Pioneer Square historic district manager records, 1972-1977

Overview of the Collection

Seattle (Wash.). Building Dept
Pioneer Square historic district manager records
1972-1977 (inclusive)
1.59 cubic feet (2 boxes)
Collection Number
3507 (Accession No. 3507-001)
Correspondence, biographical features, organizational material, reports, project and planning files, clippings and subject series related to the manager
University of Washington Libraries, Special Collections
Special Collections
University of Washington Libraries
Box 352900
Seattle, WA
Telephone: 2065431929
Fax: 2065431931
Access Restrictions

Public Records (public disclosure laws may restrict access to some files).

Request at UW


Historical NoteReturn to Top

Pioneer Square marks Seattle's original downtown, dating back to 1852. Rebuilt after the devastating "Great Fire" of 1889, the district is characterized by late nineteenth century brick and stone buildings and one of the nation's best surviving collections of Romanesque Revival style urban architecture. Established as both a National historic district and a local preservation district in 1970, Pioneer Square is protected by an ordinance and design guidelines focused on preserving its unique historic and architectural character, assuring the sensitive rehabilitation of buildings, promoting development of residential uses for all income levels, and enhancing the district's economic climate for residents, employers, workers, and visitors.


Content DescriptionReturn to Top

Correspondence, biographical features, organizational material, reports, project and planning files, clippings, subject series; 1972-1977.

These papers cover Art Skolnik's term as Pioneer Square Historic District Manager, 1972-74; his term as City Conservator in 1975; and his concurrent activities on behalf of historic preservation in Seattle. Includes the Seattle Mayor's Pioneer Square Historic District Task Force; also the Pioneer Square files of Gary Bloomquist from the Mayor's office.

Use of the CollectionReturn to Top

Restrictions on Use

Public Records (use unrestricted when access is granted)

Administrative InformationReturn to Top

Related Materials

Arthur Skolnik papers

Detailed Description of the CollectionReturn to Top


Container(s) Description Dates
1 Curriculum Vitae of Arthur Skolnik 1944-1983
1 Seattle Central Waterfront Review District 1973-1974
1 Klondike Gold Rush National Historic Park 1972-1973
1 Reconstructed Yesler's Mill for Waterfront 1973-1974
1 Washington State Arts Commission Grant 1973
1 Economic Development Administration Grant 1975-1976
1 Bicentennial Grant Information 1973
1 Ballinger Family Sculpture Donation 1972
1 Minimum Maintenance Ordinance 1977
1 Railroad Cars for Use in Historic District 1972
1 KPEC Historic Preservation Films 1973
1 National Museum Art 1973-1974
1 Preservation Legislation 1974-1975
1 Open Space Legislation 1968-1973
1 Operation Green Triangle and Street Trees 1972
1 Bloomquist, Gary (Staff Member of Mayor's Office) 1973-1973
1 Seattle Mayor, Pioneer Square Historic District Task Force 1972-1977
1 Municipality of Metropolitan Seattle (Metro) Union-King Street Station Preservation Study 1973-1974
2 Seattle Community Development Department, City Conservator 1973-1975
2 Seattle Community Development Department, Urban Homestead Project 1974
2 Allied Arts of Seattle, Preservation Legislation Committee 1966, 1977