University of Idaho Stillinger Herbarium Glass Lantern Slides Collection, 1938-1941

Overview of the Collection

University of Idaho. Library. Special Collections Dept.
University of Idaho Stillinger Herbarium Glass Lantern Slides Collection
1938-1941 (inclusive)
127 slides
Collection Number
PG 106
Glass lantern slide collection documenting flora and fauna conditions in the selected areas of the northwest region of the United States, primarily Idaho, in the late 1930s and early 1940s.
University of Idaho Library, Special Collections and Archives
Special Collections and Archives
University of Idaho Library
875 Perimeter Drive
MS 2350
Moscow, ID
Telephone: 2088850845
Access Restrictions

The manuscript group is open to the public. Researchers must use the collection in accordance with the policies of the University of Idaho Special Collections and Archives.

This collection is in English.

Content DescriptionReturn to Top

The slides were transferred from the Stillinger Herbarium in the University of Idaho’s College of Natural Resources to Special Collections and Archives in January 2012. Nothing is known of the provenance of the slides, but research indicates that some slides were taken as part of a research project conducted in the Selway Game Preserve by the University of Idaho School of Forestry in 1938.

In 1938, University of Idaho master’s student Willard Leslie Robinette conducted research (funded in part by the U.S. Forest Service) in the Selway Game Preserve (now part of the Selway-Bitterroot Wilderness Area in north-central Idaho) to learn the habits of elk in the preserve, to identify plant species grazed by elk, and to point out the need of minerals in the diet of elk.

Robinette’s findings were published in 1939 in his thesis, A Study of the Range Habits of Elk on the Selway Game Preserve during the summer of 1938. Included in the thesis are photographic prints taken during Robinette’s fieldwork. A good number of matching images can be found among the Stillinger Herbarium glass lantern slides collection.

Use of the CollectionReturn to Top

Preferred Citation

University of Idaho Stillinger Herbarium Glass Lantern Slides Collection, PG 106, Special Collections and Archives, University of Idaho Library, Moscow, Idaho.

Administrative InformationReturn to Top

Acquisition Information

The slides were transferred from the Stillinger Herbarium in the University of Idaho College of Natural Resources to Special Collections and Archives in January 2012.

Detailed Description of the CollectionReturn to Top

Container(s) Description
Box slide
1 1 Ruffed grouse. Lolo Trail. 1940
1 2 Spike elk. Selway Game Preserve. 1938
1 3 [Dead deer fawn?]
1 4 Two-year-old elk heifer. Selway Game Preserve. 1938
1 5 [Mule deer herd?]
1 6 Beavers may be transported on horseback to new locations.
1 7 Bear River Refuge. Ducks and avocates. 1940
1 8 Grouse on Bogachiel Peak.
1 9 Mountain sheep. Yellowstone. 1940
1 10 American Bittern. Malheur Refuge. Oregon 1940
1 11 Franklin grouse. Yellowstone. 1941
1 12 Effects of deer browsing. National forests. Idaho
1 13 Dead deer in woods. 1939
1 14 White-tail deer on feed ground during snowstorm near Coeur ‘D’Alene Lake. 1937
1 15 Deer sign in deep snow. North Idaho. 1939
1 16 Mule deer bucks. Yellowstone. 1937
1 17 [Dead mule deer fawn?]
1 18 Elk overgrazing and erosion near lick. Selway National Forest.
1 19 Mule deer. Yellowstone.
1 20 Mule deer badly wounded in shoulder. 1939
1 21 [White-tail deer?]
1 22 Deer winter range. North Idaho. 1939
1 23 Elk calf. Yellowstone. 1940
1 24 Robin.
1 25 Nighthawk.
1 26 Turkey hen on her nest. Blue Springs Game Refuge. Mark Twain National Forest. Missouri. 1939
1 27 Turkey hen on her nest. Blue Springs Game Refuge. Mark Twain National Forest. Missouri. 1939
1 28 Turkey gobbler, Blue Springs Game Refuge. Mark Twain National Forest. Missouri. 15,000 acres of forest land being managed for producing all species. 1939
1 29 Blue grouse nest.
1 30 Mountain lion.
1 31 Biology field agent depositing poisoned salt in porcupine den. Fremont National Forest.
1 32 Grizzly bear.
1 33 Brown bear.
1 34 Black bear. Yellowstone. 1940
1 35 Cooper’s hawk.
1 36 Beavers are caught alive for restocking purposes.
1 37 Snow geese feeding on spring grain. Missoula. 1941
1 38 Small elk licks. Selway Game Preserve. 1938
1 39 Franklin grouse nest. Yellowstone.
1 40 A bunch of coyote and wild cat furs caught from Sawtooth National Forest.
1 41 Moose low. Selway Game Preserve. 1938
1 42 Turkeys on open range. North Idaho. 1939
1 43 Trumpeter swan. Yellowstone.
1 44 Redhead ducklings. SouthIdaho. 1941
1 45 Logs eaten by salt-hungry elk. Selway Game Preserve. 1938
1 46 Elk antlers. Yellowstone.
1 47 Elk wallow. Selway Game Preserve. 1938
1 48 Beaver lodge. Yellowstone.
1 49 [Eggs]
1 50 Osprey young in nest. Yellowstone.
1 51 Morning exercises for Bones Spring lookout and his wife. Incidentally each of these people killed a large mule tail buck deer with bow and arrow in fall of 1929. Photo looks westerly into breaks of Walla Walla.
1 52 Snow geese beginning flight near Missoula. 1941
1 53 Canada goose. 1937
1 54 Moose Cow. Selway Game Preserve. 1938
1 55 [Moose]
1 56 Moose in dense timber. Yellowstone. 1940
1 57 [Antelope]
1 58 Antelope. Yellowstone.
1 59 Buffalo bulls. Yellowstone. 1940
1 60 Buffalo. Yellowstone. 1940
1 61 Heavy browsing of Mountain Ash by elk. Selway Game Preserve. 1938
1 62 At Snider Ranger Station, Olympic National Forest.
1 63 Sambucus canadensis clump stripped by elk. Selway. 1938
1 64 Blue grouse nest.
1 65 Great Horned owl. (Slide is damaged.)
1 66 Ruffed grouse. Lolo Trail. 1940
1 67 White-tail deer in deep snow. Coeur d’Alene. 1938
1 68 Antelered lodgepole. Selway Game Preserve. 1938
1 69 Beaver dam. Yellowstone. 1941
1 70 Feeding white-tail deer. Coeur d’Alene. 1938
2 71 Mule deer in Kaibab [National Forest].
2 72 [Deer carcase?]
2 73 Moose. Yellowstone Park.
2 74 Reproduction injury by elk. Selway National Forest.
2 75 White-tail deer in deep snow - down. 1938
2 76 Moose cow. Selway Game Preserve. 1938
2 77 Mule deer fawn. One-hour-old. 1939
2 78 [Swans?]
2 79 Canada geese. Smoke River. 1937
2 80 Mountain goat. Lake Chelan Region, Washington.
2 81 Wild turkey. 1937
2 82 Mountain sheep. Yellowstone. 1940
2 83 Bighorn ram. Yellowstone. 1941
2 84 Trap is set in runways in the water.
2 85 Beaver at Willow Park.
2 86 Beaver dams. Yellowstone.
2 87 Cedar and cottonwood by beaver. 1941
2 88 Its diet consists of fresh bark secured by gnawing down trees.
2 89 Strong metal crates are required to hold beavers.
2 90 Young beaver may be taken from the mother and fed in this manner.
2 91 Beaver obtaining food. Idaho. 1939
2 92 Turkey gobbler. Blue Springs Game Refuge. Mark Twain National Forest. Missouri. 15,000 acres of forest land being managed for producing all species.
2 93 Mountain lion.
2 94 Mountain lion killed on Thom’s Creek. Cleveland National Forest.
2 95 Mountain lion killed on Thom’s Creek. Cleveland National Forest.
2 96 Goat range. Wasatch Mountains.
2 97 Bob cat tread by does on Elwha, Olympic National Forest.
2 98 Erosion following removal of beavers and change from wet to dry meadow on Meadow Creek.
2 99 Canada goose disturbed. 1937
2 100 Tame coyote along Kern River. Sequoia National Forest.
2 101 Franklin grouse. Selway. 1937
2 102 Black mule deer. 1938
2 103 Beavers dig canals for floating wood for food and construction.
2 104 Litters of 2 to 4 are born in the spring.
2 105 Beavers are clever engineers in their construction of dams.
2 106 Beaver is the largest rodent in North America.
2 107 Utah. Logh Leven trout.
2 108 Tame coyote along Kern River. Sequoia National Forest.
2 109 Coyote in North Idaho. 1938
2 110 Porcupine showing diseased rear. 1939
2 111 For self-protection it is advisable to handle beaver with nets.
2 112 Cow elk drinking lick water. Selway Game Preserve. 1938
2 113 Redhead ducklings. South Idaho. 1941
2 114 Chipping sparrow.
2 115 Downy woodpecker.
2 116 Red-tailed hawk.
2 117 Nest and eggs of woodcock.
2 118 Barn owl pellets.
2 119 Barred owl. Lake Kissimmee, Florida. March 1922
2 120 Blue grouse nest.
2 121 Salix clump cropped back by elk. Selway Game Preserve. 1938
2 122 Yellow-billed cuckoo.
2 123 Hairy woodpecker.
2 124 [Man in field]
2 125 Meadows above Wounded Doe Licks. Selway. 1938
2 126 Elk in lick. Selway National Forest.
2 127 Amelanchier clump browsed back by elk. Selway Game Preserve. 1938