National Science Foundation Two Hundred-Mile Boundary Limit conference materials, 1978

Overview of the Collection

National Science Foundation (U.S)
National Science Foundation Two Hundred-Mile Boundary Limit conference materials
1978 (inclusive)
.25 linear ft.
Collection Number
XOE_CPNWS0207NatSciFound (collection)
This is a collection of summaries and transcripts of presentations from a National Science Foundation conference about the United States' decision to implement the two hundred-mile limit on off-shore fishing. Participants included Donald K. Alper, Andrew Berkis,William T. Burke, James A. Crutchfield, James H. Hitchman, Robert Monahan, and Gerard F. Rutan.
Western Washington University, Center for Pacific Northwest Studies
Goltz-Murray Archives Building
808 25th St.
Bellingham, WA
Telephone: (360) 650-7534
Access Restrictions

The collection is open to the public.


Content DescriptionReturn to Top

This is a collection of summaries and transcripts of presentations from a National Science Foundation conference about the United States' decision to implement the two hundred-mile limit on off-shore fishing. Participants included Donald K. Alper, Andrew Berkis,William T. Burke, James A. Crutchfield, James H. Hitchman, Robert Monahan, and Gerard F. Rutan.

Use of the CollectionReturn to Top

Preferred Citation

National Science Foundation Two Hundred-Mile Boundary Limit conference materials, Center for Pacific Northwest Studies, Western Libraries Archives & Special Collections, Western Washington University, Bellingham WA 98225-9123.

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Acquisition Information

Acquisition information is unknown.