Felix Entenmann Dry Land Water Quality Project Files, 1976-1981

Overview of the Collection

Entenmann, Felix
Felix Entenmann Dry Land Water Quality Project Files
1976-1981 (inclusive)
4 containers., (4 linear feet of shelf space.), (50 items.)
Collection Number
Cage 525
Memoranda, reports, and planning documents re: Program 208 in Washington's dryland regions, a facet of a national water quality management program conducted by the United States Environmental Protection Agency.
Washington State University Libraries' Manuscripts, Archives, and Special Collections (MASC)
Manuscripts, Archives, and Special Collections
Terrell Library Suite 12
Pullman, WA
Telephone: 509-335-6691
Access Restrictions

This collection is open for research use.

Funding for encoding this finding aid was provided through a grant awarded by the National Endowment for the Humanities.

Historical NoteReturn to Top

Felix Entenmann was the "Program 208 Dryland Coordinator" at WSU and project project leader of "Areawide Soil Management Planning Program for Nonpoint Source Pollution Abatement Dryland Agriculture" with the WSU Cooperative Extension Service.

The program mission was to meet the 1983 water quality goals outlined in the Federal Water Pollution Control Act Amendments of 1972, (P.L.92-500). The goal was to "achieve by 1983 a level of water quality that will support aquatic life and recreation in and on the Nation's waters."

Section 208 of this Act is about areawide planning and management efforts focusing on sources of pollution, both point and non-point sources, and associated management problems.

Content DescriptionReturn to Top

The records cover the period roughly from 1976 to 1981. They centers on what is called Program 208, which was a $200 million national water quality management program administered by EPA.

Use of the CollectionReturn to Top

Preferred Citation

[Item Description]. Cage 525, Felix Entenmann Dry Land Water Quality Project Files. Manuscripts, Archives, and Special Collections, Washington State University Libraries, Pullman, WA.

Administrative InformationReturn to Top


The papers are arranged in a single alphabetical sequence based on the original folder headings.

Acquisition Information

The Dry Land Project file of Felix Entenmann, retiree of the Washington State Cooperative Entension Service, were received by the Washington State University Libraries in 1984 (Accession Number UA84-49).

Detailed Description of the CollectionReturn to Top

The following section contains a detailed listing of the materials in the collection.

Container(s) Description Dates
Box Folder
1 1 Amendment of the Federal Water Pollution Control Act (P. L. 92-500) 1972
1 2 Audio material-planning for clean water where you live
1 3 Best management practice-by counties
1 4 Best management material popularized 1977-1978
1 5 (208) Brochures 1976-1977
1 6 The Clean Water Act (P.L. 95-217) 1977
1 7 The Clean Water Act showing changes made by the 1977 Amendments and 1978 amendments to sections 104 and 311 1979
1 8 Descriptions of slides entiled "Clean water-our opportunity" and graphics entitled "Clean water-our responsibility
1 9 (208) Developmental materials (needs, problems and plans) 1978
1 10 (208) Developmental plans 1978
1 11 Dairy Waste Work Plan 1979
1 12 District employee hiring process 1979
1 13 (208) Dryland Technical Advisory Committee-minutes 1977-1978
1 14 (208) Dryland Technical Advisory Committee-minutes 1979-1981
1 15 (208) Dryland Technical Advisory Committee-Statewide 208 Policy Advisory Committee 1978
2 16 (208) Dryland Agriculture Water Quality Management Plan, first draft 1978
2 17 Dryland Agriculture Water Quality Management Plan, Appendix III 1979
2 18 Dryland Agriculture Water Quality Management Plan, final draft 1979
2 19 Dryland Agriculture Water Quality Management Plan, redraft outline 1979
2 20 Dryland Agriculture Water Quality Management Plan, Second draft 1979
2 21 Dryland Agriculture Water Quality Management Plan, Third draft 1979
2 22 Dryland Agriculture Work Plan 1979
2 23 (208) Early development 1976-1977
2 24 EPA-208 citizen involvement "White Paper 1976
2 25 EPA-Water Programs 1973, 1975
2 26 Facts and figures about Columbia River System and Columbia River Policy 1979
2 27 Guide lines for 208 grants
2 28 (208) Irrigated Agriculture Work Plan 1976-1980
2 29 (208) Irrigated Agriculture Plan-early documents 1977-1978
3 30 (208) Irrigated Agriculture Plan-early documents 1978-1980
3 31 (208) Irrigated Work Plan 1979
3 32 Management Agencies and Management duties
3 33 (208) Memorandum of Agreement 1979
3 34 Misc. Publications re. 208 non-point pollution controls 1974-1975
3 35 (208) Newsletters, information to county agents 1976-1977
3 36 Position description for the Area Extention Agent208 Dryland coordinator 1980
3 37 Public hearing concerning water quality laws 1979
3 38 (208) Public hearing documents 1979
3 39 RCW Water Pollution Control, chapter 90.48 laws 1976
3 40 Research project titles and investigators 1979
3 41 Resource Conservation Act, (P.L. 95-192) 1979
3 42 (208) Rough Drafts 1978
3 43 Rural Clean Water Program 1978-1979
4 44 Speaking of Trade-Publications about agricultural trade situation and issues 1979
4 45 Supplimental memoradum of understanding between Lewis County Conservation district and the Lewis County Agricultural Stablization and Conservation Committee 1977
4 46 Symposium on Impacts on Rural America of the Federal Water Pollution Control Act Amemdments, (P.L. 92) 1977
4 47 US EPA, Region X-Notice of Proposed Approval Action 1979-1980
4 48 Water Quality Standard Laws 1969-1977
4 49 (208) Work Plan Development 1975-1976
4 50 WSU Cooperative Extension Service, (Project 177) 1976-1978