H. Michael Marquardt papers, 1800-2017

Overview of the Collection

Marquardt, H. Michael
H. Michael Marquardt papers
1800-2017 (inclusive)
193.25 linear feet, (449 boxes)
Collection Number
ACCN 0900
The H. Michael Marquardt papers (1800-2017) contains correspondence, clippings, diary copies, scholarly articles, miscellaneous research materials on topics in Mormon history and theology. Marquardt is a historian and author.
University of Utah Libraries, Special Collections
Special Collections, J. Willard Marriott Library
University of Utah
295 South 1500 East
Salt Lake City, UT

Telephone: 8015818863
Access Restrictions

Twenty-four hour advanced notice encouraged. Materials must be used on-site. Access to parts of this collection may be restricted under provisions of state or federal law.


Content DescriptionReturn to Top

The H. Michael Marquardt papers (1800-2017) contain correspondence, newsletters, brochures, books, maps, documents, news clippings, and other materials relating to the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (LDS Church). Most of the materials depict the controversial aspects of the LDS Church, as described by critics and friends. These materials also give information on the churches and sects that broke away from the church that Joseph Smith organized, such as the Reorganized Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints (RLDS Church), now the Community of Christ. There is also a great deal of material about the first LDS prophet, Joseph Smith, and the Book of Mormon, which is believed to be translated by him in the late 1820s. This collection also contains information on Mark Hofmann, temple rituals of the LDS Church, and historical information on the LDS Church. Most materials are photocopies or mimeograph reproductions.

Use of the CollectionReturn to Top

Restrictions on Use

The library does not claim to control copyright for all materials in the collection. An individual depicted in a reproduction has privacy rights as outlined in Title 45 CFR, part 46 (Protection of Human Subjects). For further information, please review the J. Willard Marriott Library’s Use Agreement and Reproduction Request forms.

Preferred Citation

Collection Name, Collection Number, Box Number, Folder Number. Special Collections, J. Willard Marriott Library, The University of Utah.

Administrative InformationReturn to Top

Acquisition Information

Boxes 1-167 were donated by H. Michael Marquardt in 1986.

Boxes 168-200 were donated by H. Michael Marquardt in 1998.

Boxes 201-241 were donated by H. Michael Marquardt in 2001.

Boxes 242-288 were donated by H. Michael Marquardt in 2004.

Boxes 289-386 were donated by H. Michael Marquardt in 2008.

Boxes 387-419 were donated by H. Michael Marquardt in 2011.

Boxes 420-430 were donated by H. Michael Marquardt in 2014.

Boxes 431-444 were donated by H. Michael Marquardt in 2016.

Boxes 444-449 were donated by H. Michael Marquardt in 2017.

Processing Note

Processed by Mark Evans, Christie Pugh, Kate Kimball, Sawaiba Khan in 1989-2008.

Addendum processed by Anna Hansen and Emma McFarland in 2011.

Addendum processed by Chelsea Olsen in 2015.

Addendum processed by Roger V. Paxton in 2016.

Addendum processed by Betsey Welland in 2017.

Separated Materials

Maps were transferred to a map case located in the Manuscripts Division. Photographs and audio-visual materials were transfered to the Multimedia Division of Speical Collections (PO613 and AO376).

Detailed Description of the CollectionReturn to Top

Adam-God TheoryReturn to Top

Container(s) Description Dates
Box Folder
1 1
1 2
Adam-God Doctrine and LDS Edowment
1 3
Fred C. Collier, "The Adam-God Doctrine and the Scriptures"
1 4
Dennis Doddridge, "The Adam-God Revelation Journal of Reference"
1 5
Mark E. Peterson, Adam: Who is He?
1 6
Adam-God Doctrine
1 7
Elwood G. Norris, Be Not Decieved, refutation of the Adam-God theory
1 8-16
Brigham Young
2 1
Bruce R. McConkie
2 2
George Q. Cannon on Adam-God
2 3
Fred C. Collier, "Gospel of the Father"
2 4
James R. Clark on Adam
2 5
Joseph F. Smith
2 6
Joseph Fielding Smith
2 7
Millennial Star
2 8
Fred C. Collier, "The Mormon God"
2 9
Adam-God Doctrine
2 10
Rodney Turner, "The Position of Adam in Latter-day Saint Scripture"
2 11
Chris Vlachos, "Brigham Young's False Teaching: Adam is God"
2 12
Adam-God and Plurality of Gods
2 13
Spencer W. Kimball on Adam-God
2 14
Wilford Woodruff's Journal on Adam-God

Baptism for the DeadReturn to Top

Container(s) Description Dates
Box Folder
3 1
Articles on Baptism for the Dead
3 2
Ariel L. Crowley, "Baptism for the D An Examination of Its History"
3 3
Hugh Nibley, "Baptism for the Dead in Ancient Times"
3 4
Baptism for the Dead, Saint George Temple
3 5
History of Baptism for the Dead
3 6
Interpretation of 1 Cor. 15:29, Luke 23:43, and Heb. 11:39-40
4 1-3
Nauvoo Baptisms for the Dead
4 4
Restoration Churches on Baptism for the Dead
4 5
Otis Gatewood, "Some of the Doctrines of Mormonism"
4 6
James D. Bales, "The Spirits in Prison"
4 7
A Survey and Analysis of the Interpretation of 1 Cor. 15:29
4 8
Bernald M. Feschini, "Those who are Baptized for the Dead"

Blacks and the PriesthoodReturn to Top

Container(s) Description Dates
Box Folder
5 1-7
5 8
Abel's Seed
5 9
Background of 1978 Letter
5 10
Blacks to Recieve Priesthood
5 11
5 12
Brigham Young
5 13
Byron Marchant
5 14
Lawrence J. Nielsen, "The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in Brazil"
5 15
Council Meetings of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles-Negroes in the Church
5 16
Douglas A. Wallace, Brian M. Barnard
6 1
Elijah Abel
6 2
Newell G. Bringhurst, "Elijah Abel and the Changing Status of Blacks"
6 3
Genisis Group
6 4
Interview with LeGrand Richards
6 5
Letter to the Editor- Salt Lake Tribune
6 6
Newell G. Bringhurst, "A Mormon Odyssey"
6 7
African-Americans and the Priesthood
6 8
African-American Problem Facing LDS Church
6 9
Nigeria Problem
6 10
Patriarchal Blessings and the African-American
6 11
RLDS Church and the Nigerian Mission
6 12
Newell G. Bringhurst, Saints, Slaves and Blacks

Book of MormonReturn to Top

Container(s) Description
Box Folder
7 1
Chiasmus in the Book of Mormon
7 2
David Persuitte
7 3
Robert Hullinger, "In Defense of God: Why Joseph Smith Wrote the BOM"
7 4
John A. Tvedtnes, John Welch
7 5
David Persuitte, "Joseph Smith and Mormon Origins"
7 6
Vernal Holley, "A Study of the Similarities between the Works of Flavius Josephus and the Book of Mormon"
7 7
Vernal Holley
7 8
Robert Patterson, "Who Wrote the Book of Mormon?"
7 1-5
Robert N. Hullinger, "In Defense of God"

Churches and SectsReturn to Top

Container(s) Description
Box Folder
8 1
Christ's Church Inc.
8 2-4
Church of Christ
8 5-6
Church of Jesus Christ, Booklets
8 7-8
The Church of the First Born of the Fullness of Times, Pamphlets
8 9
Henry W. Richards, A Reply to "The Church of the Firstborn of the Fulness of Times"

Church of Christ, Pauline HancockReturn to Top

Container(s) Description Dates
Box Folder
9 1
Pauline Hancock
9 2
Church of Christ
9 3-11
Church of Christ News Clippings
10 1-16
News Clippings
10 17

Church of Christ, Temple LotReturn to Top

Container(s) Description
Box Folder
11 1
Clarence L. Wheaten Sr. and the Church of Christ (Temple Lot)
11 2-3
Church of Christ (Temple Lot)
11 4
Church of Christ (with the English Message) The Voice of Peace

Churches and SectsReturn to Top

Container(s) Description Dates
Box Folder
12 1-4
Daniel Aaron Rogers
12 5
12 6
George T. Harrison
13 1
Thomas J. Liddiard, "Government of the Church of God"
13 2
Bruce R. McConkie, "How to Start a Cult"
13 3
Ogden Kraut
13 4
The Restored Church of Christ, Restorationists United
13 5
James J. Strang
13 6
Ross W. LeBaron

Churches and Sects-Reorganized Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day SaintsReturn to Top

Container(s) Description
Box Folder
14 1
Charles Wandell- The Australian Mission (RLDS Church)
14 2
Foundation for Research on Ancient America (RLDS Church)
14 3
Reorganized Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints
15 1
Reorganized Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints
15 2
RLDS Church and Temples
15 3
RLDS Curriculum Consultation Committee
15 4
The RLDS Independence Temple; Revelation of 1968
15 5
Society for the Archaeological Research Reports, RLDS Church
16 1
David Hyrum Smith
16 2
Frederick M. Smith
16 3
Israel A. Smith
16 4
Robert D. Hutchins, "Joseph Smith III: Moderate Mormon"
16 5
"The Memoirs of President Joseph Smith III 1832-1914"
16 6
W. Wallace Smith

Churches and Sects, PublicationsReturn to Top

Container(s) Description Dates
Box Folder
17 1
The Inner Circle
17 2
Liahona, The Director
17 3
Restoration Reporter
17 4
The True Latter Day Saint's Herald
18 1-4
The Utah Evangel
18 5-7
Zion's Warning

Howard HughesReturn to Top

Container(s) Description Dates
Box Folder
19 1
Howard Hughes
19 2
The "Mormon Will"
19 3
Melvin Dummar, "Mormon Will"
19 4
Project Jennifer

General MaterialsReturn to Top

Container(s) Description Dates
John Whitmer Historical Association
John D. Lee Diaries
22 1
Articles from Saints Herald
22 2
Benjamin F. Johnson Letter and the White Horse Prophecy
22 3
The Danites
22 4
Edward Tullidge
22 5
Eliza R. Snow and Edward Tullidge
22 6
Grant H. Palmer, "The Godbeite Movement"
23 1-5
David Persuitte, "Joseph Smith and Mormon Origins"
23 6
Kinderhook Plates
24 1
Mark E. Petersen on the Great White God
24 2-3
Grant N. Mildenhall
24 4
Mormon Underground Press
24 5
Stephen C. LeSuer, The Mormon War
24 6
David J. Whittaker, "Mormons and Native Americans: An Historical and Bibliographical Introduction"
25 1-2
Gary Bergera, "Orson Pratt and Brigham Young"
25 3
Peter H. Burnett
25 4
Irene S. Leland, "Prophecy and the Constitution"
25 5
Joseph E. Taylor, "The Resurrection"
25 6
T. B. H. Stenhouse, The Rocky Mountain Saints
25 7
Society for Early Historic Archaeology, Brigham Young University
25 8
John L. Smith Utah Missions, Inc.
25 9
Reed C. Durham Jr. "Various Accounts of the Election-Day Battle"
25 10
Robert N. Hullinger, "Why Not Joseph Smith and Thomas Paine?"
25 11
Leonard J. Arrington and Hope Hilton, William A. ("Bill") Hickman
25 1
Complaint against Ogden Kraut
25 2
Louis Harris Public Attitudes toward the Criminal Justice System in Utah
25 3
Lyman S. Wood
Mormon History Association

Mormon SpiesReturn to Top

Container(s) Description Dates
Box Folder
27 1
Articles on CIA and Spies
27 2
H. Michael Marquardt, Notes on Mormons, Watergate, and Bugging
27 3
Robert F. Bennett and the Mullen Company
27 4
Robert F. Smith on the CIA
27 5-6
Steven Mayfield

PolygamyReturn to Top

Container(s) Description Dates
Box Folder
28 1
Frank Thomas Benton, Jr., "An Analysis of Orson Pratt's Invention in the Pratt-Newman Debate," Thesis
28 2
Anthony W. Ivins Record Book of Marriages
28 3
The Bible and Polygamy Orson Pratt and John P. Newman Debate
28 4
The Manifesto
28 5-6
Plural Marriage
28 7
H. Grant Ivins, "Polygamy in Mexico"
28 8
Plural Marriage
28 9
Plural Marriage after 1890
28 10
RLDS and Marriage; Also Polygamy in India and Nigeria
28 1
Charles A. Shook, The Origin of Mormon Polygamy
28 2
Orson Pratt, Sermon by Rev. Dr. Newman... On Plural Marriage

Solomon SpauldingReturn to Top

Container(s) Description Dates
Box Folder
29 1
Spaulding Controversy and Manuscript Pages of BOM
29 2
Articles Which Mention Spaulding Origin of Book of Mormon
29 3
Dale R. Broadhurst, "The Book and the Manuscript"
29 4
Vernal Holley, "A Closer Look at the Book of Mormon Spaulding Theory"
29 5
"Coming Forth of the BOM in Relation to Solomon Spaulding's Manuscript Story"
29 6
"Similarities Between Solomon Spaulding's Manuscript and BOM"
29 7
Dale R. Broadhurst, "Index to Names in the Spaulding Manuscript"
29 8
Dale R. Broadhurst, "Index to Selected Words in the Spaulding Manuscript"
29 9
Dale R. Broadhurst, "Textual Affinities between the BOM and Manuscript Story"
29 10
M. Wilford Poulson on Spaulding Manuscript
29 11
Spaulding Manuscript
29 12
Dale R. Broadhurst, "A New Basis for the Spaulding Theory..."
29 13
Theodore Albert Schroeder, The Origin of the Book of Mormon
29 14
"Textual Affinities between the Spaulding Manuscript and the BOM"
29 15
Dale R. Broadhurst, "Reconstruction of the Missing Pages in Spaulding"
29 16
John E. Page, The Spaulding Story
30 1
Statements on Spaulding Theory for the Origin of BOM
30 2
Dale R. Broadhurst, A Structural Outline to the Spaulding Manuscript
30 3
Transcript of Solomon Spaulding's Manuscript
30 4
Dale R. Broadhurst, Typescript of Spaulding Manuscript Transcript
30 5
A Study of the Book of Mormon Spaulding Theory
30 6
Dale R. Broadhurst, Book of Mormon Research Grant Proposal

Jerald and Sandra TannerReturn to Top

Container(s) Description Dates
General Materials
32 1
Modern Microfilm Company
32 2-3
Scott H. Faulring, "Oral History of Modern Microfilm Company"
33 1
Jerald and Sandra Tanner, The Changing World of Mormonism
33 2
Confession of John D. Lee
33 3
Jerald and Sandra Tanner, Did Spaulding Write the Book of Mormon?
33 4
LDS Apostle Confesses Brigham Young Taught Adam-God Doctrine
33 5
Solomon Spaulding, The Manuscript Found
33 6
Jerald and Sandra Tanner, Manuscript on Mormonism
33 7
William Swartzell, Mormonism Exposed
34 1
34 2-3
Jerald and Sandra Tanner, Mormonism- Shadow or Reality?
35 1
Jerald and Sandra Tanner, Mormonism Shadow or Reality?
35 2
Jerald and Sandra Tanner, Mormon Spies: Hughes and the C.I.A.
35 3
Jerald Tanner, The Negro in Mormon Theology
35 4
Mark E. Petersen, Race Problems as They Affect the Church
35 5
The Reed Peck Manuscript
35 6
Salt Lake City Messenger
35 7
Senate Document 189
35 8
Jerald and Sandra Tanner, The Tanners on Trial
36 1-2
Additions to Mormonism- Shadow or Reality?
36 3
Jerald and Sandra Tanner, The Changing World of Mormonism
36 4
Writings of Jerald and Sandra Tanner
36 5
Former Mormons Testify
37 1
A Look at Christianity
37 2
Jerald and Sandra Tanner Mormonism- Shadow or Reality?
37 3
Mormonism Like Watergate
37 4
Notes on a Response to Mormonism- Shadow or Reality?
38 1
"Will Benson Be King?" Salt Lake Messenger
38 2-5
Salt Lake City Messenger
38 6
Utah Lighthouse Ministry
38 7
Ian Barber, "What Mormonism Isn't"

Tanner Trial MaterialsReturn to Top

Container(s) Description Dates
Box Folder
39 1
Andrew F. Ehat, Answers to Interrogations
39 2
Court's Ruling
39 3
Defendents Trial Brief
39 4
Defendents' Motion for Summary Judgement
39 5
Deposition of Andrew F. Ehat
39 6
Deposition of Dean C. Jessee
39 7
Deposition of Donald Schmidt
39 8
Deposition of James B. Allen
39 9
Deposition of Lyndon W. Cook
39 10
Ehat/Tanner Trial Material
39 11
FBI File on Jerald Tanner
39 12
Hearing to Question Subpoena
40 1
Salt Lake Messenger
40 2
Statement of Robert Black
40 3
Suit against Jerald and Sandra Tanner by Andrew F. Ehat; Summons
40 4-5

Temples, Ordinances, and Second AnointingReturn to Top

Container(s) Description Dates
Box Folder
41 1-2
The Independence Temple of Zion MHA
41 3
Jordan River Temple
41 4
Gary Bergera, "Max Florence"
41 5
New Temples, Ogden and Provo, Utah
41 6
The Independence Temple and Area
42 1
Oakland Temple
42 2
Prophecy on Temples
42 3
Temple Lot Case
42 4
Julius Ceasar Billeter, The Temple of Promise
42 5
42 6
Steven C. Kellogg, "Temples of the Restoration," Saints Hearld
42 7
Temple Plans/Telephone Conversation Notes
43 1
Accounts of the Temple Ceremony
43 2
Calling and Election - From the teachings of the prophet Joseph Smith
43 3
Wilson K. Anderson, An Endowment for the Faithful
43 4
Joseph Smith's Nauvoo Diaries
43 5
Garments of the Holy Priesthood
43 6
Historical Department of Confidential Research Files
This folder contains photocopies of documents from the restricted vault in the LDS Church Archives.
43 7
Temple Related Material
43 8
Ordinance Work - Logan, St. George, Manti Temples
Also revelation of John Taylor, 1882.
1877-circa 1900
43 9
Record of Norton Jacob
43 10
Sealing of Men to Men, Law of Adoption
44 1
Accounts of Persons Receiving Second Anointing
44 2
Second Anointing
44 3
Heber C. Kimball Journal
44 4
Letter of Lisle G. Brown
44 5
Nauvoo Temple Record, Second Anointings Heber C. Kimball, Brigham Young
44 6
Second Anointing
44 7
Robert R. Black, "The Second Anointing Ceremony"
44 8
Second Anointing Compliation
44 9
Second Anointing, Washing of the Feet
44 10
Second Anointing, Wording of Ceremony

WatergateReturn to Top

Container(s) Description Dates
Box Folder
45 1
The Baker Report
45 2
Robert R. Bennett Watergate and Domestic Spying
45 3
E. Howard Hunt and Gordon Libby
45 4
Mae Brussell - Articles in The Realist
45 5
Pres. Rechard M. Nixon
45 6
The White House Tapes
This folder contains information of Howard Hunt lies before he read the transcripts and information on John W. Dean III vs. Pres. Richard Nixon.
Container(s) Description Dates
Box Folder
46 1
John P. Greene, Facts Relative to the Expulsion of the Mormons
46 2
The Land of Zion - Missouri
46 3
Pearl Wilcox, The Latter-day Saints on the Missouri Frontier
46 4
The LDS Independence Visitors Center
46 5
Mormon Lands in Jackson County, Missouri
46 6
The Plat of the City of Zion

Anthon TranscriptsReturn to Top

Container(s) Description Dates
Box Folder
47 1
Ancient Alphabets and Hieroglyphic Characters Explained
47 2-3
Anthon Transcipts
47 4
Robert N. Hullinger, "The Harris-Anthon Consultation and Mormon Origins"
47 5
A. C. Lambert
47 6
David J. Buerger, "Linguistic Aspects of the Anthon Transcript"
47 7
John A. Tvedtnes, "A Preliminary Survey of the Anthon Transcript"
47 8
A. C. Lambert, "The Source of the 'Characters' ...," a Private Notebook

Book of MormonReturn to Top

Container(s) Description Dates
Box Folder
48 1
Archaeology of the Book of Mormon
48 2
Book of Mormon Cities
48 3
Roy E. Weldon, "Book of Mormon Deeps"
48 4
Brigham H. Roberts, "Book of Mormon Difficulties"
48 5
Dan Vogel, "BOM Geography: Mormon Efforts to Relocate Nephite Lands"
48 6
Book of Mormon Pictures
48 7
John A. Price, "The Book of Mormon vs. Anthropological Prehistory"
48 8
Hugh Nibley, "The Challenge of the Book of Mormon"
48 9
Paul R. Cheesman, BOM Project
48 10
Cleveland: Plain Dealer. Ethan Smith/Spalding
49 1
George T. Harrison, "Help Moroni, Help"
49 2
Dan Vogel, "Historical Basis for the Book of Mormon"
49 3
Horses in America
49 4
Hugh Nibley and the Book of Mormon
49 5
Dr. Hugh Nibley Improvement Era Articles
49 6
Robert N. Hullinger, "In Defense of God"
49 7
Dan Vogel, "Is the Book of Mormon History?"
49 8
The Liahona and Ancient America
49 9
House of Israel and Ancient America
50 1
Dan Vogel "Indian Origins and the Book of Mormon"
50 2
Mexican Pyramids
50 3
Hugh Nibley "Mixed Voices: Study of the Book of Mormon Criticism"
50 4
Monte Alban
50 5
Samuel W. Traum, Mormonism against Itself
50 6
Notes on America's Past
50 7
Nephite "Coin"/Monetary System
50 8
Brigham H. Roberts, A Parallel
50 9
James D. Wardle, Parallels
50 10
Riley, "Isaiah in View of the Hebrews and BOM"
50 11
Skeleton of "Zelph"
50 12
John L. Sorenson
50 13
Temples in the Book of Mormon
50 14
Paul R. Cheesman, These Early Americans
50 15
Title Pages of Four Books on Indians
50 16
Charles Davies, "Views of the Hebrews and the Book of Mormon"
50 17
Wars in the Book of Mormon
50 18
Robert F. Marx, "Who Really Discovered America?"
50 19
David Leon Pratt, The Prehistoric Hebrews of New England
50 20
Ethan Smith, View of the Hebrews

Published Information on MormonismReturn to Top

Container(s) Description Dates
Box Folder
51 1
"An Open Book"
51 2
The Book of Mormon Foundation
51 3
Christ Revealed, Inc.
52 1
Christian Answers and Information
52 2
Eleazar Bible Missions, Inc.
52 3
Ex-Mormons for Jesus, Bob White
52 4
Ex-Mormons for Jesus, Dick Baer
52 5
Ex-Mormons for Jesus, Ed Decker
52 6
Ex-Mormons for Jesus, Jim and Sheila Garrigus
52 7
Ex-Mormons for Jesus, Seal Beach, Garden Beach, CA
52 8
Harry L. Ropp, Mission to Mormons
52 9
Restoration Foundation
53 1
"Ingathering News"
53 2
The Inner Circle
53 3-4
LDS and RLDS Church Pamphlets on Succession in the First Presidency
54 1-2
Miscellaneous Publications
54 3
Mormon Research Ministry
54 4
David Leon Pratt
54 5-6
Rescue Mission of Salt Lake City
55 1
Saints Alive in Jesus--Newsletters
55 2
Saints Herald
55 3
Salt Lake Alliance Church, Newsletters
55 4
Society for the Study of Mormon Theology
55 5-6
Samuel Wood, TM : An Independent Jornal of Fundamental Religious and Social Reform
55 7
Arthur Budvarson Utah Christian Tract Society
55 8
Watchman Expositor
55 9
Zion's Trumpet

RLDS Published MaterialsReturn to Top

Container(s) Description Dates
Box Folder
56 1-4
World Conference

Miscellaneous SubjectsReturn to Top

Container(s) Description Dates
Box Folder
57 1
Aaronic Order Publications
57 2
James D. Bales
57 3
Blood Atonement
57 4
Blood Flows in Utah
57 5-9
Capstone Conference
57 10
Church of Jesus Christ, Independence, Missouri
57 11
Church Hymns
57 12
Description of B. H. Roberts paper in possession of Brigham E. Roberts
58 1
God Makers
58 2
Cyrus H. Gordon
58 3
58 4-5
James D. Bales, "Latter Day Saints?"
58 6
58 7
Mountain Meadows Massacre
58 8
Revelations of Art Bulla
58 9
Speculation, Illegal Banking, and Counterfeiting

Religious LiteratureReturn to Top

Container(s) Description Dates
Box Folder
59 1
R. C. Crossfield, Book of Onias
59 2
James J. Strang, The Book of the Law of the Lord
59 3-4
David Leon Pratt, The Fall of the Mormon Empire
59 5
59 6
Noel B. Pratt, Satan's Finest Hour
59 7
The Word of the Lord

The Book of AbrahamReturn to Top

Container(s) Description Dates
Box Folder
60 1-3
Alex Joseph, Dry Bones
60 4
Robert and Rosemary Brown, They Lie in Wait to Deceive
60 5
The Book of Abraham and Jewish Writings
60 6
Miscellaneous Items
60 7
Antonio Lebolo
60 8
Book of Abraham, Ms #4
60 9
Old Mormon Egyptiana
60 10
Joseph Smith Egyptian Papers
61 1
Book of Abraham Papyrus Found
61 2
Book of Abraham Revisited
61 3
Suggested Corrections to Article
61 4
Book of Abraham Revisited
61 5
Hyman Huritz, Hebrew Tales
61 6
Review of They Lie in Wait to Deceive
61 7
The Final Straw
61 8
The Joseph Smith Papyri
61 9
The Joseph Smith Papyri, Part 2
61 10
Joseph Smith's "Eye of Ra"
61 11
Facsimile No. 3
61 12
Pyramid Science Experimenter
61 13
Life Force in the Great Pyramids
61 14
Dee Jay Nelson
62 1-4
62 5
Book of Abraham Papyrus
62 6
Joseph Smith Egyptian Papers
63 1-2
Joseph Smith Egyptian Papers
63 3
Joseph Smith's Egyptian Alphabet and Grammar
63 4
Notes on Egyptian Alphabet
63 5
Notes--Grant Heward
63 6
A Concordance to the Egyptian Alphabet
64 1
Book of Breathing
64 2
The Book of Abraham Papyrus Found
64 3-5
Papyrus Found
64 6
The Book of Abraham Papyrus Found
64 7
Book of Abraham
64 8
Joseph Smith among the Egyptians
64 9
Brent Jensen, "Book of Abraham Papyrus Lost"
65 1
Question of Credentials
65 2
Photos by Dee Jay Nelson
65 3
Drawings by Dee Jay Nelson
65 4
Misc., Dee Jay Nelson
65 5-6
The Mormon Funeral Papyri by Dee Jay Nelson
65 7
Why Egyptologists Reject the Book of Abraham
65 8-9
Facsimile No. 1
65 10
Joseph's Explanations
66 1
Robert F. Smith, A Documentary Analysis of the Book of Abraham
66 2
Facsimile No. 2
66 3
Facsimile No. 3
66 4
Klaus Baer, The Breathing Permit of Hor
66 5
66 6
William I. Appleby
66 7
Book of Abraham Scripture
66 8
Joseph Smith and the Egyptians
66 9
Hugh Nibley
66 10
Joseph Smith Papyri
67 1
Nibley, Joseph Smith Papyri
67 2
Hugh Nibley Articles
67 3
It Takes All Kinds
67 4
Hugh Nibley
67 5
The Message of the Joseph Smith Papyri
67 6
Reviews of The Message of the Joseph Smith Papyri
67 7
More Papyri?
67 8
An Egyptian Endowment
67 9
Kirtland Egyptian Papers
67 10
Fall of the Book of Abraham
67 11
Michael H. Chandler
67 12
67 13
Sources of the Book of Abraham
67 14
Genesis and the Book of Abraham
68 1
Book of Abraham and the Bible
68 2
Hebrew and the Book of Abraham
68 3
Abraham of the Bible
68 4
Life of Abraham
68 5
Book of Jasher
68 6
Philosophy of a Future State
68 7
Edward T. Jones, "The Theology of Thomas Dick"
68 8
68 9
68 10
Genesis Apocryphon
68 11
Internal Examination of the Book of Abraham
68 12
T. Edgar Lyon, The Sketches on the Papyri Backings
68 13
LDS Temple Ceremony
68 14
Curse of Ham by Noah
68 15
68 16-17
Copies of Papyri
68 18
Articles on the Book of Abraham
69 1
Joseph Smith Papyrus
69 2
W. W. Phelps
69 3
Photos of Manuscript #1
69 4
Salt Lake City Messenger
69 5
Dee Jay Nelson
69 6
The Mormon Papyri Question
69 7
Is the Book of Abraham True?
69 8
Book of Abraham
69 9
Rolls of Papyri
70 1
Mormonism's Negro Doctrine
70 2
Arch S. Reynolds, The Book of Abraham Brought Forth by Divine Means
70 3
George Reynolds, Book of Abraham
70 4
Copies of Papyri
70 5-6
Joseph Smith Papyri
70 7
Book of Abraham
70 8-9
Book of Abraham
71 1
Book of Abraham Controversy
71 2
Egyptian Alphabet and Grammar
72 1-23
Letters of Dee Jay Nelson; Translations of the Book of Abraham Papyrus
72 24
RLDS and the Book of Mormon
72 25
A Concordance of the Pearl of Great Price
73 1
Joseph Smith Papyri

Articles on MormonismReturn to Top

Container(s) Description
Box Folder
73 2
Jack Anderson
73 3
Robert L. Brown
73 4
Indian Placement Service
73 5
Ads from Reader's Digest
73 6
Lavina Fielding, The Expanding Church
73 7
Mormon Art
73 8
Albert L. Zobell Jr.
73 9
Miscellaneous Articles
73 10
Mormon Migration
73 11
T. Edgar Lyon
73 12
Stanley B. Kimball
73 13
M. B. Hipwell, Return of the Word
73 14
Sonia Johnson
73 15
Bruce R. McConkie
73 16
Freeman Institute
73 17
Mark E. Petersen
73 18
Kerry Ross Boren

Joseph Smith DiariesReturn to Top

Container(s) Description Dates
Box Folder
74 1
Jerome L. Clark, The Strange Saga of Joseph Smith
74 2-3
Wilbur Lingle
74 4
General Conference
74 5-14
Joseph Smith Diary
75 1-4
Joseph Smith Diary
75 5
Comparison with Personal Writings
75 6-9
Scriptory Book of Joseph Smith, Manuscript
75 10
Joseph Smith Diaries
76 1-2
Joseph Smith Diaries

Council MinutesReturn to Top

Container(s) Description Dates
Box Folder
76 3-9
Kirtland Council Minutes
76 10-13
Nauvoo High Council Minutes

L.D.S. Historical Department; Thomas S. Ferguson; Kinderhook PlatesReturn to Top

Container(s) Description
Box Folder
77 1-12
L.D.S. Historical Department
77 13
Thomas S. Ferguson Material
77 14
Book of Mormon Geography-Ferguson
77 15
Kinderhook Plates, Fugate
77 16
Kinderhook Plates, Barry Fell
77 17
Kinderhook Plates

Egyptologists; Wesley P. Walters, Letter BooksReturn to Top

Container(s) Description Dates
Box Folder
78 1
Klaus Baer
78 2-4
Grant S. Heward
78 5
Wesley P. Walters
78 6
James D. Wardle
78 7
Wilson, Parker, etc.
78 8
W.P. Walters to J.D. Wardle
78 9-14
W.P. Walters to J. Tanner
78 15
W.P. Walters to Fawn M. Brodie
78 16-20
Letter Book 1
Letter Book Two through Four
Letter Book Five through Seven
Letter Book Eight through Ten
Letter Book Eleven through Twelve
Letter Book Thirteen through Fifteen
Letter Book Sixteen through Seventeen

Inspired Version of the BibleReturn to Top

Container(s) Description
Inspired Version of the Bible
This box contains a photocopy of the Bible published by the RLDS Church.
86 1
Inspired Version of the Bible
86 2
Harvey E. Seibel, "An Analysis of the Inspired Translation"
86 3
Arch S. Reynolds, A Study of Joseph Smith's Bible Revision
86 4
Reed C. Durham, "A Study of Joseph Smith's Revision of the Bible"
86 5
"The Social Psychological Basis of Mormon New-Orthodoxy"

The BibleReturn to Top

Container(s) Description
Box Folder
87 1
The Bible and Mormon Doctrine
87 2
Mormon Scriptures and the Bible
87 3
The Bible in the LDS Church
87 4
Nag Hammadi Writings and Mormonism
87 5
Bob Witte
87 6
An Open Letter, by J.A.C. and LeAnn Redford

Walter MartinReturn to Top

Container(s) Description Dates
Box Folder
88 1
Wally Tope
88 2
Personal Freedom Outreach Newsletters
88 3
Walter Martin, Christian Research Institute
88 4
88 5
Christian Research Journal

EvolutionReturn to Top

Container(s) Description
Box Folder
89 1
International Council on Biblical Inerrancy
89 2
The Utah Evangel
89 3
The Inner Circle
89 4
Watchman Expositor
89 5
Jerald Tanner, Views on Creation, Evolution, and Fossil Man
89 6

Masonry and B. H. RobertsReturn to Top

Container(s) Description Dates
Box Folder
90 1
Masonic Controversy
90 2
Mormonism and Freemasonry
90 3
John E. Thompson, "Joseph Smith and the Illuminati"
90 4
Table of Jupiter
90 5
B. H. Roberts
90 6
B. H. Roberts' Letter on the Seventies
90 7
Minutes of the Seventies
90 8
Life Story of B.H. Roberts

Mormon SchismsReturn to Top

Container(s) Description Dates
Box Folder
91 1
Uniform System for Teaching Families
91 2
Seminar for Regional Representatives
91 3
N. Eldon Tanner, Administration of the LDS Church
91 4
Schisms of the Restoration
91 5
Richard Price
91 6
Zion's Trumpet
91 7
Otto Fetting and Wilhelm A. Draves, The Word of the Lord
91 8
Restoration Foundation

Relief Society and Brigham YoungReturn to Top

Container(s) Description
Box Folder
92 1
Relief Society
92 2
Eliza R. Snow
92 3
Women and the Priesthood
92 4
Brigham Young
92 5
Newell G. Bringhurst, Brigham Young and the Expanding American Frontier
92 6
Brigham Young's Doctrinal Teachings
92 7
Dean C. Jessee, "The Writings of Brigham Young"

Brigham Young and the Counsil of FiftyReturn to Top

Container(s) Description Dates
Box Folder
93 1
Diaries of Brigham Young
93 2
Leonard J. Arrington Brigham Young: American Moses
93 3
Brigham Young, Beehive House
93 4
Brigham Young at Nauvoo, Illinois
93 5
Proclamation of Brigham Young
93 6
The Hodges Hanging
93 7
Davis Bitton, Heber C. Kimball's Authoritarian Imagery
93 8
John Taylor
93 9
John Taylor Anointed King
93 10
Council of Fifty
93 11
Meetings of Council of Fifty
93 12
The Mormon Kingdom

Mormon PresidentsReturn to Top

Container(s) Description Dates
Box Folder
94 1
94 2
Lorenzo Snow
94 3
Joseph F. Smith
94 4
Heber J. Grant
94 5-6
George Albert Smith
94 7
David O. McKay
94 8
Joseph Fielding Smith
94 9
Harold B. Lee
94 10
Spencer W. Kimball
94 11
Ezra Taft Benson

Mormon Leaders and Related MaterialsReturn to Top

Container(s) Description Dates
Box Folder
95 1
Gordon B. Hinckley
95 2
Boyd K. Packer
95 3
October LDS World Conference
95 4
Russell M. Nelson
95 5
Eugene Eliason
95 6
95 7
Truman G. Madsen
95 8
Robert F. Smith
95 9
Robert F. Smith, Chiasmus: The Hebraic Tradition
95 10
Ernest L. Wilkinson Diary, Comprehensive Index
95 11
Church Financial Interests and Mormons in Government
95 12
Nauvoo Visitors Center, Dedication

Periodicals and Larry FosterReturn to Top

Container(s) Description Dates
Box Folder
96 1
Times and Seasons
96 2
Utah History Research Bulletin
96 3-6
William Lawrence Foster, "Between Two Worlds"

Mark HofmannReturn to Top

Container(s) Description Dates
Box Folder
97 1
Mark W. Hofmann
97 2
Photocopy of Marquardt's Hofmann Notes
97 3
Mark Hofmann, Original Notes
97 4
Interview of H. Michael Marquardt by Det. Sgt. Syd Elliot, 1985
97 5
Steven F. Christensen
97 6
Robert F. Smith, "Oracles and Talismans..."
98 1
Hofmann Interviews
98 2
Hofmann Documents and Clippings
99 1
James D. Wardle, Research on Succession
99 2-3
Jerald Tanner, Draft of Tracking the White Salamander
99 4
Jerald Tanner, Tracking the White Salamander
99 5
Jerald Tanner, Confessions of a White Salamander
99 6
Articles and Documents on Hofmann
100 1-6
Newspaper Articles
101 1-6
Newspaper Articles, Court Papers, and Published Matericals
102 1-5
Newspaper Articles, Published Material
102 6
Forged Documents and the L.D.S. Church
102 7
Newspaper Articles, Published Material
103 1
Hofmann Documents
103 2
Mark Hofmann Preliminary Hearing, Copy of Notes of Sandra Tanner
103 3
"Oliver Cowdery History"
103 4
Letter of John Webster (through Mark Hofmann)
103 5
D. R. Atchison
103 6
"Fragment of Book of Mormon Manuscript- Helaman"
103 7
More Discoveries; McLellin Collection
103 8
Articles on "Joseph Smith III Blessing"
103 9
"Blessing of Joseph Smith III Document"
104 1
Notes on Succession and "Joseph Smith III Blessing of Appointment"
104 2
Other Blessings of Joseph Smith III
104 3
Jerald and Sandra Tanner, Joseph Smith's Successor
104 4-7
"Letter of Martin Harris, October 23, 1830"
104 8
Rhett James Report
104 9
Glenn Clark, "My Son, The Salamander"
104 10
Parallels of the Martin Harris Letter
105 1
"Letter of Martin Harris
105 2
"Letter of Lucy Mack Smith
105 3
"Letter of Joseph Smith Jr.
105 4
105 5
Copies of "Joseph Smith Transcript"
105 6
Barry Fell's "Translation" of the Joseph Smith Transcript
105 7
Barry Fell and Utah
105 8
The Gold Plate Characters, deciphered by James O. Muir
105 9
Circular Object on Joseph Smith Transcript
105 10
Comparison of Characters on Joseph Smith Transcript
105 11
Jerald and Sandra Tanner, Book of Mormon "Caractors" Found
105 12
Article on Joseph Smith Transcript
105 13
Joseph Smith Transcript

Book of MormonReturn to Top

Container(s) Description Dates
Box Folder
106 1
Typed Material on Origin of Book of Mormon
106 2-4
The Use of the Bible in the Book of Mormon
106 5-10
Comments on Article on Book of Mormon
106 11
Wesley P. Walters, Comments on Article on Book of Mormon
107 1-7
"The Use of the Bible in the Book of Mormon"
107 8
Articles Reprinted as a Booklet, by Personal Freedom Outreach
107 9
Lecture- The Use of the Bible in the Book of Mormon
107 10
Mormon History Association

Mormon AssociationsReturn to Top

Container(s) Description Dates
Box Folder
108 1-2
Mormon History Association
108 3-4
John Whitmer Historical Association
108 5-11
Sunstone Theological Symposium
109 1-3
Sunstone Theological Symposium

Book of Mormon ManuscriptReturn to Top

Container(s) Description Dates
Box Folder
109 4-16
Photocopy of the Printer's Manuscript of the Book of Mormon
Copied in 1829, Owned by the Reorganized Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints.
110 1-3
Photocopy of the Printer's Manuscript Continued
Contains LDS 3 Ne. 17:3 - Moroni 10:34; RLDS 3 Ne. 8:2 - Moroni 10:31; Testimony of Witnesses
110 4
Handwritten Transcript of Printer's Manuscript
110 5
Transcript of the Printer's Manuscript of the Book of Mormon
110 6
Printer's Emended Manuscript, Used by the Printer
110 7
Manuscripts of Book of Mormon
110 8-10
Original Dictated Manuscript by Joseph Smith, Jr. to Several Scribes
110 11-15
Original Dictated Manuscript, Typescript and Copies
110 16
Scribes for Book of Mormon Text
110 17
Typographical Errors in the 1830 Edition of the Book of Mormon
110 18
Egbert B. Grandin

Book of MormonReturn to Top

Container(s) Description Dates
Box Folder
111 1-3
Changes in Book of Mormon
111 4-5
Editions of Book of Mormon
111 6
Marquardt, "Differences between Printer's Manuscript and Palmyra Edition"
111 7
Book of Mormon Committee Report, RLDS Church
111 8-10
James D. Wardle, Book of Mormon Cross Reference Index
111 11
RLDS Edition of Book of Mormon
111 12-15
Marked RLDS Book of Mormon
111 16-18
LDS Edition of Book of Mormon Textual Changes Approved
112 1-24
Book of Mormon Critical Text , Vol. I - Vol. 3
113 1-4
Book of Mormon Critical Text , Vol. 3
113 5
Gold Plates
113 6-7
Translation of Book of Mormon #1, #2
113 8
B. H. Roberts, Translation of Book of Mormon
113 9
Dan Vogel, Statements on Translation of Book of Mormon
113 10
Robert F. Smith's Coments on Dan Vogel's "Is the BOM a Translation?"
113 11
Robert F. Smith, "Translation of Languages"
113 12
Translation of Book of Mormon Testimonies of David Whitmer
113 13
Interpreters, Directors, Seer Stone, Urim and Thummim
113 14
James E. Lancaster, "'By the Gift and Power of God' The Method of Translation of the Book of Mormon"
113 15
Eldon L. Haag, "By the Gift and Power of God"
114 1
Clair E. Weldon, "Two Transparent Stones, the Story of the Urim and Thummim"
114 2
Richard L. Anderson, "By the Gift and Power of God"
114 3
G. St. John Stott, "The Seer Stone Controversy: Writing the Book of Mormon"
114 4-8
Book of Mormon Witnesses
114 9-13
Revivals in the Book of Mormon
114 14-27
The Use of the Bible in the Book of Mormon
114 28-29
List of New Testament part-verse in the Book of Mormon
114 30
Question Period after Lecture on The Use of the Bible in the Book of Mormon
114 31
Outline of Influence of Joseph Smith on the Book of Mormon
115 1-5
Biblical Names in the Book of Mormon
115 6-7
B. H. Roberts, "Bible Quotations in the Book of Mormon"
115 8
Palmyra Herald
115 9-11
Wesley M. Jones, Works
115 12-13
Isaiah 29
115 14
Isaiah 48:1
115 15-18
Joseph Smith's "Translation" of the Text of Isaiah in the Book of Mormon
115 19-23
Robert N. Hullinger, "Ezekiel Thirty-Seven and Mormon Theology"
115 24-30
M. T. Lamb, The Golden Bible
115 31
Christian Teaching in Old Testament of Book of Mormon
115 32
Authority and Baptism in the Book of Mormon
116 1-6
The Teaching of God in the Book of Mormon
116 7-8
Copyright of the Book of Mormon, Joseph Smith Jr.
116 9-10
The Book of Mormon as History
116 11
Wayne Ham, "Problems in Interpreting the Book of Mormon as History"
116 12
Mark Thomas, "Three Stylistic Elements in the Book of Mormon"
116 13
Mark Thomas, "Myth and History in Early Mormonism"
116 14
Mark Thomas, "Lehi's Dream: An American Apocalypse"
116 15
Mark Thomas, "Listening to the Voice from the Dust: Moroni 8 as Rhetoric"
116 16-19
Mark Thomas, "The Use of Revival Language in the Book of Mormon"
116 20
Mark Thomas, "Scholarship and the Future of the Book of Mormon"
116 21
Mark Thomas, "Revelation in the Book of Mormon"
116 22
Mark Thomas, "Revelation as the Creative Edge"
116 23
"Lehi's Plan of Salvation Discourse in its Nineteenth Century Theological Setting"
116 24-27
Suggested Book of Mormon Sources
116 28-29
Susan Curtis Mernitz, "Palmyra Revisited"
116 30
William D. Russell, "The Historicity of the Book of Mormon"
116 31
Larry W. Conrad, "The Book of Mormon: An Inquiry into Its Historicity"
116 32
William D. Russell, "Further Inquiry into the Historicity of the BOM"
116 33
Articles by William D. Russell on the Book of Mormon
117 1-3
Wayne A. Larsen and Alvin C. Rencher, The Multiple Authorship of BOM
117 4
Modern Phrases in the Book of Mormon
117 5
Contemporary Influence on Book of Mormon
117 6
Thomas O'Dea, "The Book of Mormon," The Mormons
117 7
Anthony Hutchinson, The Word of God Is Enough: The Book of Mormon as 19th Century Fiction
117 8-10
Edwin Firmage Jr., "A Preliminary Study in Book of Mormon Origins"
117 11-12
Articles on the Book of Mormon
117 13
Curse of the Dark Skin on the "Lamanites"
117 14
A. Bruce Lindgren, "Sign or Scripture: Approaches to the Book of Mormon"
117 15
David P. Wright, "Historicity and Faith"
117 16
Vernal Holley, Book of Mormon Authorship: A Closer Look
117 17
Vernal Holley Material
117 18-19
Material on Book of Mormon
117 20
Hebrew Idioms in the Book of Mormon
117 21
Blake T. Ostler, "The BOM as a Modern Expansion of an Ancient Sources"
117 22
Omer C. Stewart, "The Book of Mormon and Modern Science"
117 23
Scott C. Dunn, "Spirit Writing: Another Look at the Book of Mormon"
117 24
Faith, History, and the Book of Mormon
117 25
John L. Sorenson Letter
117 26
G. J. Adams, A Lecture on the Authenticity and Scriptural Character of the Book of Mormon
117 27
Timothy L. Smith, "The Book of Mormon in a Biblical Culture"
117 28
Walter Franklin Prince
118 1-7
Gary W. Lea, Articles
118 8
Ferguson's Manuscript Unveiled
118 9-10
Dale Broadhurst, Wars
118 11
E. Cecil McGavin, An Apology for the Book of Mormon
118 12
Grant Underwood, "Book of Mormon Usage in Early LDS Theology"
118 13
Beth Higdon, "The Search for the Philosopher's Stone"
118 14
Paul Johnson, A Criticism of the Book of Mormon
118 15-16
The Book of Mormon- True or False?
118 17
Pray about the Book of Mormon
118 18
Leslie Rumble, The Book of Mormon
118 19
Jerald and Sandra Tanner, The Book of Mormon Ancient or Modern?
118 20
Jerald and Sandra Tanner, The Case Against Mormonism, The BOM
119 1
The Portfolio
119 2
Religion and Ceremonies of the North American Indians from A View of All Religions
119 3
Clarijero, The History of Mexico
119 4
Humbolt, Political Essay on the Kingdom of New Spain
119 5
Researches on America
119 6
Dewitt Clinton, Discovers
119 7
Archaeologia American
119 8
The Wonders of Nature and Providence Displayed
119 9
James D. Bales, The Book of Mormon?
119 10
Indians or Jews? Introduction to the Hope of Israel
119 11
James D. Bales, Notes on American Antiquities
1835 ed.
119 12-16
Elias Boudinot, A Star in the West ...
119 17-19
View of the Hebrews
1823 ed.
119 20-24
View of the Hebrews
1825 ed.
119 25
An Examination of B. H. Roberts' Secret Manuscript
119 26-31
B. H. Roberts, "A Book of Mormon Study"
120 1-4
B. H. Roberts, "Internal Evidence that the BOM is of Human Origin"
120 5-7
B. H. Roberts, "A Parallel"
120 8
"A Book of Mormon Study" - part 1 Additional copy, corrections on pages
120 9
Roberts' Manuscripts Revealed
120 10
B. H. Roberts, Manuscripts Written
120 11-12
B. H. Roberts, Notes on "A Book of Mormon Study"
120 13-14
B. H. Roberts Collection, University of Utah, Francis Smeath
121 1-13
B. H. Roberts, A Book of Mormon Study
121 14-22
View of the Hebrews
121 23
"'Is There Any Way to Escape These Difficulties?': The Book of Mormon Studies of B. H. Roberts"
122 1-16
Dan Vogel, "Religious Seekers and the Advent of Mormonism"
122 17-23
"Listening to a Voice from the Dust"
123 1-4
Mark D. Thomas "Listening to a Voice from the Dust"
123 5
Dan Vogel and Fredrick G. Williams III, "Lehi's Landing in Chile"
123 6-28
Kenneth D. Jenkins, "Common Phrases between the KJV and BOM"
124 1-5
Foundation for Ancient Research and Mormon Studies (FARMS)
124 6-11
Various Reports Published by FARMS
124 12
Kent R. Garner, "Insight into the Old Testament from the Small Plates of Nephi"
124 13
Robert L. Millet, "The Brass Plates"
124 14
Background -Joseph Smith Transcript handwriting
124 15
A. C. Lambert, "Studying the Contributions of the BOM to Modern Cultures"
124 16-17
Book of Commandments Revelations Compared to BOM Text
124 18
William H. Whitsitt, Teachings of Book of Mormon
124 19
Alma Burton, "The Natural Man ... An Enemy to God?"
124 20
Book of Mormon Special References
124 21
Ads of Church of Christ (Wilcox) on the Book of Mormon
124 22
Vernal Holley, Bible Names
125 1-6
Wesley P. Walters, Drafts of the Origins of the Book of Mormon
125 7-10
George D. Smith Jr., Looking at the Book of Mormon
125 11-12
George D. Smith Jr., "Joseph Smith and the Book of Mormon"
125 13-16
Gary L. Bishop, "The Tradition of Isaiah in the Book of Mormon"
125 17
Thomas W. Brookbank, Concerning the Brass Plates
125 18-19
Glade L. Burgon, "A Study of New Testament Textual Parallels in the Book of Mormon"
125 20-21
Dan Vogel, "The Book of Mormon in Jacksonian America"
125 22
Byron Marchant, Mormon Exaggerations

Historical Department of the ChurchReturn to Top

Container(s) Description Dates
Box Folder
126 1-10
Church Historian's Office; Historical Department of the Church
126 11
Dallin H. Oaks, "Reading Church History"
126 12
Museum of Church History and Art
126 13-16
Excerpts Pertaining to Councils of Seventy

Doctrine and CovenantsReturn to Top

Container(s) Description Dates
Box Folder
126 17-22
Robert J. Woodford, "The Historical Development of the D&C"
127 1-45
Historical Development continued (LDS D&C sections 1-50)
128 1-40
Historical Development continued (LDS D&C sections 51-90)
129 1-43
Historical Development continued (LDS D&C sections 91-136)

Temple Records, Nauvoo SealingsReturn to Top

Container(s) Description Dates
Box Folder
129 1-43
Historical Development continued (LDS D&C sections 91-136)
129 44
Historical Development continued, The Manifesto
129 45
Historical Development continued, Article on Marriage
129 46
Nauvoo Sealings & Adoptions, Excerpts or Nauvoo Temple Record

Nauvoo Sealings and Adoptions; Religion in General; ApostasyReturn to Top

Container(s) Description Dates
Box Folder
130 1-6
Salt Lake Temple Records - Nauvoo Sealings & Adoptions
130 7
Histomap of Religion
130 8-19
Religion in General
130 20
"Mormon Medical Ethical Guidelines," Edited by Lester E. Bush Jr.
130 21-28
Complete Apostasy? - The Missionary System

Godhead; Dead Prophets and Living OraclesReturn to Top

Container(s) Description
Box Folder
131 1
Signs of the True Church
131 2
Dr. Otis Gatewood, Truth about the Bible
131 3-7
The Biblical Doctrine of God
131 8-12
References on Godhead in Mormonism
131 13-15
Boyd Kirkland Papers on Jehovah
131 16
"Of Gods, Mortals, and Devils: Eternal Progression and the Second Death in the Theology of Brigham Young"
131 17-22
131 23
Holy Ghost
131 24
Van Hale, "Trinitarianism and the Earliest Mormon Concept of God"
131 25
Booklets on Godhead - Mormonism
LDS Doctrine of the Priesthood, Dead Prophets & Living Oracles

Gospel Problems to Nauvoo ItemsReturn to Top

Container(s) Description Dates
Box Folder
132 1
Heber Bennion Sr., Gospel Problems
132 2
"Aunty-Mormon I Ain't Nor Ante-Mormon Neither" and "Notes on the Administration of the Sacrament"
132 3
Account of Joseph Smith's Early Life
132 4-5
Joseph Smith Letterbook 1
132 6
Joseph Smith Letterbook 2
132 7
Account of Joseph Smith's Early Life
132 8
Signatures and Handwriting
Contains signatures and handwriting of Joseph Smith, Sidney Rigdon, Hyrum Smith, Robert B. Thompson, Emma Smith, James Mulholland, and Benjamin F. Johnson.
132 9
Letter to Hon. R. M. Young from Joseph Smith 1843 by William Clayton
132 10
Meetings in Nauvoo
132 11
Nauvoo Expositor
132 12-31
Dallin H. Oaks, Suppression of the Nauvoo Expositor
132 14
Inventory of Goods, Chattels and Furniture of Joseph Smith
132 15-19
Nauvoo, Illinois

Nauvoo Items; "History of Joseph Smith"Return to Top

Container(s) Description Dates
Box Folder
133 1-5
Nauvoo Restoration
133 6
Red Brick Store at Nauvoo, Illinois
133 7
Don Carlos Smith
133 8
Civil Marriages Performed in Nauvoo, Illinois
133 9
LDS Millennial Star , 1853; Index - "History of Joseph Smith"
133 10
Millennial Star Supplement, and Special Conference
133 11-22
"History of Joseph Smith"
134 1
"History of Joseph Smith"
134 2
James Mulholland Journals
134 3
Diaries of Joseph Smith
134 4
Joseph Smith in Nauvoo
134 5
Joseph Smith's Nauvoo Diary Vol. 1, Kept by Willard Richards; Vol. 1, 21
134 6-23
Vol. 1 through Three
135 1-4
Diary of Joseph Smith
135 5-17
Joseph Smith's Nauvoo Diaries
135 18-20
Joseph Smith's Four Nauvoo Journals
135 21
Joseph Smith's Nauvoo Diary (after his death), Kept by Willard Richards
135 22-24
The Journals of Joseph Smith
135 25-27
Transcription of Preliminary Manuscript of "The History of Lucy Smith ..."

Temple OrdinancesReturn to Top

Container(s) Description Dates
Box Folder
136 1
Nauvoo Temple Endowments
136 2-7
Excerpts from the Journal of Heber C. Kimball
136 8
Lisle G. Brown, "The Sacred Departments for Temple Work in Nauvoo"
136 9-10
Lisle G. Brown, "Second Anointings"
136 11
Lisle G. Brown, "The Holy Order in Nauvoo"
136 12-14
Endowment Ceremony in Nauvoo Temple
136 15
A Second Anointing Compilation
136 16
D. Michael Quinn, "Latter-day Saint Prayer Circles"
137 1-2
David J. Buerger, "The Evolution of the Mormon Temple Endowment"
137 3-7
LDS Temple Oaths and Notes on Endowment
137 8
The LDS Endowment
137 9-11
Bojamah Azkin, "Elohim at the Altar"
137 12
James Dwight Tingen, "The Endowment House"
137 13
Clarence F. Packard, "The Mystery Religions of Paganism, Freemasonry and Mormonism"
137 14
137 16
Tom Catherall, "Hosanna, Hosanna, Hosanna: What's All the Shouting About?"

Temple Ordinances; Miscellaneous ItemsReturn to Top

Container(s) Description Dates
Box Folder
138 1-2
Chuck and Dolley Sackett, Material on LDS Temple Endowment
138 3-4
Ed Decker, Bill Schnobelen on Lucifer in the LDS Temple Endowment
138 5-6
Changes in Temple Endowment
138 7
Hancock Eagle
138 8-9
James Colin Brewster
138 10
Interview with LeGrand Richards
138 11
"Names of Persons To be Held in Remembrance before the Lord..."
138 12
Revelation on Celestial Marriage, to John Taylor
138 13
Charles L. Woodward, The First Half Century of Mormons
138 14
Papers by Harry C. Russell
138 15-17
Articles on Mormonism
138 18
Seventh East Press

Church Courts; MHA; JWHAReturn to Top

Container(s) Description Dates
Box Folder
139 1-4
LDS Church Courts
139 5-7
CES Personnel Directory
139 8
Church Educational Resource
139 9
Mormon History Association Newsletter
139 10
John Whitmer Historical Association Newsletter
139 11
John W. Taylor and Mathaias F. Cowley
139 12
Lester E. Bush Jr., "Excommunication and Church Courts"
139 13-16
General Handbook of Instructions
139 17-20
Folders relating to Church Courts
Contains records for Richard D. Baer, Dennis Michael Bingham, Culley K. Christensen, and Ron Dirlam.

Church Courts; Articles of Faith; Letters of First PresidencyReturn to Top

Container(s) Description Dates
Box Folder
140 1
John W. Fitzgerald, Conflict
140 2
Clyde B. Freeman
140 3
Rocky Frie
140 4
Norman L. Hancock
140 5
Grant S. Heward
140 6
Sonia Johnson
140 7
Larry R. Johnston
140 8
George P. Lee
140 9
Byron Marchant
140 10
Nelson Marques
140 11
Dee Jay Nelson
140 12
Helen Olmstead
140 13
David L. Rowland
140 14
Bruce Sloan
140 15
Kent L. Walgren
140 16
Louis Wilkins
140 17
Lee Williams
140 18
Robert C. Witte
140 19
The Pearl of Great Price
140 20
Leland H. Gentry, "What of the Lectures on Faith?"
140 21-23
Articles of Faith
140 24
David J. Whittaker, "Articles of Faith in Early Mormon Literature"
140 25
Edwin B. Firmage, "Restoring the Church"
140 26-31
Letters of the First Presidency, Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints

Joseph Smith's Ancestors and their CultureReturn to Top

Container(s) Description Dates
Box Folder
141 1-7
Dean D. McBrien, "The Influence of the Frontier on Joseph Smith"
141 8-9
George Shepherd Tanner, "The Religious Environment in which Mormonism Arose"
141 11-12
Fawn M. Brodie and Reviews of No Man Knows My History
141 13-14
Marvin S. Hill, "Critical Examination of No Man Knows My History"
141 15
Whitney R. Cross, "Mormonism in the 'Burned-Over District"
141 16
Gustive O. Larson, "New England Leadership in the Rise and Progress of the Church"
141 17
"Some Demographic Aspects of One Hundred Early Mormon Converts, 1830-1837"
141 18-19
John E. Thompson, "Mormonism and the Puritan Tradition"
141 20
Nathan O. Hatch, The Christian Movement and the Demand for a Theology of the People
141 21
Archibald F. Bennett, "Solomon Mack and His Family"
141 22
Genealogy of the Mack Family
141 23
Lydia Gates Mack
141 24
John Lothropp
141 25
Thomas S. Catherall, "Joseph Smith's Progenitors and the Salem Witchcraft Trials"

Articles of Joseph Smith and DoctrineReturn to Top

Container(s) Description Dates
Box Folder
142 1-2
Earnest M. Skinner, "Joseph Smith Sr., First Patriarch to the Church"
142 3
Seth and Hannah Austin
142 4
The Westminster Confession of Faith
142 5
The Wesleyan Student; or, Memoirs of Aaron Haynes Hurd
142 6
Ethan Smith, A Sermon Delivered at the Ordination of Rev. Harvey Smith
142 7
The Christian Economy
142 8
Robert Matthews (Matthias)
142 9
David Millard, The True Messiah Exalted, or Jesus Christ Really the Son of God Vindicated
142 10
David Millard, Gospel Luminary
142 11-13
The Gospel Luminary
142 14
The Life of David Marks
142 15
Essenus, A New Version of the First Three Chapters of Genesis , John Jones
142 16
Alexander Campbell, The Christian Baptist
142 17
The Writings of a Pretended Prophet
142 18
Anabaptism Disapproved
142 19-20
Rev. J. Sellon, A Series of Sermons, on the Doctrine of Everlasting Punishment
142 21
Bolivar Ellis, A History of Universalism in Victor and Vicinity
142 22
A Letter to the Rev. Ansel D. Eddy on the Narrative of the Late Revivals of Religion
142 23-24
Richard L. Anderson, Articles about Joseph Smith Jr.
142 25
Richard L. Anderson, Joseph Smith's New England Heritage
142 26
Richard L. Anderson, "The Alvin Smith Story: Fact and Fiction"
142 27
Richard L. Anderson, "The Credibility of the Book of Mormon Translators"
142 28
Articles by Richard L. Anderson in Improvement Era
142 29-30
Richard L. Bushman, Joseph Smith and the Beginnings of Mormonism
142 31
D. Michael Quinn, Early Mormonism and the Magic World View

Articles and Notes on the Smith FamilyReturn to Top

Container(s) Description Dates
Box Folder
143 1
D. Michael Quinn, Early Mormonism and the Magic World View
143 2-3
Notes on Lucy Mack Smith's Preliminary Manuscript
143 4-6
Lucy Mack Smith, "History of Joseph Smith"
143 7
Jan Shipps, Mormonism: The Story of a New Religious Tradition
143 8-11
Joseph Smith, Jr.
143 12-13
Signatures of Joseph Smith, Sr. and other Joseph Smith and Hyrum Smith Names
143 14
George Njeim, "Joseph Smith, Prophet and Theologian"
143 15
Donna Hill, Joseph Smith the First Mormon
143 16
Davis Bitton, "Joseph Smith in the Mormon Folk Memory"
143 17
"Joseph Smith, Popularizer or Restorer? & Joseph Smith's Distinct Contributions to Understanding the Nature and Mission of Christ"
143 18
Robert N. Hullinger
143 19
Robert N. Hullinger, "Joseph Smith, Defender of the Faith"
143 20-21
A Look at Joseph Smith
143 22
Tomb of Joseph
143 23
Howard J. Booth, "An Image of Joseph Smith Jr.: A Personality Study"
143 24
Emma Smith
143 25
Reburial of Joseph, Emma and Hyrum Smith
Container(s) Description
Box Folder
144 1-2
Maps of New York
144 3
A History of Wayne County Highways
144 4
Maps of Farmington, N.Y.
144 5
Maps of Macedon, N.Y.
144 6
Maps of Manchester, N.Y.
144 7
Maps of Palmyra, N.Y.
144 8
New York, Palmyra Area USGS Topo Maps
144 9
Material on Palmyra, Manchester distance between towns etc.
144 10-11
Palmyra, Wayne County; Manchester, Ontario County Maps
144 12-13
New York State Maps and Central/West N.Y. Surveys
144 14
New York, Northern Area Wayne/Ontario Counties
144 15-16
Southern New York, Maps etc.
144 17
New York Gazetteer and Township
144 18
New York/Pennsylvania Area (Susquehanna etc.) Maps
144 19-20
New York, Southern Area (Broome/Chenango Counties) Maps
144 21
Miscellaneous Maps

Joseph Smith's Family, Childhood, and PortraitsReturn to Top

Container(s) Description
Box Folder
145 1-3
Smith Family
145 4
Joseph Smith Sr.
145 5
Joseph Smith Sr.'s Visions c. 1811-1819; Also Lucy Mack Smith
145 6
Lehi Tree-of-Life Stone
145 7
Agreement of 1830 by Joseph Smith Sr.
145 8-10
Hyrum Smith
145 11-13
Drawings of Joseph Smith
145 14
Joseph Smith's Birthplace and Leg Operation
145 15-20
Dale R. Braodhurst and H. Michael Marquardt, "Joseph Smith's Early Years: An Oral History"

Articles and Notes on the Claims of Joseph SmithReturn to Top

Container(s) Description Dates
Box Folder
146 1-5
Notes on Joseph Smith's Early Years
146 6
Joseph Smith A Restorer among the "Restorationists"
146 7
Early Documents
146 8
"'By the Gift and Power of God': The Remarkable Story of the Coming Forth of the Book of Mormon"
146 9
Joseph Smith Jr.'s Education
146 10
Joseph Smith and His Early Religious Experiences
146 11-12
Notes on the Origin of the Book of Mormon
146 13
Background to Early Experiences of Joseph Smith, Jr.
146 14-15
Joseph Smith's Activities
146 16-18
Early Story of the Coming Forth of the Book of Mormon
146 19-20
Notes on Early Story; Hazel Stick; Rod
146 21
Conversation with Spirit/Angel
146 22
New Version of Story; Joseph Smith's Religious Activities
146 23
Background on Money Digging

Money Digging and Joseph Smith's ReputationReturn to Top

Container(s) Description Dates
Box Folder
147 1
Background on Money Digging
147 2
Targum of the 1823 Vision
147 3
Phillip L. Barlow, "Before Mormonism: Joseph Smith's Use of the Bible, 1820-1829"
147 4
Emer Harris on Hiding Plates
147 5
Book of Mormon to Make Money
147 6
Joseph Smith Jr. "Obtains" the Plates
147 7
Word List
147 8
Joseph Smith to Show Plates to Others
147 9
Joseph Smith Jr. to Give Up Money Digging; Deceived
147 10
Bloody Clothing
147 11
Young Child to Translate
147 12
Treasure Near Top of Ground
147 13
Do Not Lay Treasure Down
147 14
Joseph Smith to Marry to Get Plates
147 15
Black Clothes
147 16
Black Horse
147 17
Joseph Smith Took Plates from Box
147 18
"Gold Bible Company"
147 19
Description of Spirit
147 20
Found by Stone
147 21
Angel Story
147 22
147 23
Joseph Smith, the Stone and His Way to Make a Living, Hired "Seer"
147 24
Take Characters to Philadelphia
147 25
"Familiar spirit" and Book of Mormon
147 26
Book of Mormon and Treasures
147 27
Guardian of the Treasure
147 28
Martin Harris telling story
147 29
Divining Rod
147 30
Articles Dealing with Money Digging
147 31
Looking in a Stone
147 32
Violent Spirit
147 33
Bring Another Person (Alvin Smith, Samuel Lawrence, Emma Hale Smith)
147 34
Joseph Smith claimed the Power to see Underground; Finding the Plates; Stone, Spectacles
147 35
Testimonies concerning Joseph Smith Jr.
147 36
Brigham Young, Money Digging & Plates
147 37
Milton W. Hamilton, The Country Printer New York State
147 38-40
Wesley P. Walters Articles
147 41-42
Wesley P. Walters, "The Abduction of Emily (Coburn) Austin"
147 43-45
Rodger I. Anderson, "Joseph Smith's Early Reputation Revisited"
147 46
"The Colesville, New York, 'Exodus' Seen from Two Documentary Perspectives"

Statements and Court Trials of Joseph SmithReturn to Top

Container(s) Description Dates
Box Folder
148 1-2
Orsamus Turner
148 3
Pomeroy Tucker
148 4
O. Turner & P. Tucker
148 5
W. D. Purple's Account
148 6
William D. Purple
148 7-8
Albert Neely
148 9-11
Court Trial
148 12-13
Court Trial Accounts
148 14
Comparison of Printed Accounts of the 1826 Trial
148 15
Notes collected by Stanley S. Ivins on 1826 Trial
148 16
Wesley P. Walters, "Joseph Smith's Bainbridge, N.Y. Court Trials"
148 17
Court Trial
148 18-19
Paul Hedengren, In Defense of Faith
148 20-21
Working for Josiah Stowell

History and Statements on Joseph SmithReturn to Top

Container(s) Description Dates
Box Folder
149 1-2
Nephi-Moroni Problem, Visitation of 1823
149 3-4
Joseph Smith Sr. Home, Manchester, N.Y.
149 5
Joseph Smith in Pennsylvania
149 6-8
Joseph Smith Joined the Methodist Class
ca. 1828
149 9
Mrs. S. F. Anderick
149 10
Danford Booth
149 11
Isaac Booth
ca. 1887
149 12
Joseph Capron
149 13
Abel D. Chase
149 14
Durfey Chase
149 15
Parley Chase
149 16
Sallie Chase
149 17
Willard Chase
149 18
John A. Clark
149 19
J. S. Colt
149 20
John H. Gilbert
149 21
Stephen S. Harding
149 22
Abigail Harris
149 23
Henry Harris
149 24
Lucy Harris
149 25
Daniel Hendrix
149 26
William Hyde
149 27
Peter Ingersoll
149 28
Fayette Lapham
149 29
W. W. Miner, Palmyra, N.Y.
149 30
Roswell Nichols
149 31
Samantha Payne
149 32
Orin and Amanda Reed
149 33
Joseph Rogers
149 34
The Ontario County Times
149 35
Benjamin Saunders
ca. 1884
150 1-5
Lorenzo Saunders
150 6
William H. Kelley Notes iin The Saints' Herald
150 7-9
W. H. Kelley Notebook, New York interviews
150 10
Mrs. Caroline Rockwell Smith
150 11
Barton Stafford
150 12
Christopher M. Stafford
150 13
Cornelius R. Stafford
150 14
David Stafford
150 15
Joshua Stafford
150 16
William Stafford
150 17
G. W. Stodard
150 18
Ezra Thayre
150 19
Jesse Townsend
150 20
Mrs. Sylvia Walker
150 21
Emily M. Austin, Mormonism; or, Life among the Mormons
150 22
A. W. Benton
150 23
William R. Hine
ca. 1887
150 24
150 25
William D. Purple
150 26
John S. Reed, 1844; Letter to Brigham Young
150 27
Arad Stowell
150 28
Horace Stowell
150 29
Josiah Stowell
150 30
Jonathan Thompson
150 31
Emily C. Blackman
150 32
J. B. Buck
ca. 1870
150 33
Alva Hale
150 34
Isaac Hale
150 35
Nathaniel Lewis
150 36
Joseph Lewis; Hiel Lewis
150 37
Levi Lewis
150 38
Sophia Lewis
150 39
Hezekiah M'Kune
150 40
Joshua M'Kune
150 41
George Peck
150 42
Henry A. Sayer

Friends and Relatives on Joseph Smith's Early HistoryReturn to Top

Container(s) Description Dates
Box Folder
151 1
Facer-Shinsel Correspondence, 1962; Wayne County Historical Society, Lyons, N.Y.
151 2
Charles Anthon
151 3
A Sketch of the Experience of Solomon Chamberlain ; Solomon Chamberlain
151 4
James Cobb
151 5
Lyman Cowdery
151 6
Joseph Knight Sr.'s Account of Early History of Joseph Smith
151 7
Joseph Knight Sr. Family
151 8
Joseph Knight Jr.
151 9
Newel Knight's Journal
151 10
Joseph B. Noble
151 11
Mary A. Beman Noble
151 12
Catherine Smith
151 13
Hyrum Smith
151 14
Jesse Smith
151 15
Joseph Smith, Sr.
151 16
Lucy Mack Smith
151 17
Samuel Harrison Smith
151 18
Calvin Stoddard and Sophronia Smith
151 19
Calvin Stoddard Bible
151 20
E. D. Howe
151 21
D. P. Hurlbut
151 22
William W. Phelps
151 23
Statement, Palmyra
151 24
Thurlow Weed
151 25
Evangelical Inquirer
151 26
Historical Collections of the State of New York
151 27
A. W. Cowles, Articles on "The Mormons"
151 28
Guest Editor's Prologue - Truman G. Madsen BYU Studies
151 29
James B. Allen and Leonard J. Arrington, "Mormon Origins in New York"
151 30
Dean C. Jessee, "The Early Accounts of Joseph Smith's First Vision"
151 31
Richard L. Anderson, "Circumstantial Confirmation of the First Vision"
151 32
Milton V. Backman, Jr., "Awakenings in the Burned-over District"
151 33
Larry C. Porter, "Reverend George Lane - Good 'Gifts,' Much 'Grace,' and Marked 'Usefulness'"
151 34
T. Edgar Lyon, "How Authentic Are Mormon Historic Sites"
151 35
Russell C. Rich, "Where Were the Moroni Visits?"
151 36
Richard L. Anderson, "Joseph Smith's New York Reputation Reappraised"
151 37
Larry C. Porter, "Colesville Branch and the Coming Forth of the BOM"
151 38
Marvin S. Hill, "The Shaping of the Mormon Mind in New England"
151 39-40
Richard F. Palmer, The "Old Line Mail" Stagecoach Days in Upstate New York
151 41
Don Enders
151 42
Mention of Joseph Smith Sr., Palmyra Town Records
151 43-44

Joseph Smith in New YorkReturn to Top

Container(s) Description Dates
Box Folder
152 1-3
Wesley P. Walters, "The Joseph Smith Family's Move to Manchester"
152 4-9
Wesley P. Walters, The Smiths Move to Palmyra
152 10-15
Wesley P. Walters, Joseph Smith's Move to Palmyra and Manchester, N.Y.
152 16-17
Dale J. Berge, "Joseph Smith Sr. Log Dwelling, Palmyra, N.Y."
152 18
Donald L. Enders, "A Snug Log House"
152 19
Notes on Manchester/Palmyra
152 20
References to Smiths as Coopers
152 21
Joseph Smith Sr.Hyrum Smith Log house, Manchester, N.Y. and Joseph S. Black, Andrew Jensen, Edward Stevenson
152 22
Wheat Prices
152 23
Farmington Town Minutes
152 24-26
Palmyra Highway Tax Record
152 27-28
Palmyra Highway Record
152 29
Palmyra Road Districts
152 30
Palmyra Town Minutes; Record of Roads
152 31-32
Highway Record Book; Town Record (Palmyra, N.Y.)
153 1
Material on village of Palmyra, N.Y.
153 2-3
Tax Assessments (Palmyra, N.Y.)
153 4-5
Assessment Notes 1820 Palmyra and Manchester
153 6-8
Printouts - Palmyra and Manchester
153 9
Assessment Roll (tax records) Manchester, N.Y., Ontario County Historical Society, Canandaigua, New York
153 10
Rochester, New York
153 11
Name Index Palmyra/Manchester area
153 12
Census Palmyra, New York
153 13-14
Census Farmington, New York
153 15-16
Census Manchester, New York
153 17
Deeds, Ontario County (Evertson, Seymour, Eddy)
153 18
John Greenwood
153 19
Zachariah Seymour
153 20
Land Records
153 21
Alphabetical List for 1820 Complied
153 22-23
David Lowes Watson, The Early Methodist Class Meeting
153 24
Alva/Alvin Smith
153 25
Elisha Averill
153 26
Clark Chase Genealogy; Dr. Durfee Chase
153 27
Levi Dagget (Sr. and Jr.)
153 28
Lemuel Durfee (Sr. & Jr.)
153 29
Jonathan S. Eggleston
153 30
Abraham Fish (Sr. & Jr.); Zuriel Fish
153 31
Dr. John R. Pratt
153 32
Gain Robinson
153 33-34
Gain C. Robinson Invoice Books & Notes
153 35
Orrin Porter Rockwell & Family
153 36
Parshall Terry Family (Jacob Terry)
153 37
Orrin Warner (Sr. & Jr.)

Joseph Smith and Church HistoryReturn to Top

Container(s) Description Dates
Box Folder
154 1
Estate of Seth Harris
154 2
List of Articles belonging to Martin Harris
154 3
Palmyra, Wayne, New York - microfilms
154 4
Archibald F. Bennett, "The Ancestry of Joseph Smith the Prophet"
154 5
Seth Barden
154 6-7
Copy of a letter, Jany 1832 to Ancil Beach
154 8
Ancil Beach
154 9
Henry Wells married Sarah Daggett
154 10-11
Records of Early Church Families, Utah Genealogical and Historical Magazine
154 12-13
Binghampton Daily Republican
154 14
Lippincott's Magazine
154 15-16
Jerome Stoffel, "Joseph Smith and the Mormon Dilemma"
154 17
Origin of Book of Mormon
154 18
"The First Months of Mormonism: A Contemporary View by Rev. Diedrich Willers"
154 19
Daniel P. Kidder, Mormonism and the Mormons
154 20
James H. Kennedy, Early Days of Mormonism: Palmyra, Kirtland, and Nauvoo
154 21
Charles E. Milliken, "The Beginnings of Mormonism"
154 22
Joseph Smith, Jr's Activities
154 23-27
Dale L. Morgan, MS of History of the Mormon Church
154 28-29
John Walker
154 30
John Walker, "The Sorcerer's Apprentice: Joseph Smith and Magic"

Joseph Smith's ReputationReturn to Top

Container(s) Description Dates
Box Folder
155 1
Stanley S. Ivins, Card Index on Book of Mormon
155 2
James R. Clark, "Mormonism in the Eyes of the Press"
155 3
Money Diggers
155 4-5
Joseph Smith and Money Digging
155 6
Notes and Footnotes to BYU Studies Vol. 24, No. 4
155 7
Money Digging Agreement
155 8
Frank S. Harvey, The Money Diggers, The True Story of Buried Treasure in Brisol, Vermont
155 9
Georgius Agricola, De Re Metallic
155 10
David J. Whittaker, "Almanacs in the New England Heritage of Mormonism"
155 11
Almanacs of the United States compiled by Milton Drake
155 12
Western Almanack , ... 1831, Rochester [N.Y.]
155 13
Stephen Greene, "Money Diggers"
155 14
Hon. Judge Thompson, May Martin; or, The Money Diggers, A Green Mountain Tale
155 15
Alan Taylor, "The Early Republic's Supernatural Economy"
155 16
Ronald Whittacker, "American Treasure Digging: A Persisting Idea," MHA
155 17
Myths and Legends of Our Own Lord
155 18
Washington Irving, Tales of A Traveller Part IV. The Money-Diggers
155 19
Sarah J. Hale, Traits of American Life
155 20
John Butler, "Magic, Astrology, and the Early American Religious Heritage"
155 21
Gerald T. Hurley, "Buried Treasure Tales in America"
155 22
Dorothy Dengler, "Tales of Buried Treasure in Rochester"
155 23
Wayland D. Hand, "The Quest for Buried Treasure" and article in Dialogue: A Journal of Mormon Thought
155 24
Herbert Leventhal, In the Shadow of the Enlightenment
155 25
Keith Thomas, Religion and the Decline of Magic
155 26
George H. Harris, "Myths of Ononda"
ca. 1887
155 27-28
Byrd Howell Granger, A Motif Index for lost mines and treasures applied to redaction of Arizona legends, and to lost mine and treasure legends exterior to Arizona
155 29
Clark Jillson, Green Leaves from Whitingham, Vermont, (Silas Hamilton)
155 30
A History of the Divining Rod with the Adventures of an old Rodsman
155 31-34
Material on Witching, Magic
156 1
Address by Charles C. Richards
156 2
Miner's Hill
156 3-5
Rodmen & Money Diggers
156 6-7
156 8
Paul Thomas Smith, "Hill Cumorah Cave Story"
156 9-11
Walters; Luman Walters
156 12-14
Alvah Beman & Samuel Lawrence
156 15-18
The Chase Seer Stone
156 19
Ogden Kraut, "Seer Stones"
156 20-22
Alvin Smith

Accounts of Joseph Smith and Documents of New YorkReturn to Top

Container(s) Description Dates
Box Folder
157 1-3
Joel King Noble Letter and notes; article by W. P. Walters
157 4
Oliver Harper
157 5
Articles on early New York in Ensign
157 6
Rose, Wayne Co., New York
157 7-8
Chenango County, New York
157 9
Isaac Bullard and the Vermont Pilgrims
157 10
Binghamton, Broome Co., New York
157 11-12
Salt Deposits in Penn. & New York
157 13
Willard Bean, A.B.C. History of Palmyra
157 14-17
Thomas L. Cook, Palmyra and Vicinity reprint
157 18-20
Mary Cleora Dear, Two Hundred Thirty-Eight Years of the Whitmer Family
157 21
Rhamanthus M. Stocker, Susquehanna County, Pennsylvania
157 22-26
Transcript of Bills of Justices of the Peace and Constables for Bainbridge
157 27-28
Arrangement of Bills of Justices of the Peace and Constables for Bainbridge, Chenango County, New York

Legal Documents of New YorkReturn to Top

Container(s) Description Dates
Box Folder
158 1
Transcript of the Assessment Roll of the Town of Bainbridge, County of Chenango, State of New York
158 2-10
A New Conductor Generalis
158 11-17
Thomas G. Waterman, The Justice's Manual
158 18
Trip to New York, H. Michael Marquardt
158 19
Laws of New York
158 20-22
Laws of the State of New York

Legal Documents, Almanacs and ArticlesReturn to Top

Container(s) Description Dates
Box Folder
159 1-4
Notes on New York Laws etc.
159 5
Bills cut up for Arrangement
159 6
Record of Election Returns
159 7
David McClain, Copies of documents received from Office of History, County of Chenango
159 8
Genealogy of the Bridgman Family
159 9
Stowell Genealogy
159 10
History and Genealogy of the Pearsall Family in England and America
159 11-12
Farmer's Almanack (1814-1820); Year without a Summer
159 13-14
David M. Lundlum, The Vermont Weather Book; Farmer's Almanac - Boston
159 15-16
Norwich, Vt.; A Record of Strangers who are warned out of Town
159 17
Warning Out of Town - 1816 Joseph Smith Sr.
159 18-21
John Henry Benton, Warning Out in New England
159 22
Tunbridge, Vt.
159 23
Royalton, Vt.
159 24
Spooner's Vermont Journal (Windsor, Vt.)
159 25
New Hampshire Sentinel
159 26
Town of Lebanon, N.H., Assessor Records
159 27
Oath of Office, E. B. Grandin; Deeds, Ontario Co.; Farmington Town Minutes; Zachariah Seymour
159 28-29
Peter Bauder, The Kingdom and Gospel of Jesus Christ

Newspaper ArticlesReturn to Top

Container(s) Description Dates
Box Folder
160 1
Newspaper articles
160 2-11
Newspaper articles
160 12-15
The Reflector Palmyra, New York
160 16
Henry O'Rielly
160 17-18
A. B. Deming, Naked Truths About Mormonism
160 19
James Gordon Bennett's 1831 Report on "The Mormonites"
160 20
Republican Monitor , (Freemasonry), Cazenovia, N.Y.
160 21
Evangelical Inquirer
160 22
Last Will and Testament of Mary S. Whitney
160 23-24
E.D. Howe, Mormonism Unvailed; The Susquehanna and Northern Pennsylvanian Register; Baptist Register
160 25-26
Statements in Mormonism Unvailed E.D. Howe

Reputation and Accounts of Joseph SmithReturn to Top

Container(s) Description Dates
Box Folder
161 1-5
LaMar Petersen, "Controversies in Mormonism"
ca. 1950s
161 6-9
LaMar Petersen, Book Reviews and Letters
161 10
LaMar Petersen, Word of Wisdom, Hearts Made Glad
161 11-13
Church History in the Fulness of Times
161 14
Accounts of Joseph Smith's Experiences
161 15
Richard P. Howard, "An Analysis of Six Contemporary Accounts Touching Joseph Smith's First Vision"
161 16-17
November Account
161 18-19
Edward Stevenson
161 20
Martha Cragun Cox
161 21
Joseph Curtis
161 22
Oliver Cowdery's Letters
161 23
161 24
"History of Joseph Smith," Account
161 25
Biography and Journal of William I. Appleby

The First Vision and Other ArticlesReturn to Top

Container(s) Description Dates
Box Folder
162 1
Orson Pratt & Orson Hyde Accounts
162 2
The Wentworth Letter
162 3
June Account
162 4
New York Spectator
162 5
Diary of Alexander Neibaur
162 6
An Original History of the Religious Denominations At Present Existing in the United States ...
162 7
Lucy Mack Smith
162 8
Robert Chambers, History of the Mormons
162 9-10
Accounts by William Smith
162 11
William Smith on Mormonism
162 12
James B. Allen, Articles
162 13-15
Articles by Milton V. Backman Jr.
162 16
Ian G. Barber, "Early Mormon Theophanies and the Quest for Religious Authority"
162 17
Gregory L. Kofford, "The First Vision: Doctrinal Development and Analysis"
162 18-20
Early Accounts of Visions
162 21
The Life, Conversion, Preaching, Travels, and Sufferings of Elias Smith
162 22
Targum of the 1820 Vision
162 23-25
Notes on Joseph Smith's First Vision
162 26-28
Accounts of First Vision

Articles on the First Vision and Records of Other DenominationsReturn to Top

Container(s) Description Dates
Box Folder
163 1-2
Studies of First Vision
163 3-7
First Vision Controversy
163 8
Wesley P. Walters, Update on New Light etc. Revival and First Vision material
163 9
Journal of Discourses on First Vision
163 10
Booklets on the "1820 Revival"
163 11-12
Church Records of Palmyra Area
163 13
Methodist Church in Palmyra
163 14
Rev. George Lane
163 15
Methodist Minutes
163 16
Methodist Episcopal Church in U.S.
163 17-18
Minutes of the Ontario Baptist Association
163 19-20
History of the Purchase and Settlements of Western New York ... Presbyterian Church

Census and Other Records, Accounts and MapsReturn to Top

Container(s) Description Dates
Box Folder
164 1
Henry Jessup
164 2
Charles Buck, History of the Presbyterian Church in U.S.
164 3-4
Palmyra Presbyterian Church notes
164 5
Presbyterial Reports to the Synod of Geneva
164 6
Presbytery Reports
164 7-8
Palmyra Revival, Wesley P. Walters
164 9-11
Revival Accounts from Periodicals of the day
164 12
Horace Eaton
164 13
M. P. Blakeslee, "Notes for a History of Methodism in Phelps"
164 14
Schroeder Collection, State Historical Society of Wisconsin, Madison, Wisconsin
164 15
Miscellaneous Articles
164 16
Randolph, Vermont Records
164 17
Royalton Town Records, Royalton, Vermont
164 18
Tunbridge, Vermont Records
164 19
Sharon, Vermont Records
164 20-21
Mack Farm in Sharon, Vermont
164 22
Moor's School Records, Darmouth College, Hanover, New Hampshire
164 23
Phelps & Gorham Purchase
164 24
Maps of Palmyra etc. with Locations of Lots & Names
164 25-27
Census of Farmington, Palmyra, Lyons, Sodus, Rose, New York & Alphabetical Listing of Wayne Co.
164 28-29
Account Book of Lemuel Durfee

Assessment Records and Account Books of New YorkReturn to Top

Container(s) Description Dates
Box Folder
165 1-2
Account Book of Lemuel Durfee
165 3
Palmyra Presbyterian Church
165 4
Presbyterian Church in Palmyra, N.Y. Session Records Vol. 2
165 5-9
Book of Records For the first Baptized Church in Palmyra and Minutes
165 10
Nathan Pierce Docket Book, copies of pages and color photos
165 11-16
Nathan Pierce Docket Book
165 17
Manchester, N.Y. Overseers of Highway Lists
165 18
Manchester Assessment Records
165 19
Mis. Notes including Farmington/Manchester Assessment records
165 20-22
Assessment Roll, Bainbridge, N.Y.
165 23
Zechariah Tarble Docket Book, Bainbridge, N.Y.
165 24
Bills, Bainbridge, N.Y.

Bills, Court Records, Writings and ArticlesReturn to Top

Container(s) Description Dates
Box Folder
166 1-12
Bills, Bainbridge, N.Y.
166 13
Certified copy of Bills, Bainbridge, Chenango Co., N.Y.
166 14
Albert Neely, R.W. Juliand, Bainbridge, N.Y.
166 15
Albert Neely Bill, Bainbridge, N.Y.
166 16
Albert Neely, Philip M. De Zeng Bills (Color Photographs)
166 17
Z. Tarble, Joseph P. Chamberlin, Arad Stowel, Philip De Zeng Bills, Bainbridge, N.Y.
166 18
Philip M. De Zeng Bill, Bainbridge, N.Y.
166 19
Joseph P. Chamberlin Bill, Bainbridge, N.Y.
166 20
Z. Tarble Bill, Bainbridge, N.Y.
166 21
Supervisor's Journal, Chenango County, N.Y.
166 22
Joseph P. Chamberlin, Ebenezar Hatch Bills, Bainbridge, N.Y.; Supervisor's Journal, Chenango Co., N.Y., Minutes
166 23
Letter of Asael Smith to Zaccheus Gould, 1788; Letter of Asael Smith to Jacob Town
This folder contains a photocopy.
166 24
Copy of Don Carlos Smith's family record
166 25
Commonwealth vs Jason Treadwell, Indict for Murdering Oliver Harper, in the Township of Harmony
166 26
Court of Special Sessions, Wayne Co., N.Y.
circa 1827-1829
166 27
Card file on name "Joseph Smith" in Historical Society of Pennsylvania
166 28
Accounts of Joseph Smith's First Vision
166 29
Account of Martin Harris' trip to Anthon
166 30
Letter of John Sherer, Colesville
166 31
Pages from Braden - Kelley Debate
166 32
S. H. Goodwin, Additional Studies in Mormonism and Masonry
166 33
Moyle Q. Rice, "The Language and Style of the Book of Mormon"

Oversized MaterialsReturn to Top

Container(s) Description Dates
Box Folder
167 1
Drawing of the City Plat of Zion
167 2
Farmington Township, Macedon Township, Manchester Township, Palmyra Township
167 3
Maps of Macedon, Palmyra, Farmington, and Manchester Townships
This folder contains several maps with names of owners from 1820 assessment records.
167 4
Harry Anderson, "Modern Artistic Conception of the Conception of the Prophet Joseph Smith"
167 5
Frank D. Miller, Painting of Brigham Young
167 6
Dale Broadhurst, Palmyra, Wayne County, Manchester, Ontario County, Macedon, Wayne County, Farmington, New York Township Maps

H. Michael Marquardt, Articles and PublicationsReturn to Top

Container(s) Description Dates
Box Folder
168 1-4
"An Appraisal of Manchester as the Church Organization Locale"
168 5
"April 6, 1830: The Church Was Organized in Manchester, New York"
168 6
"Early Nineteenth Century Events Reflected in the Book of Mormon"
168 7-11
"Hyrum Smith and the Organization of the Mormon Church"
168 12
"A Tanner Bibliography, 1959-1983"
168 13
"The Use of the Bible in the Book of Mormon"
168 14
The World of the Lord , Table of Contents

H. Michael Marquardt and Wesley P. Walters, PublicationsReturn to Top

Container(s) Description Dates
Box Folder
169 1-5
The Book of Mormon's Use of Biblical Texts , Manuscript and Notes
169 6-8
Inventing Mormonism: Tradition and the Historical Record
169 9-12
Mormon Origins
170 1-4
Mormon Origins , Manuscript and Notes
170 5-8
Mormon Origins , Printout Draft

Articles, Papers, and ReviewsReturn to Top

Container(s) Description Dates
Box Folder
171 1
Steven G. Barnett
171 2-3
Lisle G. Brown
171 4
Donald Q. Cannon
171 5
Lyndon W. Cook
171 6
Andrew Ehat
171 7
Robert Flanders
171 8
William G. Hartley, Ronald W. Walker, Ronald K. Esplin
171 9
Van Hale
171 10
Dean C. Jessee
171 11
Bob Mesle
171 12
David Noeleon
171 13-14
Gregory A. Prince
171 15
Harry C. Russell
171 16-17
William D. Russell
171 18
Geoffrey F. Spencer
171 19-21
John E. Thompson
172 1-2
John E. Thompson
172 3-4
Grant Underwood
172 5
O. Kendall White Jr.
172 6-10
Saints Herald , Articles
173 1
"The Abominations"
173 2
Raymond E. Brown, "The Gospel According to John"
173 3
"A Compilation on Making Your Calling and Election Sure"
173 4
Chad J. Flake, "The Newel K. Whitney Collection"
173 5-9
Arthur Glenn Foster, Jr., The Plates of Jacob
These folders also contain an excerpt from an untitled manuscript.
173 10
C. Jess Groesbeck, "The Archetypal Image of the Wounded Healer"
173 11
C. Jess Groesbeck, "Joseph Smith and His Nauvoo Dreams"
173 12
C. Jess Groesbeck, "Joseph Smith and His New Conception of God"
173 13-16
C. Jess Groesbeck, "Joseph Smith and the Shaman's Vision"
173 17-18
"Joseph Smith and His Individuation"
174 1
C. Jess Groesbeck, "Pre-Mortal Calling and Mate Selection"
174 2-4
C. Jess Groesbeck, "A Psycho-Historical Study of the First Mormon Family"
174 5
David H. Hirsch, The Deconstruction of Literature
174 6
Vernal Holley, "A Critique of Brodie on Spaulding"
174 7
Massimo Introvigne, "Ordeal by Fire: The Tragedy of the Solar Temple"
174 8
The Journal of Mathematical Theology , Excerpt
174 9
Brian E. Keck, "Ezekiel 37, Sticks and Babylonian Writing Boards: A Critical Reappraisal"
174 10
Stanley B. Kimball, "The Utah Gospel Mission" [Rev. John D. Nutting]
174 11-15
Charles M. Larson, The Kingdom
174 16
Henry Lewis, The Valley of the Mississippi Illustrated
174 17
Louis Midgley, "Some Challenges to the Foundations"
174 18
George A. Njeim, "The Maturation of My Faith"
174 19
R. Don Oscarson, "The Travelers' Guide"
174 20
"Question Time"
174 21
"The Research Report"
175 1-2
"The Research Report"
175 3
B. H. Roberts, The Truth, The Way, The Life , Reviews
175 4
"Thenco Newsletter"
175 5
"Thoughts about Heaven and How to Get There"
175 6
Loftes Tryk, "The Jacob's Well Report"
175 7
Robert Wauchope, "Lost Tribes and Sunken Continents"
175 8-14
William H. Whitsett, Sidney Rigdon: The Real Founder of Mormonism
175 15-17
John A. Widstoe, Evidences and Reconciliations

Todd Compton, Sacred Loneliness: The Plural Wives of Joseph Smith Return to Top

Container(s) Description Dates

Joseph Smith and Masonary InformationReturn to Top

Container(s) Description Dates
Book of Mormon Materials
179 1
Joseph Smith, Accounts of Death
179 2
Corrections to Printout of Inventing Mormonism...
179 3
Joseph Smith's Legal Problems in New York, Pennsylvania, Vermont, and Massachusetts
179 4
Gordon A. Madsen, "Joseph Smith's 1826 Trial: The Legal Setting"
179 5
Grant Underwood, "Joseph Smith's Use of the Old Testament"
179 6
Karl C. Sandburg, "Masonry and the Making of Mormonism"
179 7
Milton W. Hamilton, "Anti-Masonic Newspaper, 1826-1834"
179 8-9
Michael W. Homer, "Similarity of Priesthood in Masonry"

LDS Church HistoryReturn to Top

Container(s) Description Dates
Box Folder
180 1
Davis Bitton, "Reading Mormon History: There's Never Been More"
180 2
Larry Foster, "New Paradigms for Understanding Mormonism"
180 3
LDS Church History, Articles
180 4
Fake Document on the Organization of the Church, Fayette, New York
This folder contains a photocopy of a document reportedly signed by Joseph Smith, Jr., and other members involved in the organization of the Church and is believed to be fabricated.
180 5
Hyrum Smith and the Organization of the LDS Church, Notes
180 6-7
Church Organization, Information and Legal Materials
180 8
Chronology of Norwich, New York, County Bills
180 9
Churches Organized in New York, Listing (Ontario Co., N.Y.)
180 10
Churches Organized in New York, Listing (Seneca County, N.Y.)
180 11
Ontario County, New York, History and LDS Church Organization
180 12
Paul L. Anderson, "Historic Nostalgia: Enshrining the Mormon Past"
180 13
Alma Burton, Mormon Trail
180 14
Michael Coe, "Mormons and Archeology"
180 15
Mountain Meadows Massacre, Articles
180 16
180 17-22
Max H. Parkin, Conflict at Kirtland , Manuscript and Notes
180 23
D. Michael Quinn, "The First Months of Mormonism"

LDS Scriptures, General MaterialsReturn to Top

Container(s) Description Dates
Box Folder
181 1
Rick Branch, "Looking into the Book of Mormon"
181 2-3
Edwin Firmage Jr., "A Preliminary Study in BOM Origins"
181 4-5
Michael T. Griffith, Refuting the Critics: Evidences of the Book of Mormon's Authenticity
181 6
"Basic Methodological Problems with the Anti-Mormon Approach to the Geography and Archeology of the Book of Mormon"
181 7
"A Multivariate Technique for Authorship Attribution and its Application to the Analysis of Mormon Scripture and Related Texts"
181 8
Thomas Key, A Biologist Examines the Book of Mormon
181 9
Stan Larson, Quest for the Gold Plates , Notes
181 10
LDS Scriptures, Articles
181 11
Bob Lewis, The Lost Plates of Laman
181 12
Ray T. Matheny, Book of Mormon, Information and Notes
181 13
George A. Njeim, "The Three Witnesses to the Book of Mormon"
181 14
Reviews of the Book of Mormon
181 15-18
Rick Grunder Books, Mormon List
182 1-4
John L. Sorenson, The Geography of Book of Mormon Events
182 5
Sunstone Symposium, Book of Mormon Archaeology
182 6
Symposium on Historicity and the Latter-day Saint Scriptures
182 7
John W. Welch and Tim Rathbone, "The Translation of the BOM"
182 8
Robert Williams, Book of Mormon Materials
182 9-10
"Does Archaeology Corroborate the Book of Mormon?"
182 11
Earl M. Wunderli, "Book of Laman"
182 12
Earl M. Wunderli, "The Prophecies in the Book of Mormon"

LDS Teaching MaterialsReturn to Top

Container(s) Description Dates
Box Folder
183 1
"Instructions for the Discussions"
183 2
LDS Missionary Handbook
183 3
LDS Missionary Materials, Flipcharts
183 4-5
LDS Scripture References, Index Cards
183 6
Missionary Handbook
183 7-9
"Search the Scriptures"
183 10-14
Seminary Student Manuals

Mormonism, Gerneral MaterialsReturn to Top

Container(s) Description Dates
Box Folder
184 1
Davis Bitton, "Guide to Mormon Diaries and Autobiographies," Notes
184 2
"A Circular of the High Council in Nauvoo"
184 3
Richley H. Crapo, "Grass Roots Deviance from Official Doctrine"
184 4
Elders' Restoration Branches, General Materials
184 5-7
Robert Gottlieb and Peter Wiley, America's Saints
184 8
"A Guide to the Mormon Universe"
184 9-11
Klaus J. Hansen, Mormonism and the American Experience
184 12
Massimo Introvigne, "A Rumor of Devils: The Satanic Ritual Abuse Scare"
184 13-15
Karl Keller, "The Mormons are Coming, The Mormons are Coming"
184 16
Legacy , Script, Credits, and Chronology
184 17
Melchizedek Priesthood Handbook
184 18
"A Mormon Bibliography"
185 1-3
"Mormon Parallels: An Annotated Bibliography"
185 4-5
Wesley P. Walters, The Mormon Papers
185 6
John L. Smith, Thirty-Five Mormons and One Baptist Preacher
185 7-9
Kenneth H. Winn, Exiles in a Land of Liberty

Mormon Research Organizations, MaterialsReturn to Top

Container(s) Description Dates
Box Folder
186 1
The American Anti-Mormon Association, (R.B. Neal), Letter
186 2
Christian Institute for Mormon Studies, Materials
186 3
The Christians Reaching Out to Sincere Saints (CROSS)
186 4
Concerned Christians and Former Mormons, Newsletters
186 5-8
The Foundation for Research and Mormon Studies (FARMS)
186 9
FARMS Staff, "Why Might a Person in 1830 Connect an Angel with a Salamander?"
186 10
Institute for Religious Research, "Heart and Mind," Newsletters
186 11-13
John Whitmer Historical Association, "JWHA" Newsletters
186 14
Mormon Research Association
186 15-17
Mormon History Association, Materials
187 1-4
Mormon History Association, Newsletters
187 5-7
Mormonism Researched
187 8-12
Personal Freedom Outreach, Watchman Fellowship and The Quarterly Journal
187 13-14
Religious Studies Center, Newsletters
188 1
Religious Studies Center, Newsletters
188 2
Religious Trends Research Group, Update
188 3
Society for Archaeological Research Reports, Articles
188 4
Smithsonian Institution, Materials
188 5
The Utah Gospel Mission, Pamphlets

3 Nephi, The New Testament, and The Sermon on the MountReturn to Top

Container(s) Description Dates
Box Folder
189 1-4
3 Nephi and The New Testament, Textual Excerpts and Notes
189 5-7
The Sermon on the Mount, Materials
189 8-9
"The Sermon on the Mount"
189 10-12
"Third Nephi and the New Testament Texts"
189 13
"The Reliance of the Third Nephi Account upon KJV New Testament Texts"
189 14
A. D. Sorenson, "Russell against the Book of Mormon"
189 15
Krister Stendahl, "The Sermon on the Mount and Third Nephi"
189 16
"The Sermon at the Temple and the Sermon on the Mount"

RLDS Church MaterialsReturn to Top

Container(s) Description Dates
Box Folder
190 1
"A Study of the Differences That Divide the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints and the Reorganized Church"
190 2-3
"Voices of Dissent"
190 4
Richard P. Howard, "Joseph Smith, The Book of Abraham, and the Reorganized Church of the 1970s"
190 5
"World Conference Bulletin"
190 6
Leadership Change, Articles
190 7
190 8-11
Temple in Independence, Missouri

General MaterialsReturn to Top

Container(s) Description Dates
Sunstone Symposium Materials

LDS Temple InformationReturn to Top

Container(s) Description Dates
Box Folder
192 1-2
Second Anointings
192 3
Temple Ordinances
192 4
Temple Garments
192 5
Notes Transcriptions
192 6-8
Temple and Masonry Information
192 9-10
Laurel B. Andrew, "The Early Temples of the Mormons"
192 11
Carlos E. Asay, "The Temple Garment"
192 12
Hugh Nibley, "Endowment History"

Wesley P. WaltersReturn to Top

Container(s) Description Dates
Box Folder
193 1-2
193 3-6
Marissa United Presbyterian Church, Materials
193 7
Research Materials
193 8-13
Wesley P. Walters, Articles
193 14
"A Critical Exegesis of 1 Peter 3:18-20"
193 15
"Doctrinal Development in Early Mormonism"
194 1
"The Spaulding Affair," and Review of Who Really Wrote the Book of Mormon?
194 2
Thesis Corrections
194 3-4
"The Use of the Old Testament in Early Mormonism-- A Survey"
194 5-13
"The Use of the Old Testament in the Book of Mormon"
194 14
Wesley P. Walters, File Notes on His Papers

Subject FilesReturn to Top

Container(s) Description Dates
Box Folder
195 1
Articles on Jerusalem
195 2
Mayan Society
195 3
Joseph Dancing Bear, Revelations, Dan Baker
195 4
Berean Christian Ministries, Newsletters
195 5
The B. H. Roberts Society
195 6
Christian Liberty Outreach, Newsletters
195 7
The Church of Christ (with the Elijah Message)
195 8-12
The Church of Christ, Materials
These folders contain organization materials, temple lot information, newsletters, and an article by Marquardt entitled "An Appraisal of Manchester as Location for the Organization of the Church."
195 13
The Church of Christ Temple Lot
195 14
Combined Conference, Materials
195 15
"Historic Ensign Peak"
195 16-17
Richard P. Howard
195 18
James L. Clayton, Correspondence with Boyd K. Packer
196 1-2
Richard P. Howard
196 3
The Journal of Pastoral Practice
196 4
A. C. Lambert, Obituary and Inventory of Materials
196 5
Nels B. Lundwall
196 6
David Martin
196 7
Nauvoo Christian Visitors Center
196 8-9
Post Cards
196 10
M. Wilford Poulson
196 11
President Meetings, RLDS First Presidency
196 12
Restoration Foundation, Newsletters
196 13
"Ritual Crime in the State of Utah"
196 14
Donald T. Schmidt, Correspondence
196 15
Wallace B. Smith
196 16
Student Review
196 17
Curriculum Consultation Committee
196 18
John E. Thompson, Personal Materials
This folder includes correspondence with LeGrand Richards.
197 1
University of Rochester, Map
197 2
Utah Missions, Inc.
197 3
Utah State University, Correspondence with A. J. Simmonds
1988 and 1995
197 4
James D. Wardle
197 5-7
Zion's Advocate
197 8
Zion's Banner
197 9-15
H. Michael Marquardt and Wesley P. Walters, "Mormon Origins"

Published Materials and ArticlesReturn to Top

Container(s) Description Dates
Pamphlets and Brochures
Pamphlets and Brochures
News Clippings
This box contains several news clippings relating to Mormonism, and also Harold Schindler's articles from , "On the Mormon Pioneer Trail," for 1997.
201 1
Stephen C. Heidt, Un-Canonized Revelations of Prophet Joseph Smith
201 2
Phyllis Farkas, "Synoptic D&C of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints"
201 3
"The Independence Temple of Zion"
201 4
"Historical Background of the 1835 Doctrine and Covenants"
201 5
Dissecting the Doctrine and Covenants
201 6
Society for the Scientific Study of Religion (SSSR) and Religious Religion Association (RRA)
201 7
"Historical Background of Joseph Smith's Early Revelations"
201 8-9
"Early Texts of Joseph Smith's Revelations 1828-1833"
201 10
The Kingston Canadian Copyright Revelation

Mormon Subject FilesReturn to Top

Container(s) Description Dates
Box Folder
202 1
"New Jerusalem Abandoned: The Failure to Carry Mormonism to the Delaware [Indians]"
202 2
Mission to the Native Americans
202 3
"Historical Background of the 1835 Doctrine and Covenants"
202 4
Jack Raveill, The Fullness of the Gospel and The Revelation Revisions of 1835
202 5
Jack Raveill. Research Materials
202 6
Jack Raveill, The Revelation Revisions of 1835
202 7
Robert J. Woodford, Articles and Bibliography
202 8
Robert J. Woodford, "A Survey of Textual Changes in the D&C"
202 9
The Far West Record
202 10
George B. Arbaugh, Revelation in Mormonism
202 11
Revelations of Joseph Smith
202 12
Revelations, Manuscript Collections
202 13
Michael Hicks
202 14
Joseph Smith, Gift of Tongues
203 1
Mary D. Poulter, "Doctrines of Faith and Hope Found in Emma Smith's 1835 Hymnbook"
203 2
Gift of Tongues
203 3
Doctrine and Covenants
203 4
List of Revelations
203 5
Joseph Smith, Revelations
203 6
Inspiration and Revelation
203 7
Revelations, Notes from Manuscript Collections
203 8
Daniel Hawley, Hawley's Millennium
203 9
Rodney Stark, "A Theory of Revelation"
203 10
A. C. Lambert, "The Localism of Joseph Smith's Revelations"
203 11
The Concepts of Revelation
203 12
Divine Revelation, Scripture, Living Prophet
203 13
Early Texts of Joseph Smith's Revelations
203 14
Book of Commandments and Doctrine and Covenants
203 15
Clarence L. and Angela Wheaton, The Book of Commandments Controversy Reviewed
203 16-17
"Historical Background of the 1835 Doctrine and Covenants"
203 18
Testimony of the Twelve Apostles
203 19
General Assembly
203 20
Typographical Errors

ArticlesReturn to Top

Container(s) Description Dates
Box Folder
204 1-2
"Textual Parallels to the D&C and Book of Commandments as Found in the Bible"
204 3-4
"Textual Parallels to D&C as Found in the Bible"
204 5-6
"Conceptual Patterns of Repetition in D&C and Their Implications"
204 7
Kathryn Olson, " A Reappraisal of Canonization in D&C"
204 8
David A. Jalovick, "Adopted to the Circumstances"

Mormon Subject FilesReturn to Top

Container(s) Description Dates
Box Folder
205 1
Scott Dunn, "The Dangers of Revelation" and Kent Dunford, "The Limits of Revelation"
205 2
David L. Pratt, The Fall of the Mormon Empire
205 3
Israel A. Smith, "Book of Commandments Versus D&C"
205 4
William Harris, Mormonism Portrayed
205 5
David Whitmer, An Address to All Believers in Christ
205 6
Ezra Booth, Correspondence
205 7
Greg Anderson, The Doctored Covenants: Why All the Changes
205 8
The Evening and Morning Star , Church of Christ, Temple Lot
205 9
Changes in the Revelations, Church of Christ
205 10
Robert E. Grant, Pamphlets
205 11
Revelations of Joseph Smith, Revelations
205 12
Joseph Smith's Revelations , List of Newspaper Articles
205 13
Kirtland Council Minute Book
205 14
Wilford Woodruff's Book of Commandments
205 15
205 16
Revelations in Evening and Morning Star Reprint , and Messenger and Advocate
205 17
Implications by Subject
205 18
Woodford, Petersen, Charts, Articles

Revelation and D&C ResearchReturn to Top

Container(s) Description Dates
Box Folder
206 1
Changes in Revelations
206 2
Historical and Theological Problems
206 3
Historical Background
206 4-7
Early Texts of Joseph Smiths Revelations
206 8
Revelations not in Doctrine and Covenants
206 9
Revelations not in D&C
206 10
Lisle G. Brown, "Latter-day Revelations"
206 11
Hirashi Yamada, "The Value of an Open Canon of Scripture"
206 12
RLDS Church and D&C
206 13
Max H. Parkin

Mormon Subject FilesReturn to Top

Container(s) Description Dates
Box Folder
207 1
Kirtland Revelations Book (KRB), Typescript
207 2
Evening and Morning Star
207 3
Earl E. Olsen, "The Chronology of the Ohio Revelations"
207 4
Unpublished Revelations of the Prophets and Presidents of LDS Church
207 5
Revelations of Joseph Smith and KRB
207 6
J. W. Fitzgerald, A. C. Lambert, Articles on D&C
207 7
Subject Files
207 8
Additions to Be in D&C
207 9
Bruce R. McConkie, "This Generation Shall Have My Word through You"
207 10
Latter Day Revelations
207 11
Other Revelations, Visions
207 12
Melvin J. Petersen, "Editing the Revelations for Publication"
207 13
F. Henry Edwards, A New Commentary on the Doctrine and Covenants
207 14
Cross Reference LDS and RLDS D&C
207 15
Cross Reference Book of Commandments and D&C
207 16
James D. Wardle, D&C Cross Reference Index
207 17
Walter W. Smith, "The Doctrine and Covenants"
207 18
Saints Herald , Articles
207 19
David Judd, "Language and Scriptures"
207 20
James F. Curtis, Our Beliefs Defended
207 21
Eugene O. Walton, Research Notes
207 22
Joseph Smith's Kirtland Revelation Book
207 23
List of KRB

Articles and NotesReturn to Top

Container(s) Description Dates
Box Folder
208 1-2
Melvin J. Petersen, "Nature of the Changes in Revelations"
208 3
John A. Widstoe, "Study of the Doctrine and Covenants"
208 4
Arthur Allen, "Comparison of Changes to the Revelations"
208 5
"A Brief Commentary on the Book of Commandments, the Evening and Morning Star , and the Doctrine and Covenants
208 6
"Historical Background of the 1835 D&C"
208 7
Comparison with Evening and Morning Star
208 8-9
"Variations in the Texts of Joseph Smith's Revelations"
208 10
Church News , Articles
208 11-12
Notes on Joseph Smith's Revelations

Mormon Subject FilesReturn to Top

Container(s) Description Dates
Box Folder
209 1-2
Notes on Joseph Smith's Revelations
209 3
Changes to the Revelations of Joseph Smith
209 4
Richard P. Howard, Articles on Revelations and D&C
209 5
Notes used for Book and Background
209 6-7
Early Texts of Joseph Smith's Revelations
209 8
Revelations of Joseph Smith

Marquardt, Early Texts of Joseph Smith's RevelationsReturn to Top

Container(s) Description Dates
Box Folder
210 1
A Commentary on Sections in D&C Concerning Zion and New Jerusalem
210 2-9
Marquardt, Early Texts of Joseph Smith's Revelations

Mormon Subject FilesReturn to Top

Container(s) Description Dates
Box Folder
211 1-4
Marquardt, Early Texts of Joseph Smith's Revelations
211 5
Lyndon W. Cook, The Revelations of Prophet Joseph Smith
211 6
Marquardt, Early Texts of Joseph Smith's Revelations
211 7-10
Book of Commandments, Manuscript and Law of Covenants
211 11
Zebedee Coltrin, Journal
211 12
KRB, Typescript
212 1-2
KRB, Text and Notes
212 3
Uncanonized Revelations of the Prophets
212 4
David M. and Vonda S. Reay, Selected Manifestations
212 5-7
D&C 3-5
212 8
D&C 7; Richard P. Howard, "LDS Scriptures and the Doctrine of Propositional Revelation"
212 9
D&C 8
213 1
D&C 10
213 2
Restoration of the Priesthood, D&C 7, 13, 27
213 3
Gregory A. Prince, "'The Origins and Development of Priesthood"
213 4
Ronald O. Barney, "The Restoration of the Priesthood"
213 5
Book of Mormon Time Period Revelations D&C 17
213 6-7
D&C 18-19
214 1
D&C 20 and Book of Commandments 24 and Church of Christ Organized
214 2
An Examination of "A Commandment from God unto Oliver"
214 3-15
D&C 22, 25, 27-28, 30, 33-36, 38-39, 41-42
214 16-17
Law of Conservation and Stewardship
214 18
Zion is Fled Excerpt

D&C Articles and NotesReturn to Top

Container(s) Description Dates
Box Folder
215 1
Mario S. DePillis, "The Development of Mormon Communtarianism"
215 2
Law of Conservation and Tithing
215 3
D&C 43
215 4
D&C 45
215 5
D&C 47
215 6
D&C 48
215 7
D&C 49
215 8
D&C 50
215 9
D&C 51
215 10
D&C 52
215 11
D&C 56
215 12
D&C 57
215 13
D&C 58
215 14
D&C 59
215 15
D&C 62
215 16
D&C 63
215 17
D&C 64
215 18
D&C 65
215 19
D&C 68 and 107
215 20
D&C 72
215 21
D&C 76
215 22
D&C 77
215 23
D&C 78
215 24
D&C 81
215 25
D&C 83
216 1
D&C 84
216 2
D&C 85
216 3
D&C 87
216 4
D&C 88
216 5
Number 106 Frederick G. Williams, Manuscript Revelation
216 6
D&C 89, The Word of Wisdom
216 7
D&C 90
216 8
D&C 93
216 9
D&C 94, 97-98
216 10
D&C 99
216 11
D&C 100
216 12
D&C 101
216 13
D&C 102
216 14
William D. Talbot, "Zion's Camp"
216 15
D&C 78
216 16
D&C 104
216 17
D&C 105
216 18
D&C 108
216 19
D&C 109
216 20
D&C 110
216 21
D&C 111
216 22
216 23
Max H. Parkin, "The Three Missing Kirtland Revelations"
217 1
D&C 113
217 2
D&C 114
217 3
D&C 115, The Name of the Church
217 4
D&C 116, Adam-ondi-Ahman
217 5
D&C 117, Oliver Granger
217 6
D&C 118
217 7
D&C 119
217 8
D&C 120
217 9
D&C 121-123
217 10
A. C. Lambert, "The Epistole of Liberty Jail" ;D&C 121-123
217 11
D&C 124, 125, 127, 128
217 12
217 13
D&C 129-131
217 14
D&C 132, Revelation to Joseph Smith
217 15
Charles A. Davies, "Spiritual Marriage"
217 16
D&C 133, Publish Revelations
217 17
D&C 134
217 18
D&C 135
217 19
D&C 136
217 20
D&C 137
217 21
Section 138, Joseph F. Smith's Vision of the Redemption of the Dead
217 22
Official Declaration
217 23
Newell G. Bringhurst, "Joseph Smith, The Mormon, and Antebellum Reform--A Closer Look"
217 24
Paul L. Owen, "Reflections of the Doctrine of the Holy Trinity"
217 25
The Mormon-Evangelical Divide
217 26
Carl Masser, Paul Owen, Mormon Scholarship, Apologetics, and Evangelical Neglect
John Weldon's Response.

Articles and NotesReturn to Top

Container(s) Description Dates
Box Folder
218 1
Erich Robert Paul, "Joseph Smith and Cosmology"
218 2
A Test Case of Scholarship
218 3
David L. Poulsen, "The Doctrine of Divine Embodiment"
218 4
Richard L. Anderson, "The Restoration of the Sacrament"
218 5
Matt Paulson, "Can Mormonism be Found in the First Century?"
218 6
Jay M. Todd, "Our New Light on Jesus' Mortal Life and Teachings"
218 7
Inspired Version and KJV Genesis 1:1 to 7:3
218 8
LDS Bible Dictionary Definitions
218 9
Luke P. Wilson, "Lost Books and Latter-day Revelation"
218 10
Robert J. Matthews, "What the BOM Tells Us about the Bible"
218 11
Maurice L. Draper, Prophets Are Human Too
218 12
Wesley P. Walters, Inspired Version Relies on KJV from Notes
218 13
Marquardt and Wesley P. Walters; Use of the Old Testament in Early Mormonism
218 14
Notes on LDS Scriptures
218 15
James K. Walter, "The Developmental Nature of Mormon Christology"
218 16-17
"The Faith that Failed"

Mormon Subject FilesReturn to Top

Container(s) Description Dates
Box Folder
219 1
Gordon I. Irving, Mormonism and the Bible, 1832-1838
219 2
Reflections on Mormonism Judaeo-Christian Parallels
219 3
Melodie Moench Charles
219 4
Blake Ostler
219 5
Keith E. Norman
219 6
Boyd K. Packer, "The Only True Church"
219 7
Robert J. Matthews, "The New Publication of the Standard Works"
219 8
Triple Combination
219 9
Genesis 1:1 to 7:85 and Genesis 1:1 to 5:32
219 10
Genesis 6:1-19:29
219 11
Matthew 1:1 to 9:1
219 12
Genesis 19:30 to 24:1a
219 13
Matthew 9:2 to 26:71a
219 14
Matthew 26-Mark 8
219 15
Mark 9-John 2:22a
219 16
John 2:22b to Revelation 11
219 17
Revelation 12-22
219 18
Genesis 24:41b-Exodus
219 19
219 20
Job, Psalm-Malachi
219 21
Thomas Gerald, An Examination of the Biblical Scholarship of Joseph Smith, Mormon Prophet
219 22
Truman G. Madsen, "The Inspired Revision of the Bible"
219 23
Steven Kellogg, "Restoration Purpose"
220 1
Uniformity of the Gospel Theory in All Ages
220 2
220 3
Richard P. Howard, "Some Observations on Joseph Smith Jr.'s Revision of Romans"
220 4
Manuscripts of Inspired Version
220 5
Robert J. Matthews
220 6
Joseph Smith Translation (JST), Correct Chapters
220 7
Articles on Joseph Smith Translation of the Bible
220 8
Steven R. Knecht, The New Translation...The Book of Genesis
220 9
Charles A. Davies, Problems in the Inspired Version
220 10
Joseph Smith's 'New Translation' and It's Effect upon the Interpretation of the Text of the Gospel of Mark
221 1
Material on the Bible
221 2
Robert L. Millet, "Restoring Plain and Precious Truths"
221 3
Inspired Version of the Bible
221 4
Joseph Smith Translation of the Bible
221 5
Joel B. Groat, "Joseph Smith's Inspired Translation in Light of the Greek New Testament"
221 6-7
The Joseph Smith Revelations
222 1-4
The Joseph Smith Revelations: Text and Commentary
222 5-6
D. Michael Quinn

Mike Quinn PublicationsReturn to Top

Container(s) Description Dates
Box Folder
223 1-2
D. Michael Quinn, The Mormon Heirarchy, 1832-1932
223 3
Mike Quinn, "Mormon Women Have Had the Priesthood since 1843"
223 4-6
D. Michael Quinn, The Mormon Heirarchy, 1832-1932
223 7
D. Michael Quinn, The Mormon Heirarchy: Extensions of Power

Articles and NotesReturn to Top

Container(s) Description Dates
Box Folder
224 1
D. Michael Quinn, The Mormon Heirarchy: Extensions of Power
224 2
Harold E. Singer
224 3
Marvin S. Hill
224 4
Bruce R. McConkie, Mormon Doctrine
224 5
Brian Kelly, "Elder Marvin J. Ashton: A Complete Person"
224 6
Ezra Taft Benson, News Clippings
224 7
Howard W. Hunter, News Clippings
224 8
Gordon B. Hinckley, News Clippings
224 9
David B. Haight
224 10
Jeffrey R. Holland, News Clippings
224 11
Dallin H. Oaks, Articles
224 12
Boyd K. Packer
224 13
General Authorities
224 14-16
Inventing Mormonism

Mormon Subject FilesReturn to Top

Container(s) Description Dates
Box Folder
225 1
Signature Book Advertisements
225 2-5
H. Michael Marquardt and Wesley P. Walters, Inventing Mormonism Materials
These folders also contain an article by Richard L. Anderson.
225 6
Mormon Heritage
225 7
The Family: A Proclamation to the World
225 8
The Tame Olive-Tree
225 9
John W. Welch, "Toward Becoming a Gospel Scholar"
225 10
The Book of Mormon Archaelogical Digest
225 11
Restoration Trail Forum
225 12
Orrin Hatch
225 13
John E. Thompson, "The Initial Mormon Survey of Daviess County, Missouri"
225 14
Michael Scott Van Wagenen, "Texas Republic and Mormon Kingdom"
225 15
MHA England

Articles, Conference Materials, and News ClippingsReturn to Top

Container(s) Description Dates
Box Folder
226 1-3
John Whitmer Historical Association
226 4
"The 'Missouri Thesis' Revisited: Early Mormonism, Slavery, and the Status of Black People"
226 5
"From Dust to Dusty: The Rise and Fall of the Book of Mormon in the Life and Ministry of Joseph Smith Jr."
226 6
Jefferson Livingston, "Motives West:Comparing Oregon and Utah Emigrants"
226 7
Jim Elliott, "Introduction to the RLDS Church and My Reasons for Leaving It"
226 8-10
Sunstone Symposium, Conference Materials
226 11
Robert D. Anderson, "Why Do Mormons Continue to Believe"
226 12
Rodger Anderson
226 13
Forrest Baker
226 14
Gary Bergera
226 15
Robert Black
226 16
Dale Broadhurst
226 17
Fred C. Collier
226 18
Rex Cooper
226 19
John W. Fitzgerald
227 1
Rulon R. Fairbanks
227 2
Scott Faulring
227 3
Anthony A. Hutchinson
227 4
Scott Kenney
227 5-6
Brent Lee Metcalfe
227 7
Sterling M. McMurrin
227 8
Frank Olds Sr.
227 9
Guy Potter
227 10
Allen Roberts
227 11
Chuck and Dolly Sackett
227 12
Steve Shields
227 13
George D. Smith Jr.
227 14
Robert F. Smith
227 15
Graham Stott
227 16
Mark Thomas
227 17
Chris Vlachos
227 18
Ken Walgren
227 19
Eldon Watson
227 20
O. Kendall (Ken) White Jr.
227 21
David Whittaker
227 22
Oliver Wilcox
227 23
E. Lee Williams
227 24
John H. Yount
227 25
Articles on Historical Research

Mormon Subject FilesReturn to Top

Container(s) Description Dates
Box Folder
228 1
Websites on Mormonism
228 2
Mark D. Thomas, "Form Criticism of Joseph Smith's 1823 Vision of the Angel 'Moroni"
228 3
Church of Christ, E-Mail Lists E-Mail Group
228 4
David Persuitte, Joseph Smith and the Origins of the Book of Mormon
228 5
Encyclopedia of Mormonism
228 6
Is "Translated" the Correct Word for How Joseph Smith Produced the Book of Mormon?
228 7
Seer and Translator
228 8
Doctrinal Parallels
228 9
Biblical Archaeology: The Interplay of Artifact and Faith
228 10
The Evangel
228 11
Mountain Meadows Association
228 12
228 13
American Prophet: The Story of Joseph Smith
228 14
New Conference Center
228 15
Fawn M. Brodie
228 16
Utah's Black Hawk War
228 17
People in Space
228 18
Bear River Massacre
228 19
Robert Anderson

Polygamy and Eternal MarriageReturn to Top

Container(s) Description Dates
Box Folder
229 1
Robert D. Anderson, "The Naturalistic Psychiatric Diagnosis of Joseph Smith"
229 2-4
Ann Eliza Young, Wife No. 19, or The Story of a Life in Bondage...
229 5
C. Jess Groesbeck, Joseph Smith, His Path of Individuation
229 6
Newell G. Bringhurst
229 7-8

Mormon Subject FilesReturn to Top

Container(s) Description Dates
Box Folder
230 1
John L. Brooke, The Refiner's Fire: The Making of Mormon Cosmology, 1644-1844
230 2-3
Book of Mormon
230 4
Bible Passages Introduced into the Book of Mormon Text
230 5
Italics in King James Version of the Bible
230 6
Computer Printouts Relating to the Book of Mormon and Joseph Smith
231 1
David L. Paulsen, "Cultural Origins of Mormon Doctrines"
231 2
Articles on Biblical Topics
231 3
L. M. Barré, A Brilliant Deceit and Other Essays
231 4
Margaret T. Hills, The English Bible in America
231 5
Luke P. Wilson, "Lost Books and Latter-day Revelation"
231 6
"From Jesus to Christ: The First Christians"
231 7
PBS, Frontline Articles
231 8
Charlotte Allen, "The Search for a No-Frills Jesus"
231 9
John P. Meier, "Jesus Christ in the New Testament"
231 10
Jesus and Gospels
231 11
Conrad E. L'Heureux, "Searching for Origins of God"
231 12
Biblical Documents
231 13
George Elden Ladd, The New Testament and Criticism
231 14
Robert F. Smith

The Bible MaterialsReturn to Top

Container(s) Description Dates
Box Folder
232 1
Ed Hindson, "Biblical View of Man"
232 2
Darryl McNabb, "Biblical View of Ill Health"
232 3
Milton C. Fisher, "Contextualization in Biblical Context"
232 4
Barnett-Cheaton Discussion: Divorce and Remarriage
232 5
Robert M. Bowman Jr., "Oneness, Pentecostalism, and the Trinity"
232 6
New Directions in Biblical Archaeology
232 7-8
Old Testament
232 9
Richard Elliott Friedman, Who Wrote the Bible?
232 10
Chronological Charts of the Old Testament
232 11
Noah's Ark
232 12
Hebrew Origins
232 13
The Ten Commandments
232 14
The Sabbath Day
232 15
Melchizedek Priesthood
233 1
Dead Sea Scrolls and Genesis Apocryphon
233 2-3
The Bible
233 4
The Bible Study Guide
233 5
Animal Sacrifice
233 6
The Ebla Tablets, and David Noel Freedman
233 7
The Old Testament as Messianic Prophecy
233 8
Cave of Machpelah Joseph's Coffin
233 9
Asher S. Kaufman, "Where the Ancient Temple of Jerusalem Stood"
233 10
The Molten Sea and Brazen Sea
233 11
Gomer Condit and Genie Perigo, "Abraham's Seed"
233 12
The Book of Enoch

Mormon Subject FilesReturn to Top

Container(s) Description Dates
Box Folder
234 1
234 2
Stan Larson, "Omissions in the King James New Testament"
234 3
Religious Studies Center, BYU Symposium, "The Gospels, Text, Translations, Testimony"
234 4
H. F. D. Sparks, The Johannine Synopsis of the Gospels
234 5
Gospel Parallels: A Synopsis of the First Three Gospels
234 6-7
The New Testament Articles
234 8
New Testament Survey 1, Survey of the Gospels
234 9
The Life and Ministry of Jesus Christ
234 10
Colin Roberts, "An Early Papyrus of the First Gospel"
235 1
Mark 16
235 2
John 7:53-8:11
235 3
Bodmer II Papyrus Evangile de Jean Chapters 1-14
235 4
Gospel of John Articles
235 5
Book of Revelation Articles
235 6
St. Chrysostom on 1 Corinthians 15:29
235 7
Archko Volume
235 8
Gleason L. Archer and Gregory Chirichigno, Old Testament Quotations in the New Testament
235 9
Twelve Apostles
235 10
Charles W. Hedrick, "Paul's Conversion Call"
235 11
John the Baptist
235 12
Skull of John the Baptist
235 13
Shroud of Turin
235 14
New Testament
235 15
Richard L. Anderson, Articles on the New Testament
236 1
John H. Ludlum Jr., "New Light on the Synoptic Problem"
236 2
The Virgin Birth and the Savior's Youth
236 3
Morton Smith, Jesus the Magician
236 4
236 5
Books on Christian Baptism
236 6
Frederick Richmond, The Apocryphal New Testament
236 7
The Atonement of Jesus Christ
236 8
The Journeys of Jesus Christ and the Holy Land
236 9
First Century Church Articles
236 10
The Orson Hyde Foundation
236 11
Maurice Casey, From Jewish Prophet to Gentile God
236 12
Explorations: Rethinking Relationships among Protestants, Catholics, and Jews
236 13
Rebaptism in the LDS Church
236 14
Concerned Christians Newsletters
236 15
Nauvoo Christian Visitors Center Newsletter
236 16
David Hyrum Smith Mission to Madness
236 17
Byron Marchant
236 18
Mormon History Association Conference

Publications and Conference MaterialsReturn to Top

Container(s) Description Dates
Box Folder
237 1
MHA Conference
237 2
Mormon History Association Newsletter
237 3
Mormonism Researched
237 4
The Newsletter: The Ministry of John L. Smith
237 5
The Evangel
237 6
Inner Circle
237 7
Religious Studies Center Newsletter
237 8
MHA and JWHA Conference
237 9
Cross Roads , Salt Lake Seminary
237 10
Letter of Thomas Cook
237 11
Leaving the Fold
237 12
John Whitmer Historical Association Newsletter
237 13-15

CorrespondenceReturn to Top

Container(s) Description Dates

Mormon Subject FilesReturn to Top

Container(s) Description Dates
Box Folder
241 1
241 2
Utah News Clippings
241 3
241 4
Laurance W. Cracroft, "Confessions of a Native Utahn"
241 5-8
D&C 5-20, 22, 25-88 Manuscripts
241 9
Manuscript Revelations in Newel K. Whitney Collection
241 10
Papyrus Bodmer II, Gospel of John

Book of AbrahamReturn to Top

Container(s) Description Dates
Box Folder
242 1
Book of Abraham
242 2
Book of Abraham
242 3
Mummies, Kirtland, Ohio, Textual Excerpts
242 4
Book of Abraham, Articles
242 5
Michael J. Barrett, Correspondence and Articles
242 6
Book of Abraham
242 7
Louis C. Zucker, "Joseph Smith as a Student of Hebrew"
242 8
Hugh Nibley, "The Three Facsimiles from the Book of Abraham"
242 9
Dan C. Jorgensen, "Life of Giovanni Peitro Antonio Lebolo"
242 10
H. Donl Peterson, "Antonio Lebolo"
242 11
Thomas Milton Tinney, "Michael H. Chandler and the P of GP"

Articles and NotesReturn to Top

Container(s) Description Dates
Box Folder
243 1
"An Essay on Revelation: Documents, Stones, Symbols, The Book of Abraham, and Joseph Smith as Translator"
243 2
John Gee
243 3
Stephen E. Thompson, "The Antiquity of the Book of Abraham"
243 4
James R. Harris, "The Facsimilies of the Book of Abraham"
243 5
Grant S. Heward, Articles, Bibliographies, and Newsletters
243 6
Grant S. Heward, "Book of Abraham Papyrus Found"
243 7
Grant S. Heward, Truth
243 8
Charles M. Larson
243 9
"The Testimony of the Joseph Smith Papyri; An Egyptian Endowment -- Or a Latter-day Disaster?"

Research Materials and ArticlesReturn to Top

Container(s) Description Dates
Box Folder
244 1
"Witnessing to Mormons with the Book of Abraham"
244 2
Robert C. Fillerup, "Joseph Smith's Egyptian Alphabet and Grammar"
244 3
Egyptian Alphabet and Grammar
244 4
"Plan of the Camp"
244 5-7
Marquardt, "Joseph Smith Family Life in New York"
244 8
Marquardt, "Early Life of Joseph Smith in New York"
244 9
Conference Materials
244 10
Hugh Woodworth Jr., Individuals in Palmyra, New York
244 11-12
New York, Research
244 13
Village Highway Records
244 14
Willis Park Rokes, "The Rokes/Chase Palmyra/Manchester Connection"
244 15
Presbyterian Historical Society
244 16
LaMar C. Berrett and Larry C. Porter, "Sacred Places"
244 17
Trip to New York with Dan Vogel
244 18
Russell Stoddard vs. Joseph Smith Sr.
244 19
Papyri Copies
245 1
Jeremiah Hurlbut
245 2
Joseph Smith Sr. and Jeremiah Hurlburt
245 3
John V. N. Yates and Joseph W. Moulton, "History of New York"
245 4
Charles F. Milliken, "The Beginnings of Mormonism"
245 5
Pioneer Reed Family
245 6
Mark Ashurst-McGee, "Moroni: Angel or Treasure Guardian?"
245 7
Wayne Mori, "Mormon Connection in Chautauqua County"
245 8
Fredonia Censor
245 9
American Eagle
245 10
Joseph Smith Log and Frame Houses
245 11
Restored Log House, Manchester Frame House
245 12
George Albert Smith, Journal
245 13
Wesley P. Walters, Court Case, Laws of the State of New York
245 14
C. Jess Groesbeck, "Joseph Smith, the Smith Family, and the Coming Forth of the BOM
245 15
Todd Compton, "Christian Treasure"
245 16
Early Members in Church of Christ
245 17
Colesville, New York
245 18
John Hulburd Gilbert
245 19
Stowell Family
245 20
Joseph Capron
245 21
Joseph Smith Home
245 22
Hiel Lewis; James T. Cobb
245 23
Philadelphia Branch, LDS Church
245 24
Philadelphia Branch, Minutes, RLDS Archives
245 25
Ezra Booth, Correspondence

Ohio Articles and NotesReturn to Top

Container(s) Description Dates
Box Folder
246 1
Joseph Smith Jr., Residence in Ohio
246 2
Kent Fielding, "Organizational Development of the Church in Kirtland"
246 3
Bank of Monroe
246 4
Edward S. Abby, "Residence and Tour in US of North America"
246 5
Steven C. Harper, "Infallible Proofs, Both Human and Divine"
246 6
Amos S. Hayden, "Early History of the Disciples in the Western Reserve, Ohio"
246 7
Kirtland Letter Book
246 8
Meetings in Kirtland, Ohio
246 9
Kirtland Council Minute Book
246 10
Transactions of Twelve Apostles
246 11
Donald L. Huber, "The Prophet Joseph in Ohio"
246 12
Saco Valley Settlements, Maine
246 13-14
Ron Romig
246 15
Kirtland, Ohio, Correspondence
246 16
Sally Parker to John Kempton, Correspondence
246 17
"Land Transactions of the Saints"
246 18
Ohio, Notes/Maps
246 19
Ohio, New York, Locations and Notes
246 20

Articles and NotesReturn to Top

Container(s) Description Dates
Box Folder
247 1
L. P. Parsons to Dear Sister, Correspondence
247 2
John Johnson Home, Hiram, Ohio
247 3
Portage County Temple Site
247 4
Hartwell Ryder, Memories and Facts
247 5
James Ryder, Kirtland Temple
247 6
Printing Office, Kirtland, Ohio
247 7
North Kirtland Cemetery
247 8
Kirtland, Ohio
247 9
Incorporation of Church, Ohio
247 10
Court Trials in Geauga County, Ohio
247 11
Mormonism in Huntsburg, Ohio
247 12
LDS Church in Huron County, Ohio
247 13
City Plat of Kirtland, Ohio
247 14
Richard L. Anderson, "The Impact of the First Preaching in Ohio"
247 15
Davis Bitton, "Kirtland as a Center of Missionary Activity, 1830-1838"
247 16
Kirtland Safety Society Bank
247 17
The Kirtland Temple, Articles
247 18
Erik Barnouw, "The Benson Exodus of 1833"
247 19
Cheryl Harmon Bean, "LDS Baptisms in Erie County, Pennsylvania"
247 20
"The Evening and Morning Star" and "Kirtland Reprint"
247 21
"LDS Messenger and Advocate"
247 22
"The Elders' Journal"
247 23
Nauvoo's "Wasp" and "Neighbor" and "The Gospel Reflector"; "The Prophet"
247 24
"Painesville Telegraph" and other Newspapers, Notes

Missouri DocumentsReturn to Top

Container(s) Description Dates
Box Folder
248 1
Missouri Mormon Frontier Foundation, Newsletters
248 2
On Missouri Documents
248 3
Missouri, Research and Materials6
248 4
Mormon Inquest Testimony, 1838; Microfiche on Mormon War
248 5
Copy of Handwritten Testimony, Mormon Inquest Testimony
248 6
Document Containing the Correspondence, Orders
248 7
Orson Hyde, Letter
248 8
Propositions of the Mormons, Response of Samuel C. Owens
248 9
Missouri Newspapers
248 10
Michael S. Riggs, "Where Cain Killed Abel"

Missouri Temple DocumentsReturn to Top

Container(s) Description Dates
Box Folder
249 1
Mormon War Letters Written in 1838 by Missouri Militia Officers and Citizens
249 2
George R. Gayler, "Attempts by Missouri to Extradite Joseph Smith"
249 3
Max H. Parkin, "Zion's Camp Cholera Victims Monument Dedication"
249 4
Michael S. Riggs and Leslie A. Brooks, Far West Burial Ground.
249 5
Plat of Far West, Missouri
249 6
Richard L. Bushman, "New Jerusalem, USA"
249 7
Michael S. Riggs, "Beyond the Demise of the New Mormon History"
249 8
Independence, Jackson County, Missouri; Temple Lot
249 9
Laying of Cornerstone--Temple Lot, Jackson County, Missouri
249 10
Corner Stone and Church of Christ, Temple Lot
249 11
Crow Creek Record
249 12
High Council, Clay County, 1834
249 13
Haun's Mill
249 14
Far West Record
249 15
J. B. Turner, Mormonism in All Ages
249 16
Temple on the Hill, Nauvoo, Illinois
249 17
Stanley B. Kimball, "The Nauvoo Mission of the Methodist Episcopal Church"
249 18
E. H. Young, "A History of Round Prairie and Plymouth"
249 19
Phillip B. Winkler, "Mormon Nauvoo in Jacksonian America"
249 20
Not to Forsake Nauvoo
249 21
Carma de Jong Anderson, "In Beauty and Holiness"
249 22
Melvin C. Johnson, "So We Built a Good Little Temple to Worship in"
249 23
Bill Shephard, "The Nauvoo Temple as a Source of Controversy"

Nauvoo ArticlesReturn to Top

Container(s) Description Dates
Box Folder
250 1
The Hawley Collection, Western Illinois University, Macomb, Illinois
250 2
Cemeteries in Nauvoo, Illinois; Nauvoo Temple
250 3
Edmund C. Briggs, "A Visit to Nauvoo in 1856"
250 4
Susan Easton Black, "How Large was the Population of Nauvoo?"
250 5
Glen M. Leonard, "Picturing the Nauvoo Legion"
250 6
Nauvoo House; Conference April 1841
250 7
John Lee Allaman, "Policing in Mormon Nauvoo"
250 8
M. Hamlin Cannon, "Bankruptcy Proceedings against Joseph Smith"
250 9
Signatures of Persons Present at Masonic Lodge Meeting
250 10
Minutes of the Twelve
250 11
Succession at Nauvoo, Notes
250 12
"Times and Seasons," Excerpts and Notes
250 13
Richard and Pamela Price, "The Nauvoo Research Report"
250 14
Nauvoo Relief Society Minutes
250 15
Kent Walgren, "The Nauvoo Endowment"
250 16
Records of the Nauvoo Ninth Ward High Priests Quorum
250 17
Charge by Joseph Smith to the Twelve Apostles
250 18
Gary James Bergera, "Joseph Smith and Charismatic Leadership"
250 19
Joseph Smith's Death, Research Materials
250 20
Bill Shepard, "Samuel H. Smith, Hosea Stout and the Nauvoo Society"
250 21
The Book of the Law of the Lord
250 22
Nauvoo Temple Endowments
250 23
Timothy L. Wood, "The Prophet and the Presidency"
250 24
Various Items on Nauvoo

ArticlesReturn to Top

Container(s) Description Dates
Box Folder
251 1
Kinderhook Plates
251 2
Cutler's Park and Winter Quarter's Burials
251 3
Ramus/ Macedonia (Illinois) Markers Dedicated
251 4
Jeff McClellan, "Joseph Smith Academy: New Life in Old Nauvoo"
251 5
Glen M. Leonard, Nauvoo: A Place of Peace, A People of Promise
251 6
M.H.A. Materials on Kirkland, Ohio
251 7
Garth Magnum, "The Law of Consecration and Stewardship at Kirtland"
251 8
Kim Loving, "Sacred Space or Polemical Space?"
251 9
Minnie Organ, "History of the County Press of Missouri"
251 10
Rollin J. Britton, "Adam-ondi-Ahman"
251 11
Lyman D. Platt, "Branches of the Church of Jesus Christ of LDS"
251 12
Richard L. Anderson, "Jackson County in Early Mormon Descriptions"
251 13
Royal Skousen, "Scourged vs. Scorched in Mosiah 17:13"
251 14
James Patrick Holding, "The Mormon Defenders: How Latter-Day Saint Apologists Misinterpret the Bible"
251 15
Hans Jesperson Family
251 16
Thomas Murphy, DNA, Book of Mormon
251 17
Jules Remy, "Voyage Au Pays Des Mormons"
251 18
Joseph Smith's First Vision, Various Comments
251 19
Dale R. Broadhurst, Review of By the Hand of Mormon

Priesthood in Early LDS ChurchReturn to Top

Container(s) Description Dates
Box Folder
252 1
David Thelen, "Memory and American Hiatory"
252 2
Grant H. Palmer, "An Insider's View of Mormon Origins"
252 3
Ben McGuire, "Did Lehi Use Egyptian?"
252 4
Pual Y. Hoskisson, "Textual Evidences for the Book of Mormon"
252 5
Ronald V. Huggins, "Without a Cause and Ships of Tarshishi"
252 6
Elden J. Watson, "Approximate Book of Mormon Translation Timeline"
252 7
Blake T. Ostler's, "Re-vision-ing the Mormon Concept of Deity"
252 8
Earl M. Nunderli, "FARMS Redux; Why I Don't Trust FARMS' Research"
252 9
Richard Stout, "How Could Joseph Smith Have Known That ?"
252 10
Eric Johnson, "Review of the New Mormon Challenge"
252 11
Thomas J. Finley, "Does the BOM Reflect an Ancient Near Eastern Background?"
252 12
Endnotes to American Apoclypha: Essays on the Book of Mormon
252 13
Ari D. Brening and David L. Paulsen, "The Mormon Understanding of God"
252 14
Etienne Cabet
252 15
Richard Bennett, "Has the Lord Turned Bankrupt?"
252 16
Alan C. Miner, "Book of Mormon Geography"
252 17
Priesthood in Early LDS Church
252 18
Ordination to the LDS Priesthood
252 19
The Ordinations of Joseph the Martyr; Origin of the LDS Priesthood
252 20
Hal Hougey, "LDS, Where Did You Get Your Authority?"
252 21
Bishops, Research Materials
252 22
Joseph F. Smith, "Proper Order of the Preisthood"
252 23
Basic Law of Succession: Ordination of David Whitmer
252 24
Church of Christ (Temple Lot) and High Priest Question
252 25
Sisters in Spirit: Mormon Women

Research of RLDS Church Archives, Joseph Smith CorrespondenceReturn to Top

Container(s) Description Dates
Box Folder
253 1
They Also Believed: A History of LDS Dissent and Dissenters
253 2
Persons Excommunicated, 1837-1838 Kirtland, Missouri
253 3
Leonard J. Arrington, "The Legacy of Early Latter-Day Saint Women"
253 4
Honest History
253 5
RLDS Church, Inventory of LDS Church Exchange of Historic Documents
253 6
Exchange of Historic Documents
253 7-12
Research of RLDS Church Archives
253 13
"Journal History of the Church"
253 14
Joseph Smith, Correspondence

Joseph Smith Correspondence, Sermons, Research MaterialsReturn to Top

Container(s) Description Dates
Box Folder
254 1
Joseph Smith, Correspondence
254 2
A Religious Proclamation
254 3
Index and Concordance to Teachings of the Prophet Joseph Smith
254 4
Andrew F. Ehat, ed. and Lyndon W. Cook, The Words of Joseph Smith
254 5
Sermons of Joseph Smith
254 6-7
King Follett Discourse
254 8
Historical and Doctrinal Impact of the King Follett Discourse
254 9
Jim Elliot, Joseph Smith's Diaries, and Wilford Woodruff Journal
254 10
John C. Alleman, "Translating the Language of Joseph Smith"
254 11
Joseph Smith, Research Materials
254 12
Elinore H. Partridge, "Characteristics of Joseph Smith's Style and Notes on the Authorship of the Lectures on Faith"
254 13
The Joseph Smith Collection
254 14
Richard L. Anderson, "Discovering Joseph Smith's Family History"
254 15
Printed Text of Joseph Smith's Handwritten Material

Writings of Joseph SmithReturn to Top

Container(s) Description Dates
Box Folder
255 1
The Personal Writings of Joseph Smith
255 2
Diary of Joseph Smith Jr.
255 3
G. T. Harrison, False Prophcies of Joseph Smith Jr.
255 4
Prophecies against Government
255 5
Richard L. Anderson, Joseph Smith and the Millenarian Time Table
255 6
Dan Erickson, "Joseph Smiths' 1891 Millennial Prophecy"

Church History, and Mormon RevelationsReturn to Top

Container(s) Description Dates
Box Folder
256 1
Joseph Smith, "Rocky Mountain Prophecy"
256 2
Mark A. Scherer, RLDS World Church Historian
256 3
Anthony Chuala-Smith, Theologian-in-Residence, RLDS Church
256 4-5
Lachland Mackay, Research on Church History
256 6
Joseph Smith's Revelations
256 7
"John Whitmer and Joseph Smith's Revelations"
256 8
John Whitmer and Joseph Smith's Revelations
256 9
256 10
New Jerusalem Restoration Branch
256 11
The Joseph Smith Revelations for <u>Dialogue</u>
256 12
Richard N. Ostling and Joan K. Ostling, Mormon America
256 13
"Without Form and Void, Gen 1:2"
256 14
Rick Grunder, "Mormon Parallels"
256 15
References to Adam in LDS Scripture
256 16
Age of Adam
256 17
Marvin S. Hill, Quest for Refuge

Articles on Mormon Revelations and PropheciesReturn to Top

Container(s) Description Dates
Box Folder
257 1
Pseudonyms in the Revelations: Their Origin and Signifigance
257 2
Pseudonyms in Revelations
257 3
Edward Brotherton, "Mormonism: Its Rise and Progress"
257 4
Richard P. Howard, Restoration Scriptures
257 5
J. H. Beadle, Life in Utah , Excerpts
257 6
Brigham Young Revelations
257 7
257 8
Alexander L. Baugh, "Parting the Veil; The Visions of Joseph Smith"
257 9
Research on High Priests
257 10
Helen Radkey
257 11
Baptism for the Dead of Holocaust Victims

Research on Church HistoryReturn to Top

Container(s) Description Dates
Box Folder
258 1
Baptism for the Dead
258 2
Michael Fuss, "Upgrading Ecumenism to a Celestial Kingdom?"
258 3
Michael W. Homer, "Discovering Italy"
258 4
Newell G. Bringhurst, "Telling Latter-day Saint Lives"
258 5
"Reason: Dedicated to Filling in the Missing Pieces of the Mormon History"
258 6
Mormon Temple Endowment Ceremony
258 7
Authentic History of Remarkable Persons
258 8
Holy Order, Endowment
258 9
Richard Ware, "The Ordinance of Second Anointings- The Washing of the Feet"
258 10
Masonic Items
258 11
Jerald and Sandra Tanner
259 1
A Tanner Bibliography
259 2
Robert McKay, "LDS Notes"
259 3
Grant H. Palmer, Understanding Mormon Origins
259 4
Family Resource Catalog
259 5
Gordon B. Hinkley on God; Revelation
259 6
Center for Studies on New Religions (Cesnur)
259 7
John Whitmer Historical Association Website
259 8
Will Bagley, Articles and Information
259 9
259 10
Genealogy, New York
259 11
Dave Jensen
259 12
Byron Marchant
260 1
Brent Metcalfe
260 2
Mark Thomas
260 3
David P. Wright
260 4
Martin Harris, Article in Dialogue
260 5
"Martin Harris; The Kirtland Years"
260 6
Jason J. Barker, "Who Is the Representative Mormon Intellectual?"
260 7
Book of Anointings, Nauvoo Temple
260 8
Jerry Kloss
260 9
260 10
Peter Crawley, Descriptive Bibliography of Mormon Church
260 11
Research Thomas C. Kane, James Buchanan
260 12
David John Buerger, Articles
260 13
Leonard J. Arrington
260 14
George P. Lee
260 15
RLDS Church Conference
261 1
John Hajicek
261 2
The Essential Joseph Smith
261 3-4
Mountain Meadows Massacre
261 5
Mormon Battalion
261 6
Articles on Books
261 7
Michael J. Barrett
261 8-9
Jerald and Sandra Tanner Bibliography
261 10
Richard S. Van Wagoner

Articles on Church History by Various AuthorsReturn to Top

Container(s) Description Dates
Box Folder
262 1
Mormon History
262 2
Women in Winters Quarters by Maureen Ursenbach Beecher
262 3
A Few Words of Doctrine, by Brigham Young
262 4
Michael Guy Bishop "The Celestial Family"
262 5-6
Danel W. Bachman, "The Mormon Practice of Plural Marriage"
262 7-8
Thomas Milton Tinney, Royal Family of Joseph Smith

Joseph Smith and PolygamyReturn to Top

Container(s) Description Dates
Box Folder
263 1-2
Andrew F. Ehat, "Joseph Smith's Temple Ordinaces"
263 3
Joseph Smith and Polygamy
263 4
Solemn Covenant
263 5
Andrew F. Ehat, "Psuedo-Polygamy; Explaining Mormon Polygyny's Paradoxical Companion"
263 6
Statements, Affidavits, Plural Marriage
263 7
D. Michael Quinn, Mormon Women Have Had the Priesthood Since 1843
263 8
David J. Whittaker, "The Bone in the Throat"
263 9
Revelation July 1831
263 10
July 1831 Revelation; Letter of W.W. Phelps to Brigham Young

PolygamyReturn to Top

Container(s) Description Dates
Box Folder
264 1
Danel W. Bachman, The Eternity of the Marriage Relationships
264 2
Carrie A. Miles, Polygamy and the Economics of Salvation
264 3-4
Material on Plural Marriage
264 5
New Name; Bring Up Wife in Resurrection
264 6-7
Statements of Witnesses to Plates of the Book of Mormon
264 8
Marquardt, Articles
264 9
Conversations on Martin Harris
264 10
Books on Mark Hofmann, Notes, Corrections on Material
264 11
Salt Lake Bombings, Notes

Smith Family CollectionReturn to Top

Container(s) Description Dates
Box Folder
265 1
Joseph Smith Jr. Collection
265 2
William Smith, Smith Family
265 3
Lucy Smith Collection
265 4
Mormon Origins: A Documentary History
265 5
Mormon Origins Vol 2

Mormon OriginsReturn to Top

Container(s) Description Dates
Box Folder
266 1-2
Mormon Origins, Vol 2
266 3-5
Mormon Origins, Vol 3
267 1
Mormon Origins Vol 3
267 2
Dan Vogel, Chronology 1771-1831
267 3-4
Dan Vogel, Smith Family Documents
267 5
Joseph Smith Jr. Collection
268 1
William Smith, Smith Family
268 2
Lucy Smith Collection
268 3
Martin Harris Collection
268 4-5
Mormon Origins
269 1
Mormon Origins, Vol. 2
269 2-5
Mormon Origins, Vol. 3

Dan Vogel Research and ArticlesReturn to Top

Container(s) Description Dates
Box Folder
270 1
Dan Vogel, Research
270 2
Dan Vogel, Mormon Origins
270 3
Dan Vogel, Research
270 4
Dan Vogel, History of Joseph Smith
270 5
Dan Vogel, "Locations of Joseph Smith's Early Treasure Quests"
270 6
Dan Vogel, Joseph Smith's Family Dynamic
270 7
Marquardt, New York Trip
270 8
"Prophet Puzzle" Revisited by Dan Vogel
270 9-10
Dan Vogel, "Book of Mormon Witnesses"
270 11
Dan Vogel, "The Use and Abuse of Chiasmus in BOM Studies"
270 12
Dan Vogel, "Early Church Tradition of Lehi's Landing in Chile"
270 13
Dan Vogel, "Indian Origins and the Book of Mormon"
271 1
Dan Vogel's Reply to Kevin Christensen
271 2-4
Dan Vogel, "The Making of a Prophet "
271 5
Dan Vogel, "The Making of a Prophet," Notes

ArticlesReturn to Top

Container(s) Description Dates
Box Folder
272 1
United Firm, Notes
272 2
Letter, 25 of June 1833
272 3
Material on Church Trustee, Ohio and Illinois
272 4
Material on Trustee-in-Trust of the LDS Church
272 5
Articles of Incorporation of the Corporation of the LDS Presiding Bishop
272 6
"Attention Book of Mormon Believers"
272 7
Inventing Mormonism
272 8
Joseph Smith, Correspondence
272 9
Oliver Cowdery, Correspondence
272 10
David Stewart, "LDS Growth Today"
272 11
Hill Cumorah
272 12
Spaulding Manuscript
272 13
Nahom, 1 Nephi 16:34
272 14
DNA, Articles
272 15
Thomas W. Murphy, "Lamanite Genesis, Genealogy, and Genetics"
272 16
Simon Southerton, "DNA Genealogies of American Indians and BOM
272 17
Aztec Civilization Revealed
272 18
Was Jesus Born "at Jerusalem"?
272 19
Jerome J. Knuijt, "The Anthon Affair"
272 20
Anthon Transcript: A Translation
272 21
Royal Skousen, "Translating the Book of Mormon"
272 22
Royal Skousen, "Textual Variants in the Isaiah Quotations in BOM"
272 23
FARMS Symposium
272 24
Robert A. Cloward, "Isaiah 29 and the Book of Mormon"

The Book of Mormon Notes and ArticlesReturn to Top

Container(s) Description Dates
Box Folder
273 1-2
The Book of Mormon Articles and Notes
273 3
Endnotes to Digging in Cumorah
273 4
Clyde Forsberg, "The Book of Mormon Onomasticon"
273 5
Royal Skousen, Articles
273 6
Brent Lee Matcalfe, "Problems of Book of Mormon Historicity"
273 7
Brent Lee Metcalfe, New Approaches to the Book of Mormon
273 8
Quinn Brewster, "The Structure of the Book of Mormon"
273 9
Chiasmus in the Book of Mormon
273 10
The Book of Mormon, Reprint Copy
274 1
Stan Larson, "The Text of the Book of Mormon in the Early Editions"
274 2
Stan Larson, "The Sermon on the Mount"
274 3-4
Stan Larson, "Some Textual Variations in the Book of Mormon"
274 5
The Book of Mormon, Isaiah Variants
274 6
Stan Larson, Notes on the Original Book of Mormon

Presidents of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day SaintsReturn to Top

Container(s) Description Dates
Box Folder
275 1
Corporation of the President of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints
275 2
Heber J. Grant; George Albert Smith
275 3
David O. McKay
275 4
Joseph Fielding Smith
275 5
Harold B. Lee
275 6
Spencer W. Kimball
275 7
Ezra Taft Benson
275 8
Howard W. Hunter
275 9
Gordon B. Hinckley
275 10
Gregory A. Prince, "Power From on High"
275 11
The Works of Josephus and the LDS Scriptures
275 12
D. Michael Quinn, Biographical Sketches
275 13
D. Michael Quinn, Selected Chronology
275 14
D. Michael Quinn, Early Mormonism and Magic World View
275 15
Endnotes to Inside the Mind of Joseph Smith
275 16
Michael W. Homer
275 17
Marquardt, "Literary Dependence in the Book of Mormon"

Church History, The Book of Mormon ArticlesReturn to Top

Container(s) Description Dates
Box Folder
276 1
David P. Wright, "Joseph Smith's Interpretation of Isaiah in the BOM"
276 2-3
The Book of Mormon Articles
276 4
Bryan Eugene Ready, "William Hath Whitsitt"
276 5
William Shepard, "The Concept of a Rejected Gospel in Mormon History"
276 6
Richard S. Van Wagoner, "Sidney Rigdon and Me"
276 7
"The Voice of Truth"
276 8
Letter by Orson Pratt, Joseph F. Smith to John Taylor
276 9
Dale L. Morgan, "Bibliographies of the Lesser Mormon Churches"
276 10
Steven L. Shields, "The Latter-day Saint Churches"

Essays and ArticlesReturn to Top

Container(s) Description Dates
Box Folder
277 1
Richard Adams, "One Nation under Gods: A History of the Mormon Church"
277 2
Latter-day History of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints
277 3
Encyclopedia of Mormon Studies, Doctrine and Covenants Entry
277 4
Hugh Woodworth Jr., "Why I Must Stand Alone"
277 5
H. Michael Marquardt and Wesley P. Walters, "Mormon Origins"
277 6
Richard K. Behrens, "Hyrum Smith: The Moor's School Years Revisited"
277 7
Report of Moor's Indian Charity School
277 8
James Dean Sr., "Mythology of the Iroquois, or Six Nations of Indians"
277 9
Smith and Perkins Day Book

Various Items on LDS ChurchReturn to Top

Container(s) Description Dates
Box Folder
278 1
George T. Chapman, "Sketches of the Alumni of Dartmouth College"
278 2
Reorganized Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints
278 3
The True and Living Saints of Jesus Christ of Saints of the Last Days
278 4
Mike Rigby
278 5
Steven L. Shields
278 6
Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints
278 7
Various Items on LDS Church
278 8
First Presidency Letter on Use of Name of the Church
278 9
Various Items on Polygamy
278 10
Latter-day Saint Restoration Churches and Groups
278 11
Apostolic United Brethren
278 12
World Church of Jesus Christ
278 13
Restoration Branches/RLDS (Restorationist)
278 14
Remnant of Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints
278 15
Latter-day Saint Research Center (Gerald John Kloss; Jenkinton, PA)
278 16
Church of Jesus Christ (Monogahela, PA)
278 17
Salt Lake Theological Seminary

News Clippings and ArticlesReturn to Top

Container(s) Description Dates
Box Folder
279 1-5
Dale Morgan's Newsclippings Iowa and Illinois
279 6
"The Gospel Light"
279 7
"The People's Organ"
279 8
The Ensign
279 9-10
The Latter-day Saint's Messenger and Advocates Pittsburgh,PA
280 1
M. R. Norric, "Ensign to the Nations, to Gather Israel"
280 2
Zion's Harbinger and Baneemy's Organ ( Charles B. Thompson )
280 3
James Juris
280 4
Richard Stout, "How Could Joseph Smith Have Known That?"
280 5
Matthew Kevin Heiss, "The Salt Lake Temple"
280 6
Telling the Story of Mormon History
280 7
Assembly Hall on Temple Square
280 8
Joseph F. Smith, "The Reputation of Sacred Oridinances"
280 9
Lawrence Wright, "Lives of the Saints" The New Yorker
280 10
Scott H. Favlring
280 11
Kenneth W. Godfrey, "Charles S. Whitney Diaries"
280 12
Edward L. Kimball, "Andrew Kimball and Responsibilities of Stake President"
280 13
Ken Driggs, "This Will Someday Be the Head and Not the Tail of the Church"
280 14
Names in LDS Scriptures
280 15
John Lytle
280 16
Election Committee, JWHA
280 17
James Jumis, Draft of "The Approach that I take with Mormons"
280 18
Jack Evans, "Book of Commandments (or) Doctrine and Covenants"
280 19
Paul Carden, "The Threat of the Cults on the Mission Fields of the World"
280 20
MHA, Tucson
280 21
Trip September 2002 with Dale Broadhurst, New York
280 22
John Whitmer Historical Association Meeting Nauvoo, Illinois
280 23
Will Bagley, "Blood of the Prophets"
280 24
Troy Bert, "Joseph Smith's Recitals of the First Vision"

Mormon ResearchReturn to Top

Container(s) Description Dates
Box Folder
281 1-2
The Olive Branch
281 3
The Truth Teller
1864- 1868
281 4
Sunstone Symposium
281 5
Wisconsin and Nauvoo
281 6
State Historical Society Wisconsin
281 7
281 8
Will Bagley, "History Matters"
281 9
Newspaper Listings, Missouri, Illinois
281 10
Roger Launius, "The Nauvoo of the Imagination: A Book Review Essay"
281 11
281 12
Columbia, Missouri WHMC

ArticlesReturn to Top

Container(s) Description Dates
Box Folder
282 1
Bill Shepard
282 2
Western Reserve Historical Society Library
282 3
Jerry Kloss's Trip to Utah
282 4
282 5
Sunstone Symposium, SLC
282 6
Brian David Mitchell (aka Immanuel David Isaiah)
282 7
Richard H. Popkin, "The Rise and Fall of the Jewish Indian Theory"
282 8
Mario S. De Pillis, "Christ Comes to Jackson County"
282 9
Richard Clothier, "Cultivate the Gifts of Music and Song"
282 10
John L. Smith, The Newsletter
282 11
Mormonism Researched
282 12
Lifeline Ministries to RLDS
282 13
Personal Freedom Outreach, The Quarterly Journal
282 14
Nauvoo Christian Visitor's Center Newsletter
283 1
Sabbath Day Articles
283 2
Stan Larson, "Quest for the Gold Plates"
283 3
Eric Pement, "The Book of Mormon Doctrine of the Afterlife"
283 4
Gerald E. Jones, "The Journey of an 1830 Book of Mormon"
283 5
Kirk B. Henrichsen, "How Witnesses Described the Gold Plates"
283 6
Benchmark Books
283 7
283 8
Garth Mangum, "H. Michael Marqardt, Commentary on Paper"
283 9
"A Guide to the Mormon Universe"
283 10
Keith A. Erickson, "American Prophet, New England Town"
283 11
Richard L. Anderson, Joseph Smith's New England Heritage
283 12
William Riley Hine
283 13
Dale R. Broadhurst, "The Book of Mormon, Its Scriptural Validity"
283 14
Glenn N. Rowe, "The LDS Church Historical Department"
283 15
Kent P. Jackson, "How Not to Read the Scriptures"
283 16
Robert C. Fillerup, "Early Mormon Visions and Near-Death Experiences Tody"
283 17
Harold Bloom, "The Religion-Making Imagination of Joseph Smith"
283 18
Rex E. Lee, "An Examination of the U.S. Constitution"
283 19
Robert A. Rees, "Forgiving the Church and Loving the Saints"
283 20
David J. Shepard, "Rendering Fiction; Translation, Pseudotranslation and the Book of Mormon"
283 21
Jeremy Grimshaw, "The Sonic Search for Kolob"
283 22
Robert J. Matthews, "The Role of the House of Israel in the Last Days"
283 23
Bill Mceever and Eric Johnson, "Pinning Down Mormon Doctrine"
283 24
Edwin B. Firmage, Zion in the Courts
283 25
Jared Christensen, "My Great Dilemma"
283 26
Clay Chandler, "Scrying for the Lord; Magic, Mysticism and the BOM"
284 1
Ken Clark, "Shooting the Messenger"
284 2
Leonard J. Arrington
284 3-4
284 5
Marquardt, "History of the Church"
285 1-3
Marquardt, "History of the Church"
285 4-5
Helen Radkey, "The Inglorious Alliance"
286 1-2
Rex Eugene Cooper, "The Promise Made to the Fathers"
286 3-4
Irene M. Bates, "Transformation of Charisma in the Mormon Church"
286 5
"The Temple Lot Case"
287 1-2
Larry C. Porter, "Origins of the Church in NY and PA"

Nauvoo InformationReturn to Top

Container(s) Description Dates
Box Folder
287 3-4
Nauvoo Temple Endowment Register
287 5
Nauvoo Journals
Nauvoo Journals

Mormon Figures and Related MaterialReturn to Top

Container(s) Description Dates
Box Folder
289 1
Abel Families; Research of Bob Phillips
289 2
Elias Adams
289 3
George J. Adams
289 4
Kent L. Walgren, "James Adams: Early Springfield Mormon and Freemason"
289 5
James M. Adams
289 6
Hazen Aldrich
289 7
Isaac Aldrich
289 8
Journal and Records of the Life and Family of Ira Ames
289 9
Truman O. Angell Sr.
289 10
Charles Anthon, Letter
289 11
Erin B. Jennings, "A Synoptical Analysis of Three Charles Anthon Letters"
289 12
William I. Appleby
289 13
Christopher Jones Arthur
289 14
Emily M. Austen
289 15
Almon W. Babbitt
289 16
Amos Babcock
289 17
Jonah R. Ball
289 18
Joseph T. Ball
289 19
Israel Barlow
Contains two of Elizabeth Barlow's letters.
289 20
Hulda Barnes (Kimball)
289 21
Ethan Barrows
289 22
Calvin Beebe
289 23
Gilbert Belnap
290 1
Letters of James Arlington Bennet
290 2
Andrew F. Smith, The Saintly Scoundrel: The Life and Times of Dr. John Cook Bennett
290 3
Andrew F. Smith, Introduction to John C. Bennett's The History of the Saints
290 4-5
John C. Bennett
290 6
Andrew F. Smith, "John Cook Bennett's Pre-Nauvoo Life"
290 7
Daniel Bertoch
290 8
Bicknell Letters
290 9
Francis Gladden Bishop
290 10
Zion's Messenger , Francis Gladden Bishop
291 1
Journal of Joseph Smith Black
291 2
Black Pete
291 3
James Blakeslee
291 4
William W. Blair
291 5
Curtis Edwin Bolton
291 6
291 7
Edward Bonney
291 8-9
Ezra Booth
291 10
H. Michael Marquardt, "Ezra Booth on Early Mormonism: A Look at His 1831 Letters"
291 11
Ezra Booth Letters
291 12
Ezra Booth and and Family
291 13
Ezra Booth, Ira Eddy, Methodists
291 14
Booth Graves, photographs
292 1
John F. Boynton
292 2
Samuel Brannan and the Discovery of Gold in California
292 3
Joseph Brackenbury
292 4
James Collin Brewster
292 5
Henry and Catherine Brooke
292 6
Lester Brooks
292 7
Richard Brothers
292 8
Hiram P. Brown, The Expositior
292 9
John Brown
292 10
Tom Brown
292 11
Seymour Brunson
292 12
Journal of Thomas Bullock
292 13
Jacob Bump
292 14
Harrison Burgess
292 15
John L. Butler Journal, LDS Archives, typescript
292 16
Anson Call
292 17
Reynolds Cahoon Journal, Excerpts
293 1
Autobiography of William Farrington Cahoon
293 2
Robert Lang Campbell, Journal
293 3
Journal of Abraham H. Cannon
293 4
The Journal of George Q. Cannon: Vol. 1 to California in '49
293 5
Ambrose Carlton
293 6
Gideon Carter
293 7
Autobiography and Journal of Jared Carter
293 8
John H. Carter
293 9
John S. Carter Journals, Extracts
293 10
Simeon Carter
293 11
Henry Caswall-Greek Psalter
293 12
Henry Caswall, The City of the Mormons; or Three Days at Nauvoo, in 1842
293 13
Henry Caswall, The Prophet of the Nineteenth Century
294 1
Solomon Chamberlain
294 2
Autobiography of Joseph Carlos Clapp
294 3
Rudger Clawson, Register
294 4
Thomas A. Clawson Journal, Extracts
294 5
William Clayton
294 6-9
Journal of William Clayton, Extracts
295 1
William Clayton's Nauvoo Diaries, (Robert Fillerup)
295 2
William Clayton's Private Books, Extracts
295 3
Joseph Coe
295 4
Thomas Coleman
295 5
Thomas Colburn
295 6
Thomas Winthrop Colt
295 7
Zebedee Coltrin
295 8
Dean C. Jesse, "Howard Coray's Recollections of Joseph Smith"
295 9
Mary Ettie Corey Henderson Smith
295 10-11
Fifteen Years among the Mormons
295 12
John Corrill

Research on Oliver CowderyReturn to Top

Container(s) Description Dates
Box Folder
296 1-2
Oliver Cowdery
296 3
296 4
Early Newspapers
296 5
296 6
Documents and Letters
296 7
Letter, Oliver Cowdery and Joseph Smith Jr.
296 8
296 9
Docket Book
296 10
Oliver Cowdery and the Methodist Church
296 11
Oliver Cowdery and Phineas Young
296 12
Oliver Cowdery; Reuben Miller Journal

Mormon Figures and Related MaterialReturn to Top

Container(s) Description Dates
Box Folder
297 1
Samuel W. Richards, "Oliver Cowdery"
297 2
James H. Hart on Oliver Cowdery
297 3
Iver Carl Magnus Nielson on Oliver Cowdery
297 4
Oliver Cowdery, Miscellaneous Material
297 5
"Defence," A Forgery
297 6
Death of Oliver Cowdery
297 7
Warren A. Cowdery
297 8
Austin Cowles
297 9
Journal of Matthias Cowley
297 10
Caroline Barnes Crosby
297 11
Michael S. Riggs, Alphus Cutler and Cutlerites
297 12
Lucy Jane Clark Darkdull
297 13
Andrew Daubenhyer
297 14
Amos Davis
297 15
Ann Scott Davis
297 16
Philo Dibble's Narrative, etc.
297 17
Bruce A. Van Orden, "Stephen A. Douglas and the Mormons"
297 18
Kirk Watson, "Samuel Eastman and the Living Kingdom of God," Draft
297 19
Howard Egan
297 20
Lorin Farr
297 21
James Ferguson, "A Bright Rising Star"
297 22
Mary Fielding, Letters
297 23
Nauvoo Journal of Joseph Fielding
297 24
Warren Foote Journal, Excerpts
297 25
Mark H. Forscutt
297 26
Robert D. Foster
297 27
Isaac Galland
297 28
Letter from Ruben Miller to Bro. Sobey
298 1
Jesse Gause
298 2
John C. Gaylord
298 3
Algernon Sidney Gilbert
298 4
John H. Gilbert
298 5
William Gano Goforth
298 6
Miles Goodyear
298 7
Oliver Granger
298 8
Heber J. Grant Journals
298 9
Heber J. Grant, Diary Excerpts
298 10
John P. Greene
298 11
John E. Hallwas, "Thomas Gregg: Early Illinois Journalist and Author"
298 12
Nicholas Harman Groesbeck, Journal
298 13
Zenas H. Gurley
298 14
Jonathan Harriman Hale and Olive Boynton
298 15
Reuben and Isaac Ward Hale
298 16
Charles A. Hall
298 17
Samuel Hall
298 18
Artois Hamilton
298 19
John J. Hammond, "The 1876 Journal of Francis 'Frank' Hammond, Jr."
298 20
Francis A. Hammond
299 1
Levi Hancock
299 2
Mosiah Hancock Journal
299 3
Trials of John Hardy
299 4
Journals of Appleton Milo Harmon
299 5-6
Martin Harris
299 7
Wayne Cutter Gunnell, "Martin Harris: Witness and Benefactor to the Book of Mormon"
299 8
Martin Harris, JWHA
299 9
H. Michael Marquardt, "Martin Harris: The Kirtland Years, 1831-1870"
300 1
"Martin Harris: The Kirtland Years, 1831-1870," 22nd Annual Sunstone Symposium
300 2
Family Genealogy Records
300 3
Land Records, Martin Harris
300 4
Martin Harris's visit with Charles Anthon
300 5
Martin Harris
300 6
Martin Harris, Computer Printout
300 7
Members Living in Kirtland
300 8
RLDS Members
300 9
Church Service
300 10
Martin Harris
300 11
Lucy Harris' Death
300 12
Marriage to Caroline Young
300 13
Church of Christ
300 14
Apostasy-Kirtland, Church of Christ, Martin Harris
300 15
300 16
Name of the Church
300 17
John A. Clark
300 18
300 19
Conference Minutes
301 1
House of the Lord-Kirtland Temple
301 2
United Society of Believers (Shaker)
301 3
301 4
Strangite and Mission to England
301 5
Events of 1846-1850
301 6
Francis Gladden Bishop
301 7
David B. Dille
301 8
1855 Proclamation
301 9
1852, 1855-1859
301 10
Tiffany's Monthly
301 11
Simeon Atwood
301 12
W.W. Blair
301 13
301 14
Edward Stevenson
301 15
4 September 1870
301 16
301 17
Scott R. Shelton, "Martin Harris in Cache Valley-Events and Influence"
302 1
Preserved Harris
302 2
William Harris, Mormonism Portrayed
302 3-4
Jesse Thompson Hartley
302 5
Jesse T. Hartley, Research
302 6
Jesse Hartley Murder
302 7
Jesse T. Hartley, Lawyer, Court
302 8
Blood Atonement before 1856
302 9
Hosea Stout Journal and Notebook
302 10
Isaac Bullock Journal
302 11
Big Mountain, etc.
302 12
Ft. Supply; Green River
302 13
John and James Wiley Norton
302 14
Salt Lake County Probate Cases
302 15
Court Cases
303 1
Nelson Slater, Fruits of Mormonism
303 2
Hartley Communication
303 3
Jesse T. Hartley at Court
303 4
Information and Family Records of Benjamin M. Roberts
303 5
Genealogy Information, Bullock, Roberts
303 6
Mexican War Pension Application, Claim of Mary B. Roberts
303 7
Mary Ann (Polly) Bullock md. Jesse T. Hartley
303 8
Jesse Thompson Hartley (son)
303 9
Jesse Thompson Hartley, Research
303 10
Notes, UHS paper on Murder of Hartley
303 11
Andrew Bokman Williams
303 12
Albert Gallatin Brown
303 13
Charlotte Haven, Letters, Nauvoo Journals
303 14
John Hawley
303 15
Granville Hedrick
303 16
Joseph Leland Heywood
303 17
John Cumming, Lorenzo Dow Hickey: The Last of the Twelve
304 1
Profiles of William A. Hickman
304 2
William A. Hickman
304 3
Davis Bitton, "'I'd Rather Have Some Roasting Ears': The Peregrinations of George Armstong Hicks"
304 4
George M. Hinkle
304 5
Stephen and William Hodges
304 6
Joseph Holbrock
304 7
Mary Isabella Horne (Mrs. Joseph Horne)
304 8
Robert Horne
304 9
E. D. Howe
304 10
Harriet Howe
304 11
Edward Hunter
305 1
Dimick B. Huntington
305 2
Oliver B. Huntington
305 3
William Huntington Autobiography
305 4
Doctor Philastus Hurlbut
305 5
Journal of Orson Hyde
305 6
Journal of William Hyde
305 7
Levi Jackman Autobiography
305 8
Norton Jacob Autobiography
305 9
Zina Diantha Huntington Jacobs, Nauvoo Journal
305 10
A Narrative of the Adventures and Experience of Joseph H. Jackson, in Nauvoo
305 11
Erin Jennings, "Chirographic Conundrum: The Unknown Scribe of Joseph's New Translation"
305 12
Erin Jennings, Notes
306 1
Artemas Johnson
306 2
Benjamin F. Johnson
306 3
Ezekiel Johnson (Father)
306 4
Diary of George W. Johnson
306 5
Joel Hills Johnson
306 6
Joseph E. Johnson, Letter
306 7
Luke Johnson
306 8-10
Lyman E. Johnson
306 11
"Journal" of Jesse Walker Johnstun
307 1
Elizabeth W. Kane
307 2
Elizabeth Kane's St. George Journal
307 3
Thomas L. Kane
307 4
William H. Kelley
307 5
Frederick Kesler Journal, Excerpts
307 6
Heber C. Kimball's Journal
307 7-8
Letters of Heber and Vilate Kimball
307 9
Heber C. Kimball Family
307 10
Eunice Kinney Letter (Elijah Abel)
307 11
Abner Kneeland
308 1
Joseph Knight Sr.
308 2
Newel Knight
308 3
Vinson Knight
308 4
John Landers
308 5
George Laub, Nauvoo Journal
308 6
William Law, Diary and Questions about Provenance
308 7
Wilson Law
308 8
Catherine Lewis, Narrative of Some of the Proceedings of the Mormons
308 9
Connell O'Donovan, "The Mormon Priesthood Band and Elder W. Walker Lewis"
308 10
Mary Elizabeth Rollins Lightner
308 11
Jesse C. Little
308 12
Amasa M. Lyman
308 13
Francis M. Lyman
308 14
Almira Mack Letters
308 15
Stephen Markham
308 16
William Marks
308 17
Thomas B. Marsh
308 18
Moses Martin Journal
308 19
Journal of Reuben McBride
308 20
Minute Book of William P. McIntire
309 1
Journal of William McLellin
309 2
William E. McLellin
309 3
J. L. Traughber Collection, U of U
309 4
"'The Last Witness' of the Book of Mormon," John L. Traughber Papers
309 5
J. L. Traughber
309 6
Otis Traughber Collection of McLellin Documents
309 7
William E. McLellin on Changes in the Revelations of J. Smith
309 8
Manuscript Revelations in William E. McLellin Collection
309 9
Jerald and Sandra Tanner, The Mormon Church and the McLellin Collection
Contains the First and Second Editions.

Research on William E. McLellinReturn to Top

Container(s) Description Dates
Box Folder
310 1
The Journals of WIlliam E. McLellin, Manuscripts and Doctrine of Covenants 22, 45, 65, and 66
310 2
The William E. McLellin Journals, MHA
310 3
William E. McLellin Notebooks
310 4
Testimony of 12 Apostles, William E. McLellin
310 5
Letters of Hiram Page
310 6
William E. McLellin, Gospel Herald
310 7
Some Statements by Dr. W. E. McLellin
310 8
Journals, Writings of McLellin Rediscovered
310 9
William E. McLellin, Death and Location
310 10
Letters of William E. McLellin
310 11
William E. McLellin Letters in RLDS Archives
310 12
William E. McLellin Chronology

Mormon Figures and Related MaterialsReturn to Top

Container(s) Description Dates
Box Folder
311 1
"Mormon Leaders Suppress 'Key' Item in Murder Case," Salt Lake City Messenger
311 2
McLellin, Sidney Rigdon, and James J. Strang
311 3
The New Era
311 4
The Ensign of Liberty
311 5
Stan Larson, "The Notebooks and Letters of William E. McLellin 1854-1880," Notebook One
311 6
William E. McLellin Notebook Two, Fragment
311 7
Part 3, "The Letters of William E. McLellin"
311 8
Photo Album of Julia Murdock Smith Middleton
311 9
George Miller
312 1
Henry W. Miller
312 2
Reuben Miller
312 3
Journal of Reuben Miller
312 4
Millikin Family
312 5
Journal of James M. Monroe
312 6
Andrew Moore and John Harvey Moore
312 7
George Moore Diary, Nauvoo, Illinois
312 8
Richard Henrie Morley, "The Life and Contributions of Isaac Morley"
312 9
The Autograph Book of Barbara Matilda Neff Moses
312 10
Autobiography of Julian Moses
313 1
John Murdock
313 2
John Murdock Autobiography
313 3
Michael S. Riggs, "'Because of My Oath as a Danite': A Biographical and Sociological Sketch of Justus Morse"
313 4
Alexander Neibaur
313 5
Alexander Neibaur Journal
313 6
Dale W. Adams, "Grandison Newell's Obsession"
313 7
Reuben T. Nichols
313 8
Freeman Nickerson
313 9
A. J. Simmons, "John Noah and the Hulets: A Study in Charisma in the Early Church"
313 10
Ephraim Owen Jr.
313 11
David Osborne
313 12
Roger Orton
313 13
James Pace
313 14
Life and Travels of Noah Packard
313 15
Letters of Hiram Page
313 16
Hiram Page Letters
313 17
Hiram Page, David Whitmer, Jacob Whitmer, John Whitmer, James J. Strang
314 1
John E. Page
314 2
Bill Shepard, Draft, "The Strang Years"
314 3
Sally Parker Letters
314 4
Warren Parrish
314 5
Journal of Edward Partridge
314 6
Edward Patridge Journal, typescript
314 7
D. Brent Collette, "In Search of Zion: A Description of Early Mormon Millennial Utopianism as Revealed through the Life of Edward Partridge"
315 1
David W. Patten Journal
315 2
Reed Peck
315 3
Richard Ziba Peterson
315 4
Morris Charles Phelps
315 5-7
William W. Phelps
315 8
Bruce A. Van Orden, Papers on William Phelps
316 1
The Joseph Smith/Hyrum Smith Funeral Sermon [W.W. Phelps-June 29, 1844]
316 2
William W. Phelps' Journals and Letters
316 3
Bruce A. Van Orden, Draft, "William W. Phelps: Mormon Eccentric, Popularizer, and Hymnist"
316 4
Stephen Post Journal
316 5
Stephen Post and Warren Post
316 6
Henry Pratt to Addison Pratt
316 7
Breck England, The Life and Thought of Orson Pratt
316 8
Orson Pratt
Includes the O.P. and B.Y. controversy.
316 9
Orson Pratt Journal
317 1
Parley P. Pratt
317 2
Parley P. Pratt, Late Persecutions of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints
317 3
Letters, Orson Hyde and P. P. Pratt
317 4
Steven Pratt
317 5
William Price
317 6
John Pulsipher
317 7
Scrapbook of John Pulispher
317 8
History of Zerah Pulispher
From Manuscript 98 in the Beinecke Library at Yale University.
317 9
D. Michael Quinn Papers
317 10
Jared Randall
317 11
Hiram Rathbun Sr.
317 12
Return Jackson Redden
317 13
John Reed
317 14
Charles C. Rich
317 15
Leonard Rich
317 16
Franklin D. Richards, Scriptural Items/Words of the Prophets
317 17
George F. Richards Journal, Excerpts
317 18
Hepzibath (Hepsy) Richards, Letters
317 19
Mary Haskin Parker Richards
317 20
Samuel W. Richards
317 21
Willard Richards' Journal and Pocket Companion
318 1-3
William Richards Journal
318 4
Minutes of the Council of the Twelve, Excerpts
318 5-6
Sidney Rigdon
318 7
Early Career of Sidney Rigdon

Research on the Robinson FamilyReturn to Top

Container(s) Description Dates
Box Folder
319 1
E. Robinson, The Return , Vol. 1, No. 1 to Vol. 3, No. 2
319 2
George W. Robinson
319 3
Joseph Lee Robinson
319 4-6
Joseph Lee Robinson, Journal

Mormon Figures and Related MaterialReturn to Top

Container(s) Description Dates
Box Folder
320 1
Orin Rockwell Family
320 2
Albert P. Rockwood, Letterbook
320 3
Albert Perry Rockwood, Letter to "Sister Rose"
320 4
James Henry Rollins
320 5
Shadrack Roundy Biography
320 6
Symonds Ryder
320 7
Salisbury Family
320 8
Warren L. Van Dine, "Catherine Smith Salisbury"
320 9
Perrigrine Sessions
320 10
Sarah and Isaac Scott Letters
320 11
Lumon Andros Shirtliff History
320 12
Diary of Janne Mattson Sjodahl, Excerpts
320 13
James Sloan
320 14
Cyrus Smalling
320 15
Alexander Hale Smith
320 16
Alvin Smith
320 17
Richard L. Anderson, "Alvin Smith"
320 18
David H. Smith
320 19
Don Carlos Smith
320 20
Eden Smith, Journal
320 21
Elias Smith
320 22
Elias Smith, Kirtland Camp Journal
320 23
Elias Smith, Journal
321 1
George A. Smith
321 2
George A. Smith, "My Journal"
Taken from .
321 3
George Albert Smith, Journals
321 4
Hyrum Smith Diary
321 5
John Smith Diary
321 6
John Smith, Journal
321 7
Mark L. McConkie, The Father of the Prophet: Stories and Insights from the Life of the Joseph Smith Sr.
321 8
Roger D. Launius, Endnotes, Joseph Smith III: Pragmatic Prophet
321 9
Joseph F. Smith
321 10
Samuel H. Smith, Journal
321 11
Bill Shepard, "Samuel Smith, Hosea Stout and the Nauvoo Society"
322 1
William Smith
322 2
Letters, William Smith, Lucy Smith, and Family
322 3
Defense of Elder Smith Against the Slanders of Abraham Burtis and Others
322 4
To the Public: Slander Refuted!
322 5
William Smith Families
322 6
William Smith
322 7
Bill Shepard, "'The Twelve Have to Bear It,' William Smith's Return to Nauvoo in May 1845"
322 8
William Shepard, JWHA Paper, "Mormon Banditti: The Hodge Brothers of Nauvoo"
322 9
Bill Shepard, "The Tragedy of the Hodge Brothers at Nauvoo"
322 10
Bill Shepard, "Trial for Murder Compilation, Hodge Brothers"
323 1
Melchisedic and Aaronic Herald
323 2
"Remonstrance of William Smith et. al."
323 3
"A Revelation given to William Smith in 1847"
323 4
Manuscript, "Startling Developments, Saints Take Warning"
323 5
"Minutes of a Conference..."
323 6
"William Smith, Patriarch and Prophet of the Most High God"
323 7
Zion's Standard , "A Voice from the Smith Family"
323 8
Letters to Sam Brannon and Emma Smith
323 9
William Smith's Papers
323 10
William Smith, A Proclamation
323 11
A Synopsis of the First Chapter of the Gospel of St. William
323 12
Joseph Wood, Epistle of the Twelve
323 13
Calvin P. Rudd, Thesis, "William Smith, Brother of the Prophet Joseph Smith"
323 14
Abram O. Smoot, Journal
323 15
Eliza R. Snow, Nauvoo Journal
323 16
William Snow
323 17
William Carter Staines
323 18
Testimony before High Council at Voree
323 19-21
James Jesse Strang, Papers
324 1
Sylvester B. Stodddard
324 2
Allen Joseph Stout
324 3
George Washington Taggart
324 4
James E. Talmage Journal, Extracts
324 5
David Dan Tanner
324 6
Elizabeth Beswick Tanner
324 7
John Tanner, "Sketch of An Elder's Life"
324 8
Joseph S. Tanner
324 9
Mary Jane Mount Tanner
324 10
Myron Tanner
324 11
Nathan Tanner
324 12
Hawkins Taylor Memoirs
324 13
John Taylor
324 14
John Taylor, Nauvoo Journal
324 15
Pleasant Green Taylor
324 16
N. Jimison Tharpe
324 17
Moses Thatcher, Journal
324 18
Stanley S. Ivins, The Moses Thatcher Case
324 19
Ezra Thayre
324 20
Charles Blancher Thompson
324 21
Nancy Towle
324 22
Enoch Bartlet Tripp
324 23
Mary Turner Carriel, The Life of Jonathan Baldwin Turner
324 24
Journal of Samuel D. Tyler
324 25
Increase Van Dusen
324 26
Clara M. Wasson and Elizabeth Hale Wasson
324 27
Jens Christian Anderson Weibye, Daybooks ("Dogbogs")
324 28
Daniel H. Wells, Docket Book
324 29
Wm. S. West, "A Few Interesting Facts...of the Mormons"
324 30
John M. Whitaker Diary, Extracts
325 1
Ellen Gould White
325 2
James Whitehead
325 3
Harvey Whitlock
325 4
Whitmer Family; Fayette, N.Y.
325 5
Christian Whitmer
325 6-7
David Whitmer
325 8
David Whitmer, "An Address to All Believers in Christ"
325 9
Article, David Whitmer
Includes an article by Scott H. Faurling entitled, "Letter from David Whitmer to Nathan West Concerning Caldwell County, Missouri, Property Once Owned by King Follett."
325 10
Statements of David Whitmer, Extracts

Research on David WhitmerReturn to Top

Container(s) Description Dates
Box Folder
326 1
Lyndon W. Cook, "David Whitmer Interviews: A Restoration Witness"
326 2-4
David Whitmer
326 5
Zenas H. Gurley Jr., "Interview of David Whitmer, 14 January 1885"
326 6
David Whitmer, The Saint's Herald

Mormon Figures and Related MaterialReturn to Top

Container(s) Description Dates
Box Folder
327 1
Helen Van Cleave Blankmeyer, David Whitmer; The Blankmeyers; The Van Cleave Family
327 2
Lorene E. Pollard and Rebecca Woods, Whitmer Memoirs 1793-2003
327 3
Harold D. Barchers, The Descendants and History of the Peter Whitmer Family
327 4
Notes on David Whitmer
327 5
Sources on David Whitmer
327 6
Church of Christ (Whitmerite)
327 7
William P. Brown
328 1
Reuben Miller, "A Defence of the Claims of James J. Strang"
328 2
The Return
328 3
John J. Snyder
328 4-5
John Whitmer
328 6
The Book of John Whitmer
328 7
John Whitmer History/Sources, Marked up copy
328 8
John Whitmer History, Sources Compared
328 9
Bruce N. Westergren, From Historian to Dissident: The Book of John Whitmer
329 1
Peter Whitmer Jr.
329 2
Newel Kimball Whitney Papers
Includes a thesis by Larry N. Poulsen entitled, "The Life and Contributions of Newel Kimball Whitney."
329 3
Extracts from the Journal of Lyman Wight
329 4
Orange Wight Autobiography
329 5
Frederick G. Williams
329 6
Rebecca Williams
329 7
Thomas S. Williams
329 8-9
Wilford Woodruff

Research on Wilford WoodruffReturn to Top

Container(s) Description Dates
Box Folder
330 1
Index, Wilford Woodruff's Journal 1833-1898
330 2
Scott Faurling, "A Historical 'Address' from Wilford Woodruff to Heber C. Kimball and George A. Smith on the Opening of the City of London to Missionary Work, September 1840"
330 3
Wilford Woodruff, Diary
330 4-10
Wilford Woodruff Journal
Includes material during the periods of Presidents Joseph Smith, Brigham Young, John Taylor, and Wilford Woodruff.
Wilford Woodruff Journal
Wilford Woodruff Journal

Mormon Figures and Related MaterialReturn to Top

Container(s) Description Dates
Box Folder
333 1-4
Wilford Woodruff Journal
333 5
James W. Woods
333 6
Wilhelm Ritter Von Wymetal (Wilhelm Wyl)
333 7
Brigham Young

Research on Brigham Young and the Twelve ApostlesReturn to Top

Container(s) Description Dates
Box Folder
334 1
Larry Porter, "Brigham Young and the Twelve in Quincy"
334 2
Brigham Young Papers, "Minutes of Councils, Meetings, and Journeys"
334 3
Richard Neitzel Holzapfel and R. Q. Shupe, My Servant Brigham: Portrait of a Prophet
334 4
Discourse by President Brigham Young
334 5
Articles, Brigham Young
Includes an article by Reid L. Harper entitled, "The Mantle of Joseph" and an article by Richard S. Van Wagoner entitled, "The 1844 Transfiguration of Brigham Young."
334 6
Lynne Watkins Jorgenson, "The Mantle of Joseph Passes to Brigham Young: A Collective Spiritual Witness"
334 7
Office Journals of Brigham Young, Excerpts
334 8
Meeting of the Twelve Apostles and Others
334 9
Tim Rathbone, "Brigham Young, the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, the Church of the Firstborn and Kingdom of God"
334 10
Tim Rathbone, Brigham Young
334 11
The Teachings of Brigham Young
334 12
Ronald K. Esplin, Thesis, "The Emergence of Brigham Young and the Twelve to Mormon Leadership 1830-1841"
334 13
L. Todd Dudley, Honors Thesis, "All but Two: The Disaffection of Ten of the Original Twelve Modern Apostles"

Mormon Figures and Related MaterialReturn to Top

Container(s) Description Dates
Box Folder
335 1
Diary of Brigham Young Jr.
335 2
John Young
335 3
Todd Compton, Chapter References, In Sacred Loneliness: The Plural Wives of Joseph Smith
335 4-5
Todd Compton, Other
335 6
"New Manual Sanitizes LDS History"
335 7
After Manifesto
335 8
George D. Smith, "A Preliminary Story of the Incidence of Plural Marriage in Nauvoo, Illinois from 1841 to 1846"
335 9
List of Wives

Research on Mormon Figures, Marriage, and PolygamyReturn to Top

Container(s) Description Dates
Box Folder
336 1
Dates of Sealings
336 2
Plural Marriage?
336 3
H. Michael Marquardt, Update on Plural Marriage at Nauvoo During the Lifetime of Joseph Smith
336 4
Andrew Jenson
336 5
Plural Marriage at Nauvoo
336 6
Marriages Performed in Kirtland
336 7
Endnotes, Four Zinas: A Story of Mothers and Daughters on the Mormon Frontier
336 8
The Wasp
336 9
Nauvoo Neighbor
336 10
Affidavits and Certificates
336 11
Emily D. P. Young, Journal of Mormon History
336 12
Emily D. P. Young, Summary
336 13
James E. Elliott, "Editing of the Temple Lot Case Transcript"
336 14
Statements, Deseret Evening News , 1879
336 15
Individuals Received Endowments before the Nauvoo Temple
337 1
Burn Letters/ Keep a Secret
337 2
Nauvoo City Council Matters
337 3
Hancock Circuit Court
337 4
Civil Marriages by Joseph Smith in Nauvoo and Area
337 5
Sealing Powers (Partners)
337 6
Denials of Plurality of Wives
337 7
D. Michael Quinn, "The Practice of Rebaptism at Nauvoo"
337 8
Illinois Law, Bigamy
337 9
Church Court, 1842 Chauncey Higbee
337 10
Notes on Polygamy
337 11
Larry Foster, Religion and Sexuality
337 12
Rex Cooper, Extracts, "Promises Made to the Fathers"
337 13
Angel with a Drawn Sword
337 14
Estate of Edward Lawrence
337 15
Todd M. Compton, "Truth, Honesty and Moderation in Mormon History: A Response to Anderson, Faulring and bachman's Reviews of In Sacred Loneliness "
337 16-17
Plural Marriage
337 18
Gary James Bergera, Draft, "Buckeye's Laments: Two Earlier Insider Exposes of Mormon Plural Marriage"
337 19
Gary James Bergera, "Counting Polygamist: A Review of George D. Smith's Identification of the Earliest Mormon Polygamists"
337 20
Gary James Bergera, Draft, "Notes on Early Eternal Sealings for Civilly Married Couples Living and Dead"
337 21
Scott H. Faulring, "Early Marriages Performed by the Latter-day Saint Elders in Jackson County, Missouri, 1832-1834"
337 22
Gary James Bergera, Draft, "John C. Bennett, Joseph Smith, and the Beginnings of Plural Marriage in Nauvoo"
337 23
Gary James Bergera, Draft, "'Illicit Intercourse,' Plural Marriage, and the Nauvoo Stake High Council, 1840-1844"
337 24
Joseph F. Smith Affidavit Books

Research on Polygamy and City Council ProceedingsReturn to Top

Container(s) Description Dates
Box Folder
338 1
Gary James Bergera, Draft, "The Earliest Mormon Polygamists, 1841-1844"
338 2
Various Articles on the Mormons, Illinois
338 3
Nauvoo City Council
338 4
Nauvoo City Council Proceedings
338 5
Tom Forehand Jr., Draft, "Mormon Polygamy on the Mississippi: The 1840s"
338 6
Tom Forehand Jr., Draft, "A Quaking in Israel: Joseph Smith, Jr. and Mormon Polygamy"
338 7
Tom Forehand Jr., "The Map"
338 8
Notes on Plural Marriage in Nauvoo

Mormon Figures and Related MaterialReturn to Top

Container(s) Description Dates
Box Folder
339 1
James Allred
339 2
William Arrowsmith
Includes an article written by John Bowes.
339 3
John Benbow
339 4
John C. Bennett, History of the Saints
339 5
John C. Bennett, Nauvoo
339 6
Ezra T. Benson
339 7
William Clayton
339 8
Howard Coray
339 9
Austin Cowles
339 10
Amos Fielding
339 11
David Fullmer
339 12
Thomas Grover
339 13
Chauncey L. Higbee
339 14
Francis M. Higbee
339 15
Dimick B. Huntington
339 16
Orson Hyde
339 17
Aaron Johnson
339 18
Benjamin F. Johnson
339 19
Johnson Family
339 20
Joseph A. Kelting
339 21
Heber C. Kimball
339 22
H. C. Kimball, Nauvoo, "A Time of Testing"
339 23
Joseph C. Kingsbury
339 24-25
William Law and Jane Law
339 26
Lyman O. Littlefield
339 27
John E. Thompson and Michael S. Riggs, "Thomas Guymon's Horse Mill and 'The Notorious Case of Aaron Lyon'"
339 28
William Marks
339 29
Justus Morse
339 30
Joseph Bates Noble
339 31
John F. Olney
340 1
Oliver H. Olney
340 2
John Pack
340 3
Jacob Peart
340 4
Orson Pratt
340 5
Parley P. Pratt
340 6
Charles C. Rich
340 7
Willard Richards
340 8
John W. Rigdon
340 9
Sidney Rigdon
340 10
Ebenezer Robinson
340 11
Harrison Sagers
340 12
Jacob Scott
340 13
David Hyrum Smith
340 14
George A. Smith
340 15
Hyrum Smith
340 16
Jesse Nathaniel Smith
340 17
John Smith
340 18
Joseph Smith III
340 19
William Smith
340 20
Erastus Snow
340 21
Lorenzo Snow
340 22
Leonard Soby
340 23
Nathan Tanner
340 24
John Taylor's Wives
340 25
Theodore Turley
340 26
James Whitehead
340 27
Orange L. Wight
340 28
Edwin D. Woolley
340 29
S. A. Woolley
340 30
Brigham Young's Wives
340 31
Mary Ellen Able (Kimball)
340 32
Augusta Adams
340 33
Roxsena Rachel Adams
340 34
Fanny Alger
340 35
Adeline Brooks Andrus
340 36
Emily Coburn Austin
340 37
Louisa Beaman
340 38
Luana Hart Beebe md. O. P. Rockwell
340 39
Pamelia Andrus Benson
340 40
Elizabeth Brotherton

Mormon Women and Related MaterialReturn to Top

Container(s) Description Dates
Box Folder
341 1
Martha H. Brotherton
341 2
Harriet Cook
341 3
Hannah Ells
341 4
Mary Ann Frost
341 5
Olive Grey Frost
341 6
Sarah Ann Fuller
341 7
Desdemona Wadsworth Fullmer
341 8
Lucinda Pendleton Morgan Harris
341 9
Elvina Cowles Holmes
341 10
Nancy Marinda Hyde (Johnson)
341 11
Zina, Presenda Huntington and Family
341 12
Almira W. Johnson
341 13
Charles M. Hatch, A Widow's Tale: The Mormon Diary of Helen Mar Kimball Whitney
341 14
Helen Mar Kimball
341 15
Sarah Kimball
341 16
Jane Law
341 17
Maria and Sarah Lawrence
341 18
Mary Elizabeth Rollins Lightner
341 19
Melissa Lott Willes
Includes information on the Temple Lot Case.
341 20
Martha McBride

Research on Emily Dow Partridge Smith YoungReturn to Top

Container(s) Description Dates
Box Folder
342 1
Fanny Young Murray
342 2
Eliza M. Partridge
342 3
Emily Dow Partridge
Includes a paper by H. Michael Marquardt which was presented at the 36th Annual Mormon History Association entitled, "Emily Dow Partridge Smith Young on the Witness Stand: Recollections of a Plural Wife."
342 4
Diary, Emily Dow Partridge Smith Young
342 5
Temple Lot, Deeds, etc.
342 6
Temple Lot Case, Emily D. P. Young
342 7
Emily Dow Partridge Young, Brigham Young, Affidavits
342 8
Emily Dow Partridge Smith Young
Includes research on Incidents, Testimony that Cannot be Refuted, and What I Remember.
342 9
"Autobiography of Emily D. P. Young," Women's Exponent
342 10
Emily D. P. Young Account, Historical Record

Research on Mormon Women and PolygamyReturn to Top

Container(s) Description Dates
Box Folder
343 1
Sarah Perry Peak
343 2
Catherine Phillips
343 3
The Sarah Pratt Affair
343 4
Rhoda Richards
343 5
Nancy Rigdon
343 6
Ruth Vose (Sayers)
343 7
Melissa Schindle
343 8
Sarah Scott
343 9
Patty and Sylvia Sessions
343 10
Agnes and Bathsheba W. Smith
343 11
Linda King Newell and Valeen Tippetts Avery, Mormon Enigma: Emma Hale Smith
343 12
Emma Smith's 1846-1847 Recollections of Polygamy
343 13
Mary Ettie Coray Smith
343 14
Eliza R. Snow
343 15
Mercy Rachael Thompson
Includes research on the Temple Lot Case.
343 16
Lovina Smith Walker
343 17
Letters, Clara and Elizabeth Wasson
343 18
Elizabeth Ann Whitney and Sarah Ann Whitney
343 19
H. Michael Marquardt, "The Strange Marriages of Sarah Ann Whitney"

Research on Mormon Figures, Marriage, and PolygamyReturn to Top

Container(s) Description Dates
Box Folder
344 1
The History of Joseph C. Kingsbury Written by his Own Hands
344 2
Lyndon W. Cook, Joseph C. Kingsbury: A Biography
Also includes excerpts of Joseph C. Kingsbury's Journal.
344 3
Joseph Smith, August 18, 1842, Letter
344 4
Lucy Walker
344 5
Nancy Maria Winchester
344 6
Flora Woodworth
344 7
H. Michael Marquardt, "Report of Possible Children Born to Joseph Smith"
344 8
Marriage in the Restoration
344 9
Joseph Smith Diary and Teachings
344 10
Sangamo Journal
344 11
Andrew F. Ehat, "An Overview of the Introduction of Eternal Marriage in the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints: 1840-1843"
344 12
344 13
"Voice of Innocence from Nauvoo"
345 1
Udney Hay Jacob, The Peacemaker
345 2
RLDS Articles on Polygamy
345 3
Marrying Sisters, Mothers, and Daughters
345 4
Richard L. Hone, The History and Theology of Mormon Polygamy , Volume 1
345 5
John E. Thompson, "A History of Plural Marriage in the Mormon Church"
345 6
Tom Forehand, "Mormon Harem on the Mississippi"
345 7
Danel W. Bachman, "New Light on an Old Hyposthesis: The Ohio Origins of the Revelation on Eternal Marriage"
345 8
Articles, Historical Development of Plural Marriages
Includes articles written by Max H. Parkin and Kenneth W. Godfrey.
345 9
Adams, Brannan, Hardy, Lyle, Smith-Branches in the East, Boston, New York, and Philadelphia
345 10
Parley P. Pratt on Spiritual Wife
346 1
Maps of Nauvoo
346 2
Richard and Jeni Holzapfel, Women of Nauvoo
346 3
346 4
Steven F. Christensen, "David and Perdition"
346 5
Eli Johnson
346 6
Melodie Moench, "Joseph Smith: Prophet, Priest, and King"
346 7
Susan Staker, "'The Lord Said, Thy Wife is a Very Fair Woman to Look Upon': The Book of Abraham, Secrets, and Lying for the Lord"
Includes comments by Marshall Hamilton.
346 8
Plural Marriage and Joseph Smith
346 9
Notes on Plural Marriage
346 10
Joseph Smith's Polygamous Wives/ Polygamy Doctrine
347 1
Richard and Pamela Price, "Joseph Smith Fought Polygamy"
Articles from Magazine.
347 2
Nauvoo Expositor
347 3
Conferences and Various Items
347 4
Hyrum Smith Discourse
347 5
Bill Shepard, "Stealing at Mormon Nauvoo"
347 6
H. Michael Marquardt, "Joseph Smith and Plural Marriage"
347 7
Book of Sealings-Wives to Husbands (Proxy)
347 8
Grant H. Palmer, "Sexual Allegations against Joseph Smith, 1829-1835"
347 9
Nauvoo State Ward Census
347 10
Change in Initiatory Ordinances
347 11
James E. Lancaster, "The Seer Stone Article Reprised"
347 12
Miscellaneous on Joseph Smith

Research on Mormon Figures, Theology, and PolygamyReturn to Top

Container(s) Description Dates
Box Folder
348 1-2
Minutes, School of the Prophets, Salt Lake City
348 3
MHA Conference
348 4
Papers by Randall Larsen
348 5
Richard Packman, "A Linguist Looks at Mormonism"
348 6
Don Bradley, "'The Grand Fundamental Principles of Mormonism': Joseph Smith's Unfinished Reformation"
348 7
"Supposed" List of Items in First Presidency Vault
348 8
Articles, Mormon Polygamy
Includes articles from the , Kathryn Daynes, Lawrence Foster, O. Kendall White, Jr. and Daryl White.
348 9
Gregory L. Smith, "Polygamy, Prophets, and Prevarication"
348 10
Jerold A. Hilton, Thesis, "Polygamy in Utah and Surrounding Area since the Manifesto of 1890"
348 11
Nauvoo High Council
348 12
Sealings and Adoptions
348 13
Quorum of the Twelve Apostles, Record

Research on Mormon Figures, Theology, and HistoryReturn to Top

Container(s) Description Dates
Box Folder
349 1
The Evangel
349 2
"Mormons in D.C.," The Salt Lake Tribune
349 3
Proxy Baptisms of Jews
349 4
Helen Radkey, "Report on the Mormon-Jewish Controversy"
349 5
Crandall Historical Printing Museum
349 6
Newell G. Bringhurst, "Four American Prophets Confront Slavery: Joseph Smith,William Miller, Ellen G.White, and Mary Baker Eddy"
349 7
Cameron J. Packer, Thesis, "A Study of the Hill Cumorah: A Significant Latter-day Saint Landmark in Western New York"
349 8
Robert T. Beckstead, "Reincarnation and Restoration"
349 9
Earl M. Wunderli, "The Two Jesus's in Third Nephi"
349 10
Robin Scott Jensen, Thesis, "Gleaning the Harvest: Strangite Missionary Work, 1846-1850"
349 11
Newell G. Bringhurst, Draft, "Blacks and Race amongst Fundamentalist Mormons"
350 1
George Shamlin, Notes
350 2
LaMar Petersen, Obituary
350 3
John Whitmer Historical Association (JWHA), Trip and Articles
Includes a paper by Michael Karpowicz entitled "Diverging Trends in the Hierarchies of the LDS Church and the community of Christ."
350 4
Michael Homer, "Children in New Religious Movements: The Mormon Experience"
350 5
Rodney Stark, Review, The Rise of Mormonism
350 6
Stephen C. LeSueur, "Missouri's Failed Compromise: The Creation of Caldwell County for the Mormons"
350 7
Noel B. Reynolds, "The Case for Sidney Rigdon as Author of the Lectures on Faith"
350 8
Joseph Smith's Changing Doctrine of Deity
350 9
Ronald E. Roming, Mormon History Tour Guide
Includes Tours in Early Independence, Early Jackson County, and Far West, Missouri.
350 10
Excerpts, Letters
350 11
Matthew Roper, "Limited Geography and the Book of Mormon: Historical Antecedents and Early Interpretations"
350 12
Lucy Mack Smith at Buffalo, New York
350 13
Dale R. Broadhurst
350 14
Jeffery Ogden Johnson, "Was Being a Probate Judge in Pioneer Utah a Church Calling?"
350 15
Don Bradley, "The Second Coming of John the Baptist: The Book of Mormon as Contemporaneous Evidence of Priesthood Restoration"
Paper for the Sunstone Symposium.
351 1
"'As if from Mine own Mouth': Discerning Revelation in Early Mormonism"
351 2
Ron Priddis, Draft, "Blake Ostler's Errors: It Takes a Lot of Wishful Thinking to Make DNA Lineages Go Away"
351 3
Steven C. Davis
351 4
Richard D. K. Johnson
351 5
Gene Needham
351 6
JWHA and Sunstone Symposium
351 7
Newell G. Bringhurst, "Gender, Race, and Ethnicity as Dynamics for Schism within Mormonism following Joseph Smith's Death"
351 8
O. Kendall White Jr., Curriculum Vitae
351 9
Finding the Bible in the Book of Mormon
351 10
Evidence from the Book of Mormon Manuscript
351 11
"The Primer: Helping Victims of Domestic Violence and Child Abuse in Polygamous Communities"
351 12-13
H. Michael Marquardt, "General Authorities of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints"
351 14
Mormon Temple Endowment Ceremony

CorrespondenceReturn to Top

Container(s) Description Dates

Research on Mormon Figures, Theology, and HistoryReturn to Top

Container(s) Description Dates
Box Folder
356 1
356 2
Important Articles
356 3
"Early Latter-day Saint Priesthood Restoration: A Review Essay"
356 4
H. Michael Marquardt, "Early Documents and Latter-day Saint Historic Sites: A Slide Presentation"
356 5
Listing of Edyth J. Romney Typescripts
356 6
Michael W. Homer, Chapter Drafts, On the Way to Somewhere Else: European Sojourners in the Mormon West, 1834-1930
356 7
Draft, "'Why then Introduce Them into Our Inner Temple?': The Masonic Influence on Mormon Denial of Priesthood Ordination to African American Men," Michael W. Homer
357 1
Changes in Joseph Smith's History
357 2
Notes, Manuscript, "History of the Church"
Also includes Notes on the Addenda.
357 3
B. H. Roberts and DHC
Includes notes on DHC Volume 1-History of Joseph Smith.
357 4
"Changes in Printed 'History of the Church'," Stanley Ivins and H.H. Smith
Also includes a typed Manuscript of "History of the Church," Book A-1, pp. 1-4.
357 5
Articles, Dean C. Jessee
Includes "The Writings of Joseph Smith's History" and "The Reliability of Joseph Smith's History."
357 6
Paul H. Peterson, "Understanding Joseph: A Review of Published Documentary Sources"
357 7
History of Joseph Smith , Documentary History of the Church
357 8
History of Joseph Smith, Times and Seasons
357 9
Notes on Manuscript History, Zelph History
357 10
Kenneth W. Godfrey, "What is the Significance of Zelph in the Study of Book of Mormon Geography?"
358 1
Draft and Manuscript, "History of the Church"
358 2
Howard Searle
358 3-5
Howard C. Searle, Thesis, "Early Mormon Historiography: Writng the History of the Mormons 1830-1858"
358 6
Microfilm, Mormons in Illinois, Yale University
358 7
Donald Q. Cannon and Larry E. Dahl, "The Prophet Joseph Smith's King Follett Discourse: A Six Column Comparison of Orignial Notes and Amalgamations"
359 1
Delaware Tribe of Indians
359 2
Missionary Work in Ohio, First Baptisms
359 3
Ohio, High Priesthood
359 4
"Establishing Zion: 1830-1831," Notes
359 5
Mormon Mission to the Native Americans
359 6
Devery S. Anderson and Gary James Bergera, Draft, "'A Season in Prayer': Meetings of Joseph Smith's Quorum of the Anointed, 1842-1845"
359 7-8
Devery S. Anderson, Draft, "The Nauvoo Endowment Companies, 1845-1846: A Documentary History"
360 1
Notes, Adam-God Doctrine
360 2
Adam-God Material
360 3
Rodney Turner, Thesis, "The Position of Adam in Latter-day Saints Scripture and Theology"
360 4
A Compilation of Quotations on the Council of Fifty
360 5
Janet Lisonbee, "In Memory Of..."
360 6
Nicholas S. Leterski, Mormonism and Freemasonry
360 7
Bill Shepard, "'To Set in Order the House of God': The Search for the Elusive One Mighty and Strong"
360 8
Michael W. Homer, On the Way to Somewhere Else: European Sojourners in the Mormon West, 1834-1930
360 9
Senate Document 189
360 10
Don Enders
361 1
Manchester Log Cabin, etc.
361 2
Scott Faulring
361 3
Grant H. Palmer, Reviews, An Insider's View of Mormon Origins
361 4
Problems with Stones owned by the Church of Christ (Temple Lot)
361 5
Kyle R. Walker, Thesis, "The Joseph Sr. and Lucy Mack Smith Family: A Family Process Analysis of a Nineteenth Century Household"
361 6
Hugh W. Nibley
361 7
DNA Research and the Book of Mormon
361 8
Evangelicals and LDS
361 9
Wally Tope
361 10
Brian Hales
361 11
Francis M. Gibbons, "Perspectives in Writing Biography"
Also includes a response from Lawrence Coates in .
362 1
Mini-Conference, "The Gentle Madness of Book Collecting"
362 2
A. Dean Larsen Book Collecting Conference
362 3
Community of Christ, Doctrine and Covenants
362 4
"Reinventing Lamanite Identity," Brent Lee Metcalfe
362 5
LDS and Dead Sea Scrolls
362 6
Twelve Apostles
362 7
MHA Trip
362 8
James A. Everett, "Joseph Smith, Jr.-A Fallen Prophet?"
362 9
Endnotes, Region Studies in Latter-day Saint Church History
363 1
Russell Anderson, "The 1826 Trial of Joseph Smith"
363 2
Revelations of Frederick N. Larsen
363 3
C. Jess Groesbeck, "The Book of Mormon as Symbolic History II from the Natural World to the Spiritual World"
363 4
Letter and Paper, George Boyd
363 5
Includes an article by Ron Roming and Mike Riggs entitled, "Far West Stewardship and Cooperative Firms, Caldwell County, Missouri, 1838" and Van Hale entitled, "Questioning Book of Mormon Wordprint Studies."
363 6
"Fundamentalists, Blacks and the Priesthood"
363 7
Articles, The Salt Lake Tribune
Includes "Purported Remarks of L. Tom Perry" and "Living the Principle."
363 8
Nathanial Fish Moore, Diary: A Trip from New York to the Falls of St. Anthony in 1845
363 9
363 10
JWHA Election Committee
363 11-12
Member JWHA Board
363 13
Sunstone Symposium

Research on the Book of Abraham and the PapyriReturn to Top

Container(s) Description Dates
Box Folder
364 1
Klaus Baer, etc.
364 2
Mummies and Papyri shown by Lucy Mack Smith
364 3
Notes, Mummies and Papyri
364 4
Book of Abraham, Research and Articles
364 5
Book of Abraham, Notes
364 6
Papers by S. J. (Su) Wolfe
365 1
Papers, Ed Snow
365 2-3
Edward H. Ashment
365 4
Articles, Edward H. Ashment
Includes articles entitled, "'Indeed One in Our Hands': What Happened in the New Editions," "The Use of Egyptian Magical Papyri to Authenticate the Book of Abraham," and "'A Record in the Language of My Fathers': The Question of Evidence of Ancient Egyptian and Hebrew in the Book of Abraham."
365 5
Responses on Ed Ashment, David Ellis and Anthony Hutchinson
366 1
The Book of Abraham
366 2
Egyptian Manuscripts
Includes handwriting comparisons from Joseph Smith, Oliver Cowdery, and William W. Phelps.
366 3
Translation Manuscripts, Book of Abraham Manuscripts 1-3
366 4
Egyptian Manuscripts and the Egyptian Alphabet
366 5
H. Michael Marquardt, "Egyptian Alphabet and Grammer: A Project of Joseph Smith, Jr's Dicatation"
366 6
Book of Abraham, Egyptian Alphabet
366 7
Robert K. Ritner, "The 'Breathing Permit of Hor' Thirty-three Years Later"
366 8
Michael D. Rhodes, The Hor Book of Breathings: A Translation and Commentary

Research on Mormon Figures, Theology, and HistoryReturn to Top

Container(s) Description Dates
Box Folder
367 1
Articles, Robert Ritner and Others
Includes an article by Larry E. Morris entitled "The Book of Abraham: Ask the Right Questions and Keep on Looking."
367 2
The Book of Abraham
367 3
Jonathan Moyer, "The Jewish Origin of the Book of Abraham"
367 4
Kevin Mathie, Draft, "Examining the Book of Abraham"
367 5
Dan Vogel
367 6
Articles, Dan Vogel
Includes articles entitled "The Structure of an Apologetic," "Can Ostler Save Book of Mormon Historicity?," "Resisting Paradigm Shift," and "'Academic Discourse'? Response to D. Michael Quinn."
367 7
Dan Vogel, Three Lectures, "Book of Mormon As Joseph Smith's Prophetic Crucible"
368 1
Joseph Smith Papers Project
368 2
Articles, Joseph Smith's Bicentennial
368 3
H. Michael Marquardt, "Historical Roots of Mormon Polygamy"
368 4
Joseph Coe, Ruben McBride, and Joseph Smith
368 5
Juan Jose Castillos, "The Mormons and Egyptology"
368 6
Phillip C. Ellsworth, "Accounting for the Joseph Smith Papyri"
368 7
Grant S. Heward, "The Book of Abraham Papyrus Found"
368 8
Stephen E. Thompson, Dialogue , "Egyptology and the Book of Abraham"
368 9
Michael D. Rhodes
Also includes an article entitled "Teaching the Book of Abraham Facsimiles."
368 10
John Gee
368 11
Michael Lyon
368 12
Hugh W. Nibley, "Abraham's Creation Drama"
368 13
John A. Tvedtness
368 14
Stanley B. Kimball, Dialogue , "New Light on Old Egyptiana: Mormon Mummies 1848-1871"
368 15
Aziz S. Atiya
368 16
V. W. Smith
Newspaper Articles
370 1-2
Excerpts from Publications
370 3
Miscellaneous Newspaper Articles
370 4
Notes, The Western Bugle
370 5
"The Mormons in England," New York Observer
Also includes an article entitled, "Death of Robert Turner of Sheffield."
370 6
Gilbert and Whitney Store, Independence, Missouri
370 7
Daniel Hadley, "Accounting for One Enoch in Religious Literature: Beowulf, the Book of Moses and LDS Apologetics"
370 8
"An Act Concerning Religious Societies Incorporate"
370 9
Articles, Salt Lake Tabernacle
370 10
Book of Mormon and DNA Debate
370 11
Blacks in LDS Church
370 12
Chronology of Michael Hull Barton
370 13
Community of Christ Historic Sites Foundation
370 14
LDS Newsroom, "Core Beliefs: Why and How are Mormons Different?"
370 15
Courageous Christians United
371 1
D. Michael Quinn, Wall Street Journal
371 2
Stephen J. Fleming, "Discord in the City of Brotherly Love: The Story of Early Mormonism in Philadelphia"
371 3
Endowment (Mormonism)
371 4
Family Resource Catalog
371 5
Freemasons in Nauvoo Meeting Minutes
371 6
Gordon B. Hinckley
371 7
George W. Romney
371 8
Article, "Growth Lacking Among Mormon Splinter Groups"
371 9
Van Hale, "I Am Liberal in My Sentiments towards All Men"
371 10
Individuals with James J. Strang
371 11
Interview, Michael Coe
371 12
Jesus Christ/ Joseph Smith DVD
371 13
Grant H. Palmer, Draft, "Jesus' Judgment of Humanity"
371 14
Ronald V. Huggins, "Joseph Smith and the First Verse of the Bible"
371 15
Kinderhook Plates
371 16
Kirtland Ohio: Smith House References and Descriptions
371 17
Articles, LDS Church Growth
371 18
Includes correspondence from Stephen M. Veazey, George Albert Smith to Stanley McAllister, Orson Pratt, and Parley P. Pratt to Willard Richards.
371 19
Connell O-Donovan, Draft, "'Let This be a Warning to All Niggers': The Life and Murder of Thomas Coleman in Theocratic Utah"
371 20
Ronald V. Huggins, "Lorenzo Snow's Couplet: 'As Man Now is, God once was; As God now is Man May be..."
371 21
371 22
Thomas Johnson, Modern Revelation: The Book of Mormon Concisely Translated into Plain English
371 23
Mother Goose's Melodies
372 1
Mountain Meadows Massacre
372 2
Jon M. Duncan, Thesis, "Multiple Discourses in Early Mormon Religion"
372 3
Tad Walch, "New Edition of Scriptures was Unifier"
372 4
"News from the Library," Community of Christ
372 5
Owen A. Allred
372 6
Palmyra, New York Cemeteries
372 7
Pope Benedict XVI
372 8
Johnnie Glad, "Proclaiming the Message: A Comparison of the Mormon Missionary Strategy with Other Mainstream Christian Missions"
372 9
Newsletters and Magazines
372 10
Report and Petition of the Mormons
372 11
Richard Dutcher
372 12
Steve Benson, "Spencer W. Kimball, the LDS Church and Organic Evolution: Personal Correspondence with Mormonism's Prophet of Fraud"
372 13
Statement of Latter-day Saint Beliefs, Joseph Smith
372 14
Sunstone Symposium
372 15
Includes articles by Dick Bauman entitled "The Book of Mormon is True," Grant H. Palmer entitled "The 'Born Again' Saint," and by Bill McKeever and Eric Johnson entitled, "The Bridge or the Beehive? Mormon Apologetics in a Postmodern Age."
372 16
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (Great Britian) Financial Statements
372 17
James L. Bradley, "The Eternal Perspective of Zion's Camp"
372 18
David Padfield, "The Truth About Mormonism"
372 19
"United States Constitution on the Brink of Destruction"
373 1
Book of Mormon Copyright, Library of Congress
373 2
Mitt Romeny for President
373 3
Bradish, Lapham, Ramsdell and Robinson Family Material
373 4
Includes articles by Richard L. Anderson entitled "Attempts to Redefine the Experience of the Eight Witnesses," and Dean C. Jessee and John W. Welch entitled, "Revelations in Context: Joseph Smith's Letter from Liberty Jail, March 20, 1839."
373 5
Richard L .Bushman, On the Road with Joseph Smith: An Author's Diary
373 6
William P. MacKinnon, "'Lovely Bones': Leadership and Utah War Violence"
373 7
Matthew B. Brown, "Revised or Unaltered?: Joseph Smith's Foundational Stories"
373 8
Map, "RLDS Branches in Southwestern Iowa 1859-1870"
373 9
R. Jean Addams, "Reclaiming the 'Temple Lot' in the 'Center Place' of Zion"
373 10
Fred E. Woods, "'What Greater Witness can you have from God?' A Look at the Undeviating Testimony of Oliver Cowdery including his Rebirth, Reconciliation and Return to Mormonism"
373 11
Church Organized
Includes information about church organization in Manchester, New York.
373 12
Steve Bright, "The Semantic Divide: An Evolution of Mormon Semantics"
373 13
Iowa High Council Record
373 14-15
A. Chris Eccel, "Eighteen Chapters of Isaiah in Six Versions"
Includes verses from Isaiah 2-14, 29, and 48-53 in the Old Testament as well as verses from Micah and Malachi. Also includes verses from Matthew 3-5 from the New Testament as well as other New Testament texts and bibliographies of biblical textual criticism sources.
374 1
A. Chris Eccel, "An Analysis of the Distribution of the BM Variants"
374 2
A. Chris Eccel, Sembase Project, "The Role of the Mormon Apologist in the Reduction of Cognitive Dissonance"
374 3
D. Michael Quinn, "Joseph Smith's Experience of a Methodist 'Camp Meeting' in 1820"
Appeared in .
374 4
Rich Troll, "Samuel Tyler Lawrence: A Significant Figure in Joseph Smith's Palmyra Past"
374 5
John Curl, "History of Work Cooperation in America"
374 6-7
Cornelius C. Blatchly
374 8
Publications and Letters of C. C. Blatchly
375 1
New York Newspapers
375 2
Hank's N.Y. Investigator
375 3
Disposition of Court Cases, Russell Stoddard vs. Joseph Smith Sr.
375 4
Paul Benyola, Apostle, The Church of Jesus Christ
375 5
375 6
Also includes notes on Nauvoo Masonic Rituals.
375 7
Kathleen Flake, "'Not to be Riten': The Mormon Temple Rite as Oral Canon"
375 8
Papers, Newell G. Bringhurst
375 9
Jane Elizabeth Manning James
375 10
Items by Bill Shepard
375 11
RLDS Doctrine and Covenants 150
375 12
Mountain Meadows Massacre
375 13
376 1
Includes Richard Lyman Gushman's "What's New in Mormon History: A Response to Jan Shipps," Monte Wolverton's "When Beliefs Collapse," and Robert N. Hullinger's "'You Don't See What I See': Response to...Gary F. Novak's Review of Joseph Smith's Response to Skepticism."
376 2
Luke Wilson, Tribute
376 3
Newsletter, Zion's Advocate
376 4
Newsletter, Vision #46-#58
376 5-7
H. Michael Marquardt, Draft, "The Rise of Mormonism: 1816-1844"
377 1-2
H. Michael Marquardt, Draft, "The Four Gospels According to Joseph Smith"
377 3
H. Michael Marquardt, "Judge Astin A. King's Preliminary Hearing: Joseph Smith and the Mormons on Trial"
377 4
Notes, Austin A. King's Preliminary Hearing
Also includes notes on Austin A. King's Preliminary Hearing Manuscript.
377 5
H. Michael Marquardt, "A Look at Joseph Smith Jr."

Research on Utah Lighthouse MinistryReturn to Top

Container(s) Description Dates
Box Folder
378 1
Jerald Tanner
378 2
Utah Lighthouse Ministry, Inc. vs. Discovery Computing Inc.
378 3
Suit Against Utah Lighthouse Ministry
378 4-5
Utah Lighthouse Ministry Material
378 6
Newsletter, Salt Lake City Messenger , no. 59-72

Research on Mormon Figures, Theology, and HistoryReturn to Top

Container(s) Description Dates
Box Folder
379 1-3
Newsletter, Salt Lake City Messenger , no. 73-109
379 4
Presbyterian Church, Palmyra, New York
Includes information on Western Presbyterian Church and Presbyterian Church of East in Palmyra, New York.
379 5
William W. Gates, Phelps, New York
379 6
E. Latimer, The Three Brothers: Sketches of the Lives of Rev. Aurora Seager, Rev. Micah Seager, Rev. Schuyler Seager, D. D.
379 7
Joseph Smith's Bible Revision
379 8
The Bernhisel Manuscript
Also includes an article by Robert J. Matthews entitled, "An Analysis: The Bernhisel Manuscript of Joseph Smith's Inspired Version of the Bible."
379 9
Thomas A. Wayment and Tyson J. Yost, "The Joseph Smith Translation and Italicized Words in the King James Version"
379 10
Donald Joseph Miles, Thesis, "Preservation of the Writing Approaches of the Four Gospel Writers in the Joseph Smith Translation of the Bible"

Research on Religious Texts and Mormon TheologyReturn to Top

Container(s) Description Dates
Box Folder
380 1
Notes, Joseph Smith's New Translation of the Bible: Original Manuscripts
380 2
Royal Skousen, "The Earliest Textual Sources for Joseph Smith's 'New Translation' of the King James Bible"
380 3
Phillip P. Barlow, "Joseph Smith's Revisions of the Bible: Fradulent, Pathologic or Prophetic?"
380 4
"Joseph Smith's Translation of the Bible: A Symposium"
380 5
Philip Wesley comfort, The Quest for the Original Text of the New Testament
380 6
Various New Testament Readings and Gospel Accounts
380 7
Manuscript, Greek New Testament
380 8
Review, The Complete Text of the Earliest New Testament Manuscripts , Philip W. Comfort and David P. Barrett, eds.
380 9
Leland M. Haines, "Translations and the Greek Text"
380 10
Catalogue of New Testament Papyri and Codices, 2nd-10th Centuries
380 11
Excerpts, Anchor Bible Dictionary
380 12
Christian Tindall, "Contributions of the Statistical Study of the Codex Sinaiticus"
380 13
Codex Vaticanus and Codex Sinaiticus
380 14
Codex Sinaiticus, Articles
Articles include T. C. Skeat's "The Codex Sinaiticus, The Codex Vaticanus and Constantine," and Hershel Shanks's, "Who Owns the Sinaiticus?"
380 15
Articles on the Bible
380 16
Papyri and Manuscripts of the New Testament
380 17
Dewey M. Beegle, Notes, Scripture, Tradition and Infallibility
381 1
Early Christian Church
381 2
W. D. Davis, Christian Origins and Judaism
Includes a chapter entitled, "A Normative Pattern of Church Life in the New Testament."
381 3
Arthur G. Patzia, Excerpts, The Making of the New Testament: Origin, Collection, Text and Cannon
381 4
The Lord's Prayer
381 5
381 6
Thomas Paine, "Age of Reason, Part II, The New Testament"
381 7
Comments on the Joseph Smith Translation
381 8
The Greek Text Adopted by the Translators of the Authorized Version of the New Testament
381 9
Sandra L. Wilson, "Geneses of the 'New Testament': A Critical Study"
381 10
Joel B. Groat, "Joseph Smith's 'Inspired' Revisions to the King James Bible"
381 11
Ronald V. Huggins, "Joseph Smith and the Text of Genesis"
Given at the Sunstone Symposium.
381 12
Kent P. jackson and Scott H. Faulring, "Old Testament Manuscript 3: An Early Transcript of the Book of Moses"
381 13
The Gospel of Judas
381 14
Various Notes
382 1
Various Notes
382 2
Various Articles, New Testament
382 3
Additional Notes
382 4
Mark, Chapter 13
382 5
Bibliography of Textual Criticism: Consolidated Chronological Index
382 6
Preliminary Typescript, Original Manuscript of the Old Testament
Includes pages 1-22.
382 7
Corrections to Transcription, Genesis
382 8
Joseph Smith III and The New Testament
382 9
Copy Prints, RLDS Archives
382 10
Index Notes
382 11
Names, Index of Patriarchal Blessingsin Kirtland, Ohio, Vols. 1-2
382 12
Endnotes, Lost Legacy
382 13
A Compilation of Patriarchal Blessings

Research on Patriarchal BlessingsReturn to Top

Container(s) Description Dates
Box Folder
383 1
Richard P. Howard, "A Brief History of Patriarchal Ministry..."
Also includes an article by Gomer Condit and Genie Pergio entitled "Abraham's Seed."
383 2
J. Max Anderson, "Succession in the Patriarchal Office"
383 3
Office of Patriarch
383 4
Patriarchal Blessing, Joseph Smith Jr.
383 5
Patriarch, Joseph Smith Sr.
383 6
Patriarch, Hyrum Smith
383 7
Patriarch, William Smith
383 8
Patriarch, Uncle John Smith
383 9
Patriarch, John Smith
383 10
Patriarch, Eldred G. Smith
383 11
Notes, Patriarchal Blessing, Book 1
Also includes Notes on "Promises to Live Until the Savior Comes" and "Patriarchal Blessings and Different Texts when Copied into Patriarchal Blessing Book 1."
383 12
Patriarchial Blessings of Joseph Smith Sr.
383 13
Patriarchal Blessings Given
384 1
Table of Contents, Patriarchal and Other Blessings
384 2
Patriarchal Blessing Book 1
384 3
Additional Patriarchal Blessings of Joseph Smith Sr.
384 4
Quorum of the Twelve Apostles, Minutes
Also includes Patriarchal Blessing Book Vol. 2.
384 5
Patriarchal Blessings of Hyrum Smith
384 6
Patriarchal Blessings of William Smith, Book
384 7
Patriarchal Blessing of William Smith, Book, By Blessing Number
384 8
William Smith Blessing Book, Typed, Community of Christ Library-Archives
385 1
Patriarchial Blessings of William Smith
Also Includes "William Smith Patriarchal Blessing Book" organized by Blessing Number.
385 2
Copy, William Smith Patriarchal Blessing Book, State Historical Society of Wisconsin
385 3-4
Draft, "Early Patriarchal Blessings of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints"
385 5
Other Patriarchal Blessings
386 1
Notes, Patriarchal and Other Blessings
386 2
Patriarchal Blessing of Isaac Morley
386 3
Patriarchal Blessings of Uncle John Smith
386 4
Patriarchal Blessings of John Smith
386 5
Patriarchal Blessings given by Other Patriarchs

General MaterialsReturn to Top

Container(s) Description Dates

Professional Writings and NotesReturn to Top

Container(s) Description Dates
Box Folder
388 1
Book of Mormon 1
388 2
Book of Mormon 2
388 3
Book of Mormon 3
388 4
Marquardt, Research Notes Book of Mormon Papers
388 5
Writing the Book of Mormon
388 6
Marquardt, By the Power of the Spirit: The Life of Martin Harris, etc.
389 1
Marquardt, Church History
389 2
The H. Michaels Marquardt Collection Relative to Mormonism
389 3
Early Life of Joseph Smith; The Treasure
389 4
Essays of H. Michaels Marquardt: Joseph Smith's Revelations
389 5
Joseph Smith Egyptian Papers: A History
389 6
The Joseph Smith Revelations: Text and Commentary Correction
390 1
Lyman E. Johnson, Journal of Mormon History
390 2
Notes on Manuscript, Lyman E. Johnson
390 3
Locations of the Residence of Adam, Speculation Becomes Doctrine
390 4
Marquardt and Shepard (Draft), Lost Apostles: Forgotten Members of Mormonism's Original Quorum of the Twelve (1)
390 5
Marquardt and Shepard (Draft), Lost Apostles: Forgotten Members of Mormonism's Original Quorum of the Twelve (2)
390 6
Lost Apostles Illustrations
390 7
Lucy Mack Smith on Mummies and Papyri
391 1
Murder of Jesse Thompson Hartley
391 2
The Murder of Jesse Thompson Hartley No. 5
391 3
Notes on Books and Articles Read
392 1
Early Patriarchal Blessings of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints
392 2
209 Additional Patriarchal Blessings
392 3
More Patriarchal Blessings (1)
392 4
More Patriarchal Blessings (2)
392 5
More Patriarchal Blessings (3)
392 6
" The Strange Beginnings of the Mormon High Priesthood Presidency"
392 7
Vita and Background/Programs

General MaterialsReturn to Top

Container(s) Description Dates
Mention of Marquardt
Mention of Marquardt

Associations and ConferencesReturn to Top

Container(s) Description Dates
Box Folder
395 1
CESNUR Conference Salt Lake City
395 2
Ezra Booth Paper for JWHA
395 3
Daniel M. Kelty, The History of Zarahemla (Blanchardville) Church Headquarters, 1852-1860 (JWHA Conference)
395 4
John Whitmer Historical Association Newsletter
395 5
John Whitmer Historical Association
395 6
John Whitmer Historical Association
395 7
JWHA Conference and Trip
395 8
Mormon History Association, Sacramento Conference
395 9
56th Annual Utah State History Conference

Articles by OthersReturn to Top

Container(s) Description Dates
Box Folder
396 1
R. Jean Addams, "The Church of Christ (Temple Lot) And The Law of Consecration"
396 2
R. Jean Addams, "The Danielsen Plow Company and The Redemption of Zion"
396 3
Robert D. Anderson, "The Adam-God Doctrine and the Persistence of the Practice of Polygamy" (Draft)
396 4
Leonard J. Arrington Historical Archives
396 5
Will Bagley, "The Servants of God Will Come Forth to Slay the Wicked: Apples and Oranges- What was different about Violence in the Mormon West?"
396 6
Maurice Barnett, "Mormonism Against Itself" Volume I
396 7
Maurice Barnett, "Mormonism Against Itself" Volume II
396 8
Clair Barrus, "Oliver Cowdery's Rod of Nature"
396 9
Alexander L. Baugh, "Jacob Hawn and the Hawn's Mill Massacre: Missouri Millwright and Oregon Pioneer"
396 10
Richard E. Bennett, "We had Everything to Procure from Missouri: The Missouri Lifeline to the Mormon Exodus, 1846-1850"
396 11
Melissa K. Bentley, "A Masonic Martyrdom: Freemason Involvement in the Martyrdom of Joseph and Hyrum Smith"
396 12
Gary James Bergera, "The Challenges of theose Days: President Gordon B. Hinkley's Encounter with Cynicism and Doubt" (Draft)
396 13
Easton Black and Larry C. Porter, "For the Sum of Three Thousand Dollars"
396 14
Tandrea Blake , "Our God, Our Religion, and Freedom, and Our Peace": Jackson County Residents and the Struggle of Saint Emigrants to Get Along (1831-1834)
396 15
Ed Bliss, Conversations with a Missionary (Draft), published "How to Talk to a Mormon"
397 1
Matthew Bowman, "The Crisis of Mormon Chistology: History, Progress, and Protestantism, 1880-1930"
397 2
Newell Bringhurst (Draft), "The Whitehouse Prophecy"
397 3
Samuel Brown, "Joseph (Smith) in Egypt: Babel, Hieroglyphs, and the Pure Language of Eden"
397 4
Samuel Brown, "The Phrophet Elias Puzzle"
397 5
Samuel Brown, "The Translator and the Ghostwriter: Joseph Smith and W. W. Phelps"
397 6
Samule Brown, William Phelps's "Paracletes, An Early Witness to Joseph Smith's Divine Anthropology"
397 7
Donald Q. Cannon, "In the Press: Early Newspaper Reports on the Initial Publication of the Book of Mormon"
397 8
Kenneth L. Cannon II, "Wives and Other Women: Love, Sex and Marriage in the Lives of John Q. Cannon, Frank J. Cannon, and Abraham H. Cannon"
397 9
Scott Carrier, "One Mighty and Strong, Brian David Mitchell"
397 10
Geo. T. M. Davis, "An Authentic Account of the Massacre of Joseph Smith"
397 11
John Dennett's "First Volume of the Horrible Enormities of Mormonism"
397 12
John S. Dinger, "Governing Zion: The Minutes of the Nauvoo Stake High Council and the Nauvoo City Council" (1)
397 13
John S. Dinger, "Governing Zion: The Minutes of the Nauvoo Stake High Council and the Nauvoo City Council" (2)
397 14
John-Charles Duffy, "The Use of 'Lamanite' in Official LDS Discourse"
398 1
Sherilyn Farnes, Fact, "Fiction and Family Tradition: The Life of Edward Partridge (1793-1840) The First Bishop of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints"
398 2
Johnnie Glad , "Poles Apart? A Look at Mormon Doctrine in Light of Historic Christianity"
398 3
Rick Grunder, "Book of Abraham"
398 4
Will Bagley and Rick Grunder, "I Could Scarcely Hold the Pen"
398 5
Rick Grunder on papers of Jacob Meyers, etc.
398 6
Rick Grunder, "Mormon Concepts of the Godhead"
398 7
Rick Grunder, "Mormon Parallels: A Biographic Source"
398 8
Mormon List Sixty-Six, Rick Grunder Books
398 9
Z. H. Gurley, "The Polygamic Revelation"
398 10
Brian Hales, "Joseph Smith and Fanny Alger"
398 11
Grant Hardy, "The King James Bible and the Future of Missionary Work"
398 12
Steven C. Harper, "Evaluating the Book of Mormon Witnesses," Religious Instructor Volume II Number 2
398 13
Steven Harper, "Memory and the First Vision"
398 14
George M. Hinkle, "Speaker Says Militia Leader Betrayed Joseph Smith"
398 15
E. D. Howe, "Mormonism Unvailed"
398 16
Kent P. Jackson, "Joseph Smith and The Bible"
398 17
Kent P. Jackson, "'The Sword of My Indignation:' John Whitmer's Genesis Manuscript and 1861 Revelation"
399 1
Jockers, Witten and Griddle, "Reassessing Authorship of the Book of Mormon Using Delta and Nearest Shrunken Centroid Classification"
399 2
Joseph Johnstun, "To Lie in Yoner Tomb: The Tomb and Burrial of Joseph Smith Revisited"
399 3
Christopher C. Jones, "'We Latter Day Saints are Methodists:' The Influence of Methodism on Early Mormon Religiosity"
399 4
Journal of Discourses
399 5
Leslie S. Klinger on Arthur Conan Doyle
399 6
Paul W. Lambert and Thomas A. Wayment, "The Nature of the Pen and Pencil Markings in the New Testament of Joseph Smith's New Translation of the Bible"
399 7
L. W. (Roy) Ledgerwood III, "Mormons vs. Baptists in Greene County, Illiois: Analysis of a Boundary between Religious Competitors"
399 8
Michael H. Madsen, "Mormon Messac: The Spiritual Transformation of Mormon Sites From Points of Interest to Sacred Space"
399 9
John Matzko, "The Encounter of the Young Joseph Smith with Presbyterianism"
399 10
John M. McCoy, "True Grit and Tall Tales: How Mary Ettie Corey (1827-1867) Got Her Man"
399 11
Travis Q. Mecham, "Changes in Seniority to the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles"
399 12
Alan C. Miner, "Joseph's Treasure Hunting Trip to Salem and the Kirtland Bank Failure"
400 1
Carrey E. Morris, "The Conversion of Oliver Cowdery"
400 2
Full Text of Barack Obama's Speech in Cairo, Egypt
400 3
Connell O'Donovan, "'I would Confine Them to Their Own Species:' LDS Historical Rhetoric and Praxis Regarding Marriage Between Whites and Blacks"
400 4
Timeline of Events for Grant Palmer and the LDS Church
400 5
Ken Panza, "Council of Fifty"
400 6
Benjamin E. Park, "Salvation Through a Tabernacle: Joseph Smith, Parley P. Pratt, and Early Mormon Theologies of Embodiment"
400 7
Benjamin E. Park, "'A Uniformity So Complete:' Early Mormon Angelology"
400 8
Ardis E. Parshall, "Codes and Ciphers in Mormon History"
400 9
Philip B. Payne, "The Originality of Text- Critical Symbols in Codex Vaticanus"
400 10
Kelly Elizabeth Phipps, "Marriage and Redemption: Mormon Polygamy in the Congressional Imagination, 1862-1887"
400 11
Dana M. Pike and David Rolph Seely, "'Upon all the Ships of the Sea, and Upon all the Ships of Tarshish:' Revisiting 2 Nephi 12:16 and Isaiah 2:16"
400 12
Porter and Romig, "The Prarie Branch, Jackson County, Missouri: Emergence, Flourishing, and Demise, 1831-1834"
400 13
Richard and Pamela Price, "Vision Number 61, Joseph Smith Fought Polygamy"
400 14
Robert M. Price, "The Oracles of Samuel the Lamanite: A Deconstruction of Helaman 13-15"
400 15
Buck Quigley, "The Murder of William Morgan by Freemasons, and the Story of the Martyr's Widow"
400 16
Heikki Raisanen, "Joseph Smith as a Creative Interpreter of the Bible"
400 17
Mike Reed, "Joseph Smith Jr.'s Cane: A Thing of Nature?"
400 18
RLDS Doctrine and Covenants
400 19
Richard C. Russell, "Three Real Dangers to LDS Church Members: Certainty, Literalism, Unwavering Obedience to Leaders"
400 20
William D. Russell, "From Joseph to Jesus"
400 21
Virginia Scharff, "What's Love Got to Do With It? A New Turner Thesis"
400 22
Smith, "The Story of Eliza Ann Dibble and Her Three Husbands, Orson Spencer, Henry W. Jackson, and Julius A.C. Austin"
400 23
Chris C. Smith,"The Gnostisicsm of the 1832-1833 Revelations"
400 24
Christopher C. Smith, "Joseph Smith in Hermeneutical Crisis"
400 25
Christopher Smith and Don Bradley (Draft), "'The Reckoning of Its Time:' Toward a Translation Chronology of the Joseph Smith Egyptian Materials"
401 1
Gregory L. Smith, Review of "Nauvoo Polygamy"
401 2
Thomas W. Spencer, "Endnotes to the Missouri Mormon Experience"
401 3
John Stanford , "A Discourse on the Urim and the Thummim"
401 4
David Keith Stott, "Legal Insight into the Organization of the Church in 1830"
401 5
G. St. John Stott, "The Martyrdoms at Ammonihah and the Foreknowledge of God"
401 6
Correspondence of James E. Talmage and Sterling B. Talmage, 1931-1934
402 1
Jerald and Sandra Tanner, "3,913 Changes in the Book of Mormon"
402 2
Jerald and Sandra Tanner, "Answering Mormon Scholars" Volume I
402 3
Reviews of "Answering Mormon Scholars" Volume I
402 4
Jerald and Sandra Tanner, "Answering Mormon Scholars" Volume II
402 5
Jerald and Sandra Tanner, "Covering up the Black Hole in the Book of Mormon"
402 6
Sandra Tanner, "Joseph Smith's Role as 'Prophet' in View of the King Follet Discourse"
402 7
Sandra Tanner, "LDS Leaders Still Believe There Will be Polygamy in Heaven"
402 8
Jerald and Sandra Tanner, "Mormon Scriptures and the Bible etc."
402 9
Anonymous Response to the Tanners
403 1
Roger Terry, "Economic Equality: A Worldy Rational for a Heavenly Requirement"
403 2
Linda J. Thayne, "Julia Hills Johnson, 1783-1853: My Soul Rejoiced"
403 3
Richard S. Van Wagoner (Draft), "Joseph Smith: The Life of the Mormon Prophet" Volume I
403 4
Jeffrey N. Walker, "Joseph Smith's Introduction to the Law: The 1819 Hurlbut Case"
403 5
Richard Shelton Williams, "The Missionary Movement of the LDS Church in New England 1830-1850"
403 6
Joni Wilson, "Emma's Enduring Compassion: A Personal Reflection"
403 7
S. J. Wolfe, "'The Leg of Pharaoh's Daughter, The One Who Saved Moses,' Egyptian Mummies in the Mormon World"
403 8
S. J. Wolfe
403 9
Jed Woodworth and Richard Lyman Bushman, "Notes on Joseph Smith: Rough Stone Rolling, A Cultural Biography of Mormonism's Founder"
403 10
Caye Wycoff, "Markets and the Mormon Conflict in Nauvoo, Illinois, 1839-1846"

Newspaper ArticlesReturn to Top

Container(s) Description Dates
Box Folder
404 1
Richard Bushman on Gold Plates
404 2
Sidney Rigdon and Spaulding Theories
404 3
1832-1834; 1836; 1844
404 4
Mormon Historical Documents Create Auction Buzz
404 5
Secrets of the Patriarch's Bear Flag

People Subject FilesReturn to Top

Container(s) Description Dates
Box Folder
405 1
Joseph Addison Spencer Austin (1796-1872)
405 2
Julius Agustus Ceasar Austin (1810-1903)
405 3
Seth King Austin born 1772
405 4
Seth King Austin born 1806
405 5
Biographical Sketches
405 6
Francis Gladden Bishop
405 7
Lilburn W. Boggs, Executive Order 44, 1838
405 8
John F. Boynton
405 9
Boynton Family
405 10
James Colin Brewster
405 11
Lorenzo Brown Journal
405 12
Albert Gallatin Browne Jr.
405 13
History of Daniel Burbank
405 14
Anson Call and the Rocky Mountain Prophecy
406 1
Raymond Clark
406 2
Biography of William O. Clark
406 3
Moses Clawson Autobiography and Journal
406 4
William Clayton Journal, D. Michael Quinn typed excerpts
406 5
Henry Cobb vs. Augusta Adams Cobb
406 6
Esick Lyon Coburn (1803-1890)
406 7
Amariah Coburn
406 8
Emily Coburn (1813-1901)
406 9
Harvey M. Coburn (1794-1875)
406 10
Zebediah Coburn born 1782
406 11
Zebedee Coltrin Journal, 1832-1834
406 12
James Covell (1770-1850)
406 13
Alpheus Cutler (1784-1864)
406 14
William Davenport (Senior and Junior)
406 15
Samuel Dickinson
406 16
Horace S. Eldredge Journal
406 17
Biography of David Foote
406 18
Autobiography of Warren Foote
406 19
A Short History of John Solomon Fullmer
406 20
Journal of Aroet Lucious Hale
406 21
Hale and Lewis Families in Illinois
406 22
Joseph Hancock (1800-1893)
406 23
Reuben Plumb Harmon
406 24
George Armstrong Hicks
406 25
George Armstrong Hicks Documents
406 26
James Higby
407 1
Marked Copy of Journals of Orson Hyde and Samuel H. Smith, Maps
407 2
Luke Johnson Family
407 3
Lyman E. Johnson
407 4
Newel Knight
407 5
Newel Knight Record Book
407 6
Thomas Lakey
407 7
Journal of Wesley P. Lloyd
407 8
Thomas B. Marsh
407 9
Walter C. Lichfield, Thomas B. Marsh, Physician to the Church
408 1
Isaac McCoy, Journal for the Exploring Expedition of 1830
408 2
William McLachlan, Reminiscences and Journals
408 3
William E. McLellin
408 4
H. H. Wmith, George Miller
408 5
Vitae of Robert L. Millet
408 6
Constance Miln, J.T. Hartley
408 7
Wives and Families of James A. Newberry
408 8
Joel K. Noble
408 9
Frederick Ott Autobiography
408 10
John Pack, Autobiography- Reminiscence
408 11
Laura Clark Phelps
408 12
Helen Radkey
408 13
Ebenezer Rand Memoir
408 14
Mary Ann Sheffield
408 15
Henry Garlie Sherwood
408 16
History of Albert Smith
409 1
Joseph Smith's Life
409 2
Interviews with Joseph Smith
409 3
Joseph Smith Papers
409 4
Joseph Smith Papers: Revelations and Translations
410 1
Joseph Smith Revelations: Doctrine and Covenants, Book of Mormon, and the Old Testament
410 2
Joseph Smith Revelations: Doctrine and Covenants, Book of Mormon, and the Old Testament
410 3
Canadian Copyright Revelation
410 4
Notes on Joseph Smith's Revelations
410 5
Notes on Joseph Smith's Revelations
410 6
Notes on Joseph Smith's Revelations and Bible Revisions
410 7
Notes for Comparison regarding Joseph Smith
411 1-3
William Smith
411 4
Eliza R. Snow Journal (BYU Studies)
411 5
Wingfield Watson
411 6
David Whitmer
411 7
Burial Information of Christian and Peter Whitmer Jr. Clay County, Missouri
411 8
Cooley Wilkins born 1767
411 9
Preston Tucker Wilkins (1801-1873)
411 10
Mary Ann Strearns Winters
411 11
Brigham Young to Mary Richardson 1857
411 12
Brigham Young and Sally Kanosh
411 13
Theadocia Kimball Young, Young and Harris Families
411 14
Lewis Zabriskie (1796-1884)

Early Church History Research: A-ZReturn to Top

Container(s) Description Dates
Box Folder
412 1
John C. Bennett, May 1842
412 2
The Book of Commandments
412 3
The Book of Commandments once owned by Olver Cowdery
412 4-5
Notes on Book of Commandments and Revelations
412 6
Bullion, Beck and Champion Mining Company
412 7
The Reynolds Cahoon Papers
412 8
Church of Christ (Temple Lot)
412 9
Cleveland Daily Plan Dealer
412 10
Minutes of the Council of the Twelve, Excerpts
1841-1847; 1849-1869
412 11
Council of the Twelve Minutes
412 12
Oliver Cowdery's Account Book of Writing
413 1
Crow Creek Record
413 2
LDS Doctrine and Covenants III
413 3
Letters Pertaining to Freemasonry in Nauvoo
413 4
Notes on Hiram, Ohio
413 5
Iowa High Council Record
413 6
Latter Day Saints in Jefferson County, New York
413 7
Kirtland Dissent
413 8
Recollections of the Pioneers of Lee County, Illinois
413 9
Mountain Meadows
413 10
Massacre at Mountain Meadows
413 11
Perspectives of a Massacre: A Panel Discussion on Mountain Meadows Massacre, Utah Valley University
413 12
Nauvoo Notes
414 1
Masonic Lodge at Nauvoo
414 2
Record of Nauvoo Lodge Under Dispensation (1)
414 3
Record of Nauvoo Lodge Under Dispensation (2)
414 4
Record of Nauvoo Lodge Under Dispensation (3)
414 5
Notes on Nauvoo High Council
414 6
Testimony Before Nauvoo High Council
414 7
Newspaper Accounts
414 8
One Mighty and Strong
415 1
Copy of Edward Partridge Old Testament Manuscript Moses 7:21-62
415 2
Excerpts from The Prophet and New York Messenger
415 3
Plural Marriage General Materials
415 4
Plural Marriage General Materials
415 5
Notes on Plural Marriage, Brian Hales
415 6
Plural Marriage
416 1
Josiah Quincy, May 1844 Visit
416 2
Quorum od the Twelve Apostles
416 3
Revelations, Council Meetings, Temple Ordinances
416 4
Manuscript Revelation Collections
416 5
Harrison Sager's High Council Cases
416 6
Salt Lake School of the Prohphets Minute Book
416 7
Wilford Woodruff, A Book of Commandments
416 8
A Book of Commandments, 1833, Wilford Woodruff's Handwriting
416 9
Letter of Brigham Young to George Q. Cannon
416 10
Zion Blessings

General Research: A-ZReturn to Top

Container(s) Description Dates
Box Folder
417 1
Adam in the Book of Mormon and Doctrine and Covenants, "Inspired Version"
417 2
Articles in BYU Studies 48, Number 3 on Book of Commandments and Revelations
417 3
Articles on Book of the Dead
417 4
Book of Abraham Translation Manuscript
417 5-6
Book of Abraham Notes
417 7
Counseling and Interviewing Guide for Bishops
417 8
The Doctrine and Covenants: Revelations in Context
417 9
Errata for Journals, Volume I: 1832-1839
418 1-2
First Presidency's Statements and Letters
418 3
Staker, "Hearken, O Ye People"
418 4
Chapter Endnotes of "Hearken, O Ye People"
418 5
Robin Scott Jensen, "Rely Upon the Things Which are Written:" Text, Context, and the Creation of the Mormon Revelatory Records
418 6
Marriott Library Rededication
418 7
Missionary Work in Boston, MA
419 1
Rededication of the Pioneer Memorial Museum
419 2
Restoration Apostles, Church of Jesus Christ
419 3
My Second Anointing Experience
419 4
Seer Stones in First Presidency Vault, Grant H. Palmer
419 5
Seer Stones
419 6
John A. Tvedtnes, "Historical Perspectives on the Kitland Revelation Book"
419 7
Various Notes
419 8
George Washington's Masonic Apron
419 9
Dr. John A. Widtsoe, "Answers to Seminary Teacher's Questions"
419 10
President Frederick G. Williams, "Singing the Word of God: Five Hymns"

LDS Church History Writings by H. Michael MarquardtReturn to Top

Boxes 420-430 were donated in 2014. They are organized into writings by H. Michael Marquardt, LDS Historical Conventions and Organizations Marquardt was involved with, Research Materials, and Articles written by Professional Colleagues.

Container(s) Description Dates
Box Folder
420 1
Church History Essays
This folder contains the following essays:
  • "Changing Revelatory Messages: A Mormon Example"
  • "Manchester as the Site of the Organization of the Church on April 6, 1830"
  • "Ezra Booth on Early Mormonism: A Look at His 1831 Letters"
  • "Martin Harris: The Kirtland Years, 1831-1870"
  • "Lyman E. Johnson: Forgotten Apostle"
  • "David Whitmer: His Evolving Beliefs and Recollections"
  • "John Whitmer and the Revelations of Joseph Smith"
  • "Judge Austin A. King's Preliminary Hearing: Joseph Smith and the Mormons on Trial"
  • "Emily Dow Partridge Smith Young on the Witness Stand: Recollections of a Plural Wife"
  • Interviews of Joseph Smith
2002; 2008-2013
420 2
"Changing Revelatory Messages: A Mormon Example"
420 3-4
"The Coming Storm: The Murder of Jesse Thompson Hartley" Collector's Edition and Post Publication Correspondence
420 5
"Writing the Book of Mormon," Draft
420 6
"Writing the Book of Mormon"
420 7
"The Joseph Smith Egyptian Papers: A History"
This essay written by Marquardt was one of three introductory essays that was published in the the book The Joseph Smith Egyptian Papyri by Robert K. Ritner.
421 1
"Setting the Record Straight: Brigham Young's Baptism Date" Essay and Correspondence
Brigham Young's Baptism is dated April 9, 1832.
421 2
"Brigham Young Baptism" Research Materials
421 3
"Brigham Young Baptism" Research materials and Correspondence
421 4
"A Tanner Bibliography"
422 1
"Patriarchal Blessings by Joseph Smith Sr. Dated 1834-1840," Compilation
422 2
"Patriarchal Blessings by Hyrum Smith Dated 1840-1844," Compilation
423 1-3
Later Patriarchal Blessings of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints: Working Copy
424 1-4
Later Patriarchal Blessings of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints: Marked Copy
424 5-6
Later Patriarchal Blessings... Notes, Research, and Correspondence
425 1
"Joseph Smith's 1828-1843 Revelations," Draft
425 2-3
"The Rise of Mormonism" Draft
426 1-2
Lost Apostles: Forgotten Members of Mormonism's Original Quorum of Twelve, Draft
published in 2013
426 3
Lost Apostles: Forgotten Members of Mormonism's Original Quorum of Twelve Correspondence

Involvement in Historical Research Organizations and ConventionsReturn to Top

Container(s) Description Dates
Box Folder
427 1
John Whitmer Historical Association (JWHA) Annual Meeting
427 2
John Whitmer Historical Association Newsletters
427 3
Sunstone Symposium: "Mormons and Mormonism as a Political Force"
427 4
"Polygamy in the Marriage of William and Jenetta Richards" by Devery S. Anderson
The essay was presented at the Sunstone Symposium in 2012 and was published in Sunstone Magazine in 2013.
427 5
Sunstone Symposium: "Mormon Bodies: Literal, Metaphorical, Doctrinal"
427 6
Mormon History Association Annual Conference
427 7
Mormon History Association Newsletters
427 8
"The Gold Plates as Cultural Artifact," Brigham Young University Seminar on Mormon Culture
427 9
Notes from the Brigham Young University (BYU) Church History Symposium
427 10-11
Salt Lake City Messenger, Issue 110-121

Research MaterialsReturn to Top

Container(s) Description Dates
Box Folder
428 1
Correspondence and Compiled Research on Joshua Smith
428 2-4
Various Notes and Articles About The Book of Mormon
428 5
Book of Mormon Articles by Royal Skousell
428 6
Trial of George J. Adams
428 7
Items in the State Historical Society of Iowa, Des Moines
Includes materials on William Harris, a letter written from Joseph Smith Jr. to Emma Smith, and other correspondence.
428 8
Life Sketches of Sarah Sercy Miller and John Hopwood Bleazard
428 9
"Minutes of Nauvoo Lodge U.D., December 29, 1841 to May 6, 1842
428 10
Steven S. Harding Letters
428 11
Minutes of the Salt Lake Municiple High Council 1847-1848
429 1
James Jesse Strang Historical Marker
429 2
New Edition of the LDS Scriptures Materials
This folder includes correpondence about the new edition. It also has a page-by-page comparison of the 1981 edition and the 2013 edition.
429 3
Articles about Don Bradley, Mitt Romney, and D. Michael Quinn as Mormons
429 4
List of Latter Day Saint Restoration Churches and Groups
429 5
Church of Christ Temple Lot Materials
429 6
Correpondence Supporting Ron Romig as Community of Christ Archivist
429 7
Frederck G. Williams Material
429 8
Otis and Sally Shumway Materials
429 9
Warren F. Parish Materials

Latter-day Saint Church History Articles by ColleaguesReturn to Top

Container(s) Description Dates
Box Folder
430 1
"Charles Mackay and His 'True Impartial History' of the Mormons," By Leonard J. Arrington
430 2
"The Jacob and Sarah Warnock Family"
430 3
Interviews of Richard L. Bushman and James B. Allen
430 4
Articles regarding "Salvation of the Dead"
"The Harrowing of Hell: Salvation for the Dead in Early Christianity." "Baptism for the Dead in Early Christianity" "Redeeming the Dead: Tender Mercies, Turning of Hearts, and Restoration of Authority."
430 5
"The Orphan Child: Priscilla Mogridge, Smith Lowry Williams Staines"
430 6
"'Securing' the Prophet's Copyright in the Book of Mormon"
430 7
"The Mormon Endowment and the 'Christianization of Freemasonry'"
430 8
Typed copy of "The Commonwealth [of Pennsylvania] vs. Jason Treadwell"
430 9
"Hoseph Smith's Chronicler: An Interview with Dean C. Jesse"
430 10
"Mormonism and Same-Sex Marriage: Theological Underpinnings and New Perspectives
430 11
"Joseph Smith's Letter from Liberty Jail: A Study in Canonization," by Kathleen Flake
October, 2012
430 12
"Plural Marriage and African American Mormons: Race Schism, and the Beginnings of Priesthood and Temple Denial in 1847
2009, 2014
430 13
"From the Connecticut Valley to the West Coast: The Role of Dartmouth College in the Building of the Nation"
430 14
431 1
Richard L. Anderson: "Circumstantial Confirmation of the Firsrt Vision Through Reminiscences"
431 2
Richard L. Anderson: "Joseph Smith's New York Reputation Reappraised"
431 3
Matthew B. Brown: "Brigham Young's Teaching on Adam"
431 4
Scott C. Esplin: "A History of All the Important Things (D&C 69:3): John Whitmer's Record of Church History"
431 5
Larry C. Porter: "The Peter Whitmer Log Home: Cradle of Mormonism"
431 6
Ronald K. Esplin and Sharon E. Nielsen: "The Record of the Twelve: The Quorum of the Twelve Apostles' Call and 1835 Mission"
431 7
Bruce W.Worthen: "The Runaway Officials Revisited: Remaking the Mormon Image in Antebellum America"
431 8
Grant Palmer's Lecture Outlines on Joseph Smith's First Vision"
431 9
Grant H. Palmer: "A Summary of An Insider's View of Mormon Origins"
431 10
Kerry M. Muhlestein and Alexander L. Baugh: "Preserving the Joseph Smith Papyri Fragments"
431 11
Michael MacKay: "At the House of Whitmer"
431 12
Helen Radkey: "Mormon Marriage: "Between a Man and Woman' for the Living--Polygamy for the Dead"
431 13
Helen Radkey: "Mormon Genealogical Records Trash the Sacred Identity of Biblical Jesus"
431 14
Susan E. Black: "The Prophet The Latter-day Saint Experience in the East, 1844-1845"
431 15
LaJean P.Carruth and Robin S. Jensen: "Sidney Rigdon's Plea to the Saints"
431 16
Bruce Worthen: "Zachary Taylor is Dead and in Hell and I am Glad of it"
431 17
Bruce W. Worthen: "A Member of the Family: Dr. John Bernhisel and the Aftermath of the Martyrdom of Joseph Smith"
431 18
Jared W. Ludlow: "A Narrative Approach to the Joseph Smith Translation of the Synoptic Gospels"
431 19
D. Michael Quinn: "Background to my 1985 Artricle, which was Titled: 'LDS Church Authority and New Plural Marriages, 1890-1904"
431 20
Steven C. Harper: "The Tithing of My People"
432 1
Robin S. Jensen: "Ignored and Unknown Clues of Early Mormon Record Keeping
432 2
Susan E. Black and Larry C. Porter: "Rest Assured, Martin Harris Will Be Here in Time"
432 3
Larry D. Christensen: "Martin Harris of Clarkston, Utah"
432 4
Martin Harris Manuscript: "A Follower of Christ"
432 5
Martin Harris Manuscript: "A Committed Saint"
432 6
Michael MacKay, Gerrit Dirkmaat, and Robin Jenson: "The 'Caractors' Document: "New Light on an Early Transcription of the Book of Mormon Characters"
432 7
Christopher Smith: "Playing Lamanite: Ecstatic Performance of American Indian Identity in Early Mormonism"
432 8
Grant H. Palmer: "Sexual Allegations against Joseph Smith and the Beginnings of Polygamy in Nauvoo"
432 9
Gary J. Bergera's Review of Brain C. Hales' "Joseph Smith's Polygamy, Vols. 1-3"
432 10
R. Jean Addams: "The Bullion, Beck, and Champion Mining Company and the Redemption of Zion"
432 11
Brian Whitney: "Mormonism in Context: The Story of an American Religion"
432 12
Mark L. Staker and Robin S. Jensen: "David Hale's Store Ledger: New Details about Joseph and Emma Smith, the Hale Family, and the Book of Mormon"
432 13
A. Chris Eccel: "The Book of Mormon versus Biblical Research"
432 14
A. Chris Eccel: "Biblical Variant Readings in the Book of Mormon"
432 15
A. Chris Eccel: "Lehi's Jerusalem: Bible vs. Book of Mormon"
432 16
A. Chris Eccel: "The Lost Pages: Stolen or Scuttled?"
432 17
A. Chris Eccel: Manuscripts
432 18
Dan Vogel: "Was the Angel's Name Moroni or Nephi?"
432 19
Ryan Thomas Book Review of Brant A. Gardner's "Traditions of the Fathers: The Book of Mormon as History"
432 20
Kurt Van Gorden: "Early Deseret Almanacs and the Doctrine of God"
433 1
Book Reviews of Marquardt and Walters' "Inventing Mormonism: Tradition and the Historical Record"
433 2
"Plural Marriage in the LDS Church"
433 3
Assorted Manuscripts
433 4
Paper: "Historical Overview of the Origin of Mormon Polygamy"
433 5
"Manuscripts and Sources on April 6, 1830"
433 6
"Church of Christ Organizational Meeting of April 6, 1830"
433 7
Paper: "Author Meets the Critics: Joseph Smith's Polygamy"
433 8
"Transformation of the Mormon Hierarchy at Far West, Missouri"
433 9
"Use of the Bible in the Book of Mormon"
433 10
"Changing Revelatory Messages: A Mormon Example"
433 11
Paper: "Quorum of Apostles: Actions of Dissent at Kirtland":
433 12
Paper: "William Smith and the Notorious Hodges Brother's Criminal Gang at Nauvoo"
433 13
Correspondence and Andrew Hamilton's Comments on the Sunstone Symposium Paper
434 1-2
Manuscript: "Lost Apostles: Forgotten Members of Mormonism's Original Quorum of Twelve"
434 3
Advance Reading Copy of "Lost Apostles"
434 4
434 5
Publication Notices and Notes
434 6
Andrew Hamilton's Review for the Association for Mormon Letters
435 1
Article: "An Appraisal of Manchester as Location for the Organization of the Church"
435 2-3
Manuscript and Article: "Historical Setting of Mormonism in Manchester, Ontario County, New York"
435 4
"Ontario County Times"
435 5
Butts Family Materials
435 6
Capron Family Materials
435 7
Chase Family Materials
435 8
Nichols and Durfee Family Materials
435 9
Lemuel Durfee Account Book Materials
435 10
Assorted Materials
436 1
Marquardt's Reviews of Manuscripts Submitted to the "JWHA Journal"
436 2
Notes and Correspondence
436 3-5
"Journal of Mormon History" Materials
437 1-4
Manuscript Sources for DHC's Volumes 1-2 and 4-5
437 5-14
Dan Vogel's Manuscript
437 15-17
Manuscript on LDS Activities in Kirtland, Ohio: Chapters 1,9 and 22
437 18
438 1-2
Marquardt's Notes on the Manuscript History of the L.D.s. Church
438 3
Sources for the Manuscript History of the L.D.S. Church
438 4
438 5
Minutes of L.D.S. Conferences and Meetings
438 6
Council of Fifty Materials
438 7
Howard Coray's Draft of the History of Joseph Smith and the Mormon Church
438 8-9
L.D.S. Archival Materials
439 1
Review of "Documents, Volume 1: 1828-1831" of the Joseph Smith Paoers
439 2
Review of "Journals, Volume 2: 1841-1843" of the Joseph Smith Papers
439 3
"Journals, Volume 2" of the Joseph Smith Papers
439 4
"Histories, Volumes 1-2" of the Joseph Smith Papers
439 5
Joseph Smith Papers' Materials
439 6
Joseph Smith's Letterbook
439 7
Revelation Books and the Doctrine and Covenants
439 8
Karl F. Best: "Changes in the Revelations, 1833 to 1835"
439 9
H. Michael Marquardt: "Changing Revelatory Messages: A Mormon Example"
439 10
Christopher C. Smith: "The Inspired Fictionalization of the 1835 United Firm Revelations"
439 11
Joseph Smith's Revisions
439 12
Book of Mormon Caractors: Correspondence and Documents
439 13
Joseph Smith's Wives and Later Sealings
439 14
Joseph Smith and the Practice of Polygamy
439 15
Notes on Joseph Smith's Polygamy
439 16
Emma Hale Materials
439 17
Nauvoo Ledgers
439 18
Nauvoo Materials
440 1
Hugh W. Nibley: "The Facsimiles of the Book of Abraham"
440 2
Hugh Nibley: "An Approach to the Book of Abraham"
440 3
Brian M. Hauglid: "Thoughts on the Book of Abraham"
440 4
Brian M. Hauglid: "The Book of Abraham and the Egyptian Project"
440 5
Robert Ritner: "Translation and Historicity of the Book of Abraham--A Response"
440 6
L.D.S. Church: "Translation and the Historicity of the Book of Abraham"
440 7
Jeremy Runnells: "The Book of Abraham: 'Except for Those Willfully Blind, the Case is Closed'"
440 8
David Twede: : "The Book of Abraham"
440 9
Brent L. Metcalfe: "The Curious Textual History of 'Egyptus' the Wife of Ham"
440 10
Marc Coenen: "The Ownership and Dating of Certain Joseph Smith Papyri"
440 11
"Collected Marc Coenen Papers on Egyptian Funerary Texts"
440 12
Marc Coenen Materials
440 13
Correspondence: H. Michael Marquardt
440 14
Paper: "The Book of Abraham"
440 15
Ryan S. Bingham: "Curse and Marks: Racial Dispensations and Dispensations of Race in Joseph Smith's Bible Revision and the Book of Abraham""
440 16
Assorted Materials on the Book of Abraham
441 1
Jacob Myers Sr.: Inventory of Papers and Assorted Materials
441 2
"Autobiography of Warren Foote, Vol. 1, 1817-1879"
441 3
"A Record of the Freedom Branch of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter day Saints"
441 4
Alexander L. Baugh: "Jacob Hawn and the Hawn's Mill Massacre"
441 5
John C. Bennett Materials
441 6
Martin Harris Materials
441 7
W. W. Phelps Materials
441 8
Parley P. Pratt Materials
441 9
Don Carlos Smith Materials
441 10
Hyrum Smith Materials
441 11
Signatures of Joseph Smith Sr.
441 12
John L. Traughber and William E. McLellin Materials
441 13
John Whitmer's Account Book
441 14
Excerpts from Abraham Cannon, George Cannon, and Heber Grant, et. al. Journals and Diaries
442 1
Correspondence: L.D.S. Church
442 2
Tom Phillips: Correspondence and Mormon Think
442 3
Steve Bloor's Blog Correspondence
442 4
Hugh Nibley Interviews: The Question re the Historicity of the Book of Mormon
442 5
Correspondence: Leonard Arrington
442 6
Correspondence: Truman Madsen
442 7
Sunday Evening with the Doctrine and Covenants
442 8
Patriarchal Blessings
442 9
"Mission President's Handbook"
442 10
L.D.S. Certificates of Authority
442 11
L.D.S. Church Scriptural and Gospel Revisions
442 12
"Race and the Priesthood"
442 13
"Becoming Like God"
442 14
Temple Lot Case Materials
442 15-17
Assorted Materials
443 1
Joseph Smith and the Language of Adam
443 2
The Angel's Name Materials
443 3
Egyptian Mummies in North America
443 4
Thompson and Hartley Materials
443 5
Solomon Chamberlain Materials
443 6
American Historical Association's Statement on Standards of Professional Conduct
443 7
Rick Grunder: "Bibliographic Table of Contents"
443 8
L.D.S. Church History Library Correspondence and Materials
443 9-10
A. Dean Larsen Book Collecting Conference Materials

Personal Materials and WritingsReturn to Top

Container(s) Description Dates
Box Folder
445 1
Family Correspondence
1979; 1985-1988
445 2
445 3
Educational Credits
445 4
Activity of H. Michael Marquardt with "Polygamist Cult People" and Apostle Mark E. Petersen
1971; 1974-1976
445 5
Voluntary Resignations from the LDS Church
445 6
Temple Work
445 7
Priesthood Lessons
445 8
"Comments on William B. Smith: In the Shadow of the Prophet," Prepared for MHA
445 9
"Joseph Smith Uses Stone in a Hat"
445 10
"Quorum of Apostles: Actions of Dissent at Kirtland"
445 11
"Relics of the Restoration"
445 12
"Response to 'Translation and Historicity of the Book of Abraham'"
445 13
"Review of Journals, Volume 3"
445 14
William Shepard and H. Michael Marquardt, "Mortal Enemies: Mormons and Missourians, 1839-1844" and Materials Regarding Thomas Ford
445 15
Questions for William Shepard and H. Michael Marquardt Regarding, "Lost Apostles: Forgotten Members of Mormonism's Original Quorum of Twelve"
H. Michael Marquardt Papers Held at the J. Willard Marriott Library

ConferencesReturn to Top

Container(s) Description Dates
Box Folder
447 1
Communal Studies Association Conference
447 2-3
John Whitmer Historical Association Conference
447 4
John Whitmer Historical Association, Nominating Committee
2011-2014; 2016-2017
447 5
Mormon History Association Conference
447 6-7
Sunstone Symposium

People and Subject FilesReturn to Top

Container(s) Description Dates
Box Folder
448 1
Simon Baker, 1811-1863
448 2
Pardon Butts (1794-1880) and Sylvia Butts Walker (1818-1902)
448 3
Martha Jane Coray Notebook (photocopy) and Typescript
1800s; 2014-2016
448 4
Lysander Gee Patriarchal Blessing by James Adams (photocopy) and Typescript
448 5
Rebecca Mathre's Request for Copies of Patriarchal Blessings
448 6
Justin Parker; William Goodell; Orson Hyde
448 7-8
John Pulsipher Notebook (photocopy)
1848-1884; 2016
448 9
Cyrus Smalling (1789/90-1866)
448 10
John Smith Journal (photocopy) and Typescript
448 11
Origins of the Baptism for the Dead Doctrine, Notes
448 12
Joseph Smith Revision of the Bible
448 13
Relief Society; Epistle; William Richards; Sidney Rigdon
circa 2012
449 1
Seer Stone
449 2
Text of the Book of Mormon / Seer Stones Compilations
449 3
Plaster Life-Mask of James Jesse Strong, McClurg Museum, Westfield, New York
449 4
Daniel Stone and Research Regarding William Bickerton

Writings by OthersReturn to Top

Container(s) Description Dates
Box Folder
449 5
William Davis, "Reassessing Joseph Smith Jr.'s Formal Education"
449 6
Stephen J. Fleming, "The Religious Heritage of the British Northwest and the Rise of Mormonism"
449 7
Reid Neilson, "A Conversation with Ronald W. Walker"
449 8
George D. Speer, Sr., "The Last Days and December 1890 2nd Coming of Jesus Christ"
449 9
"Brigham Young Will Lead the Church to Hell," References
449 10
"The Temple Ceremony by a Temple Worker"

General MaterialsReturn to Top

Container(s) Description Dates
Box Folder
449 11
A Guide to Mormon Manuscripts at the Huntington Library
449 12
Mormonism Researched
449 13
Salt Lake City Messenger
449 14
General Materials