Peck Collection of Northwest Coast Indian Life, 1958-2000

Overview of the Collection

Peck, Elizabeth Tuckwiller, 1918-
Peck Collection of Northwest Coast Indian Life
1958-2000 (inclusive)
15 Linear feet of shelf space, (19 Boxes)
Collection Number
Cage 671 (collection)
The bulk of the Peck collection consists of sound recordings, slides and photographs, field notes, transcriptions, manuscripts, and correspondence documenting the Quileute people from 1969 to 1979.
Washington State University Libraries' Manuscripts, Archives, and Special Collections (MASC)
Manuscripts, Archives, and Special Collections
Terrell Library Suite 12
Pullman, WA
Telephone: 509-335-6691
Access Restrictions

This collection is open and available for research use.

English, Quileute, Quinault

Biographical NoteReturn to Top

Charles Peck was born May 22, 1914, in Hazard, Kentucky. He graduated from West Virginia University School of Forestry in 1939 and received a master's degree in public administration and economics from the University of Colorado in 1963. In 1967 he joined the Agricultural Extension Service at Washington State University as an Information Specialist. He served as a county extension agent for WSU in Cowlitz, Mason and Spokane counties. In 1970 he produced a series of photographs expressing the meaning of responsible land use management, with the Queets River basin serving as the site for his study.

Elizabeth (Tuckwiller) Peck was born in 1918. She graduated from West Virginia University with an A.B. in Music Education in 1939. She received her master's degree in 1973 from Washington State University Department of Music. Elizabeth also taught at the Queets-Clearwater school and was an avid seamstress.

In April of 1970 Charles and Elizabeth moved to Queets, Washington, for a planned six-month sabbatical leave. Their six-month sojourn lasted 17 years. As Charles said:

"Little did we know that the central issue of the sabbatical would swiftly gravitate to trying to develop a comfortable and lasting rapport with the Quinault Indians of Queets, and to learn something of their culture. We were to find such work often sobering and difficult, but always exciting. We were to find trust developing slowly. But finally were able to make friends with the generous and gifted people."

While in Queets they lived among the Pacific coast Native American tribes of Washington state, documenting and recording their history and music. Elizabeth's musical interests helped ease fears among tribal elders that their musical heritage would, in short order, become irretrievably lost: she preserved and documented some of this heritage in hundreds of hours of recorded material and in the work she did for her master's thesis, "Songs of the Bogachiel." There she attempted to understand the power of a family song from a Quileute point of view, focusing on the role of song ownership.

Charles photographed a variety of subjects, but he especially enjoyed photographing Indian children. He published some of those photos in an ABC book for children. His photos have been displayed throughout the Northwest, including Portland and Seattle. In addition to his photography he became known on the reservation for his drum-making skills and as an avid fisherman.

Content DescriptionReturn to Top

The Peck collection consists of sound recordings (cassettes, reels and records), slides and photographs, field notes, transcriptions, manuscripts, and correspondence. The photographs include photos of Indian people, their activities, and the environmental features of their tribal regions. The bulk of the collection documents the Quileute people from 1969 to 1979, when, according to Peck, "the last vestiges of their culture were disappearing."

In Series I: Tapes and Cassettes, explanatory notes and transcriptions of the tapes are often included. Here is an example of the code used by Ms. Peck: M.W. -T1-S1@S2 - Aug. 4, 1971 - M3 3/4 - Qts@Qts - ETP. The first letters are the initials or symbol given to the person taped. (See the list below.) The "T1" stands for tape (reel) number one. The letter "C" in this position would indicate a cassette. "S1" and "S2" indicates that there is recorded material on both side one and side two. Following is the date when the recording took place. The speed at which the tape plays is indicated first by an "M" followed by the speed. The letters prior to the "@" symbol indicate where the person being taped is from and the letters following the "@" symbol indicate where the recording was made. In the example given, Mary Williams is from Queets and the recording was taped at Queets. The last set of letters represents who made the recording (in nearly every case this is Elizabeth T. Peck).

Symbols - People:

BB- Beatrice Black, Taholah, WA

HBo - Harry Bowchop

HBr- Hazel Bright

JC - Jonah Cole

EG - Elmer George

LF - Leila Fisher

MH-AH - Mattie Howeattle and Ansy Hyasman

PH - Pansy Howeattle

MK - Maggie Kelly

HL - Helen Lee

WEL - Warren E. Lee

FL - Flora Logan

ETP - Elizabeth T. Peck

CP - Cecil Pullen

LP - Lillian Pullen

BS - Bud Sailto

HS - Harry Sam, Queets Indian

WS - Wallace Sampson

Sh. - Shaker

MW - Mary Williams

Symbols - Places:

Qute - Quileute

QTs - Queets

HR - Hoh River

T - Taholah

Q'nlt- Quinault Tribe

Series II: Phonograph Disc Recordings contains four LP recordings and relevant notes.

Series III: Reference Essays and Articles includes photocopied excerpts of articles on Indian culture as well as relevant correspondence and notes.

Series IV: General contains a bound copy of Elizabeth's thesis and research materials (notes, rough drafts, interviews, articles, and song information). Also included are newspaper clippings, correspondence files, and information about Indian culture and activities.

Series V: Teaching Materials contains materials used by Elizabeth while teaching at the Queets-Clearwater school, including stories written by Charles. Additionally, it contains the scripts to the slide series put together by Charles.

Series VI: Environmental Materials includes a few articles on local vegetation as well as the land layout of the Peck acreage on the Hoh reservation.

Series VII: Diaries consists of the diaries of Charles Peck from 1972-1985.

Series VIII: Photography consists of slides taken by Charles Peck, enlarged color photos, photos by date, storyboard photos and texts, and general photos. The storyboard photos and texts were originally on large cardboard posters made by school children; however, for preservation purposes they were removed. In some instances both the proofs and negatives and/or contact sheets exist, although occasionally only one of these is extant.

Use of the CollectionReturn to Top

Restrictions on Use

Copyright restrictions apply. The Leila Fisher audio recordings may not be reproduced without the permission of her family (please contact the repository for details). The Helma Ward recordings may not be reproduced.

Preferred Citation

[Item description]

Peck Collection of Northwest Coast Indian Life, 1958-2000 (Cage 671)

Manuscripts, Archives, and Special Collections, Washington State University Libraries, Pullman, WA.

Administrative InformationReturn to Top


The collection is arranged into eight series. The tapes in Series I are arranged alphabetically by person or topic and subsequently according to the code used by Elizabeth Peck to identify the tapes. The Reference Essays and Articles series is arranged alphabetically by author or subject. The Photography series is arranged into several sub-series by material type.

Acquisition Information

Charles and Elizabeth Peck gave their papers to Washington State University Libraries in three installments in February and September of 1989 and in April of 1990. In 2001, Elizabeth Peck donated additional photographs, papers, and artifacts to the collection.

Processing Note

Anna S. Vogt processed the collection in the summer of 1999. The photographs and papers were added at the end of the collection by Francesca Pena under the supervision of Trevor Bond, Special Collections Librarian.

Separated Materials

Fifty-four books and one box of gardening materials were separated from this collection. The artifacts (primarily drums and woven baskets) were processed separately as the Peck Collection of Pacific Northwest Coast Indian Artifacts, circa 1970s (Cage 671a).

Detailed Description of the CollectionReturn to Top

Series I: Tapes and Cassettes Return to Top

Container(s) Description Dates
Box Folder
1 1
"Authentic Music of American Indian," taped copy of albums
Side 1: album 1 Side 2: album 2
1 2
"Authentic Music of the American Indian" (ETP notes incl.)
Side 1: misc., C.K. Peck , children singing, Harry Sam Side 2: album 3
1 3
Beatrice Black, notes, transcripts, newspaper clippings
1 4
Beatrice Black, BB-T1 - S1:S2 - Apr 28, 1972 - M3 3/4 - Q+H@Taholah - ETP (Master)
Tape of Beatrice Black and Mary Fisher Williams at Black's home. Black was from La Push, WA and at the time of the taping lived in Taholah WA. Williams was from Hoh, WA., but at the time lived in Queets, WA. Both women speak Quileute language
1 5
Beatrice Black: BB-T2-S1-Apr. 28, 1972 - QH@Taholah - M3 3/4 - ETP
Tape of Black and Mary Fisher Williams at Black's Taholah home
1 6
Beatrice Black, BB-T3-S1:S2-May 15, 1972-Qute@Taholah-M3 3/4-ETP
Tape of Black and Mary Fisher Williams at Black's Taholah home. Conversation is about early everyday uses of Quileute Indian songs
1 7
Beatrice Black, BB-T4-S1-July 12, 1972 - Qute@Taholah - M3 3/4 - ETP (Master) Black and Mary F. Williams identify Quileute Indian Shakers in photograph "A" plate 2 in "Quileutes of La Push" by George A. Pettittt
1 8
Beatrice Black, BB-T4-S1-July 12, 1972 - Qute@Taholah - M3 3/4 - ETP (copy)
1 9
Bowchop, Lee, and Pullen: Quileute song sung by three different generations: Helen Sailto Lee, Harry Bowchop, and Cecil Pullen transcription and ETP notes
1 10
Bowchop, Lee, Pullen: HBO, HL, CP-C1-Nov. 11, 1971 - NB@Q-ETP
Three versions of "Hó-i-ya" of the Ward family, La Push
1 11
Bowchop, Harry, Nov. 11, 1971. Bowchop sings a Quileute Shlahal song. With him was his wife Frances, a Quinault who has lived in Queets, WA
1 12
Sherrill Carlson, "Paging People with Peg" radio show (aired Feb. 20, 1973 from Pullman, WA) where Carlson is interviewed about the Northwest Coast Indians ABC book that she produced in conjunction with the photography of Charles K. Peck in 1972
1 13
Jack LaChester, J.L.C.-T1-S1:S2 - Aug. 23, 1958 - Makah@Neah Bay, WA - M3 3/4 -W. Lee
Side 1: Jack LaChester, Neah Bay, WA, Makah Tribe Side 2: Makah Day, Aug. 23, 1958; Excerpts of Makah Dances
1 14
Jonah Cole, notes
1 15
Jonah Cole, JC-T1-S1, Aug. 26, 1971 : S2, Oct. 20, 1971- HR@Q - M3 3/4-ETP
Side 1: Jonah Cole sings personal Quileute song, two songs by Mary Williams, Jonah story of Indian doctor, Mrs. Williams' conversation of doctor stick and Shaker attitude toward old things, song by Marla Obi and Darla (Bug) Obi Side 2: Jonah Cole when given drum, Queets
1 16
Jonah Cole, JC-C1 - Aug. 26, 1971 - HR@QTs - ETP (recorded with J.C.-T1-S1)
1 17
Jonah Cole, JC-C2 - Sept. 21, 1971 - HR@QTs - ETP
1 18
Jonah Cole, Mary Fisher Williams, Mattie Howeattle, Ansy Hyasman (master)
(Edited cassette recording from J.C. -T1-S1 - Aug. 20th and 26th, 1971, and Howeattle and Hyasman in 1958. Master cassette made in Feb. 1984)
1 19
Frances Densmore, "Songs of the Nootka and Quileute," Folk Music of the United States, AFS-L34 and AAFS L32 from The Library of Congress Division of Music
1 20
Leila Penn Fisher, notes by ETP on LPF, programs from LPF's funeral service
1 21
Leila Fisher: L.F.-T1-S1-Aug. 4, 1971-HR@QTs - M3 3/4 - ETP (edited copy and work copy)
1 22
Leila Fisher: L.F.-T1-S1-Aug. 4, 1971-HR@Q-M3 3/4-ETP (Master)
Side 1: L.F., first recording session at Queets Side 2: empty
1 23
Leila Fisher, L.F. T2-S1-Oct. 10, 1971 - HR@HR - M3 3/4-ETP (Master)
Side 1: Dance practice in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Fisher, Hoh. Preparing for a performance at Forks school, singer Leila Fisher, Hoh
1 24
Leila Fisher, L.F.-T3-S1:S2:S3 - Oct. 11, 1971-HR@HR-M3 3/4- ETP (work copies)
Side 1: Elk Songs, Black Face songs, Mask Dance, Snipe, Paddle, Pushing the Clouds... Side 2: He-ya-ya, Medicine, Canoe, Love, Song for Round dance or Rabbit dance... Side 3: Frank Fisher's Black Face Song, Dr. Lester's Little White Whale...
2 1
Leila Fisher, L.F.-T3-S1:S2:S3 - Oct. 11, 1971-HR@HR-M3 3/4- ETP (master)
2 2
Leila Fisher, L.F.-T3-S1 -; Oct. 11, 1971-HR@HR-M3 3/4- ETP (edited from master)
2 3
Leila Fisher, L.F.-T4-S1 - Jan 28, 1972-HR@HR-M1 7/8- ETP (master) Discussion regarding drowning
2 4
Leila Fisher, L.F.-T5-S1 - Feb. 1, 1972-HR@HR-M1 7/8- ETP (master) Discussion with Fisher about the problems of the Hoh Reservation. She is on the Education Committee, Hoh Indian Reservation, Forks, WA
2 5
Leila Fisher, L.F.-T6-S1:S2 - Feb. 8, 1972-HR@HR-M1 7/8- ETP (master)
Side 1: Includes permission and intent of using Fisher's songs. Excellent discussions of culture, use of songs and family heritage. Side 2: Elizabeth Peck interviews Ms. Pansy Howeattle Hudson: Indian names and lineage.
2 6
Leila Fisher, L.F.-T7-S1:S2- Feb. 19, 1972-HR@HR-M3 3/4- ETP (master)
Side 1: Esau Penn and Mary William's songs and discussion Side 2: Esau Penn and William E. Penn's songs and discussion
2 7
Leila Fisher, L.F.-T8-S1:S2- Feb. 22, 1972-HR@HR-M3 3/4- ETP (master)
Side 1: Discussion with L.F., song from David Charley, a Canadian using Quileute words... Side 2: (Side 1 continued)
2 8
Leila Fisher, L.F.-T9-S1- Feb. 23, 1972-HR@HR-M3 3/4- ETP (master)
Side 1: L.F. talks about her life
2 9
Leila Fisher, L.F.-T10-S1- May 23, 1972 : S2 - Apr. 7, 1972-HR@HR-M3 3/4- ETP (master)
Side 1: Fisher family songs sung by Mrs. Herbert Fisher (L.F.) in her home at Hoh River, WA Side 2: Songs from Esau Penn
2 10
Leila Fisher, L.F.-T11-S1- Apr.7, 1972-HR@HR-M3 3/4- ETP (master)
Side 1: L. Fisher sings Big Bill Penn's song, Mark Williams' song and discusses her father Esau Penn's life
2 11
Leila Fisher, L.F.-T12-S1- Apr. 7, 1972 : S2-Apr. 19, 1972-HR@HR-M3 3/4- ETP (master)
Side 1: Leila and Mary Fisher Williams discuss Pettitt's Shaker picture- identifying names of members Side 2: Leila discusses Little Lizard song, sings Penn's Medicine Paddle song...
2 12
Leila Fisher, L.F.-T13-S1:S2- Apr.19, 1972-HR@HR-M3 3/4- ETP (master)
Side 1: Leila talks to E. Peck about Indian games, medicines-drugs Side 2: (Side 1 continued)
2 13
Leila Fisher, L.F.-T14-S1- July 10, 1972-HR@HR-M1 7/8- ETP (master)
Side 1: Leila and Herbert Fisher and Mary Fisher Williams identify songs on the Seattle Public Library Tape T1-S1
2 14
Leila Fisher, L.F.-T15-S1- Aug. 29, 1972-HR@HR-M3 3/4- ETP
Side 1: E. Peck interviews Leila Fisher, wedding reception held Aug. 25, 1972. Leila sings "love" songs, "giving away" songs
2 15
Leila Fisher, L.F.-T16-S1- Nov. 14th , 15th &18th , 1972-HR@HR-M1 7/8- ETP
Side 1: Leila discusses Quileute songs
2 16
Leila Fisher, L.P.F.-T17-S1:S2- Nov. 26, 1972-HR@HR-M1 7/8- ETP
Side 1 and 2: Leila sings 2 songs, then tells about the Bogachiel and its relationship to other Quileute groups. Also her life on the river, location of homes, fish traps, Indian words for the fish. Peck and Fisher discuss the title for Peck's thesis, Herb Fisher tells a story, Leila sings three songs
2 17
Leila Fisher, L.F.-T18-S1:S2- Jan. 3, 1973-HR@HR-M1 7/8- ETP (master)
Side 1: Discussion of ethics of song use and purchasing songs. Leila sings 7 songs. Side 2: Discussion of ages of family members, meanings of songs, and the big party Georg Charlen gave in Tokeland, WA
2 18
Leila Fisher, L.F. - T19 - S1:S2 - Jan. 24, 1973 - HR@HR - M3 3/4 - ETP (master) Side 1 and 2: Leila Fisher, Mary Williams and E. Peck discuss adding details to previously recorded materials, including Indian names of family members
2 19
Leila Fisher, L.F.-T20-S1:S2- Feb. 1, 1973-HR@HR-M3 3/4- ETP
Side 1: Leila explains Elk Society and sings relevant songs, discusses the connection of old medicine songs with Shaker songs and faith... Side 2: Leila sings Alice Jackson's Love Song and tells about Hoh River Blonde history
2 20
Leila Fisher, L.F.-T21-S1:S2- May 9, 1973, 1973-HR@HR-M1 7/8- ETP
Side 1 and 2: Leila and Herbert Fisher tell about huge party they gave on May 6, 1973
3 1
Leila Fisher, notes with the cassette tapes
3 2
Leila Fisher, L.F.-T22- Dec. 1972-M3 3/4- ETP Excerpts from Leila Fisher's tapes #1-7. E. Peck made this tape for Fisher family use. It includes most of Leila's songs and comments in a useful way. One copy was sent to a daughter, Mary Kay Leitka, Hoh River and another to a son, John Sailto, Forks, WA. CD Audio version of recordings added to collection on March 8th, 2004.
3 3
For Linguistics (cassette)
3 4
Leila Fisher says Quileute family names and other Quileute words (cassette)
3 5
Leila Fisher- Black Face and Mary Williams (cassette)
3 6
Leila Fisher- Elk (cassette)
3 7
Thesis - C1- S1:S2
Side 1: Invitational Paddle Songs Side 2: Esau Penn's Elk Song
3 8
Leila Fisher - C1 S1- Feb. 19, 1972 - HR@HR - about W.S.U. tape
C1 S2 - Questions to ask Leila Fisher
3 9
Leila Fisher #1 (cassette)
3 10
Leila Fisher (cassette)
Side 1: L.F. comments at Hoh River regarding W.S.U. tape Side 2: regarding Cecil Pullen Tape
3 11
Leila Fisher (cassette)
Side 1: Questions for L.F. with T8-S1 - Feb. 22, 1972 Side 2: Questions for L.F. - M.W. C2 - S2 - May 2, 1972 - Q@Q
3 12
Leila Fisher (cassette)
Side 1: Questions for L.F. regarding L.F. -T10-S2
3 13
Leila Fisher, L.F. C2 - S1:S2
Side 1: Paddle Songs Side 2: In search for paddle Temanoes
3 14
Leila Fisher, C3 - S1:S2 - Oct. 18, 1971 - HR@HR - ETP
Side 1 and 2: Leila's Quileute Songs
3 15
Songs: Black Face, Love Song T15@130
3 16
Thesis stories (cassette)
3 17
Thesis songs (cassette)
3 18
Elmer George and Mary Williams - notes
3 19
Elmer George and Mary Williams, EG + MW - T1 - S1 - Aug. 11, 1971 - @QTs - M3 3/4 - ETP. Elmer and Mary sing Indian songs. Elmer is of Esquimault, B.C. and was once married to Williams' granddaughter Donna Lee. He is Songese Tribe
3 20
Elmer George and Mary Williams, EG + MW - T2- S1:S2 - Aug. 11, 1971 - @QTs - M3 3/4 ETP
3 21
Stanley Grey and Mary Ward, Sea PubLib - T1 - S1 - Jul. 2, 1972 - @QTs -ETP (master)/ Sea PubLib - C1 - S1:S2 - Jul. 2, 1972 - @QTs - ETP
Side 1: A duplication of Titania records located in Seattle Public Library - Downtown. Copyrighted 1950
3 22
Hoh - T1 - S1 -
Side 1: Hoh River Dedication of Community Center, copied from Warren Lee
June 12, 1971
3 23
Pansy (Howeattle) Hudson, PH - T1 - S1:S2 - May 12, 1972 - HR@HR - M3 3/4 -ETP
Side 1: Pansy and Mary Fisher Williams listen to WSU tape searching for song they can rightfully use for a party
3 24
Interim: Song List, Lecture Note, Correspondence, etc.
3 25
Interim: C1: recordings from the Leila Fisher tapes
4 1
Interim: C2, Shaker songs
4 2
Interim, T#1 - S1 -
4 3
Interim, T#2 - S1 -
4 4
Interim, T#3 - S1 -
Harry Bowchop and Helen Lee
4 5
Mabel Jackson, Smoke House Songs - notes
4 6
Mabel Jackson, Smoke House Songs - C1 and C2
Esquimault, B.C.
Dec. 6, 1974
4 7
Melville Jacobs Collection
Side 1: from Melville Jacobs Collection Side 2: WSU - Quileute Songs
4 8
Maggie Kelly, MK - C1- S1- Mar. 29, 1973 - Quinault@QTs - ETP. Mostly village gossips about real concerns. Maggie is in her 80's - a fine basketmaker
4 9
Flora Logan, FL - T1 - S1 - Jan. 21, 1971 - @QTs - M7 1/2, 3 3/4 - ETP
Side 1: Pansy Hudson's Home - Hoh River, Logan, Wallace Sampson and Mary Williams sing Side 2: Queets Luncheon - part 2 (FL - T2 - S2 - Jan. 29, 1971)
4 10
Flora Logan, FL-T2-S1 - July 6, 1972 - Jackson Creek@Q - M3 3/4 -ETP
4 11
Part Singing examples (cassette)
4 12
Cecil Pullen and Hazel Bright - notes
4 13
Cecil Pullen and Hazel Bright, CP +HBr - T1-S1- Apr. 1966 - M3 3/4 - (master) Copied from original owned by Warren Lee, Queets, WA, grandson of the singers made April 1966@La Push, WA. Pullen and Bright were both of Quileute language group
4 14
Cecil Pullen and Hazel Bright, CP +HBr - T1-S1- Apr. 1966 - M3 3/4 - (copy #2)
4 15
Lillian Pullen, LP - T1 - S1- Aug. 5, 1981 - Quileute@LaPush - M3 3/4 - ETP
Side 1: Pullen interviewed by E. Peck in Pullen's LaPush classroom
4 16
Queets Luncheon - T1 - S1- Jan. 29, 1991 (continued on Side 2 of Flora Logan tape)
4 17
18 Quileute songs, transcription, photos, notes
4 18
18 Quileute Songs: Mattie Howeattle, Ansy Hyasman - T1 - S1 - M3 3/4 - ETP
4 19
Quinault Alphabet (cassette)
4 20
Red Earth Christmas Songs, March 1976 (cassette)
4 21
Harry Sam, notes
4 22
Harry Sam, HS - C1- SA:SB - June 25, 1971 -QTs@QTs - ETP
Side a: Harry Sam's stories he told Side b: Bud Sailto
4 23
Harry Sam, HS - C2 - July 1071 - QTs@QTs - ETP (master)
Side 1: Harry Sam's whaling story...
4 24
Harry Sam, HS - C3 - S1- July 1971 - QTs@QTs - ETP
Side 1: Harry Sam's second story
4 25
Harry Sam, HS - C4 -Jan. 27, 1973 - QTs@QTs - ETP
5 1
Harry Sam, HS - T1- July 1971 - QTs@QTs - M3 3/4 - ETP (copy of HS C2)
5 2
Harry Sam, HS - T2- S1 1971 - QTs@QTs - M3 3/4 - ETP
Stories copied from HS C2; longhouses, fishing, his home, canoe making
5 3
Harry Sam, HS - T4- S1:S2 - Oct. 30, 1973- QTs@QTs - M3 3/4 - ETP
E. Peck interviews Harry Sam at age 73 in his Queets home. He sings two of his father's songs; Elk Hunting Song and Whaling Song
5 4
Harry Sam, HS - T5-S1-Jan. 27, 1973 - QTs@QTs - M3 3/4 - ETP (copy of C4)
5 5
Shaker Services - Notes
5 6
Shaker Services, SH-T1-S1:S2 - Oct. 11, 1971 - M3 3/4 - ETP
Side 1: Sully Pope, minister of Taholah Indian Shaker Church. This was recorded at a "Shake" held in Queets, 1969. Warren Lee, then minister of the Queets Shaker Church, made the original. He gave E. Peck permission to make this copy Side 2: Housewarming at Warren and Helen Lee's home in Queets
5 7
Shaker Services, SH-T2-S1:S2-Oct. 11, 1971-W.S.@QTs-M3 3/4-ETP (master & work copy), Sampson Shake
An Indian Shaker Service held by Wallace and "Wimpy" Sampson to help Tita and Harry Penn stop drinking. Leta Shale was ministering
5 8
Shaker Services, SH-C1-S1:S2-Oct. 11, 1971-W.S.@QTs-M3 3/4-ETP
Sampson Shake, same occasion as SH -T2
5 9
Shaker Services, SH-T3-S1:S2-Jan. 19, 1973-@QTs-M1 7/8-ETP (continued to SH - T4)
Shaker service held in the Queets Indian Shaker Church to open the church after being closed for some time. Charlotte Kalama offered the first prayer
5 10
Shaker Services, SH-T4-S1:-Jan. 19, 1973 @QTs-M1 7/8-ETP (continued from SH T3)
5 11
Shaker Services, MW-T2-S1:S2-Aug. 6, 1971- Q@Q-M3 3/4-ETP (cassette copy of MW T2)
5 12
Songs of Bogachiel - original thesis tape, M3 3/4
5 13
Songs of Bogachiel - Side 1 and Side 2 (copy)
5 14
Don Umtuck, Songs of the Yakima (Tape - S1:S2 - - M7 1/2) recorded by Don Umtuck, Chief of the Yakima Tribe, WA, Jan. 1966. This is a copy of the original belonging to Warren Lee of Queets, WA
5 15
Helma Ward, notes and precautions
5 16
Helma Ward, HW - T1-S1- July 26, 1972 - N.B@Queets-M3 3/4-ETP (master unedited)
Helma Ward sings song in Makah Indian way and presents a mask carved by her son Michael Hunter, age 14. (NOT TO BE DUPLICATED)
5 17
Helma Ward, HW - T2-S1- July 26, 1972 - Makah@Queets-M3 3/4-ETP HW - C1-S1- July 26, 1972 - Makah@Queets-M3 3/4-ETP Edited version of HW - T1 where E. Peck has added her own report of the occasion. Also copied on to cassette. (NOT TO BE DUPLICATED)
5 18
Helma Ward, Hunter Party, HW - T1-
N.B@N.B-M1 7/8-ETP
Apr. 12, 1976
5 19
Helma Ward, Hunter Party, HW - T2-
- N.B@N.B-M1 7/8-ETP
Apr. 12, 1976
5 20
Helma Ward, Hunter Party, HW - T3-
- N.B@N.B-M1 7/8-ETP
Apr. 12, 1976
5 21
Mary Williams, Notes
5 22
Mary Williams, MW - T1 - S1- July 13, 1971-Q@Q - M1 7/8-ETP (master)
Side 1: Recorded in the Peck's Queets home, George Jackson, C. Peck and M.Williams were listening to Harry Sam's story with comments
5 23
Mary Williams, MW - T2 - S1- Aug. 6, 1971-QTs@QTs - M3 3/4-ETP
Side 1: Williams sings three family Indian songs and two of her personal Shaker songs
5 24
Mary Williams, MW - T3 - S1- Aug. 6, 1971-Q@Q - M3 3/4-ETP
Side 1: (continuation of MW-T2)
6 1
Mary Williams, MW - T4 - S1- Sept. 22, 1971-Q@Q - M3 3/4-ETP
Side 1: discussion of whalebone splitter, clam digging, songs
6 2
Mary Williams, MW - T5 - S1- Dec. 3, 1971-Hoh@Q - M3 3/4-ETP (master)
Side 1: E. Peck interviews Williams in order to record her stories of life in Hoh Village
6 3
Mary Williams, MW - T6 - S1- Mar. 16, 1972-Hoh@QTs - M1 7/8-ETP (master)
Side 1: Williams discusses the power of her family members
6 4
Elizabeth Peck, ETP C1-S1
Side 1: Questions to ask Mary Williams about power
6 5
Mary Williams, MW - C1-S1-ETP
Side 1: Legendary Kwaiti Stories told by Williams
6 6
Digital copies of selected recordings, 2005

Series II: Phonograph Disc Recordings Return to Top

Container(s) Description
Relevant Printed Items:
Box Folder
7 1
Willard Rhodes, "Music of the American Indian - Northwest (Puget Sound) Folk Recordings," Library of Congress Music Division
7 2
Ida Halpern: "Indian Music of the Pacific Northwest Coast," Folkways Ethnic Library FE4523. Includes two records and descriptive notes
7 3
Willard Rhodes, "Northwest (Puget Sound)," from Folk Music of the United States, Library of Congress Music Division AFS L34
7 4
Willard Rhodes, "Indian Songs of Today," from Folk Music of the United States, Library of Congress Music Division AFS L36
7 5
Frances Densmore ed., "Songs of the Nootka and Quileute," from Folk Music of the United States, Library of Congress Music Division AAFS L32

Series III: Reference Essays and Articles Return to Top

Container(s) Description Dates
Box Folder
8 1
Green File box with bibliography notecards
8 2
10 Note cards on books on Native Americans and their music
8 3
Andrade, Manuel J. excerpt from "Quileute Texts," New York, 1930, Columbia University Press, pp. 82-85
8 3
[Quileute ethnology notes], 1928. One notebook 22p copied from American Philosophical Society Library
8 4
Archival Correspondence
8 5
Barnett, H.G., "The Nature of the Potlatch," American Anthropologist, July-Sept. 1938, vol. 40, no.3, pp. 349-358
8 6
Bibliography- various documents and reference guides relating to doing research on Native Americans. Also some correspondence and information on Shorey Publications
8 7
Colson, Elizabeth - notes taken by ETP relating to rivalry, kinship, power, religious concepts
8 8
Cook, Capt. James - photocopy from "The Journals of Captain James Cook," vol. 2 - part I and Part II
8 9
Davis, John (NEH) and Grosshans, Henry (WSU Press Editor) - correspondence, "Subject Authority File; Washington State University; Indians of North America"
8 10
Densmore, Frances
"Songs of the Nootka and Quileute," The Library of Congress Music Division (text accompanies Record L32)
"Peculiarities of the Singing of the American Indians," American Anthropologist, vol. 32, No.4, 1930, pp. 651-660
"The Study of Indian Music in the Nineteenth Century," American Anthropologist, vol. 29, 1927, pp. 77-86
"Nootka and Quileute Music," Smithsonian Institute, U.S. Ethnology Bureau, Bulletin 124
8 11
Driver, Harold - ETP notes on "Indians of North America"
8 12
Farrand, Livingston, "Traditions of the Quinault Indians"
Jan. 1902
8 13
Fletcher, Alice C. - essay reviewing Fletcher's publication, "Indian story and Song," Boston
8 14
Frachtenberg, Leo J.
"Ceremonial Societies of the Quileute Indians," American Anthropologist, vol. 23, 1962, pp. 320 - 352.
"Abnormal Types of Speech in Quileute," International Journal of American Linguistics, vol. I, no. 4, pp 295-299.
"Explorations and Field-work of the Smithsonian Institution in 1916," Smithsonian Miscellaneous Collections, vol. 66, no.17, 1917, pp. 111-117. an excerpt from Manuel Andrade's "Quileute Texts."
8 15
Halpert, Herbert, "Folklore: Breadth Versus Depth," Journal of American Folklore (1958), pp. 97-103
8 16
Herzog, George
"Salish Music" in Marian W. Smith, ed. Indians of the Urban Northwest (new York, 1949) - pp. 93-110
"Musical Styles in North America", 23rd International Congress of Americanists, (1928), pp. 455-458
"Primitive Music: The Study and Its Problems, Research in Primitive and Folk Music in the U.S." (1936), pp. 563 - 579
8 17
Indiana University - Correspondence
8 18
Inverarity, Bruce - ETP notes on Art of Northwest Coast Indians, U of Cal. Press, Berkeley and Los Angeles
8 19
Jacobs - Melville Jacobs Collection permissions and correspondence
8 20
Kolstee, Anton Frederik - notes on his Ph.D. Dissertation entitled "To Impersonate the Supernatural: Music and Ceremony of the Bella Bella/Heiltsuk"
8 21
Lomax, Alan also Halpert (quoted in article in "Conference Character and State of Studies in Folklore," pp. 507-510
8 22
Merriman, Alan P., "The Selection of Recording Equipment for Field Use," pp. 5-9
8 23
Mohling, Virginia, "Twana Spirit Songs," thesis
8 24
Nettl, Bruno, "North American Indian Musical Styles," American Folklore Society, Philadelphia, 1954., correspondence from Nettl, ETP notes, observations and outline by ETP on the Place of Quileute music in a style area
8 25
Olsen, Loran - correspondence materials by and about Olsen
8 26
Olsen, Ronald - ETP notes
8 27
Pettittt, George A., photocopied excerpts from "Primitive Education in North America," University of California
Publications in American Arch. and Ethn., 1946., ETP notes on "Quileutes of LaPush," correspondence with Pettittt
8 28
Powell, Jay and Fred Woodruff, "Appendix I: Additions to the Quileute Entries"
8 29
Reagan, Albert B., "Ethnological Studies of the Hoh and Quileyte Indians, the Sole Survivors of the Chimakuan Linguistic Family,"
8 30
Rhodes, Willard - ETP notes taken on Rhodes' "Music of the American Indian"
8 31
Shoalwater - correspondence with the Shoalwater Bay Indian Tribe regarding C. Peck photographing their tribe
8 32
Swan, James G., "The Surf-Smelt of the Northwest Coast, and the Method of Taking Them by the Quileute Indians, West Coast of Washington Territory, " Proceedings of United States National Museum, pp. 43-46
8 33
Suttles, Wayne, "Affinal Ties, Subsistence, and Prestige among the Coast Salish," Coast Salish Subsistence and Social Organization, vol. 62, 1960, pp 296-304
8 34
Williams, Melda Ann - ETP notes on Williams' thesis, "Historical Background and Musical Analysis of Thirty Selected Nez Perce Songs," University of Idaho
May 1967

Series IV: GeneralReturn to Top

Container(s) Description Dates
Box Folder
9 1
Elizabeth T. Peck's Thesis, "Songs of the Bogachiel: An Examination of the Music Owned by a Prestigious Quileute Family," Washington State University
9 2
Order Information for The Northwest Coast Indians ABC Book
9 3
Adams, Hank - newspaper articles on Adams, Indian activist
9 4
Authors: Washington State
Books About American Indians and Eskimos, University of Washington Press
Washington State Authors in the Washington State Library 1972 Publications
The Northwest Coast Indians ABC Book, by Sherrill Carlson and Charles Peck
Blueprint for first printing of The Northwest Coast Indians ABC Book p.449 photocopy from "Current Bibliography and Discography"
9 5
Basketry - newspaper article on Celia Ann Campbell entitled "From Roots to Baskets" by Ray Schrick
9 6
Canoes - newspaper articles: "Souped up Canoes Vie at Tahola" by Steve Lowell; "Dugouts Roar up Quinault" by Steve Lowell in The Wenatchee World, Thurs. June 17, 1971; "Canoes" by David Parry in the Imperial Oil Review, 1973 no.1
9 7
Chilcat - "Alaska's Colorful Chilkat Dancers," Seattle Times Sunday Pictorial
July 4, 1971
9 8
Clippings - newspaper articles: "Archaeologists Unearth an 'American Pompeii, '" Seattle Post-Intelligencer, Sunday Aug. 30, 1970; Four page broadsheet "The Renegade" ([Jan. 1971?]), [a publication of the Survival of the American Indian, Inc.] (Hank Adams, director)
9 9
Correspondence: Elizabeth Peck
9 10
Correspondence: Charles Peck
9 11
Correspondence from E. and C. Peck mostly to Elizabeth's parents in Virginia (1970-1981)
9 12
Diagrams of the techniques of drum making
9 13
Hobucket, Harry, "Quillayute Indian Tradition," Washington Historical Quarterly, v. 25, no. 1, 1934, pp. 49-59
9 14
Howeattle - notes on the Howeattle family
9 15
Howeattle, Mattie; Ansy Hyasman; Chief Howeattle: notes taken by ETP, spiral notebook regarding W.S.U. tape "18 Quileute Songs," 8x10 photos of Chief Howeattle and Ansy Hyasman and Mattie Howeattle with trade baskets, negatives for previous two pictures as well as two Indian Shaker Church pictures, L. Olsen's song transcriptions on staff paper
9 16
Interviews with Indians - Stevens County: Lousie Pillisier, Nancy Winecoop, Carrie Mears, Katherine S. Ide, George S. Moody, Alex McLeod
9 17
Linguistic Symbols
9 18
Makah - newspaper clipping: "Indians get Look at Their History, " by Hill Williams, The Seattle Times
Sunday, July 18, 1971
9 19
Mormon - brochure from the Mormon church entitled, "Who Are You?" intended for a Native audience that advances that the Book of Mormon is "the best source of information which is true and which tells us who you are, where you come from, and what is to become of you"
9 20
"My People the Red Man" - Transcript article of 21 pages
9 21
Navajo newspaper article, "The Navajo: Despair, Poverty, Bitterness Etched in Portrait of the First Americans," Seattle Post Intelligencer
Sun. Aug. 30, 1970
9 22
Notebooks (3) - notes on language; instruction in food preparation, etc.; questions to ask; talk with Mr. Mel McBride at State Museum Olympia WA, Mary Obi comments and others
9 23
Notebook -small (1)
9 24
Olympic Loop/Queets Rover Bridge Clippings- "Memories of Queets and an important bridge", letter to the editor by Harriet (Vaile) Baller, The Daily World, Aberdeen, WA, Sat. Sept. 5, 1981; Photo from "The History Page," The Daily World, Fri. Oct. 30, 1981; "Olympic Loop Turns 50 Today," The Daily World, Wed. Aug. 26, 1981
9 25
Peck, Elizabeth - special project presented to advisor Dr. Brandt in 1970: "Experiences- Observations, Queets, WA, Summer 1970"
9 26
Penn, Esau (owner of all the songs in the thesis that are sung by Leila Fisher - includes notes, photos, and negatives)
9 27
Personal Letters - Correspondence between Pecks and others, includes some newspaper articles
9 28
Queets: Canvas Canoe - Dedication of Highway - notes on canoe building and paddling songs and ceremonies
9 29
Quileute Songs, 1922 collected by Leo J. Frachtenberg
9 30
Quileute Language - notebook pad
9 31
Quinault Code of Laws - Bad Treatment
"Patient Quinault Indians Allege Received Bad Treatment", reprinted from Aberdeen Herald, Dec. 26, 1913, distributed by the Northwest Coast Museum as Paper #2
Quinault Reservation Code of Laws
"Quinault Resources: Indian Enterprises in Action" (brochure)
9 32
Charles K. Peck Sabbatical paper- Summary Report for sabbatical leave April 1, 1970 to Sept. 30, 1970 sent to Dr. Glenn Terrell
9 33
Schooling - newspaper articles - "Salvaging Indian Languages" and "Forks School District Faces Bias Probe," by Jack Ryan of the Post-Intelligencer Tacoma Bureau
June 15, 1971
9 34
Shaker Church - notes
9 35
Tribal Newsletters - Human Affairs Council News, Olympia, WA, March 1, 1972; Nugguam, Taholah, WA, v. 5 no. 83
Jan. 1972
9 36
Warm Springs Tribe - Nutritive Values of Native Foods of Warm Springs Indians, Oregon State University Extension Circular 809
July 1972
9 37
Part of Thesis - pages and photos
9 38
Original Manuscripts (staff paper music transcriptions) - Songs of the Bogachiel
9 39
Notes rough drafts
9 40
Correspondence relative to thesis
9 41
Thesis Abstract "Songs of the Bogachiel"
9 42
Details and starting points on tapes
9 43
Medicine songs not used for thesis
9 44
Songs of the Bogachiel Photos
9 45
Songs of the Bogachiel #1, 2, 3, 4, 5
9 46
Songs of the Bogachiel #6, 7, 8, 9
9 47
Songs of the Bogachiel #10, 11
9 48
Elk Songs #12, 13, 14, 15
9 49
Medicine Paddle Songs #16, 17, 18 (thesis)
9 50
Song Information - 4" by 6" cards
9 51
Notecards and small notebook - notes by ETP on tape symbols, Quileute language, questions to ask people, Makah dance, etc.

Series V: Teaching MaterialsReturn to Top

Container(s) Description
Box Folder
9 52
Swan Prairie Revisions
9 53
Swan Prairie by C. Peck
9 54
Hunting the Friendly Elk by C. Peck
9 55
The Sneezing Sasquatch and Other Things by C. Peck
9 56
Sneezing Sasquatch lesson plans
9 57
Miscellaneous Art Work (by children)
9 58
Miscellaneous Poetry (typescript)
9 59
Bill of Rights
9 60
List of 35 mm slide categories by C. Peck
9 61
Slide series sequence/ "Queets People and Their Country"
9 62
Slide series script/ Weaving - Gathering Materials - "Cedar Bark"
9 63
Slide series script/ Weaving - Gathering Materials - "Sweetgrass"
9 64
Slide series script/ Weaving - Gathering Materials - "Beargrass," with partial slide show (12 slides)
9 65
Slide series accompanying notes/ "Quileute Language Group"
9 66
Slide series script/ "The People of Queets Country - 1970-1976"
9 67
Slide series script and correspondence/ "Quinault Indians of Queets"

Series VI: Environmental MaterialsReturn to Top

Container(s) Description
Box Folder
9 68
"Vegetation as a Soil Forming Factor on the Quillayute Physiographic Unit in Western Clallam County, Washington," by Frederick B. Lotspeich, J. Secor, R. Okazaki and H. Smith. Reprinted from Ecology, vol. 42, no. 1, Jan. 1961
9 69
"Olympic Forest: Wildlands at Risk," published by the Sierra Club
9 70
R.L. Winston Rod Co. - fly fishing rod company catalogs, price lists, and correspondence
9 71
Proposed home-site location plan, Hoh Indian Reservation, C. and E. Peck

Series VII: Diaries Of Charles K. Peck Return to Top

Container(s) Description
Box Folder
10 1
10 2
10 3
1973 Inserted Items
10 4
10 5
1974 Inserted Items
10 6
10 7
1975 Inserted Items
10 8
10 9
10 10
1977 Inserted Items
10 11
10 12
1978 Inserted Items
10 13
10 14
1979 Inserted Items
10 15
10 16
1980 Inserted Items
10 17
10 18
1981 Inserted Items
10 19
10 20
1982 Inserted Items
10 21
10 22
1983 Inserted Items
10 23
10 24
1984 Inserted Items
10 25
10 26
1985 Inserted Items

Series VIII: PhotographyReturn to Top

Container(s) Description Dates
Slides taken by C. Peck
Quinault National Fish Hatchery, Cook Creek, Grays Harbor County, WA
123 slides
All slides annotated.
Oct. 17, 1979
Quinault Fisheries Research
64 slides
All slides annotated.
Color Slide sequence: "Sweetgrass"- script enclosed
80 slides
All slides annotated.
Nov. 1977
Quinault Fisheries Research
129 slides
All slides annotated.
Salmon Spawning- rearing at Quinault National Fish Hatchery, Cook Creek, Grays Harbor Co., WA
122 slides
All slides annotated.
Oct.-Nov. 1979
Slides taken by C. Peck
Please note: approximately 20-40 slides per box.
Arranged by category
Adults and Adults with Children
Clamming and Smelting
East Washington State
East Washington State
Forest Work
Hoko River, Washington Archaeological Dig
Indian Doings
Mason County, Washington
Mt. St. Helens, Washington
Olympic Scenes
Queets Village
Quinault-Tshletshy Hike Olympic National Park
Still Life
Washington State Institutions
Young People
Young People
Enlarged Color Photos
Numbers are original numbers assigned by Charles Peck
Box Folder
17 unn.
17 unn.
Two people standing at shore with fishing nets
17 16
"Patrick Kalama": Queets, Quinault Indian Reservation, WA.
June 2, 1974
17 17
"Salmonberries #1":
July 23, 1974
17 18
"Leonard Obi, Jr.": Queets, Quinault Indian Reservation, WA
Oct. 26, 1974
17 19
"Red Huckleberry": Olympic National Park, WA
July 1970
17 21
"Salmonberries #2":
July 23, 1974
17 22
"Salmonberries #3":
July 23, 1974
17 23
"Gentian": Quinault Indian Reservation, WA
Aug. 18, 1972
17 25
"Harry Sam (profile)": Queets, Quinault Indian Reservation, WA
April 30, 1973
17 26
"Dorothy Kowoosh": Queets, Quinault Indian Reservation, WA
Aug. 29, 1977
17 27
"Brother and Sister": Marla Obi holding brother, Rodrick Jr. (Raven), Queets, Quinault Indian Reservation, WA
Aug. 14, 1974
17 28
"Stripping Cattails": Mrs. Maggie Kelly, Queets, WA, Quinault Indian Reservation
Oct. 2, 1973
17 29
"Destruction Island": Looking out from beach trail #6, Olympic National Park, WA
Sept. 19, 1976
17 31
"Autumn Highlights #1": Olympic National Park
17 32
"Suzanna Kalama #1": Queets, Quinault Indian Reservation, WA
June 16, 1972
17 33
"Gary Obi with Spotted Deer": Queets, Quinault Indian Reservation, WA
Oct. 25, 1972
17 34
"Twisted Stalk": Near Queets, Quinault Indian Reservation, WA
July 9, 1970
17 35
"Hands of Old Basket Weaver": Mrs. Maggie Kelly, Queets, WA, Quinault Indian Reservation
Sept. 25 1973
17 36
"Rufous Hummingbird (male)": At Queets-Clearwater School
April 14, 1975
17 37
"Cleaning Cedar Bark": Mrs. Howard Logan, Queets, WA, Quinault Indian Reservation, Cape Elizabeth Road
June 23, 1973
17 38
"Baking Salmon": Mrs. Mary Williams, Hoh Indian Reservation, WA
May 29, 1972
17 39
"Suzanna Kalama #2": Queets, Quinault Indian Reservation, WA
June 28, 1974
17 40
"Basket Weaver": Mrs. Maggie Kelly, Queets, Quinault Indian Reservation, WA
Sept. 25, 1973
17 41
"Peeling Cedar Bark": Cape Elizabeth Road, near Queets, Quinault Indian Reservation, WA
June 23, 1972
17 42
"Great Uncle and Niece": Bud Sailto feeding Victoria George, Hoh Indian Reservation, WA
May 29, 1972
17 43
"Indian Child": Darla (Bug) Obi, Queets, WA, Quinault Indian Reservation, WA
March 3, 1975
17 44
"Wilson (Buck) Wells": Queets, WA, Quinault Indian Reservation
March 6, 1974
17 46
"Bluebacks for Baking": Sockeye salmon spit, and ready to bake. Queets, WA, Quinault Indian Reservation
May 19, 1973
17 47
"Indian Fishermen Netting Surf Perch": Mouth of Queets River, Quinault Indian Reservation, WA
June 22, 1970
17 48
"Indian Sisters": Jessica Kowoosh holding her baby sister, Cecilia Ann, Quinault Indian Reservation, Queets, WA
Nov. 28, 1973
17 49
"Indian Baskets": Queets, Quinault Indian Reservation, WA
Sept. 23, 1973
17 50
"William (Bigga Bill) Penn": LaPush, WA, Quileute Indian Reservation
As of Jan. 26, 1978, he was the oldest living Quileut Indian.
Jan. 21, 1972
17 51
"Oxalis": Olympic National Park, near Queets, WA
June 1974
17 52
"Net Maker": Wimpy Sampson, Queets, WA, Quinault Indian Reservation
June 7, 1971
17 53
Sticks of Smelts: Hoh Indian Reservation, WA
Aug. 21, 1972
17 54
"Pure Water": Libby Peck, Queets, WA, drinking from tributary of Sam's River, Olympic National Forest
June 29, 1970
17 55
"Victor Kowoosh": Queets, WA, Quinault Indian Reservation
July 18, 1970
17 57
"Waiting for Surf Smelts": Zeke Ward, Queets, WA, smelting at Hoh River, Hoh Indian Reservation
Aug. 19, 1972
17 58
"Elk in Cowan Field": Olympic National Park, WA
Oct. 10, 1972
17 59
"Dusk at the Mouth of Queets River": Quinault Indian Reservation, WA
Sept. 20, 1971
17 60
"Hoh Indian Girl": Lanette Sailto, Hoh River, WA, Hoh Indian Reservation
May 19, 1972
17 61
"Skunk Cabbage": Olympic National Park, WA, near Queets campground
Apr. 21, 1976
17 62
"Indian Fisherman": Bud Sailto, Queets, WA, taking silver salmon out of his net, Queets River, Quinault Indian Reservation
Nov. 9, 1971
17 63
"Autumn Highlights #2": Olympic National Park, WA
Photos by Date
Box Folder
18 1-1
Mason County- Extension Activities
b/w negatives
18 1-2
Foresters field meeting, high bridge over Skokomish Reservation at camp #1, grapes at Stretch Island.
b/w negatives
18 1-3
Frank Wolf, Shelton, digging clams and gathering oysters on Hood Canal
color negatives
18 1-4
Louisa Pulsifer, Skokomish Indian Reservation, Mason County, WA, with her baskets.
color negatives
18 1-5
Duane Scott (l) and Stan Johnson (r) with field corn that Johnson grew in the Skokomish Valley, Mason Co. WA. Scott was the local Soil Conservation Service rep.
b/w negatives
18 2-1
4-H forestry training, Camp Panhandle 4-H camp
b/w negatives
18 3-1
Field meeting of foresters at the Dennyall Seed Orchard, U.S. Forest Service, in the Olympic National Forest, near Shelton, WA. Virgil Allen, right, Shelton, a Forest Service specialist, demonstrates method of grafting Douglas fir scion to root-stock. Man with pipe is Mike Webster, State Forester, Dept. of Natural Resources, State of Washington, Olympia. Other members of the photo, unknown.
b/w negative
circa 1960
18 3-2
Queets Salmon bake
print and negatives
circa 1960
18 3-3
4-H Club members, Mason Co., WA
b/w negatives
18 3-4
Vineyards, Stretch Island, Mason Co., WA
1961 or 1962
18 3-5
Field meeting of foresters, Olympic National Forest, Shelton District.
b/w negatives
18 4-1
Georgia Miller, Skokomish Indian Reservation, baking salmon at Panhandle 4-H Camp
14 b/w prints and negatives
July 1963
18 5-1
Falling Douglas Fir in Olympic National Forest, near Shelton, WA.
From left, Bob Whitmarsh and Bob Cleveland, both then living in the Skokomish Valley, Mason Co., WA. The logger in background, looking up, unknown. Whitmarsh and the man looking up keep watch in case a slab of bark should shell off the tree and fall onto the faller operating the chain saw, a deadly prospect. (2 b/w prints and negative)
Sept. 1963
18 6-1
Bus station at Pullman, WA
b/w negatives
Jan. 1966
18 7-1
C.K. Peck fishing for steelhead on Snake River, at Castle Rock, near Bishop, October 1967 or 1968.
4 b/w prints
1967 or 1968
18 7-2
Contact Sheet
negatives incl.
18 7-3
Farm near Pullman
color negatives
Dec. 9, 1969
18 7-4
Don Harper's farm near Johnson, WA
color negative
Dec. 9, 1969
18 8-1
contact sheet and negatives
circa 1970
18 8-2
Log scaling...
contact sheet and negatives
18 9-1
Jonah Cole
5 b/w prints and negatives
Sept. 1971
18 10-1
Queets Fish house, Salmon harvest, Libby Peck and Flora Logan
17 prints and negatives
Oct. 1971
18 11-1
C. and E. Peck in nature
contact sheet and negatives
18 11-2
Elizabeth Peck reading to Queets children
18 11-3
Leonard "Gomer" Jackson, Queets
18 11-4
Amy Fisher (left) and Junior Sherrif - cousins
one print and negatives
18 11-5
Scenes in old homesteads along the Queets River
18 12-1
C. Peck and Sherrill Carlson publicity shots for NW Indian ABC Book
2 contact sheets and negatives
Feb. 5, 1972
18 12-2
Queets River, Indian dugout...
contact sheet
April 22, 1972
18 12-3
Maggie Kelly, Queets General Store...
contact sheet
April 25-26, 1972
18 12-4
Queets people
contact sheet and negatives
April 26-27, 1972
18 12-5
Archie Boone
contact sheet and negatives
April 27, 1972
18 13-1
logging near Hoh River, WA
contact sheets and negatives
Oct. 18, 1972
18 13-2
Pecks on the Big Hole River, MT and logging
contact sheet
Oct. 18, 1972
18 13-3
All frames
contact sheet and negatives
Oct. 18, 1972
18 14-1
Making Indian Drum (folder A)
10 prints
18 14-2
Making Indian Drum (folder B)
14 prints
18 14-3
Making Indian Drum (folder C)
8 prints
18 14-4
Making Indian Drum (folder D)
9 prints
18 14-5
Making Indian Drum (folder E)
17 prints
18 14-6
Making Indian Drum
negatives for folders A-E
18 15-1
Queets Children
Frame 1 and 2, Helen Shale (left and Mary Cheryl Lee Frame 3, Sue Kalama Frame 4, 5, and 6, Susie and Leonard "Gomer" Jackson
18 15-2
Lita Shale (left) and Mary Cheryl Lee, Queets
18 15-3
Queets people and scenes
10 prints
18 15-4
Sewing Class, Queets
15 prints
18 15-5
Marla Obi, Queets
18 16-1
William "Bigga Bill" Penn and son Earl. LaPush, WA
8 prints
18 16-2
Kowoosh Children, Queets: Jessica, Katie and Victor
18 17-1
Maggie Kelly, master weaver, Queets (folder A)
17 prints and negatives
18 17-2
Maggie Kelly, master weaver, Queets (folder B)
16 prints and negatives
18 17-3
Maggie Kelly, master weaver, Queets (folder C)
18 18-1
Carmine Escarsega (Tacoma, WA) while visiting her uncle, Rick Obi in Queets
18 18-2
Angelic Wells, Queets
one print and negatives
18 18-3
Bogachiel River, Olympic Peninsula
one print and negatives
18 18-4
Charles and Elizabeth Peck's Cabin in Queets, behind the General Store.
"Verle and Lillian Olmstead owned the store and a motel behind it. They also owned the cabin and rented to us for $90.00/mo. We lived here for three years: 1970-73. Note net for dipping surf smelts leaning against the house. (2 prints and negatives)
18 19-1
Peter and Sue Kalama (cousins) Queets
2 prints and negatives
18 19-2
Sue Kalama, Queets
one print with negatives
18 20-1
Mary Williams tearing rags for tying bundles of beargrass that she picked in Fishers Prairie, Quinault Indian Reservation, Queets
one print
Summer 1972
18 20-2
Susie Jackson with beargrass that was picked in Fishers Prairie, Quinault Indian Reservation
two prints
18 20-3
Indians gathering sweet grass
contact sheet and negatives
18 21-1
Helen and Lita Shale, a spring creek, Queets corridor...
contact sheet and negatives
18 21-2
Queets Boys stalking elk in the Quinn Homestead, Olympic National Park. They are playing, trying to see how close they can come to a large herd of elk. The herd was made up of about sixty animals.
18 22-1
Harry Sam, Queets, Quinault Indian, making gill net in front of his home at Queets (negatives 13-18), scenes along the Queets River Corridor, Olympic National Park (one print and negatives)
circa 1973
18 23-1
Bogachiel River scenery for Libby's thesis
2 contact sheets and negatives
Feb. 1973
18 23-2
Kamiak Butte State Park
contact sheet and negatives
June 7, 1973
18 23-3
Queets people at the Queets Fish House getting racing canoe ready for the Quinault river race to be run up the Quinault River from Tahola to Lake Quinault
July 4, 1973
18 24-1
Susie Jackson at the typewriter, Queets
18 24-2
Helen Shale, Queets, eating ice cream, Maggie Kelly weaving
18 24-3
Helen and Lieta Shale (sisters), Queets
one print
18 24-4
Children playing in Raft River, Quinault Indian Reservation
18 25-1
Frank and Cal Woolsey, Queets, cutting shake blocks in the Clearwater River area.
The brothers were authentic real, old time sourdoughs. Cal was an expert marksman with his revolver, drawing in a flash and breaking every beer bottle set up on stumps around his show in the woods. He turned in his tracks as he pulled the trigger, shooting with the pistol held just above his belt, pointing it, getting off shots about two seconds apart. Frank was almost as handy with the revolver but he liked to brag on Cal's, and took pride in it. (5 prints and negatives)
18 25-2
Logging near the Hoh River Reservation
18 26-1
Playing on a stump, 19a: Darla, Naomi and Marla Obi. Queets, Marla with "Sugar Daddy"
18 26-2
Leonard Obi, Jr., Queets, Christmas Minibike
one print and negatives
18 26-3
Rick Obi working on dugout canoe, Queets
17 prints and negatives
18 26-4
Davis Towkjhea and Rick Obi working on TV relay shack of Kalaloch Ridge overlooking Queets
16 prints and negatives
18 27-1
Amy Fisher, Hoh River
one print and negatives
18 27-2
Herb Fisher and granddaughter Amy Fisher
4 prints and negatives
18 28-1
Charles and Elizabeth Peck with masks, Queets
two prints and negatives
18 28-2
18 28-3
Queets people picking beargrass "straw," Fishers Prairie, Quinault Indian Reservation
5 prints and negatives
Mary Williams: 16A, 17A, 5A, 6A; Mary Obi with daughter, Marla: 7, 8; Rick Obi: 9; Susie Jackson: 14A-15A; Marla Obi: 9A
18 28-4
Mary Williams and Salmon/ Warren Lee playing guitar
18 29-1
Queets-Clearwater School
10 prints and negatives
18 29-2
Rick Obi, Jr. Queets, WA, Rick Obi , Sr., Queets
18 29-3
Rick Obi and daughter, Marla, Queets
two prints
18 29-4
Queets children: Sean Harvey, Laura Obi and Naomi Obi
3 prints
18 29-5
Charlotte Kalama weaving and son, David "Tweedy"
7 prints and negatives
18 29-6
Children on the beach of the Hoh River, Mary Williams with small child
18 30-1
Libby's Students at Queets-Clearwater School
13 prints and negatives
1975 or 1976
18 30-2
Frank Sailto, Queets
one print and negatives
18 31-1
Quinault men cleaning log jam from the Quinault River to enhance fish runs and spawning
one print and negatives
about 1976
18 31-2
Marla Obi takes train with Charles and Elizabeth Peck to California to visit our daughter Peggy Barkley, and family
9 prints and negatives
18 31-3
Hemminger boys at play, Queets-Clearwater School
18 31-4
Children at Queets-Clearwater School, students of E. Peck and other students
18 32-1
School children at Queets-Clearwater School
circa 1977
18 32-2
Queets-Clearwater School field trip east of Lake Quinault, along the Quinault River, to the beaver ponds at Bunch field. Boyd Hemminger's class (negatives) Boyd Hemminger, principal of Queets-Clearwater school, frames 2-3-16-17-9A, his wife Pat, frames 10A and 11A
18 32-3
War Canoe races in mouth of Quileute River, LaPush (one print and negatives)
18 33-1
Queets-Clearwater School girls championship basketball team, Ron Larson, Coach. Pattie Wilbur 12, Helen Shale 30, Barbara Williams 32, Dian Gillette 34, Jeannie Ray Wahwassuck 22, and Susie Jackson 24
18 33-2
Charles and Elizabeth Peck on their property at Lake Quinault, North Shore Road
6 prints
18 34-1
Manito Gardens, Spokane; Rock Creek, MT; Garnet, MT; Philipsburg, MT; Resting on the Big hole; moose
18 34-2
Feeding cattle in winter in the Imnaha Valley near Imnaha, OR.
color negative
18 34-3
Contact Sheets: C. Peck using macro-flash technique (negatives incl.)
Storyboard Photos and Texts
Box Folder
18 35
Baskets (13 b/w prints of Maggie Kelly and text)
18 36
Cecelia (7 b/w prints and text)
18 37
Class reading (2 b/w prints and text)
18 38
Doe Deer (12 b/w prints and text)
18 39-1
Eugene and Archie (2 b/w prints and text)
18 39-2
Eugene and Archie looking at Mrs. Peck (2 b/w prints and text)
18 39-3
Eugene and class (2 b/w prints and text)
18 39-4
Eugene and Jesse (2 b/w prints and text)
18 40
Gathering Smelts - (8 prints, 2 negatives and typed poem)
18 41
"Glasses Class" (text only)
18 42-1
Hunting the Friendly Elk - storyboard one (8 prints)
18 42-2
Hunting the Friendly Elk - storyboard two (6 prints)
18 43
Ice cream (3 b/w prints and text)
18 44-1
Jerry (b/w print and text)
18 44-2
Jesse and class (2 b/w prints and text)
18 44-3
Juanita (b/w print and text)
18 45-1
Leonard reading about his girlfriend (b/w print and text)
18 45-2
Leonard like a big man (b/w print and text)
18 46
Little Snake
18 47
Logger dad (13 b/w prints and text)
18 48
Old Harry (6 prints and typed poem)
18 49-1
Pies (2 b/w prints and text)
18 49-2
Purry Kitties (3 b/w prints and text)
18 49-3
Tent (b/w print and text)
18 50-1
Victor and Anita at glasses class (2 b/w prints and text)
18 50-2
Victor and class w/ glasses (2 b/w prints and text)
18 50-3
Victor, Curtis...
General Photos
Box Folder
18 51
Cutting out a drum head from a fresh deer rawhide.
George Jackson, Queets, cuts the rawhide with kitchen scissors. The hide was "fisted" off the deer carcass to produce a skin with little or no flesh or fat attached. The skin was then put in a tub of water for several days until the hair slipped easily. When the hair slipped easily, the hide was thrown over a smooth pole and both sides scraped with a dull butcher knife. When the hair is removed, and all the excess tissue is scraped from the flesh side of the hide, the resulting rawhide is as smooth and supple as velvet. It is then easily applied to the drum frame. (one print and negatives)
18 51
George Jackson, Queets, putting head of fresh deer rawhide on drum frame.
He uses elk rawhide for lacing. The drum frame is steam bent hoop of western red cedar (Tsuja plicata). The drum frame stave was split from a second growth log about eight inches in diameter and six feet long. (one print and negative)
18 51
George Jackson, Queets, singing with drum that was made from materials gathered near his home on the Quinault Reservation, WA (print and negative)
18 51
Dense Sitka spruce (Picea sitchensis) forest in the Queets River valley, Olympic Peninsula, WA (print and negative)
18 51
Maggie Kelly, Queets, WA, preparing cat-tails (Typha latifolia) for air-drying.
Mrs. Kelly is a Quinault Indian. She weaves cat-tail baskets and sells them to tourists. Although she is 90 she is considered one of the expert weavers in the region (print and negative)
18 51
Charlotte Kalama, Queets, basket weaving in her home. She weaves with materials gathered near her Queets home, Quinault Indian Reservation. (print and negative)
18 51
Diane Sailto and niece Darla Obi picking straw, one of the important basket-weaving materials of the northwest.
Pictured here are Diane Sailto, Taholah, WA (seated) and niece, Darla Obi, Queets, WA, picking straw near Queets on the Quinault Indian Reservation. Straw has several local names: beargrass, basketgrass, Indian grass. (print and negative)
18 51
Making Canoes. Logs are first split in half.
The design of the canoe is then marked out on the half logs by the expert builders who always have an audience of family and friends. Queets Village, WA (print and negative)
18 51
Frank Charles, Queets, tying up his canoe below the Quinault
Tribal fish house on the Queets River. Charles is bringing in a canoe load of salmon that he has gill netted in the Queets River. He will be paid cash for his fish. The dugout canoes are made from a log of western red cedar (Tsuja plicata). The canoes pictured are the river work canoes. Some have been in service for more than 50 years. (print and negative)
18 51
Rick Obi working with hand adz, an ancient type tool of the northwest Indians.
Shown here are Rick Obi, hollowing out his new canoe with the hand adz; daughter, Darla, helps by holding "centering cord" out of his way. It takes an expert about three weeks of hard and constant work to build a canoe. (print and negative)
18 51
The old and the new.
A canoe and a skiff of salmon tied up in the Queets River, below the Quinault Tribal fish house. Rick Obi, in skiff, loading salmon in the "fish bucket." The fish will be hoisted up to the scales where they will be weighed. The modern skiffs are rapidly replacing the classic river work canoes. But some of the Indian fishermen still make canoes. (print and negative)
18 51
Type of "tourist" and/or trade basket woven by the weavers of the Olympic Peninsula Region, WA.
Thunderbird and whale designs are popular with the weavers. (print and negative)
18 52
Color Prints by C. Peck # 1-40
18 53
Color Prints by C. Peck # 41-77
18 54
Miscellaneous Photographs: Queets girl with pollywog, deer (11 b/w prints)
18 55
Mary Fisher Williams photos given to the Pecks
Mary Williams (b/w print and text), Indians seining for surf smelts in the 1950s (3 b/w prints and text, Easter Service, Indian Shaker church about 1960 (b/w print and text)
18 56
Photographs - Fieldwork and Thesis
Leila Penn Fisher painting daughter's cheeks (29 b/w prints and negatives), Herb Fisher (b/w print and negative), L.P.F. singing with drum (11 b/w prints and negatives), L.P.F. basket weaving (12 duplicate b/w prints), Gail George with dance paddle (6 b/w prints and negatives), William "Bigga Bill" Penn and son, Earl (5 b/w prints, negatives and contact sheet), Contact Sheets: A & B
March 23, 1972; April 16-17, 1972; April 29, 1972
18 57
Shaker Gathering Picture "A" from George A. Pettitt, Quileutes of LaPush (print, negatives, and identifying legend)
18 58
Shaker Gathering Picture "B" from George A. Pettitt from original belonging to Beatrice Black (print, negatives, and identifying legend)
18 59
Shaker Gathering Picture "C"- original from Mary Williams, Hoh (original postcard, print, negative, and identifying legend)
18 60
Leila Fisher et. al. (18 b/w photos)
18 61
Miscellaneous enlargements
D. Kowoosh, Chief Howeattle, Sue Kalama, Quinn Homestead, elk, Helen, Leta and Steve Shale
"Mini-series" number 1
Queets children, baking fish, fishing at Tahola. All slides annotated. (132 slides)
"Mini-series" number 2
Smelts, fishing, perch, make drum, Helma & W--, Kalama wedding, medicine stick, party, making canoe, racing, tea, flowers, cattail--Maggie, post office, Queets Motel. All slides annotated. (127 slides)
"Mini-series" number 3
Animals, river, view of Queets, ocean, forest motel unit, cabin at Queets. All slides annotated. (61 slides)
Box Folder
19 4
Slides taken by C. Peck
19 5
Hunting the Friendly Elk by Charles Peck; copy of "Jurisdiction" document regarding the Quinault reservation; photos (camping)
19 6
Correspondence, narration, and other documentation for University of Washington show
circa 1979
19 7
Photographs by C. Peck: "Washington State University Cooperative Extension Service Photographs." All annotated
19 8
Correspondence, newspaper clippings, electronic mail, photographs