Shipman Family papers, 1814-1989

Overview of the Collection

Shipman Family
Shipman Family papers
1814-1989 (inclusive)
4 linear feet
Collection Number
MC 274
Clark Shipman farmed in Vermont and New Jersey before travelling to Montana Territory with his son Henry, in 1881, and settling near Lewistown. Two of his daughters, Winifred and Gertrude, taught school in the area. The collection (1814-1989) consists primarily of correspondence (1841-1955) of various family members; diaries (1882-1908); and miscellaneous legal documents, financial records, and clippings. Photographs were transferred to the Photograph Archives.
Montana Historical Society, Library & Archives
Montana Historical Society Research Center Archives
225 North Roberts
PO Box 201201
Helena MT
Telephone: 4064442681
Fax: 4064445297
Access Restrictions

Collection open for research.

Funding for encoding this finding aid was provided through a grant awarded by the National Endowment for the Humanities.

Biographical NoteReturn to Top

Clark Bigelow Shipman was born on June 1, 1831, in Rochester, Vermont, to Harvey and Betsey Eaton Shipman, who were teachers and farmers. Fanny Augusta "Gusta" Perham was born May 3, 1831, to John and Sarah Whitney, on the family farm--Perham Hill--near Bethel, Vermont. The Shipman family moved to Bethel in 1838 where Clark and Augusta became childhood friends. Following in her parents footsteps, Augusta became a teacher. Clark left home in 1850 to take a teaching position in a nearby village and later moved to a socialist colony near Red Bank, New Jersey. Augusta followed him to New Jersey in 1854 and the couple was married on November 6, 1855. The newlyweds settled on Shipman family land and began raising their own family. Between 1856 and 1875 the Shipmans had five children, Winifred, Gertrude, Rebecca, Henry, and Margaret. The couple purchased the Shipman land in Vermont and a farm in New Jersey, moving between the two properties for the better part of the 1860s. In 1868 Augusta purchased her childhood home from her mother and the family settled on Perham Hill. Clark Shipman, not content to stay in Vermont, heard of the riches to be had in the West and began planning a move. Augusta did not share his enthusiasm, so in 1881 the Shipmans sold their New Jersey farm and Clark and his son Henry left to find homesteading land in the West. Augusta and her daughters rented a small flat in Atlantic City where they remained until 1882 when Augusta and Maggie, her youngest daughter, returned to Perham Hill. Clark and Henry settled near the Judith River in Montana. Winifred and Gertrude, the two oldest daughters moved to Montana in 1883 and filed on their own homesteads. Augusta remained in Vermont, adamant she would never go west. Clark returned east for a visit, after being separated from his wife for almost eight years. He convinced Augusta to sell Perham Hill and, in 1890, Clark and Augusta, Rebecca, and Maggie arrived in Montana. Once there, Augusta prodded Clark to buy more and more land until they had amassed some 7,000 acres, which they sold to the Great Northern Railroad in 1906. After the sale the Shipmans moved to Lewistown, but Augusta's love of her childhood home finally prevailed and in 1911 the Shipmans returned east. Winifred Shipman opened the first school in Philbrook, Montana, and later taught in Lewistown and then Chestnut. She ended her Montana teaching career in 1886 when she married Lewistown merchant Nicholas Erickson. She was forced to leave Montana in the 1890s as a result her husband's sudden death from pneumonia. Winifred moved her children to Evanston, Illinois, where she bought a home and worked as a teacher. Gertrude Shipman taught in Martinsdale, Stanford, and Ubet. She remained in Montana until 1911 when she returned east with her mother to live in Lee, Massachusetts. Ultimately, mental illness took its toll on Gertie, and in 1916 she was institutionalized. Henry Shipman left Montana in 1884 to attend Tuffs College. He obtained a degree in 1888 and returned to Montana to work his own ranch, located near his parents. He married in 1904, sold his ranch, and returned east in 1906 to raise his family in Vermont. Rebecca Shipman studied and lived in New York as an artist--working especially in engraving--until she moved to Montana in the early 1890s. In Montana she lived with her parents and continued her art work on commission. She returned to the East to live with her parents in 1911. Upon their return to the East, Clark and Augusta Shipman settled in Lee, Massachusetts. Clark Shipman died February 5, 1913, and Augusta died July 7, 1917.

Content DescriptionReturn to Top

This collection consists of six series: Biographical Materials, General Correspondence, Diaries, Financial Records, Legal Documents, and Miscellany. The scattered Biographical Materials are for Clark Shipman, Grace Martin Shipman, William Shipman, Timothy Eaton, and Winifred Shipman Erickson. The General Correspondence (1841-1943, 1954-1955) is primarily to and from members of the Shipman family, but includes family friends and business associates. The Diaries (1882-1908) consist of photocopies of a journal kept by Clark Shipman about his experiences homesteading in Montana, and a short original diary kept by Henry Shipman. Scattered Financial Records (1874, 1883-1890) are primarily bills and receipts for supplies purchased by Clark and Winifred Shipman. The Legal Documents (1869-1897, 1913-1931) include bills of sale, land records, probate for the estate of Augusta Shipman, and wills for John Perham and Clark B. Shipman. The Miscellany (1860, 1879-1886, undated) includes teaching certificates and school records for various family members, and research notes and time lines on the Shipman and Perham families.

Use of the CollectionReturn to Top

Restrictions on Use

Researchers must use collection in accordance with the policies of the Montana Historical Society Library & Archives. The Library & Archives does not necessarily hold copyright to all materials in the collection. In some cases permission for use may require additional authorization from the copyright owners. For more information contact an archivist.

Preferred Citation

[item description and date]. Name of Collection. Collection Number. [box and folder number]. Montana Historical Society Library & Archives. Helena, Montana.

Administrative InformationReturn to Top


This collection is arranged into six series: Biographical Materials (1908-1989, undated); General Correspondence (1841-1955, undated); Diaries (1881-1912, undated); Financial Records (1874-1925, undated); Legal Documents (1814-1923); and Miscellany (1860-1886, undated).

Location of Collection


Acquisition Information

Acquisition information available upon request.

Detailed Description of the CollectionReturn to Top

The following section contains a detailed listing of the materials in the collection

Biographical MaterialsReturn to Top

Container(s) Description Dates
1 / 1
Clark B. Shipman (includes obituary)
1913, 1989
1 / 2
Grace Martin Shipman (includes reminiscence by Grace Martin)
1970, 1987
1 / 3
William Rollin Shipman (obituary)
1 / 4
Timothy Clark Eaton (Betsey Eaton Clark's brother)
1983, undated
1 / 5
Winifred Shipman Erickson (includes reminiscence written by Winifred Erickson, and obituary for her daughter Anna Erickson Levene)
1920, 1947 1989

General CorrespondenceReturn to Top

Container(s) Description Dates
1 / 6
Correspondents include Harvey Shipman, Clark B. Shipman
1 / 7
Correspondents include Louisa Matthews, Sara De Ette Lee, William R. Shipman, Timothy Clark Eaton, Louisa Janette Shipman, Lizzie Bowman, Sylvia Folsom, D. L. Aikens, Orand Sawyer, Clark B. Shipman
1 / 8
Correspondents include Clark B. Shipman, William Rollin Shipman, Sara De Ette Lee, Lucy Alder
1860 January-September
1 / 9
Correspondents include William Rollin Shipman, Sara De Ette Lee, Oscar Lee, Louisa Janette Shipman
1860 September-December
1 / 10
Correspondents include William Rollin Shipman, Clark B. Shipman, Sara De Ette Lee, Oscar Lee
1 / 11
Correspondents include William Rollin Shipman, Clark B. Shipman, Sara De Ette Lee, Oscar Lee
1862 February-September
1 / 12
Correspondents include William Rollin Shipman, Clark B. Shipman, Sara De Ette Lee, Oscar Lee, Timothy Clark Eaton, Nora Nichols
1862 October-December
1 / 13
Correspondents include William Rollin Shipman, Clark B. Shipman, Sara De Ette Lee
1863 January-May
1 / 14
Correspondents include Clark B. Shipman, Sara De Ette Lee, Harvey Shipman, Timothy Clark Eaton
1863 June-December
1 / 15
Correspondents include Clark B. Shipman, Timothy Clark Eaton, Henry Eaton, David Eaton, T.H. Dunbar
1864 January-July
1 / 16
Correspondents include Clark B. Shipman, Sara De Ette Lee
1864 August-December
1 / 17
Correspondents include Harvey Shipman, William Rollin Shipman, Sara De Ette Lee, Clark B. Shipman
1865 March-November
1 / 18
Correspondents include Sara De Ette Lee, William Rollin Shipman, Sarah Shipman
1866 February-May
1 / 19
Correspondents include Sara De Ette Lee, Oscar Lee, William Rollin Shipman
1866 July-December
1 / 20
Correspondents include William Rollin Shipman, Oscar Lee, Sara De Ette Lee
1867 January-May
1 / 21
Correspondents include William Rollin Shipman, Lucy Alder, Sara De Ette Lee
1867 June-December
1 / 22
Correspondents include Mattie Willis Shipman, William Rollin Shipman, E.M. Williams, Oscar Lee
1868 January-April
1 / 23
Correspondents include Sara De Ette Lee, William Rollin Shipman, E.M. Williams, Oscar Lee, F. R. Lovejoy, Moses Marston
1868 May-July
1 / 24
Correspondents include Clark B. Shipman, William Rollins Shipman, Winifred Shipman
1868 August-December
1 / 25
Correspondents include Oscar Lee, William Rollin Shipman, Sara De Ette Lee, Clark B. Shipman
1869 January-March
1 / 26
Correspondents include William Rollin Shipman, Timothy Clark Eaton, Clark B. Shipman, Oscar Lee, Sara De Ette Lee
1869 April-August
1 / 27
Correspondents include William Rollin Shipman, Oscar Lee, Clark B. Shipman
1869 September
1 / 28
Correspondents include Timothy Clark Eaton, William Rollin Shipman, Sara De Ette Lee, Mattie Willis Shipman
1869 October-December
2 / 1
Correspondents include Sara De Ette Lee, William Rollin Shipman, Timothy Clark Eaton
1870 February-March
2 / 2
Correspondents include William Rollin Shipman, Sara De Ette Lee, Timothy Clark Eaton
1870 April-July
2 / 3
Correspondents include William Rollin Shipman, Clark B. Shipman, Sara De Ette Lee, Oscar Lee
1870 August-September
2 / 4
Correspondents include William Rollin Shipman, Sara De Ette Lee, Oscar Lee, Mattie Willis Shipman, Rebecca Shipman
1870 October-December
2 / 5
Correspondents include William Rollin Shipman, Timothy Clark Eaton, Sara De Ette Lee
1871 January-March
2 / 6
Correspondents include Sara De Ette Lee, William Rollin Lee, Betsy Eaton
1871 May-September
2 / 7
Correspondents include William Rollin Lee, Winifred Shipman
1871 November-December
2 / 8
Correspondents include William Rollin Lee, Sara De Ette Lee, Annie F. Woodworth
1872 January-March
2 / 9
Correspondents include William Rollin Lee, Clark B. Shipman
1872 April-June
2 / 10
Correspondents include Sara De Ette Lee, William Rollin Shipman, Edith Eaton, Jennie F. Woodworth
1872 July-September
2 / 11
Correspondents include William Rollin Shipman, Minerva Alden, Sara De Ette Lee, Oscar Lee, Jennie F. Woodworth
1872 October-November
2 / 12
Correspondents include Sara De Ette Lee, William Rollin Shipman, Winifred Shipman, C.G. Smith, Oscar Lee
1872 December
2 / 13
Correspondents include Sara De Ette Lee, Oscar Lee, William Rollin Shipman, Winifred Shipman, W.H. Safford
1873 January-February
2 / 14
Correspondents include William Rollin Shipman, Jennie F. Woodworth, Emeline Josephine Marcy, Mary E. Cabb, Sara De Ette Lee
1873 March-July
2 / 15
Correspondents include Jennie F. Woodworth, William Rollin Shipman, Oscar Lee, Sara De Ette Lee
1873 August-September
2 / 16
Correspondents include William Rollin Shipman, Jennie F. Woodworth, N.C. Wheeler
1873 October-December
2 / 17
Correspondents include Sara De Ette Lee, Winifred Shipman, Oscar Lee
1874 February-October
2 / 18
Correspondents include W.F. Swasey, Clark B. Shipman, Jennie F. Woodworth
1875 January-February
2 / 19
Correspondents include W.F. Swasey
1875 March
2 / 20
Correspondents include W.F. Swasey, Sara De Ette Lee, Eddie M. Lee, Jennie F. Wordworth, William Rollin Shipman
1875 April-June
2 / 21
Correspondents include William Rollin Shipman, William Frank Swasey
1875 July-August
2 / 22
Correspondents include William Rollin Shipman, Sara De Ette Lee, Jennie F. Woodworth
1875 August-September
2 / 23
Correspondents include Sara De Ette Lee, William Frank Swasey, Catherine E. Eaton
1875 November-December
2 / 24
Correspondents include Eddie M. Lee, Oscar Lee, Frank Swasey
1876 January-February
2 / 25
Correspondents include Jennie F. Woodworth, Sara De Ette Lee
1876 April-May
2 / 26
Correspondents include Alice Guernsey, Nellie E. Crounch, Augusta Shipman
1876 July-August
2 / 27
Correspondents include Gertrude Shipman
1876 September
2 / 28
Correspondents include Jennie F. Woodworth, Gertrude Shipman, May Ramsey
1876 October-December
2 / 29
Correspondents include Augusta Shipman, Winifred Shipman, Addy Joe, Clark B. Shipman, Abel Leavenworth
2 / 30
Correspondents include G.E. Deering, Lou Wood
1878 January-March
2 / 31
Correspondents include William Rollin Shipman, Margaret Shipman, L.B. Cobb
3 / 1
Correspondents include Nicholas Erickson, Gertrude Shipman, Oscar Lee, Sara De Ette Lee, Timothy Clark Shipman
3 / 2
Correspondents include Winifred Shipman, Gertrude Shipman, Rebecca Shipman, Sara De Ette Lee, Oscar Lee,
1882 January 1-7
3 / 3
Correspondents include Winifred Shipman, William Rollins Shipman, Augusta Shipman, Henry Shipman, Gertrude Shipman
1882 January 16-31
3 / 4
Correspondents include Winifred Shipman, Gertrude Shipman, Rebecca Shipman, Sara De Ette Lee, Timothy C. Eaton, William A. Clark
1882 February
3 / 5
Correspondents include Nellie E. Farnsworth, Winnifred Shipman, Gertrude Shipman, William Rollin Shipman, Sara De Ette Lee, Rebecca Shipman
1882 March
3 / 6
Correspondents include Winnifred Shipman, Gertrude Shipman, Rebecca Shipman, William R. Shipman, W.B. Joy, Albert Erickson
1882 April
3 / 7
Correspondents include E.W. Crounch, William Rollin Shipman, Winifred Shipman, William Baker, A.C. Johnson, Nicholas Erickson (re death of Albert Erickson)
1882 May-June
3 / 8
Correspondents include William Rollin Shipman, Winifred Shipman, Sara De Ette Lee, Hattie Williams
1882 July
3 / 9
Correspondents include H.S. Marcy, Belle Buddington, Winifred Shipman, Sara De Ette Lee, Hattie Williams, William Buddington, William Rollin Shipman
1882 August-September
3 / 10
Correspondents include William Rollin Shipman, Gertrude Shipman, Winifred Shipman
1882 November
3 / 11
Correspondents include Clark B. Shipman, William Rollin Shipman, Gertrude Shipman, Rebecca Shipman, Winifred Shipman, Curtis Abbott
1882 December
3 / 12
Correspondents include Clark B. Shipman, Winifred Shipman, Gertrude Shipman, A.C. Lashley
1883 January
3 / 13
Correspondents include Curtis Abbott, William Rollin Shipman, Sara De Ette Lee
1883 February
3 / 14
Correspondents include T. Wilcox
1883 March
3 / 15
Correspondents include E.M. Lee, Curtis Abbott, William Rollin Shipman
1883 April
3 / 16
Correspondents include A.W. Baily, L. Rotwitt (?), Sara De Etta Lee, Oscar Lee
1883 May
3 / 17
Correspondents include William Rollin Shipman, H.S. Marcy, C.C. Smith, Augusta Shipman, Sara De Ette Lee, Oscar Lee, Winifred Shipman
1883 June-August
3 / 18
Correspondents include J. Atkinson, Winifred Shipman, Sara De Ette Lee
1883 September-November
3 / 19
Correspondents include Henry E. Shipman, Clark B. Shipman, Winifred Shipman, Augusta Shipman, Flora M. Smith
1884 January-March
3 / 20
Correspondents include Henry E. Shipman, Clark B. Shipman, Augusta Shipman, Winifred Shipman, Sara De Ette Lee
1884 May-June
3 / 21
Correspondents include Rebecca Shipman, Clark B. Shipman, William Rollin Shipman, Winifred Shipman, Sara De Ette Lee, Gertrude Shipman
1884 July-August
3 / 22
Correspondents include A.S. Nichols, Henry Shipman, William Rollin Shipman, Sara De Ette Lee, Winifred Shipman, C.A. Bickner, Gertrude Shipman, Augusta Shipman
1884 September
3 / 23
Correspondents include Henry Shipman, Rebecca Shipman, Clark B. Shipman, Sara De Ette Lee, Winifred Shipman, Gertrude Shipman
1884 October 1-10
3 / 24
Correspondents include Henry Shipman, Augusta Shipman, Gertrude Shipman, Rebecca Shipman, Sara De Ette Lee, William Rollin Shipman
1884 October 12-31
4 / 1
Correspondents include Clark B. Shipman, Winifred Shipman
1884 November 1-10
4 / 2
Correspondents include Hattie M. Williams, Henry Shipman, Rebecca Shipman, Gertrude Shipman, Winifred Shipman
1884 November 11-17
4 / 3
Correspondents include Clark B. Shipman, Winifred Shipman, Gertrude Shipman, William Rollin Shipman
1884 November 21-27
4 / 4
Correspondents include Winifred Shipman, Gertrude Shipman, Jennie F. Woodworth, Henry Shipman, Thomas A. Gray, Rebecca Shipman, William Rollin Shipman
1884 November 28-30
4 / 5
Correspondents include Henry Shipman, Rebecca Shipman, Augusta Shipman, William Rollin Shipman
1884 December 4-13
4 / 6
Correspondents include Winifred Shipman, Henry Shipman, Gertrude Shipman, H.S. Marcy, Sara De Ette Lee, Clark B. Shipman
1884 December 14-21
4 / 7
Correspondents include Henry Shipman, Augusta Shipman, William Rollin Shipman, Ida Pound
1884 December 28-31
4 / 8
Correspondents include Augusta Shipman, Clark B. Shipman, Winifred Shipman, P.H. Carney, William Rollin Shipman
1885 January 2-14
4 / 9
Correspondents include Clark B. Shipman, Henry Shipman
1885 January 18-30
4 / 10
Correspondents include Henry Shipman, Augusta Shipman, Winifred Shipman, E.J. Morrison
1885 February 2-9
4 / 11
Correspondents include Henry Shipman, Sara De Ette Lee, Winifred Shipman, Augusta Shipman, Margaret Shipman, Katie M. Williams
1885 February 13-28
4 / 12
Correspondents include Augusta Shipman, Rebecca Shipman, Margaret Shipman, Henry Shipman, William Rollin Shipman,
1885 March 1-15
4 / 13
Correspondents include Henry Shipman, Rebecca Shipman, Clark B. Shipman
1885 March 16-30
4 / 14
Correspondents include Henry Shipman, Sara De Ette Shipman, William Rollin Shipman
1885 April 5-9
4 / 15
Correspondents include Winifred Shipman, Clark B. Shipman, Augusta Shipman, William Rollin Shipman
1885 April 19-21
4 / 16
Correspondents include Henry Shipman, Augusta Shipman, Rebecca Shipman, Sara De Etta Shipman Lee
1885 May
4 / 17
Correspondents include William Rollin Shipman, Jennie Woodworth, Theodore A. Gray, Henry Shipman, E.J. Morrison, Augusta Shipman
1885 June-July
4 / 18
Correspondents include Henry Shipman, Winifred Shipman, William Rollin Shipman
1885 August
4 / 19
Correspondents include Winifred Shipman, William Rollin Shipman, Augusta Shipman, Henry Shipman, Margaret Shipman
1885 September-October
4 / 20
Correspondents include Rebecca Shipman, Henry Shipman, Augusta Shipman, Winifred Shipman, S. W. Langhorne
1885 November
4 / 21
Correspondents include Henry Shipman, Rebecca Shipman, Winifred Shipman, Oscar Lee, Sara De Ette Lee, Mrs. Charles A. Dewar, Clark B. Shipman, Alice D'Arcy
1885 December
4 / 22
Correspondents include Henry Shipman, Augusta Shipman, Winifred Shipman, Rebecca Shipman
1886 January 1-12
4 / 23
Correspondents include Clark B. Shipman, Augusta Shipman, Rebecca Shipman, Oscar Lee, Winifred Shipman
1886 January 13-27
4 / 24
Correspondents include Winifred Shipman, Augusta Shipman, Rebecca Shipman
1886 February
4 / 25
Correspondents include Winifred Shipman, Rebecca Shipman, Clark B. Shipman, Gertrude Shipman
1886 March 7-17
4 / 26
Correspondents include Henry Shipman, Oscar Lee
1886 March 19-31
4 / 27
Correspondents include Augusta Shipman, Henry Shipman, Winifred Shipman, T.F. Morgan, Rebecca Shipman, Gertrude Shipman
1886 April
4 / 28
Correspondents include Clark B. Shipman, Henry Shipman, Charles E. Smith, Sara De Ette Lee, Rebecca Shipman
1886 May 3-28
4 / 29
Correspondents include Winifred Shipman, Gertrude Shipman
1886 June 6-30
4 / 30
Correspondents include Clark B. Shipman, Winifred Shipman, Sara De Ette Lee
1886 July 5-13
4 / 31
Correspondents include Matt Walbridge DeWar, Winifred Shipman, Alice D'Arcy
1886 July 18-29
4 / 32
Correspondents include Clark B. Shipman, Winifred Shipman
1886 November 1-10
5 / 1
Correspondents include Winifred Shipman, William Rollin Shipman, Clark B. Shipman, Gertrude Shipman, Sara De Ette Lee
1886 August
5 / 2
Correspondents include Winifred Shipman, Clark B. Shipman
1886 September
5 / 3
Correspondents include Winifred Shipman, Clark B. Shipman, Henry Shipman
1886 October 3-13
5 / 4
Correspondents include Rebecca Shipman, Margaret Shipman, Augusta Shipman, Henry Shipman
1886 October 16-21
5 / 5
Correspondents include Winifred Shipman, Clark B. Shipman, Gertrude Shipman, Henry Shipman
1886 October 23-31
5 / 6
Correspondents include Henry Shipman, Winifred Shipman, Clark B. Shipman
1886 November 1-8
5 / 7
Correspondents include Rebecca Shipman, G.W. Cook, Winifred Shipman, Clark B. Shipman, Henry Shipman, Nicholas Erickson
1886 November 25-29
5 / 8
Correspondents include Winifred Shipman, Augusta Shipman, Clark B. Shipman, Margaret Shipman
1886 December 1-8
5 / 9
Correspondents include William Rollin Shipman, Winifred Shipman, Henry Shipman, Clark B. Shipman, Augusta Shipman, Edwin Lee
1886 December 16-29
5 / 10
Correspondents include Winifred Shipman, Gertrude Shipman, Margaret Shipman, Augusta Shipman, Rebecca Shipman
1887 January 1-8
5 / 11
Correspondents include Albert Shipman, Henry Shipman, Clark B. Shipman, Winifred Shipman, Margaret Shipman
1887 January 9-13
5 / 12
Correspondents include Rebecca Shipman, Henry Shipman, Augusta Shipman, Margaret Shipman, Winifred Shipman
1887 January 16-30
5 / 13
Correspondents include Winifred Shipman, Augusta Shipman
188 February 6-107
5 / 14
Correspondents include Gertrude Shipman, Clark B. Shipman, Winifred Shipman
1887 February 20-28
5 / 15
Correspondents include Clark B. Shipman, Henry Shipman, Winifred Shipman
1887 March 1-6
5 / 16
Correspondents include Winifred Shipman, Margaret Shipman, Henry Shipman, Rebecca Shipman, Augusta Shipman
1887 March 7-30
5 / 17
Correspondents include Henry Shipman, Winifred Shipman, Rebecca Shipman
1887 April 2-11
5 / 18
Correspondents include Winifred Shipman, Augusta Shipman, Clark B. Shipman, Henry Shipman, Gertrude Shipman
1887 April 17-28
5 / 19
Correspondents include Winifred Shipman, Henry Shipman, Augusta Shipman, Oscar Lee, Gertrude Shipman, Rebecca Shipman
1887 May 1-15
5 / 20
Correspondents include Augusta Shipman, Rebecca Shipman, Clark B. Shipman, Henry Shipman
1887 May 16-25
5 / 21
Correspondents include Clark B. Shipman, Winifred Shipman, Rebecca Shipman, Nicholas Erickson
1887 June
5 / 22
Correspondents include Winifred Shipman, Gertrude Shipman, Henry Shipman
1887 July 6-12
5 / 23
Correspondents include William Rollin Shipman, Gertrude Shipman, Nicholas Erickson
1887 July 18-24
5 / 24
Correspondents include Gertrude Shipman, Winifred Shipman
1887 August 5-28
5 / 25
Correspondents include Winifred Shipman, Clark B. Shipman, Gertrude Shipman, Henry Shipman, Jennie Woodworth
1887 September
5 / 26
Correspondents include Gertrude Shipman, Margaret Shipman, Winifred Shipman,
1887 October 1-9
5 / 27
Correspondents include Gertrude Shipman, Henry Shipman, Clark B. Shipman
1887 October 16-29
5 / 28
Correspondents include Winifred Shipman, Clark B. Shipman
1887 November
5 / 29
Correspondents include Gertrude Shipman, Henry Shipman
1887 December 4-19
5 / 30
Correspondents include Henry Shipman, Rebecca Shipman, Clark B. Shipman, Nicholas Erickson
1887 December 21-30
5 / 31
Correspondents include Clark B. Shipman, Augusta Shipman, Winifred Shipman, Henry Shipman, John P. Davis, Nichola Erickson
1888 January-February
5 / 32
Correspondents include S.W. Langhorne, Henry Shipman, Winifred Shipman Erickson
1888 March 1-9
5 / 33
Correspondents include Winifred Shipman Erickson, Gertrude Shipman, Henry Shipman
1888 March 11-31
5 / 34
Correspondents include Henry Shipman, Winifred Shipman Erickson, Clark B. Shipman, Margaret Shipman
1888 April
5 / 35
Correspondents include Augusta Shipman, Nicholas Erickson, Winifred Shipman Erickson, Henry Shipman, Margaret Shipman, William Rollin Shipman
1888 May 2-15
5 / 36
Correspondents include Winifred Shipman Erickson, Augusta Shipman, Margaret Shipman, Henry Shipman, Rebecca Shipman
1888 May 16-June
5 / 37
Correspondents include Margaret Shipman, Rebecca Shipman
1888 August
5 / 38
Correspondents include Edith Cooper, Winifred Shipman Erickson
1888 September
5 / 39
Correspondents include Winifred Shipman Erickson, P.H. Carney, Rebecca Shipman, Gertrude Shipman, Clark B. Shipman
1888 October-November
5 / 40
Correspondents include Margaret Shipman, Winifred Shipman Erickson, Clark B. Shipman, William Rollin Shipman
1888 December
5 / 41
Correspondents include Rebecca Shipman, William Rollin Shipman, Gertrude Shipman
1889 January 4-15
5 / 42
Correspondents include Winifred Shipman Erickson, Hattie E. Alden, Margaret Shipman, Henry Shipman
1889 January 20-30
5 / 43
Correspondents include Winifred Shipman Erickson, Margaret Shipman, Rebecca Shipman
1889 February-March
5 / 44
Correspondents include Winifred Shipman Erickson, Nicholas Erickson, Clark B. Shipman
1889 May
5 / 45
Correspondents include Winifred Shipman Erickson, Nicholas Erickson
1889 June
6 / 1
Correspondents include Margaret Shipman, Winnifred Shipman Erickson, Gertrude Shipman
1889 July
6 / 2
Correspondents include Rebecca Shipman, Henry Shipman, Margaret Shipman
1889 August-October
6 / 3
Correspondents include Mrs. S.A. Allen, Henry Swiggett (U.S. Land Office)
1889 November
6 / 4
Correspondents include Clark B. Shipman, S.W. Langhorne
6 / 5
Correspondents include Clark B. Shipman, Henry Swiggett, William Stone (U.S. General Land Office, Wash. D.C.)
6 / 6
Correspondents include Winifred Shipman Erickson, Augusta Shipman
1892 January
6 / 7
Correspondents include Nicholas Shipman, Clark B. Shipman, Rebecca Shipman, Albert Erickson
1892 February 1-15
6 / 8
Correspondents include Augusta Shipman, Lucy Alden, Winifred Shipman Erickson
1892 February 16-22
6 / 9
Correspondents include Jennie Woodworth, Rebecca Shipman, Winifred Shipman Erickson, Augusta Shipman
1892 March-April
6 / 10
Correspondents include Nicholas Erickson, Clark B. Shipman, Winifred Shipman Erickson, Rebecca Shipman, "Hawk" Shipman, Albert Erickson
1892 August-December
6 / 11
Correspondents include J.C. Eaton, C.H. Eaton, William Rollin Shipman, Clark B. Shipman, Albert Erickson
1893 April-December
6 / 12
Correspondents include Nicholas Erickson
1894 February-March
6 / 13
Correspondents include Nicholas Erickson, Winifred Shipman Erickson, Augusta Shipman
1894 April 5-16
6 / 14
Correspondents include William Rollin Shipman
1894 June-July
6 / 15
Correspondents include Clark B. Shipman, William Rollin Shipman
6 / 16
Correspondents include Clark B. Shipman, Augusta B. Shipman, William A. Clark
6 / 17
Correspondents include Sara De Etta Shipman Lee, Winifred Shipman Erickson; William Ball
6 / 18
Correspondents include Anna Erickson, Gratia Erickson (daughters of Winifred)
6 / 19
Correspondents include Mary Allen, Mario Allen, Winifred Shipman Erickson
1902, 1904
6 / 20
Correspondents include Winifred Shipman Erickson, J.C. Eaton, Gratia Erickson
1908, 1910
6 / 21
Correspondents include Clark B. Shipman, Edmund Wright
6 / 22
Correspondents include Augusta Shipman, Rebecca Shipman, Earl Davis, Winifred Shipman Erickson
6 / 23
Correspondents include A. Hogeland, Burton S. Erickson, Matilda Wolf, Daniel Newton
1925, 1935
6 / 24
Correspondents include Asa Cheffetz, Edward Shipman
6 / 25
Correspondents include Wilmund Parker, Margaret Shipman
1943, 1954-1955
6 / 26
Correspondence of Augusta Shipman
6 / 27
Correspondence of Betsy Eaton Shipman
6 / 28
Correspondence of Clark B. Shipman
6 / 29
Correspondence of Gertrude Shipman
6 / 30
Correspondence of Margaret Shipman
6 / 31
Correspondence of Rebecca Shipman
6 / 32
Correspondence of Sara De Etta Shipman (Lee)
6 / 33
Correspondence of William Rollin Shipman
6 / 34
Correspondence of Winifred Shipman (Erickson)
6 / 35
Correspondence of Hattie Eaton
6 / 36
Correspondence of Timothy Clark Eaton
6 / 37
Correspondence of Albert Erickson
6 / 38
Correspondence of Oscar Lee
6 / 39
Correspondence of L.C. Lee
6 / 40
Miscellany (correspondents not identified)
Container(s) Description Dates
7 / 1
Clark B. Shipman travel diary (photocopies of original)
1881 December
7 / 2-4
Clark B. Shipman diary (photocopies of handwritten copies of original.)
1882 January- 1888 July
7 / 5
Clark B. Shipman weather diary (original)
, 1884 December 3- 1885 February 28
7 / 6
Clark B. Shipman diary (photocopies of original short entry diary. Mostly limited to weather.)
7 / 7-8
Clark B. Shipman diary (photocopies of handwritten copy of original. See Box 7 Folder 2-4)
1888 August- 1899 December
8 / 1
Clark B. Shipman (photocopies of handwritten copy of original. See Box 7 Folders 2-4, 6-7)
1899 December- 1904 October
8 / 2
Clark B. Shipman (photocopies of original) first section account book See Box 9 Folder 3)
1902 December- 1903
8 / 3
Clark B. Shipman (photocopies of handwritten copy of original)
1904 October- 1907 November
8 / 4
Clark B. Shipman (photocopies of original travel diary for trip to Helena)
1907 January 7-15
8 / 5
Clark B. Shipman (original kept during stay in Vermont)
1907 May- 1908 January 26
8 / 6
Clark B. Shipman (photocopies of handwritten copy of original. See Box 7 Folder 2-4, 6-7 and Box 8 folder 1)
1907 June- 1908 February
8 / 7
Clark B. Shipman (original travel diary for trip taken to Vermont from Montana)
, 1907 June 24- 1908 February 7
8 / 8
Clark B. Shipman (photocopy of original short-entry diary)
8 / 9
Clark B. Shipman (photocopy of original short-entry diary)
8 / 10
Clark B. Shipman (?) (very early diary, writer talks about "going to school")
9 / 1
Henry Shipman (original)
1884 March 24- May 29
9 / 2
Unknown (original)
October 4- November 11 (?)

Financial RecordsReturn to Top

Container(s) Description Dates
9 / 3
Account book (scattered diary entries)
1905 July 6- 1907 January
9 / 4
Bills and receipts
1874, 1883 -1890
9 / 5
Notebook (photocopy of original)
9 / 6
Bills of sale (miscellany)
1874, 1897, 1925

Legal DocumentsReturn to Top

Container(s) Description Dates
9 / 7
Estate of Getrude Shipman
9 / 8
Land deeds (Montana)
9 / 9
Land deeds (Vermont)
9 / 10
Will of John Perham (father of Augusta Shipman)
January 15, 1869
9 / 11
Will of Clark B. Shipman
1902 November 18

MiscellanyReturn to Top

Container(s) Description Dates
9 / 12
Miscellany (includes teaching certificates for Gertrude Shipman; pamphlets for Green Mountain Institute, run by William Rollin Shipman; various school-related writing exercises for Clark, Sara De Etta, Jenny, and Rebecca Shipman)
1860, 1879- 1886, undated
9 / 13
Miscellany (genealogical research notes regarding the Shipman family, including timeliness)

Names and SubjectsReturn to Top

Subject Terms

  • Artists
  • Frontier and pioneer life--Montana
  • Overland journeys to the pacific
  • Teachers

Personal Names

  • Shipman Family (creator)

Geographical Names

  • Fergus County (Mont.)
  • Lewistown (Mont.)
  • Philbrook (Mont.)