Zine and Small Press collection, 1963-2023

Overview of the Collection

Zine and Small Press collection
1963-2023 (inclusive)
26 linear feet
Collection Number
Pam 07
A collection of zines and small press publications collected by the University of Montana's Archives and Special Collections department. The majority are from the United States.
University of Montana, Mansfield Library, Archives and Special Collections
Archives and Special Collections
Maureen and Mike Mansfield Library
University of Montana
32 Campus Dr. #9936
Missoula, MT
Telephone: 406-243-2053
Access Restrictions

Researchers must use collection in accordance with the policies of Archives and Special Collections, the Maureen and Mike Mansfield Library, and The University of Montana-Missoula.


Content DescriptionReturn to Top

A zine is any publication that is produced, in some fashion, outside of the mainstream media industry. Zines are frequently self-published, have a small circulation, and express marginalized views or represent content not otherwise featured in mainstream publication, such as radical political views or reporting on underground music and culture. However, there are no hard and fast criteria for what constitutes a zine, and zines can just as readily express moderate political views and discuss aspects of mainstream culture such as television or film.

The Zine and Small Press Collection held by the Mansfield Library's Archives and Special Collections illustrates the wide variety of what a “zine” can be: our collection includes zines that are handmade and zines that are professionally printed; zines on cardstock and zines on newsprint; zines that express radical anarchist views and zines that discuss the finer points of finance; zines that are written, edited, and distributed by one individual and zines that are run by non-profit organizations and editorial boards.

Use of the CollectionReturn to Top

Restrictions on Use

Researchers are responsible for using in accordance with 17 U.S.C. and any other applicable statutes. Copyright to individual publications not transferred to or held by the University of Montana

Preferred Citation

Zine and Small Press Collection, Archives and Special Collections, Maureen and Mike Mansfield Library, The University of Montana-Missoula.

Administrative InformationReturn to Top


This collection has been arranged alphabetically by publication title.

Custodial History

The majority of publications in this collection were sent to Archives and Special Collections by their creators.

Acquisition Information

The Mansfield Library's Special Collections Librarian, Chris Mullin, begain collecting Zines and small press publications in the 1980s. The vast majority of Zines in this collection were mailed to him and to subsequent Special Collections librarians by content creators.

Future Additions

Zines are added to this collection on a regular basis. Archives and Special Collections maintains the most up-to-date list of holdings.

Processing Note

Materials in this collection were arranged alphabetically by publication title and then by date.

Detailed Description of the CollectionReturn to Top

Container(s) Description Dates
x $ZZZZzzzz
Publisher: self-published
Subjects: politics; economics; sexuality
Issue(s): 1
2005, June
x )ism(
Creators: McNamara, D. Michael
Published: Seattle, WA, United States
Subjects: literary
Issue(s): 1-2
x *Nsecret
Creators: Whiting, Roger
Publisher: self-published. Published: Glendale, AZ, United States
Subjects: music; popular media; humor
x [primate ative]
Creators: Ehinger, Jonathan
Publisher: self-published. Published: Los Angeles, CA, United States
Subjects: visual arts
x [the natural lightness of being]
Publisher: self-published
Subjects: visual arts; literary
x 15 Mothers: Journal of ongoing oetics/optics
Creators: Vajda, Grace
Contributors: Max Bouillet
Publisher: self-published. Published: Oxford, OH, United States
Subjects: literary; visual arts
Issue(s): 1
x 2nd Hand, The: Literate Apes Unite
Creators: Dills, Todd, editor
Published: Chicago, IL, United States
Subjects: literary; comics; humor
Issue(s): 1-7, 9, 19
x 3 Car Pile Up
Creators: Bors, Matt
Publisher: self-published. United States
Subjects: comics
Issue(s): 1-2
x 3.
Published: Seattle, WA, United States
Subjects: style/fashion; literary; philosophy
Notes: mix between catalog and aesthetic treatise
x 3:00 am Haircuts and Dancing Cause We Mean It
Creators: Damon
Publisher: self-published. Published: Bethlehem, PA, United States
Subjects: personal; comics
2002, June
x A La Brava: A Queer Latino/a Zine
Creators: Cortez, Jaime
Publisher: self-published. Published: San Francisco, CA, United States
Subjects: queer; literary; comics
Issue(s): 3
x A. Zippo: Bedtime Stories…and a bunch of other bullshit!!!
Creators: Dream Master
Publisher: self-published. Published: Berkeley, CA, United States
Subjects: literary; comics
Issue(s): 25
circa 1996
x Aardvark
Creators: Gayla the Great and Michelle the Magnificent
Publisher: self-published. Published: Annapolis, MD, United States
Subjects: religion; personal
Issue(s): 2
Notes: pages from zine appear to be missing, only have first and last pages
x Aardvark
Creators: Briele, Mike, editor
Affiliated Groups: Aardvark Nation
Published: Northbrook, IL, United States
Subjects: music; zine reviews
Issue(s): 8
Notes: second zine titled "Aardvark"
x Abbey
Creators: Greisman, David, editor
Publisher: self-published. Published: Columbia, MD, United States
Subjects: literary; comics
Issue(s): 78
1996, July
x Abolition of Work, The
Creators: Black, Bob
Publisher: Survivaliste AntiNationale. Published: Minneapolis, MN, United States
Subjects: economics; activism; work
Issue(s): non-serial
Notes: "The Abolition of Work" is an essay originating in 1980. There is no copyright and can be freely published. We have two different editions.
x Abolition of Work, The (copy 2)
Creators: Black, Bob
Publisher: CrimethInc.. Published: Atlanta, GA, United States
Subjects: economics; activism; work
Issue(s): non-serial
x Abrasax
Creators: Martin, James, M., editor
Affiliated Groups: Ordo Templi Baphe-Metis, American Gnostic Church, Wiccan-Pagan Press Alliance
Publisher: self-published. Published: Corpus Christi, TX, United States
Subjects: religion; literary; sexuality
Issue(s): 11
Notes: Essays on Kenneth Anger, paganism
1991, Spring
x Accelerator
Creators: Ribo and Brian
Published: Lewisburg, PA, United States
Subjects: music; personal; work
Issue(s): 1
1994, Summer
x Across the Lines
Creators: Collective Seeds of Peace
Publisher: Collective Seeds of Peace. Published: Flagstaff, AZ, United States
Subjects: activism; environmental issues; politcs
x Activating Dissent
Publisher: self-published. Published: Salt Lake City, UT, United States
Subjects: politcs; activism; economics
Issue(s): 3
x Ad Infinitum
Creators: Lafata, Crystal and Marna Beilby, editors
Publisher: American/Foothill Publishing Co
Subjects: economics; health and body issues; music
Issue(s): 5-8
circa 2000
x Adge: A zine for fake punks and skaters
Creators: Ng, Alvin, editor
Publisher: self-published. Published: Telok Blangah Cres, , Singapore
Subjects: music; sports; politics
Issue(s): 4
1997, April
x Adventures of A-Girl
Creators: Watasin, Elizabeth
Publisher: self-published. Published: Burbank, CA, United States
Subjects: personal; feminism; comics
Issue(s): 3
x Advice to Myself
Creators: Mackin, Rich
Publisher: self-published. Published: Portland, OR, United States
Subjects: sexuality; feminism; health and body issues
circa 2003
x Afraid of the Truth
Publisher: self-published. Published: Wethersfield, CT, United States
Subjects: queer; personal; sexuality
Issue(s): 4
x After the Fall
Affiliated Groups: CrimethInc.
Subjects: politics; activism
circa 2001
x Against Sleep and Nightmare
Published: Oakland, CA, United States
Subjects: economics; politics; activism
Issue(s): 5
Notes: Essay on Situationist International
circa 1994
x Age of Ideas
Creators: Savich, Zach
Publisher: self-published. Published: Olympia, WA, United States
Subjects: literary; comics; personal
Issue(s): 1
x Ale Knight Gazette
Publisher: self-published. Published: Moncton, New Brunswick, Canada
Subjects: music; food
Issue(s): 7
x Algernon
Creators: Stark
Publisher: self-published. Published: Philidelphia, PA, United States
Subjects: comics; music; zine reviews
Issue(s): 3
x All My Friends Are Superheroes
Creators: Mold, Daina
Publisher: self-published. Published: Hampton, NH, United States
Subjects: comics
x All the Answers
Creators: Irwin
Publisher: self-published. Published: Phoenix, AZ, United States
Subjects: music; politics
Issue(s): 2
circa 1995
x Alley Cat
Creators: Lee R.
Publisher: self-published. Published: Oshkosh, WI, United States
Subjects: sexuality; literary; work
Issue(s): 3, 5
x Alphabet Threat
Published: Sacramento, CA, United States
Subjects: politics and culture; activism; humor
x Altar
Creators: Van Deven, Mandy and Alex White, editors
Published: Atlanta, GA, United States
Subjects: feminism; food; music
Issue(s): 1
circa 2003
x Alternator Grand Junction
Creators: Golus, Carrie
Affiliated Groups: Xeric Foundation
Published: Chicago, IL, United States
Subjects: comics; personal
x Aluminum Anonymous: Beer Cans That Go Bump In the Night
Creators: Brezina, Dennis
Publisher: Lifeworks. Published: Chesapeake City, MD, United States
Subjects: environmental issues
Issue(s): 1, 2
x Am I Punk Yet?
Creators: Bergman, Joakim
Publisher: self-published. Published: Enkoping, , Sweden
Subjects: music; zine reviews
Issue(s): 1
x Amazing Idiot Nation, The
Creators: Nation, Stephen
Publisher: self-published. Published: St. Louis, MO, United States
Subjects: music; politics
Issue(s): 7
x Amendment Records Friendly Fanzine
Creators: Dave A.
Publisher: self-published. Published: Portsmouth, VA, United States
Subjects: music
Issue(s): 20
1996, January
x America Rebel Magazine: Your America-First, Mailorder, MLM Connection
Creators: Borsellino, Mario, editor
Publisher: American Rebel Publishing. Published: Cranford, NJ, United States
Subjects: politics; activism
Issue(s): 3
x America?
Creators: Fristoe, Travis
Publisher: self-published. Published: Gainesville, FL, United States
Subjects: travel; personal; politics
Issue(s): 9
x American Voter
Publisher: self-published. Published: Billings, MT, United States
Subjects: politcs; work; personal
x American Zoetrope
Creators: Klinger, Gabe
Publisher: self-published. Published: Barcelona, , Spain
Subjects: visual arts
Issue(s): 1
Notes: film zine
x Amsterdam News
Creators: Hogan, Grace and Mike
Publisher: self-published. Published: Amsterdam, , The Netherlands
Subjects: travel; politics; literary
Issue(s): 1
1997, Januar, 15
x An Appeal ot the Homeless: Self Sufficiency Through Shoplifting
Creators: Prometheus, LoneWolff
Publisher: LWDW Press
Subjects: anarchism; economics; activism
Issue(s): non-serial
x Analog Six
Creators: Frisbee, Niles
Publisher: self-published. Published: Cornwall, NJ, United States
Subjects: travel; literary
Issue(s): 9
circa 2000
x Anarchist Age Weekly Review
Creators: Libertarian Workers
Published: Victoria, , Australia
Subjects: work; anarchism; activism
Issue(s): 90
1994, March
x Anarchist Solution to the Problem of Crime, The
Creators: SRAF
Published: Chicago, IL, United States
Subjects: anarchism; economics
Issue(s): non-serial
x Anarchy II: Punk Rock Fanzine
Creators: Katem, Ella Sascha
Publisher: self-published. Published: Brooklyn, NY, United States
Subjects: music; zine reviews; comics
Issue(s): 2
x Anarchy in the Classroom
Subjects: anarchism; comics; visual arts
x And Then One Day
Creators: Claytor, Ryan
Publisher: Elephant Eater Comics. Published: San Diego, CA, United States
Subjects: comics; personal
Issue(s): 1, 5, 6
x Angry People: For a Strong United Working Class
Published: Newtown, , Australia
Subjects: politics; activism; work
Issue(s): 7-10, 13-14
x Angry Thoreauan
Creators: Rev. Randall Tin-ear
Published: Anaheim, CA, United States
Subjects: music; zine reviews; politics and culture
Issue(s): 12, 14-16
x Angry Youth Comix
Creators: Johnny R.
Publisher: self-published. Published: Washington DC, , United States
Subjects: comics; humor; sexuality
Issue(s): 7-8
x Angst Illustrated
Creators: Chris Illustrated
Publisher: self-published. Published: Gasport, NY, United States
Subjects: music; humor; zine reviews
Issue(s): 6
x Annoyance
Creators: Anthony Annoyance
Publisher: self-published. Published: Warren, NJ, United States
Subjects: music
Issue(s): 15
x Anoixth Noah: Homo Ludens
Subjects: music; politics and culture
Notes: written in Greek
x Anomaly
Creators: Brian Anomaly
Publisher: self-published. Published: Wilmington, DE, United States
Subjects: music; personal
Issue(s): 2
1995, August
x Another Pair of Shoes
Creators: J
Publisher: self-published. Published: Minneapolis, MN, United States
Subjects: style/fashion; politics and culture; music
Issue(s): 13, 15
x Anticlimactic
Creators: Ledezma, Virginia Elen Cubillan and Mark Sonnenfeld
Publisher: Marymark Press. Published: Little Falls, NJ, United States
Subjects: literary; sexuality
x Anti-matter
Creators: Arenas, Norm
Published: Hicksville, NY, United States
Subjects: music
Issue(s): 3
x Anything Less Than Anarchy is Tyranny
Creators: Moor, Matheau David and Jason Underground
Publisher: self-published. Published: Santa Cruz, CA, United States
Subjects: anarchism; visual arts; politics and culture
Issue(s): 1
x Apesfan: The newsletter fo Planet of the Apes fans
Creators: Lozowsky, Joe and George R. Reis, editors
Published: East Meadow, NY, United States
Subjects: visual arts; film
Issue(s): 1
x Apocalypse Playground
Creators: Kinnett, Dylan
Publisher: self-published. Published: Shepherdstown, WV, United States
Subjects: literary; visual arts; punk
Issue(s): 1
x Applicant
Creators: Reklaw, Jesse, editor
Affiliated Groups: AK Press
Publisher: Microcosm Publishing. Published: Portland, OR, United States
Subjects: found art; humor; politics
Issue(s): non-serial
x ARA News: anti-racist action
Creators: ARA
Published: Columbus, OH, United States
Subjects: politics and culture; activism; economics
1997, January 7
x Arise!
Affiliated Groups: Arise! Bookstore
Published: Minneapolis, MN, United States
Subjects: politics and culture; activism; economics
x Arnie
Creators: Gane, Simon and Alex B
Published: Bath,United Kingdom
Subjects: music; comics; anarchism
Issue(s): 7
1994, October
x Art of a Shaman
Creators: Moore, Frank
Publisher: Inter-Relations. Published: Berkeley, CA, United States
Subjects: performance arts; religion
Issue(s): non-serial
Notes: originally a lecture given at NYU
x Artest: Youth, Arts, Activism
Creators: Oostindie, Irwin, coordinator
Affiliated Groups: New Liberation News Service, Small Press Action Network
Published: Vancouver, BC, Canada
Subjects: visual arts; activism; politics and culture
Issue(s): 7
x Artflux
Creators: Aron
Publisher: self-published. Published: Minneapolis, MN, United States
Subjects: visual arts; politics and culture; performance arts
Issue(s): 5
x Articulate: Contemporary Art Review
Creators: Greenwell, Stuart, editor
Published: Highland, MD, United States
Subjects: visual arts; music; performance arts
Issue(s): volume 2, issue 6
1996, September
x As Eavesdropped
Creators: Baumann, S
Publisher: Fridge Magnet Concoctions. Published: Hamtramck, MI, United States
Subjects: comics; humor
x Assimilationist
Creators: Shadow
Publisher: self-published
Subjects: punk; literary
Issue(s): 1
circa 1994
x Atomic Clutter
Creators: Joy, Kevin
Publisher: self-published. Published: Eastpointe, MI, United States
Subjects: comics; politics and culture; visual arts
Issue(s): 666
x Au Contraire
Creators: Kenneth
Publisher: self-published. Published: Pleasantville, NY, United States
Subjects: music; punk
Issue(s): 1
x Auto-Free Times
Creators: Alliance for a Paving Moratorium
Affiliated Groups: Fossil Fuels Policy Action Institute
Publisher: Alliance for a Paving Moratorium. Published: Arcata, CA, United States
Subjects: environmental issues; economics; activism
Issue(s): 9-18
Notes: also included are a number of unnumbered newsletters
x Autonome Distribution: Mail Order Catalog of Alternative/Anti-Authoritarian Merchandise
Published: New Orleans, LA, United States
Subjects: zine reviews; anarchism; politics and culture
Issue(s): non-serial
circa 1991
x Autonomous Sailing Collective
Creators: Autonomous Sailing Collective
Publisher: self-published. Published: New Orleans, LA, United States
Subjects: travel; anarchism; sport
Issue(s): 2
x Avow
Creators: Keith
Publisher: self-published. Published: Beaverton, OR, United States
Subjects: literary; visual arts; music
Issue(s): 7
x AWOL: youth for peace and revolution
Creators: DeLorey, Jenna, editor
Affiliated Groups: Central Committee for Conscientious Objectors
Publisher: CCCO. Published: San Francisco, CA, United States
Subjects: activism; politics and culture
Issue(s): 2
x B.U.G.S.
Affiliated Groups: Drop-In Center in New Orleans
Publisher: self-published. Published: New Orleans, LA, United States
Subjects: literary; visual arts; homelessness
Issue(s): 1
1996, March
x Backroads Bicycling
Publisher: self-published. Published: Clay Center, KS, United States
Subjects: sport
Issue(s): volume 8, issue 1
x Bad Faith: Lessons in self deception
Creators: Zero, John
Publisher: self-published. Published: Rancho Sante Fe, CA, United States
Subjects: mental health; literary
1995, October
x Bad Grammer
Creators: Finkel, Jenny
Publisher: self-published. Published: Fanwood, NJ, United States
Subjects: personal; music; politics and culture
Issue(s): 2
1996, February
x Bad Haircut Press
Creators: Goforth, Ray and Kimberlea Richards
Publisher: Kimberlea-Ray Productions. Published: Garden Grove, CA, United States
Subjects: politics and culture; literary; activism
Issue(s): 1-2, unnumbered
Notes: several unnumbered issues and related pamphlets
x Bad Subjects: Political Education for Everyday Life
Creators: Newitz, Annalee, Jillian Sandell, and Ed Korthof, editors
Affiliated Groups: Graduate Assembly of the University of California at Berkeley, Townsend Center for the Humanities
Publisher: self-published. Published: Berkeley, CA, United States
Subjects: politics and culture; economics; sexuality
Issue(s): 19, 27
x Badass Nation: Punk fucking Rock Zine For the Motherfucking Trendy
Creators: Chu, Anthony
Publisher: self-published. Published: West Chester, PA, United States
Subjects: music; punk
Issue(s): 2
x Bainst
Creators: Brandt, Chris
Publisher: Grisly Bare Press. Published: San Francisco, CA, United States
Subjects: comics; humor; sexuality
Issue(s): 1-2
x Balances
Creators: SB and Dave
Affiliated Groups: University of Montana Lambda Association
Publisher: self-published. Published: Missoula, MT, United States
Subjects: sexuality; queer; literary
Issue(s): 1
x Ballot Access News
Published: San Francisco, CA, United States
Subjects: politics and culture; activism
Issue(s): volume 11, no. 10-13; volume 12, no. 1
x Bamboo Girl
Creators: Sabrina
Publisher: self-published. Published: New York, NY, United States
Subjects: feminism; music; race, ethnicity, and identity
Issue(s): 1-2
x bAnal Probe
Publisher: self-published. Published: Austin, TX, United States
Subjects: sexuality; humor; music
Issue(s): 7, 10
x Bantha Fodder
Creators: Caroline
Publisher: self-published. Published: Walnut Creek, CA, United States
Subjects: personal; health and body issues; politics and culture
Issue(s): 5
1996, Spring
x Bark!: Voice of Anarcho-Cynicism
Creators: MacGowan, Tom
Publisher: self-published. Published: New York, NY, United States
Subjects: anarchism; food; environmental issues
Issue(s): 1
2000, Spring
x Bastard
Creators: Vest, Rob
Publisher: self-published. Published: New Albany, IN, United States
Subjects: politics and culture; literary; music
Issue(s): 1
1996, December
x Bastards
Creators: Special, Jen
Publisher: self-published
Subjects: literary
Notes: in same folder as "Bastard", but a different publication
x Bean Soda
Creators: Rush, Aimee, editor
Published: Arlington, VA, United States
Subjects: politics and culture; music; zine reviews
Issue(s): 1
x Bear Deluxe, The: Exploring the Environment Through the Creative Arts
Creators: Webb, Tom, editor-in-chief
Affiliated Groups: Orlo Foundation
Published: Portland, OR, United States
Subjects: visual arts; literary; environmental issues
Issue(s): 19
x Bear Essentials, The
Creators: Webb, Thomas L., editor
Affiliated Groups: Orlo Foundation
Published: Portland, OR, United States
Subjects: visual arts; literary; environmental issues
Issue(s): 6-7
Notes: possibly a previous incarnation of "The Bear Deluxe"
x Beat Within, The: A Weekly Newsletter of Writing and Art from the Inside
Creators: Inocencio, David, Andrea N. Jones, Travis Lea, editors
Publisher: self-published. Published: San Francisco, CA, United States
Subjects: literary; gender issues; sexuality
Issue(s): volume 1, no. 8
1996, November, 11-17
x Beatlick News
Creators: Speer, Joe, editor
Publisher: self-published, Pamela Hirst. Published: Las Cruces, NM, United States
Subjects: literary; visual arts
Issue(s): Vol 2, no. 28
2006, Winter
x Because People Matter: Sacramento's Progressive Newspaper
Published: Sacramento, CA, United States
Subjects: politics and culture; economics; activism
1997, May-June
x Bedlam
Creators: Zero, John and Michael Skelinton
Publisher: self-published. Published: Rancho Sante Fe, CA, United States
Subjects: mental health; literary; sexuality
x Bee
Creators: Matsko, Bethany
Publisher: self-published
Subjects: literary; feminism
Issue(s): volume one, no. 6, 8, 11-12
x Bee Skin
Creators: Tony L
Publisher: self-published. Published: Leucadia, CA, United States
Subjects: comics; music; DIY, beer
Issue(s): non-serial
Notes: pretty cool, intricate layout, contains an insert, a Kodak slide, etc
x Beehive, The: the basics of consensus decisionmaking
Creators: Brad S
Publisher: self-published. Published: Washington, DC,United States
Subjects: activism; politics and culture
Issue(s): non-serial
Notes: pamphlet on collective decision making
x Beri-Beri
Creators: Emmenegger, Nico
Publisher: self-published. Published: Pittsburgh, PA, United States
Subjects: personal; music
Issue(s): 1-2
c. 2000
x Berzins, Bryan
Creators: Berzins, Bryan
Publisher: self-published. Published: Albuquerque, NM, United States
Subjects: personal; literary; sexuality
Notes: two this folder contains two different non-serial pamphlets, both written by Bryan Berzins, entitled, "Ass Clown" and "FTW"
x Beware the Solar Flare
Publisher: self-published
Subjects: comics; humor; sexuality
Issue(s): 1
x Beyond Baroque Magazine
Creators: Adams, James, editor
Published: Venice, CA, United States
Subjects: literary; visual arts
Issue(s): 7
x Beyond Hinduism
Creators: Davida
Publisher: self-published. Published: Portland, OR, United States
Subjects: religion; food; zine reviews
Issue(s): 24
x Beyond Reality
Creators: Sleightholme, Graham
Publisher: self-published. Published: Cleveland, OH, United States
Subjects: punk; music; animal rights
Issue(s): 7
x Big Bang Fanzine
Creators: Dave Liberation and Ben Interbang
Published: Anaheim, CA, United States
Subjects: punk; literary; politics and culture
Issue(s): 1
Notes: duplicate of issue
x Big Pinch World: Love, Death and Ordinary Fun
Creators: Osborne, Randy
Publisher: self-published. Published: Fox River Grove, IL, United States
Subjects: personal; literary; found art
Issue(s): 1
x BigDuck Zine
Publisher: self-published. Published: Berkeley, CA, United States
Subjects: comics; music; politics and culture
Issue(s): 4
x Bike Punk Chronicles, The
Publisher: self-published. Published: Pensacola, FL, United States
Subjects: punk; sports; politics and culture
Issue(s): 4
x Bingo Nation
Creators: sg8
Publisher: self-published. Published: Fredericksburg, MD, United States
Subjects: philosophy; politics and culture; literary
Issue(s): 1
Notes: cool cover design
1996, Winter
x Bite Me!
Creators: Baxter, Jessica
Publisher: self-published. Published: Midlothian, VA, United States
Subjects: punk; music; politics and culture
Issue(s): 1
x Bitter Cakes
Creators: Hochman, Joel
Publisher: Tin Cup Press. Published: New York, NY, United States
Subjects: comics
Issue(s): 1
x Bizarre Rum
Creators: Crow, Ian
Publisher: self-published. Published: Tulsa, OK, United States
Subjects: sexuality; literary; food
Issue(s): 1
1999, Spring
x Black Autonomy
Creators: Jackson, Greg
Affiliated Groups: Federation of Black Community Partisans
Published: Seattle, WA, United States
Subjects: anarchism; race, ethnicity, and identity; activism
Issue(s): 1
x Black Cat 115
Creators: Firth, Matthew, editor
Publisher: Black Bile Press. Published: Windsor, Ontario, Canada
Subjects: literary; visual arts
Issue(s): 4
x Black Velvet
Creators: Shari Black Velvet
Published: Redditch, Worcestershire, England
Subjects: music; animal rights
Issue(s): 35
x Blackmail: Blackmail only has nine lives
Creators: Jordan
Publisher: self-published. Published: San Francisco, CA, United States
Subjects: politics and culture; punk; personal
Issue(s): 9
x Bladder Pad: Informative News Sheet
Creators: Parker, Biff
Publisher: self-published. Published: Richmond, VA, United States
Subjects: politics and culture
Issue(s): 1-2
x Blast!, The
Published: MN, United States
Subjects: politics and culture; economics; activism
Issue(s): 6.5
1995, December
x Blindfish: Not intneded for children or stupid people
Creators: Rufus
Publisher: self-published. Published: Centreville, VA, United States
Subjects: politics and culture; gender issues; personal
Issue(s): 1
x Blink
Creators: Fia
Publisher: Little Projects. Published: Miama, FL, United States
Subjects: music; literary; politics and culture
Issue(s): 7-8
x Blue Ryder: The Magazine of Unity and Chaos
Published: Olean, NY, United States
Subjects: politics and culture; music
Issue(s): 37
Notes: two other undated and unnumbered issues in folder
x Blue Stocking: Unabashedly Feminist
Creators: Smith, Judy, editor
Published: Portland, OR, United States
Subjects: feminism; zine reviews
Issue(s): vol. 4, no. 1
1996, Winter
x Blur
Creators: Jeff
Publisher: self-published. Published: Conway, SC, United States
Subjects: race, ethnicity, and identity; sexuality; politics and culture
Issue(s): 7
x Boar Dome
Creators: Shadford, Ken and Bryan Davidson, editors
Published: Los Angeles, CA, United States
Subjects: politics and culture; humor; music
Issue(s): 8
x Bob: from the heart of the middle class I stab at thee...
Publisher: Outhouse Publishing
Subjects: politics and culture; health and body; economics
Issue(s): 2
x Bodily Fluids
Creators: Kelly
Publisher: self-published
Subjects: health and body; humor; personal
Issue(s): 1
2003, August
x Bomb Shell
Creators: Bodie, James
Publisher: self-published. Published: Lebanon, PA, United States
Subjects: music; religion
Issue(s): 2
x Booboopdeedoo
Creators: Dorothee
Publisher: self-published. Published: San Jose, CA, United States
Subjects: feminism; music; politics and culture
Issue(s): 3
x Boobular
Creators: Thami
Publisher: self-published. Published: Minneaplis, MN, United States
Subjects: politics and culture; animal rights; comics
Issue(s): 1
1996, Spring
x Book of Blip
Creators: Wyndham, Tamara
Publisher: self-published. Published: New York, NY, United States
Subjects: visual arts; found art
Notes: cool collage booklets and art objects; folder also contains "artful/artless: an abridged dictionary" by tamara wyndham and a small flyer explaining "blip"
x Book Your Own Fuckin' Life: A Do-It-Yourself Resource Guide
Creators: The Bleeding Heart Collective
Affiliated Groups: Maximumrocknroll
Published: Philadelphia, PA, United States
Subjects: DIY; music; zine reviews
Issue(s): 5
x Boredom Sucks
Creators: Martin, Lauren
Publisher: self-published. Published: Staten Island, NY, United States
Subjects: personal; politics and culture
Issue(s): 5
1994, December
x Bottom's Up, The: A Production of the Buttered Toast, The First Name in Poetic Equipment Since 1990
Creators: The Buttered Toast
Affiliated Groups: University of Montana English Department
Publisher: self-published. Published: Missoula, MT, United States
Subjects: literary; humor
Issue(s): vol. 1, no. 1; vol. 2, no. 1-3
x Bowling Ball Trimnastics
Publisher: self-published. Published: Miami, FL, United States
Subjects: music; feminism; politics and culture
Issue(s): 1
x Box of 64
Creators: Estep, Stacy
Publisher: self-published. Published: Atlanta, GA, United States
Subjects: personal; politics and culture; literary
Issue(s): 13-15
x Brain Food
Creators: Toft, Mike
Publisher: self-published. Published: Minneapolis, MN, United States
Subjects: comics; humor
Issue(s): 13-14
x Brainscan
Creators: Wrekk, Alex
Publisher: self-published. Published: Portland, OR, United States
Subjects: travel; personal
Issue(s): 19-20
Notes: cool layout and interesting writing; two copies of
x Brat Attack: The Zine for Leatherdykes and Other Bad Girlz
Creators: Deva, publisher
Published: San Francisco, CA, United States
Subjects: queer; sexuality; gender issues
Issue(s): 5
1994, May
x Broadside Collective
Creators: Kendall, Jesse and Mark Sonnenfeld
Publisher: Marymark Press. Published: Portland, ME, United States
Subjects: visual arts; literary
x Broadsides
Subjects: visual arts; literary; anarchism
Notes: several unrelated pamphlets, flyers, and broadsides
x Broken Pencil: The Magazine of Zine Culture and the Independent Arts
Creators: Niedzviecki, founding editor
Affiliated Groups: Canada Councl for the Arts, Ontario Arts Council
Published: Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Subjects: politics and culture; zine reviews; music
Issue(s): 5, 9, 16, 19, 22
x Brooklyn Metro Times: A Magazine for Radical Brooklyn
Creators: McAleer, Bernie, et al
Published: Brooklyn, NY, United States
Subjects: work; politics and culture; activism
Issue(s): 8-10
x Brooklyn!
Creators: Argoff, Fred
Publisher: self-published. Published: Brooklyn, NY, United States
Subjects: economics; politics and culture; travel
x Brother Dana
Creators: Baby, Erica
Publisher: self-published. Published: Cupertino, CA, United States
Subjects: sexuality; comics; personal
Issue(s): 5
x Bucking Gay Lover
Creators: Mills, Jeff
Publisher: self-published. Published: Memphis, TN, United States
Subjects: music; politics and culture; travel
Issue(s): 2-3
x Buffy and Jody's Guide to the Galaxy
Publisher: Pompano Water Publishing. Published: Pompano Beach, FL, United States
Subjects: comics; feminism; health and body issues
Issue(s): 2
Notes: cool comic book
x Bunny Blues
Creators: Corby, Bob
Publisher: Corby Visual Productions. Published: Dublin, OH, United States
Subjects: comics; humor
Issue(s): non-serial
1995, February 28
x Bunnyrabbit
Creators: Fusselman, Amy
Publisher: self-published. Published: New York, NY, United States
Subjects: film; humor
Issue(s): 7
x Bups
Creators: Kellard, Matthew
Publisher: self-published. Published: Pacific Palisades, CA, United States
Subjects: punk; zine reviews; DIY
Issue(s): 2
x Burn Collector
Creators: Burian, Al
Publisher: self-published. Published: Carrboro, NC, United States
Subjects: personal; philosophy; travel
Notes: little zine about hanging out in Providence, RI; interesting personal musings and philosophizing; good writing and lay out
x Burnt Out
Creators: Jeremy
Publisher: self-published. Published: Minneapolis, MN, United States
Subjects: politics and culture; work; travel
Issue(s): 1
x Burping Lula
Publisher: self-published. Published: Richmond, VA, United States
Subjects: DIY, four-track recording; music; zine reviews
Issue(s): 6
x Busboy
Creators: Walker, Emily
Publisher: self-published. Published: Jackson, MS, United States
Subjects: personal; literary; music
Issue(s): 2-3
x C.O.F.
Creators: Jeff
Publisher: self-published. Published: Scotts, AZ, United States
Subjects: punk; politics and culture; comics
Issue(s): 2
x Camel Talk
Creators: Clutter, Christopher L., editor
Affiliated Groups: Camel Dung Writing Company
Published: Suquamish, WA, United States
Subjects: literary; politics and culture
Issue(s): vol. 1, nos. 2-4
Notes: contains two copies of vol. 1, no. 3
x Candles for Girls
Publisher: self-published. Published: Wyoming, MI, United States
Subjects: personal; health and body issues; gender issues
x Can't Forgive
Publisher: self-published. Published: Woodland Hills, CA, United States
Subjects: punk; politics and culture; personal
Issue(s): 2
Notes: funny, insightful, biting personal anecdotes and musings on punk culture
x Captain Groovy and other Punk Rock Love Poems
Creators: Houle, Zachary
Contributors: Martel, Shelley, illustrator
Publisher: Invisible Ink Publishing. Published: Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
Subjects: literary; punk; sexuality
Issue(s): nonserial
x Cat v. Non-Cat
Publisher: self-published
Subjects: animals; literary; humor
x Catch 22
Creators: Ryan Taxless
Publisher: self-published. Published: Erie, PA, United States
Subjects: politics and culture; animal rights; zine reviews
Issue(s): 2-4
x Catfish
Creators: Bushard, Andrew
Publisher: self-published. Published: Rockford, IL, United States
Subjects: anarchism; philosophy; personal
Issue(s): 1
x Catty's Unconventional No-Nonsense Tour de Force
Creators: Parko, Kim
Publisher: self-published. Published: Atlanta, GA, United States
Subjects: comics; feminism; health and body issues
Notes: cool feminist comics
x Censorship News
Creators: Udow, Roz, editor
Affiliated Groups: National Coalition Against Censorship
Publisher: NCAC. Published: New York, NY, United States
Subjects: politics and culture; activism
Issue(s): vol. 45, no. 4
x Chain Reaction: Unshackling Captive Minds
Published: Homewood, IL, United States
Subjects: anarchism; work; economics
Issue(s): 6
circa 2000
x Challenges Within, The
Creators: Hahs, Nathan
Publisher: self-published
Subjects: literary
Issue(s): 1-2
x Chance Musical Lesson, The
Creators: Shawn Mediaclast
Publisher: self-published. Published: Eugene, OR, United States
Subjects: music; personal; politics and culture
Issue(s): 1
x Change Zine
Creators: West, Patrick
Publisher: self-published. Published: Hartford, CT, United States
Subjects: music; sports; zine reviews
Issue(s): 2, 4-5
Notes: issue 2 contains a 7"
x Channel Surfer Journal
Creators: Sassone, Bob
Publisher: Intrigue Media. Published: Gloucester, MA, United States
Subjects: popular media; politics and culture
x Chapbook K
Creators: Verrilli, Joseph and Mark Sonnenfeld
Publisher: Marymark Press. Published: Bridgeport, CT, United States
Subjects: visual arts; gender issues; literary
x Charette's Eye View: A Journal of Sorts of How Many Ever Days It Takes Me to Complete It
Publisher: self-published. Published: Fall River, MA, United States
Subjects: politics and culture; music; comics
Issue(s): 5, 7
x Chemicals
Creators: John Chemicals
Publisher: self-published. Published: New Brunswick, NJ, United States
Subjects: literary; music; politics and culture
Issue(s): 2.5
x Cherotic Revolutionary, The
Creators: Moore, Frank
Published: Berkeley, CA, United States
Subjects: sexuality; performance arts; literary
Issue(s): vol. 1, nos. 3-8
x Cherry
Creators: Kate
Publisher: self-published. Published: Dresher, PA, United States
Subjects: personal; music; politics and culture
Issue(s): 6
x Chicane
Creators: Lurid, Gwyneth, editor
Published: Portland, OR, United States
Subjects: politics and culture; health and body issues; literary
1996, January
x Chickfactor
Published: New York, NY, United States
Subjects: music; feminism; politics and culture
Issue(s): 4
x Chip's Closet Cleaner
Creators: Rowe, Chip
Published: Washington, DC,United States
Subjects: politics and culture; popular media; zine reviews
Issue(s): 10-11
x Choc a Bloc
Creators: Sirius, Bean
Publisher: Cork Music Resource Co-op. Published: St. Cork,Ireland
Subjects: politics and culture; music
Issue(s): 32
x Chord Easy
Publisher: Light Living Library. Published: Philomath, OR, United States
Subjects: music; DIY
Issue(s): non-serial
Notes: contains 2 copies
x Chumpire
Publisher: self-published. Published: PA, United States
Subjects: music; travel
Issue(s): 61
x CIA Makes Science Fiction Unexciting, The
Creators: Mason, Gena
Publisher: Microcosm Publishing. Published: Portland, OR, United States
Subjects: politics and culture; race, ethnicity, and identity; technology
Issue(s): 1-4
Notes: two copies of issue 1; two copies of issue 3
x Cimabue Fanzine
Creators: Jamie
Publisher: self-published. Published: Cockeysville, MD, United States
Subjects: personal; politics and culture; music
Issue(s): 3-5
x Circle Hills Mall's Patron / Jelly Cake / Louise and the Heavy Hearted Villian / Self Promotion
Creator: Piecemeal Fortress
Publisher: self-published. Published: Edina, MN, United States
Subjects: experimental fiction; film and entertainment commentary
Issue(s): no. 1, 2, and non-serial
x City Revolt: The Alternative Music and Arts Publication of the Pacific West
Creators: Stock Robin and Kal Gettle, editors
Published: San Jose, CA, United States
Subjects: music; politics and culture
Issue(s): vol. 4, no. 12
1996, December
x Civil Disturbance
Creators: Pickard, Matt
Publisher: self-published. Published: Muskego, WI, United States
Subjects: anarchism; religion; race, ethnicity, identity
Issue(s): 7, 9
circa 1993
x Class War: Britains Most Unruly Tabloid
Published: London,UK
Subjects: politics and culture; sports; economics
Issue(s): 50
x Classrooms First!: A History of the 1996 Oakland Teachers' Strike
Creators: Justice, Jason
Publisher: Haymarket Press. Published: Berkeley, CA, United States
Subjects: work; economics; activism
Issue(s): non-serial
x Claustrophobia: An Abolitionist Newsletter and Journal
Publisher: self-published. Published: Washington, DC,United States
Subjects: anarchism; race, ethnicity, and identity; activism
Issue(s): 5
x Clipper Gore
Creators: Hoffman, Chuck
Publisher: self-published. Published: Waterloo, IA, United States
Subjects: punk; work; personal
Issue(s): 5
x Clownhunter
Creators: Gorski, Eric
Publisher: self-published. Published: Corvallis, OR, United States
Subjects: humor; comics; literary
Issue(s): vol. 1, nos. 1-2
Creators: The High Plains Drifter
Publisher: self-published. Published: Missoula, MT, United States
Subjects: literary; health and body issues; mental health
Issue(s): 23
Notes: also contains another undated, unnumbered issue of COG; creepy, cool design
x Coiled: The Bimonthly Campus Paper of Creative Writing
Affiliated Groups: Montana State University
Publisher: self-published. Published: Bozeman, MT, United States
Subjects: literary; comics
Issue(s): 6
1996, April 15
x Coldbringer
Creators: Coldbringer Collective
Publisher: self-published. Published: Los Angeles, CA, United States
Subjects: music; DIY; visual arts
Issue(s): 2
x Collection, The
Creators: Barry, Meghan and Danielle Robinson
Publisher: self-published. Published: NJ, United States
Subjects: food; sports; politics and culture
x Comics Interpreter, The
Creators: Young, Robert
Subjects: comics; visual arts; popular media
Issue(s): vol. 2, no. 1
x Common Ground: An Exploration of Controversial Issues Facing Humanity and the World
Creators: Ridenour, Ron, editor
Affiliated Groups: Terrain Alliance
Published: Whitefish, MT, United States
Subjects: environmental issues; politics and culture; activism
Issue(s): 1
x Commoner Sense: The Conspiracy of Equals Info-Shop Newsletter
Publisher: self-published. Published: Austin, TX, United States
Subjects: politics and culture; work; anarchism
Issue(s): 2
1996, November
x Compendium, The
Subjects: economics; politics and culture
Notes: compendium of various quotes from historical figures on economics, no other information given
x Compilation
Publisher: She Gets Angry Press. Published: Berkeley, CA, United States
Subjects: literary; visual arts; comics
Issue(s): 1
x Complete Control
Affiliated Groups: Better Days Collective
Publisher: self-published. Published: Richmond, VA, United States
Subjects: personal; mental health issues; anarchism
Issue(s): 10
2002, November
x Comtebus
Creators: Aaron
Publisher: self-published. Published: Berkeley, CA, United States
Subjects: personal; literary; politics and culture
Issue(s): 33-36, 38, 40
x Con$ume or Die
Publisher: self-published. Published: Ashland, OR, United States
Subjects: anarchism; animal rights; activism
x Concrete Truth
Publisher: self-published. Published: Portland, OR, United States
Subjects: activism; politics and culture
c. 1995
x Conduit: Words and Visions for Minds on Fire
Creators: Waltz, William, editor
Published: Minneapolis, MN, United States
Subjects: literary; visual arts
Issue(s): 14, 23-24, 32
Notes:lots of high quality poetry: Alice Notley, John Beer, Bob Hicok, Dorothea Lasky, Dara Wier, Noelle Kocot, etc.
x Confluence
Affiliated Groups: Gateway Green Alliance
Published: St. Louis, MO, United States
Subjects: environmental issues; activism; politics and culture
Issue(s): vol. 7, no. 2
2001, April
x Connected: Boston
Creators: Whiting, Roger
Publisher: self-published. Published: Glendale, AZ, United States
Subjects: personal; travel; photography
Notes: really cool conceptual project; cool fold out map of all people interviewed
2001, March
x Conqueror Worm, The
Creators: argylle
Publisher: self-published. Published: Ankeny, IA, United States
Subjects: religion; music; politics and culture
x Constant Agitation
Creators: Peterson, S.
Publisher: self-published. Published: Ann Arbor, MI, United States
Subjects: music; photography
Issue(s): 3
x Constant Rider Omnibus
Creators: Lopresti, Kate
Publisher: Tugboat Press. Published: Portland, OR, United States
Subjects: travel; personal; humor
Issue(s): vol. 1-2
x Cooperative Straight Edge Libertaria
Publisher: self-published. Published: Buenos Aires,Argentina
Subjects: politics and culture; music
Issue(s): 2
Notes: spanish language zine
x Core Kill
Creators: Watson, Tom
Publisher: self-published. Published: Kettering, OH, United States
Subjects: music; comics; zine reviews
x Corvus
Publisher: self-published. Published: Merritt, BC, Canada
Subjects: literary; visual arts; comics
Issue(s): 3-4
Creators: Stella Cult
Publisher: self-published. Published: Maple Heights, OH, United States
Subjects: mental health; heath and body issues; sexuality
Issue(s): 2
1993, July
x Crack Whore Quarterly
Publisher: self-published. Published: Lawrence, KS, United States
Subjects: sexuality; comics; fashion
Issue(s): 4
x Crambone and Dick Rambone
Publisher: self-published. Published: Cincinnati, OH, United States
Subjects: humor; sexuality; music
Issue(s): 1
x Crank
Creators: Koyen, Jeff
Published: New York, NY, United States
Subjects: humor; sexuality; found art
Issue(s): 3-4
x Crash
Creators: Pointdexter, Miles, editor
Published: San Francisco, CA, United States
Subjects: travel; environmental issues; sport, bicycling
Issue(s): 3 issues, none numbered
x Crash Position
Creators: spliedt
Publisher: self-published. Published: Newbrunswick, NJ, United States
Subjects: music; food, veganism
Issue(s): 9
x Crass Menagerie, The
Creators: Branin, Jeb
Publisher: self-published. Published: Ephraim, UT, United States
Subjects: music; punk
Issue(s): 21
1996, July
x Crimewave, USA
Creators: Maynard, Mark and Linette Lao
Publisher: self-published. Published: Marietta, GA, United States
Subjects: music; personal; politics and culture
Issue(s): 5, 7
Notes: cool looking zine, really well designed with good content; issue 7 published in Ypsilanti, MI
x Crimson Leer
Creators: McNamara, David
Publisher: self-published. Published: Fabius, NY, United States
Subjects: literary; visual arts
Issue(s): 6, 8
Notes: folder also contains 2 chapbooks, "this groovy movie" by Joseph Verrilli and "one shot, maybe more" by John Sweet and David McNamara
x Crippled by Depression
Creators: Beebe, Adam
Publisher: self-published. Published: Oakland, CA, United States
Subjects: personal; sexuality; humor
Issue(s): 2
x Crump
Publisher: self-published. Published: Upland, CA, United States
Subjects: comics; humor; music
Issue(s): 10
1994, February
x Crush
Creators: Honna
Subjects: comics; visual arts
Notes: cool little fold out book; no other information
x Cryptozoa: Odd Little Picture Fictions
Creators: Robinson, Androo
Affiliated Groups: Ped Xing Comics
Publisher: self-published. Published: Portland, OR, United States
Subjects: comics; humor
Issue(s): 4-6
x Cubist Ants Shall Inherit the Earth
Creators: Melville, Herman
Publisher: self-published. Published: Oklahoma City, OK, United States
Subjects: literary; visual arts
Issue(s): 6
x Cultor Sore
Creators: Taylor
Publisher: self-published. Published: Fredericksburg, VA, United States
Subjects: literary; personal; music
Issue(s): 15
2003, August, 22
x Cupsize
Creators: Cagen, Alexandra
Publisher: self-published. Published: New York, NY, United States
Subjects: politics and culture; sexuality; music
Issue(s): 1, 4-5
Notes: eclectic zine with articles like "The Tyranny of Snapple and the Meaning of Bottled Beverages", clever, insightful, and well designed
x Curiousity in Stout Shoes
Creators: Madonia, Christina
Publisher: self-published. Published: Houston, TX, United States
Subjects: music; personal; literary
Notes: interview with bill callahan/smog
1993, March
x Cut Out Cutlines and Photocopied Photos
Creators: Tamburro, Micheal-Anthony
Publisher: self-published. Published: Atlanta, GA, United States
Subjects: humor; found art
Issue(s): 10
x Cutter Boy
Creators: Adam Angst
Publisher: self-published. Published: New York, NY, United States
Subjects: music; personal; travel
Issue(s): 3
x Cutthroat Comics
Publisher: self-published. Published: Putney, VT, United States
Subjects: comics; humor
Issue(s): 3
x Cyber-Psycho's A.O.D.
Creators: Sailing, Jasmine
Publisher: self-published. Published: Denver, CO, United States
Subjects: mental health; sexuality; literary
Issue(s): 6
Notes: interview with hakim bey
x Daggy Madeline
Creators: Cindy and Erica
Publisher: self-published. Published: Cupertino, CA, United States
Subjects: personal; food; sexuality
Issue(s): 5
x Damage is Done Again, The
Publisher: self-published. Published: Enfield, County Meath, Ireland
Subjects: music; gender issues; comics
x Damned Bunnies
Creators: Baumann, Suzanne
Publisher: self-published. Published: Hamtramck, MI, United States
Subjects: comics
x Damyata
Creators: Bilezikian, Sera
Publisher: self-published. Published: New York, NY, United States
Subjects: personal; sexuality; health and body
Issue(s): 2
Notes: strange personal zine, with some quasi-mystical seeming stories
x Danzine: An Exciting Monthly for Ladies in the Biz
Creators: Teresa
Publisher: self-published. Published: Portland, OR, United States
Subjects: sexuality; work; gender issues
Issue(s): vol. 1, no. 6
1996, January
x De Johanzcoop
Publisher: self-published
Subjects: film; music
Notes: dutch language zine
x Deacon Blues
Creators: Kelly, Brian
Publisher: self-published. Published: Hardin, MT, United States
Subjects: libertarianism; religion; literary
Issue(s): 2
x Dead Trees Review: The Little Magazine Long on Reading
Creators: Lappen, Paul
Publisher: self-published. Published: Manchester, CT, United States
Subjects: politics and culture; literary
Issue(s): 30-31, 33-34
c. 2004
x Dead X Stop Fanzine
Creators: Gutierrez, Christopher
Publisher: self-published. Published: Woodridge, IL, United States
Subjects: punk; personal
Issue(s): 2
x Deaf by Punk
Publisher: self-published. Published: Helsinki,Finland
Subjects: punk; travel
Issue(s): 12
1995, December
x Dear [blank], I had/have a crush on you because [blank]
Creators: c. lee
Publisher: self-published. Published: Denver, CO, United States
Subjects: personal; race, ethnicity, and identity; muisc
Notes: nice looking personal zine; wide ranging and insightful, good article on cultural conditioning of who we're attracted to
x Dear Jesus
Published: New York, NY, United States
Subjects: music; politics and culture
Issue(s): 39
1992, Spring
x Death and Tortillas
Publisher: self-published. Published: Sacto, CA, United States
Subjects: music; travel; personal
Issue(s): 2.5
x Death Camp
Affiliated Groups: HoMo Cult
Publisher: self-published. Published: London,United Kingdom
Subjects: health and body; queer; philosophy
Issue(s): 6-7, 10-11
Notes: all four issues stapled together, focus on AIDs
x Death Ship
Publisher: self-published. Published: Hayward, CA, United States
Subjects: literary; zine reviews; visual arts
Issue(s): 2-3
Notes: zine done completely on letterpress, very impressive looking, devoted to freedom of the press
x Dee Dee's Kids
Publisher: self-published. Published: Kearney, MO, United States
Subjects: punk; zine reviews; race, ethnicity, identity
Issue(s): 2
x Defecation
Creators: Sheriden, Brendan
Publisher: self-published. Published: Hong Kong,China
Subjects: personal; travel; music
Issue(s): 1-2, 6
x Defecation
Creators: Padriac
Publisher: self-published. Published: Tullamore, County Offaly, Ireland
Subjects: music; sexuality
Issue(s): 2
Notes: in same folder as other "Defecation" zine
x Definite Article, The
Creators: Hiebert, M. Elias
Publisher: self-published. Published: Downs, IL, United States
Subjects: humor; film; music
Issue(s): 3.14
x Dehydration Fanzine
Creators: Carlos
Publisher: self-published. Published: San Francisco, CA, United States
Subjects: sexuality; music; politics and culture
Issue(s): 4
Notes: some parts of zine in spanish
x Delicious Slop
Creators: Crosland, Dave
Subjects: comics
x Demented
Creators: Wilson, Laurel
Publisher: self-published
Subjects: personal; popular media; comics
Issue(s): 11
1995, April
x Derailer
Creators: kehben
Published: West Lafayette, IN, United States
Subjects: travel; DIY; activism
Notes: well designed plastic sleeve for this zine about alternative ways to travel
x Destroyed by Madness
Creators: Farmer, Kevin
Publisher: self-published. Published: San Diego, CA, United States
Subjects: politics and culture; humor
Issue(s): 1-2
x Dialogue: New Orleans' Progressive Community Journal
Affiliated Groups: Twomey Center for Peace Through Justice
Published: New Orleans, LA, United States
Subjects: politics and culture; environmental issues
Issue(s): 85, 87, 89, 94-95, 99, 99.5, 101
x Dialogue Digest
Issue(s): 99.5
Notes: special issue of "Dialogue"
1995, May
x Diaspora
Creators: Karolyn
Publisher: self-published. United States
Subjects: travel; personal; race, ethnicity, identity
x Diatribe
Creators: Aaron Cynic
Publisher: self-published
Subjects: politics and culture; technology
Issue(s): 2
Notes: 2 copies of this issue
x Die, The: The Die is Cast
Published: College Park, MD, United States
Subjects: philosophy; literary; environmental issues
Issue(s): vol. 1, nos. 1-3; vol. 2, nos. 1-3; vol. 3, nos. 1-2
x Direct Solidarity: Newsletter of the Spirit of Magon Direct Solidarity Committee
Published: New York, NY, United States
Subjects: politics and culture; activism
Issue(s): 1
x Dirt: Yesterday's News Today
Creators: Kish, Laura
Publisher: self-published. Published: Vista, CA, United States
Subjects: punk; photography
Issue(s): vol. 2, no. 6
x Disconnection: a networking journal for radical collectives and ounterinstitutions
Publisher: self-published. Published: Detroit, MI, United States
Subjects: anarchism
Issue(s): 3-4
x Discovery Press
Creators: Heyer, Irving
Publisher: Discovery Press. Published: Missoula, MT, United States
Subjects: literary; politics and culture; activism
Issue(s): non-serial
Notes: contains tract called "Our Next 'Pearl Harbor'"
x Diseased Pariah News
Creators: Thorne, Beowulf
Published: Oakland, CA, United States
Subjects: health and body; queer; food
Issue(s): 8
x Disheveled
Creators: Carter, Roxanne
Publisher: self-published
Subjects: personal; literary
Notes: beautifully designed, loose leaf and disordered diary entries
x Dishwasher
Creators: Dishwasher Pete
Publisher: self-published. Published: Arcata, CA, United States
Subjects: work; travel; personal
Issue(s): 7, 9, 11-13
Notes: zine that documents a person's attempt to wash dishes in all 50 states
x Diva: A Quarterly Journal of Sout Asian Women
Creators: Acharya, Leela, et al.
Published: Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Subjects: race, ethnicity, and identity; feminism; literary
Issue(s): vol. 3, no. 1
1991, October
x Dixie Phoenix: Exploration in the Southern Tradition
Creators: Munson, Bjorn
Publisher: self-published. Published: Arlington, VA, United States
Subjects: literary
Issue(s): 9-10, 12
x Do As I Say, Not As I Do: Family Lessons to Unlear
Creators: Kelly
Publisher: self-published
Subjects: queer; personal; gender issues
Issue(s): 1
x Do Not File Under "Manifesto"
Creators: Rae, Jessika
Publisher: self-published. Published: Detroit, MI, United States
Subjects: visual arts; pesonal; feminism
Issue(s): 2, 5
Notes: a couple good looking zines
x Doctrine
Publisher: self-published. Published: Leeds, Yorkshire, United Kingdom
Subjects: punk
Issue(s): 2
x Dollars and Sense: The Magazine of Economic Justice
Creators: Friedman, Tami
Publisher: Economic Affiars Bureau. Published: Cambridge, MA, United States
Subjects: economics; health and body; activism
Issue(s): 235, 238
x Don't Ask Me Skatezine
Publisher: self-published. Published: Bloomington, IN, United States
Subjects: sports; photography
Issue(s): 9
x Donut Frenzy
Creators: Rusty
Publisher: self-published. Published: St. Paul, MN, United States
Subjects: personal; food
Issue(s): 4
x Door Was Never Locked, The
Affiliated Groups: CrimethInc
Publisher: self-published. Published: Louisville, KY, United States
Subjects: personal; travel; music
Issue(s): 3
x Doris
Publisher: self-published. Published: Portland, OR, United States
Subjects: personal; travel; photography
Issue(s): 4-5, 23
x Dr. Nihl's Tales of Atomic Death
Creators: O'Connor, Lee
Publisher: Ruins Press. Published: Seattle, WA, United States
Subjects: comics
Issue(s): 1
x Drag Alley
Publisher: self-published. Published: Berkeley, CA, United States
Subjects: travel; DIY; photography
Issue(s): 1
Notes: well designed zine with good content
circa 1993
x Drawstring
Creators: Ateek, Anthony
Publisher: self-published. Published: St. Petersburgh, FL, United States
Subjects: punk
Issue(s): 4
x Dreamtime Talkingmail
Creators: Xexoxial Endarchy
Publisher: self-published. Published: LaFarge, WI, United States
Subjects: philosophy; environmental issues; visual arts
Issue(s): 6-7
Notes: weird cool critical theory, hakim bey and others
x Drinking Sweat in the Ash Age
Creators: Taylor, Mike
Publisher: self-published. Published: Gainesville, FL, United States
Subjects: personal; philosophy; literary
x Droll
Publisher: self-published. Published: Gig Harbor, WA, United States
Subjects: feminism; visual arts; music
Issue(s): 1
x Drop Out
Published: Sacremento, CA, United States
Subjects: politics and culture; activism
Issue(s): 3-4, two unnummbered
x Dropkick the Fish
Creators: Cunningham, Tom
Publisher: self-published. Published: Las Vegas, NV, United States
Subjects: politics and culture; personal; zine reviews
Issue(s): 1
x Duck Milk
Creators: Anstedt, Bill
Publisher: self-published. Published: Minneapolis, MN, United States
Subjects: personal; literary
Issue(s): 6
1996, February
x Duct: reviews, and little more
Publisher: self-published. Published: Shawnee Mission, KS, United States
Subjects: zine reviews; music; popular media
x Dumb Jobs Aplenty
Creators: Truman, Shelly
Publisher: self-published. Published: Missoula, MT, United States
Subjects: comics; work
Issue(s): parts 1-3
Notes: cool comics
x Dung Series, The
Affiliated Groups: C.D. [Camel Dung] Writing Company
Publisher: self-published. Published: Kingston, WA, United States
Subjects: literary; humor
Issue(s): two unnumbered issues
x Duplex Planet, The
Creators: Greenberger, David
Publisher: self-published. Published: Saratoga Springs, NY, United States
Subjects: literary; photography
Issue(s): 20, 26, 66, 69, 104-105, 110, 113, 122, 125-126, 132, 140
Notes: very interesting, eclectic interviews with elderly folk from Duplex Nursing Home; great design, photos, and content throughout!
x Durable Goods
Creators: Drehmer, Aleathia
Publisher: CroBird Productions. Published: Rochester, NY, United States
Subjects: literary
Issue(s): 60-75
x Dwelling Portably
Publisher: self-published. Published: Philomath, OR, United States
Subjects: DIY; travel
1995, May
x E.B.D.
Publisher: self-published. Published: Concord, CA, United States
Subjects: music; food; comics
Issue(s): 1-3
x EarthSave
Creators: Carney, Partica, et al. editors
Affiliated Groups: EarthSave Foundation
Published: Santa Cruz, CA, United States
Subjects: environmental issues; food; activism
Issue(s): vol. 6, no. 1
1995, March
x East Coast Fanzine
Creators: Monika
Publisher: self-published. Published: Philadelphia, PA, United States
Subjects: personal; music; zine reviews
Issue(s): 1
1994, Fall
x East to Cali: A visit to the land of micro beers and burritos
Creators: Keffo
Publisher: self-published. Published: Bethlehem, PA, United States
Subjects: travel; environmental issues; politics and culture
x Eastern Paralyzed Veterans of America
Creators: Nathanson, Adam
Affiliated Groups: Born Against, Vermiform Records
Publisher: self-published. Published: Richmond, VA, United States
Subjects: punk; travel
1993, July
x Eat My Revolution!
Creators: Lassiter, Jessica
Publisher: self-published. Published: Albuquerque, NM, United States
Subjects: literary; visual art; philosophy
Issue(s): 1
x Eaves of Ass
Creators: Craven Rock
Publisher: self-published. Published: Louisville, KY, United States
Subjects: politics and culture; found art; work
Issue(s): 2
x ef
Creators: LaCroix, John
Publisher: self-published. Published: Boston, MA, United States
Subjects: music; DIY, silk screening
Issue(s): 5
x Ego Records!
Creators: Jolie Ego
Publisher: self-published. Published: Union City, IN, United States
Subjects: music
x Eightfold Path
Publisher: self-published. Published: Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada
Subjects: sexuality; health and body; food
Issue(s): 3-4
x El Cumpleanos de Paco
Creators: Hess, Mickey
Publisher: Pitchfork Battalion Publications
Subjects: literary
Issue(s): non-serial
Notes: spanish and english
x El Paliacate
Affiliated Groups: Accion Zapatista de Austin
Published: Austin, TX, United States
Subjects: politics and culture; activism
Issue(s): 6
1995, December
x Electricity
Creators: Rascal
Publisher: self-published
Subjects: comics
x Elegant Discourse
Publisher: self-published. Published: St. Louis, MO, United States
Subjects: feminism; music; sexuality
Issue(s): 1
1997, May
x E-Motion
Publisher: self-published. Published: Shirland, IL, United States
Subjects: sexuality; health and body; zine reviews
Issue(s): 12
x Endeavor: Live Voices From Death Row Across the USA
Creators: Graham, Gary
Published: Houston, TX, United States
Subjects: politics and culture; activism
Issue(s): vol. 5, no. 2
1995, Summer
x Enema
Creators: Menchetti, Pete
Published: Reno, NV, United States
Subjects: music; politics and culture
Issue(s): 4
1995, Spring
x Engine
Publisher: self-published. Published: San Francisco, CA, United States
Subjects: anarchism; music; photography
Issue(s): 2
x Enough is Enough: Simpler Living In the Confusing, Post-Modern World
Creators: Brezina, Dennis
Published: Chesapeake City, MD, United States
Subjects: philosophy; technology; politics and culture
Issue(s): vol. 1, nos. 3-4
x Entrenched Meanders: landscapes and tales
Creators: Morvitz, Zea
Publisher: Open Books. Published: Berkeley, CA, United States
Subjects: literary; visual art
Issue(s): non-serial
x Error: The Quarterly Newspaper of Vermiform Records
Published: Richmond, VA, United States
Subjects: punk; politics and culture
Issue(s): 100-102
Notes: two copies of issue 101
x Ersatz World: dedicated to the immature lifestyle
Creators: Levy, Andrew and Tara Wendel, editors
Publisher: self-published. Published: Ames, IA, United States
Subjects: music; popular media; comics
Issue(s): 2
1993, May
x Escaping Suburbia
Publisher: self-published
Subjects: personal; music; sexuality
Issue(s): 1
x Essays on Populism
Creators: Gambone, Larry
Publisher: Red Lion Press. Published: Montreal, Quebec, Canada
Subjects: politics and culture; philosophy
Issue(s): non-serial
x Evasion
Publisher: self-published. Published: Atlanta, GA, United States
Subjects: personal; travel; homelessness
1999, Summer
x Even Tank Girls Get the Blues
Creators: Sonee
Publisher: self-published. Published: San Jose, CA, United States
Subjects: personal; sexuality
Issue(s): 3
x Eventide
Creators: Carroll, Toby
Published: New York, NY, United States
Subjects: music; mental health
Issue(s): 1
x Evil Twin Publications
Published: Seattle, WA, United States
Issue(s): catalogue
x Excommunication: the interview fanzine
Creators: Ellis, Jackson
Publisher: Scissor Press. Published: New Haven, CT, United States
Subjects: music
Issue(s): 1-2
Notes: two copies of issue 2
x Exedra
Creators: Skindrud, Sonia and Kim Carlyle
Publisher: self-published. Published: San Francisco, CA, United States
Subjects: feminism; health and body; sexuality
Issue(s): 4
x Exercise with Alcohol: The Ultimate Fitness Guide for Today's American Drinker
Creators: Clifton, Bruce
Publisher: Skull Varnish Press. Published: Portland, OR, United States
Subjects: humor; literary; Food and Drink
Issue(s): non-serial
x Exhibition of Speed
Creators: Matthew
Publisher: self-published. Published: Woodland Hills, CA, United States
Subjects: literary; visual arts
Issue(s): non-serial
x Exile: The Voice of Expatriate Americans Still Living in America
Creators: Strelnikov, Mike
Publisher: self-published. Published: Claremont, CA, United States
Subjects: anarchism; philosophy
Issue(s): vol. 1, no. 2
x Exotic Research Report: Dedicated to the Preservation of American Independence
Creators: Elswich, Steven
Published: Security, CO, United States
Subjects: technology; economics
Issue(s): vol. 1, nos. 1-2
x Exploitation Journal, The: The Connoisseur's Guide to Horror and Exploitation in the Cinema
Creators: Crocker, Keith and George Reis
Publisher: self-published. Published: Valley Stream, NY, United States
Subjects: film; popular media
Issue(s): vol. 2, nos. 2-6
x Exterminator
Creators: Whiting, Beth
Publisher: self-published. Published: Glendale, AZ, United States
Subjects: literary
Issue(s): parts 1-2, 4
x Extinguish
Creators: Kaufman, Dan
Publisher: self-published. Published: Simi Valley, CA, United States
Subjects: music; photography; literary
Issue(s): 2
x eye-rhyme
Creators: Phillips, C.D., et al.
Publisher: Pinball Publishing. Published: Portland, OR, United States
Subjects: literary
Issue(s): 4
x Fabio vs. Riker
Publisher: self-published. Published: East Burke, VT, United States
Subjects: punk; politics and culture
Issue(s): 2
Notes: interview with Noam Chomsky
x Factsheet 5: The Definitive Guide to the Zine Revolution
Creators: Friedman, R. Seth
Published: San Francisco, CA, United States
Subjects: zine reviews; politics and culture
Issue(s): 51, 58-59, 62
x Faire connaitre
Creators: Schoon, Mark
Publisher: self-published. Published: Danville, IL, United States
Subjects: music; politics and culture
Issue(s): 1, 3
x Fancy
Creators: Bergman, Keight
Publisher: self-published. Published: Vernon, CT, United States
Subjects: personal; work
Issue(s): 1
1996, June
x Farm Pulp
Creators: Hischak, Gregory
Publisher: self-published. Published: Seattle, WA, United States
Subjects: literary; zine reviews; visual arts
Issue(s): 27
Notes: interesting retellings of myth, history
x Fascination with Grasshoppers
Creators: Sean
Publisher: self-published. Published: Pflugerville, TX, United States
Subjects: personal
Notes: eclectic musings ranging from pocket change to elementary education
x Fat Chance
Creators: Ayuso, Lisa
Publisher: self-published. Published: Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Subjects: food and drink; personal; health and body
x Fatass
Creators: Jason
Publisher: self-published. Published: Valley Stream, NY, United States
Subjects: music; politics and culture
Issue(s): 3
x Fear and Loathing
Creators: Andy P
Publisher: self-published. Published: London,United Kingdom
Subjects: music
Issue(s): 38
1996, September
x Feed Me With Your Kiss
Creators: Andy and Thomas
Affiliated Groups: Tacky Tapes
Publisher: self-published. Published: Herzogenrath, North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany
Subjects: music
Issue(s): 2
Notes: German and English language zine
x Femme Flicke
Creators: Spangler, Tina
Publisher: self-published. Published: Somerville, MA, United States
Subjects: feminism; film; popular media
Issue(s): 1-4
Creators: Deslippe, Phil
Publisher: self-published. Published: Manchester, CT, United States
Subjects: activism; politics and culture
Issue(s): 1-2
x Figment of an Imagined Nation
Publisher: self-published. Published: Berkeley, CA, United States
Subjects: politics and culture; music; activism
Issue(s): 5
x Filler
Creators: DeFranzo, Angelo
Publisher: self-published. Published: Charlottesville, VA, United States
Subjects: music; politics and culture; comics
Issue(s): 4
x Fire Fly, The: a tiny glow in a forest of darkness
Publisher: self-published. Published: El Paso, TX, United States
Subjects: literary; politics and culture
Issue(s): 35
x First Class Rank
Creators: Diesel
Publisher: self-published. Published: Lewes, DE, United States
Subjects: punk; humor
Issue(s): 3
x First Line, The
Creators: Adams, Jeff and David LaBounty
Published: Plano, TX, United States
Subjects: literary
Issue(s): vol. 4, no. 2
2002, Summer
x Fisheye
Creators: Russell, Gordon
Publisher: self-published. Published: Morgantown, WV, United States
Subjects: politics and culture; literary; humor
Issue(s): vol. 1, no. 2
1996, February
x Fishwrap: all the news that's fish to print
Creators: Wombacher, Marty
Published: New York, NY, United States
Subjects: politics and culture; music
Notes: four issues, all unnummbered
x Fist Fucked
Creators: Riches, Heidi
Publisher: self-published. Published: Listowel, Ontario, Canada
Subjects: sexuality; comics; health and body issues
Issue(s): 2
x Fist in Your Face
Publisher: self-published. Published: Toronto, Ontatio, Canada
Subjects: health and body issues
Issue(s): 1
x Five Knuckle Shuffle
Creators: Johnston, Greg
Publisher: self-published. Published: Greenwood, MS, United States
Subjects: zine reviews; music; politics and culture
Issue(s): 2
x Fleshhorse
Creators: Flattum, Dale Allan
Publisher: self-published. Published: San Francisco, CA, United States
Subjects: visual arts; religion
Notes: apocalyptic pop art
x Flour Power
Publisher: self-published. Published: Vancouver, BC, Canada
Subjects: anarchism; activism; music
Issue(s): 1, 3
x Flung
Creators: Sonnenfeld, Mark, et al.
Publisher: Marymark Press. Published: East Windsor, NJ, United States
Subjects: literary
x Flush Rush Quarterly, The: The Way Things Really Are
Creators: Keliher, Brian
Publisher: self-published. Published: La Jolla, CA, United States
Subjects: politics and culture; humor
Issue(s): vol. 3, nos. 2, 4
Notes: anti-Rush Limbaugh zine
x Fly, Paper Fly: (Writings for the desperate and destitute)
Creators: Melissa W.
Publisher: self-published. Published: Norman, OK, United States
Subjects: mental health; health and body issues
Issue(s): 2
x Flying Bitch Sisters, The
Creators: Sister Agnes
Publisher: self-published. Published: Santa Cruz, CA, United States
Subjects: style/fashion; feminism; work
Issue(s): 2
1993, January
x Flying Buttress
Creators: Sanchez, John
Publisher: self-published. Published: Chicago, IL, United States
Subjects: queer; style/fashion; popular media
Issue(s): 1
x Flytrap
Affiliated Groups: Eye 95 Records
Notes: CD Insert
Creators: Pearn, Frank
Published: Bethlehem, PA, United States
Subjects: music
Issue(s): 26-27
x Food Geek
Creators: McNinch, Carrie
Publisher: self-published. Published: Los Angeles, CA, United States
Subjects: food and drink; personal; comics
Issue(s): 4
x Food Not Lawns
Publisher: self-published. Published: Montreal, Quebec, Canada
Subjects: environmental issues; activism; food and drink
Issue(s): 2
x Fool, the
Creators: Copti, Ani
Publisher: self-published
Subjects: literary; visual arts; personal
Issue(s): 3
x Footprint, the
Creators: Studen First Step
Affiliated Groups: Penn State University
Published: State College, PA, United States
Subjects: drugs; environmental issues; politics and culture
Issue(s): vol. 2, no. 3
1992, June
x For the Clerisy Good Words for Readers
Creators: Kresovich, Brant
Publisher: self-published. Published: Getzville, NY, United States
Subjects: literary; film; politics and culture
Issue(s): 50
Notes: interesting miniature, random encyclopedia format; good, eclectic content
2003, May
x For Your Convenience Store
Creators: Eric S.
Publisher: self-published. Published: New Berlin, PA, United States
Subjects: work; personal; mental health
Issue(s): 1
Notes: diary of late night convenience store worker
x Formula
Publisher: self-published. Published: Baltimore, MD, United States
Subjects: music; literary
Issue(s): 2
x Four Twenty Nine: A World On Fire
Publisher: self-published. Published: Sacremento, CA, United States
Subjects: comics
Issue(s): vol. 2, no. 2
x Fourball
Creators: Brian
Publisher: self-published. Published: Providence, RI, United States
Subjects: music; film; literary
Issue(s): 2
x Fragments
Publisher: self-published. Published: Santa Ana, CA, United States
Subjects: politics and culture; activism
Issue(s): 2
Notes: two copies
x Fran Magazine
Creators: Hume, Andrew and Sam Kuhlman
Published: Los Angeles, CA, United States
Subjects: humor; music; popular media
Issue(s): vol. 2, nos. 3-4
x Fred's Multigraph Letter
Creators: Woodworth, Fred
Publisher: self-published. Published: Tucson, AZ, United States
Subjects: technology; literary
Issue(s): 2, 5, 9-10
x Free Society: A Journal of Anarchist Theory and Action
Published: New York, NY, United States
Subjects: anarchism; economics; film
Issue(s): vol. 2, no. 4
x Free Thought
Creators: Wolf, Bernard
Publisher: self-published. Published: Vancouver, BC, Canada
Subjects: philosophy; religion
Issue(s): 1
1997, December
x Freethought History
Creators: Whitehead, Fred
Publisher: self-published. Published: Kansas City, KS, United States
Subjects: literary; philosophy
Issue(s): 18-19
x Fridgemag
Published: Hamtramck, MI, United States
Subjects: comics
x Friends of TV Nation: The ultimate companion to TV's most offbeat show
Creators: Gattuso, Greg
Publisher: self-published. Published: Flushing, NY, United States
Subjects: popular media; politics and culture
Issue(s): 1
1995, Spring
x Fringe Benefits
Creators: D. Parker
Published: London, Ontario, Canada
Subjects: music
Issue(s): 27
x Fringe Ware Review
Creators: Nathan, Paco Xander
Published: Austin, TX, United States
Subjects: politics and culture; religion; technology
Issue(s): 9
x From Beneath the Keyboard: A Collection of Stories
Creators: Brown, J Heudebert
Publisher: Hooligan Press. Published: London,United Kingdom
Subjects: anarchism; literary; visual arts
Issue(s): non-serial
x Fruit Cake
Creators: Watson, Robb
Publisher: self-published. Published: Oxford, OH, United States
Subjects: music; comics; personal
Issue(s): 5
x Fuck You All!
Publisher: self-published. Published: North Somerset,United Kingdom
Subjects: music
Issue(s): 1
x Fuckhead Aid
Creators: Veerkamp, Honna
Publisher: self-published. Published: San Francisco, CA, United States
Subjects: comics; visual arts
c. 1993
x fuel
Creators: Lowry, Andy
Publisher: Anaconda Press. Published: Chicago, IL, United States
Subjects: literary; visual arts
Issue(s): 10
1995, Winter
x Full Disclosure: The Nation's #1 Surveillance Magazine
Creators: Roberts, Glen
Published: Libertyville, IL, United States
Subjects: technology; politics and culture
Issue(s): 25
x Function
Creators: Dawn
Publisher: self-published. Published: Seattle, WA, United States
Subjects: feminism; health and body; music
Issue(s): 8-9, 11
x Funkapotamus
Creators: Gaynor, Jerome
Publisher: self-published. Published: St. Louis, MO, United States
Subjects: comics; visual arts
Issue(s): 6
x Furia II: Forever
Creators: Lamonea, J.
Publisher: self-published. Published: Pacific Palisades, CA, United States
Subjects: feminism; sexuality; music
1993, November
x Furnace
Creators: Saulnier, Dave
Publisher: self-published. Published: Alexandria, VA, United States
Subjects: music; popular media
Issue(s): 1
x Fusion
Creators: Ramakrishnan, Meena
Publisher: self-published
Subjects: feminism; race, ethnicity, and identity
Issue(s): 1
2005, January
x Future Fantasteek!
Creators: Batey, Jackie
Publisher: Damp Flat Books. Published: Brighton, East Sussex, United Kingdom
Subjects: comics; humor; technology
Issue(s): 1, 3-5
Notes: shiny, nice looking zine with quirky animations
x Fuzzy Heads Are Better
Creators: Patti
Publisher: self-published. Published: Markham, Ontario, Canada
Subjects: music; comics; popular media
Issue(s): 1, 3
x F-Word, The: Feminism and the Art of Everyday Living
Creators: Macauley, Kari
Publisher: self-published. Published: Pasadena, CA, United States
Subjects: feminism; food and drink; personal
Issue(s): 1
2004, October
x Gag Mee
Creators: Camisa, Lisa
Publisher: self-published. Published: San Francisco, CA, United States
Subjects: style/fashion; music; popular media
x Gaya: A journal by and about young women
Creators: Prynne, Hester
Published: Seattle, WA, United States
Subjects: feminism; literary; health and body
Issue(s): vol. 1, no. 2
1994, Summer
x Geek Monthly
Publisher: self-published
Subjects: popular media; film; comics
Issue(s): 12
2002, April
x Gee-Zuz
Publisher: self-published. Published: Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada
Subjects: religion; humor; music
Issue(s): 13
x Geis Letter, The: Thought Crime, Dogmacide and Intellectual Heresy
Creators: Geis, Richard E.
Publisher: self-published. Published: Portland, OR, United States
Subjects: politics and culture; literary
Issue(s): 27-28, 31, 33-34, 36-57, 59-71
Notes: expansive, eclectic newsletter; housed in two folders
x Generation Latex
Creators: Mascato, Marc
Publisher: self-published. Published: Kenmore, NY, United States
Subjects: comics; humor
Issue(s): 3
1996, January
x Genetic Disorder
Creators: Harmon, Larry
Published: San Diego, CA, United States
Subjects: music; zine reviews
Issue(s): 9
x Genius Tribe: tools for unschoolers and other free people
Creators: Llewellyn, Grace
Published: Eugene, OR, United States
Subjects: literary; education
Notes: catalog of books for home schooling and independent learning
x Gerbil: a queer culture zine
Creators: Pease, Brad
Published: Rochester, NY, United States
Subjects: queer; literary; visual arts
Issue(s): 5
1996, Winter
x Get Off My Wagon
Creators: Stork, Sandy and Stevie Smith
Published: Oakland, CA, United States
Subjects: music; sports
Issue(s): 2
x Ghoti
Creators: Caragianis, Chris
Publisher: self-published. Published: Sierra Vista, AZ, United States
Subjects: humor; comics; literary
Issue(s): 3
x Gideon
Creators: Kane
Publisher: Abiology Press. Published: Columbus, OH, United States
Subjects: literary; personal
x Gilt Edge: A magazine featuring Montana women in the arts
Creators: Hunt, Jacqueline Briggs, editor
Affiliated Groups: Women's Resource Center, University of Montana
Published: Missoula, MT, United States
Subjects: literary; visual arts; photography
Issue(s): vol. 2, no. 1
1976, January
x Ginger's Rag
Creators: Ginger Vitus
Publisher: self-published. Published: Seattle, WA, United States
Subjects: politics and culture; zine reviews; humor
Issue(s): 8, 10
x Girl Conspiracy
Creators: Riikka
Affiliated Groups: Ladybomb Distro
Publisher: self-published
Subjects: feminism; music
Issue(s): 2
x Girl Tyme
Publisher: self-published. Published: Amherst, MA, United States
Subjects: feminism; sexuality; health and body
Issue(s): 2
x Girljock
Creators: Roxxie the Sleepless
Publisher: Rox-a-Tronic Publishing. Published: San Francisco, CA, United States
Subjects: feminism; sports; health and body
Issue(s): 14
x Gizzard Gazette
Creators: Gizzard, Harry
Publisher: self-published. Published: Tallahassee, FL, United States
Subjects: comics; music
Issue(s): 12
1996, May
x Glass Ceiling: A Zine by the Not-So Original Outcast
Creators: Ramakrishnan, Meena
Publisher: self-published
Subjects: personal
Issue(s): 3
2005, August
x Glutton for Punishment
Publisher: self-published. Published: San Francisco, CA, United States
Subjects: punk; feminism
Issue(s): 1
x Gogglebox: Fun for the Whole Family
Creators: Box, Jenn G.
Publisher: self-published. Published: New York, NY, United States
Subjects: sexuality; politics and culture
Issue(s): 3
x Golden Slipper Club
Creators: Kelly
Affiliated Groups: Golden Slipper Camp
Publisher: self-published. Published: Denver, CO, United States
Subjects: personal; literary; education
x Good Girl
Creators: Snyder, Nikko
Published: Toronto, Ontario, United States
Subjects: feminism; gender; literary
Issue(s): 3
x Goodnight Gin
Creators: J. Mental and M. Diggs
Publisher: Interstellar Media. Published: Missoula, MT, United States
Subjects: humor; food and drink
Issue(s): non-serial
x Gorgeous/Handsome
Creators: White, Dave and Stephanie Bohn
Publisher: self-published. Published: Arlington, TX, United States
Subjects: personal; music
Issue(s): 1
Notes: cool split zine
1995, Fall
x Gortday Review
Creators: Clog, Don
Publisher: self-published
Subjects: literary; visual arts
Issue(s): 16
1994, January
x Gospel According to Brian, The
Creators: Jefferson, Brian T.
Publisher: self-published. Published: Freeport, NY, United States
Subjects: literary; humor
x Got That?
Creators: Anclien, Joe
Publisher: self-published. Published: Hong Kong,China
Subjects: travel; personal; music
x Grackle
Creators: Melinda
Publisher: self-published. Published: Wichita Falls, TX, United States
Subjects: education; travel; sports
Issue(s): 2
Notes: really nice cover design
2004, June
x Grannies and Girls, Girls and Grannies
Publisher: self-published. Published: San Francisco, CA, United States
Subjects: feminism; music
x Grasslimb: good coffee deserves good companionship
Creators: Polichar, Valerie
Published: San Diego, CA, United States
Subjects: literary; visual arts
Issue(s): vol. 1, no. 1
x Greasy Spoon: Vintage American Restaurants
Creators: Burhans, Dirk
Published: Columbia, MO, United States
Subjects: food and drink; travel
Issue(s): 18
2004, Summer
x Greedy Pigs
Creators: Baker, Jonathan
Publisher: self-published. Published: Rugby, Warwickshire, United Kingdom
Subjects: music; literary; visual arts
Issue(s): 4
1997, May
x Green: Personal Finance forthe Unashamed
Creators: Kurson, Ken
Publisher: Stella Media, Inc.. Published: New York, NY, United States
Subjects: economics; DIy
1996, Summer
x Green
Creators: Sketti
Publisher: self-published. Published: Ogden, UT, United States
Subjects: visual arts; personal; zine reviews
Issue(s): 3
Notes: In same folder as other "Green" zine
x Green Anarchist
Notes: folder empty
x Green Jean Humor: I'm Writing Satire Until the World Begins or Ends
Creators: Bushard, Andrew
Publisher: self-published. Published: Stevens Point, WI, United States
Subjects: literary; humor
Issue(s): 17
x Green Means Go
Creators: Lupica, Michael
Published: Hoboken, NJ, United States
Subjects: music
Issue(s): 4-5
x Greenzine
Creators: Road, Cristy
Publisher: Microcosm. Published: Philadelphia, PA, United States
Subjects: gender; personal; travel
Issue(s): 14
Notes: two copies; great content and great design
x Groove Chee Wawa
Publisher: self-published. Published: Austin, TX, United States
Subjects: drugs; music
Issue(s): 1
x Groundswell: A Monthly Almanack of Anti-authoritarian views
Creators: Mullian, Tom
Publisher: self-published. Published: Prospect Park, PA, United States
Subjects: politics and culture; literary
Issue(s): vol. 4, no. 2-3
x Grundig
Creators: Michael
Publisher: self-published. Published: Portland, OR, United States
Subjects: comics; personal; travel
Issue(s): 2
Notes: charles burns-esque comics and illustrations, good content
1996, January
x Gulp Life: Notes From the Wage-Slave Underground
Creators: Gallo, Joe
Publisher: self-published. Published: San Francisco, CA, United States
Subjects: work; personal; zine reviews
x Gurlz With Gunz
Publisher: self-published. Published: Havertown, PA, United States
Subjects: feminism; music
Issue(s): 8
x Gutterfag
Creators: Flaster, Junker
Publisher: self-published. Published: Middletown, NY, United States
Subjects: punk; comics
x Guy Forward Hour, The
Creators: Dyna Moe
Publisher: self-published. Published: McLean, VA, United States
Subjects: literary
Issue(s): vol. 2, no. 1
1996, January
x Habitual Freak
Creators: Bennett, Cari
Publisher: self-published. Published: San Diego, CA, United States
Subjects: feminism; health and body
Issue(s): 2
1994, September
x Hand Carved
Creators: Larson, Jeremy
Published: San Diego, CA, United States
Subjects: music; sports
Issue(s): vol. 1, no. 1
1997, Fall
x Hardware
Creators: Koenig, David
Published: Linden, NJ, United States
Subjects: music; zine reviews
Issue(s): 5, 7
x Hateworld
Creators: Smith, Nate
Publisher: self-published. Published: Davis, CA, United States
Subjects: literary; travel; religion
Issue(s): 1
x Hawkeye Gila Anchorite Adepts, The: Manifestos of the Sons and Daughters of the Blood-Red Revelation
Publisher: Pelerin Press. Published: London,United States
Subjects: sexuality; literary; religion
Issue(s): non-serial
Notes: surrealist inspired manifesto that melds the sexual with the socio-economic; really good stuff
x Hayes, Jim
Creators: Hayes, Jim
Published: Atlanta, GA, United States
Subjects: literary; music
Issue(s): non-serial
Notes: two non-serial pamphlets by rock critic Jim Hayes: collection of haikus and an essay on the Atlanta rock scene
x Hazard
Creators: Athearn, Robert, editor
Affiliated Groups: Montana State University [University of Montana
Published: Missoula, MT, United States
Subjects: literary
Issue(s): vol. 1, no. 1
1963, Summer
x Head Magazine
Creators: Lei, P.
Published: Los Angeles, CA, United States
Subjects: comics; visual art; literary
Issue(s): 4
1994, September
x Headache Described
Creators: Mark Headache
Publisher: self-published. Published: Modesto, CA, United States
Subjects: punk; politics and culture
Issue(s): 3-4
x Heart Star, The
Creators: Meyer, Christoph
Publisher: self-published. Published: Danville, OH, United States
Subjects: literary; religion
Issue(s): non-serial
Notes: nice looking picture book style story about a wandering ghost
2003, April
x Heartgrinder
Creators: Menegol, Marina
Publisher: self-published
Subjects: literary
x Heat Seeker: Terrorific Literature
Creators: Seeker, Heaton
Publisher: self-published. Published: Eugene, OR, United States
Subjects: literary; economics; anarchism
x Hectic Lifestyle
Creators: Wilson, Alex Metcalfe
Publisher: self-published. Published: Kelburn,New Zealand
Subjects: personal; music
Issue(s): 1-2
x Hell Nation
Creators: Osicka, Nick
Publisher: self-published. Published: Oakville, Ontario, Canada
Subjects: punk; politics and culture
Issue(s): 2
x Her Posse: The Sound of Queer Youth
Publisher: self-published. Published: Boston, MA, United States
Subjects: gender; queer; style/fashion
Issue(s): 3
x Hermana, Resist
Creators: Martinez, Noemi
Publisher: self-published. Published: La Blanca, TX, United States
Subjects: race, ethnicity, and identity; health and body; literary
Issue(s): 1
x Herring Sandwich
Publisher: self-published. Published: Derby, KS, United States
Subjects: music; literary
Issue(s): 1
x Highway 666
Creators: Vomit
Publisher: self-published. Published: Raleigh, NC, United States
Subjects: punk; comics; zine reviews
Issue(s): 3
1996, Winter
x Hi-Horse
Creators: Som, Bishakh
Published: Brooklyn, NY, United States
Subjects: comics
Issue(s): 2-4
x Hip Mama: The Parenting Zine
Creators: Gore, Ariel, editor
Published: Oakland, CA, United States
Subjects: feminism; health and body; literary
Issue(s): 8, 10
x Hobnail Review: A Guide to Small Press and Alternative Publishing
Creators: Dimmick, Ade
Publisher: Hobnail Press. Published: London,United Kingdom
Subjects: literary; zine reviews
Issue(s): 1
x Holy Titclamps
Creators: Larry-bob
Published: San Francisco, CA, United States
Subjects: queer; literary
Issue(s): 15
x Homocore
Creators: Jennings, Tom
Published: San Francisco, CA, United States
Subjects: queer; gender; literary
Issue(s): 4, 5.5, 7
x Hoofsip
Creators: Augustine, Dan
Publisher: self-published. Published: Utica, MI, United States
Subjects: music; popular media; comics
Issue(s): 17
x Hopscotch
Creators: Steffens, Allyson and Cullen Carter
Publisher: self-published. Published: Appleton, WI, United States
Subjects: music; humor
Issue(s): 5
1994, Spring
x Hot Lava Monster
Creators: Jennifer
Publisher: self-published. Published: Daly City, CA, United States
Subjects: music; personal; health and body
Issue(s): 3
1992, July
x Hothead Paisan: Homicidal Lesbian Terrorist
Creators: Dimassa, Diane
Publisher: Giant Ass Publishing. Published: New Haven, CT, United States
Subjects: comics; humor; feminism
Issue(s): 5
x How To Start a Revolution
Creators: Pilles, Jen
Publisher: self-published. Published: Welland, Ontario, Canada
Subjects: activism; work; literary
Issue(s): 6
x Humbug Volunteer
Creators: Stoop, PJ
Publisher: self-published. Published: College Station, TX, United States
Subjects: politics and culture; music; literary
Issue(s): 2-3
x Humdrum
Creators: Denton, Brian
Publisher: self-published. Published: Scottsdale, AZ, United States
Subjects: music; zine reviews; politics and culture
Issue(s): 1
x Hummingbird Symptom, The
Publisher: self-published. Published: Cleveland Heights, OH, United States
Subjects: literary; visual arts
Notes: interesting collection of surreal stories, collages, and commentary exploring aesthetic intersections of daily life and socio-economic forces
x Hungover Gourmet, The: The Journal of Food, Drink, Travel and Fun
Creators: Taylor, Dan
Publisher: Last Call Productions. Published: Lutherville, MD, United States
Subjects: food and drink; travel
Issue(s): 5
x I Don't Want None
Creators: Wyndham, Tamara
Publisher: Tornado Press
Subjects: literary
Issue(s): non-serial
x I Hate This Part of Texas
Creators: Gerken, John
Publisher: Microcosm Publishing. Published: New Orleans, LA, United States
Subjects: gender; literary; personal
Issue(s): 5
Notes: great reflections on consumer culture, place, and the cultivating of meaningful subjectivity; as with all stuff from microcosm, the zine is beautifully put together as well
2006, January
x I, Yeast Roll
Publisher: Vermiform. Published: Richmond, VA, United States
Subjects: music; travel
Issue(s): 78
x Ice-9
Creators: Broadhead, Daniel
Published: Fullteron, CA, United States
Subjects: punk
Issue(s): 4
x Iconoclast, The
Creators: Wagner, Phil
Publisher: self-published. Published: Mohegan Lake, NY, United States
Subjects: literary; visual arts
Issue(s): 79
x I'd Buy That For A Dollar
Creators: Rich, Austin
Publisher: A.C.R.O.N.Y.M. Publishing. Published: Portland, OR, United States
Subjects: music; personal; literary
Issue(s): 14-15
x Idaho Zine Compilation
Publisher: self-published. Published: ID, United States
Subjects: politics and culture; music
x Imbroglio: An Assembly Zine
Creators: Wyndham, Tamara
Publisher: self-published
Subjects: visual arts; found art
Issue(s): 1-2
x In Meinem Zimmer
Creators: Onori, Alessandro
Publisher: self-published. Published: Latina,Italy
Subjects: music
Notes: italian language zine
1996, February
x In Time of Emergency: A Citizen's Handbook on Nuclear Attack
Creators: Lavender, Bee
Publisher: self-published. Published: Seattle, WA, United States
Subjects: health and body; personal; DIY
Issue(s): 7
Notes: part of "A Beautiful Final Tribute"
2003, July
x Inbred Picnic
Creators: Thomas, JB
Publisher: self-published. Published: Stockton, CA, United States
Subjects: music; literary; zine reviews
Issue(s): 2
x Incoherent Crap
Creators: Gerry
Publisher: self-published. Published: Eastern Passage, Novia Scotia, Canada
Subjects: punk; DIY, silk screening
Issue(s): 2
x Incredible F-Man, The
Creators: Todd, Mark
Publisher: self-published. Published: Valatie, NY, United States
Subjects: comics
x Independent Zine
Publisher: self-published
Subjects: humor; economics
Notes: zine "published" by Starbucks, satirizing their image as an independent business
x Indigo
Creators: Aiello, Michelle
Publisher: self-published. Published: Chicago, IL, United States
Subjects: personal; literary
Issue(s): 15
x Indy
Creators: Sweetman, George
Publisher: self-published. Published: Calgary, Alberta, Canada
Subjects: sports; music
x Indy Magazine: The Guide to Alternative Comix!
Creators: Mason, Jeff, editor
Publisher: Alternative Press. Published: Gainesville, FL, United States
Subjects: comics; popular media; film
Issue(s): 14-17
x Indy Unleashed
Creators: Thomas, Owen
Publisher: self-published. Published: Columbus, OH, United States
Subjects: zine reviews
Issue(s): 12
2002, Summer
x Info Panic
Publisher: self-published. Published: Amherst, MA, United States
Subjects: politics and culture
x Infohazard
Creators: Ocho
Publisher: self-published. Published: Stockton, CA, United States
Subjects: gender; sexuality; health and body
x Ink
Creators: Sonnenfeld, Mark
Contributors: Blancdesign
Publisher: Marymark Press. Published: East Windsor, NJ, United States
Subjects: literary; visual arts
x Inkling
Creators: Klein, Melissa
Publisher: self-published. Published: San Francisco, CA, United States
Subjects: literary; visual arts
Issue(s): 6
Notes: interesting short stories and wood cuts
2003, October
x Inner Voices: A new Journal of Prison Literature
Creators: Williams, Nolan, editor
Published: Bloomington, IN, United States
Subjects: literary; prison and law
Issue(s): vol. 1, no. 2; vol. 2, no. 1
x Institution, The
Publisher: self-published. Published: San Francisco, CA, United States
Notes: folder just contains one piece of paper with very little content
x Intangible Intersection, The
Creators: Smith, David
Affiliated Groups: The Foundation for Practical Vibratory Union Through Symbol
Published: Brooklyn, NY, United States
Subjects: religion; literary; visual arts
Issue(s): 1
x Interbang
Creators: Brucato, Ben
Published: Ashland, OH, United States
Subjects: punk; zine reviews
Issue(s): 3
x Interbang: Dedicated To Perfection in the Art of Writing
Creators: Hoffman, Heather
Published: New York, NY, United States
Subjects: literary; visual arts
Issue(s): vo. 1, no. 4
x Interference Magazine
Creators: Hammer, Mike
Published: North Olmstead, OH, United States
Subjects: music; literary
Issue(s): vol. 2, no. 5
x Interlocutor: A LifeWorks Museletter
Creators: Smith, Kim R.
Publisher: LifeWorks. Published: Lincoln, NE, United States
Subjects: literary; visual arts
1995, Summer
x Internal Conflict
Creators: Elli and Renato
Publisher: self-published. Published: Johannesburg,South Africa
Subjects: anarchism; visual arts; activism
Issue(s): 6
x Interstitial
Creators: JMcQ
Publisher: self-published
Subjects: music; zine reviews; politics and culture
Issue(s): 1
x Intox
Creators: Reichhardt, Robin
Published: Estes Park, CO, United States
Subjects: punk; literary
Issue(s): 2
1997, November
x Ironfeather Journal
Published: Boulder, CO, United States
Subjects: technology; literary; comics
Issue(s): 16
x Irreal
Creators: Parland (?), Andrew
Publisher: self-published
Subjects: literary
Issue(s): 8
x IT and T
Creators: Danny Brittlestix
Publisher: self-published. Published: San Antonio, TX, United States
Subjects: economics; comics; literary
Issue(s): 1
x It's All Good
Creators: Boone, Paul
Publisher: self-published
Subjects: literary; visual arts
x It's Zine Time
Creators: Cahill, Linda
Publisher: self-published. Published: Norristown, PA, United States
Subjects: personal; popular media
x J Man Times, The
Creators: Rassoul, J.
Publisher: self-published. Published: Ann Arbor, MI, United States
Subjects: humor; sexuality; politics and culture
Issue(s): 1-9
x Jane Gets a Divorce
Creators: Von Brucker, Jena
Publisher: self-published. Published: Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Subjects: feminism; health and body; popular media
x Japankore
Creators: Brian
Publisher: self-published. Published: Warwick, RI, United States
Subjects: punk; travel; zine reviews
Issue(s): 4-6
x Jed, The
Creators: Welch, Alisa
Publisher: self-published. Published: Portland, OR, United States
Subjects: comics; health and body; work
Issue(s): 2
x Jekyll and Hyde Years, the
Publisher: self-published. Published: South Haven, MN, United States
Subjects: personal; literary; visual arts
Issue(s): 2
x Jen's World
Publisher: self-published
Subjects: personal; comics; literary
Issue(s): 1
x JFK Today
Creators: Goodman, Bob, editor
Affiliated Groups: JFK Assassination Information Center
Published: Dallas, TX, United States
Subjects: politics and culture
x Jigsaw
Creators: Scola, Heather and Matt
Publisher: self-published. Published: Fremont, CA, United States
Subjects: literary; visual arts; religion
Issue(s): 1
x Jigsaw: The Media Mind
Creators: Maher, Jared
Affiliated Groups: Alliance 4 Indy Media
Published: Boulder, CO, United States
Subjects: popular media; technology; activism
x Jing Bang So
Creators: Maria
Publisher: self-published. Published: Berkley, CA, United States
Subjects: punk; zine reviews; race, ethnicity, and identity
Issue(s): 5
x JND Pseudo Zine
Creators: Dawson, James M.
Publisher: self-published. Published: Redwood Valley, CA, United States
Subjects: popular media; music; religion
Issue(s): 6
1997, September
x John Doe's Number Too?
Creators: Quinn, Vicki, editor
Publisher: Zager and Evans Co.. Published: New York, NY, United States
Subjects: music; politics and culture
Issue(s): 5
x Joke's On You, The
Publisher: self-published. Published: Berkeley, CA, United States
Subjects: punk; literary
Issue(s): 6
Notes: interview with Lydia Lunch; article on Kathy Acker
x Journal Song
Publisher: Microcosm. Published: Portland, OR, United States
Subjects: personal; literary; comics
Issue(s): 3, 6
Notes: two copies of issue #3; beautiful journal-like zine;
x Joy of Laura, The
Creators: Dan C.
Publisher: self-published. Published: River Forest, IL, United States
Subjects: punk; politics and culture
Issue(s): 2-5
x Jumbo Shrimp
Creators: Michelle
Publisher: self-published. Published: Prior Lake, MN, United States
Subjects: literary; personal; travel
Issue(s): 9
x Just Ask Persephone: A feline newsletter, for and about cats
Creators: Persephone
Publisher: self-published. Published: San Jose, CA, United States
Subjects: animals; literary
x Kali Hut
Publisher: self-published. Published: Evanston, IL, United States
Subjects: popular media; literary; philosophy
Issue(s): 1
Notes: occult, mangled and poetic ramblings through popular television shows, sports icons, comic figures, and late capitalism; strange and great
x Karma Lapel
Creators: Row, Heath
Publisher: self-published. Published: Somerville, MA, United States
Subjects: personal; music; travel
x Kaspahraster
Creators: Huston, Jonathon
Publisher: self-published. Published: Portland, OR, United States
Subjects: anarchism; visual arts; zine reviews
Issue(s): 14
1995, April
x KDViations
Creators: Urick, Todd
Affiliated Groups: KDVS Radio, UC Davis
Published: Davis, CA, United States
Subjects: popular media; music
x Keen
Creators: Martha
Publisher: self-published. Published: Gaitnersburg, MD, United States
Subjects: feminism; travel; music
x Kelvin
Creators: Burke, Michelle
Published: Portland, OR, United States
Subjects: literary; photography; visual arts
Issue(s): 1
x Kid Spastik
Creators: Dan
Publisher: self-published. Published: Wilmington, DE, United States
Subjects: music; humor; literary
Issue(s): 1
1996, January
x Kids With Goggles
Creators: Miller, Adam
Publisher: self-published. Published: Minneapolis, MN, United States
Subjects: personal; music
Issue(s): 4
x Kill the Messenger
Creators: Cassidy, Frank J.
Publisher: self-published. Published: Elizabeth, NJ, United States
Subjects: music; travel; zine reviews
Issue(s): 3
x Kill Your Parents: parents are counterrevolutionary
Publisher: self-published. Published: Sacremento, CA, United States
Subjects: activism; politics and culture
x Kill Zine Zine
Publisher: self-published. Published: Hollywood, CA, United States
Subjects: zine reviews; economics; activism
Notes: supplement that highlights issues of corporatism in the zine world
x King of the Sad People: A Journal of Punk Rock, Soccer and Laughing at Our Ludicrous Lives
Publisher: self-published. Published: Edinburgh, Scotland, United Kingdom
Subjects: punk; sports; humor
Issue(s): 1
x Knik
Creators: Kozub, Nik
Published: Edmonton, Alberta, Canada
Subjects: food and drink; music
Issue(s): 3
1996, Winter
x Know Your Rights Comix
Creators: Riederer, Matthew
Publisher: Midnight Special Law Collective
Subjects: comics; prison and law
Issue(s): 1
x Komotion International: Sound Magazine
Published: San Francisco, CA, United States
Subjects: music; performance arts
Issue(s): 4-9
x Larceny
Creators: Shaun
Publisher: self-published. Published: Sterling Heights, MI, United States
Subjects: personal; punk; travel
Issue(s): 19
x Last Meanderings
Creators: Hennen, Chris
Publisher: self-published. Published: St. Cloud, MN, United States
Subjects: music; personal; gender
Issue(s): 1
x Lawyer Atrocities News
Creators: Melton, Rosser B.
Publisher: self-published. Published: Adkins, TX, United States
Subjects: prison and law; activism
x Leeking Ink
Creators: Breier, Davida
Publisher: self-published. Published: Havre De Grace, MD, United States
Subjects: personal; travel; film
Issue(s): 22
2000, May
x Les Astuces du Metier
Publisher: self-published. Published: Portland, OR, United States
Subjects: personal; mental health; sexuality
x Lesbian Connection
Creators: Ambitious Amazons
Published: East Lansing, MI, United States
Subjects: queer; feminism
Issue(s): vol. 3, no. 5
1977, November
x Libel
Publisher: self-published. Published: Sarasota, FL, United States
Subjects: literary; humor
Issue(s): 1, 15
Notes: number 15 of "libel" also includes issue no. 2 of "spirals upwards"
x Lice
Creators: Wendy
Publisher: self-published. Published: Buffalo, NY, United States
Subjects: personal; music
Issue(s): 1
1995, December
x Lie
Creators: DuBrul, Sascha
Publisher: self-published. Published: New York, NY, United States
Subjects: literary; activism
x Liebull
Publisher: self-published. Published: Gilbertsville, PA, United States
Subjects: music; literary; work
Issue(s): 8
x Lies
Creators: Worley, Matt, editor; Roth, David Lee, guest editor
Published: Albuquerque, NM, United States
Subjects: popular media; literary; music
Issue(s): 12
x Life and Death
Creators: Creel, Walt
Publisher: self-published. Published: Birmingham, AL, United States
Subjects: personal; technology; humor
x Life is a Joke
Creators: Franke, Joe
Publisher: self-published. Published: San Francisco, CA, United States
Subjects: comics; humor; literary
Issue(s): 9-10
x Lincoln Oracle, The
Affiliated Groups: Lincoln Child Center
Publisher: self-published. Published: Oakland, CA, United States
Subjects: education; literary
Issue(s): vol. 1, nos. 1-2
x Linoleum Roses
Creators: Christiansen, Sarah
Publisher: self-published. Published: St. Louis, MO, United States
Subjects: travel; health and body; animals
Issue(s): 2
x Lint Trap
Creators: Bean
Publisher: self-published. Published: Santa Cruz, CA, United States
Subjects: punk; food and drink; travel
Issue(s): 1-2
x Lion and Serpent
Creators: Frater HydraLVX, editor
Affiliated Groups: Sekhet-Maat Lodge, OTO
Published: Portland, OR, United States
Subjects: religion; literary; visual arts
Issue(s): vol. 9, no. 3
x Lips of Despair
Creators: Roth, Gabriel, editor
Affiliated Groups: Are You There God? It's Us, the Art Collective
Publisher: self-published. Published: San Francisco, CA, United States
Subjects: politics and culture; literary
Issue(s): 1
1997, April
x Liquid Peppermint
Creators: Box, Brooke
Publisher: self-published. Published: Gettysburg, PA, United States
Subjects: literary; visual arts; personal
Notes: collage-esque art object
x Lisa
Creators: Trudgeon, Aaron
Publisher: Fridge Magnet Concoctions. Published: Clarkston, MI, United States
Subjects: comics
Issue(s): 8
1997, November
x List, The: Upcoming shows of interest
Publisher: self-published. Published: Richmond, CA, United States
Subjects: music
x Lite
Publisher: self-published
Subjects: found art; literary; politics and culture
Notes: Ginsberg-esque ode/concrete poem written around found architectural drawings
1996, May
x Lithium League, The
Creators: Bateman, Scott
Publisher: self-published. Published: Portland, OR, United States
Subjects: comics; music
Notes: contains CD of original music also by Scott Bateman
x Living Proof
Creators: Mall, Andrew
Publisher: self-published. Published: Chicago, IL, United States
Subjects: personal; travel
Issue(s): 3
x Lockdown
Creators: Sybille
Publisher: self-published. Published: Spokane, WA, United States
Subjects: music; travel; gender
Issue(s): 1
1997, Spring
x Logopolis: a temporary location: the middle of No/where
Creators: Katko, Justin Nathaniel
Publisher: self-published. Published: Oxford, OH, United States
Subjects: literary; visual arts
Notes: two copies
x Lollygagging: And Other Juicy Fruit
Creators: Greene, Maria S.
Publisher: self-published. Published: Delta, CO, United States
Subjects: literary; humor; politics and culture
Issue(s): vol 1, nos. 4-15
x Look the Other Way
Creators: Pratt, Greg
Publisher: self-published. Published: Sidney, British Columbia, Canada
Subjects: music; zine reviews
Issue(s): 3
x Loose Screws
Creators: Gunther
Publisher: self-published. Published: Virginia Beach, VA, United States
Subjects: music; popular media
Issue(s): 9
x Lospaccio
Publisher: self-published. Italy
Subjects: music
Issue(s): 1
Notes: italian language zine
1995, October
x Lost Armadillos In Heat
Creators: Joe-O
Published: Austin, TX, United States
Subjects: humor; popular media; sexuality
x Low Power Broadcaster
Creators: Turner, Bill
Publisher: self-published. Published: Houston, TX, United States
Subjects: technology; DIy
Issue(s): 1-3
Creators: Sarah
Publisher: self-published. Published: Webster, TX, United States
Subjects: music; literary; zine reviews
Issue(s): 5
x Lucy's Log
Publisher: self-published
Subjects: literary; photography; animals
x Lull
Publisher: self-published. Published: Oakland, CA, United States
Subjects: literary; visual arts; activism
Issue(s): 4
x Lunch Magazine
Creators: Quiroz, Tony
Publisher: Thatworks Publications. Published: Phoenix, AZ, United States
Subjects: literary; comics; zine reviews
Issue(s): vol. 1, no. 3; vol. 2, no. 1
x Lux
Creators: Shivon and Jennifer
Publisher: self-published. Published: Virginia Beach, VA, United States
Subjects: politics and culture; popular media; music
Issue(s): 1, 3-4
x Mad Gerl
Creators: Blaine, Danielle and Andrea Blaine
Publisher: self-published. Published: Missoula, MT, United States
Subjects: feminism; health and body; literary
Issue(s): 1-2
x Magnetizine
Creators: Rachie-Rach
Publisher: self-published. Published: Missoula, MT, United States
Subjects: literary; comics
Notes: cute illustrations
1996, October
x Manic Deppressant
Creators: Grant Malice
Publisher: self-published. Published: Fullerton, CA, United States
Subjects: punk; zine reviews
Issue(s): 4
OS x ManSplat: Bathroom Litter-ature for Men... But Chicks Can Read It, Too!
Creators: Jeff Gilbert
Publisher: Hairball Media. Published: Seattle, WA, United States
Subjects: sex, music, pop culture, miscellaneous
Issue(s): 3
x Manual on Cooperation, A
Creators: Steiner, Claude
Affiliated Groups: Issues in Cooperation and Power
Publisher: Inkworks Press. Published: Berkeley, CA, United States
Subjects: activism; DIy
Issue(s): non-serial
1980, July
x Marked for Life
Creators: Koroneos, George
Publisher: self-published. Published: West Orange, NJ, United States
Subjects: music; film; zine reviews
Issue(s): 1
1995, Fall
x Marmalade: the fanzine for hipsters
Creators: Bergman, Keight
Publisher: self-published. Published: Vernon, CT, United States
Subjects: music; popular media; animals
Issue(s): 11-12
x Married Punks
Creators: Jackie-O
Publisher: self-published. Published: Redding, CA, United States
Subjects: punk; gender; zine reviews
Issue(s): 3, 6
x Masturbation
Creators: Wendi Anne
Publisher: self-published. Published: Santa Monica, CA, United States
Subjects: sexuality
Issue(s): non-serial
x Mattress, The
Creators: Hogue, Robert, editor
Publisher: Mannequin Publishing. Published: Olympia, WA, United States
Subjects: comics; music; popular media
Issue(s): vol. 1, no. 9
1996, December
x Me and My Big Mouth
Creators: Guardino, Alanna
Publisher: self-published
Subjects: health and body; race, ethnicity, and identity; literary
x Media Whore
Creators: Farmelant, Randie
Publisher: self-published. Published: Malden, MA, United States
Subjects: feminism; popular media; DIY
Issue(s): 1, 3, 5
x Mediaburn Snowboard Digest
Creators: Santoro, Gary
Published: Temple, AZ, United States
Subjects: sports
Issue(s): 1
Notes: include two stickers
x Megamind Illuminations
Publisher: self-published
Subjects: zine reviews; literary
Issue(s): 1
x Meld
Publisher: self-published. Published: Evansville, IN, United States
Subjects: comics; visual arts
Issue(s): 5
x Mentor: A quarterly about men and their journey of discovery
Creators: Gilkeson, Dick
Published: Portland, OR, United States
Subjects: gender; literary
Issue(s): vol. 7, no. 3; vol. 8, no. 1
x Mepedia
Publisher: self-published. Published: Royal Oak, MI, United States
Subjects: punk; personal; zine reviews
x Mess
Creators: Honna
Publisher: self-published
Subjects: comics; animals
1994, October
x Message From the Homeland
Creators: Lucander, David James
Publisher: self-published. Published: Springfield, MA, United States
Subjects: personal; economics; music
Issue(s): 5
x Metacognition
Creators: Sanders, Molly
Publisher: self-published. Published: Norristown, PA, United States
Subjects: personal; education; travel
Issue(s): 1
x Metamorphosis of Miss Badass Peacock and Kizzy: Paradoxical Millennium Crossover
Creators: Castle, Ben
Publisher: self-published. Published: Minneapolis, MN, United States
Subjects: literary; popular media; humor
x Microcosm Publishing
Creators: Biel, Joe
Publisher: Microcosm Publishing. Published: Portland, OR, United States
Subjects: zine reviews; literary
Notes: various catalogs from Microcosm publishing
x middle c bummer art
Creator: Sonnenfeld, Mark
Publisher: Marymark Press. Published: East Windsor, NJ, United States
Subjects: poetry
x Migraine
Publisher: Migraine. Published: Berkeley, CA, United States
Subjects: zine reviews
Issue(s): 3
Notes: catalog from Migraine
x Miguel and Cara
Creators: Phyllis and Mad
Publisher: self-published. Published: El Cerrito, CA, United States
Subjects: humor; music; zine reviews
Issue(s): 2-3
x Millas
Creators: Chad
Publisher: self-published. Published: Columbia, MO, United States
Subjects: music; personal; comics
Issue(s): 8
1996, March
x Mind Toilet
Creators: Joekr
Publisher: self-published. Published: Long Island City, NY, United States
Subjects: politics and culture; music; literary
Issue(s): 63-64
x Miscreance
Publisher: self-published. Published: Santa Cruz, CA, United States
Subjects: anarchism; punk; activism
Issue(s): 3
1993, Spring
x Missives Zine
Creators: Tedly, Nan
Publisher: self-published. Published: Union Gap, WA, United States
Subjects: humor; travel; literary
x Mmmm Bacon
Creators: Nette, Mike
Publisher: self-published. Published: Southfield, MI, United States
Subjects: music; humor
Issue(s): 2
x Mold Zine
Creators: Daina
Publisher: self-published. Published: Hamptom, NH, United States
Subjects: music; comics; personal
Issue(s): 3
x Moldy Bagels, The
Creators: Baumann, S.
Publisher: Fridge Magnet Concoction. Published: Hamtramck, MI, United States
Subjects: comics
x Mole
Creators: Bagato, Jeff, editor
Publisher: The Panic Research Agency. Published: Merrifield, VA, United States
Subjects: literary; music; comics
Issue(s): 1-13
Notes: lots of cool interviews with big jazz and other underground musicians such as Peter Brotzman and Mike Watt
x Mongoloid Moose, The
Creators: Wilson, Scott
Publisher: self-published. Published: Bloomfield, NJ, United States
Subjects: popular media; humor; personal
Issue(s): 18, 21
x Monkey Manifesto
Publisher: self-published. Published: New York, NY, United States
Subjects: literary; animals; activism
Issue(s): 1-2
x Monkeysuit
Publisher: Monkeysuit Press. Published: New York, NY, United States
Subjects: comics
Issue(s): 4
x Monozine2
Creators: Todd
Publisher: self-published. Published: Reisterstown, MD, United States
Subjects: health and body
x Moo Cow Fanzine
Publisher: self-published. Published: Belmont, MA, United States
Subjects: punk
Issue(s): 17
x Motel
Creators: Minnick, Chris, editor
Publisher: self-published. Published: Berkeley, CA, United States
Subjects: technology and science; literary; comics
Issue(s): 9
1996, May
x Mother Anarchy
Publisher: self-published. Published: Moscow,Russia
Subjects: anarchism; health and body; activism
Issue(s): 6
Notes: english and german language zine
1994, January
x Movie Quips
Creators: Bourne, Stephen
Publisher: self-published. Published: Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
Subjects: film
x Mr. Weenie: Substitute Teacher
Creators: Burton, John C.
Publisher: Colzac Comics. Published: Manassas Park, VA, United States
Subjects: comics; humor
Issue(s): 1-2
x Ms America
Creators: Sarah and Jen
Publisher: self-published. Published: Chicago, IL, United States
Subjects: feminism; health and body; personal
Issue(s): 2
x Mudvein
Creators: Loudon, Stephen
Publisher: MudSuck Press. Published: Chicago, IL, United States
Subjects: literary
Issue(s): 1-4
x Mullethead Illustrated
Publisher: self-published. Published: Dekalb, IL, United States
Subjects: style/fashion; music
Issue(s): 3
1995, Winter
x Multiball
Creators: Coleman, Brinda and S.D. Soule
Publisher: self-published. Published: Boulder, CO, United States
Subjects: sports; popular media
Issue(s): 6
Notes: pinball zine
x Multitude of Voices, A
Creators: Holdaway, Matt
Publisher: self-published. Published: Berkeley, CA, United States
Subjects: literary; visual arts
Issue(s): 2
x Mumblage
Creators: Dundas, Zach and Dan Engler
Publisher: self-published. Published: Missoula, MT, United States
Subjects: music; politics and culture; technology and science
Issue(s): 1-4
x Murder Can Be Fun
Creators: Marr, Johnny
Publisher: self-published. Published: San Francisco, CA, United States
Subjects: film; politics and culture; literary
Issue(s): 5-7, 14
x Music For Portable Chord Organs
Creators: Rick
Publisher: self-published. Published: Downers Grove, IL, United States
Subjects: music; technology and science
Issue(s): 2
x Mutant Zine Renegade
Creators: Kilbourne, Michael
Publisher: self-published. Published: Dayton, OH, United States
Subjects: animals; food and drink; health and body
Issue(s): 6
1995, November
x My Argument with the Super cop
Creators: Heyer, Irving
Publisher: Discovery Press. Published: Missoula, MT, United States
Subjects: literary
Issue(s): non-serial
x My Car Pinto
Creators: Steph
Publisher: self-published. Published: Exeter, NH, United States
Subjects: personal; music; sexuality
Issue(s): 2
x My Compass
Creators: Matsko, Bethany
Publisher: beeProd. Published: Washington, D.C.,United States
Subjects: literary; photography; personal
x My Last Nerve
Creators: Petrucci, Carol and Cheri Haines
Publisher: self-published. Published: Madison, WI, United States
Subjects: feminism; health and body
x My Little Pinata
Publisher: self-published. Published: New Orleans, LA, United States
Subjects: literary; visual arts; music
Issue(s): 2
x My Little Ska Zine
Creators: Green, David
Publisher: self-published. Published: Chino, CA, United States
Subjects: punk
Issue(s): 1
x My Own Brain Productions
Creators: Kelland, April
Publisher: self-published. Published: New Labanon, NY, United States
Subjects: literary; visual arts
Notes: two different zines both under the umbrella title of "My Own Brain Productions": "Girl With A Cause" and "Day Xanadu". Both zines are produced by April Kelland and both have similar content of poetry and collage-esque visual art.
x My Own Fanzine
Creators: Hoenack, Daf
Publisher: self-published. Published: Edina, MN, United States
Subjects: literary; personal; music
Issue(s): 5
x My Strange Malady
Creators: Dawson, James M.
Publisher: self-published. Published: Redwood Valley, CA, United States
Subjects: health and body; technology; popular media
Issue(s): 1, 3
Notes: weird zine ranging from ancient history to sci fi to a mysterious disease (strange malady) experienced by the author
x My Town is on a Hill
Creators: Sprout and Nora
Publisher: self-published. Published: Warrensburg, MO, United States
Subjects: personal; animals
Issue(s): 2
x My Wallpaper Could Kick Yr Ass
Creators: Eric
Publisher: self-published. Published: Houston, TX, United States
Subjects: animals; food and drink; activism
Issue(s): 3
x Myron's Zine
Creators: Joe
Affiliated Groups: Myron's Broken Records
Publisher: self-published. Published: Naperville, IL, United States
Subjects: music
Issue(s): vol. 1, no. 1
x Mystery and Adventure Series Review, The
Creators: Woodworth, Fred
Publisher: self-published. Published: Tucson, AZ, United States
Subjects: literary
Issue(s): 1, 13, 21, 23, 26-28, 31
x Mystical Magical Land of Oz, The
Creators: Nick Normal
Publisher: self-published. Published: St. Louis, MO, United States
Subjects: anarchism; literary; politics and culture
Issue(s): vol. 1, nos. 1, 4
x Naked: Collected Works
Creators: Eads, Sabrina
Publisher: self-published
Subjects: literary
Issue(s): non-serial
x Naked Peace
Creators: Myk
Publisher: self-published. Published: Benicia, CA, United States
Subjects: politics and culture; literary; music
Issue(s): 1
x Nancy's Magazine
Creators: Bonnell-Kangas, Nancy
Affiliated Groups: Ohio Arts Council
Published: Columbus, OH, United States
Subjects: literary; comics
Issue(s): vol. 10
Notes: eclectic and well designed zine with articles ranging from the underbelly of K-Mart's Blue Light Specials to a pull out poster on the history of lawncare
1996, Spring
x Nat-Rrain
Publisher: self-published. Published: Virginia Beach, VA, United States
Subjects: comics
Issue(s): 8
Notes: thoroughly grotesque comics in the vein of R. Crumb
x Natural Healing for Women
Publisher: self-published
Subjects: health and body; food and drink
x Naughty Love, The
Creators: Cookie
Publisher: self-published. Published: Claremont, CA, United States
Subjects: activism; politics and culture
Issue(s): 3
x NE
Creators: Rooks, Daisy
Publisher: self-published. Published: Washington, D.C.,United States
Subjects: sexuality; feminism
Issue(s): 5
x Nest of Bones
Publisher: self-published. Published: Eugene, OR, United States
Subjects: literary; visual arts; religion
Issue(s): 1-2
x Neufutur
Creators: McQuiston, James
Publisher: self-published. Published: Lancaster, OH, United States
Subjects: popular media; politics and culture; music
Issue(s): 5, 9
x Nevermind the Mainstream
Creators: Beinlich, Jimmy
Publisher: self-published. Published: Levittown, NY, United States
Subjects: music; politics and culture; literary
Issue(s): 1
x New Archaic, The
Creators: Micheal, John
Publisher: Ayn Rand Shrugged Publications. Published: Seattle, WA, United States
Subjects: politics and culture; economics; zine reviews
Issue(s): 2
1995, April
x New Hampshire Federationist
Creators: Meskys, Ed, editor
Publisher: National Federation of the Blind of New Hampshire. Published: Laconia, NH, United States
Subjects: health and body; technology
Issue(s): 23-24
x Nikita
Creators: Nikita
Publisher: self-published. Published: Sierra Madre, CA, United States
Subjects: music; animals; humor
Issue(s): 2-3
x Nine
Publisher: self-published. Published: Hamilton, Ontario, Canada
Subjects: music; comics; zine reviews
Issue(s): 13, 20
x Ninja Super Zine
Publisher: self-published. Published: Santa Cruz, CA, United States
Subjects: humor; popular media; comics
Issue(s): 1-3, 5
x No
Creators: Anne I.
Publisher: self-published. Published: Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Subjects: visual arts; philosophy; economics
Notes: interesting Situationist inspired essay entitled, "drifting"
x No Bare Feet
Creators: Mullarkey, Matt
Publisher: self-published. Published: Tampa, FL, United States
Subjects: music; literary
1999, December
x No Border Jam
Creators: Hedl, Dusan
Publisher: self-published. Published: Maribor,Slovenia
Subjects: music
Issue(s): 4-5
Notes: Slovene language zine
x No Joke: Tha Bay Area Hip Hop Newsletter
Creators: DOXX
Publisher: self-published. Published: Novato, CA, United States
Subjects: music
Issue(s): 17
1996, March
x No Longer A Fanzine
Creators: Gervasi, Joseph A.
Publisher: self-published. Published: Blackwood, NJ, United States
Subjects: music; politics and culture; activism
Issue(s): 6
x No Problems
Creators: James-T
Publisher: self-published. Published: La Crescenta, CA, United States
Subjects: music; zine reviews; travel
Issue(s): 1
1997, June
x No Scene Zine
Publisher: self-published. Published: Lincoln, NE, United States
Subjects: music; personal
Issue(s): 6
x No Turning Back
Creators: Turis, Mike
Publisher: self-published. Published: Santa Rosa, CA, United States
Subjects: personal; activism; drugs
Issue(s): 2
x Nobody: The Magazine of Canadian Stars
Creators: Tamburro, Michael-Anthony
Publisher: self-published. Published: Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Subjects: popular media; humor
1999, September
x Nobody Can Eat 50 Eggs
Creators: Steiner, Steve
Publisher: self-published. Published: Meadville, PA, United States
Subjects: comics; humor; personal
Issue(s): 26-28
x Noisy Jewelry
Creators: She-Ra
Publisher: self-published. Published: Atlanta, GA, United States
Subjects: comics; health and body; food and drink
Issue(s): 2
x Nomadic Underground
Creators: Sigal, Brad
Publisher: self-published. Published: Washington, D.C.,United States
Subjects: punk; zine reviews
Issue(s): 6
1987, Summer
x Nomo
Creators: Rubberoid, Rudi
Publisher: self-published. Published: Bellingham, WA, United States
Subjects: comics; literary; humor
x Nonsensical
Creators: Annie
Publisher: self-published. Published: San Francisco, CA, United States
Subjects: personal
Issue(s): 6
Notes: small, well designed zine put together with twine and book checkout cards
2003, December
x Northern Journeys: An Arts Magazine
Creators: Thompson, Denise, editor
Publisher: Thomas and Associates. Published: Bonners Ferry, ID, United States
Subjects: visual arts; literary
Issue(s): vol. 3, no. 3
x Nosedive
Publisher: self-published. Published: Portland, OR, United States
Subjects: personal; comics
Issue(s): 6
Notes: cool handwritten personal zine; the cover, comics, and illustrations range from cool woodblock-esque designs to frenetic sketches
x Not A Significant Source
Publisher: self-published. Published: Philadelphia, PA, United States
Subjects: humor; visual arts; style/fashion
x Notebook, The
Creators: Angius, Lisa
Publisher: self-published. Published: Orlando, FL, United States
Subjects: humor; sexuality; personal
Issue(s): 5
1996, April
x Notes From the Dump
Creators: Ward, Terry
Publisher: self-published. Published: Lempster, NH, United States
Subjects: politics and culture; personal; philosophy
Issue(s): 244-245, 247-248, 252, 255, 258, 271, 280, 297, 303
x Notes From the Lighthouse
Creators: Baker, Joshua
Publisher: self-published. Published: Portland, OR, United States
Subjects: personal; travel
Issue(s): 7-8
x Notes In Response To A Dysfunctional Society
Creators: Todd
Publisher: self-published. Published: Berkeley, CA, United States
Subjects: mental health; health and body
Issue(s): 1
x Nothing
Creators: McCarter, Tre
Publisher: self-published. Published: Brighton, MA, United States
Subjects: mental health; music
Issue(s): 7
x Nothing: The Newsletter for Seinfeld Fans
Creators: Gattuso, Greg
Publisher: self-published. Published: Douglaston, NY, United States
Subjects: popular media; humor
Issue(s): vol. 2, no. 4
x Nothing to Do: For anyone with time to waste
Publisher: self-published. Published: Springfield, MO, United States
Subjects: music; comics; zine reviews
Issue(s): 4-5
x Nova Feedback
Creators: Bowman, Michael J.
Publisher: Magic Plastic Cassette Factory. Published: Brooklyn, NY, United States
Subjects: visual arts
Issue(s): 6-8
x Oblivion: We Won't Let It Slip Into the Void
Creators: Jestapher
Publisher: self-published. Published: Olympia, WA, United States
Subjects: education; literary
Issue(s): 1-2, 4
x Oblivion for People Like Us
Creators: J. Mental and M. Diggs
Publisher: Interstellar Media. Published: Missoula, MT, United States
Subjects: found art; literary
Issue(s): vol. 1, no. 1
x Obscure: The Quirky Journal of Unapologetic Creativity
Creators: Sawyer, Lei Kim and Rebecca Gilley, editors
Publisher: April Fool Press. Published: Lafayette, CA, United States
Subjects: literary; visual arts; photography
Issue(s): vol. 1, nos. 1-7; vol.2, nos. 1-2
x October Diaries, The
Creators: Alanna
Publisher: self-published. Published: Mesa, AZ, United States
Subjects: travel; music; comics
Issue(s): 8
x Octojello: Food and Neurotica
Creators: Ted Concocted
Publisher: self-published. Published: Portland, OR, United States
Subjects: food and drink; mental health; sexuality
Issue(s): 1-3
Notes: two copies of issue #1
x Oculus Magazine
Creators: Appnel, Timothy
Publisher: self-published. Published: Hoboken, NJ, United States
Subjects: popular media; music; film
Issue(s): vol. 5, nos. 2-3
x Odd Adventure Zine, The
Creators: Smith, Ian
Publisher: Zamboni Press. Published: Beaverton, OR, United States
Subjects: comics
Issue(s): 1
x Oddest Recordings
Creators: Gillespie, Mark
Publisher: self-published. Published: Bremerton, WA, United States
Subjects: music
Issue(s): 1
x Ogner Stump's One Thousand Sorrows
Creators: Goldfarb, Andrew
Publisher: Wonderella. Published: Berkeley, CA, United States
Subjects: comics; humor
Issue(s): non-serial
Notes: grotesque and strange comics
x Oh, Comics
Creators: Corby, Bob
Publisher: Corby Visual Productions. Published: Dublin, OH, United States
Subjects: comics; humor
Issue(s): 7
Creators: Sonnenfeld, Mark and Andrew Topel
Publisher: Marymark Press. Published: East Windsor, NJ, United States
Subjects: literary; visual arts
Issue(s): non-serial
x Once Upon A Time There Was A Place Called Nthing Hill Gate…
Published: London,United Kingdom
Subjects: economics; politics and culture; race, ethnicity, and identity
Issue(s): non-serial
x One Fine Mess
Creators: Dan and Erin Q.
Publisher: self-published. Published: Tarrytown, NY, United States
Subjects: personal; work
2002, Spring
x Oompa Loompa Zine
Creators: Hohla, Eric
Publisher: self-published. Published: Laguna Niguel, CA, United States
Subjects: humor; music
Issue(s): 1
1997, February
x Operator…
Creators: Rosenberger, Josh
Publisher: self-published. Published: Lincoln, NE, United States
Subjects: music; personal
Issue(s): 1
x Optic Nerve
Creators: Tomine, Adrian
Publisher: Drawn and Quarterly Publications. Published: Montreal, Quebec, Canada
Subjects: comics
Issue(s): 1
1995, April
x Orange
Creators: Katie and Sean
Publisher: Wonderella. Published: Oakland, CA, United States
Subjects: comics; food and drink; popular media
x Ornis
Creators: Wyndham, Tamara
Publisher: Tornado Press. Published: New York, NY, United States
Subjects: visual arts; literary; animals
Issue(s): non-serial
x Other: An Introduction to Civilization
Creators: Van Ham, Lane
Publisher: self-published. Published: Lincoln, NE, United States
Subjects: economics; race, ethnicity, and identity; environmental issues
Issue(s): 3
Notes: really cool, colorful flipbook design, as well as amazing content - part essay, part literary account of Columbus' journey to the new world and the development of western imperialism
1995, Spring
x Other Economy, The
Creators: Cordray, Jim
Publisher: self-published. Published: Riverside, IL, United States
Subjects: economics
Issue(s): 8
1998, March
x Other Herald, The
Creators: Rice, T.F., editor
Publisher: Hidden Valley Farm. Published: Perry, NY, United States
Subjects: literary
Issue(s): vol. 1, nos. 1-8
x Out of the Blue
Creators: Justin, Larned
Publisher: self-published. Published: House Springs, MO, United States
Subjects: comics; literary; zine reviews
Issue(s): 13
2003, February
x Outlet Zine
Creators: DiSebastian, Steven
Publisher: self-published. Published: Lindenwold, NJ, United States
Subjects: comics; personal
Issue(s): 1-2
x Overflow
Creators: Pavlik, Carey
Publisher: self-published. Published: Algoma, WI, United States
Subjects: music; personal; zine reviews
Issue(s): 1
x Overground
Publisher: Overground Distribution. Published: Pensacola, FL, United States
Subjects: zine reviews; sexuality; health and body
Notes: distribution catalog
x Pack O Fun: The Only Scrap-Craft Magazine
Creators: Clapper, Edna
Publisher: Clapper Publishing Company. Published: Park Ridge, IL, United States
Subjects: DIY; visual arts
Issue(s): vol. 16, no. 1
x Pain...Ow!
Creators: Aff, Rebekah and Nathanael Aff
Publisher: self-published. Published: Bronxville, NY, United States
Subjects: literary; drugs; mental health
1996, January
x Panacea
Creators: Summer
Publisher: self-published. Published: Gaston, OR, United States
Subjects: music; literary; personal
Issue(s): 1
1996, Winter
x Pancakes Make People Happy
Publisher: self-published
Subjects: music; personal; politics and culture
x Pander
Creators: Ericka
Publisher: self-published. Published: Kansas City, MO, United States
Subjects: zine reviews
1996, Summer
x Panophobia
Publisher: self-published. Published: Chicago, IL, United States
Subjects: mental health; music; comics
Issue(s): 3
Notes: interviews with different bands and readers about their various phobias
x Pants That Don't Fit
Creators: Gerken, John
Publisher: self-published. Published: San Jose, CA, United States
Subjects: punk; comics; personal
Issue(s): 6-7, 9
x Paranoy
Creators: Amanda
Publisher: self-published. Published: St. Peter, MN, United States
Subjects: music; zine reviews; literary
Issue(s): 8
x Party Mix
Creators: Frost
Publisher: self-published. Published: Olympia, WA, United States
Subjects: personal; literary; sexuality
Notes: lots of short stories, journal entries, and poems written by different people about parties/social events
x Passage
Creators: Wyndham, Tamara
Publisher: Tornado Press. Published: New York, NY, United States
Subjects: visual arts; literary
Issue(s): non-serial
x Passive Lobotomy Press
Creators: Bliven, Max
Publisher: self-published. Published: Bend, OR, United States
Subjects: music; literary; mental health
Issue(s): 9
Notes: mix of frenetic cut-ups, tape reviews, and the phrase "Oh My God There's an Axe in My Head!" translated into numerous languages
x Passive Retainer
Creators: Laney, Dave and Caryn O'Connell
Publisher: self-published. Published: Chapel HIll, NC, United States
Subjects: music; politics and culture; feminism
x Patriotism: Geiger Revisited
Creators: Rufus
Publisher: self-published. Published: Arlington, VA, United States
Subjects: economics; sexuality; mental health
Issue(s): 1
Notes: irreverent meditations spanning and intertwining themes of sexuality and politcal economy
x Paulistanos Suburbanos
Creators: Fabio Ignorante
Publisher: self-published. Published: Sao Paolo,Brazil
Subjects: punk
Issue(s): 3
Notes: Portugeuse language zine
x People Not Profit: For the Self-Determination of Freedom
Creators: Krueger, Max and Katrina Parker
Publisher: self-published
Subjects: economics; activism; health and body
Issue(s): vol. 1, no. 1
Notes: documents a lot of the Occupy movements as well as other labor struggles worldwide
x Permanent Ink
Creators: Adam Void
Publisher: self-published
Subjects: photography; visual art; literary
Issue(s): 8, 10-11
Notes: lots of polaroid photographs of graffiti and other urban spaces interspersed by pretty cool little typewritten poems/captions
x Phenicribe
Creators: Serleman, Eric
Publisher: self-published. Published: Phoenix, AZ, United States
Subjects: comics; personal
Issue(s): 1
1992, November
x Phoenix: A Journal of Art, Poetry and Philosophy
Creators: blahboy
Publisher: self-published. Published: San Francisco, CA, United States
Subjects: literary; visual arts; philosophy
Issue(s): 3-4
x Photo Static
Creators: Dunn, Lloyd
Publisher: Drawing Legion Publications. Published: Iowa City, IA, United States
Subjects: literary; visual arts; zine reviews
Issue(s): 41
1993, January
x Pick Your Poison
Creators: Gangelhoff, Nate
Publisher: self-published. Published: Minneapolis, MN, United States
Subjects: work; personal; drugs
Issue(s): 2, 4
x Piece of Shit, The
Publisher: self-published. Published: Whittier, CA, United States
Subjects: punk
Issue(s): 1
1993, September
x Pinkus Blank
Creators: Dawn
Publisher: self-published. Published: Plantation, FL, United States
Subjects: feminism; health and body; music
Issue(s): 2
x Pittsburgh Art Uprising
Creators: Geoff and Mary
Publisher: self-published. Published: Pittsburgh, PA, United States
Subjects: music; travel; activism
x Planet Venus
Creators: Loren
Publisher: self-published. Published: Newport Beach, CA, United States
Subjects: feminism; economics; zine reviews
Issue(s): 1
x Pleiades, The
Creators: Hale, Miranda
Publisher: self-published. Published: Spokane, WA, United States
Subjects: feminism; mental health; health and body
Issue(s): 14
2005, March
x Plotz: The Twice Yearly Book for Happy Jews
Creators: Barbara
Publisher: self-published. Published: New York, NY, United States
Subjects: race, ethnicity, and identity; religion
Issue(s): 12
Notes: two issues, one unnumbered
x Plume
Creators: Sheila
Publisher: self-published. Published: Ambridge, PA, United States
Subjects: music
Issue(s): 5
1994, March
Creators: Rik
Publisher: self-published. Published: London,United Kingdom
Subjects: punk; queer
Issue(s): 5
1994, October
x Poetry Motel
Creators: McKinnon, Andrea, editor
Publisher: self-published. Published: Duluth, MN, United States
Subjects: literary
Issue(s): 14
Notes: poems by Paul Weinman
x Poets' Groove
Creators: Petsu, Sebastian
Publisher: self-published. Published: Philadelphia, PA, United States
Subjects: literary; photography
Issue(s): 8
2001, March
x Point of Interest
Publisher: self-published. Published: Renton, WA, United States
Subjects: punk; anarchism; politics and culture
Issue(s): 13
1996, March
x Poisonous Plants in the Garden
Creators: Lavender, Bee
Publisher: self-published. Published: Seattle, WA, United States
Subjects: health and body; personal
Issue(s): 5
Notes: part of "A Beautiful Final Tribute"
2002, January
x Pok
Creators: Campbell, Eric and Royce Deans
Publisher: Arms of Venus. Published: Grand Rapids, MI, United States
Subjects: sports; music
Issue(s): 6
x Politically Incorrect Journal, The
Creators: Stone, Jonathon D.
Publisher: self-published. Published: Grand Haven, MI, United States
Subjects: politics and culture; literary; humor
Issue(s): 1-4
x Poo Poo Magazine
Creators: MC Caucasian Pimp
Publisher: Purging Talon Publishing. Published: Burlington, VT, United States
Subjects: religion; politics and culture; humor
Issue(s): 9
x Pornographic Flabbergasted Emus, The
Creators: Fright, Wred
Publisher: self-published. Published: New Castle, PA, United States
Subjects: literary; music
Issue(s): 1, 5
x Portable Wall, The
Creators: Struckman, Dan
Publisher: Basement Press. Published: Billings, MT, United States
Subjects: literary
Issue(s): 20-22
x Post Fiend
Publisher: self-published. Published: Wylie, TX, United States
Subjects: music; politics and culture; comics
Issue(s): 5
x Prakalpana Literature
Creators: Chandan, Vattacharja
Publisher: Binary Waves. Published: Kolkata, West Bengal, India
Subjects: literary; visual arts
Issue(s): 20, 22
Notes: English-Bengali bilingual zine
x Presently Out of Product
Creators: Ronni Tartlet and An Canteloupe
Publisher: self-published. Published: St. Louis, MO, United States
Subjects: humor; politcs and culture; health and body
Issue(s): 2
x Primary Documents: ...on sundry important subjects in media and social history
Affiliated Groups: SUNY Old Westbury
Publisher: self-published. Published: Old Westbury, NY, United States
Subjects: popular media; technology and science; politics and culture
Issue(s): 5
x Princess
Publisher: self-published. Published: New York, NY, United States
Subjects: style/fashion; health and body
Issue(s): 1, 3
x Printed Matter
Creators: Sachs, Tom
Publisher: Printed Matter. Published: New York, NY, United States
Subjects: visual arts; zine reviews
Notes: catalog of different zines and art books
2003, November
x Prison Music
Creators: Adams, John and Hector Martinez
Publisher: self-published. Published: Tennessee Colony, TX, United States
Subjects: prison and law; visual arts
x Private's Cove
Creators: Rios, Rudy
Publisher: self-published
Subjects: photography; visual arts
Issue(s): 1
x Probe, The
Creators: Muentz, Aaron
Published: Pleasanton, CA, United States
Subjects: sexuality; music
Issue(s): 5
x Profane Existence
Creators: Jeremy Stinkbot
Publisher: self-published. Published: Minneapolis, MN, United States
Subjects: punk; visual art
Issue(s): 62-63
x Proper Gander
Published: San Marcos, TX, United States
Subjects: comics
Issue(s): 34
2002, August
x Prophet Fanzine
Publisher: self-published. Published: Atlanta, GA, United States
Subjects: music; activism
Issue(s): 2
x ProVision
Publisher: self-published. Published: Clarkdale, AZ, United States
Subjects: music; politics and culture
Issue(s): 2
x Psycho Carnival
Creators: Gregory, Kelly
Publisher: self-published. Published: Aurora, IN, United States
Subjects: comics; sexuality; humor
Issue(s): 4, 6
x Psycho.Moto Zine
Creators: Minsker, Ethan
Publisher: self-published. Published: New York, NY, United States
Subjects: health and body; literary
x Publik Enema
Publisher: self-published. Published: Missoula, MT, United States
Subjects: literary; travel; health and body
Issue(s): 5, 8-12
x Puckered Starfish
Creators: Kangieser, Karl
Publisher: self-published. Published: Las Vegas, NV, United States
Subjects: punk; personal
Issue(s): 1
x Pump of Vartry
Creators: Piche, John Xerxes
Publisher: self-published. Published: Cleveland Heights, OH, United States
Subjects: literary
Issue(s): non-serial
Notes: play dedicated to Beckett and Joyce, following much in that dramatic mold
x Punchline, The
Creators: Yates, John
Publisher: self-published. Published: San Francisco, CA, United States
Subjects: politics and culture; visual arts; found art
Issue(s): 2
Notes: cynical and critical spoofs of advertisements and news stories a la AdBusters
x Punk 101: A Study of Punk and Oi!
Creators: Jen
Publisher: self-published. Published: Patchogue, NY, United States
Subjects: punk; activism
x Punk Dork Digest
Creators: Goldberg, Jason
Publisher: self-published. Published: Valley Stream, NY, United States
Subjects: punk
Issue(s): 21
x Punk Kid Walks Into A Bar…, A
Publisher: self-published. Published: Rye, NY, United States
Subjects: punk; popular media; personal
Issue(s): 7
x Punk Pals Unwashed
Creators: Bob
Publisher: self-published. Published: Ann Arbor, MI, United States
Subjects: politics and culture; literary; personal
x Punk Planet
Creators: Sinker, Dan
Published: Hoboken, NJ, United States
Subjects: punk; literary; DIY
Issue(s): 6, 9-12, 14
x Puppies and Kitties
Creators: Hinton, Alex
Publisher: self-published. Published: Los Angeles, CA, United States
Subjects: animals; music; popular media
Issue(s): 1
x Pure Fucking Chaos
Publisher: self-published
Subjects: travel; literary; mental health
Issue(s): 4
1995, December
x Purgin Talon Publishing
Publisher: Purging Talon Publishing. Published: Burlington, VT, United States
Subjects: zine reviews
Issue(s): catalogue
x Pwop
Creators: Frank
Publisher: self-published. Published: King City, GA, United States
Subjects: music; literary; technology and science
Issue(s): 1
x QECE: Question Everything. Challenge Everything.
Creators: Nocella, Larry
Publisher: self-published. Published: Collegeville, PA, United States
Subjects: politics and culture; comics; literary
Issue(s): 4, 6, 11-12, 14
Notes: issues 1-14 available on CD
x Quality of Mercy
Publisher: self-published. Published: Medicine Hat, Alberta, Canada
Subjects: comics
Issue(s): 1
x Quark, The
Publisher: self-published
Subjects: literary; visual arts; animals
Issue(s): 1
x Queer
Creators: Corey and Shannon
Publisher: self-published. Published: Sacramento, CA, United States
Subjects: queer; gender; sexuality
Issue(s): 2
x Question
Creators: Stuart Question
Publisher: self-published. Published: Austin, TX, United States
Subjects: race, ethnicity, and identity; personal; sexuality
Issue(s): 1
x Q-Value
Publisher: self-published. Published: Normal, IL, United States
Subjects: politics and culture; race, ethnicity, and identity
Issue(s): 3
x R2-D2 is an Indie Rocker
Creators: Czekaj, Jef
Publisher: self-published. Published: Ithaca, NY, United States
Subjects: comics; style/fashion
x Radio Free Suburbia
Creators: Matte
Publisher: self-published. Published: Bryn Mawr, PA, United States
Subjects: music; literary; visual arts
Issue(s): 2
x Radio Free Ybor City
Creators: Kelly Kombat
Publisher: self-published. Published: Tampa, FL, United States
Subjects: popular media; activism; music
Issue(s): 1
x Rage
Creators: Valencia, Danny
Publisher: self-published. Published: Lake Worth, FL, United States
Subjects: literary; philosophy; zine reviews
Issue(s): 3
x Ralph: Coffee, Jazz, and Poetry
Creators: Alfonso, Ralph
Publisher: self-published. Published: Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada
Subjects: literary; music
Issue(s): 35, 37, 40, 44
x Rant Zine
Creators: Zeleny, Angela
Publisher: self-published. Published: Eugene, OR, United States
Subjects: humor; literary; visual arts
Issue(s): 2
x Rated Rookie
Creators: Bernstein, Joshua
Publisher: self-published. Published: Astoria, NY, United States
Subjects: humor; literary; sexuality
Issue(s): vol. 1, nos. 1-3
x Rats in the Hallway
Creators: Wild, Stefan
Publisher: sefl-published. Published: Evergreen, CO, United States
Subjects: punk; comics
Issue(s): 4
1997, May
x Razor Blades in Halloween Candy
Creators: Sancho Panza
Publisher: self-published. Published: Grafton, MA, United States
Subjects: punk; literary; politics and culture
x Razorcake
Creators: Taylor, Todd
Publisher: Gorsky Press, Inc.. Published: Los Angeles, CA, United States
Subjects: punk; DIy
Issue(s): 51-65, 67-73
x Reactor
Publisher: self-published. Published: Richmond, VA, United States
Subjects: music; personal
Issue(s): 1
1994, March
x Read Our Minds
Creators: Thomas, Richard and Jeremy Bushnell
Publisher: self-published. Published: Warminster, PA, United States
Subjects: personal; literary; found art
Issue(s): vol. 1, no. 3
Notes: This zine is composed of the correspondence between two longtime friends, Jeremy and Richard. This blurs the lines between a lot of genres and subjects as these letters range from personal discovery to reflections on place to philosophy to found texts.
1996, Fall
x Reader's Guide to the Underground Press, A
Creators: Holland, Doug
Publisher: self-published. Published: San Francisco, CA, United States
Subjects: zine reviews; literary; politics and culture
Issue(s): 11
1999, Summer
x Readers Speak Out!: teens taking stances
Creators: Richardson, Ron
Publisher: self-published. Published: Seattle, WA, United States
Subjects: activism; politics and culture
Issue(s): 7
Notes: also includes several attached write-ups about "Readers Speak Out!"
1999, May
x Reading Mark Twain
Creators: Joe
Publisher: self-published. Published: San Francisco, CA, United States
Subjects: personal; literary
x Realist, The
Creators: Krassner, paul
Publisher: self-published. Published: Venice, CA, United States
Subjects: politics and culture
Issue(s): 133-134
x Reason For Resistance
Creators: Schmitz, Jeffrey
Publisher: self-published. Published: Boca Raton, FL, United States
Subjects: politics and culture; music
x Rebel's New Clothes, The
Creators: Claudia
Publisher: CW Publications. Published: London,United Kingdom
Subjects: personal; activism; philosophy
Issue(s): non-serial
Notes: interesting memoir of activist as she traverses various London subcultures in the 1960s
x Recalcitrance
Creators: DeVault, Jason
Publisher: self-published. Published: Jupiter, FL, United States
Subjects: punk; zine reviews
x Recluse Zine
Creators: Herbst, Jill
Publisher: self-published. Published: Columbus, OH, United States
Subjects: animals; politics and culture; music
Issue(s): 3-4, 6, 8-9
x Record Scratch
Creators: Kate Widmer, Mallory Peterson, Roxy Stachan
Publisher: self-published. Published: Missoula, MT, United States
Subjects: music, art
Issue(s): 1
x Recycled Art: A Zine for Artists, Photographers, Creative Writers and Performers
Creators: Silverman, Sharon
Publisher: self-published. Published: Haverhill, MA, United States
Subjects: visual arts; literary; photography
Issue(s): 2
x Red and the Black, The
Creators: Chris
Publisher: self-published. Published: San Rafael, CA, United States
Subjects: anarchism; literary; music
Issue(s): 1
x Reglar Wiglar
Creators: Auman, Christopher
Publisher: self-published. Published: Chicago, IL, United States
Subjects: humor; popular media; music
Issue(s): vol. 2, no. 6
x Reject, The
Creators: Josh
Publisher: self-published. Published: La Crosse, WI, United States
Subjects: humor; politics and culture; zine reviews
Issue(s): vol. 1, nos. 1-2
x Reminder
Creators: Vandekerckhove, Wim
Publisher: self-published. Published: Menen, West Flanders, Belgium
Subjects: mental health; philosophy; literary
Issue(s): 7
Notes: intriguing philosophical inquiries such as the ethics instilled by the hardcore scene and the human/animal divide; b/w "emotive impulse"
x Rendezvous With Violence
Creators: Kollar, Justin
Publisher: self-published. Published: Boston, MA, United States
Subjects: punk; politics and culture
Issue(s): 4-5
x Rent: An Injustice
Creators: Ybarra, I.R.
Publisher: Book of the Dead. Published: Tuscon, AZ, United States
Subjects: economics; activism
Issue(s): non-serial
Notes: reprint of pamphlet; original published in 1984
x Reserved
Creators: Bachman, John
Publisher: self-published. Published: Fallston, MD, United States
Subjects: music; personal
Issue(s): 6
x Resist
Creators: Gooch, Spencer
Publisher: self-published. Published: Vista, CA, United States
Subjects: punk; activism; zine reviews
Issue(s): 3
x Resotring Harmony
Creators: Provost-Haskins, Kerri
Publisher: self-published. Published: Manchester, CT, United States
Subjects: feminism; personal; literary
Issue(s): 9
x Reticence and Anxiety
Publisher: self-published. Published: Austin, TX, United States
Subjects: personal; visual arts; mental health
Issue(s): 2
x Reveal
Publisher: self-published. Published: Bloomington, IN, United States
Subjects: punk; animals; activism
Issue(s): 3
x Revelation of Walter Pickle, The
Creators: Tawd, J.J.
Publisher: self-published
Subjects: literary; visual arts
Notes: whimsical narrative with quirky design to match - narrative interlaces between different mini-zines physically sewn into the larger zine
x Rinky-Dink
Creators: Lousy, Kevin
Publisher: self-published. Published: Pacifica, CA, United States
Subjects: health and body; religion; prison and law
Issue(s): 1
Notes: discusses death in an variety of contexts from the physiological effects of death to the death penalty
x RIP Zine
Publisher: self-published. Published: Wapato, WA, United States
Subjects: literary; popular media
2005, July
x Road Rash
Creators: Rockwood, Charlie
Publisher: self-published. Published: Cleveland, OH, United States
Subjects: sports; photography
Issue(s): 4
x Roam: for the life of little things
Creators: Detweiler, Sarah
Publisher: self-published. Published: Green Bay, WI, United States
Subjects: animals; comics
Issue(s): 1-3
Notes: both issues numbered 1; each issue b/w "spontaneous reaction"; two copies of issue no. 3
x Rock Candy
Creators: Marie
Publisher: self-published. Published: Kalamazoo, MI, United States
Subjects: personal; health and body; education
Issue(s): 5
x Rock Mag
Creators: Ellison, Tim
Publisher: self-published. Published: San Diego, CA, United States
Subjects: music; philosophy
Issue(s): 4
1994, December
x Rocks Off
Creators: Rizzo, Andrea
Publisher: self-published. Published: Norfolk, AZ, United States
Subjects: music; travel; food and drink
Issue(s): 2
1996, March
x Rockstar
Creators: Shawn
Publisher: self-published. Published: Memphis, TN, United States
Subjects: personal; humor
x Roessiger: The Zine of the Gods
Creators: Baldwin, Adam
Publisher: self-published. Published: Redmond, WA, United States
Subjects: punk; humor; sexuality
Issue(s): 5
x Room 112
Creators: Gorman, Justin
Publisher: self-published. Published: San Francisco, CA, United States
Subjects: education; prison and law
Issue(s): non-serial
1993, August
x Rooms
Creators: Broner, Sari
Publisher: self-published. Published: Berkeley, CA, United States
Subjects: visual arts; literary
Issue(s): vol. 3, no. 4; vol. 4, no. 2
x Rotten Fruit
Creators: Watson, Brad
Publisher: self-published. Published: Westerville, OH, United States
Subjects: visual arts; literary; health and body
Issue(s): 20
Creators: Davies, Tad
Publisher: self-published. Published: Manhattan Beach, CA, United States
Subjects: politics and culture; activism
Issue(s): 27, 34
x Ruins of Modern Civilization
Creators: O'Connor, Lee
Publisher: self-published
Subjects: politics and culture; technology and science; popular media
Issue(s): 1-3
x Saa Doo
Publisher: self-published. Published: Globe, AZ, United States
Subjects: comics; technology and science; humor
Issue(s): 8
1995, December
x Sam and Cassidy
Publisher: self-published. Published: Santa Rosa, CA, United States
Subjects: literary; visual arts
Issue(s): vol. 5, nos. 1-3; vol. 6, no. 3
x Samwise
Publisher: self-published. Published: Memphis, TN, United States
Subjects: mental health; personal
Issue(s): 5
x Sand in the Machine
Creators: Diamond, Lee
Affiliated Groups: New Forum
Publisher: self-published. Published: Salt Lake City, UT, United States
Subjects: politics and culture; music; popular media
x Sandbox
Creators: Myerson, Sylvie
Publisher: Sandbox Open Arts. Published: Brooklyn, NY, United States
Subjects: visual arts; performance arts
Notes: two copies
x Sangredelmar
Creators: Early, dons
Publisher: self-published. Published: San Marcos, TX, United States
Subjects: comics
Issue(s): 1-2
Notes: well illustrated and written comix leaflets
x Sanjam
Creators: Dubois, Yann
Publisher: self-published. Published: Le Rheu,France
Subjects: punk; activism; politics and culture
Issue(s): 1-3
x Sarasvati: A Magazine By Women, For Everyone
Creators: Estep, Stacy
Publisher: self-published. Published: Atlanta, GA, United States
Subjects: feminism; literary
Issue(s): 1-2
x Satin Shoe, The: Special Edition: Names and Addresses
Creators: Earl, Pat
Publisher: self-published. Published: Huntsville, TX, United States
Subjects: anarchism; prison and law; zine reviews
Notes: "address book" for numerous zines
x Satya: A Magazine of Vegetarianism, Environmentalism, and Animal Advocacy
Creators: Gould, Beth
Publisher: Voice News, Inc.. Published: Winsted, CT, United States
Subjects: environmental issues; animals; food and drink
Issue(s): vol. 2, no. 1
1995, July
x Savage State
Publisher: self-published. Published: Christchurch, Canterbury, New Zealand
Subjects: anarchism; music; health and body
x Save Your Soul
Publisher: self-published. Published: Golden, British Colombia, Canada
Subjects: popular media; literary; found art
Issue(s): 80
x Scam
Publisher: self-published. Published: Fort Lauderdale, FL, United States
Subjects: punk; politics and culture
Issue(s): 1-2
x Scheme
Publisher: self-published
Subjects: visual arts
Issue(s): 3
x Schism
Publisher: self-published. Published: Edmonton, Alberta, Canada
Subjects: animals; food and drink; activism
Issue(s): 9
1993, August
x Score
Creators: DiMichele, Bill, et al
Publisher: self-published. Published: San Francisco, CA, United States
Subjects: literary; visual arts
Issue(s): 6
Notes: really interesting concrete poetry and line drawings
x Screaming Inside My Head
Creators: Samuel
Publisher: self-published. Published: Burbank, CA, United States
Subjects: anarchism; literary; visual arts
Issue(s): 4-5
x Screams From Inside
Creators: Clarissa
Publisher: self-published. Published: Minneapolis, MN, United States
Subjects: punk; personal; politics and culture
Issue(s): 4, 6
x Sea of Slime
Creators: Sean
Publisher: self-published. Published: Pflugerville, TX, United States
Subjects: visual arts; literary; mental health
Issue(s): 6-6.5
x Second Guess
Publisher: self-published. Published: Reno, NV, United States
Subjects: punk; personal; travel
Issue(s): 9
x Secret Files of Captain Sissy, The
Creators: Cornell, Andy
Publisher: Microcosm. Published: Brooklyn, NY, United States
Subjects: personal; travel; activism
Issue(s): 5
Notes: diary style writing of an activist as he travels around the country working with different labor movements, etc. cool design too!
x Selfish Satan
Creators: Ami
Publisher: self-published. Published: Fairfield, CA, United States
Subjects: queer; sexuality; music
Issue(s): 2
x SemiBold
Creators: Moseley, Kathy
Publisher: self-published. Published: Chicago, IL, United States
Subjects: personal; music; travel
Issue(s): 1-2, 4-6, 9
x Seven-Eleven
Creators: Noonan, Danny
Publisher: self-published. Published: Rocky River, OH, United States
Subjects: education; personal; music
Issue(s): 2
x Sex, Death, and Ronald McDonald
Creators: Knid, Vermicious
Publisher: self-published. Published: Accokeek, MD, United States
Subjects: literary; visual arts
Issue(s): 17
2001, Summer
x Shattered Mind, A
Creators: Thompson, Jerianne
Publisher: self-published. Published: Martin, TN, United States
Subjects: humor; politics and culture
Issue(s): 10
x She Takes My Virginity
Creators: DuShane, Tony
Publisher: Cherry Bleeds. United States
Subjects: sexuality; travel
x Shelf Life
Creators: Sheryl
Publisher: self-published. Published: Santa Barbara, CA, United States
Subjects: punk; religion; personal
Issue(s): 2, 4
x She's Not a Morning Person
Creators: Venegas, jen
Publisher: self-published. Published: El Monte, CA, United States
Subjects: personal; mental health; health and body
Issue(s): 5
2003, April
x Ship of Fools: A Doors Fanzine
Creators: Byrn, James Todd and Vlad Jones
Publisher: self-published. Published: Floral Park, NY, United States
Subjects: music
Issue(s): vol. 1, no. 3
1995, May
x Shit Diary
Creators: Surllama
Publisher: self-published. Published: Tampa, FL, United States
Subjects: literary; humor; health and body
Issue(s): 18
1996, August
x Shoot the Moon
Creators: Britta
Publisher: self-published. Published: Northfield, VT, United States
Subjects: personal; travel; politics and culture
Issue(s): 1
x Short and Queer
Creators: Kelly
Publisher: self-published. Published: Denver, CO, United States
Subjects: personal; queer; travel
Issue(s): 1-2
x Show Me The Money!
Creators: Hunnicutt, Tony
Publisher: self-published. Published: Coon Rapids, MN, United States
Subjects: economics; politics and culture; activism
Issue(s): 1-27, 37-38
x Shred of Dignity
Creators: Ford, Shawn
Publisher: self-published. Published: Berkely, CA, United States
Subjects: punk; sports
Issue(s): 5
x Siberian Express, The
Creators: Leininger, Bill, editor
Publisher: Journalism Department of Montana State Prison. Published: Deer Lodge, MT, United States
Subjects: photography; literary; prison and law
x Silent Crisis Center
Creators: Ellis, Alan
Publisher: House of Vlad Productions. Published: Temple, GA, United States
Subjects: literary
Issue(s): non-serial
x Silent Witness
Creators: Marsh, Jen
Publisher: self-published. Published: Durham, NH, United States
Subjects: health and body; mental health; personal
Issue(s): 1-2
x Silid Aklatan
Publisher: self-published. Published: North Hollywood, CA, United States
Subjects: literary; politics and culture
Issue(s): catalog
1992, December
x Silly Daddy
Creators: Chiappetta, Joe
Publisher: self-published. Published: North Riverside, IL, United States
Subjects: comics; personal
Issue(s): 4
x Silly Rabbit
Publisher: self-published. Published: New Brunswick, NJ, United States
Subjects: philosophy; politics and culture; sexuality
Issue(s): 3
Notes: interviews and articles on curent issues, but tinged with a strange philosphical tone
x Simba
Creators: Martin, Vique
Publisher: self-published. Published: Brighton, Sussex, United Kingdom
Subjects: punk; health and body; sexuality
Issue(s): 8-9
x Sisters
Creators: Wells, Karen R., editor
Affiliated Groups: San Francisco Chapter of The Daughters of Bilitis
Published: San Francisco, CA, United States
Subjects: queer; literary
Issue(s): vol. 2, no. 4
1971, April
x Sistrum
Publisher: self-published. Published: Sunnyvale, CA, United States
Subjects: comics; technology and science; punk
Notes: really cool cyberpunk-esque comic
x Sisu
Creators: Johanna
Publisher: self-published. Published: New York, NY, United States
Subjects: race, ethnicity, and identity; food and drink; personal
Issue(s): 1
2003, February
x Six by Five
Creators: Dumas, Joshua
Publisher: Tense Forms. Published: Chicago, IL, United States
Subjects: visual arts; literary
Issue(s): vol. 1, no. 1
Notes: collection of visual and literary fragments all housed in a neat handmade envelop
2001, April
x Sixth Minky, The
Creators: Davidson, Maaike
Publisher: self-published. Published: Moscow, ID, United States
Subjects: literary; visual arts; popular media
Issue(s): 1-6
x Skim Lizard
Publisher: Puppy Toss. Published: Berkeley, CA, United States
Subjects: comics; humor
Issue(s): 10
1995, July
x Skrout the Conqueror!
Creators: Jeff
Publisher: self-published
Subjects: punk; personal
x Skunk
Creators: Margaret and Steve
Publisher: self-published. Published: New York, NY, United States
Subjects: literary; comics; music
Issue(s): 4
1995, Fall
x Skyscraper
Publisher: self-published. Published: Escondido, CA, United States
Subjects: literary; comics; politics and culture
Issue(s): 6 issues, unnumbered
x Slam: Music, culture, politics and opinion from the underground
Creators: Wheeler, Tom
Publisher: self-published. Published: Alexandria, VA, United States
Subjects: politics and culture; music; zine reviews
Issue(s): 5
1993, October
x Slam Magazine
Creators: Bakich, Zach and Maia Waern
Publisher: self-published. Published: Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Subjects: humor; politics and culture; comics
Issue(s): 29
1997, July
x Sliver
Creators: Mimmo
Publisher: self-published. Published: San Francisco, CA, United States
Subjects: personal
Issue(s): 5
Notes: three copies
x Slop
Creators: Crosland, David
Publisher: self-published
Subjects: comics
Issue(s): 5-6
x Slugfest, Ltd.: Do it, anyway!
Creators: Nowak, Mike, editor
Publisher: self-published. Published: Simpsonville, SC, United States
Subjects: literary; humor; visual art
Issue(s): vol. 10, nos. 1-4; vol. 11, nos. 1-4
x Slur
Creators: Mitch
Publisher: Escape Velocity Press. Published: San Francisco, CA, United States
Subjects: literary
Issue(s): vol. 1, no. 1
x Slur
Creators: Johnston, Dave
Publisher: self-published. Published: Edmonton, Alberta, Canada
Subjects: music
Issue(s): 3 unnumbered
x Slush Pile, The
Creators: Kostecke, Steve
Publisher: self-published. Published: Philadelphia, PA, United States
Subjects: literary; activism
Issue(s): 1
2001, Fall
x Slut
Creators: Cummings, Ray
Publisher: self-published. Published: Owings Mill, MD, United States
Subjects: literary; music; sexuality
Issue(s): 42
x Small Service With A Big State
Creators: Nathan
Publisher: self-published. Published: Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada
Subjects: popular media; humor; technology and science
Issue(s): 1
x Smashing Things Up
Creators: Mentzer, Rob
Publisher: self-published. Published: Hudson, IL, United States
Subjects: music; literary; homelessness
Issue(s): 1
x Smecko
Creators: Snow, Dan
Publisher: self-published. Published: Pullman, WA, United States
Subjects: personal; music; popular media
Issue(s): 2
1996, Winter
x Smell of Dead Fish
Publisher: self-published. Published: Pensacola, FL, United States
Subjects: travel; personal; music
Issue(s): 38
x Smok'd
Creators: Cole, Mackenzie
Publisher: self-published. Published: Bozeman, MT, United States
Subjects: literary
x Snarled
Creators: Karina, Ana
Publisher: self-published. Published: New York, NY, United States
Subjects: personal; visual art; photography
Issue(s): 1
Notes: cool micro-zine with interesting photographs and personal narratives
x Sniper's Nest
Publisher: self-published. Published: Galveston, TX, United States
Subjects: food and drink; popular media; zine reviews
Issue(s): 3
Notes: an atypically eclectic leftist-oriented zine, with critiques on anarchist media, recipes, beer experiments, and flu tips
x Snoop
Affiliated Groups: WKDU, Drexel University
Publisher: self-published. Published: Philadelphia, PA, United States
Subjects: music; popular media
x Snot!
Creators: Trusello, Janine
Publisher: self-published. Published: Buffalo, NY, United States
Subjects: music; humor
Issue(s): 5
1995, October
x So Much Meat: Tales of a Wartime Wage Slave
Creators: Weatherford, Chad
Publisher: self-published. Published: Memphis, TN, United States
Subjects: work; visual arts; politics and culture
Issue(s): 5
Notes: washed out colors, zine about feeling powerless at the start of the "war on terror", jagged but intriguing mix of poetry, comics, visual art, and personal meditations
2001, December
x Soap Opera
Creators: Blair, Emily
Publisher: Prestone Press. Published: Brooklyn, NY, United States
Subjects: comics
Issue(s): non-serial
x Soda Jerk
Publisher: self-published. Published: Greensboro, NC, United States
Subjects: personal; literary; religion
Issue(s): 6
x Softkill
Creators: Felipe
Publisher: self-published. Published: Attleboro, MA, United States
Subjects: economics; activism; politics and culture
Issue(s): 7, compilation
x Solidarity
Creators: Casey
Publisher: self-published. Published: Canoga Park, CA, United States
Subjects: politics and culture; activism
Issue(s): 4
x Some Hope and Some Despair
Creators: Lance
Publisher: self-published. Published: San Francisco, CA, United States
Subjects: music
Issue(s): 1
x Something for Nothing
Creators: Idy
Publisher: self-published. Published: Massillon, OH, United States
Subjects: music; zine reviews
Issue(s): 28
x Son of Skam
Creators: Skam, Jesse
Publisher: self-published. Published: Granby, CT, United States
Subjects: music; popular media; food and drink
Issue(s): 4
1996, February
x Sonar Map: experimental music, art, and communication
Publisher: self-published. Published: Eugene, OR, United States
Subjects: music; literary; popular media
Issue(s): 1
1996, Summer
x Song is Flaw, The
Creators: Sonnenfeld, Mark
Publisher: Marymark Press. Published: East Windsor, NJ, United States
Subjects: literary; visual arts
Issue(s): non-serial
x Songs for Emma
Creators: RMP
Publisher: self-published. Published: San Francisco, CA, United States
Subjects: music; anarchism
Issue(s): 1.5
x Sonic Blackhole
Creators: Fisher, Belinda, et al.
Publisher: self-published. Published: Rosemead, CA, United States
Subjects: music; literary; comics
Issue(s): 2
x Sonnenfeld, Mark
Creators: Sonnenfeld, Mark
Publisher: Marymark Press. Published: East Windsor, NJ, United States
Subjects: literary; visual arts
Notes: numerous chapbooks and leaflets by Mark Sonnenfeld
2005-2013, 2022
x Sore
Creators: Ball, Taylor
Publisher: self-published. Published: Virginia Beach, VA, United States
Subjects: literary; music; zine reviews
Issue(s): 13-14
Notes: contributions by Zach Savich
x South Chicago ABC Zine Distro
Creators: Rayson, Anthony
Publisher: self-published. Published: Homewood, IL, United States
Subjects: zine reviews; anarchism; prison and law
Issue(s): catalog
x South Haven
Creators: Koenig, Stephanie
Publisher: self-published. Published: Cincinnati, OH, United States
Subjects: personal
x Space Ship Earth
Creators: Bird-Meyer, Matt
Publisher: self-published. Published: Warrensburg, MA, United States
Subjects: politics and culture; literary; technology and science
Issue(s): 2
Notes: ranges from political issues of the alaskan arctic, stories from lawrence, kansas, and ufos - all written with insight and an interesting voice
x Spare Chains
Publisher: self-published. Published: Warwick, RI, United States
Subjects: punk; literary; visual art
Issue(s): 4
x Spectacular Achievements of Media Control: An Exercise in the Crucial Arts
Creators: Dodson, Chuck
Publisher: Nonsilent Press. Published: Boston, MA, United States
Subjects: popular media; philosophy; politcs and culture
Issue(s): non-serial
Notes: interesting critical and philosophical reflections on the nature of media communications
x Speechless
Creators: Megan
Publisher: self-published. Published: Santa Cruz, CA, United States
Subjects: personal; mental health; feminism
x Spirals Upward
Creators: Basil
Publisher: self-published. Published: Downers Grove, IL, United States
Subjects: personal; mental health; gender
Issue(s): 3
Notes: b/w Rock Candy number 4
x Spit N Snot
Creators: Jenny
Publisher: self-published. Published: San Francisco, CA, United States
Subjects: music; health and body; animals
x Spleen: The Angry Little Humor Zine
Creators: Guhlow, David
Publisher: self-published. Published: Las Vegas, NV, United States
Subjects: humor; politics and culture
Issue(s): 1-8
x Spleen Zine
Publisher: self-published. Published: Tucson, AZ, United States
Subjects: comics
Issue(s): 5
x Spleen-a-Zine
Creators: Beebe, Adam
Publisher: El Bazo Productions. Published: Ben Lomond, CA, United States
Subjects: literary; politics and culture; zine reviews
Issue(s): two unnumbered
x Sprawla
Creators: Aust, J.
Publisher: self-published. Published: San Francisco, CA, United States
Subjects: literary; visual arts
Issue(s): 1
x Spyglass: Experience the Underground!
Creators: Menzik, Clay
Publisher: self-published. Published: Fort Drum, NY, United States
Subjects: comics; music
Issue(s): vol. 2, no. 1
1995, August
x Square Suckers
Creators: Kimberly
Publisher: self-published. Published: Unicoi, TN, United States
Subjects: personal; comics; music
Issue(s): 3
x Stand: Race Relations
Creators: Sopko, Kate
Affiliated Groups: Kent State University
Published: Kent, OH, United States
Subjects: race, ethnicity, and identity; politics and culture; education
Issue(s): vol. 2, no. 7
1999, March
x Starbage Can
Creators: Sauers, Shane DeLeon
Publisher: self-published. Published: San Diego, CA, United States
Subjects: comics; visual art; photography
Issue(s): 1-7
Notes: each zine is brilliantly put together in a variety of sizes and styles; cool illustrations and photos throughout
x Status Report
Creators: Brezina, Dennis
Publisher: self-published. Published: Chesapeake City, MD, United States
Subjects: environmental issues
Issue(s): vol. 31, no. 3
1996, April
x Steady Mobbin'
Published: San Francisco, CA, United States
Subjects: activism; economics; homelessness
Notes: large beautiful broadside detailing the history of the Mission neighborhood in San Francisco
x Steal the Fire: A Journal of Absolute Rage
Creators: Giddings, Larry W.
Publisher: self-published. Published: Draper, UT, United States
Subjects: prison and law; anarchism
x Stifled
Creators: Rousseau, Jocelyn
Publisher: self-published. Published: Allston, MA, United States
Subjects: health and body; comics; politics and culture
Issue(s): 6
Notes: 2 copies
x Stink in Public
Creators: Biel, Joe
Publisher: self-published. Published: Mentor, OH, United States
Subjects: punk; work; comics
Issue(s): 1
x Stolen Sharpie Revolution: A DIY Zine Resource
Creators: Wrekk, Alex
Publisher: Microcosm. Published: Portland, OR, United States
Subjects: DIY
Issue(s): 3rd edition
x Storyville
Publisher: Sirk Productions. Published: San Francisco, CA, United States
Subjects: comics
x Strictly Modern
Creators: Fleming, Charlie and Shelli
Publisher: self-published. Published: Pittsburgh, PA, United States
Subjects: music; literary; comics
x Stuff: Small Press Review and Distribution Magazine
Creators: Houston, Paul
Publisher: self-published. Published: Portland, OR, United States
Subjects: zine reviews; comics
Issue(s): 10-14
x Stumble
Creators: Bessette, Renee
Publisher: self-published. Published: Fairport, NY, United States
Subjects: music; literary; zine reviews
Issue(s): 4-6
x Stupor
Publisher: self-published. Published: Ann Arbor, MI, United States
Subjects: health and body; sexuality; work
Issue(s): 4-6
x Stylin' Candle Wax
Creators: Krikava, Benny
Publisher: self-published. Published: Edina, MN, United States
Subjects: literary; music; politics and culture
Issue(s): 1-2
x Stylus
Creators: Brownawell, Dan
Publisher: self-published. Published: Bothell, WA, United States
Subjects: music
Issue(s): 5-6
x Styzine
Creators: Icki
Publisher: self-published. Published: Bloomington, IN, United States
Subjects: comics; sports; music
Issue(s): 19, 24
x Subkomyx
Publisher: self-published. Published: Monterrey, Neuvo Leon, Mexico
Subjects: comics
Issue(s): 3
Notes: spanish language zine
1994, June
x Suburbicide
Publisher: self-published. Published: Buffalo, NY, United States
Subjects: environmental issues; work; health and body
x Suck, Don't Blow
Creators: Long, Miles
Publisher: self-published. Published: San Francisco, CA, United States
Subjects: sexuality; queer; popular media
x Sugar Boy: St. Louis' Only Hip-Hop-Punk Rock-Opera-Comic Zine
Creators: Scott
Publisher: self-published. Published: St. Louis, MO, United States
Subjects: comics; music
Issue(s): 1
x Sunburn: The Comic Magazine
Creators: Thomsen, Karl Erik
Published: Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada
Subjects: comics; humor
Issue(s): 1
x Sunrise Over Star Hill
Publisher: self-published. Published: Roanoke, VA, United States
Subjects: personal; literary; mental health
x Support
Creators: Cindy
Publisher: Microcosm. Published: Asheville, NC, United States
Subjects: health and body; mental health; sexuality
2002, October
x Swell Stuff Comix
Creators: Chominski, Mike
Publisher: self-published. Published: San Bruno, CA, United States
Subjects: comics
Issue(s): 1
x Synchronicity
Creators: Najjar, Linda
Publisher: self-published. Published: Longmont, CO, United States
Subjects: personal; literary
Issue(s): 1-6
x Tabula Rasa
Creators: Roussel, William G.
Publisher: self-published. Published: Ancramdale, NY, United States
Subjects: food and drink; personal
Issue(s): 1-2
x Tact?
Publisher: self-published. Published: San Francisco, CA, United States
Subjects: visual arts; literary
Issue(s): 1
x Tail Spins
Creators: Ritzel, Brent, editor
Publisher: Tail Spins, Inc. Published: Evanston, IL, United States
Subjects: music; literary; zine reviews
Issue(s): 26, 29-30, 33
x Tainted Clam, The
Publisher: self-published. Published: Omaha, NE, United States
Subjects: politics and culture; animals
Issue(s): 2
x Tamper Device
Publisher: self-published. Published: Austin, TX, United States
Subjects: comics; literary
Issue(s): vol. 3, nos. 1-2
x Tangent
Publisher: self-published. Published: Post Falls, ID, United States
Subjects: religion; personal; queer
Issue(s): 1
x Tardbelly
Creators: Tarter, Eric
Publisher: self-published. Published: Portland, OR, United States
Subjects: personal; work; drugs
Issue(s): 1
x Tastes Like Chicken
Publisher: self-published. Published: Red Bluff, CA, United States
Subjects: music; personal; photography
Issue(s): 1
x Tea Party, The
Creators: Carter, Roxanne
Publisher: self-published
Subjects: literary; gender
Issue(s): non-serial
x Teabag, The
Publisher: self-published. Published: Richmond, VA, United States
Subjects: music; humor
Issue(s): 1-2
x Tearjerker
Creators: Oh, Misun
Publisher: self-published. Published: Columbus, OH, United States
Subjects: race, ethnicity, and identity; comics; literary
Issue(s): 1
1996, October
x Technological Disadvantages
Creators: Kelly
Publisher: self-published. Published: Denver, CO, United States
Subjects: technology and science; personal
x Teen Fag
Creators: Gordon Gordon
Publisher: Chow Chow Productions. Published: Seattle, WA, United States
Subjects: queer; health and body; comics
Issue(s): 4-5
x Teenage Gang Debs
Creators: Smith, Don and Erin
Publisher: self-published. Published: Bethesda, MD, United States
Subjects: popular media; style/fashion; zine reviews
Issue(s): 5
x Teenagers Wake Up!
Subjects: education; activism; anarchism
Issue(s): non-serial
x Temp Slave!: Work! Work!
Creators: Keffo
Publisher: self-published. Published: Madison, WI, United States
Subjects: work; economics; literary
Issue(s): 1-3, 5, 7, 9
x Tempest
Creators: Roger
Publisher: self-published. Published: Minneapolis, MN, United States
Subjects: politics and culture; health and body; travel
Notes: caught between the opposing logics of economics rationality and anarchism, this zine has articles touching on various topics from politics to transportation to cancer - all brought together by a self-described sense of cynicism and unreality
x Temple of Christina
Publisher: self-published. Published: Gainesville, FL, United States
Subjects: religion; sexuality; humor
Issue(s): 1
x Ten Page News, The
Creators: Thomas, Owen
Publisher: self-published. Published: Columbus, OH, United States
Subjects: politics and culture; zine reviews; literary
Issue(s): 28-31
x Tenth Story Shit
Creators: Monika and Allyson
Publisher: self-published. Published: State College, PA, United States
Subjects: humor; music; health and body
Issue(s): 1
x Termite
Creators: Jason
Publisher: self-published. Published: Tallahassee, FL, United States
Subjects: personal; work; comics
Issue(s): 1
1995, Summer
x Theory of Everything…Zine!
Creators: Flash, Amanda
Publisher: self-published. Published: Cincinnati, OH, United States
Subjects: music; literary; food and drink
Issue(s): 1
x Thermidor: Subvert Everything Within Reasonable Range
Creators: Duffy, Kate
Publisher: self-published. Published: Swarthmore, PA, United States
Subjects: activism; literary; politics and culture
Issue(s): 1
Notes: somewhat cheeky somewhat sincere façade of an x-gen communist manifesto with articles ranging from the failings of kitsch to documentation of micro-detournments and acts of rebellion
2003, Summer
x They All Begin to Look the Same
Creators: Swank, Aurora P.
Publisher: self-published. Published: Avenal, CA, United States
Subjects: personal; sexuality
Notes: litany of crushes
x Thirteen
Creators: Kono, Mari
Publisher: self-published. Published: San Franscisco, CA, United States
Subjects: literary; visual arts; religion
Notes: 13 themed zine
1995, January 13
x This Broken Earth
Creators: Cosma, Tom
Publisher: self-published. Published: Salem, OH, United States
Subjects: punk; literary; zine reviews
Issue(s): 2
x This is a Statement of Revolution
Creators: Wulf, Arol
Publisher: Ecolibrium Alliance. Published: Austin, TX, United States
Subjects: activism; music; ecology
Issue(s): 2
x Thorn: A Different Kind of Kiss
Creators: Martin, Kelly
Publisher: High Drive Publications. Published: San Francisco, CA, United States
Subjects: music; feminism; visual art
Issue(s): 6
x Thought Bombs
Creators: Rayson, Anthony
Publisher: self-published. Published: Homewood, IL, United States
Subjects: personal; literary; prison and law
Issue(s): 16
2001, Summer
x Thoughtworm
Creators: Stewart, Sean
Publisher: self-published. Published: Columbia, SC, United States
Subjects: personal; work; literary
Issue(s): 4-8, 11
x Thousand Year War
Publisher: self-published. Published: Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Subjects: punk; politics and culture; activism
Issue(s): 7
x Three
Creators: Samuel
Publisher: self-published. Published: Eureka, CA, United States
Subjects: personal
Notes: a love song to Eureka, covering its economics and culture as well as the personal stake in the place, lay out is beautiful with cool illustrations interspersed
x Thumper
Creators: Claxton, Jo
Publisher: self-published. Published: Seattle, WA, United States
Subjects: comics; humor
Issue(s): 1
1995, September
x Tidbit
Creators: Jim Tidbit
Publisher: self-published. Published: Columbus, OH, United States
Subjects: punk; food and drink
Issue(s): 1
x Tidbitz
Creators: Greenbaum, Brett
Publisher: self-published. Published: Berkeley, CA, United States
Subjects: punk
Issue(s): 1, 4
x Tiki News
Creators: von Stroheim, Otto
Publisher: self-published. Published: Venice, CA, United States
Subjects: travel; visual arts; music
Issue(s): 5
Notes: yes, this really is a zine dedicated to tracking down and analyzing the global manifestations of tiki culture
1995, September
x Time Blur: A High Concept Magazine For Everyone
Publisher: self-published. Published: Dobbs Ferry, NY, United States
Subjects: philosophy; technology and science; popular media
Issue(s): 2
Notes: articles on television control, deconstructionism, and aesthetics all with a layout like an almanac put through a kaleidoscope
1997, July
x Time Bomb
Creators: Jamie
Publisher: self-published. Published: Louisville, KY, United States
Subjects: music; politics and culture
Issue(s): 3
1994, Fall
x Time is the Enemy Pleasure is the Aim: The Best of Anti Clock-Wise
Creators: Turner, Richard
Publisher: Black Economy Books. Published: Manchester,United Kingdom
Subjects: politics and culture; personal
Issue(s): non-serial
x Time to Die: the beginning of the end
Creators: Jon
Publisher: self-published. Published: Olympia, WA, United States
Subjects: work; literary; zine reviews
Issue(s): 1
1994, Fall
x Toilet Papers, the
Publisher: self-published. Published: Spring, TX, United States
Subjects: comics; humor; health and body
Issue(s): 2
x Toinen Vaihtoehto
Creators: Makinen, Janne
Publisher: self-published. Published: Vaasa,Finland
Subjects: music
Issue(s): 74
Notes: finnish language zine
1995, December
x Tonerboner
Publisher: self-published. Published: Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Subjects: zine reviews
Issue(s): 3
x Tongue.tied: a sociolinguistic press free every other month
Creators: J. Everett R.
Publisher: self-published. Published: Bellingham, WA, United States
Subjects: politics and culture; philosophy; technology and science
Issue(s): 2-4
Notes: zine covering recent developments as well as political intersections with the field of linguistics
x Tonstant Weader Fwowed Up: The Journal of the Pissed-off Reader
Creators: Betts, Wendy
Publisher: self-published. Published: Santa Cruz, CA, United States
Subjects: literary; humor
Issue(s): 1
1995, January
x Too Much Coffee Man
Creators: Wheeler, Shannon
Publisher: Adhesive Comics. Published: Portland, OR, United States
Subjects: comics; food and drink; humor
Issue(s): 1, 11-14, 16, 18
x Too Negative
Creators: Gonzalez, Jenny
Publisher: self-published. Published: Brooklyn, NY, United States
Subjects: comics; sexuality
Issue(s): 3
x Topo
Creators: Argoff, Fred
Publisher: self-pubished. Published: Brooklyn, NY, United States
Subjects: travel; technology and science
Issue(s): 9
Notes: geology themed zine
x Torch, The: Journal of the Young People's Socialist League
Creators: Raufman, Josh, editor
Publisher: self-published. Published: New York, NY, United States
Subjects: politics and culture; activism; economics
Issue(s): 34
2000, Winter
x Total Culture Shock
Creators: Meyer, Arne
Publisher: self-published. Published: Chicago, IL, United States
Subjects: punk
Issue(s): 4-5
x Touch
Creators: Rule, Brendon
Publisher: self-published. Published: Shutesbury, MA, United States
Subjects: film; literary; visual arts
Issue(s): 6
x Trail of the Shadows
Creators: Lavender, Bee
Publisher: self-published. Published: Seattle, WA, United States
Subjects: personal; health and body
Issue(s): 1
Notes: part of "A Beautiful Final Tribute"
2001, June
x Transcendent Joy
Publisher: Forward Montana. Published: Missoula, MT, United States
Subjects: LGBTQIA; art; poetry
Issue(s): 1 - 3
x Transit Nebula Distro
Publisher: self-published. Published: Berkeley, CA, United States
Subjects: zine reviews
Issue(s): catalog
1997, Winter
x Translucid Distoration
Creators: Ramakrishnan, Meena
Publisher: self-published
Subjects: feminism; drugs; popular media
Issue(s): 2
2005, April
x Tree of Knowledge: Independent Literature Distribution
Creators: Witsell, Theo
Publisher: self-published. Published: Little Rock, AR, United States
Subjects: zine reviews; literary
Issue(s): catalog
x Tricks
Creators: Courtney G.
Publisher: self-published
Subjects: work; sexuality
Issue(s): 1
Notes: tales of a phone sex operator
2000, July
x Trip Journal, A
Creators: Falk, Jonathan
Publisher: Terata Publications. Published: Hawthorne, CA, United States
Subjects: literary; travel
Issue(s): non-serial
x Tripwire: A Journal of Indoctrination into Non-assimilation
Publisher: self-published. Published: Yuba City, CA, United States
Subjects: anarchism; music; literary
Issue(s): 21-23
x Troll Times
Creators: Rapl, Albert
Publisher: self-published. Published: Stockdorf, Bavaria, Germany
Subjects: punk
Issue(s): 4
Notes: german language zine
x TropiChaCha
Creators: Lloyd, Ginny
Publisher: TropiChaCha Press. Published: Jupiter, FL, United States
Subjects: visual arts; literary
Issue(s): catalog
x Trouble with Normal, The
Creators: Boone
Publisher: self-published. Published: Columbia, MO, United States
Subjects: music
Issue(s): 24-25, 27
x True Love: The Newest and Finest Florida Music Magazine
Creators: Millar, Joe
Publisher: self-published. Published: Palm Bay, FL, United States
Subjects: punk; politics and culture
Issue(s): 1.5
1995, November
x Trust Your Mechanic
Creators: Zuboff, Josh E.
Publisher: the opposable thumgs. Published: Los Angeles, CA, United States
Subjects: literary
Issue(s): non-serial
x Truth Zine
Creators: Macklin, Rich
Affiliated Groups: TRUTH
Publisher: TRUTH. Published: Boston, MA, United States
Subjects: activism; drugs
Issue(s): 1
2001, Summer
x Twenty-eight Pages Lovingly Bound with Twine
Creators: Meyer, Christopher
Publisher: self-published. Published: Danville, OH, United States
Subjects: personal; literary
Issue(s): 4-7
Notes: beautifully put together zine, comprising of meyer's personal reflections, stories from his life, etc; two copies of no. 6
x Twenty-Four Hours
Creators: Medsker, Josh
Publisher: self-published. Published: Austin, TX, United States
Subjects: literary; zine reviews; travel
Issue(s): 2
2002, Summer
x Twig
Publisher: self-published. Published: Richmond, VA, United States
Subjects: music; literary
Issue(s): 1
x Twisted Minds
Creators: Harrelson, Jeff
Publisher: self-published. Published: San Clemente, CA, United States
Subjects: punk; sexuality
Issue(s): 2
1996, March
x Twisted Times Magazine
Creators: Mangrum, Stuart
Publisher: self-published. Published: Concord, CA, United States
Subjects: humor; zine reviews; comics
Issue(s): 15-16
Notes: wonderfully bizarre zine, lots of strange comics and stranger articles and advertisements, ranging from santa's alcoholism to a chronicle of burning man
x Typograpunx
Creators: Pickle, Tracy
Publisher: self-published
Subjects: literary; visual arts
Issue(s): 1
Notes: zine on innovations in typography
x U-Direct: The Official Zine of the UPC
Creators: Goldman, Batya
Affiliated Groups: Underground Press Conference
Publisher: Mary Kuntz Press. Published: Chicago, IL, United States
Subjects: literary; zine reviews
Issue(s): 4
x Ugly Review, The
Creators: Watman, Maxwell and Patrick Kennedy
Publisher: self-published. Published: Richmond, VA, United States
Subjects: literary; visual arts
Issue(s): 1
x Umlaut
Creators: Lew, Brian
Publisher: self-published. Published: San Francisco, CA, United States
Subjects: music; religion; travel
Issue(s): 11
x Uncertain Nervous Systems
Creators: R. John Xerxes
Publisher: Love Bunni Press. Published: Cleveland, OH, United States
Subjects: literary; philosophy; popular media
Issue(s): two unnumbered issues
Notes: scraps of literary theory, surreal fragmented novellas, journal entries from lost voices, reflections on star wars memoribilia - this is the zine that fernando pessoa would have created
x Unchain My Mongrel
Creators: Narvaez, R.
Publisher: Small Publisher's Co-Op. Published: Sarasota, FL, United States
Subjects: comics; animals; humor
Issue(s): 4
1996, Spring
x Underdog Zine
Creators: Geezer, Jack
Publisher: Underdog Records. Published: Chicago, IL, United States
Subjects: punk; travel; comics
Issue(s): 6, 9
x Unmentionable, The
Publisher: self-published. Published: Santa Cruz, CA, United States
Subjects: health and body; sexuality; literary
Issue(s): 13
x UPSzine
Creators: Richard
Publisher: self-published. Published: Soesterberg, Utrecht, the Netherlands
Subjects: punk
Issue(s): 1
1997, May
x Valiant Vocabulary
Publisher: self-published
Subjects: personal; mental health; sexuality
x Vegan News, The: All the news that's fit to eat!
Creators: Brafman, Ori
Affiliated Groups: Vegan Action
Publisher: Vegan Awareness Foundation. Published: Berkeley, CA, United States
Subjects: food and drink; activism; literary
Issue(s): vol. 2, nos. 1-2
x Velocity NYC
Creators: Collins, Shawn
Publisher: self-published. Published: New York, NY, United States
Subjects: personal; food and drink; popular media
Issue(s): 2, 4
x Velour
Creators: Ian
Publisher: self-published. Published: Berkeley, CA, United States
Subjects: literary; comics; personal
Issue(s): 1
x Vera Krant
Publisher: self-published. Published: Groningen,the Netherlands
Subjects: music; zine reviews
Issue(s): 3
Notes: dutch language zine
1996, February, 8
x Verbal Abuse
Creators: Seth
Publisher: self-published. Published: Cypress, CA, United States
Subjects: literary; health and body
x Verboslammed
Creators: Rebecca
Publisher: self-published. Published: San Francisco, CA, United States
Subjects: feminism; sports
Issue(s): 6
Notes: issue dedicated to women's baseball
x Victims of Circumstance
Creators: Angry Adam and Anarcho Bobb
Publisher: self-published
Subjects: anarchism; punk
x Vigil
Creators: Zipp, Sandy
Publisher: self-published. Published: San Francisco, CA, United States
Subjects: environmental issues; politics and culture; literary
Issue(s): 2
Notes: responds to the anxieties of the postmodern west, such as how to meaningfully connect to place against the rushing flows of international capital; contains bits of philosophy, literature and some unique articles, i.e. john samuelson's rocks
1996, Winter
x Vision
Creators: Dave
Publisher: self-published. Published: Danville, IL, United States
Subjects: personal; fashion; animals
Issue(s): 5
x Visions of Play
Creators: Moore, Frank
Published: Berkeley, CA, United States
Subjects: sexuality; literary
Issue(s): catalog
x Visual Thought
Creators: Jen
Publisher: self-published
Subjects: visual arts; comics
Issue(s): 2
x Vital Information
Creators: Tim Maddog
Publisher: self-published. Published: New Orleans, LA, United States
Subjects: politics and culture; activism
Issue(s): 3
Notes: in addition to some articles on how to fight the system, there are a load of eclectic, esoteric articles on weird science and conspiracies
x Vox: Because Reaction is a Sound
Creators: Sanger, Robbyn
Published: Albuquerque, NM, United States
Subjects: literary; comics; visual arts
Issue(s): vol. 1, nos. 1-3, 7-9; vol. 2, nos. 1-3
x Vox, The
Creators: Boonparn, Art
Affiliated Groups: WTUL, 91.5 FM, Tulane
Published: New Orleans, LA, United States
Subjects: music; popular media
Issue(s): 93-97
x V-Reject
Creators: Sin, Anna
Publisher: self-published. Published: La Mesa, CA, United States
Subjects: punk; race, ethnicity, and identity; feminism
Issue(s): 13
1997, Summer
x VY-Zine
Publisher: self-published. Published: Bowling Green, OH, United States
Subjects: music; humor; comics
Issue(s): 4
x W.G.0.I.M.P.
Creators: CJ
Publisher: self-published. Published: Highland Park, IL, United States
Subjects: punk; comics
Issue(s): 4
x Wafer Maneuver: A Journal of Intellect, Ar, and High-Heeled Sneakers
Publisher: self-published. Published: Portland, OR, United States
Subjects: humor; literary
Issue(s): 1
2005, May
x Waffle
Creators: Tolentino, Noel
Publisher: self-published. Published: Santa Cruz, CA, United States
Subjects: literary; music; comics
Issue(s): 3
x Waggy
Creators: Martinez, Grace and korenne Haller
Publisher: self-published. Published: Kings Park, NY, United States
Subjects: music; zine reviews
Issue(s): 6
x Walkabout Zine
Creators: Oreck, Greg
Publisher: self-published. Published: Madison, WI, United States
Subjects: travel; comics; literary
Issue(s): 1
x Wanna Communicate?
Publisher: self-published. Published: Bayonne, NJ, United States
Subjects: music
Issue(s): 4
x Want
Creators: Alilunas, Peter, ed.
Publisher: Weakminded Press. Published: Portland, OR, United States
Subjects: literary; comics
Issue(s): vol. 1, no. 2
2002, Summer
x War Crime
Creators: Mike
Publisher: self-published. Published: Tucson, AZ, United States
Subjects: music; economics; activism
Issue(s): 4
x Warrior
Publisher: self-published
Subjects: music
Issue(s): 8
Notes: japanese language zine
x Wartime Experience Remembered
Creators: Rayson, Leland
Publisher: self-published. Published: Homewood, IL, United States
Subjects: personal; travel
Notes: collection of memoirs and documents from Leland H. Rayson's life - a veteran and politician
x Wasted Youth
Publisher: self-published. Published: Merritt, British Columbia, Canada
Subjects: music; zine reviews; comics
Issue(s): 3
x We are the Weird
Creators: Briggs, Joe Bob
Publisher: self-published. Published: Dallas, TX, United States
Subjects: popular media; film; sexuality
Issue(s): vol. 8, nos. 21, 27, 31
x Weak In Rock, The
Publisher: self-published. Published: New York, NY, United States
Subjects: music; popular media
x Web, The: celebrating children's literature
Creators: Betts, Wendy
Publisher: self-published. Published: Santa Cruz, CA, United States
Subjects: literary
Issue(s): 1
1991, Spring
x Weenie!
Creators: Jason Weenie
Publisher: self-published. Published: Melrose Park, IL, United States
Subjects: music; personal; race, ethnicity, and identity
Issue(s): 2
x Weirdness Magnet
Creators: Walker, Christian
Publisher: self-published. Published: San Jacinto, CA, United States
Subjects: personal; work; popular media
Issue(s): 1
2003, July
x Welcome to Booville
Creators: Bagato, Jeff
Publisher: self-published. Published: Merrifield, VA, United States
Subjects: popular media; religion
Issue(s): 1-4
Notes: this zine tracks witches in popular culture
x Welcome to the World of Insurance: An Introduction to Corporate Hell
Creators: Keffo
Publisher: self-published. Published: Bethlehem, PA, United States
Subjects: economics; work; humor
Issue(s): non-serial
x Wendy Magazine
Creators: Wendy and Wendy
Publisher: self-published
Subjects: humor; popular media; politics and culture
Issue(s): 6, unnumbered
Notes: off-the-wall absurd humor that mixes and mashes popular culture and current events
x Wendy Zine
Creators: Gattuso, Greg
Publisher: self-published. Published: Douglaston, NY, United States
Subjects: popular media; food and drink
Issue(s): 1
Notes: zine devoted to Wendy the Snapple Lady
1996, January
x What God has Revealed to Man
Creators: Meyer, Christoph
Publisher: self-published. Published: Danville, OH, United States
Subjects: comics; religion
Issue(s): non-serial
x What I've Found So Far
Creators: Estep, Stacy J.
Publisher: Run With Scissors Press
Subjects: literary; personal
Issue(s): non-serial
x What Me Worry
Creators: Tony
Publisher: self-published. Published: Sacramento, CA, United States
Subjects: punk; sports; photography
Issue(s): 6
x Whatever!
Creators: Joe
Publisher: self-published. Published: San Francisco, CA, United States
Subjects: film; music; politics and culture
Issue(s): 1-2
x What's the Point?
Creators: Hirsch, JM
Publisher: Frontline Publishing. Published: Hollis, NH, United States
Subjects: politics and culture; literary
Issue(s): two unnumbered
x Wheelchair Dancer
Creators: Pointer, David
Publisher: Time Barn Books. Published: Nashville, TN, United States
Subjects: literary
Issue(s): non-serial
x When I was 10
Creators: Gonzalves, Lisa Marie
Publisher: self-published
Subjects: personal
x Whirlybirds
Creators: Commodore, Kevin and Steve Whirly
Publisher: self-published. Published: Providence, RI, United States
Subjects: punk; humor
Issue(s): 12
x White Bread: An OK Fanzine by an OK Guy
Creators: Stosuy, Brandon
Publisher: self-published. Published: New Brunswick, NJ, United States
Subjects: music; literary; comics
Issue(s): 10
x White Dot, The: Survival Guide fothe the TV-Free
Creators: Lotus, Jean and David Burke
Publisher: self-published. Published: Chicago, IL, United States
Subjects: popular media; activism
Issue(s): 6-13
x Whizzbanger Production Catalog
Creators: Colebank, Shannon
Publisher: self-published. Published: Portland, OR, United States
Subjects: zine reviews; literary
Issue(s): catalog
x Why Don't You Drive a Real Car?
Creators: Griffin, Chris
Publisher: Knucklehead Press. Published: Columbus, OH, United States
Subjects: sports; technology and science
Issue(s): 1
Notes: zine about cars and car racing
x Why Marriage! Soon Obsolete?
Creators: Lavender, Bee
Publisher: self-published. Published: Seattle, WA, United States
Subjects: personal; mental health; health and body
Notes: part of "A Beautiful Final Tribute"
x Wigout
Creators: Smith, Adz
Publisher: self-published. Published: Derby, Derbyshire, United Kingdom
Subjects: punk
Issue(s): 1
x Willful Disobedience
Publisher: Venomous Butterfly Publications. Published: Eugene, OR, United States
Subjects: anarchism; philosophy; literary
Issue(s): 2-3
Notes: presents news on contemporaneous anarchist struggles, anarchist inspired literature, as well as essays delving into anarchist philosophy - all around a good example of anarchist zine that is varied in content, interesting and not too didactic
x Willzine
Creators: Will M.
Publisher: self-published. Published: Exeter, PA, United States
Subjects: work; literary; sexuality
Issue(s): 5
x Wingnut
Creators: Carlosn, Ruth
Published: Providence, RI, United States
Subjects: religion; health and body; mental health
Issue(s): vol. 1, no. 1
Notes: thoroughly oddball zine with weird news, weird religion, and weird articles
x Wistful
Publisher: self-published. Published: Portland, OR, United States
Subjects: personal; sexuality; mental health
1996, February
x Woman's Rag, A
Creators: Delaney, Nancy
Publisher: self-published. Published: Berkeley, CA, United States
Subjects: feminism; literary
Issue(s): 1
x Wood Boy
Publisher: self-published. Published: Poplar Bluff, MO, United States
Subjects: food and drink; punk
Notes: vegan hardcore zine
x Woollybugger
Creators: Fuccillo, Jeff
Publisher: self-published. Published: Olympia, WA, United States
Subjects: music
Issue(s): 2
1995, January
x Woozy Seventeen
Creators: Choozy
Publisher: self-published. Published: Parkville, Victoria, Australia
Subjects: politics and culture; health and body; comics
x Words that Hurt
Creators: Brody, Simon
Publisher: self-published. Published: Burlington, VT, United States
Subjects: punk; personal; literary
Issue(s): 2
1994, Spring
x Works and Days
Creators: Jones
Publisher: Boy Who Cried Media. Published: Kettering, OH, United States
Subjects: literary; comics
x World Domination Review: Journal of Amateur Paranoia
Creators: Taylor, Larry and Sandra
Publisher: self-published. Published: Madison, WI, United States
Subjects: politics and culture
Issue(s): 15-16
x World War 3 Illustrated
Creators: Jimenez, Sandy
Published: New York, NY, United States
Subjects: comics; politics and culture; sexuality
Issue(s): 21
1994, August
x World Wide Alternative News
Creators: Kline, Marcus, editor
Publisher: Print-Pro International. Published: Chicago, IL, United States
Subjects: politics and culture; religion; health and body
Issue(s): vol. 1, no. 6
x World Would Be A Much Better Place If Everybody Wore Tight Pants, The
Creators: Epstein, Elana and Jackie Matuza
Publisher: self-published. Published: St. James, NY, United States
Subjects: punk
Issue(s): 5, 7-9
Notes: two copies of issue 9
x Wormblower
Creators: Aphid Peewit
Publisher: self-published. Published: Minneapolis, MN, United States
Subjects: humor; health and body; music
x Wormhole
Published: Pittsburgh, PA, United States
Notes: 45 record
x Wound
Publisher: self-published. Published: Winter Park, FL, United States
Subjects: punk
Issue(s): 4
x Wow Cool
Creators: James and Marc
Publisher: self-published. Published: Berkeley, CA, United States
Subjects: zine reviews; comics
Issue(s): catalog
x Yard Wide Yarns
Publisher: self-published. Published: Gainesville, FL, United States
Subjects: personal; music; travel
Issue(s): 6
1998, Summer
x Yarn Bomb
Publisher: self-published. Published: Watauga, TX, United States
Subjects: poetry; art; music;
Issue(s): volume 3
circa 2023
x Yawp!
Creators: Novales, Johanna
Publisher: self-published. Published: Dallas, TX, United States
Subjects: personal; music; zine reviews
Issue(s): 13
1996, February
x Yello' Girl
Creators: James, Heather
Publisher: self-published. Published: Brighton, MA, United States
Subjects: feminism; music; health and body
x Yellow
Publisher: self-published. Published: Englewood, CO, United States
Subjects: anarchism; politics and culture; zine reviews
Issue(s): 4
x You Are the Alien
Publisher: self-published. Published: Athens,Greece
Subjects: comics; philosophy
Notes: some disjointed illustrations of space travel and a weird troll creature; a couple philosophical fragments
x You Idiot
Creators: Gangelhoff, Nate
Publisher: self-published. Published: Minneapolis, MN, United States
Subjects: popular media; drugs; religion
Issue(s): 1-2
Notes: pretty funny zine that tracks the sludge of popular media from religious video games to horrendous anti-drug campaigns
x You Might As Well Live...
Creators: Martin, Lauren
Publisher: self-published. Published: Annandale-On-Hudson, NY, United States
Subjects: personal; mental health; zine reviews
Issue(s): 1-2
x You Sunk My Battleship
Creators: Shaft, Tina
Publisher: self-published. Published: New York, NY, United States
Subjects: popular media; food and drink
Issue(s): vol. 1, no. 1
x Your Future
Creators: Kelley, Josh
Publisher: self-published. Published: Roanoke, VA, United States
Subjects: punk; politics and culture; zine reviews
Issue(s): 2
x Your Privilege
Creators: Zach Blasphemy
Publisher: self-published. Published: Harrison, OH, United States
Subjects: politics and culture; literary; music
Issue(s): 5
x You're Punker Than Me
Publisher: self-published. Published: Chatham, NJ, United States
Subjects: punk; politics and culture; animals
Issue(s): 1
x You're So Good
Creators: Gainor, Mike
Publisher: self-published. Published: Minneapolis, MN, United States
Subjects: comics; music; literary
Issue(s): 2
Notes: eclectic zine with weird illustrations; I really like the "5 Bucks fo Your Life" interview with stranger series
x You're Soaking In It
Creators: Janik, Lucian
Publisher: self-published. Published: Sewell, NJ, United States
Subjects: literary; personal
Issue(s): vol. 1, no. 1
x Youth Lib
Affiliated Groups: Syndicat des Eleves
Publisher: self-published. Published: Montreal, Quebec, Canada
Subjects: queer; politics and culture; education
Issue(s): 1, 3, 5-6
x Yuko
Creators: Buzz
Publisher: self-published. Published: Newark, DE, United States
Subjects: comics; personal; humor
Issue(s): 4-5
x Zendings
Publisher: self-published
Notes: adress book of zine libraries, distros, infoshops, etc; undated, no other creation information
x Zero
Creators: Butters, Rex
Publisher: self-published. Published: San Francisco, CA, United States
Subjects: literary; politics and culture
x Zetetio
Publisher: self-published. Published: Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada
Subjects: queer; mental health; personal
Issue(s): 10
x Zine Guide: The Ultimate Independent Press Resource Guide
Creators: Ritzel, Brent
Published: Evanston, IL, United States
Subjects: zine reviews
Issue(s): 2-4
Notes: unbelievable resource: a couple thousand listings per issue with band, person, subject/place (entries ranging from "Taco Bell" to "E Coli (Jack-in-the-Box breakout of -)", and record label indices
x Zine Librarian Zine
Creators: Greig
Publisher: self-published. Published: Portland, OR, United States
Subjects: activism; literary; comics
Issue(s): 1
x Zine World
Creators: Holland, Doug
Publisher: self-published. Published: San Francisco, CA, United States
Subjects: zine reviews; politics and culture
Issue(s): 1, 10, 19
x Zineography, A
Creators: Dodge, Chris
Publisher: self-published. Published: Minneapolis, MN, United States
Subjects: popular media; zine reviews
Issue(s): 4
1996, July

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  • >Self-publishing
  • Zines