The Center for Native American Development records, 1972-1979

Overview of the Collection

University of Idaho. Center for Native American Development
The Center for Native American Development records
1972-1979 (inclusive)
1 linear feet
Collection Number
MG 116
Reports and correspondence related to economic development and land use planning for the Coeur d'Alene and Nez Perce tribes.
University of Idaho Library, Special Collections and Archives
Special Collections and Archives
University of Idaho Library
875 Perimeter Drive
MS 2350
Moscow, ID
Telephone: 2088850845
Access Restrictions

Collection is open for research.

Funding for encoding this finding aid was provided through a grant awarded by the National Endowment for the Humanities.

Content DescriptionReturn to Top

The material from the Center for Native American Development, which was started at the University of Idaho in 1972 under the direction of Jack R. Ridley, is contained in one large archival file box which occupies one linear foot of shelf space. The material includes development plans for the Coeur d'Alene and Nez Perce tribes, material from the Institute on Indian Law and Jurisdiction held in November 1979 at the University of Idaho Law School, a collection of Jack Ridley's articles, material for a course on Reservation Economic Development, and miscellaneous folders from Ridley's office.

Historical NoteReturn to Top

The Center for Native American Development was a new graduate program at the University of Idaho started in 1972. It's aim was to develop natural and human resources on Indigenous reservations. Emphasis was placed on business and economic studies in order to develop these resources.

The original center was located in the old Farmhouse building on the corner of College Street and Deakin Avenue. At the time, it was the first of its kind in the United States.

The director of the program was Dr. Jack Ridley. Ridley himself was a member of the Western Shoshone who have historic lands in Idaho, Nevada, California, and Utah.

Use of the CollectionReturn to Top

Preferred Citation

[Description of Item], The Center for Native American Development Records, MG 116, Special Collections and Archives, University of Idaho Library, Moscow, Idaho.

Administrative InformationReturn to Top


Christian, B. (1972). Native American center planned. The Argonaut, 75(35), 6.

Detailed Description of the CollectionReturn to Top

Center Records, 1970; 1976-1978Return to Top

Container(s) Description Dates
Box Folder
1 1
Calendar for Meetings
July 1977 - October 1978
1 2
Management Seminar
1 3
1 4
Request for Funds

Course Materials, 1976-1977Return to Top

Container(s) Description Dates
Box Folder
1 5
Course Outlines and Lecture Notes
1 6
NAT AM 160 - Case Study Assignments
January 17, 1977
1 7
NAT AM 200 - Class List
1 8
NAT AM 204 - Reservation Economic Development
March 30, 1976 - April 1, 1976
1 9
NAT AM 299 - Reservation Economic Development
Folder includes NAT AM 299 exams and reviews.
April 29, 1976
1 10
NAT AM 499 - Directed Study

Jack Ridley papersReturn to Top

Container(s) Description Dates
Box Folder
1 11
A Notebook of articles written by Jack Ridley.
1 12
Employee Payroll Information
Includes pay schedules and other salary information kept by Jack Ridley while he worked at the University of Idaho.
1974; 1977-1978
1 13
Faculty Information
1 14
Includes resumes kept by Ridley applying for a position at the Center for Native American Development Center, and a few correspondences.
1 15
Wayne F. Perkins Correspondence
1 16
Western Interstate Commission for Higher Education (WICHE)

Indigenous TribesReturn to Top

Container(s) Description Dates
Coeur D'Alene Tribe
September 1973
Box Folder
1 17
Coeur D'Alene Utility Service Enterprise
1 18
Comprehensive Development Plan
September 1973 - October 1973
1 19
General Policies and Procedures
1 20
1 21
Plan of Operations
1 22
Tribal School
Confederated Salish and Kootenai Tribes
Box Folder
1 23
Includes brochures from Camas Hot Springs, Flathead Indian Reservation (Montana), Flathead Indian Reservation Recreation & Fishing Regulations, a Montana highway map, and a letter to the Confederated Salish and Kootenai Tribal Chairman.
1972-1973; 1975
Confederated Tribes of the Umatilla Indian Reservation: Cayuse, Umatilla, and Walla Walla
Box Folder
1 24
Maps depicting location and regional relationships, regional historic sites, reservation historic sites, the utility system, fish and wildlife, soils, geologic features, the drainage basin, and housing.
Crow Tribe
Box Folder
1 25
Includes tourist map and informational poster.
Nez Perce Tribe
Box Folder
1 26
Includes extra bibliography from the Resource Plans document, a list of contacts from Lapwai, Idaho, and two research articles.
1 27
Nez Perce Tribal Lands Review
Written by Dr. Jack Ridley.
1 28
Resource Plans
1 29
Review of Operations and Recommendations for the Big Eddy Marina
Wind River Reservation: Eastern Shoshone and Northern Arapaho
Box Folder
1 30
Includes a history of the reservation, an informational poster, and booklet.

MiscellaneousReturn to Top

Container(s) Description Dates
Box Folder
1 31
92nd Congressional Directory
1 32
Bureau of Indian Affairs Contact List
1 33
Bureau of Indian Affairs Correspondence
July 16, 1975
1 34
Contact List for Indigenous US Educators
1 35
Research Articles
1 36
Tribal Police Presentation
The Tribal Police presentation was a portion of the event: An Institute on Indian Law and Jurisdiction. This took place at the University of Idaho, College of Law from November 29th to December 1st, 1979.
November 30, 1979