Preliminary Guide to the Jay Robert Inslee Congressional Papers, 1992-1994

Overview of the Collection

Inslee, Jay
Preliminary Guide to the Jay Robert Inslee Congressional Papers
1992-1994 (inclusive)
12 linear feet, (12 boxes.)
Collection Number
This collection contains congressional papers of Jay Robert Inslee from his term in the United States House of Representatives from the 4th Congressional District of Washington State (1992-1994).
Washington State University Libraries' Manuscripts, Archives, and Special Collections (MASC)
Manuscripts, Archives, and Special Collections
Terrell Library Suite 12
Pullman, WA
Telephone: 509-335-6691
Access Restrictions

This collection is open and available for research use.


Historical NoteReturn to Top

Jay Robert Inslee was born in Seattle, Washington, on February 5, 1951. He received his Bachelor of Arts degree in Economics from the University of Washington in 1972, and his Juris Doctorate from the Willamette University School of Law in 1976. After beginning a private law practice in Selah, Washington, Inslee became the City Prosecutor, and later served in the State House of Representatives for the 14th Legislative District from 1988 to 1992. In 1992, he was elected to the U.S House of Representatives from the 4th Congressional District, serving from January of 1993 to January of 1995. He then worked as the regional director for the United States Department of Health and Human Services before being elected back to the House of Representatives, this time representing the 1st Congressional District, from 1999 to 2012. He was elected Governor of Washington State in 2012.

Content DescriptionReturn to Top

This collection contains congressional papers of Jay Robert Inslee from his term in the United States House of Representatives from the 4th Congressional District of Washington State (1992-1994). This collection primarily consists of papers related to congressional bills, intergovernmental correspondence, staff-prepared reports, and committee hearings with specific connections to the 4th district. The collection also contains other materials pertaining to congressional bills during Inslee's term in Congress, including newspaper clippings, legislative histories, prepared responses to constituents, press release statements, and incoming correspondence from national and regional organizations as well as various businesses.

Preliminary Inventory:

Box 1:

Papers related to congressional bills and committee hearings, including the topics of aluminum imports, refinancing of the Bonneville Power Administration, clean water requirements for local municipalities, immigration (in relation to deportation and crime), the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission license extension, gun control, municipal solid waste plans, as well as materials pertaining to the Science, Space, and Technology Committee.

Box 2:

Papers related to congressional bills, intergovernmental correspondence, and staff-prepared reports, including the topics of food safety (connected to an E. coli outbreak and coliform contamination in the state of Washington in 1993), federal management of National Recreation Areas and Pacific Northwest forests, state health care reforms, labor unions, NAFTA (in relation to red meat exports) as well as reports by the Subcommittee on Department Operations and Nutrition (pertaining to plant variety protection), and materials pertaining to water resource management and the Yakima River Basin Water Enhancement Project (H.R. 1690).

Box 3:

Papers related to congressional bills and committee hearings, including the topics of Environmental Restoration and Waste Management under the Department of Energy in connection to the Hanford Site (Hanford Nuclear Reservation) in the state of Washington. These papers address budgetary, labor, and land use plans, connecting to the creation of ecology reserves (H.R. 2401), the Subcommittee on Energy and Water Development, the Subcommittee on Energy and Mineral Resources (H.R. 3920), and the Fast Flux Test Facility. These papers also include newspaper clippings and correspondence between government departments and companies affiliated with the Hanford site.

Box 4:

Papers related to congressional bills, intergovernmental correspondence, and staff-prepared reports, including the topics of Medicaid, Social Security, Medicare (H.R. 4498), and various health care reform matters, the White House Conference on Aging, NAFTA, the Uruguay Round Agreement (H.R. 5110), the Land and Conservation Fund, Pacific Northwest forests (including protection of the Northern Spotted Owl, H.R. 4196, and the North Cascadian Peace Park), endangered salmon species, the Yakima River Basin Water Enhancement Project (H.R. 1690), and fire management. Includes papers from the Subcommittee on Energy and mineral resources (related to mining), the Subcommittee on Technology, Environment, and the Aviation (related to the National Biological Survey and H.R. 1845), and from Indian Affairs concerning the Confederated Tribes and Bands of the Yakama Indian Nation (H.R. 4992) as well as the Confederated Tribes of the Colville Reservation (H.R. 4757).

Box 5:

Papers related to congressional bills and pertaining to the topics of family planning (H.R. 670), Freedom of Access to Clinic Entrances Act, reproductive rights (H.R. 25 and in connection to President Clinton's health care reform plan), campaign finance reform (H.R. 3), Congressional Accountability (H.R. 4822), Official Travel Reform Act (H.R. 4565), Washington D.C. statehood (H.R. 51), family leave, Comprehensive Occupational Safety and Health Reform Act, Department of Labor regulation (related to auto dealers), Lobbying Disclosure Act, military pensions (H.R. 2258 and cost of living allowances), Veteran Centers (related to centers and services in Yakima, WA), Persian Gulf War Veterans' Compensation Act (H.R. 4386, H.R. 4540, and H.R. 1176), Missing Service Personnel Act (H.R. 291), as well as Federal Employees Health Benefits (related to the treatment of breast cancer), and the Violence Against Women Act (H.R. 1133)

Box 6:

Papers related to congressional bills and pertaining to the topics of trade relations in connection to foreign aid (United States Agency for International Development, the Grameen Trust, UNICEF, and amendments to H.R. 4603), and the Russian Federation (including the exchange of grain and railroad expertise to Russia for raw logs). These papers address the Human Rights Reports (related to issues in Bosnia, Haiti, China, and international women's human rights including H.R. 2231), issues related to human population growth (amendment to H.R. 2295 and H.R. 2447), Cuban migration, the resettlement of Iraqi refugees, the Palestinian-Israeli conflict, the Bosnian Conflict, military assistance and arms transfers to foreign governments (H.R. 3538), as well as the United Nations (related to finances and peacekeeping policies), American foreign policy (related to the operation of armed forces in El Salvador, Haiti, Somalia, Iraqi, including H.R. 276, and the U.S. defense budget debates), and the U.S./North Korea Agreed Framework (in connection to the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty and H.R. 2076). These papers also include amendments to defense authorization (related to H.R. 2401 concerning trade practices, and the Penny-Woolsey-Klug Amendment), as well as the National Endowment for Democracy, Diversity Day, the "Don't Ask, Don't Tell " policy on gays and lesbians in the U.S. Military (H.R. 2401), and bills connected to subject of women in the armed forces and defense services (specifically the opening of appointments to women and on sexual harassment in the military).

Box 7:

Papers related to congressional bills, intergovernmental correspondence, and staff-prepared reports, including investigations and policies of the EPA (related to pesticides), the U.S. Forest Service and the Columbia River Gorge National Scenic Area (connected to the Gorge Discovery Center and the Skamania Lodge) and timber sales on U.S. Forest Servic lands (H.R. 3414), as well as USDA International Affairs and Commodity Programs (pertaining to production and trade of U.S. apples to Japan). These papers also address the National Marine Fisheries Service (related to Pacific Northwest watersheds, salmon and trout habitats, and the U.S.-Canada Pacific Salmon Treaty), the Pacific Northwest Forest Summit, the Washington Forest Landscape Management Project, and the Mount St. Helens National Volcanic Monument.

Box 8:

Papers related to congressional bills, intergovernmental correspondence, and staff-prepared reports, including the topics of transportation appropriations (particularly those related to maritime and railway programs, as in H.R. 5071), issues with the Coast Guard attempting to prevent Washington State from implementing state oil spills contingency and prevention standards, the Chelan-Douglas Multi-Modal Center (pertaining to the National Highway System and the Surface Transportation Subcommittee), and revisions to the Federal Aviation Act of 1958. These papers address the Improving America's Schools Act (including H.R. 6, the Migrant Education Program, and the Migrant Student Record Transfer System), as well as the School-to-Work Opportunities (including the Implementation grant, the Planning and Development grant, and the Youth Fair Change grant). Additional materials relate to fire and disaster assistance for Central and Eastern Washington (Economic Development Administration, Small Business Administration, and the Fire Suppression Assistance Program), the Earl Tilly proposal (expanding eligibility for the Farmers Home Administration's 502 program and Wenatchee, Washington), as well as various grant applications with the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development, the Department of Education, and for watershed restoration projects.

Box 9:

Papers that address the issue of providing radar services at the Yakima Air Terminal, the Pasco Airport, and the Grant County International Airport, including correspondence and financial reports, as well as papers related to the City of Yakima Enterprise Zone application, and the expansion of the Yakima Training Center at Fort Lewis (including the Environmental Impact Statement reports).

Box 10:

Papers related to congressional bills, intergovernmental correspondence, and staff-prepared reports, including the Balanced Budget Amendment ( H.J. Res. 103), the Penny-Kaisch Deficit Reduction Plan (Penny-Kaisch amendment), and H.R. 4991 (sponsored by Inslee in 1994) which addressed the taxation of Washington residents working on the Oregon border.

Box 11:

Bound volumes:

Biographical Directory of the United States Congress, 1774-1989. Bicentennial Edition. Washington D.C.: United States Government Printing Office, 1989.

U.S. Congress, Journal of the House of Representatives of the United States, Part I, 101st Cong., 1st sess., January 3, 1989. Washington D.C.: United States Government Printing Office, 1993.

U.S. Congress, Journal of the House of Representatives of the United States, Part II, 101st Cong., 1st sess., January 3, 1989. Washington D.C.: United States Government Printing Office, 1993.

Box 12:

Papers related to congressional bills, intergovernmental correspondence, and staff-prepared reports, including the topics of information security and privacy in digital communications, the National Communications Competition and Infrastructure Act of 1994 (pertaining to H.R. 3636), the Cable Act (as well as other legislation connected to the regulation of cable television rates), federal funding and censorship of public broadcasting (pertaining to the Fairness Doctrine H.R. 1985, and the T. V. Violence Report Card Act H.R. 2159 co-sponsored by Inslee), and revisions to the Private Land Mobile Radio services, funding for the National Endowment for the Arts. These papers also address the Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act of 1993 (including the Mortgage Revenue Bond, and H.R. 2443), the Resolution Trust Corporation Completion Act (H.R. 1340), the Bankruptcy Amendments Act (H.R. 2326), changes to the Securities and Exchange Commission (related to amendments of the rule 15c2-12), as well as the Natural Disaster Protection Act (H.R. 2873), the Department of Housing and Urban Development (pertaining to senior housing as it relates to the Fair Housing Act), the Microloan Demonstration Program, and the Small Business Regulatory Flexibility Act (RFA).

Administrative InformationReturn to Top


This is an unprocessed collection. Any arrangement reflects either a pre-existing order from the records' creators or previous custodians, or preliminary sorting performed by staff.

Location of Collection

(MASC staff use) 2-13-22-3.

Acquisition Information

Jay Inslee donated this collection to the Washington State University Libraries in 1994 (MS.1994.68).

Related Materials

MASC holds several other collections of papers of individuals who represented Washington's 4th Congressional District:

Knute Hill Papers, 1909-1963 (Cage 194)

Otis Halbert (Hal) Holmes Papers, 1943-1958 (Cage 224)

Catherine May Papers, 1959-1970 (Cage 304)

Mike McCormack Papers, 1959-1994 (Cage 690)

Sid Morrison Papers, 1980-1992 (Cage 781)