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Mabel Clore Collection on Vardis Fisher, 1927-1972
Overview of the Collection
- Creator
- Clore, Mabel S.
- Title
- Mabel Clore Collection on Vardis Fisher
- Dates
- 1927-1972 (inclusive)19271972
- Quantity
- 4 linear feet, (4 boxes and 1 oversize hanging file)
- Collection Number
- MSS 002
- Summary
- Periodical issues with articles by Idaho author Vardis Fisher, articles about him, reviews of his work, bibliographies, advertisements, catalogs, clippings, and other material about Fisher and his writings, collected chiefly by Mabel S. Clore, secretary of Caxton Printers, Caldwell, Idaho.
- Repository
Boise State University Library, Special Collections and Archives
Special Collections and Archives
1910 University Drive
Boise ID
Telephone: 2084263990 - Access Restrictions
Collection is available for research.
- Languages
- English
- Sponsor
- Funding for encoding this finding aid was provided, in part, by a grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities.
Historical NoteReturn to Top
Vardis Fisher was born on March 31, 1895, in Annis, Idaho, to a family of Mormon pioneers. He was the first child of a man who preferred the wilderness and a woman who desired civilization. In 1901 Fisher's family moved to a remote river basin home in Southeastern Idaho. The Antelope Hills were totally isolated, and for the next five years (until he was sent to school) Fisher was 'imprisoned by the wilderness" (according to biographer Wayne Chatterton). After graduating from Rigby High School in 1915, Fisher attended the University of Utah, where he married his childhood sweetheart, Leona McMurtrey. At the outset of World War I, Fisher enlisted as an officer candidate in the Air Force, resigned, and was then drafted, serving two years in the Army. He received his Bachelor of Arts degree from the University of Utah in 1920. With his wife and two sons, he moved to Illinois to pursue graduate work in English Literature at the University of Chicago.
Fisher's writing skills were highly acclaimed by both universities. He received his masters degree in 1922 with a thesis on Daniel Defoe and London low life. His academic accomplishments, however, were overshadowed during this period by the suicide of his wife in 1924. Fisher completed his PhD, magna cum laude, in 1925 and returned with his sons to Salt Lake City, Utah, to assume a teaching career at the University of Utah. Stifled by religious and academic pressures for conventionality and conformity, Fisher resigned in 1928. In search of intellectual freedom, he accepted a position as assistant professor at New York University.
Prior to leaving Utah, he wrote Sonnets to an Imaginary Madonna (1927), a reflection of his first marriage. While in New York, he married Margaret Trusler, a fellow student from the University of Chicago, the same year that his first novel, Toilers of the Hills, was published (1928). During his years in New York City, he developed a close friendship with fellow teacher and author Thomas Wolfe that would eventually be documented in Fisher's essay "Thomas Wolfe As I Knew Him' (1963).
Fisher made a commitment to a writing career and returned to Idaho to live in 1931. His second novel, Dark Bridwell, was published that same year. His next novels have been referred to as the "Vridar Hunter" tetralogy: In Tragic Life (1932), Passions Spin the Plot (1934), We Are Betrayed (1935), and No Villain Need Be (1936). The titles of these works were taken from a sonnet by George Meredith, the English poet, who influenced Fisher's writings and was the subject of his doctoral dissertation at Chicago. The tetralogy, considered by critics as being autobiographical, reflects his memories of the rigid, hard childhood he experienced in the Antelope Hills. Ironically, during this same period Fisher chose to homestead in the remote river bottom country of the Snake River's Hagerman Valley. During the Depression, Fisher accepted the position as the Idaho Director of the WPA writers Project (1935-1939). Under his editorship, the project produced the Idaho guide (1937), The Idaho Encyclopedia (1938), and Idaho Lore (1939).
After the publication of April: A Fable of Love (1937) and Forgive Us Our Virtues: A Comedy of Evasions (1938), Fisher wrote his most famous novel, Children of God, which won the Harper Prize for fiction in 1939. The book is a three-part novel concerning the early history of the Mormon church. Fisher attempted to portray the church impartially even though he had rejected its teachings in his late teens. Following this success, he wrote five other historical novels: City of Illusion (1941), The Mothers (1943), Pemmican: A Novel of the Hudson's Bay Company (1956), Tale of Valor: A Novel of the Lewis and Clark Expedition (1958), and Mountain Man (1965).
Fisher and his second wife were divorced in 1939 and the following year he married Opal Laurel Holmes. In 1940, he began to write a series of novels exploring "the evolution of man's soul from beginning to the present day" (Contemporary Authors). The twelve volumes of the Testament of Man series (1943-1960) were philosophical and psychological rather than strictly historical in nature.
Fisher's non-fictional writings include regional works: The Caxton Printers in Idaho (1944) and Gold Rushes and Mining Camps of the Early American West (1968), which he co-authored with his wife, Opal. He wrote Suicide or Murder? (1962), a biography of Meriwether Lewis, and God or Caesar (1953) containing advice for the beginning writer, as well as numerous essays and articles. The 1930s and early 1940s were Fisher's most prolific years for short stories and periodical articles, though he continued to write occasional articles through the 1960s. These shorter works appeared in such diverse journals as Esquire, Coronet, Rocky Mountain Review, and Western Folklore.
After being away from teaching for three decades Fisher was selected as the author in residence at the College of Idaho in 1968. Fisher died at the age of 73 on July 9, 1968, leaving two works in progress, his autobiography and a volume to be called The Western United States, The World's Greatest Physical Wonderland. In 1972 his novel Mountain Man was made into the motion picture Jeremiah Johnson. Directed by Sydney Pollock and starring Robert Redford, it was chosen to represent the United States at the 1972 Cannes Film Festival.
Joseph M. Flora wrote prior to Fisher's death, "He writes in the morning and does hard labor on the farm in the afternoons .... His inspiration comes from the scholarly books with which he surrounds himself and the wilds of the nature around him. The Idaho terrain and Rocky Mountains have nourished Fisher's art from the first to last."
Chatterton, Wayne. Vardis Fisher : The Frontier and Regional Works. Boise, Idaho : Boise State College, 1972. (Western Writers Series, number 1)
Contemporary Authors. Detroit, Mich.: Gale Research, 1969. v. 5-8. p. 383-385.
Flora, Joseph. Vardis Fisher. New York : Twayne, 1965. (Twayne's United States Authors Series, number 76)
Content DescriptionReturn to Top
Mrs. Clore was, for many years, secretary of Caxton Printers in Caldwell, Idaho, publisher of many of Vardis Fisher's books. Her husband, Russell Clore, served as the firm's vice president and treasurer. The donation constitutes their personal collection of Vardis Fisher materials.
The Clore collection consists of early editions of Vardis Fisher's books (autographed and inscribed to the Clores), paperback editions, periodicals containing articles by and about Fisher, and bibliographies, clippings, book reviews, and advertisements collected by Mrs. Clore from the 1920s to 1970s. The collection also contains duplicate galley proofs (uncorrected) of Fisher's novel, The Mothers, the story of the Donner Party.
There are no manuscripts in the collection that might properly be considered Vardis Fisher's own. The largest collection of his own papers (chiefly correspondence and drafts of novels) was deposited in the Beinecke Library at Yale University. A copy of Yale's catalog of their Vardis Fisher collection has been added to the Clore collection.
The Clore collection at Boise State University contains most, but not all, of Vardis Fisher's novels, short stories, poems, non-fiction works, and essays. The most comprehensive bibliography of Vardis Fisher's writings to date was prepared by George Kellogg and published in Western American Literature (volume 5), Spring 1970 issue. That bibliography lists 45 short stories and essays by Fisher and 37 books written or edited by him. The Clore collection contains 43 of these stories and essays and 36 of the books. The collection also contains several periodical articles and anthologized works not listed in Kellogg's bibliography. There are a number of periodical articles about Vardis Fisher in the Clore collection, but only a small percentage of those listed Kellogg's bibliography. The collection's strength lays in writings by Fisher, not about him.
Forms part of the Idaho Writers Archive.
Essays, Interviews, Stories, and Poems by Vardis Fisher in the Clore Collection
"The Advantages in Being Modest" see "A Trivial Excursion in Modesty"
"Alan Swallow Interviews Vardis Fisher on His Testament of Man Series." A Way Out (May-July 1965): 11-15. (Box 2, Folder 18)
"Antelope People: The North Family – 'Charles North,' 'Baby North,' 'Lizzy North,' 'Sally North,' 'Jess North.'" Voices; a Journal of Verse, no. 49 (April 1929): 134-136. (Box 2, Folder 19)
"Antelope People: 'Slim Scott,' 'Susan Hemp,' 'Konrad Myrdton."' Voices; an Open Forum for the Poets 7 (March 1928): 203-204. (Box 2, Folder 20)
"As Death is Lonely." Northwest Review 2 (Summer 1959): 71-79. (Box 2, Folder 21). Also published in Love and Death: The Complete Stories of Vardis Fisher. Garden City: Doubleday and Company, 1959. 39-50. (Spec Coll PS 3511.I744 L6)
"Authors' Field Day--A Symposium on Criticism." New Masses (July 3, 1934): 28. (Box 2, Folder 22)
"Books and I." The Book Collector's Journal 1 (September 1936): 1. (Box 2, Folder 23)
"The Caxton Printers in Idaho." Writer's Digest 25 (June 1945): 16-25. (Box 2, Folder 24)
"Charivari." Rocky Mountain Review 3 (Spring-Summer 1939): 1, 10-11. (Box 2, Folder 25). Also published in Love and Death: The Complete Stories of Vardis Fisher. Garden City: Doubleday and Company, 1959. 51-59. (Spec Coll PS 3511.I744 L6)
"Children of God; Novel Abridged." Readers' Digest 36 (April 1940): 137-192; (May 1940), 141-188. (Box 2, Folder 24 and Box 3, Folder 1)
"Comment on Vietnam." A Way Out (March-April 1966): 5-8. (Box 3, Folder 2)
"Comments on His 'Testament of Man' Series" see "Vardis Fisher Comments on His Testament of Man Series"
"Communism and Emperor Worship." Published in Thomas Wolfe As I Knew Him and Other Essays. Denver: Alan Swallow, 1963. 128-141. (Spec Coll PS 3511.I744 Al6)
"Creative Historical Research in Fiction, Drama, Art; A Symposium." Oregon Historical Quarterly 41 (June 1940): 126-128. (Box 3, Folder 3)
"Crime and the Great Society." A Way Out 23 (October 1967): 47. (Box 3, Folder 4)
"Darkness and the Deep: Coronet Bookette." Coronet 14 (June 1943): 167-183. (Box 3, Folder 5)
"An Essay for Men." Esquire 6 (September 1936): 35, 187-190. (Oversize Hanging File 9034)
"The Failure of Public Education in a Democracy." Published in Thomas Wolfe As I Knew Him and Other Essays. Denver: Alan Swallow, 1963. 149-159. (Spec Coll PS 3511.I744 Al6). Originally published in PNLA Quarterly 25 (January 1961) 102-110.
"Fifteen Against Death; Excerpt from The Mothers." Rocky Mountain Review 7 (Spring-Summer 1943): 3-4, 10. (Box 3, Folder 7)
"Hometown Revisited: The Antelope Hills, Idaho." Tomorrow 9 (December 1949): 18-23. (Box 3, Folder 8). Also published in Thomas Wolfe As I Knew Him and Other Essays. Denver: Alan Swallow, 1963. 116-127. (Spec Coll PS 3511.I744 Al6)
"Idaho Primitive." Coronet 1 (February 1937): 38-42. (Box 3, Folder 9).
"Joe Burt's Wife." Direction I (Autumn 1934): 50-58. (Box 3, Folder 10). Also published in Love and Death: The Complete Stories of Vardis Fisher. Garden City: Doubleday and Company, 1959. 181-193. (Spec Coll PS 3511.I744 L6)
"Laughter; A Story." Scribner's Magazine 99 (March 1936): 168-170. (Box 3, Folder 11). Also published in Love and Death: The Complete Stories of Vardis Fisher. Garden City: Doubleday and Company, 1959. 203-211. (Spec Coll PS 3511.I744 L6)
"A Legend of Red Hair." Direction 1 (April-June 1935): 146-150. (Box 3, Folder 12). Also published in Love and Death: The Complete Stories of Vardis Fisher. Garden City: Doubleday and Company, 1959. 11-18. (Spec Coll PS 3511.I744L6)
"The Lingering Frontier." The Rotarian 108 (April 1966): 42-45. (Box 3, Folder 13)
"Martha's Vacation." American Stuff: An Anthology of Prose and Verse by Members of the Federal Writers' Project. New York: Viking Press, 1937. 141-146. (Spec Coll PS 536.F4). Also published in Love and Death: The Complete Stories of Vardis Fisher. Garden City Doubleday and Company, 1959. 175-180. (Spec Coll PS 3511.I744 L6)
"Mr. Graham Takes a Bath." Rocky Mountain Review 10 (Autumn 1945): 14-20. (Box 3, Folder 14). Also published in Love and Death: The Complete Stories of Vardis Fisher. Garden City: Doubleday and Company, 1959. 28-38. (Spec Coll PS 3511.I744 L6)
"The Mormons." Transatlantic, no. 9 (May 1944): 37-43. (Box 3, Folder 15)
"The Mother." The Frontier and Midland 14 (November 1933): 1 - 6. (Box 3, Folder 16). Also published in Short Story Hits: 1933. Ed. Thomas H. Uzzell. New York: Harcourt, Brace and Company, 1933. 280-289. (Spec Coll PS 659.S45). Also published in Love and Death: The Complete Stories of Vardis Fisher. Garden City: Doubleday and Company, 1959. 106-114. (Spec Coll PS 3511.I744 L6)
"The Mothers; Condensation." Omnibook (November 1943): 95-144. (Box 3, Folder 17)
"My Bible Heritage." Published in Thomas Wolfe As I Knew Him and Other Essays. Denver: Alan Swallow, 1963. 160-166. (Spec Coll PS 3511.I744AI6). Originally published in The American Zionist (November 11, 1953)
"My Experiences with Thomas Wolfe." Tomorrow 10 (April 1951): 24-30. (Box 3, Folder 18). Published under the title "Thomas Wolfe As I Knew Him" in Thomas Wolfe As I Knew Him and Other Essays. Denver: Alan Swallow, 1963. 24-41. (Spec Coll PS 3511.I744 Al6)
"Myths About Authors." The Frontier, A Magazine of the Northwest 13 (March 1933): 177-182. (Box 4, Folder 1)
"Novel Writing is My Trade." Tomorrow 9 (August 1950): 5-10. (Box 4, Folder 2). Published under the title "The Novelist and His Work" in Thomas Wolfe As I Knew Him and Other Essays. Denver: Alan Swallow, 1963. 103-115. (Spec Coll PS 3511.I744 Al6)
The Novelist and His Background." Western Folklore 12 (January 1953): 1-8. (Box 4, Folder 3). Also published in Thomas Wolfe As I Knew Him and other Essays. Denver: Alan Swallow, 1963. 79-89. (Spec Coll PS 3511.I744 Al6)
"The Novelist and His Characters." American Book Collector 14 (September 1963): 25-30. (Box 4, Folder 4). Also published in Thomas Wolfe As I Knew Him and Other Essays. Denver: Alan Swallow, 1963. 90-102. (Spec Coll PS 3511.I744 Al6)
"The Novelist and His Work" see "Novel Writing is My Trade"
"Odyssey of a Hero." Published by Ritten House, 1937. (Spec Coll PS 3511.I74403)
"Old Timers." Globe 1 (June 1937): 14-16. (Box 4, Folder 5)
"Overalls or Tails?" Globe 2 (February-March 1938): 82-85. (Box 4, Folders 6-7)
"A Parable for Librarians on Why Ignorance is Bliss." PNLA Quarterly 4 (October 1939): 7-9. (Box 4, Folder 8)
"A Partnership with Death." The Best American Short Stories, 1943. Ed. Martha Foley. New York: Houghton Mifflin, 1943. 105-114. (Spec Coll PS 645.B4). Also published in Love and Death: The Complete Stories of Vardis Fisher. Garden City: Doubleday and Company, 1959. 80-91. (Spec Coll PS 3511.I744 L6) Originally published in Rocky Mountain Review 6 (Spring- Summer 1942)
"A Pinch of Advice." The Writer 53 (August 1940): 227-229. (Box 4, Folder 9)
"Portrait of Towser." Parade: A Sophisticated Quarterly 1 (Spring lT36): 20, 53. (Box 4, Folder 10). Revised version published in Thomas Wolfe As I Knew Him and Other Essays. Denver: Alan Swallow, 19b3. 142-148. (Spec Coll PS 3511.I744 Al6)
"Profanity." Brentanois Bookchat 8 (March-April 1929): 47-50. (Box 4, Folder 11). Revised version published under the title "Profanity in Fiction' in Thomas Wolfe As I Knew Him and Other Essays. Denver: Alan Swallow, 1963. 17-23. (Spec Coll PS 3511.I744Al6)
"The Rape of Linda." Published in Love and Death: The Complete Stories of Vardis Fisher. Garden City: Doubleday and Company, 1959. 68-79. (Spec Coll PS 3511.I744L6)
"The Scarecrow." The Frontier and Midland 14 (May 1934): 289-293. (Box 4, Folder 12). Also published in New Stories for Men. Ed. Charles Grayson. Garden City, N.Y.: Garden City Publishing Company, 1941. 117-123. (Spec Coll PS 659.G73) Also O. Henry Memorial Award Prize Stories of 1934. Ed. Harry Hansen. Garden City, N. Y.: Doubleday, Doran and Company, 1934. 161-168. (Spec Coll PS 645.P7). Also Love and Death: The Complete Stories of Vardis Fisher. Garden City: Doubleday and Company, 1959. 19-27. (Spec Coll PS 3511.I744 L6)
"Sonnets to an Imaginary Madonna: I-X," Voices; an Open Forum for the Poets 6 (Dec. 1926/January 1927): 50-55. (Box 4, Folder 13)
"The Storm." '47; The Magazine of the Year 1 (March 1947): 7-13. (Box 4, Folder 14). Also published in Love and Death: The Complete Stories of Vardis Fisher. Garden City: Doubleday and Company, 1959. 115-124. (Spec Coll PS 3511.I744 L6)
"Thomas Wolfe and Maxwell Perkins." Tomorrow 10 (July 1951): 20-25. (Box 4, Folder 15). Also published in Thomas Wolfe As I Knew Him and Other Essays. Denver: Alan Swallow, 1963. 42-55. (Spec Coll PS 3511.I744 AI6)
"Thomas Wolfe As I Knew Him" see "My Experiences with Thomas Wolfe"
"Thousand Springs Valley." Scenic Idaho 7 (3d quarter 1952): 8-11, 25, 34. (Box 4, Folder 16)
"A Trivial Excursion in Modesty." Antioch Review 2 (Spring 1942): 122-128. (Box 4, Folder 17). Revised version published under the title "The Advantages in Being Modest" in Thomas Wolfe As I Knew Him and Other Essays. Denver: Alan Swallow, 1963. 56-63. (Spec Coll PS 3511.I744 Al6)
"An Unforgettable Character." Published in Thomas Wolfe As I Knew Him and Other Essays. Denver: Alan Swallow, 1963. 9-16. (Spec Coll PS 3511.I744 Al6)
"Vardis Fisher." Three West: Conversations with Vardis Fisher, Max Evans, Michael Straight, by John R. Milton. Vermillion, S. D.: Dakota Press, 1970. 1-45. (Spec Coll PS 374.W4.M5)
"Vardis Fisher Comments on His 'Testament of Man' Series." American Book Collector 14 (September 1963): 31-36. (Box 4, Folder 18). Published under the title "Comments on His Testament of Man Series" in Thomas Wolfe As I Knew Him and Other Essays. Denver: Alan Swallow, 1963. 64-78. (Spec Coll PS 3511.I744 Al6)
"The Western Novel--A Symposium: Vardis Fisher." The South Dakota Review 2 (Autumn 1964): 19-23. (Box 4, Folder 19)
"The Western Writer and the Eastern Establishment." Western American Literature 1 (Winter 1967): 244-259. (Box 4, Folder 20)
"A Word About Censors." PNLA Quarterly 1 (July 1937): 56-57. (Box 4, Folder 21)
Writings about Vardis Fisher in the Clore Collection
Bishop, John Peale. "The Strange Case of Vardis Fisher." Southern Review 3 (Autumn 1937): 348-359. Box 1, Folder 13)
Chatterton, Wayne. Vardis Fisher: The Frontier and Regional Works. Western Writers Series, no. 1. Boise: Boise State College, 1972. (Box 1, Folder 1)
Crandall, Allen. Fisher of the Antelope Hills. Manhattan, Kan.: The Crandall Press, 1949. (Box 1, Folder 2)
Doig, Ivan. "The Baedeker of Idaho." Pacific Search 12 (June 1978): 21-23. (Box 1, Folder 15)
Duncan, Kirby L. "William Golding and Vardis Fisher." College English 27 (December 1965): 232-235. (Box 1, Folder 16)
Flora, Joseph Martin. "The Early Power of Vardis Fisher." American Book Collector 14 (September 1963): 15-19. (Box 1, Folder 17)
Flora, Joseph Martin. Vardis Fisher. Twayne's United States Authors Series, no. 76. New York: Twayne Publishers, 1965. (Spec Coll PS 3511.I744.Z63)
Flora, Joseph Martin. "Vardis Fisher and the Mormons." Dialogue 4 (Autumn 1969) (Box 2, Folder 18)
Foote, Ellis. "The Unholy Testator." American Book Collector 14 (September 1963): 9-12. (Box 1, Folder 19)
Holmes, Opal Laurel (Mrs. Vardis Fisher). "Once in a Wifetime." American Book Collector 14 (September 1963): 13-14. (Box 1, Folder 20)
"Idaho Individualist." MD 5 (November 1961): 143-146. (Box 1, Folder 21)
Kellogg, George. "First Man of Idaho Letters." A Way Out 23 (October 1967): 59-61. (Box 1, Folder 22)
Margarick, P. "Vardis Fisher and His Testament of Man." American Book Collector 14 (September 1963): 20-24. (Box 1, Folder 23)
North, Sterlina. "A Literary Map of the United States." Holiday 2 (February 1947): 143. (Oversize Hanging File 9034)
Rein, David. Vardis Fisher: Challenge to Evasion. Chicago: Normandie House, 1938. (Spec Coll PS 3511.I744 Z8)
Stegner, Wallace. "A Decade of Regional Publishing." Publishers' Weekly 135 (March 11, 1939): 1060-1064. (Box 1, Folder 26)
Swallow, Alan. "The mavericks." Critique 2 (Winter 1959): 74-84. (Box 1, Folder 27)
Taber, Ronald W. "Vardis Fisher and the Idaho Guide: Preserving Culture for the New Deal.' Pacific Northwest Quarterly, 59 (April 1968): 68-76. (Box 1, Folder 29)
Taber, Ronald W. "Vardis Fisher: March 31, 1895-july 9, 1968." Idaho Yesterdays 12 (Fall 1968): 2-8. (Box 1, Folder 28)
Vardis Fisher: A Critical Summary with Notes on His Life and Personality. Caldwell, Idaho: Caxton Printers, 1939. (Box 1, Folder 14)
Use of the CollectionReturn to Top
Preferred Citation
[item description], Mabel Clore Collection on Vardis Fisher, Box [number] Folder [number], Boise State University Special Collections and Archives.
Administrative InformationReturn to Top
Collection is arranged in eight series: 1. Biographical material, 2. Bibliographies, 3. Book reviews, 4. Writings about Vardis Fisher, 5. Catalogs and advertisements, 6. Miscellaneous, 7. Writings by Vardis Fisher in periodicals, and 8. Writings by Vardis Fisher in newspapers.
Acquisition Information
Gift of Mrs. Clore, 1972
Processing Note
Mrs. Clore donated original periodical issues, many which are in fragile condition. For that reason, the Library asks researchers to use photocopies instead. The original issues have been retained for reference use, if necessary. A few of the periodical articles contained within the Clore collection were obtained by the Library from other sources. They were added to the collection for the convenience of the researcher.
Separated Materials
The collection of first editions, translations, and paperback versions of Fisher's novels, donated by Mabel S. Clore, and augmented by later gifts and purchases, is located in the repository's Special Collections Department.
Detailed Description of the CollectionReturn to Top
1: Biographical materialReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates | |
Box | Folder | ||
1 | 1 | Western Writers Series (Chatterton) |
1972 |
1 | 2 | Fisher of the Antelope Hills (Crandall) |
1949 |
1 | 3 | Miscellaneous |
2: BibliographiesReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates | |
Box | Folder | ||
1 | 4 | Kellogg |
1969 |
1 | 5 | Kellogg |
1961 |
1 | 6 | Clore |
1 | 7 | Idaho Falls Public Library |
1946 |
1 | 8 | Idaho Falls Public Library |
1946 |
3: Book reviewsReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | |
Box | Folder | |
1 | 9 | Children of God |
1 | 10 | Darkness and the Deep |
1 | 11 | Mountain Man (Jeremiah Johnson) |
1 | 12 | Miscellaneous (Testament of Man series, Pemmican, Gold Rushes and Mining Camps in the Early American West, Passions Spin the Plot, Dark Bridwell, Tale of Valor, "Ouch! Woman Writer Spanks Vardis Fisher," and Creating the Modern American Novel) |
4: Writing about Vardis FisherReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates | |
Box | Folder | ||
1 | 13 | Bishop |
1937 |
1 | 14 | Caxton Printers |
1939 |
1 | 15 | Doig |
1978 |
1 | 16 | Duncan |
1965 |
1 | 17 | Flora |
1963 |
1 | 18 | Flora |
1969 |
1 | 19 | Foote |
1963 |
1 | 20 | Holmes |
1963 |
1 | 21 | "Idaho Individualist" |
1961 |
1 | 22 | Kellogg |
1967 |
1 | 23 | Margarick |
1963 |
1 | 24 | North, Sterling (Literary Map of the United States) |
1947 |
1 | 25 | Reiter, Isadore H. "Letter to the Editor" American Book Collector |
1963 |
1 | 26 | Stegner |
1939 |
1 | 27 | Swallow |
1959 |
1 | 28 | Taber, Idaho Yesterdays |
1968 |
1 | 29 | Taber, Pacific Northwest Quarterly |
1968 |
5: Catalogs and advertisementsReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates | |
Box | Folder | ||
2 | 1 | Ablelard Press |
2 | 2 | Casanova Press |
2 | 3 | Caxton Printers |
2 | 4 | Scallawagiana Book |
2 | 5 | Pocket Books |
1972 |
2 | 6 | Alan Swallow |
2 | 7 | Harry W. Schwartz |
2 | 8 | Miscellaneous |
6: MiscellaneousReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates | |
Box | Folder | ||
2 | 9 | Opal Laurel Holmes Reprint Dust Jackets |
2 | 10 | Galley proofs: The Mothers (I) |
1943 |
2 | 11 | Galley proofs: The Mothers (II) |
1943 |
2 | 12 | Galley proofs: The Mothers (III) |
1943 |
2 | 13 | Galley proofs: The Mothers (IV) |
1943 |
2 | 14 | General |
2 | 15 | This Book Collecting Racket (Harry Schwartz) |
1943 |
2 | 16 | Fisher collection at Yale: Catalog |
2 | 17 | Fisher collection at WSU: Finding aid |
oversize_drawers | drawer | ||
9034 | 1 | A Literary Map of the United States: Books that Sharpen Perception of the American Scene, Holiday Magazine |
1947 |
7: Writings by Vardis Fisher in periodicalsReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates | |
Box | Folder | ||
2 | 18 | Alan Swallow Interviews... |
1965 |
2 | 19 | Antelope People: The North Family (Poems) |
1929 |
2 | 20 | Antelope People: Slim Scott... (Poems) |
1928 |
2 | 21 | As Death is Lonely |
1959 |
2 | 22 | Authors' Field Day |
1934 |
2 | 23 | Books and I |
1936 |
2 | 24 | Caxton Printers in Idaho |
1945 |
2 | 26 | Charivari |
1939 |
2 | 26 | Children of God, abridged |
1940 |
3 | 1 | Children of God, abridged |
1940 |
3 | 2 | Comment on Vietnam |
1966 |
3 | 3 | Creative Historical Research... |
1940 |
3 | 4 | Crime and the Great Society |
1967 |
3 | 5 | Darkness and the Deep, abridged |
1943 |
oversize_drawers | drawer | ||
9034 | 1 | An Essay for Men |
1936 |
Box | Folder | ||
3 | 7 | Fifteen Against Death |
1943 |
3 | 8 | Hometown Revisited... |
1949 |
3 | 9 | Idaho Primitive |
1937 |
3 | 10 | Joe Burt's Wife |
1934 |
3 | 11 | Laughter |
1936 |
3 | 12 | A Legend of Red Hair |
1935 |
3 | 13 | The Lingering Frontier |
1966 |
3 | 14 | Mr. Graham Takes a Bath |
1945 |
3 | 15 | The Mormons |
1944 |
3 | 16 | The Mother |
1933 |
3 | 17 | The Mothers, abridged |
1943 |
3 | 18 | My Experiences with Thomas Wolfe |
1951 |
4 | 1 | Myths about Authors |
1933 |
4 | 2 | Novel Writing is My Trade |
1950 |
4 | 3 | The Novelist and his Background |
1953 |
4 | 4 | The Novelist and his Characters |
1963 |
4 | 5 | Old Timers |
1937 |
4 | 6 | Overalls or Tails? |
1938 |
4 | 7 | Overalls or Tails?: Reaction |
1938 |
4 | 8 | A Parable for Librarians... |
1939 |
4 | 9 | A Pinch of Advice |
1940 |
4 | 10 | Portrait of Towser |
1936 |
4 | 11 | Profanity |
1929 |
4 | 12 | The Scarecrow |
1934 |
4 | 13 | Sonnets to an Imaginary Madonna I-X (Poems) |
1927 |
4 | 14 | The Storm |
1947 |
4 | 15 | Thomas Wolfe and Maxwell Perkins |
1951 |
4 | 16 | Thousand Springs Valley |
1952 |
4 | 17 | A Trivial Excursion in Modesty |
1942 |
4 | 18 | Vardis Fisher Comments... |
1963 |
4 | 19 | The Western Novel |
1964 |
4 | 20 | The Western Writer and the Eastern Establishment |
1967 |
4 | 21 | A Word About Censors |
1937 |
8: Writings by Vardis Fisher in newspapersReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates | |
Box | Folder | ||
4 | 22 | Flying Southern Idaho |
1936 |
4 | 23 | Why Should Anyone Leave Idaho...? |
1938 |
4 | 24 | Newspaper Columns |
1943-1950 |