Igor L. Kosin Papers, 1946-1977

Overview of the Collection

Kosin, Igor L.
Igor L. Kosin Papers
1946-1977 (inclusive)
7 containers., (3 linear feet of shelf space.), (1940 items.)
Collection Number
Cage 344
Correspondence, memoranda, circulars, announcements, clippings, and other publications regarding poultry research and academic affairs and committees.
Washington State University Libraries' Manuscripts, Archives, and Special Collections (MASC)
Manuscripts, Archives, and Special Collections
Terrell Library Suite 12
Pullman, WA
Telephone: 509-335-6691
Access Restrictions

This collection is open for research use.

Funding for encoding this finding aid was provided through a grant awarded by the National Endowment for the Humanities.

Biographical NoteReturn to Top

Igor Leonid Kosin was born in 1911 in Vladivostok, Russia. He and his Russian parents resided in Peking and Manchuria before immigrating to a poultry farm near Vancouver, British Columbia, in 1928.

In 1934, he received his Bachelor of Science in poultry science and went on to earn a Master of Science in genetics in 1936, both from the University of British Columbia. He further pursued his study of genetics at the University of Chicago and was awarded a doctorate in 1943. Dr. Kosin employed his research skills as a geneticist for the Canadian government on a research farm near Ottawa from 1939 until 1946.

Kosin moved to Pullman, Washington in 1946 to begin a thirty-year career of teaching and genetic research at Washington State University. His contributions to the poultry sciences brought him many awards from scientific groups and the poultry industry.

In 1959 he became a part-time instructor of Russian language in the Department of Foreign Languages and Literatures. Two years later he relinquished his poultry science teaching duties for a full time foreign language professorship, while maintaining his genetic research activities.

Throughout his tenure at W.S.U., Professor Kosin actively participated on faculty committees concerned with university organization and governance. He retired in 1977 after a long and distinguished career.

Content DescriptionReturn to Top

The papers of Professor Igor Kosin contain correspondence, committee materials, interdepartmental memoranda, professional data, poultry industry information, and general university circulars collected during his career at W.S.U.The papers,which date from 1946 through 1977, are grouped in four series: university committees, agriculture, foreign languages and literatures, and faculty memoranda. His committee papers reflect his interest in university governance, curriculum development in the humanities, and faculty issues. While the bulk of the animal sciences series is devoted to interdepartmental business, very few personal teaching materials are preserved. This series also includes much correspondence between Dr. Kosin and fellow animal scientists concerning agricultural research projects resulting from the Hope-Flannigan appropriations bill of 1946-1947. Paralleling his animal sciences papers is the foreign languages and literatures series that includes faculty conference materials and departmental proposals for alterations in the foreign language programs. The final series includes information and announcements from professional associations aimed at the general university faculty.

Use of the CollectionReturn to Top

Preferred Citation

[Item Description]. Cage 344, Igor L. Kosin Papers . Manuscripts, Archives, and Special Collections, Washington State University Libraries, Pullman, WA.

Administrative InformationReturn to Top


The papers are arranged in four series, each illustrating a facet of Professor Kosin's pedagogical career: university committees, agriculture, foreign languages and literatures, and faculty memoranda. Within each series, the chronological order of each subdivision has been retained. The subdivisions have been placed in alphabetical order within each series, and the original filing order in each folder has been retained.

Acquisition Information

The Igor L. Kosin papers were donated to the Washington State University Library by Professor Kosin in June 1977 (UA 77-18).

Detailed Description of the CollectionReturn to Top

The following section contains a detailed listing of the materials in the collection.

Series 1: University CommitteesReturn to Top

Committee minutes and reports, correspondence, clippings, and other papers.

Container(s) Description Dates
Box Folder
1 1-3
Academic Affairs Committee
117 items.
1 4-5
Academic Affairs Committe. Extension Courses Subcommittee
134 items.
1 6-7
Board of Control, Associated Students of W.S.U.
92 items.
2 8
Faculty Status Committee
17 items.
2 9
Educational Policies Committee
22 items.
2 10
Faculty Council Advisory Board
34 items.
2 11-12
Faculty Council Retirement Subcommittee
55 items.
2 13
Faculty Executive Committee
30 items.
3 14-16
Humanities Council
56 items.
3 17-18
Presidential Selection Committee
37 items.

Series 2: AgricultureReturn to Top

Interdepartmental memoranda, notes, correspondence, published data, and other papers pertaining to the animal sciences and federal research appropriations (Hope-Flannigan Bill).

Container(s) Description Dates
Box Folder
3 19
Agriculture Education: Addresses
3 items.
3 20
Curricular Materials
22 items.
4 21
Animal Sciences Department
61 items.
4 22
Departmental Consolidation
17 items.
4 23-24
Interdepartmental Memoranda
369 items.
4-5 25-28
Interdepartmental Memoranda
424 items.
5 29-30
Hope-Flannigan Bill
68 items.
5-6 31-32
Hope-Flannigan Bill
128 items.
6 33
Nutrition Project
19 items.
6 34-35
Poultry Industry
50 items.

Series 3: Foreign Languages and LiteraturesReturn to Top

Correspondence, conference agendas, faculty memoranda, and language curriculum.

Container(s) Description Dates
Box Folder
6 36
Foreign Language Conference
12 items.
6 37
Foreign Language Program
23 items.
6 38
Literary Studies Proposal for Ph.D.
3 items.

Series 4: Faculty MemorandaReturn to Top

Administrative circulars of broad W.S.U. faculty interest, and professional association announcements.

Container(s) Description Dates
Box Folder
6-7 39-42
General Memoranda to Faculty
128 items.
7 43
American Association of University Professors: Announcements
17 items.
7 44
The Professor Switches from Roosters to Russian. Washington State Review, 7:2. 2-5.
Winter 1963