Kern N. Bulloch papers [digitized copies], 1937-2010

Overview of the Collection

Bulloch, Kern N., 1925-1999
Kern N. Bulloch papers [digitized copies]
1937-2010 (inclusive)
3 linear feet
Collection Number
ACCN 3029
The Kern N. Bulloch papers (1937-2010) consist of digital copies of autobiographical materials, correspondence and information related to US nuclear testing and its effects on local populations. Included are news clippings, reports and legal documents related to Bulloch v. United States and relevant lawsuits. The library does not contain the original materials for this collection. The digital files are not accessible online. Researchers must view the files on-site in Special Collections.
University of Utah Libraries, Special Collections
Special Collections, J. Willard Marriott Library
University of Utah
295 South 1500 East
Salt Lake City, UT

Telephone: 8015818863
Access Restrictions

Digitized materials are restricted to the J. Willard Marriott Library Special Collections' Reading Room.

Twenty-four hour advanced notice encouraged. Materials must be used on-site. Access to parts of this Collection may be restricted under provisions of state or federal law.


Biographical NoteReturn to Top

Kern N. Bulloch was born on June 7, 1925 and was raised in Cedar City, Utah. From a young age, raising and herding sheep was his occupation, as was his father's before him. It had been his lifelong occupation, interrupted only by service in the Air Force in WWII. In 1951, Kern married Vera Bulloch, and they raised a family. Bulloch herded his sheep between Utah and southern Nevada at the time the US was conducting nuclear testing. The impacts of that testing on their livestock prompted the sheepherders to file suit in Bulloch v. USA. While legal victory was often out of grasp, Mr. Bulloch testified before the House Judiciary Committee and played a key role in drawing attention to the Downwinders. He died in 1999.

Content DescriptionReturn to Top

The collection contains autobiographical and biographical materials relating to Kern Bulloch and his life of sheepherding and downwinders activism. Photographs, letters, legal documents, news clippings, congressional materials and scientific reports relating to the death of the sheepherders' stock are included.

Use of the CollectionReturn to Top

Restrictions on Use

The library does not claim to control copyright for all materials in the collection. An individual depicted in a reproduction has privacy rights as outlined in Title 45 CFR, part 46 (Protection of Human Subjects). For further information, please review the J. Willard Marriott Library's Use Agreement and Reproduction Request forms.

Preferred Citation

Collection Name, Collection Number, Box Number, Folder Number. Special Collections, J. Willard Marriott Library, The University of Utah.

Administrative InformationReturn to Top


Arranged by topic, then chronologically.

Acquisition Information

Lesa Nelson allowed the library to obtain digital copies of the collection in 2017. The originals remain in her custody.

Processing Note

Processed by Braxton Utley in 2017.

Related Materials

Forms part of the Downwinders of Utah Archives.

Detailed Description of the CollectionReturn to Top

Biographical materials and correspondence, 1937-1984Return to Top

Contains the autobiography of Kern Bulloch, as well as biographies of other family members; photos, correspondence, and documents, both personal and related to Downwinders.

Container(s) Description Dates
Volume object
1 1
Kern Bulloch autobiography
1 2
Testimony of Kern Bulloch before the House Judiciary Committee
1 4
Photographs of Kern Bulloch and family on ranch
1 5
Photograph of Kern Bulloch
1 6
"Raising Sheep and Children Downwind from the Nevada Nuclear Test Site," by Vera Bulloch
1 7
"Sheep Ranchers and Fallout: The Background"
1 8
United States Department of the Interior Grazing Permit
1 9
Letter describing personal account of nuclear test
1 10
Letter from United States Atomic Energy Commission Acting Field Manager Joe B. Sanders to McRea Bulloch
1953 July 17
1 11
Letter from Stephen L. Brower, County Agriculture Agent, to McRea Bulloch
1984 January 5
1 12
Letter from Senator Pat McCarran to J. Price Ronnow, a Nevada life insurance agent
1954 February 2
1 13
Letter from Senator Pat McCarran to J. Price Ronnow with an attached copy of Senate Bill 3348, to establish a Board of Claims within the Atomic Energy Commission
1954 April 27
1 14
Letter from Stephen L. Brower, County Agriculture Agent, to McRea Bulloch
1954 August 12
1 15
Letter to David C. Bulloch from Cline, Wilson & Cline, Attorneys at Law, with attached contract proposal
1954 September 10
1 16
Letter to David C. Bulloch from Cline, Wilson & Cline, Attorneys at Law, with attached contract proposals
1954 September 30
1 17
Letter to McRae Bulloch from D.D. Bushnell
1954 December 9
1 18
Letter to David C. Bulloch from Richards, Bird & Bushnell, Attorneys and Counselors at Law
1954 December 10
1 19
Letter to McRae Bulloch from Richards, Bird & Bushnell, Attorneys and Counselors at Law
1955 January 6
1 20
Letter to David C. Bulloch from Romney, Boyer and Ronnow, Attorneys at Law
1955 January 7
1 21
Letter to McRae Bulloch from Richards, Bird & Bushnell
1955 January 11
1 22
Letter to McRae Bulloch from Romney, Boyer and Ronnow
1955 January 18
1 23
Letter to McRae Bulloch from Richards, Bird & Bushnell
1955 February 7
1 24
Letter to the United States Atomic Energy Commission from Dan S. Bushnell
1955 February 14
1 25
Letter to McRae Bulloch from Dan S. Bushnell
1955 April 29
1 26
Letter to McRae Bulloch from Dan S. Bushnell
1955 June 25
1 27
Letter to David C. Bulloch from Romney, Boyer and Ronnow
1955 July 20
1 28
Letter to McRae Bulloch from Dan S. Bushnell
1956 August 8
1 29
Letter to McRae Bulloch from D. Carl Richards
1957 May 14
1 30
Letter to Kern Bulloch from Claud W. Thomson
1960 October 13
1 31
Letter to McRae Bulloch from Kirton & McConkie
1979 October 2
1 32
Holiday card from the Knapp family to the Bulloch family
1 33
Letter to Dan S. Bushnell from Harold A. Knapp
1980 January 18
1 34
Letter to Kern Bulloch from Harold A. Knapp
1980 January 25
1 35
Letter to Kern Bulloch from Harold A. Knapp
1980 January 25
1 36
Letter to Kern Bulloch from Harold A. Knapp
1980 January 25
1 37
Letter to Kern Bulloch from Dan S. Bushnell
1980 February 7
1 38
Letter from Senator Edward M. Kennedy to Dr. Harold A. Knapp
1980 June 5
1 39
Letter to Kern Bulloch from Harold A. Knapp
1980 June 6
1 40
Letter to Kern Bulloch from Harold A. Knapp
1980 June 11
1 41
Letter to Kern Bulloch from Harold A. Knapp
1980 November 14
1 42
Letter to Harold A. Knapp from Bruce Findlay, forwarded to Kern Bulloch
1981 January 22
1 43
Letter to Kern Bulloch from Dan S. Bushnell
1981 September 17
1 44
Letter to Judge A. Sherman Christensen from Dan S. Bushnell
1981 September 21
1 45
Letter to Kern Bulloch from Linda Lindsey
1982 March 3
1 46
Letter to Kern Bulloch from Dan S. Bushnell, including a curriculum vitae of Dr. Carl J. Johnson
1982 October 13
1 47
Letter to Kern Bulloch from Dan S. Bushnell including a draft of "The Sheep and the Gentlemen Songsters," by John G. Fuller
1982 December 20
1 48
Letter to Kern Bulloch from Dan S. Bushnell
1983 January 17
1 49
Letter to Kern Bulloch from Dan S. Bushnell
1983 February 11
1 50
Letter to Dan S. Bushnell from John G. Fuller
1983 March 3
1 51
Letter to Senator Orrin Hatch from Ken Clark
1983 March 25
1 52
Letter to Ken Clark from Senator Orrin Hatch
1983 April 4
1 53
Letter to Marshall Page, Jr. from Dan S. Bushnell
1983 May 3
1 54
Letter to Kern Bulloch from Kirton, McConkie & Bushnell
1983 June 21
1 55
Letter to Kern Bulloch from Dan S. Bushnell
1983 July 11
1 56
Letter to Dan S. Bushnell from John G. Fuller
1983 July 18
1 57
Letter to Kern Bulloch from Dan S. Bushnell
1983 August 3
1 58
Letter to Kern Bulloch from Kirton, McConkie & Bushnell
1983 October 7
1 59
Letter to Kern Bulloch from Kathy Pickett, Secretary to Dan S. Bushnell
1983 November 25
1 60
Letter to Kern Bulloch from Dan S. Bushnell
1983 December 22
1 61
Letter to Kern Bulloch from Dan S. Bushnell
1984 February 9

Correspondence, 1984-1989Return to Top

Contains correspondence and relevant news clippings.

Container(s) Description Dates
Volume object
2 1
Letter to Kern Bulloch from Dan S. Bushnell
1984 March 28
2 2
Letter to Kern Bulloch from Dan S. Bushnell
1984 April 2
2 3
Letter to Kern Bulloch from Dan S. Bushnell
1984 May 23
2 4
Letter to Kern Bulloch from Dan S. Bushnell
1984 July 10
2 5
Letter to Kern Bulloch from Jan E. Abrams of Embassy Television
1984 June 13
2 6
Letter to Kern Bulloch from Dan S. Bushnell
1984 October 1
2 7
Letter to Kern Bulloch from Kirton, McConkie & Bushnell
1984 November 12
2 8
Letter to Kern Bulloch from Dan S. Bushnell
1984 November 27
2 9
Letter to Kern Bulloch from Dan S. Bushnell
1984 December 27
2 10
Letter to Kern Bulloch from Dan S. Bushnell
1985 February 12
2 11
Letter to Kern Bulloch from Dan S. Bushnell
1985 May 3
2 12
Letter to Kern Bulloch from Dan S. Bushnell
1985 May 20
2 13
Letter to Kern Bulloch from Dan S. Bushnell
1985 June 4
2 14
Letter to Dan S. Bushnell from Jan E. Abrams of Embassy Television
1985 August 13
2 15
Letter to Kern Bulloch from Dan S. Bushnell
1985 July 31
2 16
Letter to Kern Bulloch from Dan S. Bushnell
1985 August 23
2 17
Letter to Kern Bulloch from Dan S. Bushnell
1985 October 11
2 18
Letter to Kern Bulloch from Dan S. Bushnell
1985 December 5
2 19
Letter to Kern Bulloch from Dan S. Bushnell
1985 December 13
2 20
Letter to Senator Orrin Hatch from McRae N. Bulloch and Kern N. Bulloch
1989 April 19
2 21
Letter to Congressman Wayne Owens from McRae N. Bulloch and Kern N. Bulloch
1989 April 19
2 22
Letter to Kern N. Bulloch from Senator Orrin Hatch
1989 May 22
2 23
Letter to Kern Bulloch from Congressman Jack Brooks of Texas, the Chairman of the United States House Judiciary Committee
1989 October 20
2 24
Information from Congressman Wayne Owens regarding testimony before the House Judiciary Committee
1989 November 8
2 25-63
News clippings in the form of scrapbook pages
1984 March 28

News clippings, miscellaneous, 1953-1989Return to Top

Container(s) Description Dates
Box object
3 1-37
News clippings in the form of scrapbook pages
3 38
Photo of "Nancy," a nuclear test witnessed by Kern Bulloch
1953 March 24
Planning Calendar
1989 November

Legal documents and reportsReturn to Top

Container(s) Description Dates
Box Folder
4 1
Bulloch v. United States, AKA Bulloch II
4 2
Bulloch v. United States (Bulloch II) Decision and Stipulation
4 3
Bulloch v. Pearson et al.
4 4
Bulloch v. United States (Bulloch II) Tenth Circuit Court of Appeals Opinion
4 5
Bulloch v. United States (Bulloch II) Petition for Rehearing in Banc to the Tenth Circuit Court Appeals
4 6
Bulloch v. General Electric, Bustad, Kornberg, State of Utah, Utah Department of Health, Spendlove
4 7
Bulloch v. Pearson et al. Appellant's Brief
4 8
Bulloch v. Pearson et al. Appellant's Reply Brief
4 9
Bulloch v. United States (Bulloch II) Appellee's Supplemental Brief in Banc
4 10
United States Tenth Circuit Court of Appeals Slip Opinion
4 11
Bulloch v. United States Supreme Court Filings
4 12
Kern Bulloch's testimony before the United States House Judiciary Committee
4 13
"Report on Sheep Losses Adjacent to Nevada Proving Grounds," prepared by the United States Atomic Energy Commission
1954 January 6
4 14
"The Sheep Deaths and the AEC Cover-up," report by Dan S. Bushnell
4 15
"Sheep Deaths in Utah and Nevada Following the 1953 Nuclear Tests," Summary and Conclusions prepared by Harold A. Knapp
1979 October 1
4 16
"Sheep Deaths in Utah and Nevada Following the 1953 Nuclear Tests," Chapter I- VII
1980 January 23
4 17
"Sheep Deaths in Utah and Nevada Following the 1953 Nuclear Tests," Chapter VIII-References
1980 January 23
Container(s) Description Dates
Box object
5 1
"Sheep Deaths in Utah and Nevada Following the 1953 Nuclear Tests," Appendix A-D
1980 January 23
5 2
"Sheep Deaths in Utah and Nevada Following the 1953 Nuclear Tests," Appendix E
1980 January 23
5 3
"Sheep Deaths in Utah and Nevada Following the 1953 Nuclear Tests," Appendices
1980 January 23
5 4
Atmospheric Nuclear Compensation Act
5 5
"Cancer Incidence in an Area with Radioactive Fallout Downwind from the Nevada Test Site," by Carl J. Johnson, M.D.
5 6
Memoranda by Harold A. Knapp