Leon Behar papers, 1916-1931

Overview of the Collection

Behar, Leon, 1900-1970
Leon Behar papers
1916-1931 (inclusive)
1.02 cubic feet (2 boxes and 4 vertical files)
Collection Number
Biographical information, program of plays and photographs of a poet and playwright of Seattle, Washington
University of Washington Libraries, Special Collections
Special Collections
University of Washington Libraries
Box 352900
Seattle, WA
Telephone: 2065431929
Fax: 2065431931
Access Restrictions

Open to all users.

Request at UW

English, French, Hebrew, Ladino, Turkish

Biographical NoteReturn to Top

Leon Behar and his wife Rebecca immigrated to the United States from Istanbaul, Turkey in 1920. In his earlier years, he wrote poems and plays as a hobby while working in the shoe repair business. In Seattle, he directed and wrote plays to be performed by the members of the Sephardic community and to raise money for the community. The plays were elaborate in costume and well received by the community. Mr. Behar spoke six different languages. He became an American citizen shortly after arriving into the United States. During the Second World War, he worked in the shipyards and learned the trade of an electrician. After the war, he went into business as a small grocer.

Content DescriptionReturn to Top

Play scripts, advertisements, programs, handbills, notebooks, and photographs from plays directed by Leon Behar as well as biographical information about Behar.

Other Descriptive InformationReturn to Top

Forms part of the Washington State Jewish Archives

Use of the CollectionReturn to Top

Restrictions on Use

Consult the restrictions governing reproduction and use for each of the accessions listed below.

Administrative InformationReturn to Top


Organized into 5 accessions.

  • Accession No. 2416-001, Leon Behar papers, 1927-1931
  • Accession No. 2416-002, Leon Behar poems, 1916
  • Accession No. 2416-003, Leon Behar program, 1927
  • Accession No. 2416-004, Leon Behar papers, 1920-1928
  • Accession No. 2416-005, Leon Behar papers, 1922

Detailed Description of the CollectionReturn to Top


Accession No. 2416-001: Leon Behar papers, 1927-1931Return to Top

.06 cubic foot (1 vertical file)

Scope and Content: Biographical information on Leon Behar. Program and xerox copies of "Love and Religion", a drama in seven acts, 1927; other plays, two photographs of Sephardic plays and one color slide. Bylaws of Congregation Ahavath Achim (photocopy), 1931.

Restrictions on Access: Open to all users.

Restrictions on Use: Creator's literary rights not transferred to the University of Washington Libraries.

Acquisition Info: Donated by Mrs. Myer Agoado, 5/1/1975.

Accession No. 2416-002: Leon Behar poems, 1916Return to Top

.06 cubic foot (1 vertical file)

Scope and Content: Microfiche and xerox copy of notebook containing a series of poems written in Turkish in Arabic script, and some poems in Hebrew script which are in Ladino.

Leon Behar began the notebook while he was in military school and is the author of the poems in it. The name Leon Behar (written in Latin script) appears at the end of several of the poems. His name and that of Carlo Behar appear at the end of the section of poems along with the date 1916. In some poems the name "Leon" is crossed out and the name "Ali" has been added. On almost every page of the notebook the stamp of the Gloria Club "soccer club" of Galata (a suburb of Istanbul) appears. The final pages of the notebook contain some kind of financial record, possibly related to the Soccer Club.

Restrictions on Access: Open to all users.

Restrictions on Use: Creator's literary rights not transferred to the University of Washington Libraries.

Acquisition Info: Donated by Mrs. Myer (Josie) Agoado, 5/1/1975.

Accession No. 2416-003: Leon Behar program, 1927Return to Top

0.06 cubic foot (1 vertical file)

Scope and Content: Program "Love and Religion".

Restrictions on Access: Open to all users.

Restrictions on Use: Creator's literary rights not transferred to the University of Washington Libraries.

Acquisition Info: Donated by Rebecca Moshcatel, 7/5/1978.

Accession No. 2416-004: Leon Behar papers, 1920-1928Return to Top

0.84 cubic foot (2 boxes)

Scope and Content: Includes play scripts, advertisements, programs, handbills, notebooks, and photographs from plays directed by Leon Behar from 1922-1928. Productions include "The Famous Joseph Drama with his Eleven Brothers", The Little Man of Mystery", "The Famous Dreyfus Drama in Five Acts", "Genoveva", The Jewish Captive", "Love and Religion", and "Massacre of the Jews in Russia". Also includes the passports and calling cards of Leon and Rebecca Behar and the by-laws of the Men's Congregation Ahavath Achim and Ladies' Auxiliary from 1931. Many of the materials are written in Hebrew or Ladino. The three photographs depict the casts of the Sephardic theater troupe from: 1) "The Massacre of Jews in Russia", 1928, 2) "Genoveva", 1926, 3) "The Famous Dreyfus Drama in Five Acts", 1922.

Restrictions on Access: Open to all users.

Restrictions on Use: Creator's literary rights transferred to the University of Washington Libraries.

Acquisition Info: Donor: Josephine Behar Agoado, October 25, 2005.

Container(s) Description Dates
Box/Folder Accession
1/1 2416-004
Reprint: Marc D. Angel, "Notes on the Early History of Seattle Sephardic Community," Western States Jewish Historical Quarterly
1/12 2416-004
Reprint: Marc D. Angel, "The Sephardic Theater of Seattle," American Jewish Archives
November, 1973
1/3 2416-004
Leather bound book, The Story of Joseph, written in Hebrew
1/4 2416-004
Loose pages possibly the draft of a play (partial) written in Ladino
1/5 2416-004
Notebook, possible script
1/6 2416-004
By-Laws, Rules and Regulations of Men's Congregation Ahavath Achim and Ladies Auxiliary
June, 1931
1/7 2416-004
Handbill, advertisement for "The Famous Joseph Drama with His Eleven Brothers" (four copies)
July 16, 1922
1/8 2416-004
Program, "The Famous Joseph Drama in Eleven Acts"
July 16, 1922
1/9 2416-004
Program, "The Little Man of Mystery" and "The Famous Dreyfus Drama in Five Acts," given by Congregation Ezra Bessaroth (two copies)
March 19, 1922
1/10 2416-004
Play script, "The Famous Dreyfus Drama in Five Acts," written in Ladino
1/11 2416-004
Play script, unnamed, written in Ladino
1/12 2416-004
Play script, "Genoveva," written in Ladino
1/13 2416-004
Notebook, outside title "Exercise Folio," possible script
1/14 2416-004
School notebook, "Ecoles Internationales, J.M.F."
April 9, 1920
1/15 2416-004
Play script, "Massacre of the Jews in Russia," written in Ladino
1/16 2416-004
Play script, "Tosca," written in Ladino
1/17 2416-004
Play script, "The Jewish Captive," written in Ladino
1/18 2416-004
Play script, "Love and Religion," written in Ladino
2/19 2416-004
Congregation Ahavath Ahim letterhead (two copies)
2/20 2416-004
Handbill, "Dreyfus," printed in Galata, written in French and Ladino (two copies)
2/21 2416-004
Advertisement in Turkish newspaper about a 1922 performance given in Washington Hall in Seattle, Washington
2/22 2416-004
Calling card of Mr. and Mrs. Leon Behar (two copies)
2/23 2416-004
Letter from M. Hazan (West 45 Street, NYC) to Leon Behar
September, 1920
2/24 2416-004
Miscellaneous notes titled "Role De Cesari," written on back of menu from Pera, Turkey
2/25 2416-004
Notebook, possible script, handmade with "Washington Hall" playbill
2/26 2416-004
Notebook, possible script
2/27 2416-004
Notebook, possible script
2/28 2416-004
Notebook, possible script, from the United States, "Washington 1776"
2/29 2416-004
Program, "Genoveva," performed at Ahavath Ahim Congregation under the auspices of Ezra Bessaroth Congregation
February 28, 1926
2/30 2416-004
Program, "Love and Religion, A Drama in Seven Acts," given by the Congregation Bikur Holim (three copies)
March 20, 1927
2/31 2416-004
Play script, "The Mysterious Family"
2/32 2416-004
Play script, "Athalie"
2/33 2416-004
Play script, untitled (Blue Stock New Crown Bond Composition)
2/34 2416-004
Play script, untitled (Rhodes Bros. Special Office Tablet, Seattle, Wash.)
2/35 2416-004
Envelope with return address of Leon Behar when he lived in Instanbul, Turkey
2/36 2416-004
Roster of performers for an unnamed play
2/37 2416-004
Turkish passport and identification papers, one with photograph of Mr. and Mrs. Leon Behar
2/38 2416-004
Handbill, advertisement (in Hebrew) for performance in Seattle at Washington Hall
2/39 2416-004
Program, "The Massacre of the Jews in Russia, A Drama in Three Acts," given by the Ladies Auxiliary of the Bikur Holim
December 16, 1928

Accession No. 2416-005: Leon Behar papers, 1922Return to Top

1 vertical file (1 newspaper clipping advertisement plus translated version)

Scope and Content: 1 newspaper clipping advertising a play, "Josef Vendido Por Sus Ermanos" by Leon Behar. To be performed on 16 July 1922 at Washington Hall. Clipping is in Hebrew. Also included is a Ladino translation.

Restrictions on Access: No restrictions on access.

Restrictions on Use: Creator's copyrights transferred to the University of Washington Libraries Special Collections.

Acquisition Info: Lilly Dejaen