University of Washington College Republicans Rally and UW Stands in Solidarity Against Hate Rally Photograph Collection, February 10, 2018

Overview of the Collection

Kinsey, Kristin
University of Washington College Republicans Rally and UW Stands in Solidarity Against Hate Rally Photograph Collection
February 10, 2018 (inclusive)
106 digital photographs
Collection Number
Photographs from the UW College Republicans Rally and UW Stands in Solidarity Against Hate Rally, February 10, 2018
University of Washington Libraries, Special Collections
Special Collections
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Box 352900
Seattle, WA
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The collection is entirely digital and can be viewed only on the Libraries Digital Collections website.

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Historical BackgroundReturn to Top

On February 10, 2018 the University of Washington campus witnessed two rallies; a rally hosted by the UW College Republicans and UW Stands in Solidarity Against Hate. The UW College Republicans invited speakers from the Vancouver, Washington based conservative group, Patriot Prayer. UWCR assembled in UW’s Red Square at 1:00 PM where participants listened to speeches by Joey Gibson, an American conservative political activist and founder of Patriot Prayer, and Chevy Swanson, president of College Republicans at the University of Washington. This event was deemed by UWCR as a free speech rally. Swanson stated, “This rally needed to happen because this rally proved that we don’t actually have the free speech rights that we thought we did on this campus” ( after being told by the University of Washington they would have to pay a $17,000 security fee for this event. The UWCR decided to sue over this fee, stating it was placing a tax on free speech and a violation of their constitutional rights. The Friday before the rally, U.S. District Court Judge Martha J. Pechman temporarily blocked the University from charging the student group (

A counter-protest rally (UW Stands in Solidarity Against Hate) organized in part by the UW International Socialist Organization assembled at the Husky Union Building at 12:00pm. An hour later the participants marched to Red Square to protest the UWCR rally where police had set up barricades to keep the two groups separate. Confrontations from these rallies resulted in the arrest of five participants and the burning of an American flag. A statement on the UW International Socialist Organization’s Facebook page reads, “We, the undersigned organizations, have shared an understanding and commitment to confront racism, sexism, xenophobia, and all other forms of discrimination and oppression on our campus and in our community.” The UW International Socialist Organization stood in solidarity with Anti-Capitalists of UW, CARE at UW, Huskies for Food Justice, Huskies for NARAL Pro-Choice Washington, Evans School Partnership for Community and Diversity, International Socialist Organization at UW, Jewish Voice for Peace, Palestine Solidarity Committee, Seattle Clinic Defense, Social Equity Educators, Socialist Alternative at UW, Students United for Palestinian Equal Rights at UW, United Students Against Sweatshops at UW, Veterans for Peace, and Young Democratic Socialists at UW. Members of Refuse Fascism also participated in this event.

Content DescriptionReturn to Top

Photographs from the UW College Republicans Rally and UW Stands in Solidarity Against Hate Rally, February 10, 2018.

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View the collection on the Libraries Digital Collections website

Restrictions on Use

Photographer's rights transferred to the University of Washington Libraries Special Collections.

Administrative InformationReturn to Top

Acquisition Information

Donor: Kristin Kinsey, 2018

Detailed Description of the CollectionReturn to Top


Kristin Kinsey photographsReturn to Top

Container(s) Description Dates
electronic_file item
Online KinseyK1
Demonstrators hold a sign reading "The nightmare must end: Trump/Pence fascist regime must go!" in front of the Student Union Building, University of Washington campus, Seattle, Washington
Text on signs read, from left to right: "No! This nightmare must end: The Trump/Pence regime must go!"; "This nightmare must end: Trump/Pence fascist regime must go! [with an image of Donald Trump crossed out with the words: Sexual predator and Michael Pence crossed out with the words: Anti-abortion theocrat]."
February 10, 2018
Online KinseyK2
protester holding a sign with the images of Donald Trump and Michael Pence crossed out with the phrases "Sexual Predator" and "Anti-abortion theocrat", Student Union Building, University of Washington campus, Seattle, Washington
Text on sign reads: "Sexual predator [with a crossed out image of Donald Trump] and Anti-abortion theocrat [with a crossed out image of Michael Pence]."
February 10, 2018
Online KinseyK3
Street medic at the rally holding a sign reading "Solidarity Trumps Hate.", Student Union Building, University of Washington campus, Seattle, Washington
Text on sign reads: "Solidarity Trumps hate. [with an image of a closed fist]." Protestor is wearing a red cross on his backpack. This cross probably indicates that this is a street medic. Street medics, or action medics, are volunteers with varying degrees of medical training who help provide medical care, such as first aid, in situations frequently neglected by traditional institutions, such as protests .
February 10, 2018
Online KinseyK4 February 10, 2018
Online KinseyK5
Sign reading "No! En nombre de la humanidad, a negarse a aceptar a un estados unidos fascista.", Student Union Building, University of Washington campus, Seattle, Washington
Text on signs read, from left to right: "No! En nombre de la humanidad, a negarse a aceptar a un estados unidos fascista. [Translated from Spanish: No! In the name of humanity, we refuse to accept a fascist United States]."; "Abortion is healthcare, healthcare is a right."
February 10, 2018
Online KinseyK6 February 10, 2018
Online KinseyK7 February 10, 2018
Online KinseyK8
Participants listening to Justice Wornum of the UW International Socialist Organization speaking at a rally in front of the Student Union Building, University of Washington campus, Seattle, Washington
Text on signs read, from left to right: "No space for white supremacy here!"; "No matter how we divide ourselves, we are all human [with images of Washington State and the United State of America and Mexico]."; "Solidarity Trumps Hate. [with an image of a closed fist]."; "No room for racism."; "Un mundo sin fronteras. No one is illegal. Amnistia Ahora! [Translated from Spanish: A world without borders. Amnesty now!], [with an image of a closed fist]."; "Abortion is healthcare, healthcare is a right."; "In our America: All people are equal, love wins, black lives matter, immigrants & refugees are welcome, disabilities are respected, women are in charge of their bodies, people & planet are valued over profit, diversity is celebrated. [with words printed on an image of the American flag]."; "Resist Trump. No Deportations! Black lives matter! Defend Workers' & Women's rights. Socialist Alternative [with an image of Donald Trump crossed out amidst the words, Resist Trump and the billionaire class]."; "No space for white supremacy here!"; "from Charlottesville to Seattle... Shut down white supremacy. People's Congress of Resistance."; "Sin muro, sin redadas, sin guerre. Resist Trump. Socialist Alternative. [Translated from Spanish: Without wall, without raids, without war]."
February 10, 2018
Online KinseyK9
Demonstrator holding a former Soviet Union flag in front of the Student Union Building, University of Washington campus, Seattle, Washington
Flag of the former Soviet Union adorned with a hammer and sickle. This flag was used in Russia until the dissolution of the Soviet Union.
February 10, 2018
Online KinseyK10
Sign reading "Kindness is everything ... Dump Trump.", in front of the Student Union Building, University of Washington campus, Seattle, Washington
Text on sign reads: "Kindness is everything, Black Lives Matter, women's rights are human rights, love is love, climate change is real, no human is illegal, 'alternate facts' are lies, healthcare is a human right, why is this so hard to understand? Dump Trump."
February 10, 2018
Online KinseyK11 February 10, 2018
Online KinseyK12 February 10, 2018
Online KinseyK13
Banner reading "Trump is the symptom, capitalism is the disease, revolution in the cure.", Student Union Building, University of Washington campus, Seattle, Washington
Text on sign reads: "Trump is the symptom, capitalism is the disease, revolution in the cure. Party for Socialism and Liberation."
February 10, 2018
Online KinseyK14
Demonstrators holding their signs in front of the Student Union Building, University of Washington campus, Seattle, Washington
Text on signs read, from left to right: "Abortion is healthcare, healthcare is a right."; "Solidarity Trumps hate. [with an image of a closed fist]." Text on buttons read, from left to right: "Black Live Matter."; "Solidarity Trumps hate [with the image of a fist]."; "Abortion is healthcare, healthcare is a right."
February 10, 2018
Online KinseyK15 February 10, 2018
Online KinseyK16
Demonstrator speaking and holding a sign that reads "Sin muro, sin redadas, sin guerra. Resist Trump. Socialist Alternative.", Student Union Building, University of Washington campus, Seattle, Washington
Text on sign reads: "Sin muro, sin redadas, sin guerra. Resist Trump. Socialist Alternative. [Translated from Spanish: Without wall, without raids, without war]."
February 10, 2018
Online KinseyK17
Justice Wornum of the UW International Socialist Organization and another demonstrator speaking at the rally in front of the Student Union Building, University of Washington campus, Seattle, Washington
Text on sign reads: "Sin muro, sin redadas, sin guerra. Resist Trump. Socialist Alternative. [Translated from Spanish: Without wall, without raids, without war]."
February 10, 2018
Online KinseyK18
Sign reading "Get up, stand up! Stand up for your rights, get up, stand up! Don't give up the fight! -Bob Marley and The Wailers.", Student Union Building, University of Washington campus, Seattle, Washington
Text on sign reads: "Get up, stand up! Stand up for your rights, get up, stand up! Don't give up the fight! -Bob Marley and the Wailers."
February 10, 2018
Online KinseyK19
Justice Wornum of the UW International Socialist Organization speaking at rally, Student Union Building, University of Washington campus, Seattle, Washington
Text on political buttons read, from left to right: "Black Lives Matter."; "Abortion is healthcare, healthcare is a right."
February 10, 2018
Online KinseyK20 February 10, 2018
Online KinseyK21 February 10, 2018
Online KinseyK22 February 10, 2018
Online KinseyK23 February 10, 2018
Online KinseyK24 February 10, 2018
Online KinseyK25 February 10, 2018
Online KinseyK26 February 10, 2018
Online KinseyK27 February 10, 2018
Online KinseyK28 February 10, 2018
Online KinseyK29 February 10, 2018
Online KinseyK30 February 10, 2018
Online KinseyK31 February 10, 2018
Online KinseyK32
Demonstrators from the rally in front of the Student Union Building marching into Red Square, University of Washington campus, Seattle, Washington
Text on signs read, from left to right: "Black Hills are not for sale."; "Sin muro, sin redadas, sin guerra. Resist Trump. Socialist Alternative. [Translated from Spanish: Without wall, without raids, without war]."; "No room for racism."; "No wall, no raids, no war. Resist Trump. Socialist Alternative."; "Resist Trump. United Against LGBTQ homelessness. Affordable housing for all!"; "Resist Trump. End racism, sexism, transphobia, homophobia."; "No space for white supremacy here!"; "No! Immigrants stay! Trump/Pence regime must go!"; "No! No ban, no wall. Trump/Pence regime must go!"
February 10, 2018
Online KinseyK33
Party for Socialism and Liberation banner at the rally, Red Square, University of Washington campus, Seattle, Washington
Text on signs read, from left to right: "Resist Trump. End racism, sexism, transphobia, homophobia."; "Trump is the symptom. Capitalism is the disease. Revolution is the cure. Party for Socialism and Liberation. PSL."
February 10, 2018
Online KinseyK34
Industrial Workers of the World banner reading: "An injury to one is an injury to all. IWW.", Red Square, University of Washington campus, Seattle, Washington
Text on sign reads: "Industrial Workers of the World. An injury to one is an injury to all. IWW [with the logo for IWW]."
February 10, 2018
Online KinseyK35 February 10, 2018
Online KinseyK36 February 10, 2018
Online KinseyK37 February 10, 2018
Online KinseyK38
Protester, self-identified as Jamal X, in front of rally participants, Red Square, University of Washington campus, Seattle, Washington
Text on sign reads: "In our America: All people are equal, love wins, black lives matter, immigrants & refugees are welcome, disabilities are respected, women are in charge of their bodies, people & planet are valued over profit, diversity is celebrated. [with words printed on an image of the American flag]."
February 10, 2018
Online KinseyK39
Demonstrators participating in the rally, Red Square, University of Washington campus, Seattle, Washington
Text on signs read, from left to right: "No wall, no raids, no war. Resist Trump. Socialist Alternative."; "Trump is the symptom, capitalism is the disease, revolution is the cure. Party for Socialism and Liberation. PSL."; "In our America, all people are equal, love wins, black lives matter, immigrants and refugees are welcome, disabilities are respected, women are in charge of their bodies, people & planet are valued over profit, diversity is celebrated [with words printed on an image of the American flag]."; "Resist Trump. No Deportations! Black lives matter! Defend Workers' & Women's rights. Socialist Alternative [with an image of Donald Trump crossed out amidst the words, Resist Trump and the billionaire class]."; "Resist Trump. End racism, sexism, transphobia, homophobia."; "No matter how we divide ourselves, we are all human [with images of Washington state and the United States of America and Mexico]."; "Resist Trump. United against LGBTQ homelessness. Affordable housing for all."; "Sin muro, sin redadas, sin guerra. Resist Trump. [Translated from Spanish: Without wall, without raids, without war]." Text on clothing reads, from left to right: "No! In the name of humanity, we refuse to accept a fascist America."; "In this house, we believe: Black lives matter, women's rights are human rights, no human is illegal, science is real, water is life, in religious freedom love is love, kindness is everything." Text on button reads: Love Trumps hate."
February 10, 2018
Online KinseyK40
"Resist Trump" signs at the rally, Red Square, University of Washington campus, Seattle, Washington
Text on signs read, from left to right: "In our America, all people are equal, love wins, black lives matter, immigrants and refugees are welcome, disabilities are respected, women are in charge of their bodies, people & planet are valued over profit, diversity is celebrated [with words printed on an image of the American flag]."; "Resist Trump. No Deportations! Black lives matter! Defend Workers' & Women's rights. Socialist Alternative [with an image of Donald Trump crossed out amidst the words, Resist Trump and the billionaire class]."; "Resist Trump. End racism, sexism, transphobia, homophobia. www."; "No! Maru Mora Villalpando must stay! Trump/Pence must go!" Maru Mora Villalpando was born and raised in Mexico City and first came to the United States in the early 1990s for economic and political reasons. She currently lives in Washington State. Villalpando, a prominent immigrant-rights activist, and her daughter are the core team at the Latino Advocacy Program since 2010. U.S Immigration and Customs Enforcement sent Villalpando a notice before Christmas 2017 stating they are initiating deportation proceedings against her.
February 10, 2018
Online KinseyK41
"Trump is the symptom, capitalism is the disease, revolution is the cure" banner at Red Square, University of Washington campus, Seattle, Washington
Text on signs read, from left to right: No! Drive out Trump/Pence fascist regime!"; "Resist Trump. End racism, sexism, transphobia, homophobia."; "No wall, no raids, no war. Resist Trump. Socialist Alternative."; "Trump is the symptom, capitalism is the disease, revolution is the cure. Party for Socialism and Liberation. PSL."; "In our America, all people are equal, love wins, black lives matter, immigrants and refugees are welcome, disabilities are respected, women are in charge of their bodies, people & planet are valued over profit, diversity is celebrated [with words printed on an image of the American flag]."; "Resist Trump. No Deportations! Black lives matter! Defend Workers' & Women's rights. Socialist Alternative [with an image of Donald Trump crossed out amidst the words, Resist Trump and the billionaire class]."
February 10, 2018
Online KinseyK42
Protester, self-identified as Jamal X, waiving his arms to make a statement in front of other rally participants, Red Square, University of Washington campus, Seattle, Washington
Text on signs read, from left to right: "No wall, no raids, no war. Resist Trump. Socialist Alternative."; "Trump is the symptom, capitalism is the disease, revolution is the cure. Party for Socialism and Liberation. PSL."
February 10, 2018
Online KinseyK43
Protestors with banners and signs at the rally, Red Square, University of Washington campus, Seattle, Washington
Text on signs read, from left to right: "Trump is the symptom, capitalism is the disease, revolution is the cure. Party for Socialism and Liberation. PSL."; "Resist Trump. No Deportations! Black lives matter! Defend Workers' & Women's rights. Socialist Alternative [with an image of Donald Trump crossed out amidst the words, Resist Trump and the billionaire class]."; "Resist Trump. End racism, sexism, transphobia, homophobia."; "No matter how we divide ourselvese, we are all human [with an image of Washington state and the United States of America and Mexico]."; "Resist Trump. Unite against LGBTQ homelessness. Affordable housing for all!"
February 10, 2018
Online KinseyK44 February 10, 2018
Online KinseyK45
Two demonstrators holding a sign reading, "Industrial Workers of the World. An injury to one is an injury to all.", Red Square, University of Washington campus, Seattle, Washington
Text on sign reads: "Industrial workers of the World. An injury to one is an injury to all. IWW [with the logo for IWW].
February 10, 2018
Online KinseyK46
Two signs reading "All you fascists bound to lose" and "No wall, no raids, no war. Resist Trump.", Red Square, University of Washington campus, Seattle, Washington
Text on signs read, from left to right: "All you fascists bound to lose."; "No wall, no raids, no war. Resist Trump. Socialist Alternative. Image on sign depicts: A drawn female figure from the We the People series. Shepard Fairy is the artist and creator of the “We the People” series of images frequently seen at the Women’s March. Fairy is an American graphic artist and social activist. Besides being an activist and illustrator, he is the founder and creator of OBEY clothing. In 2017, Fairy created the “We the People” series which includes the portraits of three culturally diverse women in red, white and blue. They were created as a response to President-elect Donald Trump’s rhetoric.
February 10, 2018
Online KinseyK47
Signs reading "No! Maru Mora Villalpando must stay! Trump/Pence must go!" and "Black Hills are not for sale.", Red Square, University of Washington campus, Seattle, Washington
Text on signs read, from left to right: "No! Maru Mora Villalpando must stay! Trump/Pence must go!"; "Black Hills are not for sale." Text on button reads: "Stop ICE raids [with ICE under a circle with a line through it]." Maru Mora Villalpando was born and raised in Mexico City and first came to the United States in the early 1990s for economic and political reasons. She currently lives in Washington State. Villalpando, a prominent immigrant-rights activist, and her daughter are the core team at the Latino Advocacy Program since 2010. U.S Immigration and Customs Enforcement sent Villalpando a notice before Christmas 2017 stating they are initiating deportation proceedings against her.
February 10, 2018
Online KinseyK48 February 10, 2018
Online KinseyK49
Protester, self-identified as Jamal X, in front of a crowd of counter-protestors in Red Square, University of Washington campus, Seattle, Washington
Text on signs read, from left to right: "Resist Trump. End racism, sexism, transphobia, homophobia."; "No wall, no raids, no war. Resist Trump. Socialist Alternative."
February 10, 2018
Online KinseyK50 February 10, 2018
Online KinseyK51
Seattle Clinic Defense banner reading "Trust Women", Red Square, University of Washington campus, Seattle, Washington
Text on signs read, from left to right: "Abortion is healthcare, healthcare is a right."; "Trust women. Seattle Clinic Defense."; "Solidarity Trumps hate. [with an image of a closed fist]." Text on button reads: "Black lives matter."
February 10, 2018
Online KinseyK52 February 10, 2018
Online KinseyK53 February 10, 2018
Online KinseyK54 February 10, 2018
Online KinseyK55
Two demonstrators holding signs reading "Black Lives Matter" and "The four civic duties: Vote. Pay Taxes. Serve on juries. Stand up to fascists.", Red Square, University of Washington campus, Seattle, Washington
Text on signs read, from left to right: "No wall, no raid, no war. Resist Trump. Socialist Alternative."; "Black lives matter."; "The four civic duties: Vote. Pay Taxes. Serve on juries. Stand up to fascists."
February 10, 2018
Online KinseyK56 February 10, 2018
Online KinseyK57
"Fuck off Nazis" sign with "Jesus Christ died on the cross" sign in the background, Red Square, University of Washington campus, Seattle, Washington
Text on signs read, from left to right: "Jesus Christ died on the cross, was buried, has risen. Repent & believe the gospel."; "Fuck off Nazis [with a drawn swastika]."
February 10, 2018
Online KinseyK58
Demonstrator with megaphone in Red Square, University of Washington campus, Seattle, Washington
Text on signs reading, from left to right: "No wall, no raids, no war. Resist Trump. Socialist Alternative."; "We stand in solidarity with the Muslim community! Freedom Socialist Party."; "Black, Trans, Queer Live Matter. Freedom Socialist Party." Text on buttons read, from left to right: "Man created God in his image, intolerant, sexist, homophobic & violent."; "Resist."; "Skeptical not cynical."; "Don't believe everything you're told [with an image of a boat sailing across a preconceived flat world]."; "The 'Christian Right' is neither."; "Question authority before they question you."
February 10, 2018
Online KinseyK59 February 10, 2018
Online KinseyK60
Masked figure standing at the police barricade, Red Square, University of Washington campus, Seattle, Washington
Patch on clothing depicts: The symbol of a red 'A' in a circle, is one of the most well-known symbol of Anarchism.
February 10, 2018
Online KinseyK61
Sign reading "This nightmare must end: Trump/Pence fascist regime must go!", Red Square, University of Washington campus, Seattle, Washington
Text on signs reads, from left to right: "This nightmare must end: Trump/Pence fascist regime must go! [with an image of Donald Trump crossed out with the words: Sexual predator and Michael Pence crossed out with the words: Anti-abortion theocrat]."; "Love one another."
February 10, 2018
Online KinseyK62
Woman holding sign reading "Free Speech = Using Civil discussion and debate! Socialist Works Party.", Red Square, University of Washington campus, Seattle, Washington
Text on signs read, from left to right: " [with an image of a dove holding an olive branch]."; "Free speech = using civil discussion + debate! Socialist Workers Party."
February 10, 2018
Online KinseyK63
Demonstrator holding a sign reading "Organize + mobilize working class solidarity! Socialist Workers Party.", Red Square, University of Washington campus, Seattle, Washington
Text on signs read, from left to right: " [with an image of a dove holding an olive branch]."; "Organize + Mobilize working class solidarity! Socialist Workers Party."
February 10, 2018
Online KinseyK64 February 10, 2018
Online KinseyK65 February 10, 2018
Online KinseyK66
Tusitala "Tiny" Toese from Patriot Prayer and demonstrators wearing Proud Boys polo shirts at the rally, Red Square, University of Washington campus, Seattle, Washington
Text on clothing reads: Patriot Prayer. Truth, Love, TBWC [with an image of an American flag]. Text on hat reads: "Warrior Code [ with the image of a half skull and a gun]." An individual is wearing a black Fred Perry polo shirt with yellow stripes on the collar and sleeves. This shirt has been adopted by the alt-right group The Proud Boys. This group, founded in 2016, describe themselves as a "pro-Western fraternal organization". They have been described by the Southern Poverty Law Center, as well as the Royal Canadian Navy, as a white supremacist group .
February 10, 2018
Online KinseyK67
Demonstrators attending the Freedom Rally at the police barricade, Red Square, University of Washington campus, Seattle, Washington
Text on clothing reads: "Fuck Antifa." Two individuals are wearing a black Fred Perry polo shirt with yellow stripes on the collar and sleeves. This shirt has been adopted by the alt-right group The Proud Boys. This group, founded in 2016, describe themselves as a "pro-Western fraternal organization". They have been described by the Southern Poverty Law Center, as well as the Royal Canadian Navy, as a white supremacist group .
February 10, 2018
Online KinseyK68 February 10, 2018
Online KinseyK69 February 10, 2018
Online KinseyK70
Demonstrator wearing a shirt reading "Proud Boys.", Red Square, University of Washington campus, Seattle, Washington
Text on clothing reads: "Proud Boys [with an image of a rooster standing on a arrow, enclosed in a circle of stars]." The Proud Boys is a far-right men’s organization founded in 2016. This group was founded by Gavin McInnes and is headquartered in New York City.
February 10, 2018
Online KinseyK71
Participant with a flag draped across their shoulders wearing a Proud Boys cap, Red Square, University of Washington campus, Seattle, Washington
Text on hat reads: "Proud Boys." The Proud Boys is a far-right men’s organization founded in 2016. This group was founded by Gavin McInnes and is headquartered in New York City. Another individual is wearing a black Fred Perry polo shirt with yellow stripes on the collar and sleeves. This shirt has been adopted by the alt-right group The Proud Boys. This group, founded in 2016, describe themselves as a "pro-Western fraternal organization". They have been described by the Southern Poverty Law Center, as well as the Royal Canadian Navy, as a white supremacist group .
February 10, 2018
Online KinseyK72
T-shirt reading "AFK. Views may differ, right do not. Liberty or death.", Red Square, University of Washington campus, Seattle, Washington
Text on clothing reads: "AFK. Views may differ, right do not. Liberty or death." Text on hat reads: "In God we trust."
February 10, 2018
Online KinseyK73
Demonstrator with "Depart from Evil" sign, Red Square, University of Washington campus, Seattle, Washington
Text on hat reads: "Repent & believe the gospel." Text on sign reads: "Depart from evil. Homosexulaity, Drunkeness, Pornography, Premarital Sex, Adultery..."
February 10, 2018
Online KinseyK74 February 10, 2018
Online KinseyK75 February 10, 2018
Online KinseyK76 February 10, 2018
Online KinseyK77 February 10, 2018
Online KinseyK78 February 10, 2018
Online KinseyK79 February 10, 2018
Online KinseyK80 February 10, 2018
Online KinseyK81 February 10, 2018
Online KinseyK82
Demonstrator with "Make America Great Again" hat standing behind a barricade and police presence, Red Square, University of Washington campus, Seattle, Washington
Text on signs read, from left to right: "1300+ sealed indictments and you think this is a joke still!!"; "Read tragedy and hope to find out how you all got played." Text on hat reads: "Make America Great Again."
February 10, 2018
Online KinseyK83
Trump supporter with MAGA hat behing police barricade, Red Square, University of Washington campus, Seattle, Washington
Text on signs read, from left to right: "1300+ sealed indictments and you think this is a joke still!!"; "Read tragedy and hope to find out how you all got played." Text on book reads: "Think Big and Kick Ass - Donald Trump." Text on hat reads: "Make America Great Again."
February 10, 2018
Online KinseyK84 February 10, 2018
Online KinseyK85
Demonstrator holding a sign reading "In our America all people are equal, love wins...", Red Square, University of Washington campus, Seattle, Washington
Text on sign reads: "In our America all people are equal, love wins, Black Lives Matter, immigrants & refugees are welcome, disabilities are respected, women are in charge of their bodies, people & planet are valued over profit, diversity is celebrated."
February 10, 2018
Online KinseyK86
Demonstrator holding a sign reading "My borders, my choice.", Red Square, University of Washington campus, Seattle, Washington
Text on sign reads: My borders, my choice [with an image of the United States of America with a crying face]."
February 10, 2018
Online KinseyK87 February 10, 2018
Online KinseyK88 February 10, 2018
Online KinseyK89 February 10, 2018
Online KinseyK90 February 10, 2018
Online KinseyK91 February 10, 2018
Online KinseyK92 February 10, 2018
Online KinseyK93 February 10, 2018
Online KinseyK94 February 10, 2018
Online KinseyK95 February 10, 2018
Online KinseyK96 February 10, 2018
Online KinseyK97 February 10, 2018
Online KinseyK98 February 10, 2018
Online KinseyK99 February 10, 2018
Online KinseyK100 February 10, 2018
Online KinseyK101
Attendee of the Patriot Prayer rally holding a flag reading "Don't tread on me.", Red Square, University of Washington campus, Seattle, Washington
Text on flag reads: "Don't tread on me [with and image of a rattlesnake]." The Gadsden flag, is named after Christopher Gadsden, who designed it in 1775 during the American Revolution. It was also used by the Continental Marines. Current uses for the Gadsden flag include ideologies and movements such as libertarianism and the Tea Party Movement.
February 10, 2018
Online KinseyK102 February 10, 2018
Online KinseyK103 February 10, 2018
Online KinseyK104
Woman holding a sign reading "No! Maru Mora Villalpando must stay. Trump/Pence must go!" at the police barricade, Red Square, University of Washington campus, Seattle, Washington
Text on sign reads: "No! Maru Mora Villalpando must stay. Trump/Pence must go!" Maru Mora Villalpando was born and raised in Mexico City and first came to the United States in the early 1990s for economic and political reasons. She currently lives in Washington State. Villalpando, a prominent immigrant-rights activist, and her daughter are the core team at the Latino Advocacy Program since 2010. U.S Immigration and Customs Enforcement sent Villalpando a notice before Christmas 2017 stating they are initiating deportation proceedings against her.
February 10, 2018
Online KinseyK105 February 10, 2018
Online KinseyK106 February 10, 2018

Names and SubjectsReturn to Top

Subject Terms

  • Demonstrations--Washington (State)--Seattle--Photographs
  • Photograph collections--Washington (State)--Seattle
  • Political activists--Washington (State)--Seattle--Photographs
  • Student protesters--Washington (State)--Seattle--Photographs
  • Visual Materials Collections (University of Washington)

Corporate Names

  • University of Washington--Photographs
  • University of Washington. Libraries--Catalogs