Rocky Boy's Reservation Tribal Self-Governance collection, 1991-1995

Overview of the Collection

Rocky Boy's Reservation Tribal Self-Governance collection
1991-1995 (inclusive)
0.5 linear feet
Collection Number
Mss 888
Rocky Boy's Reservation Tribal Self-Governance collection contains workbooks, conference materials, handbooks, memos, legislation, newsletters and sample applications used to create the Reservation's application for tribal self-governance. Rocky Boy's Reservation is in north central Montana and is home to the Chippewa Cree Tribe. All the material in this collection dates between 1991 and 1995.
University of Montana, Mansfield Library, Archives and Special Collections
Archives and Special Collections
Maureen and Mike Mansfield Library
University of Montana
32 Campus Dr. #9936
Missoula, MT
Telephone: 406-243-2053
Access Restrictions

Researchers must use collection in accordance with the policies of Archives and Special Collections, the Maureen and Mike Mansfield Library, and The University of Montana-Missoula.


Historical NoteReturn to Top

Rocky Boy's Reservation in north central Montana was established by an Act of Congress (Public Law 64-261) on September 7, 1916 as a homeland for a band of the Chippewa people led by Stone Child (also known as Rocky Boy) and a band of Cree people lead by Little Bear. They are now collectively known as the Chippewa Cree Tribe.

In 1975 Congress passed Public Law 93-638, the Indian Self-Determination and Education Assistance Act, in an effort to allow Indian tribes more control over how funds and federal programs that directly impacted the lives of tribal members were managed. This act has continuously been updated and amended. In 1994, after several pilot programs had been successful, the original act was further amended to allow tribes to create a compact for self-governance with the federal government. In 1993 Rocky Boy's Reservation was one of the first tribes to achieve self-governance under a pilot program that led to the 1994 law. The final outcome of this was that Rocky Boy's Reservation's tribal governing body was able to take over administration of all the programs, and their associated funds, that were previously under the management of the federal government.

Content DescriptionReturn to Top

The Rocky Boy's Reservation Tribal Self-Governance collection contains documents collected by Daniel Belcourt, a tribal attorney for Rocky Boy's Reservation, during the time the Reservation was negotiating with the federal government for tribal self-governance in the 1990s. Included in the records are workbooks, conference materials, handbooks, memos, legislation, newsletters and sample applications used to create Rocky Boy's Reservation's application for tribal self-governance. While legislation was being developed to allow for tribal self-governance, tribes were working with the federal government to help reorganize the Bureau of Indian Affairs and the Indian Health Service in an effort to smooth the way for tribal self-governance. There are working group reports, task force reports, and budget materials related to these efforts. Included as well is a copy of Rocky Boy's Reservation Self- Governance Demonstration Project Grant sent to the Bureau of Indian Affairs. There is no documentation contained in the collection that mentions if Rocky Boy's Reservation recieved the grant or not. All the material dates between 1991 and 1995. Some of the documents have hand annotations believed to be the work of Daniel Belcourt.

Use of the CollectionReturn to Top

Restrictions on Use

Researchers are responsible for using in accordance with 17 U.S.C. and any other applicable statutes. Copyright not transferred to the University of Montana.

Preferred Citation

Rocky Boy's Reservation Tribal Self-Governance Collection, Archives and Special Collections, Maureen and Mike Mansfield Library, The University of Montana-Missoula.

Administrative InformationReturn to Top


This collection is arranged alphabetically and then chronologically.

Custodial History

The materials in this collection were in the custody of Dr. Richmond Clow, a professor of history focusing on tribal resource management and the politics on Montana's Reservations, who received them from tribal attorney Daniel Belcourt of Missoula, Montana. Dr. Clow transferred the collection materials to The University of Montana's Archives and Special Collections in June of 2016.

Acquisition Information

The documents were gifted to the University of Montana's Archives and Special Collections in 2016.

Processing Note

This collection was arranged by material topic.

Detailed Description of the CollectionReturn to Top

Container(s) Description Dates
1/1 Bureau of Indian Affairs Reorganization Task Force Cummulative Report 1992
1/2 Bureau of Indian Affairs Reorganization Task Force Draft Final Report 1994
1/3 Bureau of Indian Affiars Reorganization Task Force Final Report 1994
1/4 Bureau of Indian Affairs Streamlining Consultation Meeting Materials 1995
1/5 Bureau of Indian Affairs and Indian Health Service Budget Materials 1995
1/6 Indian Health Service Self-Governance Review Final Report 1994
1/7 Indian Health Service Resource Allocation Reports 1995
1/8 The Self-Governance Handbook 1991
2/1 Tribal Self-Governance Demonstration Project Workshop Handbooks and Newsletters 1991-1994
2/2 Rocky Boy's Indian Reservation Self-Governance Demonstration Project Grant Application 1992
2/3 Tribal Self-Governance Permanent Legislation Working Conference Materials 1993
2/4 Tribal Self-Governance Spring Conference Materials 1994
2/5 Tribal Self-Governance House of Representatives Bill and Report 1994
2/6 Tribal Self-Governance Negotiation Memos, Guidance Document, and Agenda 1995