American Lung Association of Washington photograph and architectural drawing collection, approximately 1910-1978

Overview of the Collection

American Lung Association of Washington
American Lung Association of Washington photograph and architectural drawing collection
approximately 1910-1978 (inclusive)
232 photographs
45 lantern slides
34 slides
16 architectural drawings
5 film strips
Collection Number
Photographs documenting the activities and services of the American Lung Association of Washington and various county groups dedicated to fighting tuberculosis
University of Washington Libraries, Special Collections
Special Collections
University of Washington Libraries
Box 352900
Seattle, WA
Telephone: 2065431929
Fax: 2065431931
Access Restrictions

Collection is open to the public.

Request at UW

Additional Reference Guides


Historical NoteReturn to Top

On September 12, 1906, what would later become known as the American Lung Association of Washington was organized at a meeting of the State Medical Society in Spokane. The purpose of the Washington Association for the Prevention and Relief of Tuberculosis was to raise awareness about the causes and treatment of tuberculosis, construct institutions in which cases of tuberculosis and other respiratory diseases could be treated, and promote the formation of local associations at the county level. Responsibility for developing the role of the Washington Association for the Prevention and Relief of Tuberculosis in the promotion of community health was given to Dr. William R.M. Kellogg. He was named secretary of the organization at its founding.

In the next two years, despite having contracted tuberculosis, Dr. Kellogg focused on extending the organization from Seattle north to Everett, where anti-tuberculosis programs were directed primarily towards children. The result of these efforts is the organization’s continuing emphasis on education. In order to educate a larger number of people on a regular basis, Dr. Kellogg began publication of The Pacific Coast Journal of Tuberculosis in 1908. In addition to calling attention to the need to educate people about the disease, Dr. Kellogg led the effort to establish an institution in Seattle for the treatment of tuberculosis patients. The first sanatorium in the state, the Pulmonary Hospital of the City of Seattle, was completed in 1908.

On October 14, 1908, Dr. Kellogg passed away after his struggle with tuberculosis. His death was a significant obstacle to the further development of the organization; as a result of his passing, little was done by the association until 1910.

In 1909 the initial steps toward a reinvigoration of the anti-tuberculosis movement in the state were taken. Members of the state association founded the Anti-Tuberculosis League of King County, on February 25, and soon thereafter a statewide traveling clinic raised broader interest in the issue. The following year Bethesda Beals Buchanan accepted the position of the first Executive Secretary of the Washington Association for the Prevention and Relief of Tuberculosis.

Mrs. Buchanan, held the position for for thirty-five years. During this time she oversaw the organization and publicity work of the association. During the early part of her tenure, the association focused on expanding the number of county leagues in the state. In 1911, in addition to the King County league, there were newly formed leagues in Clark, Pierce, Snohomish-Island, and Spokane counties, with the Skagit County league coming into existence within the year.

The efforts of both the state association and the county leagues at this time were concentrated in a limited number of areas related to the treatment of the disease. These areas of involvement remained close to the original purpose of the organization and included the continued use of traveling clinics, the development of nursing and public health programs, the sale of Christmas Seals, the placement of exhibits and booths at county and state fairs, and the construction of sanatoria. In 1913 the association succeeded in creating and passing the “Tuberculosis Law of 1913,” which provided county commissioners with the opportunity for increased autonomy from the state association by allowing counties to employ nurses and construct hospitals on their own. The most prominent and regionally oriented of these hospitals were Fairland (1911) in Seattle; Mountain View (1914 – the first county sanatorium in the state) in Lakeview, Pierce County; Edgecliff (1915) in Spokane; and Aldercrest (1918) in Snohomish, the latter three resulting from the 1913 legislation.

In 1915 the Washington Association for the Prevention and Relief of Tuberculosis was incorporated. In the next four years leagues were established in fifteen counties, including Walla Walla (1916), Yakima (1918), Chelan (1918), and Grays Harbor (1919). The following year, on February 6, 1920, the Washington Association for the Prevention and Relief of Tuberculosis ‘following the example of many similar organizations,’ changed its name to the Washington Tuberculosis Association.

The organization, while maintaining its emphasis in the previously mentioned areas of education and care, expanded its role. The Health Pilot , a monthly newsletter edited by Mrs. Buchanan, Dr. Clarence A. Smith, and John Weinzirl, was first published in January 1919 and continued through 1944. Correspondence between Mrs. Buchanan and the secretaries of the individual county associations, most notably Honoria Hughes of the Anti-Tuberculosis League of King County and Minnie M. Sheldon of the Tuberculosis League of Pierce County, increased as the leagues developed. The growth of the separate leagues also allowed for a certain degree of specialization, with various counties leading the progression in certain areas of the anti-tuberculosis movement. This organizational structure, in which the county leagues remained predominantly independent of one another and from the state association, remained essentially the same for fifty years.

In 1971 the Washington Tuberculosis Association changed its name to the Washington Tuberculosis and Respiratory Disease Association. Two years later, in addition to undertaking another change in name, this time to the Washington Lung Association, the association absorbed each of the county corporations and associations.

In the 1970s the association focused more intensely on advocacy and activism in addressing community issues related to respiratory health. The two most significant cases in which the association was involved were related to the American Smelting and Refining Company’s (ASARCO) Tacoma copper smelter and the incidence of asbestos in Seattle schools. In both cases the Washington Lung Association worked with community and environmental organizations to raise awareness about health risks.

In the instance of ASARCO, the association assisted a number of organizations in their efforts to enforce the company's compliance with sulfur dioxide emissions standards variances granted by the Puget Sound Air Pollution Control Agency . These groups included Clean Air for Washington, the Washington Environmental Council, Friends of the Earth, and the Air Quality Coalition. The extent to which the Washington Lung Association played a role in the legal battles that ensued is unclear, but the association did, at various times, correspond with the National Clean Air Coalition, the Environmental Protection Agency and the Puget Sound Air Pollution Control Agency on the issue. In the early 1980s, evidence of elevated levels of lead and arsenic were documented in the soil and vegetation in areas located downwind from the smelter. In 1985 the Tacoma plant was closed after approximately fifteen years of legal challenges.

The late 1970s and early 1980s also saw the Washington Lung Association address the issue of asbestos in Seattle-area schools. Janet Chalupnik, the Director of Environmental Health Programs at the W.L.A., headed efforts to call attention to the deteriorating condition of ceilings in certain schools within the district. In June of 1979 Mrs. Chalupnik addressed the Seattle School Board on the risk posed to children in the affected schools. Those schools that were found to be in the poorest condition included Roosevelt and Garfield high schools, Madison Junior High, Hamilton Middle School and Bryant Elementary School. In 1983, as a result of the efforts of the association and parents of students who were attending the schools, the Seattle School District met a 1982 Environmental Protection Agency regulation that required school administrators to inspect for friable asbestos.

On July 17, 1981, the Washington Lung Association changed its name once again, this time to the American Lung Association of Washington (ALAW). In the next two decades the ALAW remained active in educating the public about potential health risks, as well as maintaining an influential advocacy presence in Olympia. Today the ALAW, through awards and grants, supports research at institutions such as the University of Washington, the Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center, and Children’s Hospital and Regional Medical Center. The association also organizes activities such as the Trek Tri-Island cycling trip and the Climb for Clean Air ascent of Mt. Rainier, as fundraisers and also in order to raise awareness about issues related to air pollution and air quality..

Content DescriptionReturn to Top

Photographs of the American Lung Association of Washington's early leaders, members involved in public outreach and health services, and sanatoriums in Washington State. The collection also includes images of the activities, projects, and outreach campaigns of various county anti-tuberculosis organizations, particularly in King and Pierce Counties and images of Christmas Seals and Christmas Seals campaigns. There are also film strips relating to tuberculosis education and a collection of lantern slides illustrating research on nutrition and children done by Dr. William Emerson.

Use of the CollectionReturn to Top

Restrictions on Use

Restrictions may exist on reproduction, quotation, or publication. Contact Special Collections, University of Washington Libraries for details.

Administrative InformationReturn to Top

Acquisition Information

Gift of the American Lung Association of Washington; received November 19, 2001 and December 16, 2003.

Processing Note

Processed by Tom Dobrowolsky, 2005, and Solveig Ekenes, 2006.

The American Lung Association of Washington photograph collection was relocated from the Records of the American Lung Association of Washington, Manuscripts Accession No. 5271-001 and Accession No. 5271-002, in the repository on December 1, 2003 and January 23, 2004.

Detailed Description of the CollectionReturn to Top


The following section contains a detailed listing of the materials in the collection.

Public Health AwarenessReturn to Top

Container(s) Description Dates
Box/Folder item
1/1 1
Montage of photographs featuring President Hoover's inauguration, with quotation concerning public health from inaugural address
Universal Cinema Company, Indianapolis, Indiana (photographer)
March 4, 1929
1/1 2 undated
1/1 3 undated

Washington Tuberculosis AssociationReturn to Top

Past presidents, other individuals, and annual meetings of the Washington Tuberculosis Association (WTA)

Container(s) Description Dates
Early WTA presidents
Box/Folder item
1/2 4
Dr. Clarence A. Smith, first WTA president
James R. Bushnell, Seattle, Washington (photographer)
Served from 1906-1910
1/2 5
Dr. Clarence A. Smith
1/2 6
Dr. Clarence A. Smith and Mrs. Bethesda Buchanan, Executive Secretary
Mrs. Buchanan served as the WTA secretary for 35 years
1/2 7
Dr. C. Queule
Served from 1910-1919
1/2 8
J.V.A. Smith
Served from 1919-1921
1/2 9
Dr. H.S. Brode
Served from 1925-1929
Other WTA members and employees
Box/Folder item
1/3 10
Mrs. Josephine McDermott
Donor of McDermott Foundation for Tuberculosis at University of Washington
1/3 11
Plaque in memory of Dr. C.M. Hunter
1/3 12
Dr. John Weingirl (?)
Spelling of name not verified.
WTA Secretary for 25 years
1/3 13
Mrs. Elizabeth G. Davies
First county nurse in the Northwest
1/3 14
Dr. Raymond J. Cary
James R. Bushnell, Seattle, Washington (photographer)
1/3 15
Montage of doctors and nurses
James R. Bushnell, Seattle, Washington (photographer)
Pictured: Mrs. Elizabeth S. Soule, Mabel T. Harding, Dr. Raymond J. Cary, Hilda J. Solibakke, Edith E. Farrar
1/3 16
Nurses standing in front of building
1/3 17
Edward Robinson Baldwin (possibly)
1/3 18
Dr. John H. Fountain
1/3 19
Dr. Daniel W. Zahn
Chief of service at Firland Sanatorium
1/3 20
Kenneth C. Ross
Photo-art Commercial Studios, Portland, Oregon (photographer)
Annual meetings
Box/Folder item
1/4 21
Banquet at 21st WTA annual meeting in Ellensburg, Washington
Pautzke, Ellensburg, Washington (photographer)
June 1927
1/4 22
Birthday cake celebrating WTA's 21st anniversary
Pautzke, Ellensburg, Washington (photographer)
June 17, 1927
1/4 23
Inside church where 21st annual meeting was held
Pautzke, Ellensburg, Washington (photographer)
June 16-18, 1927
1/4 24
(Number not used)
1/4 25
Cake at 35th anniversary celebration, Wenatchee, Washington
Lester Smith, Wenatchee, Washington (photographer)
WTA exhibits and booths
Images of efforts to publicize the health concerns related to tuberculosis, including parade floats and stands at conventions and state and regional fairs. All images are of Washington Tuberculosis Association booths unless otherwise noted.
Box/Folder item
1/5 26 undated
1/5 27 June 26-July 1, 1922
1/5 28
"A Birdseye Map of Healthland and the Child Health Railroad" exhibit at National Nurses Convention
June 26-July 1, 1922
1/5 29 undated
1/5 30
Princess Hygeia at State Fair
E.H. Tarter, Yakima, Washington (photographer)
1/5 31
Princess Hygeia standing at Spokane County Anti-Tuberculosis League booth
1/5 32
Spokane County League's Healthland and Child Health Railroad exhibit
1/5 33
Volunteers standing at exhibit at State Fair
E.H. Tarter, Yakima, Washington (photographer)
1/5 34
Fair attendees crowding in front of exhibit at State Fair
E.H. Tarter, Yakima, Washington (photographer)
1/5 35 1926
1/5 36
"Sea of Tuberculosis" exhibit at Yakima State Fair
1/5 37
Exhibit featuring a lighthouse of good advice in the sea of tuberculosis
Rounds & Roaf, Seattle, Washington (photographer)
Pierce County Tuberculosis League displays
Various booths and displays of the Anti-Tuberculosis League of Pierce County (later called the Tuberculosis League of Pierce County)
Box/Folder item
1/6 38 July 4, 1919
1/6 39 July 4, 1919
1/6 40 1923
1/6 41
"A Birdseye Map of Healthland" exhibit at Puyallup, Washington
October 1924
OS4 42
Anti-Tuberculosis League of Pierce County exhibit
1/6 43 1926
1/6 44 May 7, 1926
1/6 45
Christmas Seals display booth
circa 1929
1/6 46 undated

Sanatoriums and facilitiesReturn to Top

Container(s) Description Dates
The Tuberculosis and Respiratory Disease Association of King County
Box/Folder item
1/10 72-73 undated
Firland Sanatorium, Seattle
Firland Sanatorium, located at 19303 Fremont Avenue North, was first called Henry Sanatorium, honoring the man who donated the land for the hospital. The name was changed in 1912.
Box/Folder item
1/10 74 circa 1911-1912
1/10 75
South gate entrance
circa 1912
1/10 76-77 circa 1912
1/10 78 circa 1912
Happy Acres Sanatorium, King County
box-folder:oversize item
OS4 79
Three girls sitting on the grass and holding mugs and graham crackers
OS2 80
Children wading in water near pier as three adult women watch
OS2 81
Large group of boys eating ice cream
OS2 82
House and dormitory style buildings set among trees
Yakima Tuberculosis Sanatorium, Toppenish, Washington
Box/Folder item
1/11 83
Mess Hall, or Employees' Building
circa 1929
1/11 84 circa 1929
1/11 85 circa 1929
Other Washington state sanatoriums
Box/Folder item
1/11 86 undated
1/11 87 undated
Tuberculosis Clinic of Tacoma
box-folder:oversize item
OS4 88
Nurse standing in clinic
OS2 89
Nurse and doctor standing and sitting in clinic
OS2 90
Nurse seated at table
OS2 91
Doctor examining female patient
Old Mountain View Sanatorium, Tacoma, Washington
Box/Folder item
1/12 92-94 undated
1/12 95 undated
Old Sanatorium at Lakeview
Box/Folder item
1/12 96
Men transporting patient on stretcher
Lee Merrill and Associates, Tacoma, Washington (photographer)
July 16, 1946
1/12 97 October 24, 1946
1/12 98
"Three patients being sworn in so they can vote on new sanatorium"
Myron B. Kreidler, Parkland, Washington (photographer)
New Mountain View Sanatorium, Pierce County
Richards Studio, Tacoma, Washington (photographer)
Box/Folder item
1/13 99
Facade of building under construction with sign
1/13 100 November 1953
1/13 101 undated
1/13 102
Patients and staff cutting "Christmas Seal Birthday" cake
Left to right: Dr. John W. Unis, Mrs. Alice Gore, Mrs. Marie Trippear, Dr. Claris Allison, Frank Proulx
December 7, 1957
1/13 103
Patients and staff in front of "Christmas Seal Birthday" cake
Left to right: Frank Proulx, Mrs. Lillian Paty, Mrs. Marie Trippear, Dr. John Unis, Claris Allison
December 7, 1957
1/13 104 1958
1/13 105 March 17, 1961
1/13 106
Small group of "San Grads" put hat on another patient on "Hat Day"
From The Tacoma News Tribune, Thursday, March 23, 1961: "St. Patrick's Day was 'Hat Day' at the Mountain View General Hospital, when the 'San Grads' held a party for the patients and their own members. The San Grads, organized several years ago, give a monthly party for the sixty patients in the Tuberculosis Division of the hospital. Pictured above from the left are Mrs. Charles Wells, Earl Hartshorn, Mrs. Floyd Hambleton, seated, Alfred Calvert, Mrs. Hartshorn and Robert Sweitzer."
March 17, 1961
New Mountain View Sanatorium, Pierce County
Kenneth G. Ollar, Tacoma, Washington (photographer)
Box/Folder item
1/14 107 undated
1/14 108
Beatrice Solonen and Ms. Stelling weaving wicker basket and making crafts in O.T. (Occupational Therapy) Department
1/14 109
Beatrice Solonen operating machine as man lies on table and another sits nearby
1/14 110 undated
1/14 111
Female patient in bed combing hair
1/14 112 undated
1/14 113
Elderly female patient sewing as woman looks on

Seattle and King County Tuberculosis League ProgramsReturn to Top

Container(s) Description Dates
Box/Folder item
1/7 47 undated
Mobile x-ray testing
Box/Folder item
1/7 48 undated
1/7 49
Nurses and others in line outside mobile x-ray unit
Forde Photographers, Seattle, Washington (photographer)
1/7 50
Students lining up at Christmas Seal X-Ray unit truck as part of the High School X-Ray Program
1/7 51
People outside an Anti-Tuberculosis League mobile unit
H. Francis Jackson (photographer)
1/7 52 undated
1/7 53
Asian men and women in line outside of a mobile x-ray unit
The Seattle Times, Seattle, Washington (photographer)
Chest x-ray procedures
Box/Folder item
1/7 54 undated
1/7 55
Doctor holding metal bar in front of woman's chest
H. Francis Jackson (photographer)
1/7 56
Smiling woman receiving chest x-ray while other woman waits in line
The Seattle Times, Seattle, Washington (photographer)
1/7 57
Doctor positioning patient in front of x-ray machine
1/7 58
Woman receiving a chest x-ray
1/7 59
Older man receiving a chest x-ray
Webster & Stevens, Seattle, Washington (photographer)
Skin testing and vaccination
Box/Folder item
1/8 60
Man receiving tuberculosis vaccine as another man looks on
1/8 61
Students waiting in line to receive test, Bellevue, Washington
Fred Carter, Seattle, Washington (photographer)
April 30, 1956
1/8 62
Young boy receiving test in classroom full of schoolchildren at desks
Peter Kinch Photography, Everett, Washington (photographer)
1/8 63 January 23, 1958
Grade school testing and vaccination
Box/Folder item
1/8 64 January 8, 1958
1/8 65
Nurse administering skin test to young girl
1/8 66
Dr. Dianette Snyder administering tuberculosis vaccine to Patty Heinzen at John Rogers Elementary School with nurse Roberta Benedict looking on
Gene Weber, Seattle, Washington (photographer)
January 23, 1958
Filming of "Operation Tuberculosis"
Forde Photographers, Seattle, Washington (photographer)
Photographs of KING-TV reporter Tom Dargan filming "Operation Tuberculosis" series. Dargan was nationally recognized for his documentary work on public service and humanitarian concerns.
Box/Folder item
1/9 67 Summer 1955
1/9 68 June 3, 1955
1/9 69
Drs. Bennett and Tooley describing a medical specimen
Summer 1955
1/9 70-71 3 June 1955

Pierce County Tuberculosis League ProgramsReturn to Top

Richards Studio, Tacoma, Washington  ( photographer)

Members of the Anti-Tuberculosis League of Pierce County engaged in promotional, outreach, and educational efforts

Container(s) Description Dates
Publicity photographs
Box/Folder item
1/15 114 circa 1957
1/15 115
Busy housewife with eight arms under a sign urging "Get your Chest X-ray"
1/15 116 undated
1/15 117 undated
1/15 118 undated
1/15 119 1957
1/15 120
Lighted office building windows that make shape of Lung Association cross
December 5, 1953
1/15 121
Three volunteers opening envelopes and sorting checks
Grade school tuberculosis testing and vaccination
Box/Folder item
1/16 122
Dr. Steele examining the forearm of a young boy (probably Brad Stewart) while other children (probably Leigh Nelson, Paul Thiel, and Melody Thompson) look on
1/16 123 undated
1/16 124 undated
1/16 125
Portrait of Bryan Stidd
1/16 126
Young boy with permission slip pinned to clothing receiving tuberculosis vaccine
1/16 127 undated
1/16 128 undated
1/16 129
Dr. Erickson administering tuberculosis vaccine to Christensen School principal as nurses and doctors watch
Identified individuals include Thora Harmon, Isabel Walsh, and Wesley Anderson
Mobile Chest X-ray Program - equipment and procedures
Box/Folder item
1/17 130
Pierce County officials and Tuberculosis League of Pierce County officers handing check to Wallace Ovens, branch manager of General Electric Company, in front of new x-ray truck
Left to right: Charles A. Green Jr., President, Tuberculosis League of Pierce County; Mrs. J.W. Kalkus, Vice President; Stella C. Kellogg, Executive Secretary; Paul Newman, County Commissioner; Wallace Ovens; Les Hudson, County Commissioner; Dr. C.E. Reddick, Director, Pierce County Health Department; and Frank T. Walters, League Treasurer
November 24, 1947
1/17 131 undated
1/17 132
Men standing in front of x-ray trucks
1/17 133 undated
1/17 134 undated
1/17 135
Puyallup High School students marking 50,000th x-ray on side of year-old truck with superintendent Paul Harawalt and Adah Sands looking on
January 1949
1/17 136 1956-1957
1/17 137 1959
1/17 138
Man showing two women x-ray apparatus
1/17 139 1959
1/17 140-141
X-ray truck parked behind building
Walter John Kain, x-ray technician
Box/Folder item
1/18 142
Kain handing forms to woman and nurse outside x-ray truck
circa 1955
1/18 143 circa 1955
1/18 144
Woman handing Kain a giant slice of cake with candles
circa 1955
1/18 145
Kain blowing out candles on giant slice of cake
circa 1955
Dr. Louis Hayer
Box/Folder item
1/18 146
Dr. Louis Hayer awarding "Number One Seal" badge to Lee Hodges as WTA President Vern Leidle looks on
Taken at WTA annual meeting
April 1953
1/18 147
Dr. Hayer and woman exchanging x-ray form
December 3, 1953
1/18 148 December 3, 1953
1/18 149
Dr. Hayer standing with acting Postmaster Vernon Getzinger (?), who is holding envelopes with Christmas Seals
Spelling of name is not verified.
John B. Krilich

John B. Krilich was president of the Tuberculosis Association of Pierce County. He was active in, among other programs, the School Press Project and the Junior Board.

Box/Folder item
1/19 150 December 1957
1/19 151
John Krilich and small group of students viewing large Christmas Seals poster
Left to right: Madeline Shouse, John Krilich, Roberta Reed, Mary O'Leary, Jim Smith
1/19 152
John Krilich and students, in formal attire, posing with check
May 1956
1/19 153
High school students and John Krilich standing with X-ray Program trophies
May 1956
1/19 154
Krilich standing with two students, looking at trophy held by young woman
May 1956
1/19 155
Krilich and Junior Board officers examining preparatory materials for 1957 School Press Project
October 1957
School Press Program
Box/Folder item
1/20 156 1960
1/20 157
Howard Bond presenting Certificate of Honor to member of the Lincoln News, Lincoln High School
1/20 158
Three men talking to three high school students at table with newspaper scrapbook
circa 1961
1/20 159
Laughbon Senior High School students receiving Certificate of Honor awarded to the Laughbon Ledger from the National Tuberculosis Association
1/20 160
Members of Laughbon Ledger with Certificate of Honor, at DuPont School
Junior Board
Activities of Junior Board members and other high school students, including learning about respiratory health, fund raising, and participating in public anti-tuberculosis campaigns
Box/Folder item
1/21 161
Doctors and officials sitting at table in front of tuberculosis case maps of Tacoma
Left to right: Dr. Fargher, Dr. Helen Smith, Mrs. Earl Mann, Mrs. Edith Mitchell, Dr. K. Kasuga
November 1952
1/21 162-163
Board members gathering with doctors and officials in Health Center classroom
November 1952
1/21 164
Board members seated in Health Center classroom
November 1952
1/21 165-166
Board members talking with Health Center officials
November 1953
1/21 167 November 1953
1/21 168
Three students holding boxes of ornaments
1/21 169
Three students holding trophy behind large poster that says "Time is CHEAP! 15 Seconds may save your life"
March 16, 1955
1/21 170
Three students posing with bed, large poster, and trophy
March 16, 1955
1/21 171
Three students holding trophy in front of large poster
March 16, 1955
1/22 172
Group portrait of high school students in classroom
October 1956
1/22 173
Group portrait of high school students in classroom
1/22 174 December 1956
1/22 175
Group portrait of high school students in classroom
October 1957
1/22 176 December 1957
1/22 177
High school students gathering around crafts table with Christmas ornaments
1/22 178-179
Three students making Christmas ornaments
1/22 180
Five students
1/22 181
Group of students on staircase
Identified students include Rosemary Power, Kay Noble, Joan Carufil, Marilyn McCormick, Dick Johnson, Roland Anderson, Alvin Sasaki, Jeanette Essigo, Angie Mortensen, Leila Meyer, Ray Wax, Marietta Hulscher, Dan Comer, Virginia River, Miss Clarke Menuthoy, Pat Dawson, Sharon Silvernail, Don Bryan, Lesslie Hage
1/22 182 undated
1/23 183 undated
1/23 184
Woman showing chest x-ray to students in classroom
1/23 185 November 12, 1958
1/23 186-187
Junior Board 1958-1959
Identified individuals include: Jim Smith, Carol McFadden, Carol Vargo, Ron Sasaki, Cathy Smith, Donna Ray, Carol Carlhom, Bob Evenson, Diane Harkness, Sandy Lilyblad(?), Carol Countryman, Janet Schiller, Mary O'Leary, Sandy Taylor, Gail Eagan
Spelling of name not verified.
November 12, 1958
1/23 188
Junior Board students in costume on theater stage
Front row: Pat Kimball, Bill Barnett, Jerry CallorosiBack row: Susan Warner, Myron Thompson, Helen James, Eva Lee Armstrong, Carol Countryman, Diane McClintock, Jim Smith
March 30, 1960
1/23 189
Students conducting a meeting
Left to right: Mary Ann Aldrich, Virginia Rivers, Pat Dawson, Myron Thompson, Pat Kimball, Sue Warner, Kathy James, Mary Ellen Geller, Leila Meyer, Pat Slettner, Diane Davis, Marsha Alexander, Darlene Hamilton, Ruth Sant, Marcia Hawley, Carol Clevenger, Marietta Hulscher, Don Bryan, Bill Blannett, Carol Kruckeberg, Margaret Wall, Courtney Soule, Fred Stabbert, Don Comer, Sharon Silvernail, Richard McKay, Gary Callison, Mrs. Georgimay Fengler, Mrs. Martha Meyer
October 1960
1/23 190
Mrs. Elizabeth Waggoner and Mrs. Earl D. Mann presenting Miss Sharon Deutschman with scholarship check
May 5, 1961
1/23 191-192 undated

Christmas Seals CampaignReturn to Top

Container(s) Description Dates
Publicity and activities
People posing with Christmas Seal stamps, putting stamps on letters, and participating in the Christmas Seals campaign
Box/Folder item
1/24 193 circa 1919
1/24 194
Elegantly-dressed woman selling stamps to an Army general
1/24 195
Tacoma Mayor C.V. Fawcett standing at door of Western Airlines airplane and receiving mistletoe and Christmas Seals sent by movie star Esther Williams
Richards Studio, Tacoma, Washington (photographer)
Left to right: Charles A. Green Jr., Mayor Fawcett, Linda Knecht, Captain Sterling Love, Martha Rundahl, Ann Olson
December 19, 1947
1/24 196
Christmas Seals display
1/24 197
Christmas Seals display
1/24 198
Letter carrier handing envelope to woman on her porch
1/24 199 1951
1/24 200
Christmas Seals display at Puget Sound Power and Light Company Office, Sumner, Washington
December 1952
1/24 201 1952
1/24 202
Woman and two small girls wrapping presents and putting on Christmas Seal stamps
1/24 203
Campfire Girls in front of table with ornaments and Christmas Seals
Richards Studio, Tacoma, Washington (photographer)
December 1953
1/24 204-205 1954
1/25 206
Women buying sheets of Christmas Seals
Richards Studio, Tacoma, Washington (photographer)
1/25 207
Boy and girl with letters and packages standing at mailbox
Richards Studio, Tacoma, Washington (photographer)
1/25 208
Campfire Girls from University Place School counting Christmas Seal bookmarks
Richards Studio, Tacoma, Washington (photographer)
Right to left: Linda Middlesworth, Margaret Payne, Christine Monsen, Debbie Debuhr, Annie Marie Johnson, Sheila Miller, Norma Anderson, Pauline Irion, Nancy Johnson
1/25 209
Warren Peterson's daughters holding Christmas Seals poster next to a live seal
Richards Studio, Tacoma, Washington (photographer)
November 12, 1957
1/25 210 1958
1/25 211
Three young girls dressed as angels playing fake instruments, with Lung Association cross on wall behind them
1/25 212
Mayor Hanson and Chairman of Lincoln Girls Club holding sheet of Christmas Seals
Richards Studio, Tacoma, Washington (photographer)
1/25 213
Young women holding bundles of envelopes
1/25 214
Children viewing anti-tuberculosis window display
Richards Studio, Tacoma, Washington (photographer)
1/25 215
Woman removing sheets from ream of Christmas Seals as another woman marks checklist
Richards Studio, Tacoma, Washington (photographer)
1/25 216 1959
1/25 217
Campfire Girls sticking labels onto envelope at Tuberculosis Association of Pierce County
Richards Studio, Tacoma, Washington (photographer)
1/25 218
Volunteers sticking labels on envelopes
Richards Studio, Tacoma, Washington (photographer)
1/25 219
Large group of older women stuffing envelopes
Jess Snyder, Tacoma, Washington (photographer)
1/26 220
Two women with rolled posters standing in front of Tuberculosis Association of Pierce County
Richards Studio, Tacoma, Washington (photographer)
1/26 221
Photograph of Christmas Seals poster
1/26 222
Photograph of Christmas Seals stamps
1/26 223 1960
1/26 224
Mrs. J. Hugh Kalkus
Richards Studio, Tacoma, Washington (photographer)
Chair, Program Committee, 1960 WTA Annual Meeting
March 1960
1/26 225
Mrs. J. Hugh Kalkus putting Christmas Seals stamps onto envelope
circa 1960
1/26 226 undated
1/26 227 November 8, 1961
1/26 228-229
Young girls sticking labels on envelopes
1/26 230-232
Two children holding Lung Association cross in front of white Christmas tree
1/26 233
Two children and two women standing in front of white Christmas tree
Christmas Seals stamps
Color 35mm slides of annual Christmas Seals stamps from 1908 to 1964. Christmas Seals through the year 1919 contain the American Red Cross logo as well as an "American Red Cross" inscription (1908 Seal bears an "American National Red Cross" inscription). The 1919 Christmas Seal bears both Red Cross logo and the current American Lung Association logo (red cross with two crossbars). After that year, only the Lung Association logo is displayed; the only inscriptions that are printed are the slogan for the given year.
Box/Folder item
1/27 234
Merry Christmas
1/27 235
1908 Merry Christmas Happy New Year
1/27 236
1913 Merry Christmas
1/27 237
1914 Merry Christmas Happy New Year
1/27 238
1916 Merry Christmas Happy New Year
1/27 239
1917 Merry Christmas Happy New Year
1/27 240
1919 Merry Christmas Health and a Happy New Year
1/27 241
1920 Merry Christmas Healthy New Year
1/27 242
1921 Merry Christmas Healthy New Year (diamond shape)
1/27 243
1922 For Health
1/27 244
1923 Merry Christmas
1/27 245
1924 Health Christmas
1/27 246
1925 Merry Christmas and Good Health
1/27 247
1926 Merry Christmas
1/27 248
1927 Christmas Greetings and Good Health
1/27 249
1928 Christmas Greetings
1/27 250
1929 Health Greetings
1/27 251
1930 Health To All
1/27 252
1931 Christmas Greetings
1/27 253
1932 Merry Christmas
1/27 254
1933 Christmas Greetings
1/27 255
1934 Season's Greetings
1/27 256
1935 Christmas
1/27 257
1936 Holiday Greetings (two stamps on slide)
1/27 258
1937 Greetings
1/27 259
1938 Health Greetings Christmas Seals
1/27 260
1939 (no slogan)
1/27 261
1940 Christmas Greetings
1/27 262
1947 Merry Christmas
1/27 263
1948 Merry Christmas
1/27 264
1949 Greetings
1/27 265
1950 Greetings
1/27 266
1964 Greetings and 1964 Christmas (two stamps on one slide)
1/27 267
Healthy Lungs Are What Christmas Seals Are All About
November 1978

Tuberculosis Education MaterialReturn to Top

Container(s) Description Dates
Box item
2 268
"Everybody's Problem"
Color 35mm film strip created by the National Tuberculosis Association on the health concerns related to tuberculosis.
2 269
"Keeping Well and Happy"
Color 35mm film strip created by the National Tuberculosis Association based on the booklet by Ruth Strang.
2 270
"ME vs TB"
Black and white 35mm film strip created by the National Tuberculosis Association following a journalist through the basic steps of diagnosis and treatment for tuberculosis from the film "Time Out".
2 271
"TB Facts"
Black and white 35mm film strip created by the National Tuberculosis Association answering many of the public's questions related to tuberculosis from the film "This Is TB".
2 272
"Tuberculosis - What It Is And What To Do About It"
Color 35mm film strip created by the National Tuberculosis Association outlining symptoms, detection, and treatments for tuberculosis.

Nutrition Research by Dr. William R.P. Emerson, circa 1919-1922Return to Top

Forty-five lantern slides representing the work of Dr. William R. P. Emerson with nutrition in young children and The Elizabeth McCormick Memorial Fund . The slides feature images of children at the Nutrition Clinics for Delicate Children in Boston, Massachusetts as well as school children in Chicago, Illinois. Dr. Emerson published several books in the first half of the 20th century on the topics of general health and children's nutrition.

Photocopies of the original script and captions for the slides are located in Box 1 Folder 28.

Container(s) Description Dates
Box item
3 273
Slide 1. "Normal baby of fifteen months, standing"
3 274
Slide 2. Same baby, crawling
3 275
Slide 3. "Typical undernourished boy in a Chicago school"
3 276
Slide 4. "Side view of malnourished boy"
3 277
Slide 5. "Side view of three little girls in the Chicago schools"
3 278
Slide 6. Side view of four boys, "typical cases"
3 279
Slide 7. "Two Chicago School girls, who have all the symptoms of undernourishment"
3 280
Slide 9. Diagram: "The Bulwarks that Protect the Health of Children"
3 281
Slide 10. Young boy standing on height and weight scale
3 282
Slide 12. List: "The Chief Causes of Malnutrition"
3 283
Slide 13. Children and adults in a nutrition class in Boston
3 284
Slide 14. Front view of Charles S., a malnourished young boy
3 285
Slide 15. Chart of Charles S.'s weight gain from December 1916 through February 1918
3 286
Slide 16. Charles S., recovered and smiling
3 287
Slide 17. Chart: "Effects of Adenoid and Tonsil Operation"
3 288
Slide 18. "Children with adenoids and bad tonsils"
3 289
Slide 18b. Mother and son
3 290
Slide 19. Chart: Overfatigue in school and its effects on weight
3 291
Slide 20. Boy lying on back, illustrating "proper posture to be taken during rest periods"
3 292
Slide 21. Boy lying on stomach, also illustrating "proper posture to be taken during rest periods"
3 293
Slide 25. Chart: Weight of child who was fed thin beef soup
3 294
Slide 26. Chart: Weight of child who was not fed cereals
3 295
Slide 27. Diagram: "Milk as Compared to Coffee or Tea as Food"
3 296
Slide 28. Twin girls standing side by side, one a milk drinker, the other not
3 297
Slide 29. Chart: "Mary D. and the Candy Habit", illustrating weight of a child who eats candy habitually
3 298
Slide 31. Chart: "Charles P. and Fast Eating", illustrating effects of fast eating on weight
3 299
Slide 32. Sarah G., a malnourished young girl
3 300
Slide 33. Sarah G. with her well-nourished sister, Bessie
3 301
Slide 34. Chart: "Bad Air, Esther L.", illustrating effects of "bad air" on weight
3 302
Slide 35. Chart: "Cynthia D., Unhappy Home", illustrating effects of unhappy home life on weight
3 303
Slide 36. Chart of Phillip R. Lipper
3 304
Slide 39. Side view of Dorothy A., malnourished young girl
3 305
Slide 40. Chart of Dorothy A.'s weight gain from February 1919 to October 1919
3 306
Slide 42. Dorothy A., "a picture of health"
3 307
Slide 43. Chart of Ruth L.'s weight gain from November 1919 to June 1920
3 308
Slide 44. "Virginia. This is the way a happy, healthy child ought to look."
3 309
Slide 46. Side view of ten malnourished boys
3 310
Slide 47. Side view of five malnourished boys who were sent to Arden Shore, an open-air camp in Illinois, for recovery
3 311
Slide 52. Back view of two boys upon return from Arden Shore
3 312
Slide 54. Side view of healthy boy, "ready for work, after having been built up at the Camp"
3 313
Slide 55. Healthy child who was once a malnourished baby
3 314
"The Most Frequent Causes of Malnutrition"
3 315
Chart: "Children 10% or more underweight by Schools"
3 316
Chart: "Children 10% or more underweight by Grade"
3 317
Statue of mounted horseman being led by an angel

Architectural drawings of Health House, February 26, 1997Return to Top

Container(s): Mapcase M436, Item 318

16 drawings : 16 printed ink on bond paper
Bazen & Associates  ( Architect)

Bazen & Associates project number: 97-109.

Numbered set of drawings for the American Lung Association's Health House. These drawings include exterior elevations, foundation plan, upper and main floor plans, framing plans, transverse building section, window schedule, building and structural details, electrical plans, and specifications.

Names and SubjectsReturn to Top

Subject Terms

  • Christmas seals
  • Communication in public health--Washington (State)--Photographs
  • Fairs--Washington (State)--Photographs
  • Hospital patients--Washington (State)--Photographs
  • Medical instruments and apparatus--Washington (State)--Photographs
  • Medical personnel--Washington (State)--Photographs
  • Medical screening--Washington (State)--Photographs
  • Medicine--Washington (State)--Societies, etc.--Photographs
  • Tuberculosis--Hospitals--Patients--Washington (State)--Photographs
  • Tuberculosis--Hospitals--Washington (State)--Photographs
  • Tuberculosis--Hospitals--Washington (State)--Seattle--Photographs
  • Visual Materials Collections (University of Washington)

Corporate Names

  • American Lung Association of Washington--Officials and employees--Photographs
  • Firland Sanatorium (Seattle, Wash.)--Photographs
  • Tuberculosis League of Pierce County
  • Washington Association for the Prevention and Relief of Tuberculosis
  • Washington Lung Association
  • Washington Tuberculosis Association--Officials and employees--Photographs
  • Washington Tuberculosis and Respiratory Disease Association

Geographical Names

  • Seattle (Wash.)--Tuberculosis--Hospitals--Photographs
  • Washington (State)--Tuberculosis--Hospitals--Photographs

Other Creators

  • Personal Names
    • Emerson, William R. P.  (William Robie Patten),  b. 1869 (creator)
    Corporate Names
    • Anti-Tuberculosis League of King County (photographer)