University of Montana photographs by subject collection, 1895-1983

Overview of the Collection

University of Montana photographs by subject collection
1895-1983 (inclusive)
5.5 linear feet
Collection Number
RG 6
This collection contains a variety of photographs of events, people and locations at the University of Montana in Missoula.
University of Montana, Mansfield Library, Archives and Special Collections
Archives and Special Collections
Maureen and Mike Mansfield Library
University of Montana
32 Campus Dr. #9936
Missoula, MT
Telephone: 406-243-2053
Access Restrictions

Researchers must use this collection in accordance with the policies of Archives and Special Collections, the Maureen and Mike Mansfield Library, and The University of Montana-Missoula.


Historical NoteReturn to Top

The University of Montana in Missoula was founded in 1893 and opened to students on September 11, 1895. Oscar J. Craig was the institution's first President and there were four additional faculty members. From 1895-1898 classes were held in the South Side school on South Sixth Street. The cornerstone for University (Main) Hall was laid in 1898, but Science Hall was the first building on campus to be completed.

Although a comprehensive history of UM has yet to be written, H. G. Merriam's book The University of Montana: A History is a published source for information about university history up to the 1960s.

Content DescriptionReturn to Top

This is an artificial collection compiled around the subject of the University of Montana in Missoula. All of the images in this collection have something to do with University of Montana-related events, locations or individuals, and help to document over a century of campus history. Images come from a variety of sources. The majority of the images in this collection were placed in Archives & Special Collections prior to the 1980s. In many cases the original photographer and / or the provenance of an image is unknown.

Digital copies of the materials in Boxes 1 through 9 are available online at These digital copies were created in 2009 and are meant for reference only.

Use of the CollectionReturn to Top

Restrictions on Use

Researchers are responsible for u in accordance with 17 U.S.C. and any other applicable statutes. In most cases copyright was not specifically transferred to the University of Montana. However, many images are likely in the public domain and others were likely taken by University of Montana employees as works for hire. Contact Archives & Special Collections for additional information.

Preferred Citation

[Name of document or photograph number], University of Montana Photographs by Subject Collection, Archives and Special Collections, Maureen and Mike Mansfield Library, The University of Montana-Missoula.

Administrative InformationReturn to Top


This collection has been arranged alphabetically by subject except in the case of oversized materials, which are located in the final box of the collection. Folders can contain one or more images related to that subject.

Custodial History

In most cases the chain of custody of an image is unknown.

Acquisition Information

The majority of the images were given to the Archives prior to the 1980s. Some of the images may have been removed from manuscript collections or university records at the time of their donation or transfer to the Archives.

Future Additions

University-related images may be added to this collection in the future. Documentation about the acquisition of an image will be maintained.

Processing Note

This collection has been arranged alphabetically by subject, and then chronologically when feasible.

Related Materials

The Morton J. Elrod papers in Archives and Special Collections contain a large number of University of Montana images. Archives and Special Collections also holds collections of images by University Relations photographers and holds manuscript collections (such as the papers of an individual) that contain scrapbooks and photographs of university subjects and activities.

Detailed Description of the CollectionReturn to Top

Container(s) Description Dates
1/1 Alumni: Distinguished Alumni Awardees 1974-1984 and undated
1/2 Aerial and General Views 1910-1965 and undated
1/3 Aerial and General Views 1904-1968 and undated
1/4 Aerial and General Views 1902-1957 and undated
1/5 Aerial and General Views-Mounted 1905-1957 and undated
1/6 Athletics: Baseball 1905-1936 and undated
1/7 Athletics: Baseball-Mounted 1905-1908 and undated
1/8 Athletics: Men's Basketball undated
1/9 Athletics: Football 1897-1924 and undated
10 OS/5 Athletics: Football 1898-1903
1/10 Athletics: Football 1898-1977 and undated
1/11 Athletics: Football-Boards 1899-1927 and undated
1/12 Athletics: Football-Boards 1899-1923 and undated
2/1 Athletics: Physical Ed. Class 1922
2/2 Athletics: Skiing undated
2/3 Athletics: Track and Field 1908-1918 and undated
2/4 Athletics: Track and Field-Boards 1913-1926 and undated
2/5 Athletics: Water Ballet
2/6 Athletics: Women's Basketball 1905-1915, 1971 and undated
2/7 Athletics: Women's Field Hockey undated
2/8 Athletics: Women's Softball undated
2/9 Athletics: Women's Tennis undated
2/10 Buildings: Brantly Hall 1922 and undated
2/11 Buildings: Brantly Hall-Boards undated
2/12 Buildings: Business undated
2/13 Buildings: Cook Hall 1920-1962 and undated
2/14 Buildings: Carillon 1927 and undated
2/15 Buildings: Craig Hall 1905-1923 and undated
2/16 Buildings: Craig Hall-Boards 1904
2/17 Buildings: Corbin Hall 1926-1940 and undated
2/18 Buildings: Dornblaser Field 1906 and undated
2/19 Buildings: Elrod Hall 1922
2/20 Buildings: Field House 1953-56 and undated
2/21 Buildings: Forestry 1916-1939 and undated
2/22 Buildings: Forestry Nursery undated
10 OS/5 Buildings: General 1923
2/23 Buildings: Grizzly Pool undated
2/24 Buildings: Heating Plant 1922-1961 and undated
2/25 Buildings: Journalism undated
2/26 Buildings: Jumbo Hall 1961
3/1 Buildings: Knowles Hall undated
3/2 Buildings: Liberal Arts 1960-1964 and undated
10 OS/1 Buildings: Library, artist rendering of building not built undated
3/3 Buildings: Library 1905-1957 and undated
3/4 Buildings: Library-Boards 1919-1920
3/5 Buildings: Lodge 1956-1960 and undated
3/6 Buildings: Lubrecht Forest undated
3/7 Buildings: The "M", Mt. Sentinel Block House 1928-1958 and undated
3/8 Buildings: Main Hall undated
3/9 Buildings: Main Hall-Boards 1904-05 and undated
3/10 Buildings: Memorials undated
3/11 Buildings: Miller Hall undated
3/12 Buildings: Music undated
3/13 Buildings: Natural Science 1921-27 and undated
12 Buildings: Performing Arts Radio/TV 1982-1985
3/14 Buildings: Planetarium 1955 and undated
3/15 Buildings: President's Home 1913-1954 and undated
3/16 Buildings: Riding Arena undated
3/17 Buildings: Schreiber Gymnasium 1906-1961 and undated
4/1 Buildings: Schreiber Gymnasium-Boards 1906 and undated
4/2 Buildings: Science Complex undated
4/3 Buildings: Science Hall 1900-1983 and undated
4/4 Buildings: Simpkins Hall 1962
4/5 Buildings: South Hall undated
4/6 Buildings: Student and Faculty Housing 1922-1961 and undated
4/7 Buildings: Student and Faculty Housing 1921-1956 and undated
4/8 Buildings: Student and Faculty Housing-Boards 1908 and undated
4/9 Buildings: Student Union 1934 and undated
4/10 Buildings: Turner Hall undated
4/11 Buildings: Women's Center (McGill) 1955 and undated
4/12 Buildings: Women's Gymnasium 1904-1965 and undated
4/13 Building: Women's Gymnasium-Boards 1905
4/14 Buildings: Yellow Bay Bio Station undated
4/15 Buildings: Yellow Bay Bio Station 1921 and undated
10 OS/3 Campus: aerial views 1970 and undated
4/16 Campus Visitors undated
4/17 Chancellor undated
4/18 Clubs/Orgs: ASUM undated
4/19 Clubs/Orgs: Bear Paws 1962 and undated
10 OS/5 Clubs/Orgs: Dormitory group 1927-1928
4/20 Clubs/Orgs: Druids 1928-1953
5/1 Clubs/Orgs: Engineers undated
5/2 Clubs/Orgs: Fraternities and Sororities 1906-1930 and undated
10 OS/5 Clubs/Orgs: Fraternity (Alpha Kappa Psi) 1949
5/3 Clubs/Orgs: General 1904-1922 and undated
5/4 Clubs/Orgs: General-Boards 1920 and undated
5/5 Clubs/Orgs: Grizzly Riders 1967
5/6 Clubs/Orgs: Jubileers 1956
5/7 Clubs/Orgs: Kaimin 1958 and undated
5/8 Clubs/Orgs: Kaimin-Boards 1902
5/9 Clubs/Orgs: Masquer Theater 1924-1962 and undated
5/10 Clubs/Orgs: Mortar Board 1961
5/11 Clubs/Orgs: Order of the Grizzly 1965 and undated
5/12 Clubs/Orgs: Phi Alpha Theta 1961
5/13 Clubs/Orgs: Spurs 1947-1961 and undated
5/14 Clubs/Orgs: SS Music undated
5/15 Depts/Schools: Art 1962-1963 and undated
5/16 Depts/Schools: Drama/Dance undated
5/17 Depts/Schools: Education undated
5/18 Depts/Schools: Fine Arts 1924-1931 and undated
5/19 Depts/Schools: Forestry 1948-1959 and undated
5/20 Depts/Schools: Geology undated
5/21 Depts/Schools: Geology-Boards 1905
5/22 Depts/Schools: Health Science 1960-1964 and undated
5/23 Depts/Schools: Home Economics undated
6/1 Depts/Schools: Journalism 1918-1956 and undated
6/2 Depts/Schools: Law School 1938-1963 and undated
6/3 Depts/Schools: Library 1969-1983 and undated
6/4 Depts/Schools: Microbiology 1964 and undated
6/5 Depts/Schools: Museum undated
6/6 Depts/Schools: Music 1907-1976 and undated
6/7 Depts/Schools: Music 1920-1951 and undated
6/8 Depts/Schools: Music-Boards 1908-1949 and undated
7/1 Depts/Schools: Nursery School undated
7/2 Depts/Schools: Physical Therapy undated
7/3 Depts/Schools: Physics 1958-1964 and undated
7/4 Depts/Schools: Radio-TV 1955-1962 and undated
7/5 Depts/Schools: Radio-TV-Boards undated
7/6 Depts/Schools: Religious Studies undated
7/7 Depts/Schools: ROTC 1920 and undated
7/8 Depts/Schools: Sciences 1907-1912 and undated
7/9 Depts/Schools: Sciences undated
7/10 Depts/Schools: Yellow Bay Biological Station 1903-1969 and undated
7/11 Events: Commencement 1903-1956 and undated
7/12 Events: Forester's Ball undated
7/13 Events: Homecoming 1920-1963 and undated
10 OS/6 Events: Institute on Indian Affairs in Montana 1954-1955
7/14 Events: Interscholastics 1911-1965 and undated
7/15 Events: Interscholastics-Boards 1906 and undated
8/1 Events: Law Weekend 1957
8/2 Events: Library Conference 1962
8/3 Events: Library Kegger undated
8/4 Events: Matrix Table 1960
8/5 Events: May FĂȘte 1917
8/6 Events: Frank Milbum Memorial Fund 1963 and undated
8/7 Events: Orientation Week 1960 and undated
8/8 Events: Registration 1948-1960 and undated
8/9 Events: Reunion 1981-1995 and undated
8/10 Events: Sch. Admin. Leadership 1960 and undated
8/11 Events: Summer Session 1934-1948 and undated
8/12 Faculty and Staff 1909-1976 and undated
10 OS/5 Faculty and Staff 1912
8/13 Faculty and Staff 1929-1954 and undated
8/14 Faculty and Staff 1906-1956 and undated
10 OS/2 Faculty, E. Earl Bennett pencil sketch undated
8/15 Faculty and Staff-Boards 1906 and undated
8/16 Presidents: Clapp 1922-1935
8/17 Presidents: Craig 1909 and undated
8/18 Presidents: Craighead 1912
9/1 Presidents: Duniway 1908
9/2 Presidents: Johns 1963
9/3 Presidents: McCain 1947
9/4 Presidents: McFarland undated
9/5 Presidents: Melby 1942-44
9/6 Presidents: Newburn 1960 and undated
9/7 Presidents: Pantzer 1959-1961 and undated
9/8 Presidents: Scheuch undated
9/9 Presidents: Simmons 1936
9/10 Presidents: Sisson 1919
9/11 Students: Foreign Exchange undated
9/12 Students: General 1895-1942 and undated
9/13 Students: General 1909-1952 and undated
9/14 Students: General 1901-1919 and undated
9/15 Students: General-Boards 1903-1938 and undated
9/16 Students: Rhodes Scholars 1947-1970 and undated

Names and SubjectsReturn to Top

Corporate Names

Form or Genre Terms