Neighborhood Street Fund Records, 1994-2011

Overview of the Collection

Seattle (Wash.). Dept. of Neighborhoods
Neighborhood Street Fund Records
1994-2011 (inclusive)
3.6 cubic feet, (9 boxes)
Collection Number
Records concerning street improvement projects in Seattle neighborhoods
Seattle Municipal Archives
Seattle Municipal Archives
Office of the City Clerk
City of Seattle
PO Box 94728
Seattle, WA
Telephone: 2062337807
Fax: 2063869025
Access Restrictions

Records are open to the public.

Funding for processing this record series was provided through a grant from the National Historical Publications and Records Commission.

Historical NoteReturn to Top

The Department of Neighborhoods was created in 1991 by consolidating staff from the Executive Department's Citizens Service Bureau and Office of Neighborhoods, the Community Service Centers of the Department of Human Resources, and the Neighborhood Assistance Division of the Department of Community Development. The Office of Urban Conservation, the City's historic preservation agency, was added in 1992. The following year, the department added a community development function by taking over projects in the Central Area, Southeast Seattle, and the Port of Seattle. In 1999, the Neighborhood Planning Office was abolished and its continuing functions were assumed by the Department of Neighborhoods. The Department's mission is to bring local government closer to the citizens by maintaining a responsive presence in Seattle neighborhoods, by responding to citizen concerns and complaints, and providing a communications link for neighborhoods on City issues that will have an impact on them. The department operates the Neighborhood Service Centers (Little City Halls), administers the Neighborhood Matching Grant Program, staffs the Landmarks Preservation Board, and manages the P-Patch program.

Content DescriptionReturn to Top

Applications, proposals and administrative records for a fund that was established to implement neighborhood-initiatied traffic and safety improvements and later grew in scope. The program was first called the Street Utility Fund, and it originally funded improvements by the Engineering Department before the creation of the Transportation Department. It was later called the Neighborhood Street Fund, and in 2000 Cumulative Reserve Subfund dollars were added to the program, which expanded the scope to include parks and other facility projects. In 2006, Bridging the Gap transportation levy funds were added to the program, which funded larger projects that were selected by a citywide team. Smaller neighborhood projects were ranked by the Neighborhood District Councils and implemented by the Transportation and Parks Departments. The program later became the Neighborhood Projects Fund.

Use of the CollectionReturn to Top

Preferred Citation

[Item and date], Seattle Department of Neighborhoods Neighborhood Street Fund Records, Record Series 5751-06 Box [number], Folder [number]. Seattle Municipal Archives.

Administrative InformationReturn to Top

Detailed Description of the CollectionReturn to Top

Container(s) Description Dates
Box Folder
1 1 Street Utility Fund Overview 1994-1995
1 2 Street Utility Fund 1995 - 12th Ave. 1995
1 3 Street Utility Fund 1995 - Central Area 1994-1995
1 4 Street Utility Fund 1995 - Northgate 1994-1995
1 5 Street Utility Fund 1995 - Pike / Pine 1995
1 6 Street Utility Fund 1995 - Pioneer Square 1994-1995
1 7 Street Utility Fund 1995 - Queen Anne 1994-1995
1 8 Street Utility Fund 1995 - Southeast Seattle 1995
1 9 Street Utility Fund 1996 Workbook - Maps undated
1 10 Street Utility Fund 1996 Workbook - General Information 1994-1996
1 11 Street Utility Fund 1996 Workbook - Central Area 1996
1 12 Street Utility Fund 1996 Workbook - Northgate 1995-1996
1 13 Street Utility Fund 1996 Workbook - Pike / Pine 1996
1 14 Street Utility Fund 1996 Workbook - Pioneer Square 1995-1996
1 15 Street Utility Fund 1996 Workbook - Queen Anne 1995-1996
1 16 Street Utility Fund 1996 Workbook - Southeast Seattle 1995-1996
1 17 Street Utility Fund - 12th Ave. 1994-1995
1 18 Street Utility Fund - 12th Ave. 1995
1 19 Street Utility Fund - Central Area 1994-1995
1 20 Street Utility Fund - Central Area 1995-1996
2 1 Street Utility Fund - Northgate 1995
2 2 Street Utility Fund - Northgate 1995-1996
2 3 Street Utility Fund - Pike / Pine 1995
2 4 Street Utility Fund - Pike / Pine 1996
2 5 Street Utility Fund - Pioneer Square 1995
2 6 Street Utility Fund - Pioneer Square 1995-1996
2 7 Street Utility Fund - Queen Anne 1994-1996
2 8 Street Utility Fund - Queen Anne 1995-1998
2 9 Street Utility Fund - Southeast Seattle 1994-1996
2 10 Street Utility Fund - Southeast Seattle 1996-1997
2 11 Street Utility Fund Program 1997
2 12 Boulder Study undated
2 13 Budget Stuff 1995-1996
2 14 Central Review Committee 1995
2 15 Central Review Committee 1996
2 16 Crosswalks and Stop Signs 1995
2 17 Evaluation 1995
2 18 Evaluation 1996
2 19 Letter to Community (Reductions) 1995
2 20 New Ideas 1995
3 1 Petition Forms undated
3 2 Pocket Estimator 1994
3 3 Street Utility Fund Process 1994-1995
3 4 Street Utility Fund Process 1995
3 5 Street Utility Fund Project Legislation, etc 1994
3 6 Street Utility Fund Results and Legislative Approval 1995-1997
3 7 Street Utility Fund Results 1996
3 8 SUF - Seattle Engineering Dept. Information 1995-1996
3 9 Seattle Engineering Dept. Workshop 1995
3 10 1998 Nomination 1997-1998
3 11 Application - Ballard 1998-1999
3 12 Application - Central 1998
3 13 Application - Delridge 1998
3 14 Application - Downtown 1998-1999
3 15 Application - East 1998
3 16 Application - Georgetown 1998
3 17 Application - Lake Union 1998
3 18 Application - Magnolia / Queen Anne 1998
3 19 Application - North 1998
3 20 Application - Northeast 1998
4 1 Application - Northwest 1998
4 2 Application - Southeast 1998
4 3 Application - Southwest 1998
4 4 Ballard District 1997
4 5 Capitol Hill / First Hill 1997
4 6 Central District 1997
4 7 Delridge 1997
4 8 Downtown District 1997
4 9 Greater Duwamish District 1997
4 10 Lake Union District Council 1997
4 11 Magnolia / Queen Anne District 1997
4 12 North District Council 1997
4 13 Northeast District 1997
4 14 Northwest District 1997
4 15 Southeast District 1997
4 16 Southwest District 1997
4 17 Late Applications 1997
5 1 Correspondence 1995-1997
5 2 Correspondence 1998-2000
5 3 Instructions - Applications 1998
5 4 Major Maintenance Departmental Correspondence 1996
5 5 Major Maintenance General Mailings 1995-1996
5 6 City Neighborhood Council Sample Budget Ballots Tracking 1997
5 8 Street Fund Process 1999
5 9 Street Fund Projects 1999
5 10 Parks Recommendations 1999
5 11 Seatran Recommendations 1999
5 12 Central 2000
5 13 Ballard 2000
5 14 Delridge 2000
5 15 East 2000
5 16 Downtown 2000
5 17 Greater Duwamish 2000
5 18 Lake Union 2000
5 19 North 2000
6 1 Magnolia / Queen Anne 2000
6 2 Northeast 2000
6 3 Northwest 2000
6 4 Southeast 2000
6 5 Southwest 2000
6 6 Street Fund Process 2001
6 7 Ballard 2001
6 8 Central 2001
6 9 Delridge 2001
6 10 Downtown 2001
6 11 East 2001
6 12 Greater Duwamish 2001
6 13 Lake Union 2001
6 14 Magnolia / Queen Anne 2001
6 15 North 2001
6 16 Northeast 2001
6 17 Northwest 2001
6 18 Southeast 2001
6 19 Southwest 2001
6 20 Street Fund Process 2002
6 21 Applications 2002
6 22 Rankings 2002
6 23 Street Fund Process 2003
7 1 Ballard 2003
7 2 Central 2003
7 3 Delridge 2003
7 4 Downtown 2003
7 5 East 2003
7 6 Greater Duwamish 2003
7 7 Lake Union 2003
7 8 North 2003
7 9 Northeast 2003
7 10 Northwest 2003
7 11 Queen Anne / Magnolia 2003
7 12 Southeast 2003
7 13 Southwest 2003
7 14 Street Fund 2004
7 15 Street Fund Process 2005
7 16 Applications 2005
7 17 Street Fund 2006
7 18 Ballard 2006
7 19 Central 2006
7 20 Delridge 2006
7 21 Downtown 2006
7 22 Greater Duwamish 2006
7 23 Lake Union 2006
7 24 Magnolia / Queen Anne 2006
7 25 North 2006
7 26 Northeast 2006
7 27 Northwest 2006
7 28 Southwest 2006
7 29 Street Fund Process 2007
7 30 Ballard 2007
7 31 Central 2007
7 32 Delridge 2007
8 1 Downtown 2007
8 2 East 2007
8 3 Greater Duwamish 2007
8 4 Magnolia / Queen Anne 2007
8 5 North 2007
8 6 Northeast 2007
8 7 Northwest 2007
8 8 Street Fund SLI 2008
8 9 Street Fund Process 2008
9 1 Applications 2008
9 2 Applications 2009
9 3 Process 2009
9 4 Process 2010
9 5 Applications 2011