WSU Stratigraphy Lab Collection of Aerial Photographs and Soil Surveys of WSU Extension Facilities and Smoot Hill, 1934-1978

Overview of the Collection

WSU Stratigraphy Lab Collection of Aerial Photographs and Soil Surveys of WSU Extension Facilities and Smoot Hill
1934-1978 (inclusive)
.25 plus 3 (o.s) Linear feet of shelf space, (1 box plus 1 o.s. drawer)
Collection Number
Archives 307 (collection)
The material consists of aerial maps and photographs, soil surveys, soil and capability maps, and other maps which serve to document the historical uses and extent of Washington State University's Experiment Stations (E.S.) and other agriculturally significant sites.
Washington State University Libraries' Manuscripts, Archives, and Special Collections (MASC)
Manuscripts, Archives, and Special Collections
Terrell Library Suite 12
Pullman, WA
Telephone: 509-335-6691
Access Restrictions

This collection is open and available for research use.


Historical NoteReturn to Top

The Washington State University Experiment Station dates to the school's founding as the Washington Agricultural College and School of Science in 1891. Experiment Stations were later established as early as 1894 (Puyallup) in selected counties, but most were established between 1915 and 1947. Each was centrally managed by Washington State University.

The Smoot Hill Reserve was not part of the Experiment Station system. Noted as "one of the largest intact remnants of the native Palouse plant community," it was purchased by WSU's Botany Department in 1972.

Content DescriptionReturn to Top

The material consists of aerial maps and photographs, soil surveys, soil and capability maps, and other maps which serve to document the historical uses and extent of Washington State University's Experiment Stations (E.S.) and other agriculturally significant sites.

Use of the CollectionReturn to Top

Preferred Citation

[Item Description] WSU Stratigraphy Lab Collection of Aerial Photographs and Soil Surveys of WSU Extension Facilities and Smoot Hill, 1934-1978 (UA 307)

Manuscripts, Archives, and Special Collections, Washington State University Libraries, Pullman, WA.

Administrative InformationReturn to Top


The collection is broken into two primary series by material sizes, with regular materials in MASC's stacks and the oversized materials located in MASC's oversize map cases. Within each series, materials are organized alphabetically by name of the Experiment Station, with all Pullman-area sites collocated after the other extension sites. In addition, one folder covering multiple sites, a listing of selected WSU land holdings in the 1950s, is found at the end of the regular materials.

Acquisition Information

A donation of several map cabinets by Washington State University's (WSU) Stratigraphy Lab (part of the School of Earth and Environmental Sciences) to WSU's Owen Science and Engineering Library in April of 2011 included all the materials in this collection. Selected materials were subsequently transferred to WSU's Manuscripts, Archives, and Special Collections (MASC) in May of that year. While the Smoot Hill materials and the Extension materials were both held and accessioned separately (UA2011-04 and UA2011-05), during process it was decided to combine the materials due to similarities in material types and relative geographic nearness.

Processing Note

This collection was processed in May, 2011 by University Archivist Mark O'English.

Detailed Description of the CollectionReturn to Top

Container(s) Description
Box Folder
1 1 Cranberry-Blueberry E.S. (Long Beach). Soil Surveys, 1960.
1 2 Irrigation E.S. (Prosser). Soil Surveys, 1948, 1960.
1 3 Western Washington E.S. (Puyallup). Soil Surveys, 1955.
1 4 Smoot Hill. Class Projects: Dam Designs and Site Notes, 1970.
1 5 Smoot Hill. Field Surveys, 1976-1978.
1 6 Smoot Hill. Mima Mound Soils..., 1976.
1 7 Smoot Hill. Soil Surveys, 1971-1972.
1 8 Land Owned by the State College of Washington, 1956.
O.S. 1 Cranberry-Blueberry E.S. (Long Beach). Aerial Maps, ca. 1960. Topographical Map, 1949.
O.S. 2 Colockum Creek Research Unit. Soil and Capability Maps, undated.
O.S. 3 Dry Land E.S. (Lind). Aerial Maps, 1955, 1976.
O.S. 4 Irrigation E.S. (Prosser). Aerial Maps, 1955. Soil and Capability Maps, 1960. Soil Surveys, 1948, 1958.
O.S. 5 Irrigation E.S. (Othello Unit and Royal Slope). Land Classification Maps, 1939-1940.
O.S. 6 Northwest Washington E.S. (Mt. Vernon). Aerial Maps, 1956.
O.S. 7 Southwest Washington E.S. (Vancouver). Aerial Maps, 1948.
O.S. 8 Tree Fruit E.S. (Wenatchee), including Columbia Heights. Aerial Maps, 1954-1955.
O.S. 9 Western Washington E.S. (Puyallup). Aerial Maps, 1955.
O.S. 10 College Farm and Whitman Tract (Pullman). Aerial Maps, 1950, 1957. Land USe Maps, 1947-1954. Soil and Capability Maps, undated. Soils Maps, Land Form Map, Land Type Map, all undated.
O.S. 11 Erosion Station (Pullman). Aerial Maps, 1950, 1957.
O.S. 12 Smoot Hill (Pullman). Aerial Maps, 1934, 1951, 1957, 1972. Soils Maps, 1970-1976.
O.S. 13 Spillman Farm (Pullman). Aerial Maps, 1950, 1957. Aerial Photographs, undated. Various surveys and land use planning maps, 1955-1967
O.S. 14 Tula Young Hastings Farm (Pullman). Aerial Maps, 1957, 1969. Soil and Capability Map, undated. Topographical Map, 1964.