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Table of Contents
Richard De Rochemont papers, 1900-1997
Overview of the Collection
- Creator
- De Rochemont, Richard
- Title
- Richard De Rochemont papers
- Dates
1900-1997 (inclusive)Date of CollectionDate of Collection
- Quantity
- 150.11 cubic ft. (216 boxes)
- Collection Number
- 05940
- Summary
- The papers of Richard De Rochemont, an American film producer and director of informational films including the March of Time newsreels.
- Repository
American Heritage Center, University of Wyoming
American Heritage Center
University of Wyoming
1000 E. University Ave.
Dept. 3924
Laramie, WY
Telephone: 3077663756 - Access Restrictions
Access Restrictions
There are no access restrictions on the materials for research purposes, and the collection is open to the public.
- Languages
- English
Historical NoteReturn to Top
Richard de Rochemont (1903-1982) was a motion picture producer and director during the twentieth century. Born in Boston, Massachusetts, and educated at Harvard University, De Rochemont started his motion picture career as a foreign editor for Fox-Movietone News (1930-1934). He joined Time Incorporated's March of Time film series, produced by Richard's brother Louis De Rochemont, in 1934 and enjoyed a notable career with this newsreel series, serving as European correspondent and managing director (1934-1940), managing director in New York City (1940-1943), and executive producer (1943-1951). As executive producer, he won an Academy Award for his production of the March of Time film "A Chance to Live" (1949). In 1955, De Rochemont founded his own film production company, Vavin Incorporated, and produced instructional films for a number of organizations between the mid 1950s and early 1980s, including the Reader's Digest Association and the French Government Tourist Office. In addition to his work in the film industry, De Rochemont was the author of several cookbooks, including Contemporary French Cooking (1962), The Pets' Cookbook (1964), and Eating in America (1976).
Content DescriptionReturn to Top
Project files include manuscripts and articles, scripts, research files, and other documents relating to projects produced by and associated with De Rochemont. Correspondence includes subjects both personal and professional in nature. Personal and professional files include documents, research materials, membership files, newspaper clippings, engagement diaries, Vavin, Inc. records, and other files both personal and professional in scope. The films include 16mm and 35mm films produced by De Rochemont, including March of Time and films produced for the Readers Digest Association and the French Government Tourist Office. The photographs depict both De Rochemont’s personal life as well as the production of his various films, including March of Time. Audio contains reel-to-reel audio tapes, including sound for some of De Rochemont’s films.
Use of the CollectionReturn to Top
Restrictions on Use
Copyright InformationThe researcher assumes full responsibility for observing all copyright, property, and libel laws as they apply.
Preferred Citation
Preferred CitationItem Description, Box Number, Folder Number, Richard De Rochemont papers, 05940, American Heritage Center, University of Wyoming.
Administrative InformationReturn to Top
Related Materials
Related MaterialsThere are no known other archival collections created by Richard De Rochemont at the date of processing.
Acquisition Information
Acquisition InformationThis material was received from Richard De Rochemont, Jane De Rochemont (wife) and Virginia De Rochemont (niece) between 1975-2017.
Processing Note
Processing InformationThe collection was processed by Emily Christopherson in September 2012 and updated by Jamie Greene in July 2018.
Detailed Description of the CollectionReturn to Top
Series I. Projects, 1935-1982Return to Top
Arranged alphabetically. Contains manuscripts, articles, scripts, research files, and other material related to films, books, and articles produced by De Rochemont.
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
Box | ||
167 | "25 Restaurants I Like" |
1975-1976 |
167 | "700 Miles of Beaches" |
1957 |
167 | "Adventures of Annabelle" |
1960 |
167 | Air France - "Chateaux Weather" |
1951 |
167 | Air France - "Jets" |
1961 |
167 | "Almanac of Will Rogers, Jr." |
1962 |
171 | "Ambassadors" |
circa 1952-1964 |
163 | "America's Williamsburg" |
1958-1961 |
167 | American Society of Travel Agents (ASTA) |
1958 |
179 | "An A.E.F. For Africa?" |
1941 |
167 | Articles - by De Rochemont |
1940-1964 |
194 | Articles - by Richard De Rochemont in various
periodicals |
1941-1976 |
205 | Articles - by De Rochemont on France |
1941-1945 |
167 | "Arturo" |
1968 |
167 | Ballet idea |
undated |
167 | "Bear" |
1973 |
167 | "Blitzed America" |
1941 |
167 | "Brevity Key to Larger Audience Penetration" |
1963 |
171 | "Buried Treasure" |
undated |
167 | "Casbahs of the South" |
1957 |
167 | "Cinerama" |
1947-1950 |
167 | "Community Challenge" |
1952-1953 |
167 | "Consumers Want To Know" |
1951 |
169 | "Contemporary French Cooking" |
1960-1962 |
167 | "Cornflower" |
1948 |
168-169 | "Eating In America" |
1972-1977 |
167 | "Eclipse" |
1947 |
167 | "Essence of Sakel" |
undated |
167 | "Eye Witness" |
undated |
166 | "Filmed Encyclopedia" |
1951 |
165 | Ford Foundation - "Mr. Lincoln" scripts and
materials |
1952-1954 |
162 | France for Fun - "Basque Country" |
1956 |
162 | France for Fun - "Normandy" |
1956 |
162 | France for Fun - "Painters of Paris" |
1956 |
162 | France for Fun - "Shopper's Holiday" |
1956 |
162 | French Government Tourist Office |
1955-1960 |
162 | French Government Tourist Office - "Alsace" |
1959 |
162 | French Government Tourist Office - "Artists of
Provence" |
1955 |
162 | French Government Tourist Office - "Bastille Day" |
1956 |
162 | French Government Tourist Office - "Boy in Paris" |
1959 |
162 | French Government Tourist Office - "Bright New Face of
Paris" |
1964 |
162 | French Government Tourist Office - "Carnival" |
1956 |
162 | French Government Tourist Office - "Chateau Country" |
1955 |
162 | French Government Tourist Office - "Contrasts of
Carcassonne" |
1958 |
162 | French Government Tourist Office - "Corsica" |
1959 |
162 | French Government Tourist Office - "Diversity of France" and
"Rivers of France" |
1957 |
162 | French Government Tourist Office - "Food and Wines" |
1955 |
162 | French Government Tourist Office - "France for the
Sportsman" |
1958 |
162 | French Government Tourist Office - "French
Caribbean" |
1964 |
162 | French Government Tourist Office - "It's Convention Time…In
France" |
1958 |
162 | French Government Tourist Office - "Les Baux" |
1957 |
162 | French Government Tourist Office - "Motoring Mood" |
1955 |
162 | French Government Tourist Office - "Oldest Paris" |
1957 |
162 | French Government Tourist Office - "Paris Today" |
1961 |
162 | French Government Tourist Office - "Riviera
Playground" |
1955 |
162 | French Government Tourist Office - "Roussillon
Folkways" |
1958 |
162 | French Government Tourist Office - "Seine Boat Ride" |
1955 |
162 | French Government Tourist Office - "Spotlight on French
Spas" |
1961 |
162 | French Government Tourist Office - "Springtime in
Paris" |
1956 |
162 | French Government Tourist Office - "St. Benoit" |
1957 |
162 | French Government Tourist Office - "Summertime in the French
Alps" |
1958 |
162 | French Government Tourist Office - "Vacation in
France" |
1956 |
162 | French Government Tourist Office - "Welcome to
France" |
1964 |
162 | French Government Tourist Office - "Women of France" |
1958 |
162 | French Government Tourist Office - Dope sheets |
1955-1964 |
162 | French Government Tourist Office - film pamphlets |
undated |
162 | French Government Tourist Office - Music cue sheets |
1956-1963 |
166 | "Friday Morning in Rabat" |
1957 |
166 | "Frost" (Robert Frost) |
1952-1957 |
166 | "Fun Aboard the S.S. United States" |
1963 |
166 | "Guggenheim Museum" |
1955-1956 |
166 | "Here Is New York" |
1950-1954 |
163 | History in the Writing - "Vichy vs. France" |
1941 |
166 | "Houston Museum" |
1963-1971 |
166 | "H-T-P Test" |
undated |
166 | "I Remember When" |
1948 |
166 | "Jack Brink" |
1963 |
166 | Jean Giraudoux" |
undated |
166 | "Joe Is Home Now" |
undated |
166 | Julius Wile Sons and Company |
1962 |
166 | "Kip Catches Up" |
1965-1966 |
165 | Kodak series |
1954 |
163 | Letter to the New York Times |
1957 |
163 | Liquidation |
1967 |
166 | "Magic Mirror of Aloyse" |
1964-1979 |
166 | "Man From Orbit" |
1965-1966 |
166 | Marc Connelly |
1953-1960 |
161 | March of Time (MOT) - "Ballets de France" book |
undated |
199 | March of Time (MOT) - "Chance to Live" newspaper
clippings |
1950 |
205 | March of Time (MOT) - "Four Hours a Year: A Picture-Book Story of
Time Inc.'s Third Major Publishing Venture - The March of
Time" |
1936 |
199 | March of Time (MOT) - "Golden Twenties" newspaper
clippings |
1949-1950 |
199 | March of Time (MOT) - "Golden Twenties" promotional
materials |
1950 |
161 | March of Time (MOT) - "Golden Twenties" script |
undated |
161 | March of Time (MOT) - "History of the March of Time" radio
script |
1942 |
161 | March of Time (MOT) - "Holy Year at the Vatican"
script |
1950 |
161 | March of Time (MOT) - "Invitation to Harvard" script |
1951 |
161 | March of Time (MOT) - "March of Time series of picture stories
based on the famous films" |
1942-1943 |
178 | March of Time (MOT) - correspondence |
1951 |
161 | March of Time (MOT) - demise |
1951-1952 |
178 | March of Time (MOT) - Europe |
1949-1951 |
178 | March of Time (MOT) - financial records |
1951 |
161 | March of Time (MOT) - Forum Films synopses |
1950-1951 |
161 | March of Time (MOT) - Museum of Modern Art |
1942-1951 |
206 | March of Time (MOT) - operating and personnel data |
161 | March of Time (MOT) - photo book |
undated |
213 | March of Time (MOT) - photo collage |
undated |
205 | March of Time (MOT) - photographic collage |
undated |
161 | March of Time (MOT) - Project Y |
1947 |
205 | March of Time (MOT) - publicity materials and
posters |
undated |
161 | March of Time (MOT) - scripts (volumes 1-17) |
1942-1951 |
161 | March of Time (MOT) - synopses |
1935-1951 |
161 | March of Time (MOT) - testimonial letters |
1943-1947 |
178 | March of Time (MOT) - Vichy cables |
1940-1941 |
178 | March of Time (MOT) - Vichy |
1940-1946 |
205 | March of Time (MOT) - wooden plaque |
undated |
162 | Material for book |
undated |
162 | Mexico contracts and negatives |
1963 |
166 | "Michael Tanguy" |
1961 |
162 | Miscellaneous |
undated |
164 | Mobil Oil Corporation - "Pisqui" |
1967 |
166 | Montici - "Intarsia" |
1958 |
166 | "Morocco" |
1957 |
166 | Morrow autobiography |
1977 |
163 | Motion picture scripts |
undated |
166 | "Motorama" |
1956 |
199 | "Mr. Lincoln" newspaper clippings |
1952 |
166 | "Murder at Smutty Nose" |
undated |
166 | "Mysteries of Islam" |
1957 |
166 | "Mysteries of Paris" |
1955 |
164 | N.A.A.C.P. |
1954-1959 |
167 | National Homes - "Astrohome" |
1969 |
164 | "No Taps For Airman Anderson" |
1962-1964 |
166 | Notes on French politics |
1941-1946 |
162 | Notes on works in progress |
undated |
164 | "Oyster Bay" |
1963 |
164 | "Paris Grapevine" |
undated |
164 | "Party at the Potters" |
1956 |
164 | "Party Line" |
1943-1950 |
164 | "Penney-Houston House" |
1972 |
164 | "Perfect Club Dining Room" |
1965 |
170 | "Pet's Cookbook" |
1962-1964 |
164 | "Pit and the Century Plant" |
1955-1967 |
164 | Play outline |
undated |
164 | Poem |
undated |
164 | Portugal |
1941-1942 |
164 | "Prisoner" |
undated |
205 | Production crossplot for "Star!" |
1967 |
164 | Propaganda pamphlets |
1938, 1977-1982 |
163 | Reader's Digest scripts |
circa 1959-1969 |
162 | Rejected manuscripts and discarded notes |
undated |
163 | "Rendezvous With Glamour" |
1941-1945 |
188 | Research files - food |
1959-1975 |
188 | Research files - French wines |
1950-1964 |
163 | Reynold's Metals Company - closed circuit |
undated |
163 | "Sade, J'Ecris Ton Nom Liberte" |
undated |
163 | "Salbris" |
1942 |
163 | Short stories |
undated |
163 | "Signposts for a Two-Way Street" |
1959-1960 |
163 | "Sporting Vacations" |
1957 |
163 | "Sultan" |
1957 |
167 | "Theatre of Étienne Decroux" |
1961-1964 |
163 | "Thing He Loves" |
undated |
163 | "Threshold" |
undated |
216 | Town & Country - "The Bacchic Brotherhood" |
October - November 1964 |
179 | Underground article notes |
circa 1942 |
163 | United States - Germany |
1946-1947 |
162 | Untitled |
1941 |
163 | "Virginia Museum" |
1961 |
163 | Vita Films - TV-Radio workshop film catalog |
1952-1955 |
199 | "Welcome to France" production materials |
circa 1959 |
163 | World Assembly of Youth scripts |
1952 |
163 | "World Without Flowers" |
1973 |
163 | WWII - statement of German surrender |
1945 |
Series II. Correspondence, 1932-1982Return to Top
Arranged alphabetically. Contains personal and professional correspondence with both individuals and organizations.
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
Box | ||
159 | A |
1945-1981 |
159 | Apartment 235, E. 46th |
1941-1974 |
159 | Automobiles |
1963-1971 |
159 | B |
1955-1981 |
154 | Beha, Rene |
1938-1943 |
158 | Benoit-Levy |
1945-1960 |
154 | Berger, Eric |
1980 |
154 | Bernard Reis and Company - accountants |
1946-1964 |
159 | Bernstein and Weiss |
1968-1979 |
158 | Bruyere, Gaby |
1960-1961 |
159 | C |
1949-1979 |
158 | Capa, Robert |
1946 |
154 | Christmas cards and letters |
1970-1973, undated |
158 | CIDALC |
1962 |
158 | Clofine, M.D. |
1943-1973 |
159 | Commanderie de Bordeaux |
1960-1970 |
159 | Commanderie des Cordons Bleus |
1971-1976 |
154 | Compte, Mr. Gilbert (March of Time) |
1949-1950 |
154 | Congratulations |
1943-1961 |
159 | D |
1945-1978 |
158 | Davidson, Jo |
1948-1949 |
158 | De Chambrun, Rene |
1972 |
159 | De Gaulle Institute |
1974 |
158 | De Gaulle |
1947 |
154 | De Kay, Ormonde |
1958-1962 |
160 | De Rochemont, Helen - condolences |
1975 |
157 | De Rochemont, Helen Bentley Bogart - wills |
1968 |
158 | De Rochemont, Helen Bentley Bogart |
1955-1972 |
154 | De Rochemont, Louis Sr. - estate |
1939-1943 |
154 | De Rochemont, Louis |
1943-1979 |
160 | De Rochemont, Louis |
1950-1969 |
159 | De Rochemont, Nicole |
1971-1976 |
154 | De Rochemont, Richard/Helen |
1957-1960 |
160 | De Rochemont, S.W. |
1942-1944 |
155 | De Rochemont, Sarah |
1941-1947 |
216 | De Rochemont, Virginia |
1978-1982 |
159 | Delaunay, Sonia |
undated |
158 | Douglas, Mr. and Mrs. Fred |
1946-1975 |
159 | Douze Gueules |
1975 |
158 | Dreyfus, Michael |
1960-1973 |
159 | E |
1965-1978 |
159 | E.O.A. contracts |
1974-1975 |
158-159 | Europe |
1973-1977 |
159 | Explorers Club |
1965-1968 |
159 | F |
1951-1979 |
154 | Family |
1979-1982 |
154 | Ford Foundation |
1956-1974 |
158-159 | France |
1958-1979 |
154 | Free France |
1941-1942 |
159 | G |
1950-1972 |
154 | Gershwin, Ira |
1942 |
154 | Gilbert, Compte |
1951 |
158 | Gilligan |
1953-1973 |
154 | Glenn, Jack - obituary |
1981 |
158 | Gratz, L. |
1946-1950 |
159 | H |
1951-1981 |
159 | Handel |
1951-1974 |
159 | Harvard Club of New York |
1941-1973 |
159 | Harvard Reunion |
1967-1975 |
158 | Holtzman, Mr. and Mrs. George |
1944-1970 |
159 | J |
1941-1976 |
158 | J. Walter Thompson Company |
1955 |
158 | Jaffe Agency |
1952-1953 |
159 | K |
1951-1971 |
156 | L |
1963-1981 |
158 | Lancaster, H. Maurice (London) |
1949-1975 |
158 | Larsen, Roy E. |
1948-1972 |
154 | Lazard-Mayer dossier |
1945 |
154 | Letters of complaint |
1977-1981 |
158 | Luce, Henry R. |
1944-1949 |
155 | Lye, Len (March of Time) |
1945-1973 |
156 | M |
1949-1977 |
158 | Makohins, Mr. and Mrs. Lee J. (Princess Razumowski) |
1941-1965 |
156 | Mangan, Sherry |
1941-1977 |
156 | Martelliere |
1952-1974 |
158 | Mayor Impellitteri |
1951-1952 |
160 | McIntyre, William and Malvina |
1941-1970 |
156 | Medical |
1947-1977 |
156 | Miro, Joan |
1977 |
154-155 | Miscellaneous |
1943-1982 |
160 | Miscellaneous |
1944-1978 |
156 | Moulin |
1976-1978 |
156 | Moulin construction |
1965-1966 |
160 | Moulin-Pinellis |
1976-1982 |
155 | Museum of Modern Art |
1941-1971 |
156 | N |
1963-1973 |
156 | New York Plaza |
1973 |
155 | New Yorker |
1932 |
156 | O |
1944-1976 |
155 | Office of Strategic Services |
1942 |
156 | OPC Fund |
1968-1975 |
156 | P |
1942-1971 |
159 | Pabst Brewing company - commercial |
1947 |
155-156 | Pages, Jean |
1943-1957, 1969 |
155 | Paris-American Club |
1966-1968 |
156 | Payroll household |
1981-1982 |
155 | Personal |
1938-1979 |
160 | Personal |
1939-1975 |
160 | Phillipe, C.C. |
1958-1960 |
156 | Photostats |
undated |
160 | Ponnelle |
1946-1961 |
181 | Prominent individuals (copies) |
circa 1943-1965 |
215 | Prominent individuals (originals) |
circa 1943-1965 |
156 | R |
1946-1979 |
155 | Rattner film |
1953 |
160 | Rattner, Abe |
1944-1974 |
155-156 | Rebiere, Marcel (Paris) |
1940-1970 |
156 | Reis |
undated |
160 | Renoir, Jean |
1940-1941 |
160 | Rochemont, Mme. Veuve |
1969-1970 |
155-156 | Root, Waverley |
1949-1982 |
160 | Root, Waverley |
1943-1956 |
156 | Root, Waverley - Eating in America |
1975-1979 |
156 | Roquefort |
1980 |
157 | S |
1940-1981 |
160 | Santino Sozio |
1943-1948 |
157 | Schwob, Andre |
1941-1979 |
157 | Scott Graphics and 3M |
1976-1979 |
160 | Sicaud |
1948-1978 |
157 | Sky Club |
1943-1977 |
157 | Social Security and Medicare |
1974-1980 |
155 | Societe Immobillere Raspail Beausejour |
1965-1975 |
160 | Sonnenberg, Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin |
1945-1971 |
155 | Stanley, James |
1980 |
157 | Stocks - commercial - Motion Picture Association |
1946 |
157 | Stultz, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph |
1957-1978 |
160 | Stultz, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph |
1966-1971 |
157 | Subscriptions |
1968-1973 |
159 | Surrogate papers |
1975-1976 |
157 | T |
1952-1977 |
160 | Time cables - Vichy |
1941-1942 |
157 | U |
1975-1979 |
157 | V |
1946-1975 |
157 | Vandivert, Bill and Rita |
1945-1976 |
157 | Vavin, Alexis (pseudonym) |
undated |
157 | Vavin, Incorporated |
1948-1951 |
157 | Veterans of Strategic Services |
1951-1972 |
160 | Vichy |
1940-1943 |
157 | W |
1946-1978 |
157 | Waldorf Astoria |
1974 |
160 | Wartime communications |
1939-1940 |
155 | Weill, Lucie |
1980-1982 |
155 | Weill, Lucie and Pierre Andre |
1956-1979 |
157 | Weill, Pierre Andre and Paul |
1946-1975 |
157 | Wells, J.C., Limited |
1974 |
Series III. Personal and professional files, 1916-1982Return to Top
Arranged alphabetically. Contains documents, research materials, membership files, newspaper clippings, engagement diaries, Vavin, Inc. records, and other files both personal and professional in scope.
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
Box | ||
177 | Advertisement |
undated |
177 | Art - subject file |
1951-1978 |
180 | Art gallery - La Galerie Art Vivant |
1949-1971 |
205 | Book - "Audience of Time Presented Through the Curious and
Antique Science of Heraldry" |
undated |
193 | Books - Boston University alumni catalogue |
1918 |
193 | Books - Harvard class of 1894 anniversary reports |
1919-1944 |
193 | Books - Harvard class of 1928 anniversary reports |
1929-1978 |
194 | Books - Louis De Rochemont's Windjammer
1958 |
194 | Books - Time-Life history and photo books |
1927-1979 |
192 | Books - various - signed by authors to De Rochemont |
1930-1974 |
193 | Books - Williams College yearbook |
1922 |
177 | By-laws |
undated |
176 | Calling cards |
undated |
174 | Cheradame, Andre |
1943 |
178 | Cherasse - La Gazette |
1966-1967 |
174 | De Gaulle |
1944-1960 |
206 | Document cards |
undated |
177 | European diary |
1938-1975 |
216 | Family tree |
undated |
178 | Financial |
circa 1931-1933 |
178 | Financial - diversion payments |
1966-1973 |
178 | Financial - expenses |
circa 1941 |
178 | Financial - French taxes |
1940 |
178 | Financial - Time employees |
1944-1948 |
174 | Franco-American Audio-Visual Distribution Center |
1953 |
175 | Free French Press and Information Service |
1943-1948 |
174 | French Consulate General |
1945-1946 |
174 | French Embassy |
1945-1955 |
174 | French press - report on |
1946 |
174 | French Provisional Government |
1943-1944 |
177 | Government documents - CIA file on De Rochemont |
circa 1942-1978 |
177 | Government documents - Department of Justice file on De
Rochemont |
1944-1945 |
177 | Government documents - draft status |
1943-1944 |
177 | Government documents - FBI file on De Rochemont |
circa 1942-1976 |
177 | Government documents - Loyalty Board question |
1954 |
177 | Government documents - United States Government Security
Clearance |
1953-1954 |
178 | Herriot |
undated |
176 | Identity cards |
undated |
178 | Ilma's Grapevine |
1954 |
178 | Index of Richard De Rochemont films |
undated |
183 | Langan Aperture Cards, Inc. (LAC) |
1971-1977 |
174 | Laugier dinner |
1946 |
178 | Magazine clippings |
circa 1958-1966 |
178 | Marseilles |
1941 |
178 | Mental illness treatment pamphlets |
1944, 1962 |
178 | Mental illness treatment reprints |
1954, 1959 |
179 | Miscellaneous |
1930-1980 |
175 | Monde Uni |
1946 |
178 | Musical composition - "Now" |
1943 |
179 | New York Restaurants |
1975 |
179 | Newspaper clippings |
undated |
189-191 | Newspaper clippings - French newspapers |
1945-1950 |
189 | Newspaper clippings - miscellaneous |
undated |
174 | Organizations - ALCAN - France Libre |
1941-1975 |
177 | Organizations - American War Correspondents
Association |
1944-1949 |
174 | Organizations - Americans For France |
1941 |
174 | Organizations - Association of Free French in the United
States |
1954-1978 |
177 | Organizations - Bouviers and Briards |
1944-1946 |
185 | Organizations - Chevaliers du Tastevin |
1961-1977 |
178 | Organizations - Copper Hill Golf Club |
1970 |
174 | Organizations - Fighting French Delegation |
1942 |
174-175 | Organizations - France Forever |
1941-1948 |
174 | Organizations - Free French |
1945-1946 |
178 | Organizations - French book club |
1947 |
174 | Organizations - French Committee - New York War Fund |
1944 |
174 | Organizations - French Committee - Red Cross |
1944 |
175 | Organizations - French-American Club |
1941-1946 |
178 | Organizations - Institut Charles De Gaulle |
1973-1974 |
178 | Organizations - Manfred Sakel Foundation |
1958-1968 |
178 | Organizations - Merite Nationale |
1979 |
178 | Organizations - Mme. De Gaulle's Children's Fund |
1945 |
172-173 | Organizations - Overseas Press Club |
1943-1974 |
179 | Organizations - Red Cross |
1941 |
179 | Organizations - Society of the Silurians - New York |
1964-1969 |
176 | Personal - address books |
undated |
177 | Personal - awards |
1950, 1962 |
177 | Personal - biographical information |
circa 1924-1978 |
177 | Personal - certificates |
1947, undated |
199 | Personal - certificates |
1960-1980 |
205 | Personal - certificates |
1947, 1976 |
176 | Personal - engagement calendars and diaries |
1934-1982 |
180 | Personal - farm matters |
1942-1950 |
187 | Personal - financial records |
1959, 1968-1974, 1982 |
180 | Personal - Flemington - new house |
1962-1964 |
177 | Personal - garden |
1982 |
178 | Personal - horoscope |
1953, 1967 |
178 | Personal - Inventory |
1972 |
178 | Personal - Landsdowne House |
undated |
177 | Personal - letters of introduction |
1941-1949 |
177 | Personal - Louis De Rochemont - death |
1979 |
177 | Personal - medical files |
1979-1981 |
176 | Personal - membership cards |
undated |
177 | Personal - memberships |
1946-1977 |
205 | Personal - Michigan State plate |
1964 |
205 | Personal - Michigan State Sigma Pi Eta paddle |
1964 |
206 | Personal - miscellaneous correspondence and papers |
circa 1916-1970 |
205 | Personal - name button |
undated |
176 | Personal - passports |
undated |
206 | Personal - Richard De Rochemont obituaries |
1982 |
177 | Personal - School notebook |
1927 |
179 | Polymetrics International |
1971 |
180 | Pontlevoy |
1944-1973 |
178 | Psychiatry periodical |
1968 |
181 | Publicity |
1943-1952 |
179 | Refugees |
1941 |
178 | Research file - France |
1940 |
178 | Research file - Free French |
1981 |
179 | Research file - North Africa, Portugal, Spain |
1941-1943 |
179 | Resume - Jean A. Cherasse |
undated |
177 | Scrapbook |
undated |
181 | Signed print of J. Edgar Hoover (copy) |
1941 |
215 | Signed print of J. Edgar Hoover (original) |
1941 |
181 | Speeches |
1940-1955 |
179 | Stationery and envelopes |
undated |
177 | Testimonials and souvenirs |
1943-1948 |
182 | Trips - Algiers, Rome |
1944 |
182 | Trips - Canada |
1940 |
182 | Trips - Europe |
1941-1950, 1972 |
182 | Trips - Europe (Great Britain, France, Germany) - War Department
Newsreel Group |
1945 |
182 | Trips - Europe (Vichy France, Portugal, Spain) |
1941 |
182 | Trips - European correspondence |
1956-1964 |
182 | Trips - London |
1940-1941 |
182 | Trips - London - March of Time (MOT) |
1937-1940 |
182 | Trips - Paris correspondence |
1944-1948 |
179 | United States Government Coordinator of Information
(C.O.I.) |
1942 |
179 | Vavin |
1972 |
179 | Vavin - administrative and legal |
1951-1964 |
179 | Vavin - camera equipment insurance |
1974-1976 |
187 | Vavin - dope sheets |
1957 |
178 | Vavin - financial records |
1963-1971 |
186-187 | Vavin - financial records |
1967-1974 |
184 | Vavin - financial records |
1968-1974 |
187 | Vavin - financial records - accountant's reports |
1950-1975 |
184 | Vavin - financial records - stock certificates and
ledger |
undated |
179 | Vavin - Ford contract - Lincoln series |
1952-1955 |
188 | Vavin - Gerald E. Weiler vs. Vavin, Inc. |
1958-1974 |
179 | Vavin - legal and contractual correspondence |
1952-1957 |
184 | Vavin - minutes and by-laws |
1948-1971 |
179 | Vavin - miscellaneous |
undated |
179 | Vavin - stationery and envelopes |
undated |
179 | Vavin - wine scene clips and notes |
undated |
176 | War correspondent documents |
circa 1944-1946 |
195-198 | World War II in France and French resistance scrapbooks
(disassembled - newspaper and magazine clippings) |
1940-1944 |
205 | WWII propaganda poster (Africa) |
undated |
Series IV. Films, 1936-1972Return to Top
Includes films produced, written, or directed by De Rochemont. Contains 4 sub-series: Reader’s Digest, March of Time, French Government Tourist Office, and Informational and other. Many of the films include the final print, originals and clips, and inter-negatives.
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
Sub-series 1. Reader's Digest Association
Arranged alphabetically by title. Contains films produced by De Rochemont
and his production company, Vavin, Inc., for Reader’s Digest
1949-1971 | |
Box | ||
21 | "10 Ways to Cut Your Medical Bills" (color) |
1966 October |
1 | "400,000 Boys Are Members of the Club" (b&w) |
1956 February |
20 | "Agriculture's Fantastic New Machines" (color) |
1965 February |
1 | "Air Traffic Controller" (b&w) |
1961 September |
1 | "Air View of Southern Change" (b&w) |
1955 October |
1 | "America's Amazing Women" (b&w) |
1955 July |
1 | "America's House of Braille and Talking Books"
(b&w) |
1958 October |
20 | "An Answer at Last to Collisions in the Sky?"
(color) |
1969 July |
1 | "Antwerp's Glitter Street - World Diamond Center"
(b&w) |
1959 June |
20 | "Are You Disturbed By the New Religion?" (color) |
1968 February |
1 | "At Large and 'Most Wanted' Ten Dangerous Men"
(b&w) |
1964 March |
20 | "Atomic Power Comes to Age" (color) |
1965 December |
20 | "Awful Truth About the U.S. Post Office" (color) |
1968 November |
4 | "Battle Against Mail Order Pornography"
(b&w) |
1964 February |
20 | "Battle of San Francisco Bay" (color) |
1969 March |
2 | "Big 'Ifs' Ahead for Atom Power" (b&w) |
1958 August |
1 | "Big Traffic Jam In the Sky" (b&w) |
1956 July |
1 | "Biggest Fourth of July Salute" (b&w) |
1964 July |
20 | "Black Power of Whitney Young" (color) |
1969 January |
4 | "Boeing 747: The About-To-Be Behemoth" (b&w) |
1968 May |
1 | "Boom That Follows the Highways" (b&w) |
1959 December |
1 | "Box That Catches Criminals" (b&w) |
1964 April |
1 | "Boys on the Cliff" (b&w) |
1961 August |
70 | "Campus Crisis" (color) |
undated |
21 | "Can We Stand Strikes By Teachers, Police, Garbage Men,
Etc.?" (color) |
1969 August |
20 | "Case for Year-Round Schools" (color) |
1966 December |
20 | "City That Pulled Itself Together" (color) |
1967 July |
1 | "Civic Beauty Is Good Business" (b&w) |
1962 March |
1 | "Civic Watchdogs in High Heels" (b&w) |
1957 June |
1 | "Clearing House for College Hopefuls" (b&w) |
1962 April |
1 | "Columbia: Mightiest Power Builder on Earth"
(b&w) |
1958 May |
132-138 | "Conversation with Vice President Agnew" (color) |
undated |
140 | "Conversation with Vice President Agnew" (color) |
undated |
20 | "Crisis In the Post Office" (color) |
1966 March |
4 | "Crisis In U.S. Transportation" (b&w) |
1963 January |
21 | "Crisis on Campus" (color) |
1969 June |
1 | "Danger Rides In Small Boats" (b&w) |
1963 August |
20 | "Day In the Life of an Airport" (color) |
1949 February |
20 | "Detectives In Smocks" (color) |
1970 January |
2 | "'Doc' Draper's Wonderful Tops" (b&w) |
1957 September |
1 | "Drama Behind the Crop Forecasting" (b&w) |
1955 August |
1 | "Drama of Offshore Oil" (b&w) |
1957 July |
15 | "Eight Women" (b&w inter-negative) |
undated |
25 | "Electoral College" (color) |
undated |
20 | "Empty Seats In the Cockpit" (color) |
1967 June |
20 | "Expo '67: Canada's Billion Dollar Birthday Party"
(color) |
1967 April |
3 | "Fantastic Hazards of Landing on the Moon"
(b&w) |
1963 September |
1 | "FBI Wants This Man" (b&w) |
1961 March |
21 | "Fight for America's Alps" (color) |
1967 May |
20 | "Five Faces of Alaska" (color) |
1965 September |
3 | "Five Wonders of the Wilderness" (b&w) |
1962 May |
1 | "Flood Prevention That Works" (b&w) |
1956 June |
1 | "Florida: Sunshine, Sea and Social-Security"
(b&w) |
1959 July |
20 | "Fly Far Away With Your Family" (color) |
1971 April |
66 | "Flying - Questions" (color inter-negative) |
undated |
141 | "Flying Family," (color) |
undated |
1 | "For Auto Accident Victims -- A New Kind of Insurance"
(b&w) |
1961 May |
20 | "Four Miracles - And a Masterpiece" (color) |
1966 November |
20 | "Four Professors and the Welfare Revolution"
(color) |
1970 January |
20 | "From the Brink of Extinction" (color) |
1969 April |
1 | "Give Us the Tools" (b&w) |
1959 November |
1 | "Glamour of the Everglades" (b&w) |
1956 January |
20 | "Gordie Howe: Hockey's Marvelous Methuselah"
(color) |
1969 November |
57 | "Gordie Howe: Hockey's Marvelous Methuselah"
(color) |
undated |
210 | "Grand Hotel at 30 Knots" |
undated |
1 | "Greatest Bible of the All" (b&w) |
1956 January |
1 | "Handbook of First Aid" (b&w) |
1960 September |
20 | "Have You Checked Your Tires Lately?" (color) |
1965 July |
1 | "Headquarters for Precision" (b&w) |
1958 November |
20 | "Health Careers Unlimited" (color) |
1965 August |
20 | "Help Wanted: Engineers and Scientists" (color) |
1967 February |
1 | "Here's How Inflation Has Victimized You and the Worst Is Yet
to Come" (b&w) |
1959 March |
20 | "How Baltimore Fends Off Riots" (color) |
1968 March |
1 | "How Our Troops Are Trained for Combat"
(b&w) |
1961 October |
1 | "How the Doctor Examines Your Eyes" (b&w) |
1960 October |
20 | "How to Double Your Learning Power" (color) |
1967 April |
4 | "How to End Our Post Office Mess - Permanently"
(b&w) |
1958 February |
20 | "How to Feel Fit at Any Age" (color) |
1968 March |
20 | "How to Get the Most Out of the N.Y. World's Fair"
(color) |
1965 May |
1 | "How to Have More School for Less Money"
(b&w) |
1959 February |
22 | "How We Help the Communists Win the Propaganda War"
(color) |
1966 November |
20 | "Hurricane Warning" (color) |
1969 September |
40 | "Hurricane Warning" (color unfinished cuts) |
undated |
142 | "Hurricane Warning" (color inter-negative) |
undated |
1 | "I Hit and Ran" (b&w) |
1961 February |
1 | "ICU - Newest Thing in Nursing" (b&w) |
1964 November |
1 | "If You Have an Accident" (b&w) |
1965 January |
23 | "Interview With Vice-President Agnew" (color) |
1970 February |
1 | "Introduction to Outer Space" (b&w) |
1958 June |
20 | "Is Congress Destroying Itself?" (color) |
1969 April |
1 | "Is Your Child's School Safe From Fire?"
(b&w) |
1959 October |
1 | "Is Your Family Safe From Death By Fire?"
(b&w) |
1960 May |
1 | "Jacksonville's Jury of Juvenile Peers"
(b&w) |
1958 June |
210 | "Jamboree '67" |
1967 |
21 | "Japan's Two-Mile-A-Minute Train" (color) |
1965 April |
21 | "John F. Kennedy School No. 1" (color) |
1965 March |
21 | "Judo - Mayhem With a Gentle Tough" (color) |
1965 September |
3 | "Jumping Angels of the USAF" (b&w) |
1962 November |
3 | "Landing Lights" (b&w) |
1959 April |
1 | "Legacy of Thomas Jefferson" (b&w) |
1963 March |
20 | "Lessons of History" (color) |
1968 December |
20 | "Let’s Close Ranks on the Homefront" (color) |
1968 April |
3 | "Let's Close the Muscle Gap" (b&w) |
1961 November |
21 | "Let's Take Our Ships Out of the Bottle" (color) |
1967 February |
21 | "Library for All the Nation" (color) |
1967 December |
20 | "Lilliputian World of the Bonsai" (color) |
1967 September |
21 | "Little Red Schoolhouse Goes Modern" (color) |
1966 October |
21 | "Living Legacy of Walt Disney" (color) |
1967 June |
20 | "Look at America's New Towns" (color) |
1967 March |
21 | "Look What’s Happening to Glass!" (color) |
1967 December |
21 | "Look What's Happened to Houseboats" (color) |
1967 July |
2 | "Low Budget Miracle In Foreign Aid" (b&w) |
1960 January |
23 | "Madame Tussaud Waxes Modern" (color) |
1968 October |
1 | "Magic World of Dolls" (b&w) |
1964 December |
20 | "Make Our Neighborhood Roads Safer Now" (color) |
1966 September |
4 | "Man's Most Playful Friend: The Land Otter"
(b&w) |
1956 October |
3 | "Maxim's Famous Meals Take to the Air" (b&w) |
1958 December |
21 | "Mayhem on Ice" (color) |
1966 March |
1 | "Mayor With the Perfect Jail Record" (b&w) |
1958 January |
3 | "Medicine's F.B.I." (b&w) |
1959 May |
3 | "Medico" (b&w) |
1962 January |
21 | "Meet the 'Monster' That Checks Your Taxes"
(color) |
1967 January |
3 | "Money Does Grow on Trees" (b&w) |
1961 January |
3 | "Most Phenomenal Athletes In History" (b&w) |
1964 October |
20 | "My Eight Beautiful Mistresses" (color) |
1969 January |
21 | "Needed: A National Presidential Primary"
(color) |
1968 July |
22 | "Needed: A Realistic East-West Trade Policy"
(color) |
1969 June |
22 | "Needed: New Directions For Rural America"
(color) |
1968 September |
1 | "New Age of Railroads" (b&w) |
1957 May |
20 | "New Cure for Boredom In the Classroom" (color) |
1966 May |
1 | "New Look at Niagara Falls" (b&w) |
1957 August |
21 | "New York's Multi-Million Dollar 'Village Green'"
(color) |
1967 October |
22 | "No More Overhead Wires!" (color) |
1967 November |
3 | "Nobody Needs to Drown" (b&w) |
1960 July |
2 | "Odd Little Isle of Aruba" (b&w) |
1957 January |
3 | "One Man's Crusade for Everybody's Freedom"
(b&w) |
1964 June |
21 | "Our Reckless Presidential Lottery" (color) |
1969 May |
3 | "Parents Across the Sea" (b&w) |
1963 February |
1 | "Parks That Pay for Themselves" (b&w) |
1963 November |
2 | "Pastor of Peachtree Street" (b&w) |
1961 June |
23 | "Patio Party…The Breakfast Shopper" (color) |
undated |
20 | "Pied Piper From Peoria" (color) |
1968 April |
1 | "Pipelines Are Booming" (b&w) |
1957 March |
20 | "Plain Talk About Hatred and Violence" (color) |
1968 June |
3 | "Population Explosion" (b&w) |
1962 February |
21 | "Profiteers Are Wrecking Medicaid" (color) |
1969 October |
2 | "Promise of Classroom Television" (b&w) |
1960 November |
21 | "Queen of the Adriatic Needs Our Help" (color) |
1966 February |
21 | "Questions People Ask About Flying" (color) |
1970 August |
23 | "Race to Save Abu Simbel" (color) |
1966 January |
21 | "Radial-Plies: A Dramatic Advance In Tires"
(color) |
1967 March |
22 | "Railroads Are Fighting Back" (color) |
1965 October |
3 | "REA: A Case Study of Bureaucracy Run Wild"
(b&w) |
1963 December |
3 | "Rescue Breathing" (b&w) |
1959 August |
3 | "Rescue Squad Rolls On" (b&w) |
1956 April |
21 | "Roy Williams: Mr. Civil Rights" (color) |
1968 January |
21 | "Ruin for the Grand Canyon" (color) |
1966 April |
20 | "Save the Everglades" (color) |
1965 November |
3 | "School Where Fitness Counts" (b&w) |
1964 September |
3 | "Screen Test For Tomorrow's Schools" (b&w) |
1957 November |
4 | "Secret Service" (b&w) |
1956 August |
3 | "Seven Wonders of American Engineering"
(b&w) |
1955 November |
3 | "Shot While Hunting" (b&w) |
1962 October |
20 | "Should You Travel More?" (color) |
1970 April |
22 | "Sing Out, America" (color) |
1967 May |
20 | "Skiing's Good Samaritans" (color) |
1965 September |
2 | "Skin Diving: One Part Fun, One Part Danger"
(b&w) |
1964 August |
3 | "Snowmobiles: The Cats That Conquered Winter"
(b&w) |
1968 December |
3 | "So You Don't Use Seat Belts" (b&w) |
1963 July |
1 | "Soon You'll Be Flying the Polar Path" (b&w) |
1956 December |
21 | "Standing Room Only on Spaceship Earth" (color) |
1969 December |
210 | "Strange Case of the Country Slickers v. the City Rubes" (not
released) |
1960 |
20 | "Super Farmer Attacks Global Poverty" (color) |
1968 January |
3 | "Tag That Can Save Your Life" (b&w) |
1963 October |
20 | "Tailgating - Invitation to Tragedy" (color) |
1965 October |
3 | "Team Teaching: How Good Is It?" (b&w) |
1964 May |
25 | "Ted Williams: A Legend Returns To Baseball"
(color) |
undated |
21 | "Ted Williams: A Legend Returns To Baseball"
(color) |
1969 July |
3 | "There's a Treasure In Toys" (b&w) |
1957 December |
3 | "These Fighters Against Youth Crime Need Your Help"
(b&w) |
1961 April |
1 | "These Youngsters Are In Business" (b&w) |
1955 September |
3 | "They 'Discover' America" (b&w) |
1963 June |
21 | "They Grow Money on Trees" (color) |
1968 November |
1 | "They Help Boys Want to Be Educated" (b&w) |
1963 December |
21 | "They Listen to the Language of the Universe"
(color) |
1969 February |
3 | "They Ride on Cushions of Air" (b&w) |
1960 February |
20 | "They Saved the Big Sur" (color) |
1967 November |
21 | "They Turn Welfare Recipients Into Taxpayers"
(color) |
1968 September |
3 | "They Volunteered for Cancer" (b&w) |
1958 April |
3 | "They're Doing Wonders With Aluminum" (2 copies) |
1960 March |
3 | "Things You Learn at the Grand Canyon" (b&w) |
1957 February |
3 | "Think Before You Drown!" (b&w) |
1962 July |
21 | "This Country Needs Universal Military Training"
(color) |
1966 September |
21 | "This Is Our House, Y'See" (color) |
1969 December |
3 | "This State Gets Tough With Speeders - And Saves Lives"
(b&w) |
1958 September |
2 | "Three Cheers For George Washington High"
(b&w) |
1958 March |
20 | "Tips to Mothers Who Drive" (color) |
1968 April |
21 | "To Insure Domestic Tranquility" (color) |
1968 March |
3 | "To Make Streets Safe After Dark" (b&w) |
1960 June |
21 | "Tomorrow's Airports vs. the Ground Barrier"
(color) |
1967 September |
3 | "Tough Fruitful Life of the G.I. Guinea Pigs"
(b&w) |
1956 November |
21 | "Tragic Shortage of Transplant Hearts" (color) |
1969 August |
6 | Transportation stock shots |
undated |
3 | "U.S.A. Goes to the Fair" (b&w) |
1955 December |
21 | "Unfolding Miracle of X-Rays" (color) |
1967 January |
21 | "Utah - Unique Fantasy In Sand and Stone"
(color) |
1969 November |
143 | "VIP" |
1971 |
72 | "V.I.P." (color) |
undated |
21 | "Wally Hickel - Activist From Anchorage" (color) |
1970 February |
22 | "Wanted: Police Weapons That Do Not Kill"
(color) |
1968 February |
21 | "Washington National Cathedral: Our Nation's Spiritual
Landmark" (color) |
1966 February |
22 | "Watch the Whirlybird at Work" (color) |
1965 November |
21-22 | "We Could Have Won In Vietnam Long Ago" (color) |
1969 May |
21 | "We Must Put the Brakes On Federal Spending"
(color) |
1968 July |
22 | "We Must Stop Choking Our Cities" (color) |
1966 August |
22 | "We Should Be Ashamed!" (color) |
1967 August |
21 | "We Stand on Common Ground" (color) |
1970 March |
3 | "Welcome Aboard the Awesome Big E" (b&w) |
1962 December |
21 | "What Combat Does to Our Men" (color) |
1968 June |
3 | "What Happens When You Drink" (b&w) |
1957 April |
22 | "What Has Happened to America?" (color) |
1967 October |
21 | "What Is Leadership?" (color) |
1965 June |
3 | "What the Newest of the Plastics Can Do for Us"
(b&w) |
1959 January |
3 | "What Will Your Teenager Do This Summer?"
(b&w) |
1963 May |
3 | "What Would You Do In These Driving Emergencies?"
(b&w) |
1962 September |
3 | "What's New In the Woods?" (b&w) |
1956 May |
3 | "When the Earthquakes Struck Chile" (b&w) |
1960 December |
3 | "While Others Sleep" (b&w) |
1957 October |
22 | "Who's Afraid of Automation?" (color) |
1966 April |
3 | "Wonderful White Stallions of Vienna" (b&w) |
1963 April |
3 | "Wonders of Direct Distance Dialing" (b&w) |
1955 October |
3 | "Yosemite - Jewel of the Sierra" (b&w) |
1961 July |
21 | "You Are a VIP When You Travel By Air" (color) |
1972 January |
3 | "You Can Have Decent Traffic Courts" (b&w) |
1964 January |
21 | "You'll Never Be Afraid to Try" (color) |
1969 March |
Sub-series 2. March of Time
Arranged alphabetically by title. Contains March of Time
newsreel films.
1936-1953 | |
Box | ||
19 | "American Beauty" (volume 12, episode 2) |
1945 October 5 |
18 | "America's New Air Power" (volume 14, episode
16) |
1948 October 29 |
17 | "Asia's New Voice (India)" (volume 15, episode
2) |
1949 February 18 |
19 | "Atomic Power" (volume 12, episode 13) |
1946 August 9 |
18 | "Battle for Bread" |
circa 1950 |
18 | "Beauty at Work" (volume 16, episode 4) |
1950 June 9 |
17 | "China" |
undated |
17 | "Cold War: Act 1 - France" (volume 14, episode
6) |
1948 January 23 |
17 | "Cold War: Act II - Crisis In Italy" (volume 14, episode
8) |
1948 March 19 |
19 | "Congress" |
undated |
18 | "Family - An Approach to Peace" |
circa 1949 |
19 | "Fight Game" (volume 14, episode 11) |
1948 June 11 |
17 | "Germany - Handle With Care!" (volume 13, episode
6) |
1947 January 24 |
110-111 | "Golden Twenties (aka A Chronicle of America's Jazz
Age)" |
1949 |
17 | "Is Everybody Happy?"/"Search For Happiness" (volume 13,
episode 1) |
1946 September 27 |
18 | "Life With Grandpa" (volume 14, episode 14) |
1948 September 3 |
18 | "Life With Junior" (volume 14, episode 9) |
1948 April 16 |
2 | "Mid-Century Half Way to Where?" (volume 16, episode
1) |
1950 February 3 |
18 | "Modern Surgery" |
circa 1949 |
17 | "New France" (volume 12, episode 12) |
1946 July 12 |
19 | "On Stage" (volume 15, episode 1) |
1949 January 21 |
17 | "One Day of War - Russia 1943"/"Russia at War" (volume 9,
episode 6) |
1943 January |
2 | "Opportunity - Story of the Best Location in the
Nation" |
undated |
18 | "Pacific Coast" |
undated |
19 | "Presidency" (volume 3, episode 3) |
1936 November 6 |
19 | "Report on the Atom" (volume 15, episode 4) |
1949 April 15 |
17 | "Rise and Fall of Nazi Germany: What To Do With Germany"
(volume 11, episode 2) |
1944 October |
19 | "Sport Car for the American Road" |
undated |
19 | "Supreme Court" (volume 3, episode 9) |
1937 April 16 |
17 | "Sweden Looks Ahead" (volume 15, episode 5) |
1949 May 13 |
18 | "Teachers' Crisis" (volume 13, episode 8) |
1947 March 21 |
19 | "Travel: The Tourists' Europe" |
1953 |
19 | "Two Worlds of France: Paris and the France
Beyond" |
1953 |
Sub-series 3. French Government Tourist Office
Arranged alphabetically by title and subject. Contains informational
films produced for the French Government Tourist Office (FGTO).
1955-1964 | |
Box | ||
95 | Alsace, Corsica, Paris (color) |
1959 |
96 | Alsace, Corsica, Paris (color original rolls) |
undated |
97 | Alsace, Corsica, Paris - outtakes and originals
(color) |
1959 |
5 | "Artists of Provence" (b&w) |
1955 |
25 | "Artists of Provence" (color) |
1955 |
4 | "Bastille" (b&w) |
undated |
30 | "Bright New Face of Paris" (color) |
1964 |
32 | "Bright New Face of Paris" (color) |
undated |
53 | "Bright New Face of Paris" (color original) |
undated |
63 | "Bright New Face of Paris" (color
inter-negative) |
undated |
98 | Carcassonne, Roussillon (color original rolls) |
undated |
76 | "Carnaval de Nice" (sound) |
undated |
2 | "Carnival on the French Riviera" (b&w) |
undated |
11 | "Carnival on the French Riviera" (b&w
inter-negative) |
undated |
24 | "Chateau Country" (color) |
undated |
25 | "Chateau Country" (color) |
undated |
16 | "Chateau Country" (b&w) |
undated |
41 | "Chateau Country" (color original rolls) |
undated |
25 | "Contrasts of Carcassonne" (color) |
1958 |
57 | "Contrasts of Carcassonne" (color) |
1958 |
71 | "Contrasts of Carcassonne" (color) |
undated |
58 | "Contrasts of Carcassonne" (color original
rolls) |
undated |
11 | "Contrasts of Carcassonne" (b&w
inter-negative) |
undated |
70 | "Contrasts of Carcassonne" (color
inter-negative) |
undated |
79 | "Corsica" (sound) |
undated |
57 | "Cruise Through Paris" (color) |
1955 |
48-50 | Cuts, trims, and outs (color) |
circa 1956-1961 |
79 | "D.B. In Paris" (sound) |
undated |
2 | "Destination Alsace" (b&w) |
1959 |
30 | "Destination Alsace" (color) |
undated |
32 | "Destination Alsace" (color) |
undated |
63 | "Destination Alsace" (color inter-negative) |
undated |
70 | "Destination Alsace" (color inter-negative) |
undated |
80 | "Destination Alsace" (color inter-negative) |
undated |
77 | "Destination Alsace" (sound) |
undated |
99 | "Destination Alsace" outs and trims |
undated |
5 | "Diversity of France" (b&w) |
undated |
53 | "Diversity of France" (color original) |
undated |
4 | "Fine Food - Good Wine" (b&w) |
1955 |
25 | "Fine Food - Good Wine" (color) |
1955 |
29 | "Food and Motoring, part II" (color) |
undated |
24 | "France for the Sportsman" (color) |
undated |
42 | "France for the Sportsman" (color original
rolls) |
undated |
10 | "France for the Sportsman" (b&w
inter-negative) |
undated |
63 | "France for the Sportsman" (color
inter-negative) |
undated |
78 | "France for the Sportsman" (sound) |
undated |
23 | "French Caribbean" (color) |
undated |
29 | "French Caribbean" (color) |
1964 |
58 | "French Caribbean" (color original rolls) |
undated |
63 | "French Caribbean" (color inter-negative) |
undated |
77 | "French Caribbean" (sound) |
undated |
26 | "French Foods" (color) |
undated |
23 | "French Tourism, Food and Motoring" (color) |
undated |
22 | "Glimpses of Normandy" (color) |
1956 |
57 | "Glimpses of Normandy" (color) |
1956 |
30 | "It's Convention Time In France" (color) |
1958 |
12 | "It's Convention Time In France" (b&w
inter-negative) |
undated |
57 | "Lafayette" (color) |
1956 |
56 | "Lafayette" - outs, trims, and cuts (color) |
undated |
79 | "Lafayette" (sound) |
undated |
22 | "Magic of Les Baux" (color) |
1957 |
26 | "Magic of Les Baux" (color) |
1957 |
41 | "Magic of Les Baux" (color original rolls) |
undated |
11 | "Magic of Les Baux" (b&w inter-negative) |
undated |
76 | "Magic of Les Baux" (sound) |
undated |
51 | Miscellaneous original rolls (color) |
circa 1956-1957 |
46-47 | Miscellaneous original rolls (color) |
1957 |
53 | Miscellaneous original rolls (color) |
1957 |
53 | Miscellaneous original rolls (color) |
1959 |
44-46 | Miscellaneous original rolls (color) |
1961 |
52 | Miscellaneous original rolls (color) |
1961 |
64 | Miscellaneous shots (color inter-negative) |
1955 |
23 | "Motoring Mood" (color) |
1955 |
57 | "Motoring Mood" (color) |
1955 |
32 | "New Corsica" (color) |
1959 |
57 | "New Corsica" (color) |
undated |
38 | "New Corsica" (color original rolls) |
undated |
55 | "New Corsica" - outs, trims, and cuts (color) |
undated |
13 | "New Corsica" (b&w inter-negative) |
undated |
64 | "New Corsica" (color inter-negative) |
undated |
16 | "Normandy" (b&w) |
undated |
71 | "Normandy" (color) |
undated |
11 | "Normandy" (b&w inter-negative) |
undated |
25-26 | "Oldest Paris" (color) |
1957 |
32 | "Oldest Paris" (color) |
1957 |
12 | "Oldest Paris" (b&w inter-negative) |
undated |
2 | "Oldest Paris" (sound) |
1957 |
29 | "Painters of Paris" (color) |
undated |
30-32 | "Paris - Boy's Eye View" (color) |
1959 |
41 | "Paris - Boy's Eye View" (color original rolls) |
undated |
62 | "Paris - Boy's Eye View" (color inter-negative) |
undated |
2 | "Paris - Boy's Eye View" (sound) |
undated |
76 | "Paris - Boy's Eye View" (sound) |
undated |
76 | "Paris 14 July" (sound) |
undated |
27 | "Paris of the Painters" (color) |
undated |
30 | "Paris of the Painters" (color) |
1956 |
53 | "Paris of the Painters" (color original) |
undated |
13 | "Paris of the Painters" (b&w inter-negative) |
undated |
22 | "Paris Today" (color) |
undated |
57 | "Paris Today" (color) |
undated |
62 | "Paris Today" (color inter-negative) |
undated |
16 | "Paris" (b&w) |
undated |
71 | "Paris" (color) |
undated |
28 | "Peaceful Valley of the Loire" (color) |
1960 |
57 | "Peaceful Valley of the Loire" (color) |
undated |
55 | "Peaceful Valley of the Loire" - outs, trims, and cuts
(color) |
undated |
12 | "Peaceful Valley of the Loire" (b&w
inter-negative) |
undated |
64 | "Peaceful Valley of the Loire" (color
inter-negative) |
undated |
79 | "Peaceful Valley of the Loire" (sound) |
undated |
78 | "Rivers of France" (sound) |
undated |
43 | "Riviera" (color original rolls) |
undated |
12 | "Riviera" (b&w inter-negative) |
undated |
9 | "Riviera of France" (b&w) |
undated |
25 | "Riviera Playground" (color) |
1955 |
57 | "Riviera Playground" (color) |
1955 |
16 | "Roussillon Folkways" (b&w) |
undated |
29 | "Roussillon Folkways" (color) |
1958 |
42 | "Roussillon Folkways" (color original rolls) |
undated |
11 | "Roussillon Folkways" (b&w inter-negative) |
undated |
70 | "Roussillon Folkways" (color inter-negative) |
undated |
100 | "Roussillon Folkways" - reels 1 and 2 (color) |
undated |
42 | Seine, Riviera, Spring In Paris (color original
rolls) |
undated |
11 | "Seine River" (b&w inter-negative) |
undated |
27-28 | "Shopping In Paris" (color) |
1956 |
42 | "Shopping In Paris" (color original rolls) |
undated |
12 | "Shopping In Paris" (b&w inter-negative) |
undated |
101 | "Smiles of Paris" (color) |
1961 |
16 | "Spotlight on French Spas" (b&w) |
undated |
27 | "Spotlight on French Spas" (color) |
1961 |
30 | "Spotlight on French Spas" (color) |
1961 |
58 | "Spotlight on French Spas" (color original
rolls) |
undated |
64 | "Spotlight on French Spas" (color
inter-negative) |
undated |
4-5 | "Springtime in Paris" (b&w) |
undated |
7 | "Springtime in Paris" (b&w) |
undated |
78 | "Springtime In Paris" (sound) |
undated |
9 | "Summertime In the French Alps" (b&w) |
1958 |
30 | "Summertime in the French Alps" (color) |
1958 |
71 | "Summertime In the French Alps" (color) |
undated |
42 | "Summertime In the French Alps" (color original
rolls) |
undated |
10 | "Summertime In the French Alps" (b&w
inter-negative) |
undated |
64 | "Summertime In the French Alps" (color
inter-negative) |
undated |
76-77 | "Summertime In the French Alps" (sound) |
undated |
102-103 | "Thermalism" (b&w) |
undated |
16 | Untitled (b&w) |
undated |
5 | "Vacation In France" (b&w) |
undated |
76 | "Vacation In France" (sound) |
undated |
21 | "Visit to Basque Country" (color) |
1956 |
42 | "Visit to Basque Country" (color original rolls) |
undated |
13 | "Visit to Basque Country" (b&w
inter-negative) |
undated |
30 | "Welcome to France" (color) |
1964 |
58 | "Welcome to France" (color original rolls) |
undated |
64 | "Welcome to France" (color inter-negative) |
undated |
78 | "Welcome to France" (sound) |
undated |
7 | "Women of France" (b&w) |
1958 |
30 | "Women of France" (color) |
1958 |
71 | "Women of France" (color) |
undated |
43 | "Women of France" (color original rolls) |
undated |
62 | "Women of France" (color inter-negative) |
undated |
79 | "Women of France" (sound) |
undated |
Sub-series 4. Informational and other
Arranged alphabetically. Contains films, primarily informational,
produced for various companies and organizations by De Rochemont, Vavin,
Inc., and Louis De Rochemont’s production company. Organizations for
which De Rochemont produced informational films include American Iron
and Steel Institute, Mobil Oil Corporation, and the Moroccan Ministry of
1952-1972, undated | |
Box | ||
5 | "14th of July" (b&w) |
undated |
7 | "14th of July" (b&w) |
undated |
77 | "14th of July" (sound) |
undated |
57 | "1776 - France-America" (color) |
undated |
40 | "Agnew" (color original rolls) |
undated |
43 | Air France - "Air To Air" (color original rolls) |
undated |
11 | Air France - "Air to Air" (b&w
inter-negative) |
undated |
27 | Air France - "Five Steps to the Jets" (color) |
undated |
32 | Air France - "Five Steps to the Jets" (color) |
undated |
40 | Air France - "Five Steps to the Jets" (color original
rolls) |
undated |
43 | Air France - "Five Steps to the Jets" (color original
rolls) |
undated |
10 | Air France - "Five Steps to the Jets" (b&w
inter-negative) |
undated |
61 | Air France - "Five Steps to the Jets" (color
inter-negative) |
undated |
39 | Air France - stock shots (color original rolls) |
undated |
63 | Air France - stock shots (color inter-negative) |
undated |
84-85 | "Alps" - Larry Sherman (color) |
undated |
31 | "Ambassadors For Friendship" (color) |
undated |
32 | "America's Williamsburg" (color) |
undated |
86 | "America's Williamsburg" (color) |
undated |
24 | American Cancer Society - "Second Voice" (color) |
undated |
24 | American Petroleum Institute - "Broken Bow Story"
(color) |
undated |
70 | American Iron and Steel Institute - "Airplane Hangar"/"New
Home for 747" (color inter-negative) |
undated |
30 | American Iron and Steel Institute - "Blood Bank"/"Five Lives
Might Be Saved" (color) |
undated |
70 | American Iron and Steel Institute - "Blood Bank"/"Five Lives
Might Be Saved" (color inter-negative) |
undated |
60 | American Iron and Steel Institute - "Bridge"/"Bridge of the
Future" (color inter-negative) |
undated |
60 | American Iron and Steel Institute - "Butler School"/"School
with a Difference" (color inter-negative) |
undated |
29 | American Iron and Steel Institute - "Central
Containerization" (color) |
undated |
59 | American Iron and Steel Institute - "Chapel"/"Unique Chapel
Completed" (color inter-negative) |
undated |
59 | American Iron and Steel Institute -
"Containerization"/"Revolution in Freight Handling" (color
inter-negative) |
undated |
31 | American Iron and Steel Institute - "Design Awards"/"Design
in Steel Awards Announced" (color) |
undated |
60 | American Iron and Steel Institute - "Design Award"/"Design in
Steel Awards Announced" (color inter-negative) |
undated |
59 | American Iron and Steel Institute - "Foreign Steel" (color
inter-negative) |
undated |
59 | American Iron and Steel Institute - "Garden House"/"Storage
Problem Solved" (color inter-negative) |
undated |
70 | American Iron and Steel Institute - "Guard Rail"/"Safer Roads
for the Future" (color inter-negative) |
undated |
59 | American Iron and Steel Institute - "Guard Rail"/"Safer Roads
for the Future" (color inter-negative) |
undated |
25 | American Iron and Steel Institute - "Steel Imports"
(color) |
undated |
27 | American Iron and Steel Institute - "Steel Imports"
(color) |
undated |
70 | American Iron and Steel Institute - "Steel Imports" (color
inter-negative) |
undated |
40 | American Iron and Steel Institute - "Minnesota Farm"/"New
Life for the Small Farm" (color original rolls) |
undated |
70 | American Iron and Steel Institute - "Minnesota Farm"/"New
Life for the Small Farm" (color inter-negative) |
undated |
40 | American Iron and Steel Institute - "Mushrooms"/"Mushroom
Industry" (color original rolls) |
undated |
60 | American Iron and Steel Institute - "Mushrooms"/"Mushroom
Industry" (color inter-negative) |
undated |
60 | American Iron and Steel Institute - "Novelty Cans" (color
inter-negative) |
undated |
41 | American Iron and Steel Institute - "Rye School"/"New
Approach to School Construction" (color original rolls) |
undated |
70 | American Iron and Steel Institute - "Rye School"/"New
Approach to School Construction" (color inter-negative) |
undated |
60 | American Iron and Steel Institute - "Shrimps"/"Shrimp Canning
Centennial" (color inter-negative) |
undated |
59 | American Iron and Steel Institute - "Steel - '67 Expo" (color
inter-negative) |
undated |
59 | American Iron and Steel Institute - "Wire
Sculpture"/"Artistry in Wire" (color inter-negative) |
undated |
24 | American Society of Travel Agents (ASTA) - "Innocents Abroad:
A Modern Tale of Travel" (color) |
1958 |
32 | American Society of Travel Agents (ASTA) - "Innocents Abroad:
A Modern Tale of Travel" (color) |
undated |
58 | American Society of Travel Agents (ASTA) - "Innocents Abroad"
(color original rolls) |
undated |
12 | American Society of Travel Agents (ASTA) - "Innocents Abroad"
(b&w inter-negative) |
undated |
62 | American Society of Travel Agents (ASTA) - "Innocents Abroad"
(color inter-negative) |
undated |
80 | American Trial Lawyers Association - "Wright Speech"
(sound) |
undated |
7 | Army film of newsreel trip - "European Report"
(b&w) |
undated |
25 | "Bachelor Party" (color) |
undated |
41 | "Bachelor Party" (color original rolls) |
undated |
5 | "Basque Country" (b&w) |
undated |
32 | "Basque Country" (color) |
undated |
76 | "Basque Country" (sound) |
undated |
22 | Bell & Stanton, Inc. - "Country Wines of France"
(color) |
undated |
29 | Bell & Stanton, Inc. - "Country Wines of France"
(color) |
undated |
41 | Bell & Stanton, Inc. - "Country Wines of France" (color
original rolls) |
undated |
67 | Bell & Stanton, Inc. - "Country Wines of France" (color
inter-negative) |
undated |
87-88 | Bell & Stanton, Inc. - "Country Wines of France" (color
inter-negative) |
undated |
75 | Bell & Stanton, Inc. - "Country Wines of France"
(sound) |
undated |
40 | Bell & Stanton, Inc. - "Print Festival" (color original
rolls) |
undated |
67 | Bell & Stanton, Inc. - "Print Festival" (color
inter-negative) |
undated |
78 | Bell & Stanton, Inc. - "Print Festival"
(sound) |
undated |
25 | "Body Painting" (color) |
undated |
38 | "Body Painting" (color original rolls) |
undated |
23 | "Boscobel" (color) |
undated |
22 | "Brancusi Exhibition at Guggenheim Museum"
(color) |
undated |
4 | "Chance to Live" (b&w) |
undated |
33 | "City Room" (color) |
1959 |
33 | "Classifieds: America's Marketplace" (color) |
1959 |
31 | Consumers Union - "Consumers Want To Know"
(color) |
undated |
22 | Consumers Union - "Consumers Want To Know"
(color) |
undated |
33 | "Convention" (color) |
undated |
73 | "Convention" (sound) |
undated |
39 | CPC Aida (color original rolls) |
undated |
89 | CPC Aida - Vienna Show (color) |
undated |
90 | "Creating Tomorrow's Cities" (color originals) |
undated |
5 | "De Gaulle Crossing the Rhine" (b&w) |
undated |
66 | "Diller" (color inter-negative) |
undated |
9 | Encyclopedia (b&w) |
undated |
5 | Encyclopedia Britannica - "Development of Transportation"
(b&w) |
undated |
28 | Enjay Chemical Company - "Clean Seas Ahead"
(color) |
undated |
24 | Enjay Chemical Company - "Clean Seas Ahead"
(color) |
undated |
23 | Enjay Chemical Company - "Escoweld" (color) |
undated |
64 | Esso Chemical - "Flit" (color inter-negative) |
undated |
69 | Esso Chemical - "Ex-Grouting" (color
inter-negative) |
undated |
91-92 | Esso Chemical - "Science Awards" |
undated |
75 | Esso Chemical - "Science Awards" (sound) |
undated |
93 | "Ethyl Lead" (color) |
undated |
67 | "Ethyl Lead" (color inter-negative) |
undated |
94 | "Ethyl Lead" (color inter-negative) |
undated |
71 | "Ex-Manhattan" (color) |
undated |
60 | Farley Manning Association - "Teenage Sundae Party" (color
inter-negative) |
undated |
40 | "Flemington" (color original rolls) |
undated |
6 | "Fleuves de France" (b&w) |
undated |
28 | "Flying Family" (color) |
undated |
5 | French Lines -" Normandy Towns" and French Railways - "Au
Pays du Bien Manger" (b&w) |
undated |
6 | French Wine Industry - "Party at the Potters"
(b&w) |
undated |
26 | French Wine Industry - "Party at the Potters"
(color) |
1957 |
69 | "Gatorade" (color inter-negative) |
undated |
21 | General Foods Kitchen - "Coffee Hour, Puerto Rican Style"
(color) |
undated |
21 | General Foods Kitchen - "Coffee On the Rocks"
(color) |
undated |
20 | General Foods Kitchen - "Delicious Snack - In a Jiffy"
(color) |
undated |
20 | General Foods Kitchen - "Desserts and Salads - Quicker Than
Ever" (color) |
undated |
20 | General Foods Kitchen - "Have a Dinner Party the Easy Way"
(color) |
undated |
21 | General Foods Kitchen - "Mealtime Budget Stretcher"
(color) |
undated |
22 | General Foods Kitchen - "Rice Takes to the Road"
(color) |
undated |
104 | General Motors - "Motorama" |
1956 |
4 | General Motors - "Motorama 1956" (b&w) |
1956 |
5 | General Motors - "Motorama" (b&w) |
undated |
9 | "Grasslands Farming" (b&w) |
undated |
29 | Guffanti Film Laboratories - "Motoring" (color) |
undated |
4 | GW Cabinet - Parade (b&w) |
1972 |
6 | "Houston Museum" (b&w) |
1963 |
79 | "Houston Museum" (sound) |
undated |
105 | Houston Museum of Fine Arts - "Road to the Olmec Head"
(color) |
undated |
26 | Houston Museum of Fine Arts - "Road To the Olmec-Head"
(color) |
undated |
39 | Houston Museum of Fine Arts - "Road To the Olmec-Head" (color
original rolls) |
undated |
80 | Houston Museum of Fine Arts - "Road to the Olmec-Head"
(sound) |
undated |
1 | "If You Are First At the Crash" (sound) |
1960 August |
2 | J.C. Penney - "Fashion Capsule: 72" (color) |
undated |
26 | J.C. Penney - "Fashion Capsule: 72" (color) |
1972 |
22 | J.C. Penney - "Home Of Dreams" (color) |
undated |
71 | Julius Wile - "Season of Magic" (color) |
undated |
79 | Julius Wile - "Season of Magic" (sound) |
undated |
4 | "King Mohammed V of Morocco" (b&w) |
undated |
10 | "King Mohammed V of Morocco" (b&w
inter-negative) |
undated |
24 | "Kip Catches Up" (color) |
1965 |
31 | "Kip Catches Up" (color) |
undated |
81 | "Le Bourgeois Gentilhomme" (color
inter-negative) |
undated |
68 | "Life Harris" (color inter-negative) |
undated |
41 | "Life Space" (color original rolls) |
undated |
4 | "Light Upon the Earth" (b&w) |
undated |
34 | Louis de Rochemont films - "Appliance Repair"
(color) |
undated |
37 | Louis de Rochemont films - "Applying for a Job"
(color) |
undated |
35 | Louis de Rochemont films - "As Maine Goes"
(color) |
undated |
37 | Louis de Rochemont films - "Auto Trades" (color) |
undated |
34 | Louis de Rochemont films - "Business Machines"
(color) |
undated |
34 | Louis de Rochemont films - "Careers In Health"
(color) |
undated |
36 | Louis de Rochemont films - "Cooks and Chefs"
(color) |
circa 1970 |
107 | Louis de Rochemont films - "Hotels and Motels," "Jobs in
Baking," "Sheet Metal" (inter-negative) |
undated |
35 | Louis de Rochemont films - "Job Corps and You"
(color) |
1971 |
37 | Louis de Rochemont films - "Job Developer"
(color) |
undated |
34 | Louis de Rochemont films - "Jobs In Cosmetology"
(color) |
undated |
34 | Louis de Rochemont films - "Jobs In Drafting"
(color) |
undated |
37 | Louis de Rochemont films - "Jobs in Welding"
(color) |
undated |
108-109 | Louis de Rochemont films - "Lost Boundaries" |
undated |
36 | Louis de Rochemont films - "Lost Boundaries"
(color) |
undated |
34 | Louis de Rochemont films - "M.O.T.A." (color) |
undated |
34 | Louis de Rochemont films - "Machine Trades"
(color) |
undated |
37 | Louis de Rochemont films - "Manpower Training Act"
(color) |
undated |
35 | Louis de Rochemont films - "Neighborhood Youth Corps"
(color) |
undated |
34 | Louis de Rochemont films - "Opportunities In Clerical Work"
(color) |
undated |
35 | Louis de Rochemont films - "Parlons François Lecon"
(color) |
undated |
34 | Louis de Rochemont films - Louis de Rochemont films - "Sales
and Merchandising" (color) |
undated |
34 | Louis de Rochemont films - "Sheet Metal Trades"
(color) |
undated |
106 | Louis de Rochemont films - "Suez Canal," (color) |
1956 |
81 | Louis de Rochemont films - "What's In It For Me?" (b&w
inter-negative) |
undated |
37 | Louis de Rochemont films - "Work Supervisor"
(color) |
undated |
71 | "Magic Mirror of Aloyse" (color) |
undated |
25 | Manufacturing Chemists Association (MCA) - "Fish Story"/"Fish
Help Fight Pollution" (color) |
undated |
38 | Manufacturing Chemists Association (MCA) - "Fish Story"/"Fish
Help Fight Pollution" (color original rolls) |
undated |
27 | Manufacturing Chemists Association (MCA) - "Smithsonian
Plastics" (color) |
undated |
41 | Manufacturing Chemists Association (MCA) - "Smithsonian
Plastics" (color original rolls) |
undated |
66 | Manufacturing Chemists Association (MCA) - "Smithsonian
Plastics" (color inter-negative) |
undated |
112 | "Martin Luther" (b&w) |
undated |
65 | "Men to Match the Jungle" (color inter-negative) |
undated |
65 | "Millinery" (color inter-negative) |
undated |
72 | Miscellaneous (color) |
undated |
56 | Miscellaneous outs, trims, and cuts (color) |
undated |
68 | Mobil Oil Corporation - "Ancient Art for Modern Research"
(color inter-negative) |
undated |
29 | Mobil Oil Corporation - "Bag Your Trash" (color) |
undated |
68 | Mobil Oil Corporation - "Bag Your Trash" (color
inter-negative) |
undated |
40 | Mobil Oil Corporation - "Bag Your Trash" (color original
rolls) |
undated |
25 | Mobil Oil Corporation - "Catalysts"/"New Promise for
Pollution Control" (color) |
undated |
40 | Mobil Oil Corporation - "Clean Air Car" (color original
rolls) |
undated |
57 | Mobil Oil Corporation - "Computer Trumps Credit Card Sharks"
(color) |
undated |
15 | Mobil Oil Corporation - "Computer Trumps Credit Card Sharks"
(b&w inter-negative) |
undated |
66 | Mobil Oil Corporation - "Computer Trumps Credit Card Sharks"
(color inter-negative) |
undated |
69 | Mobil Oil Corporation - "Futuristic Service Station" (color
inter-negative) |
undated |
40 | Mobil Oil Corporation - "Garbage" (color original
rolls) |
undated |
69 | Mobil Oil Corporation - "Garbage Bags"/"Way to Keep the City
Clean" (color inter-negative) |
undated |
72 | Mobil Oil Corporation - "Giant Unloader Unveiled" (color
inter-negative) |
undated |
40 | Mobil Oil Corporation - "High School" (color original
rolls) |
undated |
69 | Mobil Oil Corporation - "High School" (color
inter-negative) |
undated |
68 | Mobil Oil Corporation - "Hong Kong"/"Huge Housing
Development" (color inter-negative) |
undated |
25 | Mobil Oil Corporation - "Lubrication"/"Servicing the World's
Newest Jets" (color) |
undated |
68 | Mobil Oil Corporation - "Lubrication"/"Servicing the World's
Newest Jets" (color inter-negative) |
undated |
68 | Mobil Oil Corporation - "Luminescence" (color
inter-negative) |
undated |
24 | Mobil Oil Corporation - "Mobil Repair Center"
(color) |
undated |
71 | Mobil Oil Corporation - "Mobil Repair Center"
(color) |
undated |
69 | Mobil Oil Corporation - "Moon-Bound Atom Smasher" (color
inter-negative) |
undated |
33 | Mobil Oil Corporation - "Moon Lab"/"Apollo 11 News release"
(color) |
undated |
69 | Mobil Oil Corporation - "Moon Lab"/"Apollo 11 News release"
(color inter-negative) |
undated |
69 | Mobil Oil Corporation - "North Sea"/"New Off-Shore Gas
Discovery" (color inter-negative) |
undated |
69 | Mobil Oil Corporation - "PA Trash"/"Bag Your Trash Week"
(color inter-negative) |
undated |
25 | Mobil Oil Corporation - "Pisqui" (color) |
undated |
29 | Mobil Oil Corporation - "Pisqui" (color) |
undated |
113 | Mobil Oil Corporation - "Pisqui" (color) |
undated |
39 | Mobil Oil Corporation - "Pisqui, part 1" (color original
rolls) |
undated |
61 | Mobil Oil Corporation - "Pisqui" (color
inter-negative) |
undated |
114-115 | Mobil Oil Corporation - "Pisqui" - Spanish short version
(color inter-negative) |
undated |
69 | Mobil Oil Corporation - "Science Award for Air Pollution
Control" (color inter-negative) |
undated |
41 | Mobil Oil Corporation - "Stat[?]" (color original
rolls) |
undated |
145 | Mobil Oil Corporation - "Station Award"/"Mrs. Nixon Presents
Award" (color original rolls) |
undated |
69 | Mobil Oil Corporation - "Statve" (color
inter-negative) |
undated |
69 | Mobil Oil Corporation - "Diesel Fuel Improved" (color
inter-negative) |
undated |
69 | Mobil Oil Corporation - "Watts"/"Action Program in Watts"
(color inter-negative) |
undated |
23 | Montici - "Intarsia" (color) |
1958 |
28 | Montici - "Intarsia" (color) |
undated |
12 | Montici - "Intarsia" (b&w inter-negative) |
undated |
63 | Montici - "Intarsia" (color inter-negative) |
undated |
78 | Montici - "Intarsia" (sound) |
undated |
65 | Morocco (color inter-negative) |
undated |
39 | Morocco (color original rolls) |
undated |
116 | Morocco (sound) |
undated |
54 | Morocco - cuts, trims, and outs (color) |
undated |
65 | Morocco coastline (color inter-negative) |
undated |
4 | Moroccan Ministry of Tourism - "700 Miles of Beaches"
(b&w) |
1957 |
4 | Moroccan Ministry of Tourism - "Casbahs of the South"
(b&w) |
1957 |
21 | Moroccan Ministry of Tourism - "Casbahs of the South"
(color) |
undated |
14 | Moroccan Ministry of Tourism - "Casbahs of the South"
(b&w inter-negative) |
undated |
68 | Moroccan Ministry of Tourism - "Casbahs of the South" (color
inter-negative) |
undated |
4 | Moroccan Ministry of Tourism - "Friday In Rabat"
(b&w) |
1957 |
20 | Moroccan Ministry of Tourism - "Friday In Rabat"
(color) |
1957 |
11 | Moroccan Ministry of Tourism - "Friday In Rabat" (b&w
inter-negative) |
undated |
72 | Moroccan Ministry of Tourism - "Friday In Rabat" (color
inter-negative) |
undated |
2 | Moroccan Ministry of Tourism - "Mohammed V"
(b&w) |
undated |
7 | Moroccan Ministry of Tourism - "Mohammed V"
(b&w) |
undated |
20 | Moroccan Ministry of Tourism - "Mysteries of Islam"
(color) |
1957 |
71 | Moroccan Ministry of Tourism - "Mysteries of Islam"
(color) |
undated |
14 | Moroccan Ministry of Tourism - "Mysteries of Islam" (b&w
inter-negative) |
undated |
68 | Moroccan Ministry of Tourism - "Mysteries of Islam" (color
inter-negative) |
undated |
2 | Moroccan Ministry of Tourism - "Mysteries of Islam"
(sound) |
undated |
31 | Moroccan Ministry of Tourism - "Mysteries of Islam"/"Casbahs
of the South" (color) |
undated |
4 | Moroccan Ministry of Tourism - "Sporting Vacation"
(b&w) |
1957 |
14 | Moroccan Ministry of Tourism - "Sporting Vacations" (b&w
inter-negative) |
undated |
67 | Moroccan Ministry of Tourism - "Sporting Vacation" (color
inter-negative) |
undated |
14 | "Motoring" (b&w inter-negative) |
undated |
23 | "Museum In Action" (color) |
undated |
38 | N.A.A.C.P. (color original rolls) |
undated |
69 | N.A.A.C.P. (color inter-negative) |
undated |
80 | N.A.A.C.P. (sound) |
undated |
31 | N.A.A.C.P. - "Once Upon A Time" (color) |
undated |
27 | N.A.A.C.P. - "Once Upon a Time" (color) |
undated |
27 | National Homes Corporation - "Astrohome" (color) |
undated |
33 | National Homes Corporation - "Astrohome" (color) |
undated |
66 | National Homes Corporation - "Astrohome" (color
inter-negative) |
undated |
70 | National Homes Corporation - "Astrohome" (color
inter-negative) |
undated |
80 | National Homes Corporation - "Astrohome" (sound) |
undated |
126 | National Homes Corporation - "Clearwater" (color original
rolls) |
undated |
127-128 | National Homes Corporation - "Swedish Film" |
undated |
209 | Navy training film |
undated |
27 | "NH Ytong" (color) |
undated |
73 | "NH-Ytong" (sound) |
undated |
129 | "Normandy" (color) |
undated |
41 | "Normandy" (color original rolls) |
undated |
70 | "Oldest Paris" (color inter-negative) |
undated |
5 | Omnibus - "Invitation to Harvard" (b&w) |
undated |
13 | Omnibus - Mr. Lincoln (b&w
inter-negative) |
undated |
74 | Omnibus - Mr. Lincoln (sound) |
undated |
5 | Omnibus - Mr. Lincoln - Episode 1 - "End of the
Beginning" (b&w) |
undated |
117 | Omnibus - Mr. Lincoln - Episode 1 - "End of the
Beginning" |
undated |
118 | Omnibus - Mr. Lincoln - Episode 2 - "Nancy
Hanks" |
undated |
119 | Omnibus - Mr. Lincoln - Episode 3 - "Growing
Up" |
undated |
120 | Omnibus - Mr. Lincoln - Episode 4 - "New
Salem" |
undated |
121 | Omnibus - Mr. Lincoln - Episode 5 - "Ann
Rutledge" |
undated |
122 | Omnibus - Mr. Lincoln - reel 1
(inter-negative) |
undated |
123 | Omnibus - Mr. Lincoln - reel 1
(sound) |
undated |
124 | Omnibus - Mr. Lincoln - reel 3
(inter-negative) |
undated |
125 | Omnibus - Mr. Lincoln - reel 3
(sound) |
undated |
14 | Omnibus - "Robert Frost" (b&w
inter-negative) |
undated |
16 | Omnibus - "Robert Frost" (b&w) |
undated |
4 | Omnibus - "Robert Frost" (b&w) |
undated |
6 | Omnibus - "Robert Frost" (b&w) |
undated |
75 | Omnibus - "Robert Frost" (sound) |
undated |
26 | Omnibus - "Winter in the French Alps" (color) |
undated |
9 | Overseas Press Club (b&w) |
1958 |
5 | Overseas Press Club awards dinner (b&w) |
1952 |
4 | Overseas Press Club awards dinner (b&w) |
1959 |
38 | Oyster Bay - "Town of Oyster Bay Story" (color original
rolls) |
undated |
80 | Oyster Bay - "Town of Oyster Bay Story" (sound) |
undated |
25 | "Paint Your Wagon" (color) |
1969 |
28 | Parade Publications, Inc. - "Young Columbus XV Iberian
Adventure" (color) |
undated |
22 | Parade Publications, Inc. - "Young Columbus XVI
Greece-Switzerland Adventure" (color) |
undated |
130 | "Paradise Street" (color) |
undated |
55 | "Peter Burton In Paris" - outs, trims, and cuts
(color) |
undated |
131 | "PF-149" (color inter-negative) |
undated |
213 | Reynold's Metals Company - "Closed Circuit TV Show," |
undated |
7 | Reynold's Metals Company - "Aluminum In Modern Architecture"
(b&w) |
circa 1956 |
207 | Richard De Rochemont at dinner |
undated |
144 | "R.O.P. Color" (color) |
1959 |
30 | Roquefort Association - "Treat For the Gods"
(color) |
undated |
13 | "Save the Children" (b&w inter-negative) |
undated |
71 | "Sea Venture" (color) |
undated |
24 | Seventeen Magazine - "Age of Curiosity" (color) |
undated |
26 | Seventeen Magazine - "Age of Curiosity" (color) |
undated |
38 | Seventeen Magazine - "Age of Curiosity" (color original
rolls) |
undated |
13 | Seventeen Magazine - "Age of Curiosity" (b&w
inter-negative) |
undated |
67 | Seventeen Magazine - "Age of Curiosity" (color
inter-negative) |
undated |
80 | Seventeen Magazine - "Age of Curiosity" (sound) |
undated |
16 | Sheraton - Reynolds (b&w) |
1956 |
66 | Simon & Schuster - "Almanac" (color
inter-negative) |
undated |
39 | Standard Oil Company (color original rolls) |
undated |
32 | Standard Oil Company (New Jersey) - "Quality Of Life"
(color) |
undated |
139 | Standard Oil Company (New Jersey) - "Through the Northwest
Passage" (color) |
undated |
146-148 | Standard Oil Company (New Jersey) - "Through the Northwest
Passage" (color) |
undated |
24 | Standard Oil Company (New Jersey) - "Tomorrow's Scientists
& Engineers" (color) |
undated |
58 | "Televiewer" (color original rolls) |
undated |
9 | "Theatre of Etienne Decroux" (b&w) |
undated |
149-150 | "Theatre of Etienne Decroux" (b&w) |
undated |
2 | "They're Taking the Bus In Nashville" (sound) |
1959 September |
151 | Time - "Time's Man of the Year" (color) |
undated |
28 | "Together Eleven" (color) |
undated |
22 | "Town of Oyster Bay" (color) |
1963 |
31 | "Town of Oyster Bay" (color) |
undated |
23 | "Treat For the Gods" (color) |
undated |
78 | "Tropical Island" (sound) |
undated |
69 | TWA - "Twin Air" (color inter-negative) |
undated |
152 | "Type to Paper" (color) |
undated |
211 | Unidentified (nitrate film) |
undated |
81 | Unidentified (b&w inter-negative) |
undated |
80 | Unidentified (sound) |
undated |
4 | United States Line Company - "Superliner United States At
Your Service!" (b&w) |
undated |
67 | "Upjohn Display" (color inter-negative) |
undated |
41 | "UpJohn Display" (color original rolls) |
undated |
81 | VD (b&w inter-negative) |
undated |
30 | "Versailles" (color) |
undated |
2 | Virginia Museum of Fine Arts (b&w) |
1961 |
2 | Virginia Museum of Fine Arts (b&w) |
undated |
38 | Virginia Museum of Fine Arts (color original
rolls) |
undated |
66 | Virginia Museum of Fine Arts (color
inter-negative) |
undated |
153 | Virginia Museum of Fine Arts (sound) |
undated |
2 | Virginia Museum of Fine Arts - "25th Birthday Celebration"
(b&w) |
undated |
31 | Virginia Museum of Fine Arts - "Museum In Action"
(color) |
undated |
2 | Virginia Museum of Fine Arts - "Silver Rally"
(b&w) |
undated |
2 | Virginia Museum of Fine Arts - "Sport and the Horse"
(b&w) |
undated |
208 | War on the Seas |
undated |
6 | "When I'm Old Enough Goodbye" (b&w) |
undated |
8 | "When I'm Old Enough Goodbye" (b&w) |
undated |
9 | "When I'm Old Enough Goodbye" (b&w) |
undated |
15 | "When I'm Old Enough Goodbye" (b&w
inter-negative) |
undated |
73-74 | "When I'm Old Enough Goodbye" (sound) |
undated |
9 | "World Assembly Of Youth" (b&w) |
undated |
Series V. Photographs, circa 1916-1969, undatedReturn to Top
Arranged alphabetically. Contains photographs created during the production of De Rochemont films (including the March of Time newsreels), as well as personal and family photographs of De Rochemont. Series includes prints, color slides, and negatives.
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
Box | ||
205 | American Chamber of Commerce in France dinner |
1945 |
205 | ANTA salute to France dinner |
1955 |
201 | Baker, Josephine |
undated |
203 | Basque country (color slides ) |
undated |
201 | Booth, Claire |
undated |
201 | Captain Cook |
undated |
200 | Clofines At Long Island Home |
undated |
204 | Corsica? (color slides) |
undated |
201 | De Grelle, Leon |
undated |
201 | De Gaulle, Charles and De Rochemont (negatives) |
1945 |
201 | De Rochemont family |
undated |
201 | De Rochemont family residences |
undated |
205 | De Rochemont home |
circa 1916-1925 |
201 | De Rochemont, Richard |
undated |
205 | De Rochemont, Richard |
1945-1951 |
201 | De Rochemont, Richard (negatives) |
undated |
216 | De Rochemont, Richard and family |
1900-1997 |
201 | De Villemoran, William and Betty |
undated |
205 | Dinner (French) |
1948, 1951 |
205 | Dinner in honor of Henri Bonnet, Ambassador of
France |
1955 |
201 | Eisenhower, Dwight D. |
undated |
204 | Eglin Air Base (color slides) |
undated |
205 | Encyclopedia Britannica Films, Inc. - first board of directors
meeting |
1944 |
200 | English in Cannes |
undated |
200 | European town views |
undated |
205 | Fifth Annual Nobel Anniversary dinner |
1945 |
214 | Final Eisenhower "crusade" commercial (nitrate
negatives) |
1949 |
204 | Flemington, New Jersey - old and new houses (color
slides) |
undated |
201 | Flemington, New Jersey - old and new houses
(negatives) |
circa 1962-1964 |
200 | France |
undated |
205 | France |
undated |
204 | France (color slides) |
1956-1962 |
214 | France (nitrate negatives) |
undated |
200 | France - Clofines in France |
undated |
201 | France - Gandhi |
1933 |
200 | France - industry and agriculture (from album) |
undated |
200 | France - Paris |
circa 1945 |
200 | France - Riviera and Red Cross (photographs by Marcel
Rebiere) |
1941 |
214 | France - Vichy and Red Cross (photographs by Marcel Rebiere)
(nitrate negatives) |
1941 |
200 | France - Vichy (Bistro interior shots) |
circa 1945 |
205 | French American Club dinner |
1943 |
201 | Frost, Robert and Bela Horwitzer |
undated |
201 | Gorki, Maxime |
undated |
203 | Houston Museum (color slides) |
1963 |
200 | Hungary |
undated |
201 | Italy |
undated |
201 | Johnson, Lyndon B. |
1963 |
214 | Josephine Baker - "An American in France" (nitrate
negatives) |
undated |
201 | Luce, Henry |
undated |
205 | Luce, Henry |
undated |
201 | Luce, Henry and De Rochemont (negatives) |
1941 |
200 | March of Time |
undated |
205 | March of Time |
undated |
214 | March of Time (nitrate negatives) |
undated |
200 | March of Time - black market |
undated |
200 | March of Time - Czechoslovakia and Hungary |
undated |
200 | March of Time - filming (photographs by Marcel
Rebiere) |
undated |
200 | March of Time - Germany, WWII |
undated |
200 | March of Time - "Golden Twenties" |
undated |
200 | March of Time - Prague |
undated |
201 | March of Time - Testevin ceremonies, New York |
undated |
200 | March of Time - "Wartime" episodes (filming in France, Italy, and
Berlin) |
circa 1944 |
200 | March of Time - World Assembly of Youth, Ithaca, New
York |
1951 |
200 | March of Time - WWII |
undated |
203 | Mexico (color slides) |
1962-1963 |
200 | Mexio and Oyster Bay |
undated |
201 | Miscellaneous |
undated |
205 | Miscellaneous |
undated |
203 | Miscellaneous (color slides) |
undated |
214 | Mother of De Rochemont (nitrate negatives) |
undated |
201 | Motorama |
1956 |
214 | Moulin de [?], Pontlevoy, France (nitrate negatives) |
undated |
201 | "Mr. Lincoln" |
undated |
205 | News Photographers' Association Annual White House Dinner with
President Truman |
1945 |
203 | Olmec Head (color slides) |
1962-1963 |
201 | Pages, Jean |
undated |
201 | Personal and unidentified |
undated |
203 | Peru - Cuzco and Pisac (color slides) |
1965 |
201 | Pontlevoy |
undated |
204 | Pontlevoy (color slides) |
1961 |
201 | Pretender to the throne of the Ukraine |
circa 1935-1937 |
201 | Reed, Waverly |
undated |
201 | Reynold's Metals Company - closed circuit |
1956 |
203 | Richard De Rochemont in Paris (color slides) |
1939 |
201 | Roosevelt, Franklin Delano |
undated |
200 | Spain - Barcelona |
undated |
202 | Testevin chapitre (color slides) |
1963 |
200 | Unidentified |
undated |
202 | Unidentified (color slides) |
undated |
201 | Unidentified (glass plate negatives) |
undated |
214 | Unidentified (nitrate negatives) |
undated |
203 | Visit of Jimmy Sanger to Flemington (color slides) |
1964 |
205 | Williams College Class of 1924 |
1969 |
201 | Wilson, Woodrow |
undated |
204 | Wright Field, General Wray, et. al. (color slides) |
undated |
201 | Zarahoff, (Sir) Basil |
undated |
Series VI. Audio, 1956-1969, undatedReturn to Top
Arranged alphabetically. Contains reel-to-reel audio tapes, including sound for some of De Rochemont’s films, and four phonograph records. All are reel-to-reel unless otherwise labeled.
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
Box | ||
82 | "Air France Jets" |
1961 |
82 | "Chateau" |
1956 |
82 | Dashaies, Guadeloupe - Fort Royal Hotel |
undated |
83 | Dean Brelis reports from Cyprus |
undated |
83 | "Decroux" |
1961 |
82 | Dr. Raymond Fielding on "The March of Time"
(cassette) |
undated |
83 | Edward R. Murrow |
undated |
82 | "French Caribbean" |
1965 |
82 | "French Motoring" |
1956 |
83 | Gaude Maria; Societe d'Autrefois Vocal Ensemble under the
direction of Yvonne Gouverne |
undated |
83 | "Houston Museum" |
1964 |
82 | Hurard Coppet - "Pres de la Riviere" |
1965 |
82 | "In the Peaceful Valley Of Loire" |
1958 |
82 | Marshall [?] interview |
1966 |
82 | McLuhan [?] with Eric Goldman |
undated |
83 | MEWS |
1958 |
82 | "Montici" and "The Oldest Paris" |
1958 |
82 | Of bird [?] |
1967 |
83 | "Oyster Bay" |
1963 |
83 | Radio tributes to George Clay - Merrill Mueller, Chet Huntley,
Monitor |
undated |
83 | Sheehan report from London - ABC |
1964 October 11 |
82 | Southern Paris |
undated |
83 | "Symphonie Fantastique" |
undated |
82 | Unidentified [3] |
1969 |
82 | Unidentified [3] |
undated |
82 | Unidentified |
1956 |
83 | "Virginia Museum" |
1961 |
212 | Phonograph record - Department of State - "Reporters at
Work" |
1949 [1940?] |
212 | Phonograph record - March of Time Ithaca story music
- "Afternoon of a Faun" by Debussy |
1951 |
212 | Phonograph record - WOR reference record - "Black Market"
(broken) |
1943 |
212 | Phonograph record - WOR reference record - "Don't Let's Be
Beastly to the Germans" |
1944 |
Names and SubjectsReturn to Top
Subject Terms
- Authors, American -- 20th century.
- Documentary films -- United States -- 20th century.
- Educational films -- United States -- 20th century.
- Motion picture producers and directors -- United States -- 20th century.
- Motion pictures -- Production and direction -- United States.
- Newsreels -- United States -- 20th century.
Personal Names
Corporate Names
Form or Genre Terms
Titles within the Collection
- March of time (Motion picture).