Preliminary Guide to the James F. Short, Jr. Papers, 1951-2014

Overview of the Collection

Short, James F., 1924-2018.
Preliminary Guide to the James F. Short, Jr. Papers
1951-2014 (inclusive)
29.25 Linear feet of shelf space, (27 Boxes)
Collection Number
MS 2019.10 (collection)
The James F. Short, Jr. Papers consist of the personal and professional papers of Washington State University (WSU) sociologist James F. Short. They include correspondence, reprints, class lecture notes, research materials, professional association work, visiting scholar experiences, fellowships, professional honors, consultant work with a variety of universities’ departments of sociology, and other materials related to Dr. Short’s work at WSU.
Washington State University Libraries' Manuscripts, Archives, and Special Collections (MASC)
Manuscripts, Archives, and Special Collections
Terrell Library Suite 12
Pullman, WA
Telephone: 509-335-6691
Access Restrictions

While this collection is largely open and available for research use, significant portions of correspondence and materials related to professional associates are restricted until further review by MASC staff due to privacy concerns.


Biographical NoteReturn to Top

James Franklin Short, Jr. (1924-2018) was born in rural Illinois. After serving as a marine during the occupation of Japan at the end of World War II, he returned to Denison University in Ohio and completed his B.A. in Sociology (1946). He then went on to receive his M.A. (1949) and his Ph.D. (1951) in sociology from the University of Chicago. Shortly after completing his degree, Dr. Short accepted a position in the Sociology Department at Washington State College (now Washington State University), where he remained for the rest of his career. He served on President Lyndon B. Johnson’s 1968 Commission on the Causes and Prevention of Violence and was the editor of the American Sociological Review from 1972 to 1974. Dr. Short retired as professor emeritus in 1997, but continued coming in to his WSU office, mentoring graduate students and conducting research. In 2009, the Sociology building at WSU was renamed Wilson-Short Hall in his honor. In addition, during his tenure at WSU, Dr. Short served as Dean of Graduate Studies from 1964 to 1968 and Founding Director of WSU’s Social and Economic Sciences Research Center from 1970 to 1985. Dr. Short also served as President of the Pacific Sociological Association (1966-1967), the Sociological Research Association (1983), the American Sociological Association (1984) and the American Society of Criminology (1997).

Content DescriptionReturn to Top

The James F. Short, Jr. Papers consist of the personal and professional papers of Washington State University (WSU) sociologist James F. Short. They include correspondence, reprints, class lecture notes, research materials, professional association work, visiting scholar experiences, fellowships, professional honors, consultant work with a variety of universities’ departments of sociology, and other materials related to Dr. Short’s work at WSU. The bulk of his research relates to gang violence, juvenile crime, risk analysis, and violence prevention. Certain correspondence and files related to professional associates are restricted pending further review by MASC staff.

Use of the CollectionReturn to Top

Restrictions on Use

Copyright restrictions may apply.

Preferred Citation

[Item description]

Preliminary Guide to the James F. Short, Jr. Papers, 1951-2014 (MS 2019.10)

Manuscripts, Archives, and Special Collections, Washington State University Libraries, Pullman, WA.

Administrative InformationReturn to Top


This is an unprocessed collection. Any arrangement reflects either a pre-existing order from the records' creators or previous custodians, or preliminary sorting performed by staff.

Location of Collection

(MASC STAFF USE) 2-3-4-1

Acquisition Information

The WSU Department of Sociology donated this collection to the Washington State University Libraries in 2019 (MS.2019.10).

Future Additions

The repository expects to receive additions to this collection.

Related Materials

Eric Sorensen Science News Interviews, 2006-2019 (Cage 934)

Detailed Description of the CollectionReturn to Top

Container(s) Description Dates
1 Correspondence and files related to colleagues and associates D-F - Restricted circa 1980s-1990s
2 Correspondence and files related to colleagues and associates G-H – Restricted circa 1980s-1990s
3 Reprints and papers – topics include gangs, criminology, hate crimes, group process, risk analysis, prisoners’ attitudes and rehabilitation, the future of sociology, the National Commission on the Causes and Prevention of Violence, suicide, organizations 1968-2006
4 Reprints and papers – topics include youth gangs, gang membership and delinquency, poverty, suicide, ethnicity and crime, violence, corporate behavior, science and values, risk 1963-2003
5 Materials related to Dr. Short’s work with the Law & Society Association, including Board of Trustees meetings, budget and administrative information, and planning committees; the WSU Centennial Lecture Series; reports, newsletters and policy statements from the Washington State Department of Social and Health Services; Dispute Resolution Forum newsletters; the Deviant Behavior Research Unit at the WSU Social and Economic Sciences Research Center; correspondence related to Dr. Short’s visit to Eastern Montana College; correspondence related to the 1988 Edwin Sutherland conference on white collar crime. 1980-1996
6 Reprints and papers – topics include organizational crime, social organizations and risk, reflections on Dr. Short’s career in sociology; materials related to the 2008-2009 Yale Urban Ethnography conference; 2006 Spergel Symposium and “Little Village” reports to the Chicago police department 1994-2005; staff meeting minutes, staff log notes, field reports related to the 1992 gang violence reduction project; American Sociological Association and American Society of Criminology materials; and materials related to the chapter “Theories of Criminal Behavior in the 20th Century” in The Blackwell Companion to Criminology 2001 circa 1965-2009
7 Correspondence and files related to colleagues and associates - Restricted 1980-2009
8 Campaigns related to the WSU Sociology Department; American Sociological Association materials; American Society of Criminology materials; American Association for the Advancement of Science materials 1983-2005
9 Engineering in Society; Encyclopedia of Sociology articles 1969-2001; WSU Facilities Names Committee 1987-1994; materials by other authors on family violence, and delinquency; reprints of papers on gangs; WSU Board of Regents; American Society of Criminology; Task Force on Library Statistics 1986-1988; WSU Retirement Ad-Hoc Committee; United States/Ukraine Exchange Program; 1994 WSU Commencement Awards 1957-2001
10 American Society of Criminology; American Sociological Foundation; States and Society 1984 newsletter; 1951 WSU initial appointment application and correspondence; Social and Economic Research Center surveys, reports and early history 1966-2000; materials related to the 1970 student strike and various circa 1960s photographs 1951-2000
11 Correspondence and files related to colleagues and associates L-M - Restricted circa 1980s-2000s
12 Correspondence and files related to colleagues and associates M-N - Restricted circa 1980s-1990s
13 Correspondence and files related to colleagues and associates H-K - Restricted circa 1980s-2000s
14 Correspondence and files related to colleagues and associates Q-R - Restricted circa 1980s-2000s
15 Correspondence and files related to colleagues and associates S - Restricted circa 1980s-2000s
16 Box marked “Short Personal Papers in Progress”, includes reprints of first published articles on crime, papers and reviews of papers on delinquency, suicide, social aggression, social control, white collar crime; thesis and proposal “An Investigation of the Relation Between Crime and Business Cycles”; curriculum vitae, professional correspondence and papers, fellowships, sabbatical, professional honors 1951-1986
17 Reprints of book reviews and papers, topics include gangs, juvenile delinquency, collaboration with Dr. Robert Davis on suicide in the black community; background research materials, materials related to his position at WSU, including Wallis Beasley’s endowment to the Department of Sociology; camera copy/artwork for Dr. Short’s book Delinquency and Society 1971-2014
18 “Eurogang Project” related to street gangs and youth groups in the United States and Europe; National Campaign Against Youth Violence; International Sociological Association; Institute of Global Conflict and Cooperation; notes for chapters on theoretical integration 1978-2001
19 International Institute of Sociology; International Sociological Association; Japan Society for the Promotion of Science; work related to being in editorial board at the Justice Reporter; radon study 1988 circa 1980s
20 Correspondence and files related to colleagues and associates B-D - Restricted circa 1982-2013
21 Correspondence and files related to colleagues and associates Q-S - Restricted circa 1980-2008
22 Correspondence and files related to colleagues and associates T-Z - Restricted 1976-2004
23 Correspondence and files related to colleagues and associates A-B - Restricted 1980-2011
24 Box marked “University Consulting”, includes National Youth Gang Center Advisory Board, General Social Survey (GSS) Advisory Board; National Opinion Research Center (NORC/GSS) 1963-2004
25 Box marked “University Consulting”, includes assessments of the departments of sociology at Brandeis 1983, Arizona State University 1978-1979; Cornell 1983; University of Hawaii at Manoa 1981; University of Colorado, Boulder; Institute of Behavioral Science; University of Utah 1994; University of Minnesota 1995; University of New Mexico 1994; University of Texas at Dallas 2004-2007; Ohio State University 1988; University of California, Irvine 1998; University of Missouri, St. Louis 2005; materials related to being Distinguished Visiting Professor at McMaster University 1986-1987; National Science Foundation 1994 workshop of violence; publications Prison Reform, Public Opinion & Policy 1975-2005
26 Chapters 1 and 2 materials on a book related to juvenile delinquency; background research on maladjustment, types of criminal behavior; “347 seminar” lecture notes on crime and delinquency; articles by Tony Platt on radical criminology; articles on posse comitatus groups; San Quentin project; Washington State Council on Crime and Delinquency; Association of Research Professors; notes on manuscripts by other sociologists including John Kitsuse, Malcom Spector, Robert Edgerton; 1975-1976 Stanford Sociology Department; Spring 1974 class notes; Barbara Hanewalt on crime in medieval England; International Sociological Association; review of proposed assessment centers for Law Enforcement Assistance Administration; prison reform; National Science Foundation; National Council on Crime and Delinquency; summer 1971 teaching at Southern Oregon College; Soc 566 Seminar in Deviant Behavior; Soc 407 Social Disorder in America today; 1975 speech to Associated Students at Stanford; “black militancy” 1968-1969; February 2001 binder on first committee meeting of National Research Council/Committee on Law & Justice/Board on Children, Youth, and Families/Case Studies of School Violence 1963-2001
27 Student activism; January to September 1975 correspondence 1975