Seattle Trump Impeachment March Photograph Collection, July 2, 2017

Overview of the Collection

Gerhard, John, (Photographer)
Seattle Trump Impeachment March Photograph Collection
July 2, 2017 (inclusive)
58 digital photographs
Collection Number
Photographs from the Seattle Trump Impeachment March
University of Washington Libraries, Special Collections
Special Collections
University of Washington Libraries
Box 352900
Seattle, WA
Telephone: 2065431929
Fax: 2065431931
Access Restrictions

The collection is entirely digital and can be viewed only on the Libraries Digital Collections website.

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Historical BackgroundReturn to Top

On July 2, 2017, around 100 people attended a march to demand the impeachment of President Donald Trump. The march was organized in part by Free Speech for People and Indivisible groups. The protestors demanded that President Trump be held accountable for his foreign business dealings, travel bans, the widening investigation into his campaign's relationship with Russia, the banning of cameras from press briefings, as well as what they perceive to be his violations of the Constitution. Organizers contend that President Trump has violated at least three articles of the constitution, including the Foreign Emoluments Clause, the Domestic Emoluments Clause, and obstruction of justice. The group of concerned citizens rallied at Seattle Center at 11am before marching down 2nd Avenue to end at the Federal Building at 2nd Avenue and Marion Street.

Content DescriptionReturn to Top

Photographs from the Seattle Trump Impeachment March, July 2, 2017.

Use of the CollectionReturn to Top

Alternative Forms Available

View the entire collection on the Libraries Digital Collections website

Restrictions on Use

Photographer's rights transferred to the University of Washington Libraries Special Collections.

Administrative InformationReturn to Top

Acquisition Information

Donor: John Gerhard, January 23, 2018.

Detailed Description of the CollectionReturn to Top


John Gerhard PhotographsReturn to Top

Container(s) Description Dates
electronic_file item
Online GerhardJ1
Two demonstrators holding signs in front of the Space Needle, Seattle, Washington
Text on signs read: "SuperCallousFragileRacistSexist Impeach!!"; "NO! [in rainbow stripes] Drive out Trump/Pence Fascist regime!" One individual wears a shirt that reads "NO!"
July 2, 2017
Online GerhardJ2
Demonstrators standing beside a sign featuring images of Taliesin Myrddin Namkai Meche, Ricky John Best, Micah Fletcher, and Rahma Warsame, on the grass southwest of the Space Needle, Seattle, Washington
Text on signs read: "Live like them. RefuseFascism.Org [with photographs of Taliesin Myrddin Namkai Meche, Ricky John Best, Micah Fletcher, and Rahma Warsame]"; "SuperCallousFragileRacistSexist Impeach!!" One protester wears a shirt that reads "NO!" On May 26, 2017 three men were stabbed in Portland, Oregon after they tried to intervene while a man shouted racial slurs at two women, one of whom was wearing a hijab. Two of the men died: 53-year-old Ricky John Best and 23-year-old Taliesin Myrddin Namkai-Meche. Micah David-Cole Fletcher, 21, of Portland was also stabbed in the attack but survived. Rahma Warsame was severley injured in a fight in Cleveland, Ohio on June 6, 2017. There was pressure to investigate the beating as a hate crime, but police eventually determined that there was not enough evidence to do so.
July 2, 2017
Online GerhardJ3 July 2, 2017
Online GerhardJ4
Four demonstrators showing their protests signs on the grass southwest of the Space Needle, Seattle, Washington
Text on signs read: "Lock him up!"; "Impeach"; "Dump Trump [with an image of a pig wearing President Donald Trump's signature hairstyle]"; "Impeach the pig [with an image of a pig wearing President Donald Trump's signature hairstyle]"; "Impeach Trump! That boy lies!"
July 2, 2017
Online GerhardJ5
Protester holding a sign in Arabic, southwest of the Space Needle, Seattle, Washington
Text on sign is in Arabic. Translated, it reads: "NO! Stop Trump/Pence fascist regime -"
July 2, 2017
Online GerhardJ6
Four demonstrators showing off their signs on the grass southwest of the Space Needle, Seattle, Washington
Text on signs read: "Drain the Swamp - Walls, Lies, Alternative Facts, Putin, Misogyny, Muslim ban, Emoluments, Narcissism, Lies, Nepotism, Perversion, Money Laundering - Trump - Tweet tweet!"; "Save our democracy, Save our country, Save our planet - Impeach 45"; "Impeach Trump - No Ban, No Wall, No Trump - #NotMyCheeto"; "Repeal & Replace [with a silhouette of President Trump]." Vladimir Putin is a Russian politician. He has served as the President of Russia since 2012, before which he served as Prime Minister.
July 2, 2017
Online GerhardJ7
Protesters wearing clothing endorsing Hillary Clinton for President, grass southwest of the Space Needle, Seattle, Washington
Text on signs read: "We want a leader, not a creepy tweeter"; "Elect a clown, expect a circus." Text on clothing reads: "Impeach Trump - It's not a political decision, but a moral one"; "Hillary 2016"; "Clinton / Kane 2016"; "Dump Trump."
July 2, 2017
Online GerhardJ8
Sign from the group Refuse Fascism, near Seattle Center, Seattle, Washington
Text on sign reads: "NO! Drive out Trump/Pence fascist regime!”.
July 2, 2017
Online GerhardJ9
Sign describing President Trump as "terrible... repulsive... unprofessional" and more, near Seattle Center, Seattle, Washington
Text on sign reads: "Not presidential - TRUMP - T, Terrible terrible temper, bigly R - Repulsive, U - Unprofessional, M - Man child, ImPeach!!!!"
July 2, 2017
Online GerhardJ10
Sign depicting President Trump in front of a burning U.S. Constitution, near Seattle Center, Seattle, Washington
Text on sign reads: "No one trumps the constitution [with an image of President Trump in front of an image of the U.S. Constitution on fire]."
July 2, 2017
Online GerhardJ11
Sign reading "Impeach Trump! That boy lies!", near Seattle Center, Seattle, Washington
Text on signs read: "Impeach Trump! That boy lies!"; "Impeach the pig [with an image of a pig wearing President Trump's signature hairstyle]"; "Repeal & Replace [with a silhouette of President Donald Trump]"; "Save our democracy, Save our country, Save our planet - Impeach 45." One demonstrator wears a shirt that has a cartoonish silhouette of 2016 presidential candidate Bernie Sanders above the words: "Hindsight, 2020."
July 2, 2017
Online GerhardJ12
Veteran holding a banner reading "RESIST", near Seattle Center, Seattle, Washington
Text on signs read: "Kindness is everything, Black Lives Matter, Women's rights are human rights, love is love, climate change is real, no human is illegal, alternate facts are lies, healthcare is a human right. Why is this so hard to understand? DUMP TRUMP"; "Resist [with a raised fist]." Text on clothing reads: "Weller, U.S. Navy [in English and Arabic]"; "No on 1-1552." Initiative Measure No. 1552 is a Washington state initiative proposing restrictions on bathroom access based on gender.
July 2, 2017
Online GerhardJ13 July 2, 2017
Online GerhardJ14
Protester with a sign reading "Resist Trump", near Seattle Center, Seattle, Washington
Text on sign reads: Resist Trump - No deportations! Black Lives Matter! Defend Workers' & Women's rights! - Unite Against Trump & the Billionaire Class - Socialist Alternative."
July 2, 2017
Online GerhardJ15 July 2, 2017
Online GerhardJ16
Sign featuring a pig wearing President Trump's hairstyle, near Seattle Center, Seattle, Washington
Text on signs read: "Dump Trump [with an image of a pig wearing President Trump's signature hairstyle]"; "Prosecute Trump for crimes against the 99%, Society, Humanity, Our Planet."
July 2, 2017
Online GerhardJ17
Signs reading "Impeach" and "Ur fired", near Seattle Center, Seattle, Washington
Text on signs read: "Impeach [with a drawing of a peach]"; "Ur fired." The line "You're fired" was President Trump's iconic line from his reality television series, The Apprentice.
July 2, 2017
Online GerhardJ18
Sign with a cartoon of a pig made to look like President Trump, reading "Who owns Trump?", near Seattle Center, Seattle, Washington
Text on signs read: "Cheato - ??Taxes?? - Who owns Trump? [with a cartoon of a pig made to look like President Trump]"; "Save our democracy, Save our county, save our planet - Impeach 45"; "Women's Rights = Human rights"; "Repeal & Replace [with a silhouette of President Trump]."
July 2, 2017
Online GerhardJ19
Sign reading "Impeach Trump! That boy lies!", near Seattle Center, Seattle, Washington
Text on sign reads: "Impeach Trump! That boy lies!"; "No! Drive out Trump/Pence Fascist Regime - #NoFascistUSA"; "Lake Tapps Resistance League."
July 2, 2017
Online GerhardJ20
Sign reading "Make America Great Again: Impeach Trump", near Seattle Center, Seattle, Washington
Text on sign reads: "Make America Great Again: Impeach Trump." Many protest signs used the construction of “Make [___] great again” as a jeer at the Trump administration. "Make America Great Again", abbreviated to MAGA, is a campaign slogan used by President Donald Trump in his 2016 presidential campaign.
July 2, 2017
Online GerhardJ21 July 2, 2017
Online GerhardJ22 July 2, 2017
Online GerhardJ23
Sign reading "End Interstate Crosscheck - Stop voter suppression", near Seattle Center, Seattle, Washington
Text on sign reads: "Equality Now Democratically - END Interstate Crosscheck - Stop Voter Suppression - Prosecute High Crimes - Demand single-payer healthcare for everyone."
July 2, 2017
Online GerhardJ24
Sign reading "Bad hair, Bad politics", near Seattle Center, Seattle, Washington
Text on signs read: "Hate will not make us great"; "Bad hair, bad politics." One protester wears a shirt reading "Nevertheless, she persisted." This is an expression adopted by the feminist movement, especially in the United States. It became popular in 2017 after the United States Senate voted to silence Senator Elizabeth Warren's objections to confirmation of Senator Jeff Sessions as U.S. Attorney General. Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell uttered this sentence during comments following the vote in an effort to defend the Senate's actions and blame Senator Warren.
July 2, 2017
Online GerhardJ25
Signs from Socialist organizations, near Seattle Center, Seattle, Washington
Text on signs read: "Fight racism & sexism! Unite against Trump and the billionaire class - Socialist Students"; "Tax the Rich - Socialist Alternative."
July 2, 2017
Online GerhardJ26 July 2, 2017
Online GerhardJ27
Sign reading "Missing: Truth and Facts", near Seattle Center, Seattle, Washington
Text on sign reads: "Missing: Truth and Facts." One individual is holding a piece of paper which reads: "The Trump Pence Regime must go!"
July 2, 2017
Online GerhardJ28
Young protester holding a sign reading "Love is love is love!", on the grass southwest of the Space Needle, Seattle, Washington
Text on signs read: "Resist!"; "Love is love is love is love is love!"; "Dump Trump!" One demonstrator wears a shirt that has a cartoonish silhouette of 2016 presidential candidate Bernie Sanders above the words: "Hindsight, 2020."
July 2, 2017
Online GerhardJ29
Sign reading "It's time to impeach the narcissistic dictator Donald Trump", near Seattle Center, Seattle, Washington
Text on signs read: "No! In the name of humanity, we refuse to accept a fascist America -"; "It's time to impeach the narcissistic dictator Donald Trump."
July 2, 2017
Online GerhardJ30
Signs reading "Enough is enough" and "UR fired", near Seattle Center, Seattle, Washington
Text on signs read: "Enough is enough"; "Ur fired." The line "You're fired" was President Trump's iconic line from his reality television series, The Apprentice.
July 2, 2017
Online GerhardJ31
Protester wearing a Refuse Fascism shirt addresses the crowd, near Seattle Center, Seattle, Washington
Text on signs read: "(No) Trump"; "Enough." Protester addressing the crowd wears a shirt that reads "No! In the name of Humanity, we refuse to accept a fascist America - RefuseFascism.Org."
July 2, 2017
Online GerhardJ32
Signs decrying President Trump's connection to Russia, near Seattle Center, Seattle, Washington
Text on signs read: "Trump, our flag is [American Flag], not [Russian flag]"; "Drain the болотный [Translated from Russian: Drain the swamp]." Text on clothing reads: "Black disabled lives matter."
July 2, 2017
Online GerhardJ33
Two demonstrators wearing shirts from the group Refuse Fascism, near Seattle Center, Seattle, Washington
Text on clothing reads: "No! In the name of humanity, we refuse to accept a fascist America -"
July 2, 2017
Online GerhardJ34
Protesters gathering near Seattle Center, Seattle, Washington
Text on signs read: "Fuck this"; "Stop Trump Now!"; "Fire the very bad or sick guy." Text on one sign is in Turkish. Translated, it reads: "No! In the name of humanity, we refuse to accept a fascist America -"
July 2, 2017
Online GerhardJ35
Sign reading "Obstruction, cover ups and lies", near Seattle Center, Seattle, Washington
Text on signs read: "No! In the name of humanity, we refuse to accept a fascist America -"; "Banish Trump to Russia"; "Obstruction, Cover ups and lies"; "Resist!"; "Tax the Rich"; "Impeach Trump! That Boy Lies!"; "Trump - Treason, Russia, Putin." One demonstrator wears a shirt that has a cartoonish silhouette of 2016 presidential candidate Bernie Sanders above the words: "Hindsight, 2020." Vladimir Putin is a Russian politician. He has served as the President of Russia since 2012, before which he served as Prime Minister.
July 2, 2017
Online GerhardJ36 July 2, 2017
Online GerhardJ37
Signs reading "Deplorable" with pictures of President Trump and Vice President Pence, near Seattle Center, Seattle, Washington
Text on signs read: "Deplorable." One sign has an image of Vice President Mike Pence, and the other has an image of President Donald Trump.Text on clothing reads: "ITMFA [Impeach the mother fucker already]."
July 2, 2017
Online GerhardJ38
Sign in Russian reading "Banish Trump to Russia", near Seattle Center, Seattle, Washington
Text on sign reads: "Verbannen Trump nach Russland." Translated from Russia, the text reads: "Banish Trump to Russia." Text on clothing reads: "You're fired!" The line "You're fired" was President Trump's iconic line from his reality television series, The Apprentice.
July 2, 2017
Online GerhardJ39
Protester carrying a large orange T that has stickers of Russian flags and golden dollar signs, near Seattle Center, Seattle, Washington
Protester carrying a large orange T that has stickers of Russian flags and golden dollar signs. There is also an image of the comic book character Wonder Woman. Wonder Woman has lassoed the orange T.
July 2, 2017
Online GerhardJ40
Signs about climate change, peace, love, and President Trump, near Seattle Center, Seattle, Washington
Text on signs read: "The oceans are rising and so are we"; "Peace & Love to all"; "Stop racism, stop sexism, stop islamaphobia, stop transphobia, stop xenophobia, STOP TRUMP, stop ableism, stop lying, stop colluding, stop whining, stop misogyny, stop tweeting."
July 2, 2017
Online GerhardJ41
Sign reading "People shouldn't be afraid of their government. Governments should be afraid of their people", near Seattle Center, Seattle, Washington
Text on sign reads: "People shouldn't be afraid of their government. Governments should be afraid of their people. Impeach Trump [with two images of the character V from the comic book V for Vendetta]." V for Vendetta is a British graphic novel written by Alan Moore and illustrated by David Lloyd (with additional art by Tony Weare). The story depicts a dystopian and post-apocalyptic near-future history version of the United Kingdom in the 1990s, preceded by a nuclear war in the 1980s which had devastated most of the rest of the world.
July 2, 2017
Online GerhardJ42
Two protesters wearing Guy Fawkes masks, near Seattle Center, Seattle, Washington
Text on sign reads: "Fuck the system." The Guy Fawkes mask is a stylised depiction of Guy Fawkes, the best-known member of the Gunpowder Plot. The plot was an attempt to blow up the House of Lords in London on 5 November 1605, in order to restore a Catholic head of state. The mask has become a well-known symbol for the online hacktivist group Anonymous, the Occupy movement, and other anti-government and anti-establishment protests around the world.
July 2, 2017
Online GerhardJ43
Demonstrator holding a sign that shows a cartoonish James Comey firing a blast of energy at President Donald Trump, near Seattle Center, Seattle, Washington
Text on sign reads: "Comey hameha!!! [with a drawing, in an anime style, that depicts former FBI director James Comey firing a blast of energy at President Donald Trump]." This sign is referencing the animated television show Dragon Ball Z. On the show, the kamehameha is the most widely used finishing attack in the Dragon Ball series, and it is the main character's signature technique.James Brien Comey Jr. is an American lawyer who served as the seventh Director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) from September 4, 2013 until May 9, 2017. Comey was dismissed by President Donald Trump on May 9, 2017, amid suggestions that his dismissal was an attempt to ease the "pressure" President Trump was under due to an ongoing investigation into the President's ties to the Russian government.
July 2, 2017
Online GerhardJ44
Sign listing numerous marches, protests, and political issues, near Seattle Center, Seattle, Washington
Text on sign reads: "Women's March, LGBTQ Solidarity, Dress like a woman, International Women's Strike, Stand with Standing Rock, Speak against islamaphobia, March for science, May Day - Worker's & Immigrant's rights, Cannabis freedom, Impeachment march, March for truth, Veteran's Anti-War formation, Stand with immigrants, Indigenous Action against DAPL."
July 2, 2017
Online GerhardJ45
Protester wearing a red hat that reads "Resist", near Seattle Center, Seattle, Washington
Text on signs read: "Want to make America Great? Impeach Trump"; "Resist [with a raised fist]." Text on clothing reads: "Resist." Many protest signs used the construction of “Make [___] great again” as a jeer at the Trump administration. "Make America Great Again", abbreviated to MAGA, is a campaign slogan used by President Donald Trump in his 2016 presidential campaign.
July 2, 2017
Online GerhardJ46
Signs demanding President Trump's impeachment, near Seattle Center, Seattle, Washington
Text on signs read: "Want to make America Great? Impeach Trump"; "Resist [with a raised fist]"; "Drive out Trump/Pence fascist regime." Many protest signs used the construction of “Make [___] great again” as a jeer at the Trump administration. "Make America Great Again", abbreviated to MAGA, is a campaign slogan used by President Donald Trump in his 2016 presidential campaign.
July 2, 2017
Online GerhardJ47
Sign reading "Impeach Trump - not our president", near Seattle Center, Seattle, Washington
Text on sign reads: "Impeach Trump - Not our President [with a raised fist in rainbow colors]."
July 2, 2017
Online GerhardJ48
Sign reading "I can't survive GOP compassion", near Seattle Center, Seattle, Washington
Text on signs read: "Want to make America Great? Impeach Trump"; "I can't survive GOP compassion." Many protest signs used the construction of “Make [___] great again” as a jeer at the Trump administration. "Make America Great Again", abbreviated to MAGA, is a campaign slogan used by President Donald Trump in his 2016 presidential campaign.
July 2, 2017
Online GerhardJ49 July 2, 2017
Online GerhardJ50
Protesters marching behind banners reading "Impeach Donald Trump Now", near the Space Needle, Seattle, Washington
Text on signs read: "ImpeachDonaldTrumpNow.Org - FB: PugetSoundCommunities4Impeachment."
July 2, 2017
Online GerhardJ51
Marchers with joined hands walking together down 2nd Ave., Seattle, Washington
Text on signs read: "Impeach TrumpCO"; "Jesus is Weed"; "Resist Trump." Text on clothing reads: "Olympia indivisible."
July 2, 2017
Online GerhardJ52
Demonstrators marching down 2nd Ave. and Vine St., Seattle, Washington
Text on signs read: "Impeach - TRUMP - T, Taxes - R, Racist, U, Unfit - M, Moron - P, Putin"; "Follow the money, Follow the lies"; "Jesus is weed";"Prosecute Trump for Crimes Against the 99%, Society, Humanity, Our Planet"; "Black Lives Matter";"ImpeachDonaldTrumpNow.Org - FB: PugetSoundCommunities4Impeachment."
July 2, 2017
Online GerhardJ53
Person on stilts walking ahead of the march, on 2nd Ave. between Virginia St. and Lenora St., Seattle, Washington
Text on signs read: "Impeach - TRUMP - T, Taxes - R, Racist, U, Unfit - M, Moron - P, Putin"; "Follow the money, Follow the lies"; "Jesus is weed";"Prosecute Trump for Crimes Against the 99%, Society, Humanity, Our Planet"; "Black Lives Matter";"ImpeachDonaldTrumpNow.Org - FB: PugetSoundCommunities4Impeachment."
July 2, 2017
Online GerhardJ54 July 2, 2017
Online GerhardJ55
Protesters marching north on 2nd Ave., Seattle, Washington
Text on signs read: "Impeach - TRUMP - T, Taxes - R, Racist, U, Unfit - M, Moron - P, Putin"; "Follow the money, Follow the lies"; "Jesus is weed";"Prosecute Trump for Crimes Against the 99%, Society, Humanity, Our Planet"; "Black Lives Matter";"ImpeachDonaldTrumpNow.Org - FB: PugetSoundCommunities4Impeachment."
July 2, 2017
Online GerhardJ56
March ending at the Henry M. Jackson Federal Building on 2nd Ave., Seattle, Washington
Text on signs read: "Impeach TrumpCo"; "Who owns Trump?"; "Truth over Trump"; "Bad hair, bad politics"; "ImpeachDonaldTrumpNow.Org - FB: PugetSoundCommunities4Impeachment."
July 2, 2017
Online GerhardJ57 July 2, 2017
Online GerhardJ58
Protesters outside of the Henry M. Jackson Federal Building on 2nd Ave., Seattle, Washington
Text on signs read: "Repeal & Replace [with a silhouette of President Trump]"; "86 Trump"; "No! In the name of humanity, we refuse to accept a fascist America." ; "Trump, our flag is [American flag], not [Russian flag]"; "Drain the болотный [Translated from Russian: Drain the swamp]"; "Stop Trump Now"; "Impeach."
July 2, 2017

Names and SubjectsReturn to Top

Subject Terms

  • Demonstrations--Washington (State)--Seattle--Photographs
  • Visual Materials Collections (University of Washington)

Personal Names

  • Gerhard, John (Photographer)--Archives
  • Trump, Donald, 1946---Impeachment

Geographical Names

  • Seattle (Wash.)--Photographs