Edwin Fulwider Papers, 1969-1993

Overview of the Collection

Edwin Fulwider, 1913-
Edwin Fulwider Papers
1969-1993 (inclusive)
0.5 cubic feet
Collection Number
MG374 (collection)
Materials collected by Fulwider about the residents of Lakeview, Idaho : included are reminiscences and correspondence of Nan (Annie Margery) Scanlon about her life in the Lake Pend Oreille region of northern Idaho, taped interviews with George Cerveny, Margaret Chalfont, Caro Lou Weber and Leo Ambrose Payne, and other materials.
University of Idaho Library, Special Collections and Archives
Special Collections and Archives
University of Idaho Library
875 Perimeter Drive
MS 2350
Moscow, ID
Telephone: 2088850845
Funding for encoding this finding aid was provided through a grant awarded by the National Endowment for the Humanities.

Biographical NoteReturn to Top

Edwin Fulwider was born in Bloomington, Indiana in 1913, and educated at the John Herron Art School where he received his B.A. in 1938. He taught at Miami University, Oxford, Ohio, from 1940-1942, and 1949-1973. He retired to a studio in north Idaho where he had spent the previous 26 summers. There he began to collect the history of the Lakeview region. In the fall of 1992 he and his wife Kathryn moved to Green Valley, Arizona.

Nan (Annie Margery) O'Donnell Scanlon was born December 24, 1900, near Hope, Idaho, the daughter of Louise Mabel (Schroeder) and Archie O'Donnell. She was educated in local schools, and taught in a one room school on Lopez Island for one year before going to Seattle where she worked as a bookkeeper while taking courses at the University of Washington. She moved to Chicago in 1928 and married artist Tom Burroughs on February 21, 1929; he died five years later of tuberculosis. On July 3, 1939 she married Paul Scanlon who was employed by the Disney Studios; they had two daughters. He died June 1, 1984.

Content DescriptionReturn to Top

The papers of Nan Scanlon consists of several types of material. First are photocopies of the letters between Edwin Fulwider and Richard Davis of the University of Idaho Library concerning the background of the papers. Next are letters from Nan to the Fulwiders, many containing reminiscences of her life. Then come Nan's typescript of her mother's notes of her early life in Iowa and the move west with her husband and children, and their arrival in the area of Lake Pend Oreille in 1893; also included is a photocopy of a 12 page holograph memoir of Mrs. O'Donnell. The largest group of material is Nan's own memories of the Lake Pend Oreille area. Some of these are transcribed from tape recordings she made, and some have additional notes by Edwin Fulwider identifying people or places attached. Subjects include family life, school days, places, and people; one memoir discusses her life after she left Idaho for Seattle and Chicago. Also included are photocopies of newspaper clippings about the O'Donnell family and photocopies of newspaper articles about the area. The final group of material contains photographs of the O'Donnell family, 1896-1906, and photographs of art work by Tom Burroughs and his friends.

The next series consists of four tape recorded interviews done by Fulwider with residents of Lakeview, Idaho. The reel to reel interviews are with George R. Cerveny, Margarete Chalfont and Caro Lou Weber Bastian; the interview with Leo Ambrose Payne is on two cassette tapes.

George Robert Cerveny was a University of Idaho graduate who taught in the English department from 1930-1933 and again from 1935-1936. He also taught at New York University and Long Beach University in California. He is the author of Mark the winds power, a novel based on the lake country of northern Idaho. He was interviewed by Fulwider in Lakeview, Idaho, on June 12, 1967.

Margarete Chalfont was the daughter of a Washington State University Professor whose family were summer residents of the Lakeview area. On the tape she recalls many episodes of early life in this mining community. She spent her entire career as a librarian at the Seattle Public Library. She was interviewed in Lakeview on July 24, 1969.

Caro Lou Weber Bastian was interviewed by Fulwider in Lakeview on September 3, 1969. The tape includes her reading of her father's history of the Weber Mine. For more information on Caro Lou and the Weber family see MG360, also collected by Ed Fulwider.

Leo Ambrose Payne was a first cousin of Nan Scanlon. His interview, taped September 6, 1978, contains much local lore.

The final series contains the vita of Edwin Fulwider, some f his research notes on Lakeview, and a book, At final anchor -- Glengary, by Dorothy L. Nelson, Fairfield, Wash. : Ye Galleon Press, 1984.

Administrative InformationReturn to Top

Acquisition Information

Edwin Fulwider donated materials relating to the residents of Lakeview, Idaho, to the University of Idaho Library in December 1993.

Detailed Description of the CollectionReturn to Top

Series I. Annie (Nan) Margery (O'Donnell) Scanlon Papers , 1983-1993Return to Top

Container(s) Description Dates
Correspondence concerning the transfer of the papers
5 items
Correspondence from Nan Scanlon to Edwin and Kathryn Fulwider
16 items
Notes of Louise Schroeder O'Donnell (Typed in 1983)
10 items
Memoirs of Nan Scanlon
10 items
Newspaper articles
11 items
20 items

Series II. Tape Recordings of Interviews , 1967-1978Return to Top

Container(s) Description Dates
George Cerveny interview
1 item
Margarete Chalfont interview
1 item
Caro Lou Weber Bastian interview
1 item
Leo Ambrose Payne interview
2 items

Series III. Other Papers , 1984-1992Return to Top

Container(s) Description Dates
Vita of Edwin Fulwider
1 item
Notes on Lakeview and surrounding areas
12 items
ca. 1970
Nelson, Dorothy L. At final anchor--Glengary
1 item