 5
69095: Poplar Bridge
1969 June 4
69096: Leroy A. Broughton
1969 June 2
69097: Interstate 90 Construction - Three Forks East and West - I IG 90-6 (23) 304 and I IG 90-6 (21) 275
1969 June 14
69098: Interstate 90 Construction - Milligan Canyon to Junction 287 - I 90-5 (18) 265 U-1
1969 June 14
69099: Interstate 90 Construction - Milligan Canyon to Cardwell - I 90-5 (19) 255 U-1
1969 June 14
69100: Interstate 90 Construction - Bearmouth West - I 90-4 (19) 228
1969 June 16
69101: Interstate 90 Construction - Bearmouth East - I 90-3 (14) 135 U-1
1969 June 16
69102: Milk River Flood Area North of Cut Bank
1969 April 2
69103: I-94 (Interstate 94) - West Ballantine Interchange
1969 May 6
69104: I-94 (Interstate 94) - 5 Miles East of Forsyth
1969 May 6
69105: Highways Department) Service Awards
1969 May 12
69106: Capitol Building Flags at Half Mast (Honoring Viet Nam Casualty)- (Helena
1969 June 3
69107: Charlie) Russell Gallery in Great Falls
1969 June 4
69108: Great Falls - 10th Street Bridge
1969 June 4
69109: Project Control Boards (Highway Projects)
1969 June 6
69110: Deer Lodge Public Hearing
1969 June 7
69111: Mixing Paint During Striping Operation Between Whitefish and Columbia Falls
1969 June 17
69112: Bad Rock Canyon - U.S. (Highway) 2 East Columbia Heights
1969 June 17
69113: Andrew W. Nelson III, IBM Corporation - Lecture on communications
1969 May 27
69114: Fox Farm Road Public Hearing Display - Great Falls
1969 May
69115: Neil Avenue North - Benton and Park Avenue Intersection in Helena
1969 June 25
69116: Railroad Crossing at North Benton Avenue in Helena
1969 June 30
69117: Campbell Parcel (Federal Aid Project 63(12)) - St. Ignatius to Pablo
1969 July 1
69118: Campbell Parcel - St. Ignatius to Pablo
1969 July 1
69119: I-90 (Interstate 90) - Bearmouth - West I-90 (3) (14) 135
1969 July 1
69120: Interstate 90 - Missoula Area
1969 July 1
69121: U.S. (Highway) 12 five miles East of Garrison
1969 July 1
69122: Interstate 90 Construction - Hardin East and West - I90-9 (23)498 and I IG 90-9 (18) 489 U-1
1969 July 1
69123: Interstate 90 Construction - Toluca East - I 90-9 (17) 483 U-1
1969 July 1
69124: Interstate 90 Construction - Pinehill to Pryor Creek - I 90-8 (55) 455 U1
1969 July 1
69125: Interstate 90 Construction - Park City West - I 90-8 (48) 416 U-1
1969 July 1
69126: Interstate 90 Construction - Columbus East - I 90-8 (36) 407 U-1
1969 July 1
69127: Interstate 15 Construction - Ulm to Gore Hill - I 15-5 (30) 260
1969 July 1
69128: Perma Curve
1969 July 9
69129: New Butte District Office
1969 July 8
69130: Interstate 90 Construction - Bozeman North side - East - I IG 90-6(23) 304 U-1
1969 July 22
69131: Interstate 90 Construction - Bozeman North side - I IG 90-6 (22) 305 U-1
1969 July 22
69132: Interstate 90 Construction - Three Forks East and West I-90-5 (16) 272 U-1 and I IG 90-6 (21) 275 U-1
1969 July 22
69133: Interstate 90 Construction - Milligan Canyon to Junction 287 I-90-5 (18) 265 U-1
1969 July 22
69134: Interstate 90 Construction - Cardwell to Milligan Canyon I-90-5 (19)255 U-1
1969 July 22
69135: Interstate 15 Construction - Clancy North and South I-15-3 (15) 173 U-1
1969 July 22
69136: Interstate 15 Construction - Montana City North and South I-15-3 (8)177 U-1
1969 July 22
69137: Interstate 90 Construction - Bearmouth West I-90-3 (14) 135 U-1
1969 July 29
69138: Interstate 90 Construction - Bearmouth East I-90-3 (13) 143 U-1
1969 July 29
69139: Interstate 90 Construction - Butte West I-15-2 (22) 123 U1 and I-90-4 (15) 216 U-1
1969 July 29
69140: Butte District Office - New Headquarters
1969 July 29
69141: Interstate 90 - Butte East I-90-5 (19) 255 U-1
1969 July 29
69142: Hilde Construction Company Equipment - Helena to Townsend Construction
1969 July 30
69143: Butte Dedication - East Interchange and (District Office) Headquarters Building
1969 August 2
69144: I-94 (Interstate 94) - Construction Rosebud East I 94-3(23)105
1969 August 1
69145: I-94 (Interstate 94) - Construction Terry West, I 94-5(11)166 U-1
1969 August 1
69146: I-94 (Interstate 94) Construction - Terry to Fallon I IG 94-5 (7)174
1969 August 1
69147: I-94 (Interstate 94) Construction - Glendive East and West, I IG 94-6(14)209
1969 August 1
69148: Interstate 90 Construction - Hardin East and West I-90-9(23)498 and I IG 90-9(18)489
1969 August 1
69149: Interstate 90 Construction - Toluca East I-90-9 (17) 483 U-1
1969 August 1
69150: Interstate 90 Construction - Pinehill to Pryor Creek I-90-8 (55) 455 U-1
1969 August 1
69151: Interstate 90 Construction - Park City West I-90-8 (48) 416 U-1
1969 August 1
69152: Interstate 90 Construction - Columbus East I-90-8 (36) 407 U-1
1969 August 1
69153: Primary Construction - Helena to Townsend
1969 August 1
69154: Rotten Grass Divide Slide west of Lodge Grass
1969 August 1
69155: Slide Area South of Craig on Interstate 15
1969 August 4
69156: Interstate 15 Construction - Ulm to Gore Hill I-15-5 (30) 260 U-1
1969 August 14
69157: Interstate 15 Construction - Ulm, South I-15-5 (45) 255 U-1
1969 August 14
69158: Interstate 15 Construction - Dell to Redrock I-15-1 (42) 23 U-1
1969 August 18
69159: Montana City - North and South
1969 May 15; 1969 June 2
69160: Project Control Boards (Highway Projects)
1969 June 27
69161: Harrison North and South Public Hearing Display
1969 June 30
69162: Florence to Lolo Public Hearing
1969 July
69163: Florence to Hamilton Public Hearing
1969 July
69164: West Yellowstone Public Hearing Display
1969 July
69165: Dillon Public Hearing Display
1969 July
69166: Vaughn North Public Hearing Display
1969 July
69167: Power North and South Public Hearing Display
1969 July
69168: Bozeman - 11th Avenue Public Hearing Display
1969 August
69169: Apex-Brown's Bridge Public Hearing Display
1969 July 15
69170: Superior South and East
1969 July 16
69171: Project Control Boards (Highway Projects)
1969 July 21
69172: Project Control Boards (Highway Projects)
1969 July 31
69173: Northeast of Buck House Bridge - Missoula
1969 July 29
69174: Project Control Boards (Highway Projects)
1969 July 15
69175: Charles M. Russell Museum in Great Falls
1969 August 19
69176: Florence to Missoula
1969 August
69177: Brooks Street in Missoula
1969 August
69178: Glendive Public Hearing Display
1969 August
69179: Dodson Northwest Public Hearing Display
1969 August
69181: Highway Department Picnic
1969 August 22
69182: Interstate 90 Construction - Bozeman North side-East I-IG 90-6(24)304
1969 September 2
69183: Interstate 90 Construction - Milligan Canyon to Junction 287 I 90-5(18)265 U-1
1969 September 2
69184: Interstate 90 Construction - Cardwell to Milligan Canyon I 90-5(19)255 U-1
1969 September 2
69185: Interstate 15 Construction - Jefferson City North and South I 15 -3(22)168 U-1
1969 September 2
69186: Interstate 90 Construction - Bearmouth West I 90-3(14)135 U-1
1969 September 2
69187: Interstate 90 Construction - Bearmouth East I 90-3(13)143 U-1
1969 September 2
69188: Interstate 94 Construction - Glendive East and West I IG 94-6(14)209
1969 September 4
69189: Interstate 94 Construction - Terry to Fallon I IG 94-5(7)174
1969 September 4
69190: Interstate 94 Construction - Terry West I 94-5(11)166
1969 September 4
69191: Interstate 94 Construction - Rosebud East I 94-3(23)105
1969 September 4
69192: Interstate 94 Construction - Rosebud West I 94-3(26)95
1969 September 4
69193: Tongue River South of Interstate 94 Bridge
1969 September 4
69194: Interstate 90 Construction - Columbus East I 90-8 (36) 407
1969 September 5
69195: Interstate 90 Construction - Park City West I 90-8 (48) 416
1969 September 5
69196: Interstate 90 Construction - Hardin East and West I 90-9(23) 498 and I IG 90-9(18) 489
1969 September 5
69197: Interstate 90 Construction - Toluca East I 90-9(17) 483
1969 September 5
69198: Interstate 90 Construction Pinehill - Prior Creek I 90-8(55) 455
1969 September 5
69199: Interstate 15 Construction - Ulm to Gore Hill I 15 -5(30) 260 U-1
1969 September 15
69200: Interstate 15 Construction - Ulm South I 15-5(45) 255 U-1
1969 September 15
69201: Interstate 15 Construction - Montana City East and West
1969 August 17
69202: Interstate 15 Construction - Jefferson City North and South
1969 August 17
69203: Interstate 15 Construction - Montana City North and South
1969 September 9
69204: Interstate 15 Construction - Montana City North and South
1969 September 19
69205: Interstate 15 Construction - Montana City North and South
1969 October 2
69206: Lewis Chittim, State Highway Engineer
1969 October 8
69207: Interstate 94 Construction - Glendive East and West I IG 94-6(14)209
1969 October 7
69208: Interstate 94 Construction - Terry to Fallon I IG 94-5(7)174
1969 October 7
69209: Interstate 94 Construction - Terry West I 94-5(11)166
1969 October 7
69210: Interstate 94 Construction - Rosebud East I 94-3(23)105
1969 October 7
69211: Interstate 94 Construction - Rosebud West I 94-3(26)95
1969 October 7
69212: Filming of Hollywood Movie in Virginia City "Little Big Man"
1969 October 14-15
69213: Montana (State Highway) 287 - West of Ennis
1969 October 15
69214: Ace Kindrick Retirement Pictures
1969 September 26
69215: I 90-2(33)129 U-1 Beavertail Hill East and West Interstate 90
1969 October 21
69216: Interstate 90 Construction - Bearmouth West I 90-3(14)135 U-1
1969 October 21
69217: Interstate 90 Construction - Bearmouth East I 90-3(13)143 U-1
1969 October 21
69218: Clancy Area
1969 October 22
69219: Interstate 15 Construction - Jefferson City North and South I 15-3(22)168 U-1
1969 October 22
69220: Interstate 90 Construction - Cardwell to Milligan Canyon I 90-5(19)255 U-1
1969 October 22
69221: Interstate 90 Construction - Milligan Canyon to Junction 287 I 90-5(18)265 U-1
1969 October 22
69222: Interstate 90 Construction - Bozeman North side - East I IG 90-6(23)304 U1
1969 October 22
69223: Interstate 90 Construction - Columbus East I 90-8(36)407
1969 November 3
69224: Interstate 90 Construction - Park City West I 90-8(48)416
1969 November 3
69225: Interstate 90 Construction - Pine Hill to Pryor Creek I 90-8(55)455
1969 November 3
69226: Interstate 90 Construction - Toluca East I 90-9(17)483
1969 November 3
69227: Interstate 90 Construction - Hardin East and West I 90-9(23)498
1969 November 3
69228: Primary Construction - Townsend to Helena (Federal Area Project) 77(16)
1969 November 3
69229: Compaction Test on Interstate 90 - Columbus East
1969 November 5
69230: Construction Features - Riprap, Fence, Cut and Fill Slopes, Approaches
1969 November 5-7
69231: Glendive - Interstate 94 Dedication
1969 November 7
69232: Culvert Installation and Inspection Interstate 90 - Columbus - East
1969 November 5
69233: Interstate 90 Construction - Columbus - East
1969 November 5
69234: 1969 Awards Banquet
1969 November 17
69235: Interstate 15 - Hardy Creek South, 1969 Construction Awards
1969 November 20
69236: U.S. (Highway) 10 - Bozeman Pass, 1969 Maintenance Awards
1969 November 25
69237: Interstate 15 Construction - Dearborn River North I IG 15-4(39) 229
1969 November 20
69238: Construction Features
1969 November 20
69239: 1969 Service Awards
1969 November 17
69240: Interstate 94 East of Billings
1969 December 1
69241: Interstate 90 Construction - Hardin East and West I IG 90-9(18)489
1969 December 1
69242: Interstate 90 Construction - Toluca East I 90-9(17)483
1969 December 1
69243: Interstate 90 Construction - Park City West I 90-8(48)416
1969 December 1
69244: Interstate 90 Construction - Columbus East I 90-8(36)407
1969 December 1
69245: Interstate 90 Construction - Bozeman North side East I IG 90-6(23)304 U-1
1969 December 1
69246: Interstate 15 Construction - Dearborn River North I 15-4(33)229
1969 December 2
69247: Interstate 15 Construction - Ulm South I 15-5(45)255 U-1
1969 December 2
69248: Interstate 15 Construction - Ulm to Gore Hill I 15-5(30)260
1969 December 2
69249: Interstate 90 Construction - Bearmouth East I 90-3(13)143 U-1
1969 December 2
69250: Interstate 90 Construction - Bearmouth West I 90-3(14)135 U-1
1969 December 2
69251: Interstate 90 Construction - Beavertail Hill East and West I 90-2(33)129 U-1
1969 December 2
69252: Interstate 15 Construction - Dell to Red Rock I 15-1(42)23 U-1
1969 December 2
69253: Interstate 15 Construction - Jefferson City North and South I 15-3(22)168 U-1
1969 December 2
69254: Interstate 15 Construction - Jefferson City North and South - Maronick Equipment
1969 December 3
69255: Interstate 15 Construction - Dearborn River North
1969 December 4
69256: Slide Area South of Craig on Interstate 15
1969 December 4
69257: Interstate 15 Ulm - Gore Hill
1969 December 4
69258: Highway Maintenance Crew - Thompson Falls - Montana (State Highway) 200
1969 December 2
69259: Interstate 90 - West of Bozeman
1969 November 25
69260: Interstate 90 - Beaver Tail Hill East and West - Construction Inspectors
1969 December 3
69261: U.S. (Highway) 93 Missoula to Lolo
1969 December 3
69262: U.S. (Highway) 93 - Gross Vehicle Weight - Weigh Station South Missoula
1969 December 3
69263: Lehman Fox at Work
1969 December 8
69264: Bob Hudnall at Work
1969 December 8
69265: East Helena - Claysoil
1969 December 3
69266: Interstate 15 Construction - Jefferson City North and South I 15-3(22)168 U-1
1969 December 11
69267: Grant Meyer - Bureau of Public Roads
1969 December 11
69268: Interstate 15 Construction - Jefferson City North and South, Cartwright Parcel Fence
1969 December 12
69269: Project Control Boards (Highway Projects)
1969 December 15
69270: Highway (Department) Christmas Party
1969 December 12
69271: Service Awards
1969 August 4
69272: Garry Owen - North and South, Public Hearing Display
1969 August
69273: Cut Bank West, Public Hearing Display
1969 August
69274: Forsyth West, Hysham East and West - Public Hearing Display
1969 August
69275: Interstate 15 Construction - Cascade County Line North - Steel Bridge I 15-5(35)230
1969 August 19
69276: Orbis III Demonstration
1969 August 25
69277: Project Control Boards (Highway Projects)
1969 September 2
69278: Fauvers Parcel, Between Helena and East Helena
1969 September 3
69279: Valier to Cut Bank, Public Hearing
1969 September
69280: Highway Department and Bureau of Public Roads - Signing Financial Memo of Understanding
1969 October 9
69281: Governor's Crime Commission on Narcotics - Seminar in Highway Auditorium
1969 September 5
69282: Governor's Mansion - Helena
1969 September 17
69283: Service Awards
1969 September 22
69284: Railroad Service Commission and Bureau of Public Roads Officials
1969 September 22
69285: Project Control Boards (Highway Projects)
1969 October 1
69286: Project Control Boards (Highway Projects)
1969 October 10
69287: Service Awards
1969 October 14
69288: Project Control Boards (Highway Projects)
1969 October 17
69289: Interstate 90 Model Horseshoe Bend
1969 October 21
69290: Helena to East Helena Public Hearing Display
1969 October 22
69291: Project Control Boards (Highway Projects)
1969 October 30
69292: Capitol Building - Helena, State Buildings
1969 October 31
69293: Public Hearing - Hardin ( F-188 17 1), Libby (F-330 14 1), St. Regis (F-330 14 1)
1969 November 3
69294: Project Control Boards (Highway Projects)
1969 November 7
69295: Engineer Students, Montana State University - Bozeman
1969 November 7
69296: Lewis Chittim, Highway Engineer - Boss of the Year
1969 November 12
69297: Project Control Boards (Highway Projects)
1969 November 24
69298: Construction - Townsend to Helena (F-77 15-16)
1969 June 23-25
69299: Interstate 15 Construction - Montana City, North and South IG 15-3(8) 117 V-1
1969 April 17-May 5
69300: Montana (State Highway) 13 Wolf Point (Award Winning Road)
1969 December 17
69301: Missouri River Bridge, South of Wolf Point
1969 December 17
69302: Public Hearing Display, Wolf Point
1969 December 22
69303: Leroy Hargrove Retirement
1969 December 19
69304: Jefferson City North and South - I 15 3 (22) 168 U1
1969 October 1-2, 9
69305: Dick Larsen Retirement - Bridge Department
1969 September
69306: Vern Gray - Award From Lewis Chittim
1969 August
69307: Montana State) Legislative Council
1969 March 13
70001 : John Crowley, Retirement
1969 December 31
70002 : Survey Seminar, Ira Tillotsen
1970 January 6
70003 : Continuing Education, Graduate Engineers
1970 January 6
70004 : Project Control Boards (Highway Projects)
1970 January 7
70005 : Turbo - Commander Demonstration
1970 January 8
70006 : Governor's Prayer Breakfast
1970 January 10
70007 : Carolyn Nyby - Miss Montana Highways candidate
1970 January 19
70008 : Margaret Ward - Miss Montana Highways candidate
1970 January 19
70009 : Bea Edelman - Miss Montana Highways candidate
1970 January 19
70010 : Lee Knight - Miss Montana Highways candidate
1970 January 13
70011 : St. Ignatius (2 Miles North) F-63(13) - Safety
1970 January 14
70012 : Shirley Lester - Miss Montana Highways candidate
1970 January 15
70013 : Troy Carmichael, Former Highway Engineer (1952)
1970 January 21
70014 : Project Control Boards (Highway Projects)
1970 January 22
70015 : Diane Burt - Miss Montana Highways candidate
1970 January 22
70016 : Connie Thompson - Miss Montana Highways candidate
1970 January 22
70017 : Dorothy D' Avis - Miss Montana Highways candidate
1970 January 22
70018 : Cooke City Historical Marker
1970 January 21
70019 : Highway Users Codes Presented to Governor Anderson by Senator Robert F. Dye
1970 January 27
70020 : Presentation of 1970 Highway Map to Commission
1970 January 27
70021 : Sue Holloron - Miss Montana Highways - 1970
1970 January 29
70022 : Craig Slide Area, Interstate 15
1970 January 30
70023 : Drainage Culvert at Craig Slide
1970 January 30
70024 : Miss Montana Highway Contest
1970 January 29
70025 : Studded Tire Marks on 11th Avenue in Helena
1970 February 2
70026 : Chet Huntley - Chrysler Corporation News Conference
1970 February 16
70027 : Interstate 15 Construction - Dearborn River North
1970 February 18
70028 : Townsend - Helena Road, Construction
1970 February 16
70029 : Montana Highway Commission - Tour of North Dakota Highway Building
1970 February 16
70030 : Montana Highway Commission - Tour of Michigan Highway Building
1970 February 17
70031 : Montana Highway Commission - Tour of New Mexico Highway Building and Capitol
1970 February 18
70032 : Montana Highway Commission - Tour of Boise, Idaho Highway Department Office Buildings
1970 February 20
70033 : Lewis Chittim's Birthday Party
1970 February 13
70034 : Road Log Truck
1970 February 2
70035 : Highway Building and Capitol Building - Helena
1970 February 2
70036 : Public Hearing Display - Wibaux - (F-2 1191)
1970 February 1
70037 : Public Hearing Displays - Sunburst to Canadian Line (I-15-8(20) 379-387); Brady North and South (I-15-7(9) 312-323) and Pershing south (I15 6(9) 311-312)
1970 February 17
70038 : Project Control Boards (Highway Projects)
1970 February 26
70039 : Civil Engineering Class in Photogrammenty at Montana State University, Bozeman
1970 February 26
70040 : Public Hearing Display - Deer Lodge North and South, I-90-3(18)179
1970 March 6
70041 : Project Control Boards (Highway Projects)
1970 March 12
70042 : Public Hearing in East Helena
1970 March 18
70043 : Turbo Commanders at Helena (Regional) Airport
1970 March 25
70044 : Materials Lab
1970 March 18
70045 : Service Awards
1970 March 16
70046 : Interstate 15 - Craig Slide Area
1970 March 25
70047 : MacDonald Pass Route Study
1970 March 31
70048 : Project Control Boards (Highway Projects)
1970 April 2
70049 : Sheltered Workshop in Butte with Advertising Department
1970 April 7
70050 : Interstate 15 Construction - Dearborn River North, I 15-4(33)229 U-3
1970 April 10
70051 : Jack McCarthy
1970 April 13
70052 : Ray Jezicks
1970 April 13
70053 : Project Control Boards (Highway Projects)
1970 April 24
70054 : Miss Montana Highway (Sue Holloron) "Operation Clean-Up"
1970 April
70055 : Service Awards
1970 April 20
70056 : Aero Commander Turbo II N4622E (Airplane
1970 April 23
70057 : Public Hearing Display - Bozeman Pass
1970 April 28
70058 : Interstate 15 Construction - Jefferson City North and South I 15-3(22)168
1970 May 4
70059 : Interstate 15 Construction - Dell to Red Rock I 15-1(42)23 U-1
1970 May 4
70060 : Interstate 90 Construction - Bearmouth East I 90-3(13)143 U-1
1970 May 4
70061 : Interstate 90 Construction - Bearmouth West I 90-3(14)135 U-1
1970 May 4
70062 : Interstate 90 Construction - Beavertail Hill East and West I 90-2(33)129 U-1 and I 90-3(15)132 U-1
1970 May 4
70063 : Interstate 90 Construction - Clinton East and West I 90-2(32)120 U-1
1970 May 4
70064 : Interstate 90 Construction - Frenchtown East and West I 90-2(35)85 U-1
1970 May 4
70065 : Radio Operator, Clara Neely - Missoula
1970 May
70066 : Public Hearing Display - Fort Benton to Havre (Federal aid project 252
1970 May 12
70067 : Robert Bovee - 25 Year Pin
1970 May 18
70068 : Interstate 90 Construction - Hardin East and West and Dunmore West I IG 90-9(18)489 U-1 and I 90-0(23)498
1970 June 2
70069 : Interstate 90 Construction - Toluca East I 90-9(30)483
1970 June 2
70070 : Interstate 90 Construction - Park City West I 90-8(48)416
1970 June 2
70071 : Interstate 90 Construction - Columbus East I 90-8(63)406 U-1
1970 June 2
70072 : Interstate 90 Construction - Columbus West I 90-8(52)396 U-1
1970 June 2
70073 : Interstate 90 Construction - Bozeman North side and East I IG90-6(27)305
1970 June 2
70074 : Interstate 90 Construction - Cardwell to Junction 287 I 90-5(23)255 and I 90-5(24)265
1970 June 2
70075 : Interstate 15 Construction - Jefferson City North and South I 15-3(22)168 U-1
1970 June 2
70076 : Interstate 90 Construction - Frenchtown East and West I 90-2(35)85 U-1
1970 June 1
70077 : Interstate 94 Construction - Rosebud West I 94-3(26)95 U-1
1970 June 3
70078 : Interstate 94 Construction - Rosebud East I 94-3(23)105 U-1
1970 June 3
70079 : Interstate 94 Construction - Prairie County Line West I 94-4(25)153 U-1
1970 June 3
70080 : Interstate 94 Construction - Prairie County Line East I 94-5(12)160 U-1
1970 June 3
70081 : Interstate 94 Construction - Terry West I 94-5(11)166 U-1
1970 June 3
70082 : Interstate 94 Construction - Tongue River Channel Repair- Miles City East and West I 94-4(28)136
1970 June 3
70083 : Channel Erosion on Poplar River at Poplar
1970 June 3
70084 : Interstate 90 Construction - Clinton East and West I 90-2(32)120 U-1
1970 June 1
70085 : Interstate 90 Construction - Beavertail East and West I 90-2(33)129 U-1 and I 90-3(15)132 U-1
1970 June 1
70086 : Interstate 90 Construction - Bearmouth West I 90-3(14)135 U-1
1970 June 1
70087 : Interstate 90 Construction - Bearmouth East I 90-3(13)143 U-1
1970 June 1
70088 : Project Control Boards (Highway Projects)
1970 May 6
70089 : Service Awards ( Robert Bovee, Dean Zinnecken, and Jack Richter)
1970 May 18
70090 : Montana State) Highway Commissioners
1970 May 25
70091 : Radio Operator - Great Falls
1970 May 27
70092 : Fred Wells - Retirement
1970 May 29
70093 : Interstate 15 - Wolf Creek, Rest Area Damage
1970 May 30
70094 : U.S. (Highway) 89 Scenic Turn at Riceville
1970 May 27
70095 : Receiving inventory project camera - Marvin Kalland
1970 April 29
70096 : Project Control Boards (Highway Projects)
1970 June 1
70097 : Montana (State Highway) 200 near Ovando intersection
1970 June 3
70098 : Montana (State Highway) 209 Horses on Highway milepost 40
1970 June 3
70099 : Montana (State Highway) 209 milepost 62 North on Condon
1970 June 3
70100 : Montana (State Highway) 209 milepost 78 Swan Lake
1970 June 3
70101 : Montana (State Highway) 209 milepost 87 Big Fork - Swan Lake
1970 June 3
70102 : Montana (State Highway) 35 at Bigfork
1970 June 3
70103 : U.S. (Highway) 2 East of Kalispell - Median Beautification LSF-1-257 (2)
1970 June 3
70104 : Secondary Roads (Montana Secondary Highway) 382 - South of Lone Pine
1970 June 4
70105 : Secondary Road (Montana Secondary Highway) 382 and Montana (State Highway) 200 Junction - near Perma
1970 June 4
70106 : Montana (State Highway) 200 - Perma Curves - (Federal Aid Project) F-186 (7)
1970 June 4
70107 : Montana (State Highway) 200 West of Dixon, milepost 103
1970 June 4
70108 : Interstate 90 - Van Buren Street Interchange at Missoula
1970 June 5
70109 : Interstate 90 - Quartz Flat Rest Area near Superior
1970 June 5
70110 : U.S. (Highway) 93 - Lolo to Missoula - Four Lane and Weigh Station
1970 June 5
70111 : Susan Hagler, Information Booth
1970 June 9
70112 : Radio Operator, Helena - Peggie King
1970 June 9
70113 : Interstate 15 Construction - Dell to Red Rock I 15-1(42)23 U-1
1970 June 5
70114 : U.S. (Highway) 287 Quake Lake Flood Damage
1970 June 10
70115 : Core Samples From 1st Avenue North Bridge, Great Falls
1970 June 11
70116 : U.S. (Highway) 287 Quake Lake Flood Damage, Ground Pictures
1970 June 11-12
70117 : U.S. (Highway) 287 Quake Lake Flood Damage
1970 June 15
70118 : Demolays Serving Coffee at Rest Area
1970 May 30
70119 : Public Hearing Display - Big Timber to Greycliff
1970 June 8
70120 : U.S. (Highway) 287 Quake Lake Flood Damage
1970 June 17
70121 : Jefferson City North and South I 15-3(22)168 U-1
1970 June 2-18
70122 : Interstate 90 Construction -Hardin East and West and Dunmore West I IG90-9(18)489 U1 and I 90-9(23)498
1970 July 7
70123 : Interstate 90 Construction -Toluca - East I 90-9(30)483
1970 July 7
70124 : Interstate 90 Construction - Pryor Creek Interchange
1970 July 7
70125 : Interstate 90 Construction - Columbus to Park City I 90-8(60)410
1970 July 7
70126 : Interstate 90 Construction - Columbus East I 90-8(36)407 U-1
1970 July 7
70127 : Interstate 90 Construction - Columbus West I 90-8(52)396 U-1
1970 July 7
70128 : Slide near Mission Interchange
1970 July 7
70129 : Interstate 90 Construction - Bozeman North side to East I IG 90-6(23) 304 U-1
1970 July 7
70130 : Interstate 90 Construction Cardwell to Junction 287 I 90-5(23)255 and I 90-5(24)265
1970 July 7
70131 : Interstate 15 Craig Slide
1970 July 8
70132 : Interstate 15 Construction - Dearborn River North I 15-4(33)229 U-1
1970 July 8
70133 : Interstate 15 Construction - Ulm South I 15-5(45)255 U-1
1970 July 8
70134 : Interstate 15 Construction - Valier Junction North and South I 15-7(12)331 U-1
1970 July 8
70135 : Interstate 15 Construction - Sunburst South I 15-8(17)369 U-1
1970 July 8
70136 : Slide on U.S. (Highway) 191 at Fred Robinson Bridge
1970 July 9
70137 : Interstate 15 Construction - Dell to Red Rock I 15-1(42)23 U-1
1970 July 20
70138 : Rendering of New Montana Highway Complex
1970 June
70139 : Fallon to Dawson County Line
1970 July 18
70140 : Forsyth East and West
1970 July 18
70141 : Project Control Boards (Highway Projects)
1970 July 21
70142 : Jefferson City North and South I 15-3(22)168 U-1
1970 July 17
70143 : Jefferson City North and South I 15-3(22)168 U-1
1970 July 17
70144 : Skalkaho Pass
1970 July 23
70145 : Golf Tournament - Lewistown
1970 July 25
70146 : Interstate 90 Construction - Bearmouth East I 90-3(13)143 U-1
1970 July 31
70147 : Interstate 90 Construction - Bearmouth West I 90-3(14)135 U-1
1970 July 31
70148 : Interstate 90 Construction - Beavertail East and West I 90-2(33)129 U-1 and I 90-3(15)132 U-1
1970 July 31
70149 : Interstate 90 Construction - Clinton East and West I 90-2(32)120 U-1
1970 July 31
70150 : Interstate 90 Construction - Frenchtown East and West I 90-2(35)85 U-1
1970 July 31
70151 : Lone Mountain Access Road
1970 July 31
70152 : New Core Drill and Truck
1970 July
70153 : Project Control Boards (Highway Projects)
1970 July 30
70154 : Intersections in Great Falls
1970 August 9
70155 : Interstate 90 Construction - Toluca East I 90-9(30)483
1970 August 19
70156 : Hardin East and West and Dunmore West I-IG 90-9 (18) 489 U-1 and I90-9(23) 498
1970 August 19
70157 : Interstate 94 Construction - Rosebud West I-94-3(26)95 U-1
1970 August 19
70158 : Interstate 94 Construction - Rosebud - East I94-3(23)105 U-1
1970 August 19
70159 : Interstate 94 Construction - Prairie County Line West I94-4(25)153 U-1
1970 August 19
70160 : Interstate 94 Construction - Prairie County Line West I94-5(12)160 U-1
1970 August 19
70161 : Interstate 94 Construction - Terry West I94-5(11)166 U-4
1970 August 19
70162 : U.S. (Highway) 93 Pablo to Ronan - Dedication, (Federal aid project) F-63(12)
1970 August 18
70163 : Dan Vogel Parcel Interstate 94 - Huntley to Ballantine
1970 August 19
70164 : Interstate 15 Construction -Sunburst South I 15-8(17)369 U-1
1970 August 26
70165 : Interstate 15 Construction - Valier - Junction North and South I 15-7(12)331 U-1
1970 August 26
70166 : Interstate 15 Construction - Ulm to Gore Hill I-15-5(30)260 U4
1970 August 26
70167 : Interstate 15 Construction - Ulm South I 15-5(45)255 U-1
1970 August 26
70168 : Interstate 15 Construction - Dearborn River North I-15-5(35)230 U-5
1970 August 26
70169 : Craig Slide
1970 August 26
70170 : Interstate 90 Right of Way Parcel - Golden Spike, West of Garrison
1970 August 18
70171 : Garrison to Helena - Public Hearing - F-249 (8) and F-184 (18)
1970 June 19
70172 : Garrison East and West I-IG 90-3 (7) 168 and I-90 -3(2)179
1970 June 19
70173 : Historical Marker Book Presented to Lewis Chittim by Ed Christofferson
1970 June 1
70174 : Clarence "Jake" Stahl, Former Highway Engineer
1970 June 22
70175 : Service Awards
1970 July 20
70176 : Missoula, Reserve Street
1970 August
70177 : Capitol Building - Helena
1970 August 11
70178 : Foreign Diplomatic Group in Helena
1970 August 13
70179 : Right of Way Group
1970 August 19
70180 : Robert O'Leary, Chief Accountant
1970 August 20
70181 : Project Control Boards (Highway Projects)
1970 August 27
70182 : McLeod North and South
1970 August 28
70183 : Bill Jones, Bridge Department
1970 August 31
70184 : Marvin Brackman - Maintenance
1970 August 31
70185 : Service Awards
1970 August 31
70186 : Alberton East and Hudson West (I-90-1 (42)76 and I-90-2(39)78) - Public Hearing Displays
1970 August
70187 : Roundup - Public Hearing Display
1970 August
70188 : Cardwell to Three Forks - Road Dedication
1970 September 4
70189 : Public Hearing Display Missouri River to Wolf Creek F-253 (14)
1970 June 19
70190 : Dating Game Trip to Glacier Park and mountian sheep
1970 August 22-25
70191 : Interstate 15 Construction - Dillon to Apex Road I-15-1(29)64 U-1
1970 September 15
70192 : Interstate 15 Construction - Dell to Red Rock I-15-1(42)23 U-1
1970 September 15
70193 : Homer Wheeler
1970 September 13
70194 : Jack Walsh
1970 September 13
70195 : Dick Wegner
1970 September 13
70196 : Howard Stratton
1970 September 13
70197 : Les Simkins
1970 September 13
70198 : Charles Tode
1970 September 13
70199 : John Prebil
1970 September 13
70200 : Tire Damage, From Survey Stake
1970 September 4
70201 : Foreign Visitors - Mr. Fornan and Mr. Cole
1970 September 18
70202 : Project Control Boards (Highway Projects)
1970 September 29
70203 : Materials Lab - Cylinder Capping Machine (Equipment)
1970 October 2
70204 : Robert O'Leary Retirement Party
1970 October 3
70205 : Interstate 15 Construction - Sunburst South I-15-8(17)369 U-1
1970 October 3
70206 : Interstate 15 Construction - Conrad North and South I IG 15-7(13)323 U-1
1970 October 3
70207 : Interstate 15 Construction - Valier Junction North and South I 15-7(12)331 U-1
1970 October 3
70208 : Gross Vehicle Weight Moves to Highway Complex Site
1970 October 6
70209 : Accounting Personnel on European Tour
1970 October 14
70210 : Interstate 94 - Ballantine (Award Winning Road) looking east milepost 14
1970 October 14
70211 : Interstate 94 Ballantine (Award Winning Road and New Construction) Looking East - milepost 20.5
1970 October 14
70212 : U.S. (Highway) 12 Northwest of Forsyth (Award Winning Road - Maintenance)
1970 October 14
70213 : Materials Lab - Cylinder Capping Machine and Wet Room (Equipment)
1970 October 13
70214 : Ben Brisco Retirement Party
1970 October 17
70215 : Original District Engineers
1970 October 10
70216 : Interstate 94 - near Hysham Rest Area
1970 October 14
70217 : U.S. (Highway) 2 - West Glacier to Red Eagle (Award Winning Highway - Maintenance)-milepost 154.5 to 162.5
1970 October 15
70218 : Montana (State Highway) 209 - Seeley Lake Road South of Summit Lake-milepost 29.5
1970 October 15
70219 : Harold Treadway - 25 Years Service
1970 October 19
70220 : Woodrow McCaskey - 25 Years Service
1970 October 19
70221 : Gross Vehicle Weight Portable Scale
1970 October 21
70222 : Service Awards
1970 October 19
70223 : Highway Department Bus Tour to Bismarck, North Dakota
1970 October 5-7
70224 : Dredge - (water depth check) - Jefferson City (explanation of how water depth check was done, written on negative envelope
1970 October 27
70225 : Annual Awards Dinner
1970 October 27
70226 : New things at Montana Historical Society Archives
1970 October 28
70227 : Project Control Boards (Highway Projects)
1970 October 26
70228 : Slide on Secondary Construction - Belt to Highwood S-198(3)
1970 October 29
70229 : Interstate 90 Construction - Frenchtown East and West I-90-2(35)85 U-1
1970 October 29
70230 : Interstate 90 Construction - Clinton East and West I-90-20(32)120 U-1
1970 October 29
70231 : Interstate 90 Construction - Beavertail East and West I-90-2(23)129 U-1; I-90-3(15)132 U-1
1970 October 29
70232 : Interstate 90 Construction - Bearmouth West I-90-3(14)135 U-1
1970 October 29
70233 : Interstate 90 Construction - Bearmouth East I-90-3(13)143 U-1
1970 October 29
70234 : Interstate 15 Construction - Lima to Dell I-15-1(47)17 U-1
1970 October 30
70235 : Interstate 15 Construction - Dell to Red Rock I-15-1(42)23 U-1
1970 October 30
70236 : Interstate 15 Construction - Dillon Apex Road I-15-1(29)64 U-1
1970 October 30
70237 : Interstate 15 Construction - Jefferson City North and South I-15-3(22)168 U-1
1970 October 30
70238 : Early (issues of) Center Lines, (1938 issues
1970 November 4
70239 : Les Swanson, Former Highway Commissioner
70240 : RC 10 Aerial Camera arrives at Highway Department (Equipment)
1970 November 3
70241 : Student Engineers From Bozeman
1970 November 17
70242 : Interstate 15 - Ulm to Gore Hill Road Dedication
1970 November 18
70243 : Fred Brown, Former Highway District Engineer - Bozeman
1970 November
70244 : Project Control Boards (Highway Projects)
1970 November 23
70245 : Kelsh Plotter Pencil Head (Equipment)
1970 November 24
70246 : Highway Users Conference
1970 November 24
70247 : Project Control Boards (Highway Projects)
1970 December 9
70248 : Anthony M. Verzuh
1970 December 9
70249 : Edwin F. Donovan
1970 December 10
70250 : Clasoil - Beaver Creek Cattle Underpasses and Pipes US (Highway) 12-milepost 5 to 63 (Andy Sangray)
1970 December 8
70251 : G. B. Woodahl
1970 December 10
70252 : Annual Highway (Department) Christmas Party
1970 December 12
70253 : Group picture in Great Falls
1970 November 18
70254 : Interstate 15 - Skid Marks near Cascade
1970 November 18
70255 : Lewis Chittim and New Cars
1970 April 24
70256 : Miss Highways, Sue Hollerson at U.S. (Highway) 287 Meeting at Colonial Club
70257 : Bureau of Public Roads Personnel
1970 May 1
70258 : Project Control Boards (Highway Projects)
1970 December 24
70259 : Service Awards
1970 December
70260 : Tilsey (ca. 1920-1930s
1970 December
70261 : Carson Memorial Park, Lewis and Clark Fairgrounds
1970 March 10
70262 : Jonas Johnson Retirement - Processing Section
1970 November
71001 : Ice jam on Missouri River at Townsend
1971 January 5
71002 : American Right of Way Association School - Carroll College
1971 January 7
71003 : Miss Highway 1971 candidate - Sheri Stephenson
1971 January 14
71004 : Miss Highway 1971 candidate Clarette Lasalle
1971 January 14
71005 : Historical Society Open House for Legislators
1971 January 14
71006 : Jim Lucas and Chet Huntley
1971 January 13
71007 : Maintenance - Trash in Headquarters Garage Area
1971 January 8
71008 : Miss Highway 1971 candidate - Carol Nyby
1971 January 15
71009 : Miss Highway 1971 candidate - Joann Larson
1971 January 15
71010 : Miss Highway 1971 candidate - Shelly Picotte
1971 January 15
71011 : Miss Highway 1971 candidate - Geri McGowan
1971 January 15
71012 : Communications Shop Area at Hanger - Gene Pfeifer
1971 January 15
71013 : Ice on hangers at Airport
1971 January 15
71014 : Bob Kelly
1971 January 22
71015 : Miss Highway 1971 candidate - Leta Hilliard
1971 January 15
71016 : Miss Highway 1971 candidate - Kay Higgins
1971 January 15
71017 : Miss Highway 1971 candidate - Kathy Gailushas
1971 January 15
71018 : Legislative Open House
1971 January 19
71019 : Frontier Town
1971 January 15
71020 : Equal Employment Opportunity Office at corner of Helena and Roberts, Helena, Montana
1971 January 23
71021 : Signing Senate Bill Number 1 - Lieutenant Governor Tom Judge and Senator Dave James
1971 January 21
71022 : Conrad West - Public Hearing Display (S-434-1)
1971 January 28
71023 : Right of Way Rural Appraisers School - Great Falls
1971 February 4
71024 : Truck Accident on Interstate 15 Between Wolf Creek and Cascade
1971 February 4
71025 : Presenting 1971 Highway Map to Governor Anderson
1971 February 2
71026 : Project Control Boards (Highway Projects)
1971 February 8
71027 : Highway Users Propaganda
1971 January
71028 : Project Control Boards (Highway Projects)
1971 January 25
71029 : Gene Rice (Materials)
1971 January 29
71030 : Public Hearing Display - Cascade North and South I 15-5 (40)
1971 February 10
71031 : County Commissioners Conference on Civil Defense
1971 February 17
71032 : Crane Removing Air Raid Siren from Highway Building.
1971 February 18
71033 : Andy Bach Retirement - Right of Way
1971 February 17
71034 : Dan Bartsch - Right of Way
1971 February 17
71035 : Bureau of Public Road Presentations
1971 February 17
71036 : Project Control Boards (Highway Projects)
1971 March 1
71037 : Airplane Wreck on Interstate 90 - East of Drummond
1971 February 26
71039 : Turbo II Commander (Airplane
1971 March 1
71040 : Republican Senators
1971 March 2
71041 : Phil M. Trevor - Data Processing
1971 March 2
71042 : Leo Kottas Jr. - Legal
1971 March 2
71043 : Carl Colbert - Equal Employment Opportunity office
1971 March 2
71044 : Legislative Audit Committee
1971 March 3
71045 : Democratic Senators
1971 March 3
71046 : 11th Annual Governor's Prayer Breakfast
1971 March 6
71047 : Vaughn Interchange Exit
1971 March 9
71048 : Sam Thompson Retirement
1971 March 13
71049 : Legislative Delegation From Dillon - Southwest Montana
1971 March 10
71050 : Altimeters and Swiss Clocks (Equipment)
1971 March 11
71051 : 42nd Legislative Assembly - Senate
1971 March 17
71052 : Golden Spike Parcel (Roger Bennett)
1971 March 18
71053 : Filming of Highway Traffic Movie
1971 March 3
71054 : Video Tape Machine, Camera Closed Circuit TV
1971 March 17
71055 : TV Celebrity Pat Paulsen Visits Montana Senate
1971 March 17
71056 : Project Control Boards (Highway Projects)
1971 March 25
71057 : Lieutenant Governor Tom Judge
1971 March 27
71058 : Joint Democrat - Republican Caucus
1971 March 30
71059 : Interstate 90 Construction - Columbus West I-90-8(52)396 U-1
1971 April 5
71060 : Interstate 90 Construction - Grey Cliff East I-90-7(24)374 U-1
1971 April 5
71061 : St. Regis Public Hearing Display I-90-1(59)35
1971 April 13
71061 : Interstate 90 Construction - Columbus East I-90-8(63)406 U-1
1971 April 5
71062 : Service Awards
1971 April 19
71063 : Ken Morrison
1971 April 19
71064 : Earl Hill
1971 April 19
71065 : Project Control Boards (Highway Projects)
1971 April 23
71066 : Buck Dundas - Safety Award and Bobby Hunter
1971 April 26
71067 : George Vucanovich - Commissioner and Chairman
1971 April 27, May 26
71068 : William Kessner - Commissioner
1971 April 27
71069 : R.E. Coffey - Commissioner
1971 April 27
71070 : Centerline Striping with Yellow Paint
1971 April 28
71071 : Avon Rest Area - U.S. (Highway) 12
1971 April 28
71072 : U.S. (Highway) 12 East of Avon
1971 April 28
71073 : Donald Anderson
1971 May 4
71074 : Donald Gruel
1971 May 4
71075 : Gene Larson
1971 May 4
71076 : Jim O'Donnell
1971 May 4
71077 : Miss Montana Highways - Kay Higgins, Contest Photos
1971 May 5
71078 : Gipe Woodahl Retirement Dinner
1971 May 6
71079 : Frontier Town - near Helena
1971 May 10
71080 : Interstate 94 Construction - Prairie County Line West I 94-4(25)153
1971 May 11
71081 : Interstate 94 Construction - Prairie County Line East I 94-5(12)160
1971 May 11
71082 : Interstate 94 Construction - Terry West, I 94-5(11)166
1971 May 11
71083 : Highway Commission
1971 May 24
71084 : Colonel Robert McKay - Highway Patrol Chief
1971 May 24
71085 : Project Control Boards (Highway Projects)
1971 May 26
71086 : Craig Slide Construction
1971 March 18
71087 : Gerald E. Flemming - Construction Engineer
1971 June 1
71088 : Jefferson City North and South and York Route
1971 July 17, 21, 23-24, August 7
71089 : Montana Capitol Building - Helena
1971 June 2
71090 : Interstate 94 Construction - Forsyth West I IG 94-3 (24) 83
1971 May 25
71091 : Commander Turbo Blade Damage (Airplane
1971 June 11
71092 : Tape Striping on Montana Avenue in Helena
1971 June 17
71093 : Cattle Crossing, Whitehall
1971 June 16
71094 : Nancy Harper - Highway Hostess
1971 June 18
71095 : Project Control Boards (Highway Projects)
1971 June 24
71096 : Interstate 94 Construction - Prairie County Line West, Terry West, Prairie County Line East I 94-4(29)153, I 94-5(11)166 U-5; I 94-5(13)160
1971 June 23
71097 : Interstate 90 Construction - Hardin West and Dunmore West I IG90-9(31)489
1971 June 23
71098 : Interstate 90 Construction - Hardin South I-90-9(32)501
1971 June 23
71099 : Interstate 90 Construction - Columbus West and Columbus East I-90-8(52)396 U-1; I-90-8(63)406 U-1
1971 June 23
71100 : Interstate 90 Construction - Greycliff East and Reed Point West I-90-7(374) U-1; I-90-8(62)388
1971 June 23
71101 : Interstate 90 Construction - Bozeman North side and East I-IG-90-6(27)305
1971 June 23
71102 : Yellowstone River Bridge Site at Sidney - High Water
1971 June 23
71103 : Right of Way Management Course Carroll College
1971 June 25
71104 : Service Awards
1971 June 25
71105 : Kenneth R. Cross - 25 Year Pin
1971 June 25
71106 : Board of Institutions
1971 June 28
71107 : Ross Henry
1971 June 30
71108 : West Gallatin River High Water at Four Corners
1971 June 29
71109 : Quake Lake River Erosion
1971 June 29
71110 : "Dating Game" Couple - Missouri River Cruise, Fort Benton Bridge to Fred Robinson Bridge
1971 June 28-July 3
71111 : Interstate 90 Construction - Beavertail East and West I-90-2(33)129 U-2; I-90-3(15)132 U-2
1971 June 30
71112 : Interstate 90 Construction - Clinton East and West I-90-2(32)120
1971 June 30
71113 : Interstate 90 Construction - Frenchtown East and West I-90-2(35)85 U-1
1971 June 30
71114 : Interstate 90 Construction - Saltese West I-IG 90-1(49)4 U-1
1971 June 30
71115 : Interstate 90 Construction - Lookout Pass East I-90-1(48)0 U-1
1971 June 30
71116 : Photographing Tunnel Number 1, Borax, Burlington Northern Railroad
1971 July 7
71117 : Interstate 15 Construction - Dell to Red Rock I-15-1(42)23
1971 July 12
71118 : Interstate 15 Construction - Dillon to Apex Road I-15-1(29)64
1971 July 12
71119 : Interstate 15 Construction - Apex to Brown's Bridge I-15-1(30)75
1971 July 12
71120 : Bridge on Montana Highway (State Highway) 35 at Big Fork
1971 July 13
71121 : Interstate 15 Construction - Lima to Dell I-15-1(47)17 U-1
1971 July 12
71122 : St. Marks - Equal Employment Opportunity Office
1971 July
71123 : Project Control Boards (Highway Projects)
1971 July 23
71124 : Damaged Turbine Fin on Aero Commander 22E (Airplane) Right Engine
1971 July 29
71125 : Damaged Turbine Fin on Aero Commander 22E (Airplane) Left Engine
1971 August 9
71126 : State - FHWA (Federal Highway Association) - Financial Management Conference at West Yellowstone
1971 August 3
71127 : U.S. (Highway) 212 Busby to Lame Deer
1971 August 5
71128 : Damaged Turbine fins on Aero Commander 22E After Repair
1971 August 9
71129 : Bridge Site at Reed Point East
1971 June 25
71130 : Interstate 90 - Bearmouth East and West
1971 July 26
71131 : Fort Assiniboine
1971 July 26
71132 : Montana Highway Commission
1971 May 24
71133 : Montana Highway Patrol
1971 May 24
71134 : Pipe Organ Rest Area
1971 July 12
71135 : Two Medicine Creek Slide at East Glacier
1971 July 13
71136 : Interstate 90 Construction - Columbus West - I-90-8(52)396 U-1
1971 August 18
71137 : Interstate 15 Construction - Conrad North and South I IG 15-7(13)323 U-1
1971 August 19
71138 : Interstate 15 Construction - Valier Junction North and South I-15-7(12)331 U-1
1971 August 19
71139 : Interstate 15 Construction - Sunburst South I-15-8(17)369 U-1
1971 August 19
71140 : Interstate 90 Construction - Bozeman North Side East I IG 90-6(23)304 U-1
1971 August 18
71141 : Interstate 90 Construction - Big Horn Company Line West (East Section) I-90-8(65)465 U-1
1971 August 18
71142 : Interstate 90 - Hardin
1971 August 18
71143 : Interstate 90 Construction - Hardin South Road I-90-9(32)501
1971 August 18
71144 : Truck Turn-Outs on Montana (State Highway) 287 at Virginia City
1971 August 17
71145 : Lisa Conger, Highway Hostess
1971 August 25
71146 : Interstate 90 Construction - Beavertail East and West I-90-2(33)129 U-1 and I-90-3(15)132 U-1
1971 August 24
71147 : Interstate 90 Construction - Clinton East and West I-90-2(32)120 U-1
1971 August 24
71148 : Interstate 90 Construction - Gold Creek East I-90-3(23)166 U-1
1971 August 24
71149 : Interstate 15 Construction - Helena Hill to Sieben Road I-15-4(44)202
1971 August 24
71150 : Interstate 15 Construction - Dearborn River North I-15-4(33)229 U-1
1971 August 24
71151 : Interstate 90 Construction - Lookout Pass East I-90-1(48)0 U-1
1971 August 24
71152 : Interstate 90 Construction - Saltese West I IG 90-1(49)4 U-1
1971 August 24
71153 : Interstate 90 Construction - Frenchtown East and West I-90-2(35)85 U-1
1971 August 24
71154 : Project Control Boards (Highway Projects)
1971 August 25
71155 : Interstate 90 Construction - Greycliff East I 90-70(24)374 U-1
1971 August 18
71156 : Interstate 90 Construction - Reed Point West I 90-8(62)388
1971 August 18
71157 : Lyvian Richter Retirement - Materials Lab
1971 August 28
71158 : Highway Department Picnic and Retirement Party for Tom Ratchford
1971 August 27
71159 : Virginia City Traffic Study
1971 August 26
71160 : Bootlegger Trail North of Great Falls
1971 September 1
71161 : Great Falls - 10th Avenue South at Valu-Mart
1971 September 1
71162 : Ulysses J. Trahan - Equal Employment Opportunity Office Identification Photo
1971 September 2
71163 : Tom Ratchford, Maintenance Engineer - Retirement Coffee Party
1971 August 31
71164 : Interstate 90 - Cardwell to Three Forks
1971 September 13
71165 : Interstate 90 - Montana City to Clancy
1971 September 13
71166 : Interstate 90 Construction - Divide East of Butte
1971 September 13
71167 : Interstate 90 - Three Forks Overpass
1971 September 13
71168 : Great Falls - 10th Street Bridge Study
1971 September 9
71169 : Interstate 94 Construction - Shirley to Terry, I94-4(29)153 and I94-5(11)166 and I94-5(13)160
1971 September 10
71170 : Lieutenant Governor Tom Judge Visits Oswego Fire Disaster
1971 September 15
71171 : Project Control Boards (Highway Projects)
1971 September 23
71172 : Road Awards - Interstate 90 - Columbus to Park City
1971 September 23
71173 : Helena's - 11th and Montana Intersections
1971 September 29
71174 : Interstate 94 Construction - Forsyth West I IG 94-3(24)83 U-1
1971 September 10
71175 : Road Awards Interstate 90 - Homestake
1971 September 14
71176 : Road Awards Interstate 90 - East of Butte
1971 September 13
71177 : Road Awards Interstate 90 - Cardwell to Three Forks
1971 September 14
71178 : Road Awards Interstate 15 - Montana City to Jefferson City
1971 September 13
71179 : Road Awards Interstate 90 - Columbus to Park City
1971 September 23
71180 : U.S. (Highway) 12 - Busby to Lame Deer
1971 August 5
71181 : Secondary 323 - Alzada to Ekalaka
1971 August 5
71182 : Interstate 94 - East of Billings
1971 August 6
71183 : Damaged Impeller on Aero Commander 22E - Right Engine (Airplane
1971 September 14
71184 : Equipment Fire on Interstate 90 Construction Project - Sieben to Helena Hill
1971 September 1
71185 : Interstate 90 Construction - Frenchtown East and West I 90-2(35) 85 U-1
1971 October 12
71186 : Service Awards
1971 October 12
71187 : Interstate 90 Construction - Garrison -Gold Cree East I 90-3(23) 166 U-1
1971 October 12
71188 : Interstate 90 Construction - Lookout Pass East I-90-1(48)O
1971 October 12
71189 : Interstate 90 Construction - Saltese West I-90-1(49)4 U-1
1971 October 12
71190 : Interstate 15 Construction - Helena Hill to Sieben I-15-4(44)202
1971 October 12
71191 : Interstate 90 Construction - Clinton East and West I-90-2(32)120
1971 October 12
71192 : Interstate 90 Construction - Beavertail East and West; I 90-2(33) 129 U1 and I 90-3(15) 132 U1
1971 October 12
71193 : Paul Devine - Planning Survey
1971 October 14
71194 : Emory Ruterdahl - Right of Way
1971 October 14
71195 : Kenneth Jones - Materials
1971 October 14
71196 : James Sahinen - Consultant Design
1971 October 14
71197 : James Gipe - Pre-Construction
1971 October 19
71198 : Aero Commander 22E - Ice Buildup (Airplane
1971 October 18
71199 : Project Control Boards (Highway Projects)
1971 October 28
71200 : Old Sailing Ship on Montana Highway's
1971 October 29
71201 : Francis Everett Retirement From Pre-Construction
1971 October
71202 : Enlarging Apparatus for Road Log Film
1971 November 8
71203 : Constitutional Convention Committee
1971 November 5
71204 : Dearborn North Bridges Interstate 15
1971 November 8
71205 : Marvin Kalland, Photographer
1971 November 11
71206 : Mine Claim - Montana City
1971 November 15
71207 : Mine Claim - Montana City
1971 November 15
71208 : Mine Claim - Montana City
1971 November 15
71209 : Equal Employment Opportunity Office
1971 November 22
71210 : Constitutional Convention-Opening Ceremony
1971 November 29
71211 : Interstate 15 Construction - Sunburst South I-15-8(17)369 U-1
1971 November 18
71212 : Interstate 15 Construction - Power North and South I-15-6(17)291 U-1
1971 November 18
71213 : Interstate 15 Construction - Conrad North and South I IG 15-7(13)323 U-1
1971 November 18
71214 : Interstate 15 Construction - Valier Junction North and South I 15-7(14)331
1971 November 18
71215 : Snow Tire Research
1971 November 29
71216 : Women Delegates to Constitutional Convention
1971 November 30
71217 : Reserve Street Bridge - Missoula
1971 November 22
71218 : Constitutional Convention Delegates in House Chambers
1971 December 1
71219 : Bootlegger Trail FAS-225 North of Great Falls
1971 December 3
71220 : Project Control Boards (Highway Projects)
1971 October 20
71221 : Safety Director Award
1971 December 15
71222 : Highway Award Banquet
1971 December 14
71223 : Federal Highway Association - Bootlegger Trail AAD 14 (1)
1971 December 3
71224 : Project Control Boards (Highway Projects)
1971 December 22
71225 : Board of Medical Examiners and Examiner's Award
1971 December 14
71226 : Virginia City Tourist Traffic
1971 August 17
71227 : Project Control Boards (Highway Projects)
1971 November 29
71228 : James R. Leary
1971 October 21
71229 : Highway Maintenance Award (Elmer Bianche)
1971 December 2
71230 : Park City - Interstate 90 West
72001 : H. J. Anderson
1972 January 6
72002 : 3rd and 5th Floor Moves
1972 January 11
72003 : Night Shots of Cedar St. Bridge, Star Screen Pattern
1972 January 12
72004 : Aerial 6 X 7 Camera Super Speed and Roll Back (Equipment)
1972 January 10
72005 : Jack A. Holstrom - Identification Picture
1972 January 10
72006 : Communications in Right of Way Acquisition
1972 January 7
72007 : Snow Plow - MacDonald Pass
1972 January 12
72008 : Slash Burning - Boulder Hill
1972 January 6
72009 : Slash Burning - Boulder Hill
1972 January 7
72010 : Constitutional Convention
1972 January 17
72011 : Constitutional Convention Delegates (R.F. Woodmansey, A.D. Wilson, M. Murray, R.B. Roeder, C.B. Aronow, B.E. Berg Jr., E.M. Berthelson, G.W. Rollins, L. Barnard, William Burkhardt, H. Arbanas)
1972 January 17
72012 : Legislative Council
1972 January 18
72013 : Display of 1889 Constitutional Convention
1972 January 19
72014 : Governor and Constitutional Convention Committee
1972 January 19
72015 : Constitutional Convention Presbyterians
1972 January 19
72016 : Superior West Along U.S. (Highway) 10
1972 January 27
72017 : Winter Scenics near Superior
1972 January 27
72018 : Interstate 90 - East of Superior - Winter Shots
1972 January 27
72019 : Quartz Flat Rest Area East of Superior
1972 January 27
72020 : Scenic Bridge East of Superior
1972 January 27
72021 : Constitutional Convention Judicial Committee Meets with Chief Justice Harrison
1972 January 26
72022 : Missouri River ice jam North of Craig
1972 January 28
72023 : Lewis Chittim Going Away Party
1972 February 2
72024 : Appreciation Dinner for Governor Anderson
1972 February 5
72025 : Great Falls District Shop Activities
1972 February 4
72026 : Ice jam on Missouri River North of Craig
1972 February 4
72027 : John McCarthy Retirement Party
1972 January 8
72028 : Project Control Boards (Highway Projects)
1972 January 24
72029 : Glacier County Winter Emergency Situation
1972 February 10
72030 : Slash Burning - Boulder Hill
1972 February 8
72031 : Construction - Boulder Hill North I-15-3(21)162 U-1
1972 February 8
72032 : County Commissioners Conference on Civil Defense (James Womack, Phillip Larry Kincheloe, Alguard, Governor Forrest Anderson)
1972 February 15
72033 : Helena's Maintenance Shop
1972 February 15
72034 : Service Awards
1972 February 10
72035 : Dave Johnson - Pre-Construction
1972 February 17
72036 : Crown Graphic, (Broken Part) (Equipment)
1972 February 16
72037 : Constitutional Convention Committees (including Local Government, Revenue and Finance, Education, Public Lands, Natural Resources, Convention Officers, Judiciary, Public Health, Welfare, Legislative, Executive, General Government, Bill of Rights)
1972 February 23
72038 : Constitutional Convention Delegates in Session
1972 February 25
72039 : Flood at Old Town Three Forks
1972 February 28
72040 : Photolog File Equipment
1972 February 2
72041 : Project Control Boards (Highway Projects)
1972 February 29
72042 : Leon Schneider - Traffic
1972 February 1
72043 : Constitutional Convention Delegates - Sigma Chi Group
1972 March 7
72044 : Scroll Presentation of Charles M. Russell Week By Margaret Warden
1972 March 7
72045 : Miss Indian America at Constitutional Convention
1972 March 7
72046 : John A. Poole - Right of Way Service Award
1972 March 1
72047 : Sverre Olson - Construction Service Award
1972 March 1
72048 : Phil S. Travis - Materials Service Award
1972 March 1
72049 : Slash Burning - Boulder Hill
1972 March 1
72050 : 1972 Western States Safety Supervisors Conference
1972 March 15-16
72051 : 1972 Western States Safety Conference Officers
1972 March 15-16
72052 : Right of Way Appraiser School - Great Falls
1972 February 2
72053 : University Women Association Group - Constitutional Convention Delegates
1972 March 17
72054 : Pierre L. Bacheller - Highway Commissioner
1972 March 28
72055 : Missouri River Flood North of Cascade
1972 January 28
72056 : Project Control Boards (Highway Projects)
1972 March 28
72057 : Interstate 15 Construction - Boulder Hill South I-15-3(20)155 U-1
1972 April 5
72058 : Interstate 15 - Bridges North of Craig
1972 April 18
72059 : Interstate 15 Construction - Boulder Hill North I-15-3(21)162 U-1
1972 April 27
72060 : Interstate 15 Construction - Boulder Hill South I-15-3(20)155 U-1
1972 April 27
72061 : Interstate 90 Construction - Gold Creek East I-90-3(23)166 U-1
1972 April 27
72062 : Interstate 90 Construction - Clinton East and West I-90-2(55)95
1972 April 27
72063 : Interstate 90 Construction - Saltese to West I IG 90-1(49)4 U-1
1972 April 27
72064 : Road Log Truck
1972 April 11
72065 : Governor Office
1972 April 18
72067 : William A. Pentilla - State Fire Marshall
1972 April 19
72068 : Project Control Boards (Highway Projects)
1972 April 24
72069 : Boulder - Helena Road, (ciraca)1916
72070 : Columbus West I-90-8(52)396 U-1 (Gravel Pit Operation)
1972 May 16
72071 : Interstate 90 Construction - Columbus West I-90-8(52)396
1972 May 16
72072 : Project Control Boards (Highway Projects)
1972 May 23
72073 : Interstate 15 Construction - Dillon to Browns Bridge I-15-1(57)85; I-15-1(58)64; I-15-1(59)75
1972 June 5
72074 : Interstate 15 Construction - Melrose South I-15-1(55)87
1972 June 5
72075 : Interstate 90 Construction - Greycliff to Reed Point; I 90-7(24) 374 and I 90-8 (62) 388
1972 May 31
72076 : Truck Accident on U.S. (Highway) 2 near Essex
1972 June 7
72077 : Neil Sullivan Retirement
1972 June 2
72078 : Construction - Boulder Hill
1972 May 31
72079 : Cloud Formations
1972 May 31
72080 : Interstate 94 Construction - milepost 197 East I 94-6(22)197
1972 June 30
72081 : Interstate 94 Construction - Dawson County Line East I 94-6(21)191
1972 June 30
72082 : Flesher Pass Road - Montana (State Highway) 279
1972 June 27
72083 : Project Control Boards (Highway Projects)
1972 June 26
72084 : Interstate 90 Construction - Lookout Pass East I-90-1(48)0
1972 July 7
72085 : Interstate 90 Construction - Saltese West I IG 90-1(49)4
1972 July 7
72086 : Interstate 90 Construction - Clinton Interchange I-90-2(32)166
1972 July 7
72087 : Interstate 90 Construction - Gold Creek East I-90-3(23)166
1972 July 7
72088 : Hanging Tree - Interstate 15 - South of Helena
1972 July 7
72089 : Capitol Interchange - Helena
1972 July 7
72090 : Supreme Court Judges with Girls State
1972 June 8
72091 : Service Awards
1972 July 13
72092 : Hanging Tree - on Interstate 15 - South of Helena
1972 June 28
72093 : Interstate 15 - Rest Area at Jefferson City
1972 June 28
72094 : Interstate 15 - Rest Area at Jefferson City
1972 July 19
72095 : Ice jam on Tongue River at Interstate 94
72096 : Ice jams in Miles City Area
72097 : Ice jams in Glendive Area
72098 : Interstate 15 - Capitol Interchange and Surrounding Area - Helena
72099 : Interstate 90 - Bearmouth Pond Rest Area
1972 July 7
72100 : Interstate 90 - Frenchtown Pond Project- (aerials)
1972 July 7
72101 : Interstate 94 - Glendive- (Aerials)
1972 June 30
72102 : Primary Construction - Montana (State Highway) 37 - Rexford to Libby Dam
1972 August 3
72103 : Robert R. Marvin - Identification Photo
1972 July 19
72104 : Road Awards - Dearborn Bridges
1972 July 18
72105 : Project Control Boards (Highway Projects)
1972 August 1
72106 : Anne Samuelson - 25 Year Award
1972 August 1
72107 : Department of Transportation (personnel including Harold Stewart
1972 August
72108 : Edward N. Stipcich
1972 August 1
72109 : Meander Loops - West of Drummond
1972 August 1
72110 : Buckhouse Bridge and South - Lolo
1972 August 1
72111 : Farm Scene East of Kalispell
1972 August 1
72112 : Capitol - 'Montana' in Flowers - Helena
1972 August 1
72113 : Bearmouth Rest Area
1972 August 1
72114 : Scenic Turnout North of Craig
1972 August 3
72115 : Interstate 90 Construction - Lookout Pass East I-90-1(48)0 U-1
1972 August 10
72116 : Interstate 90 Construction - Saltese West I-IG 90-1(49)4 U-1
1972 August 10
72117 : Service Awards
1972 August 16
72118 : Slide on (Montana State) Highway 49 - North of East Glacier
1972 August 19
72119 : Constitutional Convention-Delegates in session
1972 February 25
72120 : Paul Poirier - Traffic
1972 February 1
72121 : "The Great Seal of the State of Montana"
72122 : Interstate 15 Construction - Boulder Hill North I-15-3(21)162
1972 August 17
72123 : Interstate 15 Construction - Boulder Hill South I-15-3(20)155
1972 August 17
72124 : Interstate 15 Construction - Melrose North and South EMP I-15-2(29)93 EMP I-15-1(55)87
1972 August 17
72125 : Interstate 15 Construction - Dillon to Brown's Bridge I-15-1(58)64 and I-15-1(59)75
1972 August 17
72126 : Interstate 90 - Pine Hill to Pryor Creek
1972 August 21
72127 : Columbus East Rest Area
1972 August 21
72128 : Interstate 90 Construction - Big Horn County Line East I IG 90-9(26)471
1972 August 28
72129 : Interstate 94 - Rest Area at Rosebud, East of Forsyth
1972 August 29
72130 : Montana Highway Directors
1972 July 27
72131 : Montana Highway Patrol Directors
1972 July 27
72132 : Landscaping on East Billings Interchange
1972 August 21
72133 : Route 287 - Madison Valley Area
1972 August
72134 : Route 93 - Buckhouse Bridge Area
72135 : Interstate 94 - Rest Area East of Forsyth (Rosebud)
1972 August 29
72136 : Interstate 15 - Wolf Creek Canyon
1972 September 1
72137 : Interstate 90 - West of Columbus
1972 September 5
72138 : Interstate 90 Construction - Greycliff East and Reed Point West I-90-7(24)374 and I-90-8(62)388
1972 September 5
72139 : Miss Highway 1972 candidate - Kitty Sullivan
1972 August 11
72140 : Miss Highway 1972 candidate - Suzy Curtis
1972 August 11
72141 : Miss Highway 1972 candidate - Judy Matheson
1972 August 11
72142 : Miss Highway 1972 candidate - Laurie Geer
1972 August 11
72143 : Miss Highway 1972 candidate - Patti Ingram
1972 August 11
72144 : Miss Highway 1972 candidate - Betty Payne
1972 August 14
72145 : Miss Highway 1972 candidate - Nancy Richardson
1972 August 14
72146 : Miss Highway 1972 candidate - Annie Beck
1972 August 14
72147 : Miss Highway 1972 candidate - Peg Taylor, Billings
1972 August 14
72148 : Miss Highway 1972 candidate - Mary Ellen Poole
1972 August 11
72149 : Miss Highway 1972 candidate - Connie Westrup
1972 August 11
72150 : Miss Highway 1972 candidate - Pat Bratlien Zanto - Helena
1972 August 11
72151 : Miss Highway 1972 candidate - Sharon Mulcahy
1972 August 14
72152 : Miss Highway 1972 candidate - Ronda Jean Planichek - Bozeman
1972 August 14
72153 : 1972 Miss Montana Highways - Kitty Sullivan and Ceremonies
1972 August 14
72154 : Jay Lalonde - Highway Commissioner
1972 August 1
72155 : Gil Warren - 25 Year Service
1972 August
72156 : Jack Becker - 25 Year Service Award
1972 August
72157 : Vernon "Red" O'Leary - 25 Year Service
1972 August 1
72158 : Howard Buswell - 25 Year Service Award
1972 August 1
72159 : Slide on (Montana State) Highway 49 - North of East Glacier
1972 August 19
72160 : Project Control Boards (Highway Projects)
1972 July 28
72161 : Interstate 90 Construction - Lookout Pass East I-90-1(48)O U-1
1972 September 8
72162 : Interstate 90 Construction - Saltese West I IG 90-1(49)4 U-1
1972 September 8
72163 : Interstate 15 - Road Dedication at Conrad
1972 September 22
72164 : Maintenance Crew Award
1972 September 26
72165 : Miss Highways, Kitty Sullivan at Highways Users Dinner
1972 September 26
72166 : Capitol of Montana -Helena
1972 September
72167 : Paul Erickson - Designer 3, 25 Year Pin
1972 October 13
72168 : Stanley J. Reilly, Mechanic, 30 Year Pin
1972 October 13
72169 : P. E. Thompson, Construction, 25 Year Pin
1972 October 13
72170 : Accident of Pick-Up and Construction Equipment
1972 October 1
72171 : Wolf Creek Canyon - (for Geology Lab)
1972 November 2
72172 : Project Control Boards (Highway Projects)
1972 September 26
72173 : Test Shots with Aerial Oblique Camera
1972 October 25
72174 : Service Awards
1972 October 25
72175 : Service Awards
1972 October 1
72176 : Road Dedication Interstate 15 - North of Great Falls
1972 November 10
72177 : Bank Stabilization - Interstate 15 - North of Craig
1972 December 5
72178 : The Capitol in Fall Colors
1972 November 1
72179 : Boulder Hill - North I-15-3(21)162 U-1
1972 November 21
72180 : Boulder Hill - South I-15-3(20)155 U-1
1972 November 21
72181 : Dillon North I-15-1(49)62 U-1
1972 November 21
72182 : Project Control Boards (Highway Projects)
1972 October 31
72183 : Project Control Boards (Highway Projects)
1972 November 20
72184 : Interstate 90 Construction Big Horn County East and West I-90-9(41)471; I IG 90-9(26) 471
1972 November 22
72185 : Interstate 15 Construction - Brown's Bridge North I-15-1(50)85 U-1
1972 November 21
72186 : Interstate 15 Construction - Melrose North and South I-15-1(55)87 U-1; I-15-2(29)93 U-1
1972 November 21
72187 : Federal Highway Administration
1972 December 8
72188 : Governor Tom Judge
1972 December 15
72189 : Board of Investments - John Prebil Board Member
1972 December 8
72190 : Annual Highway Christmas Party
1972 December 16
72191 : Interstate 94 Construction - Dawson County Line East
72192 : Butte to Boulder
72193 : Constitutional Convention Closing Ceremony
1972 March 24
72194 : Remodeling Darkroom
73001 : Governor Tom Judge
1973 January 5
73002 : Legislative Audit Committee
1973 January 2
73003 : Service Awards
1973 January 15
73004 : Roman Fink, Designer III - 25 Year Service Pin
1973 January 23
73005 : Clarence Farry, Secondary - 30 Year Service Pin
1973 January 23
73006 : Andy Rummel, Traffic - 30 Year Service Pin
1973 January 23
73007 : Roberta Miller, Accounting - 25 Year Service Pin
1973 January 23
73008 : Don Williams, Planning and Research - 30 Year Service Pin
1973 January 23
73009 : Miss Montana, Debra Debiase, Visiting Department of Highways
1973 January 23
73010 : Pavement Test Vehicle
1973 January 31
73011 : Senator Manning and Circle High School Group
1973 January 29
73012 : George R. Knapp, Planning and Research - 25 Year Service Pin
1973 February 6
73013 : Frank Van Winkle, Road Design - 25 Year Service Pin
1973 February 6
73014 : 43rd Legislative Leadership
1973 February 20
73015 : Remodeled Photo Lab and New Equipment
1973 February 26
73016 : Lobby at Colonial Club
1973 February 22
73017 : P.O.W. (Prisoner of War) Lieutenant Commander Rodney Knutson Visits Helena
1973 March 9
73018 : Map at Craig Rest Area
1973 January 5
73019 : Project Control Boards (Highway Projects)
1973 February 20
73020 : Senator Manning and Senior Citizens
1973 March 5
73021 : Interstate 15 - Montana City Interchange
1973 March 8
73022 : Color Schemes for Rest Areas Buildings
1971 September
73023 : Legislative Audit Group
1973 March 9
73024 : Senate Group - Republicans
1973 March 9
73025 : Senate Group - Democrats
1973 March 9
73026 : Project Control Boards (Highway Projects)
1973 January 20
73027 : Project Control Boards (Highway Projects)
1973 March 20
73028 : Chief Old Person Visits Governor Thomas Judge
1973 March 21
73029 : Acting Governor - Senator Percy DeWolfe
1973 April 5
73030 : Scenics From Interstate 15 - North of Craig
1973 April 10
73031 : Scenics From the Old Highway - North of Craig
1973 April 10
73032 : Scene of Interstate 15 - North of Craig
1973 April 10
73033 : Dearborn Rest Area, Pan Shot
1973 April 10
73034 : Dearborn Bridge
1973 April 10
73035 : Project Control Boards (Highway Projects)
1973 April 20
73036 : WASHO (Western Association of State Highway Officials) Committee Women
1973 May 3
73037 : Interstate 15 - Wolf Creek to Craig
1973 May 2
73038 : Interstate 90 - Structure at Lookout Pass
1973 May 7
73039 : State Highway Bowling Tournament in Helena
1973 May 5
73040 : Interstate 15 Construction - Dillon North I-15-1(49)62
1973 May 11
73041 : Interstate 15 Construction - Brown's Bridge, Dillon Apex I-15-1(57)85; I-15-1(59)75; I-15-1(58)64
1973 May 11
73042 : Interstate 15 Construction - Melrose North and South EMP I-15-1(55)87 U-1; EMP I-15-2(29)93 U-1
1973 May 11
73043 : Interstate 15 Construction - Divide South I-15-2(33)96 U-1
1973 May 11
73044 : Interstate 15 Construction - Boulder Hill South I-15-3(20)155 U-1
1973 May 11
73045 : Interstate 15 Construction - Boulder Hill North I-15-3(21)162 U-1
1973 May 11
73046 : Boulder River School
1973 May 11
73047 : Slide on Montana (State Highway) 49 at Two Medicine Creek
1973 May 15
73048 : Soldier's Home at Columbia Falls
1973 May 15
73049 : Interstate 90 Construction - Lookout Pass, East I-90-1(48)0 U-1
1973 May 15
73050 : Interstate 90 Construction - Saltese West I IG 90-1(49)4 U-1
1973 May 15
73051 : Interstate 90 Construction - De Borgia East and West and Saltese to Haugen I-90-1(50)16 U-1; I-90-1(52)11 U-1
1973 May 15
73052 : Interstate 90 Construction - Deer Lodge North and South I-90-3(32)179 U-1
1973 May 15
73053 : State Prison at Deer Lodge
1973 May 15
73054 : Removing "Phillips 66" Sign South of Helena
1973 May 17
73055 : Interstate 15 - Butte to Boulder Socio-Economic Study
1973 May 22
73056 : Interstate 94 Construction - Pompey's Pillar East I94-1(39)30 U-1
1973 May 30
73057 : Interstate 94 Construction - Custer West I94-1(28)35
1973 May 30
73058 : Interstate 94 Construction - Custer East and West I94-1(34)46 U-1
1973 May 30
73059 : Interstate 94 Construction - Rosebud County Line East I94-3(25)76 U-1
1973 May 30
73060 : Railroad Construction - Interstate 94, Sarpy Creek
1973 May 30
73061 : Pine Hills School at Miles City
1973 May 30
73062 : Interstate 94 Construction - Miles City East I94-4(24)136 U-1
1973 May 30
73063 : Interstate 94 Construction - Miles City West I94-4(23)127 U-3
1973 May 30
73064 : Gene Pfeiffer - 25 Year Service Award
1973 May 18
73065 : James Hahn - 25 Year Service Award
1973 May 18
73066 : Yellowstone River Bridge South of Billings, Route 416
1973 May 30
73067 : Interstate 15 - Capitol Interchange
1973 May 15
73068 : Route 424 - Northwest of Kalispell
1973 May 15
73069 : WASHO (Western Association of State Highway Officials) Committee Chairladies at Colonial
1973 June 4
73070 : Bridge Site on Missouri River - Big Sandy to Winifred
1973 June 5
73071 : Project Control Boards (Highway Projects)
1973 May 24
73072 : WASHO (Western Association of State Highway Officials) Convention
1973 June 18
73073 : Interstate 94 - West of Forsyth
1973 June 22
73074 : Interstate 15 - South of Craig
April 24, 1973
73075 : Interstate 15 and Old Highway - North of Craig
1973 April 24
73076 : Bridge Site on Missouri River - Big Sandy to Winifred
1973 June 22
73077 : Interstate 94 Construction - milepost 197 East I94-6(22)197
1973 June 22
73078 : Interstate 94 Construction - Wibaux East and West EHS I94-7(9)233 PS
1973 June 27
73079 : Howard Buswell and Jack Wheeler Retirement, Coffee Hour and Luncheon
1973 June 28
73080 : Project Control Boards (Highway Projects)
1973 June 20
73081 : Service Awards
1973 May 9
73082 : Interstate 90 Construction - Lookout Pass East I-90-1(48)0 U-1
1973 June 28
73083 : Interstate 90 Construction - Saltese West - I IG 90-1(49)4 U-1
1973 June 28
73084 : Interstate 90 Construction - De Borgia East and West, Saltese to Haugan - I-90-1(50)16; I-90-1(52)11
1973 June 28
73085 : Interstate 90 Construction - Deer Lodge North and South - I-90-3(32)179 U-1
1973 July 3
73086 : Interstate 15 Construction - Dillon North - I-15-1(49)62 U-1
1973 July 3
73087 : Interstate 15 Construction - Dillon to Apex - I-15-1(58)64
1973 July 3
73088 : Interstate 15 Construction - Apex to Brown's Bridge - I-15-1(59)75
1973 July 3
73089 : Interstate 15 Construction - Brown's Bridge North - I 15-1(50)85 U-1
1973 July 3
73090 : Interstate 15 Construction - Melrose North and South - I-15-1(55)87 U-1 and I-15-2(29)93 U-1
1973 July 3
73091 : Interstate 15 Construction - Divide South - I 15-2(33)96 U-1
July 3, 1973
73092 : Interstate 15 Construction - Boulder Hill South - I-15-3(20)155 U-1
1973 July 3
73093 : Interstate 15 Construction - Boulder Hill North - I-15-3(21)162 U-1
1973 July 3
73094 : Interstate 94 - Ballantine Interchange
1973 May 30
73095 : Dearborn Bridges
1973 April 10
73096 : Emory L. Reuterdahl Retirement, Coffee, Right of Way - 32 Years Service
1973 June 29
73097 : Secondary (State Highway) 424 Northwest of Kalispell
1973 July
73098 : Project Control Boards (Highway Projects)
July 24, 1973
73099 : Interstate 15 - Boulder
1973 July 26
73100 : Legislative Council
1973 July 2
73101 : Interstate 90 Construction - Lookout Pass East - I-90-1(48)0 U-1
1973 August 8
73102 : Interstate 90 Construction - Saltese West - I IG 90-1(49)4 U-1
1973 August 8
73103 : Interstate 90 Construction - De Borgia East and West and Saltese to Haugan - I 90-1(50)16 U-1 and I-90-1(52)11 U-1
1973 August 8
73104 : Interstate 90 Construction - Deer Lodge North and South - I-90-3(32)179 U-1
1973 August 8
73105 : Annual Highway Picnic - Kennedy Park, East Helena
1973 August 10
73106 : John Olson, Department of Highway Public Relations and Indian Council
1973 August 8
73107 : Interstate 15 - Boulder North
1973 August 13
73108 : WASHO (Western Association of State Highway Officials) Planning Conference
1973 August 15-16
73109 : Interstate 94 Construction - milepost 197 East - I-94-6(22)197
1973 August 30
73110 : Interstate 94 Construction - Wibaux East and West - EHS I-94-7(9)233
1973 August 30
73111 : Interstate 15 Construction - Dillon North - I-15-1(49)62
1973 August 29
73112 : Interstate 94 Construction - Miles City East - I-94-4(24)136
1973 August 30
73113 : Interstate 15 Construction - Divide South - I-15-2(33)96
1973 August 29
73114 : Project Control Boards (Highway Projects)
1973 August 20
73115 : Interstate 15 Construction - Brown's Bridge North, Dillon to Apex, Apex Brown's Bridge - I-15-1(57), (58), (59)
1973 August 29
73116 : Interstate 94 Construction - Pompey's Pillar East - I-94-1(39)30
1973 September 6
73117 : Interstate 94 Construction - Custer West - I-94-1(28)35
1973 September 6
73118 : Interstate 94 Construction - Custer East and West - I-94-1(34)46
1973 September 6
73119 : Road Award - Interstate 15 - Boulder East and West
1973 August
73120 : Interstate 15 - Boulder North and South
1973 August
73121 : Meander Slopes West of Drummond
1973 August 28
73122 : Road Log - Taken From Vanguard
1973 August
73123 : Warsaw School Sign - Made at Sign Shop
1973 August 6
73124 : Marv Kalland - Mounting Display
1973 August
73125 : Car-Tree Wreck (Vehicle Accident)
1973 July 19
73126 : Helena West
1973 September 25
73127 : Interstate 90 Construction - Lookout Pass East - I-90-1(48)0
1973 September 28
73128 : Interstate 90 Construction - Saltese West - I-IG-90-1(49)4
1973 September 28
73129 : Interstate 90 Construction - Saltese to Haugan - I-90-1(52)11
1973 September 28
73130 : Interstate 90 Construction - De Borgia East and West - I-90-1(50)16
1973 September 28
73131 : Safety Instructor School
1973 October 2
73132 : Interstate 15 - Boulder Hill South - I-15-3(20)155
1973 October 4
73133 : Interstate 15 Construction - Boulder Hill North - I-15-3(21)162 U1
73134 : Interstate 15 Melrose North and South - EMP I-15-1(55)87 and EMP I-15-2(29)93
1973 October 4
73135 : Interstate 15 Construction - Divide South - I-15-2(33)96 U-1
1973 October 4
73136 : Project Control Boards (Highway Projects)
1973 September 20
73137 : Project Control Boards (Highway Projects)
1973 October 25
73138 : A.E. Harcharik - Chief Field Maintenance Bureau - Lewistown - Retirement Dinner
1973 December 1
73139 : Safety Meeting at Highway Auditorium
1973 October 2
73140 : Lieutenant Governor Christensen
1973 September 19
73141 : Travis Smith Leaving Photo Section
1973 September 21
73142 : Bill White Retires From Printing Section
1973 September 28
73143 : Lynn Albright - Tours and Convention Center
1973 December 14
73144 : Governor's Mansion - Helena
1973 September
73145 : Governor's Mansion - Helena
1973 October
73146 : Fiberglass Slope Control Research Project-Boulder Road
1973 November
73147 : Montana (State Highway) 200 West of Stanford
1973 December 1
73148 : Lynn Albright - Convention and Tours
1973 December 5
73149 : Convention and Tours Wholesalers Conference
1973 December 12
73150 : Bridge Inspection Acoustic Crack Detector
74001 : Floods in Libby Area
1974 January 17
74002 : Flood on St. Regis River near Haugan
1974 January 17
74003 : Flood Damage at Lolo Hot Springs
1974 January 17
74004 : Rest Area - Jefferson City
1974 January 17
74005 : Project Control Boards (Highway Projects)
1974 January 22
74006 : Don Williams Retirement
1974 February 1
74007 : Interstate 15 - Boulder North
1974 January 9
74008 : RC10 Camera Installation in Commander Turbo II (Airplane and Equipment
1974 February 13
74009 : Freak Accident on Interstate 90 - Belgrade
1974 February 20
74010 : Bozeman Pass - Burlington Northern Tunnel - Preliminary
1974 February 20
74011 : Robert E. Champion, Right of Way
1974 February 21
74012 : James W. Hahn, Planning and Research
1974 February 21
74013 : Ken Skoog, Preconstruction
1974 February 21
74014 : Paul Devine, Planning and Research
1974 February 21
74015 : Dick Nisbet, Helena City Engineer
1974 February 21
74016 : Leon Schneider, Montana National Guard
1974 February 21
74017 : Robert Peccia
1974 February 21
74018 : Loren L. Bahls
1974 February 21
74019 : Bill Dunbar
1974 February 21
74020 : Al Kraft
1974 February 21
74021 : Greg Jackson- Traffic
1974 February 19
74022 : Don Holtz, Department of Health
1974 February 22
74023 : Service Awards
1974 February 27
74024 : ASHO (Association of State Highway Officials) Service Awards
1974 February 27
74025 : Modifications on Turbo Commander 22E (Airplane
1974 March 1
74026 : Project Control Boards (Highway Projects)
1974 February 19
74027 : Senator Dave Manning Meets Circle High School Students
1974 March 4
74028 : Japanese Trade Delegation with Governor Tom Judge
1974 March 4
74029 : George Washington and Abe Lincoln (copy negatives of portraits
1974 February
74030 : Jack Beckert - 1974 Distinguished Colleague Award, Engineer Week
1974 March 12
74031 : Project Control Boards (Highway Projects)
1974 March 27
74032 : Interstate 94 Construction - Pompey's Pillar East - I-94-1(39)30 U-1
1974 April 15
74033 : Interstate 94 Construction - Custer West - I-94-1(28)35 U-1
1974 April 15
74034 : Interstate 94 Construction - Custer East and West - I-94-1(33)35 and I-94-1(36)43
1974 April 15
74035 : Interstate 94 Construction - Miles City West - I-94-4(23)127 U-1
1974 April 15
74036 : Interstate 94 Construction - Miles City East - I-94-4(24)136 U-1
1974 April 15
74037 : U.S. (Highway) 93 near Lakeside
1974 April 11
74038 : East Bozeman Interchange Structure Damage
1974 April 16
74039 : Slope Failures on Montana (State Highway) 37 Construction - Libby Dam
1974 April 11
74040 : Interstate 90 Landscape Project - Bozeman Interchanges
1974 April 16
74041 : James Watson - Right-of-Way
1974 March 7
74042 : Service Awards
1974 April 15
74043 : Project Control Boards (Highway Projects)
1974 April 22
74044 : U.S. (Highway) 212 - Little Powder River South of Broadus
1974 April 24
74045 : U.S. (Highway) 12 Townsend to Three Forks
1974 April 23
74046 : U.S. (Highway) 312 - Miles City to Broadus
1974 April 24
74047 : Governor Tom Judge and Algeria Potentate Buck Wallace
1974 April 26
74048 : Governor Tom Judge and Fish and Game Commission
1974 April 26
74049 : Howard Johnson, Land Records - Right of Way
1974 May 17
74050 : Service Awards
1974 May 13
74051 : Service Awards
1974 May 24
74052 : Montana State Seal
1974 May
74053 : Slide on U.S. (Highway) 287 at Hebgen Lake
1974 June 10
74054 : Yellowstone River Flood at Reed Point Bridge
1974 June 18
74055 : Service Awards
1974 June 11
74056 : Montana (State Highway) 200 South Circle - Glendive FAP (Federal Aid Project) 15
1974 May 2
74057 : U.S. (Highway) 287 Outdated Highway Design FAP (Federal Aid Project) 13
1974 June 12
74058 : Interstate 90 and Highwood Mountains at Butte
1974 June 12
74059 : Interstate 15 - Boulder
1974 June 12
74060 : Secondary (Highway) 359 Harrison - Cardwell Pavement Break-Up
1974 June 12
74061 : U.S. (Highway) 287 South of Cameron FAP (Federal Area Project) 13
1974 June 12
74062 : Dangerous Railroad Underpass U.S. (Highway) 12 West of Lavina FAP (Federal Aid Project) 14
1974 May 24
74063 : South of Cameron - Around milepost 16
1974 June 12
74064 : Montana (State Highway) 59 - Broadus to Biddle - Federal Aid Project 54
1974 April 24
74065 : Miles City Underpass Area (for Modeling Building Information)
1974 June 13
74066 : Bitterroot River Flood near Victor
1974 June 17
74067 : Project Control Boards (Highway Projects)
1974 June 25
74068 : Secondary (Highway) 293 Bridger Canyon
1974 June 27
74069 : Interstate 90 - Reed Point to Big Timber EBD Rest Area
1974 June 26
74070 : U.S. (Highway) 87 - Outdated and New Design Standards - Roundup to Billings
1974 June 26
74071 : Montana (State Highway) 200 - Mosby East and West
1974 June 26
74072 : Montana (State Highway) 200 - Sand Springs East
1974 June 26
74073 : Montana (State Highway) 200 - Sand Springs to Jordan (Old Highway)
1974 June 26
74074 : U.S. (Highway) 12 - Powder River East and West
1974 June 27
74075 : U.S. (Highway) 87 - Outdated Design Standards - North of Roundup
1974 June 26
74076 : Secondary (Highway) 244 - South of Winnett
1974 June 26
74077 : Montana (State Highway) 200 - East of Winnett
1974 June 26
74078 : Montana (State Highway) 200 - Mosby East and West
1974 June 26
74079 : Surface Break-Up U.S. (Highway) 12 - West of Baker
1974 June 27
74080 : Highway Commission with Hardhats
1974 June 21
74081 : Project Control Boards (Highway Projects)
1974 May 30
74082 : Hazards on U.S. (Highway) 2 - West of Kalispell - Rock Cuts, Fill Slopes and Signs, Mail Box Approaches
1974 June 24
74083 : Kalispell Storm Drain Construction
1974 June 24
74084 : Secondary (Highway) 424 North-West of Kalispell
1974 June 24
74085 : Hazardous Approaches Being Built on Secondary (Highway) 424 near Kalispell
1974 June 24
74086 : Linda Grief, Highway Tourist Center Hostess
1974 July 8
74087 : Boulder Hill North Seeding Job
1974 July 9
74088 : Project Control Boards (Highway Projects)
1974 July 23
74089 : Interstate 15 - Boulder Hill South
1974 July 9
74090 : Service Award
1974 July 23
74091 : Interstate 15 Construction - Dutton North and South - I-15-6(15)297 U-1
1974 July 16
74092 : Interstate 90 Construction - De Borgia East and West - Saltese to Haugan - I-90-1(50)16 U-1; I-90-1(52)11 U-1
1974 July 29
74093 : Service Awards
1974 August 8
74094 : Kessler School Crossing Signal Lights - Helena
1974 July 10
74095 : Ed Miller, Planning and Research, Service Award
1974 August 23
74096 : Stephen Weber, Materials, Service Award
1974 August 23
74097 : Francis Thomas, Maintenance, Service Award
1974 August 23
74098 : Richard Berg, Construction, Service Award
1974 August 23
74099 : Proposed Sites for York Bridge Site
1974 August 19
74100 : Robert Keck, Planning and Research, 32 Years Service
1974 August 23
74101 : Project Control Boards (Highway Projects)
1974 August 26
74102 : Carol Barrett - Youth Opportunity Employee
1974 September 4
74103 : Theal Wong - Youth Opportunity Employee
1974 September 4
74104 : Don Anderson - Public Hearings
1974 September 11
74105 : Luke Hagen - Pre-Construction
1974 September 11
74106 : Wall Mosaic in Lobby of Employment Security Building.
1974 September 12
74107 : Project Control Boards (Highway Projects)
1974 September 25
74108 : Interstate 94 Construction - Custer West, I 94-1(28)35 U-1
1974 September 25
74109 : Interstate 94 Construction Pompey's Pillar East (East Section) I 94-1(39)30 U-1
1974 September 25
74110 : Interstate 94 Construction -. Pompey's Pillar East (West Section) I94-1(27)23 U-1
1974 September 25
74111 : Project Control Boards (Highway Projects)
1974 October 28
74112 : FHWA (Federal Highway Administration) Soils Lab Demonstration
1974 October 9
74113 : Great Falls 10th Street Bridge Core Samples
1974 October 31
74114 : Mrs. Carol Judge Visits Boulder River School
1974 November 26
74115 : Project Control Boards (Highway Projects)
1974 November 27
74116 : Peter Byrons, Manager, Labor Relations, Department of Administration
1974 December 10
74117 : Yellowstone River near Custer
1974 September 25
74118 : American Society of Civil Engineers Award to Department of Highways
1974 November 13
74119 : Kermit Anderson Receives Retirement Honors From Commission
1974 December 19
74120 : Kermit Anderson Information Director - Retirement Luncheon at Jorgenson's
1974 December 20
74121 : Project Control Boards (Highway Projects)
1974 December 23
74122 : Governor Tom Judge and Family
1974 October 3
74123 : Hazardous Mail Boxes
75001 : Project Control Boards (Highway Projects)
1975 January 23
75002 : Key Punch Operator-Data Processing
1975 January 21
75003 : Kelch Potter
1975 February 10
75004 : "Wrong Way " Signs at Boulder Interchange Color
1975 January 9
75005 : Project Control Boards (Highway Projects)
1975 February 26
75006 : Senator Manning and School Group
1975 February 27
75007 : Homer Wheeler Presents Engineer Award to Mayor Harriot
1975 March 4
75008 : Bike Route Sign
1975 March 4
75009 : Senator Manning and Hysham Students
1975 March 14
75010 : Project Control Boards (Highway Projects)
1975 March 25
75011 : Russell Painting in Capitol House Chambers
1975 April 17
75012 : Legislative Audit Committee
1975 April 9
75013 : 44th Legislative Assembly Senate
1975 April 17
75014 : 44th Legislative Assembly House Democrats
1975 April 17
75015 : 44th Legislative Assembly Republicans
1975 April 17
75016 : Slope Failures on Montana (State Highway) 37 Construction Libby Dam
1975 April 23
75017 : Service Awards
1975 April 21
75018 : Project Control Boards (Highway Projects)
1975 April 25
75019 : Libby Dam to Rexford - Montana (State Highway) 37 Slope Failures
1975 May 7
75020 : Big Spring Creek Channel Erosion at Lewistown
1975 May 2
75021 : Bridger Canyon Slide on Route 293
1975 May 28
75022 : Big Spring Creek Channel Erosion at Lewistown
1975 May 29
75023 : Interstate 94 Construction - Custer West - I94-1(33)35
1975 June 2
75024 : Interstate 94 Construction - Pompey's Pillar East - I94-1(41)23
1975 June 2
75025 : Interstate 15 Construction - Divide South - I-15-2(33)96 U-3
1975 June 12
75026 : Interstate 15 Construction - Divide North - I-15-2(34)103
1975 June 12
75027 : Interstate 15 construction Deer Lodge Pass North and Nissler South - I-15-2(35)111 U-1; I-15-2(36)118
1975 June 12
75028 : Clark Canyon Reservoir - Beaverhead Recreation Area
1975 June 12
75029 : Clark Canyon Reservoir - Beaverhead Recreation Area
1975 June 13
75030 : Wine Property, Townsend, Missouri River
1975 June 25
75031 : Slide on U.S. (Highway) 10 near Lahood
1975 July 11
75032 : Slide Area on U.S. (Highway) 191 near Karst
1975 July 11
75033 : Interstate 90 Construction - Racetrack North - I-90-3(30)188
1975 July 11
75034 : Interstate 15 Construction - Butte North and Woodville North - I-15-2(37)134 and I-15-3(25)134 U-1
1975 July 11
75035 : WASHTO (Western Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials) Conference Delegates at Colonial
1975 July 24
75036 : Interstate 90 Construction - De Borgia East and West; Saltese to Haugan I-90-1(50)16 U-1; I-90-1(52)11 U-1
1975 July 23
75037 : Interstate 90 Construction - De Borgia East and West - I-90-1(50)16 U-1
1975 July 23
75038 : U.S. (Highway) 12 Construction - MacDonald Pass East
1975 July 23
75039 : Interstate 94 - Custer West - Federal Highway Association Award Contest
1975 July 25
75040 : Youth Opportunity Employee Program
1975 August 26
75041 : Service Awards
1975 June 1
75042 : U.S. Department of Commerce, National Bureau of Standards - Presentation to Montana
1975 June
75043 : Commissioner Larson
1975 April 29
75044 : Project Control Boards (Highway Projects)
1975 August 14
75045 : Color Mural at House of Representatives
75046 : Mabel Frieburg Birthday Cake
1975 August 25
75047 : Interstate 94 Construction - Pompey's Pillar East - I94-1(41)23
1975 August 27
75048 : Dan Vogel Parcel on Interstate 94 near Ballantine
1975 August 27
75049 : Interstate 94 - Custer West Rest Areas
1975 August 27
75050 : Interstate 90 Construction - De Borgia East and West - I-90-1(50)16 U-1
1975 September 15
75051 : Interstate 90 Construction - Huson West - I 90-2(51)78 U-3
1975 September 15
75052 : Route 501 - Curve at Bitterroot River
1975 September 15
75054 : Vogel Parcel Right of Way From Interstate
1975 October 2
75055 : Federal Highway Administration Group
1975 October 7
75056 : Gross Vehicle Weight (Triples and "Freaks")
1975 October 1
75057 : O'Toole's Bar - Helena (Motion Picture Site-Shot for Advertising)
1975 October 8
75058 : Project Control Boards (Highway Projects)
1975 October 8
75059 : Bozeman Interchanges - Interstate 90 Landscape Project
1975 September 22
75060 : Don Lovely - Project Control Boards (Highway Projects
1975 October 10
75061 : Service Awards
1975 September
75062 : Service Awards
1975 October 15-16
75063 : Interstate 90 Construction - Garryowen North and South
1975 September 29
75064 : Reed Point Bridge
1975 October 2
75065 : Robert Champion - Information at Desk
1975 October
75066 : Steve Koligi
1975 October 1
75067 : Federal Highway Association Group
1975 November
75068 : Project Control Boards (Highway Projects)
1975 November 20
75069 : Missouri River Headwaters
1975 November 14
75070 : Billings - 27th Street - Rim Rocks
1975 December 9
75071 : Interstate 90 Slide - Pryon Creek to Pine Hill
1975 December 9
75072 : Projects) Control Board Data Processing
75074 : Bridger Canyon Slide
1975 December
76001 : Project Control Boards (Highway Projects) (Don Lovely)
1976 January 9
76002 : Project Control Boards (Highway Projects)
1975 December
76003 : Interior - Pavement Test Vehicle
1975 January 14
76004 : Junkyard Control - (Two yards in Missoula)
1976 January 29
76005 : Project Control Boards (Highway Projects) for Data Processing
76006 : Grayflex XL (Surplus Camera) (Equipment)
1976 February 17
76007 : Project Control Boards (Highway Projects)
1975 May 28, 1975 June 25, 1975 July 25, 1976 January 30
76008 : Railroad tunnel test shots
1976 February
76009 : Floods: Sun River, Wolf Creek, Stickney Creek
1953 June
76010 : Andy Sangray in Lab Working (Equipment)
1976 February 26
76011 : Bozeman Pass, Pre-Letting Documentation -Interstate 90
1976 February 19
76012 : Andy Sangray Retirement From Photo Unit (Portraits and Party)
1976 February 27
76013 : Slide Area on U.S. (Highway) 10, West of Columbus
1976 March 18
76014 : Interstate 90 - West of Columbus
1976 March 18
76016 : Wolf Point East - Federal Area Project 25
1976 April 13
76017 : Slide Area on U.S. (Highway) 191 near Karst
1976 May 7
76018 : Slide Area on U.S. (Highway) 287 at Hebgen Lake
1976 May 7
76019 : Interstate 15 Construction - Divide North I 15-2(34)103
1976 May 7
76020 : Interstate 15 Construction - Deer Lodge Pass North - I-15-2(35)111
1976 May 7
76021 : Interstate 15 Construction - Butte North and Woodville North - I-15-2(39)134 and I-15-3(25)134
1976 May 7
76022 : Girl Scouts and Governor Tom Judge - Candle Lighting to Begin 1976 Ceremonies
1976 April
76023 : Project Control Boards (Highway Projects)
1976 May 28
76024 : Project Control Boards (Highway Projects)
1976 May 26
76025 : Project Control Boards (Highway Projects) for Data Processing
1975 November-1976 June
76026 : Crime Control Commission
1976 May
76027 : Jet Commander (Road Tar from Runway)
1976 March
76028 : Bicentennial Shot for Poster
1976 March
76029 : Gloria Upshaw
1974 March 12
76030 : Governor Tom Judge and Dietary Group
1976 March
76031 : Control Boards
1976 February 20
76032 : Road Awards (US Highway 212 Rosebud County Line-Lame Deer; Montana Highway 424 Kalispell Northwest; Montana Highway 40 Whitefish -Columbia Falls; Interstate 15 Divide South)
1976 July 8
76033 : Highway Commission (N.A. Roterting, Jack Beckert, H.J. Anderson, W.D. Leroux, George Vocanovich, Kessner, P.L. Bachelor, Rod Cooney, Baxter Larson)
1976 June 17
76034 : Moving 24 foot wide house in Butte
1976 June 27
76035 : Reserve Street Bridge in Missoula
1976 June 22
76036 : Construction - Forsyth East Interchange
76037 : Pompey Pillar Construction
76038 : Coal Development - Crow Agency to Busby - Area Road Documentation
1976 April 22
76039 : Coal Area Road Documentation, Busby to Decker
1976 April 22
76040 : Old "Dugout" Structure - North of Decker (Map in 76038)
1976 April 22
76041 : Coal Area Road Documentation - Birney Southwest (Map in 76041)
1976 April 22
76042 : Coal Area Road Documentation - Birney to Ashland (Map in 76041)
1976 April 22
76043 : Coal Area Road Documentation - Ashland to Lame Deer (Map in 76041)
1976 April 22
76044 : Coal Area Road Documentation - Rosebud South (Map in 76041)
1976 April 23
76045 : Melinda Ringo Going-Away Party - Microfilm Department
76046 : Roberta Miller Retirement
1976 July 22
76047 : Bicentennial Envelopes
1976 July 20
76048 : Interstate 15 Construction - Dutton North and South - I-15-6(15)297 U-1
1976 July 13
76049 : Interstate 15 Construction - Teton River North and South (South Section) - I 15-6(20)304
1976 July 13
76050 : Interstate 15 Construction - Teton River North and South (South Section) I 15-6(16) 308
1976 July 13
76051 : Interstate 15 Construction - Pershing South and Brady North and South - I-15-6 (14)311 and I-15 -7(11)312
1976 July 13
76052 : Interstate 90 Construction - Bozeman Pass East (East Section) - I-90-7(36)321 U1
1976 July 22
76053 : Interstate 90 Construction - Bozeman Pass West - I-90-6(36)315 U2
1976 July 22
76054 : Interstate 15 Construction - Butte North and Woodville North - I-15-2(37)134 and I-15-3(25)134 U-1
1976 July 22
76055 : West Yellowstone Airport
1976 July 22
76056 : West Yellowstone Business District Parking Study
1976 July 22
76057 : Interstate 15 Road Dedication - Butte to Dillon (Governor Tom Judge; Highway Commissioner Chairman George Vucanovich, Member Rod Cooney)
1976 July 9
76058 : Coal Area Road Documentation - Ashland North (Map in 76041)
1976 April 23
76059 : Coal Area Road Documentation - Interstate 94 - Colstrip (Map in 76041)
1976 April 30
76060 : Coal Area Road Documentation - Colstrip to Lame Deer (Map in 76041)
1976 April 23
76061 : Coal Area Road Documentation - Hardin East (Map)
1976 April 29
76062 : Coal Area Road Documentation - FAS 384 - Treasure County Line South (Map in 76061)
1976 April 29
76063 : Coal Area Road Documentation - FAS 384 - Treasure County Line North (Map)
1976 April 29
76064 : Coal Development - Colstrip
1976 April 30
76065 : Coal Development - Sarpy Creek (Westmorland)
1976 July 30
76066 : Coal Development - Decker (Decker Coal)
1976 April 30
76067 : Interstate 90 Construction - Garryowen North and South - I-90-9(28)509 U1
1976 April 30
76068 : Interstate 90 Construction - Lookout Pass to Saltese - I-90-1(80)0
1976 September 1
76069 : Interstate 90 Construction - Drexel East and West - I-90-1(77)22 U1
1976 September 1
76070 : Interstate 90 Construction - Superior West - I-90-1(87)45
1976 September 1
76071 : Interstate 90 Construction - Garrison East and West - East Section - I-IG 90-3(39)176
1976 September 1
76072 : Interstate 90 Construction - Racetrack North and Warm Springs North - I-90-3(34) 193 U1 and I-90-4(26)194 U1
1976 September 1
76073 : Interstate 15 Construction - Butte North and Woodville North - I-15-2(37)134 and I-15-3(25)135
1976 September 1
76074 : Interstate 90 - Rest Area Pipestone Pass
1976 September 1
76075 : Margaret Ward (Dictographer) Retires Form Maintenance Division
1976 August
76076 : Service Awards Recipients
1976 August
76077 : Interstate 90 Construction - Bozeman Pass East - I-90-7(36)321
1976 April 8
76078 : Interstate 90 Construction - Bozeman Pass West - I-90-6(36)315 U1
1976 September 29
76079 : Interstate 90 Construction -Bozeman Pass East - I-90-7(36)321 U1
1976 September 29
76080 : Railroad and Highway Bridge (Snowden Bridge) Combination - Fairview to Bainville Road
1976 October 13
76081 : Interstate 94 Construction - Fallon to Dawson County Line - I-IG-94-5(14)181
1976 October 13
76082 : Interstate 94 Construction - Fallon to Dawson County Line - I-94-5(15)183
1976 October 13
76083 : Interstate 94 Construction - Hathaway East and West - I 94-3(27)-114
1976 October 13
76084 : Interstate 94 Construction - Forsyth East and West and Forsyth West - I-94-3(29)90 and I-94-3(31)83
1976 October 13
76085 : Interstate 94 Construction - Hysham East and West - I-94-2(17)60 U1 and I-94-2(19)56
1976 October 13
76086 : Slide on U.S. (Highway) 191 North of Robinson Bridge
1976 November 10
76087 : Interstate 15 Construction - Teton Road North and South (South Section)- I-15-6(20)304
1976 October 18
76089 : Interstate 15 Construction. - Pershing South and Brady North and South - I-15-6(14)311 and I-15-7(11)312
1976 October 18
76090 : Interstate 15 Construction - Toole County Line North I-15-8(28)343 4-2
1976 October 18
76091 : Interstate 15 Construction - Teton River North and South (North Section) I-15-6(16)308
1976 October 18
76092 : Lewistown North Construction U-RF 103 (15)
1976 September 29
76093 : Route 37 - Libby to Eureka (for Geology)
1976 October 27
76094 : Moss over Rock By Libby Dam
1976 October 27
76095 : Bum Francis Toombs Retirement From Highway
76096 : Interstate 90 Construction - Bozeman Pass West - I-90-6(36)315 - U2
1976 November 10
76097 : Interstate 90 Construction - Bozeman Pass, East (West Section) - I-90-7(38)318
1976 November 10
76098 : Interstate 90 Construction -Bozeman Pass, East (East Section)- I-90-7(36)321 U1
1976 November 10
76099 : Service Awards (Name List in Envelope)
1976 December 7
76100 : Governor Tom Judge's Visit to Idaho
1976 June 17
76101 : Carol Judge with Rosalyn Carter
76102 : George Vucanovich (Holding Large 5 Cent Piece)
76103 : Service Awards - Paul Devine, H.J. Anderson, Jack Beckert, Bea Eddlemon)
1976 December
76104 : Attorney General's Office
1976 November 18
76105 : Swine Flu Shot at Highway Department
1976 October 28
76106 : Governor Tom Judge Accepts Title to Mount Haggen
76107 : Highway Building Construction.
1976 September 22
76108 : Machine Room Operators, Tom, Joe C. and Bill Wall
76109 : Bicentennial Envelopes
76110 : Superintendent of Public Instruction Group
1976 December
76111 : Bea Teaburg Birthday Party
76112 : Road Award Plaque - Federal Highway Association - 2nd Place
76113 : Shelly Picotte Leaves Highway Department
1976 August
76114 : Highway Traffic Safety Seminar Group
76115 : Interstate 90 Construction - St. Regis East - I-90-1(59)35 U1
1976 September 1
77001 : Highway Complex Construction
1977 March 4
77002 : Interstate 90 Construction - Warm Springs North and South - I-IG-90-4(26)194 U2 and Racetrack North I-90-3
1977 April 5
77003 : Warm Springs State Hospital
1977 April 5
77004 : Interstate 15 Construction - Sunburst to Canada Line, Sweetgrass South to Sunburst South - I IG15-8(25)379
1977 April 12
77005 : Interstate 90 Construction -Bozeman Pass West and Bozeman Pass East (West Section) - I-90-6(36)315 U2 and I-90-7(38)318
1977 April 13
77006 : Interstate 90 Construction - Bozeman Pass East (East Section) I-90-7 (36)321 U1
1977 April 13
77007 : Highway Complex Construction
1977 April 5
77008 : Interstate 90 Construction -Bozeman Pass-West and Bozeman Pass East (West Section)
1977 May 5
77009 : Interstate 90 Construction - Bozeman Pass-East (East Section) I-90-7(36)321 U1
1977 May 5
77010 : Interstate 90 Construction -Garrison East and West (East Section) - I-IG90-3(39)176
1977 May 9
77011 : Interstate 90 Construction -Racetrack North and Warm Springs North and South I 90-3(34) 193 U1 and I IG 90-4(26) 194 U2
1977 May 9
77012 : Interstate 15 Construction - Butte North and Woodville North - I-15-2(37)134 and I-15-3(25)135 U1
1977 May 9
77013 : Interstate 90 Construction - Bozeman Pass East (West Section)
1977 April 29
77014 : Interstate 90 Construction - Garrison East and West I IG 90-3(39)176
1977 April 18
77015 : MacDonald Pass Construction - FH 28-1(3)
1977 April 18
77016 : Service Awards
1977 April 14
77017 : Montana Senate
1977 April 11
77018 : DCA Coal Board
1977 March
77019 : Bozeman Pass Core Samples (Materials Bureau)
77020 : Core Samples Material Lab
1977 March 16
77021 : Highway Commissioner (Cody)
1977 January
77022 : Bozeman Pass
1977 April 29
77023 : Highway Building Construction.
1977 April
77024 : Bill Pentilla State Fire Marshall
77025 : Governor Tom Judge Proclaims National Tennis Week
77026 : Gordon McOmber
1977 May 5
77027 : Road Awards - Divide North and South, Lolo to Florence and Custer Rest Area
1977 June 7
77028 : Lucile Hickman Retires From Highway Department
1977 April 22
77029 : Interstate 90 Construction - Bozeman Pass West - I-90-6(36)315
1977 June 13
77030 : Interstate 90 Construction - Bozeman Pass West, Bozeman Pass East - West Section - I-90-6(36)315 U2; I-90-7(38)318
1977 June 24
77031 : Highway Complex Site
1977 July 14
77032 : Interstate 90 Construction Bozeman Pass- West and Bozeman Pass-East (West Section I 90-6 (36) 315 U2 and I 90-7(38) 318
1977 July 18
77033 : Governor Tom Judge Speaks on C. B. (citizens band) radio
1977 July
77034 : Boulder to Whitehall - Federal Area Project 69
1977 July 21
77035 : Interstate 90 Construction - Bozeman Pass, East (East Section) I-90-7(36)321 U1
1977 August 17
77036 : Interstate 90 Construction - Bozeman Pass East (West Section) and Bozeman Pass West - I-90-7(38)318
1977 August 17
77037 : Interstate 90 Construction - Rocky Canyon Safety - I-90-6(30)309
1977 August 17
77038 : Gil Warren Retires From Highway
1977 July
77039 : Interstate 15 Construction - Toole County Line, North - I-15-8(28) 343 U1
1977 August 18
77040 : Lewis and Clark County Fairground - National High School Rodeo
1977 August 17
77041 : Helena, Last Chance Gulch
1977 August 17
77042 : Highway Complex
1977 August 17
77043 : Hardin Business District
1977 September 6
77044 : Interstate 90 Construction - Garrison East and West (East Section) - I-IG 90-3 (39)176
1977 September 9
77045 : Interstate 90 Construction - Racetrack North, Warm Springs North and South - I-90-3(34)193 U1 and I-IG-90-4(26)194 U1
1977 September 9
77046 : Interstate 90 Construction - Saltese to De Borgia - I-90-1(78)11
1977 September 9
77047 : Interstate 90 Construction - Drexel East and West - I-90- 1(77)22
1977 September 9
77048 : Interstate 90 Construction - St. Regis East - I-90-1(59)35 U1
1977 September 9
77049 : Highway Complex
1977 September 9
77050 : Interstate 15 Construction - Butte, North and Woodville, North - I-15-2(37)134 and I-15-3(25)135 U1
1977 September 12
77051 : Interstate 15 Construction - Elk Park South - I-15-3(26)140 U1
1977 September 12
77052 : Slide on U.S. (Highway) 191 North of Robinson Bridge
1977 September 2
77053 : Billings, Metro Area (Aerial Obliques)
1977 September 14
77055 : Primary Construction - East Helena, East and West - F FF-8-2(5)46
1977 October 12
77056 : Highway Complex
1977 October 12
77057 : Rocks and Trees, Stump - Close-Up on MacDonald Pass
77058 : East Helena Overpass Under Construction
77059 : Highway Building Under Construction
77060 : U.S. (Highway) 12 West Side of MacDonald Pass
1977 August
77061 : Governor Tom Judge with Delegation From Japan
77064 : Governor Tom Judge with Al Port - Fund Raising for the Blind
77065 : Lewistown Area
1977 November
77066 : Lieutenant Governor Ted Schwinden Accepts Award From Livestock Group
77067 : Project Control Boards (Highway Projects)
1977 October 20
77068 : Governor Tom Judge Putting Tax Relief Refund on Mail Truck
77069 : Governor Tom Judge and Radio Forum
1977 November
77070 : Marie Ursich Retires From Highway Department
1977 October 22
77071 : Ed Donovan Retires Form Highway Dept
1977 October 22
77072 : Baxter Larson Portrait
1977 November
77073 : Dave McNalley Portrait
77074 : George Vucanovich Portrait
1977 November
77075 : Patty Orsello Leaves Highway Department
77076 : U.S. (Highway) 93 near Sommers
77077 : Wisdom to Lost Trail Pass Area
77078 : Lolo to Lolo Pass
77079 : Interstate 15 near Divide Interchange
77080 : Snapshot of George Vucanovich
77081 : Asphalt Core Samples - Stations: 975+93, 975+94, 975+95
1977 November
77082 : Service Awards
1977 November 29
77083 : Gordon McOmber Portrait
1977 September
77084 : Jim Gipe Retires from Highway Department
77085 : Ennis to Virginia City
77086 : General Meagher Statue in front of Capitol
1977 December
77087 : Asphalt Core Samples (Taken for Bob Trask and Dick Wagner)
77088 : Bozeman Pass
1977 September 2
77089 : Bea Teaberg Leaves Right of Way Mircrofilm Department
77090 : Asphalt Core Samples (Top falling off while cores are on sides)
77091 : Right of Way Appraisal School at Jorgenson's
77092 : Primary Construction - MacDonald Pass-East RF FF 249 (27)
1977 October 12
77093 : Alex Zbitnoff (Head and shoulders portrait)
1977 November
77094 : Montana Department of Highway's Commission (Jack Beckert, Baxter Larson, John Cote, H.J. Anderson, George Vucanovich, Ron Richards, William Kessner, Dave McNally, and Bill LeRoux)
1977 December 16
77095 : Painting in Highway Building hallway
77098 : Map Made at Planning Bureau
77099 : Commission Room (Jack) Beckert (and others)
77100 : Bill Blake receives Services Award
77101 : Legal (copy work of roads
77102 : Accident Site West of Broadus
77103 : Road Signs
77105 : Damaged Freight Shipment - Preconstruction
77106 : Wagon Train (in 1908)
77107 : McCarthy
77108 : Jack Anthony, Photogrammitrist Aboard Turbo-Commander 4622E (airplane
1977 July
78001 : Snow Problems U.S. (Highway) 191 South of Malta
1978 February 14
78002 : Montana (Highway) 13 Wolf Point, Circle -Snow Problems
1978 February 14
78003 : Montana (State Highway) 200, Circle to Richey Snow Problems
1978 February 14
78005 : Baker- Snow Problems
1978 February 15
78006 : Montana (Highway) 7 Baker to Wibaux- Snow Problems
1978 February 15
78007 : Section 493 Northwest of Baker-Snow Problems
1978 February 15
78008 : Montana (Highway) 7 Baker to Ekalaka -Snow Problems
1978 February 15
78009 : Ekalaka- Snow Problems
1978 February 15
78010 : Ekalaka to Hammond- Snow Problems
1978 February 15
78011 : Section 253 Terry to Brockway- Snow Problems
1978 February 15
78012 : Ranches 30 Miles Northwest of Miles City - Snow Problems
1978 February 15
78013 : Service Awards
1978 February 2
78014 : Route 223 at Teton River North of Fort Benton (Flood)
1978 March 23
78015 : Missouri River to Robinson Bridge (Flood)
1978 March 23
78016 : Armell's Creek to Robinson Bridge (Flood)
1978 March 23
78017 : Missouri River at PN Ferry (Flood)
1978 March 23
78018 : McDonald Creek at Montana 19 - North of Grass Range
1978 March 23
78019 : Legislative Council Group
1978 March
78020 : Legislative Council Group
1978 January 25
78021 : Scenes Along Route 10A and Discovery Basin-Ski Area
1978 March
78022 : Dick Hazen Retires from Highway Department
1978 March
78023 : Highway Department Complex
1978 January 12
78024 : One Dollar Coin (for Department of Administration)
1978 January 17
78025 : Project Control Boards (Highway Projects)
1978 January 26
78026 : Anaconda Company Presents Check to Highway Department
1978 February
78027 : Governor Tom Judge Visits Eastern Montana During Heavy Snow
1978 February 14
78028 : Horse and Sleigh By Highway Building
1978 February 15
78029 : Project Control Boards (Highway Projects)
1978 February 25
78030 : Myron Tucker (informal (portrait) at desk)
1978 March
78031 : Governor Tom Judge Appoints Judge Haswell Supreme Court Justice
1978 March 21
78032 : Project Control Boards (Highway Projects)
1978 March 20
78033 : Unidentified group portrait
1978 April 7
78034 : Gene Hoffman and Staff Complete Audit Course
1978 April 4
78035 : Interstate 90 Construction - Bozeman Pass I-90-6 (36) 315 and I-90-7 (38) 318
1978 May 15
78036 : Flood Damage - St. Xavier Area
1978 May 22
78037 : Flood Damage - St. Xavier South Along Rottengrass Creek
1978 May 22
78038 : Flood Damage - Lodge Grass Area (includes Flood Area Index
1978 May 22
78039 : Flood Damage - Lodge Grass to Wyloa
1978 May 22
78040 : Flood Damage - Route 418 near Wyloa
1978 May 22
78041 : Flood Damage - Lodge Grass to Crow Agency
1978 May 22
78042 : Flood Damage - Crow Agency Area
1978 May 22
78043 : Flood Damage - Between St. Xavier and Hardin
1978 May 22
78044 : Flood Damage - U.S. (Highway) 10 East of Hysham
1978 May 22
78045 : Flood Damage - Fly Creek at Pompey's Pillar
1978 May 22
78046 : Flood Damage - Huntley, Pryor Creek
1978 May 22
78047 : Flood Damage - Pryor Creek near Interstate 90
1978 May 22
78048 : Flood Damage - Pryor Creek at Old Hardin Road
1978 May 22
78049 : Flood Damage - Lodge Grass Creek
1978 May 22
78050 : Route 41 - Avon to Helmville Snowdrifts
1978 March 2
78051 : Interstate 90 - Livingston Snowdrifts
1978 February 17
78052 : Foy Lake - Groundwater Evidences
1978 May 3
78053 : Kalispell - South Loop Fill Failure RS 404 (8)
1978 May 3
78054 : Service Awards
78055 : Bev Gibson Leaves Highway Department
78056 : Road Awards - Divide Rest Area
78057 : Aerial of unidentified location
78058 : Ron Richards, Director of Highways - Directors Office
78059 : Materials Lab Move to New Building
78060 : Trees Blown over By Wind in Capitol Complex Area (Helena
78061 : Ann Samuelson Retires Form Highway Accounting Department
1978 July 14
78062 : Linda Wulf Leaves Right of Way Department
1978 June
78063 : William Kessner Vice-Chairman, Commission
1978 July
78064 : Jim Keithley - Going Away Picnic
1978 August
78065 : US Ambassador to Togo Visits State Capitol
1978 July 21
78066 : Robert L. Kelly Retirement
1978 April 28
78067 : Bob Bovee Retirement
1978 July 27
78068 : Mission Mountain Wood Band Plays on Capitol Steps (Helena
1978 June
78069 : Material Bureau Resilient Modulus Apparatus
1978 August 10
78070 : Highway Department Complex
1978 August 1
78071 : Interstate 90 Construction - Bozeman Pass East (West Section) I-90-7 (38) 318
1978 August 1
78072 : Interstate 90 Construction - Bozeman Pass West I-90-6 (36) 315
1978 August 1
78073 : Interstate 90 Construction - Rocky Canyon Safety 1-90-6 (30) 309
1978 August 1
78074 : Interstate 90 Construction -Warm Springs North and South - I-IG-90-4 (26) 194 U1
1978 August 1
78075 : Interstate 90 Construction - Racetrack North, I-90-3 (34) 193 U1
1978 August 1
78076 : Interstate 90 Construction - Garrison East and West, East Section, I-IG-90-3 (39) 176
1978 August 1
78077 : U.S. (Highway) 12 Construction - East Helena East and West - F FF 8-2 (5) 46 U2
1978 June 27
78078 : Highway Department Complex
1978 June 27
78079 : Governor Tom Judge Tours New Highway Complex
1978 October
78080 : Sue MacDonald Leaves Right of Way Department
78081 : Highway Complex Open House for Montana Contractor's Association
1978 December
78082 : Walk Bridge East of Roger's Pass
1978 June
78083 : Service Awards
1978 June
78084 : Highway Department Complex
1978 August
78085 : Processing Unit Camera Moves to New Building
August 2, 1978
78086 : Bill Leroux Passport
78087 : Lyndon B. Johnson visit to Butte, Montana, October 12, 1964, including Hal Stearns, Lee Metcalf and Arnold Olsen
78088 : Poker in the Bar Room - Wisdom, Montana (1942)
78089 : Myron Tucker Receives Award - Maintenance Bureau
78090 : Highway Complex Construction
78091 : Swede Lindgern (Lindgren) Receives 20 Year Service Award
78092 : Highway Department Complex
1978 August
78093 : Highway Department Complex
1978 September 22
78094 : Interstate 90 Construction - Bozeman Pass
1978 May 15
78095 : Bonner to Potomac Along Montana (State Highway) 200
1978 November 23
78096 : Slide on U.S. (Highway) 287 Hebgen Lake
1978 April 13
78097 : Basin Area Historical Mining Structures
1978 December
78098 : Slide North of Robinson Bridge
78099 : Governor Tom Judge Meets with Ambassador Togo
1978 August
79001 : Highway Department Commissioners (Group Shot)
1979 January 5
79002 : Legislative Audit Group
1979 January
79003 : Front End Loaders Become Snow Blowers
1979 January 15
79004 : Photo Unit Lab Shots (1)HE 12 Enlarging Room, 2)Aerial Film Storage Room
1979 January
79005 : Winter Shots (snow covered roofs, trees and wood areas)
1979 January
79006 : Helena Downtown (Cold Winter Day)
1979 January
79007 : Color Posterization (Photogrammetry Unit)
1979 January
79008 : Color Posterization (Caterpillar)
1979 January
79009 : Snow Blower at MacDonald Pass
1979 January 21
79010 : Rotary Snowplow Demonstration at Lewistown
1979 January 26
79011 : Deer Lodge County Map-Land Use, Soils and Slopes
79012 : Service Awards
79013 : Highway Maintenance Shop
1979 February 22
79014 : Employee) Identification Pictures (Hank Dahl, Dick Rogers, "Smokey" Lyons, Rusty Wriggs, Jim Hayfield and Rod Nick)
1979 February 22
79015 : Snow slides on US (Highway) 2 near East Glacier
1979 February
79016 : Legal Attorneys Approach the Bench (Judge Meloy, Don Douglas, Terry)
79017 : Service Awards
1978 June-December
79018 : Board of Investments - Group Portrait
79019 : Fire Drill at Highway Building
1979 March
79020 : Montana State University (Women) Visit New Highway Building.
1979 March
79021 : Buck Dundas Retirement Dinner
1979 March 30
79022 : Bomb Threat at Highway Building
1979 April
79023 : Governor Tom Judge Sends Montana Steak to New York Governor
1979 April
79024 : Snow Plow Truck with New Safety Lights
1979 April
79025 : Cloud Formations (Shot at Approximately 1500 Feet)
1979 April
79026 : Trumbull Creek Flood
1979 May 7
79027 : Snow Blower
1979 January
79028 : Service Awards (Jim Beck, Buck Harris, Jim Hahn and Colleen Vetch)
1979 May
79029 : Interstate 90 Construction - Between Hardin and State Line
1979 June 1
79030 : Missouri River Bridge Wolf Point
1979 May 20
79031 : Floor Map of Materials Lab
1979 May
79032 : Sodding - Highway Department
1979 June 5
79033 : Legislative Council Group
1979 May 19
79034 : Blue Bay (Aerials)
1979 June 11
79035 : Missoula Houses and Land
1979 June 12
79036 : Euclid Avenue Storm Drains
1979 July 12
79037 : Montana State) Highway 12 at Husky Truck Stop (East)
1979 July 9
79038 : Butte Division Shops, Maintenance Area
1979 July 7
79040 : Overpass at Highway Department
1979 July 15
79041 : AASHTO (American Association of State Highway Officials) Meeting at Colonial in Helena
1979 October 5
79042 : Slide between St. Regis and Paradise (Aerials)
1979 October 5
79043 : Van Pooling
1979 September
79044 : Red Lodge Canal
1979 August 29
79045 : Boulder River
1979 September 27
79046 : Van Pool Logo Contest
1979 October
79047 : Kreonite Printer and Processor Arrives at Photo Unit (Equipment)
1979 September
79048 : Plaque in Highway Lobby
1979 October
79049 : AASHTO (American Association of State Highway Officials) - 1979
1979 August 2
79050 : Baseball Team
1979 September
79051 : Service Awards
1979 October 18
79052 : Leroy Broughton Receives Service Award
1979 October
79053 : Station 357 slide
1979 October 17
79054 : Highway Department -Aerials
1979 September 18
79055 : Lieutenant Governor Ted Schwinden
1979 November 16
79056 : Josephine Brooker
1979 November
79057 : Highway Building
79058 : Highway Building
1979 October
79059 : Drummond East Overlay Project
1979 August
79060 : Shorty Shope Painting in Highway Department
1979 December
79061 : Legislative Audit Group
1979 December 10
79062 : Ted Schwinden, Lieutenant Governor Executive Portrait
79063 : Clarence Mackey Receives Service Awards
80001 : Snow Plow Truck (with New Caution Lights) (Equipment)
1980 January
80002 : Black Sandy (Aerials)
1980 January 9
80003 : Highway Department Complex
1980 January 14
80004 : Peg Dolan Receives Award
1980 January 30
80005 : Materials Lab (Steel Stress Test Machine) (Equipment)
1980 January 30
80006 : Division Chiefs - Helena Office School
1979 December
80007 : Bill Warfield
80008 : Broken Part on Calumet Light (Equipment)
80009 : Traffic in Snow Storm (Montana City Exit)
1980 March 5
80010 : Paint Blisters on Boiler
1980 March 17
80012 : 6th Avenue - Billings
1980 July 16
80013 : Kalispell U.S. (Highway) 93 and Reserve Drive Interchange
1980 June 15
80014 : Big Timber East and West - I-90-7(35)364 U-6
1980 April 24
80015 : Big Timber East and West - I-90-7(35)364 U-6
1980 April 24
80016 : Big Timber East and West - I-90-7(35)364 U-6
1980 April 24
80017 : Big Timber East and West - I-90-7(35)364 U-6
1980 April 24
80018 : Big Timber East and West - I-90-7(35)364 U-6
1980 April 24
80019 : Construction Shelby-Oilmont Junction - I-F1-15-8(26)354 and I-F1-15-8(35)353
1980 June 30
80020 : Highway Shop Construction
1980 July, 1980 September 15, 1981 April 24, 1981 September 29, 1981 January 29
80021 : Highway Complex Weeds
1980 July
80022 : Don Gruel Service Award
1980 July
80023 : York Bridge
1980 April 25
80024 : Sarpy Creek Road - Road Awards
1980 June
80025 : Two Medicine Creek at U.S. (Highway) 89
1980 June 4
80026 : Service Awards
80027 : Rocky Canyon Slide
1980 April 24
80028 : Livingston Landslide
1980 April 24
80029 : Yaak River Waterfalls
1980 June
80030 : Yaak River Road
1980 June
80031 : Kalispell - 1st Avenue
1980 June
80032 : Bozeman Pass
1980 June
80033 : Interstate 90 - near De Borgia
1980 June
80034 : Materials Labs Filters
1980 April
80035 : Road Slide on Sarpy Creek Road
1980 June
80036 : Snowden Bridge
1980 June
80037 : Pattie Creek Canyon Flood
1980 May 26
80038 : Armstead North and South
1980 July 29
80039 : Highway Department Aerials
1980 July 30
80040 : Highway Department
1980 July 30
80041 : George Truman - Lieutenant Governor
1980 December 8
80042 : Ron Richards, Director of Highway Department
1980 December 8
80043 : Snow Plow in Elk Park
1980 March
80044 : Project Control Boards (Highway Projects)
1980 May
80045 : Placid Lake
1980 June 8
80046 : Ron Richards
1980 September 15
80047 : Slide South of Fred Robinson Bridge
1980 September 15
80048 : Power Lines - Fred Robinson Bridge
1980 September 15
80049 : Project Control Boards (Highway Projects)
1980 September 20
80050 : Geological Convention at Colonial Club
1980 October 10
80051 : Taking Down Signs in Missoula
1980 October 3
80052 : AWSES-Group Photo
1980 October 10
80053 : Identification Photos for Audit Unit
1980 October 14
80054 : George Vucanovich -Energy Awards
1980 October 14
80055 : George Vucanovich and J. Carter
1980 October 14
80056 : Project Control Boards (Highway Projects)
1980 November
80057 : Buildings for the National Register (Montana Powder, National Guard Armory)
1980 November 27
80058 : Governor Ted Schwinden in Historical Society
1980 December 3
80059 : Buildings for National Register (St. Helena School and National Guard Armory building)
1980 December 15
80060 : Shelving in Rain Room, Highway Building
1980 April 6
80061 : Snowplow in Snowstorm
1980 March 5
80062 : Triples (Triple Trailer Trucks) Garrett Freight Line
1980 April 25
80063 : Jet Commander (airplane
1980 April 25
80064 : Jack Anthony in (airplane) Commander
1980 April 25
80065 : Sweet Grass Woolen Mills, Big Timber (historical photo, no date
1980 January
80066 : Project Control Boards (Highway Projects)
1980 October 23
80067 : Bea Eddlemon Service Awards
1980 December
80068 : Billings Highway Department
1980 May 6
80069 : Wolf Creek Canyon - Aerials
1980 September 29
80070 : Explosion in Wolf Point Highway Department
1980 November 10
81001 : 1981 Department Heads
1981 January 2
81002 : Project Control Boards (Highway Projects)
1981 January 5
81003 : Traffic Study Pin-Maps
1981 January 5
81004 : Governor Schwinden's Inauguration (with George Turman)
1981 January 5
81005 : Donna Zook
1981 January 5
81006 : Right of Way Group (at Coach House East)
1981 January
81007 : Project Control Boards (Highway Projects)
1981 January 26
81008 : Traffic Safety Map
1981 January 28
81009 : Tile in Second Floor Women's Bathroom on second floor for maintenance (Highway Department building
1981 February 6
81010 : York Bridge and Governor's Reception
1981 January 15
81011 : York Bridge
1981 January 15
81012 : Winners of "Moot Court"
1981 February 11
81013 : Project Control Boards (Highway Projects)
1981 February 19
81014 : Gary Wicks, 1981 Director of Highways
1981 February 25
81015 : John Wilson
1981 February 26
81016 : Historic Highway Photos (roads, snow plows, trucks, road construction equipment, State of Montana Highway Department vehicles) (circa 1930s)
1981 March 8
81017 : Road construction equipment, snow plows, fallen rock on roads, bridge construction)
1981 March 9
81018 : Hungry Horse - West Glacier
1981 March 12
81019 : Legislative Council
1981 March 19
81020 : York Bridge
1981 January 15
81021 : First Test on SO-279
1981 February 25
81022 : Second Test on SO-279
1981 March 5
81023 : Project Control Boards (Highway Projects)
1981 March 23
81024 : Anaconda Street Lights at Night
1981 March 25
81025 : Boulder River Bridge
1981 March 30
81026 : Box of Gauges From Materials Lab
1981 April 6
81028 : Ron Richards, Director Leaves Highway Department
1981 January 5
81029 : Electronic Sign at Belgrade Interchange
1981 April 7
81030 : Governor Schwinden and Stan Lynde on Horseback in Front of Capitol (Helena
1981 April 9
81031 : Equipment for Auction
1981 April 8
81032 : U.S. (Highway) 10A, Anaconda to Philipsburg
1981 April 14
81033 : Prospective Site for Cruse Avenue (Cuts and Slopes in Parking Lot)
1981 April 30
81034 : Service Awards
1981 January
81035 : Wolf Creek Canyon (Slopes)
1981 January 14
81036 : Livestock Board - Group Portrait
1981 March 19
81037 : Helena (Walking) Mall
1981 April 2
81038 : Governor Tom Judge
1981 April 21
81039 : Anaconda and Gallatin Airport
1981 April 23
81040 : Project Control Boards (Highway Projects)
1981 April 29
81041 : Sloway - I-90-1(57)39 U1
1981 May 26
81042 : Big Timber to Grey Cliff Construction - I-90-7(35)364 U6
1981 May 28
81043 : Charlos Heights - Construction - F-7-1(8)38
1981 May 26
81044 : Tarkio East - Construction - I-IG-90-1(67)64 U5
1981 May 26
81045 : Sloway and Superior - Construction - I-90-1(57)39 U1
1981 May 26
81046 : Basin to Boulder - Construction
1981 August 12
81047 : St. Regis - East and West - Construction - I-IG-90-1(61)27 U6
1981 May 26
81049 : Bill Blakes Retirement Dinner
1981 May 7
81050 : Project Control Boards (Highway Projects)
1981 May 20
81051 : Rock Fall Area - Route 135, Aerials
1981 May 28
81052 : Photogrammetry Machines (Equipment)
1981 June 9
81053 : Mullan Road , Shorty Shope Painting
1981 June 25
81054 : Project Control Boards (Highway Projects)
1981 June 25
81055 : Governor Schwinden and Jean Schwinden's Passport Photos
1981 July 16
81056 : Governor Schwinden - Informal Studio Portrait
1981 June 16
81057 : Bitterroot River Bridge
1981 July 14
81058 : Roof of Highway Department Building
1981 July 24
81059 : Governor's Mansion - Helena
1981 August 3
81060 : Project Control Boards (Highway Projects)
1981 August 4
81061 : Construction - Boulder to Basin - I-15-3(29)160 U5
1981 August 10
81062 : Governor Schwinden and Staff
1981 August 13
81063 : Cabin and road construction
1981 August 19
81064 : Project Control Boards (Highway Projects)
1981 August 25
81065 : Drawing and photograph (of log cabin and wagon) from Governor's Mansion
1981 August 31
81066 : Construction - Boulder to Basin
1981 September 4
81067 : Service Awards
1981 September 16
81068 : Fee (Street) and 11th Avenue - Helena
81069 : Highway Patrol Graduates
1981 September 11
81070 : Harold Mohn's Motorcycle with Camera Attached
1981 August 24
81071 : New Highway Snowplows
1981 August 31
81072 : Original Governor's Mansion - Helena
1981 September 23
81073 : Project Control Boards (Highway Projects)
1981 September 24
81074 : Jim Leary at Magnifier Reader
1981 October 1
81075 : Project Control Boards (Highway Projects)
1981 October 26
81076 : York Bridge Under Construction
1981 October 30
81077 : Maintenance Department Moving Shed to New Shop
1981 November 13
81078 : New Maintenance Building
1981 November 14
81079 : Project Control Boards (Highway Projects)
1981 December 15
81080 : Helena Parking Study
1981 December 19
81081 : Board of Investments
1981 November 20
81082 : Door Core (Highway Department Complex)
1981 December 23
81083 : Vapor Trail on New Maintenance Building
1981 December 23
81084 : George Swartz Identification Photo
1981 October 29
81085 : East Helena Smelter
1981 December 3
82001 : Dillon South (Aerials)
1982 April 29
82002 : Jay Randall, Glendive District Engineer
1982 May 11
82003 : Kenneth Rapp, Butte District Engineer
1982 May 11
82004 : Vern Borden, Missoula District Engineer
1982 May 11
82005 : Tom Barnard, Great Falls District Engineer
1982 May 11
82006 : Duane Meiers, Billings District Engineer
1982 May 11
82007 : Bill Dunbar and Clarence Mackey Receive Awards
1982 May 17
82008 : Highway Department Commission
1982 April 1
82009 : Project Control Boards (Highway Projects)
1982 January 7
82010 : A.R. Freeman (Freman?), Great Falls
1982 January
82011 : Jim Hyatt, Helena
82012 : Highway Shop Complex Open House
82013 : Ray Wiley, Great Falls
82014 : Snowden Bridge
1982 January 31
82015 : Burnt Windings in Electric Motor (Maintenance)
82016 : Springdale Bridge
82017 : Pin Map, Planning Bureau
1982 February 8
82018 : Joe Finch Identification Photo
1982 January
82019 : Highway Department Semi-Tractor Trailer - New Paint Job
1982 January
82020 : Shop Complex ice and mud on sidewalk
1982 January 27
82021 : Shop Complex Fuel Tank Construction
1982 May 4
82022 : Bridger Canyon Slide
1982 May 21
82023 : Boiler Cover (Maintenance)
1982 May
82024 : Magpie Bay Culverts
1982 June 11
82025 : Asphalt Sample in Pyrex Plate
1982 June 11
82026 : Jim Simpson
1982 May 11
82027 : Startech Processor Water Line Modification
1982 July
82028 : Bob Hamilton's Retirement
1982 July 30
82029 : Interstate 15 - Crack Filling
1982 June
82030 : Blackboard Information - Second Floor Conference Room
1982 June
82031 : Slide South of Belfry
1982 September 23
82032 : Roofing Problems on D-Building
1982 December
82033 : Barber Bridge
1982 August
82034 : Truck Driver Training Program, Helena Fairgrounds
1982 September
82035 : Commissioner Paul M. Foster
1982 November
82036 : John Sullivan - Commissioner
1982 November
82037 : Roy Duff - Commissioner
1982 November
82038 : Ilert Hellebust - Commissioner
1982 November
82039 : Gerald ("Buck") Archanbeault- Commissioner
1982 November
82040 : Truck Driver Training Course (under 5 Ton training program), Billings
82041 : Checkerboard - Montana (State Highway) 200, Pavement Cracking
1982 September
82042 : Joe Finch receiving award from Governor
1982 November
82043 : Garry Wunderwald - Travel Promotion
1982 November
82044 : Kelly Keith
82045 : Foy's Lake Painting
1982 December
82046 : Bob Knapp
1982 December
82047 : Frank Moore
1982 December 16
82048 : Frank Stolle
1982 December 16
82049 : John Fowler
1982 December 16
82050 : Snow Plow 10 Ton - Truck
83001 : Ralph Peck, Agriculture Department
1983 February
83003 : Don Fallanger (Receives Award From Governor Schwinden)
83004 : Donald Taylor, William Spracklin, Gilbert Paulson - Receiving Award from Governor Schwinden
83005 : Valerie Newton - SRS Department, Incentive Award
February, 1983
83006 : John Cada - FW and P, Incentive Award
1983 February
83007 : Thomas Hamilton - SRS Department Incentive Award
1982 November
83008 : Materials Bureau
83009 : Pavement Management
1983 February
83010 : Swede Lindgren 25 Year Pin from Governor Schwinden
83011 : Planning Bureau Pin Map
83012 : Governor Schwinden with T-Shirt - Montana Logo
83013 : Governor Schwinden Signs Contract with Indians for Highway Construction
83014 : Kumamoto Japan - Sword Gift in Governor's Executive Room
1983 April
83015 : Republican Caucus 1983 Legislature
83016 : Worden Bridge Great Falls
83017 : Boiler Cover Maintenance
1983 June
83018 : Wolf Point Tanker Explosion (Detail of Rear Part)
83019 : Governors at Western Conference
83020 : Governor Schwinden Signs Highway Bill with Legislators
83021 : Governor Schwinden Signs Agriculture Bill with Keith Kelly and Legislators
83022 : Les Benedict
83023 : Racers - 10K - National Transportation Week
1983 May
83024 : Taiwan Engineer Visits Montana Highway - Chao-Fu Lin, Glen Brown, Allan Jackson Professor at Montana State University
1983 June
83025 : Bogen Tripod
83026 : Bridge Award (Presented to Norm Rognile By Gary Wicks)
83027 : Core Sample, Materials Lab
83028 : Legislative Audit Committee
83029 : Bruce Barrett
1983 June
83030 : Legislative Finance Committee
83031 : School Administration Building in Helena
1983 September
83032 : Whitehall Soil Compaction Test
83033 : Bozeman Trail on Norris Hill
83034 : Taiwan Governor signs Grain Contract
1983 October 30
83035 : Ulm Bridge Dedication
1983 September 15
83036 : Photo Lab - "New Services Pictures"
83037 : Performance Appraisal Awards
83038 : Coty Bros - RV Ranch
83039 : Earth Bridge near Basin
1983 December 5
83040 : Fall Colors in Boulder Valley
83041 : Boulder - Basin (Aerials)
1983 November 9
83042 : Glendive Asphalt Sample
83043 : Boulder to Basin - I-15-3(42)150 U1 and I-15-3(42)150 U3
1984 June
83044 : St. Regis East and West
1984 June 19
83045 : West Reserve Street - Kalispell
83046 : Columbia Falls East and West
84000 : Boulder to Basin
1984 September 24
84001 : Wyola South
1984 September 24
84002 : Governor Schwinden and Staff
1984 January 10
84003 : Lieutenant Governor George Turman
1984 December
84004 : Governor Schwinden
1984 December
84005 : Glendive Railroad Overpass
84006 : Railroad Cars at Glendive
84007 : Colstrip to Interstate 90
84008 : Fairmont Hot Springs Road
84009 : Stevensville, Montana- Main Street
84010 : Interstate South of Dillon (By Clark Canyon Dam)
84011 : Terri Cohea (Administrative Officer to Governor)
84012 : Boulder to Basin Award - Walt Scott of Morrison-Maierle Presents Award to Ilert Hellerburst, Commissioner
84013 : Sloway Bridge near St. Regis
84014 : St. Regis West (Litigation)
1984 January 24
84015 : Detour Map
1984 January 24
84016 : Photo Unit, Travis Smith Uses View Camera in Studio
1984 June 24
84017 : Wash Bay Door, Shop Building
1984 January 10
84018 : Bob Keck
1983 March
84019 : Larry Moore
84020 : Photo Lab - Color Printing Services
84021 : David Hunter
84022 : Governor Schwinden (in Sweater)
84023 : 10 Ton Snow Plow Truck - Equipment
84024 : Plains to Paradise
84026 : Boulder to Basin Construction
1984 August 24
84027 : St. Regis East and West Construction
1984 September
84028 : Sign Shop (Judith Landing and Fort Chardon Signs)
1984 August
84029 : Pin Map, Planning Bureau
84030 : Kalispell (Storm Drain Model Prepared By Geology)
1984 January 24
84031 : Build Montana Logo, Travel Promotion
85001 : Materials Lab Test Trailer
1985 December
85002 : House of Representatives, Democrats
1985 January
85003 : House of Representatives, Republicans
1985 January
85004 : Office of Public Instruction - Employees
1985 December
85005 : Robert Lamb Award
85006 : York Bridge
85007 : Supreme Court Judges Inauguration
1985 January 7
85008 : Supreme Court Judges and Others Inauguration
1985 January 7
85009 : Ed Argenbright
85010 : Governor Schwinden and Lieutenant Governor Turman - Inauguration
1985 January 7
85011 : Reception at Governor Schwinden and Lieutenant Governor Turman's Inauguration
1985 January 7
85012 : Pin Map, Planning Bureau
1985 March 11
85013 : C. Briggs
1985 March 22
85014 : Photo Unit Service Manual
1985 April 4
85015 : Boulder to Elk Park
1985 April 10
85016 : Slide North of Lodge Grass
1985 April 10
85017 : Wyola South
1985 April 10
85018 : Bernice to Basin
1985 May 31
85019 : Bernice to Basin
1985 May 31
85020 : Bowman's Corner
1985 May 31
85021 : Cruse Avenue - Helena
1985 May 31
85022 : Antler's Cut - East of Troy
85023 : Commissioner Maria Murry
1984 August 23
85024 : Basin to Elk Park
1985 July 26
85025 : St. Regis East and West
1985 July 26
85026 : Basin to Elk Park
1985 September 4
85027 : Basin to Elk Park
1985 September 13
85028 : Wyola - South
1985 September 12
85029 : Performance Appraisal Awards
1985 July 18
85030 : Poplar River, West Fork
1985 April 10
85031 : John L. Prebil, Passport Photo
1985 September 16
85032 : Culvert near Grassrange on U.S. (Highway) 87
1985 July 26
85033 : Governor Schwinden and Dave Lewis
85034 : Meyer Barn on Shiloh Road - Billings
85035 : Chip Seal Crew
1985 July 16
85036 : Lee Metcalf Clay Statue
1985 September 17
85037 : Gene Huntington
1985 December
85039 : Dixon Floods
1986 February 25
85040 : Camas Creek Flood near Perma
1986 February 25
85042 : Hot Spring Creek near Hot Springs
1986 February 25
85043 : Little Bitterroot Creek Flood - Hot Springs to Flathead River
1986 February 25
85044 : Desment - Evaro Flood near O'Keefe Creek
1986 February 25
85045 : Pattie Creek Flood near Missoula
1986 February 25
85046 : Clark Fork River Flood at Harper Bridge near Missoula
1986 February 25
85047 : Ten Mile Creek Flood in Helena Valley
1986 February 25
86000 : Milk River Flood - Glasgow to Saco
1986 March 6
86001 : Basin to Elk Park
1986 September 22
86002 : Fish Creek Bridge
86003 : Harrison Avenue, Butte
86004 : Cruse Avenue, Helena
86005 : Lodge Grass Interstate 90 - Road Awards
86006 : Crow Agency - Route 212
86007 : Rogers Pass - Road Awards
86008 : Clearwater Weight Station
86009 : Halon Fire Suppression System
86010 : Bernice Ponds (Copy of Landscape Rendering) (Bernice Borrow Pit Reclamation Plan
87001 : Board of Investment (Receives One Million Check)
1987 November 20
87002 : Rogers Pass
1987 July 27
87003 : Clearwater Junction Weigh Station
1987 June 27
87004 : Hungry Horse to West Glacier - Road Awards
87005 : Bernice Ponds - Road Awards
87006 : Railroad Bed by Big Sandy - Historical Preservation
87007 : Governor's Mansion exterior and interior- Helena
87008 : Helena West, (State) Highway 12 - Road Awards
87009 : Evero Hill, North of Missoula - Road Awards
87010 : Warm Springs Ponds - Road Awards
87011 : State Seal
87012 : Butte - Interstate 15 near Continental Drive Interchange
87013 : Legislative Finance Committee
87014 : Governor Schwinden Presents Award to Former Governor Anderson
87015 : Capitol Building - Helena
1986 April 28
87016 : Larry Williams
1987 January
87017 : PERS (Public Employee's Retirement System) Board
1987 May
87018 : Peggy Hartman
87019 : Two Medicine Bridge - Road Awards
1987 July 27
87020 : Basin to Elk Park
1987 July 27
87021 : Diagram on building humidity (on chalkboard)
87022 : Route 21, (State Highway) 287, and 87-89 Midget Man Missile Study
87023 : Homestake Pass Rock Slopes - West
87024 : Montana Tunnels
1987 September
88001 : Our Lady of the Rockies
1988 October 30
88002 : Lieutenant Governor McOmber
88003 : Paint Striper Accident near Columbus
88004 : Governor Schwinden and Family
1988 January 2
88005 : Governor Schwinden and Staff
88006 : Highway Building Roof Damage
88007 : Women in Non-Traditional Roles - Highways
88008 : Ernie Saxman
88009 : Havre Railroad Overpass
88010 : Warm Springs' Ponds
88011 : Butte Concrete Interstate 15
88012 : Butte Scenic Turnout -Interstate 15
88013 : Great Falls U.S. (Highway) 87 - North - Great Falls
88014 : Box Elder to Havre U.S. (Highway) 87
88015 : Elmo to Rollins
88016 : St. Regis West - Interstate 15
88017 : Fish Creek Bridge
88018 : Gross Vehicle Weight Groups
88019 : Barbara Mullin Department of Agriculture
88020 : Stockpass near MacDonald Pass
1988 June 7
88021 : Paint Striper
88022 : Steve Kologi
88023 : Kumamoto Display in Capitol Building - Helena
88024 : Pipe Organ North - Interstate 15 Construction
88025 : Terry Cohea
88026 : Governor Schwinden (in Algeria Hat)
88027 : Mark Bisom
88028 : Wise River Cuts
88029 : Don Harriott
88031 : Montana Lottery Group
88032 : Human Services Delivery Task Force (Matt Shearer chariman)
88033 : Accident Clusters (Pin Map)
88034 : Ervin (Lynn) Predmore
88035 : Highway Commission
1988 December 2
88036 : Take Pride in America Award - Presented by Governor Schwinden
88037 : Jex Hunsaker
88038 : Gary Wicks and Administrative Staff
88039 : Lieutenant Governor Gordon McOmber
88040 : Build Montana Pin Map
88041 : Governor Schwinden and Department Heads
88042 : Gary Wicks
1988 December 28
88043 : Civil Rights Statewide Pin Map
1988 January 13
88044 : Legislative Audit Committee
1988 December 5
89001 : Governor Stan Stephens - Inaugural Reception
1988 January 2
89002 : Governor Stan Stephens - Formal Portrait
89003 : Lieutenant Governor Allen Kolstad
89004 : Governor Stan Stephens Inauguration
1989 January 2
89005 : Avon to Elliston
1989 April 10
89006 : Troy to Libby
1989 April 10
89007 : Dickey Lake North and South
1989 April 10
89008 : Dickey Lake North and South
1989 May 15
89009 : Avon to Elliston
1989 June 1
89010 : Libby to Troy
1989 May 15
89011 : Avon to Elliston
1989 June 28
89012 : Dickey Lake
1989 June 27
89013 : Libby to Troy
1989 June 27
89014 : President (George H.W.) Bush Visits Helena
1989 September 18
89015 : President (George H.W.) Bush Visits Helena
1989 September 18
89016 : President (George H.W.) Bush Visits Helena
1989 September 18
89017 : President (George H.W.) Bush Visits Helena
1989 September 18
89018 : President (George H.W.) Bush Visits Helena
1989 September 18
89019 : President (George H.W.) Bush Visits Helena
1989 September 18
89020 : President (George H.W.) Bush Visits Helena
1989 September 18
89021 : President (George H.W.) Bush Visits Helena
1989 September 18
89022 : President (George H.W.) Bush Visits Helena
1989 September 18
89023 : Troy to Libby
1989 September 6
89024 : Avon to Elliston
1989 August 29
89025 : Avon to Elliston
1989 August 29
89026 : Dickey Lake
1989 August 29
89027 : Troy to Libby
1989 September 6
89028 : Avon-Elliston Slide
89029 : Mrs. Stan Stephens
89030 : Governor Stan Stephens
89031 : Whitefish Lake Oil Spill
89032 : NAASHTO (North American Association of State Highway Officials) Safety Conference, Kalispell
89033 : Centennial Cattle Drive
1989 September
89034 : Don Piezzina, Director of Health
89035 : Brandy Parcel near Monture Creek
1989 August
89036 : Centennial Cattle Drive
89037 : Governor Stan Stephens Visits Department of Administration
1989 October 2
89038 : Governor Stan Stephens Visits Department of Administration
1989 October 2
89039 : Governor Stan Stephens Visits Department of Administration
1989 October 2
89040 : Governor and Mrs. Ann Stephens
89041 : Everett Snortland (Director Department of Agriculture)
1989 May 1
89042 : Dickey Lake North and South
1990 January 18
89043 : Troy - Libby
1990 January 18
89044 : Avon to Elliston
1990 January 18
89045 : Big Mountain, Whitefish
1990 January 18
89046 : Troy to Libby
1990 February 23
89047 : Avon Slide
89048 : Legislative Council Committee
1990 March 9
89049 : Tax Appeal Board
1990 March 29
89050 : Dickey Lake
1990 March 26
89051 : Libby to Troy
1990 March 26
89052 : Libby to Troy
1990 March 26
89053 : Avon Slide
1990 March 26
89054 : Dickey Lake
1990 May 3
89055 : Goat Lick
1990 May 2
89056 : Libby to Troy (Slide - Libby Side)
1990 May 3
89057 : Tom Dartman Retirement Party
1990 March 30
89058 : Shorty Shope Painting
1990 March 30
89059 : Theodore Roosevelt Monument on U.S. (Highway) 2 near Summit
1990 May 5
89060 : Montana (Highway) 200 near Potomac
1990 May 5
89061 : Pin Map, Accident Clusters - 1989
1990 May 5
89062 : Historical Bridge Site on Big Hole River
1990 May 5
89063 : Rubberized Asphalt Samples 10th Avenue South
1990 May 5
89064 : Montana Medal of Honor Recipients Ceremony
1990 May 5
89065 : Governor Cup Recipients - Governor Stephens Presents Award
1990 June 19
89066 : Libby to Troy
1990 June 15
89067 : Dickey Lake
1990 June 15
89068 : Greenough Hill Slide
1990 June 21
89069 : Libby to Troy
1990 July 19
89070 : Dickey Lake
1990 July 19
89071 : Criminal Investigative Negatives - Footprints
1990 August 8
89072 : Confiscated Betting Money, M & M Bar, Butte
1990 July 1
90001 : Eastern Montana Highways
1990 June 1
90002 : Dickey Lake
1990 August 8,
90003 : Libby to Troy
1990 August 8
90004 : Dickey Lake
1990 September 6
90005 : Libby to Troy
1990 September 6
90006 : Dickey Lake
1990 September 24
90007 : Libby to Troy
1990 September 24
90008 : Great American Outdoors - Staff Visits Governor Stan Stephens
1990 October 30
90009 : Dickey Lake
1990 October 25
90010 : Libby to Troy
1990 October 25
90011 : Legislative Audit Committee
1990 November 16
90012 : Karen Barclay, Department of Natural Resources
1990 October 5
90013 : Zoanne Attwood - Director, Montana Lottery
1990 October 5
90014 : Curtis Chisholm, Department of Institutions
1990 October 5
90015 : Dennis Casey, Director of State Lands
1990 October 5
90016 : Charles Brooke, Department of Commerce
1990 October 5
90017 : Stan Grace, Northwest Planning
1990 October 5
90018 : Les Graham, Director of Livestock
1990 October 5
90019 : Rod Sunsted, Budget and Program Planning
1990 October 5
90020 : Tom Olsen, Family Services
1990 October 5
90021 : General Gary Blair, Military Affairs
1990 October 5
90022 : Everett Snortland, Department of Agriculture
1990 October 5
90023 : Dennis Iverson, Department of Health
1990 October 5
90024 : Denis Adams, Department of Revenue
1990 October 5
90025 : Julie Robertson, Director of SRS
1990 October 5
90026 : Robert Marks, Department of Administration
1990 October 5
90027 : Hank Hudson, Governor's Office on Aging
1990 October 5
90028 : K.L. Cool - Director of Fish, Wildlife and Parks
1990 October 5
90029 : John Brenden, Northwest Planning (Pacific Northwest Electrical Power and Conservation Council)
1990 October 5
90030 : Mike Micone, Department of Labor and Industry
1990 October 5
90031 : David Ashley, Department of Administration
1990 October 5
90032 : John Rothwell, Director of Highways Department
1990 October 5
90033 : Larry Larsen, Director of Highways Department
1990 October 5
90034 : Board of Investments
1990 October 26
90035 : Dennis Unsworth
1990 December 10
90036 : Red Rooster Billboard in Butte
1990 June 1
90037 : Jim Penner, Board of Investments
1990 December 10
90038 : Governor Stephens Presents RV Key to Good Sam Club
1990 June 1
90039 : Public Service Commission
1989 June 3
90040 : House of Representatives
1989 April 17
90041 : Montana (State Highway) 200 East of Great Falls
1990 June 1
90042 : Pin Map, Construction
1990 December 10
90043 : Senate Group Photo
1989 April 14
90044 : Larry Larsen, Director of Highways Department
1989 March 15
90045 : Avon Gas Pumps
90046 : Avon Irrigation Flume
90047 : Pin Map
90048 : Governor Stan Stephens Presents Employee Awards
90049 : Damaged Door on Highway Hangar
1990 June 7
90050 : Statue on Top of Capitol Building - Helena
90051 : Burlington Northern Railroad Damage Claim, Troy-Libby
1990 October 17
90052 : Public Service Commission
1990 August 23
90053 : Darby North and South
1990 October 25
90054 : Dickey Lake
1990 September 24
90055 : Libby to Troy
1990 September 24
90056 : Havre Gross Vehicle Weight Weigh Station - Road Awards
90057 : Basin to Elk Park - Road Awards
90058 : Dennis Shea, Commissioner
90059 : Dan Huestis - Chairman, Highway Commission
90060 : Mr. Conroy - Highway Commissioner
90061 : Sixth Street - Railroad Overpass, Great Falls
90062 : Tennis Shoe Impression
90063 : Tax Appeal Board
1990 May 24
90064 : Dickey Lake
1990 December 7
90065 : Libby to Troy
1991 January 3
90066 : Dickey Lake
1991 January 3
90067 : Troy to Libby
1991 February 26
90068 : Dickey Lake
1991 February 26
91001 : Governor Stan Stephens wearing a Shriners fez hat
1991 March 6
91002 : Governor Stan Stephens Portrait
1991 March 6
91003 : Governor Stan Stephens Portrait in Reception Room
1991 March 6
91004 : Core Samples, Materials Lab
91005 : Public Service Commission
1991 February 21
91006 : Civil Rights Pin Map - Equal Employment Opportunity
1991 February 8
91007 : Ed Smith, Commissioner
1991 January 21
91008 : Murray Ehlers, Commissioner
1991 January 21
91009 : SRS Employee of Month, Jackie Wood
91010 : Steve Yeakel, Governor's Office
1991 February 21
91011 : Kathleen Fleury, Indian Affairs Coordinator
1991 February 21
91012 : John McNaught, Tax Appeal Board
1991 February 21
91013 : Soda Pop Spill Through Print Unit's Ceiling
1991 February 19
91014 : Accident Cluster Pin Map for 1990
1991 March 20
91015 : Dickey Lake
1991 April 25
91016 : Libby to Troy
1991 April 25
91017 : Lieutenant Governor Dennis Rehberg Takes Oath
91019 : Libby to Troy
1991 July 12
91020 : Dickey Lake
1991 July 12
91021 : Tax Appeal Board
1991 July 17
91022 : Greg Hanson
1991 July 15
91023 : Perry Jones, SRS - Employee of the Month
1991 July 26
91024 : Montana Health Facility Board - with Governor Stan Stephens
1991 July 15
91025 : Dr. Amos Little
1991 July 15
91026 : Jerry Hoover
1991 July 15
91027 : Debra McKee
1991 July 15
91028 : Sandy Johnson
1991 July 15
91029 : Gayle Carpenter
1991 July 15
91030 : Kent Brubaker
1991 July 15
91031 : Michelle Barstad-Jones
1991 July 15
91032 : Pavement Defects
1991 September 13
91033 : Lieutenant Governor Rehberg Formal Portrait
1991 July 15
91034 : Lieutenant Governor Rehberg
1991 July 15
91035 : John Kinna, Chief of Staff
1991 July 15
91036 : Lewistown
1991 July 12
91037 : Lewistown Area Primaries
1991 July 12
91038 : Members of the House (of Representatives
1991 March 5
91039 : Members of the Senate
1991 March 17
91040 : Randy Mockel, SRS
1991 May 8
91041 : Ken Christiansen, SRS
1991 May 8
91042 : Justice Investigation - SBC 3978
91043 : Train, Planes, and Trucks
1991 May 9
91044 : Justice Investigation - SBC 3941
1991 March 25
91045 : Governor Stan Stephens Presents Incentive Awards
1991 May 7
91046 : Goat Lick Slide Area
1991 June 18
91047 : Eureka
1991 June 18
91048 : Capitol Building - Helena
1991 June 18
91049 : Governor's Reception Room and Capitol Rotunda
91050 : Bridge Rendering
1991 October 19
91051 : Dickey Lake
1991 October 19
91052 : Libby to Troy
1991 September 24
91053 : WASHTO (Western Association of State Highway Transportation Officials) - Grass Mountain Lodge
1991 September 9
91054 : U.S (Highway) 78 near Red Lodge
1991 August 1
91055 : Board of Investments
1991 October 25
91056 : Governor Stan Stephens and Kathleen Fleury
1991 October 31
91057 : Bob Batista
1991 October 31
91058 : Mona Jamison
1991 October 19
91059 : Terry Teichro
1991 October 9
91060 : Primary Highways
1991 August 1
91061 : Yellow Larch near Marias Pass
1991 August 1
91062 : Troy McGee
1991 October 31
91063 : Ed McGreevy
1991 November 21
91064 : Asphalt Core Samples
1991 November 21
91065 : Arnold Schwarzenegger "I'll Be Back"
1991 October 10
92000 : Joe Elpel, SRS
1992 January 22
92001 : Charlie Rehbein - Director, Governor's Office on Aging
1992 April 8
92002 : Pin Map, Safety Management
1992 March 25
92003 : Robert Champion
1992 March 19
92004 : Bill Fraser - Director, Department of Livestock
1992 March 25
92005 : Engineering Tools
92006 : Primary Highways - Between Stanford and Lewistown
92007 : Equal Employment Opportunity Tour of Montana Department of Transportation
92008 : Russ Ritter's Retirement
1991 November 12
92009 : Kay Marshall, SRS Employee of the Month
1991 October 11
92010 : Patti Smith, SRS Employee of the Month
1992 April 10
92011 : Elsie Jones 80th Birthday
1992 April 30
92012 : Con-Con Reunion of 1972
1992 June 13
92013 : Public Service Commission
92014 : Governor and Mrs. Racicot in Formal Dress
1993 January 1
92015 : Lieutenant Governor Rehberg and Mrs. Rehberg in Formal Dress
1993 January 1
92016 : Members of the House of Representatives
1993 January 1
92017 : Members of the Senate
1993 January 1
92018 : Department of Transportation at the Workplace
92019 : Record's Management
92020 : Record's Management Open House
92021 : Ralph Peck, Department of Livestock
92022 : Leo Giacometto, Department of Agriculture
92023 : Governor Marc Racicot Inauguration
1993 January 20
92024 : Governor Marc Racicot Inauguration Reception
1993 January 20
92025 : Mike Davis - Department of Transportation
92026 : Lottery Winner
1992 April 13
92027 : Firehole Avenue, West Yellowstone
1992 May 13
92028 : Emigrant Rest Area
1992 May 12
92029 : Madison River Bridge, East of Norris
1992 May 13
92030 : Margret Gilbert, SRS
1992 August 3
92031 : Governor Stephens and etched glass art
1992 November 20
92032 : Governor's Mansion - Helena
1992 November 24
92033 : Governor Stan Stephens
1992 August 14
92034 : Department of Transportation Commissioners
1992 December 3
92035 : John Lewis
1993 February 3
92036 : Rick Rogney
1993 February 3
92037 : Larry Williams
1993 February 3
92038 : Ross Tervo
1993 February 3
92039 : Janis Winston
1993 February 3
92040 : Pat Saindon
1993 February 3
92041 : Jan Vogel
1993 February 3
92042 : Legislative Council
1992 November 20
92043 : Governor's Mansion - Helena
1992 December 20
92044 : Robert Scherting
92045 : Legislative Audit
1992 November 20
92046 : Route 20 West Yellowstone Area
1992 May 13
92047 : Route 87, Reynolds Pass Area
1992 May 13
92048 : Pine Creek Bridge
1992 May 12
92049 : Mine Reclamation - Butte
92050 : Marvin Dye - Director of Department of Transportation
1993 January 1
92051 : PERD (Public Employee's Retirement System?) Board
92052 : Ennis Lake Bridge
1992 May 13
92053 : Interstate 15 - South of Shelby
92054 : E.I.T Helena Office (Engineers in Training
92055 : Ovando Waterfowl Production Area
1992 May 30
92056 : Margret Morgan
92057 : Seeley Swan Valley
92058 : Governor Employee Recognition Day
92059 : Montana Department of Transportation Service Awards
1993 November 18
92060 : Governor Stan Stephens and Staff
92061 : E.L. Predmore
93001 : Gross Vehicle Weight
1993 March
93002 : Art Rendering of Overpass in Bozeman
1993 February
93003 : Montana Department of Transportation Safety Award - Presented By Governor Marc Racicot
93004 : Joel Fenger, Aeronautics
93005 : Lee Ford, Aeronautics
93006 : Bev Brinkley, Aeronautics (or PERD
1993 November 18
93007 : Public Service Commission
1993 June 21
93008 : Pat Graham - Department of Fish, Wildlife, and Parks
93009 : Tax Appeal Board
1993 November 15
93010 : Governor Marc Racicot
1993 February 2
93011 : Maintenance Crew By Cardwell
93012 : Sharel Stron, Department of Transportation Commissioner
93013 : Wally R. Bell, Department of Transportation Commissioner
1993 November
93014 : Thorm Forseth, Chairman Department of Transportation Commission
1993 November
93015 : Patricia Abelin, Department of Transportation Commissioner
1993 November
94001 : Montana (State Highway) 200 - Bowman's Corner West
94003 : Board of Investments
1994 May 12
94004 : Daughters to Work Program
1994 May 28
94005 : Judge William Hunt
94006 : Governor's Conversation on Endowed Philanthropy
1994 November 16
94007 : Gross Vehicle Weight
1994 October 19
94008 : Governor Marc Racicot's Task Force
1994 October 28
94009 : Hungry Horse to Columbia Heights, Goat Lick
1994 September 16
94010 : Montana Department of Transportation - Employee Recognition Awards
1994 September 29
94011 : Legislative Audit Committee
1994 December 19
95001 : Adopt-A-Highway Sign
1995 June
95002 : Governor Marc and Theresa Racicot
95003 : Boulder Valley
1995 August
95004 : Governor Marc and Theresa Racicot by Log Cabin
1995 September 3
95005 : Governor Marc Racicot and Staff
95006 : Governor Marc Racicot and Family
95007 : Blackfoot Sign Agreement with State of Montana
1995 May
95008 : Montana Department of Transportation - Service Awards (Rick Rogney, Mike Davis, John Ulberg, Steve Nickel, and Mary Spaulding)
1995 May
95009 : 54th Legislature - Senate
1995 March 27
95010 : 54th Legislature - House
1995 April 13
95011 : Legislator's Reunion
1995 April 2
95012 : Vickie Koch Receives Award From Governor Marc Racicot
1995 June 27
95013 : Theresa Racicot
95014 : Highway Traffic Safety Group
1995 September
95015 : Gross Vehicle Weight Officers
1995 July
95016 : Dan Larson, Commissioner
1995 April 10
95018 : Governor Marc Racicot Family
1995 September 5
96001 : Robert Harding Donates Bugle Mouth Piece to Governor Marc Racicot
1996 October
96002 : Montana Department of Transportation - Incentive Awards
1996 November
96003 : Legislative Services Committee
96004 : Montana Department of Transportation Quick Response - Medical Alert Team
1996 September
96005 : Pavement Cracking on Interstate 15
1996 August
96006 : Governor Marc Racicot Incentive Awards
1996 October
96007 : Vista Point Cooke City Highway
1996 June
96008 : Interstate 90 - Manhattan Exit Area
1996 June
96009 : Fall Colors in Boulder Valley
1996 October
96010 : Fall Colors near Harlowton and Shawmut area
1996 October
96011 : Bridge over Boulder River at Elk Horn Junction
96012 : Bridge on Interstate 15 over Boulder River
1996 October
96013 : Aeronautics grade school art
96015 : Pier Bridge
1996 November
96016 : Jean Bond
1996 February 7
96017 : Bob Parsley
1996 May
96018 : Rick Day
1996 March 7
96019 : Richey Bender
96020 : Jim Weaver
1996 May
96021 : Dennis Unsworth
1996 March 7
96022 : Bill Salisbury
1996 May
96023 : Gene Stettler
1996 May
96024 : Governor Marc Racicot Presents Montana Department of Transportation Awards
1996 July
96025 : Clint Blackwood
96026 : Mick Johnson
1996 March
96027 : Gary Gilmore
1996 March 5
96028 : Jason Giard
1996 March 5
96029 : Dave Galt
1996 March 5
96030 : John Blacker
1996 March
96031 : Jim Currie
1996 July
96032 : Sandra Straehl
1996 September 19
96033 : State Telephone Directory Cover
96034 : Pin Map
96035 : Ju Sing
96036 : Paint Samples Materials Lab
96037 : Asphalt Sample UV Lighting
96038 : Aeronautics(Portraits)
96039 : Deep Creek Canyon
96040 : Tom O'Sullivan, Brad Rowell and Mike Randall
96041 : Aeronautics Art
96042 : Senator Dave Manning Building Dedication
96043 : DBE - Kalispell
96044 : Governor's Mansion and Elsie's Apartment
96045 : Rest Area Rendering
96046 : Incentive Awards Committee
96047 : Tele-8 Communications
96048 : Legislative Council
96049 : Barbara Martin
96050 : Lynn Israel
96051 : Health Facility Board
96052 : Marc Racicot, Dave Ashley, and Gary Buchannan
96053 : Kelsh Plotter
96054 : Aeronautics
96055 : Reed Point Senior Class Visits Capitol - Helena
96056 : Marvin Dye Presents Award to Paul Ferry
96057 : Snow Plow Trucks at Montana Department of Transportation
1993 December 29
96058 : Ron Mercer - Aeronautics
96059 : Mike Ferguson - Aeronautics
96060 : IFTA - International Fuel Tax Association
1993 July 27
96061 : Records Management
96062 : Oberlist at Summit
96063 : Senator Bob Brown and Representative John Mercer in Governor's Office
96065 : Historic Print - Horse and Slip (and group portrait of unidentified men
96066 : Ovando Scenery
96067 : Native American Owned Firms - Display in Equal Employment Opportunity Office
96068 : Equal Employment Opportunity Personnel and Orange Christmas Tree
96069 : Governor Marc Racicot Presents Award to Energy Poster Winners
96070 : Van for DBE
96071 : Harold Mohn
96072 : John Rothwell Signs Agreement with Cities and Towns
96073 : Maintenance Seminar
96074 : Pin Map - Accidents
96075 : Bruce Barrett
96076 : 40th Birthday Display in Rotunda for Interstate System
96077 : Parcels on Reserve Street
96078 : Lieutenant Governor Judy Martz
96079 : Legislative Audit Committee
1996 December 24
97001 : Governor Marc Racicot Inauguration and Reception
1997 January 6
97002 : Infant in Car Seat
1997 February 18,
97003 : Dial-A-Ride Helena Bus
1997 February 18
97004 : Montana Department of Transportation Employees at Workstations
1997 February 18
97005 : Senator Miller with Laurel Group
1997 March 14
97006 : Full Senate
1997 February 4
97007 : Senate Staff
1997 February 4
97008 : Senate Democratic Caucus
1997 February 4
97009 : Senate Republican Caucus
1997 February 4
97010 : Montana Department of Transportation Display at Rotunda
1997 February 4
97011 : Legislative House in Rush Limbaugh Ties
1997 April 2
97012 : Women in Legislature - House
1997 April 2
97013 : Legislative House Staff
1997 April 2
97014 : House Democrats
1997 April 2
97015 : House Republicans
1997 April 2
97016 : Full House
1997 April 2
97017 : Lady Griz Basketball Team Visits Legislature
1997 February
97018 : Car seats
1997 February 18
97019 : Aeronautics Kids Art Contest
97020 : Boulder Valley
97021 : Jefferson River - High Water at Waterloo
97022 : Train Car Wheels
1997 May 29
97023 : View From Ennis Hill into Madison Valley
1997 May 29
97024 : Jefferson River Bridge at Silver Star
1997 May 29
97026 : Employee Recognition - Governor Marc Racicot Presents Awards
1997 September 24
97027 : Montana Department of Transportation - Employee Service Awards
1997 November 21
97028 : Orange Street Railroad Overpass - Missoula
1997 August 15
97029 : Orange Street Bridge, Missoula
1997 August 15
97030 : Wolf Point Bridge
97031 : Swan River Bridge
97032 : Governor Marc and Theresa Racicot - Kleffner Ranch
97033 : Governor Marc Racicot and Staff
1998 February 4
97034 : Governor Marc Racicot and Agency Directors
1998 February 4
97035 : Swan River Bridge
97036 : Governor Stan Stephens on Golf Cart
97037 : Governor Stan Stephens and Ann Stephens
97038 : Pier Bridge near Alberton
97039 : Wet Lands near Dillon
97040 : Rest Areas (poor, old and some new ones)
97041 : Ninth Street Bridge, Great Falls
97042 : Governor's Awards-Marc Racicot
97043 : Governor Marc Racicot and Family