Archives West Finding Aid
Table of Contents
Academic Affairs: Academic Grants, 1990-2003
Overview of the Collection
- Compiler
- Academic Grants.
- Title
- Academic Affairs: Academic Grants
- Dates
- 1990-2003 (inclusive)19902003
- Quantity
- 0.25 cubic feet, (1 ltr. doc. box, 33 folders)
- Collection Number
- US-WaOE.A.2012-03
- Summary
- This records group contains files of academic grants significant to the development of the college's operation, curriculum, and services between 1990-2003.
- Repository
The Evergreen State College, Malcolm Stilson Archives and Special Collections
Archives and Special Collections
Daniel J. Evans Library
The Evergreen State College
2700 Evergreen Parkway NW
Olympia, WA
Telephone: 3608676126
Fax: 3608676790 - Access Restrictions
Collection is open to the public.
- Languages
- English
Historical NoteReturn to Top
The Academic Grants office provides a variety of services to The Evergreen State College. The office coordinates the submission of all external grant requests for both the college and The Evergreen State College Foundation. It administers a variety of internal grant competitions for students, staff and faculty. And it holds responsibility for a variety of research administration functions, including human subjects research review.
Content DescriptionReturn to Top
This records group currently consists of a series of Academic Grant Files containing grant applications, project narratives, award letters, and interim and final reports which document the work done under grants producing significant results for the college between 1990-2005.
Use of the CollectionReturn to Top
Restrictions on Use
Duplication by the archives in no way transfers either copyright or property right, nor does it constitute permission to publish in excess of "fair use" or to display the materials.
Preferred Citation
In all cases, publication or display of our materials must carry the credit line: "From The Evergreen State College Archives". Citations of specific materials should include the accession number, provenance and series title, file folder heading (if any) followed by the specific item's identification (title or description).
Administrative InformationReturn to Top
This records group currently contains one series: Academic Grant Files. A chronological arrangement scheme was imposed on the files during processing in the absense of a usable original order.
Detailed Description of the CollectionReturn to Top
Series I: Academic Grant Files, 1990-2003Return to Top
This series of Academic Grant Files contains grant applications, project narratives, award letters, and interim and final reports which document the work done under grants producing significant results for the college between 1990-2003.
Description | Dates |
WA Library for the Blind and Physically Handicapped 1.0 folder
McBride, Sharon
Pietras, Pete, (Julian)
Ramsauer, Teri Lee
This file contains a project proposal check sheet, award letter, cooperative agreement between TESC and the Washington Library for the Blind and Physically Handicapped, and a cover letter and application narrative. These documents were for Sharon McBride, Teri Ramsauer, and Pete Pietras's application to the Washington Library for the Blind & Physically Handicapped's STEP ONE grant to fund their "Communication Access for Blind College Students" project to obtain equipment that increases access to information materials by blind students.
1990 |
KAOS - Satellite earth terminal 1.0 folder
Huntsberger, Michael
This file contains a quarterly report, project narrative, application forms, cover letter, radio license, and "The Olympia Public Radio Project" fully detailing KAOS radio's mission, philosophy, and plans for development. These documents were for Michael Huntsberger's application to the United States Department of Commerce through the Washington Department of Community Development to fund the installation of an earth satelite terminal and upgrading of production equipment for KAOS to be "national-program-quality."
1990-1993 |
Masters in Teaching 1.0 folder
MacGregor, Jean
Parker, Kitty
This file contains a memo about a student mentor program at Ponoma College, a final report, project proposal check sheet, and application narrative. These documents were for Kitty Parker and Jean MacGregor's application to the Pew Institute to fund development and expansion of the MIT program.
1991-1994 |
Clean Lakes Program - Lake Roosevelt 1.0 folder
Perkins, John
This file contains application sheets, project proposal check sheet, project narrative, map, and accetance letter. These documents were for John Perkin and David Serder's application to the US Environmental Protection Agency's Clean Lakes Program to fund a retrospective analysis of Lake Roosevelt for toxins and heavy metals.
1992-1993 |
Fulbright Scholar-in-Residence Program 1.0 folder
Gomez, Jose
This file contains a project proposal check sheet, proposal abtract, cover sheet, and application narrative. These documents were for Jose Gomez's application to Fulbright's Scholar-in-Residence Program to fund bringing two scholars, Jose L. Pereira, Ph.D. and Jose Suarez-Torres, Ph.D., both from Ecuador, to contribute their knowledge of environmental issues from a native Latin American perspective to the academic program "Human Culture and Natural Environment: Latin America" intended for the 1992-1993 academic year.
1992-1993 |
Curriculum/ Community Service Expansion Project 1.0 folder
Dobbs, Carolyn
This file contains application materials (including project narratives), an interm progrss report, award letter, and project proposal check sheet. These documents were for Carolyn Dobbs's application to The Commisssion of National and Community Service to fund a Curriculum/Communtiy Service Expansion project to offer more service learning opportunities in year-long academic programs.
1992-1995 |
Evergreen Expressions 1.0 folder
Wooldridge, Charlotte
This file contains an award letter, project proposal check sheet, application form, application narrative, and letters. These documents were for Charlotte Wooldridge's application to the Washington State Arts Comission to fund organizational support for Evergreen Expressions, the performing arts presenter at The Evergreen State College.
1993-1994 |
Ford Foundation Challenge Grant 1.0 folder
Smith, Barbara Leigh
This file contains letters, project proposal check sheet, and comprehensive project narrative. These documents were for Barbara Smith's application to the Ford Foundation's Challenge Grant to extend The Washington Center's cultural pluralism project to ten additional colleges and universities.
1993-1995 |
Student Originated Software: E-Team Formation 1.0 folder
Curtz, Thad, (Thaddeus, Jr.)
Cushing, Judy Bayard, (Judith)
This file contains a project proposal check sheet, application materials including the project narrative, curriculum summary, and syllabus, and descriptions of past projects for The Lemelson Foundation's National Collegiate Inventors and Innovators Alliance (NCIIA) program grant to fund the college's "Student Originated Software - E-Team Formation" program led by Judy Bayard Cushing. The SOS program gives students experience working on teams to plan, manage, and construct a major software project that meets a real social need.
1996 |
Student Originated Software - SwimTEK Team 1.0 folder
Curtz, Thad, (Thaddeus, Jr.)
Cushing, Judy Bayard, (Judith)
This file contains a letter stating the issuance of the grant amount for the project, a project proposal check sheet, the grant application cover sheet, and a narrative description of the "Student Originated Software" project for Judy Bayard Cushing and Thad Curtz's application to The Lemelson Foundation's National Collegiate Inventors and Innovators Alliance (NCIIA) Level II grant to fund their "Student Originated Software - SwimTEK Team" program to develop software that will "reduce the work load and improve the performance of swimming coaches" with assistance of Evergreen swimming coach and Olympic Gold swimmer Mike Burton.
1996 |
Bilingual Education 1.0 folder
Costatino, Magda
This file contains a project proposal check sheet, application narrative, and letters. These documents were for Magda Costantino's application to the Association of American Colleges and Universities's American Commitments Initiative to fund projects that promote bilingual education in the K-12 education system.
1996 |
IRIS: Intro to Remote Sensing 1.0 folder
Chonacky, Norman
This file contains a statement of agreement, project summary, project proposal check sheet, and coorespondance. These documents were for Norman Chonacky's application to the 1996 Washington State Eisenhower Higher Education Grant Program to fund a collaborative project with K-12 teachers and students to support students learning science by doing science.
1996 |
Partners in Science: Spectroscopic imaging of mammalian metabolism 1.0 folder
Kelly, Jeff
This file contains an award letter, application materials, and project narrative for Jeffrey J. Kelley's application to the M.J. Murdock Charitable Trust and Research Corporation's Partners in Science grant to fund a collaborative research project between TESC faculty Jeffrey J. Kelley and Elma High School teacher Lee M. Thompson.
1996-1997 |
Annual Basketmaker's Gathering 1.0 folder
McCann, Charles J.
This file contains an award letter, application materials, project narrative for John McCann's application to National Endowment for the Arts to fund the annual Washington State Basketmarkers' Gathering.
1996-1998 |
Native Economic Development Arts Intitative 1.0 folder
Smith, Barbara Leigh
South Pudget Intertribal Planning Agency.
This file contains an interim report, award letter, proposal check sheet, and project narrative concerning a three-year grant from the Northwest Area Foundation to fund the "Native Economic Development Arts" initiative, a partnership between the South Pudget Intertribal Planning Agency (SPIPA) and The Evergreen State College to promote, support, and market the work of Native American artists in the Pudget Sounds region.
1996-1999 |
FIPSE - Sustaining Innovation 1.0 folder
MacGregor, Jean
Washington Center for Improving the Quality of Undergraduate Education.
This file contains an executive summary, proposal check sheet, project narratives and background, and coorespondance concerning a FIPSE grant from the U.S. Department of Education to fund supporting the expansion of learning communities to 19 nationwide colleges and universities, based on the model developed by the Washington Center for the Improving the Quality of Undergraduate Education. This project was headed by Jean MacGregor.
1996-2000 |
Student Originated Software 1.0 folder
Cushing, Judy Bayard, (Judith)
This file contains an award letter, project proposal check sheet, application letter, project narrative, and application cover sheet concerning Judy Bayard Cushing's application to The Lemelson Foundation's National Collegiate Inventors and Innovators Alliance (NCIIA) Level II grant to fund the "Student Originated Software" program's development of E-Teams during the 1997-1998 academic year, continued from the previous academic year.
1997-1998 |
Spartina Management Conference 1.0 folder
Milne, David
This file contains an award letter, application forms, coorespondance, sample agenda, and project proposal check sheet concerning a U.S. Environmental Protection Agency grant to fund the third in a series of conferences, hosted by David Milne at The Evergreen State College, that aimed to bring together those involved in the statewide Spartina management program for an exchange of information, where before they had worked in isolation.
1997-1998 |
Gateways to Education Project 1.0 folder
Minugh, Carol J.
This file contains a quarterly report, coorespondance, award letter, application form, and proposal check sheet concerning a Washington AmeriCorps grant to fund the "Gateways to Education Project," headed by Carol Minugh, to provide an extrance to higher education for troubeld youth residing in a long-term juvenile detention environment.
1997-1998 |
Integrating Quantative Reasoning into the CORE Curriculum 1.0 folder
Knapp, Robert H.
McCann, Charles J.
This file contains an interim report, award letter, proposal check sheet, and project narrative concerning a grant from the American Council of Learning Socities (ACLS) to fund the "Integrating Quantitative Reasoning into the CORE Curriculum" project, headed by Rob Knapp and John McCann, to introduce quantitative reasoning experiences into CORE programs at The Evergreen State College.
1997-2000 |
Native Americans in Pacific Northwest History 1.0 folder
Burris, Gary Allen
This file contains an award letter, application form, and project narrative concerning the King County Council's Cultural Education Program grant to fund Garry Burris's project "Native Americans In Pacific Northwest History," that aimed to train teachers in the Lake Washington, Bellevue, and Northshore School Districts to use culturally relevant historical materials to develop history lessons that include Native American perspectives.
1998-1999 |
Native American Food Production Workshop 1.0 folder
Parker, Allen
This file contains an award letter, proposal check sheet, project narrative, and coorespondance concerning the Partnership 2020 grant to fund the "Native American Food Production Workshop" project, headed by Alan Parker from The Evergreen State College and the South Pudget Intertribal Planning Agency, to provide information to native communities about entering the market of natural and organic agriculture.
1998-1999 |
Improving American Indian Student Reading 1.0 folder
Costatino, Magda
This file contains an award letter and agreement, proposal check sheet, and proposal and project description concerning the Washington Higher Education Coordinating Board's Fund for Innovation Grant to fund Magda Costantino's "Improving American Indian Student Reading" project to develop reading curriculum in predominantly American Indian schools at the K-3 level to support American Indian literacy.
1999-2000 |
Zero Impact Capital Improvments Program Feasibility Study 1.0 folder
George, Michel
This file contains application materials and a project narrative concerning a request for federal assistance for the project "Zero Impact Capital Improvements Program Feasibility Study," headed by Michel George, to analyze planned construction projects on The Evergreen State College campus to identify opportunities eliminate stormwater runoff.
1999-2000 |
Integrating the Virtual Atlas of the NW into the Classroom 1.0 folder
Henderson, Martha
This file contains an award letter, proposal check sheet, application form, and and project narrative concerning a grant from the Northwest Academic Computing Consortium, Inc. (NWACC)'s Collaborative Program Development Program to fund Martha Henderson's project "Integrating the Virtual Atlas of the Pacific Northwest into the Classroom," to bring the virtual atlas, developed the prior year, into K-12 classrooms for use by geography and history teachers.
1999-2000 |
NEA Folk and Traditional Arts 1.0 folder
Moomaw, Tina, (Kuckkahn)
This file contains an award letter and application form with project description concerning a National Endowment for the Arts grant in Folk and Traditional Arts to fund a series of three apprenticeships in the traditional Native art forms of carving and weaving, headed by Tina Moomaw.
1999-2000 |
NW Indian Applied Research Institute 1.0 folder
Parker, Allen
Scott, Jennifer
This file contains a project proposal check sheet, application form, coorespondance, first year project report, and proposed projects for second year, concerning a Paul Allen Chartiable Foundation grant to fund the operations of Northwest Indian Applied Research Institute, a service center at The Evergreen State College supported by local tribal leadership and headed by Alan Parker, to engage in applied research on behalf of Northwest tribal communities in areas of economic development, cultural preservation, and natural resources.
2000-2001 |
Specialists in Math and Science 1.0 folder
Canny, Maureen
This file contains an award letter, proposal check sheet, application sheet, and project narrative concerning an Intel Foundation grant to fund Maureen Canny's project "Specialists in Math and Science," which aimed to provide a 50 hour summer course for paraprofessionals and other community members with science and math backgrounds to increase their skills and knowledge for delivering math and science curriculum.
2000-2002 |
Student Originated Studies 1.0 folder
Cushing, Judy Bayard, (Judith)
This file contains a final report including program syllabus and project descriptions, an award letter, and application form concerning The Lemelson Foundation's National Collegiate Inventors and Innovators Alliance (NCIIA) Level II grant to fund Judy Bayard Cushing's "Student Originated Studies: Student Originiated Software" program to develop 12 E-Teams of students to work full time for six months on developing software.
2001-2002 |
Bridging the Gap 1.0 folder
Canny, Maureen
This file contains an award letter, correspondance, project porposal check sheet, application form, and project narrative concerning an Intel Foundation grant to fund Maureen Canny's "Bridging the Gender Gap" project to recruit girls for after-school beginning and advanced computer science clubs at Olympia High School and Avanti High School that utilize non-traditional teaching/learning strategies.
2001-2002 |
The Ndebele Art Project 1.0 folder
Hardiman, Wintonette Joye
This file contains a project proposal check sheet, application form, and project narrative concerning a grant from the Paul G. Allen Foundation to fund the Ndebele Wallpainting Project, headed by W. Joye Hardiman, to create a collaborative wallpainting installment on the Evergreen Tacoma campus.
2001-2002 |
Gateway Cultural Diversity Program 1.0 folder
Minugh, Carol J.
This file contains an award letter, project proposal check sheet, and project description concerning a grant from the Department of Social and Health Services (DSHS) to fund Carol Minugh's "Gateway Project Cultural Workshops" project, that aimed to provide incarcarated young men from African American, Asian American, Native American Indian, and Mexican American/Hispanic backgrounds with meetings and presentations conducted by representatives of their heritage in order to find identity outside of groups whose primary identification is with socially dysfunctional and/or deviant behavior, preparing them to seek other identity ties with the outside world upon release.
2002 |
Working from Community: American Indian Art and Literature 1.0 folder
Tremblay, Gail
This file contains evaluations from seminar/institute participants, application cover sheet, project narrative, and award letter concerning a National Endowment for the Humanities grant to fund the project "Working from Community: American Indian Art and Literature," headed by Gail Tremblay, that provided a Summer Institute for scholars in Literature, Art History, and Native American studies to work together to define context and shapren their skills in the interpretation of indigenous art and literature.
2002-2003 |