Clara Spiegel Papers, 1924-1997

Overview of the Collection

Clara Spiegel Papers
1924-1997 (inclusive)
26 linear feet, (59 boxes)
Collection Number
MSS 185
Correspondence, journals, diaries, speeches, autobiographical sketches, drafts of novels, short stories, and essays, literary and personal scrapbooks, memorabilia, photos, and other papers, documenting Spiegel's career as a novelist and short story writer (under her own name and, with Jane Mayer, using the joint pseudonym Clare Jaynes), her safaris to Africa (1950s-60s), fishing trips to New Zealand (1980s-90s), and other world travels, and her social life and community work in the resort communities of Ketchum and Sun Valley, Idaho, in the 1950s and after.
Boise State University Library, Special Collections and Archives
Special Collections and Archives
1910 University Drive
Boise ID
Telephone: 2084263990
Access Restrictions

Collection is available for research.

Funding for encoding this finding aid was provided, in part, by a grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities

Biographical NoteReturn to Top

When Averell Harriman and the Union Pacific Railroad opened the Sun Valley ski resort outside of Ketchum, Idaho, in 1936, one of the very first guests to visit and ski was Clara Spiegel of Chicago, Illinois. The wife of mail-order magnate Frederick W. Spiegel, Clara was precisely the kind of visitor the resort hoped to attract: wealthy, outdoorsy, and socially well-connected. To establish its reputation as a destination for the smart set, the resort courted celebrities. Ernest Hemingway and Gary Cooper were among the early visitors who put Sun Valley on the map; so did bandleader Glenn Miller and Olympic skater Sonja Heine, who starred together in the 20th Century-Fox film, Sun Valley Serenade (1941). Clara Spiegel soon came into the limelight herself as the author of best-selling novels in the 1940s, but unlike the celebrities lured to there for publicity purposes, or the short-term visitors drawn by its snow and glamour, Spiegel eventually settled in Sun Valley, moving into a house she built to her specifications on a hill overlooking Ketchum. There, for more than 40 years, she enjoyed the outdoors life -- fishing, hunting, skiing, and horseback riding -- and established herself as one of the pillars of the town's social life. "No one...entertains with more style and élan than Clara Spiegel," wrote Town & Country magazine in a 1983 profile of the resort town, characterizing her as "a dynamic, highly independent woman...whose exuberant spirit of adventure personifies much of what Sun Valley is about" (Laton McCartney, "Sun Valley Summer", Town & Country, July 1983, p. 160 (Box 1, Folder 13)).

Clara Elizabeth Gatzert Spiegel was born on December 6, 1904, in her parents' home at 4915 Washington Park Court on the south side of Chicago. Her father, August Gatzert, born in Germany, was a clothing manufacturer, active in industry groups and the Chicago Association of Commerce; her mother, Isabel Rosalie Florsheim, was a Chicago native whose father, Simon Florsheim, was a corset manufacturer. He also was born in Germany. Clara's aunt Dolly (her mother's sister) lived on the same block on Washington Park Court; grandfather Simon and grandmother Elizabeth Florsheim lived on the next street over. The Gatzerts were more far-flung; her grandmother Gatzert and an aunt still lived in Germany, and another aunt in Paris. Her parents spoke English, German, and French, and Clara learned each of those languages as a child. (Clara Spiegel's autobiographical writings (Box 1, Folders 2-5) and archivist's research (Box 1, Folder 0)).

Young Clara grew up with an older brother, Walter, and a governess, Maria Antonia Paulina Plaff, who lived with the family in a room adjacent to Clara's. To Clara, she was a beloved figure, known as "Fraulein." The household also included a waitress, a cook, a housemaid, and a houseman. Although her family moved away to a larger home when she was only six, Clara Spiegel retained vivid memories of Washington Place Court. She remembered the gypsy vans that plied the alleys, as well as the lamp lighter, the scissors sharpener, and the organ grinder and his monkey, who would dance for a penny. She remembered her neighborhood as one of brick and grey stone houses, "of nameless architectural styles which like their owners were pleasant, unobtrusive, and unpretentious." "Beyond the sidewalks on each side [of the street] were ten-foot strips of lawn running to the curbs and spaced with shade trees which in summer umbrella'd the walks and porches from the direct sun. It was over the tops of these trees that I saw Halley's Comet for the first time, held up in my father's arms as he pointed out the star and its brilliant long, wide tail... 'One only sees this once in a life-time,' he told my brother and me, 'so remember it well.' He did not know nor suspect that 75 years later I would see it again from very far away..." ("Bequest," 1st draft, pp. 5-6 (Box 1, Folder 4)).

Washington Park Court, as Clara remembered it, was ethnically and religiously diverse. "There were Irish Catholics and German Jews and French Protestants and mostly Anglo-Saxons of whatever religion. It was a typical upper middle class, upper middle income, upper middle culture residential area where the inhabitants were neighborly neighbors and acquaintances but not necessarily friends" ("Bequest," 2nd draft, pp. 4-5 (Box 1, Folder 3)). The Gatzerts were of Jewish origin, but if religion played a large role in their lives, it is not reflected in Clara Spiegel's writings. She did write in general terms on the discrimination Jews faced in Chicago high society ("a conglomeration of the newly-rich") in the years before World War I: "No Jew, however cultured or however rich, was ever considered for a position on a museum or orchestral board. No Jew, however good a horseman, was ever considered for membership in the local hunts or the local polo clubs. Jewish young women were not nominated for membership in the local Junior League, much less invited to join it. And no Jew's name ever appeared in that new and formidably ludicrous publication known as the Social Register" ("Story about E.R." written in blank book (In My Own Write) in Box 1, Folder 5. For a general history of Jews in Chicago, see The Jews of Chicago: From Shetl to Suburb, by Irving Cutler (University of Illinois Press, 1996)). As to any personal instances of discrimination, her papers are silent.

Clara attended the Faulkner School, a private school for girls in Chicago, from kindergarten through high school. She also attended ballet school and rode with her father every day before breakfast, conspiring with him to keep from her mother any news of the many times she was thrown from the horse. When it came time to go to college, she journeyed East to enroll in Vassar College in New York. She studied at Vassar just one year before returning to Chicago, where, on December 1, 1923, a few days shy of her nineteenth birthday, she married Frederick W. Spiegel. Together they settled into a home in Glencoe, Illinois, one of Chicago's North Shore suburbs. Frederick Spiegel was an executive with his family's mail-order business, Spiegel, Inc.; during World War I he had driven ambulances with Ernest Hemingway in Italy and was counted among the novelist's personal friends. Clara Spiegel settled into a life centered on her home, charity and community work, a busy social life with her husband, and eventually, their children. The Spiegels had two sons, Andrew and William. Much of their early social life centered on the Lake Shore Country Club, a Jewish country club in Glencoe. Clara served on the committee that organized the club's annual musical skit in 1925 and chaired the committee in 1926. The printed program for "The Lake Shore Worries of 1926" credits her as one of three writers of the music and lyrics; Frederick was the stage manager. She also took up fox hunting and apache dancing. (For these and other reminiscences of her childhood and young adulthood, see chapter one of her African safari memoir, One Woman Safari (Box 34, Folder 1). Information on Frederick Spiegel's friendship with Ernest Hemingway is found in Carlos Baker, Ernest Hemingway: A Life Story (Scribner, 1969). The programs for the Lake Shore Country Club skits are in Box 32, Folders 5 and 6. Irving Cutler (The Jews of Chicago, cited above) characterizes Lake Shore as a Jewish country club).

In 1928 the Spiegels went on a two-month cruise to the Mediterranean. They sailed first to Spain, then on to Morocco, Italy, and France. "We rediscovered Europe, quite on our own, very young, green and enthralled with everything we saw and did. We found we could break the rather rigid mold in which we had been raised and expose ourselves to ways of life as foreign to us as the countries and the people" (One Woman Safari, page 4 (Box 34, Folder 1)). The letters Clara wrote home describing Vigo, Rabat, Rome, and other places they visited are among the earliest writings represented in her papers. Her developing literary style is evident even in these letters, and they represent the first of a lifetime's worth of letters and journals chronicling her travels.

During the 1930s, Clara began collaborating with Jane Mayer, a friend and classmate from her Vassar days who lived about a mile away from her, to write stories. During the summer of 1932, at Jane's home in Glencoe, they completed an eighty-nine page typescript entitled "Guardian of the North," an adventure-romance set in the Canadian wilderness. It was published in Five Novels Monthly in August 1933 under the joint pseudonym Janice Claremont (The typescript is found in Box 22, Folder 12). Janice Claremont's literary career was a brief one, however, for she soon was supplanted by Clare Jaynes. Over the next decade, using the Jaynes pseudonym, Clara Spiegel and Jane Mayer successfully placed more stories in other magazines, both British and American, including Mademoiselle, The Tatler, Liberty, and most notably, The New Yorker ("Visitors for the Soldiers," April 17, 1943). They also contributed book reviews to Chicago newspapers. Their story "The Coming of Age," published in Story magazine, was one of the O. Henry Memorial Award prize stories of 1942.

It was the appearance of their first novel, Instruct My Sorrows, published by Random House in 1942, however, that first brought widespread recognition to the literary partnership. The story of a wealthy young widow (from the fashionable suburbs of Chicago) forced to redirect her life after her husband's sudden death, the book became a best-seller and attracted favorable reviews in newspapers across the country. "A very fine first novel, written with verve and sensitive awareness," wrote the Boston Herald; "a novel that is entertaining and...definitely superior to most stories of this kind," according to Bess Jones in the Saturday Review of Literature. Despite a negative review from the Des Moines Register ("not much ahead of the dozens of sentimental agony serials with which the radio titillates the housewife"), Instruct My Sorrows caught Hollywood's eye, and in 1946 Warner Brothers sent it to the big screen as My Reputation, starring Barbara Stanwyck (Reviews found in Instruct My Sorrows scrapbook in Box 27).

Spiegel and Mayer followed up on the success of their first novel with three more, These are the Times (1944), This Eager Heart (1947), and The Early Frost (1952). Their literary success brought numerous invitations to speak at book clubs and writers' forums, and the two were featured in full-page profiles in Wilson Library Bulletin and Current Biography. In their joint talks, in particular, they outlined their collaborative writing process. They tried to work five to six hours together while their children were at school, in an office hideaway with no phone and no interruptions. "We discuss plot and characters until to us the characters have taken on the forms of actual people. We write a full outline of our plot. Then we divide this outline into episodes and one of us writes one episode while the other does the subsequent one. We then revise each other's drafts and continue in this manner, until the manuscript is complete." Their preparation before actual writing was extensive: developing full biographies of every one of their characters, with more detail than ever appeared in their books, to the point of drawing maps of the places the characters would frequent, and, on paper, decorating their homes and filling their wardrobes. The pair generally tried to work every weekday, save for during World War II, when they both devoted their Wednesdays and Fridays to volunteer work. Both Clara Spiegel and Jane Mayer contributed their time to the Red Cross (From a talk entitled "Working Scheme for Collaboration," page 4 (1943) in Box 1, Folder 18).

Locales familiar to Spiegel and Mayer figure prominently in their writings. Part of their first novel, Instruct My Sorrows, was set in Sun Valley, Idaho, a place Clara Spiegel was becoming increasingly familiar with since her first visit in early 1937. Though raised in the city, and well accustomed to big city culture and amenities, she fell in love with the Idaho outdoors. Her writing and travel journals (which begin in 1936) are silent in regard to her first visit, but in a much later memoir she looked back on her early experiences there. She discovered that "I could live two lives, the urban one of operas, theatre, exhibits, concerts and parties [in Chicago] and the equally wonderful one of the outdoors. I had found an outlet for my interest in hunting by learning to bird shoot and I had taken up skiing. I fell in love with the softly folded hills of Idaho and the sport they offered me and I spent several months each year there...My sons broadened too -- in their shoulders and their brains -- working on the trail crews which built the ski runs at Sun Valley. We fished and hunted and rode and camped and skied. We began to know something of what communion with a true wilderness can do for the soul" (One Woman Safari, page 6 (Box 34, Folder 1)).

On one extended visit in to Sun Valley and Ketchum in 1939, Clara Spiegel became better acquainted with her husband's friend Ernest Hemingway, who was there to hunt, fish, and finish up his novel of the Spanish Civil War, For Whom the Bell Tolls. As Clara recounted to Hemingway's biographer Carlos Baker, she helped him handle a backlog of mail by taking dictation for more than fifty letters; he reciprocated by offering advice on writing. Years later, she recalled some of Hemingway's advice to her in commentary she herself prepared for a friend's manuscript: "Long ago when H read a mss of mine to help me with my writing, he asked me how I liked a certain [paragraph]. I said I'd never been happy with it but couldn't figure out what was wrong with it. He knew. His advice was 'Clara, don't say it. Make it.' It's the best advice any writer could receive" (Editorial suggestions to Barney (Box 32, Folder 2)). Their work together in 1939 became the basis of a friendship of their own. Clara Spiegel and Ernest Hemingway dined, drank, and hunted together until the end of his life, and she became good friends with his wives Martha Gellhorn and Mary Welsh Hemingway and his sons as well.

In 1949, Clara and Frederick Spiegel divorced. She maintained an apartment in Chicago for many years, but spent more and more of her time away. In 1952 she purchased two lots on the corner of Sixth and Walnut Streets in Ketchum, where she built a house of her own. She immersed herself in the social, recreational, and philanthropic life of the Ketchum-Sun Valley community. She hunted, fished, rode horses, and skied; she entertained several nights a week; she devoted herself to community causes, notably the Ketchum Community Library and the Ballet Foundation. The town's lack of a library was a drawback to many of its newer residents who were drawn there by the resort lifestyle but felt culturally isolated in the small mountain town without a bookstore or library. The story goes that in September 1954, on the seventh green of the Sun Valley golf course, Clara Spiegel and two friends resolved to create a library (Wendolyn Spence Holland, Sun Valley: An Extraordinary History (Idaho Press, 1998) page 358). A few months later, seventeen women met to found the Community Library Association and began raising funds. They operated a thrift shop, organized benefits, solicited private contributions, and engaged the men of the community to assist their efforts. An architect volunteered his services to design a building, and in 1958, on a lot donated by the Union Pacific Railroad in the heart of Ketchum, they opened the library in a striking 2800 square-foot structure filled with 3,000 volumes. The library eventually outgrew those quarters and moved, but it is still operated by the association founded by Clara Spiegel (Clara Spiegel, "The Library That Faith Built" (Box 30, Folder 13)).

Spiegel's absence from Chicago most of the time brought an effective end to her literary collaboration with Jane Mayer. The Early Frost (1952) was their last novel together, though they remained lifelong friends. In 1954 Spiegel signed a partnership agreement with ski instructor Fred Iselin (from whom she had purchased the Ketchum property) to produce motion picture and television scripts. They did write synopses and scripts for at least three ski and resort-related films, but none ever made it into production. Spiegel continued to write on her own, however, contributing occasional articles to Bon Appetit, Chicago Sun-Times, and other publications during the 1960s, and to local Sun Valley publications as late as 1990. She also wrote two unpublished novels (both set in resort locations) and an unpublished cookbook ("The Indolent Gourmet"), as well as a number of articles and an unpublished manuscript on a new passion, African big game hunting.

Clara Spiegel made her first visit to sub-Saharan Africa in 1957. In Tanganyika she reconnected with Patrick Hemingway, whom she had known when he was a child but had not seen for many years. He lived there as a big game hunter and guide, and in September 1960 Spiegel returned for a month-long safari with him, his wife, their infant daughter, and a twelve-man crew of native trackers and bearers. This was the first of several safaris she took in the 1960s, and she decorated her Ketchum home with her big game trophies. She chronicled her African experiences in a manuscript she entitled "One-Woman Safari" and wrote several articles about them, two of which were published, one in the Chicago Sun-Times' Sunday magazine, the other in the journal The Reporter. Spiegel's second safari, taken in 1962 with her friend Mary Hemingway, was the subject of an article Hemingway wrote for Life magazine in 1963, a memoir of their experiences as well as a reflection on the Africa that Ernest Hemingway had so loved.

Spiegel traveled widely in the 1970s and 80s, visiting friends and exotic locales, and documenting her travels in her journals and personal scrapbooks. In 1981 she made her first visit to New Zealand, which, after Chicago and Idaho, became a third home for her. She returned every winter (summer there), spending at least a month, and often more, based in Queenstown, where she fished for trout, attended horse shows, and visited and entertained New Zealand friends. She was in New Zealand in 1986 when she saw Halley's Comet for the second time in her life ( "Bequest," 1st draft, page 6 (Box 1, Folder 4)). Her fishing exploits were chronicled in the January 1993 issue of the New Zealand publication Southern Fishing. She shared her perspectives on aging with the Queenstown Mountain Scene: "You have those geriatric things that happen whether you like it or not, but I don't believe in dwelling on them." As to a formula for long life, the eighty-eight year old Spiegel had none. "I don't do anything that's good more me! I drink all sorts of things that are bad and stay up late"( Roy Moss, "Two Veterans Perform With Distinction," Southern Fishing, January 1993 (Box 1, Folder 14); quote from "Amazing Angler," Mountain Scene, February 3, 1993 (Box 1, Folder 1)

Only when she hit 90 did Clara Spiegel begin to slow down. Even so, she continued her visits to New Zealand until 1996 and was still seen fishing in the streams around Ketchum. In July of 1996 she was a panelist at a Hemingway conference at Sun Valley sponsored by the Hemingway Society and the University of Idaho. She was one of the speakers at a panel entitled "Remembering Hemingway," where she contradicted her fellow panelists who said Ernest Hemingway was at heart a shy man. "I'm afraid I disagree with the other authorities," she said. "He had a great sense of personal dignity. He was not shy" ("Fond Memories," Lewiston Tribune, August 4, 1996 (Box 2, Folder 27)). She also shared her recollections in "Hemingway in the Autumn," a documentary produced by a Boise television station about his life in Idaho, and in the A&E Biography, "Ernest Hemingway: Wrestling with Life."

Clara Spiegel died at the Wood River Medical Center in Ketchum on October 20, 1997, at the age of 92, just a few months after the death of her younger son William. "She was unbelievable," remarked her son Andrew to the Chicago Tribune. "Two weeks ago she caught a 23-inch trout while sitting in her wheelchair. Her partners and friends had included Ernest Hemingway and Gary Cooper. She somehow was able to draw a lot of people to her" (Chicago Tribune, October 24, 1997 (Box 1, Folder 1)). She was survived by her son, five granddaughters, and three great grandchildren.

Content DescriptionReturn to Top

The great strength of the collection is in Clara Spiegel's writings in published, draft, and journal form. Her voluminous handwritten journals (Boxes 38-45) contain autobiographical reflections, literary passages she later incorporated into stories and novels, and, particularly from the late 1950s onward, detailed chronicles of her travels around the world, including her African safaris. The collection also contains typescripts of published and unpublished works, both those written with Jane Mayer (Series 2) and those she wrote herself (Series 3), as well as published versions of many of them. Spiegel compiled scrapbooks of reviews and publicity relating to the novels she wrote with Jane Mayer; they document well the widespread popularity the novels achieved.

Clara Spiegel's personal papers (Series 1) include more autobiographical writings (in draft form), several magazine and journal articles about her, typescripts of speeches, study notes, personal scrapbooks, hostess and guest books from Ketchum, memorabilia from her life and philanthropic activities in Idaho, and clippings relating to friends. Clara Spiegel's speeches, dating mainly from the 1940s and 50s, usually address the history of her literary collaboration with Jane Mayer. Her personal scrapbooks, covering the decade 1974-1984, contain snapshots, event programs, and greeting cards, documenting her social life and many personal connections in Ketchum and elsewhere when she was in her 70s.

There is not a lot of correspondence in the collection; the major body of correspondence being the travel letters she wrote home in 1928, 1934, 1935, and 1935 from Europe, North Africa, and the Mediterranean (Box 37). A few letters relating to specific writing projects are scattered among her literary papers, but aside from them, the only other correspondence files in the collection are some miscellaneous letters in Box 1, the cards Clara Spiegel received during the last few years of her life (Box 5), cards affixed in her scrapbooks (Boxes 11-21), and letters she wrote arranging her 1969 African safari (Box 46, Folders 7 and 8).

Information about Clara Spiegel's friendship with Ernest Hemingway is fairly sparse; it is mainly in the form of a few scattered recollections she offered in magazine and newspaper articles. There are three exceptions. Her hostess books (Boxes 7 and 8) contain a record of Hemingway's visits to her home in the 1950s and early 60s; a long letter of editorial advice to a friend (Box 32, Folder 2) recounts some advice Hemingway once gave her; and a Life magazine article by Mary Hemingway tells the story of the African safari she took with Clara Spiegel a year after Ernest Hemingway's death (Box 2, Folder 29). There is also one folder of letters and publicity relating to Clara Spiegel's participation in the Hemingway Society's 1996 conference at Sun Valley, for which she was a panelist (Box 2, Folder 13).

Also included with the collection are photos and printed matter. Forms part of the Idaho Writers Archive.

Use of the CollectionReturn to Top

Restrictions on Use

Literary rights and copyright remain with the donor and her heirs.

Preferred Citation

[item description], Clara Spiegel Papers, Box [number] Folder [number], Boise State University Special Collections and Archives.

Administrative InformationReturn to Top


Clara Spiegel's papers are divided into six series: 1. Personal papers, 2. Clare Jaynes literary papers, 3. Clara Spiegel literary papers, 4. Journals and travel writings, 5. Photographs, and 6. Printed matter. One folder of archivist's research materials on the Gatzert family has been appended to the collection (Box 1, Folder 0).

Acquisition Information

Gift of Mrs. Spiegel's son, Andrew Spiegel, 1999.

Detailed Description of the CollectionReturn to Top

1:  Personal papersReturn to Top

The short file of correspondence (in Box 1), together with the cards and letters she received during the last few years of her life (Box 5) document Clara Spiegel's wide-ranging social connections. Among the prominent names represented are Jack, Gregory, and Patrick Hemingway, Pamela and Averill Harriman, Jimmy Stewart, musician Peter Duchin, writers Ridley Pearson and Barnaby Conrad, and Teresa Heinz and John Kerry (owners of a vacation home in Ketchum). Spiegel also kept in contact with early Sun Valley ski instructors Leif Odmark and Konrad Staudinger as well as her 1969 safari guide, Count F. Meran. Her correspondence with outfitter Denis Zaphiro reveals that even at age 86, she was considering another safari to Africa (Box 1, Folder 31).

Clara Spiegel's autobiographical writings in Box 1 are supplemented by reminiscences of her childhood and young adulthood found in chapter 1 of her unpublished manuscript entitled "One Woman Safari" (Box 34, Folder 1), occasional autobiographical reflections scattered throughout her journals (Series 4, Boxes 38-45), and by biographical detail in the articles written about her and the talks she gave to women's clubs and writers' forums (Box 1). Many of the letters of condolence sent to her family at her death (Box 4) contain recollections and tributes to her. Her personal scrapbooks, bulging with captioned snapshots, event programs, and other memorabilia for the years 1974-1984 (Boxes 11-21) reveal in great detail the social life of Spiegel and her set in Ketchum during those years. Earlier scrapbooks have been retained by the family.

From the time she moved to Idaho in the early 1950s, Clara Spiegel kept meticulous records of her many dinner parties, more than one a week during her heyday. In her hostess books (Boxes 7-9) she recorded the names of her guests, the seating arrangement at the dinner table, and the menu. Shortly after Ernest and Mary Hemingway arrived in Ketchum in October 1958, she hosted a dinner party in their honor. The menu that evening included green turtle soup, steak, broccoli polonaise, a lettuce salad, meringue with frozen strawberries, and wine (October 9, 1958). Ernest Hemingway sat at the head of the table, with Clara at his left. The other dinner guests were Hemingway's old Ketchum pals Don Anderson, Lloyd and Tillie Arnold, Forest MacMullan, and Taylor Williams, and the Hemingways' cross-country travel companions, Betty and Otto Bruce. Clara Spiegel appended this remark to the record of the dinner: "Ernest does not eat any meat fats or dairy products nor egg yolks, or vinegar."

Container(s) Description Dates
Personal papers
Archivist's research: Gatzert, Florsheim, Spiegel families
1 1
Biographical clippings and obituaries
1 2
Autobiographical writings: Gatzert family and neighbors
1 3
Autobiographical writings: Washington Park Court, Chicago
1 4
Autobiographical writings: Drafts
1 5
"Bequest" (Autobiographical notes and drafts)
1 6
Biographical clippings: Andrew Spiegel
1 7
Birthday skit by Andrew Spiegel
1 8
Articles and interviews: "Collaborating Ladies," Chicago Daily News see also Oversize drawer for original rotogravure pages
1 9
Articles and interviews: Interview by Diane Weeks
circa 1950
1 10
Articles and interviews: Radio interview, "Talking with Toni"
1 11
Articles and interviews: "Clare Jaynes," Wilson Library Bulletin
1 12
Articles and interviews: "Sun Valley Life: It's a Party-Party", Chicago Daily News
1 13
Articles and interviews: "Sun Valley Summer," Town & Country
1 14
Articles and interviews: "Two Veterans Perform with Distinction," Southern Fishing
1 15
Speeches: [with Jane Mayer]
1 16
Speeches: [with Jane Mayer]
1 17
Speeches: Notes
1 18
Speeches: Working Scheme for Collaboration, Summer Workshop
1 19
Speeches: Ravinia Women's Club
1 20
Speeches: Chicago Public Library
1 21
Speeches: Carleon Theta Sigma Phi, Milwaukee
1 22
Speeches: [Clara Spiegel alone]
1 23
Speeches: [with Jane Mayer]
1 24
Correspondence: Clara Spiegel cards and stationery
1 25
Correspondence: Bob ---
1 26
Correspondence: Max Dean (Poems and songs)
1 27
Correspondence: Peter Duchin and Brooke Hayward
1 28
Correspondence: Ernest and Mary Hemingway
1 29
Correspondence: Jane Mayer
1 30
Correspondence: John and Ellen Wallace ("Mrs. Spiegel Regrets")
1 31
Correspondence: Denis Zaphiro (safari guide)
1 32
Correspondence: Political
1 33
Collected humor
1 34
Personal library
1 35
Personal, Miscellaneous
1 36
1 37
Box Folder
2 1
Chicago: Lyric Theatre
2 2
Chicago: Red Cross / Civil Defense (World War II)
2 3
Chicago: Shipping of household goods and furniture to Idaho
2 4
Chicago: Society of Midland Authors
1971 1996-1997
2 5
Chicago: Miscellaneous
2 6
Ketchum / Sun Valley: Property, Purchase of
2 7
Ketchum / Sun Valley: Property, Abstract of title
2 8
Ketchum / Sun Valley: Property, Miscellaneous
2 9
Ketchum / Sun Valley: Rezoning issues
2 10
Ketchum / Sun Valley: The Ballet School
2 11
Ketchum / Sun Valley: The Community Library
2 12
Ketchum / Sun Valley: Ernest Hemingway Memorial Fund
2 13
Ketchum / Sun Valley: Hemingway Society Conference (1996)
2 14
Ketchum / Sun Valley: Sun Valley Dressage Show
2 15
Ketchum / Sun Valley: Sun Valley Figure Skating Club
2 16
Ketchum / Sun Valley: Miscellaneous programs and tickets
2 17
Ketchum / Sun Valley: Miscellaneous
2 18
Persons: Fanny Butcher
2 19
Persons: Bill Butterfield
2 20
Persons: Peter Duchin
2 21
Persons: Samuel Charles Elworthy
2 22
Persons: Sophie Engelhard
2 23
Persons: Robert Gatzert
2 24
Persons: Averell Harriman
2 25
Persons: Pamela Harriman
2 26
Persons: Ernest and Mary Hemingway: Obituaries
1961 1986
2 27
Persons: Ernest Hemingway: Articles about him mentioning Clara Spiegel
2 28
Persons: Ernest Hemingway: Miscellaneous
2 29
Persons: Mary Hemingway: Safari article mentioning Clara Spiegel (Life)
2 30
Persons: Joan (Muffet) Hemingway
2 31
Persons: Margaux Hemingway
2 32
Persons: Bill Janss
2 33
Persons: Rene Lafleur
2 34
Persons: Leif Odmark
2 35
Persons: Friedl Pfiefer and Otto Lang
2 36
Persons: Alexander Roedling
2 37
Persons: Fran and Ray Stark home/sculpture
2 38
Persons: Jules and Doris Stein
2 39
Persons: Maxine and Ted Uhrig
2 40
Persons: Others
Study notes
Box Folder
3 1
Art History
3 2
Art History
3 3
Egyptian Art
3 4-5
French lessons
3 6
German notes
3 7
Italian lessons
3 8
Kings and rulers
3 9
World History
Condolence book
1997 October 23-24
4 1-6
Last names A-Z
4 7
Miscellaneous and unidentified
4 8
Contributions to The Ballet Foundation
4 9
Contributions to The Community Library Foundation
4 10
Condolences on the death of William Spiegel
1997 July
Cards and Letters
Box Folder
5 1
Card and gift lists
5 2
Andrew Spiegel
5 3
Jill Spiegel
5 4
Ted Spiegel
5 5
William Spiegel
5 6
Spiegel grandchildren and families
5 7
Cecil Andrus
5 8
Tillie Arnold
5 9
Barnaby Conrad
5 10
Charlotte Ford
5 11
Leslie and Michael Engl
5 12
Gretchen and Don Fraser
5 13
Florence Froelich
5 14
Ebersole Gaines
5 15
Wayne Garwood
5 16
Robert A. Gatzert
5 17
Ray and Helen Genereaux
5 18
Peggy and Sam Grossman
5 19
Pamela and Averell Harriman
5 20
Angela and Jack Hemingway
5 21
Carol and Patrick Hemingway
5 22
Ida and Gregory Hemingway
5 23
Lucy and David Hemmings
5 24
Ellen and Arnold Horween
5 25
Glenn and Bill Janss
5 26
Christian Kautz-Scanavy
5 27
Mary and John Kemmerer
5 28
Teresa Heinz and John Kerry
5 29
Ellen and Rene Lafleur
5 30
Jack Lane
5 31
Lisa and Wilson McElhinny
5 32
F. Meran
5 33
Jeanne and John Moritz
5 34
Leif Odmark
5 35
Beverly and Robert Pearson
5 36
Marcelle and Ridley Pearson
5 37
Carol and Charles Price
5 38
Duncan Read
5 39
Neil T. Regan
5 40
Sue and Chapman Root
5 41
Konrad Staudinger
5 42
Gloria and Jimmy Stewart
5 43
Dorice and Phez Taylor
5 44
Peggy and Parry Thomas
5 45-60
Last names A-Z
5 61-73
First name only A-W
5 74
Guest books, Hostess books, Scrapbooks
Guest books
Appointment calendar ("Social capers")
Hostess Books
Hostess Books, Chicago
Scrapbook, The Annex, plus two portfolios embossed "Clare Jaynes" and "C.G.S."

2:  Clare Jaynes literary papersReturn to Top

This series contains reviews, stories, and novels, in draft and published form that Clara Spiegel wrote with Jane Mayer under the joint pseudonym Clare Jaynes. Also included are some business papers and scrapbooks of reviews and other publicity for their novels. A detailed plot outline and character development for an unpublished novel called "Craig Huston" (Box 24, Folder 1) illustrates the work Spiegel and Mayer did before actually writing their novels; unfortunately no such documents for their published works survive. NB. There is no typescript present for This Eager Heart and no scrapbook for The Early Frost.

Container(s) Description Dates
Stories, plays, poems, and reviews (typescripts)
Box Folder
22 1
Lists of characters in Clare Jaynes novels and stories; work list
22 2
Humorous skit, "You Know What I've Got" (Heiser Tennis Club)
22 3
Review of I, My Ancestor
22 4
Review of A Light in the Window
22 5
Review of Mr. Bremble's Buttons (clipping)
22 6
Review of Though They Go Wandering
22 7
Review of Wild Calendar
22 8
A Brief Thank You Note [to Random House]
22 9
22 10
22 11
The Fifth Horseman
22 12
Guardian of the North (by Janice Claremont)
22 13
Man Across the Hall
22 14
Mrs. America
22 15
Mrs. Seever and the General
22 16
On Race Suicide (poem)
22 17
On Supply and Demand (poem)
22 18
Peacock Alley
22 19
Perchance to Dream
22 20
Return to Home
22 21
The Ripened Fruit
22 22
Story of a Young Man
22 23
Suburban Rhapsody
22 24
22 25
Thursday In
22 26
A Woman Came In
22 27
Untitled play (at Loop Double O Ranch, Wyoming)
22 28
Untitled story (Norman Wells is...)
22 29
Guardian of the North (Fragile original; use photocopy in Folder 12)
Stories and articles in published form
Box Folder
23 1
Back to Earth (Liberty)
1942 October 10
23 2
Black Pearl (Mademoiselle)
1936 February
23 3
The Coming of Age (Story)
1942 January-February
23 4
The Eyes of the Beholder (The Tatler)
1938 November 2
23 5
Facts for Fiction (The Writer)
1944 December
23 6
Oceans Apart, But Reading Unites Them (Chicago Sunday Tribune)
1944 December 3
23 7
Primer for Partnership (Writers Digest)
1948 April
23 8
The Secrets of Collaboration (The Writer)
1948 July
23 9
These Are the Times (Liberty)
1944 June 3
23 10
Two Working as One, the Secrets of Collaboration (Chicago Sun)
1945 December 2
23 11
Visitors for the Soldiers (The New Yorker)
1943 April 17
23 12
We are Three (Book News)
1944 Summer
23 13
Review of Cousin From Fiji (Chicago Sun)
1944 April 7
23 14
Review of A Garden to the Eastward (Chicago Sun Book Week)
1947 March 23
23 15
Review of How About Tomorrow Morning? (Chicago Sun Book Week)
1945 May 6
23 16
Review of Leave Her to Heaven (Chicago Sun Book Week, see also Oversize drawers for original newspaper)
1944 June 11
23 17
Review of Mr. Bremble's Buttons (Chicago Sun-Times)
1947 April 13
Business papers
Box Folder
23 18
Business papers: Partnership agreement, Mayer and Siegel
23 19
Business papers: Royalty statements
23 20
Business papers: The Coming of Age: Press coverage
23 21
Business papers: The Coming of Age: Reprint negotiations
23 22
Business papers: The Early Frost: Publicity and awards
23 23
Business papers: The Early Frost: Screenplay negotiations
23 24
Business papers: Instruct My Sorrows / My Reputation: Screenplay reprint
23 25
Business papers: This Eager Heart: Publishers agreement
Box Folder
24 1
Craig Huston (Plot outline and character development; unpublished)
24 2-8
The Early Frost
25 1-6
Instruct My Sorrows
26 1-8
These Are the Times
Literary scrapbooks
Instruct My Sorrows / My Reputation
My Reputation
These Are the Times
This Eager Heart

3:  Clara Spiegel literary papersReturn to Top

This series includes stories and articles, in typescript and published form, written by Clara Spiegel; typescripts of two unpublished nonfiction works, an African safari memoir (One Woman Safari, or One Woman's Meat) and a cookbook (The Indolent Gourmet); and drafts and synopses of movie proposals and unpublished novels (some written with Fred Iselin), most of which were set in resort locations. With the exception of some writings inspired by her Red Cross work (Box 30, Folder 22) and skits written (collaboratively) for the Lake Shore Country Club in the 1920s (Box 32, Folders 5 and 6), most of these writings date from the 1950s onward. In her long letter of editorial advice to Barney ---, evidently prepared after reading a manuscript of his World War II memoirs (Box 32, Folder 2), she recounts Hemingway's writing advice to her ("Make it, don't say it"). Many of her stories and articles (Box 30) relate to her African hunting trips. One (The Most Exclusive Club in the World, in Box 30, Folder 15) tells the story of a rafting trip down the Salmon River in Idaho. Chapter one of One Woman Safari contains several pages of reminiscences of her childhood and young adulthood (Box 34, Folder 1).

Container(s) Description Dates
Stories and articles (typescripts and manuscripts)
Box Folder
30 1
The Agent
30 2
Birthday Party
30 3
The Captive Guest
30 4
East African Capsule
30 5
A Fable
30 6
A Fable
30 7
Flea Bag
30 8
The Good Life [on safari]
30 9
Hannibal (Nell Gates)
30 10
30 11
How Not To Be a Hostess
30 12
I Love Men
30 13
The Library That Faith Built (Ketchum, Idaho)
30 14
Manual for Manners
30 15
The Most Exclusive Club in the World (Salmon River rafters)
30 16
Mrs. Glover
30 17
The Ngorongoro Crater
30 18
On Hunting Lions
30 19
On Hunting Lions
30 20
The Pearl Wearers
30 21
30 22
Red Cross writings
30 23
Skillets and Skis
30 24
The Storm
30 25
Ten Years From Now
30 26
Tower of Babel
30 27
Who's Cooking
30 28
A Woman's Guide to East Africa
Stories and articles in published form
Box Folder
31 1
Bangkok Boxing (Chicago Sun-Time)
1963 September 8
31 2
A Bird in the Pan (Bon Appetit)
1960 September
31 3
Chicago Woman Author Turns Antelope Hunter (Chicago Sun-Times, Midwest magazine)
1961 February
31 4
Day on Safari (The Reporter)
1965 July 1
31 5
Don't Give Me the Good Old Days (Valley Sun)
1967 February
31 6
A Look at East Africa: Some Do Fear Freedom (Idaho Statesman)
1961 January 29
31 7
Skillets and Skis (Bon Appetit)
1962 February
31 8
A Very Tall Oak (The Valley Magazine, [Ketchum Community Library])
1990 Summer
31 9
Who's Cooking (Bon Appetit)
1961 January
Miscellaneous writings
Box Folder
32 1
Book proposal: Foreign phrases for European travel
32 2
Editorial suggestions for Barney -- (266 Squadron, RAF)
32 3
Humorous writings, Miscellaneous
32 4
Travel advice: Egypt
32 5
Plays: Lake Shore Country Club skit
32 6
Plays: Lake Shore Worries of 1926
32 7
Plays: The Somnambulent Prince
32 8
Poems / Songs: Birthday songs
32 9
Poems / Songs: Deep Sea Chanty, or The Destroyer
32 10
Poems / Songs: Ski-Friendship
32 11
Poems / Songs: Untitled (Skiing)
32 12
Fragments, Notes
32 13
Untitled fragments
32 14
Black composition book
32 15
Loose papers and fragments from black composition book
Book-length (typescripts)
Box Folder
33 1-2
33 3
Ski-resort novel (untitled)
33 4-7
The Indolent Gourmet
33 8
The Indolent Gourmet: Agent's correspondence
34 1-2
One Woman Safari
34 3
One Woman's Meat: Editorial suggestions from Belle Sideman
34 4-6
One Woman's Meat: 2nd draft
34 7-8
One Woman's Meat: 3rd draft
Other collaborations
Box Folder
35 1
With Fred Iselin: Partnership agreement
35 2
With Fred Iselin: Correspondence
35 3
With Fred Iselin: Alpine Misadventure (Motion picture synopsis)
35 4
With Fred Iselin: Sun Valley Fantasy (Motion picture script)
35 5
With Fred Iselin: Sun Valley film, untitled (Synopsis)
35 6
With Fred Iselin: Ski movie notes
35 7
With Max Barsis: Correspondence
35 8
With Catherine Gordon: Eye of the Beholder, Co-Authorship agreement
35 9
With Catherine Gordon: Photography book, Miscellaneous 1984-1985

4:  Journals and travel writingsReturn to Top

Clara Spiegel and her husband took several trans-Atlantic cruises to the Mediterranean in the 1920s and 30s. The scrapbooks she compiled for each of them are nostalgic reminders of a mode of grand travel that has almost passed from the scene. The scrapbooks contain photos of the ships, fellow passengers, and sights they saw; programs, tickets, and other tourist souvenirs; and detailed letters Spiegel wrote home chronicling her experiences. The letters offer the earliest descriptive narrative in the collection, as well as occasional commentary on her shipmates. All of the letters from the scrapbooks have been photocopied and are assembled in a chronological sequence in Box 37.

Spiegel's numbered journals begin in 1936. Until the 1950s, she used the journals (which she numbered herself) to record autobiographical reflections, musings on life and society, passages for novels and stories, and occasional travel notes. From the 1950s onward, they are more and more travel-oriented, and by the 1970s they are almost exclusively so. Spiegel had typewritten transcripts prepared for the journals of her 1969 African safari and her 1981 South Pacific tour. She inserted photos at the appropriate places and placed the transcripts in notebooks (Boxes 47 to 49).

Appended toward the end of this series is a box of associated travel papers, mostly business and logistical in nature (Box 46), though the folders for her 1969 African trip contain several detailed letters to her safari guide, Count F. Meran, outlining her hopes and expectations for the trip. "I have a great lion which I shot with Patrick [Hemingway] in 1962, so I don't want another one," she wrote, but she did ask for herring, sardines, sausage, and powdered soups for their lunches, dry white wines to accompany their dinners, and above all a chemical toilet. "My guns will come with me as I like to practice with them until the last moment..." (August 10, 1968). As the trip drew nigh she also supplied an extensive liquor list (March 19, 1969), adding she did not drink juices for breakfast "but like enough tomato juice for Bloody Marys, if I want them in the evening" (March 19, 1969). Also present are instructions for the taxidermists for preparation of her trophies (Box 46, Folder 7).

Container(s) Description Dates
Travel letters and scrapbooks
Box book
36 1
Vigo, Casablanca, Gibraltar, Algiers, Rome, Hill towns, Florence, Venice, Milan, St. Moritz, Cannes, Paris; S.S. France and S.S. Ile de France
36 2
Gibraltar, Naples, Herculaneum, Alexandria, Cairo, Luxor, Thebes, Paris, London; S.S. Rex, S.S. Ansonia, S.S. Gange
36 3
Madeira, Seville, Granada, Malaga, Algiers, Mallorca, Malta, Egypt, Jerusalem, Damascus, Rhodes, Istanbul, Athens, Korfu, Dubrovnik, Paris, Chartres, England; S.S. Statendam
36 4
Marrakech, Atlas Mountains, Fez, Sefron, Tangier, Madrid, Toledo, Paris, London; S.S. Conte di Savoia, S.S. Berengaria
Photocopies of letters from Travel Scrapbooks 1-4 (Box 36)
Portugal, Africa
1957, 1960
Safari, Africa, India, Nepal
India, Thailand
Paris, Israel
Greece, Africa, Italy, Game record
Sicily, Sorrento, Italy, Sardinia, Corsica, Austria
Africa (transcript)
Africa (transcript with photographs)
England, Austria
Portugal, Germany, Austria
Pacific Islands, Hawaii
Spain, Austria
England, Austria (transcript)
Chicago, Peru
New Zealand, Australia, Bali, Taiwan
New Zealand, Australia, Bali, Taiwan (transcript with photographs)
New Zealand
France, Austria, England, East Coast, Chicago
Beverly Hills, Santa Barbara, Yellowstone
Santa Barbara
Hong Kong, China
New Zealand
1987-1988, 1996
Vancouver, southeast Alaska cruise
North Carolina, Virginia, Wilmington, Bucks County
Travel record book
1988-1991, 1996
Associated travel papers
Box Folder
46 1
South Africa, (cf. Journals 29a, 29b)
46 2
France, Israel, Greece, Africa, (cf. Journals 39-45)
46 3
Africa, (cf. Journals 41-45)
46 4
Africa, (cf. Journals 49-52)
46 5
Italy, Sardinia, Corsica, Austria, (cf. Journal 56)
46 6
Ireland, etc., (cf. Journal 59)
46 7
African safari, (cf. Journals 61, 62a)
46 8
African safari, (cf. Journals 61, 62a)
46 9
New Zealand, Australia, Bali, Taiwan, (cf. Journals 103a, 103b)
46 10
New Zealand, (cf. Journal 113)
46 11
Santa Barbara
46 12
New York, Chicago
46 13
46 14
Miscellaneous trips
Journals: transcripts
Transcript with pictures of Clara Spiegel's journal of the trip she and Raimund Wurzenrainer took to Kenya, Tanzania, and Kenya [sic] in August and September 1969 [Refer first to photocopy in Box 43, journals 62a and 61]
Transcript with photos of trip to New Zealand, Australia, Bali, and Taiwan, [Refer first to photocopy in Box 43, journals 103a and 103b)

5:  PhotographsReturn to Top

Until the early 1980s, Clara Spiegel documented her travels and social life by assembling scrapbooks in which she placed hundreds of captioned snapshots. Those scrapbooks are located in Series 1. With very few exceptions (notably the Africa photos), the photos in this series are loose snapshots that date from the mid 1980s to 1997, the last dozen years of Clara Spiegel's life, after she stopped assembling those scrapbooks. They reveal that she was an active traveler and angler to the end. Some of these snapshots are grouped by trip and destination; others are in no order at all. Many have captions on the back; many do not. The photos in Box 50 have been numbered; some are portrait-like snapshots of Spiegel and family members; a few others (Photos 1001-1010) are professionally-photographed 8x10 prints.

Container(s) Description Dates
Box photo
50 #001-011
Clara Spiegel, portrait-like snapshots
50 #101-132
Clara Spiegel fishing; one with antelope (Patrick Hemingway in photos 125, 131, 132)
50 #201-226
Sons Andrew and William and families
50 #301-324
Clara Spiegel's house and garden
50 #401-407
African safari photos (Patrick Hemingway in photo 407)
50 #501-506
50 #1001
Wedding party of Maria Teresa ("Chiquita") Duchin and Morgan Heap, including Peter Duchin and Clara Spiegel
50 #1002
Colorized portrait of Jane Mayer
50 #1003
Trail Creek (Sun Valley) by Lloyd Arnold
50 #1004-1007
Portraits of Mary Hemingway, by Liz Malone
50 #1008-1010
Celebrity autographed photos
China; Lake Yellowstone; New Zealand; Burmuda; Pashimeroi (Idaho)
Unsorted snapshots

6:  Printed matterReturn to Top

This series consists of miscellaneous postcards and travel brochures collected by Clara Spiegel in Australia, New Zealand, and China (1980s-1990s), Shell and Mobil road maps of East Africa (1960s), and route maps for Pan Am and BOAC (1950s); together with complete issues of magazines featuring her writings (under both her own name and the pseudonym Clare Jaynes), magazines she collected with articles about Ernest Hemingway, and a few other magazines she saved on topics of personal interest.

Container(s) Description Dates
Travel brochures: Australia
Africa (road maps)
circa 1960
BOAC and Pan Am (route maps)
Travel brochures: China
Travel brochures: New Zealand
Writings in journals (complete issues)
Bon Appetit, with "A Bird in the Pan" (p. 10)
1960 September-October
Bon Appetit, with "Skillets and Skis" (p. 4)
1962 February
Bon Appetit, with "Who's Cooking" (p. 4)
1961 January-February
Liberty, with "Back to Earth" (p. 28)
1942 October 10
Liberty, with "These Are the Times" (p. 31)
1944 June 3
The New Yorker, with "Visitors for the Soldiers" (p. 22)
1943 April 17
The Reporter, with "A Day on Safari" (p. 38)
1965 July 1
Story, with "The Coming of Age," (p. 68)
1942 January-February
The Tatler, with "The Eyes of the Beholder" (p.226)
1938 November 2
Wilson Library Bulletin, with "Clare Jaynes" (p. 740)
1954 May
Journal articles about Hemingway (complete issues)
Elle, with "Papa Hemingway" by Jean Dutourd
1971 September 15
Hunting Yearbook, with "The Sixteenth Retrieve" by Don Anderson
Life, with "The Dangerous Summer" part 1, by Ernest Hemingway
1960 September 5
Life, with "The Dangerous Summer" part 2, by Ernest Hemingway
1960 September 12
Life, with "The Dangerous Summer" part 3, by Ernest Hemingway
1960 September 19
Life, with "Hemingway"
1961 July 14
Look, with "Safari" by Ernest Hemingway
1954 January 26
Look, with "Hemingway: A Personal Story," by Mary Hemingway
1961 September 12
Paris Match, with Hemingway, Le Vieil Homme et Son Coeur"
1959 June 20
The New York Times Magazine, with "The Young Hemingway" (three unpublished stories)
1985 August 18
Saturday Review, subtitled "Hemingway: A World View"
1961 July 29
Magazines of personal interest
The Chronicle of the Horse [annual stallion issue]
1986 December 12
Holiday [Africa]
1959 April
Life [African antelope]
1969 December 5
Saturday Review [Africa, New Star in History]
1958 July 19
Sports Illustrated [first anniversary issue]
1955 August 15
Sports Illustrated [second anniversary issue]
1955 August 20
Sports Illustrated [upland birds]
1955 October 10
oversize_drawers drawer
9037 9
Chicago Herald Tribune, (Third Section, page 1). "Premiere Thrills Throng" including photo of Clara Spiegel, Jane Mayer, and their husbands at the Chicago movie premiere of North West Mounted Police cf. Box 1, Folder 1, for photocopy
1940 October 25
9037 9
Chicago Sun Book Week, (Page 1). "A Woman of Monstrous, Jealous Will" (review by Clare Jaynes of Leave Her toHeaven) cf. Box 23, Folder 16 for photocopy
1944 June 11
9037 9
Chicago Daily News, News-Views (rotogravure), (pages 2-4). "Collaborating Ladies" about Clara Spiegel and Jane Mayer, with photos. cf. Box 1, Folder 8, for photocopy
1946 April 13
9037 9
Midwest, Magazine of the Chicago Sun-Times, (pages 20-21). "Chicago Woman Author Turns Antelope Hunter" about her African safari, with photos
1961 February 19
9037 9
Idaho Mountain Express, (Pages B-1 and B-2). "Pfeifer, Lang: A Tribute to Two Skiing Giants" about Sun Valley ski instructions Friedl Pfeifer and Otto Lang. No mention of Clara Spiegel
1993 February 10-16
9037 9
Paris-Soir. Pages reporting on street riots in Paris
1934 February 6-8
9037 9
Il Mattino (Naples), (Page 1). Headline "Il Duce Proclama l'Imperia d'Italia / S.M. Vittorio Emanuele III assume il Titolo di Imperatore dell'Etiopea"
1936 May 10