Archives West Finding Aid
Table of Contents
James E. Murray Papers, 1918-1969
Overview of the Collection
- Creator
- Murray, James E. (James Edward), 1876-1961
- Title
- James E. Murray Papers
- Dates
- 1918-1969 (inclusive)19181969
- Quantity
- 483 linear feet
- Collection Number
- Mss 091 (collection)
- Summary
- James E. Murray was a Montana Democrat who served in the U. S. Senate from 1934 to 1960. The collection contains the senatorial papers of Murray from 1934 until his retirement from office. The collection consists of general correspondence, legislative materials, speeches and writings, clippings, film, and photographs.
- Repository
University of Montana, Mansfield Library, Archives and Special Collections
Archives and Special Collections
Maureen and Mike Mansfield Library
University of Montana
32 Campus Dr. #9936
Missoula, MT
Telephone: 406-243-2053 - Access Restrictions
Researchers must use collection in accordance with the policies of Archives and Special Collections, the Maureen and Mike Mansfield Library, and The University of Montana-Missoula.
- Languages
- English
- Sponsor
- Funding for creating this finding aid was provided through a grant awarded by the National Historic Publications and Records Commission. Funding for encoding this finding aid was provided through a grant awarded by the National Endowment for the Humanities.
Historical NoteReturn to Top
James Edward Murray was born in St. Thomas, Ontario, on May 3, 1876, the son of Irish immigrants. He was named after a wealthy uncle from Butte, Montana, who later financed his education at New York University Law School. He became an American citizen in New York. Upon his uncle's urging, Murray moved to Butte after graduation in 1901 to establish his legal practice. It was in Butte that Murray met and married Viola Edna Horgan, with whom he had six sons.
Murray became active in Democratic Party politics in Butte, and earned the party votes by working for a time alongside the miners in the copper industry. After inheriting a sizable portion of his uncle's fortune, Murray spent most of the 1920s pursuing business interests. His considerable loss in the stock market crash of 1929 left Murray with an embittered view of eastern financiers, an attitude he would carry through his years in politics.
In 1931, Murray, the Democratic Party Chairman of Silver Bow County, became an early convert to the presidential camp of Franklin D. Roosevelt. As a result of his work on the candidate's behalf, he earned an appointment as a member of Montana's Public Works Administration Advisory Board. It was through that appointment that Murray gained first hand knowledge of Montana's drought-stricken farmers, who he would take an active interest in throughout his political career.
In 1934, Murray, with the support of a number of prominent Butte politicians, decided to seek election to the final two years remaining in the Senate term of the late Thomas J. Walsh. Murray won the election with labor support in Butte, and, riding on the political coat tails of Roosevelt and senior Montana Senator Burton K. Wheeler, Murray, at 59, began his senate career. He was an avid supporter of Roosevelt's domestic program, a loyal party man, and an isolationist in the area of foreign affairs.
Wheeler and Murray started out as political allies, but the relationship soon turned sour. One deciding factor that split their union was their differences over the president's Supreme Court packing plan. Wheeler was against it. The other main factor causing the split was Murray's transition from an anti-British isolationist to an outspoken proponent of Roosevelt's foreign policy leading to World War II. At that time, Wheeler was still an avid proponent of isolationism. The feud came to a peak during Murray's 1942 re-election bid, when Wheeler openly tried to undercut Murray's bid in the Democratic primary. The two senators attacked each other on statewide radio. Murray won the election by an extremely narrow margin, and returned to Washington, D.C.
During the war Murray became an avid supporter of small business, and Murray's resolution created the Senate's Special Committee on Small Business, with him as the committee's first chairman. He used his influence in the committee to introduce bills designed to assist America's small businesses, securing for them highly sought after military contracts. At the close of the war, Murray's prime concern was the loss of those wartime contracts, and he drafted reconversion legislation to ease the burden on the small businesses. These legislative bills and Murray enjoyed the support of the Senate Republicans, because of America's free enterprise system.
During the Truman and Eisenhower administrations, Murray did not fare so well with the Republicans or the conservative Southern Democrats; the conservative coalition managed to thwart or alter virtually all of Murray's legislation. An example of this was the Murray sponsored bill, the Employment Act of 1946. The bill was to establish a formal system of compensatory government spending to ease the burden of the cyclical dips in the private economy, but the law that emerged from the Senate virtually eliminated that principle.
Another obstacle to Murray's political goals during the 1940s was the medical lobby who were fighting Murray's legislation to provide a nationwide system of health insurance. Physicians and drug companies, led by the American Medical Association, managed to block all of the various Murray measures that they collectively labeled "socialized medicine." Despite these opponents, other Murray sponsored bills eventually became law, such as the "Wagner-Murray-Dingell" bills which extended Social Security coverage, allowed for federal dollars for hospital construction, and provided Medicare for senior citizens.
Presidential opposition also hampered Murray's aspirations. Harry Truman and the Montana senator parted company when Truman would not support Murray's plan for the Missouri River basin. Murray wanted to throw his support behind a plan to unify Missouri basin development under jurisdiction of a single regional authority after a series of catastrophic floods. Truman allied himself with the downstream advocates of navigation and flood control, and Murray's plan lost out to Truman and the southern senators who chaired key committees and thwarted his MVA legislation.
Murray, in turn, tried to use his influence as the chairman of the Senate Labor Committee to block a number of bills designed to alter the pro-union bend of Wagner's National Labor Relations Act. In the end, he could not prevent the Republican 80th Congress from passing the Taft-Hartley Act.
Murray's unfaltering devotion to the labor workers did not go unnoticed in Montana. Murray, with the support of the miners from Butte, timber workers, the railroad brotherhoods, and scores of lesser unions, was able to defeat powerful Republican opponents in a series of narrow election victories. In the most bitter of those elections, Murray faced a powerful opponent in the state's eastern district congressman, Wesley A. D'Ewart, in 1954. Murray's advanced age became an issue. D'Ewart also accused Murray of being used as a tool of the international Communist conspiracy. The basis for these attacks came with Murray's strong advocacy of a close American-Soviet friendship during the war, along with the senator's votes against many of the post-war Communist-curbing bills. Murray still won the election.
The senator used his influence as the Senate's Interior Committee Chairman to secure western water projects that led to congressional approval and funding for large dams in Montana at Canyon Ferry on the Missouri River, Yellowtail on the Bighorn, Hungry Horse on the Flathead, and Libby on the Kootenai. With these dams, Murray was an early convert to the causes of energy conservation and environmental protection. Even in an era in which these issues were not yet popular, Murray supported numerous bills that called for environmental protection, a national system of wilderness areas, development of wind energy, and curbing air pollution.
Murray gained national attention when he sponsored bills providing for the admission of Alaska and Hawaii to the union. He also gained attention when he, along with Montana Congressman Lee Metcalf, pushed for an ambitious program designed to provide massive federal aid for public schools. The Murray-Metcalf Bill was direct precursor of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act that became law several years following Murray's death.
In 1960, Murray's declining health forced him into retirement. He died four months after leaving the Senate on March 23, 1961.
Content DescriptionReturn to Top
The collection contains the senatorial papers of James E. Murray from 1934 until his retirement from office in 1960. The bulk of the collection consists of general correspondence while in office. The series represents state, as well as national, correspondence. The other series in the collection are legislative, speeches and writings, clippings, film, and photographs. The legislative series consists mostly of Senate bills and resolutions sponsored by Murray. The body of the speeches and writings series consists of press releases, radio and public addresses. Murray utilized the radio to speak to his constituents in Montana while working in Washington, D.C. The clippings series documents topics of interest to Murray in newspaper and journal publications.
Use of the CollectionReturn to Top
Restrictions on Use
Researchers are responsible for using in accordance with 17 U.S.C. and any other applicable statutes. Copyright not transferred to The University of Montana.
Preferred Citation
[Name of document or photograph number], James E. Murray Papers, Archives and Special Collections, Maureen and Mike Mansfield Library, The University of Montana-Missoula.
Administrative InformationReturn to Top
The collection is divided into six series:
Series I: General Correspondence, 412.5 linear feet, 1918-1969
Series II: Legislation, 51.5 linear feet, 1931-1960
Series III: Speeches and Writings, 13.5 linear feet, 1934-1960
Series IV: Clippings, 5.5 linear feet, 1936-1961
Series V: Film, 9 reels, 1953-1960
Series VI: Photographs, 0.5 linear feet, 1933-1960
Custodial History
The James E. Murray family donated this collection to the University of Montana History Department in 1960. The date of transfer to the archives is unknown, but likely occurred around 1969. The processed collection was formally opened in 1989. Don Spritzer held several boxes of materials for use in his dissertation until 2000. Brian Cockhill returned materials that apparently were removed from the collection for photocopying during the 1970s.
Acquisition Information
Gifts of the James E. Murray family, 1960, Vic Reinemer, 1973 and 1978, and Don Spritzer, 2000.
Processing Note
The actions of the original processor are unknown. In 1998 archives staff updated the original finding aid to provide more details on folder content. Film materials were also re-associated with the collection. In 2003, several segments of materials received after transfer from the History Department were processed and integrated into the existing collection order. These materials included one folder of materials received from Brian Cockhill; two boxes of Rural Electrification Authority materials received from Don Spritzer; and seventeen files of photographs received from Vic Reinemer. In addition to the photographs from Vic Renemer, all photographs originally received during transfer from the History Department were removed from the archives general photograph collection and reintegrated into the Murray collection.
Separated Materials
In 1998 six reels of 16-mm film were transferred to the Montana Historical Society's Lee Metcalf collection, since they primarily concerned the former Representative. In 2021, another reel of 16-mm film was transferred to the same collection.
Detailed Description of the CollectionReturn to Top
Series I: General Correspondence , 1918-1969Return to Top
This series consists of correspondence to Senator Murray from constituents all over the United States, and especially from Montana, as well as intergovernmental correspondence related to the constituents' issues. Murray was interested in numerous issues during his tenure in the Senate, including agriculture, foreign affairs, immigration, Indian affairs, labor, legislation, military, mining, and the Missouri Valley Authority. Public works, small business, veterans, World War II, and the Works Progress Administration were his other areas of concern.
Many of the constituent's letters to Senator Murray are requests: Many ask for support or defeat of a certain bill, or pose questions on a topic. Murray's replies document what his political, as well as private, views were. Since Murray's political career began in Montana, he was very interested in the plights of Montana farmers and ranchers. Constituents concerned with agriculture represent a large portion of the series. Murray acted as a mediator in much of the correspondence between the constituent and other parties, including a federal agency, such as the U.S. Department of Agriculture, or another Montanan. Murray secured loans for many people through his correspondence, or just eased individuals' worries.
Another area with which Murray dealt with great passion was the success of small business, both before, during, and after World War II. Through his correspondence, Murray answered many questions and concerns that people had about small business throughout the nation. This portion of Murray's constituents was national, not just Montana based.
Murray was very interested in the plight of the Native Americans during his career in the Senate. This was another area in which Murray's constituents were not just Montana based, but national. He was concerned with the Navajo Indians as well as the Alaska tribes, but Montana's Native American remained his main priority. He dealt with both sides of the issues facing the Native Americans: Some of the correspondence deals with concerns from white constituents over land rights, while much deals with fair treatment for the Indians. Murray again acted as a mediator many times between a party in Montana and the U.S. Department of the Interior. Murray was also interested in federal Indian welfare. He was not in support of termination of Indian tribal rights during the 1940's and 1950's.
Murray went national in his concerns with labor. Murray was a member of the Senate Labor Committee, and eventually became the chair late in his career. Murray drafted the Fair Labor Standards Act, which generated much correspondence from his national constituents. He also drafted the precursor to the Full Employment Act, the Employment Act of 1946. That generated much national opinion. Murray concerned himself with national labor issues and took an active role in the mediation of strikes across America. He was very involved in the railroad strikes as well as the copper and motion picture strikes.
The Missouri Valley Authority is another major focus. The MVA was to provide support to the people of the Missouri River. In that area of correspondence, Murray collected maps, statements from other Congressmen, Senate Reports, and hearings reports. Murray received national coverage for his work in this area, which was also documented. However, this section of the papers contain less correspondence between Murray and constituents.
In this series, most of the constituent's letters and a copy of Murray's response are represented. Murray sometimes responded with a form letter, but in many cases the constituent got a unique letter addressing their concerns and problems. There are not many personal letters in this series, as much of the correspondence deals with the pressing issues of the time. Much of the correspondence in this series dealt with the support or denial of a certain bill or piece of legislation. The series is arranged alphabetically by topic.
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
Box/Folder | ||
1/1 | Biographical |
1934-ca. 1960 |
1/2 | Biographical |
1934-1959 |
1/3 | Biographical, clippings
1943-1954 |
1/4 | Absaroka - Yankee Jim Dam
1958-1959 |
1/5 | Absorokee Users Association
1953 |
1/6 | Accommodations |
1936 |
1/7 | Dean Acheson |
1950 |
1/8 | Acknowledgments |
1945 |
1/9 | Adjournment |
1940 |
1/10 | Advance Fee |
1959 |
1/11 | Advertising |
1935-1936 |
1/12 | Advertising |
1938-1944 |
1/13 | Advertising |
1943 |
1/14 | Advertising |
1945-1947 |
1/15 | Advertising, Private Power
1958 |
1/16 | Aging |
1960 |
2/1 | Agriculture |
1934 |
2/2 | Agriculture |
1935 (Jan. - Mar.) |
2/3 | Agriculture |
1935 (Apr. - May) |
2/4 | Agriculture |
1935 (June - Dec.) |
2/5 | Agriculture |
1936 (Jan. - Mar.) |
2/6 | Agriculture |
1936 (Apr. - Dec.) |
2/7 | Agriculture |
1937 (Jan. - June) |
2/8 | Agriculture |
1937 (July - Dec.) |
3/1 | Agriculture |
1938 (Jan. - May) |
3/2 | Agriculture |
1938 (June - Dec.) |
3/3 | Agriculture |
1939 (Jan.) |
3/4 | Agriculture |
1939 (Feb.) |
3/5 | Agriculture |
1939 (Mar.) |
3/6 | Agriculture |
1939 (Apr.) |
3/7 | Agriculture |
1939 (May) |
3/8 | Agriculture |
1939 (June) |
3/9 | Agriculture |
1939 (July - Dec.) |
4/1 | Agriculture |
1940 (Jan. - Feb.) |
4/2 | Agriculture |
1940 (Mar. - July) |
4/3 | Agriculture |
1941 (Jan. - Apr.) |
4/4 | Agriculture |
1941 (May - July) |
4/5 | Agriculture |
1941 (Aug. - Dec. |
4/6 | Agriculture |
1942 (Jan. - Mar.) |
4/7 | Agriculture |
1942 (Apr.) |
4/8 | Agriculture |
1942 (May - Nov.) |
4/9 | Agriculture |
1943 (Jan. - Feb.) |
5/1 | Agriculture |
1943 (Mar.) |
5/2 | Agriculture |
1943 (Apr. - May) |
5/3 | Agriculture |
1943 (June - Dec.) |
5/4 | Agriculture |
1944 |
5/5 | Agriculture |
1945 |
5/6 | Agriculture |
1946 |
5/7 | Agriculture |
1947 (Jan. - June) |
6/1 | Agriculture |
1947 (July - Dec.) |
6/2 | Agriculture |
1948 |
6/3 | Agriculture |
1949 |
6/4 | Agriculture |
1950 |
6/5 | Agriculture |
1951 |
6/6 | Agriculture |
1952 |
6/7 | Agriculture |
1953 |
6/8 | Agriculture |
1954 (Jan. - Feb.) |
7/1 | Agriculture |
1954 (Mar.) |
7/2 | Agriculture |
1954 (Apr. - June) |
7/3 | Agriculture |
1954 (July - Dec.) |
7/4 | Agriculture |
1955 |
7/5 | Agriculture |
1956 (Jan.) |
7/6 | Agriculture |
1956 (Feb.) |
7/7 | Agriculture |
1956 (Mar.) |
8/1 | Agriculture |
1956 (Apr. - July) |
8/2 | Agriculture |
1956 (Aug. - Dec.) |
8/3 | Agriculture |
1957 (Jan. - July) |
8/4 | Agriculture |
1957 (Aug. - Dec.) |
8/5 | Agriculture |
1958 (Jan. - Feb.) |
8/6 | Agriculture |
1958 (Mar.) |
8/7 | Agriculture |
1958 (Apr.) |
8/8 | Agriculture |
1958 (May - July) |
9/1 | Agriculture |
1958 (Aug. - Dec.) |
9/2 | Agriculture |
1959 (Jan. - Feb.) |
9/3 | Agriculture |
1959 (Mar. - Apr.) |
9/4 | Agriculture |
1959 (May - June) |
9/5 | Agriculture |
1959 (July - Dec.) |
9/6 | Agriculture |
1960 |
9/7 | Agriculture Adjustment Act
1935 |
9/8 | Agriculture Adjustment Act
1936 |
9/9 | Agriculture Adjustment Act
1937 |
9/10 | Agriculture Adjustment Act
1939 |
9/11 | Agriculture Adjustment
Administration |
1940 |
10/1 | Agriculture Adjustment
Administration |
1941 |
10/2 | Agriculture Adjustment
Administration |
1942 (Jan. - May) |
10/3 | Agriculture Adjustment
Administration |
1942 (June - Oct.) |
10/4 | Agriculture Adjustment Agency
1943 |
10/5 | Agriculture Adjustment Agency
1944 |
10/6 | Agriculture Adjustment Agency
1945 |
10/7 | Agriculture Adjustment Agency
1947 |
10/8 | Agriculture Adjustment Agency
1948 |
10/9 | Agriculture - Apple Growers
1949 |
10/10 | Agriculture - Barley Research
1956 |
11/1 | Agriculture - Beans |
1947-1948 |
11/2 | Agriculture - Beef |
1934-1936 |
11/3 | Agriculture - Beef |
1949-1950 |
11/4 | Agriculture - Beef |
1953-1956 |
11/5 | Agriculture - Beef Imports
1938 |
11/6 | Agriculture - Beef Imports
1945 |
11/7 | Agriculture - Beef Imports
1958 |
11/8 | Agriculture - Beef Rustling
1960 |
11/9 | Agriculture - Beef Shipments
1948-1949 |
11/10 | Agriculture - Beef Slaughtering
1936 |
11/11 | Agriculture - Beef Tariff
1937 |
11/12 | Agriculture - Bees |
1948-1949 |
11/13 | Agriculture - Bee Research
1957 |
11/14 | Agriculture - Binder Twine
1956-1957 |
11/15 | Agriculture - Bird Refuges
1935-1937 |
11/16 | Agriculture - Butter Duties
1935 |
11/17 | Agriculture - Census |
1935 |
11/18 | Agriculture - Cherries
1935 |
11/19 | Agriculture - Claims |
1936 |
11/20 | Agriculture - Complaints
1941 |
11/21 | Agriculture - Coops |
1955 |
11/22 | Agriculture - Corn |
1943 |
11/23 | Agriculture - Cotton |
1935-1939 |
11/24 | Agriculture - Cotton |
1949 |
11/25 | Agriculture - Cotton |
1957 |
11/26 | Agriculture - Crop Insurance
1936 |
11/27 | Agriculture - Crop Insurance
1939 |
11/28 | Agriculture - Crop Insurance
1941 |
11/29 | Agriculture - Crop Insurance
1943-1946 |
12/1 | Agriculture - Crop Insurance
1947 |
12/2 | Agriculture - Crop Insurance
1948 |
12/3 | Agriculture - Crop Insurance
1949-1950 |
12/4 | Agriculture - Crop Insurance
1951 |
12/5 | Agriculture - Dairies
1940 |
12/6 | Agriculture - Dairies
1943-1944 |
12/7 | Agriculture - Drought
1956 |
12/8 | Agriculture - Drought
1959 |
12/9 | Agriculture - Egg Price Supports
1949 |
12/10 | Agriculture - Ersatz Foods
1947 |
12/11 | Agriculture - Experimental
Station |
1937 |
12/12 | Agriculture - Experimental
Station |
1937-1939 |
12/13 | Agriculture - Experimental
Station |
1940 |
12/14 | Agriculture - Farm Labor
1942-1943 |
12/15 | Agriculture - Feed Restrictions
1936-1946 |
12/16 | Agriculture - Fertilizer
1948 |
13/1 | Agriculture - Filberts
1935 |
13/2 | Agriculture - Flax |
1937-1939 |
13/3 | Agriculture - Flaxseed
1943 |
13/4 | Agriculture - Foreclosures
1936 |
13/5 | Agriculture - Game Ranges
1939 |
13/6 | Agriculture - Grain Restrictions
1946 |
13/7 | Agriculture - Grain Storage
1942 |
13/8 | Agriculture - Grain Storage
1949 |
13/9 | Agriculture - Grain Storage
1952 |
13/10 | Agriculture - Grain Storage
1953-1954 |
13/11 | Agriculture - Grain Storage
1956 |
13/12 | Agriculture - Grain Storage
1957-1958 |
13/13 | Agriculture - Grasshoppers
1935-1936 |
13/14 | Agriculture - Grasshoppers
1937 |
14/1 | Agriculture - Grasshoppers
1939-1940 |
14/2 | Agriculture - Grasshoppers
1942 |
14/3 | Agriculture - Grasshoppers
1948 |
14/4 | Agriculture - Grasshoppers
1949 |
14/5 | Agriculture - Grasshoppers
1950-1951 |
14/6 | Agriculture - Grasshoppers
1956-1957 |
14/7 | Agriculture - Grazing
1936 |
14/8 | Agriculture - Grazing
1937 |
14/9 | Agriculture - Grazing
1938-1939 |
14/10 | Agriculture - Grazing
Aug. 1940 - June, 1941 |
14/11 | Agriculture - Grazing
June, 1941 |
14/12 | Agriculture - Grazing
1942 |
15/1 | Agriculture - Grazing
1943 |
15/2 | Agriculture - Grazing
1944 |
15/3 | Agriculture - Grazing
1945 |
15/4 | Agriculture - Grazing
1946 |
15/5 | Agriculture - Grazing
1947 |
15/6 | Agriculture - Grazing
1948 |
15/7 | Agriculture - Grazing
1949 |
15/8 | Agriculture - Grazing
1950 |
15/9 | Agriculture - Grazing
1951 |
16/1 | Agriculture - Grazing
1952 |
16/2 | Agriculture - Grazing
1953 |
16/3 | Agriculture - Grazing
1954 |
16/4 | Agriculture - Grazing
1955 |
16/5 | Agriculture - Grazing
1956 (Jan. - May) |
16/6 | Agriculture - Grazing
1956 (June - Dec.) |
16/7 | Agriculture - Grazing
1957 |
16/8 | Agriculture - Grazing
1958 |
16/9 | Agriculture - Grazing
1959 |
17/1 | Agriculture - Grazing
1960 |
17/2 | Agriculture - Grazing Permit,
Wellington Rankin |
1939 |
17/3 | Agriculture - Grazing Range
Research, Forest Service Reports |
1935 |
17/4 | Agriculture - Grazing, Forest
Service |
1943 |
17/5 | Agriculture - Grazing, Special
Report |
1960 |
17/6 | Agriculture - Greenfields
Irrigation |
1954 |
17/7 | Agriculture - Hay Relief
1935-1936 |
17/8 | Agriculture - Haylift Operation
1949 |
17/9 | Agriculture - Herbicides
1960 |
17/10 | Agriculture - Hogs |
1935 |
17/11 | Agriculture - Hoof and Mouth
Disease |
1948 |
17/12 | Agriculture - Horses |
1946 |
17/13 | Agriculture - Horse Meat
1942-1944 |
17/14 | Agriculture - Horse Meat
1946-1948 |
17/5 | Agriculture - Horse Meat
1951-1952 |
17/16 | Agriculture - Imports
1936 |
17/17 | Agriculture - Information
1938 - Nov. 1939 |
17/18 | Agriculture - Information
Dec. 1939 |
17/19 | Agriculture - Insect Control
1936 |
17/20 | Agriculture - Insect Control
Appropriations |
1937 - Jan. 1938 |
18/1 | Agriculture - Insect Control
Appropriations |
Feb. - June 1938 |
18/2 | Agriculture - Insect Control
Appropriations |
July 1938 - Mar. 1939 |
18/3 | Agriculture - Insect Control
Appropriations |
Apr. - Dec. 1939 |
18/4 | Agriculture - Insect Control
Appropriations |
1940 |
18/5 | Agriculture - Insect Control
Appropriations |
1941 |
18/6 | Agriculture - Insect Control
Appropriations |
1943-1945 |
18/7 | Agriculture - Insect Control
Appropriations |
1947-1948 |
18/8 | Agriculture - Insect Control
Appropriations |
1949-1950 |
18/9 | Agriculture - Insect Control,
Mosquitos |
1955 |
18/10 | Agriculture - Insect Control
Appropriations, Mosquitos |
1955 |
19/1 | Agriculture - Irrigation
1934-1944 |
19/2 | Agriculture - Irrigation
1955-1951 |
19/3 | Agriculture - Livestock
1935-1937 |
19/4 | Agriculture - Livestock
1939-1940 |
19/5 | Agriculture - Livestock
1941 |
19/6 | Agriculture - Livestock
1942 |
19/7 | Agriculture - Livestock
1943 |
19/8 | Agriculture - Livestock
1944 |
19/9 | Agriculture - Livestock
1945 |
19/10 | Agriculture - Livestock
1946 |
19/11 | Agriculture - Livestock
1948 |
20/1 | Agriculture - Livestock
1950-1951 |
20/2 | Agriculture - Livestock
1953-1954 |
20/3 | Agriculture - Livestock
1955 - Feb. 1956 |
20/4 | Agriculture - Livestock
Mar. - Dec. 1956 |
20/5 | Agriculture - Livestock Prices
1953 |
20/6 | Agriculture - Livestock
Slaughtering Quotas |
1951 |
21/1 | Agriculture - Loans |
Jan. - Mar. 1949 |
21/2 | Agriculture - Loans |
Apr. - May 1949 |
21/3 | Agriculture - Loans |
June - Dec. 1949 |
21/4 | Agriculture - Loans, Crop
1937 |
21/5 | Agriculture - Loans, Crop and
Feed |
1943 |
21/6 | Agriculture - Loans, Crop and
Feed |
1944-1945 |
21/7 | Agriculture - Loans, Dana Corp
Livestock |
1936 |
21/8 | Agriculture - Loans, Farm
1940 |
21/9 | Agriculture - Loans, Farm
1941 |
21/10 | Agriculture - Loans, Seed
1934 - Mar. 1936 |
21/11 | Agriculture - Loans, Seed
Apr. - Dec. 1936 |
22/1 | Agriculture - Loans, Seed
Jan. - Apr. 1937 |
22/2 | Agriculture - Loans, Seed
May - Dec. 1937 |
22/3 | Agriculture - Loans, Seed
1938 |
22/4 | Agriculture - Loans, Seed
1939-1940 |
22/5 | Agriculture - Loans, Seed
1942 |
22/6 | Agriculture - Loans, Seed
1947-1948 |
22/7 | Agriculture - Loans, Seed
1950 |
22/8 | Agriculture - Maintenance
Priorities, Wartime |
1942 |
22/9 | Agriculture - Malt |
1943 |
22/10 | Agriculture - Meat Inspection
1942 |
22/11 | Agriculture - Meat Inspection
1958 |
22/12 | Agriculture - Meat Rates
1943 |
22/13 | Agriculture - Milk |
1943 |
22/14 | Agriculture - Montana Stock
Growers Association |
1947 and 1951 |
22/15 | Agriculture - Mustard
1939 |
22/16 | Agriculture - Mustard Seed
1952-1954 |
23/1 | Agriculture - National Defense
1941-1943 |
23/2 | Agriculture - N.W. Grain Trans.
Co. |
1951 |
23/3 | Agriculture - Potatoes
1935-1937 |
23/4 | Agriculture - Potato Prices
1950-1952 |
23/5 | Agriculture - Poultry Inspection
1956-1959 |
23/6 | Agriculture - Prices |
1947-1959 |
23/7 | Agriculture - Ranches
1948 |
23/8 | Agriculture - Reclamation
1956 |
23/9 | Agriculture - Red Rock Lakes
1938 |
23/10 | Agriculture - Reports
1956 |
23/11 | Agriculture - Resettlement
1935 |
23/12 | Agriculture - Resettlement
Jan. - Feb. 1936 |
23/13 | Agriculture - Resettlement
Mar. 1936 |
23/14 | Agriculture - Resettlement
Apr. 1936 |
23/15 | Agriculture - Resettlement
May 1936 |
23/16 | Agriculture - Resettlement
June 1936 |
23/17 | Agriculture - Resettlement
July, 1936 |
24/1 | Agriculture - Resettlement
Aug. 1936 |
24/2 | Agriculture - Resettlement
Sept. - Oct. 1936 |
24/3 | Agriculture - Resettlement
Nov. - Dec. 1936 |
24/4 | Agriculture - Resettlement
Jan. - Feb. 1937 |
24/5 | Agriculture - Resettlement
Mar. 1937 |
24/6 | Agriculture - Resettlement
Apr. - June 1937 |
24/7 | Agriculture - Resettlement
July - Dec. 1937 |
24/8 | Agriculture - Rural Zoning
1958 |
24/9 | Agriculture - Safflower
1933-1935 |
25/1 | Agriculture - Safflower
1936-1938 |
25/2 | Agriculture - Seed Storage
1942-1955 |
25/3 | Agriculture - Sheep and Cattle
1936 |
25/4 | Agriculture - Sheridan City
1938 |
25/5 | Agriculture - Shipping Rates
1941 |
25/6 | Agriculture - Soil Conservation
1936 |
25/7 | Agriculture - Soil Conservation
1937 |
25/8 | Agriculture - Soil Conservation
1939-1942 |
25/9 | Agriculture - Soil Conservation
1943 |
25/10 | Agriculture - Soil Conservation
1944 |
25/11 | Agriculture - Soil Conservation
1946-1948 |
25/12 | Agriculture - Soil Conservation
1949 |
25/13 | Agriculture - Soil Conservation
1950 |
25/14 | Agriculture - Soil Conservation
1951-1952 |
26/1 | Agriculture - Soil Conservation
1953 |
26/2 | Agriculture - Soil Conservation
1954-1957 |
26/3 | Agriculture - Soil Conservation
1959-1960 |
26/4 | Agriculture - Soil Conservation,
Wibaux |
1937-1938 |
26/5 | Agriculture - Statements
1947 |
26/6 | Agriculture - Studies by William
Davidson |
undated |
26/7 | Agriculture - Sugar |
1934-1935 |
26/8 | Agriculture - Sugar |
1936 |
26/9 | Agriculture - Sugar |
1937 |
26/10 | Agriculture - Sugar |
1938 |
26/11 | Agriculture - Sugar |
1939 |
27/1 | Agriculture - Sugar |
1940 |
27/2 | Agriculture - Sugar |
Jan. - Feb., 1941 |
27/3 | Agriculture - Sugar |
Mar. - June, 1941 |
27/4 | Agriculture - Sugar |
July - Dec., 1941 |
27/5 | Agriculture - Sugar |
1942 |
27/6 | Agriculture - Sugar |
Jan. - July, 1943 |
27/7 | Agriculture - Sugar |
Aug. - Dec., 1943 |
27/8 | Agriculture - Sugar |
1944 |
27/9 | Agriculture - Sugar |
1945 |
27/10 | Agriculture - Sugar |
1946 |
27/11 | Agriculture - Sugar |
1947 |
28/1 | Agriculture - Sugar |
1948-1949 |
28/2 | Agriculture - Sugar |
1950-1951 |
28/3 | Agriculture - Sugar |
1957 |
28/4 | Agriculture - Sugar |
1959-1960 |
28/5 | Agriculture - Holly Sugar Corp
1944 |
28/6 | Agriculture - List of Sugar Beet
Growers |
1939 |
28/7 | Agriculture - Sugar Beets
1940 |
28/8 | Agriculture - Sugar Beets
1941-1942 |
28/9 | Agriculture - Sugar Beets
1942 |
28/10 | Agriculture - Sugar Beets
1951-1952 |
28/11 | Agriculture - Sugar Beets
1953-1955 |
28/12 | Agriculture - Surplus Commodities
1939 |
28/13 | Agriculture - Surplus Commodities
1940-1942 |
28/14 | Agriculture - Surplus Food
1947-1948 |
28/15 | Agriculture - Surplus Food
1957 |
29/1 | Agriculture - Surplus Food
Jan., 1958 |
29/2 | Agriculture - Surplus Food
Feb., 1958 |
29/3 | Agriculture - Surplus Food
Mar. - July, 1958 |
29/4 | Agriculture - Surplus Food
Aug. - Dec., 1958 |
29/5 | Agriculture - Surplus Food
1959 |
29/6 | Agriculture - Surplus Food
1960 |
29/7 | Agriculture - Tariffs
1935-1937 |
29/8 | Agriculture - U.S. Tariffs Comm.
1957 |
29/9 | Agriculture - Vocational
1951 |
29/10 | Agriculture - War Food
1946 |
29/11 | Agriculture - Water Resources
Policy |
1957 |
29/12 | Agriculture - Weed Control
1938, 1952 |
29/13 | Agriculture - Weed Control
1956-1957 |
29/14 | Agriculture - Wheat |
1934 |
29/15 | Agriculture - Wheat |
Jan. - Apr., 1935 |
29/16 | Agriculture - Wheat |
May - Dec., 1935 |
30/1 | Agriculture - Wheat |
Apr. - Aug., 1936 |
30/2 | Agriculture - Wheat |
Sept. - Dec., 1936 |
30/3 | Agriculture - Wheat |
Jan. - Apr., 1937 |
30/4 | Agriculture - Wheat |
May - Dec., 1937 |
30/5 | Agriculture - Wheat |
1938 |
30/6 | Agriculture - Wheat |
1939 |
31/1 | Agriculture - Wheat |
1940-1941 |
31/2 | Agriculture - Wheat |
Jan. - Feb., 1942 |
31/3 | Agriculture - Wheat |
Mar. - Dec., 1942 |
31/4 | Agriculture - Wheat |
1943 |
31/5 | Agriculture - Wheat |
1944 |
31/6 | Agriculture - Wheat |
1945 |
31/7 | Agriculture - Wheat |
1946 |
31/8 | Agriculture - Wheat |
1947 |
31/9 | Agriculture - Wheat |
1948 |
31/10 | Agriculture - Wheat |
1949-1951 |
32/1 | Agriculture - Wheat |
1953 |
32/2 | Agriculture - Wheat |
1954 |
32/3 | Agriculture - Wheat |
1955 |
32/4 | Agriculture - Wheat |
1956 |
32/5 | Agriculture - Wheat |
1957 |
32/6 | Agriculture - Wheat |
1958 |
33/1 | Agriculture - Wheat |
1959 |
33/2 | Agriculture - Wheat |
1960 |
33/3 | Agriculture - Wheat Allotment
Contracts |
1934 - Sept., 1936 |
33/4 | Agriculture - Wheat Allotment
Contracts |
Nov. - Dec., 1936 |
33/5 | Agriculture - Wheat Allotment
Contracts |
1937 |
33/6 | Agriculture - Wheat Bonus
1947 |
33/7 | Agriculture - Wool |
1935-1936 |
33/8 | Agriculture - Wool |
1937-1939 |
33/9 | Agriculture - Wool |
1940-1941 |
33/10 | Agriculture - Wool |
1942 |
34/1 | Agriculture - Wool |
1943 |
34/2 | Agriculture - Wool |
1944 |
34/3 | Agriculture - Wool |
1945 |
34/4 | Agriculture - Wool |
1946 |
34/5 | Agriculture - Wool |
1947 |
34/6 | Agriculture - Wool |
1948-1949 |
34/7 | Agriculture - Wool |
1951 |
34/8 | Agriculture - Wool |
1952 |
34/9 | Agriculture - Wool |
1953 |
34/10 | Agriculture - Wool |
1954 |
34/11 | Agriculture - Wool |
1955 |
34/12 | Agriculture - Wool |
1957-1958 |
34/13 | Agriculture - Wool |
1959-1960 |
34/14 | Agriculture - Wool Committee
1939-1943 |
34/15 | Agriculture - Wool Committee
1945-1946 |
34/16 | Agriculture - Wool Growers
1943-1947 |
35/1 | Air Carriers |
1957-1958 |
35/2 | Air Hygiene Foundation of America
1936 |
35/3 | Aircraft |
1956 |
35/4 | Airlines |
1935-1936 |
35/5 | Airlines |
1938-1941 |
35/6 | Airlines |
1945 |
35/7 | Airlines |
1946-1947 |
35/8 | Airlines |
1951 |
35/9 | Airlines |
1954 |
35/10 | Airlines |
May - June, 1956 |
35/11 | Airlines |
July - Dec., 1956 |
35/12 | Airlines |
Jan. - Mar., 1957 |
36/1 | Airlines |
Apr. - June, 1957 |
36/2 | Airlines |
July - Dec., 1957 |
36/3 | Airlines |
1958 |
36/4 | Airlines |
1959 |
36/5 | Airlines |
1960 |
36/6 | Airlines - Air Transport
Association of America |
1950 |
36/7 | Airlines - Frontier Airlines
1950 |
36/8 | Airlines - Frontier Airlines
1951 |
37/1 | Airlines - Frontier Airlines
1952 |
37/2 | Airlines - Frontier Airlines
Jan. - Nov., 1953 |
37/3 | Airlines - Frontier Airlines
Dec., 1953 |
37/4 | Airlines - Frontier Airlines
Jan. - May, 1954 |
37/5 | Airlines - Frontier Airlines
June - Dec., 1954 |
37/6 | Airlines - Frontier Airlines
1956 |
37/7 | Airlines - Frontier Airlines
1957 |
37/8 | Airlines - Great Falls
1950 |
37/9 | Airlines - North American
Airlines |
1956 |
37/10 | Airlines - Northwest Airlines
1941 |
37/11 | Airlines - Northwest Airlines
1951 |
37/12 | Airlines - Northwest Airlines
1954-1955 |
37/13 | Airlines - Northwest Airlines
1960 |
37/14 | Airlines - Subsidies |
1955-1957 |
37/14 | Airlines - Western Airlines
1941-1942 |
38/1 | Air Mail |
1935-1937 |
38/2 | Air Mail Routes |
1935 |
38/3 | Air Policy Commission
1948 |
38/4 | Airport Act |
1955 |
38/5 | Airport Act |
1958-1959 |
38/6 | Airports |
1935, 1940 |
38/7 | Airports |
Jan. - Sept., 1941 |
38/8 | Airports |
Oct. - Dec., 1941 |
38/9 | Airports |
Jan. - Apr., 1942 |
38/10 | Airports |
May - July, 1942 |
38/11 | Airports |
Aug., 1942 |
38/12 | Airports |
Oct. - Nov., 1942 |
39/1 | Airports |
1943 |
39/2 | Airports |
1945-1948 |
39/3 | Airports |
1949 |
39/4 | Airports |
1950 |
39/5 | Airports |
1951 |
39/6 | Airports |
Jan. - July, 1952 |
39/7 | Airports |
Aug. - Dec., 1952 |
39/8 | Airports |
1953-1954 |
39/9 | Airports |
1955 |
39/10 | Airports |
1956 |
39/11 | Airports |
1957 |
39/12 | Airports |
1959 |
39/13 | Airports |
1960 |
39/14 | Airports - Helena |
1941 |
39/15 | Airports - Programs |
1947 |
40/1 | Air Power |
1942-1943 |
40/2 | Air Power |
1944 |
40/3 | Air Raid Rules and Precautions
1942 |
40/4 | Air Routes |
1943 |
40/5 | Air Routes |
1944-1945 |
40/6 | Air Routes - Northern Air Route
Dev. Association |
1950 |
40/7 | Air Service - Great Falls
1937 |
40/8 | Air Transport Command
1946 |
40/9 | Air Transportation |
1944 |
40/10 | Alaska |
1939 |
40/11 | Alaska |
1946-1947 |
40/12 | Alaska |
1948-1949 |
40/13 | Alaska - Highway |
1941-1942 |
41/1 | Alaska - Highway |
1946-1948 |
41/2 | Alaska |
1955 |
41/3 | Alaska - International Rail and
Highway Comm. |
1959-1960 |
41/4 | Alaska - Labor |
1937 |
41/5 | Alaska - Mail |
1949 |
41/6 | Alaska - Matanuska Colonization
1935-1937 |
41/7 | Alaska - Settlement |
1947 |
41/8 | Alaska and Hawaii - Statehood
Jan. - Apr., 1950 |
41/9 | Alaska and Hawaii - Statehood
May - June, 1950 |
41/10 | Alaska and Hawaii - Statehood
Aug. - Dec., 1950 |
41/11 | Alaska and Hawaii - Statehood
1951-1952 |
41/12 | Alaska - Trucking |
1948 |
41/13 | Alcohol |
1944-1945 |
41/14 | Alcohol |
1948 |
41/15 | Alcohol - Grain |
1942 |
41/16 | Alcohol - Grain |
1945-1948 |
41/17 | Aliens |
1940-1942 |
42/1 | Aluminum |
1951 |
42/2 | Aluminum |
1952 |
42/3 | Aluminum - Canadian Undercuts
1949 |
42/4 | American Heritage Foundation -
Freedom Train |
1948 |
42/5 | American Legion |
1936 |
42/6 | American Surety Co. |
1936-1937 |
42/7 | American Women's Voluntary
Service |
1944 |
42/8 | Ammen, George A. |
1928-1937 |
42/9 | Ammunition |
1945 |
42/10 | Analysis |
1951 |
42/11 | Anderson, Dewey |
Jan. - Apr., 1947 |
42/12 | Anderson, Dewey |
May - Dec., 1947 |
42/13 | Anderson, Dewey |
1948 |
42/14 | Animal Disease Lab - Montana
1958-1959 |
42/15 | Animal Industry Bureau
1943 |
42/16 | Annual Reports |
1941 |
42/17 | Annuities |
1942-1947 |
42/18 | Anti-freeze |
1945 |
42/19 | Anti-Trust |
1947-1953 |
42/20 | Anti-Trust |
1955-1956 |
42/21 | Anti-Trust |
1958 |
42/22 | Anti-Trust law enforcement - John
Dickinson speech |
1936 |
42/23 | Anti-vivisection |
1940 |
42/24 | Appeals |
1941, 1948 |
43/1 | Applications and Appointments -
List of names |
undated |
43/2 | Applications and Appointments
1939 |
43/3 | Applications and Appointments
1940 |
43/4 | Applications and Appointments
1942 |
43/5 | Applications and Appointments
Jan. - June, 1945 |
43/6 | Applications and Appointments
July - Dec., 1945 |
43/7 | Applications and Appointments
1957 |
43/8 | Applications and Appointments - A
1934-1935 |
43/9 | Applications and Appointments - A
Jan. - May, 1936 |
44/1 | Applications and Appointments - A
June - Dec., 1936 |
44/2 | Applications and Appointments - A
1937 |
44/3 | Applications and Appointments - A
1938 |
44/4 | Applications and Appointments - A
1940 |
44/5 | Applications and Appointments - A
1941 |
44/6 | Applications and Appointments - A
1942 |
44/7 | Applications and Appointments - A
1943 |
44/8 | Applications and Appointments - A
1944-1945 |
44/9 | Applications and Appointments - A
1946-1947 |
45/1 | Applications and Appointments - A
1948 |
45/2 | Applications and Appointments - A
1949 |
45/3 | Applications and Appointments - A
1950 |
45/4 | Applications and Appointments - A
1951 |
45/5 | Applications and Appointments - A
1952 |
45/6 | Applications and Appointments - A
1953-1954 |
45/7 | Applications and Appointments - A
1955 |
45/8 | Applications and Appointments - A
1956 |
45/9 | Applications and Appointments - A
1958-1959 |
45/10 | Applications and Appointments -
General Accounting Office |
1935-1937 |
45/11 | Applications and Appointments -
Adair |
1941 |
45/12 | Applications and Appointments -
Agricultural Adjustment Administration |
1934-1935 |
45/13 | Applications and Appointments -
Agricultural Adjustment Administration |
1936-1937 |
45/14 | Applications and Appointments -
Agricultural Adjustment Administration |
1940 |
45/15 | Applications and Appointments -
Agricultural Adjustment Administration |
1941 |
45/16 | Applications and Appointments -
Agricultural Adjustment Administration |
1942 |
46/1 | Applications and Appointments -
Bureau of Agricultural Economics |
Jan. - May, 1938 |
46/2 | Applications and Appointments -
Bureau of Agricultural Economics |
June - Dec., 1938 |
46/3 | Applications and Appointments -
Department of Agriculture |
Jan. - Mar. 1935 |
46/4 | Applications and Appointments -
Department of Agriculture |
Apr. - June, 1935 |
46/5 | Applications and Appointments -
Department of Agriculture |
July - Dec., 1935 |
46/6 | Applications and Appointments -
Department of Agriculture |
1936-1937 |
46/7 | Applications and Appointments -
Department of Agriculture |
1938 |
46/8 | Applications and Appointments -
Department of Agriculture |
1940 |
46/9 | Applications and Appointments -
Department of Agriculture |
1943-1944 |
46/10 | Applications and Appointments -
Alcohol Tax Unit, Seattle |
1946-1947 |
46/11 | Applications and Appointments -
Ales, Peter J. |
1949-1950 |
46/12 | Applications and Appointments -
Anderson, Dewey |
1951-1952 |
46/13 | Applications and Appointments -
Archives |
1938 |
46/14 | Applications and Appointments -
Arkin, George O. |
1942 |
46/15 | Applications and Appointments -
Ashworth, Elizabeth |
1935-1936 |
47/1 | Applications and Appointments -
Attorneys, A |
1937-1941 |
47/2 | Applications and Appointments -
Attorneys, B |
19371-1938 |
47/3 | Applications and Appointments -
Attorneys, B |
1941-1942 |
47/4 | Applications and Appointments -
Attorneys, James Brown |
1942 |
47/5 | Applications and Appointments -
Attorneys, C |
1937-1938 |
47/6 | Applications and Appointments -
Attorneys, C |
1941-1942 |
47/7 | Applications and Appointments -
Attorneys, D |
1938-1941 |
47/8 | Applications and Appointments -
Attorneys, F |
1941 |
47/9 | Applications and Appointments -
Attorneys, G |
1937-1938 |
47/10 | Applications and Appointments -
Attorneys, G |
1941-1944 |
47/11 | Applications and Appointments -
Attorneys, H |
1937-1938 |
47/12 | Applications and Appointments -
Attorneys |
1941 |
47/13 | Applications and Appointments -
Attorneys, J |
1937-1942 |
47/14 | Applications and Appointments -
Attorneys, K |
1937-1942 |
47/15 | Applications and Appointments -
Attorneys, L |
1935-1939 |
47/16 | Applications and Appointments -
Attorneys, L |
1941 |
47/17 | Applications and Appointments -
Attorneys, M |
1935-1948 |
48/1 | Applications and Appointments -
Attorneys, Mcgan, Francis J. |
1940-1947 |
48/2 | Applications and Appointments -
Attorneys, Mahan, John |
1940-1943 |
48/3 | Applications and Appointments -
Attorneys, N |
1941 |
48/4 | Applications and Appointments -
Attorneys, O |
1937-1938 |
48/5 | Applications and Appointments -
Attorneys, P |
1937-1944 |
48/6 | Applications and Appointments -
Attorneys, R |
1937 |
48/7 | Applications and Appointments -
Attorneys, R |
1941-1942 |
48/8 | Applications and Appointments -
Attorneys, S |
1937-1938 |
48/9 | Applications and Appointments -
Attorneys, S |
1941 |
48/10 | Applications and Appointments -
Attorneys, T |
1941 |
48/11 | Applications and Appointments -
US. Attorney's Office |
1950 |
48/12 | Applications and Appointments -
US. Attorney's Office |
1951-1952 |
48/13 | Applications and Appointments -
US. District Attorney |
1935-1947 |
48/14 | Applications and Appointments -
Attorneys, W |
1941-1942 |
48/15 | Applications and Appointments -
Axline, E. J. |
1941 |
49/1 | Applications and Appointments - B
1934 - May, 1935 |
49/2 | Applications and Appointments - B
June - Aug., 1935 |
49/3 | Applications and Appointments - B
Sept. - Dec., 1935 |
49/4 | Applications and Appointments - B
1936 |
49/5 | Applications and Appointments - B
Jan. - May, 1937 |
49/6 | Applications and Appointments - B
June - July, 1937 |
49/7 | Applications and Appointments - B
Aug. - Dec., 1937 |
50/1 | Applications and Appointments - B
Jan. - Mar., 1938 |
50/2 | Applications and Appointments - B
Apr. - June, 1938 |
50/3 | Applications and Appointments - B
1939 |
50/4 | Applications and Appointments - B
1940 |
50/5 | Applications and Appointments - B
Jan. - June, 1941 |
50/6 | Applications and Appointments - B
July - Dec., 1941 |
50/7 | Applications and Appointments - B
Jan. - Aug., 1942 |
51/1 | Applications and Appointments - B
Sept., 1942 |
51/2 | Applications and Appointments - B
Oct., 1942 |
51/3 | Applications and Appointments - B
Nov. - Dec., 1942 |
51/4 | Applications and Appointments - B
Jan. - June, 1943 |
51/5 | Applications and Appointments - B
July - Dec., 1943 |
51/6 | Applications and Appointments - B
1944 |
51/7 | Applications and Appointments - B
1945 |
51/8 | Applications and Appointments - B
1946 |
51/9 | Applications and Appointments - B
1947 |
52/1 | Applications and Appointments - B
1948 |
52/2 | Applications and Appointments - B
1949 |
52/3 | Applications and Appointments - B
1950 |
52/4 | Applications and Appointments - B
1951 |
52/5 | Applications and Appointments - B
Jan. - June, 1952 |
52/6 | Applications and Appointments - B
July - Dec., 1952 |
52/7 | Applications and Appointments - B
1953-1954 |
52/8 | Applications and Appointments - B
1955-1956 |
52/9 | Applications and Appointments - B
1957 |
52/10 | Applications and Appointments - B
1958-1960 |
53/1 | Applications and Appointments -
Baarson, Oscar |
1943-1946 |
53/2 | Applications and Appointments -
Beaudry, Joseph H. |
1949-1950 |
53/3 | Applications and Appointments -
Billings Land Office |
1934 |
53/4 | Applications and Appointments -
Biological Survey |
1935-1937 |
53/5 | Applications and Appointments -
Bituminous Coal Commission, 531937 |
1938 |
53/6 | Applications and Appointments -
Border Patrol |
1942 |
53/7 | Applications and Appointments -
Boyd, James |
1947-1949 |
53/8 | Applications and Appointments -
Brewer, George |
1944-1947 |
53/9 | Applications and Appointments -
Brewer, George |
1948-1949 |
53/10 | Applications and Appointments -
Brewer, George |
1950-1954 |
53/11 | Applications and Appointments -
Britell, Erwin P. |
1935-1937 |
53/12 | Applications and Appointments -
Buchanan, L. L. |
1935 |
54/1 | Applications and Appointments -
Buchanan, L. L. |
1936 |
54/2 | Applications and Appointments -
Buchanan, L. L. |
1937 |
54/3 | Applications and Appointments -
Bullard, Bert |
1951 |
54/4 | Applications and Appointments - C
1934 |
54/5 | Applications and Appointments - C
1935 |
54/6 | Applications and Appointments - C
Jan. - Apr., 1936 |
54/7 | Applications and Appointments - C
May - Aug., 1936 |
54/8 | Applications and Appointments - C
Sept. - Nov., 1936 |
54/9 | Applications and Appointments - C
Dec., 1936 |
54/10 | Applications and Appointments - C
Jan. - Mar., 1937 |
55/1 | Applications and Appointments - C
Apr., 1937 |
55/2 | Applications and Appointments - C
May - Aug., 1937 |
55/3 | Applications and Appointments - C
Sept. - Dec., 1937 |
55/4 | Applications and Appointments - C
1938 |
55/5 | Applications and Appointments - C
1939 |
55/6 | Applications and Appointments - C
Jan. - July, 1940 |
55/7 | Applications and Appointments - C
Aug. - Dec., 1940 |
55/8 | Applications and Appointments - C
Jan. - June, 1941 |
55/9 | Applications and Appointments - C
July - Dec., 1941 |
56/1 | Applications and Appointments - C
Jan. - July, 1942 |
56/2 | Applications and Appointments - C
Aug., 1942 |
56/3 | Applications and Appointments - C
Sept. - Dec., 1942 |
56/4 | Applications and Appointments - C
Jan., 1943 |
56/5 | Applications and Appointments - C
Feb. - June, 1943 |
56/6 | Applications and Appointments - C
July - Dec., 1943 |
56/7 | Applications and Appointments - C
1944 |
56/8 | Applications and Appointments - C
1945 |
56/9 | Applications and Appointments - C
1946 |
56/10 | Applications and Appointments - C
1947 |
56/11 | Applications and Appointments - C
1948 |
56/12 | Applications and Appointments - C
Jan. - June, 1949 |
56/13 | Applications and Appointments - C
July - Dec., 1949 |
57/1 | Applications and Appointments - C
1950 |
57/2 | Applications and Appointments - C
Jan. - June, 1951 |
57/3 | Applications and Appointments - C
July - Dec., 1951 |
57/4 | Applications and Appointments - C
Jan. - June, 1952 |
57/5 | Applications and Appointments - C
July - Dec., 1952 |
57/6 | Applications and Appointments - C
1953-1954 |
57/7 | Applications and Appointments - C
1955-1956 |
57/8 | Applications and Appointments - C
1957 |
57/9 | Applications and Appointments - C
1958-1959 |
57/10 | Applications and Appointments -
Campbell, Albert E. |
1938-1955 |
57/11 | Applications and Appointments -
Campbell, Frank B. |
1938-1939 |
57/12 | Applications and Appointments -
Capitol |
1934-1941 |
58/1 | Applications and Appointments -
Census |
1934 |
58/2 | Applications and Appointments -
Census |
1935-1936 |
58/3 | Applications and Appointments -
Census |
1939-1940 |
58/4 | Applications and Appointments -
Census, A |
1939 |
58/5 | Applications and Appointments -
Census, B |
1939-1940 |
58/6 | Applications and Appointments -
Census, Billings |
1950 |
58/7 | Applications and Appointments -
Census, Business |
Jan. - Mar., 1949 |
58/8 | Applications and Appointments -
Census, Business |
Apr., 1949 - May, 1950 |
58/9 | Applications and Appointments -
Census, Butte |
1950 |
59/1 | Applications and Appointments -
Census, C |
1939-1940 |
59/2 | Applications and Appointments -
Census, Choteau |
1950 |
59/3 | Applications and Appointments -
Census, D |
1939-1940 |
59/4 | Applications and Appointments -
Census, E |
1939 |
59/5 | Applications and Appointments -
Census, F |
1939-1940 |
59/6 | Applications and Appointments -
Census, G |
1939-1940 |
59/7 | Applications and Appointments -
Census, Great Falls |
1950 |
59/8 | Applications and Appointments -
Census, H |
1939-1940 |
59/9 | Applications and Appointments -
Census, J - K |
1939-1940 |
59/10 | Applications and Appointments -
Census, L |
1937-1940 |
59/11 | Applications and Appointments -
Census, M |
1939-1941 |
59/12 | Applications and Appointments -
Census, Missoula |
1950 |
59/13 | Applications and Appointments -
Census, N |
1939-1940 |
59/14 | Applications and Appointments -
Census, O |
1939-1940 |
59/15 | Applications and Appointments -
Census, P |
1939-1940 |
59/16 | Applications and Appointments -
Census, R |
1939-1940 |
60/1 | Applications and Appointments -
Census, S |
1939 |
60/2 | Applications and Appointments -
Census, T |
1939-1940 |
60/3 | Applications and Appointments -
Census, V - Z |
1939-1940 |
60/4 | Applications and Appointments -
Chaplain of Senate |
1942 |
60/5 | Applications and Appointments -
Choquette, Leon E. |
1937-1940 |
60/6 | Applications and Appointments -
Choquette, Leon E. |
1941-1946 |
60/7 | Applications and Appointments -
Civil Aeronautics Authority |
1938-1941 |
60/8 | Applications and Appointments -
Civil Defense |
1950-1951 |
60/9 | Applications and Appointments -
Civil Service |
1935-1936 |
60/10 | Applications and Appointments -
Civil Service |
1937 |
60/11 | Applications and Appointments -
Civil Service |
1938 |
60/12 | Applications and Appointments -
Civil Service |
1939 |
60/13 | Applications and Appointments -
Civil Service |
1940 |
60/14 | Applications and Appointments -
Civil Service |
1941-1942 |
60/15 | Applications and Appointments -
Civil Service |
1943-1946 |
61/1 | Applications and Appointments -
Civilian Conservation Corps |
1935 |
61/2 | Applications and Appointments -
Civilian Conservation Corps |
1936-1937 |
61/3 | Applications and Appointments -
Civilian Conservation Corps |
Jan. - June, 1939 |
61/4 | Applications and Appointments -
Civilian Conservation Corps |
July - Dec., 1939 |
61/5 | Applications and Appointments -
Civilian Conservation Corps |
1940 |
61/6 | Applications and Appointments -
Civilian Conservation Corps |
1941 |
61/7 | Applications and Appointments -
Civilian Conservation Corps, A |
1937 |
61/8 | Applications and Appointments -
Civilian Conservation Corps, A |
1938-1940 |
61/9 | Applications and Appointments -
Civilian Conservation Corps, B |
1935-1938 |
61/10 | Applications and Appointments -
Civilian Conservation Corps, B |
1939-1940 |
61/11 | Applications and Appointments -
Civilian Conservation Corps, Bridger Camp |
1938 |
62/1 | Applications and Appointments -
Civilian Conservation Corps, C |
1935 |
62/2 | Applications and Appointments -
Civilian Conservation Corps, C |
1938 |
62/3 | Applications and Appointments -
Civilian Conservation Corps, C |
1939-1940 |
62/4 | Applications and Appointments -
Civilian Conservation Corps, D |
1935-1938 |
62/5 | Applications and Appointments -
Civilian Conservation Corps, D |
1939-1940 |
62/6 | Applications and Appointments -
Civilian Conservation Corps, E |
1935-1940 |
62/7 | Applications and Appointments -
Civilian Conservation Corps, F |
1937 |
62/8 | Applications and Appointments -
Civilian Conservation Corps, F |
1938-1939 |
62/9 | Applications and Appointments -
Civilian Conservation Corps, Forest Service |
1939 |
62/10 | Applications and Appointments -
Civilian Conservation Corps, G |
1937 |
62/11 | Applications and Appointments -
Civilian Conservation Corps, G |
1938 |
62/12 | Applications and Appointments -
Civilian Conservation Corps, G |
1939-1940 |
62/13 | Applications and Appointments -
Civilian Conservation Corps, H |
1937-1938 |
62/14 | Applications and Appointments -
Civilian Conservation Corps, H |
1939-1940 |
63/1 | Applications and Appointments -
Civilian Conservation Corps, J |
1937 |
63/2 | Applications and Appointments -
Civilian Conservation Corps, J |
1938 |
63/3 | Applications and Appointments -
Civilian Conservation Corps, K |
1935-1937 |
63/4 | Applications and Appointments -
Civilian Conservation Corps, K |
1938 |
63/5 | Applications and Appointments -
Civilian Conservation Corps, Kelberer, Raymond |
1939-1940 |
63/6 | Applications and Appointments -
Civilian Conservation Corps, L |
1936-1938 |
63/7 | Applications and Appointments -
Civilian Conservation Corps, L |
1939-1940 |
63/8 | Applications and Appointments -
Civilian Conservation Corps, M |
1938 |
63/9 | Applications and Appointments -
Civilian Conservation Corps, M |
1939-1940 |
63/10 | Applications and Appointments -
Civilian Conservation Corps, Moore, Sylvester |
1939-1940 |
63/11 | Applications and Appointments -
Civilian Conservation Corps, N |
1935-1940 |
63/12 | Applications and Appointments -
Civilian Conservation Corps, O |
1938-1940 |
63/13 | Applications and Appointments -
Civilian Conservation Corps, P - Q |
1938-1940 |
64/1 | Applications and Appointments -
Civilian Conservation Corps, R |
1935-1938 |
64/2 | Applications and Appointments -
Civilian Conservation Corps, R |
1939-1940 |
64/3 | Applications and Appointments -
Civilian Conservation Corps, S |
1935-1937 |
64/4 | Applications and Appointments -
Civilian Conservation Corps, S |
1938 |
64/5 | Applications and Appointments -
Civilian Conservation Corps, S |
1939-1940 |
64/6 | Applications and Appointments -
Civilian Conservation Corps, T |
1938-1940 |
64/7 | Applications and Appointments -
Civilian Conservation Corps, W |
1935-1936 |
64/8 | Applications and Appointments -
Civilian Conservation Corps, W |
1938 |
64/9 | Applications and Appointments -
Civilian Conservation Corps, W |
1939-1940 |
64/10 | Applications and Appointments -
Civilian Conservation Corps, Whitehall Camp |
1938 |
65/1 | Applications and Appointments -
Civilian Production Administration |
1946 |
65/2 | Applications and Appointments -
Clavadetscher |
1934-1935 |
65/3 | Applications and Appointments -
National Coal Commission |
1936-1942 |
65/4 | Applications and Appointments -
Commerce |
1935-1937 |
65/5 | Applications and Appointments -
Commerce Department |
1950-1951 |
65/6 | Applications and Appointments -
Commissions |
1949-1951 |
65/7 | Applications and Appointments -
Committees |
1941-1949 |
65/8 | Applications and Appointments -
National Committeeman |
1951 |
65/9 | Applications and Appointments -
Communication Commission |
1937 |
65/10 | Applications and Appointments -
Confirmation |
1937 |
65/11 | Applications and Appointments -
Congress of Industrial Organization |
1936 |
65/12 | Applications and Appointments -
Coombs, Walter |
1951 |
65/13 | Applications and Appointments -
Covert, I. C. |
1935-1937 |
65/14 | Applications and Appointments -
Cox, John A. |
1936-1938 |
65/15 | Applications and Appointments -
Crop Insurance Corp |
1937-1939 |
65/16 | Applications and Appointments -
Crop and Feed Loan Office |
1936-1942 |
66/1 | Applications and Appointments -
Customs |
1935-1937 |
66/2 | Applications and Appointments -
Customs |
1938 |
66/3 | Applications and Appointments -
Customs |
1941-1949 |
66/4 | Applications and Appointments -
Customs Collector |
1950-1951 |
66/5 | Applications and Appointments -
Customs Collector, Montana |
1955 |
66/6 | Applications and Appointments - D
1935 |
66/7 | Applications and Appointments - D
Jan. - June, 1937 |
66/8 | Applications and Appointments - D
July - Dec., 1937 |
66/9 | Applications and Appointments - D
1938 |
66/10 | Applications and Appointments - D
1939 |
66/11 | Applications and Appointments - D
1940 |
66/12 | Applications and Appointments - D
Jan. - May, 1941 |
66/13 | Applications and Appointments - D
June - Dec., 1941 |
67/1 | Applications and Appointments - D
1942 |
67/2 | Applications and Appointments - D
1943 |
67/3 | Applications and Appointments - D
1944 |
67/4 | Applications and Appointments - D
1945 |
67/5 | Applications and Appointments - D
1946 |
67/6 | Applications and Appointments - D
1947 |
67/7 | Applications and Appointments - D
1948 |
67/8 | Applications and Appointments - D
Jan. - June, 1949 |
67/9 | Applications and Appointments - D
July - Dec., 1949 |
67/10 | Applications and Appointments - D
1950 |
67/11 | Applications and Appointments - D
1951 |
68/1 | Applications and Appointments - D
1952-1954 |
68/2 | Applications and Appointments - D
1955-1956 |
68/3 | Applications and Appointments - D
1958-1959 |
68/4 | Applications and Appointments -
National Defense |
1940-1941 |
68/5 | Applications and Appointments -
Dies Committee |
1945 |
68/6 | Applications and Appointments -
D.C. |
1935-1936 |
68/7 | Applications and Appointments -
DiVenuti, Briagio |
1944 |
68/6 | Applications and Appointments -
Donahue, Mort |
1949-1950 |
68/9 | Applications and Appointments - E
1934-1936 |
68/10 | Applications and Appointments - E
1937 |
68/11 | Applications and Appointments - E
1938 |
68/12 | Applications and Appointments - E
1940 |
68/13 | Applications and Appointments - E
1941 |
68/14 | Applications and Appointments - E
1942 |
68/15 | Applications and Appointments - E
1943-1946 |
68/16 | Applications and Appointments - E
1947 |
69/16 | Applications and Appointments - E
1948 |
69/12 | Applications and Appointments - E
Jan. - June, 1948 |
69/3 | Applications and Appointments - E
July - Dec., 1948 |
69/4 | Applications and Appointments - E
1950 |
69/5 | Applications and Appointments - E
1951 |
69/6 | Applications and Appointments - E
1952-1954 |
69/7 | Applications and Appointments - E
1955 |
69/8 | Applications and Appointments - E
1956-1957 |
69/9 | Applications and Appointments - E
1958-1959 |
69/10 | Applications and Appointments -
Economic Stabilization Agency |
1950 - Jan., 1951 |
69/11 | Applications and Appointments -
Economic Stabilization Agency |
Feb., 1951 |
69/12 | Applications and Appointments -
Economic Stabilization Agency |
March, 1951 |
69/13 | Applications and Appointments -
Economic Stabilization Agency |
Apr. - June, 1951 |
70/1 | Applications and Appointments -
Economic Stabilization Agency |
July - Aug., 1951 |
70/2 | Applications and Appointments -
Economic Stabilization Agency |
Sept. - Oct., 1951 |
70/3 | Applications and Appointments -
Ellis, Harry P. |
1937 |
70/4 | Applications and Appointments -
National Emergency Council |
1935-1938 |
70/5 | Applications and Appointments -
Federal Emergency Relief Administration |
1934-1935 |
70/6 | Applications and Appointments -
Employees Compensation Commission |
1935-1939 |
70/7 | Applications and Appointments -
Engineers |
Jan. - May, 1938 |
70/8 | Applications and Appointments -
Engineers |
June - July, 1938 |
70/9 | Applications and Appointments -
Engineers |
Aug. - Sept., 1938 |
70/10 | Applications and Appointments -
Engineers |
Oct. - Dec., 1938 |
70/11 | Applications and Appointments -
Engineers |
Jan. - June, 1939 |
71/1 | Applications and Appointments -
Engineers |
July - Dec., 1939 |
71/2 | Applications and Appointments -
Engineers |
Jan. - June, 1940 |
71/3 | Applications and Appointments -
Engineers |
July - Dec., 1940 |
71/4 | Applications and Appointments - F
1934-1935 |
71/5 | Applications and Appointments - F
1936 |
71/6 | Applications and Appointments - F
Jan. - June, 1937 |
71/7 | Applications and Appointments - F
July - Sept., 1937 |
71/8 | Applications and Appointments - F
Nov. - Dec., 1937 |
71/9 | Applications and Appointments - F
1938 |
71/10 | Applications and Appointments - F
1940 |
72/1 | Applications and Appointments - F
Jan. - June, 1941 |
72/2 | Applications and Appointments - F
July - Dec., 1941 |
72/3 | Applications and Appointments - F
1942 |
72/4 | Applications and Appointments - F
1943 |
72/5 | Applications and Appointments - F
1945 |
72/6 | Applications and Appointments - F
1946 |
72/7 | Applications and Appointments - F
1947 |
72/8 | Applications and Appointments - F
1948 |
72/9 | Applications and Appointments - F
1949 |
72/10 | Applications and Appointments - F
1950 |
72/11 | Applications and Appointments - F
1951 |
72/12 | Applications and Appointments - F
1952-1954 |
72/13 | Applications and Appointments - F
1955-1957 |
72/14 | Applications and Appointments - F
1958-1959 |
73/1 | Applications and Appointments -
Fabrick, D.P. |
1959 |
73/2 | Applications and Appointments -
Farm Credit Administration |
1934-1935 |
73/3 | Applications and Appointments -
Farm Credit Administration |
1936-1940 |
73/4 | Applications and Appointments -
Farm Credit Administration |
1943-1946 |
73/5 | Applications and Appointments -
Farm Credit Administration |
1952 |
73/6 | Applications and Appointments -
Farm Security Administration |
1937 |
73/7 | Applications and Appointments -
Farm Security Administration |
Feb. - July, 1938 |
73/8 | Applications and Appointments -
Farm Security Administration |
Aug. - Oct., 1938 |
73/9 | Applications and Appointments -
Farm Security Administration |
Nov., 1938 - Feb., 1939 |
73/10 | Applications and Appointments -
Farm Security Administration |
Mar., 1939 |
73/11 | Applications and Appointments -
Farm Security Administration |
Oct. - Dec., 1939 |
74/1 | Applications and Appointments -
Farm Security Administration |
Jan. - June, 1940 |
74/2 | Applications and Appointments -
Farm Security Administration |
1941-1942 |
74/3 | Applications and Appointments -
1939-1942 |
74/4 | Applications and Appointments -
Federal Communications Commission |
1935-1946 |
74/5 | Applications and Appointments -
Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation |
1938 |
74/6 | Applications and Appointments -
Federal Housing Administration |
1935 |
74/7 | Applications and Appointments -
Federal Housing Administration |
1938-1939 |
74/8 | Applications and Appointments -
Federal Housing Administration |
1940-1941 |
74/9 | Applications and Appointments -
Federal Housing Administration |
1946-1947 |
74/10 | Applications and Appointments -
Federal Land Bank |
1942 |
74/11 | Applications and Appointments -
Federal Power Commission |
1938-1939 |
74/12 | Applications and Appointments -
Federal Reserve Board |
1942 |
74/13 | Applications and Appointments -
Federal Surplus Commodities Corp |
1940 |
74/14 | Applications and Appointments -
Federal Trade Commission |
1935 |
74/15 | Applications and Appointments -
Federal Trade Commission |
1937-1949 |
75/1 | Applications and Appointments -
Finnegan, Frank |
1956 |
75/2 | Applications and Appointments -
Fisheries |
1937 |
75/3 | Applications and Appointments -
Fisheries |
1941-1942, 1947 |
75/4 | Applications and Appointments -
Flynn, Ed |
1943 |
75/5 | Applications and Appointments -
Fogarty, Arthur |
1935-1937 |
75/6 | Applications and Appointments -
Ford, James |
1959 |
75/7 | Applications and Appointments -
Foreign Service |
1937-1947 |
75/8 | Applications and Appointments -
Forestry |
1935-1936 |
75/9 | Applications and Appointments -
Forestry |
1937 |
75/10 | Applications and Appointments -
Forest Service |
1939-1940 |
75/11 | Applications and Appointments -
Fort Peck |
1934-1936 |
75/12 | Applications and Appointments - G
1935 |
75/13 | Applications and Appointments - G
1936 |
76/1 | Applications and Appointments - G
1936 |
76/2 | Applications and Appointments - G
Jan. - June, 1937 |
76/3 | Applications and Appointments - G
July - Dec., 1937 |
76/4 | Applications and Appointments - G
Jan. - May, 1938 |
76/5 | Applications and Appointments - G
June - Sept., 1938 |
76/6 | Applications and Appointments - G
1940 |
76/7 | Applications and Appointments - G
1941 |
76/8 | Applications and Appointments - G
Jan. - July, 1942 |
76/9 | Applications and Appointments - G
Aug. - Dec., 1942 |
76/10 | Applications and Appointments - G
Jan. - May, 1943 |
76/11 | Applications and Appointments - G
June - Aug., 1943 |
76/12 | Applications and Appointments - G
1945 |
77/1 | Applications and Appointments - G
1946-1947 |
77/2 | Applications and Appointments - G
1948 |
77/3 | Applications and Appointments - G
1949 |
77/4 | Applications and Appointments - G
1950 |
77/5 | Applications and Appointments - G
1951 |
77/6 | Applications and Appointments - G
1952 |
77/7 | Applications and Appointments - G
1953-1954 |
77/8 | Applications and Appointments - G
1955-1957 |
77/9 | Applications and Appointments - G
1958-1959 |
77/10 | Applications and Appointments -
General Accounting Office |
1937-1941 |
77/11 | Applications and Appointments -
General Land Office |
1935-1936 |
77/12 | Applications and Appointments -
General Land Office |
1938 |
77/13 | Applications and Appointments -
General Land Office |
1940-1942 |
77/14 | Applications and Appointments -
General Land Office |
1946 |
77/15 | Applications and Appointments -
Geological Survey |
Jan. - May, 1935 |
77/16 | Applications and Appointments -
Geological Survey |
June - Dec., 1935 |
78/1 | Applications and Appointments -
Geological Survey |
Jan. - June, 1936 |
78/2 | Applications and Appointments -
Geological Survey |
July - Dec., 1936 |
78/3 | Applications and Appointments -
Grazing |
1944 |
78/4 | Applications and Appointments -
Groene, Merle |
1935 |
78/5 | Applications and Appointments -
Guam |
1946 |
78/6 | Applications and Appointments - H
1935 |
78/7 | Applications and Appointments - H
Jan. - June, 1936 |
78/8 | Applications and Appointments - H
July - Dec., 1936 |
78/9 | Applications and Appointments - H
Jan. - June, 1937 |
79/1 | Applications and Appointments - H
July - Dec., 1937 |
79/2 | Applications and Appointments - H
Jan. - Mar., 1938 |
79/3 | Applications and Appointments - H
Apr. - May, 1938 |
79/4 | Applications and Appointments - H
1940 |
79/5 | Applications and Appointments - H
Jan. - June, 1941 |
79/6 | Applications and Appointments - H
July - Dec., 1941 |
79/7 | Applications and Appointments - H
Jan. - May, 1942 |
79/8 | Applications and Appointments - H
June - Aug., 1942 |
80/1 | Applications and Appointments - H
Sept., 1942 |
80/2 | Applications and Appointments - H
Oct. - Nov., 1942 |
80/3 | Applications and Appointments - H
Dec., 1942 |
80/4 | Applications and Appointments - H
Jan. - May, 1943 |
80/5 | Applications and Appointments - H
June - Nov., 1943 |
80/6 | Applications and Appointments - H
1944 |
80/7 | Applications and Appointments - H
1945 |
80/8 | Applications and Appointments - H
1946 |
80/9 | Applications and Appointments - H
1947 |
80/10 | Applications and Appointments - H
1948 |
81/1 | Applications and Appointments - H
Jan. - June, 1949 |
81/2 | Applications and Appointments - H
July - Dec., 1949 |
81/3 | Applications and Appointments - H
1950 |
81/4 | Applications and Appointments - H
1951 |
81/5 | Applications and Appointments - H
1952 |
81/6 | Applications and Appointments - H
1953 |
81/7 | Applications and Appointments - H
1954-1955 |
81/8 | Applications and Appointments - H
1958-1959 |
81/9 | Applications and Appointments -
Hauser, Dr. Ernest A. |
1950-1951 |
81/10 | Applications and Appointments -
Hawaii |
1951 |
81/11 | Applications and Appointments -
Home Owner Loan Corp. |
1935 |
81/12 | Applications and Appointments -
Home Owner Loan Corp. |
1940 |
82/1 | Applications and Appointments - I
1935-1944 |
82/2 | Applications and Appointments - I
1946-1955 |
82/3 | Applications and Appointments -
Immigration |
1936 |
82/4 | Applications and Appointments -
Immigration |
1940-1941 |
82/5 | Applications and Appointments -
Indian Claims Commission |
1946-1948 |
82/6 | Applications and Appointments -
Indian Office |
1935-1936 |
82/7 | Applications and Appointments -
Indian School |
1935 |
82/8 | Applications and Appointments -
Indian Service |
1935 |
82/9 | Applications and Appointments -
Indian Service |
1936 |
82/10 | Applications and Appointments -
Indian Service |
1937-1938 |
82/11 | Applications and Appointments -
Indian Service |
1939-1941 |
82/12 | Applications and Appointments -
Interior Department |
1935 |
82/13 | Applications and Appointments -
Interior Department |
1936-1937 |
82/14 | Applications and Appointments -
Interior Department |
1938-1939 |
83/1 | Applications and Appointments -
Interior Department |
1941 |
83/2 | Applications and Appointments -
Interior Department |
1944 |
83/3 | Applications and Appointments -
Interior and Insular Affairs Committee |
1954 |
83/4 | Applications and Appointments -
Interior and Insular Affairs Committee |
1955-1956 |
83/5 | Applications and Appointments -
Internal Revenue |
1935-1936 |
83/6 | Applications and Appointments -
Internal Revenue |
1942, 1949 |
83/7 | Applications and Appointments -
Interstate Commerce Commission |
1937-1954 |
83/8 | Applications and Appointments - J
1935-1936 |
83/9 | Applications and Appointments - J
1937 |
83/10 | Applications and Appointments - J
1938 |
83/11 | Applications and Appointments - J
1940 |
83/12 | Applications and Appointments - J
1941 |
83/13 | Applications and Appointments - J
1942 |
83/17 | Applications and Appointments - J
1943 |
83/15 | Applications and Appointments - J
1944 |
83/16 | Applications and Appointments - J
1947 |
84/1 | Applications and Appointments - J
1948 |
84/2 | Applications and Appointments - J
1949 |
84/3 | Applications and Appointments - J
1950 |
84/4 | Applications and Appointments - J
1951 |
84/5 | Applications and Appointments - J
1952 |
84/6 | Applications and Appointments - J
1953-1954 |
84/7 | Applications and Appointments - J
1955 |
84/8 | Applications and Appointments - J
1957 |
84/9 | Applications and Appointments -
Judgeship |
1934 |
84/10 | Applications and Appointments -
Judgeship |
Jan., 1935 |
84/11 | Applications and Appointments -
Judgeship |
Feb., 1935 |
84/12 | Applications and Appointments -
Judgeship |
Mar., 1935 - Apr., 1937 |
84/13 | Applications and Appointments -
Judgeship |
1944 |
84/14 | Applications and Appointments -
Judgeship |
1947-1952 |
84/15 | Applications and Appointments -
Judgeship |
1953 |
84/16 | Applications and Appointments -
Judgeship, William Jameson |
1954-1957 |
84/17 | Applications and Appointments -
Justice Department |
1935 |
85/1 | Applications and Appointments -
Justice Department |
1936 |
85/2 | Applications and Appointments -
Justice Department |
1937 |
85/3 | Applications and Appointments -
Justice Department |
1938-1940 |
85/4 | Applications and Appointments -
Justice Department |
1942 |
85/5 | Applications and Appointments -
Justice Department |
1943 |
85/6 | Applications and Appointments -
Judicial |
1935 |
85/7 | Applications and Appointments -
Judicial |
1937 |
85/8 | Applications and Appointments -
Judicial |
1938 |
85/9 | Applications and Appointments -
Judicial |
Apr., 1944 |
85/10 | Applications and Appointments -
Judicial |
May - Dec., 1948 |
85/11 | Applications and Appointments -
Judicial |
1949 |
86/1 | Applications and Appointments -
Leif Erickson |
1948 |
86/2 | Applications and Appointments - K
1935 |
86/3 | Applications and Appointments - K
1936 |
86/4 | Applications and Appointments - K
1937 |
86/5 | Applications and Appointments - K
1938 |
86/6 | Applications and Appointments - K
1940 |
87/1 | Applications and Appointments - K
1941 |
87/2 | Applications and Appointments - K
1942 |
87/3 | Applications and Appointments - K
1943 |
87/4 | Applications and Appointments - K
1944 |
87/5 | Applications and Appointments - K
1946-1947 |
87/6 | Applications and Appointments - K
1948 |
87/7 | Applications and Appointments - K
1949 |
87/8 | Applications and Appointments - K
1950 |
87/9 | Applications and Appointments - K
1951 |
87/10 | Applications and Appointments - K
1952 |
87/11 | Applications and Appointments - K
1953-1954 |
87/12 | Applications and Appointments - K
1955-1956 |
87/13 | Applications and Appointments - K
1957 |
87/14 | Applications and Appointments - K
1958-1959 |
88/1 | Applications and Appointments -
Kenney, Philip |
1939-1940 |
88/2 | Applications and Appointments -
Kemp, John |
1935-1937 |
88/3 | Applications and Appointments - L
1935-1936 |
88/4 | Applications and Appointments - L
1937 |
88/5 | Applications and Appointments - L
1938 |
88/6 | Applications and Appointments - L
1939 |
88/7 | Applications and Appointments - L
1940 |
88/8 | Applications and Appointments - L
Jan. - Apr., 1941 |
88/9 | Applications and Appointments - L
May - Dec., 1941 |
89/1 | Applications and Appointments - L
Jan. - July, 1942 |
89/2 | Applications and Appointments - L
Aug. - Nov., 1942 |
89/3 | Applications and Appointments - L
Dec., 1942 |
89/4 | Applications and Appointments - L
Jan. - June, 1943 |
89/5 | Applications and Appointments - L
July - Dec., 1943 |
89/6 | Applications and Appointments - L
1944 |
89/7 | Applications and Appointments - L
1945-1947 |
89/8 | Applications and Appointments - L
1948 |
89/9 | Applications and Appointments - L
1949 |
89/10 | Applications and Appointments - L
1950 |
90/1 | Applications and Appointments - L
1951 |
91/2 | Applications and Appointments - L
1952 |
90/3 | Applications and Appointments - L
1953-1954 |
90/4 | Applications and Appointments - L
1955-1956 |
90/5 | Applications and Appointments - L
1957 |
90/6 | Applications and Appointments - L
1958-1959 |
90/7 | Applications and Appointments -
Labor Department |
1935-1936 |
90/8 | Applications and Appointments -
Labor Department |
1940-1942 |
90/9 | Applications and Appointments -
Joint Labor/Management Relations |
1949-1950 |
90/10 | Applications and Appointments -
National Labor Relations Board |
1937-1939, 1949 |
90/11 | Applications and Appointments -
Land Acquisition Project |
1935 |
90/12 | Applications and Appointments -
District land Office |
1942 |
90/13 | Applications and Appointments -
General Land Office |
1940 |
90/14 | Applications and Appointments - M
1934-1935 |
91/1 | Applications and Appointments - M
Jan. - Apr., 1936 |
91/2 | Applications and Appointments - M
May - Dec., 1936 |
91/3 | Applications and Appointments - M
Jan. - Apr., 1937 |
91/4 | Applications and Appointments - M
May - June, 1937 |
91/5 | Applications and Appointments - M
July - Sept., 1937 |
91/6 | Applications and Appointments - M
Oct. - Dec., 1937 |
92/1 | Applications and Appointments - M
Jan. - Mar., 1938 |
92/2 | Applications and Appointments - M
Apr. - Oct., 1938 |
92/3 | Applications and Appointments - M
Jan. - May, 1941 |
92/4 | Applications and Appointments - M
June, 1941 |
92/5 | Applications and Appointments - M
July - Dec., 1941 |
92/6 | Applications and Appointments - M
Jan. - May, 1942 |
92/7 | Applications and Appointments - M
June - Aug., 1942 |
93/1 | Applications and Appointments - M
Sept. - Oct., 1942 |
93/2 | Applications and Appointments - M
Nov. - Dec., 1942 |
93/3 | Applications and Appointments - M
Jan. - Feb., 1943 |
93/4 | Applications and Appointments - M
Mar. - June, 1943 |
93/5 | Applications and Appointments - M
July - Dec., 1943 |
93/6 | Applications and Appointments - M
1944 |
93/7 | Applications and Appointments - M
1945 |
93/8 | Applications and Appointments - M
1946 |
94/1 | Applications and Appointments - M
1947 |
94/2 | Applications and Appointments - M
1948 |
94/3 | Applications and Appointments - M
Jan. - June, 1949 |
94/4 | Applications and Appointments - M
July - Dec., 1949 |
94/5 | Applications and Appointments - M
Jan. - June, 1950 |
94/6 | Applications and Appointments - M
July - Dec., 1950 |
94/7 | Applications and Appointments - M
July - Dec., 1951 |
95/1 | Applications and Appointments - M
Jan. - June, 1952 |
95/2 | Applications and Appointments - M
July - Dec., 1952 |
95/3 | Applications and Appointments - M
1953-1954 |
95/4 | Applications and Appointments - M
1955 |
95/5 | Applications and Appointments - M
1956 |
95/6 | Applications and Appointments - M
1957 |
95/7 | Applications and Appointments - M
1958 |
95/8 | Applications and Appointments - M
1959 |
95/9 | Applications and Appointments -
Mc |
1935-1936 |
95/10 | Applications and Appointments -
Mc |
Jan. - Aug., 1937 |
96/1 | Applications and Appointments -
Mc |
Sept. - Dec., 1937 |
96/2 | Applications and Appointments -
Mc |
1938 |
96/3 | Applications and Appointments -
Mc |
1953 |
96/4 | Applications and Appointments -
Mc |
1957 |
96/5 | Applications and Appointments -
McCarthy, E. S. |
1936-1937 |
96/6 | Applications and Appointments -
McDonnell, Frank E. |
1934-1938 |
96/7 | Applications and Appointments -
McLeod, Archie |
1946 |
96/8 | Applications and Appointments -
Magil, Wm. J. |
1943-1946 |
96/9 | Applications and Appointments -
Magnus, Andrea |
1943-1949 |
96/10 | Applications and Appointments -
Maloney, Wm. |
1943-1948 |
96/11 | Applications and Appointments -
Maloney, Wm. |
1949-1953 |
96/12 | Applications and Appointments -
U.S. Marshall |
1938-1939 |
97/1 | Applications and Appointments -
U.S. Marshall |
1940 |
97/2 | Applications and Appointments -
U.S. Marshall |
1941-1942 |
97/3 | Applications and Appointments -
U.S. Marshall |
1943-1944 |
97/4 | Applications and Appointments -
U.S. Marshall |
1948-1949 |
97/5 | Applications and Appointments -
U.S. Marshall |
1950 |
97/6 | Applications and Appointments -
U.S. Marshall |
1951 |
97/7 | Applications and Appointments -
U.S. Marshall |
1953-1954 |
97/8 | Applications and Appointments -
U.S. Marshall, Batchoff D.A. |
1938 - May, 1939 |
97/9 | Applications and Appointments -
U.S. Marshall, Batchoff D.A. |
June 1939 |
97/10 | Applications and Appointments -
U.S. Marshall, Batchoff D.A. |
July - Dec., 1939 |
97/11 | Applications and Appointments -
U.S. Marshall, Batchoff D.A. |
1940-1941 |
98/1 | Applications and Appointments -
U.S. Marshall, Bergstrom, Theo R. |
1941-1942 |
98/2 | Applications and Appointments -
U.S. Marshall, McCabe, Dan |
1943 |
98/3 | Applications and Appointments -
U.S. Marshall, Church, Ray |
98/4 | Applications and Appointments -
U.S. Marshall, Crawford, Wm. W. |
Mar. - Apr., 1938 |
98/5 | Applications and Appointments -
U.S. Marshall, Crawford, Wm. W. |
May - Oct., 1938 |
98/6 | Applications and Appointments -
U.S. Marshall, Crawford, Wm. W. |
Jan. - June, 1939 |
98/7 | Applications and Appointments -
U.S. Marshall, Crawford, Wm., W. |
July - Dec., 1939 |
98/8 | Applications and Appointments -
U.S. Marshall, Crawford, Wm. W. |
1940-1942 |
98/9 | Applications and Appointments -
U.S. Marshall, Hilgard |
Julius, 1939-1944 |
98/10 | Applications and Appointments -
U.S. Marshall, Holland, Mike |
1941 |
99/1 | Applications and Appointments -
U.S. Marshall, Nolan, Frank, A. |
1939-1941 |
99/2 | Applications and Appointments -
U.S. Marshall, Wright, George |
1943-1944 |
99/3 | Applications and Appointments -
Mashaw, J. W. |
1950 |
99/4 | Applications and Appointments -
Medicine Lake |
1935 |
99/5 | Applications and Appointments -
Merit System |
1957 |
99/6 | Applications and Appointments -
Military Air Force Academy |
1954 |
99/7 | Applications and Appointments -
Military Air Force Academy |
Jan. - June, 1955 |
99/8 | Applications and Appointments -
Military Air Force Academy |
July - Dec., 1955 |
99/9 | Applications and Appointments -
Military Air Force Academy |
Jan. - Mar., 1956 |
99/10 | Applications and Appointments -
Military Air Force Academy |
Apr., 1956 |
99/11 | Applications and Appointments -
Military Air Force Academy |
1957-1958 |
99/12 | Applications and Appointments -
Military Air Force Academy |
1960 |
99/13 | Applications and Appointments -
Military Academy 1934 - July |
1935 |
100/1 | Applications and Appointments -
Military Academy Aug. - Sept. |
1935 |
100/2 | Applications and Appointments -
Military Academy Oct. - Dec. |
1935 |
100/3 | Applications and Appointments -
Military Academy |
1936 |
100/4 | Applications and Appointments -
Military Academy |
1937-1938 |
100/5 | Applications and Appointments -
Military Academy |
1939 |
100/6 | Applications and Appointments -
Military Academy |
Jan. - June 1940 |
100/7 | Applications and Appointments -
Military Academy |
July - Sept. 1940 |
100/8 | Applications and Appointments -
Military Academy Oct. - Dec. |
1940 |
101/1 | Applications and Appointments -
Military Academy |
1941 |
101/2 | Applications and Appointments -
Military Academy |
Jan. - June 5 1942 |
101/3 | Applications and Appointments -
Military Academy June 6-1926 |
1942 |
101/4 | Applications and Appointments -
Military Academy July - Nov. 28 |
1942 |
101/5 | Applications and Appointments -
Military Academy Nov. 30 - Dec. |
1942 |
101/6 | Applications and Appointments -
Military Academy |
1943 |
101/7 | Applications and Appointments -
Military Academy |
1944 |
101/8 | Applications and Appointments -
Military Academy |
1945 |
101/9 | Applications and Appointments -
Military Academy Jan. - Aug. |
1946 |
102/1 | Applications and Appointments -
Military Academy Sept. - Dec. |
1946 |
102/2 | Applications and Appointments -
Military Academy |
1947 |
102/3 | Applications and Appointments -
Military Academy |
1948 |
102/4 | Applications and Appointments -
Military Academy |
1949 |
102/5 | Applications and Appointments -
Military Academy |
1950 |
102/6 | Applications and Appointments -
Military Academy |
1951 |
102/7 | Applications and Appointments -
Military Academy |
1952 |
102/8 | Applications and Appointments -
Military Academy |
Jan. - Apr., 1953 |
102/9 | Applications and Appointments -
Military Academy |
May - Dec., 1953 |
102/10 | Applications and Appointments -
Military Academy |
1954 |
102/11 | Applications and Appointments -
Military Academy |
1955-1956 |
103/1 | Applications and Appointments -
Military Academy |
1957-1959 |
103/2 | Applications and Appointments -
Military Academy |
Jan. - May, 1960 |
103/3 | Applications and Appointments -
Military Academy |
June - July, 1960 |
103/4 | Applications and Appointments -
Military Academy |
Aug. - Oct., 1960 |
103/5 | Applications and Appointments -
Military Academy |
Nov. - Dec. 15, 1960 |
103/6 | Applications and Appointments -
Military Academy |
Dec.16 - 18, 1960 |
103/7 | Applications and Appointments -
Military Academy Civil Service Exam |
June - Aug., 1939 |
103/8 | Applications and Appointments -
Military Academy Civil Service Exam |
Sept. - Dec., 1939 |
103/9 | Applications and Appointments -
Military Academy Civil Service Exam |
June - Oct.9, 1953 |
103/10 | Applications and Appointments -
Military Academy Civil Service Exam |
Oct. 10 - Nov., 1953 |
103/11 | Applications and Appointments -
Military Air Corps |
1940-1943 |
103/12 | Applications and Appointments -
Military, Army |
1935-1937 |
104/1 | Applications and Appointments -
Military, Army |
1941-1942 |
104/2 | Applications and Appointments -
Military, Army |
1945 |
104/3 | Applications and Appointments -
Military, Army engineer |
1941-1942 |
104/4 | Applications and Appointments -
Military, Coast Guard |
1942 |
104/5 | Applications and Appointments -
Military, Commissions |
1942-1943 |
104/6 | Applications and Appointments -
Military, Counter Intelligence School |
1948 |
104/7 | Applications and Appointments -
Military, Court of Appeals |
1950-1951 |
104/8 | Applications and Appointments -
Military, Exams |
1953 |
104/9 | Applications and Appointments -
Military, Exams |
1949-1950 |
104/10 | Applications and Appointments -
Military, Exams |
1951 |
104/11 | Applications and Appointments -
Military, Exams |
1952 |
104/12 | Applications and Appointments -
Military, Marines Corp |
1941-1942 |
104/13 | Applications and Appointments -
Military, Miscellaneous |
1940-1945, 1957-1959 |
104/14 | Applications and Appointments -
Military, Naval Academy |
1935 |
105/1 | Applications and Appointments -
Military, Naval Academy |
1936 |
105/2 | Applications and Appointments -
Military, Naval Academy |
1938-1940 |
105/3 | Applications and Appointments -
Military, Naval Academy |
1942 |
105/4 | Applications and Appointments -
Military, Naval Academy |
1943 |
105/5 | Applications and Appointments -
Military, Naval Academy |
Jan. - July, 1945 |
105/6 | Applications and Appointments -
Military, Naval Academy |
July - Dec., 1945 |
105/7 | Applications and Appointments -
Military, Naval Academy |
Jan. - Mar., 1946 |
105/8 | Applications and Appointments -
Military, Naval Academy |
Apr. - Dec., 1946 |
150/9 | Applications and Appointments -
Military, Naval Academy |
1947 |
106/1 | Applications and Appointments -
Military, Naval Academy |
1949-1950 |
106/2 | Applications and Appointments -
Military, Naval Academy |
1951-1952 |
106/3 | Applications and Appointments -
Military, Naval Academy |
1953 |
106/4 | Applications and Appointments -
Military, Naval Academy |
1954 |
106/5 | Applications and Appointments -
Military, Naval Academy |
Jan. - Aug. 1955 |
106/6 | Applications and Appointments -
Military, Naval Academy |
Sept. - Dec., 1955 |
106/7 | Applications and Appointments -
Military, Naval Academy |
1956-1958 |
106/8 | Applications and Appointments -
Military, Naval Academy Additional Appointment |
Jan. - Mar., 1941 |
106/9 | Applications and Appointments -
Military, Naval Academy Additional Appointments |
Apr. - Dec., 1941 |
107/1 | Applications and Appointments -
Military, Naval Academy Civil Service Exam |
1938 |
107/2 | Applications and Appointments -
Military, Naval Academy Civil Service Exam |
1939 |
107/3 | Applications and Appointments -
Military, Naval Academy, Hutchins, John |
1944-1946 |
107/4 | Applications and Appointments -
Military, Naval Academy Inquiries |
1937-1941 |
107/5 | Applications and Appointments -
Military, Naval Academy Those Failed |
1942-1943 |
107/6 | Applications and Appointments -
Military, Naval Reserve |
1941-1949, 1957 |
107/7 | Applications and Appointments -
Military, Navy |
1937-1942 |
107/8 | Applications and Appointments -
Military, Navy |
1941-1942 |
107/9 | Applications and Appointments -
Military, Navy |
1943-1951 |
107/10 | Applications and Appointments -
Military, O. C. S. |
1950 |
107/11 | Applications and Appointments -
Military, Pilot Training |
1956 |
108/1 | Applications and Appointments -
Bureau of Mines |
1940 |
108/2 | Applications and Appointments -
Bureau of Mines |
1942 |
108/3 | Applications and Appointments -
Missouri Valley Authority |
1944-1948 |
108/4 | Applications and Appointments -
James Mitchell |
1951-1952 |
108/5 | Applications and Appointments -
Monahan, G. J. |
1935-1938 |
108/6 | Applications and Appointments -
Montana |
Jan. - Apr., 1935 |
108/7 | Applications and Appointments -
Montana |
May - Dec., 1935 |
108/8 | Applications and Appointments -
Montana |
1936 |
108/10 | Applications and Appointments -
Montana |
1939 |
108/11 | Applications and Appointments -
Montana Power Co. |
1937 |
108/12 | Applications and Appointments -
Bureau of Motor Carriers |
1936 |
109/1 | Applications and Appointments - N
1935 |
109/2 | Applications and Appointments - N
Jan. - June, 1937 |
109/3 | Applications and Appointments - N
July - Dec., 1937 |
109/4 | Applications and Appointments - N
Jan. - May, 1938 |
109/5 | Applications and Appointments - N
1939-1941 |
109/6 | Applications and Appointments - N
1941 |
109/7 | Applications and Appointments - N
1942 |
109/8 | Applications and Appointments - N
1943 |
109/9 | Applications and Appointments - N
1944 |
109/10 | Applications and Appointments - N
1945-1948 |
109/11 | Applications and Appointments - N
1949 |
109/12 | Applications and Appointments - N
1950 |
109/13 | Applications and Appointments - N
1951-1952 |
109/14 | Applications and Appointments - N
1953 |
109/15 | Applications and Appointments - N
1954 |
109/16 | Applications and Appointments - N
1956-1957 |
109/17 | Applications and Appointments - N
1958-1959 |
110/1 | Applications and Appointments -
Nagle, Margaret |
1943-1946 |
110/2 | Applications and Appointments -
Napton, Tip |
1936-1937 |
110/3 | Applications and Appointments -
National Park Service |
1935-1937 |
110/4 | Applications and Appointments -
National Park Service |
1938-1942 |
110/5 | Applications and Appointments -
National Youth Administration |
1935-1936 |
110/6 | Applications and Appointments -
National Youth Administration |
1941-1943 |
110/7 | Applications and Appointments -
Nickerson, George |
1949 |
110/8 | Applications and Appointments -
Norem, Owen |
1941-1952 |
110/9 | Applications and Appointments -
Norris, G.A. |
1942 |
110/10 | Applications and Appointments - O
1935 |
110/11 | Applications and Appointments - O
1937 |
111/1 | Applications and Appointments - O
1938 |
111/2 | Applications and Appointments - O
1940 |
111/3 | Applications and Appointments - O
1941 |
111/4 | Applications and Appointments - O
1942 |
111/5 | Applications and Appointments - O
1943 |
111/6 | Applications and Appointments - O
1944 |
111/7 | Applications and Appointments - O
1945 |
111/8 | Applications and Appointments - O
1946-1947 |
111/9 | Applications and Appointments - O
1948 |
111/10 | Applications and Appointments - O
1949 |
111/11 | Applications and Appointments - O
1950 |
111/12 | Applications and Appointments - O
1951-1952 |
111/13 | Applications and Appointments - O
1953-1954 |
111/14 | Applications and Appointments - O
1955-1956 |
111/15 | Applications and Appointments - O
1957 |
112/1 | Applications and Appointments -
Office |
1934-1937 |
112/2 | Applications and Appointments -
Office |
1943-1947 |
112/3 | Applications and Appointments -
Office |
1956 |
112/4 | Applications and Appointments -
Office of Civil Defense |
1951 |
112/5 | Applications and Appointments -
Office of Price Administration |
1941-1942 |
112/6 | Applications and Appointments -
Office of Price Administration |
1943-1944 |
112/7 | Applications and Appointments -
Office of Price Administration |
1945-1946 |
112/8 | Applications and Appointments -
Office of Price Stability |
1951-1953 |
112/9 | Applications and Appointments -
Officer's Candidate School |
1951-1952 |
112/10 | Applications and Appointments -
O'Hern, D.L. |
1938-1939 |
112/11 | Applications and Appointments -
O'Keefe, J. J. |
1937-1938 |
112/12 | Applications and Appointments - P
Jan. - June, 1937 |
112/13 | Applications and Appointments - P
Mar. - Dec., 1937 |
112/14 | Applications and Appointments - P
Jan. - May, 1938 |
113/1 | Applications and Appointments - P
1940-1941 |
113/2 | Applications and Appointments - P
1942 |
113/3 | Applications and Appointments - P
1943 |
113/4 | Applications and Appointments - P
1944 |
113/5 | Applications and Appointments - P
1945 |
113/6 | Applications and Appointments - P
1946-1947 |
113/7 | Applications and Appointments - P
1948 |
113/8 | Applications and Appointments - P
1949 |
113/9 | Applications and Appointments - P
1950 |
113/10 | Applications and Appointments - P
1951 |
113/11 | Applications and Appointments - P
1952 |
113/12 | Applications and Appointments - P
1953 |
113/13 | Applications and Appointments - P
1954-1955 |
114/1 | Applications and Appointments - P
1957-1960 |
114/2 | Applications and Appointments -
Panama Canal |
1941 |
114/3 | Applications and Appointments -
Parker, Joseph |
1943 |
114/4 | Applications and Appointments -
Parker, Joseph |
1944 |
114/5 | Applications and Appointments -
Parker, Joseph |
1945-1946 |
114/6 | Applications and Appointments -
Patronage |
1943-1945 |
114/7 | Applications and Appointments -
Patronage |
1955 |
114/8 | Applications and Appointments -
Paullin, Mrs. J. B. |
1957-1960 |
114/9 | Applications and Appointments -
Pope, Walter |
1935-1953 |
114/10 | Applications and Appointments -
Post Office |
1934 |
114/11 | Applications and Appointments -
Post Office |
1935 |
114/12 | Applications and Appointments -
Post Office |
1936 |
115/1 | Applications and Appointments -
Post Office |
1937-1938 |
115/2 | Applications and Appointments -
Post Office |
1939 |
115/3 | Applications and Appointments -
Post Office |
1940 |
115/4 | Applications and Appointments -
Post Office |
1957 |
115/5 | Applications and Appointments -
Post Office, A |
1940-1947 |
115/6 | Applications and Appointments -
Post Office, A |
1948 |
115/7 | Applications and Appointments -
Post Office, A |
1949-1952 |
115/8 | Applications and Appointments -
Post Office, A |
1955-1956 |
115/9 | Applications and Appointments -
Post Office, Alberton |
1939 |
115/10 | Applications and Appointments -
Post Office, B |
1938-1942 |
116/1 | Applications and Appointments -
Post Office, B |
1946-1947 |
116/2 | Applications and Appointments -
Post Office, B |
1948 - Mar., 1949 |
116/3 | Applications and Appointments -
Post Office, B |
Apr. - Dec., 1949 |
116/4 | Applications and Appointments -
Post Office, B |
1950-1952 |
116/5 | Applications and Appointments -
Post Office, Belgrade |
1941 |
116/6 | Applications and Appointments -
Post Office, Belton |
1938-1939 |
116/7 | Applications and Appointments -
Post Office, Benchland |
1948-1950 |
116/8 | Applications and Appointments -
Post Office, Big Fork |
1940 |
116/9 | Applications and Appointments -
Post Office, Big timber |
1951 |
116/10 | Applications and Appointments -
Post Office, Boulder |
1939 |
117/1 | Applications and Appointments -
Post Office, Bozeman |
1942-1943 |
117/2 | Applications and Appointments -
Post Office, Butte |
1938 |
117/3 | Applications and Appointments -
Post Office, Butte |
1942-1945 |
117/4 | Applications and Appointments -
Post Office, C |
1940-1942 |
117/5 | Applications and Appointments -
Post Office, C |
1946-1951 |
117/6 | Applications and Appointments -
Post Office, C |
1952-1956 |
117/7 | Applications and Appointments -
Post Office, Columbia Falls |
1938 - Mar., 1939 |
117/8 | Applications and Appointments -
Post Office, Columbia Falls |
Apr. - July, 1939 |
117/9 | Applications and Appointments -
Post Office, Corbin |
1939-1940 |
117/10 | Applications and Appointments -
Post Office, Corvallis |
1939 |
117/11 | Applications and Appointments -
Post Office, Corvallis |
1940 |
117/12 | Applications and Appointments -
Post Office, Corvallis |
1941 |
118/1 | Applications and Appointments -
Post Office, Crow Agency |
1950 |
118/2 | Applications and Appointments -
Post Office, D |
1940-1945 |
118/3 | Applications and Appointments -
Post Office, D |
1947-1948 |
118/4 | Applications and Appointments -
Post Office, D |
1949-1951 |
118/5 | Applications and Appointments -
Post Office, D |
1952-1956 |
118/6 | Applications and Appointments -
Post Office, Danvers |
1949 |
118/7 | Applications and Appointments -
Post Office |
Decker, 1945-1947 |
118/8 | Applications and Appointments -
Post Office, Dixon |
1938-1939 |
118/9 | Applications and Appointments -
Post Office, E |
1940-1946 |
118/10 | Applications and Appointments -
Post Office, E |
1952-1956 |
118/11 | Applications and Appointments -
Post Office, Essex |
1949 |
118/12 | Applications and Appointments -
Post Office, Eureka |
1939 |
118/13 | Applications and Appointments -
Post Office, F |
1940-1948 |
118/14 | Applications and Appointments -
Post Office, F |
1949-1951 |
118/15 | Applications and Appointments -
Post Office, F |
1952-1957 |
118/16 | Applications and Appointments -
Post Office, Fairview |
1951 |
118/17 | Applications and Appointments -
Post Office, Flaxville |
1951 |
118/18 | Applications and Appointments -
Post Office, Franklin |
1950 |
119/1 | Applications and Appointments -
Post Office, G |
1937-1948 |
119/2 | Applications and Appointments -
Post Office, G |
1949-1956 |
119/3 | Applications and Appointments -
Post Office, Gardiner |
1939-1951 |
119/4 | Applications and Appointments -
Post Office, Garland |
1950 |
119/5 | Applications and Appointments -
Post Office, Geyser |
1947 |
119/6 | Applications and Appointments -
Post Office, Gillis |
1942 |
119/7 | Applications and Appointments -
Post Office, Glasgow |
1954 |
119/8 | Applications and Appointments -
Post Office, Glendive |
1949 |
119/9 | Applications and Appointments -
Post Office, Glendive |
1949 |
119/10 | Applications and Appointments -
Post Office, Glendive |
Jan. - Feb., 1950 |
119/11 | Applications and Appointments -
Post Office, Glendive |
Mar., 1950 |
119/12 | Applications and Appointments -
Post Office, Glendive |
Apr. - Dec., 1950 |
119/13 | Applications and Appointments -
Post Office, Great Falls |
1937-1939 |
119/14 | Applications and Appointments -
Post Office, Great Falls |
1957 |
119/15 | Applications and Appointments -
Post Office, H |
1946-1949 |
119/16 | Applications and Appointments -
Post Office, H |
1952 |
119/17 | Applications and Appointments -
Post Office, H |
1955-1957 |
120/1 | Applications and Appointments -
Post Office, Helena |
Jan., 1939 |
120/2 | Applications and Appointments -
Post Office, Helena |
Feb. - Apr., 1939 |
120/3 | Applications and Appointments -
Post Office, Helena |
May - Sept., 1939 |
120/4 | Applications and Appointments -
Post Office, Helena |
Oct., 1939 - Feb., 1940 |
120/5 | Applications and Appointments -
Post Office, I |
1947-1948 |
120/6 | Applications and Appointments -
Post Office, J |
1942 |
120/7 | Applications and Appointments -
Post Office, Joilet |
1952-1956 |
120/8 | Applications and Appointments -
Post Office, Judith Gap |
1950 |
120/9 | Applications and Appointments -
Post Office, K |
1946 |
120/10 | Applications and Appointments -
Post Office, K |
1950-1953 |
120/11 | Applications and Appointments -
Post Office, L |
1940-1942 |
120/12 | Applications and Appointments -
Post Office, L |
1946-1951 |
120/13 | Applications and Appointments -
Post Office, L |
1952 |
120/14 | Applications and Appointments -
Post Office, L |
1957 |
120/15 | Applications and Appointments -
Post Office, Laurel |
1945-1947 |
120/16 | Applications and Appointments -
Post Office, Libby |
1939 |
121/1 | Applications and Appointments -
Post Office, Livingston |
1949-1951 |
121/2 | Applications and Appointments -
Post Office, Lozeau |
1940 |
121/3 | Applications and Appointments -
Post Office, M |
1945-1949 |
121/4 | Applications and Appointments -
Post Office, M |
1951 |
121/5 | Applications and Appointments -
Post Office, M |
1952 |
121/6 | Applications and Appointments -
Post Office, McDonald, Wm. D. |
1950 |
121/7 | Applications and Appointments -
Post Office, Madison |
1950 |
121/8 | Applications and Appointments -
Post Office, Manhattan |
1938-1939 |
121/9 | Applications and Appointments -
Post Office, Miles City |
Mar. - July, 1949 |
121/10 | Applications and Appointments -
Post Office, Miles City |
Aug., 1949 |
121/11 | Applications and Appointments -
Post Office, Miles City |
Sept. - Nov., 1949 |
121/12 | Applications and Appointments -
Post Office, Miles City |
1950 |
121/13 | Applications and Appointments -
Post Office, Miles City |
1951 |
121/14 | Applications and Appointments -
Post Office, Missoula |
1939 - Jan., 1940 |
122/1 | Applications and Appointments -
Post Office, Missoula |
Feb. - Mar., 1940 |
122/2 | Applications and Appointments -
Post Office, Missoula |
Apr. - July, 1940 |
122/3 | Applications and Appointments -
Post Office, Moccasin |
1950 |
122/4 | Applications and Appointments -
Post Office, N |
1941 |
122/5 | Applications and Appointments -
Post Office, N |
1946-1951 |
122/6 | Applications and Appointments -
Post Office, Nohly |
1950-1951 |
122/7 | Applications and Appointments -
Post Office, O |
1940 |
122/8 | Applications and Appointments -
Post Office, O |
1942 |
122/9 | Applications and Appointments -
Post Office, O |
1946 |
122/10 | Applications and Appointments -
Post Office, Opheim |
1949 |
122/11 | Applications and Appointments -
Post Office, P |
1937-1942 |
122/12 | Applications and Appointments -
Post Office, P |
1947-1949 |
122/13 | Applications and Appointments -
Post Office, P |
1950-1951 |
122/14 | Applications and Appointments -
Post Office, Quietus |
1950 |
122/15 | Applications and Appointments -
Post Office, R |
1942 |
122/16 | Applications and Appointments -
Post Office, R |
1947-1948 |
122/17 | Applications and Appointments -
Post Office, R |
1949-1951 |
122/18 | Applications and Appointments -
Post Office, R |
1952 |
123/1 | Applications and Appointments -
Post Office, R |
1957 |
123/2 | Applications and Appointments -
Post Office, Rapelje |
1950 |
123/3 | Applications and Appointments -
Post Office, Raynesford |
1950-1951 |
123/4 | Applications and Appointments -
Post Office, S |
1946-1949 |
123/5 | Applications and Appointments -
Post Office, S |
1950 |
123/6 | Applications and Appointments -
Post Office, S |
1951-1953 |
123/7 | Applications and Appointments -
Post Office, Shelby |
1949-1951 |
123/8 | Applications and Appointments -
Post Office, St. Ignatius |
1949 |
123/9 | Applications and Appointments -
Post Office, T |
1942 |
123/10 | Applications and Appointments -
Post Office, T |
1946-1953 |
123/11 | Applications and Appointments -
Post Office, T |
1948 |
123/12 | Applications and Appointments -
Post Office, Three Forks |
1939 |
123/13 | Applications and Appointments -
Post Office, Three Forks |
1941 |
124/1 | Applications and Appointments -
Post Office, Three Forks |
1942 |
124/2 | Applications and Appointments -
Post Office, Troy |
1938-1939 |
124/3 | Applications and Appointments -
Post Office, Two Dot |
1951-1952 |
124/4 | Applications and Appointments -
Post Office, U |
1949 |
124/5 | Applications and Appointments -
Post Office, V |
1942 |
124/6 | Applications and Appointments -
Post Office, V |
1946-1951 |
124/7 | Applications and Appointments -
Post Office, Victor |
1940 |
124/8 | Applications and Appointments -
Post Office, W |
1940-1942 |
124/9 | Applications and Appointments -
Post Office, W |
1946-1948 |
124/10 | Applications and Appointments -
Post Office, W |
1949 |
124/11 | Applications and Appointments -
Post Office, W |
1950-1954 |
124/12 | Applications and Appointments -
Post Office, West Yellowstone |
1940 |
124/13 | Applications and Appointments -
Post Office, White Fish |
Apr. - Oct., 1941 |
124/14 | Applications and Appointments -
Post Office, White Fish |
Nov. - Dec., 1941 |
125/1 | Applications and Appointments -
Post Office, White Fish |
1942-1947 |
125/2 | Applications and Appointments -
Post Office, X - Z |
1948 |
125/3 | Applications and Appointments -
Post Office, X - Z |
1950 |
125/4 | Applications and Appointments -
Postmaster |
1940-1941 |
125/5 | Applications and Appointments -
Postmaster |
May, 1944 - June, 1945 |
125/6 | Applications and Appointments -
Postmaster |
July, 1945 |
125/7 | Applications and Appointments -
Postmaster |
Aug. - Oct., 1945 |
125/8 | Applications and Appointments -
Postmaster |
Nov. - Dec., 1945 |
125/9 | Applications and Appointments -
Postmaster, Anaconda |
1939 |
125/10 | Applications and Appointments -
Postmaster, Augusta |
1939-1940 |
125/11 | Applications and Appointments -
Postmaster, Belgrade |
1939-1940 |
126/1 | Applications and Appointments -
Postmaster, Great Falls |
1935 |
126/2 | Applications and Appointments -
Postmaster, Hot Springs |
1939 |
126/3 | Applications and Appointments -
Postmaster, Hot Springs |
1940 |
126/4 | Applications and Appointments -
Postmaster, Joilet |
1952 |
126/5 | Applications and Appointments -
Postmaster, Lewiston |
1939-1940 |
126/6 | Applications and Appointments -
Postmaster, Miscellaneous MT |
1939 |
126/7 | Applications and Appointments -
Postmaster, Miscellaneous MT |
1940-1941 |
126/8 | Applications and Appointments -
Postmaster, Miscellaneous MT |
1950 |
126/9 | Applications and Appointments -
Postmaster, Government Printing Office |
1935 |
126/10 | Applications and Appointments -
Postmaster, Bureau of Prisons |
1941 |
126/11 | Applications and Appointments -
Postmaster, Private Industry |
1939-1940 |
126/12 | Applications and Appointments -
Postmaster, Public Health |
1941 |
126/13 | Applications and Appointments -
Postmaster, Public Works Administration |
Jan. - May, 1935 |
127/1 | Applications and Appointments -
Public Works Administration |
June, 1935 |
127/2 | Applications and Appointments -
July - Aug., 1935 |
127/3 | Applications and Appointments -
Sept., 1935 |
127/4 | Applications and Appointments -
Oct. - Dec., 1935 |
127/5 | Applications and Appointments -
Jan. - Feb., 1936 |
127/6 | Applications and Appointments -
Mar., 1936 |
127/7 | Applications and Appointments -
Apr. - June, 1936 |
128/1 | Applications and Appointments -
July - Dec., 1936 |
128/2 | Applications and Appointments -
1937 |
128/3 | Applications and Appointments -
1938 |
128/4 | Applications and Appointments -
1939 |
128/5 | Applications and Appointments -
1941 |
128/6 | Applications and Appointments -
PWA, Schools |
1938 |
128/7 | Applications and Appointments -
Purcell |
Jane, 1943-1946 |
128/8 | Applications and Appointments - Q
1935-1941 |
128/9 | Applications and Appointments - Q
1942-1944 |
128/10 | Applications and Appointments - Q
1945-1949 |
128/11 | Applications and Appointments - Q
1951-1957 |
128/12 | Applications and Appointments - R
1934-1935 |
128/13 | Applications and Appointments - R
1936 |
129/1 | Applications and Appointments - R
Jan. - May, 1937 |
129/2 | Applications and Appointments - R
June - Dec., 1937 |
129/3 | Applications and Appointments - R
1938 |
129/4 | Applications and Appointments - R
Jan. - May, 1940 |
129/5 | Applications and Appointments - R
June - Dec., 1940 |
129/6 | Applications and Appointments - R
Jan. - June, 1941 |
129/7 | Applications and Appointments - R
July - Dec., 1941 |
129/8 | Applications and Appointments - R
Jan. - June, 1942 |
129/9 | Applications and Appointments - R
July - Aug., 1942 |
129/10 | Applications and Appointments - R
Sept., 1942 |
129/11 | Applications and Appointments - R
Nov. - Dec., 1942 |
129/12 | Applications and Appointments - R
Jan. - May, 1943 |
130/1 | Applications and Appointments - R
June - Dec., 1943 |
130/2 | Applications and Appointments - R
1944-1945 |
130/3 | Applications and Appointments - R
1946-1947 |
130/4 | Applications and Appointments - R
1948 |
130/5 | Applications and Appointments - R
1949 |
130/6 | Applications and Appointments - R
1950 |
130/7 | Applications and Appointments - R
1951 |
130/8 | Applications and Appointments - R
Jan. - June, 1952 |
130/9 | Applications and Appointments - R
1953-1954 |
130/10 | Applications and Appointments - R
1955-1956 |
130/11 | Applications and Appointments - R
1957 |
130/12 | Applications and Appointments - R
1958-1959 |
130/13 | Applications and Appointments -
Railroad Retirement Board |
1934-1937 |
130/14 | Applications and Appointments -
Ranger |
1938-1939 |
131/1 | Applications and Appointments -
Reardon, Gene |
1948-1952 |
131/2 | Applications and Appointments -
Reclamation |
1935 |
131/3 | Applications and Appointments -
Reclamation |
1938 |
131/4 | Applications and Appointments -
Reconstruction Finance Corp. |
1935 |
131/5 | Applications and Appointments -
Reconstruction Finance Corp. |
1938-1939 |
131/6 | Applications and Appointments -
Reconstruction Finance Corp. |
1940-1942 |
131/7 | Applications and Appointments -
National Recovery Administration |
1934-1935 |
131/8 | Applications and Appointments -
National Re - employment Service |
1935-1937 |
131/9 | Applications and Appointments -
Refer, Axel |
1949-1950 |
131/10 | Applications and Appointments -
Regnier, O. J. |
1937-1941 |
131/11 | Applications and Appointments -
Regnier, O. J. |
1948-1949 |
131/12 | Applications and Appointments -
Reinemer, Vic |
1960 |
131/13 | Applications and Appointments -
Rent Offices |
1950-1951 |
131/14 | Applications and Appointments -
Resettlement Administration |
1935 |
132/1 | Applications and Appointments -
Resettlement Administration |
Jan. - Feb., 1936 |
132/2 | Applications and Appointments -
Resettlement Administration |
Mar., 1936 |
132/3 | Applications and Appointments -
Resettlement Administration |
Apr., 1936 |
132/4 | Applications and Appointments -
Resettlement Administration |
May, 1936 |
132/5 | Applications and Appointments -
Resettlement Administration |
June, 1936 |
132/6 | Applications and Appointments -
Resettlement Administration |
July, 1936 |
132/7 | Applications and Appointments -
Resettlement Administration |
Aug., 1936 |
132/8 | Applications and Appointments -
Resettlement Administration |
Sept., 1936 |
132/9 | Applications and Appointments -
Resettlement Administration |
Oct. - Nov., 1936 |
133/1 | Applications and Appointments -
Resettlement Administration |
Dec., 1936 |
133/2 | Applications and Appointments -
Resettlement Administration |
Jan. - Feb., 1937 |
133/3 | Applications and Appointments -
Resettlement Administration |
Mar. - July, 1937 |
133/4 | Applications and Appointments -
Rural Carrier |
1939-1940 |
133/5 | Applications and Appointments -
Rural Electric Administration |
1935-1937 |
133/6 | Applications and Appointments - S
Jan. - July, 1935 |
133/7 | Applications and Appointments - S
Aug. - Dec., 1935 |
134/1 | Applications and Appointments - S
Jan. - Feb., 1936 |
134/2 | Applications and Appointments - S
Mar., 1936 |
134/3 | Applications and Appointments - S
Apr. - May, 1936 |
134/4 | Applications and Appointments - S
June - Sept., 1936 |
134/5 | Applications and Appointments - S
Oct. - Dec., 1936 |
134/6 | Applications and Appointments - S
Jan. - Feb., 1937 |
134/7 | Applications and Appointments - S
Mar., 1937 |
134/8 | Applications and Appointments - S
Apr. - May, 1937 |
135/1 | Applications and Appointments - S
June - July, 1937 |
135/2 | Applications and Appointments - S
Aug. - Dec., 1937 |
135/3 | Applications and Appointments - S
Jan. - Mar., 1938 |
135/4 | Applications and Appointments - S
Apr. - Dec., 1938 |
135/5 | Applications and Appointments - S
Jan. - July, 1940 |
135/6 | Applications and Appointments - S
Aug. - Dec., 1940 |
135/7 | Applications and Appointments - S
Jan. - Apr., 1940 |
136/1 | Applications and Appointments - S
May - Aug., 1941 |
136/2 | Applications and Appointments - S
Sept. - Dec., 1941 |
136/3 | Applications and Appointments - S
Jan. - June, 1942 |
136/4 | Applications and Appointments - S
July - Aug., 1942 |
136/5 | Applications and Appointments - S
Sept. - Oct., 1942 |
136/6 | Applications and Appointments - S
Nov. - Dec., 1942 |
136/7 | Applications and Appointments - S
Jan. - Feb., 1943 |
136/8 | Applications and Appointments - S
Mar. - June, 1943 |
136/9 | Applications and Appointments - S
July - Dec., 1943 |
137/1 | Applications and Appointments - S
1944 |
137/2 | Applications and Appointments - S
1945 |
137/3 | Applications and Appointments - S
1946-1947 |
137/4 | Applications and Appointments - S
1948 |
137/5 | Applications and Appointments - S
1949 |
137/6 | Applications and Appointments - S
Jan. - June, 1950 |
137/7 | Applications and Appointments - S
July - Dec., 1950 |
137/8 | Applications and Appointments - S
1951 |
137/9 | Applications and Appointments - S
1952 |
138/1 | Applications and Appointments - S
1953 |
138/2 | Applications and Appointments - S
1954 |
138/3 | Applications and Appointments - S
1955-1957 |
138/4 | Applications and Appointments - S
1958-1959 |
138/5 | Applications and Appointments - S
1960 |
138/6 | Applications and Appointments -
Schoenborn, T. R. |
1943-1947 |
138/7 | Applications and Appointments -
Securities Exchange Corp. |
1942 |
138/8 | Applications and Appointments -
Selective Service |
1942 |
138/9 | Applications and Appointments -
Selective Service |
1948 |
138/10 | Applications and Appointments -
Senate |
1948 |
138/11 | Applications and Appointments -
Shepard, Homer |
1942-1950 |
138/12 | Applications and Appointments -
Skinner, Wm. |
1947-1948 |
138/13 | Applications and Appointments -
Small Business |
1941 |
138/14 | Applications and Appointments -
Small Business |
1948-1949 |
138/15 | Applications and Appointments -
Small Business |
1950 |
138/16 | Applications and Appointments -
Smaller War Plants Corp. |
1944-1945 |
138/17 | Applications and Appointments -
Social Security |
1936 |
138/18 | Applications and Appointments -
Social Security |
1937-1938 |
138/19 | Applications and Appointments -
Soil Conservation Service |
1939-1940 |
138/20 | Applications and Appointments -
Stenographers, A |
1935-1938 |
139/1 | Applications and Appointments -
Stenographers, B |
1937-1938 |
139/2 | Applications and Appointments -
Stenographers, C |
1935-1938 |
139/3 | Applications and Appointments -
Stenographers, D |
1937-1938 |
139/4 | Applications and Appointments -
Stenographers, E |
1937-1938 |
139/5 | Applications and Appointments -
Stenographers, F |
1936-1937 |
139/6 | Applications and Appointments -
Stenographers, G |
1936-1937 |
139/7 | Applications and Appointments -
Stenographers, H |
1935-1936 |
139/8 | Applications and Appointments -
Stenographers, H |
1937-1938 |
139/9 | Applications and Appointments -
Stenographers, K |
1936-1937 |
139/10 | Applications and Appointments -
Stenographers, L |
1936 |
139/11 | Applications and Appointments -
Stenographers, L |
1937-1938 |
139/12 | Applications and Appointments -
Stenographers, M |
1936-1938 |
139/13 | Applications and Appointments -
Stenographers, N |
1937-1938 |
140/1 | Applications and Appointments -
Stenographers, O |
1936-1938 |
140/2 | Applications and Appointments -
Stenographers, P |
1937-1938 |
140/3 | Applications and Appointments -
Stenographers, Q |
1937 |
140/4 | Applications and Appointments -
Stenographers, R |
1936-1937 |
140/5 | Applications and Appointments -
Stenographers, R |
1938 |
140/6 | Applications and Appointments -
Stenographers, S |
1936 |
140/7 | Applications and Appointments -
Stenographers, S |
1937 |
140/8 | Applications and Appointments -
Stenographers, S |
1938 |
140/9 | Applications and Appointments -
Stenographers, T |
1935-1936 |
140/10 | Applications and Appointments -
Stenographers, T |
1937-1938 |
140/11 | Applications and Appointments -
Stenographers, V - Z |
1937-1938 |
140/12 | Applications and Appointments -
Submarginal Land Program |
1935 |
141/1 | Applications and Appointments -
Supreme Court |
1938-1941 |
141/2 | Applications and Appointments -
Supreme Court |
1948 |
141/3 | Applications and Appointments -
Surplus Commodities Corp |
1938-1941 |
141/4 | Applications and Appointments -
Surplus Property Board |
1944 |
141/5 | Applications and Appointments -
Sutherland, Fred |
1950-1951 |
141/6 | Applications and Appointments -
Swan, Herrick |
1942-1943 |
141/7 | Applications and Appointments - T
1938 |
141/8 | Applications and Appointments - T
1940 |
141/9 | Applications and Appointments - T
1941 |
141/10 | Applications and Appointments - T
1942 |
141/11 | Applications and Appointments - T
1943 |
141/12 | Applications and Appointments - T
1944 |
141/13 | Applications and Appointments - T
1945-1947 |
141/14 | Applications and Appointments - T
1948 |
142/1 | Applications and Appointments - T
Jan. - June, 1949 |
142/2 | Applications and Appointments - T
July - Dec., 1949 |
142/3 | Applications and Appointments - T
1950-1951 |
142/4 | Applications and Appointments - T
1952-1954 |
142/5 | Applications and Appointments - T
1955-1956 |
142/6 | Applications and Appointments - T
1957-1959 |
142/7 | Applications and Appointments -
Tansil, John |
1938-1948 |
142/8 | Applications and Appointments -
Tax Appeal Board |
1935 |
142/9 | Applications and Appointments -
Tennessee Valley Authority |
1947 |
142/10 | Applications and Appointments -
Thomas, Wm. |
1936 |
142/11 | Applications and Appointments -
Todd, W. W. |
1940-1941 |
142/12 | Applications and Appointments -
Toole, Warren |
1929 |
142/13 | Applications and Appointments -
Treasury |
1934-1935 |
143/1 | Applications and Appointments -
Treasury |
1936-1938 |
143/2 | Applications and Appointments - U
1936-1954 |
143/3 | Applications and Appointments -
Utilities |
1936 |
143/4 | Applications and Appointments - V
1935-1936 |
143/5 | Applications and Appointments - V
1937-1938 |
143/6 | Applications and Appointments - V
1940 |
143/7 | Applications and Appointments - V
1941-1944 |
143/8 | Applications and Appointments - V
1947-1948 |
143/9 | Applications and Appointments - V
1949-1952 |
143/10 | Applications and Appointments - V
1953-1957 |
143/11 | Applications and Appointments -
Veterans Administration |
1935-1937, 1940-1941, 1948 |
143/12 | Applications and Appointments -
Virgin Islands |
1950 |
143/13 | Applications and Appointments - W
1934-1935 |
143/14 | Applications and Appointments - W
Jan. - Dec., 1936 |
144/1 | Applications and Appointments - W
Jan. - May, 1937 |
144/2 | Applications and Appointments - W
June - Dec., 1937 |
144/3 | Applications and Appointments - W
Jan. - Mar., 1938 |
144/4 | Applications and Appointments - W
Apr. - Dec., 1938 |
144/5 | Applications and Appointments - W
1940 |
144/6 | Applications and Appointments - W
1941 |
144/7 | Applications and Appointments - W
1942 |
144/8 | Applications and Appointments - W
1943 |
145/1 | Applications and Appointments - W
1944 |
145/2 | Applications and Appointments - W
1945 |
145/3 | Applications and Appointments - W
1946-1947 |
145/4 | Applications and Appointments - W
1948 |
145/5 | Applications and Appointments - W
1949 |
145/6 | Applications and Appointments - W
1950 |
145/7 | Applications and Appointments - W
1951-1952 |
145/8 | Applications and Appointments - W
1953-1954 |
145/9 | Applications and Appointments - W
1955-1956 |
145/10 | Applications and Appointments - W
1957-1958 |
146/1 | Applications and Appointments -
Wage and Hour Division |
1939-1940 |
146/2 | Applications and Appointments -
Wagner, Joseph |
1937 |
146/3 | Applications and Appointments -
Wallace, Henry and Williams, Aubrey |
Jan., 1945 |
146/4 | Applications and Appointments -
Wallace, Henry, and Williams, Aubrey |
Feb., 1945 |
146/5 | Applications and Appointments -
Wallace, Henry, and Williams, Aubrey |
Mar., 1945 |
146/6 | Applications and Appointments -
War Assets Administration |
1946 |
146/7 | Applications and Appointments -
War Department |
1939-1940 |
146/8 | Applications and Appointments -
War Department |
1941-1942 |
146/9 | Applications and Appointments -
War Industry |
1942 |
146/10 | Applications and Appointments -
War Production Board |
Jan. - Apr., 1942 |
146/11 | Applications and Appointments -
War Production Board |
Sept. - Dec., 1942 |
147/1 | Applications and Appointments -
Waska, Charles |
1949-1951 |
147/2 | Applications and Appointments -
Watson, Joseph |
1936-1937 |
147/3 | Applications and Appointments -
Wayne, Edgar |
1938 |
147/4 | Applications and Appointments -
Weber, Edwin |
1949 |
147/5 | Applications and Appointments -
1936-1937 |
147/6 | Applications and Appointments -
Jan. - June, 1938 |
147/7 | Applications and Appointments -
July - Dec., 1938 |
147/8 | Applications and Appointments -
1939-1940 |
147/9 | Applications and Appointments -
WPA, B |
1936, 1940-1942 |
147/10 | Applications and Appointments -
WPA, Bresnahan, Rose |
1936 |
147/11 | Applications and Appointments -
WPA, Bresnahan, Rose |
1937 |
147/12 | Applications and Appointments -
WPA, C |
1935-1936, 1941-1942 |
148/1 | Applications and Appointments -
WPA, Combo, James |
1936 |
148/2 | Applications and Appointments -
WPA, D |
1935-1937 |
148/3 | Applications and Appointments -
WPA, Dawson, Wm. |
1931-1941 |
148/4 | Applications and Appointments -
WPA, Dickey, Charles |
1935-1936 |
148/5 | Applications and Appointments -
WPA, E |
1936 |
148/6 | Applications and Appointments -
WPA, F |
1941 |
148/7 | Applications and Appointments -
WPA, G |
1935-1937 |
148/8 | Applications and Appointments -
WPA, G |
1941 |
148/9 | Applications and Appointments -
WPA, H |
1935-1936 |
148/10 | Applications and Appointments -
WPA, H |
1941-1942 |
148/11 | Applications and Appointments -
WPA, J - K |
1935 |
148/12 | Applications and Appointments -
WPA, K |
1941 |
148/13 | Applications and Appointments -
WPA, L |
1935-1937 |
148/14 | Applications and Appointments -
WPA, L |
1940-1942 |
148/15 | Applications and Appointments -
WPA, M |
1935-1937 |
148/16 | Applications and Appointments -
WPA, M |
1940-1942 |
148/17 | Applications and Appointments -
WPA, N |
1936 |
148/18 | Applications and Appointments -
WPA, N |
1941 |
148/19 | Applications and Appointments -
WPA, O |
1941-1942 |
148/20 | Applications and Appointments -
WPA, P |
1935 |
148/21 | Applications and Appointments -
WPA, R |
1935-1936 |
149/1 | Applications and Appointments -
WPA, R |
1940-1941 |
149/2 | Applications and Appointments -
WPA, S |
1935 |
149/3 | Applications and Appointments -
WPA, S |
1940-1942 |
149/4 | Applications and Appointments -
WPA, V |
1935 |
149/5 | Applications and Appointments -
WPA, W |
1935-1937 |
149/6 | Applications and Appointments -
WPA, W |
1941-1942 |
149/7 | Applications and Appointments - Y
1936 |
149/8 | Applications and Appointments - Y
1937 |
149/9 | Applications and Appointments - Y
1938 |
149/10 | Applications and Appointments - Y
1940-1942 |
149/11 | Applications and Appointments - Y
1943-1945 |
149/12 | Applications and Appointments - Y
1947-1952 |
149/13 | Applications and Appointments - Y
1955 |
149/14 | Applications and Appointments - Y
1956-1957 |
149/15 | Applications and Appointments - Z
1936 |
149/16 | Applications and Appointments - Z
1937 |
149/17 | Applications and Appointments - Z
1938-1941 |
149/18 | Applications and Appointments - Z
1942 |
149/19 | Applications and Appointments
1946-1954 |
150/1 | Apprenticeship Training
1946-1947 |
150/2 | Appropriations |
1942-1946 |
150/3 | Appropriations |
1947-1948 |
150/4 | Appropriations |
1950 |
150/5 | Appropriations |
1951 |
150/6 | Appropriations |
1952-1956 |
150/7 | Appropriations |
1957 |
150/8 | Appropriations |
1958 |
150/9 | Appropriations |
1959-1961 |
150/10 | Architect |
1942 |
150/11 | National Archives |
1945 |
150/12 | Armories |
1935-1936 |
150/13 | Armories |
1940 |
150/14 | Armories |
1957 |
150/15 | Armories |
Jan. - June, 1958 |
150/16 | Armories |
July, 1958 |
151/1 | Articles |
1943 |
151/2 | Articles |
Jan. - Sept., 1944 |
151/3 | Articles |
Oct. - Nov., 1944 |
151/4 | Articles |
1945 |
151/5 | Articles |
1946 - June, 1947 |
151/6 | Articles |
July - Dec., 1947 |
151/7 | Articles |
1948-1949 |
151/8 | Articles |
1950 |
151/9 | Articles |
1951-1953 |
151/10 | Articles |
1954 |
151/11 | Articles |
1956 |
151/12 | Askvold, John |
1948 |
151/13 | Assignments |
1944-1945 |
152/1 | Assistance |
Jan. - Feb., 1937 |
152/2 | Assistance |
Mar. - June, 1937 |
152/3 | Assistance |
July - Nov., 1937 |
152/4 | Assistance |
1949-1953 |
152/5 | Assistance - Daniel, Pearl
1959-1960 |
152/6 | Assistance - Public |
1948, 1952 |
152/7 | Associated Industries, MT.
1943-1947 |
152/8 | Astronauts and Space Exploration
Mar., 1958 |
152/9 | Atomic Bomb |
1945-1947 |
152/10 | Atomic Bomb |
1950 |
152/11 | Atomic Energy |
1950-1956 |
152/12 | Atomic Energy |
1957-1959 |
152/13 | Atomic Energy Commission
1947 |
152/14 | Atomic Energy Commission
1949 |
152/15 | Atomic Energy Commission
1955 |
152/16 | Atomic Energy Plant |
Jan. - Mar., 1949 |
153/1 | Atomic Energy Plant |
Apr., 1949 |
153/2 | Atomic Energy Plant |
May - July, 1949 |
153/3 | Atomic Research |
1945-1946 |
153/4 | Attorneys-1935 |
1938, 1943 |
153/5 | Auto Dealers |
1941 |
153/6 | Auto Dealers |
1942 |
153/7 | Auto Dealers-1957 |
1960 |
153/8 | Autographs |
1939-1944 |
153/9 | Autographs |
1945-1949 |
153/10 | Autographs |
1950-1954 |
153/11 | Autographs |
1957-1960 |
153/12 | Automobile-1939 |
1942-1945 |
153/13 | Aviation |
1934-1936 |
154/1 | Aviation |
1939 |
154/2 | Aviation |
1940-1942 |
154/3 | Aviation |
1943-1944 |
154/4 | Aviation |
1945 |
154/5 | Aviation |
1946 |
154/6 | Aviation |
1947 |
154/7 | Aviation |
1948 |
154/8 | Aviation |
1949 |
154/9 | Aviation |
1951 |
154/10 | Aviation |
1954-1955 |
154/11 | Aviation |
1957-1958 |
154/12 | Aviation |
1960 |
154/13 | Awards-1943 |
1945, 1951 |
155/1 | Bankhead - Cannon Bill
1943-1944 |
155/2 | Banking |
1934-1935 |
155/3 | Banking |
1936-1937 |
155/4 | Banking |
1943-1955 |
155/5 | Banking |
1957-1960 |
155/6 | Bankruptcy |
1940 |
155/7 | Bar Exams |
1946 |
155/8 | Barbers |
1938 |
155/9 | Barret, T. R. |
1941 |
156/1 | Barret, T.R. |
May - July, 1942 |
156/2 | Bateman, Dr. J. Gordon
1946-1947 |
156/3 | Bates, Thelma P. |
1950 |
156/4 | Battey, Roy and Edith
1938-1939 |
156/5 | Battey, Roy and Edith
1940-1943 |
156/6 | Bean, Neal |
1935 |
156/7 | Beaver Creek Project |
1938-1956 |
156/8 | Beaverhead County Valley Project
1938 |
156/9 | Belasco Theater |
1949 |
156/10 | East Bench Project |
1955-1959 |
156/11 | West Bench Project |
1960 |
156/12 | Best, Arthur R. |
1937-1940 |
156/13 | Bids |
1942-1943 |
156/14 | Big Hole River |
1939-1940 |
157/1 | Big Muddy Project |
1938-1945 |
157/2 | Big Porcupine Dam |
1940-1943 |
157/3 | Big Porcupine Dam |
1954 |
157/4 | Bilbo, Theodore G. |
1946-1947 |
157/5 | Billboards |
1959 |
157/6 | Biological Survey |
1934-1936 |
157/7 | Bishop of Helena |
1936 |
157/8 | Bison Range |
1939 |
157/9 | Black Market |
1946 |
157/10 | Blackfeet Indian Irrigation
1950-1957 |
157/11 | Blind |
1947-1960 |
157/12 | Blister Rust |
1938 |
157/13 | Bob Marshall Wilderness
1954-1956, 1954-1956 |
157/14 | Bonawitz, Ebenezer |
1949-1950 |
157/15 | Bonds |
1942-1944 |
157/16 | Bonds |
1945-1946 |
157/17 | Bonds |
1947-1948, 1953 |
157/18 | Bonneville, Recommendations
1936 |
157/19 | Bonneville Power |
1944-1945 |
157/20 | Bonneville Power |
1947-1949 |
158/1 | Bonneville Power |
1950-1953 |
158/2 | Bonneville Power |
1960 |
158/3 | Bonneville Power - Kalispell
1949, 1954 |
158/4 | Bonneville Power - Pacific N. W.
1950 |
158/5 | Bonneville Power - Utility Rates
1949 |
158/6 | Bonneville Power - Victor
Chemical |
1953 |
158/7 | Bon Ton Bakeries |
1952 |
158/8 | Bonus - Adjustments Received
1937 |
158/9 | Books-1941 |
1943-1944 |
158/10 | Books |
1945-1947 |
158/11 | Books |
1948-1949 |
158/12 | Boulder River Project
1948 |
158/13 | Box Car - Case |
1943 |
158/14 | Box Car - Shortage |
Jan. - June, 1955 |
159/1 | Box Car - Shortage |
July - Dec., 1955 |
159/2 | Box Car - Shortage |
1956-1957 |
159/3 | Box Elder Creek |
1959 |
159/4 | Boy Scouts-1943-1944 |
1947 |
159/5 | Brannon Plan |
1950-1951 |
159/6 | Bread |
1943 |
159/7 | Bridges |
1947-1959 |
159/8 | Broadgate - Special Consultant
1951-1952 |
159/9 | Brockton Bridge |
1948 |
159/10 | Bruce's Eddy Dam |
1959 |
159/11 | Budget-1940 |
1947 |
159/12 | Budget |
1950-1953 |
159/13 | Budget |
1957 |
159/14 | Budget |
1958 |
160/1 | Budget |
1959 |
160/2 | Buffalo - Durand Request
1939 |
160/3 | Buffalo - Range, Eastern MT.
1960 |
160/4 | Bull Hook Flood Control
1949-1953 |
160/5 | Buller, George |
1946-1948 |
160/6 | Bureaucrats |
1942-1943 |
160/7 | Cadastral Engineers |
1947 |
160/8 | California - Water |
1949 |
160/9 | California - Acreage Limitation
1962 |
160/10 | Calk, James - Case |
1937 |
160/11 | Campaign |
1935-1937 |
160/12 | Campaign |
1940-1942 |
161/1 | Campaign - Pamphlets |
1942 |
161/2 | Campaign - Pamphlets |
1948 |
161/3 | Campaign |
1949 |
161/4 | Campaign |
Jan. - Aug., 1950 |
161/5 | Campaign |
Sept. - Dec., 1950 |
161/6 | Campaign - Chicago Convention
Jan. - June, 1952 |
161/7 | Campaign - Chicago Convention
July - Dec., 1952 |
161/8 | Campaign |
1959-1960 |
161/9 | Campbell, Judge Richard -
Memorials |
1936 |
161/10 | Cancer |
1946-1960 |
161/11 | Capital-1946 |
1958 |
161/12 | Carson Construction Co.-1948
1951 |
161/13 | Carson Construction Co. -
Miscellaneous Reports |
1955 |
162/1 | Carson Construction Co. -
Miscellaneous Report |
1955 |
162/2 | Catholic University |
1935-1936 |
162/3 | Caverly, Thomas D. |
1938 |
162/4 | Celebrations |
1936 |
162/5 | Celebrations |
1939 |
162/6 | Cement |
1948 |
162/7 | National Cemeteries-1936
1945-1947 |
162/8 | Censorship-1942-1945 |
1951, 1960 |
162/9 | Census |
1935-1936 |
162/10 | Census |
1940-1941 |
162/11 | Census |
1942 |
162/12 | Census |
1943-1947 |
162/13 | Census |
1949 |
162/14 | Census-1950 |
1955 |
162/15 | Census |
1959-1960 |
162/16 | Central Arizona Project
1950-1951 |
163/1 | Counter Intelligence Organization
1948 |
163/2 | Counter Intelligence Organization
- Expansion |
1949 |
163/3 | Central Valley Authority
1947 |
163/4 | Central Valley Project -
California |
1944-1946 |
163/5 | Central Valley Project
1948 |
163/6 | Central Valley Project -
Legislation |
1955 |
163/7 | Chain Stores |
1936-1960 |
163/8 | Chamber of Commerce |
1943 |
163/9 | Chamber of Commerce |
1958-1960 |
163/10 | C and O Canal National Historic
Park |
1957-1960 |
163/11 | Chicago - Citizens Committee for
Medical Care |
1946 |
163/12 | Child Care - Legislation
1945-1946 |
163/13 | Child Research - National Study
1949 |
163/14 | Child Support - Hazel Schmidt
1960 |
163/15 | Children's Bureau-1949
1952 |
163/16 | Children's Welfare-1937
1950 |
163/17 | Chinook |
1949 |
163/18 | Chiropractors |
1942-1960 |
163/19 | Chouinard, Joseph L. |
1936 |
164/1 | Citizenship |
1937-1944 |
164/2 | Civil Aeronautics Act
1943-1944 |
164/3 | Civil Aeronautics Act
1953-1954 |
164/4 | Civil Aeronautics Administration
May, 1940 |
164/5 | Civil Aeronautics Administration
June - July, 1941 |
164/6 | Civil Aeronautics Administration
1942-1944 |
164/7 | Civil Aeronautics
Administration-1947 |
1949 |
164/8 | Civil Aeronautics
Administration-1952 |
1955 |
164/9 | Civil Aeronautics Authority
1939 |
164/10 | Civil Aeronautics Authority
1940 |
164/11 | Civil Aeronautics Authority
1942-1953 |
164/12 | Civil Aeronautics Board
1947-1948 |
164/13 | Civil Aeronautics Board
1949 |
164/14 | Civil Aeronautics Board
1950-1953 |
165/1 | Civil Air Patrol |
1948-1951 |
165/2 | Civil Defense |
1942 |
165/3 | Civil Defense |
1948 |
165/4 | Civil Defense |
1951 |
165/5 | Civil Defense |
Jan. - Aug., 1959 |
165/6 | Civil Defense |
Sept. - Oct., 1959 |
165/7 | Civil Defense |
1960 |
165/8 | Civil Employees - Annuities
1958 |
165/9 | Civilian Flying |
1941 |
165/10 | Civil Functions Appropriations -
Legislation |
1951 |
165/11 | Civil Liberties |
1938-1959 |
165/12 | Civil Rights - Questionnaire
1956 |
165/13 | Civil Service |
1937-1938 |
165/14 | Civil Service |
1939 |
165/15 | Civil Service |
Jan. - June, 1940 |
166/1 | Civil Service |
July - Dec., 1940 |
166/2 | Civil Service |
Jan. - June, 1941 |
166/3 | Civil Service |
July - Dec., 1941 |
166/4 | Civil Service |
Jan. - June, 1942 |
166/5 | Civil Service |
July - Dec., 1942 |
166/6 | Civil Service |
1943 |
166/7 | Civil Service |
1944-1945 |
166/8 | Civil Service |
1946 |
166/9 | Civil Service |
1947-1949 |
166/10 | Civil Service-1952 |
1958 |
166/11 | Civil Service - Retirement
Jan. - June, 1946 |
166/12 | Service - Retirement |
July - Dec., 1946 |
167/1 | Civil Service - Retirement
1947 |
167/2 | Civil Service - Retirement
1948 |
167/3 | Civil Service - Retirement
1949 |
167/4 | Civilian Conservation Corps -
Camps |
Jan. - July, 1935 |
167/5 | Civilian Conservation Corps -
Camps |
Aug. - Dec., 1935 |
167/6 | Civilian Conservation Corps -
Camps |
Jan. - Mar., 1936 |
167/7 | Civilian Conservation Corps -
Camps |
Apr., 1936 |
167/8 | Civilian Conservation Corps -
Camps |
1937 |
167/9 | Civilian Conservation Corps -
Camps, Morrison Cave |
1940 |
168/1 | Civilian Conservation Corps -
Camps, Squaw Creek |
1941 |
168/2 | Civilian Conservation Corps -
Correspondence |
Jan. - July, 1935 |
168/3 | Civilian Conservation Corps -
Correspondence |
Aug. - Dec., 1935 |
168/4 | Civilian Conservation Corps -
Correspondence |
Jan. - Mar., 1936 |
168/5 | Civilian Conservation Corps -
Correspondence |
July - Dec., 1936 |
168/6 | Civilian Conservation Corps -
Correspondence |
1937 |
168/7 | Civilian Conservation Corps -
Correspondence |
Jan. - July, 1938 |
169/1 | Civilian Conservation Corps -
Correspondence |
Aug. - Dec., 1938 |
169/2 | Civilian Conservation Corps -
Correspondence |
Jan. - May, 1939 |
169/3 | Civilian Conservation Corps -
Correspondence |
June - Dec., 1939 |
169/4 | Civilian Conservation Corps -
Correspondence |
1940 |
169/5 | Civilian Conservation Corps -
Correspondence |
1941 |
169/6 | Civilian Conservation Corps -
Correspondence |
1942 |
169/7 | Civilian Conservation Corps -
Miscellaneous |
1937 |
169/8 | Civilian Conservation Corps -
Miscellaneous |
1949-1951 |
169/9 | Civilian Conservation Corps -
Miscellaneous |
1952 |
169/10 | Civilian Pilot Training
1941-1942 |
170/1 | Civilian Pilot Training
1943-1945 |
170/2 | Civilian Production
Administration |
1945 |
170/3 | Civilian Production
Administration |
1946 |
170/4 | Civilian Production
Administration |
1947 |
170/5 | Civilian Production Board
1946 |
170/6 | Claims |
1935 |
170/7 | Claims |
Jan. - July, 1936 |
170/8 | Claims |
Aug. - Dec., 1936 |
170/9 | Claims |
Jan. - Apr., 1937 |
171/1 | Claims |
May - July, 1937 |
171/2 | Claims |
Aug. - Dec., 1937 |
171/3 | Claims |
1938 |
171/4 | Claims |
1939 |
171/5 | Claims |
Jan. - Aug., 1940 |
171/6 | Claims |
Sept. - Dec., 1940 |
171/7 | Claims |
1941 |
171/8 | Claims |
Jan. - Mar., 1942 |
171/9 | Claims |
Apr. - June, 1942 |
172/1 | Claims |
July - Dec., 1942 |
172/2 | Claims |
Jan. - Mar., 1943 |
172/3 | Claims |
Apr. - June, 1943 |
172/4 | Claims |
Aug. - Dec., 1943 |
172/5 | Claims |
Jan. - July, 1944 |
172/6 | Claims |
Aug. - Dec., 1944 |
172/7 | Claims |
1945 |
172/8 | Claims |
Feb. - May, 1946 |
172/9 | Claims |
June - Aug., 1946 |
173/1 | Claims |
Sept. - Dec., 1946 |
173/2 | Claims |
Jan. - June, 1946 |
173/3 | Claims |
July - Dec., 1947 |
173/4 | Claims - George Close
1947 |
173/5 | Claims |
Jan. - June, 1948 |
173/6 | Claims |
July - Dec., 1948 |
173/7 | Claims - Dr. Bryon Tarbox
1948-1949 |
173/8 | Claims |
Jan. - June, 1949 |
173/9 | Claims |
July - Dec., 1949 |
174/1 | Claims |
Jan. - June, 1950 |
174/2 | Claims |
July - Dec., 1950 |
174/3 | Claims |
1951 |
174/4 | Claims |
1952-1955 |
174/5 | Claims |
1956 |
174/6 | Claims |
1957-1958 |
174/7 | Claims |
1959-1960 |
174/8 | Clark Canyon Dam |
1959 |
174/9 | Clark's Fork |
1942-1958 |
174/10 | Clayton, Wm. L. |
1944 |
174/11 | Cloture-1949 |
1956-1957 |
174/12 | Coburn, Wm. H. |
1947-1949 |
174/13 | Cockrell, Erving - Peace
1953 |
174/14 | Coffee |
1942-1943 |
175/1 | College Admissions |
1946-1947 |
175/2 | Colorado River |
1956 |
175/3 | Colorado River Basin Project
1949-1954 |
175/4 | Columbia Basin - CVA Reports
1944-1947 |
175/5 | Columbia Basin - Miscellaneous
1947-1948 |
175/6 | Columbia Basin - CVA, Mailing
List |
1948 |
175/7 | Columbia Basin - CVA, Various
Reports |
1949 |
175/8 | Columbia Basin - CVA,
Miscellaneous |
1949-1950 |
175/9 | Columbia Basin - Miscellaneous
1955-1956 |
175/10 | Columbia Basin - Water Resources
1957 |
175/11 | Columbia Basin - Miscellaneous
175/12 | Columbia Basin - Miscellaneous
1958 |
176/1 | Columbia Basin - Water Resources
1959 |
176/2 | Columbia Power Authority
1941 |
176/3 | Columbia River |
1959 |
176/4 | Columbia River Development
1948-1949 |
176/5 | Commerce |
1949 |
176/6 | Commerce Department-1948
1960 |
176/7 | Commissions-1942 |
1946 |
176/8 | Commissions |
1947 |
176/9 | Committee Assignments-1940-1941
1955 |
176/10 | Bonus Committee |
1938 |
176/11 | Bonus Committee |
1938 |
176/12 | Committee Files |
1950 |
176/13 | Committee of Interior and Insular
Affairs |
1952 |
177/1 | Committee of Interior and Insular
Affairs |
Jan. - Apr., 1955 |
177/2 | Committee of Interior and Insular
Affairs |
May - Dec., 1955 |
177/3 | Committee of Interior and Insular
Affairs |
Jan. - Feb., 1956 |
177/4 | Committee of Interior and Insular
Affairs |
Mar. - Oct., 1956 |
177/5 | Committee to Investigate Campaign
Expenses |
1956 |
177/6 | Committees |
1939 |
177/7 | Committees |
1940 |
177/8 | Committees |
1941 |
177/9 | Committees |
1942-1945 |
177/10 | Commodities |
1939 |
177/11 | Commodities |
1940-1941 |
177/12 | Commodity Credit Corp.
1939-1940 |
178/1 | Commodity Credit Corp.
1949-1951 |
178/2 | Anti-Communism |
1955 |
178/3 | Communism - J. Edgar Hoover
1959-1960 |
178/4 | Communists |
1949 - Apr., 1950 |
178/5 | Communists |
May - July, 1950 |
178/6 | Communists |
Aug., 1950 |
178/7 | Communists |
Sept. - Nov., 1950 |
178/8 | Communists - Telegrams
1950 |
178/9 | Communists |
1951-1958 |
178/10 | Compensation |
1939-1940 |
178/11 | Compensation |
1941 |
178/12 | Compensation-1942-1943
1948 |
178/13 | Complaints |
1937 |
178/14 | Complaints |
1938-1940 |
178/15 | Complaints |
1941-1942 |
179/1 | Complaints - Hazel Bunker
1941 |
179/2 | Complaints - Bureau of Navigation
1941 |
179/3 | Complaints |
1943 |
179/4 | Complaints |
1944 |
179/5 | Complaints |
1945 |
179/6 | Complaints |
1946-1950 |
179/7 | Against Safeway Co. |
1956 |
179/8 | Comptroller General's Office
1936 |
179/9 | Concessions |
1948 |
179/10 | Condolences |
1935-1937 |
179/11 | Condolences |
1938-1956 |
179/12 | Conferences |
1940-1942 |
179/13 | Conferences - Western Senators
1958 |
179/14 | Confirmation |
1939-1940 |
179/15 | Congratulations |
1934-1937 |
179/16 | Congratulations |
1938-1940 |
179/17 | Congratulations-1943 |
1945 |
179/18 | Congratulations |
1948-1949 |
179/19 | Congress |
1940-1949 |
179/20 | Congressional Directory
1934 |
180/1 | Congressional Directory
Jan., 1935 |
180/2 | Congressional Directory
Feb. - Mar., 1935 |
180/3 | Congressional Directory
Apr. - Dec., 1935 |
180/4 | Congressional Directory
1936 |
180/5 | Congressional Directory-1937
1942 |
180/6 | Congressional Districts
1943 |
180/7 | Congress of Industrial
Organizations |
1939-1941 |
180/8 | Congressional Intelligence
1939 |
180/9 | Congressional Intelligence -
Daily Digest |
1939 |
180/10 | Congressional Library
1943-1944 |
180/11 | Congressional Miscellany
1943-1955 |
180/12 | Congressional Procedure
1956 |
180/13 | Congressional Record |
1936-1942 |
181/1 | Congressional Record |
1943-1944 |
181/2 | Congressional Record |
1946-1948 |
181/3 | Congressional Record |
1949 |
181/4 | Congressional Record |
1950-1951 |
181/5 | Congressional Record |
1952 |
181/6 | Congressional Record |
1953-1954 |
181/7 | Congressional Record - Requests
1954-1956 |
182/1 | Congressional Record |
1957-1958 |
182/2 | Congressional Reorganization
Jan. - Feb., 1938 |
182/3 | Congressional Reorganization
Mar. - Dec., 1938 |
182/4 | Congressional Reorganization
1939-1940 |
182/5 | Congressional Reorganization
1949 |
182/6 | Congressional Reorganization
Jan. - Apr., 1950 |
182/7 | Congressional Reorganization
May - Dec., 1950 |
182/8 | Cooperative Committee
1936 |
183/1 | Conscription |
June - July, 1940 |
183/2 | Conscription |
Aug. 1 - 15, 1940 |
183/3 | Conscription |
Aug. 15-1930, 1940 |
183/4 | Conscription |
Sept. - Oct., 1940 |
183/5 | Conscription |
1947-1949 |
183/6 | Conscientious Objectors
1945-1950 |
183/7 | Conservation |
1940-1947 |
183/8 | Conservation |
1955, June, 1958 |
183/9 | Conservation |
Aug., 1958-1960 |
183/10 | Conservation - MT. Conservation
Council |
1959 |
184/1 | Conservation - MT Conservation
Council |
Jan. - Feb., 1960 |
184/2 | Conservation - MT Conservation
Council |
Mar. - Oct., 1960 |
184/3 | Conservation - News Stories
1959 |
184/4 | Conservation - MT Wildlife
Federation |
1957 |
184/5 | Conservation - Petitions
1937-1938 |
184/6 | Construction-1935 |
1942-1948 |
184/7 | Construction - MT Buildings
1951 |
184/8 | Construction - MT Buildings
1952 |
184/9 | Construction-1951-1952
1960 |
184/10 | Consumer's Bureau |
1958 |
184/11 | Consumer Interests - Select
Committee |
1952 |
184/12 | Contract - Ed Fritz |
1957 |
184/13 | Contract Settlement Act
1948 |
184/14 | Contract Settlements |
1949-1950 |
184/15 | Contracts |
1940-1942 |
184/16 | Contracts |
1943-1944 |
184/17 | Contracts |
1946-1947 |
185/1 | Contracts - Govt. |
1960 |
185/2 | Contributions |
1934-1937 |
185/3 | Contributions |
1938-1940 |
185/4 | Contributions-1947-1949
1953 |
185/5 | Convalescent Centers |
1943 |
185/6 | Conventions |
1937-1940 |
185/7 | Coolidge, E. B.-1936 |
1946-1947 |
185/8 | Cooperatives-1942 |
1946-1947 |
185/9 | Cooperatives |
1949-1950 |
185/10 | Cooperatives |
Jan. - May, 1951 |
185/11 | Cooperatives |
June - July, 1951 |
186/1 | Cooperatives |
Sept. 1 - Sept. 17, 1951 |
186/2 | Cooperatives |
Sept. 19 - Sept. 28, 1951 |
186/3 | Cooperatives |
Oct., 1951 - Feb., 1952, 1955 |
186/4 | Cooperatives - Pamphlets and
Articles |
186/5 | Copyright |
1939 |
186/6 | Copyright - Books and Articles
1947 |
186/7 | Copyright - Convention
1941-1942 |
186/8 | Copyright - Treaty |
1938 |
186/9 | Copyright - Law |
1936-1937 |
186/10 | Cormier, Clem R. |
1949-1951 |
186/11 | Corporations |
1939-1940 |
186/12 | Corps of Engineers |
1950-1959 |
187/1 | Corps of Engineers |
1962-1963 |
187/2 | Correspondence |
1937 |
187/3 | Correspondence |
1938 |
187/4 | Correspondence - Cards
1945 |
187/5 | Correspondence |
1945-1946 |
187/6 | Correspondence |
1947 |
187/7 | Correspondence |
Jan. - Mar., 1948 |
187/8 | Correspondence |
Apr. - June, 1948 |
187/9 | Correspondence |
Jan. - June, 1954 |
188/1 | Correspondence |
1954 |
188/2 | Correspondence |
1956 |
188/3 | Cost of Living |
1947 |
188/4 | Cost of Living |
1948 |
188/5 | Court Packing Petitions
1937 |
188/6 | Crapo, George |
1957-1958 |
188/7 | Credit Unions-1945 |
1948 |
188/8 | Crime Investigation Committee
1951 |
188/9 | Crimean Conference |
1945 |
188/10 | Crippled Children's Commission
1945-1946 |
188/11 | Custer Battlefield National
Cemetery |
1940 |
188/12 | Custer Celebration |
1951 |
188/13 | Customs |
1937-1940 |
188/14 | Customs |
1941-1942 |
188/15 | Customs |
1945 |
188/16 | Customs |
1947 |
189/1 | Customs - Bureau |
1948-1950 |
189/2 | Customs - Carbert, MT
1947-1950 |
189/3 | Customs - Offices |
1954, 1956 |
189/4 | Customs - Patrol |
1947 |
189/5 | Customs - Petition, Havre
1951 |
189/6 | Customs - Raymond, MT
1951 |
189/7 | Customs Service |
1951-1953 |
189/8 | Customs Station - MT |
1946, 1950, 1959-1960 |
189/9 | Daily, John R. - Meat Packers
1954 |
189/10 | Dalles Dam Project |
1946 |
189/11 | Daly, Freeman |
1935-1937 |
189/12 | Daly, Hugh |
1935-1937 |
189/13 | Daly, Hugh |
1938-1941 |
189/14 | Dams - Buffalo Rapids Project
1937-1956 |
189/15 | Dams - Daley Spur |
1938-1939 |
190/1 | Dams |
1941 |
190/2 | Dams |
1951-1952 |
190/3 | Dams |
1955-1956 |
190/4 | Dams |
1957 |
190/5 | Dams |
1959 |
190/6 | Dams - Glacier Creek |
1950 |
190/7 | Dams - Tuttle Creek |
1953 |
190/8 | Dams - Mountain Sheep and
Pleasant Valley |
1958 |
190/9 | Dams - Paradise, CVA |
1949 |
190/10 | Debate Material |
1959 |
190/11 | DeBrask, Victor F. |
1938-1939 |
190/12 | Debt - National |
1941 |
190/13 | Debt - Public |
1953 |
190/14 | Defense |
1940-1942 |
190/15 | Defense - Act |
1951 |
190/16 | Defense - Appropriations
1953 |
190/17 | Defense - Mobilization
1951 |
190/18 | Defense - National |
1936-1938 |
190/19 | Defense - National |
1939-1940 |
190/20 | Defense - National |
1941, 1949 |
190/21 | Defense - Industries, Deer Lodge
1941 |
190/22 | Defense Production Act
1950 |
190/23 | Defense Production Act
May - June 22, 1951 |
190/24 | Defense Production Act
June 25-1929, 1951 |
191/1 | Defense Production Act
July 1-1924, 1951 |
191/2 | Defense Production Act
July 25 - Dec., 1951 |
191/3 | Defense Production Act
1952 |
191/4 | Defense Production Administration
1950-1951 |
191/5 | Defense Production Administration
- Announcements |
1951 |
191/6 | Defense - Projects |
1941-1942 |
191/7 | Defense - Program, Missile
Development |
1950, 1957 |
191/8 | Defense - Training |
1941-1942 |
191/9 | Defense - Transport
Administration |
1951 |
191/10 | Deforest, Bryon |
1940 |
191/11 | Dellwo, D.A. |
1939 |
191/12 | Democratic Central Committee
1940-1950 |
191/13 | Democratic National Committee
1934-1937 |
191/14 | Democratic National Committee -
Wm. Priest |
1949 |
191/15 | Democratic National Committee
1951-1952 |
191/16 | Democratic Conferences
1950 |
191/17 | Democratic Organizations
1938 |
191/18 | Democratic Convention - National
1940 |
191/19 | Democratic Convention - State
1936, 1938 |
191/20 | Democratic Convention - State
1940 |
192/1 | Democratic Convention
1944 |
192/2 | Democratic Party-1957
1959 |
192/3 | Democratic Policy Committee
1954 |
192/4 | Democratic Committee Women - MT.
1940 |
192/5 | Democrats-1940 |
1943-1944 |
192/6 | Democrats - Western Dem. Senators
192/7 | Democrats - Young Dem. Club
1936-1937 |
192/8 | Democrats - Young Democrats
1940-1942, 1960 |
192/9 | Demonstration - Harry Ferguson,
Detroit |
1945 |
192/10 | Dentists |
1938-1944 |
192/11 | Dentists |
1945 |
192/12 | Department of Commerce
1943-1946 |
192/13 | Department of State Lands - land
exchange |
1936 |
192/14 | Dependency Allotments-1942
1945 |
192/15 | Deportation |
1941-1943 |
192/16 | D'Ewart Campaign Material
1947 |
192/17 | D'Ewart, Wesley |
1953 |
193/1 | D'Ewart, Wesley |
1955 |
193/2 | D'Ewart, Wesley |
Jan. - June, 1956 |
193/3 | D'Ewart, Wesley |
July, 1956 |
193/4 | D'Ewart, Wesley |
Aug. - Dec., 1956 |
193/5 | Diamond Match Co. |
1952 |
193/6 | Diplomatic Service |
1947 |
193/7 | Disability Retirement
1946 |
193/8 | Disarmament |
1946 |
193/9 | Disarmament |
1957 |
193/10 | Disaster Relief |
1949 |
193/11 | Discrimination-1941 |
1960 |
193/12 | Dismissals |
1937 |
193/13 | Displaced Persons |
1947-1948 |
193/14 | District Of Columbia-1935
1941-1942 |
193/15 | District Of Columbia |
1953-1954 |
193/16 | District Of Columbia - Vote
1955 |
193/17 | District Of Columbia |
1959-1960 |
193/18 | Distrust in Public Schools
1951 |
193/19 | Doctors-1943 |
1951 |
193/20 | Documents-1941 |
1950 |
193/21 | Dogs - Surplus Sled Dogs
1947 |
194/1 | Donations |
1944 |
194/2 | Donations - Madison Square Boys
Club |
1951 |
194/3 | Dozier, Wm. - Pardon |
1947-1949 |
194/4 | Draft Board-1941-1942
1946, 1950 |
194/5 | Drought |
June - July, 1936 |
194/6 | Drought |
Aug. - Sept., 1936 |
194/7 | Drought |
May, 1937 |
194/8 | Drought |
June, 1937 |
194/9 | Drought |
July, 1937 |
194/10 | Drought |
Aug. - Oct., 1937 |
194/11 | Drought |
1938 |
194/12 | Drought - Garfield City
1936 |
194/13 | Drought - MT Livestock
1936 |
195/1 | Dry Creek Irrigation |
1936 |
195/2 | Dude Ranches |
1937 |
195/3 | Duncan, Charles Alonzo
1949 |
195/4 | Earthquake - proof Structures
1936 |
195/5 | Echo Park Project |
1954-1955 |
195/6 | Economic Committee - Natural
Resources |
1947 |
195/7 | Economic Community Association
1948 |
195/8 | Economic Cooperative
Administration |
1949-1950 |
195/9 | Economic Report |
1949 |
195/10 | Economic Report |
1953 |
195/11 | Economy - Government |
1948-1949 |
195/12 | Economy - Southern |
1943 |
195/13 | Editorials-1941 |
1943 |
195/14 | Education |
1937 |
195/15 | Education |
1938 |
195/16 | Education |
1939 |
195/17 | Education |
1940-1941 |
195/18 | Education |
Jan. - Aug., 1942 |
196/1 | Education |
Sept. - Dec., 1942 |
196/2 | Education |
Jan. - May, 1943 |
196/3 | Education |
June - Dec., 1943 |
196/4 | Education |
1944-1947 |
196/5 | Education |
1948-1951 |
196/6 | Education |
1953-1954 |
196/7 | Education |
1955-1956 |
196/8 | Education |
1957-1959 |
196/9 | Education - Federal Aid
1946, 1951-1957 |
196/10 | Education - Federal Aid
1959-1960 |
196/11 | Education and Health |
1946 |
197/1 | Education and Labor |
1958 |
197/2 | Education and Labor Committee
Jan. - May, 1945 |
197/3 | Education and Labor Committee
June - Sept., 1945 |
197/4 | Education and Labor Committee
Oct. - Dec., 1945 |
197/5 | Education and Labor Committee
Jan. - May, 1946 |
197/6 | Education and Labor Committee
June - Dec., 1946 |
197/7 | Education, Legislative Agency
1941 |
197/8 | Education - School Construction
1959 |
197/9 | Education and Welfare
1945-1946 |
197/10 | Eisenhower, Dwight D.
undated |
197/11 | Elections |
1938 |
197/12 | Elections - Charts, Clippings
1960-1966 |
197/13 | Elections - Handbooks
1960-1964 |
198/1 | Elections - Miscellaneous
1943 |
198/2 | Elections - Practices
1956 |
198/3 | Elective Officers |
1942 |
198/4 | Electoral College |
1956-1957 |
198/5 | Electric |
1938 |
198/6 | Electric - Energy Act
1956 |
198/7 | Electric - Power |
1946 |
198/8 | Electric - Rates |
1957 |
198/9 | Elk-1937 |
1942 |
198/10 | Elk-1950 |
Oct. - Nov., 1955 |
198/11 | Elk |
Dec., 1955-1956 |
198/12 | Ellis, Harry P. |
1954 |
198/13 | Elwood, Roy M. |
1946 |
198/14 | Emergency Council |
1938 |
198/15 | Emergency Leave |
1953 |
198/16 | Emergency Relief Administration
1938-1939 |
198/17 | Emergency Relief Fund
1934 |
198/18 | Emery Dewitt |
1948 |
198/19 | Employee's Compensation
1935 |
198/20 | Employee's Compensation
Jan. - June, 1936 |
198/21 | Employee's Compensation
July - Dec., 1936 |
199/1 | Employee's Compensation
1937 |
199/2 | Employee's Compensation
1939 |
199/3 | Employee's Compensation
1940-1942 |
199/4 | Employee's Compensation
1943 |
199/5 | Employee's Compensation
1946 |
199/6 | Employee's Compensation
1952-1957 |
199/7 | Employment |
1939-1940 |
199/8 | Employment |
1943-1945 |
199/9 | Employment-1946-1949 |
1957, 1960 |
199/10 | Employment - California
1946 |
199/11 | Employment - Full |
1945 |
200/1 | Employment - Full |
1946-1947 |
200/2 | Employment - Full |
1948 |
200/3 | Employment - Full |
1957 |
200/4 | Employment - Handicapped
1959 |
200/5 | Employment - Labor Department
1935 |
200/6 | Employment - Requests
1942 |
200/7 | Employment - Service |
1937-1938 |
200/8 | Employment - Service |
1943-1948 |
200/9 | Employment - Service |
1942 |
200/10 | Employment - Service |
1950 |
200/11 | Endorsements |
1936-1940 |
200/12 | Endorsements |
1943 |
200/13 | Engagements |
1938-1940 |
200/14 | Engineering - Projects West
1948 |
200/15 | Engineering - Regulation of
Professionals in D.C. |
1936 |
200/16 | Engineers - Corps of 1954
1955 |
200/17 | Engineers - Corps of 1957
201/1 | Enlistment |
1940-1942 |
201/2 | Entomologists |
1947 |
201/3 | Equal Rights |
1949-1954 |
201/4 | Equal Rights |
1955-1960 |
201/5 | Equipment |
1942 |
201/6 | Evaporation Control |
1958 |
201/7 | Evaporation Research |
1960 |
201/8 | Even - Air Corps - Rubber
1951 |
201/9 | Executive Branch |
1945 |
201/10 | Expenditures - Federal
1942-1943 |
201/11 | Expenditures - Federal
1946-1951 |
201/12 | Expenditures - Federal
1952-1953 |
201/13 | Expenditures - Federal
1958 |
201/14 | Expenses |
1939 |
201/15 | Exports |
1942-1949 |
201/16 | Extension Service |
1954 |
201/17 | Fair Trade |
1939 |
201/18 | Fair Trade |
1956 |
201/19 | Fair Trade |
1957-1958 |
201/20 | Family Allowance |
1949 |
201/21 | Farm Credit Administration
1935 |
202/1 | Farm Credit Administration
1936 |
202/2 | Farm Credit Administration
1937-1938 |
202/3 | Farm Credit Administration
1939-1941 |
202/4 | Farm Credit Administration
1942-1944 |
202/5 | Farm Credit Administration -
Miles City |
1954 |
202/6 | Farm Loan Board |
1938 |
202/7 | Farmers Union |
1952-1957 |
202/8 | Federal Farm Loans - A
1936 |
202/9 | Federal Farm Loans - B
1934-1935 |
202/10 | Federal Farm Loans - B
1936-1937 |
202/11 | Federal Farm Loans - C
1935-1937 |
202/12 | Federal Farm Loans - D - F
1934-1937 |
203/1 | Federal Farm Loans - G - K
1935-1937 |
203/2 | Federal Farm Loans - L - P
1935-1936 |
203/3 | Federal Farm Loans - R - S
1935-1937 |
203/4 | Federal Farm Loans - T - Y
1935-1937 |
203/5 | Farm Machinery |
Jan. - June, 1943 |
203/6 | Farm Machinery |
July - Dec., 1943 |
203/7 | Farm Machinery |
Jan. - June, 1944 |
203/8 | Farm Machinery |
July - Dec., 1944 |
203/9 | Farm Machinery |
1945-1947 |
204/1 | Farm Machinery |
1951 |
204/2 | Farm - Miscellaneous |
1935-1937 |
204/3 | Farm Parity |
1942-1943 |
204/4 | Farm Price Support Program
1943-1952 |
204/5 | Farm Prices |
1943-1947 |
204/6 | Farm Program and Prices
1953 |
204/7 | Farm Security Administration
1937-1938 |
204/8 | Farm Security Administration
1939 |
204/9 | Farm Security Administration
Jan. - June, 1940 |
204/10 | Farm Security Administration
July - Dec., 1940 |
204/11 | Farm Security Administration
1941 |
205/1 | Farm Security Administration
Feb. - Mar., 1942 |
205/2 | Farm Security Administration
Apr., 1942 |
205/3 | Farm Security Administration
May - Dec., 1942 |
205/4 | Farm Security Administration
Jan. - Feb., 1943 |
205/5 | Farm Security Administration
Mar. - Apr., 1943 |
205/6 | Farm Security Administration
May, 1943 |
205/7 | Farm Security Administration
June - Dec., 1943 |
206/1 | Farm Security Administration
1944 |
206/2 | Farm Security Administration
1945 |
206/3 | Farm Security Administration
1946-1947 |
206/4 | Farmers Home Administration
1945-1947 |
206/5 | Farmers Home Administration
1948-1949 |
206/6 | Farmers Home Administration
1950-1951 |
206/7 | Farmers Home Administration
1952-1954 |
206/8 | Farmers Home Administration
1955-1956 |
206/9 | Farmers Home Administration
1957 |
206/10 | Farmers Home Administration -
Petitions |
1957 |
207/1 | Farmers Home Administration
1959 |
207/2 | Farmers Union |
1936 |
207/3 | Farmers Union |
1937-1938 |
207/4 | Farmers Union |
1941-1942 |
207/5 | Farmers Union |
Jan. - Mar., 1943 |
207/6 | Farmers Union |
Apr. - Dec., 1943 |
207/7 | Farmers Union |
1944-1947 |
207/8 | Farmers Union |
1950-1951 |
207/9 | Farmers Union-1952 |
1955 |
207/10 | Farmers Union |
Jan. - Aug., 1956 |
207/11 | Farmers Union |
Sept. - Dec., 1956 |
207/12 | Farmers Union |
1957 |
207/13 | Farmers Union |
1958-1960 |
208/1 | Farrell, James A. - Testimonial
Dinner |
1932, 1938 |
208/2 | Federal Agency - Regional Offices
1946 |
208/3 | Federal Aid |
1947-1948 |
208/4 | Federal Alcohol Administration
1940 |
208/5 | Federal Aviation Agency
1960 |
208/6 | Federal Buildings - Public Works
1935, 1948-1949 |
208/7 | Federal Buildings |
1951-1954 |
208/8 | Federal Buildings |
1957-1958 |
208/9 | Federal Buildings - Travertine
1935-1936 |
208/10 | Federal Building Association
1950 |
208/11 | Federal Bureaus-1937 |
1943 |
208/12 | F.B.I. |
1941-1942 |
208/13 | F.B.I. |
1943 |
208/14 | F.B.I. |
1950 |
208/15 | Federal Civil Defense
Administration |
1954 |
208/16 | Federal Communications Commission
1935-1936 |
208/17 | Federal Communications Commission
1939 |
208/18 | Federal Communications Commission
1948-1949 |
208/19 | Federal Communications
Commission-1955 |
1957 |
208/20 | Federal Communications Commission
1960 |
209/1 | Construct Act |
1953-1954 |
209/2 | Federal Credit Association
1940 |
209/3 | Federal Deposit Insurance Corp.
1949-1950 |
209/4 | Federal Emergency Administration
1935-1936 |
209/5 | Federal Employees-1937
1943-1946 |
209/6 | Federal Employees - Claims
1949-1951 |
209/7 | Federal Employees Compensation
Com. - Mann Gulch Disaster |
1943 |
209/8 | Federal. Home Loan Bank - San
Francisco |
1950 |
209/9 | Federal Home Loans |
1949 |
209/10 | Federal Housing
Administration-1936 |
1941 |
209/11 | Federal Housing Administration -
Attorney Designation |
1960 |
209/12 | Federal Land Bank-1938
1942 |
209/13 | Federal Power Commission
1936-1943 |
209/14 | Federal Power Commission
1944-1949 |
209/15 | Federal Power Commission
1953-1960 |
209/16 | Federal Printing Office
1956 |
209/17 | Federal Recreation Service
1948 |
209/18 | Federal Reports Act |
1941 |
209/19 | Federal Reserve System
1950-1959 |
209/20 | Federal Security Agency
1943-1946 |
209/21 | Federal Surplus Commodities Corp.
1940 |
209/22 | Federal Trade Commission
1950-1954 |
209/23 | Federal Committee On Ways and
Means |
1937 |
209/24 | Federal Works Administration -
Rubber Plants |
1942 |
209/25 | Federal Works Administration
1943-1950 |
209/26 | Federal Works Agency |
1942-1943 |
209/27 | Fences |
1948 |
209/28 | Fifth Term |
1945 |
209/29 | Fight for Freedom Committee
1941 |
210/1 | Films |
1939 |
210/2 | Films |
1947-1948 |
210/3 | Finance Committee |
1957 |
210/4 | Fire Control-1942 |
1949 |
210/5 | Fire Arms - Resolutions
1957 |
210/6 | Fire Arms - Revisions
1957 |
210/7 | Fireworks |
1954 |
210/8 | Fish |
1935-1937 |
210/9 | Fish |
1938 |
210/10 | Fish |
1939-1940 |
210/11 | Fish-1941 |
1945 |
210/12 | Fish Hatchery |
1938-1956 |
210/13 | Hatchery |
1957-1960 |
210/14 | Fish Hatchery - Creston
1939-1955 |
210/15 | Fish Hatchery - Fort Peck
1950 |
210/16 | Fish Hatchery - Miles City
1950, 1960 |
210/17 | Fish and Game - Biol. Survey
1939 |
210/18 | Fish and Game - MT Season
1939 |
210/19 | Fish and Wildlife |
1943 |
211/1 | Fish and Wildlife - Insurance
1949 |
211/2 | Fish and Wildlife |
1954 |
211/3 | Fish and Wildlife |
1957-1958 |
211/4 | Flag Association |
1938 |
211/5 | Flag Design - Hawaii |
1953 |
211/6 | Flags |
1941-1943 |
211/7 | Flaherty, James J. - Great Falls
1935-1949 |
211/8 | Flaherty, James J. |
1950-1951 |
211/9 | Flaherty, James J. |
1952 |
211/10 | Flaherty, James J. |
1953-1954 |
211/11 | Flaherty, James J. |
1956-1957 |
211/12 | Flaherty, James J. |
1958 |
211/13 | Flaherty Bros. |
Jan. - Sept., 1941 |
211/14 | Flaherty Bros. |
Oct. - Dec., 1941 |
211/15 | Flaherty Bros. |
1947 |
211/16 | Flight Training |
1949 |
211/17 | Flood Control |
1936-1947 |
212/1 | Flood Control |
Jan. - June, 1948 |
212/2 | Flood Control |
July - Dec., 1948 |
212/3 | Flood Control |
1949 |
212/4 | Flood Control |
1950-1951 |
212/5 | Flood Control |
1952 |
212/6 | Flood Control |
1953 |
212/7 | Flood Control |
1954 |
212/8 | Flood Control |
1955 |
212/9 | Flood Control |
1956-1957 |
212/10 | Flood Control |
1958 |
212/11 | Flood Control |
1959-1960 |
213/1 | Flood Control - Mailing List
1947 |
213/2 | Flood Control - Havre, MT.
1940 |
213/3 | Flood Disaster - Milk River
1952 |
213/4 | Floods - Yellowstone and Missouri
Rivers |
1947 |
213/5 | Florida Canal-1936-1937
1943 |
213/6 | Fluoridation |
1958 |
213/7 | Fluoridation |
1959 |
213/8 | Floweree Homestead |
1935-1937 |
213/9 | Fogerty - G.L.O. Matter
1939 |
213/10 | Food |
1942-1960 |
213/11 | Food Additives |
1958 |
213/12 | Food and Drug Administration
1940 |
213/13 | Food and Drug Administration
1947 |
213/14 | Food Program |
1947 |
213/15 | Food Relief |
1946 |
213/16 | Food Stamp Plan |
1940 |
213/17 | Foreclosures |
1941-1942 |
213/18 | Foreign Affairs |
1938-1951 |
213/19 | Foreign Affairs - Argentina Trade
1937 |
214/1 | Foreign Affairs - Armenians
1945 |
214/2 | Foreign Affairs - Atlantic
Charter |
1941 |
214/3 | Foreign Affairs - Atlantic Union
1950-1952 |
214/4 | Foreign Affairs - Atlantic Union
1959 |
214/5 | Foreign Affairs - Brazil
Manganese |
1936 |
214/6 | Foreign Affairs - Bretton Woods
Agreement |
1945 |
214/7 | Foreign Affairs - Bricker
Amendment |
Mar. - May, 1953 |
214/8 | Foreign Affairs - Bricker
Amendment |
June, 1953 |
214/9 | Foreign Affairs - Bricker
Amendment |
July, 1953 |
214/10 | Foreign Affairs - Bricker
Amendment |
Aug. - Dec., 1953 |
214/11 | Foreign Affairs - Bricker
Amendment |
Jan., 1954 |
214/12 | Foreign Affairs - Bricker
Amendment |
Feb., 1954 |
214/13 | Foreign Affairs - Bricker
Amendment |
Mar. - Oct., 1954 |
214/14 | Foreign Affairs - Bricker
Amendment |
1955-1956 |
215/1 | Foreign Affairs - Bricker
Amendment, Booklets |
215/2 | Foreign Affairs - Britain
1944-1947 |
215/3 | Foreign Affairs - British Loan
1945-1946 |
215/4 | Foreign Affairs - British
Socialism, Postwar |
215/5 | Foreign Affairs - Britain,
Reciprocal Trade Agreement |
1938 |
215/6 | Foreign Affairs - Canada Customs
1934-1935 |
215/7 | Foreign Affairs - Canada Customs
1936 |
215/8 | Foreign Affairs - Canada Customs
1937 |
215/9 | Foreign Affairs - Canada, Rainy
Lake Watershed |
1939 |
215/10 | Foreign Affairs - Canada, St.
Lawrence Seaway |
1942-1943 |
215/11 | Foreign Affairs - Canada, St.
Lawrence Seaway |
1953-1954 |
215/12 | Foreign Affairs - Canada, Trade
Agreement |
1937 |
216/1 | Foreign Affairs - Canada Treaty
1935-1936 |
216/2 | Foreign Affairs - Canada
Reciprocal Trade |
1938 |
216/3 | Foreign Affairs - Canada
Relations |
1949 |
216/4 | Foreign Affairs - China
1937-1945 |
216/5 | Foreign Affairs - China
1947-1949 |
216/6 | Foreign Affairs - China
1950 |
216/7 | Foreign Affairs - China
1954-1959 |
216/8 | Foreign Affairs - China Economic
Aid Book |
1949 |
216/9 | Foreign Affairs - China - Korea
Booklets |
1951 |
216/10 | Foreign Affairs - Connally
Amendment |
1960 |
216/11 | Foreign Affairs - Cuba Trade
Agreement |
1938 |
216/12 | Foreign Affairs - Czechoslovakia,
Peter Vaselenak Naturalization |
1936-1937 |
216/13 | Foreign Affairs - Defense
1940 |
217/1 | Foreign Affairs - Defense
1941 |
217/2 | Foreign Affairs - Dumbarton Oaks
Conference |
1945 |
217/3 | Foreign Affairs - Egypt
1955 |
217/4 | Foreign Affairs - European
Recovery Program |
1948 |
217/5 | Foreign Affairs - Europe, Food
Relief |
1940-1941 |
217/6 | Foreign Affairs - Europe, Food
Relief |
1943-1944 |
217/7 | Foreign Affairs - Exports
1935 |
217/8 | Foreign Affairs - Far East
1949 |
217/9 | Foreign Affairs - Finnish
Settlements of 1917-1918 |
1952 |
217/10 | Foreign Affairs - Finland
1939-1941 |
217/11 | Foreign Affairs - Finland
1946 |
217/12 | Foreign Affairs - Foreign Aid
1945-1947 |
217/13 | Foreign Affairs - Foreign Aid
1948-1952 |
217/14 | Foreign Affairs - Foreign Funds
1945-1946 |
217/15 | Foreign Affairs - Foreign Policy
1939-1947 |
217/16 | Foreign Affairs - Foreign Trade
1943-1944 |
217/17 | Foreign Affairs - Formosa
1955-1958 |
218/1 | Foreign Affairs - Germany, Anti -
Nazi |
1949 |
218/2 | Foreign Affairs - Germany, Jews
in Occupied Lands |
1943 |
218/3 | Foreign Affairs - Germany, War
Trials |
1948 |
218/4 | Foreign Affairs - Germany, Food
1947 |
218/5 | Foreign Affairs - Germany,
Conference in Berlin |
1945 |
218/6 | Foreign Affairs - Germany
1945-1946, 1956 |
218/7 | Foreign Affairs - German Peace
Agreement |
1952 |
218/8 | Foreign Affairs - Girard
Agreement |
1957 |
218/9 | Foreign Affairs - Greece
1945 |
218/10 | Foreign Affairs - Greece
Jan. - Mar. 25, 1947 |
218/11 | Foreign Affairs - Greece
Mar. 26-1931, 1947 |
218/12 | Foreign Affairs - Greece
Apr., 1947-1950 |
218/13 | Foreign Affairs - Greece,
Dodecanese Island |
1946-1947 |
218/14 | Foreign Affairs - Greece,
Pamphlets |
1947 |
218/15 | Foreign Affairs - Greece, State
Department Bulletins |
1947 |
219/1 | Foreign Affairs - Greece, Truman
Doctrine |
Mar., 1947 |
219/2 | Foreign Affairs - Greece, Truman
Doctrine |
Apr., 1947 |
219/3 | Foreign Affairs - Greece, Truman
Doctrine |
May - June, 1947 |
219/4 | Foreign Affairs - Haxby
1939 |
219/5 | Foreign Affairs - Holland
1935-1936 |
219/6 | Foreign Affairs - Hungary
1942, 1949 |
219/7 | Foreign Affairs - Immigration
1942 |
219/8 | Foreign Affairs - Immigration
1947 - Apr., 1948 |
219/9 | Foreign Affairs - Immigration
May, 1948 Aug., 1950 |
219/10 | Foreign Affairs - Immigration
1955-1956 |
219/11 | Foreign Affairs - Immigration,
Hinchberger |
1957 |
219/12 | Foreign Affairs - Immigration,
Ilse Irving |
1957 |
219/13 | Foreign Affairs - Immigration,
Naturalization |
1960 |
219/14 | Foreign Affairs - Immigration,
Refugee Program |
1956 |
220/1 | Foreign Affairs - Imports
1941-1946 |
220/2 | Foreign Affairs - India, Lend
Lease |
1943 |
220/3 | Foreign Affairs - India, Famine
1944 |
220/4 | Foreign Affairs - India,
Independence |
1940's |
220/5 | Foreign Affairs - India,
Miscellaneous |
1942-1947 |
220/6 | Foreign Affairs - India,
Miscellaneous |
1951 |
220/7 | Foreign Affairs - Indo-China
1954-1955 |
220/8 | Foreign Affairs - Indonesia
1949 |
220/9 | Foreign Affairs - International
Bill of Rights |
1948 |
220/10 | Foreign Affairs - Iran
1951 |
220/11 | Foreign Affairs - Ireland
1937, 1940 |
220/12 | Foreign Affairs - Ireland
Jan. - Sept. 27, 1949 |
220/13 | Foreign Affairs - Ireland
Sept. 28 - Dec., 1949 |
220/14 | Foreign Affairs - Ireland,
Fogarty Resolution |
1955 |
220/15 | Foreign Affairs - Ireland, Self
Determination |
1953 |
220/16 | Foreign Affairs - Ireland, Unity
1951-1956 |
220/17 | Foreign Affairs - Isolationism
July - Aug., 1941 |
220/18 | Foreign Affairs - Isolationism
Sept., 1941 |
220/19 | Foreign Affairs - Isolationism
Oct., 1941 - Dec., 1942 |
220/20 | Foreign Affairs - Israel
1944-1955 |
221/1 | Foreign Affairs - Israel, Jewish
Problems |
1944-1950 |
221/2 | Foreign Affairs - Israel, Free
Palestine Movement |
1947 |
221/3 | Foreign Affairs - Israel,
Palestine |
1939 |
221/4 | Foreign Affairs - Israel,
Palestine |
1947 |
221/5 | Foreign Affairs - Israel,
Palestine |
1948 |
221/6 | Foreign Affairs - Israel, Tenth
Anniversary |
1958 |
221/7 | Foreign Affairs - Israel,
Zionists |
1944-1948 |
221/8 | Foreign Affairs - Italy
1941 - June 8, 1945 |
221/9 | Foreign Affairs - Italy
June 9, 1945-1947, 1949 |
221/10 | Foreign Affairs - Italy, "A Just
Peace" |
1946 |
221/11 | Foreign Affairs - Anti - Japanese
Letters |
1943-1945 |
221/12 | Foreign Affairs - Japan, Boycott
1938 |
221/13 | Foreign Affairs - Japan, Embargo
Dec., 1939 - Jan., 1940 |
221/14 | Foreign Affairs - Japan, Embargo
Mar. - June, 1940 |
221/15 | Foreign Affairs - Japan, Embargo
July, 1940-1941 |
221/16 | Foreign Affairs - Japan, Trade
1940 |
221/17 | Foreign Affairs - Japan, Peace
Treaty |
1952 |
221/18 | Foreign Affairs - Korea
1942 - Sept., 1950 |
221/19 | Foreign Affairs - Korea
Oct., 1950 - Jan., 1951 |
222/1 | Foreign Affairs - Korea
Feb. - Mar., 1951 |
222/2 | Foreign Affairs - Korea
Apr. - July, 1951 |
222/3 | Foreign Affairs - Korea
1951-1953 |
222/4 | Foreign Affairs - Korea, "Get
Out" |
1950 |
222/5 | Foreign Affairs - Krupp Munitions
Trial |
1947-1951 |
222/6 | Foreign Affairs - Latin America
1944-1949, 1959 |
222/7 | Foreign Affairs - Lend - Lease
Amendment |
1940 |
222/8 | Foreign Affairs - Lend - Lease
Amendment |
Jan., 1941 |
222/9 | Foreign Affairs - Lend - Lease
Amendment |
Feb., 1941 |
222/10 | Foreign Affairs - Lend - Lease
Amendment |
Mar. 1 - 14, 1941 |
223/1 | Foreign Affairs - Lend - Lease
Amendment |
Mar. 15-1931, 1941 |
223/2 | Foreign Affairs - Lend - Lease
Amendment |
Apr., 1941 |
223/3 | Foreign Affairs - Lend - Lease
Amendment |
May - June, 1941 |
223/4 | Foreign Affairs - Lend - Lease
Amendment |
July, 1941 |
223/5 | Foreign Affairs - Lend - Lease
Amendment |
Aug., 1941 |
223/6 | Foreign Affairs - Lend - Lease
Amendment |
1945 |
223/7 | Foreign Affairs - Lend - Lease
Convoys |
Apr., 1941 |
223/8 | Foreign Affairs - Lend - Lease
Convoys |
May - June, 1941 |
223/9 | Foreign Affairs - Lend - Lease
Radio Talk |
Mar. 2, 1941 |
223/10 | Foreign Affairs - Lend - Lease,
Congressional Record |
1941 |
223/11 | Foreign Affairs - Marshall Plan
1947 |
224/1 | Foreign Affairs - Marshall Plan
1948-1951 |
224/2 | Foreign Affairs - Mexico
1934-1938 |
224/3 | Foreign Affairs - Mexico,
Bankhead Res. |
1944 |
224/4 | Foreign Affairs - Mexico,
Bankhead Res. |
1945 |
224/5 | Foreign Affairs - Mexico,
Miscellaneous |
1955, 1958 |
224/6 | Foreign Affairs - Miscellaneous
1939-1940 |
224/7 | Foreign Affairs - Miscellaneous
1941 |
224/8 | Foreign Affairs - Miscellaneous
1942-1948 |
224/9 | Foreign Affairs - Miscellaneous
1950-1953 |
224/10 | Foreign Affairs - Miscellaneous
1956 |
224/11 | Foreign Affairs - Miscellaneous
1957 |
225/1 | Foreign Affairs - Miscellaneous
1958 |
225/2 | Foreign Affairs - Miscellaneous
1959-1960 |
225/3 | Foreign Affairs - Mutual Security
Act |
1951-1960 |
225/4 | Foreign Affairs - Newfoundland
1948 |
225/5 | Foreign Affairs - Norway
1942-1943 |
225/6 | Foreign Affairs - Neutrality
1937 - Jan., 1938 |
225/7 | Foreign Affairs - Neutrality
Feb., 1938 |
225/8 | Foreign Affairs - Neutrality
Mar. - Dec., 1938 |
225/9 | Foreign Affairs - Neutrality
Jan. - Apr., 1939 |
225/10 | Foreign Affairs - Neutrality
May - June, 1939 |
225/11 | Foreign Affairs - Neutrality
July - Sept. 10, 1939 |
225/12 | Foreign Affairs - Neutrality
Sept. 11 - 17, 1939 |
225/13 | Foreign Affairs - Neutrality
Sept. 18-1923, 1939 |
225/14 | Foreign Affairs - Neutrality
Sept. 24-1930, 1939 |
226/1 | Foreign Affairs - Neutrality
Oct. 1-196, 1939 |
226/2 | Foreign Affairs - Neutrality
Oct. 7-1920, 1939 |
226/3 | Foreign Affairs - Neutrality
Oct. 21 - Dec., 1939 |
226/4 | Foreign Affairs - Neutrality
Jan. - June 24, 1940 |
226/5 | Foreign Affairs - Neutrality
June 25 - July, 1940 |
226/6 | Foreign Affairs - Neutrality
Aug. - Dec., 1940 |
226/7 | Foreign Affairs - Neutrality
Jan. - Sept., 1941 |
226/8 | Foreign Affairs - Neutrality
Oct., 1941 |
226/9 | Foreign Affairs - Neutrality
Nov., 1941 |
226/10 | Foreign Affairs - North Atlantic
Treaty |
1949 |
227/1 | Foreign Affairs - NATO Pamphlets
1949 |
227/2 | Foreign Affairs - NATO, Streit
Nomination |
1960 |
227/3 | Foreign Affairs - Orient
1942, 1950 |
227/4 | Foreign Affairs - Palestine
1936 |
227/5 | Foreign Affairs - Panama Canal
1936-1941 |
227/6 | Foreign Affairs - Panama
1946, 1960 |
227/7 | Foreign Affairs - Pan-American
Highway |
1943-1946 |
227/8 | Foreign Affairs - Peru
1965 |
227/9 | Foreign Affairs - Philippines
1936 |
227/10 | Foreign Affairs - Philippines,
Immigration |
1954-1955 |
227/11 | Foreign Affairs - Point Four
Program |
1950 |
227/12 | Foreign Affairs - Poland
1944-1945 |
227/13 | Foreign Affairs - Poland, Jews
1937 |
227/14 | Foreign Affairs - Press Release
1948 |
227/15 | Foreign Affairs - Puerto Rico
1947 |
227/16 | Foreign Affairs - Q and A on
Foreign Policy |
1950 |
227/17 | Foreign Affairs - Refugee Problem
1947 |
227/18 | Foreign Affairs - Romania
1943-1945 |
227/19 | Foreign Affairs - Secretary
Acheson's Removal |
1950 |
227/20 | Foreign Affairs - Shipping Treaty
1940 |
227/21 | Foreign Affairs - Sicily
1956 |
227/22 | Foreign Affairs - South America
and Catholics |
1935-1941 |
227/23 | Foreign Affairs - Spain
1936-1946 |
227/24 | Foreign Affairs - Spain
1949-1950 |
227/25 | Foreign Affairs - Spain, "Fascism
in Action" |
1947 |
227/26 | Foreign Affairs - Spanish Arms
Embargo |
1937-1939 |
228/1 | Foreign Affairs - Sweden
1939 |
228/2 | Foreign Affairs - Switzerland
1945 |
228/3 | Foreign Affairs - Trade
Convention |
1940 |
228/4 | Foreign Affairs - Trade
1940-1941, 1949 |
228/5 | Foreign Affairs - Trade
1954 |
228/6 | Foreign Affairs - Trade
1955 |
228/7 | Foreign Affairs - Trade, News
Release |
1937 |
228/8 | Foreign Affairs - Trade
1945 |
228/9 | Foreign Affairs - Trade, Tariff
1947-1948 |
228/10 | Foreign Affairs - Trade,
Reciprocal |
1948 |
228/11 | Foreign Affairs - Trade,
Reciprocal |
1949 |
228/12 | Foreign Affairs - Trade,
Reciprocal, Wool |
1938-1940 |
228/13 | Foreign Affairs - Trade,
Reciprocal Agreements |
1955 |
228/14 | Foreign Affairs - Trade,
Reciprocal Agreements |
1956 |
228/15 | Foreign Affairs - Trade,
Reciprocal Agreements |
1958 |
229/1 | Foreign Affairs - UNESCO
1945 |
229/2 | Foreign Affairs - UNESCO
1946 |
229/3 | Foreign Affairs - UNESCO
Jan. - June, 1947 |
229/4 | Foreign Affairs - UNESCO
July - Dec., 1947 |
229/5 | Foreign Affairs - UNESCO,
Reference Book |
1947 |
229/6 | Foreign Affairs - UNESCO
1948 |
229/7 | Foreign Affairs - UNESCO
1949 |
229/8 | Foreign Affairs - UNESCO,
Handbooks |
229/9 | Foreign Affairs - UNESCO, Am.
Association of University Prof. |
1947 |
230/1 | Foreign Affairs - U.N. Charter
1944-1945 |
230/2 | Foreign Affairs - U.N.
1945-1946 |
230/3 | Foreign Affairs - U.N.
1947-1950 |
230/4 | Foreign Affairs - U.N.
1955-1956, 1960 |
230/5 | Foreign Affairs - U.N., San
Francisco Conference |
Jan. - June, 1945 |
230/6 | Foreign Affairs - U.N., San
Francisco Conference |
July, 1945 |
230/7 | Foreign Affairs - U.N. World
Organization |
1945-1948 |
230/8 | Foreign Affairs - U.N. Relief and
Rehabilitation Administration |
1943-1946 |
230/9 | Foreign Affairs - Universal
Guaranteed Disarmament |
1953 |
230/10 | Foreign Affairs - U.S.
Responsibilities |
1948 |
230/11 | Foreign Affairs - U.S. - USSR
Relations |
1951, 1954 |
230/12 | Foreign Affairs - USSR, Power
Output |
1957-1959 |
230/13 | Foreign Affairs - USSR, "The
Strategy and Tactics of World Communism" |
1948 |
230/14 | Foreign Affairs - USSR, "Trends
in Russian Foreign Policy Since WWI" |
1947 |
231/1 | Foreign Affairs - USSR, Soviet
Communism |
1946-1948 |
231/2 | Foreign Affairs - USSR
1941-1950 |
231/3 | Foreign Affairs - USSR
1953-1960 |
231/4 | Foreign Affairs - USSR,
Ambassadorship |
231/5 | Foreign Affairs - USSR, Foreign
Relief |
1945 |
231/6 | Foreign Affairs - USSR, U.S.
Public Health Mission |
1957 |
231/7 | Foreign Affairs - USSR, Lend
Lease |
1943 |
231/8 | Foreign Affairs - USSR,
Constitution |
231/9 | Foreign Affairs - Vatican
1949-1950 |
231/10 | Foreign Affairs - Vatican
Oct., 1951 |
231/11 | Foreign Affairs - Vatican
Nov., 1951 |
231/12 | Foreign Affairs - Vatican
Dec., 1951 |
231/13 | Foreign Affairs - Vatican
Jan., 1952 |
231/14 | Foreign Affairs - Vatican Envoy
Jan., 1952 |
232/1 | Foreign Affairs - Vatican Envoy
Feb. - Apr., 1952 |
232/2 | Foreign Affairs - Vatican
Sept., 952 |
232/3 | Foreign Affairs - War
May, 1941 |
232/4 | Foreign Affairs - War
June, 1941 |
232/5 | Foreign Affairs - War Relief
1945 |
232/6 | Foreign Affairs - Wartime
1941 |
232/7 | Foreign Affairs - Wartime
1943 |
232/8 | Foreign Affairs - World Alphabet
1945 |
232/9 | Foreign Affairs - World Court
1934 |
232/10 | Foreign Affairs - World Court
Jan. 1-19, 1935 |
232/11 | Foreign Affairs - World Court
Jan. 20-1931, 1935 |
233/1 | Foreign Affairs - World Court
Feb. - Apr., 1935 |
233/2 | Foreign Affairs - World Court
1945 |
233/3 | Foreign Affairs - World
Development Co. |
1958-1959 |
233/4 | Foreign Affairs - World Govt.
1947 |
233/5 | Foreign Affairs - World Peace
Organization |
1942-1944 |
233/6 | Foreign Affairs - World Republic
1945-1946 |
233/7 | Foreign Affairs - World Youth
Conference |
1949 |
233/8 | Foreign Affairs - Yugoslavia
1944-1950 |
233/9 | Foreign Dignitaries |
1942 |
233/10 | Foreign Economic Administration
1944-1945 |
233/11 | Foreign Exchange - Strafford
Estate |
1951 |
233/12 | Foreign Policy |
1941-1951 |
233/13 | Foreign Students |
1949 |
233/14 | Forest Service |
1936-1939 |
233/15 | Forest Service |
1940 |
234/1 | Forest Service |
1941 |
234/2 | Forest Service |
1942 |
234/3 | Forest Service |
1943 |
234/4 | Forest Service |
1944 |
234/5 | Forest Service |
1945 |
234/6 | Forest Service |
1946 |
234/7 | Forest Service |
1947 |
234/8 | Forest Service |
1948 |
235/1 | Forest Service |
Jan. - June, 1949 |
235/2 | Forest Service |
July - Dec., 1949 |
235/3 | Forest Service |
1950 |
235/4 | Forest Service |
1951 |
235/5 | Forest Service |
1952 |
235/6 | Forest Service |
1953 |
235/7 | Forest Service |
1954-1956 |
235/8 | Forest Service |
1957 |
235/9 | Forest Service |
Jan. - Sept., 1958 |
236/1 | Forest Service |
Oct. - Dec., 1958 |
236/2 | Forest Service |
Jan. - Mar., 1959 |
236/3 | Forest Service |
Apr. - Dec., 1959 |
236/4 | Forest Service |
Jan. - May, 1959 |
236/5 | Forest Service |
June - Sept., 1959 |
236/6 | Forest Service - Appropriation
1947 |
236/7 | Forest Service - Appropriation
1948 - Mar., 1949 |
236/8 | Forest Service - Appropriation
Apr., 1949-1950 |
237/1 | Forest Service - Civilian
Conservation Corps |
1938 |
237/2 | Forest Service - Claims
1941 |
237/3 | Forest Service - Conservation
1959-1960 |
237/4 | Forest Service - Fire Labs
1957-1958 |
237/5 | Forest Service - Fire Lab
1959 |
237/6 | Forest Service - Grazing
1936 |
237/7 | Forest Service - Land Acquisition
1960 |
237/8 | Forest Service - Ponderosa Pines
1959 |
237/9 | Forest Service - Right of Way
1949 |
237/10 | Forests |
1938 |
237/11 | Forests |
1939 |
237/12 | Forests-1946 |
1948-1949 |
237/13 | Forests |
1953 |
237/14 | Forests |
1959 |
237/15 | Forestry |
1935 |
237/16 | Forestry |
1936 |
237/17 | Forestry |
1937 |
237/18 | Forestry |
1938 |
238/1 | Forum |
1940 |
238/2 | Fowler |
1937-1939 |
238/3 | Fraser, Robert S. |
1955 |
238/4 | Fraser, Robert S. |
1957 |
238/5 | Fraud Cases |
1942 |
238/6 | Fraser, Willard |
1951 |
238/7 | Freight Rates |
1934-1937 |
238/8 | Freight Rates |
1942-1945 |
238/9 | Freight Rates |
1946-1948 |
238/10 | Freight Rates |
1949-1950 |
238/11 | Freight Rates |
1951 |
238/12 | Freight Rates |
1952 |
239/1 | Freight Rates |
1953 |
239/2 | Freight Rates |
1954-1955 |
239/3 | Freight Rates |
1956 |
239/4 | Freight Rates |
1957-1958 |
239/5 | Freight Rates - Jan. - June
1959 |
239/6 | Freight Rates - July - Dec.
1959 |
239/7 | Freight Rates |
1960 |
239/8 | Fuel Conservation |
1943-1945 |
239/9 | Fuel - Liquid, Pilot Plant
1948 |
239/10 | Fuel - Liquid |
undated |
239/11 | Fuel - Synthetic Liquid
1951 |
239/12 | Fuels Division |
1958 |
239/13 | Fullbright Scholarships
1950 |
239/14 | Fur Farmers |
1948-1949 |
239/15 | Gallery Passes |
1946 |
239/16 | Gambling - Taxes |
1954 |
239/17 | Garrison Dam Project |
1947-1954 |
239/18 | Gas |
1938 |
239/19 | Gas-1943 |
1947 |
239/20 | Gas - Credit Cards |
1943 |
239/21 | Gas - Mondakota Co. |
1955 |
239/22 | Gas - Rationing |
Apr. - July, 1942 |
240/1 | Gas - Rationing |
Sept. - Nov., 1942 |
240/2 | Gas - Rationing |
Dec., 1942 - June, 1943 |
240/3 | Gas - Rationing |
July, 1943-1945 |
240/4 | Gebhard, Kenneth C. |
1951 |
240/5 | General Service Administration -
War Assets |
1949 |
240/6 | General Service Administration
1950 |
240/7 | General Service Administration -
Public Works Planning |
1960 |
240/8 | Geological Surveys |
1936 |
240/9 | Geological Surveys-1948
1955 |
240/10 | George Washington Memorial Pkwy.
1959 |
240/11 | Geraghty, P. J. |
1948-1949 |
240/12 | Gifts |
1938-1944 |
240/13 | Gifts |
1947 |
240/14 | Gingrich, Lola |
1937 |
240/15 | Girson, Dave - Parole Application
1938 |
240/16 | Giveaways |
1957 |
240/17 | Good Friday |
1949 |
240/18 | GOP |
240/19 | Government - Miscellaneous
1948-1949 |
240/20 | Government - Committee For
Constitutional Govt. |
1950 |
240/21 | Government - Contracts, Zonolite
1936 |
240/22 | Government - Expenditures
1950, 1953 |
240/23 | Government - Per Diem
1949 |
240/24 | Grade Labeling |
1943 |
241/1 | Graf, Eugene-1940 |
1943 |
241/2 | Graham, Billy - Washington
Evangel Crusade |
1952 |
241/3 | Graham, Tillman A. |
1939 |
241/4 | Grange - National |
1950 |
241/5 | Great Plains |
1958 |
241/6 | Greetings |
1938-1945 |
241/7 | Greetings |
1946-1950 |
241/8 | Greetings |
1951-1952 |
241/9 | Greetings |
1953 |
241/10 | Greetings |
1954 |
241/11 | Greetings |
1955 |
241/12 | Greetings |
1956 |
241/13 | Greetings |
1957-1958 |
241/14 | Greetings - Jan. - June
1959 |
241/15 | Greetings - July - Dec.
1959 |
242/1 | Greetings |
1960 |
242/2 | Grizzly Peak |
1957-1960 |
242/3 | Grorud, Albert A. |
1949-1950 |
242/4 | Grubbs, Harry |
1938 |
242/5 | Hall of Fame |
1945 |
242/6 | Hall of Fame |
1955 |
242/7 | Hammill Loan Application
1938 |
242/8 | Handicapped |
1949 |
242/9 | Handicapped |
1951 |
242/10 | Hanford |
1963 |
242/11 | Harris, Buck - Fox West, MT
Theater Co. |
1949 |
242/12 | Harris, John E. |
1935 |
242/13 | Hart Matter |
1935 |
242/14 | Harvard Business School
1943-1944 |
242/15 | Hasketh, G. A. |
1936 |
242/16 | Hawaii-1946-1948 |
1951 |
242/17 | Hax, Wm. H. |
1947-1948 |
242/18 | Hayden, Cartwright Act
1939 |
242/19 | Health - Public Health Service
1938-1939 |
242/20 | Health - Public Health Service
Jan. - Feb., 1940 |
242/21 | Health - Public Health Service
Mar., 1940 |
243/1 | Health - Public Health Service
Apr. - Dec., 1940 |
243/2 | Health - Public Health Service
1941 |
243/3 | Health - Public Health Service
1943-1956 |
243/4 | Health - Public Health Service
1958-1959 |
243/5 | Health - Public Health Service
Jan. - Feb., 1960 |
243/6 | Health - Public Health Service
Mar., 1960 |
243/7 | Health - Hoxsey Cancer Treatment
1957 |
243/8 | Health - Truman Legislation
1946 |
243/9 | Health - Research |
1958 |
243/10 | Health - Silicosis, Metcalf
Speech |
1953 |
243/11 | Health - Publications
1945 |
243/12 | Health - Health Education and
Welfare |
1957 |
244/1 | Health Education and Welfare
1958 |
244/2 | Health Education and Welfare
1959-1960 |
244/3 | Health Education and Welfare -
Appropriations |
244/4 | Health Education and Welfare -
Pamphlet |
1957 |
244/5 | Hearings |
1941-1949 |
244/6 | Hell's Canyon |
1956 |
244/7 | Hell's Canyon - Dam |
1952 |
244/8 | Hell's Canyon - Hearings
1955 |
244/9 | Hell's Canyon - Project
1954 |
244/10 | Hell's Canyon - Recording
1953 |
244/11 | Henderson, Leon |
1937 |
244/12 | Hiss, Alger - Pension
1954 |
244/13 | Historical Sights |
1939 |
244/14 | Hogarth, Joseph W. |
1937 |
244/15 | Holding Co. Act |
244/16 | National Holidays |
1946-1956 |
244/17 | Holmes, Oliver Wendell - Memorial
Fund |
1938 |
244/18 | Home Guard |
1942 |
244/19 | Home Owner's Loan Corp. - Montana
1939 |
244/20 | Homesteads |
1938 |
244/21 | Homesteads |
1939-1940 |
244/22 | Homesteads - Earl S. Lane
1937-1938 |
244/23 | Homesteads - Louise B. Schmidt
1958 |
245/1 | Homesteads - Department of the
Interior |
1936 |
245/2 | Hoof and Mouth Disease
1947-1948 |
245/3 | Hoof and Mouth Disease
1952 |
245/4 | Hoover Commission |
1948-1949 |
245/5 | Hoover Commission |
Feb., 1950 |
245/6 | Hoover Commission |
Mar. - June, 1950 |
245/7 | Hoover Commission |
1955 |
245/8 | Hoover Commission - V. A.
Dismemberment |
1950 |
245/9 | Horgan, E. E. |
1949-1950 |
245/10 | Hosiery |
1936-1946 |
245/11 | Hospitals |
1938 - Mar., 1942 |
245/12 | Hospitals |
Apr., 1942 |
245/13 | Hospitals |
May - Dec., 1942 |
245/14 | Hospitals |
1943 |
245/15 | Hospitals |
1944 |
246/1 | Hospitals |
Jan. - June 15, 1945 |
246/2 | Hospitals |
June 16 - Dec., 1945 |
246/3 | Hospitals - Sydney, VA.
1945 |
246/4 | Hospitals |
1946-1948 |
246/5 | Hospitals |
1949 |
246/6 | Hospitals |
1950-1952 |
246/7 | Hospitals |
1953-1956 |
246/8 | Hospitals |
1957 |
246/9 | Hospitals |
1958 |
246/10 | Hospitals |
1959-1960 |
246/11 | Hospitals - Nursing Homes
1960 |
246/12 | Hospitals - Pamphlets
247/1 | Hotels |
1946 |
247/2 | Housing |
1935-1938 |
247/3 | Housing |
Jan. - June, 1939 |
247/4 | Housing |
July - Dec., 1939 |
247/5 | Housing |
1940 |
247/6 | Housing |
1941 |
247/7 | Housing |
1942 |
247/8 | Housing |
1943 |
247/9 | Housing |
1944 |
247/10 | Housing |
1945 |
247/11 | Housing |
Jan. - July, 1946 |
247/12 | Housing |
Aug. - Dec., 1946 |
248/1 | Housing |
Jan. - June, 1947 |
248/2 | Housing |
July - Dec., 1947 |
248/3 | Housing |
Jan., 1948 |
248/4 | Housing |
Feb. - Apr., 1948 |
248/5 | Housing |
May - Dec., 1948 |
248/6 | Housing |
Jan. - Mar., 1949 |
248/7 | Housing |
Apr. - June, 1949 |
248/8 | Housing |
July - Dec., 1949 |
249/1 | Housing |
Jan. - June, 1950 |
249/2 | Housing |
July - Dec., 1950 |
249/3 | Housing |
1951 |
249/4 | Housing |
Jan. - May, 1952 |
249/5 | Housing |
June - Dec., 1952 |
249/6 | Housing |
1953 |
249/7 | Housing |
1954 |
249/8 | Housing |
1955 |
249/9 | Housing |
1956 |
249/10 | Housing |
Jan. - June, 1957 |
249/11 | Housing |
July - Dec., 1957 |
250/1 | Housing |
1958 |
250/2 | Housing |
Jan. - June, 1959 |
250/3 | Housing |
July - Dec., 1959 |
250/4 | Housing |
1960 |
250/5 | Housing - FHA |
1934-1937 |
250/6 | Housing - FHA |
1938-1940 |
250/7 | Housing - FHA |
1941-1942 |
250/8 | Housing - FHA |
1943 |
250/9 | Housing - FHA |
1954 |
250/10 | Housing - FHA |
1956 |
250/11 | Housing - Federal Home Loan
1946 |
250/12 | Housing - Home Owner's Loan Corp.
1937-1938 |
250/13 | Housing - Home Owner's Loan Corp.
1939 |
250/14 | Housing - Home Owner's Loan Corp.
1944-1946 |
251/1 | Housing - Rent Control
1947 |
251/2 | Housing Authority |
1937 |
251/3 | Housing Authority |
1938 |
251/4 | Housing Authority |
1939 |
251/5 | Housing Authority |
1940 |
251/6 | Housing Hearings |
Nov., 1946 |
251/7 | Housing Hearings |
Dec. 1-196, 1946 |
251/8 | Housing Hearings |
Dec. 7 - 11, 1946 |
251/9 | Housing Hearings |
Dec. 12-1920, 1946 |
251/10 | Housing Hearings |
Dec. 21, 1946 - June, 1947 |
252/1 | Hudson, H. E. |
1938 |
252/2 | Humane Slaughter |
1956 |
252/3 | Humane Slaughter |
1957 - June, 1958 |
252/4 | Humane Slaughter |
July - Dec., 1958 |
252/5 | Hume/Margaret K. |
1948 |
252/6 | Humphrey, Hubert H. |
1953 and1956 |
252/7 | Hunter, John G. |
1939 |
252/8 | Hunting |
1935-1939 |
252/9 | Huntley Project |
1938-1959 |
252/10 | Huntley School |
1957 |
252/11 | Hutterites |
1947-1958 |
252/12 | Hydroelectricity - Mo. River
1941 |
252/13 | Hydroelectricity |
1955-1956 |
252/14 | Hydrogen Bomb |
1950 |
252/15 | Hydrogenation Plant |
1952 |
252/16 | Ike's Loot |
1956 |
252/17 | Immigration |
1935 |
252/18 | Immigration |
Jan. - May, 1936 |
253/1 | Immigration |
June - Aug., 1936 |
253/2 | Immigration |
Sept. - Dec., 1936 |
253/3 | Immigration |
Jan. - Mar., 1937 |
253/4 | Immigration |
Apr. - May, 1937 |
253/5 | Immigration |
June - Sept., 1937 |
253/6 | Immigration |
Oct., 1937 |
253/7 | Immigration |
Nov. - Dec., 1937 |
253/8 | Immigration |
Jan. - Mar., 1938 |
254/1 | Immigration |
Apr. - June, 1938 |
254/2 | Immigration |
July - Dec., 1938 |
254/3 | Immigration |
Jan. - June, 1939 |
254/4 | Immigration |
July - Dec., 1939 |
254/5 | Immigration |
1942 |
254/6 | Immigration |
Jan. - June, 1943 |
255/1 | Immigration |
July - Dec., 1943 |
255/2 | Immigration |
1944 |
255/3 | Immigration |
1945 |
255/4 | Immigration |
1946 |
255/5 | Immigration |
Jan. - June, 1947 |
255/6 | Immigration |
July - Dec., 1947 |
255/7 | Immigration |
1948 |
255/8 | Immigration |
Jan. - Feb., 1949 |
256/1 | Immigration |
Mar. - Apr., 1949 |
256/2 | Immigration |
May - June, 1949 |
256/3 | Immigration |
July - Dec., 1949 |
256/4 | Immigration |
Jan. - May, 1950 |
256/5 | Immigration |
June - Dec., 1950 |
256/6 | Immigration |
Jan. - May, 1951 |
256/7 | Immigration |
June - Aug., 1951 |
256/8 | Immigration |
Sept. - Dec., 1951 |
257/1 | Immigration |
Jan. - June, 1952 |
257/2 | Immigration |
July - Dec., 1952 |
257/3 | Immigration |
Jan. - June, 1953 |
257/4 | Immigration |
July - Dec., 1953 |
257/5 | Immigration |
Jan. - June, 1954 |
257/6 | Immigration |
July - Dec., 1954 |
257/7 | Immigration |
1955 |
257/8 | Immigration |
Jan. - June, 1956 |
257/9 | Immigration |
July - Dec., 1956 |
258/1 | Immigration |
Jan. - Mar., 1957 |
258/2 | Immigration |
Apr. - May, 1957 |
258/3 | Immigration |
June - July, 1957 |
258/4 | Immigration |
Aug., 1957 |
258/5 | Immigration |
Sept. - Dec., 1957 |
258/6 | Immigration |
Jan. - June, 1958 |
258/7 | Immigration |
July - Dec., 1958 |
258/8 | Immigration |
Jan. - June, 1959 |
258/9 | Immigration |
July - Dec., 1959 |
259/1 | Immigration - Adoption
1960 |
259/2 | Immigration - Aliens |
1940 |
259/3 | Immigration - Aliens |
1941 |
259/4 | Immigration - Aliens |
1942 |
259/5 | Immigration - Aliens |
1943 |
259/6 | Immigration - Alien Property
1948-1958 |
259/7 | Immigration - Balint, Julia
1949 |
259/8 | Immigration - Bergman, Ingrid
1951 |
259/9 | Immigration - Citizenship
1936 |
259/10 | Immigration - Citizenship
1938 |
259/11 | Immigration - Citizenship
1940 |
259/12 | Immigration - Citizenship
1941-1942 |
259/13 | Immigration - Citizenship
1943 |
259/14 | Immigration - Citizenship
1946 |
259/15 | Immigration - Deportation
1940 |
259/16 | Immigration - Deportation
1941-1942 |
259/17 | Immigration - Deportation
1946, 1949, 1951 |
259/18 | Immigration - Displaced Persons
1948 |
259/19 | Immigration - Displaced Persons
Jan. - June, 1949 |
260/1 | Immigration - Displaced Persons
July - Oct., 1949 |
260/2 | Immigration - Displaced Persons
1950 |
260/3 | Immigration - Displaced Persons
1951 |
260/4 | Immigration - Displaced Persons
1952 |
260/5 | Immigration - Emigrant Gap
1939-1940 |
260/6 | Immigration - Gee Shee, Mrs.
1949 |
260/7 | Immigration - Kron, Rheinhold
1950-1952 |
260/8 | Immigration - McMaster, Dalton D.
1954-1955 |
260/9 | Immigration - Refugee Relief
Program |
260/10 | Immigration - Schramm, Margaret
1949-1950 |
260/11 | Immigration - Visas |
1946 |
260/12 | Immigration - War Refugees
1945 |
260/13 | Immigration - Weber, Edward E.
1950-1952 |
260/14 | Immigration - Wong, Chuan Dai
1947-1950 |
260/15 | Immigration - Yu, Frederick and
Alice |
1960 |
261/1 | Imports |
1941-1946 |
261/2 | Imports-1947-1956 |
1959-1960 |
261/3 | Inaugural Committee |
1952 |
261/4 | Inauguration |
1940-1941 |
261/5 | Inauguration |
1948-1949 |
261/6 | Income Taxes |
1942-1959 |
261/7 | Independent Offices Appropriation
1952 |
261/8 | Indian Affairs |
1935-1936 |
261/9 | Indian Affairs |
1937 |
261/10 | Indian Affairs |
1938 |
261/11 | Indian Affairs |
1939 |
261/12 | Indian Affairs |
1940-1942 |
261/13 | Indian Affairs |
1943-1945 |
262/1 | Indian Affairs |
1946-1947 |
262/2 | Indian Affairs |
1948 |
262/3 | Indian Affairs |
1949 |
262/4 | Indian Affairs |
1950 |
262/5 | Indian Affairs |
Jan. - June, 1951 |
262/6 | Indian Affairs |
July - Dec., 1951 |
263/1 | Indian Affairs |
1952 |
263/2 | Indian Affairs |
1953 |
263/3 | Indian Affairs |
1954 |
263/4 | Indian Affairs |
1955 |
263/5 | Indian Affairs |
Jan. - May, 1956 |
263/6 | Indian Affairs |
June - Dec., 1956 |
263/7 | Indian Affairs |
Jan. - June, 1957 |
263/8 | Indian Affairs |
July - Dec., 1957 |
264/1 | Indian Affairs |
Jan. - Mar., 1958 |
264/2 | Indian Affairs |
Apr. - May, 1958 |
264/3 | Indian Affairs |
June - Sept., 1958 |
264/4 | Indian Affairs |
Oct. - Dec., 1958 |
264/5 | Indian Affairs |
Jan. - June, 1959 |
264/6 | Indian Affairs |
July - Aug., 1959 |
264/7 | Indian Affairs |
Sept. - Dec., 1959 |
264/8 | Indian Affairs |
Jan. - July, 1960 |
264/9 | Indian Affairs |
Aug. - Dec., 1960 |
265/1 | Indian Affairs |
1961 |
265/2 | Indians - John and Dolly Ackers
1943-1945 |
265/3 | Indians - Army Scouts
265/4 | Indians - Assiniboine Sioux
1936-1937 |
265/5 | Indians - Beazley and Martin
1956-1957 |
265/6 | Indians - Blackfeet |
1934-1936 |
265/7 | Indians - Blackfeet |
Jan. - June, 1937 |
265/8 | Indians - Blackfeet |
July - Dec., 1937 |
265/9 | Indians - Blackfeet |
1938 |
265/10 | Indians - Blackfeet |
1939 |
266/1 | Indians - Blackfeet |
1940-1941 |
266/2 | Indians - Blackfeet |
1942 |
266/3 | Indians - Blackfeet |
1943 |
266/4 | Indians - Blackfeet |
1944-1945 |
266/5 | Indians - Blackfeet |
1946-1947 |
266/6 | Indians - Blackfeet |
1948 |
266/7 | Indians - Blackfeet |
Jan. - June, 1949 |
267/1 | Indians - Blackfeet |
July - Dec., 1949 |
267/2 | Indians - Blackfeet |
Jan. - July, 1950 |
267/3 | Indians - Blackfeet |
Aug. - Dec., 1950 |
267/4 | Indians - Blackfeet |
Jan. - Mar., 1951 |
267/5 | Indians - Blackfeet |
Apr. - Dec., 1951 |
267/6 | Indians - Blackfeet |
1952 |
267/7 | Indians - Blackfeet |
1953 |
268/1 | Indians - Blackfeet |
Jan. - Aug., 1954 |
268/2 | Indians - Blackfeet |
Sept. - Dec., 1954 |
268/3 | Indians - Blackfeet |
1955 |
268/4 | Indians - Blackfeet |
Jan. - June, 1956 |
268/5 | Indians - Blackfeet |
July - Dec., 1956 |
268/6 | Indians - Blackfeet |
Jan. - June, 1957 |
268/7 | Indians - Blackfeet |
July - Dec., 1957 |
269/1 | Indians - Blackfeet |
Jan. - June, 1958 |
269/2 | Indians - Blackfeet |
July - Dec., 1958 |
269/3 | Indians - Blackfeet |
Jan. - June, 1959 |
269/4 | Indians - Blackfeet |
July - Dec., 1959 |
269/5 | Indians - Blackfeet |
1960 |
269/6 | Indians - Blackfeet, Adoption
Problems |
1956-1957 |
269/7 | Indians - Blackfeet, Helen Conway
Brown, Patent Problems |
1956-1957 |
269/8 | Indians - Blackfeet, Irrigation
Matters |
1957 |
269/9 | Indians - Blackfeet, Lands
1937-1960 |
270/1 | Indians - Cheyenne |
1935-1937 |
270/2 | Indians - Cheyenne |
1938-1947 |
270/3 | Indians - Cheyenne |
1948-1949 |
270/4 | Indians - Cheyenne |
1950-1956 |
270/5 | Indians - Cheyenne |
1957 |
270/6 | Indians - Cheyenne |
Jan. - June, 1958 |
270/7 | Indians - Cheyenne |
July - Dec., 1958 |
270/8 | Indians - Cheyenne |
Jan. - June, 1959 |
270/9 | Indians - Cheyenne |
July - Dec., 1959 |
271/1 | Indians - Cheyenne |
1960 |
271/2 | Indians - Cheyenne, Lands
1937-1960 |
271/3 | Indians - Cheyenne, Transferring
records |
1956-1957 |
271/4 | Indians - Crow |
1935-1937 |
271/5 | Indians - Crow |
1938-1941 |
271/6 | Indians - Crow |
1942 |
271/7 | Indians - Crow |
1943-1945 |
272/1 | Indians - Crow |
1946 |
272/2 | Indians - Crow |
1948 |
272/3 | Indians - Crow |
Jan. - June, 1949 |
272/4 | Indians - Crow |
July - Dec., 1949 |
272/5 | Indians - Crow |
1950 |
272/6 | Indians - Crow |
1951 |
272/7 | Indians - Crow |
Jan. - June, 1952 |
272/8 | Indians - Crow |
July - Dec., 1952 |
272/9 | Indians - Crow |
1953 |
273/1 | Indians - Crow |
1954 |
273/2 | Indians - Crow |
Jan. - June, 1955 |
273/3 | Indians - Crow |
July - Dec., 1955 |
273/4 | Indians - Crow |
Jan. - June, 1956 |
273/5 | Indians - Crow |
July - Dec., 1956 |
273/6 | Indians - Crow |
Jan. - June, 1957 |
273/7 | Indians - Crow |
July - Dec., 1957 |
273/8 | Indians - Crow |
Jan. - June, 1958 |
274/1 | Indians - Crow |
July - Dec., 1958 |
274/2 | Indians - Crow |
Jan. - June, 1959 |
274/3 | Indians - Crow |
July - Dec., 1959 |
274/4 | Indians - Crow |
Jan. - May, 1960 |
274/5 | Indians - Crow |
June - Dec., 1960 |
274/6 | Indians - Crow, Gold Lease
1936 |
274/7 | Indians - Crow, Lands
1937-1960 |
274/8 | Indians - Cut Bank Airport
1948 |
274/9 | Indians - Curry, James E.
1952-1953 |
274/10 | Indians - Depressed Areas
1956 |
274/11 | Indians - Education |
1935-1939 |
275/1 | Indians - Education |
1948-1955 |
275/2 | Indians - Education |
1956-1959 |
275/3 | Indians - Fallon Bridge
1943 |
275/4 | Indians - Flathead |
1935-1936 |
275/5 | Indians - Flathead |
1937 |
275/6 | Indians - Flathead |
1938-1941 |
275/7 | Indians - Flathead |
1942-1944 |
275/8 | Indians - Flathead |
1945-1948 |
276/1 | Indians - Flathead |
1949-1953 |
276/2 | Indians - Flathead |
1954 |
276/3 | Indians - Flathead |
1955-1957 |
276/4 | Indians - Flathead |
1958 |
276/5 | Indians - Flathead |
Jan. - June, 1959 |
276/6 | Indians - Flathead |
July - Dec., 1959 |
276/7 | Indians - Flathead |
1960 |
277/1 | Indians - Flathead, Federal Power
Commission |
1958 |
277/2 | Indians - Flathead Lands
1937-1960 |
277/3 | Indians - Fort Belknap
1935-1937 |
277/4 | Indians - Fort Belknap
1938-1942 |
277/5 | Indians - Fort Belknap
1947-1949 |
277/6 | Indians - Fort Belknap
1950 |
277/7 | Indians - Fort Belknap
1951 |
277/8 | Indians - Fort Belknap
1952-1954 |
277/9 | Indians - Fort Belknap
1955-1956 |
277/10 | Indians - Fort Belknap
1957 |
278/1 | Indians - Fort Belknap
1958 |
278/2 | Indians - Fort Belknap
1959 |
278/3 | Indians - Fort Belknap
Jan. - June, 1960 |
278/4 | Indians - Fort Belknap
July - Dec., 1960 |
278/5 | Indians - Fort Belknap, Lands
1937-1969 |
278/6 | Indians - Fort Belknap,
Publications |
1959 |
278/7 | Indians - Fort Peck |
1935 |
278/8 | Indians - Fort Peck |
1936 |
279/1 | Indians - Fort Peck |
1937 |
279/2 | Indians - Fort Peck |
1938 |
279/3 | Indians - Fort Peck |
1939 |
279/4 | Indians - Fort Peck |
1940-1941 |
279/5 | Indians - Fort Peck |
1942-1943 |
279/6 | Indians - Fort Peck |
1944-1945 |
280/1 | Indians - Fort Peck |
1946-1947 |
280/2 | Indians - Fort Peck |
1948-1949 |
280/3 | Indians - Fort Peck |
Jan. - Feb., 1950 |
280/4 | Indians - Fort Peck |
Mar. - Dec., 1950 |
280/5 | Indians - Fort Peck |
Jan. - June, 1951 |
280/6 | Indians - Fort Peck |
July - Dec., 1951 |
281/1 | Indians - Fort Peck |
Jan. - June, 1952 |
281/2 | Indians - Fort Peck |
July - Dec., 1952 |
281/3 | Indians - Fort Peck |
1953 |
281/4 | Indians - Fort Peck |
Jan. - Mar., 1954 |
281/5 | Indians - Fort Peck |
Apr. - Dec., 1954 |
281/6 | Indians - Fort Peck |
Jan. - June, 1955 |
281/7 | Indians - Fort Peck |
July - Sept., 1955 |
282/1 | Indians - Fort Peck |
Oct. - Dec., 1955 |
282/2 | Indians - Fort Peck |
Jan. - June, 1956 |
282/3 | Indians - Fort Peck |
July - Dec., 1956 |
282/4 | Indians - Fort Peck |
Jan. - Feb., 1957 |
282/5 | Indians - Fort Peck |
Mar. - June, 1957 |
282/6 | Indians - Fort Peck |
July - Dec., 1957 |
282/7 | Indians - Fort Peck |
Jan. - Feb., 1958 |
283/1 | Indians - Fort Peck |
Mar. - Apr., 1958 |
283/2 | Indians - Fort Peck |
May - June, 1958 |
283/3 | Indians - Fort Peck |
July - Sept., 1958 |
283/4 | Indians - Fort Peck |
Oct. - Dec., 1958 |
283/5 | Indians - Fort Peck |
Jan., 1959 |
283/6 | Indians - Fort Peck |
Feb. - May, 1959 |
284/1 | Indians - Fort Peck |
June - Dec., 1959 |
284/2 | Indians - Fort Peck |
Jan. - May, 1960 |
284/3 | Indians - Fort Peck |
June - Dec., 1960 |
284/4 | Indians - Fort Peck, Assiniboine
Matter |
Feb. - Mar., 1956 |
284/5 | Indians - Fort Peck, Assiniboine
Matter |
Apr. - July, 1956 |
284/6 | Indians - Fort Peck, Assiniboine
Matter, Tribal Exec. Board |
1956 |
284/7 | Indians - Fort Peck, Executive
Board Meetings |
1955-1956 |
285/1 | Indians - Fort Peck, Executive
Board Meetings |
1959 |
285/2 | Indians - Fort Peck, Homesteaders
1936 |
285/3 | Indians - Fort Peck, Lands
1937-1960 |
285/4 | Indians - Fort Peck, Patent Fee,
Bessie Brown |
1953 |
285/5 | Indians - Fort Peck, Patent Fee,
Sarah Firemoon |
1953 |
285/6 | Indians - Fort Peck, Patent Fee
Problems |
1953 |
285/7 | Indians - Fort Peck, Chas.
Shields |
1950-1951 |
285/8 | Indians - Fort Peck, Chas.
Shields |
1952-1953 |
285/9 | Indians - Health |
1935-1937 |
285/10 | Indians - Health |
1958 |
285/11 | Indians - Health |
1959-1960 |
285/12 | Indians - Hill 57 |
1955 - Mar., 1957 |
286/1 | Indians - Hill 57 |
Apr. - Dec., 1957 |
286/2 | Indians - Hill 57 |
1959 |
286/3 | Indians - Land Sales |
1958 |
286/4 | Indians - Land Sales |
1959-1960 |
286/5 | Indians - Landless |
1935-1940 |
286/6 | Indians - Landless and Homeless
1941 |
286/7 | Indians - Landless and Homeless
1942-1948 |
286/8 | Indians - Landless and Homeless
1950-1960 |
286/9 | Indians - Land and Leases
1938-1957 |
286/10 | Indians - Liquor |
1940-1953 |
287/1 | Indians - Little Shell Band
1939-1958 |
287/2 | Indians - Memorial, MT
1947 |
287/3 | Indians - Navaho Report
1948 |
287/4 | Indians - Oil Rights |
1942 |
287/5 | Indians - Plains Museum
1954 |
287/6 | Indians - Projects |
1940 |
287/7 | Indians - Rocky Boy |
1936-1940 |
287/8 | Indians - Rocky Boy |
1943 |
287/9 | Indians - Rocky Boy |
1944 |
287/10 | Indians - Rocky Boy |
1949 |
287/11 | Indians - Rocky Boy |
1950 |
287/12 | Indians - Rocky Boy |
1951 |
287/13 | Indians - Rocky Boy |
1953 |
287/14 | Indians - Rocky Boy |
1955 |
288/1 | Indians - Rocky Boy |
1956-1957 |
288/2 | Indians - Rocky Boy |
1958 |
288/3 | Indians - Rocky Boy |
Jan. - June, 1959 |
288/4 | Indians - Rocky Boy |
July - Dec., 1959 |
288/5 | Indians - Rocky Boy |
1960 |
288/6 | Indians - Rocky Boy, Lands
1935-1948 |
288/7 | Indians - School Dist. 9
1941 |
288/8 | Indians - Service Unit Program
Plan |
1960 |
288/9 | Indians - Sitting Bull
1953-1954 |
288/10 | Indians - Statement in Opposition
to, S.17 |
1949 |
288/11 | Indians - Sub - committee of
Public Lands |
1943-1947 |
288/12 | Indians - Stuart's Descendants
1955-1957 |
288/13 | Indians - Termination
1948-1955 |
289/1 | Indians - Termination
1956-1959 |
289/2 | Indians - Water |
1933-1937 |
289/3 | Indians - Water |
1938-1955 |
289/4 | Indians - Welfare |
1936-1957 |
289/5 | Indians - Welfare |
1957-1959 |
289/6 | Industrial Decentralization
1943 |
289/7 | Industrial Development - MT
1948-1958 |
289/8 | Industrial Organization
1947 |
289/9 | Industries |
1942 |
289/10 | Infantile Paralysis |
1941-1943 |
289/11 | Inflation |
1938 |
289/12 | Inflation |
1941-1950 |
290/1 | Inflation |
1959-1960 |
290/2 | Information |
1942 |
290/3 | Information |
1943-1946 |
290/4 | Information |
1947 |
290/5 | Information |
1948-1949 |
290/6 | Information |
1960 |
290/7 | Information Digest |
1942 |
290/8 | Inquiries |
1940-1947 |
290/9 | Insulation - Zonolite
1936-1937 |
291/1 | Insurance |
1939-1958 |
291/2 | Insurance - National Health Leg.
1959 |
291/3 | Insurance Companies |
1948-1949 |
291/4 | Interest Rates |
1960 |
291/5 | Interior Department |
1941-1959 |
291/6 | Interior Department -
Appropriations |
Jan. - Apr., 1949 |
291/7 | Interior Department -
Appropriations |
May - Dec., 1949 |
291/8 | Interior Department -
Appropriations |
Jan. - May, 1950 |
291/9 | Interior Department -
Appropriations |
1950 |
291/10 | Interior Department -
Appropriations |
1953-1954 |
291/11 | Interior Department -
Appropriations |
1954-1959 |
291/12 | Interior Department - Bureau of
Reclamation |
1938 |
292/1 | Interior Department - Land Office
1942 |
292/2 | Interior Department - Land Sales
in Glacier Park |
1941 |
292/3 | Interior Department - National
Park Service |
1937 |
292/4 | Interior Department -
Reorganization Plan |
1946-1947 |
292/5 | Interior and Insular Affairs
May - Aug., 1949 |
292/6 | Interior and Insular Affairs
Oct., 1949 |
292/7 | Interior and Insular Affairs-1950
1952 |
292/8 | Interior and Insular Affairs
1953 |
292/9 | Interior and Insular Affairs
Jan. - May, 1954 |
292/10 | Interior and Insular Affairs
June - Aug., 1954 |
293/1 | Interior and Insular Affairs -
Report, Aztecland, Arizona |
1954 |
293/2 | Interior and Insular Affairs -
Union City, Tenn. |
1955-1960 |
293/3 | Interior Secretary |
1937 |
293/4 | IRS-1938 |
1944-1947 |
293/5 | IRS |
1948-1951 |
293/6 | IRS |
1952 |
293/7 | IRS |
1955-1956 |
293/8 | IRS |
1957-1960 |
293/9 | Internal Security Act
1950 |
293/10 | International Banks |
1950 |
293/11 | International Banks |
1952 |
293/12 | International Christian
Leadership |
1960 |
293/13 | International Joint Commission
1954 |
293/14 | International Trade |
1950 |
293/15 | International Wheat Agreement
1948 |
293/16 | Interstate Commerce |
1935-1936 |
293/17 | Interstate Commerce Act
1953-1954 |
293/18 | Interstate Commerce Commission
1941-1951 |
293/19 | Interstate Commerce Commission
1952-1955 |
293/20 | Interstate Commerce Commission
1957-1960 |
293/21 | Interviews |
1936 |
293/22 | Interviews - U.S. News and World
Report |
294/1 | Introductions |
1935-1940 |
294/2 | Introductions |
1957 |
294/3 | Inventions |
1939 |
294/4 | Inventions |
Jan. - June, 1942 |
294/5 | Inventions |
July - Dec., 1942 |
294/6 | Inventions |
1943-1947 |
294/7 | Investigations |
1939-1943 |
294/8 | Investigations |
1946-1947 |
294/9 | Investors Syndicate |
1943 |
294/10 | Invitations |
1934-1936 |
294/11 | Invitations |
1937 |
294/12 | Invitations |
1938 |
294/13 | Invitations - Ms. Roosevelt
1940 |
295/1 | Invitations |
1942 |
295/2 | Invitations |
Jan. - June, 1943 |
295/3 | Invitations |
July - Dec., 1943 |
295/4 | Invitations |
Jan. - June, 1944 |
295/5 | Invitations |
July - Dec., 1944 |
295/6 | Invitations |
Jan. - Mar., 1945 |
295/7 | Invitations |
Apr. - June, 1945 |
295/8 | Invitations |
July - Sept., 1945 |
295/9 | Invitations |
Oct. - Dec., 1945 |
295/10 | Invitations |
1946 |
296/1 | Invitations |
Jan. - June, 1947 |
296/2 | Invitations |
July - Dec., 1947 |
296/3 | Invitations |
1948 |
296/4 | Invitations |
1949 |
296/5 | Invitations |
Jan. - May, 1950 |
296/6 | Invitations |
June, 1950 |
296/7 | Invitations |
July - Dec., 1950 |
296/8 | Invitations |
Jan. - June, 1951 |
296/9 | Invitations |
July - Dec., 1951 |
296/10 | Invitations |
Jan. - Apr., 1952 |
296/11 | Invitations |
May - June, 1952 |
297/1 | Invitations |
July - Dec., 1952 |
297/2 | Invitations |
1953 |
297/3 | Invitations |
Jan. - June, 1954 |
297/4 | Invitations |
July, 1954-1955 |
297/5 | Invitations |
Jan. - June, 1956 |
297/6 | Invitations |
July - Dec., 1956 |
297/7 | Invitations |
Jan. - Mar., 1957 |
297/8 | Invitations |
Apr., 1957 |
298/1 | Invitations |
May, 1957 |
298/2 | Invitations |
June, 1957 |
298/3 | Invitations |
July - Dec., 1957 |
298/4 | Invitations |
Jan. - Mar., 1958 |
298/5 | Invitations |
Apr. - June, 1958 |
298/6 | Invitations |
July - Dec., 1958 |
298/7 | Invitations |
1960 |
299/1 | Ireland |
1941 |
299/2 | Ireland - P. J. Parker
1935-1936 |
299/3 | Irish |
1939-1949 |
299/4 | Irish - Historical Society
1937 |
299/5 | Irish Nation |
undated |
299/6 | Irish Nation |
1918 |
299/7 | Irish Nation |
1919 |
299/8 | Irish Nation |
1920 |
299/9 | Irish Nation |
1921 |
299/10 | Irish Nation |
1922 |
299/11 | Irish Nation |
1933 |
300/1 | Irrigation |
1938-1940 |
300/2 | Irrigation |
1941 |
300/3 | Irrigation |
1942 |
300/4 | Irrigation |
1943-1959 |
300/5 | Irrigation - Ashley District
1935 |
300/6 | Irrigation - Fisher District
1955 |
300/7 | Irrigation - Big Horn Canyon
1951 |
300/8 | Irrigation - Buffalo Rapids
1945-1949 |
300/9 | Irrigation - Carterville District
1934 |
300/10 | Irrigation - Cove |
1956 |
300/11 | Irrigation - Ereaux Project
1957 |
301/1 | Irrigation - Flathead
1946-1950 |
301/2 | Irrigation - Frenchtown
1958 |
301/3 | Irrigation - Indian Reservation
undated |
301/4 | Irrigation - Legislation
1936-1957 |
301/5 | Irrigation - Legislation,
Projects |
1935-1943 |
301/6 | Irrigation - Malta |
1952 |
301/7 | Irrigation - Midway |
1935 |
301/8 | Irrigation - Townsend
1956 |
301/9 | Irrigation and Reclamation
1937 - May, 1939 |
301/10 | Irrigation and Reclamation
June, 1939-1940 |
301/11 | Irrigation and Reclamation
1946-1959 |
301/12 | Irrigation Ditches - Billings
1960 |
301/13 | Irrigation vs. Surpluses
1956-1961 |
301/14 | Itinerary |
1939 |
301/15 | Itinerary |
1940 |
301/16 | Itscher, Colonel E.C.
1950 |
301/17 | Jackson Hole National Monument
1948-1949 |
301/18 | Japanese Internees WWII
1942 |
301/19 | Japanese Internment - Petition
1942 |
301/20 | Japanese Internment |
1942 - Jan., 1943 |
302/1 | Japanese Internment |
Feb. - July, 1943 |
302/2 | Japanese Relocation Centers
1943 |
302/3 | Jefferson - Jackson Day Dinners
1953 |
302/4 | Jennings, Margaret |
1936-1937 |
302/5 | Jewish Persecution |
1938-1940 |
302/6 | Jewish Persecution |
1941 |
302/7 | Jewish Persecution |
1942-1943 |
302/8 | Jewish Sponsorship |
1945-1946 |
302/9 | Jobs |
1942 |
302/10 | Johns, John |
1937 |
302/11 | Johnson, L. B. - Legislative
Program |
1957 |
302/12 | Johnston, Vic |
1960 |
302/13 | Judgements |
1947 |
302/14 | Judicial |
1935-1957 |
302/15 | Judicial Recommendations
1934 |
302/16 | Judicial Recommendations
1935 |
302/17 | Judiciary |
1937 |
302/18 | Justice |
1936-1937 |
302/19 | Justice Department |
1934-1937 |
302/20 | Justice Department |
1938 |
302/21 | Justice Department |
1945 |
302/22 | Justice Department |
1946 |
303/1 | Justice Department - Gulf of
Mexico Boundaries |
1955 |
303/2 | Juvenile Delinquency |
1947 |
303/3 | Juvenile Delinquency |
1954-1956 |
303/4 | Juvenile Delinquency -
Legislation |
1954 |
303/5 | Juvenile Delinquency -
Legislation |
1957-1958 |
303/6 | Kaiser Controversy |
1947 |
303/7 | Kaiser, Henry J. |
1948 |
303/8 | Kathju, Kam N. |
1937 |
303/9 | Kelberer, Raymond J. |
1937-1938 |
303/10 | Kellner, Warner |
1948 |
303/11 | Kemper, Simeon V. |
1950 |
303/12 | Kennedy, John E. |
1939 |
303/12b | Kennedy, John F. |
1953 |
303/13 | Keogh - Simpson - Form Letter
undated |
303/14 | Kilroy, Richard |
1941 |
303/15 | Kindergartens |
1945 |
303/16 | King, Henry |
1936 |
303/17 | King, Judson |
1948 |
303/18 | Klein, Alexander - "Armies For
Peace" |
1949 |
303/19 | Knights of Columbus |
1935 |
303/20 | Korean War - Opinion |
1950-1953 |
303/21 | Khruschev, Nikita - American
Visit |
1959 |
303/22 | Labor |
undated |
304/1 | Labor - Against |
1942 |
304/2 | Labor - Apprentice Training
Program |
1945 |
304/3 | Labor - Child |
1938-1940 |
304/4 | Labor - Child |
1943 |
304/5 | Labor - Child |
1946 |
304/6 | Labor - Child |
1947 |
304/7 | Labor - Labor Department
1948 |
304/8 | Labor - Executive Pay
1949 |
304/9 | Labor - Fair Labor Standards Act
1945-1946 |
304/10 | Labor - Fair Labor Standards
1948 |
304/11 | Labor - Fair Labor Standards
1949 |
304/12 | Labor - Fair Labor Standards
1956 |
304/13 | Labor - Fair Labor Standards
Mar. - May, 1957 |
304/14 | Labor - Fair Labor Standards
June, 1957 - July, 1958 |
304/15 | Labor - Fair Labor Standards,
Kennedy Amendment |
1959 |
305/1 | Labor - Fair Labor Standards,
Kennedy Amendment |
1960 |
305/2 | Labor - Farm |
Jan. - Apr., 1942 |
305/3 | Labor - Farm |
May, 1942 |
305/4 | Labor - Farm |
June - Aug., 1942 |
305/5 | Labor - Farm |
Sept., 1942 |
305/6 | Labor - Farm |
Oct. - Dec., 1942 |
305/7 | Labor - Farm, Beets |
1942 |
305/8 | Labor - Farm |
Jan. - Feb., 1943 |
306/1 | Labor - Farm |
Mar. - May, 1943 |
306/2 | Labor - Farm |
June - Oct., 1943 |
306/3 | Labor - Farm |
Jan. - June, 1944 |
306/4 | Labor - Farm |
July - Dec., 1944 |
306/5 | Labor - Farm |
1945 |
306/6 | Labor - Farm |
Jan. - Apr., 1946 |
306/7 | Labor - Farm |
May - Dec., 1946 |
306/8 | Labor - Farm |
1947 |
306/9 | Labor - Farm |
1948 |
306/10 | Labor - Farm |
1951 |
306/11 | Labor - Farm |
1959 |
306/12 | Labor - Farm Labor Party
undated |
307/1 | Labor - General |
1935-1937 |
307/2 | Labor - General |
1938-1939 |
307/3 | Labor - General |
1940 |
307/4 | Labor - General |
Jan. - Mar., 1941 |
307/5 | Labor - General |
Apr. - Aug., 1941 |
307/6 | Labor - General |
Sept. - Dec., 1941 |
307/7 | Labor - General |
Jan. - Feb., 1942 |
307/8 | Labor - General |
Mar. 1-1925, 1942 |
307/9 | Labor - General |
Mar. 26-1931, 1942 |
308/1 | Labor - General |
Apr., 1942 |
308/2 | Labor - General |
May, 1942 |
308/3 | Labor - General |
June, 1942 |
308/4 | Labor - General |
July - Aug., 1942 |
308/5 | Labor - General |
Sept. - Dec., 1942 |
308/6 | Labor - General |
Jan. - Apr., 1943 |
308/7 | Labor - General |
May, 1943 |
308/8 | Labor - General |
June - July, 1943 |
309/1 | Labor - General |
Aug. - Dec., 1943 |
309/2 | Labor - General |
Jan. - Mar., 1944 |
309/3 | Labor - General |
Apr. - Nov., 1944 |
309/4 | Labor - General |
1945 |
309/5 | Labor - General |
Jan. - May, 1946 |
309/6 | Labor - General |
June - Dec., 1946 |
309/7 | Labor - General |
1947 |
310/1 | Labor - General |
1948 |
310/2 | Labor - General |
Jan. - Apr., 1949 |
310/3 | Labor - General |
May - June, 1949 |
310/4 | Labor - General |
July - Dec., 1949 |
310/5 | Labor - General |
1950 |
310/6 | Labor - General |
1951 |
310/7 | Labor - General |
Jan. - July, 1952 |
310/8 | Labor - General |
Aug. - Dec., 1952 |
310/9 | Labor - General |
1953 |
311/1 | Labor - General |
1954 |
311/2 | Labor - General |
Jan. - June, 1955 |
311/3 | Labor - General |
July - Dec., 1955 |
311/4 | Labor - General |
Jan. - June, 1956 |
311/5 | Labor - General |
July - Dec., 1956 |
311/6 | Labor - General |
1957 |
311/7 | Labor - General |
Jan. - Mar. 6, 1958 |
311/8 | Labor - General |
Mar. 10 - Apr., 1958 |
311/9 | Labor - General |
May - Dec., 1958 |
312/1 | Labor - General |
Jan. - June, 1959 |
312/2 | Labor - General |
July - Dec., 1959 |
312/3 | Labor - General |
Jan. - Mar., 1960 |
312/4 | Labor - General |
Apr. - Nov., 1960 |
312/5 | Labor - Letters |
1937 |
312/6 | Labor - Letters |
Jan. - Feb., 1947 |
312/7 | Labor - Letters |
Mar. - June, 1947 |
312/8 | Labor - Longshoreman's
Compensation Act |
1947-1948 |
312/9 | Labor - Management Relations
1945-1946 |
312/10 | Labor - Joint Labor Management
Commission |
1947 |
313/1 | Labor - Joint Labor Management
Comm. |
Jan. - May 15, 1948 |
313/2 | Labor - Joint Labor Management
Comm. |
May 17-1931, 1948 |
313/3 | Labor - Joint Labor Management
Comm. |
June - Dec., 1948 |
313/4 | Labor - Joint Labor Management
Comm. |
1949 |
313/5 | Labor - Labor/Management
Subcommittee |
1950 |
313/6 | Labor - Labor/Management
Subcommittee |
1952 |
313/7 | Labor - Labor/Management
Subcommittee |
1953 |
313/8 | Labor - Legislation |
1939-1946 |
313/9 | Labor - Legislation |
1947 |
313/10 | Labor - Legislation |
1951-1958 |
313/11 | Labor - Manpower |
1941-1943 |
313/12 | Labor - Manpower |
1951 |
313/13 | Labor - Manpower Commission
1944-1945 |
314/1 | Labor - Meat for Butte Miners
1943 |
314/2 | Labor - Miners, Butte
1943 |
314/3 | Labor - Montana Labor Institute
1949 |
314/4 | Labor - National Labor Relations
Board |
1939-1940 |
314/5 | Labor - N.L.R.B., Smith Amendment
Apr.1 - June 13, 1940 |
314/6 | Labor - N.L.R.B., Smith Amendment
June 14, 1940 |
314/7 | Labor - N.L.R.B., Smith Amendment
June 15 - 17, 1940 |
314/8 | Labor - N.L.R.B., Smith Amendment
June 18 - Aug., 1940 |
314/9 | Labor - N. L. R. B., Smith
Amendment |
1943, 1945 |
314/10 | Labor - N. L. R. B., Management
Relations Act |
1947 |
314/11 | Labor - Nevada Trial, Court
Documents |
1947 |
314/12 | Labor - Nevada Trial,
Correspondence |
1947-1948 |
315/1 | Labor - N.L.R.B. |
1956, 1959 |
315/2 | Labor - National Parks
1957-1958 |
315/3 | Labor - Newspaper |
1936 |
315/4 | Labor - Overtime Pay |
1942 |
315/5 | Labor - Overtime Pay |
1948 |
315/6 | Labor - Public Welfare
1946 |
315/7 | Labor - Public Welfare
Jan., 1947 |
315/8 | Labor - Public Welfare
Feb. - Mar., 1947 |
315/9 | Labor - Public Welfare
Apr. - Nov., 1947 |
315/10 | Labor - Public Welfare
1948-1949 |
315/11 | Labor - Public Welfare
1950 |
315/12 | Labor - Public Welfare
1951 |
316/1 | Labor - Public Welfare,
Subcommittee on Ethics |
1951 |
316/2 | Labor - Public Welfare
1952 |
316/3 | Labor - Public Welfare
1955 |
316/4 | Labor - Public Welfare
1957 |
316/5 | Labor - Public Welfare
1958 |
316/6 | Labor - Strike, Billings Sugar
1934-1935 |
316/7 | Labor - Strikes |
1935-1937 |
316/8 | Labor - Strikes |
1943-1944 |
316/9 | Labor - Strikes |
1945 |
316/10 | Labor - Strikes |
1946 |
316/11 | Labor - Strikes |
1950 |
316/12 | Labor - Strikes |
1951 |
316/13 | Labor - Strikes, Butte
1960 |
317/1 | Labor - Strikes, N.Y. Dock
1955 |
317/2 | Labor - Surplus |
July - Dec., 1959 |
317/3 | Labor - Terms |
1946 |
317/4 | Labor - U.A.W. Pamphlets
1959 |
317/5 | Labor - Unions |
1941-1945 |
317/6 | Labor - Unions, N.O.W.
1939-1942 |
317/7 | Labor - Unions, Elec., Radio and
Machine Workers |
1959 |
317/8 | Labor - Unions, United
Steelworkers Of Amer. |
1959 |
317/9 | Labor - Wage and Hour
1938-1939 |
317/10 | Labor - Wage and Hour
Jan. - Apr., 1940 |
317/11 | Labor - Wage and Hour
May - Dec., 1940 |
317/12 | Labor - Wage and Hour
1941 |
317/13 | Labor - Wage and Hour
1942-1943 |
318/1 | Labor - Wage and Hour
1944-1945 |
318/2 | Labor - Wage and Hour
1947-1948 |
318/3 | Labor - Wage and Hour
Jan., 1949 |
318/4 | Labor - Wage and Hour
Feb., 1949 |
318/5 | Labor - Wage and Hour
Mar., 1949 |
318/6 | Labor - Wage and Hour
Apr. - June, 1949 |
318/7 | Labor - Wage and Hour
July, 1949 |
318/8 | Labor - Wage and Hour
Aug. - Nov., 1949 |
318/9 | Labor - Wage Scale |
1935 |
319/1 | Labor - Wage Scale |
Mar., 1936 |
319/2 | Labor - Wage Scale |
Apr., 1936 |
319/3 | Labor - Wage Scale |
May - Dec., 1936 |
319/4 | Labor - Wage Scale |
1937-1938 |
319/5 | Labor - Wage Scale |
1942 |
319/6 | Labor - Wage Stabilization Board
1951 |
319/7 | Labor - Wages |
1945-1946 |
319/8 | Labor - Wages |
1947 |
319/9 | Labor - Wages, Minimum
1946-1949, 1955 |
319/10 | Lalande, Rhea |
1937 |
319/11 | Lanager, Nick |
1947 |
319/12 | Land Cases |
1934-1935 |
319/13 | Land Cases - K |
1935-1936 |
319/14 | Land Cases - B - M |
1936 |
320/1 | Land Cases - P |
1935-1936 |
320/2 | Land Cases - R |
1934-1937 |
320/3 | Land Cases - T - Z |
1935-1937 |
320/4 | Land Cases |
1937 |
320/5 | Federal Land Bank |
1936 |
320/6 | Federal Land Bank |
1940-1945 |
320/7 | Lands - Forest |
1957 |
320/8 | Lands |
1936 |
320/9 | Lands |
1937 |
320/10 | Lands |
1942-1945 |
320/11 | Lands |
Jan. - June, 1946 |
320/12 | Lands |
July - Dec., 1946 |
321/1 | Lands |
Jan. - June, 1947 |
321/2 | Lands |
July - Dec., 1947 |
321/3 | Lands |
1948 |
321/4 | Lands |
1949-1950 |
321/5 | Lands |
1951 |
321/6 | Lands |
1952 |
321/7 | Lands |
1953 |
321/8 | Lands |
1954 |
321/9 | Lands |
Jan. - June, 1955 |
321/10 | Lands |
July - Dec., 1955 |
321/11 | Lands |
1956 |
321/12 | Lands |
Jan. - June, 1957 |
321/13 | Lands |
July - Dec., 1957 |
321/14 | Lands |
1958 |
322/1 | Lands |
1959 |
322/2 | Lands |
1960 |
322/3 | Lands - Patents |
1937 |
322/4 | Lands - Public |
1937-1941 |
322/5 | Lands - Public |
1943-1945 |
322/6 | Lands - Public |
1946 |
322/7 | Lands - Public |
1947-1950 |
322/8 | Lands - Public Lands Committee
1938-1941 |
322/9 | Lands - Public Lands Committee
1947-1950 |
322/10 | Lands - Public Lands Hearing,
Klamath Falls |
1947 |
322/11 | Lands - Public Lands and Surveys
Commission |
1944-1946 |
322/12 | Lands - General Land Office, W.
Paul Hahn |
1935-1936 |
322/13 | Lands - General Land Office
1935-1937 |
322/14 | Lands - General Land Office
1938 |
322/15 | Lands - General Land Office
Jan. - Mar., 1939 |
323/1 | Lands - General Land Office
Apr. - Dec., 1939 |
323/2 | Lands - General Land Office
Jan. - June, 1940 |
323/3 | Lands - General Land Office
July - Dec., 1940 |
323/4 | Lands - General Land Office
Jan. - May, 1941 |
323/5 | Lands - General Land Office
June - Aug., 1941 |
323/6 | Lands - General Land Office
Sept. - Dec., 1941 |
323/7 | Lands - General Land Office
Jan. - May, 1942 |
323/8 | Lands - General Land Office
June - Sept., 1942 |
324/1 | Lands - General Land Office
Oct. - Dec., 1942 |
324/2 | Lands - General Land Office
Jan. - June, 1943 |
324/3 | Lands - General Land Office
July - Dec., 1943 |
324/4 | Lands - General Land Office
1945 |
324/5 | Lands - General Land Office
1946 |
324/6 | Lands - Land Grant |
1936-1937 |
324/7 | Lands - Land Grant Colleges
1947 |
324/8 | Lands - Fred C. Huntington
1952-1955 |
324/9 | Land Programs |
1935-1938 |
324/10 | Land Programs - Purchases
1935 |
324/11 | Land Programs - Fallon County
1936 |
324/12 | Land Programs - Mrs. George
Duttle |
1937 |
324/13 | Land Programs - Golden Valley
1937 |
325/1 | Land Programs |
1939-1940 |
325/2 | Land Purchase |
1942 |
325/3 | Land Purchase Program
1938-1939 |
325/4 | Land, Bureau of Land Management
1946 |
325/5 | Land, Bureau of Land Management
Jan. - Aug., 1947 |
325/6 | Land, Bureau of Land Management
Sept. - Dec., 1947 |
325/7 | Land, Bureau of Land Management
Jan. - May, 1948 |
325/8 | Land, Bureau of Land Management
June - July, 1948 |
325/9 | Land, Bureau of Land Management
Aug. - Dec., 1948 |
325/10 | Land, Bureau of Land Management
Jan. - Mar. 9, 1949 |
326/1 | Land, Bureau of Land Management
Mar. 10 - June, 1949 |
326/2 | Land, Bureau of Land Management
July - Aug., 1949 |
326/3 | Land, Bureau of Land Management
Sept. - Dec., 1949 |
326/4 | Land, Bureau of Land Management
Jan. - June, 1950 |
326/5 | Land, Bureau of Land Management
July - Dec., 1950 |
326/6 | Land, Bureau of Land Management -
Legislation |
1950 |
326/7 | Land, Bureau of Land Management
Jan. - June, 1951 |
326/8 | Land, Bureau of Land Management
July - Dec., 1951 |
326/9 | Land, Bureau of Land Management
Jan. - June, 1952 |
326/10 | Land, Bureau of Land Management
July - Dec., 1952 |
326/11 | Land, Bureau of Land Management
1953 |
327/1 | Land, Bureau of Land Management
1954 |
327/2 | Land, Bureau of Land Management
Jan. - June, 1955 |
327/3 | Land, Bureau of Land Management
July - Dec., 1955 |
327/4 | Land, Bureau of Land Management
1956-1960 |
327/5 | Land, Bureau of Land Management -
Dillon, Whitehall |
1954-1955 |
327/6 | Land Reclamation - Sun River
1956 |
327/7 | Land, Sales |
1948 |
327/8 | Land, Subsistence Homesteads
1935 |
327/9 | Land, Soil Bank Program
1960 |
327/10 | Laundry - Unemployment Comp. Tax
1939 |
327/11 | Law |
1940 |
327/12 | Law |
1942-1947 |
327/13 | Law Schools |
1947 |
327/14 | Laux Case |
1935-1937 |
327/15 | Layne, John A. Case |
1946 |
327/16 | League of Women Voters
1960 |
327/17 | Leases |
1942-1943 |
327/18 | Leases |
1945-1947 |
327/19 | Leases - MT. Leasing Co.
1949 |
327/20 | Lease - Lend |
1941 |
327/21 | Leasing - Trip Leasing Bill
1953 |
327/22 | Legal Advice |
1946 |
328/1 | Legislation - A |
1935 |
328/2 | Legislation - Administrative Code
1956 |
328/3 | Legislation - Administrative Law
1946 |
328/4 | Legislation - Administrative
Procedures |
1945 |
328/5 | Legislation - Advertising
1938 |
328/6 | Legislation - Advertising
1940 |
328/7 | Legislation - Advertising
1943 |
328/8 | Legislation - Aging |
1960 |
328/9 | Legislation - Agriculture
1935-1936 |
328/10 | Legislation - Agriculture
1938 - Jan., 1940 |
328/11 | Legislation - Agriculture
Feb., 1940 |
328/12 | Legislation - Agriculture
Mar. 1-193, 1940 |
328/13 | Legislation - Agriculture
Mar. 4-195, 1940 |
328/14 | Legislation - Agriculture
Mar. 6-197, 1940 |
329/1 | Legislation - Agriculture
Mar. 8-1928, 1940 |
329/2 | Legislation - Agriculture
Apr., 1940 |
329/3 | Legislation - Agriculture
May - Dec., 1940 |
329/4 | Legislation - Agriculture
1941-1942 |
329/5 | Legislation - Agriculture
1943-1944 |
329/6 | Legislation - Agriculture
1946-1947 |
329/7 | Legislation - Agriculture
1949-1950 |
329/8 | Legislation - Agriculture
1952-1953 |
329/9 | Legislation - Agriculture
1954 |
329/10 | Legislation - Agriculture
1955-1956 |
330/1 | Legislation - Agriculture
1957 |
330/2 | Legislation - Agriculture
1958-1960 |
330/3 | Legislation - Agriculture, Beef
1935-1936 |
330/4 | Legislation - Agriculture,
Commodity Credit Corp. |
1943 |
330/5 | Legislation - Agriculture, Farm
Credit |
1953 |
330/6 | Legislation - Agriculture, Cotton
1954 |
330/7 | Legislation - Agriculture,
Cricket Control |
1937 |
330/8 | Legislation - Agriculture,
Livestock |
1935-1940 |
330/9 | Legislation - Agriculture,
Livestock |
1956 |
330/10 | Legislation - Agriculture, Milk
1957 |
330/11 | Legislation - Agriculture, Seed
1937 |
330/12 | Legislation - Agriculture, Soil
Conservation |
1937 |
330/13 | Legislation - Agriculture, Soil
Conservation |
1945-1946 |
330/14 | Legislation - Agriculture, Soil
Conservation |
1948-1949 |
330/15 | Legislation - Agriculture, Soil
Conservation |
Jan. - Feb. 1955 |
330/16 | Legislation - Agriculture, Soil
Conservation |
Mar. - May, 1955 |
330/17 | Legislation - Agriculture, Soil
Conservation |
July - Dec., 1955 |
330/18 | Legislation - Agriculture, Wheat
Agreement |
1948 |
330/19 | Legislation - Agriculture, Wheat
Agreement |
1953 |
330/20 | Legislation - Agriculture, Durum
Wheat |
1960 |
330/21 | Legislation - Air Service
1936 |
330/22 | Legislation - Airbase
1935 |
331/1 | Legislation - Airlines
1935-1938 |
331/2 | Legislation - Airmail
1935 |
331/3 | Legislation - Airplanes
1937 |
331/4 | Legislation - Airports
1935 |
331/5 | Legislation - Airports
1949 |
331/6 | Legislation - Alaska |
1940 |
331/7 | Legislation - Alaska |
1947-1948 |
331/8 | Legislation - Alaska |
1949 |
331/9 | Legislation - Alaska |
1951-1953 |
331/10 | Legislation - Alaska |
1954 |
331/11 | Legislation - Alaska and Alaska
Highway |
1957-1958 |
331/12 | Legislation - Alaskan and
Hawaiian Statehood |
1950-1954 |
331/13 | Legislation - Alcohol
1944-1946 |
331/14 | Legislation - Aliens |
1939-1945 |
331/15 | Legislation - Altar of the Nation
1956 |
331/16 | Legislation - American Legion
1937 |
331/17 | Legislation - American Legion
1939 |
331/18 | Legislation - American Legion
1955 |
331/19 | Legislation - American War
Mothers |
1945 |
331/20 | Legislation - Animals
1945-1947 |
331/21 | Legislation - Annual Assessment
Work |
1942 |
331/22 | Legislation - Anti - Filibuster
Amend. |
1947-1959 |
331/23 | Legislation - Anti - Trust
1941-1942 |
331/24 | Legislation - Anti - Trust
1948 |
331/25 | Legislation - Anti - Trust
1951 |
331/26 | Legislation - Anti - War
1935-1937 |
331/27 | Legislation - Apprenticeship
Training |
1947 |
332/1 | Legislation - Appropriations
1935 |
332/2 | Legislation - Appropriations
1936 |
332/3 | Legislation - Appropriations
1937 |
332/4 | Legislation - Appropriations
1938 |
332/5 | Legislation - Appropriations
1939-1940 |
332/6 | Legislation - Appropriations
1941-1942 |
332/7 | Legislation - Appropriations
1943-1944 |
332/8 | Legislation - Appropriations
1947-1952 |
332/9 | Legislation - Appropriations
1953-1960 |
332/10 | Legislation - Arms Bill
1949 |
332/11 | Legislation - Assayers Office
1941 |
332/12 | Legislation - Atlantic Union
1951-1959 |
332/13 | Legislation - Atomic Energy
1956 |
332/14 | Legislation - Atomic Research
1946 |
332/15 | Legislation - Auto Dealers
1956 |
332/16 | Legislation - B |
1935 |
332/17 | Legislation - Bandleaders Army
1944 |
332/18 | Legislation - Bankhead Jones Act
1941 |
332/19 | Legislation - Banks and Banking
1935-1937 |
333/1 | Legislation - Banking
1937-1938 |
333/2 | Legislation - Banking
1939 |
333/3 | Legislation - Banking
1940-1942 |
333/4 | Legislation - Banking
1944 |
333/5 | Legislation - Banking
1945-1947 |
333/6 | Legislation - Banking
1949-1950 |
333/7 | Legislation - Banking
1953-1954 |
333/8 | Legislation - Banking
Jan. - June, 1955 |
333/9 | Legislation - Banking
July - Dec., 1955 |
333/10 | Legislation - Banking
Jan. - Feb., 1956 |
333/11 | Legislation - Banking
Mar. - July, 1956 |
333/12 | Legislation - Banking
1957-1958 |
334/1 | Legislation - Bankruptcy
1937 |
334/2 | Legislation - Bankruptcy
1940 |
334/3 | Legislation - Bankruptcy
1944 |
334/4 | Legislation - Barbers
1941-1942 |
334/5 | Legislation - Billboards
1958 |
334/6 | Legislation - Birth Control
1935-1936 |
334/7 | Legislation - Blind |
1940 |
334/8 | Legislation - Blind |
1942 |
334/9 | Legislation - Blind |
1946 |
334/10 | Legislation - Brand Inspection
1956 |
334/11 | Legislation - Bretton Wood
Proposal |
1945 |
334/12 | Legislation - Bruce's Eddy Dam
1956-1959 |
334/13 | Legislation - Budget |
1957 |
334/14 | Legislation - Building and Loan
Association |
1951-1952 |
334/15 | Legislation - Bullwinkle Bill
1938 |
334/16 | Legislation - Bureau of Land
Management |
1947-1955 |
334/17 | Legislation - C |
1935 |
334/18 | Legislation - Capital Transit
1956 |
334/19 | Legislation - C. P. A.
1948 |
334/20 | Legislation - Chain Stores
Jan. - Apr., 1936 |
334/21 | Legislation - Chain Stores
May - Aug., 1936 |
334/22 | Legislation - Chain Stores
1937 |
334/23 | Legislation - Chain Stores
1938 |
334/24 | Legislation - Chain Stores
1939-1940 |
334/25 | Legislation - Chavez |
1953 |
335/1 | Legislation - Cherries
1935-1936 |
335/2 | Legislation - Child Care
1943-1944 |
335/3 | Legislation - Child Labor
1947-1948 |
335/4 | Legislation - Children's Bureau
335/5 | Legislation - Children, Crippled
1937 |
335/6 | Legislation - Chiropractors
1943 |
335/7 | Legislation - Churches
1947 |
335/8 | Legislation - Civilian
Conservation Corps |
1937 |
335/9 | Legislation - Civil Defense
1950 |
335/10 | Legislation - Civil Defense
1951-1952 |
335/11 | Legislation - Civilian Pilot
Training |
1941 |
335/12 | Legislation - Civil Liberties
1939-1940 |
335/13 | Legislation - Civil Rights
1939-1952 |
335/14 | Legislation - Civil Rights
1955-1956 |
335/15 | Legislation - Civil Rights
1957-1958 |
335/16 | Legislation - Civil Rights
1959-1960 |
335/17 | Legislation - Civil Rights, Anti
- Lynching |
1935-1940 |
335/18 | Legislation - Civil Service
1935 |
335/19 | Legislation - Civil Service
1938-1940 |
335/20 | Legislation - Civil Service
1941-1942 |
335/21 | Legislation - Civil Service
1943-1944 |
335/22 | Legislation - Civil Service
1945-1946 |
335/23 | Legislation - Civil Service
Jan. - June, 1947 |
335/24 | Legislation - Civil Service
July - Dec., 1947 |
335/25 | Legislation - Civil Service
1948 |
336/1 | Legislation - Civil Service
1949-1950 |
336/2 | Legislation - Civil Service
1951-1952 |
336/3 | Legislation - Civil Service
Retirement |
1951-1952 |
336/4 | Legislation - Civil Service
1953-1954 |
336/5 | Legislation - Civil Service
1955 |
336/6 | Legislation - Civil Service
1957-1958 |
336/7 | Legislation - Civil Service
1959-1960 |
336/8 | Legislation - Civilian
Conservation Corp. |
1937 |
336/9 | Legislation - Civilian
Conservation Corps |
Jan. - Feb., 1938 |
336/10 | Legislation - Civilian
Conservation Corps |
May, 1938 |
336/11 | Legislation - Civilian
Conservation Corps |
1940 |
336/12 | Legislation - Civilian
Conservation Corps |
1942 |
336/13 | Legislation - Civilian
Conservation Corps |
1950 |
336/14 | Legislation - Claims |
1937-1938 |
336/15 | Legislation - Claims |
1940 |
336/16 | Legislation - Claims |
1941-1942 |
336/17 | Legislation - Claims |
1958 |
336/18 | Legislation - Clerical Assistants
1957 |
336/19 | Legislation - Coal |
1929-1937 |
336/20 | Legislation - Coal |
1938 |
336/21 | Legislation - Coal |
1941 |
336/22 | Legislation - Coal |
1943 |
336/23 | Legislation - Coal |
1947 |
336/24 | Legislation - Coal |
1952 |
336/25 | Legislation - Coal |
1958 |
336/26 | Legislation - Coffee |
1938 |
336/27 | Legislation - Coffee |
1950 |
337/1 | Legislation - Colorado
1955 |
337/2 | Legislation - Colorado River
1947-1948 |
337/3 | Legislation - Colorado River
1949-1951 |
337/4 | Legislation - Colorado River
1958 |
337/5 | Legislation - Columbia Basin
1945 |
337/6 | Legislation - Columbia Basin,
(S.460) |
1945 |
337/7 | Legislation - Columbia Basin
1949-1950 |
337/8 | Legislation - Columbia Basin
1951-1952 |
337/9 | Legislation - Columbia Basin
1953-1954 |
337/10 | Legislation - Columbia Basin
1957-1960 |
337/11 | Legislation - Commemorative Coins
and Stamps |
1948 |
337/12 | Legislation - Commerce
1937-1945 |
337/13 | Legislation - Commission
1944 |
337/14 | Legislation - Commodities
Exchange |
1935 |
337/15 | Legislation - Commodities
Exchange |
1936 |
337/16 | Legislation - Commodities
Exchange |
1939 |
337/17 | Legislation - Commodity Credit
Corp. |
1953 |
337/18 | Legislation - Communists
1948-1950 |
337/19 | Legislation - Community
Facilities Act |
1958 |
337/20 | Legislation - Congressional
Pensions |
1942 |
337/21 | Legislation - Congressional
Reorganization |
1937-1938 |
337/22 | Legislation - Congressional
Reorganization |
1940 |
338/1 | Legislation - Congressional
Reorganization |
1945-1946 |
338/2 | Legislation - Congressional
Reorganization |
1946-1950 |
338/3 | Legislation - Congressional
Reorganization |
1951-1953 |
338/4 | Legislation - Congressional
Salaries |
1955 |
338/5 | Legislation - Conscientious
Objectors |
1945 |
338/6 | Legislation - Conscription
1944 |
338/7 | Legislation - Conscription
Jan. - Feb., 1945 |
338/8 | Legislation - Conscription
Mar. - June, 1945 |
338/9 | Legislation - Conscription
July - Oct., 1945 |
338/10 | Legislation - Conscription
Nov. - Dec., 1945 |
338/11 | Legislation - Conscription
Jan., 1946 |
338/12 | Legislation - Conscription
Feb., 1946 |
339/1 | Legislation - Conscription
Mar. - June, 1946 |
339/2 | Legislation - Conscription
1947-1948 |
339/3 | Legislation - Conservation
1947 |
339/4 | Legislation - Conservation
1960 |
339/5 | Legislation - Constitutional
Amendment |
1936 |
339/6 | Legislation - Constitutional
Amendment |
1948 |
339/7 | Legislation - Consumer Interest
Commission |
1953 |
339/8 | Legislation - Contracts
1935 |
339/9 | Legislation - Contracts
1938 |
339/10 | Legislation - Contracts
1939 |
339/11 | Legislation - Contracts
1944 |
339/12 | Legislation - Corporations
1938 |
339/13 | Legislation - Corporations
1940 |
339/14 | Legislation - Corporations
1943-1945 |
339/15 | Legislation - Council of Economic
Advisors |
1946-1953 |
339/16 | Legislation - Credit Controls
1953 |
339/17 | Legislation - Credit Union
1940 |
339/18 | Legislation - Crop Insurance
1937 |
339/19 | Legislation - Custodial Employees
1939-1940 |
339/20 | Legislation - Custodial Employees
1941 |
339/21 | Legislation - Customs Service
1940 |
339/22 | Legislation - D |
1935 |
339/23 | Legislation - Dairy |
1941 |
339/24 | Legislation - Dams |
1935-1958 |
339/25 | Legislation - Daylight Savings
1941-1942 |
339/26 | Legislation - Daylight Savings
1947-1951 |
339/27 | Legislation - Deficiency Bill
1946 |
339/28 | Legislation - Dental |
1958 |
339/29 | Legislation - Dentistry
1940 |
339/30 | Legislation - Dies Committee
1939, 1949 |
339/31 | Legislation - Disarmament
1946, 1951 |
339/32 | Legislation - Disease Research
Lab |
339/33 | Legislation - District of
Columbia |
1936-1937 |
339/34 | Legislation - District of
Columbia |
1950 |
339/35 | Legislation - District of
Columbia |
1957-1958 |
339/36 | Legislation - Divorce
1938 |
339/37 | Legislation - Drought
1957 |
339/38 | Legislation - Druggists
1949-1950 |
339/39 | Legislation - Education
1939-1941 |
339/40 | Legislation - Education
1943 |
340/1 | Legislation - Education
1944 |
340/2 | Legislation - Education
1946 |
340/3 | Legislation - Education
1947 |
340/4 | Legislation - Education
Jan. - Mar., 1948 |
340/5 | Legislation - Education
May, 1948 |
340/6 | Legislation - Education
June - Dec., 1948 |
340/7 | Legislation - Education
1949-1950 |
340/8 | Legislation - Education
1951-1952 |
340/9 | Legislation - Education
1953-1954 |
340/10 | Legislation - Education
Jan. - Mar., 1957 |
340/11 | Legislation - Education
May - Dec., 1957 |
340/12 | Legislation - Education
Jan. - Feb., 1958 |
340/13 | Legislation - Education
Mar. - Apr., 1958 |
341/1 | Legislation - Education
May - Dec., 1958 |
341/2 | Legislation - Education, (S.
3311) |
1958 |
341/3 | Legislation - Education, (3187
and3163) |
1958 |
341/4 | Legislation - Education
Jan. - May, 1959 |
341/5 | Legislation - Education
June. - Sept., 1959 |
341/6 | Legislation - Education
Jan. - Feb., 1960 |
341/7 | Legislation - Education
Mar., 1960 |
341/8 | Legislation - Education
Apr. - July, 1960 |
342/1 | Legislation - Education, Federal
Aid |
1942-1960 |
342/2 | Legislation - Election Practices
1957 |
342/3 | Legislation - Electoral College
1948-1950 |
342/4 | Legislation - Employment
1944-1947 |
342/5 | Legislation - Employment Service
1939 |
342/6 | Legislation - Employment Service
1942 |
342/7 | Legislation - Enabling Act
1948 |
342/8 | Legislation - Energy |
1950, 1954 |
342/9 | Legislation - Equal Rights
1935-1943 |
342/10 | Legislation - Equal Rights
Amendment |
1944-1953 |
342/11 | Legislation - Executive Orders
1944 |
342/12 | Legislation - Economic Expansion
Bill |
1949 |
342/13 | Legislation - Extension Service
1949-1950 |
342/14 | Legislation - F |
1935 |
342/15 | Legislation - Family Allowance
Program |
1955 |
342/16 | Legislation - Farm Credit
Administration |
1940 |
342/17 | Legislation - Farm Homes
1934-1935 |
342/18 | Legislation - Farm Relief
1935 |
342/19 | Legislation - Farm Relief
1936 |
342/20 | Legislation - Farm Relief
1937 |
342/21 | Legislation - F. C. C.
1936-1943 |
342/22 | Legislation - Federal
Construction |
1956 |
342/23 | Legislation - Federal
Construction |
1957 |
342/24 | Legislation - Federal
Construction |
Jan., 1958 |
343/1 | Legislation - Federal
Construction |
Feb., 1958 |
343/2 | Legislation - Federal
Construction |
Mar. - Aug., 1958 |
343/3 | Legislation - Federal Deposit
Insurance Co. |
1951 |
343/4 | Legislation - Federal Elections
Act |
1955 |
343/5 | Legislation - Federal Employees
1939-1942 |
343/6 | Legislation - Federal Employees
1943-1944 |
343/7 | Legislation - Federal Employees
1945-1946 |
343/8 | Legislation - Federal Employees
Jan. - Mar., 1948 |
343/9 | Legislation - Federal Employees
Apr. - July, 1948 |
343/10 | Legislation - Federal Employees
1949-1950 |
343/11 | Legislation - Federal Employees
1951 |
343/12 | Legislation - Federal Employees
1952 |
343/13 | Legislation - Federal Employees
1953 |
343/14 | Legislation - Federal Employees
1954 |
344/1 | Legislation - Federal Employees
1955-1956 |
344/2 | Legislation - Federal Employees
1957-1958 |
344/3 | Legislation - Federal Employees
1960 |
344/4 | Legislation - Federal Employees
Compensation Act |
1945 |
344/5 | Legislation - Federal Employees
Compensation Act |
1947-1949 |
344/6 | Legislation - Federal Employees
Health Bill |
1959-1960 |
344/7 | Legislation - Federal Employees
Pay Raise |
1951 |
344/8 | Legislation - Federal Employment
1933-1936 |
344/9 | Legislation - Federal Employment
1937 |
344/10 | Legislation - Federal
Expenditures |
1951-1956 |
344/11 | Legislation - Federal Judicial
System |
1954 |
344/12 | Legislation - Federal Personal
Recruitment Act |
1952 |
344/13 | Legislation - Filibuster
1952-1953, 1957-1959 |
344/14 | Legislation - Finance
1941-1943 |
344/15 | Legislation - Fingerprinting
1943 |
344/16 | Legislation - Firearms
1936 |
344/17 | Legislation - Firearms
1940-1942 |
344/18 | Legislation - Firearms
1946 |
344/19 | Legislation - Firearms
1947 |
344/20 | Legislation - Firefighters
1947 |
344/21 | Legislation - Fireworks
1954 |
344/22 | Legislation - Fish |
1937-1960 |
344/23 | Legislation - Flax |
1936 |
344/24 | Legislation - Flood Control
1936-1940 |
345/1 | Legislation - Flood Control
1944-1948 |
345/2 | Legislation - Flood Control
1952-1956 |
345/3 | Legislation - Food Additives
1960 |
345/4 | Legislation - Food and Drugs
1935-1939 |
345/5 | Legislation - Food and Drugs
1941-1943 |
345/6 | Legislation - Food and Drugs
1948 |
345/7 | Legislation - Foods, Pure
1935-1937 |
345/8 | Legislation - Food Surplus
1956 |
345/9 | Legislation - Foreign Aid
Appropriations |
1948-1954 |
345/10 | Legislation - Foreign Aid
Appropriations |
1955-1956 |
345/11 | Legislation - Foreign Aid
Appropriations |
1957-1960 |
345/12 | Legislation - Foreign Policy
1941-1946 |
345/13 | Legislation - Foreign Relations,
Phillippines |
1951 |
345/14 | Legislation - Forest Recreation
1956 |
345/15 | Legislation - Forest Roads
1958-1960 |
345/16 | Legislation - Forest Service
1939-1942 |
345/17 | Legislation - Forest Service
1946 |
345/18 | Legislation - Forest Service
1947-1951 |
345/19 | Legislation - Forest Service
1951-1956 |
345/20 | Legislation - Forest Service
1957-1960 |
345/21 | Legislation - Forestry
1935-1937 |
346/1 | Legislation - Fraud |
1943 |
346/2 | Legislation - Freedom of Press
1943-1944 |
346/3 | Legislation - Freight Rates
1938, 1942-1944 |
346/4 | Legislation - Freight Rates
1949-1950 |
346/5 | Legislation - Freight Rates
1952-1957 |
346/6 | Legislation - Fur Trade
1948 |
346/7 | Legislation - Furs |
1949 |
346/8 | Legislation - Fur Labeling Act
1952 |
346/9 | Legislation - G |
1935 |
346/10 | Legislation - Gas |
1938 |
346/11 | Legislation - Gasoline Tax
1958 |
346/12 | Legislation - Genocide
1951 |
346/13 | Legislation - Germany Property in
the U.S. |
1956 |
346/14 | Legislation - Gold |
1955-1960 |
346/15 | Legislation - Good Friday
1947 |
346/16 | Legislation - Govt. |
1944 |
346/17 | Legislation - Grazing Act
1937 |
346/18 | Legislation - Great Lakes
1936 |
346/19 | Legislation - H |
1935 |
346/20 | Legislation - Harrison/Black Bill
1937 |
346/21 | Legislation - Hatch Act
1937-1942 |
346/22 | Legislation - Hawaii |
1945 - Mar., 1948 |
346/23 | Legislation - Hawaii |
Apr. - Dec., 1948 |
346/24 | Legislation - Hawaii |
1952 |
346/25 | Legislation - Headwater Benefit
1956-1957 |
346/26 | Legislation - Health |
1945-1950 |
346/27 | Legislation - Health |
1959 |
346/28 | Legislation - Health |
1960 |
347/1 | Legislation - Health Insurance
1941-1960 |
347/2 | Legislation - Highways
1956 |
347/3 | Legislation - Holding Companies
1938 |
347/4 | Legislation - Holiday
1952 |
347/5 | Legislation - Home Owners Loan
Corp. |
1943-1944 |
347/6 | Legislation - Homesteading
1935-1937 |
347/7 | Legislation - Hoover Commission
1949 |
347/8 | Legislation - Hoover Commission
1950 |
347/9 | Legislation - Hoover Commission
1952 |
347/10 | Legislation - Hoover Commission
1956 |
347/11 | Legislation - Hoover Commission
1957-1958 |
347/12 | Legislation - Hospital Bill
1941 |
347/13 | Legislation - Hospitals
1959 |
347/14 | Legislation - Housing
1936 |
347/15 | Legislation - Housing
1937 |
347/16 | Legislation - Housing
1939-1940 |
347/17 | Legislation - Housing
1943-1945 |
347/18 | Legislation - Housing
1946 |
348/1 | Legislation - Housing
1947 |
348/2 | Legislation - Housing
1948 |
348/3 | Legislation - Housing
Feb. - Mar., 1949 |
348/4 | Legislation - Housing
May - Dec., 1949 |
348/5 | Legislation - Housing
Jan. - Apr., 1950 |
348/6 | Legislation - Housing, Rent
Control |
1951 |
348/7 | Legislation - Housing
1951-1952 |
348/8 | Legislation - Housing
1953-1954 |
348/9 | Legislation - Housing
1956 |
348/10 | Legislation - Housing
1959 |
349/1 | Legislation - Hungry Horse Dam
1944 |
349/2 | Legislation - Hungry Horse Dam
1946 |
349/3 | Legislation - Hungry Horse Dam
1948 |
349/4 | Legislation - Hungry Horse Dam
1957-1962 |
349/5 | Legislation - Hygiene, Industrial
1940 |
349/6 | Legislation - Hygiene, Mental
1948 |
349/7 | Legislation - I |
1935 |
349/8 | Legislation - Immigration
1935-1938 |
349/9 | Legislation - Immigration
1940 |
349/10 | Legislation - Immigration
1942 |
349/11 | Legislation - Immigration
1943-1944 |
349/12 | Legislation - Immigration
1945-1946 |
349/13 | Legislation - Immigration
1949-1950 |
349/14 | Legislation - Immigration
1952 |
349/15 | Legislation - Immigration
1953 |
349/16 | Legislation - Immigration
1955-1956 |
349/17 | Legislation - Immigration
1957 |
349/18 | Legislation - Imports
1950-1953 |
349/19 | Legislation - Imports
1956 |
349/20 | Legislation - Imports
1960 |
349/21 | Legislation - Industrial Safety
Act |
1957 |
349/22 | Legislation - Indian Museums
1948 |
350/1 | Legislation - Indians, Repeal of
Wheeler/Howard Act 1935 |
1937 |
350/2 | Legislation - Indians
1935-1937 |
350/3 | Legislation - Indians, Crow
1937 |
350/4 | Legislation - Indians
1939 |
350/5 | Legislation - Indians
1940-1942 |
350/6 | Legislation - Indians
1943-1944 |
350/7 | Legislation - Indians
1945-1946 |
350/8 | Legislation - Indians
1947 |
350/9 | Legislation - Indians
Jan. - Apr. 20, 1948 |
350/10 | Legislation - Indians
Apr. 23 - July, 1948 |
350/11 | Legislation - Indians
1949 |
351/1 | Legislation - Indians
1950 |
351/2 | Legislation - Indians
1951 |
351/3 | Legislation - Indians
1953 |
351/4 | Legislation - Indians
Jan. - Mar., 1954 |
351/5 | Legislation - Indians
Apr. - May, 1954 |
351/6 | Legislation - Indians
June - July, 1954 |
351/7 | Legislation - Indians, Hospitals
1954 |
351/8 | Legislation - Indians
1956 |
351/9 | Legislation - Indians, Welfare
1957 |
351/10 | Legislation - Indians
1957-1958 |
352/1 | Legislation - Indians
1959-1960 |
352/2 | Legislation - Indians, Land
1948 |
352/3 | Legislation - Indian War
1935 |
352/4 | Legislation - Industrial Hygiene
1939-1941 |
352/5 | Legislation - Inflation
1948 |
352/6 | Legislation - Inflation, Truman's
Program |
1948 |
352/7 | Legislation - Informer Bill
1943 |
352/8 | Legislation - Insect Control
1942 |
352/9 | Legislation - Instruments
352/10 | Legislation - Insurance
1935 |
352/11 | Legislation - Insurance
1943-1944 |
352/12 | Legislation - Insurance
1946-1960 |
352/13 | Legislation - Interior
1935-1937 |
352/14 | Legislation - Interior Department
1950 |
352/15 | Legislation - Interior and
Insular Affairs |
1957 |
353/1 | Legislation - Interior and
Insular Affairs |
1958-1959 |
353/2 | Legislation - International Food
Reserve |
1954 |
353/3 | Legislation - Internee
1947 |
353/4 | Legislation - Interstate Commerce
1935 |
353/5 | Legislation - Interstate Commerce
Commission |
1938 |
353/6 | Legislation - Interstate Commerce
Commission, Form Letter |
353/7 | Legislation - Interstate Commerce
Commission, Pamphlets |
353/8 | Legislation - Investigation
1935-1937 |
353/9 | Legislation - Irrigation
1941-1955 |
353/10 | Legislation - J |
1935 |
353/11 | Legislation - Judicial
1936-1938 |
353/12 | Legislation - Judicial
1939-1958 |
353/13 | Legislation - Judicial, Federal
Courts |
1934-1937 |
353/14 | Legislation - Judicial, Federal
Judges |
1951 |
353/15 | Legislation - Judicial, Federal
Judicial System |
1954 |
353/16 | Legislation - K |
1935 |
353/17 | Legislation - L |
1935 |
353/18 | Legislation - Labor |
1935-1938 |
354/1 | Legislation - Labor |
1939 - Mar. 14, 1940 |
354/2 | Legislation - Labor |
Mar. 15 - June, 1940 |
354/3 | Legislation - Labor |
July - Dec., 1940 |
354/4 | Legislation - Labor |
Jan. - May 12, 1941 |
354/5 | Legislation - Labor |
May 13 - Sept., 1941 |
354/6 | Legislation - Labor |
Dec., 1941 |
354/7 | Legislation - Labor |
Feb. - Mar., 1941 |
354/8 | Legislation - Labor |
Apr. - Dec., 1942 |
355/1 | Legislation - Labor |
Jan. - May 18, 1943 |
355/2 | Legislation - Labor |
May 19 - Nov., 1943 |
355/3 | Legislation - Labor |
Jan., 1945 |
355/4 | Legislation - Labor |
Feb. - Mar., 1945 |
355/5 | Legislation - Labor |
Apr. - Dec., 1945 |
355/6 | Legislation - Labor |
Jan. - May 25, 1946 |
355/7 | Legislation - Labor |
May 27-1928 |
356/1 | Legislation - Labor |
May 29-1931, 1946 |
356/2 | Legislation - Labor |
June - July, 1946 |
356/3 | Legislation - Labor |
Jan. - Apr., 1947 |
356/4 | Legislation - Labor |
May 1-1922, 1947 |
356/5 | Legislation - Labor |
May 23-1931, 1947 |
356/6 | Legislation - Labor |
June 1 - 13, 1947 |
356/7 | Legislation - Labor |
June 16-1930, 1947 |
356/8 | Legislation - Labor |
July - Dec., 1947 |
357/1 | Legislation - Labor |
Jan. - Mar., 1948 |
357/2 | Legislation - Labor |
Apr. - May, 1948 |
357/3 | Legislation - Labor |
June, 1948-1950 |
357/4 | Legislation - Labor |
1952 |
357/5 | Legislation - Labor |
1953-1954 |
357/6 | Legislation - Labor |
1955-1956 |
357/7 | Legislation - Labor |
1957 |
357/8 | Legislation - Labor |
Jan. - Apr., 1958 |
357/9 | Legislation - Labor |
May, 1958 |
357/10 | Legislation - Labor |
June 2-197, 1958 |
358/1 | Legislation - Labor |
June 9 - Sept., 1958 |
358/2 | Legislation - Labor |
July - Aug. 13, 1959 |
358/3 | Legislation - Labor |
Aug. 15 - Dec., 1959 |
358/4 | Legislation - Labor |
Jan. - Mar., 1960 |
358/5 | Legislation - Labor |
Apr. - Aug., 1960 |
358/6 | Legislation - Labor, Age
Discrimination |
1958 |
358/7 | Legislation - Labor, Anti -
Discrimination |
1949 |
358/8 | Legislation - Labor, Child
1935-1942 |
358/9 | Legislation - Labor Committee
1941-1944 |
359/1 | Legislation - Labor, Fair Employ.
Practice Comm. |
1944 |
359/2 | Legislation - Labor, F. E. P. C.
1945-1946 |
359/3 | Legislation - Labor, F. E. P. C.
1948 |
359/4 | Legislation - Labor, Fair Labor
Standards Act |
1952 |
359/5 | Legislation - Labor, Freezing
Wages |
1942 |
359/6 | Legislation - Labor, Job
Opportunities After 40 |
1959 |
359/7 | Legislation - Labor,
Kennedy/Ervin Bill |
Jan. - Apr. 20, 1959 |
359/8 | Legislation - Labor,
Kennedy/Ervin Bill |
Apr.21-1930, 1959 |
359/9 | Legislation - Labor,
Kennedy/Ervin Bill |
May - June, 1959 |
359/10 | Legislation - Labor, Manpower
1952 |
359/11 | Legislation - Labor, Minimum Wage
1955-1956 |
359/12 | Legislation - Labor, Minimum Wage
1957 |
360/1 | Legislation - Labor, Minimum Wage
1959 |
360/2 | Legislation - Labor, Minimum Wage
1960 |
360/3 | Legislation - Labor, Overtime Pay
1943 |
360/4 | Legislation - Labor, Railway
Labor Act |
1952 |
360/5 | Legislation - Labor, Retirement
1955 |
360/6 | Legislation - Labor, Right to
Work |
1958-1959 |
360/7 | Legislation - Labor, Strikes
1941 |
360/8 | Legislation - Labor, Strikes
1943-1944 |
360/9 | Legislation - Labor, Taft/Hartley
Bill |
1947-1948 |
360/10 | Legislation - Labor, Taft/Hartley
Bill |
Jan. - Feb., 1949 |
360/11 | Legislation - Labor, Taft/Hartley
Bill |
Mar.1-195, 1949 |
361/1 | Legislation - Labor, Taft/Hartley
Bill |
Mar. 7 - 17, 1949 |
361/2 | Legislation - Labor, Taft/Hartley
Bill |
Mar. 18, 1930, 1949 |
361/3 | Legislation - Labor, Taft/Hartley
Bill |
Mar. 31 - Apr. 4, 1949 |
361/4 | Legislation - Labor, Taft/Hartley
Bill |
Apr. 6-1922, 1949 |
361/5 | Legislation - Labor, Taft/Hartley
Bill |
Apr. 25 - May 16, 1949 |
361/6 | Legislation - Labor, Taft/Hartley
Bill |
June - Oct., 1949 |
361/7 | Legislation - Labor, Taft/Hartley
Bill Repealer Act |
1949 |
362/1 | Legislation - Labor, Taft/Hartley
Bill |
1950-1959 |
362/2 | Legislation - Labor, Thirty Hour
Week |
1935-1937 |
362/3 | Legislation - Labor, Unions
1954 |
362/4 | Legislation - Labor, Wage, and
Hour Bill |
May - June 10, 1939 |
362/5 | Legislation - Labor, Wage, and
Hour Bill |
June 11 - July 1, 1937 |
362/6 | Legislation - Labor, Wage, and
Hour Bill |
July 6 - Aug. 23, 1937 |
362/7 | Legislation - Labor, Wage, and
Hour Bill |
Oct. - Dec., 1937 |
362/8 | Legislation - Labor, Wage, and
Hour Bill |
1938 |
363/1 | Legislation - Labor, Wage and
Hour Law |
1939-1940 |
363/2 | Legislation - Labor, Wage and
Hour Law |
1941-1956 |
363/3 | Legislation - Labor, Wage and
Hour Law |
1957 |
363/4 | Legislation - Labor, Wage and
Hour Law |
1960 |
363/5 | Legislation - Labor, Wage
Stabilization Board |
1952 |
363/6 | Legislation - Labor, Wages
1943-1944 |
363/7 | Legislation - Labor, Wagner Act
1934 - Apr.8, 1935 |
363/8 | Legislation - Labor, Wagner Act
Apr.9-1929, 1935 |
363/9 | Legislation - Labor, Wagner Act
May 1, 1935-1937 |
363/10 | Legislation - Labor, Working
Hours |
1943-1944 |
363/11 | Legislation - Land, Public
1936-1940 |
363/12 | Legislation - Land, Public
1941 |
363/13 | Legislation - Land, Public
1943-1944 |
363/14 | Legislation - Land, Public
1945-1946 |
364/1 | Legislation - Land, Public
1947-1948 |
364/2 | Legislation - Land, Public
1953-1959 |
364/3 | Legislation - Lands |
1937-1945 |
364/4 | Legislation - Lands |
1946-1947 |
364/5 | Legislation - Lands |
1951-1952 |
364/6 | Legislation - Lands |
Jan. - May 19, 1953 |
364/7 | Legislation - Lands |
May 20 - Aug., 1953 |
364/8 | Legislation - Lands |
Jan. - Apr., 1954 |
364/9 | Legislation - Lands |
May - Dec., 1954 |
364/10 | Legislation - Lands |
1955-1956 |
364/11 | Legislation - Land |
1957-1960 |
364/12 | Legislation - Land Grant
1938 |
364/13 | Legislation - Land Office
1935 |
364/14 | Legislation - Land Office
1940-1941 |
364/15 | Legislation - Land Purchase
1940 |
364/16 | Legislation - Law |
1940 |
364/17 | Legislation - Law |
1943 |
364/18 | Legislation - Law, Administrative
1939-1940 |
365/1 | Legislation - Lawyers,
Discrimination |
1939 |
365/2 | Legislation - Legal Holidays
1957-1958 |
365/3 | Legislation - Legal Procedure
1948 |
365/4 | Legislation - Legislative Power
1937 |
365/5 | Legislation - Legislative Record
1935 |
365/6 | Legislation - Legislative Record
1936 |
365/7 | Legislation - Libraries, Federal
Aid |
1939 |
365/8 | Legislation - Library Service
Bill |
1952 |
365/9 | Legislation - Library Services
Act |
1957-1958 |
365/10 | Legislation - Licensing Corp.
1937 |
365/11 | Legislation - Liquor |
1935 |
365/12 | Legislation - Liquor |
1938-1939 |
365/13 | Legislation - Liquor |
1941-1958 |
365/14 | Legislation - Lotteries
1938 |
365/15 | Legislation - Literature
1940 |
365/16 | Legislation - Loans, Home
1935 |
365/17 | Legislation - Loans, Seed
1935 |
365/18 | Legislation - Loans |
1957-1958 |
365/19 | Legislation - Loans, Small
1948 |
365/20 | Legislation - Loyalty
Investigations |
1947-1950 |
365/21 | Legislation - M |
1935 |
365/22 | Legislation - Margarine
1948 |
365/23 | Legislation - Margarine
1949 |
365/24 | Legislation - Margarine
1950 |
365/25 | Legislation - Marshall Plan
1948 |
365/26 | Legislation - Memorials
1939 |
365/27 | Legislation - Memorials
1945 |
366/1 | Legislation - Mihelich Estate
1940 |
366/2 | Legislation - Miles City
1950 |
366/3 | Legislation - Military, Air Force
1956 |
366/4 | Legislation - Military, Armed
Forces Pay Raise |
1952 |
366/5 | Legislation - Military, Armed
Service |
1949-1950 |
366/6 | Legislation - Military, Army
1936-1937 |
366/7 | Legislation - Military, Army
1939 |
366/8 | Legislation - Military, Army
1941 |
366/9 | Legislation - Military, Army
1942 |
366/10 | Legislation - Military, Army
1943-1944 |
366/11 | Legislation - Military, Army
1945-1946 |
366/12 | Legislation - Military, Army
1949-1950 |
366/13 | Legislation - Military, Army
1951-1954 |
366/14 | Legislation - Military, Army
1955-1956 |
366/15 | Legislation - Military, Army
1957-1958 |
366/16 | Legislation - Military, Army
Nurses |
1945 |
366/17 | Legislation - Military, Army
Retirement |
1946 |
366/18 | Legislation - Military, Cadet Air
transport Training |
1945 |
366/19 | Legislation - Military, Bill of
Rights |
1945-1947 |
366/20 | Legislation - Military,
Construction |
1959 |
366/21 | Legislation - Military, Defense
Prod. Act |
1952 |
366/22 | Legislation - Military,
Disarmament |
1947 |
366/23 | Legislation - Military, Draft
1948 |
366/24 | Legislation - Military, Housing
1953 |
366/25 | Legislation - Military, Medical
1940 |
367/1 | Legislation - Military, Medical
1941 |
367/2 | Legislation - Military, Medical
1949-1950 |
367/3 | Legislation - Military,
Mobilization |
Apr. - May, 1943 |
367/4 | Legislation - Military,
Mobilization |
June - Dec., 1943 |
367/5 | Legislation - Military,
Mobilization |
1944 |
367/6 | Legislation - Military, Navy
1936-1937 |
367/7 | Legislation - Military, Navy
1939-1940 |
367/8 | Legislation - Military, Navy
1945-1946 |
367/9 | Legislation - Military,
Neutrality |
1936, 1940 |
367/10 | Legislation - Military, Pay
1942-1953 |
367/11 | Legislation - Military, Service
1937 |
367/12 | Legislation - Military,
Servicemen's Voting Act |
1952 |
367/13 | Legislation - Military, Universal
Draft |
1937-1948 |
367/14 | Legislation - Mineral Allotment
1941 |
367/15 | Legislation - Minerals
1950 |
367/16 | Legislation - Mining |
1935-1937 |
367/17 | Legislation - Mining, Buffey Bill
1937 |
367/18 | Legislation - Mining, (S. 3390)
1938 |
367/19 | Legislation - Mining |
Jan. - June 15, 1938 |
367/20 | Legislation - Mining |
June 16-1930, 1938 |
368/1 | Legislation - Mining |
Jan. - Apr., 1939 |
368/2 | Legislation - Mining |
May, 1939 |
368/3 | Legislation - Mining |
June - Sept., 1939 |
368/4 | Legislation - Mining |
1940 |
368/5 | Legislation - Mining |
1941 |
368/6 | Legislation - Mining |
1942 |
368/7 | Legislation - Mining, (S. 2746)
Sept., 1942 |
368/8 | Legislation - Mining, (S. 2746)
Oct., 1942 |
368/9 | Legislation - Mining |
1943-1944 |
368/10 | Legislation - Mining |
1945 |
368/11 | Legislation - Mining |
1946 |
368/12 | Legislation - Mining |
1947 |
368/13 | Legislation - Mining |
1948-1949 |
368/14 | Legislation - Mining |
1950-1952 |
369/1 | Legislation - Mining |
1953-1954 |
369/2 | Legislation - Mining |
1955-1958 |
369/3 | Legislation - Mining |
1959-1960 |
369/4 | Legislation - Mining, Coal
1940, 1960 |
369/5 | Legislation - Mining, Copper
1935, 1951 |
369/6 | Legislation - Mining, Copper
1954 |
369/7 | Legislation - Mining, Gold
1952, 1960 |
369/8 | Legislation - Mining, Manganese
1937 |
369/9 | Legislation - Mining, Mineral
Rights |
1937, 1953 |
369/10 | Legislation - Mining, Safety
Inspections |
1953 |
369/11 | Legislation - Mining, Silver
1939 |
369/12 | Legislation - Mining, Silver
1946 |
369/13 | Legislation - Mining, Silver
1955-1956 |
369/14 | Legislation - Mining, Strategic
Minerals |
1947 |
369/15 | Legislation - Mining, Tariff for
Copper |
1935 |
369/16 | Legislation - Miscellaneous
1935 - Feb., 1936 |
369/17 | Legislation - Miscellaneous
Mar. - Apr., 1936 |
370/1 | Legislation - Miscellaneous
May - July, 1936 |
370/2 | Legislation - Miscellaneous
Aug. - Dec., 1936 |
370/3 | Legislation - Miscellaneous
Jan., 1937 |
370/4 | Legislation - Miscellaneous
Feb., 1937 |
370/5 | Legislation - Miscellaneous
Mar. 1-199, 1937 |
370/6 | Legislation - Miscellaneous
Mar. 10-1931 |
370/7 | Legislation - Miscellaneous
Apr., 1937 |
370/8 | Legislation - Miscellaneous
May, 1937 |
370/9 | Legislation - Miscellaneous
June - July, 1937 |
370/10 | Legislation - Miscellaneous
Aug. - Dec., 1937 |
370/11 | Legislation - Miscellaneous
1938 |
370/12 | Legislation - Miscellaneous
1939-1940 |
370/13 | Legislation - Miscellaneous
1941-1942 |
371/1 | Legislation - Miscellaneous
1943 |
371/2 | Legislation - Miscellaneous
1944 |
371/3 | Legislation - Miscellaneous
1945 |
371/4 | Legislation - Miscellaneous
Jan. - Feb., 1946 |
371/5 | Legislation - Miscellaneous
Mar. - Apr., 1946 |
371/6 | Legislation - Miscellaneous
May - Dec., 1946 |
371/7 | Legislation - Miscellaneous
Jan. - Apr., 1947 |
371/8 | Legislation - Miscellaneous
May - Dec., 1947 |
371/9 | Legislation - Miscellaneous
1948 |
372/1 | Legislation - Miscellaneous
Jan. - Apr., 1949 |
372/2 | Legislation - Miscellaneous
May - June, 1949 |
372/3 | Legislation - Miscellaneous
July - Dec., 1949 |
372/4 | Legislation - Miscellaneous
Jan. - Apr., 1950 |
372/5 | Legislation - Miscellaneous
May - Aug., 1950 |
372/6 | Legislation - Miscellaneous
Sept. - Dec., 1950 |
372/7 | Legislation - Miscellaneous
Jan. - June, 1951 |
372/8 | Legislation - Miscellaneous
July - Dec., 1951 |
372/9 | Legislation - Miscellaneous
Jan. - Mar., 1952 |
373/1 | Legislation - Miscellaneous
Apr. - Dec., 1952 |
373/2 | Legislation - Miscellaneous
1953-1954 |
373/3 | Legislation - Miscellaneous
Jan. - May, 1955 |
373/4 | Legislation - Miscellaneous
June - Dec., 1955 |
373/5 | Legislation - Miscellaneous
Jan. - Apr., 1956 |
373/6 | Legislation - Miscellaneous
May - Dec., 1956 |
373/7 | Legislation - Miscellaneous
Jan. - May, 1956 |
373/8 | Legislation - Miscellaneous
June - Dec., 1957 |
373/9 | Legislation - Miscellaneous
Jan. - May, 1958 |
374/1 | Legislation - Miscellaneous
June - July, 1958 |
374/2 | Legislation - Miscellaneous
Aug. - Dec., 1958 |
374/3 | Legislation - Miscellaneous
Jan. - May, 1959 |
374/4 | Legislation - Miscellaneous
June, 1959 |
374/5 | Legislation - Miscellaneous
July - Dec., 1959 |
374/6 | Legislation - Miscellaneous
Jan. - Feb., 1960 |
374/7 | Legislation - Miscellaneous
Mar., 1960 |
375/1 | Legislation - Miscellaneous
Apr., 1960 |
375/2 | Legislation - Miscellaneous
May - July, 1960 |
375/3 | Legislation - Miscellaneous
Aug. - Oct., 1960 |
375/4 | Legislation - Miscellaneous,
Bills and J. Res. |
1945 |
375/5 | Legislation - Miscellaneous, H.R.
2200 |
1945 |
375/6 | Legislation - Miscellaneous,
H.R., 2788 |
1945 |
375/7 | Legislation - Miscellaneous, S.B.
191, 1945 |
375/8 | Legislation - Miscellaneous,
S.B., 380 |
1945 |
375/9 | Legislation - Miscellaneous,
H.R., 3755 |
1946 |
376/1 | Legislation - Missouri Basin
1957 |
376/2 | Legislation - Missouri Valley
Authority |
1943 - Mar., 1945 |
376/3 | Legislation - MVA |
Apr. - Sept., 1945 |
376/4 | Legislation - MVA |
Oct., 1945 - Oct., 1947 |
376/5 | Legislation - MVA |
Dec., 1947 - Oct., 1948 |
376/6 | Legislation - MVA |
Nov., 1948 - Jan., 1949 |
376/7 | Legislation - MVA |
1950 |
376/8 | Legislation - Montana
1939 |
376/9 | Legislation - Montana State
1949 |
377/1 | Legislation - Mortgages
1948 |
377/2 | Legislation - Motion Pictures
1935-1940 |
377/3 | Legislation - Motor Vehicle
Licensing |
1937 |
377/4 | Legislation - Munitions Embargo
1940 |
377/5 | Legislation - Mutual Security
1958 |
377/6 | Legislation - N |
1935 |
377/7 | Legislation - Narcotics
1951 |
377/8 | Legislation - Narcotics
1953 |
377/9 | Legislation - National Board for
the Promotion of Rifle Practice |
1954 |
377/10 | Legislation - National Defense
1939-1941 |
377/11 | Legislation - National Floral
Emblem |
1959 |
377/12 | Legislation - National Forest
1949 |
377/13 | Legislation - National Forest
1952 |
377/14 | Legislation - National Forest
1953-1960 |
377/15 | Legislation - National Guard
1935-1946 |
377/16 | Legislation - National Holiday
1946 |
377/17 | Legislation - National Parks
1934-1937 |
377/18 | Legislation - National Parks
1939-1940 |
377/19 | Legislation - National Parks
1943-1944 |
377/20 | Legislation - National Parks
1945-1946 |
377/21 | Legislation - National Parks
1949-1950 |
377/22 | Legislation - National Parks
1952 |
377/23 | Legislation - National Parks
1953-1954 |
377/24 | Legislation - National Parks
1956 |
377/25 | Legislation - National Parks
1957-1958 |
377/26 | Legislation - National Parks
1959-1960 |
377/27 | Legislation - National Physicians
Committee |
1946-1947 |
377/28 | Legislation - National Recovery
Act |
1935-1937 |
377/29 | Legislation - National Resources
1939 |
377/30 | Legislation - National Science
Foundation |
1950 |
378/1 | Legislation - National Service
Act |
Jan. - Feb., 1944 |
378/2 | Legislation - National Service
Act |
Mar. - June, 1944 |
378/3 | Legislation - National Stolen
Property Act |
1940 |
378/4 | Legislation - National Youth
Administration |
1936-1937 |
378/5 | Legislation - National Youth
Administration |
1940 |
378/6 | Legislation - National Youth
Administration |
1943 |
378/7 | Legislation - Nationality Act
1937-1942 |
378/8 | Legislation - Natural Gas
1944 |
378/9 | Legislation - Natural Gas
1947-1948 |
378/10 | Legislation - Natural Gas
1951-1952 |
378/11 | Legislation - Natural Gas
1953-1954 |
378/12 | Legislation - Natural Gas
1955 |
379/1 | Legislation - Natural Gas
Jan., 1956 |
379/2 | Legislation - Natural Gas
Feb. - Mar., 1956 |
379/3 | Legislation - Natural Gas
1957-1958 |
379/4 | Legislation - Neutrality
1937-1940 |
379/5 | Legislation - North Atlantic Pact
1949 |
379/6 | Legislation - Nursing
1955-1956 |
379/7 | Legislation - Nursing
1959-1960 |
379/8 | Legislation - Office of Defense
Transportation |
1947 |
379/9 | Legislation - Office of Price
Administration |
1944-1945 |
379/10 | Legislation - O.P.A. |
Jan. - Feb., 1946 |
379/11 | Legislation - O.P.A. |
Mar. 1 - 18, 1946 |
379/12 | Legislation - O.P.A. |
Mar. 19-1928, 1946 |
379/13 | Legislation - O.P.A. |
Apr. 1 - 15, 1946 |
380/1 | Legislation - O.P.A. |
Apr. 16-1930, 1946 |
380/2 | Legislation - O.P.A. |
May 1-198, 1946 |
380/3 | Legislation - O.P.A. |
May 8 - 15, 1946 |
380/4 | Legislation - O.P.A. |
May 16-1931. 1946 |
380/5 | Legislation - O.P.A. |
June 1 - 10, 1946 |
380/6 | Legislation - O.P.A. |
June 11-1930, 1946 |
380/7 | Legislation - O.P.A. |
July 1 - 10, 1946 |
380/8 | Legislation - O.P.A. |
July 11-1930, 1946 |
380/9 | Legislation - O.P.A. |
Aug., 1946 |
380/10 | Legislation - O. P. A.
1951 |
381/1 | Legislation - Oil |
Jan. - May, 1935 |
381/2 | Legislation - Oil |
June - Aug., 1935 |
381/3 | Legislation - Oil |
1936-1937 |
381/4 | Legislation - Oil |
1939 |
381/5 | Legislation - Oil |
1940 |
381/6 | Legislation - Oil and Gas
1952 |
381/7 | Legislation - Oil and Gas
1953-1954 |
381/8 | Legislation - Oil and Gas
1955 |
381/9 | Legislation - Oil and Gas
1957 |
381/10 | Legislation - Oil and Gas
1959 |
381/11 | Legislation - Oil and Oil Imports
1937-1940 |
381/12 | Legislation - Oil and Oil Imports
1950-1955 |
381/13 | Legislation - Oil Imports
1953 |
382/1 | Legislation - Oil Imports
1958 |
382/2 | Legislation - Optometry
1939 |
382/3 | Legislation - Optometry
1951-1954 |
382/4 | Legislation - Osteopaths
1942-1952 |
382/5 | Legislation - P |
1935 |
382/6 | Legislation - Parents
1955-1956 |
382/7 | Legislation - Parity Prices
1943-1954 |
382/8 | Legislation - Passports
1960 |
382/9 | Legislation - Patents
1938 |
382/10 | Legislation - Patman Bill
1938 |
382/11 | Legislation - Peace |
1943-1944 |
382/12 | Legislation - Peace |
1951 |
382/13 | Legislation - Pensions
1936-1937 |
382/14 | Legislation - Pensions
1938-1939 |
382/15 | Legislation - Pensions
1940-1944 |
382/16 | Legislation - Pensions
1945-1946 |
382/17 | Legislation - Pensions
1948 |
382/18 | Legislation - Pensions
1949-1951 |
382/19 | Legislation - Pensions
1952-1954 |
382/20 | Legislation - Pensions
1955-1956 |
383/1 | Legislation - Pensions
1957-1958 |
383/2 | Legislation - Petroleum
1942 |
383/3 | Legislation - Petroleum
1943-1944 |
383/4 | Legislation - Petroleum
1945-1946 |
383/5 | Legislation - Petroleum
1947-1948 |
383/6 | Legislation - Petroleum
1951-1952 |
383/7 | Legislation - Petroleum
1953-1954 |
383/8 | Legislation - Petroleum
1955 |
383/9 | Legislation - Petroleum
1958 |
383/10 | Legislation - Pettengill Bill
1937 |
383/11 | Legislation - Pettengill Bill
Feb., 1938 |
384/1 | Legislation - Pettengill Bill
Mar. 1 - 10, 1938 |
384/2 | Legislation - Pettengill Bill
Mar. 11-1927, 1938 |
384/3 | Legislation - Pettengill Bill
Apr., 1938 |
384/4 | Legislation - Pettengill Bill
May, 1938 |
384/5 | Legislation - Pharmacy Corps.
1942 |
384/6 | Legislation - Physically
Handicapped |
1950 |
384/7 | Legislation - Pledge of
Allegiance |
1954 |
384/8 | Legislation - Point, Bassing
1950 |
384/9 | Legislation - Polio |
1955 |
384/10 | Legislation - Portal to Portal
Bill |
1947 |
384/11 | Legislation - Postal |
1935 - Apr., 1936 |
384/12 | Legislation - Postal |
May, 1936 - July, 1937 |
384/13 | Legislation - Postal |
Aug., 1937-1938 |
385/1 | Legislation - Postal |
1943 |
385/2 | Legislation - Postal |
1944 |
385/3 | Legislation - Postal |
Jan. - May, 1945 |
385/4 | Legislation - Postal |
June - Oct., 1945 |
385/5 | Legislation - Postal |
1947 |
385/6 | Legislation - Postal |
1948 |
385/7 | Legislation - Postal |
1950 |
385/8 | Legislation - Postal |
Jan. - Feb., 1951 |
385/9 | Legislation - Postal |
Mar. - May, 1951 |
386/1 | Legislation - Postal |
June - Aug., 1951 |
386/2 | Legislation - Postal |
Sept. - Oct., 1951 |
386/3 | Legislation - Postal |
1952 |
386/4 | Legislation - Postal |
Jan. - Feb., 1957 |
386/5 | Legislation - Postal |
Mar. - Apr., 1957 |
386/6 | Legislation - Postal |
May - Dec., 1957 |
386/7 | Legislation - Postal |
Jan. - Feb., 1958 |
386/8 | Legislation - Postal |
Mar. - Nov., 1958 |
386/9 | Legislation - Postal Employees
1940 |
387/1 | Legislation - Postmasters
1937-1938 |
387/2 | Legislation - Post Office
1938 |
387/3 | Legislation - Premium Payments
1946 |
387/4 | Legislation - Presidential Term
1941 |
387/5 | Legislation - Presidential Term
1947 |
387/6 | Legislation - Price Control
1941 |
387/7 | Legislation - Price Control
1945, 1949 |
387/8 | Legislation - Price
Discrimination |
1950-1952 |
387/9 | Legislation - Price Fixing
1943 |
387/10 | Legislation - Price Plan
1947-1948 |
387/11 | Legislation - Price Supports
1952-1955 |
387/12 | Legislation - Production Credit
1956 |
387/13 | Legislation - Profits
1940 |
387/14 | Legislation - Prohibition
June - Oct., 1942 |
387/15 | Legislation - Prohibition
Nov. - Dec., 1942 |
387/16 | Legislation - Prohibition
1943 |
387/17 | Legislation - Prohibition,
Military Camps |
1944 |
387/18 | Legislation - Prohibition
1944 |
387/19 | Legislation - Prohibition
1945-1946 |
387/20 | Legislation - Projects
1940 |
387/21 | Legislation - Propaganda
1939 |
387/22 | Legislation - Proposals
1939 |
387/23 | Legislation - Public Power
1953 |
387/24 | Legislation - Public Welfare
1939 |
387/25 | Legislation - Public Works
1935 |
387/26 | Legislation - Public Works
1937-1938 |
387/27 | Legislation - Public Works
1939-1940 |
388/1 | Legislation - Public Works
1945 |
388/2 | Legislation - Public Works
1946-1947 |
388/3 | Legislation - Public Works
1949 |
388/4 | Legislation - Public Works
1956 |
388/5 | Legislation - Public Works
1958 |
388/6 | Legislation - Puerto Rico
Mar. - May 8, 1952 |
388/7 | Legislation - Puerto Rico
May 15-1928, 1952 |
388/8 | Legislation - Puerto Rico
June - Aug., 1952 |
388/9 | Legislation - Pulpwood
1944 |
388/10 | Legislation - R |
1934-1935 |
388/11 | Legislation - Radio |
1939 |
388/12 | Legislation - Radio |
1951 |
388/13 | Legislation - Railroad
Jan. - Feb., 1935 |
388/14 | Legislation - Railroad
Mar. - June, 1935 |
389/1 | Legislation - Railroad
July - Dec., 1935 |
389/2 | Legislation - Railroad
Jan. - Mar., 1936 |
389/3 | Legislation - Railroad
Apr. - May, 1936 |
389/4 | Legislation - Railroad
July, 1936 - Apr., 1937 |
389/5 | Legislation - Railroad
1937-1938 |
389/6 | Legislation - Railroad
1939-1941 |
389/7 | Legislation - Railroad
1942 |
389/8 | Legislation - Railroad
1943-1944 |
390/1 | Legislation - Railroad
1945-1946 |
390/2 | Legislation - Railroad
1947-1948 |
390/3 | Legislation - Railroad
1950-1952 |
390/4 | Legislation - Railroad
1958 |
390/5 | Legislation - Railroad
1960 |
390/6 | Legislation - Railway Labor Act
1958 |
390/7 | Legislation - Railroad Retirement
1935-1936 |
390/8 | Legislation - Railroad Retirement
1937 |
390/9 | Legislation - Railroad Retirement
1941-1942 |
390/10 | Legislation - Railroad Retirement
1943 |
390/11 | Legislation - Railroad Retirement
1944 |
391/1 | Legislation - Railroad Retirement
1945 |
391/2 | Legislation - Railroad Retirement
1946 |
391/3 | Legislation - Railroad Retirement
Jan. - Mar., 1947 |
391/4 | Legislation - Railroad Retirement
Apr., 1947 |
391/5 | Legislation - Railroad Retirement
May - Dec., 1947 |
391/6 | Legislation - Railroad Retirement
1949-1950 |
391/7 | Legislation - Railroad Retirement
1951-1952 |
391/8 | Legislation - Railroad Retirement
1953 |
391/9 | Legislation - Railroad Retirement
1955-1956 |
391/10 | Legislation - Railroad Retirement
1957-1958 |
391/11 | Legislation - Railroad Retirement
1959-1960 |
391/12 | Legislation - Railroad,
Unemployment |
1947 |
391/13 | Legislation - Reciprocal Trade
Agreement |
1943 |
391/14 | Legislation - Reciprocal Trade
1958 |
391/15 | Legislation - Reclamation
1939-1940 |
392/1 | Legislation - Reclamation
1946-1948 |
392/2 | Legislation - Reclamation
1949-1950 |
392/3 | Legislation - Reclamation and
Irrigation |
1935-1937 |
392/4 | Legislation - Recreation
1949 |
392/5 | Legislation - Red Cross
1944 |
392/6 | Legislation - Re-employment
Service |
1939 |
392/7 | Legislation - Referrals
1949 |
392/8 | Legislation - Regional
Authorities |
1941 |
392/9 | Legislation - R. F. C.
1943 |
392/10 | Legislation - Rehabilitation
1943 |
392/11 | Legislation - Rehabilitation
Projects |
1954-1955 |
392/12 | Legislation - Relief |
1937 |
392/13 | Legislation - Relief |
1938 |
392/14 | Legislation - Relief |
1940-1941 |
392/15 | Legislation - Religion
1938 |
392/16 | Legislation - Religion
1942 |
392/17 | Legislation - Renegotiation
1945 |
392/18 | Legislation - Renegotiation
1955 |
392/19 | Legislation - Rent Control
1942-1943 |
392/20 | Legislation - Rent Control
1947 |
392/21 | Legislation - Rent Control
1949 |
392/22 | Legislation - Rent Control
1950 |
393/1 | Legislation - Rent Control
1951-1953 |
393/2 | Legislation - Reorganization
Plans |
1950 |
393/3 | Legislation - Requests
1946 |
393/4 | Legislation - Requests
1947-1948 |
393/5 | Legislation - Requests
1949 |
393/6 | Legislation - Requests
1950 |
393/7 | Legislation - Requests
1951-1952 |
393/8 | Legislation - Requests
1953-1954 |
393/9 | Legislation - Requests
1955-1956 |
393/10 | Legislation - Requests
1957-1958 |
393/11 | Legislation - Reserve Act
1953 |
393/12 | Legislation - Reserve Officers
1939-1940 |
393/13 | Legislation - Reserve Officers
1941 |
393/14 | Legislation - Resettlement
1936-1937 |
393/15 | Legislation - Resolutions
1954 |
393/16 | Legislation - Resources
Development |
1959 |
393/17 | Legislation - Retirement
1937 |
393/18 | Legislation - Retirement
1939 |
393/19 | Legislation - Retirement
1943-1944 |
393/20 | Legislation - Retirement
1949-1950 |
393/21 | Legislation - Retirement
1952 |
393/22 | Legislation - Retirement
1954 |
393/23 | Legislation - Retirement
1955 |
394/1 | Legislation - Retirement
1956 |
394/2 | Legislation - Retirement
1957 |
394/3 | Legislation - Retirement
1958 |
394/4 | Legislation - Resettlement
1937 |
394/5 | Legislation - Revenue
1935-1937 |
394/6 | Legislation - Rifle Practice
1952 |
394/7 | Legislation - Rivers and Harbors
1940 |
394/8 | Legislation - Rivers and Harbors
1943-1945 |
394/9 | Legislation - Rivers and Harbors
1949 - Feb.1, 1950 |
394/10 | Legislation - Rivers and Harbors
Feb. 3 - Dec., 1950 |
394/11 | Legislation - Roads |
1936 |
394/12 | Legislation - Roads |
1937-1939 |
394/13 | Legislation - Roads |
1940 |
395/1 | Legislation - Roads |
1941 |
395/2 | Legislation - Roads |
1943-1944 |
395/3 | Legislation - Roads |
1945-1946 |
395/4 | Legislation - Roads |
1947-1948 |
395/5 | Legislation - Roads |
1951-1952 |
395/6 | Legislation - Roads |
1953-1954 |
395/7 | Legislation - Roads |
Jan. - June, 1955 |
395/8 | Legislation - Roads |
July - Dec., 1955 |
395/9 | Legislation - Roads |
Jan. - June, 1956 |
395/10 | Legislation - Roads |
1957-1958 |
396/1 | Legislation - Roads |
1959 |
396/2 | Legislation - Roosevelt
Conservation |
1958 |
396/3 | Legislation - Rose, Ludwig
1933-1935 |
396/4 | Legislation - Royalties
1953 |
396/5 | Legislation - Royalties
1955 |
396/6 | Legislation - Rubber |
1942 |
396/7 | Legislation - Rubber |
1943 |
396/8 | Legislation - Rural Plan
1943 |
396/9 | Legislation - Rural Elec.
1954-1957 |
396/10 | Legislation - Rural Routes
1939-1940 |
396/11 | Legislation - Rural Routes
1941 |
396/12 | Legislation - Rural Routes
1943 |
396/13 | Legislation - Rural Routes
1953 |
396/14 | Legislation - S |
1935 |
396/15 | Legislation - Safety |
1950 |
396/16 | Legislation - St. Lawrence
Waterway |
1944 |
396/17 | Legislation - Salaries
1943 |
396/18 | Legislation - Sale of Prison
Goods |
1942 |
396/19 | Legislation - Salt Water
Conversion |
1958 |
396/20 | Legislation - Sanitation
1940 |
396/21 | Legislation - Sclerosis
1949 |
396/22 | Legislation - Schools
1937 |
396/23 | Legislation - Schools
1940-1942 |
396/24 | Legislation - Schools
1951 |
396/25 | Legislation - Schools
1952 |
396/26 | Legislation - Schools
1959-1960 |
397/1 | Legislation - School Construction
1950 |
397/2 | Legislation - School Financial
Aid |
1944 |
397/3 | Legislation - School Health
1949 |
397/4 | Legislation - School Lunch
1944 |
397/5 | Legislation - School Lunch
1949 |
397/6 | Legislation - School Lunch
1952 |
397/7 | Legislation - Scientists
1957 |
397/8 | Legislation - Securities
1947 |
397/9 | Legislation - Securities and
Exchange Comm. |
1945 |
397/10 | Legislation - Segregation
1957 |
397/11 | Legislation - Selective Service
1943-1946 |
397/12 | Legislation - Selective Service
1947-1950 |
397/13 | Legislation - Selective Service
1951 |
397/14 | Legislation - Selective Service
1953 |
397/15 | Legislation - Selective Service
1959 |
397/16 | Legislation - Senate Banking and
Currency Comm. |
1957 |
397/17 | Legislation - Shasta Lake
1948 |
397/18 | Legislation - Small Business
1940 |
397/19 | Legislation - Small Business
1941, 1943 |
397/20 | Legislation - Small Business
1944-1945 |
397/21 | Legislation - Small Business
1946 |
397/22 | Legislation - Small Business
1948 |
397/23 | Legislation - Small Business
1954-1958 |
397/24 | Legislation - Small Business
Comm. |
1947 |
398/1 | Legislation - Small Business
Comm. |
Jan., 1949 |
398/2 | Legislation - Small Business
Comm. |
Feb., 1949 |
398/3 | Legislation - Social Security
1935 |
398/4 | Legislation - Social Security
1936-1937 |
398/5 | Legislation - Social Security
1938 |
398/6 | Legislation - Social Security
1939 |
398/7 | Legislation - Social Security
1940-1941 |
398/8 | Legislation - Social Security
1943-1946 |
398/9 | Legislation - Social Security
Jan. - June, 1947 |
398/10 | Legislation - Social Security
July - Aug., 1947 |
399/1 | Legislation - Social Security
Oct. - Nov., 1947 |
399/2 | Legislation - Social Security
1948 |
399/3 | Legislation - Social Security
1950-1952 |
399/4 | Legislation - Social Security
1953-1954 |
399/5 | Legislation - Social Security
1955 |
399/6 | Legislation - Social Security
Jan., 1956 |
399/7 | Legislation - Social Security
Feb., 1956 |
399/8 | Legislation - Social Security
Mar., 1956 |
399/9 | Legislation - Social Security
Apr., 1956 |
399/10 | Legislation - Social Security
May, 1956 |
399/11 | Legislation - Social Security
June, 1956 |
399/12 | Legislation - Social Security
July - Nov., 1956 |
399/13 | Legislation - Social Security
1957-1960 |
399/14 | Legislation - Soil Conservation
1957 |
399/15 | Legislation - Speed Limit
1957 |
399/16 | Legislation - Star Routes
1938 |
399/17 | Legislation - Star Routes
1939 |
399/18 | Legislation - Statute of
Limitations |
1945 |
400/1 | Legislation - Statute of
Limitations |
1949 |
400/2 | Legislation - Steel |
1947 |
400/3 | Legislation - Stockyards
1936 |
400/4 | Legislation - Stream Pollution
1947 |
400/5 | Legislation - Sub-marginal Lands
1947-1950 |
400/6 | Legislation - Submerged Lands
1953 |
400/7 | Legislation - Subsidies
1943-1944 |
400/8 | Legislation - Subversive
Activities |
1940-1952 |
400/9 | Legislation - Sugar |
1934-1938 |
400/10 | Legislation - Sugar |
1946-1956 |
400/11 | Legislation - Supreme Court
1958 |
400/12 | Legislation - Surplus Property
1946-1955 |
400/13 | Legislation - Tariffs
1935-1936 |
400/14 | Legislation - Tariffs
1943 |
400/15 | Legislation - Tariffs
1945 |
400/16 | Legislation - Tariffs
1947-1948 |
400/17 | Legislation - Tariffs
1950 |
400/18 | Legislation - Tariffs
1953-1954 |
400/19 | Legislation - Tariffs
1957-1960 |
400/20 | Legislation - Taxes |
1937-1939 |
400/21 | Legislation - Taxes |
1940-1943 |
400/22 | Legislation - Taxes |
Jan. - Feb., 1944 |
400/23 | Legislation - Taxes |
Mar. - Dec., 1944 |
401/1 | Legislation - Taxes |
1945-1948 |
401/2 | Legislation - Taxes |
Jan. - July., 1950 |
401/3 | Legislation - Taxes |
Aug. - Dec., 1950 |
401/4 | Legislation - Taxes |
Jan. - Feb., 1951 |
401/5 | Legislation - Taxes |
Mar. - June, 1951 |
401/6 | Legislation - Taxes |
July - Aug., 1951 |
401/7 | Legislation - Taxes |
1952-1958 |
401/8 | Legislation - Taxes |
1959-1960 |
401/9 | Legislation - Taxes, Cooperative
1953-1954 |
401/10 | Legislation - Taxes, Cooperative
1958 |
401/11 | Legislation - Taxes, Excise
Jan. - June, 1949 |
401/12 | Legislation - Taxes, Excise
July - Dec., 1949 |
402/1 | Legislation - Taxes, Excise
Jan. - Feb., 1950 |
402/2 | Legislation - Taxes, Excise
Mar. - July, 1950 |
402/3 | Legislation - Taxes, Excise
1951-1952 |
402/4 | Legislation - Taxes, Excise
1953-1954 |
402/5 | Legislation - Taxes, Excise
1958 |
402/6 | Legislation - Taxes, Excise
1959-1960 |
402/7 | Legislation - Taxes, Gasoline
1959-1960 |
402/8 | Legislation - Taxes, Highway
1956 |
402/9 | Legislation - Income |
1935 |
402/10 | Legislation - Income |
1943-1954 |
402/11 | Legislation - Income |
1956 |
402/12 | Legislation - Income |
1957-1958 |
402/13 | Legislation - Life Insurance
1959 |
403/1 | Legislation - Taxes, Anti-Poll
1943-1944 |
403/2 | Legislation - Taxes, Poll
1945-1946 |
403/3 | Legislation - Taxes, Revenue Act
1945 |
403/4 | Legislation - Taxes, Sales
1942-1943 |
403/5 | Legislation - Taxes, Sales
1948 |
403/6 | Legislation - Taxes, Sales
1953 |
403/7 | Legislation - Taxes, Theater
Admission |
1953-1954 |
403/8 | Legislation - Teachers
1949 |
403/9 | Legislation - Technological
Mobilization |
1942 |
403/10 | Legislation - Television
Jan. - Feb. 1948 |
403/11 | Legislation - Television
Mar. 6-197, 1958 |
403/12 | Legislation - Television
Mar. 10, 1958 |
403/13 | Legislation - Television
Mar. 12 - 14, 1958 |
403/14 | Legislation - Television
Mar. 15-1925, 1958 |
404/1 | Legislation - Television
Mar. 26 - May 26, 1958 |
404/2 | Legislation - Television
May 27 - July 1, 1958 |
404/3 | Legislation - Television
1959 |
404/4 | Legislation - Tennessee Valley
Authority |
1935-1945 |
404/5 | Legislation - Tennessee Valley
Authority |
1948-1957 |
404/6 | Legislation - Terminal Leave
1946 |
404/7 | Legislation - Territories
1939 |
404/8 | Legislation - Tidelands
1947-1949 |
404/9 | Legislation - Tidelands
1950-1952 |
404/10 | Legislation - Tidelands
Jan. - Mar., 1953 |
404/11 | Legislation - Tidelands
Apr. - June, 1953 |
404/12 | Legislation - Timber |
1938, 1952 |
405/1 | Legislation - Tires |
1943-1944 |
405/2 | Legislation - Tourists
1942 |
405/3 | Legislation - Townsend Plan
1938-1956 |
405/4 | Legislation - Trade |
1937 |
405/5 | Legislation - Trade |
1947-1955 |
405/6 | Legislation - Trade |
1953-1954 |
405/7 | Legislation - Trade Commission
1947 |
405/8 | Legislation - Trade Act
1954 |
405/9 | Legislation - Trading with the
Enemy |
1951 |
405/10 | Legislation - Trade Agreement Act
1953 |
405/11 | Legislation - Trademark
1945-1946 |
405/12 | Legislation - Traffic
1937 |
405/13 | Legislation - Transients
1936 |
405/14 | Legislation - Transmission Lines
1955 |
405/15 | Legislation - Transportation
1939 |
405/16 | Legislation - Transportation
1940 |
405/17 | Legislation - Transportation
1941 |
405/18 | Legislation - Transportation
1943-1944 |
405/19 | Legislation - Transportation
1947-1953 |
405/20 | Legislation - Transportation
Apr. 10 - 15, 1958 |
405/21 | Legislation - Transportation
Apr. 16 - June 13, 1958 |
406/1 | Legislation - Treaty |
1935 |
406/2 | Legislation - Treaty |
1936 - Jan. 1937 |
406/3 | Legislation - Treaty |
Feb. - June, 1937 |
406/4 | Legislation - Treaty |
1945-1956 |
406/5 | Legislation - Treaties and
Executive Agreements |
1952-1954 |
406/6 | Legislation - Un-American
Activities |
1939-1943 |
406/7 | Legislation - Un-American
Activities |
1948 |
406/8 | Legislation - Un-American Bill
1941 |
406/9 | Legislation - Unemployment
1936 |
406/10 | Legislation - Unemployment
1940 |
406/11 | Legislation - Unemployment
Compensation |
1945 |
406/12 | Legislation - Unemployment
Compensation |
1958 |
406/13 | Legislation - Unemployment
Insurance |
1950 |
406/14 | Legislation - Unemployment,
Townsend Act |
1940, 1953 |
406/15 | Legislation - Unemployment,
Townsend Plan |
1935 |
406/16 | Legislation - United Nations
1950-1954 |
406/17 | Legislation - U. N. E. S. C. O.
1947-1948 |
406/18 | Legislation - Universal Service
Bill |
1938 |
406/19 | Legislation - U. N. R. R. A.
1944 |
406/20 | Legislation - U.S. Employees
Compensation Comm. |
1940 |
407/1 | Legislation - Utilities
Jan. - Mar., 1935 |
407/2 | Legislation - Utilities
Apr., 1935 |
407/3 | Legislation - Utilities
1936-1937 |
407/4 | Legislation - Utilities,
Anti-Wheeler |
Feb. - Mar. 20, 1935 |
407/5 | Legislation - Utilities,
Anti-Wheeler |
Mar. 21-1924, 1935 |
407/6 | Legislation - Utilities,
Anti-Wheeler |
Mar. 25-1931, 1935 |
407/7 | Legislation - Utilities,
Anti-Wheeler |
Apr., 1935 |
407/8 | Legislation - Veterans
1936 |
407/9 | Legislation - Veterans
1938 |
407/10 | Legislation - Veterans
1939 |
407/11 | Legislation - Veterans
Jan.1-199, 1940 |
408/1 | Legislation - Veterans
Jan.10-1925, 1940 |
408/2 | Legislation - Veterans
Jan.26 - Sept., 1946 |
408/3 | Legislation - Veterans
Oct., 1941 - Dec., 1942 |
408/4 | Legislation - Veterans
Jan. - Sept., 1943 |
408/5 | Legislation - Veterans
Jan. - Mar. 6, 1944 |
408/6 | Legislation - Veterans
Jan. - Mar.6, 1944 |
409/1 | Legislation - Veterans
Mar. 9 - Nov.16, 1944 |
409/2 | Legislation - Veterans
Nov.17 - Dec.30, 1944 |
409/3 | Legislation - Veterans
1945 |
409/4 | Legislation - Veterans
1946 |
409/5 | Legislation - Veterans
1947 |
409/6 | Legislation - Veterans
1948 |
409/7 | Legislation - Veterans
1950 |
409/8 | Legislation - Veterans
1951 |
410/1 | Legislation - Veterans
Jan. - Apr., 1952 |
410/2 | Legislation - Veterans
May 1 - 13, 1952 |
410/3 | Legislation - Veterans
May 14 - Sept., 1952 |
410/4 | Legislation - Veterans
Dec., 1952 - Apr., 1953 |
410/5 | Legislation - Veterans
May - Dec., 1953 |
411/1 | Legislation - Veterans
1954 |
411/2 | Legislation - Veterans
1955 |
411/3 | Legislation - Veterans
Jan., 1956 |
411/4 | Legislation - Veterans
Feb., 1956 |
411/5 | Legislation - Veterans
Mar. - May, 1956 |
411/6 | Legislation - Veterans
June - Sept., 1956 |
411/7 | Legislation - Veterans
Jan. - July, 1957 |
411/8 | Legislation - Veterans
Aug. - Dec., 19577 |
412/1 | Legislation - Veterans
1958 |
412/2 | Legislation - Veterans
Feb. - July 24, 1959 |
412/3 | Legislation - Veterans
July 27 - Dec., 1959 |
412/4 | Legislation - Veterans
Jan. - Feb., 1960 |
412/5 | Legislation - Veterans
Mar. - Apr., 1960 |
412/6 | Legislation - Veterans
May - Aug., 1960 |
412/7 | Legislation - Veterans, Civil
Relief Act |
1948 |
413/1 | Legislation - Veterans, G.I. Bill
1949 |
413/2 | Legislation - Veterans, Housing
1946-1952 |
413/3 | Legislation - Veterans,
Spanish-American War |
1935-1937 |
413/4 | Legislation - Veterans,
Spanish-American War |
1950 |
413/5 | Legislation - Veterans,
Spanish-American War |
1955-1956 |
413/6 | Legislation - Veterans,
Subsistence |
1947-1948 |
413/7 | Legislation - Vivisection
1956-1957 |
413/8 | Legislation - Vocational
Education |
1951 |
413/9 | Legislation - Vocational
Education |
1952 |
413/10 | Legislation - Vocational
Rehabilitation |
1950 |
413/11 | Legislation - Vocational
Rehabilitation |
1952-1955 |
413/12 | Legislation - Voting |
1958 |
413/13 | Legislation - Voting Age
1943-1956 |
413/14 | Legislation - Wage Stabilization
Board |
1952 |
413/15 | Legislation - Wages |
1939-1955 |
413/16 | Legislation - War |
1940-1944 |
413/17 | Legislation - War, Academy
1945-1946 |
413/18 | Legislation - War Claims
1949 |
413/19 | Legislation - War Claims
1956-1958 |
413/20 | Legislation - War Contractors
1952 |
413/21 | Legislation - War Crops
1943 |
413/22 | Legislation - War Department
1938 |
413/23 | Legislation - War/Labor
Jan. - May, 1937 |
414/1 | Legislation - War/Labor
June - Dec., 1937 |
414/2 | Legislation - War/Labor
Jan. 1-1920, 1938 |
414/3 | Legislation - War/Labor
Jan. 21 - Apr., 1938 |
414/4 | Legislation - War Referendum
1939-1941 |
414/5 | Legislation - War Risk
1942 |
414/6 | Legislation - War Secrets
1942 |
414/7 | Legislation - Water Development
1959 |
414/8 | Legislation - Water Resources
1956-1958 |
414/9 | Legislation - Water Rights
1948 |
414/10 | Legislation - Water Rights
1954 |
414/11 | Legislation - Water Rights
1957-1958 |
414/12 | Legislation - Watershed
Protection |
1954 |
414/13 | Legislation - Watershed
Protection |
1956, 1960 |
414/14 | Legislation - Weather Control
1951 |
414/15 | Legislation - Weed Control
1951 |
414/16 | Legislation - Welfare
1938 |
414/17 | Legislation - Welfare
1946 |
414/18 | Legislation - Wheat, Humphrey
Amend. |
414/19 | Legislation - Wilderness Area
1955-1960 |
414/20 | Legislation - Wildlife
1936 |
414/21 | Legislation - Wildlife
1937 |
414/22 | Legislation - Wildlife
1940 |
414/23 | Legislation - Wildlife
1942-1943 |
415/1 | Legislation - Wildlife
1944-1946 |
415/2 | Legislation - Wildlife
1948 |
415/3 | Legislation - Wildlife
1950 |
415/4 | Legislation - Wildlife
1951-1956 |
415/5 | Legislation - Wildlife
1958 |
415/6 | Legislation - Wildlife
1959-1960 |
415/7 | Legislation - Wildlife, Bald
Eagle |
1952 |
415/8 | Legislation - Wildlife, Benton
Lake Refuge |
1960 |
415/9 | Legislation - Wildlife, Human
Slaughter |
1958 |
415/10 | Legislation - Wildlife, National
Bison Range |
1959 |
415/11 | Legislation - Wire Tapping
1941, 1952 |
415/12 | Legislation - Women's Suffrage
1938 |
415/13 | Legislation - Women, Mobilization
1942 |
415/14 | Legislation - Wool |
1946-1947 |
415/15 | Legislation - Wool |
1949-1950 |
415/16 | Legislation - Wool |
1953-1954 |
415/17 | Legislation - Wool |
1955-1959 |
415/18 | Legislation - Work Progress
Administration |
1937 |
415/19 | Legislation - Work Progress
Administration |
1938 - June, 1939 |
415/20 | Legislation - Work Progress
Administration |
July 1-199, 1939 |
415/21 | Legislation - Work Progress
Administration |
July 10 - 14, 1939 |
416/1 | Legislation - Work Progress
Administration |
July 15-19, 1939 |
416/2 | Legislation - Work Progress
Administration |
July 20-1925, 1939 |
416/3 | Legislation - Work Progress
Administration |
July 26-1931, 1939 |
416/4 | Legislation - Work Progress
Administration |
Aug., 1939 |
416/5 | Legislation - Work Progress
Administration |
Sept., 1939 - Mar., 1940 |
416/6 | Legislation - Work Progress
Administration |
Apr. - June, 1940 |
416/7 | Legislation - Work Progress
Administration |
1941 |
416/8 | Legislation - Work Progress
Administration |
1942 |
416/9 | Legislation - Work Progress
Administration |
1949 |
416/10 | Legislation - World Calendar
1943-1948 |
416/11 | Legislation - World Calendar
1952 |
416/12 | Legislation - World Calendar
1957 |
416/13 | Legislation - World Court
1935 |
416/14 | Legislation - Youth Correction
Authority |
1943 |
417/1 | Letters - Appreciation
1941-1947 |
417/2 | Letters - Complaints |
1951-1952 |
417/3 | Letters - Condolence |
1947-1949 |
417/4 | Letters - Congratulations
1946-1959 |
417/5 | Letters - Ethelbert |
1935-1937 |
417/6 | Letters - Introduction
1938-1949 |
417/7 | Letters - Introduction
1950-1956 |
417/8 | Letters - Introduction
1957-1958 |
417/9 | Letters - Introduction
1959-1960 |
417/10 | Letters - Miscellaneous
1936-1938 |
417/11 | Letters - Miscellaneous
Jan. - Feb., 1939 |
417/12 | Letters - Miscellaneous
Mar. - Oct., 1939 |
417/13 | Letters - Miscellaneous
1941-1942 |
417/14 | Letters - Miscellaneous
Jan. - June, 1942 |
417/15 | Letters - Miscellaneous
July - Dec., 1942 |
417/16 | Letters - Miscellaneous
1943 |
418/1 | Letters - Miscellaneous
Jan. - June, 1944 |
418/2 | Letters - Miscellaneous
Apr. - Dec., 1944 |
418/3 | Letters - Miscellaneous
Jan. - May, 1945 |
418/4 | Letters - Miscellaneous
June - Dec., 1945 |
418/5 | Letters - Miscellaneous
June - Dec., 1945 |
418/6 | Letters - Miscellaneous
Jan. - Mar., 1946 |
418/7 | Letters - Miscellaneous
July - Dec., 1946 |
419/1 | Letters - Miscellaneous
Jan. - Mar., 1947 |
419/2 | Letters - Miscellaneous
Apr. - Dec., 1947 |
419/3 | Letters - Miscellaneous
Jan. - Apr., 1948 |
419/4 | Letters - Miscellaneous
May - July, 1948 |
419/5 | Letters - Miscellaneous
Aug. - Sept., 1948 |
419/6 | Letters - Miscellaneous
Oct. - Nov., 1948 |
419/7 | Letters - Miscellaneous
Dec., 1948 |
419/8 | Letters - Miscellaneous
Jan. - Mar., 1949 |
419/9 | Letters - Miscellaneous
Apr. - Sept., 1949 |
420/1 | Letters - Miscellaneous
Oct. - Dec., 1949 |
420/2 | Letters - Miscellaneous
Jan. - Feb., 1950 |
420/3 | Letters - Miscellaneous
Mar. - June, 1950 |
420/4 | Letters - Miscellaneous
July - Dec., 1950 |
420/5 | Letters - Miscellaneous
Jan. - Feb., 1951 |
420/6 | Letters - Miscellaneous
Mar. - Oct., 1951 |
420/7 | Letters - Miscellaneous
Jan. - Feb., 1952 |
420/8 | Letters - Miscellaneous
Mar. - Dec., 1952 |
421/1 | Letters - Miscellaneous
Jan. - June, 1953 |
421/2 | Letters - Miscellaneous
July - Dec., 1953-1954 |
421/3 | Letters - Miscellaneous
1955 |
421/4 | Letters - Miscellaneous
Jan. - June, 1956 |
421/5 | Letters - Miscellaneous
July - Dec., 1956 |
421/6 | Letters - Miscellaneous
Jan. - Mar., 1957 |
421/7 | Letters - Miscellaneous
Apr. - Dec., 1957 |
421/8 | Letters - Miscellaneous
1958 |
421/9 | Letters - Miscellaneous
1959 |
421/10 | Letters - Miscellaneous
1960 |
421/11 | Letters - Murray, Chas.
1938-1957 |
422/1 | Letters - Nut |
1942-1960 |
422/2 | Letters - Opinions |
1957 |
422/3 | Letters - Opinions |
1959 |
422/4 | Letters - Personal, B
1940 |
422/5 | Letters - Personal, C
1935-1937 |
422/6 | Letters - Personal, E
1935 |
422/7 | Letters - Personal, F
1935-1937 |
422/8 | Letters - Personal, G
1934-1937 |
422/9 | Letters - Personal, H
1935-1937 |
422/10 | Letters - Personal, H
1954 |
422/11 | Letters - Personal, I
1935 |
422/12 | Letters - Personal, J
1936-1937 |
422/13 | Letters - Personal, J
1948 |
422/14 | Letters - Personal, K
1935-1936 |
422/15 | Letters - Personal, K
1948 |
422/16 | Letters - Personal, L
1935 |
422/17 | Letters - Personal, M
1937 |
422/18 | Letters - Personal, O
1935-1937 |
422/19 | Letters - Personal, P
1934-1941 |
422/20 | Letters - Personal, R
1935-1937 |
422/21 | Letters - Personal, R
1951 |
422/22 | Letters - Personal, S
1937, 1951 |
422/23 | Letters - Received |
1936 |
423/1 | Letters - Recommendations
1942 |
423/2 | Letters - Recommendations
1947-1959 |
423/3 | Letters - Reference |
1946 |
423/4 | Letters - Thanks |
1943 |
423/5 | Letters - Thanks |
1945-1948 |
423/6 | Letters - Thanks |
1949-1952 |
423/7 | Letters - Thanks |
1958-1959 |
423/8 | Letters - Unclaimed |
1938 |
423/9 | Libraries |
1938-1950 |
423/10 | Libraries |
1959-1960 |
423/11 | Libraries - Congress |
1940 |
423/12 | Libraries - Congress |
1946-1950 |
423/13 | Libraries - Congress |
1953-1960 |
423/14 | Libraries - Service |
1956-1957 |
423/15 | Libraries - Service |
1960 |
423/16 | Licenses |
1941-1945 |
423/17 | Lindow, Mrs. Sigrid, E.
1947 |
423/18 | Liquor - Advertising |
1939 |
423/19 | Liquor - Advertising |
1945-1946 |
423/20 | Liquor - Advertising |
1947 |
423/21 | Liquor - Advertising |
1948 |
423/22 | Liquor - Advertising |
1949 |
424/1 | Liquor - Advertising |
Jan., 1950 |
424/2 | Liquor - Advertising |
Feb. - May, 1950 |
424/3 | Liquor - Advertising |
1951-1952 |
424/4 | Liquor - Advertising |
1953-1955 |
424/5 | Liquor - Advertising |
Jan. - Mar., 1956 |
424/6 | Liquor - Advertising |
Apr. - July, 1956 |
424/7 | Liquor - Advertising |
1957 |
424/8 | Liquor - Advertising |
Feb. - Mar., 1958 |
424/9 | Liquor - Advertising |
Apr. - Nov., 1958 |
424/10 | Liquor - Advertising |
1956-1960 |
425/1 | Liquor - Bonded Period
1953 |
425/2 | Liquor - Legislation |
1957-1958 |
425/3 | Liquor - Military |
1943-1952 |
425/4 | Liquor - Miscellaneous
1942-1943 |
425/5 | Liquor - Miscellaneous
1956 |
425/6 | Liquor - Miscellaneous
1960 |
425/7 | Lists |
1936 |
425/8 | Lists |
1940 |
425/9 | Lists |
1941 |
425/10 | Lists |
1942 |
425/11 | Lists |
1957 |
425/12 | Lists |
1959 |
425/13 | Lists - Attorneys and Labor
Organizations |
1952 |
425/14 | Lists - Montana |
1951-1952 |
425/15 | Lists - Montana |
1953 |
425/16 | Littleton |
1960 |
425/17 | Loans |
1934-1935 |
426/1 | Loans |
1936-1937 |
426/2 | Loans |
1939-1940 |
426/3 | Loans |
1941-1944 |
426/4 | Loans |
1946 |
426/5 | Loans |
Jan. - June, 1947 |
426/6 | Loans |
July - Dec., 1947 |
426/7 | Loans |
1948 |
426/8 | Loans |
1949 |
426/9 | Loans |
Jan. - June, 1950 |
426/10 | Loans |
July - Dec., 1955 |
426/11 | Loans |
Jan. - June, 1955 |
427/1 | Loans |
July - Dec., 1951 |
427/2 | Loans |
Jan. - June, 1952 |
427/3 | Loans |
July - Dec., 1952 |
427/4 | Loans |
1953 |
427/5 | Loans |
Jan. - June, 1954 |
427/6 | Loans |
July - Dec., 1954 |
427/7 | Loans |
Jan. - June, 1955 |
427/8 | Loans |
July - Dec., 1955 |
427/9 | Loans |
1956 |
427/10 | Loans |
1957 |
428/1 | Loans |
1958 |
428/2 | Loans |
Jan. - June., 1959 |
428/3 | Loans |
July - Dec., 1959 |
428/4 | Loans - Applications |
1939 |
428/5 | Loans - Applications |
Jan. - June, 1943 |
428/6 | Loans - Applications |
July - Dec., 1943 |
428/7 | Loans - Applications |
1945 |
428/8 | Loans - Applications |
1946 |
428/9 | Loans - British Loan Legislation
428/10 | Loans - Mrs. D.A. Carlin
1935 |
428/11 | Loans - Darrel Evans |
1951 |
428/12 | Loans - Federal Home Loan Bank
1954 |
428/13 | Loans - Home |
1934 |
428/14 | Loans - Home |
Jan. - May, 1935 |
428/15 | Loans - Home |
Aug. - Dec., 1935 |
428/16 | Loans - Home |
1936 |
429/1 | Loans - Home |
1937 |
429/2 | Loans - Home, FHA |
1948 |
429/3 | Loans - Land Bank |
1942 |
429/4 | Loans - Mining |
1938 |
429/5 | Loans - Mining |
1953 |
429/6 | Loans - Mining |
1955-1956 |
429/7 | Loans - Reconstruction Finance
Corp. |
1938 |
429/8 | Loans - R. F. C., Howard
Patterson |
1938 |
429/9 | Loans - Rodman |
1948-1951 |
429/10 | Loans - Seed |
1941-1950 |
429/11 | Loans - Jelmar Sjol |
1949-1950 |
429/12 | Loans - Small Business
1959-1960 |
429/13 | Loans - Charles West |
1950 |
430/1 | Love, J. B. |
1935-1938 |
430/2 | Loyalty |
1947-1953 |
430/3 | Ludlow Bill - Petition, "Keep
America out of the War" |
undated |
430/4 | War Referendum |
1937-1941 |
430/5 | Lumber |
1936-1945 |
430/6 | Lumber |
1946-1947 |
430/7 | Lumber |
1948-1949 |
430/8 | Lumber |
1951-1952 |
430/9 | Lumber |
1954-1960 |
430/10 | Lumber - Idaho/Montana Pulp and
Paper Co. |
1950-1951 |
431/1 | MacArthur |
1945 |
431/2 | MacArthur - Dismissal
Apr. 9 - 12, 1951 |
431/3 | MacArthur - Dismissal
Apr. 13-1929, 1951 |
431/4 | MacArthur - Dismissal
May - June, 1951 |
431/5 | Madison, Guy |
1948 |
431/6 | Madison River |
1956-1959 |
431/7 | Magnuson Speech - Medical
1948 |
431/8 | Maloney, Wm. G. |
1956-1957 |
431/9 | Maloney, Wm. G. |
1958 |
431/10 | Manpower |
1942-1945 |
431/11 | Mansfield, Mike |
1951-1954 |
431/12 | Mansfield, Mike |
1958 |
431/13 | Maps |
1935-1946 |
432/1 | Marcus, Joseph A. |
1943-1944 |
432/2 | Margarine |
1943 |
432/3 | Margarine |
1948 |
432/4 | Maritime |
1937-1941 |
432/5 | Maritime Commission |
1943-1945 |
432/6 | Marriage and Divorce Laws
1947 |
432/7 | Marshall, Bob - Wilderness Area
1960 |
432/8 | Marshals |
1935 |
432/9 | Marshal, U.S. - Recommendation
for Sid Willis |
1937-1938 |
432/10 | Matanuska Project |
1938 |
432/11 | Matusow, Harvey |
1952 |
432/12 | Matusow, Harvey |
1953-1955 |
432/13 | McCabe Matter |
1937 |
432/14 | McCarthy's Crusade |
1950-1953 |
432/15 | McCarthy's Crusade |
Jan. - Oct., 1954 |
433/1 | McCarthy's Crusade |
Nov. - Dec., 1954 |
433/2 | McCarthy's Crusade |
1955 |
433/3 | McCoy, Ira Dean |
1946 |
433/4 | McCoy, Irving J. |
1949 |
433/5 | McNary Dam |
1947 |
433/6 | Meat |
1942-1948 |
433/7 | Meat - Grading |
1937 |
433/8 | Meat - Inspection |
1950, 1957-1958 |
433/9 | Meat - Packers |
1949, 1958 |
433/10 | Meat - Promotion |
1957-1958 |
433/11 | Medicine |
1938-1958 |
433/12 | Meglan, Joe |
1950-1958 |
433/13 | Meetings |
1946-1947 |
434/1 | Melon, Albert |
1936-1937 |
434/2 | Memberships-1944 |
1951-1958 |
434/3 | Memorandums |
1942-1947 |
434/4 | Memorials |
1935-1937 |
434/5 | Memorials |
1939 |
434/6 | Memorials |
1945-1948 |
434/7 | Memorials - Mt. Senate and House
1941 |
434/8 | Memorials - Roosevelt
1955 |
434/9 | Mental Health |
1945-1956 |
434/10 | Merchant Marines |
1938-1948 |
434/11 | Merchant Marines - Academy
1953-1956 |
434/12 | Merchant Marines - Legislation
1944-1950 |
434/13 | Merchant Ships |
1941 |
434/14 | Mercury |
1947-1949 |
434/15 | Merrill Mortuary Fund
1935-1937 |
434/16 | Messages |
1951 |
434/17 | Metals - Scraps Collection
1942 |
434/18 | Metcalf, Lee |
1953-1960 |
434/19 | Midland Implement Co. Inc.
1943-1944 |
435/1 | Military - AWOL |
1952 |
435/2 | Military - Academy Inquiries
Answered |
1938-1941 |
435/3 | Military - Academy Inquiries,
Montana |
1941 |
435/4 | Military - Academy, Extra Vacancy
1942 |
435/5 | Military - Academy, Legislation
1955-1956 |
435/6 | Military - Academy, Naval,
Designation |
1947 |
435/7 | Military - Adjutant General
1948-1950 |
435/8 | Military - Affairs |
1942-1944 |
435/9 | Military - Aid to Soldier
Dependents |
1942 |
435/10 | Military - Air Bases, Glasgow
1951-1955 |
435/11 | Military - Air Bases, Glasgow
1956-1960 |
435/12 | Military - Air Defense
Legislation |
1955 |
435/13 | Military - Air Engineering
Development Center |
1949 |
436/1 | Military - Air Material Command
1954 |
436/2 | Military - Allotments
1942-193 |
436/3 | Military - Allotments
1944 |
436/4 | Military - Allotments
1946-1950 |
436/5 | Military - Allotments
1951-1953 |
436/6 | Military - Bases |
1940-1941 |
436/7 | Military - Bonus |
1946 |
436/8 | Military - Cadet Air Training
1944 |
436/9 | Military - Commissions
1944 |
436/10 | Military - Compensation
1953 |
436/11 | Military - Military Construction
Program, MT. |
1960 |
436/12 | Military - Contracts |
1943-1956 |
436/13 | Military - Court Martial
1946-1956 |
436/14 | Military - Credit Extension
1951 |
437/1 | Military - Defense Bonds
1943 |
437/2 | Military - Defense Production
1941 |
437/3 | Military - Defense Production Act
1951 |
437/4 | Military - Defense Projects
1942 |
437/5 | Military - Defense Supplies
1942-1944 |
437/6 | Military - Defense Training
Program |
1941 |
437/7 | Military - Defense Transportation
1942 |
437/8 | Military - Deferments
1942-1943 |
437/9 | Military - Deferments
1944 |
437/10 | Military - Deferments
1945-1947 |
437/11 | Military - Deferments
1950 |
437/12 | Military - Deferments
Jan. - June, 1951 |
438/1 | Military - Deferments
July - Dec., 1951 |
438/2 | Military |
1952-1956 |
438/3 | Military - Demobilization
1945-1946 |
438/4 | Military - Dependent Allowance
1949 |
438/5 | Military - Dependency Claims
1946-1948 |
438/6 | Military - Deployment
1951 |
438/7 | Military - Disability Claim
1935-1957 |
438/8 | Military - Disarmament
1958 |
438/9 | Military - Discharges
1935-1937 |
438/10 | Military - Discharges
1942 |
438/11 | Military - Discharges
Jan. - Mar., 1943 |
438/12 | Military |
Apr. - June, 1943 |
438/13 | Military |
July - Dec., 1943 |
439/1 | Military - Discharges
Jan. - July, 1944 |
439/2 | Military - Discharges
Aug. - Dec., 1944 |
439/3 | Military - Discharges
Jan. - Apr., 1945 |
439/4 | Military - Discharges
May - June, 1945 |
439/5 | Military - Discharges
July - Aug., 1945 |
439/6 | Military - Discharges
Sept. 19, 1945 |
440/1 | Military - Discharges
Sept. 20-1930, 1945 |
440/2 | Military - Discharges
Oct. 1 - 13, 1945 |
440/3 | Military - Discharges
Oct. 14-1931, 1945 |
440/4 | Military - Discharges
Nov. 1 - 13, 1945 |
440/5 | Military - Discharges
Nov. 14-1930, 1945 |
441/1 | Military - Discharges
Dec., 1945 |
441/2 | Military - Discharges
Jan., 1946 |
441/3 | Military - Discharges
Feb., 1946 |
441/4 | Military - Discharges
Mar., 1946 |
441/5 | Military - Discharges
Apr., 1946 |
441/6 | Military - Discharges
May, 1946 |
441/7 | Military - Discharges
June, 1946 |
442/1 | Military - Discharges
July, 1946 |
442/2 | Military - Discharges
Aug., 1946 |
442/3 | Military - Discharges
Sept. - Dec., 1946 |
442/4 | Military - Discharges
Jan. - Mar., 1947 |
442/5 | Military - Discharges
Apr. - Dec., 1947 |
442/6 | Military - Discharges
1948 |
442/7 | Military - Discharges
1949 |
442/8 | Military - Discharges
Jan. - Oct., 1950 |
442/9 | Military - Discharges
Nov., 1950 |
442/10 | Military - Discharges
Dec., 1950 |
443/1 | Military - Discharges
Jan. - Feb., 1951 |
443/2 | Military - Discharges
Mar. - Apr., 1951 |
443/3 | Military - Discharges
May - June, 1951 |
443/4 | Military - Discharges
July, 1951 |
443/5 | Military - Discharges
Aug., 1951 |
443/6 | Military - Discharges
Sept., 1951 |
443/7 | Military - Discharges
Oct., 1951 |
443/8 | Military - Discharges
Nov., 195 |
444/1 | Military - Discharges
Dec.,1951 |
444/2 | Military - Discharges
Jan., 1952 |
444/3 | Military - Discharges
Feb., 1952 |
444/4 | Military - Discharges
Mar. - May, 1952 |
444/5 | Military - Discharges
June, 1952 |
444/6 | Military - Discharges
July, 1952 |
444/7 | Military - Discharges
Aug., 1952 |
444/8 | Military - Discharges
Sept., 1952 |
444/9 | Military - Discharges
Oct., 1952 |
444/10 | Military - Discharges
Nov. - Dec., 1952 |
444/11 | Military - Discharges
Jan. - Sept., 1953 |
444/12 | Military - Discharges
Oct. - Dec., 1953 |
444/13 | Military - Discharges
1954-1955 |
445/1 | Military - Discharges
1956 |
445/2 | Military - Discharges
1957 |
445/3 | Military - Discharges
1960 |
445/4 | Military - Discharges, Warren
Petrik |
1949-1950 |
445/5 | Military - Doctors |
1940-1945 |
445/6 | Military - Draft and Draft Boards
1943-1944 |
445/7 | Military - Enlistments
1943-1949 |
445/8 | Military - Enlistment
Cancellation |
1952 |
445/9 | Military - Equipment |
1953 |
445/10 | Military - Exams |
1945-1947 |
445/11 | Military - Furloughs |
1940-1944 |
445/12 | Military - Furloughs |
1945-1952 |
445/13 | Military - Flight Training
1948 |
445/14 | Military - Gold Star Program
1949 |
445/15 | Military - Hardship Release
1957 |
445/16 | Military - Hotel Acquisitions
1945-1946 |
445/17 | Military - Information Request
1959 |
445/18 | Military - Inquiry |
1951 |
445/19 | Military - Insurance |
1942 |
445/20 | Military - Leave, John O'Brien
1939 |
445/21 | Military - Leave |
1952-1954 |
445/22 | Military - Legislation, Universal
Military Training |
445/23 | Military - Marriage Applications
1953 |
446/1 | Military - Miscellaneous
1942-1959 |
446/2 | Military - Munitions Board
1951 |
446/3 | Military - Muster - Out Pay
1947-1953 |
446/4 | Military - National Guard
1940-1958 |
446/5 | Military - Neutrality
1940 |
446/6 | Military - Nuclear Weapons
1960 |
446/7 | Military - Officer Candidate
School |
1943 |
446/8 | Military - Military Pay
1949-1955 |
446/9 | Military - Pensions |
1937-1938 |
446/10 | Military - Port Facilities
1959 |
446/11 | Military - Promotions
1940-1943 |
446/12 | Military - Reburial |
1949 |
446/13 | Military - Recall |
1951 |
446/14 | Military - Re-enlistment
1936-1957 |
446/15 | Military - Retirement
1945-1949 |
446/16 | Military - ROTC |
1947-1949 |
446/17 | Military - Reserve Officers
Retirement |
1948 |
446/18 | Military - Reserve Status
Deferment |
1945-1946 |
446/19 | Military - Reservists
1951-1952 |
446/20 | Military - Special Weapons
1954 |
446/21 | Military - Spouses |
1959 |
446/22 | Military - Surplus Property
1956 |
446/23 | Military - Training |
1940 |
446/24 | Military - Training |
1941 |
446/25 | Military - Training |
1947 |
446/26 | Military - Training, Red Lodge
1941 |
446/27 | Military - Transfers |
1938-1941 |
446/28 | Military - Transfers |
1942 |
446/29 | Military - Transfers |
1943 |
447/1 | Military - Transfers |
1944-1946 |
447/2 | Military - Transfers |
1948-1950 |
447/3 | Military - Transfers |
1951 |
447/4 | Military - Transfers |
1952-1953 |
447/5 | Military - Transfers |
1956-1959 |
447/6 | Military - Transportation
1945 |
447/7 | Military - Universal Training
Mar. - Apr., 1947 |
447/8 | Military - Universal Training
May, 1947 |
447/9 | Military - Universal Training
June - Dec., 1947 |
447/10 | Military - Universal Training,
Against |
1948 |
447/11 | Military - Universal Training
Jan., 1948 |
447/12 | Military - Universal Training
Feb., 1948 |
448/1 | Military - Universal Training
Mar., 1948 |
448/2 | Military - Universal Training
Apr. 1 - 10, 1948 |
448/3 | Military - Universal Training
Apr. 11-1927, 1948 |
448/4 | Military - Universal Training
May - Dec., 1948 |
448/5 | Military - Universal Training
1949 |
448/6 | Military - Universal Training
1950 |
448/7 | Military - Universal Training
Jan., 1951 |
448/8 | Military - Universal Training
Feb. - Mar. 5, 1951 |
449/1 | Military - Universal Training
Mar. 6 - Dec., 1951 |
449/2 | Military - Universal Training
Jan.1-1923. 1952 |
449/3 | Military - Universal Training
Jan.24 - Feb.6, 1952 |
449/4 | Military - Universal Training
Feb. 12 - 13, 1952 |
449/5 | Military - Universal Training
Feb. 14 - 18, 1952 |
449/6 | Military - Universal Training
Feb.20-1925, 1952 |
450/1 | Military - Universal Training
Feb. 26, 1952 |
450/2 | Military - Universal Training
Feb. 27-1929, 1952 |
450/3 | Military - Universal Training
Mar.1-196, 1952 |
450/4 | Military - Universal Training
Mar.11 - 18, 1952 |
450/5 | Military - Universal Training
Apr., 1952 |
450/6 | Military - Universal Training
1953-1954 |
450/7 | Military - Universal Training
Jan. - Mar.14. 1955 |
450/8 | Military - Universal Training
Mar. 15-1927, 1952 |
450/9 | Military - Universal Training
Apr. - July, 1955 |
451/1 | Military - Universal Training
1956 |
451/2 | Military - Universal Training
1958 |
451/3 | Military - Universal Training
1959 |
451/4 | Military - Universal Training
undated |
451/5 | Military - Vielle |
1953 |
451/6 | Military - War Minerals Relief
Commission |
1937 |
451/7 | Military - Women's Armed Services
1948 |
451/8 | Military - Yaak River
1953 |
451/9 | Military Affairs Committee-1941 -
Mar. |
1942 |
451/10 | Military Affairs Committee
Sept., 1942 |
451/11 | Military Affairs Committee
1945 |
451/12 | Military Affairs Committee
1946 |
451/13 | Military Air Base - Great Falls
1935, 1950-1955 |
451/14 | Military Air Base - Great Falls
1957-1958 |
451/15 | Military Air Base - Montana
1954-1955 |
451/16 | Military Air Base - Montana
1958 |
451/17 | Military Air Base - Montana
Jan. - Apr., 1959 |
452/1 | Military - Air Base - Montana
May - Dec., 1959 |
452/2 | Military - Air Corps |
1939-1945 |
452/3 | Military - Air Corps |
1940-1947 |
452/4 | Military - Air Fields
1946 |
452/5 | Military - Air Force |
1947-1957 |
452/6 | Military - Air Force |
1958-1959 |
452/7 | Military - Air Force |
Feb., 1960 |
452/8 | Military - Air Force |
Apr. - Nov., 1960 |
452/9 | Military - Air Force, Academy
Location |
1954 |
452/10 | Military - Air Force, Jet Fighter
Base |
1951 |
452/11 | Military - Air Reserve Center,
Mt. |
1955-1956 |
452/12 | Military - Air R.O.T.C.
1948-1949 |
453/1 | Military - Armed Forces,
Unification of |
1945-1949 |
453/2 | Military - Army |
1936 |
453/3 | Military - Army |
1937, 38 |
453/4 | Military - Army |
1940-1941 |
453/5 | Military - Army |
Jan. - May, 1942 |
453/6 | Military - Army |
June - Sept., 1942 |
453/7 | Military - Army |
Oct. - Dec., 1942 |
453/8 | Military - Army |
Jan. - Apr., 1943 |
453/9 | Military - Army |
May - June, 1943 |
453/10 | Military - Army |
July - Dec., 1943 |
454/1 | Military - Army |
Jan. - July, 1945 |
454/2 | Military - Army |
Aug. - Dec., 1944 |
454/3 | Military - Army |
Jan. - July, 1945 |
454/4 | Military - Army |
Aug. - Dec., 1945 |
454/5 | Military - Army |
1946 |
454/6 | Military - Army |
1947 |
454/7 | Military - Army |
1948-1949 |
454/8 | Military - Army |
1950 |
455/1 | Military - Army |
1951 |
455/2 | Military - Army |
1953-1954 |
455/3 | Military - Army |
1955-1956 |
455/4 | Military - Army |
1957-1958 |
455/5 | Military - Army |
1959-1960 |
455/6 | Auxiliary - Women |
1943 |
455/7 | Chaplains |
1943-1944 |
455/8 | Engineers |
1959-1960 |
455/9 | Miscellaneous |
1947-1948 |
455/10 | Reserve Training |
1955-1960 |
455/11 | Salaries |
1946 |
455/12 | Specialist Corps. |
1942 |
455/13 | Supplies |
1937 |
455/14 | Military - Coast Guard
1938-1949 |
455/15 | Military - Coast Guard
1951 |
455/16 | Military - Marine Corps
1941-1942 |
455/17 | Military - Marine Corps
1943-1946 |
455/18 | Military - Marine Corps
1947 |
456/1 | Military - Marine Corps
1948-1952 |
456/2 | Military - Miscellaneous,
Army/Navy Game |
1939-1957 |
456/3 | Military - Navy |
1937-1938 |
456/4 | Military - Navy |
1939-1942 |
456/5 | Military - Navy |
1943-1944 |
456/6 | Military - Navy |
1945-1949 |
456/7 | Military - Navy |
1951-1960 |
456/8 | Military - Naval Academy
Commission |
1958 |
456/9 | Military - Naval Academy,
Additional Vacancy |
1941 |
456/10 | Military - Naval Academy,
Army/Navy Tickets |
1947 |
456/11 | Military - Navy - Army
Coordination |
1945-1947 |
456/12 | Military - Navy, AWOL Clemency
Request |
1954 |
456/13 | Military - Navy, Base
Deactivation |
1956 |
456/14 | Military - Navy, Contract
456/15 | Military - Navy Department
1957 |
456/16 | Military - Navy, Family Benefits
1948 |
456/17 | Military - Navy, Farragut
Training Station |
1946 |
456/18 | Military - Navy, Guided Missile
Testing Center |
1955-1956 |
456/19 | Military - Navy, Leave
1947 |
456/20 | Military - Navy, Mascot
1946-1947 |
456/21 | Military - Navy, Puget Sound Yard
1937 |
456/22 | Military - Navy, Recruiting
Station in Helena, MT |
1951 |
457/1 | Military - Navy, Reserve
1939 |
457/2 | Military - Navy, ROTC
1952-1954 |
457/3 | Military - Navy, ROTC Candidates
1958 |
457/4 | Military - Navy, Ship
Construction |
1957 |
457/5 | Military - Navy, Training Program
1945, 1950 |
457/6 | Military - Navy,
Utterback/Dolezal Case |
1957 |
457/7 | Military - Navy, Wheeler,
Lawrence Case |
1943-1946 |
457/8 | Minidoka North Side Extension
Project |
1948 |
457/9 | Mining |
1935-1938 |
457/10 | Mining |
Jan. - Mar., 1939 |
457/11 | Mining |
Apr. - May, 1939 |
457/12 | Mining |
June - Dec., 1939 |
457/13 | Mining |
1940 |
457/14 | Mining |
Jan. - June, 1941 |
457/15 | Mining |
July - Oct., 1941 |
458/1 | Mining |
Nov. - Dec., 1941 |
458/2 | Mining |
Jan. - Feb., 1942 |
458/3 | Mining |
Mar., 1942 |
458/4 | Mining |
Apr., 1942 |
458/5 | Mining |
May, 1942 |
458/6 | Mining |
June, 1942 |
458/7 | Mining |
July, 1942 |
459/1 | Mining |
Aug. - Oct., 1942 |
459/2 | Mining |
Nov. - Dec., 1942 |
459/3 | Mining |
Nov. - Dec., 1942 |
459/4 | Mining |
Jan., 1943 |
459/5 | Mining |
Apr. - May, 1943 |
459/6 | Mining |
June - Sept., 1943 |
459/7 | Mining |
Oct. - Dec., 1943 |
460/1 | Mining |
Jan. - Mar., 1944 |
460/2 | Mining |
Apr. - Aug., 1944 |
460/3 | Mining |
Sept. - Dec., 1944 |
460/4 | Mining |
Jan. - May, 1945 |
460/5 | Mining |
June - Dec., 1945 |
460/6 | Mining |
Jan. - June, 1946 |
460/7 | Mining |
July - Dec., 1946 |
461/1 | Mining |
Jan. - June, 1947 |
461/2 | Mining |
July - Dec., 1947 |
461/3 | Mining |
Jan. - May, 1948 |
461/4 | Mining |
June - Dec., 1948 |
461/5 | Mining |
Jan. - Apr., 1949 |
461/6 | Mining |
May - Nov., 1949 |
461/7 | Mining |
Jan. - Apr., 1950 |
461/8 | Mining |
May - Aug., 1950 |
462/1 | Mining |
Sept. - Dec., 1950 |
462/2 | Mining |
Jan. - Mar., 1951 |
462/3 | Mining |
Apr. - July, 1951 |
462/4 | Mining |
Aug. - Dec., 1951 |
462/5 | Mining |
Jan. - Apr., 1952 |
462/6 | Mining |
May - Dec., 1952 |
462/7 | Mining |
Jan. - June, 1953 |
463/1 | Mining |
July - Dec., 1953 |
463/2 | Mining |
Jan. - May, 1954 |
463/3 | Mining |
June - Dec., 1954 |
463/4 | Mining |
Jan. - Mar., 1955 |
463/5 | Mining |
Apr. - June, 1955 |
463/6 | Mining |
July - Aug., 1955 |
463/7 | Mining |
Sept. - Dec., 1955 |
464/1 | Mining |
Jan. - May, 1956 |
464/2 | Mining |
June - July, 1956 |
464/3 | Mining |
Aug. - Dec., 1956 |
464/4 | Mining |
Jan. - Apr., 1957 |
464/5 | Mining |
Apr. - June, 1957 |
464/6 | Mining |
July - Dec., 1957 |
464/7 | Mining |
Jan. - Mar., 1957 |
465/1 | Mining |
Apr. - June, 1958 |
465/2 | Mining |
July - Aug., 1958 |
465/3 | Mining |
Sept. - Dec., 1958 |
465/4 | Mining |
Jan. - Mar., 1959 |
465/5 | Mining |
Apr., 1959 |
465/6 | Mining |
May - June, 1959 |
465/7 | Mining |
July - Sept., 1959 |
465/8 | Mining |
Oct. - Dec., 1959 |
465/9 | Mining |
Jan. - Mar., 1960 |
465/10 | Mining |
Apr. - July, 1960 |
466/1 | Mining, Aluminum |
1941-1949 |
466/2 | Mining, Aluminum |
1951-1953 |
466/3 | Mining, Aluminum |
Apr. - June, 1955 |
466/4 | Mining, Aluminum |
July, 1955 - May, 1956 |
466/5 | Mining, Aluminum Policies Booklet
1940-1945 |
466/6 | Mining, Anaconda Aluminum Co.
Plant |
1960 |
466/7 | Mining, Anaconda Mining Co.
1945 |
466/8 | Mining, Anaconda Mining Co.
1956-1959 |
466/9 | Mining, Asbestos |
1959-1960 |
466/10 | Mining, Broadgate, W. C.
1943 |
467/1 | Mining, Broadgate, W. C.
1944 |
467/2 | Mining, Broadgate Memos
1945-1947 |
467/3 | Mining, Bureau of Mines
1939, 1952 |
467/4 | Mining, Chromium |
1941-1943 |
467/5 | Mining, Chromium |
1945 |
467/6 | Mining, Chromium |
1957-1960 |
467/7 | Mining, Chromium, American Chrome
Co. |
1951-1959 |
467/8 | Mining, Chromium, International
Chrome Corp. |
1950-1951 |
467/9 | Mining, Chromium, Red Lodge
Chrome |
1955-1956 |
468/1 | Mining, Chromium, Silver Star
Chrome |
1943-1945 |
468/2 | Mining, Chromium Mining and
Smelting Co. |
Jan. - Sept., 1950 |
468/3 | Mining, Chromium Mining and
Smelting Co. |
Oct. - Dec., 1950 |
468/4 | Mining, Chromium Mining and
Smelting Co., |
468/5 | Mining, Chromium Mining and
Smelting Co., |
468/6 | Mining, Chromium Mining and
Smelting Co., |
468/7 | Mining, Chromite |
1939 |
468/8 | Mining, Coal |
1938-1939 |
468/9 | Mining, Coal |
1941-1943 |
468/10 | Mining, Coal |
1944-1945 |
468/11 | Mining, Coal |
1946 |
469/1 | Mining, Coal |
1947 |
469/2 | Mining, Coal |
1948 |
469/3 | Mining, Coal |
1949-1951 |
469/4 | Mining, Coal |
1958-1960 |
469/5 | Mining, Coal, Bituminous Coal Act
1943 |
469/6 | Mining, Coal, Bituminous Coal
Commission |
1938 |
469/7 | Mining, Coal, Roundup
May - July 19, 1957 |
469/8 | Mining, Coal, Roundup
July 23, 1957-1958 |
469/9 | Mining, Coal, Welfare for Miners
1952 |
469/10 | Mining, Colorado |
1936 |
469/11 | Committee on Minerals
1953-1954 |
469/12 | Mining, Copper |
1937-1938 |
470/1 | Mining, Copper |
1939-1942, 1947 |
470/2 | Mining, Copper |
1951-1954 |
470/3 | Mining, Copper |
1955-1960 |
470/4 | Mining, Copper, Anaconda Copper
Mines |
1943-1957 |
470/5 | Mining, Copper Import Tax
1949-1950 |
470/6 | Mining, Cotter Loan |
1939 |
470/7 | Mining, Defense Minerals
Exploration Administration |
1951-1954 |
470/8 | Mining, Emma Mine |
1942-1943 |
470/9 | Mining, Fluorspar |
1955-1959 |
470/10 | Geneva Steel Plant |
1946 |
471/1 | Mining, Gold |
1940-1960 |
471/2 | Mining, Hearings, MT |
1945-1952 |
471/3 | Mining, Jardine Mining Co.
1942 |
471/4 | Mining, Jardine Mining Co.
Jan. - Mar., 1943 |
471/5 | Mining, Jardine Mining Co.
Apr. - May, 1943 |
471/6 | Mining, Jardine Mining Co.
June, 1943 |
471/7 | Mining, Jardine Mining Co.
July - Dec., 1943 |
471/8 | Mining, Jardine Mining Co.
1944-1949 |
472/1 | Mining, Lead |
1938, 1943 |
472/2 | Mining, Lead/Zinc |
Jan. - June, 1957 |
472/3 | Mining, Lead/Zinc |
July - Dec., 1957 |
472/4 | Mining, Lead/Zinc |
1958 |
472/5 | Mining, Lead/Zinc |
1959 |
472/6 | Mining, Lead/Zinc |
1960 |
472/7 | Mining, Lindon, Keith
1958 |
472/8 | Mining, Loans |
1937, 1942 |
472/9 | Mining, Loans |
1951 |
472/10 | Mining, Loans |
1952 |
472/11 | Mining, Loans |
1954-1956 |
473/1 | Mining, Manganese |
1926-1934 |
473/2 | Mining, Manganese |
Feb. - May, 1935 |
473/3 | Mining, Manganese |
June - Dec., 1935 |
473/4 | Mining, Manganese |
1936-1937 |
473/5 | Mining, Manganese |
1938 |
473/6 | Mining, Manganese |
1939 |
473/7 | Mining, Manganese |
1940 |
473/8 | Mining, Manganese |
Jan. - June, 1941 |
473/9 | Mining, Manganese |
July - Dec., 1941 |
474/1 | Mining, Manganese |
1942 |
474/2 | Mining, Manganese |
1943-1946 |
474/3 | Mining, Manganese |
1947 |
474/4 | Mining, Manganese |
1948-1949 |
474/5 | Mining, Manganese |
1950 |
474/6 | Mining, Manganese |
1951 |
474/7 | Mining, Manganese |
1952 |
474/8 | Mining, Manganese |
1953 |
475/1 | Mining, Manganese |
1954-1957 |
475/2 | Mining, Manganese |
1958 |
475/3 | Mining, Manganese |
1959-1960 |
475/4 | Mining, Manganese, Domestic
Manganese and Devil Co. |
1954 - Feb. 1955 |
475/5 | Mining, Manganese, Domestic
Manganese and Devil Co. |
Mar. - Dec., 1955 |
475/6 | Mining, Manganese, Domestic
Manganese and Devil Co. |
1956-1957 |
475/7 | Mining, Manganese, Domestic
Manganese and Devil Co. |
1958-1959 |
475/8 | Mining, Manganese, Domestic
Manganese and Devil Co. |
1960 |
475/9 | Mining, Manganese Mine Maps
1943 |
476/1 | Mining, Manganese, Phillipsburg
1949 |
476/2 | Mining, Memorandum Report on Iron
Ore, MT and ID |
476/3 | Mining, Metal Exports
1935 |
476/4 | Mining, Metals |
1942-1943 |
476/5 | Mining, Minerals |
1942-1958 |
476/6 | Mining, Mining and Minerals
Industry Subcommittee, Staff Study |
1945 |
476/7 | Mining, Mouat |
Aug., 1947 - Mar., 1949 |
476/8 | Mining, Mouat |
July, 1949 - Mar., 1951 |
476/9 | Mining, Mouat |
Apr., 1951 - Feb., 1956 |
476/10 | Mining, Noon |
Jan., 1951 - Jan. 10, 1952 |
476/11 | Mining, Noon |
Jan. 14 - Feb. 4, 1954 |
477/1 | Mining, Safety, Roundup
1957 |
477/2 | Mining, Silver |
1936-1959 |
477/3 | Mining, Silver Act |
1942-1945 |
477/4 | Mining, Silver Legislation
1934-1936 |
477/5 | Mining, Silver Memo |
1939 |
477/6 | Mining, Silver Dollar
1944 |
477/7 | Mining, Star Mine and Mill
1943-1944 |
477/8 | Mining, Steel |
Aug. - Oct., 1951 |
477/9 | Mining, Steel Mill |
1957 |
477/10 | Mining, Stibnite Hill Mine
1944 |
477/11 | Mining, Strategic Minerals
1941 |
477/12 | Mining, Strategic - UDY
1958 |
477/13 | Mining, Talc, Ennis, MT
477/14 | Mining, Tip Napton |
1943-1944 |
477/15 | Mining, Titanium |
Dec., 1954 - May 19, 1955 |
477/16 | Mining, Titanium |
May 23 - Dec., 1955 |
477/17 | Mining, Titanium |
Jan. - Mar. 22, 1956 |
478/1 | Mining, Titanium |
Mar. 27 - Oct., 1956 |
478/2 | Mining, Titanium |
1957-1959 |
478/3 | Mining, Tungsten |
1951-1955 |
478/4 | Mining, Tungsten |
1956-1960 |
478/5 | Mining, Uranium |
1949-1960 |
478/6 | Mining, War Stabilization Board
1952 |
478/7 | Miscellaneous, A |
1936 |
478/8 | Miscellaneous, A |
Jan. - Sept., 1937 |
478/9 | Miscellaneous, A |
Oct. - Dec., 1937 |
478/10 | Miscellaneous, A |
Jan. - May, 1938 |
479/1 | Miscellaneous, A |
June - Dec., 1938 |
479/2 | Miscellaneous, A |
1939 |
479/3 | Miscellaneous, A |
1940 |
479/4 | Miscellaneous, A |
1941-1946 |
479/5 | Miscellaneous, A |
1949 |
479/6 | Miscellaneous, A |
1950 |
479/7 | Miscellaneous, A |
1951 |
479/8 | Miscellaneous, A |
1952 |
479/9 | Miscellaneous, A |
1953 |
479/10 | Miscellaneous, A |
1954 |
479/11 | Miscellaneous, A |
1955 |
479/12 | Miscellaneous, A |
1956 |
479/13 | Miscellaneous, A |
1957 |
479/14 | Miscellaneous, A |
1958 |
480/1 | Miscellaneous, A |
1959 |
480/2 | Miscellaneous, A |
1960 |
480/3 | Miscellaneous, B |
1935 |
480/4 | Miscellaneous, B |
1936 |
480/5 | Miscellaneous, B |
Jan. - Apr., 1937 |
480/6 | Miscellaneous, B |
May - July, 1937 |
480/7 | Miscellaneous, B |
Aug. - Sept., 1937 |
480/8 | Miscellaneous, B |
Oct. - Dec., 1937 |
480/9 | Miscellaneous, B |
Jan. - Feb., 1938 |
481/1 | Miscellaneous, B |
Mar., 1938 |
481/2 | Miscellaneous, B |
Apr. - May, 1938 |
481/3 | Miscellaneous, B |
June - Sept., 1938 |
481/4 | Miscellaneous, B |
Oct. - Dec., 1938 |
481/5 | Miscellaneous, B |
1939 |
481/6 | Miscellaneous, B |
Jan. - June, 1940 |
481/7 | Miscellaneous, B |
July - Nov., 1940 |
481/8 | Miscellaneous, B |
1941 |
481/9 | Miscellaneous, B |
1942-1948 |
482/1 | Miscellaneous, B |
Jan. - June, 1949 |
482/2 | Miscellaneous, B |
July - Dec., 1949 |
482/3 | Miscellaneous, B |
Jan. - Feb., 1950 |
482/4 | Miscellaneous, B |
Mar. - Apr., 1950 |
482/5 | Miscellaneous, B |
May - Dec., 1950 |
482/6 | Miscellaneous, B |
1951 |
482/7 | Miscellaneous, B |
1952 |
482/8 | Miscellaneous, B |
1953 |
482/9 | Miscellaneous, B |
1954 |
483/1 | Miscellaneous, B |
1955 |
483/2 | Miscellaneous, B |
1956 |
483/3 | Miscellaneous, B |
1957 |
483/4 | Miscellaneous, B |
Jan. - May, 1958 |
483/5 | Miscellaneous, B |
June - Dec., 1958 |
483/6 | Miscellaneous, B |
Jan. - June, 1959 |
483/7 | Miscellaneous, B |
July - Dec., 1959 |
483/8 | Miscellaneous, B |
Jan. - May, 1960 |
484/1 | Miscellaneous, B |
June - Dec., 1960 |
484/2 | Miscellaneous, C |
1934-1936 |
484/3 | Miscellaneous, C |
Jan. - July, 1937 |
484/4 | Miscellaneous, C |
Aug. - Sept., 1937 |
484/5 | Miscellaneous, C |
Oct. - Dec., 1937 |
484/6 | Miscellaneous, C |
Jan. - Feb., 1938 |
484/7 | Miscellaneous, C |
Mar. - Apr., 1938 |
484/8 | Miscellaneous, C |
May - July, 1938 |
484/9 | Miscellaneous, C |
Aug. - Dec., 1938 |
484/10 | Miscellaneous, C |
1939 |
484/11 | Miscellaneous, C |
1940 |
485/1 | Miscellaneous, C |
1941-1947 |
485/2 | Miscellaneous, C |
1948 |
485/3 | Miscellaneous, C |
Jan. - June, 1949 |
485/4 | Miscellaneous, C |
July - Dec., 1949 |
485/5 | Miscellaneous, C |
Jan. - Feb., 1950 |
485/6 | Miscellaneous, C |
Mar. - Apr., 1950 |
485/7 | Miscellaneous, C |
May - June, 1950 |
485/8 | Miscellaneous, C |
July - Dec., 1950 |
485/9 | Miscellaneous, C |
1951 |
485/10 | Miscellaneous, C |
1952 |
485/11 | Miscellaneous, C |
1953 |
486/1 | Miscellaneous, C |
1954 |
486/2 | Miscellaneous, C |
1955 |
486/3 | Miscellaneous, C |
1956 |
486/4 | Miscellaneous, C |
1957 |
486/5 | Miscellaneous, C |
Jan. - Mar., 1958 |
486/6 | Miscellaneous, C |
Apr. - June, 1958 |
486/7 | Miscellaneous, C |
July - Dec., 1958 |
487/1 | Miscellaneous, C |
Jan. - May, 1959 |
487/2 | Miscellaneous, C |
June - Dec., 1959 |
487/3 | Miscellaneous, C |
1960 |
487/4 | Miscellaneous, D |
1936 |
487/5 | Miscellaneous, D |
1937 |
487/6 | Miscellaneous, D |
Jan. - May, 1938 |
487/7 | Miscellaneous, D |
June - Sept., 1938 |
487/8 | Miscellaneous, D |
Oct. - Dec., 1938 |
488/1 | Miscellaneous, D |
1939 |
488/2 | Miscellaneous, D |
1940 |
488/3 | Miscellaneous, D |
1941-1948 |
488/4 | Miscellaneous, D |
1949 |
488/5 | Miscellaneous, D |
1950 |
488/6 | Miscellaneous, D |
1951 |
488/7 | Miscellaneous, D |
1952 |
488/8 | Miscellaneous, D |
1953 |
488/9 | Miscellaneous, D |
1954 |
488/10 | Miscellaneous, D |
1955 |
488/11 | Miscellaneous, D |
1956 |
488/12 | Miscellaneous, D |
1957 |
488/13 | Miscellaneous, D |
Jan. - June, 1958 |
488/14 | Miscellaneous, D |
July - Dec., 1958 |
489/1 | Miscellaneous, D |
Jan. - June, 1959 |
489/2 | Miscellaneous, D |
July - Dec., 1959 |
489/3 | Miscellaneous, D |
1960 |
489/4 | Miscellaneous, E |
1935-1936 |
489/5 | Miscellaneous, E |
1937 |
489/6 | Miscellaneous, E |
Jan. - May, 1938 |
489/7 | Miscellaneous, E |
June - Dec., 1938 |
489/8 | Miscellaneous, E |
1939 |
489/9 | Miscellaneous, E |
1940-1942 |
489/10 | Miscellaneous, E |
1946 |
489/11 | Miscellaneous, E |
Jan. - June, 1949 |
489/12 | Miscellaneous, E |
July - Dec., 1949 |
489/13 | Miscellaneous, E |
1950 |
490/1 | Miscellaneous, E |
1951 |
490/2 | Miscellaneous, E |
1952 |
490/3 | Miscellaneous, E |
1954 |
490/4 | Miscellaneous, E |
1955 |
490/5 | Miscellaneous, E |
1956 |
490/6 | Miscellaneous, E |
1957 |
490/7 | Miscellaneous, E |
1958 |
490/8 | Miscellaneous, E |
1959-1960 |
490/9 | Miscellaneous, F |
1935 |
490/10 | Miscellaneous, F |
Jan. - June, 1936 |
490/11 | Miscellaneous, F |
July - Dec., 1936 |
490/12 | Miscellaneous, F |
Jan. - July, 1937 |
490/13 | Miscellaneous, F |
Aug. - Dec., 1937 |
490/14 | Miscellaneous, F |
Jan. - Feb., 1938 |
491/1 | Miscellaneous, F |
Mar. - May, 1938 |
491/2 | Miscellaneous, F |
June - Aug., 1938 |
491/3 | Miscellaneous, F |
Sept. - Dec., 1938 |
491/4 | Miscellaneous, F |
1939 |
491/5 | Miscellaneous, F |
1940 |
491/6 | Miscellaneous, F |
1941-1942 |
491/7 | Miscellaneous, F |
1948-1949 |
491/8 | Miscellaneous, F |
Jan. - June, 1950 |
491/9 | Miscellaneous, F |
July - Dec., 1950 |
491/10 | Miscellaneous, F |
1951 |
491/11 | Miscellaneous, F |
1952 |
491/12 | Miscellaneous, F |
Jan. - June, 1953 |
491/13 | Miscellaneous, F |
July - Dec., 1953 |
491/14 | Miscellaneous, F |
1954 |
491/15 | Miscellaneous, F |
Jan. - June, 1955 |
491/16 | Miscellaneous, F |
July - Dec., 1955 |
492/1 | Miscellaneous, F |
1956 |
492/2 | Miscellaneous, F |
1957 |
492/3 | Miscellaneous, F |
Jan. - June, 1958 |
492/4 | Miscellaneous, F |
July - Dec., 1958 |
492/5 | Miscellaneous, F |
Jan. - Mar., 1959 |
492/6 | Miscellaneous, F |
Apr. - June, 1959 |
492/7 | Miscellaneous, F |
July - Dec., 1959 |
492/8 | Miscellaneous, F |
1960 |
492/9 | Miscellaneous, G |
1935 |
492/10 | Miscellaneous, G |
1936 |
492/11 | Miscellaneous, G |
Jan. - Aug., 1937 |
493/1 | Miscellaneous, G |
Sept. - Dec., 1937 |
493/2 | Miscellaneous, G |
Jan. - May, 1938 |
493/3 | Miscellaneous, G |
June - July, 1938 |
493/4 | Miscellaneous, G |
Aug. - Dec., 1938 |
493/5 | Miscellaneous, G |
1939 |
493/6 | Miscellaneous, G |
1940 |
493/7 | Miscellaneous, G |
1941 |
493/8 | Miscellaneous, G |
1942 |
493/9 | Miscellaneous, G |
1947, 1949 |
493/10 | Miscellaneous, G |
Jan. - Mar., 1950 |
493/11 | Miscellaneous, G |
Apr. - June, 1950 |
493/12 | Miscellaneous, G |
July - Dec., 1950 |
493/13 | Miscellaneous, G |
Jan. - June, 1951 |
493/14 | Miscellaneous, G |
July - Dec., 1951 |
494/1 | Miscellaneous, G |
1952 |
494/2 | Miscellaneous, G |
1953 |
494/3 | Miscellaneous, G |
1954 |
494/4 | Miscellaneous, G |
Jan. - June, 1955 |
494/5 | Miscellaneous, G |
July - Dec., 1955 |
494/6 | Miscellaneous, G |
Jan. - June, 1956 |
494/7 | Miscellaneous, G |
July - Dec., 1956 |
494/8 | Miscellaneous, G |
1957 |
494/9 | Miscellaneous, G |
Jan. - June, 1958 |
494/10 | Miscellaneous, G |
July - Dec., 1958 |
494/11 | Miscellaneous, G |
Jan. - June, 1959 |
494/12 | Miscellaneous, G |
July - Dec., 1959 |
494/13 | Miscellaneous, G |
1960 |
495/1 | Miscellaneous, H |
1934-1935 |
495/2 | Miscellaneous, H |
1936 |
495/3 | Miscellaneous, H |
Jan. - July, 1937 |
495/4 | Miscellaneous, H |
Aug. - Sept., 1937 |
495/5 | Miscellaneous, H |
Oct. - Dec., 1937 |
495/6 | Miscellaneous, H |
Jan. - Feb., 1938 |
495/7 | Miscellaneous, H |
Mar. - May, 1938 |
495/8 | Miscellaneous, H |
June - Dec., 1938 |
495/9 | Miscellaneous, H |
1939 |
495/10 | Miscellaneous, H |
1940 |
495/11 | Miscellaneous, H |
1941 |
495/12 | Miscellaneous, H |
1946-1947 |
495/13 | Miscellaneous, H |
1949 |
496/1 | Miscellaneous, H |
Jan. - Mar., 1950 |
496/2 | Miscellaneous, H |
Apr. - May, 1950 |
496/3 | Miscellaneous, H |
June, 1950 |
496/4 | Miscellaneous, H |
July - Dec., 1950 |
496/5 | Miscellaneous, H |
Jan. - June, 1951 |
496/6 | Miscellaneous, H |
July - Dec., 1951 |
496/7 | Miscellaneous, H |
Jan. - June, 1952 |
496/8 | Miscellaneous, H |
July - Dec., 1952 |
496/9 | Miscellaneous, H |
Jan. - June, 1953 |
496/10 | Miscellaneous, H |
July - Dec., 1953 |
496/11 | Miscellaneous, H |
1954 |
496/12 | Miscellaneous, H |
Jan. - June, 1955 |
496/13 | Miscellaneous, H |
July - Dec., 1955 |
496/14 | Miscellaneous, H |
Jan. - June, 1956 |
496/15 | Miscellaneous, H |
July - Dec., 1956 |
496/16 | Miscellaneous, H |
Jan. - June, 1957 |
496/17 | Miscellaneous, H |
July - Dec., 1957 |
497/1 | Miscellaneous, H |
Jan. - June, 1958 |
497/2 | Miscellaneous, H |
July - Dec., 1958 |
497/3 | Miscellaneous, H |
Jan. - June, 1959 |
497/4 | Miscellaneous, H |
July - Dec., 1959 |
497/5 | Miscellaneous, H |
1960 |
497/6 | Miscellaneous, I |
1935-1937 |
497/7 | Miscellaneous, I |
1938-1939 |
497/8 | Miscellaneous, I |
1941-1942 |
497/9 | Miscellaneous, I |
1949 |
497/10 | Miscellaneous, I |
1950 |
497/11 | Miscellaneous, I |
1951 |
497/12 | Miscellaneous, I |
1952-1953 |
497/13 | Miscellaneous, I |
1955-1956 |
497/14 | Miscellaneous, I |
1957 |
497/15 | Miscellaneous, I |
1958-1959 |
497/16 | Miscellaneous, J |
1935 |
497/17 | Miscellaneous, J |
1937 |
497/18 | Miscellaneous, J |
Jan. - May, 1938 |
497/19 | Miscellaneous, J |
July - Dec., 1938 |
497/20 | Miscellaneous, J |
1939 |
497/21 | Miscellaneous, J |
1940 |
498/1 | Miscellaneous, J |
1941 |
498/2 | Miscellaneous, J |
1949 |
498/3 | Miscellaneous, J |
1950 |
498/4 | Miscellaneous, J |
1951 |
498/5 | Miscellaneous, J |
1952-1954 |
498/6 | Miscellaneous, J |
1955 |
498/7 | Miscellaneous, J |
1956 |
498/8 | Miscellaneous, J |
1957 |
498/9 | Miscellaneous, J |
1958 |
498/10 | Miscellaneous, J |
Jan. - June, 1959 |
498/11 | Miscellaneous, J |
July - Dec., 1959 |
498/12 | Miscellaneous, J |
1960 |
498/13 | Miscellaneous, K |
1935 |
498/14 | Miscellaneous, K |
1936 |
498/15 | Miscellaneous, K |
Jan. - July, 1937 |
498/16 | Miscellaneous, K |
Aug. - Oct., 1937 |
498/17 | Miscellaneous, K |
Nov. - Dec., 1937 |
499/1 | Miscellaneous, K |
Jan. - May, 1938 |
499/2 | Miscellaneous, K |
June - Dec., 1938 |
499/3 | Miscellaneous, K |
1939 |
499/4 | Miscellaneous, K |
1940 |
499/5 | Miscellaneous, K |
1941 |
499/6 | Miscellaneous, K |
1949 |
499/7 | Miscellaneous, K |
Jan. - June, 1950 |
499/8 | Miscellaneous, K |
July - Dec., 1950 |
499/9 | Miscellaneous, K |
1951 |
499/10 | Miscellaneous, K |
1952 |
499/11 | Miscellaneous, K |
Jan. - June, 1953 |
499/12 | Miscellaneous, K |
July - Dec., 1953 |
499/13 | Miscellaneous, K |
1954 |
499/14 | Miscellaneous, K |
1955 |
499/15 | Miscellaneous, K |
1956 |
499/16 | Miscellaneous, K |
1957 |
499/17 | Miscellaneous, K |
1958 |
500/1 | Miscellaneous, K |
Jan. - June, 1959 |
500/2 | Miscellaneous, K |
July - Dec., 1959 |
500/3 | Miscellaneous, K |
1960 |
500/4 | Miscellaneous, L |
Jan. - Mar., 1936 |
500/5 | Miscellaneous, L |
Apr. - June, 1936 |
500/6 | Miscellaneous, L |
July - Dec., 1936 |
500/7 | Miscellaneous, L |
Jan. - Mar., 1937 |
500/8 | Miscellaneous, L |
Apr. - June, 1937 |
500/9 | Miscellaneous, L |
July - Dec., 1937 |
500/10 | Miscellaneous, L |
Jan. - May, 1938 |
501/1 | Miscellaneous, L |
June, 1938 |
501/2 | Miscellaneous, L |
July - Dec., 1938 |
501/3 | Miscellaneous, L |
1939 |
501/4 | Miscellaneous, L |
1940 |
501/5 | Miscellaneous, L |
1941-1944 |
501/6 | Miscellaneous, L |
1948-1949 |
501/7 | Miscellaneous, L |
1950 |
501/8 | Miscellaneous, L |
Jan. - June, 1951 |
501/9 | Miscellaneous, L |
July - Dec., 1951 |
501/10 | Miscellaneous, L |
Jan. - June, 1952 |
501/11 | Miscellaneous, L |
July - Dec., 1952 |
501/12 | Miscellaneous, L |
1953 |
501/13 | Miscellaneous, L |
1954 |
501/14 | Miscellaneous, L |
Jan. - June, 1955 |
501/15 | Miscellaneous, L |
July - Dec., 1955 |
501/16 | Miscellaneous, L |
1956 |
501/17 | Miscellaneous, L |
1957 |
502/1 | Miscellaneous, L |
Jan. - June, 1958 |
502/2 | Miscellaneous, L |
July - Dec., 1958 |
502/3 | Miscellaneous, L |
Jan. - June, 1959 |
502/4 | Miscellaneous, L |
July - Dec., 1959 |
502/5 | Miscellaneous, L |
1960 |
502/6 | Miscellaneous, M |
1935 - June, 1936 |
502/7 | Miscellaneous, M |
July - Oct., 1936 |
502/8 | Miscellaneous, M |
Nov. - Dec., 1936 |
502/9 | Miscellaneous, M |
Jan. - Feb., 1937 |
502/10 | Miscellaneous, M |
Apr. - May, 1937 |
503/1 | Miscellaneous, M |
June - July, 1937 |
503/2 | Miscellaneous, M |
Aug. - Oct., 1937 |
503/3 | Miscellaneous, M |
Nov. Dec., 1937 |
503/4 | Miscellaneous, M |
Jan. - Feb., 1938 |
503/5 | Miscellaneous, M |
Mar. - May, 1938 |
503/6 | Miscellaneous, M |
June - July, 1938 |
503/7 | Miscellaneous, M |
Aug. - Sept., 1938 |
503/8 | Miscellaneous, M |
Oct. - Dec., 1938 |
503/9 | Miscellaneous, M |
Jan. - June, 1938 |
504/1 | Miscellaneous, M |
July - Dec., 1939 |
504/2 | Miscellaneous, M |
1940 |
504/3 | Miscellaneous, M |
1941 |
504/4 | Miscellaneous, M |
1944-1947 |
504/5 | Miscellaneous, M |
Jan. - June, 1949 |
504/6 | Miscellaneous, M |
Aug. - Dec., 1949 |
504/7 | Miscellaneous, M |
Jan. - Mar., 1950 |
504/8 | Miscellaneous, M |
Apr. - June, 1950 |
504/9 | Miscellaneous, M |
Aug. - Dec., 1950 |
504/10 | Miscellaneous, M |
1951 |
504/11 | Miscellaneous, M |
1952 |
505/1 | Miscellaneous, M |
Jan. - June, 1953 |
505/2 | Miscellaneous, M |
July - Dec., 1953 |
505/3 | Miscellaneous, M |
1954 |
505/4 | Miscellaneous, M |
Jan. - June, 1955 |
505/5 | Miscellaneous, M |
July - Dec., 1955 |
505/6 | Miscellaneous, M |
Jan. - May, 1956 |
505/7 | Miscellaneous, M |
July - Dec., 1956 |
505/8 | Miscellaneous, M |
1957 |
505/9 | Miscellaneous, M |
Jan. - Feb., 1958 |
506/1 | Miscellaneous, M |
Mar. - June, 1958 |
506/2 | Miscellaneous, M |
July - Dec., 1958 |
506/3 | Miscellaneous, M |
Jan. - Mar., 1959 |
506/4 | Miscellaneous, M |
Apr. - Sept., 1959 |
506/5 | Miscellaneous, M |
Jan. - June, 1960 |
506/6 | Miscellaneous, M |
July - Aug., 1960 |
506/7 | Miscellaneous, M |
Sept. - Dec., 1960 |
506/8 | Miscellaneous, Mc |
1936 |
507/1 | Miscellaneous, Mc |
1937 |
507/2 | Miscellaneous, Mc |
Jan. - Mar., 1938 |
507/3 | Miscellaneous, Mc |
Apr. - May, 1938 |
507/4 | Miscellaneous, N |
1935 |
507/5 | Miscellaneous, N |
1936 |
507/6 | Miscellaneous, N |
1937 |
507/7 | Miscellaneous, N |
Jan. - Apr., 1938 |
507/8 | Miscellaneous, N |
Aug. - Dec., 1938 |
507/9 | Miscellaneous, N |
1939 |
507/10 | Miscellaneous, N |
1945-1947 |
507/11 | Miscellaneous, N |
1949-1950 |
507/12 | Miscellaneous, N |
1951 |
508/1 | Miscellaneous, N |
1952 |
508/2 | Miscellaneous, N |
1954 |
508/3 | Miscellaneous, N |
1955 |
508/4 | Miscellaneous, N |
1956-1957 |
508/5 | Miscellaneous, N |
1958 |
508/6 | Miscellaneous, N |
1959 |
508/7 | Miscellaneous, N |
1960 |
508/8 | Miscellaneous, O |
1935-1936 |
508/9 | Miscellaneous, O |
1937 |
509/1 | Miscellaneous, O |
1938 |
509/2 | Miscellaneous, O |
1939 |
509/3 | Miscellaneous, O |
1940 |
509/4 | Miscellaneous, O |
1941 |
509/5 | Miscellaneous, O |
1948-1949 |
509/6 | Miscellaneous, O |
1950 |
509/7 | Miscellaneous, O |
1951 |
509/8 | Miscellaneous, O |
1952 |
509/9 | Miscellaneous, O |
1953 |
509/10 | Miscellaneous, O |
1954 |
509/11 | Miscellaneous, O |
1955 |
509/12 | Miscellaneous, O |
1956 |
509/13 | Miscellaneous, O |
1957 |
509/14 | Miscellaneous, O |
1958 |
509/15 | Miscellaneous, O |
1959 |
509/16 | Miscellaneous, P |
1935 |
509/17 | Miscellaneous, P |
Jan. - May, 1936 |
509/18 | Miscellaneous, P |
June - Sept., 1936 |
510/1 | Miscellaneous, P |
Oct. - Dec., 1936 |
510/2 | Miscellaneous, P |
Jan. - May, 1937 |
510/3 | Miscellaneous, P |
June - Dec., 1937 |
510/4 | Miscellaneous, P |
Jan. - Feb., 1938 |
510/5 | Miscellaneous, P |
Mar. - May, 1938 |
510/6 | Miscellaneous, P |
June - Dec., 1938 |
510/7 | Miscellaneous, P |
1939 |
510/8 | Miscellaneous, P |
1940 |
510/9 | Miscellaneous, P |
1941 |
510/10 | Miscellaneous, P |
1944 |
510/11 | Miscellaneous, P |
1946-1949 |
510/12 | Miscellaneous, P |
1950 |
510/13 | Miscellaneous, P |
1951 |
511/1 | Miscellaneous, P |
Jan. - June, 1952 |
511/2 | Miscellaneous, P |
July - Dec., 1952 |
511/3 | Miscellaneous, P |
1953 |
511/4 | Miscellaneous, P |
1954 |
511/5 | Miscellaneous, P |
1955 |
511/6 | Miscellaneous, P |
1956 |
511/7 | Miscellaneous, P |
1957 |
511/8 | Miscellaneous, P |
1958 |
511/9 | Miscellaneous, P |
1959 |
511/10 | Miscellaneous, P |
1960 |
511/11 | Miscellaneous, Q |
1935-1958 |
512/1 | Miscellaneous, R |
1934-1935 |
512/2 | Miscellaneous, R |
Jan. - June, 1936 |
512/3 | Miscellaneous, R |
July - Dec., 1936 |
512/4 | Miscellaneous, R |
Jan. - Apr., 1937 |
512/5 | Miscellaneous, R |
May - July, 1937 |
512/6 | Miscellaneous, R |
Aug. - Dec., 1937 |
512/7 | Miscellaneous, R |
Jan. - May, 1938 |
512/8 | Miscellaneous, R |
June - Dec., 1938 |
512/9 | Miscellaneous, R |
1939 |
512/10 | Miscellaneous, R |
1940-1944 |
512/11 | Miscellaneous, R |
1949 |
513/1 | Miscellaneous, R |
Jan. - June, 1950 |
513/2 | Miscellaneous, R |
Aug. - Dec., 1950 |
513/3 | Miscellaneous, R |
1951 |
513/4 | Miscellaneous, R |
1952 |
513/5 | Miscellaneous, R |
1953 |
513/6 | Miscellaneous, R |
1954 |
513/7 | Miscellaneous, R |
Jan. - June, 1958 |
513/8 | Miscellaneous, R |
July - Dec., 1955 |
513/9 | Miscellaneous, R |
1956 |
513/10 | Miscellaneous, R |
1957 |
513/11 | Miscellaneous, R |
Jan. - June, 1958 |
513/12 | Miscellaneous, R |
July - Dec., 1958 |
513/13 | Miscellaneous, R |
Jan. - June, 1959 |
513/14 | Miscellaneous, R |
July - Dec., 1959 |
513/15 | Miscellaneous, R |
1960 |
514/1 | Miscellaneous, S |
1934-1935 |
514/2 | Miscellaneous, S |
Jan. - Aug., 1936 |
514/3 | Miscellaneous, S |
Oct. - Dec., 1936 |
514/4 | Miscellaneous, S |
Jan. - Feb., 1937 |
514/5 | Miscellaneous, S |
Mar. - Apr., 1937 |
514/6 | Miscellaneous, S |
May - June, 1937 |
514/7 | Miscellaneous, S |
July, 1937 |
514/8 | Miscellaneous, S |
Aug. - Sept., 1937 |
514/9 | Miscellaneous, S |
Oct. - Nov., 1937 |
514/10 | Miscellaneous, S |
Dec., 1937 |
515/1 | Miscellaneous, S |
Jan., 1938 |
515/2 | Miscellaneous, S |
Feb., 1938 |
515/3 | Miscellaneous, S |
Mar., 1938 |
515/4 | Miscellaneous, S |
Apr., 1938 |
515/5 | Miscellaneous, S |
May, 1938 |
515/6 | Miscellaneous, S |
June - July, 1938 |
515/7 | Miscellaneous, S |
Aug. - Dec., 1938 |
515/8 | Miscellaneous, S |
1939 |
515/9 | Miscellaneous, S |
1940 |
515/10 | Miscellaneous, S |
1941 |
515/11 | Miscellaneous, S |
1947 |
515/12 | Miscellaneous, S |
Jan. - June, 1949 |
515/13 | Miscellaneous, S |
July - Dec., 1949 |
516/1 | Miscellaneous, S |
Jan. - June, 1950 |
516/2 | Miscellaneous, S |
July - Dec., 1950 |
516/3 | Miscellaneous, S |
1951 |
516/4 | Miscellaneous, S |
Jan. - June, 1952 |
516/5 | Miscellaneous, S |
July - Dec., 1952 |
516/6 | Miscellaneous, S |
Jan. - June, 1953 |
516/7 | Miscellaneous, S |
July - Dec., 1953 |
516/8 | Miscellaneous, S |
Jan. - Apr., 1954 |
516/9 | Miscellaneous, S |
May - June, 1954 |
516/10 | Miscellaneous, S |
July - Sept., 1954 |
516/11 | Miscellaneous, S |
Oct. - Dec., 1954 |
516/12 | Miscellaneous, S |
Jan. - June, 1955 |
516/13 | Miscellaneous, S |
July - Dec., 1955 |
517/1 | Miscellaneous, S |
1956 |
517/2 | Miscellaneous, S |
1957 |
517/3 | Miscellaneous, S |
Jan. - Mar., 1958 |
517/4 | Miscellaneous, S |
Apr. - June, 1958 |
517/5 | Miscellaneous, S |
July - Dec., 1958 |
517/6 | Miscellaneous, S |
Jan. - June, 1959 |
517/7 | Miscellaneous, S |
July - Dec., 1959 |
517/8 | Miscellaneous, S |
1960 |
517/9 | Miscellaneous, T |
1935-1936 |
518/1 | Miscellaneous, T |
Jan. - July, 1937 |
518/2 | Miscellaneous, T |
Aug. - Dec., 1937 |
518/3 | Miscellaneous, T |
1938 |
518/4 | Miscellaneous, T |
1939 |
518/5 | Miscellaneous, T |
1941 |
518/6 | Miscellaneous, T |
1949 |
518/7 | Miscellaneous, T |
1950 |
518/8 | Miscellaneous, T |
1951 |
518/9 | Miscellaneous, T |
1952 |
518/10 | Miscellaneous, T |
1953 |
518/11 | Miscellaneous, T |
1954 |
519/1 | Miscellaneous, T |
1955 |
519/2 | Miscellaneous, T |
1956 |
519/3 | Miscellaneous, T |
1957 |
519/4 | Miscellaneous, T |
Jan. - June, 1958 |
519/5 | Miscellaneous, T |
July - Dec., 1958 |
519/6 | Miscellaneous, T |
1959 |
519/7 | Miscellaneous, U |
1936-1938 |
519/8 | Miscellaneous, U |
1949 |
519/9 | Miscellaneous, U |
1950 |
519/10 | Miscellaneous, U |
1952-1953 |
519/11 | Miscellaneous, U |
1955-1959 |
519/12 | Miscellaneous, V |
1934-1937 |
519/13 | Miscellaneous, V |
1938 |
519/14 | Miscellaneous, V |
1939 |
520/1 | Miscellaneous, V |
1948-1951 |
520/2 | Miscellaneous, V |
1953-1956 |
520/3 | Miscellaneous, V |
1957-1958 |
520/4 | Miscellaneous, W |
1935 |
520/5 | Miscellaneous, W |
1936 |
520/6 | Miscellaneous, W |
Jan. - Mar., 1937 |
520/7 | Miscellaneous, W |
Apr. - July, 1937 |
520/8 | Miscellaneous, W |
Aug. - Dec., 1937 |
520/9 | Miscellaneous, W |
Jan. - Apr., 1938 |
520/10 | Miscellaneous, W |
June - Aug., 1938 |
520/11 | Miscellaneous, W |
Sept. - Dec., 1938 |
521/1 | Miscellaneous, W |
1939 |
521/2 | Miscellaneous, W |
1941 |
521/3 | Miscellaneous, W |
1942 |
521/4 | Miscellaneous, W |
1947 |
521/5 | Miscellaneous, W |
1948-1949 |
521/6 | Miscellaneous, W |
1950 |
521/7 | Miscellaneous, W |
Jan. - June, 1951 |
521/8 | Miscellaneous, W |
July - Dec., 1951 |
521/9 | Miscellaneous, W |
1952 |
521/10 | Miscellaneous, W |
1953 |
521/11 | Miscellaneous, W |
1954 |
521/12 | Miscellaneous, W |
Jan. - June, 1955 |
521/13 | Miscellaneous, W |
July - Dec., 1955 |
521/14 | Miscellaneous, W |
1956 |
522/1 | Miscellaneous, W |
Jan. - June, 1957 |
522/2 | Miscellaneous, W |
July - Dec., 1957 |
522/3 | Miscellaneous, W |
Jan. - June, 1958 |
522/4 | Miscellaneous, W |
July - Dec., 1958 |
522/5 | Miscellaneous, W |
Jan. - June, 1959 |
522/6 | Miscellaneous, W |
July - Dec., 1959 |
522/7 | Miscellaneous, W |
1960 |
522/8 | Miscellaneous, X - Y - Z
1936-1937 |
522/9 | Miscellaneous, X - Y - Z
1938-1941 |
522/10 | Miscellaneous, X - Y - Z
1949-1957 |
522/11 | Miscellaneous, X - Y - Z
1958-1960 |
522/12 | Minting |
1938 |
522/13 | Missing Persons, Whitaker
1947 |
522/14 | Mississippi Valley Association
1937 |
523/1 | Missouri River Authority
1936 |
523/2 | Missouri River Projects, Canyon
Ferry |
1935-1942 |
523/3 | Missouri River Projects, Canyon
Ferry |
1943-1944 |
523/4 | Missouri River Projects, Canyon
Ferry |
1946 |
523/5 | Missouri River Projects, Canyon
Ferry |
1947 |
523/6 | Missouri River Projects, Canyon
Ferry |
1948 |
523/7 | Missouri River Projects, Canyon
Ferry |
1949 |
523/8 | Missouri River Projects, Canyon
Ferry |
1950 |
523/9 | Missouri River Projects, Canyon
Ferry |
1951 |
523/10 | Missouri River Projects, Canyon
Ferry |
1955-1957 |
523/11 | Missouri River Projects, Canyon
Ferry |
1958 |
523/12 | Missouri River Projects, Canyon
Ferry |
1959 |
523/13 | Missouri River Projects, Canyon
Ferry |
1960 |
523/14 | Missouri River Projects, Canyon
Ferry |
523/15 | Missouri River Projects, Fort
Peck |
Jan. - Aug., 1935 |
523/16 | Missouri River Projects, Fort
Peck |
Sept., 1935 |
523/17 | Missouri River Projects, Fort
Peck |
Oct. - Dec., 1935 |
524/1 | Missouri River Projects, Fort
Peck |
Jan. - Mar., 1936 |
524/2 | Missouri River Projects, Fort
Peck |
Apr., 1936 |
524/3 | Missouri River Projects, Fort
Peck |
May, 1936 |
524/4 | Missouri River Projects, Fort
Peck |
June - July, 1936 |
524/5 | Missouri River Projects, Fort
Peck |
Aug. - Dec., 1936 |
524/6 | Missouri River Projects, Fort
Peck |
Jan. - June, 1937 |
524/7 | Missouri River Projects, Fort
Peck |
July - Dec., 1937 |
524/8 | Missouri River Projects, Fort
Peck |
Jan. - Mar., 1938 |
524/9 | Missouri River Projects, Fort
Peck |
Apr. - Dec., 1938 |
524/10 | Missouri River Projects, Fort
Peck |
1945 |
524/11 | Missouri River Projects, Fort
Peck |
1946-1949 |
524/12 | Missouri River Projects, Fort
Peck |
1950-1953 |
524/13 | Missouri River Projects, Fort
Peck |
1954-1955 |
525/1 | Missouri River Projects, Fort
Peck |
1956 |
525/2 | Missouri River Projects, Fort
Peck |
1957-1958 |
525/3 | Missouri River Projects, Fort
Peck |
1959-1960 |
525/4 | Missouri River Projects, Fort
Valley |
1939-1941 |
525/5 | Missouri River Projects, Havre
and Shelby |
1948 |
525/6 | Missouri River Projects, Havre
and Shelby |
Feb., 1949 |
525/7 | Missouri River Projects, Havre
and Shelby |
Mar., 1949 |
525/8 | Missouri River Projects, Havre
and Shelby |
Apr., 1949 |
525/9 | Missouri River Projects, Havre
and Shelby |
May, 1949 |
525/10 | Missouri River Projects, Havre
and Shelby |
June, 1949 |
525/11 | Missouri River Projects, Havre
and Shelby |
July - Oct., 1949 |
525/12 | Missouri River Projects, Havre
and Shelby |
Dec., 1949 |
526/1 | Missouri River Projects, Havre
and Shelby |
Jan. - June, 1950 |
526/2 | Missouri River Projects, Havre
and Shelby |
July 1 - 12, 1950 |
526/3 | Missouri River Projects, Havre
and Shelby |
July 13 - 14, 1950 |
526/4 | Missouri River Projects, Havre
and Shelby |
July 15-1930, 1950 |
526/5 | Missouri River Projects, Havre
and Shelby |
Aug. 1-1928, 1950 |
526/6 | Missouri River Projects, Havre
and Shelby |
Aug. 29 - Dec., 1950, 1951 |
526/7 | Missouri River Basin Project
1943 - Feb. 21, 1944 |
526/8 | Missouri River Basin Project
Feb. 23 - Mar., 1944 |
527/1 | Missouri River Basin Project
Apr. - May 16, 1944 |
527/2 | Missouri River Basin Project
May 22, 1944 - Jan., 1946 |
527/3 | Missouri River Basin Project
1951-1953 |
527/4 | Missouri River Basin Project
1954-1957 |
527/5 | Missouri River Basin Project
1958 |
527/6 | Missouri River Basin Project
1959 |
527/7 | Missouri River Basin Project
1960 |
527/8 | Missouri River Basin Project,
Jerome G. Locke |
1947-1948 |
527/9 | Missouri River Basin Project
527/10 | Missouri River Basin Project,
Three Forks |
1959 |
527/11 | Missouri River Basin Project,
Reclamation |
1948-1949 |
527/12 | Missouri - Souris Diversion
1948-1952 |
527/13 | Missouri - Souris Diversion
1953 - Feb., 1954 |
528/1 | Missouri - Souris Diversion
Mar., 1954-1958 |
528/2 | Missouri Valley Authority
528/3 | Missouri Valley Authority
1941-1942 |
528/4 | Missouri Valley Authority
Jan. - Sept., 1944 |
528/5 | Missouri Valley Authority
Oct., 1944 |
528/6 | Missouri Valley Authority
Nov., 1944 |
528/7 | Missouri Valley Authority
Dec., 1944 |
528/8 | Missouri Valley Authority,
Against |
1945 |
528/9 | Missouri Valley Authority
Jan. - Feb., 1945 |
529/1 | Missouri Valley Authority
Mar. - Apr., 1945 |
529/2 | Missouri Valley Authority
May - June, 1945 |
529/3 | Missouri Valley Authority
July - Sept., 1945 |
529/4 | Missouri Valley Authority
Oct. - Dec., 1945 |
529/5 | Missouri Valley Authority
1946 |
529/6 | Missouri Valley Authority
1947-1948 |
529/7 | Missouri Valley Authority
Jan. - Feb., 1949 |
529/8 | Missouri Valley Authority
Mar., 1949 |
530/1 | Missouri Valley Authority
Apr., 1949 |
530/2 | Missouri Valley Authority
May - Dec., 1949 |
530/3 | Missouri Valley Authority
1950 |
530/4 | Missouri Valley Authority
May - Sept. 26, 1951 |
530/5 | Missouri Valley Authority
Sept. 26, 1951 |
530/6 | Missouri Valley Authority
1954-1956 |
530/7 | Missouri Valley Authority
1959-1960 |
530/8 | Missouri Valley Authority,
California |
1944-1945 |
530/9 | Missouri Valley Authority,
Colorado |
1945 |
530/10 | Missouri Valley Authority,
Connecticut |
1944 |
530/11 | Missouri Valley Authority, D.A.'s
Office |
1946-1947 |
531/1 | Missouri Valley Authority, Flood
Control |
1947-1949 |
531/2 | Missouri Valley Authority, Gov.
Ford |
1945 |
531/3 | Missouri Valley Authority,
Hearings |
531/4 | Missouri Valley Authority,
Hearings |
Jan. - Aug., 1945 |
531/5 | Missouri Valley Authority,
Hearings |
Sept. 1-19, 1945 |
531/6 | Missouri Valley Authority,
Hearings |
Sept. 20-1927, 1945 |
531/7 | Missouri Valley Authority,
Hearings |
1947 |
531/8 | Missouri Valley Authority,
Illinois |
1945 |
531/9 | Missouri Valley Authority,
Indiana |
1945 |
531/10 | Missouri Valley Authority, Iowa
1945 |
531/11 | Missouri Valley Authority, Kansas
1945 |
532/1 | Missouri Valley Authority,
Maryland |
1945 |
532/2 | Missouri Valley Authority,
Massachusetts |
1944 |
532/3 | Missouri Valley Authority,
Missouri |
1945 |
532/4 | Missouri Valley Authority,
Montana |
1945 |
532/5 | Missouri Valley Authority,
Minnesota |
1944 |
532/6 | Missouri Valley Authority,
Nebraska |
1945 |
532/7 | Missouri Valley Authority, New
Jersey |
1945 |
532/8 | Missouri Valley Authority, New
York |
1945 |
532/9 | Missouri Valley Authority, North
Dakota |
1945 |
532/10 | Missouri Valley Authority, Ohio
1945 |
532/11 | Missouri Valley Authority,
Pennsylvania |
1945 |
532/12 | Missouri Valley Authority, Press
Release |
1944-1945 |
532/13 | Missouri Valley Authority,
Publications |
1944-1946 |
532/14 | Missouri Valley Authority, Radio
Recording |
1947 |
532/15 | Missouri Valley Authority,
Reclamation Bills |
1942 - Jan., 1945 |
532/16 | Missouri Valley Authority,
Reclamation Bills |
Feb., 1945-1946 |
532/17 | Missouri Valley Authority,
Requests, A |
1945-1946 |
532/18 | Missouri Valley Authority,
Requests, B |
1944-1946 |
532/19 | Missouri Valley Authority,
Requests, C |
1944-1946 |
533/1 | Missouri Valley Authority,
Requests, D |
1945-1946 |
533/2 | Missouri Valley Authority,
Requests, E |
1945-1946 |
533/3 | Missouri Valley Authority,
Requests, F |
1946-1948 |
533/4 | Missouri Valley Authority,
Requests, G |
1945-1946 |
533/5 | Missouri Valley Authority,
Requests, H |
1945-1946 |
533/6 | Missouri Valley Authority,
Requests, I |
1945 |
533/7 | Missouri Valley Authority,
Requests, J |
1945-1946 |
533/8 | Missouri Valley Authority,
Requests, K |
1945-1946 |
533/9 | Missouri Valley Authority,
Requests, L |
1945-1948 |
533/10 | Missouri Valley Authority,
Requests, M |
1944-1946 |
533/11 | Missouri Valley Authority,
Requests, N |
1944-1946 |
533/12 | Missouri Valley Authority,
Requests, O |
1945-1949 |
533/13 | Missouri Valley Authority,
Requests, P |
1945-1948 |
533/14 | Missouri Valley Authority,
Requests, R |
1944-1946 |
534/1 | Missouri Valley Authority,
Requests, S |
1945-1947 |
534/2 | Missouri Valley Authority,
Requests, T |
1945 |
534/3 | Missouri Valley Authority,
Requests, U - V |
1945 |
534/4 | Missouri Valley Authority,
Requests, W |
1941-1946 |
534/5 | Missouri Valley Authority,
Requests, X - Z |
1945-1946 |
534/6 | Missouri Valley Authority, South
Dakota |
1945 |
534/7 | Missouri Valley Authority,
Statement by Morris Garnsey |
1945 |
534/8 | Missouri Valley Authority,
Statements |
1944 - Apr. 15, 1945 |
534/9 | Missouri Valley Authority,
Statements |
Apr. 16 - June, 1945 |
534/10 | Missouri Valley Authority,
Statistical Info |
1945-1946 |
534/11 | Missouri Valley Authority,
Wisconsin |
1945 |
534/12 | Missouri Valley Authority,
Wyoming |
1945 |
534/13 | Missouri Valley Authority
Conference |
May, 1945 |
534/14 | Missouri River Development
1945 |
534/15 | Missouri River Development
1946-1948 |
535/1 | Missouri Water Conservation
Project |
535/2 | Mobilizing Women |
1943 |
535/3 | Molasses |
1942 |
535/4 | Mondakota Gas Co. |
1949 |
535/5 | Monetary System |
1934-1937, 1939 |
535/6 | Money |
1936-1940 |
535/7 | Money |
1943 |
535/8 | Money |
1944-1945 |
535/9 | Monopolies |
1939-1954 |
535/10 | Mrs. Mildred Monro |
1950-1952 |
535/11 | Montana, Abstract Co.
1960 |
535/12 | Montana, Accomplishments of 84th
Congress |
1955-1956 |
535/13 | Montana, Airbases |
1959-1960 |
535/14 | Montana, Anaconda |
1939 |
535/15 | Montana, Anaconda |
1955 |
535/16 | Montana, Anaconda |
1960 |
535/17 | Montana, Anaconda Housing
Authority |
1941-1942 |
536/1 | Montana, Appropriations
1959 |
536/2 | Montana, Appropriations
1960 |
536/3 | Montana, Armories |
1959-1960 |
536/4 | Montana, Billings |
1938, 1941-1951 |
536/5 | Montana, Billings, Jail Site
1938 |
536/6 | Montana, Billings Bench Project
1939 |
536/7 | Montana, Billings Brewing Co.
1951 |
536/8 | Montana, Billings, Calhoun Lane
Subdivision |
1947-1948 |
536/9 | Montana, Billings Flood Control
1955 |
536/10 | Montana, Billings Investment Co.,
Hotel |
1935 |
536/11 | Montana, Billings Public
Buildings |
1938 |
536/12 | Montana, Billings Sewing Project
1936 |
536/13 | Montana, Bitterroot |
1935-1938 |
536/14 | Montana, Bitterroot |
1939-1940 |
536/15 | Montana, Bitterroot Project
1943-1956 |
536/16 | Montana, Bozeman |
1935 |
536/17 | Montana, Bozeman |
Jan. - May, 1936 |
536/18 | Montana, Bozeman |
June, 1936 - May, 1937 |
537/1 | Montana, Bozeman |
1940-1945, 1948 |
537/2 | Montana, Bozeman Hospital
1943-1946 |
537/3 | Montana, Bozeman Public Buildings
1938-1940 |
537/4 | Montana, Bozeman Union Building
1936 |
537/5 | Montana, Bridges |
1954-1956 |
537/6 | Montana, Bureau of Reclamation
1955-1956 |
537/7 | Montana, Butte |
1935, 1938-1939 |
537/8 | Montana, Butte |
1942-1946 |
537/9 | Montana, Butte |
1947 |
537/10 | Montana, Butte |
June, 1959 |
537/11 | Montana, Butte |
July, 1959 |
537/12 | Montana, Butte |
Aug. - Dec., 1959 |
537/13 | Montana, Butte |
1960 |
537/14 | Montana, Butte, Hanson Packing
Co. |
1938-1940 |
537/15 | Montana, Butte, Housing
1940 |
537/16 | Montana, Butte, Radio Station
1941-1942 |
538/1 | Montana, Carbert, Port of Entry
1938-1940 |
538/2 | Montana, Carroll College
1951 |
538/3 | Montana, Casualty List, WWII
1946 |
538/4 | Montana, Chamber of Commerce
1943 |
538/5 | Montana, Chamber of Commerce
1948 |
538/6 | Montana, Chester, Public
Buildings |
1936-1937 |
538/7 | Montana, City and County Planning
Boards |
1959 |
538/8 | Montana, Columbia Falls
1948 |
538/9 | Montana, Conrad, Public Buildings
1936-1939 |
538/10 | Montana, Crime |
1952 |
538/11 | Montana, Customs Offices
1955-1959 |
538/12 | Montana, Cutbank |
1942-1945 |
538/13 | Montana, Cutbank, Public
Buildings |
1937-1940 |
538/14 | Montana, Cutbank Airport
1947-1948 |
538/15 | Montana, Dagmar |
1936 |
538/16 | Montana, Dakota Utilities
1939-1957 |
538/17 | Montana, Day |
1937 |
538/18 | Montana, Deer Lodge, CMP
1952 |
538/19 | Montana, Deer Lodge, Public
Buildings |
1933-1937 |
538/20 | Montana, Defense Contracts
1951-1952 |
538/21 | Montana, Directories |
1951 |
539/1 | Montana, Disaster Areas
1953 |
539/2 | Montana, Earthquake Relief
1935-1936 |
539/3 | Montana, Earthquake |
Aug., 1959 |
539/4 | Montana, Earthquake |
Sept. - Nov., 1959-1960 |
539/5 | Montana, Eastern Montana College
1951, 1955 |
539/6 | Montana, Environment |
1950 |
539/7 | Montana, Elkhorn Hot Springs,
Recreation Area |
1956 |
539/8 | Montana, Eureka, Public Buildings
1937 |
539/9 | Montana, Fairfield Project
1936-1937 |
539/10 | Montana, Fairfield, Public
Buildings |
1939-1940 |
539/11 | Montana, Fallon County Relief
1936 |
539/12 | Montana, Federal Buildings
1933-1936 |
539/13 | Montana, Federal Buildings
1950 |
539/14 | Montana, Federal Buildings
1959 |
539/15 | Montana, Federal Buildings,
Billings |
1950, 1960 |
539/16 | Montana, Federal Buildings,
Boulder |
1939 |
539/17 | Montana, Federal Buildings,
Bozeman |
1958 |
539/18 | Montana, Federal Buildings,
Lewistown |
1949 |
539/19 | Montana, Federal Buildings,
Thompson Falls |
1955 |
539/20 | Montana, Flathead Irrigation
Project |
1938 |
539/21 | Montana, Flathead Irrigation
Project |
1943 |
539/22 | Montana, Flathead Power
1935-1937 |
539/23 | Montana, Flathead Projects
1936-1937 |
540/1 | Montana, Flathead Project
1950-1951 |
540/2 | Montana, Flatwillow Creek
1935 |
540/3 | Montana, Floods |
1937 |
540/4 | Montana, Florence Irrigation
District |
1938 |
540/5 | Montana, Forest Resources
1959 |
540/6 | Montana, Forest Service, Kootenai
1948 |
540/7 | Montana, Forest Service, Ravalli
County |
1940 |
540/8 | Montana, Forest Service, Thompson
Falls |
1936 |
540/9 | Montana, Forsyth Flood Control
Aid |
1944 |
540/10 | Montana, Forsyth, Public
Buildings |
1937 |
540/11 | Montana, Fort Belknap, Land
Acquisition |
1951 |
540/12 | Montana, Fort Benton |
1936-1937 |
540/13 | Montana, Fort Benton |
1960 |
540/14 | Montana, Fort Benton, Public
Buildings |
1938 |
540/15 | Montana, Fort Harrison
1938-1939 |
540/16 | Montana, Fort Harrison
1941 |
540/17 | Montana, Fort Keogh |
1940-1941 |
540/18 | Montana, Fort Missoula
1939 |
540/19 | Montana, Fort Missoula,
Experimental Lab |
1943 |
540/20 | Montana, Fort Missoula
1947-1948 |
540/21 | Montana, Fort Missoula
1953 |
541/1 | Montana, Fort Missoula
1958-1959 |
541/2 | Montana, Fort Peck |
1935 |
541/3 | Montana, Fort Peck |
1937 |
541/4 | Montana, Fort Caroline
1949-1950 |
541/5 | Montana, Fort Peck |
1940-1942 |
541/6 | Montana, Fort Peck |
1943 |
541/7 | Montana, Fort Peck, Airbase
1939 |
541/8 | Montana, Fort Peck, Dam
1935 |
541/9 | Montana, Fort Peck Development
Association |
1934-1935 |
541/10 | Montana, Fort Peck Lake
1945-1947 |
541/11 | Montana, Fort Peck Military Base
1940 - Feb. 24, 1941 |
541/12 | Montana, Fort Peck Military Base
Feb. 25 - Aug., 1941 |
541/13 | Montana, Fort Peck Power
1937 |
541/14 | Montana, Fort Peck Reservation
1943 |
541/15 | Montana, Fort Peck Reservation
1951 |
541/16 | Montana, Fort Peck Reservoir
1941 |
541/17 | Montana, Fort Peck Project
1947 |
541/18 | Montana, Fort Peck Recreation
Area |
1959 |
541/19 | Montana, Fort Peck Recreation
Area |
1960 |
541/20 | Montana, Fort Reno Depot
1947 |
541/21 | Montana, Fort Shaw |
1939 |
541/22 | Montana, Fort Shaw Irrigation
1954-1958 |
542/1 | Montana, Frenchtown Irrigation
Project |
1935-1937 |
542/2 | Montana, Frenchtown Irrigation
Project |
1938-1940 |
542/3 | Montana, Frog Pond Road
1936 |
542/4 | Montana, Gallatin Dam
1935-1936 |
542/5 | Montana, Gallatin Dam
1937 |
542/6 | Montana, Gallatin National Forest
1946-1948 |
542/7 | Montana, Gallatin Survey
1935 |
542/8 | Montana, Garfield County
1937 |
542/9 | Montana, Gasoline Investigation
1956 |
542/10 | Montana, Gasoline Investigation
1957-1958 |
542/11 | Montana, General |
1935 |
542/12 | Montana, General |
1959 |
542/13 | Montana, Georgetown - Skalkaho
Road |
1939 |
542/14 | Montana, Glacier National Park
1941 |
542/15 | Montana, Glacier View Dam
1948-1960 |
543/1 | Montana, Glasgow |
1938-1939 |
543/2 | Montana, Glasgow |
1944-1947 |
543/3 | Montana, Glasgow Airforce Base
1957 |
543/4 | Montana, Glasgow, Public
Buildings |
1934-1935 |
543/5 | Montana, Glasgow, Public
Buildings |
1936 |
543/6 | Montana, Glasgow, Public
Buildings |
1937-1938 |
543/7 | Montana, Glendive, Standard
Merchant Co. |
1939 |
543/8 | Montana, Glendive - Stipek Unit
1938 |
543/9 | Montana, Great Falls |
Jan. - June, 1938 |
543/10 | Montana, Great Falls |
July, 1938-1939 |
543/11 | Montana, Great Falls |
Mar. - Aug., 1941 |
543/12 | Montana, Great Falls |
Sept. - Dec., 1941 |
543/13 | Montana, Great Falls |
Jan. - July, 1942 |
543/14 | Montana, Great Falls |
1943-1945 |
544/1 | Montana, Great Falls |
1946-1947 |
544/2 | Montana, Great Falls |
1952-1953 |
544/3 | Montana, Great Falls Airbase
1948-1949 |
544/4 | Montana, Great Falls Airbase
1950 |
544/5 | Montana, Great Falls Airport
1937 |
544/6 | Montana, Great Falls Airport
1953 |
544/7 | Montana, Great Falls, Foreign
Visitors |
1952 |
544/8 | Montana, Great Falls, Homestead
Project |
1935-1936 |
544/9 | Montana, Great Falls Housing
1942-1945 |
544/10 | Montana, Great Falls Housing
1951-1953 |
544/11 | Montana, Great Falls, Public
Buildings |
1935-1937 |
544/12 | Montana, Great Falls - Lethbridge
Air Extension |
1939 - June, 1940 |
544/13 | Montana, Great Falls - Lethbridge
Air Extension |
July, 1940-1941 |
545/1 | Montana, Great Falls Tribune
1941 |
545/2 | Montana, Greenfield Irrigation
Project |
1953-1955 |
545/3 | Montana, Haley Flats Project
1950-1953 |
545/4 | Montana, Hamilton |
1948 |
545/5 | Montana, Hamilton, Public
Buildings |
1936-1937 |
545/6 | Montana, Hamilton, Public
Buildings |
1938-1940 |
545/7 | Montana, Hardin, St. Xavier Road
1940 |
545/8 | Montana, Harlem Flood Control
1953 |
545/9 | Montana, Harlowtown, Public
Buildings |
1937-1938, 1941 |
545/10 | Montana, Havre |
1938-1943 |
545/11 | Montana, Havre |
1944-1950 |
545/12 | Montana, Havre Flood Control
1944-1945 |
545/13 | Montana, Havre, Power line
Removal |
1950 |
545/14 | Montana, Havre, Shelby
1948-1950 |
545/15 | Montana, Havre, Weather Station
1960 |
545/16 | Montana, Health |
1958 |
545/17 | Montana, Health |
1959-1960 |
545/18 | Montana, Helena |
1937 |
545/19 | Montana, Helena |
1943 |
545/20 | Montana, Helena |
1944-1945 |
546/1 | Montana, Helena |
1946-1948 |
546/2 | Montana, Helena, Assay Office
1936 |
546/3 | Montana, Helena, Chamber of
Commerce |
1960 |
546/4 | Montana, Helena, Earthquake
1935-1936 |
546/5 | Montana, Helena, Earthquake
1937 |
546/6 | Montana, Helena Farmers Exchange
1935 |
546/7 | Montana, Helena High School
1936 |
546/8 | Montana, Helena Lake |
1958-1960 |
546/9 | Montana, Helena, Public Buildings
1935-1938 |
546/10 | Montana, Helena Sewage
1949 |
546/11 | Montana, Helena, Federal
Buildings |
1951 |
546/12 | Montana, Helena Valley
1955 |
546/13 | Montana, Helena Valley
1959 |
546/14 | Montana, Helena Valley Pumping
Plan |
1946 |
546/15 | Montana, History |
1960 |
546/16 | Montana, Historical Society
1960 |
546/17 | Montana, Hospitals, Allotment
1954 |
546/18 | Montana, Hospital, Construction
and Survey |
1951 |
546/19 | Montana, Hospitals, Harlowtown
1941 |
546/20 | Montana, Hospitals, Hotel Dieu
1956 |
547/1 | Montana, Hospitals, Miles City
1944-1947 |
547/2 | Montana, Hospitals, Miles City
1948 |
547/3 | Montana, Housing Authority
1957 |
547/4 | Montana, Hungry Horse Dam
1933-1936 |
547/5 | Montana, Hungry Horse Dam
1937 |
547/6 | Montana, Hungry Horse Dam
1938 |
547/7 | Montana, Hungry Horse Dam
1939 |
547/8 | Montana, Hungry Horse Dam
1940 |
547/9 | Montana, Hungry Horse Dam
Jan. - Apr., 1941 |
547/10 | Montana, Hungry Horse Dam
May, 1941 |
547/11 | Montana, Hungry Horse Dam
June, 1941 |
548/1 | Montana, Hungry Horse Dam
July, 1941 |
548/2 | Montana, Hungry Horse Dam
Aug. - Sept., 1941 |
548/3 | Montana, Hungry Horse Dam
Oct. - Dec., 1941 |
548/4 | Montana, Hungry Horse Dam
1942 |
548/5 | Montana, Hungry Horse Dam
May 1 - 15, 1943 |
548/6 | Montana, Hungry Horse Dam
May 15-1931, 1943 |
548/7 | Montana, Hungry Horse Dam
June 1 - 15, 1943 |
548/8 | Montana, Hungry Horse Dam
June 15-1930, 1943 |
548/9 | Montana, Hungry Horse Dam
July, 1943 |
548/10 | Montana, Hungry Horse Dam
Aug. - Sept., 1943 |
548/11 | Montana, Hungry Horse Dam
1945 |
548/12 | Montana, Hungry Horse Dam
Jan. - Aug., 1946 |
548/13 | Montana, Hungry Horse Dam
Sept. - Oct., 1946 |
548/14 | Montana, Hungry Horse Dam
Jan. - Mar., 1947 |
548/15 | Montana, Hungry Horse Dam
May - July, 1947 |
548/16 | Montana, Hungry Horse Dam
Sept. - Nov., 1947 |
549/1 | Montana, Hungry Horse Dam
Jan. - July, 1948 |
549/2 | Montana, Hungry Horse Dam
1949 |
549/3 | Montana, Hungry Horse Dam
1950-1960 |
549/4 | Montana, Hungry Horse Dam,
Hearings |
1943 |
549/5 | Montana, Hungry Horse Dam,
Hearings |
1944 |
549/6 | Montana, Hungry Horse Dam, Memos
and Speeches |
1944 |
549/7 | Montana, Hungry Horse Dam, N. W.
Development Association Report |
1943 |
549/8 | Montana, Hungry Horse Dam,
Reports |
1943-1946 |
549/9 | Montana, Hungry Horse Dam, Senate
Appropriations Committee |
1947 |
549/10 | Montana, Industrial Development
1958 |
549/11 | Montana, Industrial Development
1959 |
549/12 | Montana, Industries |
1949 |
549/13 | Montana, Information |
1951 |
549/14 | Montana, Information |
1960 |
549/15 | Montana, Inquiries |
1942 |
550/1 | Montana, J. C. Construction Co.,
Scobey |
1960 |
550/2 | Montana, Kalispell, Bank
1950 |
550/3 | Montana, Kalispell, Public
Buildings |
1936-1941 |
550/4 | Montana, Kerr Dam Project
1958-1959 |
550/5 | Montana, Kinsey Farm Project
1940-1945 |
550/6 | Montana, Kinsey Farm Project
1946 |
550/7 | Montana, Kinsey Flats Project
1937-1938 |
550/8 | Montana, Knowles and Paradise Dam
Projects |
1956-1960 |
550/9 | Montana, Labor Surplus
1958 |
550/10 | Montana, Laurel Liquor Store
1936 |
550/11 | Montana, Laurel, Public Builings
1937-1939 |
550/12 | Montana, Laurel Reservoir and
Spurling Drainage System |
1936 |
550/13 | Montana, Legislation |
1937 |
550/14 | Montana, Legislature |
1947 |
550/15 | Montana, Legislature |
1955 |
550/16 | Montana, Legislature |
1956 |
550/17 | Montana, Legislature |
1959-1961 |
550/18 | Montana, Lewistown |
1947 |
550/19 | Montana, Lewistown, Public
Buildings |
1938 |
550/20 | Montana, Libby, Public Buildings
1935-1939 |
550/21 | Montana, Lists |
1955-1956 |
551/1 | Montana, Libby Dam Project
1948-1950 |
551/2 | Montana, Libby Dam Project
1951-1953 |
551/3 | Montana, Libby Dam Project
1954-1956 |
551/4 | Montana, Libby Dam Project
1957-1964 |
551/5 | Montana, Libby, Miscellaneous
1946-1948 |
552/1 | Montana, Lists |
1957 |
552/2 | Montana, Lists |
1958 |
552/3 | Montana, Lists |
1959 |
552/4 | Montana, Little Beaver Creek
1938 |
552/5 | Montana, Little Horn Lodge
Project |
1939 |
552/6 | Montana, Livingston |
1939, 1947 |
552/7 | Montana, Livingston, Hospitals
1950-1952 |
552/8 | Montana, Public Buildings
1935-1937 |
552/9 | Montana, Loans, Irrigation
Districts |
1933-1936 |
552/10 | Montana, Long Meadows project
1958-1960 |
552/11 | Montana, Lothrup Bridge
1958 |
552/12 | Montana, Malta, Legion Plunge
1957 |
552/13 | Montana, Malta, Irrigation
1938 |
552/14 | Montana, Malta, Public Buildings
1937-1940 |
552/15 | Montana, Malta, PWA Projects
1935-1938 |
552/16 | Montana |
1936-1938 |
553/1 | Montana |
1939-1944 |
553/2 | Montana |
1945-1950 |
553/3 | Montana |
1951-1960 |
553/4 | Montana, Medicine Rocks,
Wilderness Preservation |
1957 |
553/5 | Montana, Memorials |
1957 |
553/6 | Montana, Middle Creek Storage
Reservoir Project |
1945 |
553/7 | Montana, Middle Fork Dam
1955-1957 |
553/8 | Montana, Miles City |
1940-1941 |
553/9 | Montana, Miles City |
1942 |
553/10 | Montana, Miles City |
1946 |
553/11 | Montana, Miles City |
1949-1950 |
553/12 | Montana, Miles City, Hospital
1948-1949 |
554/1 | Montana, Milk River Projects
1935-1944 |
554/2 | Montana, Miscellaneous
1936 |
554/3 | Montana, Miscellaneous
1939 |
554/4 | Montana, Miscellaneous
1942-1944 |
554/5 | Montana, Miscellaneous
1945-1946 |
554/6 | Montana, Miscellaneous
1947 |
554/7 | Montana, Miscellaneous
Jan. - June, 1948 |
554/8 | Montana, Miscellaneous
July - Dec., 1948 |
554/9 | Montana, Miscellaneous
Jan. - June, 1949 |
554/10 | Montana, Miscellaneous
July - Dec., 1949 |
553/11 | Montana, Miscellaneous
1950-1951 |
555/1 | Montana, Miscellaneous
1952 |
555/2 | Montana, Miscellaneous
1953 |
555/3 | Montana, Miscellaneous
1954 |
555/4 | Montana, Miscellaneous
1955 |
555/5 | Montana, Miscellaneous
1956 |
555/6 | Montana, Miscellaneous
1957 |
555/7 | Montana, Miscellaneous
Jan. - June, 1958 |
555/8 | Montana, Miscellaneous
July - Dec., 1958 |
555/9 | Montana, Miscellaneous
1959 |
555/10 | Montana, Miscellaneous
1960 |
555/11 | Montana, Missile Bases
1957-1958 |
555/12 | Montana, Mission Dam Project
1951-1959 |
555/13 | Montana, Mission Range
1944-1950 |
556/1 | Montana, Missoula |
1937 |
556/2 | Montana, Missoula |
1940 |
556/3 | Montana, Missoula |
Jan. - May, 1941 |
556/4 | Montana, Missoula |
June - Dec., 1941 |
556/5 | Montana, Missoula |
Jan. - May, 1942 |
556/6 | Montana, Missoula |
June - Nov., 1942 |
556/7 | Montana, Missoula |
1944-1948 |
556/8 | Montana, Missoula, Chamber of
Commerce |
1951 |
556/9 | Montana, Missoula, Commodities
Warehouse |
1936 |
556/10 | Montana, Missoula, Irrigation
Project |
1938-1945 |
556/11 | Montana, Missoula, Journalism
School Project |
1935-1936 |
556/12 | Montana, Missoula, Mercantile
1939 |
556/13 | Montana, Missoula,
Pharmacy/Chemistry Building Project |
1936 |
556/14 | Montana, Missoula, Miscellaneous
Projects |
Feb. - July, 1935 |
556/15 | Montana, Missoula, Miscellaneous
Projects |
Aug. - Dec., 1935 |
557/1 | Montana, Missoula, Miscellaneous,
Projects |
1936 |
557/2 | Montana, Missoula, Public
Buildings |
1937-1939 |
557/3 | Montana, Missoula, Radio Stations
1939-1942 |
557/4 | Montana, Missoula, University
1937 |
557/5 | Montana, Missoula, Wage Survey
1951 |
557/6 | Montana, Montanans Inc.
1937-1939 |
557/7 | Montana, Newspapers |
1942-1960 |
557/8 | Montana, Northern Montana College
1936-1937 |
557/9 | Montana, Northern Montana College
1951 |
557/10 | Montana, Nuclear Power Plant
1955 |
557/11 | Montana, Oil and Gas Industry
1943 |
557/12 | Montana, Pageants |
1958-1959 |
557/13 | Montana, Paradise Dam
1957, 1960 |
557/14 | Montana, Parks |
1960 |
557/15 | Montana, Pioneers |
1939 |
557/16 | Montana, Pole Conference
1949 |
558/1 | Montana, Pole
Producers |
1949 |
558/2 | Montana, Polson, Public
Buildings |
1936-1941 |
558\3 | Montana, Poplar Dam
Project |
1937 |
558\4 | Montana, Poplar Dam Project |
1939 |
558\5 | Montana, Power Co. |
1941 |
558\6 | Montana, Power Co. |
1943-1945 |
558\7 | Montana, Power Co. |
1948 |
558\8 | Montana, Power Co. |
1949 |
558\9 | Montana, Power Co. |
1950-1960 |
558\10 | Montana, Projects |
1937 |
558\11 | Montana, Public
Works |
1944-1945 |
558\12 | Montana, Public
Works |
1949-1950 |
558\13 | Montana, Red Lodge, Public
Buildings |
1938-1939 |
559/1 | Montana, Relief Committee
1935-1936 |
559/2 | Montana, Resources |
1942, 1959 |
559/3 | Montana, Roads Hearings
Oct. - Nov. 19, 1957 |
559/4 | Montana, Roads Hearings
Nov. 21 - Dec., 1957 |
559/5 | Montana, Roundup |
1935-1936 |
559/6 | Montana, Rural Physicians
1957 |
559/7 | Montana, St. Ignatius Airport
1948 |
559/8 | Montana, St. Regis |
1938 |
559/9 | Montana, St. Regis |
1939-1940 |
559/10 | Montana, Schools |
1934 - July, 1935 |
559/11 | Montana, Schools |
Aug., 1935-1937 |
559/12 | Montana, Seville Project
1950 |
559/13 | Montana, Shelby |
1946-1948 |
559/14 | Montana, Shelby, Public Buildings
1937-1941 |
560/1 | Montana, Shelby, T. V.
1957 |
560/2 | Montana, Sheridan, Hospital
1938 |
560/3 | Montana, Sidney |
1948 |
560/4 | Montana, Sidney, Public Buildings
1935-1939 |
560/5 | Montana, Sidney - Savage Project
1950 |
560/6 | Montana, Sidney, Soil and
Research Dist. |
1959-1962 |
560/7 | Montana, Snow Emergency
1950 |
560/8 | Montana, Star Routes |
1940 |
560/9 | Montana, State College
1935-1939 |
560/10 | Montana, State College
1945, 1951-1952 |
560/11 | Montana, State College and
University |
1959 |
560/12 | Montana, State College
1960 |
561/1 | Montana, State Normal College,
survey |
561/2 | Montana, State Highway Commission
1950 |
561/3 | Montana, State Highway Commission
1956 |
561/4 | Montana, State University
1944 |
561/5 | Montana, State University
1945-1949 |
561/6 | Montana, State University
1951-1952 |
561/7 | Montana, State University
1953-1957 |
561/8 | Montana, State University
1958-1959 |
561/9 | Montana, Steel Mill, Harlowtown
1942 |
561/10 | Montana, Stevensville, Public
Buildings |
1937 |
561/11 | Montana, Study Group |
1945 |
561/12 | Montana, Study Group |
1945 |
561/13 | Montana, Study Group |
1946 |
562/1 | Montana, Sun Butte Dam project
1957 |
562/2 | Montana, Sun Butte Reservoir
Project |
1959 |
562/3 | Montana, Sun River Game Refuge
1960 |
562/4 | Montana, Sun River Project
1938-1948 |
562/5 | Montana, Sun River Project
1951-1959 |
562/6 | Montana, Sweet Grass Dam
1937 |
562/7 | Montana, Talley Lake Project
1933-1936 |
562/8 | Montana, Terry |
1946 |
562/9 | Montana, Thompson Falls, Public
Buildings |
1936-1939 |
562/10 | Montana, Three Forks |
1937 |
562/11 | Montana, Tiber River Project
1950-1956 |
562/12 | Montana, Tiber Dam |
1963 |
562/13 | Montana, Tongue River
1935-1936 |
562/14 | Montana, Tongue River Irrigation
Project |
1941-1943 |
562/15 | Montana, Toston Irrigation
1956 |
562/16 | Montana, Townsend |
1948 |
562/17 | Montana, Townsend, Iceflow Damage
1960 |
562/18 | Montana, Unemployment
1957-1959 |
563/1 | Montana, Unemployment Commission,
Reply |
1944 |
563/2 | Montana, Urban Development
1960 |
563/3 | Montana, Utilities |
1960 |
563/4 | Montana, Victor Chemical Works
1952 |
563/5 | Montana, Vocational Education
1951 |
563/6 | Montana, Vocational Education
1951 |
563/7 | Montana, Voting Laws |
1952 |
563/8 | Montana, Warm Springs Project
1938 |
563/9 | Montana, Water Systems
1958 |
563/10 | Montana, Western Montana College
1956 |
563/11 | Montana, Whitefish |
1935 |
563/12 | Montana, Whitefish, Public
Buildings |
1935-1940 |
563/13 | Montana, Whitetail Irrigation
Project |
1935 |
563/14 | Montana, Whitetail Irrigation
Project |
1936 |
563/15 | Montana, Willow Creek Dam
1934-1935 |
563/16 | Montana, Willow Creek, Lower
1959 |
563/17 | Montana, Wolf Point, Public
Buildings |
1937-1938 |
563/18 | Montana, Wolf Point, Schools
1938-1939 |
563/19 | Montana, Wool Grower Publication
1948 |
563/20 | Montana, Yearbooks |
1934-1937 |
563/21 | Montana, Yellowstone |
1937 |
563/22 | Montana, Yellowstone City
1938 |
563/23 | Montana, Yellowstone, Lower
1938 |
563/24 | Montana, Yellowstone, Lower,
Irrigation Dist. |
1940-1941 |
564/1 | Montana, Yellowstone, Lower,
Project |
1947-1959 |
564/2 | Montana, Yellowstone River
Project |
1936-1947 |
564/3 | Montana, Yellowstone, West, Road
to Gardiner |
1940 |
564/4 | Montana, Yellowstone, West,
Miscellaneous |
1941-1942 |
564/5 | Montgomery Ward |
1944 |
564/6 | Monuments |
1935-1936 |
564/7 | Mooney, Tom |
1937 |
565/1 | Mooney, Tom, Unanswered
1938 |
565/2 | Mooney Speech |
1938 |
565/3 | Moorhead Dam Project |
1949 |
565/4 | Moorhead Dam |
1950-1957 |
566/1 | Morrison Cave |
1936-1937 |
566/2 | Morse Bill |
1952 |
566/3 | Mortgages |
1943 |
566/4 | Mosquito Control |
1954, 1957 |
566/5 | Motion Pictures |
1944-1946 |
566/6 | Mulhair, Robert J. |
1951 |
566/7 | Mundt Amendment |
1954 |
566/8 | Munitions Control |
1936 |
566/9 | Murray, Henry |
1937 |
566/10 | Murray Campaign, McCarthyism
1954 |
566/11 | Murray Letters |
1946 |
566/12 | Murray Letters |
1947 |
566/13 | Murray Materials, F. D. R.
Library |
1935-1943 |
566/14 | Murray Miscellaneous |
1936 |
566/15 | Murray Miscellaneous |
1960-1961 |
566/16 | Musselshell Project |
1935-1936 |
566/17 | Nagle |
1938-1939 |
566/18 | Narcotics |
1956 |
566/19 | Nathan, Robert, Americans for
Democratic Action |
1959 |
566/20 | National Association of Food
Chains, Lists |
1957 |
566/21 | National Council of Farmers
Cooperatives, Handbook |
1946 |
566/22 | National Defense |
1938-1942 |
566/23 | National Defense |
1948-1953 |
566/24 | National Defense |
1958-1960 |
567/1 | National Emergency Council
1938-1939 |
567/2 | National Gallery |
1949 |
567/3 | National Guard |
1939-1948 |
567/4 | National Guard, Air Reserve
Training Unit, Great Falls |
1946-1947 |
567/5 | National Guard |
1957-1959 |
567/6 | National Grange |
1948 |
567/7 | National Health, Alcoholics
1950 |
567/8 | National Health, AMA
Reorganization |
1949 |
567/9 | National Health, Army
1949-1950 |
567/10 | National Health, Correspondence
Feb. - June, 1943 |
567/11 | National Health, Correspondence
July, 1943 |
567/12 | National Health, Correspondence
Aug., 1943 |
567/13 | National Health, Correspondence
Sept., 1943 |
567/14 | National Health, Correspondence
Oct., 1943 |
567/15 | National Health, Correspondence
Nov. 1-19, 1943 |
568/1 | National Health, Correspondence
Nov. 20-1931, 1943 |
568/2 | National Health, Correspondence
Dec., 1943 |
568/3 | National Health, Correspondence
Jan. 1 - 11, 1944 |
568/4 | National Health, Correspondence
Jan. 12-1931, 1944 |
568/5 | National Health, Correspondence
Feb., 1944 |
568/6 | National Health, Correspondence
Mar., 1944 |
568/7 | National Health, Correspondence
Apr. - June, 1944 |
568/8 | National Health, Correspondence
July, 1944 |
569/1 | National Health, Correspondence
Aug. - Sept., 1944 |
569/2 | National Health, Correspondence
Oct. - Dec., 1944 |
569/3 | National Health, Correspondence
1945 |
569/4 | National Health, Correspondence
Mar. - June, 1947 |
570/1 | National Health, Correspondence
July - Dec., 1947 |
570/2 | National Health, Correspondence
1948 |
570/3 | National Health, Correspondence
1949-1951 |
570/4 | National Health, Correspondence,
George Robinson |
1943-1944 |
570/5 | National Health, Dentist
1944 |
570/6 | National Health, Dentist
1950 |
570/7 | National Health, Drafts,
Statements |
1944 |
570/8 | National Health, "Fraternal
Outlook" |
1944 |
570/9 | National Health, Galen, MT, TB
Center |
1945 |
570/10 | National Health, Hearings,
California |
1947 |
570/11 | National Health, Hearings
Jan. - May, 1947 |
570/12 | National Health, Hearings
June, 1947 |
571/1 | National Health, Hearings
July - Sept., 1947 |
571/2 | National Health, Hospitals
1946-1948 |
571/3 | National Health, Labor
1947 |
571/4 | National Health, Miscellaneous
1943 |
571/5 | National Health, Miscellaneous
Jan. - May, 1944 |
571/6 | National Health, Miscellaneous
June - Dec., 1944 |
571/7 | National Health, Miscellaneous
1945 |
571/8 | National Health, Miscellaneous
1947 |
571/9 | National Health, Miscellaneous
1948 |
571/10 | National Health, Miscellaneous
Jan. - Mar., 1949 |
571/11 | National Health, Miscellaneous
Apr. - Oct., 1949 |
572/1 | National Health, Miscellaneous
1950 |
572/2 | National Health, "Save 300
Million War Work Days..." |
1943 |
572/3 | National Health, Information
1943-1944 |
572/4 | National Health, "New Republic"
Article |
1944 |
572/5 | National Health, Pamphlets
1943 |
572/6 | National Health, Pamphlets
1943 |
573/1 | National Health, Pamphlet,
"Medical Care and Costs..." |
1943 |
573/2 | National Health, Pamphlet,
"Prepayment..." |
1943 |
573/3 | National Health, Pamphlet,
"Liberty" |
1944 |
573/4 | National Health, Pamphlets,
"Medical Care" |
1943-1944 |
573/5 | National Health, Pamphlets
1944 |
573/6 | National Health, Pamphlets,
"Public Health Economics" |
1945 |
573/7 | National Health, Pamphlets,
Miscellaneous |
1945 |
573/8 | National Health, Pamphlets,
Miscellaneous |
1948 |
573/9 | National Health, Press Releases
1943 |
573/10 | National Health, Statements
1946 |
573/11 | National Health, "The Sign",
Magazine |
1947 |
573/12 | National Holiday |
1956 |
573/13 | National Lawyers Guild, National
Health Bill |
1946 |
573/14 | National Monuments |
1950 |
574/1 | National Parks |
1938-1940 |
574/2 | National Parks |
1946-1947 |
574/3 | National Parks |
1948-1949 |
574/4 | National Parks |
1950-1953 |
574/5 | National Parks |
1954-1956 |
574/6 | National Parks |
Jan. - June, 1957 |
574/7 | National Parks |
July - June, 1957 |
574/8 | National Parks |
Jan. - June, 1958 |
574/9 | National Parks |
July - Dec., 1958 |
574/10 | National Parks |
Jan. - June, 1959 |
574/11 | National Parks |
July - Dec., 1959 |
574/12 | National Parks |
1960 |
575/1 | National Parks, Glacier
1939 |
575/2 | National Parks, North Roosevelt
1948 |
575/3 | National Parks, Old Faithful
Swimming Pool |
1950 |
575/4 | National Parks, Yellowstone
1955 |
575/5 | National Park Service
1939-1941 |
575/6 | National Park Service
1942 |
575/7 | National Park Service
1943-1946 |
575/8 | National Park Service
1947-1948 |
575/9 | National Park Service
Apr. - Aug., 1951 |
575/10 | National Park Service
Sept. - Dec., 1951 |
575/11 | National Park Service, Recreation
Resources |
1957 |
575/12 | National Park Service,
Yellowstone Lake |
1959-1960 |
576/1 | National Physicians' Committee
1944-1946 |
576/2 | National Production Authority
Jan. - Apr., 1951 |
576/3 | National Production Authority
May - June, 1951 |
576/4 | National Production Authority
1952 |
576/5 | National Service Act |
1944 |
576/6 | National Youth Administration
1937-1938 |
576/7 | National Youth Administration
1939 |
576/8 | National Youth Administration
Jan. - Feb., 1940 |
576/9 | National Youth Administration
Mar. - Apr., 1940 |
576/10 | National Youth Administration
May, 1940 |
576/11 | National Youth Administration
June - Dec., 1940 |
577/1 | National Youth Administration
1941 |
577/2 | National Youth Administration
Jan. - Apr., 1942 |
577/3 | National Youth Administration
May - Dec., 1942 |
577/4 | National Youth Administration
1943 |
577/5 | National Youth Administration,
Correspondence on Appropriations |
1940 |
577/6 | Natural Gas |
1948-1952 |
577/7 | Natural Gas |
1953-1955 |
577/8 | Natural Gas, Canadian Imports to
MT |
1959 |
577/9 | Natural Gas, Installation
July - Sept. 5, 1951 |
578/1 | Natural Gas, Installation
Sept. 6, 1951 - Jan. 16, 1952 |
578/2 | Natural Gas, Legislation
1956 |
578/3 | Natural Resources, Annual Report
1947, 1959 |
578/4 | Natural Resources, National
Resource Committee |
1937-1939 |
578/5 | Nazism |
1941 |
578/6 | Negroes |
1943-1947 |
578/7 | Nelson, Lewis O. |
1949 |
578/8 | Neutrality |
1938-1941 |
578/9 | Newman, Edward |
1940-1941 |
579/1 | Newsletters |
1960 |
579/2 | Newspapers |
579/3 | Newspapers |
1935-1937 |
579/4 | Newspapers |
1938-1942 |
579/5 | Newspapers |
1943 |
579/6 | Newspapers |
1944-1946 |
579/7 | Newspapers |
1947-1948 |
579/8 | Newspapers |
1950-1951 |
580/1 | Newspapers |
1954-1960 |
580/2 | New York University |
1935-1936 |
580/3 | New York University, Hall of Fame
Apr. - Sept. 21, 1945 |
580/4 | New York University, Hall of Fame
Sept. 26 - Nov., 1945 |
580/5 | Niagra Falls |
1954 |
580/6 | Niagra Power |
1956-1957 |
580/7 | Nickson, Ted, National Economics
Committee |
1940 |
580/8 | Nieskern, Frank |
1935 |
580/9 | Nominations |
1949, 1959 |
580/10 | Norsog, H. |
1942 |
580/11 | NATO |
1960 |
580/12 | Northern Pacific |
1957-1958 |
580/13 | Northwest County Elevator
Association |
1943 |
581/1 | Northwest Ice and Cold Storage
Co. |
1943 - June, 1945 |
581/2 | Northwest Ice and Cold Storage
Co. |
July, 1945-1946 |
581/3 | Northwest Ice and Cold Storage
Co. |
1947-1949 |
581/4 | Northwest Public Power
Association |
1958 |
581/5 | Nuclear Bombs |
1957 |
581/6 | Nuclear Weapons, Opinions
1960 |
581/7 | Nursery Schools |
1946 |
581/8 | Nurses |
1942-1947 |
581/9 | Nursing |
1943-1945, 1958 |
581/10 | Nursing Home |
1956 |
581/11 | Nut Letters |
1939-1947 |
581/12 | Nut File, Lillian Monroe
581/13 | Oates, William N. |
1951 |
581/14 | O'Byrne, Edward |
1940-1942 |
581/15 | O'Donnel, Donald P. |
1946 |
581/16 | Office |
1937-1938 |
581/17 | Office |
1947-1952 |
581/18 | Office |
1956 |
581/19 | Office |
1958 |
582/1 | Office of Contract Settlement
1945 |
582/2 | Office of Defense Transportation
1945 |
582/3 | Office of Price Administration
Apr. - Aug., 1942 |
582/4 | Office of Price Administration
Sept. - Dec., 1942 |
582/5 | Office of Price Administration
Jan. - Mar., 1943 |
582/6 | Office of Price Administration
Apr., 1943 |
582/7 | Office of Price Administration
May, 1943 |
582/8 | Office of Price Administration
June, 1943 |
582/9 | Office of Price Administration
July - Sept., 1943 |
583/1 | Office of Price Administration
Oct. - Dec., 1943 |
583/2 | Office of Price Administration
Jan. - Mar., 1944 |
583/3 | Office of Price Administration
Apr. - June, 1944 |
583/4 | Office of Price Administration
July - Dec., 1944 |
583/5 | Office of Price Administration
Jan. - June, 1945 |
583/6 | Office of Price Administration
July - Dec., 1945 |
583/7 | Office of Price Administration
Jan. - Mar., 1946 |
584/1 | Office of Price Administration
Apr., 1946 |
584/2 | Office of Price Administration
May - June, 1946 |
584/3 | Office of Price Administration
July - Oct., 1946 |
584/4 | Office of Price Administration
Dec., 1946 |
584/5 | Office of Price Administration
1947, 1950 |
584/6 | Office of Price Administration,
MT |
1942 |
585/1 | Office of Price Administration,
Flaherty Bros. |
1942 |
585/2 | Office of Price Administration,
Flaherty Bros. |
1943 |
585/3 | Office of Price Administration,
Flaherty Bros. |
1944-1946 |
585/4 | Office of Price Administration,
Montana Merchant |
1944 |
585/5 | Office of Production Management
1941-1942 |
585/6 | Office of Price Stabilization
1941, 1951 |
585/7 | Office of Price Stabilization
Jan. - Apr., 1952 |
585/8 | Office of Price Stabilization
May - Oct., 1952 |
585/9 | Oil |
1932-1938 |
585/10 | Oil |
1939 |
585/11 | Oil |
1940-1942 |
585/12 | Oil |
1943 |
585/13 | Oil |
1958 |
585/14 | Oil and Gas |
1934-1935 |
586/1 | Oil and Gas |
1936 |
586/2 | Oil and Gas |
1937 |
586/3 | Oil and Gas, Leases |
1942-1947 |
586/4 | Oil and Gas, Leases |
1952-1957 |
586/5 | Oil and Gas, Permits |
1939-1940 |
586/6 | Oil and Gas, Pipeline
1935 |
586/7 | Oil and Gas, Pipeline, Elk Basin
1943-1944 |
586/8 | Oil and Gas, Hearings
1947-1948 |
586/9 | Oil and Gas, Imports |
Jan. - July, 1955 |
586/10 | Oil and Gas, Imports |
Aug. - Dec., 1955 |
586/11 | Oil and Gas, Imports |
1956 |
586/12 | Oil and Gas, Imports |
1957-1959 |
587/1 | Oil, Tidelands |
1947 |
587/2 | Oil, Tidelands |
1950-1951 |
587/3 | Oil, Tidelands |
1952 |
587/4 | Oil, Tidelands |
Jan., 1953 |
587/5 | Oil, Tidelands |
Feb., 1953 |
587/6 | Oil, Tidelands |
Mar., 1954 |
587/7 | Oil, Tidelands |
Apr., 1 - 10, 1953 |
587/8 | Oil, Tidelands |
Apr. 11-1930, 1953 |
587/9 | Oil, Tidelands |
May - June, 1953 |
587/10 | Oil, Tidelands |
Nov., 1953 - Jan., 1954 |
587/11 | Oil, Yale |
1935 |
587/12 | Opticians, Rebate Practices
1948 |
587/13 | Optical Companies, Suit Against
American Optical |
588/1 | Optical Companies, Suit Against
Bausch and Lomb |
1948 |
588/2 | Optometry |
1939, 1948-1960 |
588/3 | Organization, Miscellaneous
1939 |
588/4 | Orphan's Home, Frascati, Italy
1950 |
588/5 | Osteopaths |
1938-1944 |
588/6 | Osteopaths |
1947-1948 |
588/7 | Overcash and Morrow |
1955 |
588/8 | Pardons and Paroles |
1935 |
588/9 | Pardons and Paroles, Harry Cotter
1935 |
588/10 | Pardons and Paroles, Angela Tuss
1935 |
588/11 | Pardons and Paroles |
1936 |
588/12 | Pardons and Paroles, Irving
Driscoll |
1936 |
588/13 | Pardons and Paroles, Roy Humbert
1936 |
588/14 | Pardons and Paroles, Vincent
Quinlan |
1935-1936 |
588/15 | Pardons and Paroles, Gaspard
Trahan |
1936 |
588/16 | Pardons and Paroles, George
Welcome |
1936 |
588/17 | Pardons and Paroles |
1937 |
588/18 | Pardons and Paroles, Fred Stone
1937 |
589/1 | Pardons and Paroles, S. E.
Shourds |
1934-1937 |
589/2 | Pardons and Paroles |
1938 |
589/3 | Pardons and Paroles |
1939-1940 |
589/4 | Pardons and Paroles, Missoula
1941 |
589/5 | Pardons and Paroles |
1940-1942 |
589/6 | Pardons and Paroles |
1943 |
590/1 | Pardons and Paroles |
1944 |
590/2 | Pardons and Paroles |
1946-1947 |
590/3 | Pardons and Paroles |
1948 |
590/4 | Pardons and Paroles |
1949 |
590/5 | Pardons and Paroles |
1950 |
590/6 | Pardons and Paroles, Kenneth
Romney |
1951 |
590/7 | Pardons and Paroles |
1951-1957 |
590/8 | Parity |
1942-1943 |
590/9 | Parity Prices |
1948-1949 |
590/10 | Parity Prices |
1951-1953 |
590/11 | Parity Prices |
Jan. - May, 1954 |
590/12 | Parity Prices |
June, 1954 |
590/13 | Parity Prices |
July - Dec., 1954 |
590/14 | Parity Prices |
1955-1956 |
591/1 | Parker, Joseph, WPA State
Administration |
1936-1937 |
591/2 | Parks, State |
1945 |
591/3 | Parkway, George Washington
Memorial |
Jan. - Apr., 1957 |
591/4 | Parkway, George Washington
Memorial |
May, 1957 |
591/5 | Parkway, George Washington
Memorial |
June - Aug., 1957 |
591/6 | Parkway, George Washington
Memorial |
Sept. - Dec., 1957 |
591/7 | Parkway, George Washington
Memorial |
1958 |
591/8 | Passports |
1936-1937 |
591/9 | Passports |
1942-1945 |
591/10 | Passports |
1946-1947 |
591/11 | Passports |
1948 |
591/12 | Passports |
1949 |
591/13 | Passports |
1950 |
592/1 | Passports |
1951 |
592/2 | Passports |
1952 |
592/3 | Passports |
1953 |
592/4 | Passports |
1954-1955 |
592/5 | Passports |
1956 |
592/6 | Passports |
1957-1960 |
592/7 | Passports Office |
1956 |
592/8 | Patents |
1935-1937 |
592/9 | Patents |
1939-1940 |
593/1 | Patents |
1942-1943 |
593/2 | Patents |
1944-1948 |
593/3 | Patents |
1949 |
593/4 | Patents |
1951-1953 |
593/5 | Patents |
1955-1957 |
593/6 | Patents |
1960 |
593/7 | Patronage |
1935-1936, 1941 |
593/8 | Payne, George Henry |
1935-1937 |
593/9 | Peace, Postwar |
1942 - Mar., 1943 |
594/1 | Postwar Peace |
Apr. 1 - 15, 1943 |
594/2 | Postwar Peace |
May - Sept., 1943 |
594/3 | Postwar Peace |
Oct. - Nov., 1943 |
594/4 | Peace |
Jan. - Feb., 1944 |
594/5 | Peace |
Mar. - Dec., 1944 |
594/6 | Peace |
Jan. - Feb., 1945 |
594/7 | Peace |
Mar. - June, 1945 |
594/8 | Peace |
1946-1948 |
595/1 | Peace |
1950-1951 |
595/2 | Pearl Harbor Testimony
1946 |
595/3 | Pending |
1949-1954 |
595/4 | Pensions, Army/Navy |
1930 |
595/5 | Pensions |
1934 |
595/6 | Pensions |
Jan. 1-19, 1935 |
595/7 | Pensions |
Jan. 20-1931, 1935 |
596/1 | Pensions |
Feb. 1935 |
596/2 | Pensions |
Mar., 1935 |
596/3 | Pensions |
Apr. - May, 1935 |
596/4 | Pensions |
June - Oct., 1935 |
596/5 | Pensions |
Nov. - Dec., 1935 |
596/6 | Pensions |
Jan., 1936 |
596/7 | Pensions |
Feb., 1936 |
596/8 | Pensions |
Mar., 1936 |
596/9 | Pensions |
Apr. - May, 1936 |
597/1 | Pensions |
June - Aug., 1936 |
597/2 | Pensions |
Sept. - Nov., 1936 |
597/3 | Pensions |
Jan. - Feb., 1937 |
597/4 | Pensions |
Mar. - June, 1937 |
597/5 | Pensions |
July - Aug., 1937 |
597/6 | Pensions |
1938 |
597/7 | Pensions |
1939 |
597/8 | Pensions |
1940 |
598/1 | Pensions |
1941 |
598/2 | Pensions |
Jan. - Feb., 1942 |
598/3 | Pensions |
Mar. - Apr., 1942 |
598/4 | Pensions |
May - Dec., 1942 |
598/5 | Pensions |
1943-1945 |
598/6 | Pensions |
1946 |
598/7 | Pensions |
1947 |
598/8 | Pensions |
1948 |
598/9 | Pensions |
1949 |
598/10 | Pensions |
Jan., 1950 |
598/11 | Pensions |
Feb., 1950 |
599/1 | Pensions |
Mar. - Oct., 1950 |
599/2 | Pensions |
1951 |
599/3 | Pensions |
1956-1960 |
599/4 | Pensions, Petitions |
1935 |
599/5 | Pensions, Petitions |
1937 |
599/6 | Pensions, Daisy Saunders
1936-1940 |
599/7 | Permits |
1947 |
599/8 | Personal |
1930-1934 |
599/9 | Personal, Delta Chi Fraternity
1935-1936 |
599/10 | Personal, Boulder Springs Mining
1934-1937 |
600/1 | Personal, Miscellaneous
Jan. - Aug., 1935 |
600/2 | Personal, Miscellaneous
Nov., 1935 - Mar., 1936 |
600/3 | Personal, Miscellaneous
Apr. - Dec., 1936 |
600/4 | Personal, Miscellaneous
Jan. - May, 1937 |
600/5 | Personal, Miscellaneous
June - Dec., 1937 |
600/6 | Personal, Miscellaneous
1938-1945 |
600/7 | Personal, Miscellaneous
1946-1948 |
600/8 | Personal, Miscellaneous
1950-1958 |
600/9 | Personal, Honorary Memberships
1935-1937 |
600/10 | Personal, Mining Property
1935-1937 |
601/1 | Personal, Monida Trust and Butte
Property |
1935-1938 |
601/2 | Personal, Murray Hotel,
Livingston |
1936-1937 |
601/3 | Personal, Philip Murray Award
1951 |
601/4 | Personal, P.J. Parker
1939-1940 |
601/5 | Personal, Seattle/Tacoma Property
1936-1937 |
601/6 | Personal, Senate Campaign
1942 |
601/7 | Personal, U.S. Building and Loan
Association |
1935-1938 |
601/8 | Personnel |
1942 |
601/9 | Personnel |
1943-1947 |
601/10 | Petition, Pishkun Reservoir
1937 |
601/11 | Petition, Mailing of Religious
Periodicals |
1937 |
601/12 | Petition, Miscellaneous
1938 |
601/13 | Petition, Miscellaneous
1946-1947 |
601/14 | Petroleum |
1942 |
601/15 | Petroleum |
Jan. - Oct., 1943 |
602/1 | Petroleum |
Nov. - Dec., 1943 |
602/2 | Petroleum |
1944 |
602/3 | Petroleum |
1945 |
602/4 | Petroleum |
1946 |
602/5 | Petroleum |
Jan. - May, 1947 |
602/6 | Petroleum |
June - Nov., 1947 |
602/7 | Petroleum |
1948 |
602/8 | Petroleum |
1949 |
603/1 | Petroleum |
1950 |
603/2 | Petroleum |
1951 |
603/3 | Petroleum Association of America
1960 |
603/4 | Petroleum Prices |
1953 |
603/5 | Pharmacy Corps |
1943 |
603/6 | Phosphorus Plant, N.W.
604/1 | Photo Requests |
1935-1950 |
604/2 | Photo Requests |
1951-1959 |
604/3 | Physical Fitness Programs
1945 |
604/4 | Physically Handicapped
1946 |
604/5 | Pichette, Ed vs. The State of MT
1951 |
604/6 | Pierson Case |
1938 |
605/1 | Placid Creek, Irrigation Project
1938 |
605/2 | Plains Indian Museum |
1956 |
605/3 | Plans |
1945-1947 |
605/4 | Planning Boards |
1939-1943 |
605/5 | Planning Commission |
1936 |
605/6 | Pleasant Valley |
1957-1960 |
605/7 | Plentywood, Airport |
1944, 1960 |
605/8 | Plentywood, Public Buildings
1935-1941 |
605/9 | Polio, President Roosevelt's B.D.
Ball |
1942, 1956-1957 |
605/10 | Political Correspondence
1932-1934 |
605/11 | Political Correspondence
Jan. - May, 1935 |
606/1 | Political Correspondence
June - Oct., 1935 |
606/2 | Political Correspondence
Nov. - Dec., 1935 |
606/3 | Political Correspondence
Jan., 1936 |
606/4 | Political Correspondence
Feb., 1936 |
606/5 | Political Correspondence
Mar., 1936 |
606/6 | Political Correspondence
Apr., 1936 |
606/7 | Political Correspondence
May, 1936 |
607/1 | Political Correspondence
June, 1936 |
607/2 | Political Correspondence
July - Aug., 1936 |
607/3 | Political Correspondence
Sept., 1936 |
607/4 | Political Correspondence
Oct. - Dec., 1936 |
607/5 | Political Correspondence
1937 |
607/6 | Political Correspondence
1938 |
607/7 | Political Correspondence
1939 |
607/8 | Political Correspondence
1940 |
608/1 | Political Correspondence
1941 |
608/2 | Political Correspondence
1942 |
608/3 | Political Correspondence
1943-1944 |
608/4 | Political Correspondence
1945 |
608/5 | Political Correspondence
1946-1949 |
608/6 | Political Correspondence
1952-1953 |
608/7 | Political Correspondence
1954-1957 |
608/8 | Political Lists |
1935 |
608/9 | Political, Miscellaneous, C
1934-1935 |
608/10 | Political, Miscellaneous, C
1937 |
608/11 | Political, Miscellaneous, M
1934-1935 |
608/12 | Political, Miscellaneous, M
1937 |
608/13 | Political Thanks |
1936 |
608/14 | Politics, Murray and Monaghan
Election |
1935 |
609/1 | Politics |
1937-1938 |
609/2 | Politics |
1947 |
609/3 | Population Migration |
1945 |
609/4 | Postal, Western Grain Market
Service |
1933-1936 |
609/5 | Postal, Red Lodge |
1935 |
609/6 | Postal |
1935 |
609/7 | Postal |
1936 |
609/8 | Postal |
1937 |
609/9 | Postal |
1939 |
609/10 | Postal |
1940 |
609/11 | Postal |
1941 |
609/12 | Postal |
1942 |
610/1 | Postal |
1943 |
610/2 | Postal |
1946 |
610/3 | Postal |
1947 |
610/4 | Postal |
1948 |
611/1 | Postal |
1950 |
611/2 | Postal |
1953 |
611/3 | Postal |
1954 |
611/4 | Postal |
1955 |
611/5 | Postal |
1956-1958 |
611/6 | Postal |
Feb. - Mar., 1960 |
611/7 | Postal |
Apr. - Aug., 1960 |
611/8 | Postal Employees |
1937 |
611/9 | Postal Employees |
1939 |
612/1 | Postal Employees |
1942-1943 |
612/2 | Postal Employees |
1945-1946 |
612/3 | Postal Employees |
Feb. - Mar. 25, 1949 |
612/4 | Postal Employees |
Mar. 26-1931, 1949 |
612/5 | Postal Employees |
Apr. 1 - 18, 1949 |
612/6 | Postal Employees |
Apr. 19-1928, 1949 |
612/7 | Postal Employees |
May - June, 1949 |
612/8 | Postal Employees |
July - Dec., 1949 |
612/9 | Postal Employees |
Jan. - Apr., 1950 |
612/10 | Postal Employees |
May, 1950 |
612/11 | Postal Employees |
June - Aug., 1950 |
613/1 | Postal Rates |
1942-1950, 1953-1954 |
613/2 | Postmaster |
1937-1959 |
613/3 | Post Office |
1939-1941 |
613/4 | Post Office |
Jan. - July, 1942 |
613/5 | Post Office |
Aug. - Sept., 1942 |
613/6 | Post Office |
Oct. - Dec., 1942 |
613/7 | Post Office |
1943-1944 |
613/8 | Post Office |
1945 |
613/9 | Post Office |
1946-1947 |
613/10 | Post Office |
1948 |
614/1 | Post Office |
1949 |
614/2 | Post Office |
Feb. - May, 1950 |
614/3 | Post Office |
June - Dec., 1950 |
614/4 | Post Office |
1951 |
614/5 | Post Office |
Jan. - June, 1952 |
614/6 | Post Office |
July - Dec., 1952 |
614/7 | Post Office |
Jan. - June, 1953 |
614/8 | Post Office |
July - Dec., 1953 |
614/9 | Post Office |
Jan. - Feb., 1954 |
615/1 | Post Office |
Mar. - June, 1954 |
615/2 | Post Office |
July - Dec., 1954 |
615/3 | Post Office |
1955 |
615/4 | Post Office |
Jan. - Mar., 1956 |
616/1 | Post Office |
Apr. - July, 1956 |
616/2 | Post Office |
1957 |
616/3 | Post Office |
Jan. - June, 1958 |
616/4 | Post Office |
July - Sept., 1958 |
616/5 | Post Office |
Oct. - Dec., 1958 |
616/6 | Post Office |
Jan. - May, 1959 |
616/7 | Post Office |
June - Aug., 1959 |
617/1 | Post Office |
Sept. - Dec., 1959 |
617/2 | Post Office |
Jan. - Mar., 1960 |
617/3 | Post Office |
Apr. - June, 1960 |
618/1 | Post Office |
July - Dec., 1960 |
618/2 | Post Office, Chester |
1939-1940 |
618/3 | Post Office, Coffee Creek
1951 |
618/4 | Post Office, Department
1936 |
618/5 | Post Office, Helena, MT
1935 |
618/6 | Post Office, Leases |
1937 |
618/7 | Post Office, Missoula
1946-1949 |
618/8 | Post Office, Missoula
Jan. - Feb., 1950 |
618/9 | Post Office, National Dividend
Plan |
1959 |
618/10 | Post Office, Pompey's Pillar
1949 |
618/11 | Post Office, Rock Springs
1959 |
618/12 | Post Office, Rural Routes
1935-1937 |
618/13 | Post Office, Williston/Scobey
Train |
1955-1956 |
618/14 | Post-war Programs |
1943 |
618/15 | Power |
1935-1937 |
618/16 | Power |
1942 |
618/17 | Power, Bonneville |
1953, 1956 |
618/18 | Power Federal |
1953-1954 |
619/1 | Power Commission |
1936 |
619/2 | Power Commission |
1937-1947 |
619/3 | Power Company, Pacific Northwest
1958 |
619/4 | Power Companies |
1952 - Nov. 22, 1957 |
619/5 | Power Companies |
Nov. 26, 1957-1958 |
619/6 | Powers, T.H., Grazing Land Bid
1951 |
619/7 | Predatory Animals |
1935-1937, 1958 |
619/8 | Preference Clause |
1956 |
619/9 | Price, F.B., Correspondence
1944 |
619/10 | Price Controls |
1941 - May, 1942 |
619/11 | Price Controls |
July - Dec., 1942 |
619/12 | Price Controls |
1943 |
619/13 | Price Controls |
1945 |
619/14 | Price Controls |
1946 |
620/1 | Price Controls |
1947 |
620/2 | Price Controls |
1950 |
620/3 | Price Controls |
Jan. - Apr., 1951 |
620/4 | Price Controls |
May - June, 1951 |
620/5 | Price Controls |
July - Dec., 1951 |
620/6 | Price Controls |
1952-1953 |
620/7 | Price Increases |
1947 |
620/8 | Price Supports |
1948 |
620/9 | Price Supports |
1952-1953 |
620/10 | Price Supports |
1958 |
620/11 | Prices |
1948-1950 |
620/12 | Priest, William |
1947-1948 |
620/13 | Priest, William |
1950-1951 |
620/14 | Princeton Research Service
1960 |
620/15 | Printing |
1935-1942 |
620/16 | Printing Industry, Titanium
Dioxide |
1947 |
620/17 | Priorities, Wartime |
1941 |
621/1 | Priorities |
1942 |
621/2 | Priorities |
1943 |
621/3 | Priorities |
1946 |
621/4 | Prisoners of War |
1942-1943 |
621/5 | Prisoners of War |
1944 |
621/6 | Prisoners of War |
1946-1947 |
621/7 | Probation |
1944 |
621/8 | Procurement |
1941 |
621/9 | Production |
1942 |
621/10 | Production and Marketing
1948 |
621/11 | Production and Marketing
Administration, Annual Report |
1951 |
621/12 | Production Credit |
1945 - Apr. 21, 1946 |
621/13 | Production Credit |
Apr. 22 - Aug., 1946 |
621/14 | Production Credit |
1947 |
622/1 | Profiteering |
1939-1942, 1947 |
622/2 | Programs |
1938-1947 |
622/3 | Progressive Republic Committee
1936-1940 |
622/4 | Prohibition |
1944-1946 |
622/5 | Projects |
June - Sept., 1936 |
622/6 | Projects |
Oct. - Nov., 1936 |
622/7 | Projects |
1938-1950 |
622/8 | Promotions |
1935 |
622/9 | Promotions |
1936 |
622/10 | Promotions |
1937-1946 |
622/11 | Promotions, E.V. Ahern
1935-1936 |
622/12 | Promotions, Paul Glass
1936 |
622/13 | Promotions, Thomas Horsford
1935 |
622/14 | Promotions, Dr. G.V. Jamieson
1935 |
622/15 | Promotions, John D. Long
1936 |
622/16 | Promotions, G.M. McMillan
1936 |
622/17 | Promotions, John D. McCall
1935 |
622/18 | Promotions, Stanley Williams
1935 |
623/1 | Promotions, William H. Yost
1937 |
623/2 | Propaganda |
1941-1943 |
623/3 | Proposals |
1943-1947 |
623/4 | Protests |
1940 |
623/5 | Proxmire, William, Murray Support
1957 |
623/6 | Ptucka, Steve |
1948 |
623/7 | Public Affairs Institute
1949, 1953 |
623/8 | Public Assistance Program
1960 |
623/9 | Public Buildings |
1938-1940 |
623/10 | Public Lands Committee
1941, 1947 |
623/11 | Public Power |
623/12 | Public Power |
1941, 1947-1948 |
623/13 | Public Power, Against
Mar., 1949 |
623/14 | Public Power, Against
Apr., 1949 |
623/15 | Public Power, Against
May - Sept., 1949 |
624/1 | Public Power, For |
Jan. - June, 1949 |
624/2 | Public Power, For |
July, 1949 |
624/3 | Public Power, For |
Aug. 1 - 11, 1949 |
624/4 | Public Power, For |
Aug. 12-19, 1949 |
624/5 | Public Power, For |
Aug. 20-1931, 1949 |
624/6 | Public Power, For |
Sept. - Nov., 1949 |
624/7 | Public Power, Replies
Mar. - June, 1949 |
624/8 | Public Power |
1950-1951 |
624/9 | Public Power |
1952 |
625/1 | Public Power |
1953 |
625/2 | Public Power |
1954 |
625/3 | Public Power |
1955-1957 |
625/4 | Public Power |
1958-1960 |
625/5 | Public Roads, Montana Employment
1940 |
625/6 | Public Welfare |
1941 |
625/7 | Public Works |
1945 |
625/8 | Public Works |
1948 |
625/9 | Public Works, Ackley Lake Project
1935-1936 |
625/10 | Public Works, Allotments
1938-1939 |
625/11 | Public Works, Appropriations
1939-1960 |
626/1 | Public Works, B |
1933-1936 |
626/2 | Public Works, B |
1937-1940 |
626/3 | Public Works, Bainville Flood
Control Project |
1936 |
626/4 | Public Works, Beaverhead County,
Dillon |
1938-1940 |
626/5 | Public Works, Beaverhead Dam
1935-1937 |
626/6 | Public Works, Big Dry Project
1937-1939 |
626/7 | Public Works, Big Horn County
1938 |
626/8 | Public Works, Big Horn Dam
1935-1936 |
626/9 | Public Works, Billings Project
1935-1939 |
626/10 | Public Works, Bozeman
1938 |
626/11 | Public Works, Broadwater County
1935-1940 |
626/12 | Public Works, Bridger, MT, Sewer
System |
1934 |
626/13 | Public Works, Browning Projects
1935, 1938 |
627/1 | Public Works, Butte Projects
1938-1940 |
627/2 | Public Works, C |
1935-1937 |
627/3 | Public Works, Carbon County
1936-1940 |
627/4 | Public Works, Carter County
1936-1937 |
627/5 | Public Works, Carter County
1938-1940 |
627/6 | Public Works, Cascade
1936-1939 |
627/7 | Public Works, Chain of Lakes
Project |
1933-1936 |
627/8 | Public Works, Choteau
1938-1939 |
627/9 | Public Works, Clear Creek
Irrigation Project |
1935 |
627/10 | Public Works, Columbus Water
Works Project |
1936 |
627/11 | Public Works, Conrad |
1935-1937 |
627/12 | Public Works, Copeland Amendment
1938 |
627/13 | Public Works, Custer County
1938 |
628/1 | Public Works, Crow Reservoir
1937 |
628/2 | Public Works, D |
1936 |
628/3 | Public Works, Dead Man's Basin
1937-1938 |
628/4 | Public Works, Dixon Water Project
1937 |
628/5 | Public Works, Dutton Water Works
1935-1936 |
628/6 | Public Works, E |
1937 |
628/7 | Public Works, Emergency Relief
Appropriations |
1935 |
629/1 | Public Works, Eureka |
1935-1937 |
629/2 | Public Works, Fergus County
1937-1939 |
629/3 | Public Works, Finley Point
Project |
1935-1940 |
629/4 | Public Works, Flathead County
1933-1939 |
630/1 | Public Works, Flatwillow
Irrigation Project |
1938 |
630/2 | Public Works, Flint Creek Project
1935-1936 |
630/3 | Public Works, Fort Benton
1936-1938 |
630/4 | Public Works, G |
1935-1936 |
630/5 | Public Works, Galen Hospital
1938-1940 |
630/6 | Public Works, Gallatin County
1935-1939 |
630/7 | Public Works, Glacier County
1938 |
630/8 | Public Works, H |
1936 |
630/9 | Public Works, Havre |
1936 |
631/1 | Public Works, Havre Gas
1937 |
631/2 | Public Works, Havre Gas
1938 |
631/3 | Public Works, Havre Gas
1939-1941 |
631/4 | Public Works, Helena |
1936 |
632/1 | Public Works, J |
1936-1938 |
632/2 | Public Works, L |
1935-1939 |
632/3 | Public Works, Lake County
1938-1939, 1946 |
632/4 | Public Works, Lewis and Clark
County |
1938 |
632/5 | Public Works, Lincoln County
1938 |
632/6 | Public Works, M |
1935-1939 |
632/7 | Public Works, Marias River
Irrigation Project |
1936 |
632/8 | Public Works, Medicine Lake
School Project |
1936 |
632/9 | Public Works, Miscellaneous
1935 |
632/10 | Public Works, Miscellaneous
1936 |
632/11 | Public Works, Miscellaneous
Jan. - Apr., 1937 |
632/12 | Public Works, Miscellaneous
May - June, 1937 |
633/1 | Public Works, Miscellaneous
July - Dec., 1937 |
633/2 | Public Works, Miscellaneous
1938-1940 |
633/3 | Public Works, Miscellaneous
Jan. - May, 1946 |
633/4 | Public Works, Miscellaneous
June - Dec., 1946 |
634/1 | Public Works, Miscellaneous
1947 |
634/2 | Public Works, Miscellaneous
1955 |
634/3 | Public Works, Missoula County
1937-1939 |
634/4 | Public Works, Musselshell Project
1937-1939 |
634/5 | Public Works, Nashua |
1934-1936 |
635/1 | Public Works, Pondera County
1938 |
635/2 | Public Works, Poplar River
Project |
1935 |
635/3 | Public Works, Poplar River
Project |
1936, 1939 |
635/4 | Public Works, R |
1937 |
635/5 | Public Works, Race Track Dam
Project |
1938 |
635/6 | Public Works, Ravalli
1936-1938 |
635/7 | Public Works, Reinstatement
1937 |
635/8 | Public Works, Richland County
1935-1938 |
636/1 | Public Works, Roosevelt County
1938 |
636/2 | Public Works, Ruby River Dam
1937-1938 |
636/3 | Public Works, S |
1935-1936 |
636/4 | Public Works, Sanders County
1938-1939 |
636/5 | Public Works, Silver Bow County
1938 |
636/6 | Public Works, State Water
Conservation Board |
1938 |
636/7 | Public Works, Sun River Project
1933-1936 |
636/8 | Public Works, Sweetgrass County
1938-1940 |
636/9 | Public Works, T |
1936 |
636/10 | Public Works, Teton County
1935-1939 |
636/11 | Public Works, Tongue River
Project |
1937-1938 |
636/12 | Public Works, Toole County
1938-1939 |
636/13 | Public Works, Treasure County
1938 |
636/14 | Public Works, West Fork
Bitterroot Dam |
1938 |
636/15 | Public Works, Wheatland County
1938 |
636/16 | Public Works, Whitefish Project
1937 |
637/1 | Public Works, Whitefish
Irrigation District |
1938-1941 |
637/2 | Public Works, Yellowstone County
1938-1940 |
637/3 | Public Works Planning
1958 |
637/4 | Publications |
1934-1935 |
637/5 | Publications |
1936 |
638/1 | Publications |
1937-1939 |
638/2 | Publications |
1958-1959 |
638/3 | Publications, Requests
Feb. - May, 1942 |
638/4 | Publications, Requests
June - Aug., 1942 |
638/5 | Publications, Requests
Sept. - Oct., 1942 |
638/6 | Publications, Requests
Nov. - Dec., 1942 |
638/7 | Publicity |
1935-1953 |
638/8 | Puerto Rico |
1940-1950 |
639/1 | Pulpwood |
1935 |
639/2 | Purchase |
1942 |
639/3 | Questionnaire, "Living in
Montana" |
1957 |
639/4 | Quotes, Phony |
1964 |
639/5 | Racial Discrimination
1948-1950 |
639/6 | Radar, Lakeside |
1957 |
639/7 | Radio |
1935-1937 |
639/8 | Radio |
1938-1939 |
639/9 | Radio |
1940-1945 |
639/10 | Radio |
1946-1947 |
639/11 | Radio |
1948 |
639/12 | Radio |
1949 |
640/1 | Radio |
1950-1953 |
640/2 | Radio |
1954-1960 |
640/3 | Railroad |
1935-1950 |
640/4 | Railroad |
1951 |
640/5 | Railroad |
1954-1957 |
640/6 | Railroad |
Jan. - May, 1958 |
640/7 | Railroad |
June 1 - 12, 1958 |
641/1 | Railroad |
June 13 - 17, 1958 |
641/2 | Railroad |
June 18-1930, 1958 |
641/3 | Railroad |
July - Sept., 1958 |
641/4 | Railroad, Basing Point prices
1948 |
641/5 | Railroad, Box Car Shortage
1950 - Feb., 1951 |
641/6 | Railroad, Box Car Shortage
Mar., 1951-1952 |
641/7 | Railroad, Box Car Shortage
1954-1954, 1959 |
642/1 | Railroad, Great Northern
1956 |
642/2 | Railroad, Great Northern
1957 |
642/3 | Railroad |
1959-1960 |
642/4 | Railroad, Mail Service
1937, 1942-1947 |
642/5 | Railroad, MT, Board of RR
Commissioners, Petition |
1952 |
642/6 | Railroad, MT, West, Railway Co.
1949-1951 |
642/7 | Railroad, Northern Pacific
1957-1959 |
643/1 | Railroad, Pensions |
1949 |
643/2 | Railroad, Retirement |
1935-1938 |
643/3 | Railroad, Retirement |
1939-1940 |
643/4 | Railroad, Retirement |
1941-1944 |
643/5 | Railroad, Retirement |
1945-1951 |
643/6 | Railroad, Retirement |
1953-1959 |
643/7 | Railroad, Retirement, Case Study,
Charles Johnson |
1937-1942 |
643/8 | Railroad, Safety Regulations
1950 |
643/9 | Railroad, Strike |
1951-1952 |
643/10 | Railroad, Tickets |
1946 |
643/11 | Railroad, Wyoming/Montana RR
1935 |
644/1 | Rationing |
1942 |
644/2 | Rationing |
1943-1950 |
644/3 | Real Estate |
1946-1947 |
644/4 | Reclamation |
1934-1936 |
644/5 | Reclamation |
1937-1939 |
644/6 | Reclamation |
1940 |
644/7 | Reclamation |
1942-1943 |
644/8 | Reclamation |
1944 |
645/1 | Reclamation |
1945 |
645/2 | Reclamation |
1946 |
645/3 | Reclamation |
Jan. - Sept., 1947 |
645/4 | Reclamation |
Oct. - Dec., 1947 |
645/5 | Reclamation |
1948 |
645/6 | Reclamation |
1949 |
645/7 | Reclamation |
1950 |
646/1 | Reclamation |
1951 |
646/2 | Reclamation |
1952 |
646/3 | Reclamation |
1953 |
646/4 | Reclamation |
1954-1955 |
646/5 | Reclamation |
1956-1957 |
646/6 | Reclamation |
1958 |
646/7 | Reclamation |
1959 |
646/8 | Reclamation |
1960 |
646/9 | Reclamation Appropriations
1951 |
646/10 | Reclamation and Irrigation
1935-1940 |
646/11 | Recommendations |
1940-1946, 1954 |
647/1 | Reconstruction Finance Corp.
1935-1939 |
647/2 | Reconstruction Finance Corp.
1940 |
647/3 | Reconstruction Finance Corp.
1941 |
647/4 | Reconstruction Finance Corp.
1942-1945 |
647/5 | Reconstruction Finance Corp.
1946-1950 |
647/6 | Reconstruction Finance Corp.
1951 |
647/7 | Reconstruction Finance
Corporation |
1952-1953 |
648/1 | Reconstruction Finance Corp.,
Loans |
1933-1934 |
648/2 | Reconstruction Finance Corp.,
Loans |
Jan. - May, 1935 |
648/3 | Reconstruction Finance Corp.,
Loans |
June - Dec., 1935 |
648/4 | Reconstruction Finance Corp.,
Loans |
Jan. - Mar., 1936 |
648/5 | Reconstruction Finance Corp.,
Loans |
Apr. - Nov., 1936 |
648/6 | Reconstruction Finance Corp.,
Loans |
1937-1938 |
648/7 | Reconstruction Finance Corp.,
Loans |
1941-1942 |
648/8 | Reconversion |
1944-1946 |
648/9 | Records |
1941-1951 |
648/10 | Recovery Program |
1938-1943 |
649/1 | Red Cross Service Record
1936-1946 |
649/2 | Red Rock Lake |
1936-1937 |
649/3 | Re-election, Campaign Tactics
1951 |
649/4 | Re-enlistment |
1947 |
649/5 | Referrals |
1940-1949 |
649/6 | Referrals |
1950-1960 |
649/7 | Refunds |
1948 |
649/8 | Regional Agriculture Credit Corp.
1937 |
649/9 | Regnier, O. J., Secretary
1934 |
649/10 | Regnier, O.J., Secretary
Jan. - Mar., 1935 |
649/11 | Regnier, O.J., Secretary
Apr. - Dec., 1935 |
649/12 | 1936 |
1938 |
649/13 | Rehabilitation |
1942-1943 |
649/14 | Reidy, W. G. |
1948 |
649/15 | Reinemer, Vic |
1960 |
650/1 | Releases |
1943 |
650/2 | Releases |
1947-1951 |
650/3 | Relief |
1934 - Mar., 1935 |
650/4 | Relief |
Apr. - Aug., 1935 |
650/5 | Relief |
Sept. - Dec., 1935 |
650/6 | Relief |
1936 |
650/7 | Relief |
1937-1938 |
651/1 | Relief |
Mar., 1939 |
651/2 | Relief |
Apr. - Dec., 1939 |
651/3 | Relief |
1940-1960 |
651/4 | Relief, Anti-freeze Shortage
1943 |
651/5 | Relief, Appropriations
1939 |
651/6 | Relief, Organizations
1940-1942 |
651/7 | Relief, Organizations
1943 |
651/8 | Relief, Surplus Food Outlets
1954 |
651/9 | Relocation, Japanese Centers in
MT |
1942 |
651/10 | Relocation, Authority
1942-1943 |
651/11 | Remount Service |
1947-1949 |
651/12 | Renegotiation |
1954 |
651/13 | Rent Control |
1942-1945 |
651/14 | Rent Control |
1946-1948 |
652/1 | Rent Control |
1949-1953 |
652/2 | Reorganization, Government
Departments |
1950 |
652/3 | Reports |
1938 |
652/4 | Reports |
1939-1940 |
652/5 | Reports |
1942 |
652/6 | Reports |
1943-1946 |
652/7 | Reports |
1947 |
652/8 | Reports |
1948 |
652/9 | Reports |
1949, 1952 |
653/1 | Reports, State Universities
1923 |
653/2 | Representation |
1941 |
653/3 | Reorganization, Government
1938 |
653/4 | Requests |
1936-1941 |
653/5 | Requests |
1942 |
653/6 | Requests |
1943 |
653/7 | Requests |
Jan. - May, 1944 |
653/8 | Requests |
June - Sept., 1944 |
653/9 | Requests |
Oct. - Dec., 1944 |
654/1 | Requests |
Jan. - May, 1945 |
654/2 | Requests |
June - Dec., 1945 |
654/3 | Requests |
Jan. - July, 1946 |
654/4 | Requests |
Aug. - Dec., 1946 |
654/5 | Requests |
Jan. - Feb., 1947 |
654/6 | Requests |
Mar. - Apr., 1947 |
654/7 | Requests |
May - July, 1947 |
655/1 | Requests |
Aug. - Sept., 1947 |
655/2 | Requests |
Oct., 1947 |
655/3 | Requests |
Nov. - Dec., 1947 |
655/4 | Requests |
Jan. - Feb., 1948 |
655/5 | Requests |
Mar., 1948 |
655/6 | Requests |
Apr., 1948 |
655/7 | Requests |
May, 1948 |
655/8 | Requests |
June - July, 1948 |
655/9 | Requests |
Aug., 1948 |
656/1 | Requests |
Sept., 1948 |
656/2 | Requests |
Oct. 1 - 15, 1948 |
656/3 | Requests |
Oct. 16-1930, 1948 |
656/4 | Requests |
Nov., 1948 |
656/5 | Requests |
Dec., 1948 |
656/6 | Requests |
Jan., 1949 |
656/7 | Requests |
Feb., 1949 |
656/8 | Requests |
Mar., 1949 |
656/9 | Requests |
Apr., 1949 |
656/10 | Requests |
June - July, 1949 |
657/1 | Requests |
Aug., 1949 |
657/2 | Requests |
Sept., 1949 |
657/3 | Requests |
Oct., 1949 |
657/4 | Requests |
Nov., 1949 |
657/5 | Requests |
Dec., 1949 |
657/6 | Requests |
Jan. - Sept., 1950 |
657/7 | Requests |
Oct. - Dec., 1950 |
657/8 | Requests |
Jan. - Feb., 1951 |
657/9 | Requests |
Mar., 1951 |
657/10 | Requests |
Apr., 1951 |
657/11 | Requests |
May - June, 1951 |
658/1 | Requests |
July - Sept., 1951 |
658/2 | Requests |
Oct., 1951 |
658/3 | Requests |
Nov. - Dec., 1951 |
658/4 | Requests |
Jan., 1952 |
658/5 | Requests |
Feb. - Mar., 1952 |
658/6 | Requests |
Apr. - June, 1952 |
658/7 | Requests |
July - Aug., 1952 |
658/8 | Requests |
Sept. - Dec., 1952 |
659/1 | Requests |
Jan. - Mar., 1953 |
659/2 | Requests |
Apr. - June, 1953 |
659/3 | Requests |
July - Oct., 1953 |
659/4 | Requests |
Nov. - Dec., 1953 |
659/5 | Requests |
Jan. - Mar., 1954 |
659/6 | Requests |
Apr. - June, 1954 |
660/1 | Requests |
July - Sept., 1954 |
660/2 | Requests |
Oct., 1954 |
660/3 | Requests |
Nov. - Dec., 1954 |
660/4 | Requests |
Jan. - Mar., 1954 |
660/5 | Requests |
Apr. - June, 1954 |
660/6 | Requests |
July - Sept., 1954 |
660/7 | Requests |
Oct. - Dec., 1954 |
661/1 | Requests |
1957 |
661/2 | Requests |
Jan. - June, 1958 |
661/3 | Requests |
July - Sept., 1958 |
661/4 | Requests |
Oct. - Dec., 1958 |
661/5 | Requests |
1960 |
661/6 | Requests, A |
1937, 1946 |
661/7 | Requests, B |
1937, 1946 |
661/8 | Requests, C |
1945, 1947 |
661/9 | Requests, D |
1935-1937, 1943-1944 |
662/1 | Requests, E |
1937, 1940 |
662/2 | Requests, Farmers Union
1957 |
662/3 | Requests, G |
1937 |
662/4 | Requests, H |
1937, 1944 |
662/5 | Requests, Information
1938 |
662/6 | Requests, Information
1939 |
662/7 | Requests, Information
1940 |
662/8 | Requests, Information
1942 |
662/9 | Requests, Information
1948 |
662/10 | Requests, J |
1937 |
662/11 | Requests, K |
1937 |
662/12 | Requests, L |
1937 |
662/13 | Requests, M |
1937, 1956 |
663/1 | Requests, P |
1937, 1947 |
663/2 | Requests, Photographs
1936-1960 |
663/3 | Requests, Publications
1934-1937 |
663/4 | Requests, Publications
1957 |
663/5 | Requests |
1959 |
663/6 | Requests, R |
1937-1939, 1959 |
663/7 | Requests, Reinstatement
1934 - June, 1935 |
663/8 | Requests, Reinstatement
July - Nov., 1935 |
664/1 | Requests, Reinstatement
Jan. - June, 1936 |
664/2 | Requests |
Aug., 1936-1937 |
664/3 | Requests, S |
1951-1953 |
664/4 | Requests, T |
1937 |
664/5 | Requests, W |
1938-1940, 1947 |
664/6 | Research |
1945-1947 |
664/7 | Research, Laboratories
1938-1939 |
664/8 | Reservations |
1940-1957 |
664/9 | Reserve, Federal |
1939-1941 |
664/10 | Reserve Officers |
1935-1949 |
664/11 | ROTC |
1939-1956 |
664/12 | Resignations |
1946 |
665/1 | Resolutions |
1935-1938 |
665/2 | Resolutions |
1939-1940 |
665/3 | Resolutions |
1941 - May, 1942 |
665/4 | Resolutions |
June - Dec., 1942 |
666/1 | Resolutions |
1943 |
666/2 | Resolutions |
1944 |
666/3 | Resolutions |
1945 |
666/4 | Resolutions |
1946 |
667/1 | Resolutions |
1947 |
667/2 | Resolutions |
1948-1949 |
667/3 | Resolutions |
1950 |
667/4 | Resolutions |
1951 |
667/5 | Resolutions |
1952 |
667/6 | Resolutions |
1953 |
667/7 | Resolutions |
1954-1955 |
667/8 | Resolutions |
1956-1957 |
667/9 | Resolutions |
1958-1959 |
668/1 | Resolutions |
1960 |
668/2 | Resources, Water |
1957 |
668/3 | Retirement |
1939-1945 |
668/4 | Retirement |
1946-1949 |
668/5 | Retirement |
1959-1960 |
668/6 | Rettig, Otto |
1946-1949 |
668/7 | Reynolds, F. J. |
1938-1939 |
668/8 | Reynolds, R. W. |
1938 |
668/9 | Rifles |
1946 |
668/10 | Rivers, Missouri and Yellowstone
Basin |
1937 |
668/11 | Rivers and Harbors |
1942, 1957 |
668/12 | Roads |
1935-1936 |
668/13 | Roads |
Jan. - Aug., 1937 |
668/14 | Roads |
Sept. - Dec., 1937 |
669/1 | Roads |
Jan. - Feb., 1938 |
669/2 | Roads |
Mar. - Apr. 15, 1938 |
669/3 | Roads |
Apr. 16 - May, 1938 |
669/4 | Roads |
Jan. - June, 1939 |
669/5 | Roads |
July - Dec., 1939 |
669/6 | Roads |
1940 |
669/7 | Roads |
Jan. - June, 1941 |
670/1 | Roads |
July - Dec., 1941 |
670/2 | Roads |
1942 |
670/3 | Roads |
1943 |
670/4 | Roads |
1944-1945 |
670/5 | Roads |
1946-1947 |
670/6 | Roads |
1948 |
671/1 | Roads |
Jan. - May, 1949 |
671/2 | Roads |
June - Dec., 1949 |
671/3 | Roads |
Jan. - June, 1950 |
671/4 | Roads |
July - Nov., 1950 |
672/1 | Roads |
1951-1954 |
672/2 | Roads |
Jan. - Feb., 1955 |
672/3 | Roads |
Mar. - Dec., 1955 |
672/4 | Roads |
Jan. - Sept., 1956 |
672/5 | Roads |
Oct. - Dec., 1956 |
672/6 | Roads |
Jan. - June, 1957 |
673/1 | Roads |
July - Dec., 1957 |
673/2 | Roads |
Jan. - Mar., 1958 |
673/3 | Roads |
Apr. - June, 1958 |
674/1 | Roads |
July - Dec., 1958 |
674/2 | Roads |
Jan. - June, 1959 |
674/3 | Roads |
July - Dec., 1959 |
674/4 | Roads |
1960 |
675/1 | Roads, Billings to Huntley
1936-1937 |
675/2 | Roads, Billings to Huntley
1939-1940 |
675/3 | Roads, Bureau of Public Roads
1957-1958 |
675/4 | Roads, Central
Canadian/U.S/Mexican Hwy. |
1961 |
675/5 | Roads, Circle/Sidney |
1955 |
675/6 | Roads, East Shore Flathead Lake
1935-1937 |
676/1 | Roads, Glasgow Air Base
1955-1956 |
676/2 | Roads, Kishinena Road
1957-1958 |
676/3 | Roads, Livingston to Billings
1959 |
676/4 | Roads, Red Lodge/Cook City
1959 |
676/5 | Roads, Route 240 |
1958 |
676/6 | Roads, Timber Dam Area
1954-1955 |
677/1 | Roads, Timber Dam Area
1956-1957 |
677/2 | Roads, West Yellowstone
1955 |
677/3 | Rock Creek Reservoir,
Construction |
1941 |
677/4 | Rocky Mountain Lab |
1953-1959 |
677/5 | Romney, Miles |
1940-1953 |
677/6 | Roosevelt, F. D., Birthday
Holiday |
1952 |
677/7 | Roosevelt, F. D., Correspondence
1938-1941 |
678/1 | Roosevelt, F. D., Correspondence
1942-1944 |
678/2 | Roosevelt, F. D., Correspondence
1945-1946 |
678/3 | Roosevelt, F. D., Fourth Term
1939 |
678/4 | Roosevelt, F. D., Fourth Term
1943 |
678/5 | Roosevelt, F. D., Memorial
1943 |
678/6 | Roosevelt, Theodore |
1957-1958 |
678/7 | Rosebud Rip Rap Project
1936 |
678/8 | Rounds, W. A. |
1935-1937 |
678/9 | Roundup, Peaks Park Project
1938-1939 |
678/10 | Roundup, Public Buildings
1938 |
678/11 | Rubber |
Jan. - June, 1942 |
678/12 | Rubber |
July, 1942 - Mar., 1943 |
67?/1 | Rural Plan |
1943 |
679/2 | Rural Carriers |
1940-1942 |
679/3 | Rural Electrification
1948-1950 |
679/4 | Rural Electrification Articles
1956 |
679/5 | Rural Electrification
Administration |
1935-1958 |
679/6 | Rural Library Services
1956 |
679/7 | Rural Routes |
1935-1937 |
679/8 | Rural Routes |
1938 |
679/9 | Rural Routes |
1939-1940 |
679/10 | Rural Routes |
1941 |
680/1 | Rural Electrification, Big Flat
Rural Electrification Administration Project |
1941-1951 |
680/2 | Rural Electrification, Ravalli
County Electric Cooperative, Red Lodge |
1945-1947 |
680/3 | Rural Electrification, Big Horn
Electric Cooperative, Lodge Grass |
1941-1947 |
680/4 | Rural Electrification, Beartooth
Electric Cooperative, Red Lodge |
1945-1947 |
680/5 | Rural Electrification, Big Flat
Electric Cooperative, Malta |
1945-1951 |
680/6 | Rural Electrification, Montana 37
Elmo, Project "B" |
1949-1952 |
680/7 | Rural Electrification, Montana 37
Elmo, Project "B" |
1949-1952 |
680/8 | Rural Electrification, Elmo
Electric Cooperative |
1949-1957 |
681/1 | Rural Electrification, Fergus
Electric Cooperative Inc. |
1939-1946 |
681/2 | Rural Electrification, Fergus
Electric Cooperative Inc. |
1939-1946 |
681/3 | Rural Electrification, Livingston
Radar Sounding Station |
July - Dec. 1956 |
681/4 | Rural Electrification, Livingston
Radar Sounding Station |
July - Dec. 1956 |
681/5 | Rural Electrification, Flathead
Electric Cooperative, Kalispell |
1937-1958 |
681/6 | Rural Electrification, Flathead
Electric Cooperative, Kalispell |
1937-1958 |
681/7 | Rural Electrification, Glacier
County Electric Cooperative |
1953-1955 |
681/8 | Rural Electrification, Golden
Electric Cooperative |
1946-1958 |
681/9 | Rural Electrification, Hill
County Cooperative, Havre |
1948-1958 |
681/10 | Rural Electrification, Hill
County Cooperative, Havre |
1948-1958 |
681/11 | Rural Electrification, Lincoln
Electric Cooperative, Eureka |
1946-1958 |
681/12 | Rural Electrification, Lower
Yellowstone Electric Cooperative |
1946-1958 |
681/13 | Rural Electrification, Lower
Yellowstone |
1937-1958 |
682/1 | Rural Electrification, Marias
River Electric Cooperative, Shelby |
1939-1950 |
682/2 | Rural Electrification, Mid
Yellowstone Electric Cooperative |
1939-1955 |
682/3 | Rural Electrification, McCone
Electric Cooperative |
1943-1950 |
682/4 | Rural Electrification, Missoula
Electric Cooperative |
1936-1948 |
682/5 | Rural Electrification, Missoula
Electric Cooperative |
1936-1948 |
682/6 | Rural Electrification, Park
Electric Cooperative, Livingston |
1937-1957 |
682/7 | Rural Electrification, Park
Electric Cooperative, Livingston |
1937-1957 |
682/8 | Rural Electrification, Northern
Electric Cooperative, Opheim |
1942-1956 |
682/9 | Rural Electrification, Northern
Lights, Sandpoint |
1937-1957 |
682/10 | Rural Electrification, South East
Electric Cooperative, Ekalaka |
1937-1957 |
683/1 | Rural Electrification, Sun River
Electric Cooperative, Fairfield |
1937-1957 |
683/2 | Rural Electrification, Sun River
Electric Cooperative, Fairfield |
1937-1957 |
683/3 | Rural Electrification
Administration, Whitetail Radar |
1955-1956 |
683/4 | Rural Electrification, Tongue
River Electric Cooperative, Ashland |
1937-1957 |
683/5 | Rural Electrification, Valley
Electric, Glasgow |
1937-1957 |
683/6 | Rural Electrification, Vigilante
1937-1957 |
683/7 | Rural Electrification, Vigilante
Electric Cooperative |
1937-1957 |
683/8 | Rural Electrification, Vigilante
Electric Cooperative, Dillon |
1937-1957 |
684/1 | Rural Electrification,
Yellowstone Valley Electrical Cooperative, Huntley |
1937-1957 |
684/2 | Rural Electrification, Fall River
Rural Electrical Cooperative, Ashton Idaho |
1937-1957 |
684/3 | Rural Electrification, McKenzie
Elect. Cooperative, Watford City, ND |
1951 |
684/4 | Rural Electrification, West
Yellowstone Rural Electrification Administration |
1937-1957 |
684/5 | Rural Electrification, Sheridan,
Johnson, Sheridan, WY |
1957 |
684/6 | Rural Electrification, Sheridan
County Electric Cooperative, Medicine Lake |
1937-1957 |
684/7 | Rural Electrification, Montana
Power Co. |
1952 |
684/8 | Rural Electrification Magazine
1953 |
684/9 | Rural Electrification, State of
Montana |
1937-1957 |
684/10 | Rural Electrification, State of
Montana |
1937-1957 |
684/11 | History of Rural Electrification
Administration |
1937-1957 |
684/12 | Rural Electrification, Mountain
States Power Co. |
1947 |
684/13 | Rural Electrification, National
Rural Electric Cooperative Association |
1937-1957 |
685/1 | Rural Electrification
Administration |
1937-1957 |
685/2 | Rural Electrification
Administration |
1937-1957 |
685/3 | Rural Electrification, Montana
Association MAQ |
1953-1958 |
685/4 | Rural Electrification
Administration, National Legislation |
1937-1957 |
685/5 | Rural Electrification
Administration, National Legislation |
1937-1957 |
685/6 | Rural Electrification
Administration, National Legislation |
1937-1957 |
685/7 | Rural Electrification
Administration, National Legislation |
1937-1957 |
685/8 | Rural Electrification
Administration, Private Power Conflict |
1937-1958 |
686/1 | Rural Electrification, Public
Power |
1950-1951 |
686/2 | Rural Electrification, Electric
Power |
1949 |
686/3 | Rural Electrification,
Cooperative Committee |
1937-1940 |
686/4 | Rural Electrification, Senate
Bill #977, East Bench Unit |
1957 |
686/5 | Rural Electrification, Yellowtail
Dam |
1959 |
686/6 | Rural Electrification, Projects,
Missouri Diversion (Little Porcupine) |
1958 |
686/7 | Rural Electrification, Federal
Power Production |
1948/07/31 |
686/8 | Rural Electrification, Interior
Department Appropriations |
1952 |
686/9 | Rural Electrification, Taxes,
Cooperatives |
1937-1957 |
686/10 | Rural Electrification,
Legislation, 80th Congress, Cooperatives - Tax |
1937-1957 |
686/11 | Rural Electrification, Secondary
undated |
687/1 | Rural Electrification, Montana
Public Power |
1937-1958 |
687/2 | Rural Electrification
Administration, National |
1937-1958 |
687/3 | Rural Electrification, Taxes, Tax
Exempt States |
1944 |
687/4 | Rural Electrification, Cross
File, National Legislation |
1937-1958 |
687/5 | Rural Electrification
Administration, Private Power Cooperation |
1951-1957 |
687/6 | Rural Electrification,
Bonneville, Avereil Power |
1936-1959 |
687/7 | Rural Electrification,
Territorial Integrity |
1959 |
687/8 | Rural Electrification, Technical
1954-1959 |
687/9 | Rural Electrification, Early
Legislation |
1936 |
687/10 | Rural Electrification, Labor
Committee |
1937-1958 |
687/11 | Rural Electrification, Lights and
Farm Electricity |
1937-1958 |
687/12 | Rural Electrification, Winco
Pamplets |
1943 |
687/13 | Rural Electrification, Senator
Murray's Dinner |
Mar. 1948 |
688/1 | Rural Routes |
1942 |
688/2 | Rural Routes |
1943-1946 |
688/3 | Rural Routes, Wyola Mail Route
1936 |
688/4 | Rural Telephones |
1949-1956 |
688/5 | Russell, Charlie |
1947-1955 |
688/6 | Russell, Charlie |
1956-1959 |
689/1 | Russian/American Relations,
Committee Report |
1949 |
689/2 | Russian Reclamation Trip
1959 |
689/3 | Russian Reclamation Trip
1960 |
689/4 | Russian Reclamation Trip, Edison
Electrical Institute |
1960 |
689/5 | Russian Reclamation Trip,
Legislation |
1958 |
689/6 | Russian Reclamation Trip, Maps
1959 |
689/7 | Russian Reclamation Trip, Press
Release |
1959 |
690/1 | Russian Reclamation Trip, Reports
1960 |
690/2 | Russian Reclamation Trip, Report
on Power Development |
1959 |
691/1 | Russian Reclamation Trip, Water
Development |
1957-1959 |
691/2 | Russian Reclamation Trip, Water
Reservoir Report |
1960 |
691/3 | Saco Divide Project |
1938 |
692/1 | Saco Divide |
1939-1941 |
692/2 | Sadie Flats, Irrigation Project
1940-1941 |
692/3 | Safety First Products
1952 |
692/4 | "Sage Brush", Letters
1938 |
692/5 | Sage Creek |
1947-1948 |
692/6 | St. Lawrence Seaway |
1934-1937 |
692/7 | St. Lawrence Seaway |
1940-1941 |
693/1 | St. Lawrence Seaway |
1948-1951 |
693/2 | St. Lawrence Seaway |
1952-1957 |
693/3 | St. Peter, John |
1947 |
693/4 | St. Thomas Orphanage |
1936 |
693/5 | Salaries |
1936-1943 |
694/1 | Sales Tax |
1942-1943 |
694/2 | Saline Water Conversion
1959 |
694/3 | Salk Vaccine, Polio |
1955 |
694/4 | Santa Maria Project |
1954 |
694/5 | Sarena, Al |
1956 |
694/6 | Savage/Sidney Projects
1935-1944 |
694/7 | Scheffer, Paul |
1944 |
694/8 | Schine Case |
1944 |
694/9 | Schoenborn, T. R. |
1938-1939 |
694/10 | Scholarships |
1958 |
695/1 | Schools |
1937-1943 |
695/2 | Schools |
1945-1949 |
695/3 | Schools |
1951-1953 |
695/4 | Schools |
1954 |
695/5 | Schools |
1955 |
695/6 | Schools |
1956 |
696/1 | Schools |
1957 |
696/2 | Schools |
1958 |
696/3 | Schools, Blaine City Certified
1941 |
696/4 | Schools, Buses |
1949-1951 |
696/5 | Schools, Construction
1942-1952 |
696/6 | Schools, Construction
1956-1958 |
696/7 | Schools, Construction
1959 |
696/8 | Schools, Construction
Jan. - Apr., 1960 |
696/9 | Schools, Construction
May - Dec., 1960 |
697/1 | Schools Lunch Program
1944-1946, 1956-1957 |
697/2 | Schwellenbach |
1949 |
697/3 | Science |
1940-1949, 1958 |
697/4 | Science Foundation |
1947-1950 |
697/5 | Scientific Research |
1945-1946 |
697/6 | Scrap Collection |
1942 |
697/7 | Second Front |
1942 |
697/8 | Secret Service |
1942 |
697/9 | Security Administration
1941 |
697/10 | Securities Exchange Act
1953 |
697/11 | Securities Exchange Comm.
1935-1937 |
697/12 | Securities Exchange Comm.
1939-1945 |
697/13 | Securities Exchange Comm.
1948-1959 |
697/14 | Selective Service |
1940-1941 |
698/1 | Selective Service, Legislation
Jan. - Feb., 1941 |
698/2 | Selective Service, Legislation
Mar. 1 - 13, 1941 |
698/3 | Selective Service, Legislation
Mar. 14-1921, 1941 |
698/4 | Selective Service, Legislation
Mar. 22-1931, 1941 |
698/5 | Selective Service, Legislation
Apr. 1-199, 1941 |
698/6 | Selective Service, Legislation
Apr. 10-1922, 1941 |
698/7 | Selective Service, Legislation
Apr. 23-1930, 1941 |
698/8 | Selective Service, Legislation
1942 |
698/9 | Selective Service, Legislation
1943 |
698/10 | Selective Service, Legislation
1944 |
699/1 | Selective Service |
1945-1949 |
699/2 | Selective Service |
1950 |
699/3 | Selective Service |
1951 |
699/4 | Selective Service |
1952 |
700/1 | Selective Service |
1953-1956 |
700/2 | Senate |
undated |
700/3 | Senate |
1952-1955 |
700/4 | Senate Committee Chairmen
1938, 1946 |
700/5 | Senate Committee on Health bills
1946 |
700/6 | Senate Finance Committee, Taxes
1951 |
700/7 | Senate Investigating Committee
1958 |
700/8 | Senate Policy Committee
1956 |
700/9 | Senate Public Lands Committee
1941 |
700/10 | Senate Rules |
1952 |
700/11 | Sesquicentennial |
1949 |
700/12 | Severson, Sylvan |
1947-1949 |
700/13 | Sewing Machine Claims
1937-1939 |
701/1 | Shipping |
1939 |
701/2 | Shook, Dale T. |
1943-1944 |
701/3 | Simmons Co., Theaters
1938 |
701/4 | Slattery, Joseph A. |
1949 |
701/5 | Small Business |
1940-1941 |
701/6 | Small Business |
Jan. - Mar., 1942 |
701/7 | Small Business |
Apr. - May, 1942 |
701/8 | Small Business |
June - July, 1942 |
701/9 | Small Business |
Aug. - Sept., 1942 |
702/1 | Small Business |
Nov., 1942 |
702/2 | Small Business |
Dec., 1942 |
702/3 | Small Business |
Jan. - Mar., 1943 |
703/1 | Small Business |
Apr. - May, 1943 |
703/2 | Small Business |
June - Aug., 1943 |
703/3 | Small Business |
Sept. - Dec., 1943 |
704/1 | Small Business |
Jan. - Mar., 1944 |
704/2 | Small Business |
Apr. - May, 1944 |
704/3 | Small Business |
June - Dec., 1944 |
704/4 | Small Business |
Jan. - May, 1945 |
704/5 | Small Business |
June - Dec., 1945 |
704/6 | Small Business |
Jan. - Apr., 1946 |
704/7 | Small Business |
May - Dec., 1946 |
705/1 | Small Business |
Jan. - May, 1947 |
705/2 | Small Business |
June - Dec., 1945 |
705/3 | Small Business |
Jan. - Apr., 1946 |
705/4 | Small Business |
Oct. - Dec., 1948 |
706/1 | Small Business |
Jan. - Mar., 1949 |
706/2 | Small Business |
Apr. - Sept., 1949 |
706/3 | Small Business |
1951 |
706/4 | Small Business |
1952 |
706/5 | Small Business |
1953 |
707/1 | Small Business |
1954 |
707/2 | Small Business |
1955 |
707/3 | Small Business |
1956 |
707/4 | Small Business |
1957 |
707/5 | Small Business |
1958 |
707/6 | Small Business |
1959 |
707/7 | Small Business |
1960 |
708/1 | Small Business, Anti - Trust
1945 |
708/2 | Small Business, George J. Burger
1945-1947 |
708/3 | Small Business, Chevrolet Dealers
1944 |
708/4 | Small Business, Dewey Anderson
1946 |
708/5 | Small Business, Field Trip
1944 |
708/6 | Small Business, Flaherty Bros.
1939 |
708/7 | Small Business, Flaherty Bros.
1940 |
708/8 | Small Business, Hearings, Boston
1944-1945 |
708/9 | Small Business, Hearings,
California |
1946 |
708/10 | Small Business, Hearings, Mobile,
New Orleans |
1944 |
708/11 | Small Business, Hearings, W. A.
A. |
1946 |
708/12 | Small Business, Heiling, T.
1947 |
708/13 | Small Business, Home Oxygen Co.
1950 |
708/14 | Small Business, Inter-Office
Memos |
1944-1948 |
708/15 | Small Business, E. L. Jones Inc.
1951 |
709/1 | Small Business, Materials for
Speech |
1943 |
709/2 | Small Business, National Bank,
Anaconda |
1935 |
709/3 | Small Business, Newspaper
Hearings |
1946-1947 |
709/4 | Small Business, Oil |
1948-1949 |
709/5 | Small Business, Rainbow Electric
1956 |
709/6 | Small Business, Report of
Complaints Sub-Committee |
709/7 | Small Business, Rubber Tire
Investment |
1948 |
710/1 | Small Business, Special Committee
1942-1950 |
710/2 | Small Business, Steel
1948-1950 |
710/3 | Small Business, Taxation
1948 |
711/1 | Small Business, Testimony
1942 |
711/2 | Small Business, Tires
1941 |
711/3 | Small Business, Veterans
1946 |
711/4 | Small Business, Wall Street
Journal |
1944 |
711/5 | Small Business, Wartime
1944 |
711/6 | Small Business Administration
1957-1958 |
711/7 | Small Business Committee
1941-1942 |
711/8 | Small Business Committee
1945 |
711/9 | Small Business Committee
1947 |
711/10 | Small Business Committee
1949 |
711/11 | Small Business Committee
Jan. - Feb., 1950 |
711/12 | Small Business Committee
Mar. - Dec., 1950 |
711/13 | Small Defense Plants
Administration |
1951 |
711/14 | Small Defense Plants
Administration |
1952 |
711/15 | Small Reclamation Project
1956 |
711/16 | Small War Plants Corp.
1946 |
712/1 | Smaller War Production Plants, MT
1941 |
712/2 | Smaller War Production Plants,
Miscellaneous |
1943 |
712/3 | Smaller War Production Plants,
Miscellaneous |
Jan. - Apr., 1944 |
712/4 | Smaller War Production Plants,
Miscellaneous |
May - July, 1944 |
713/1 | Smaller War Production Plants,
Miscellaneous |
Aug. - Dec., 1944 |
713/2 | Smaller War Production Plants,
Miscellaneous |
Jan. - July, 1945 |
713/3 | Smaller War Production Plants,
Miscellaneous |
Aug. - Dec., 1944 |
713/4 | Smaller War Production Plants,
Miscellaneous |
1946 |
713/5 | Smaller War Production Plants,
Miscellaneous |
1947 |
713/6 | Smaller War Production Plants,
Stevens Plumbing and Heating Contractors Inc. |
1942 |
714/1 | Snake River |
1948 |
714/2 | Social Security |
1935-1936 |
714/3 | Social Security |
1937-1938 |
714/4 | Social Security |
1939 |
714/5 | Social Security |
1940 |
714/6 | Social Security |
1941 |
714/7 | Social Security |
1942 |
715/1 | Social Security |
1943 |
715/2 | Social Security |
1944 |
715/3 | Social Security |
1945 |
715/4 | Social Security |
Jan. - Mar., 1946 |
716/1 | Social Security |
Apr. - Dec., 1946 |
716/2 | Social Security |
Jan. - May, 1947 |
716/3 | Social Security |
June - Dec., 1947 |
716/4 | Social Security |
1948 |
716/5 | Social Security |
1949 |
716/6 | Social Security |
Jan. - May, 1950 |
716/7 | Social Security |
June, 1950 |
716/8 | Social Security |
July - Dec., 1950 |
716/9 | Social Security |
1951 |
716/10 | Social Security |
1952 |
717/1 | Social Security |
1954 |
717/2 | Social Security |
1955 |
717/3 | Social Security |
1956 |
717/4 | Social Security |
Jan. - May, 1957 |
717/5 | Social Security |
June - Dec., 1957 |
717/6 | Social Security |
Jan. - May, 1958 |
717/7 | Social Security |
June - Dec., 1958 |
717/8 | Social Security |
Jan. - June, 1959 |
717/9 | Social Security |
July - Dec., 1959 |
717/10 | Social Security |
1960 |
717/11 | Social Security, Debate
1942 |
718/1 | Social Security Act, Amendments
1953 |
718/2 | Social Security Board
1936 |
718/3 | Social Security Board
1937 |
718/4 | Social Security, Craighead
1939 |
718/5 | Socialist Party, Bill Suggestion
1946 |
718/6 | Soil Conservation Service
1940, 1949 |
718/7 | Soil Erosion |
1935 |
718/8 | Soil Fertility |
1947 |
718/9 | Somers Lumber Co. |
1939-1942 |
718/10 | Songs |
1937 |
718/11 | Spanel, A. N. |
1945 |
718/12 | Spanish-American War, Request
1939 |
718/13 | Special Session |
1947 |
718/14 | Spending |
1936-1938 |
719/1 | Spending |
1939-1940 |
719/2 | Sponsorship |
1940, 1949 |
719/3 | Sponsorship |
1951-1952 |
719/4 | Sponsorship |
1953-1954 |
719/5 | Sponsorship |
1956-1958 |
719/6 | Sports |
1939 |
719/7 | Spruce Bark Beetle Disease
1953 |
719/8 | Spruce Bark Beetle Disease
1954 |
719/9 | Spruce Budworm Infestation
1955 |
719/10 | Spruce Budworm Infestation
1956 |
719/11 | Spruce Budworm Infestation
1957-1958 |
719/12 | Stamps |
1938 |
719/13 | Stamps |
1939 |
719/14 | Stamps, Linda Richards
1948 |
719/15 | State Admissions |
1953 |
719/16 | State Department Bulletin
1945 |
719/17 | State Department |
1946-1950 |
719/18 | State Department |
1959-1960 |
719/19 | State Department, Policy on
Palestine |
1948 |
719/20 | State Department, Protective
Services |
1950 |
719/21 | State FSA Advisory Commission,
Solutions |
undated |
720/1 | Statements |
1944-1945 |
720/2 | Statements |
1946-1948 |
720/3 | Statements |
1951-1957 |
720/4 | Statements, Public Hearings on
Farm Workers |
1959 |
720/5 | Steel |
1943, 1948 |
720/6 | Steel |
1949 |
720/7 | Steel |
1950-1952 |
720/8 | Steel, Crawford Steel in Wyoming
undated |
720/9 | Steel, Hearings |
1947-1948 |
721/1 | Steel, L. A. Chamber of Commerce,
Reports |
1945 |
721/2 | Steel Mills, MT |
1959-1960 |
721/3 | Steel Pipe |
1947 |
721/4 | Steel Report |
1948 |
721/5 | Stevens, Charles L. |
1939-1941 |
721/6 | Stevenson, Adalai, Off the Record
Remarks |
1952 |
721/7 | Stevenson, Rob A. |
1947 |
721/8 | Stewart, B. |
1936 |
721/9 | Stillwater River Project
1957 |
721/10 | Stock Cars |
1948 |
721/11 | Stock Mar.ket |
1949 |
721/12 | Stockmen |
1935 |
721/13 | Stockpiling |
1945-1948 |
721/14 | Student Exchange Program
1960 |
721/15 | Students |
1942 |
721/16 | Subcommittees |
1943 |
721/17 | Submarginal Land |
1938-1946 |
721/18 | Submarginal Land |
1955 |
721/19 | Subsidies |
1943 |
721/20 | Subsidies |
1944 |
721/21 | Subsidies |
1945-1946, 1956-1959 |
721/22 | Subsistence Checks |
1947 |
721/23 | Subversive Activities
1941-1942, 1952-1959 |
721/24 | Suits |
1947-1948 |
721/25 | Summit Meeting, Nuclear
1960 |
721/26 | Supplies, Civilian |
1943 |
721/27 | Support, Letters |
1936 |
722/1 | Supreme Court, Legislation
1937 |
722/2 | Supreme Court, Legislation
1939, 1948, 1958 |
722/3 | Supreme Court, Letters Against, A
- B |
1937 |
722/4 | Supreme Court, Letters Against, C
- D |
1937 |
722/5 | Supreme Court, Letters Against, E
- G |
1937 |
722/6 | Supreme Court, Letters Against, H
- K |
1937 |
722/7 | Supreme Court, Letters Against, L
1937 |
722/8 | Supreme Court, Letters Against, M
- O |
1937 |
723/1 | Supreme Court, Letters Against, P
- Q |
1937 |
723/2 | Supreme Court, Letters Against, R
1937 |
723/3 | Supreme Court, Letters Against, S
1937 |
723/4 | Supreme Court, Letters Against, T
1937 |
723/5 | Supreme Court, Letters Against,
R. G. Taylor |
1937 |
723/6 | Supreme Court, Letters Against, W
- Z |
1937 |
723/7 | Supreme Court, Letters For, A - B
1937 |
723/8 | Supreme Court, Letters For, C - D
1937 |
723/9 | Supreme Court, Letters For, E
1937 |
723/10 | Supreme Court, Letters For, F - G
1937 |
723/11 | Supreme Court, Letters For, H
1937 |
724/1 | Supreme Court, Letters For, I - K
1937 |
724/2 | Supreme Court, Letters For, L -
Mc |
1937 |
724/3 | Supreme Court, Letters For, M
1937 |
724/4 | Supreme Court, Letters For, N - P
1937 |
724/5 | Supreme Court, Letters For, Q - S
1937 |
724/6 | Supreme Court, Letters For, T
1937 |
724/7 | Supreme Court, Letters For, U - Z
1937 |
724/8 | Supreme Court, Miscellaneous
1935 |
724/9 | Supreme Court, Miscellaneous
1937 |
724/10 | Supreme Court, Miscellaneous
1959-1960 |
724/11 | Supreme Court, Reorganization
1937 |
724/12 | Supreme Court, Surplus
1942-1944 |
724/13 | Supreme Court, Surplus
1945 |
724/14 | Supreme Court, Surplus
1946 |
725/1 | Surplus Marketing Administration
1939-1940 |
725/2 | Surplus Marketing Administration
1941-1942 |
725/3 | Surplus Property |
1943-1944 |
725/4 | Surplus Property |
Jan. - June, 1945 |
725/5 | Surplus Property |
July - Oct., 1945 |
725/6 | Surplus Property |
Nov. - Dec., 1945 |
725/7 | Surplus Property |
Jan., 1946 |
726/1 | Surplus Property |
Feb., 1946 |
726/2 | Surplus Property |
Mar., 1946 |
726/3 | Surplus Property |
Apr., 1946 |
726/4 | Surplus Property |
May, 1946 |
727/1 | Surplus Property |
June, 1946 |
727/2 | Surplus Property |
July - Aug., 1946 |
727/3 | Surplus Property |
Sept. - Dec., 1946 |
728/1 | Surplus Property |
Jan. - June, 1947 |
728/2 | Surplus Property |
Apr. - June, 1947 |
728/3 | Surplus Property |
July - Dec., 1947 |
728/4 | Surplus Property |
1948 |
728/5 | Surplus Property |
1957 - June, 1958 |
728/6 | Surplus Property |
July - Dec., 1958 |
728/7 | Surplus Property |
1959-1960 |
728/8 | Surplus Property, Airports
1944-1945 |
728/9 | Surveys |
1939, 1946 |
728/10 | Synthetic Fuel Plant, Surveys for
Locating |
1949 |
728/11 | Synthetic Liquid Fuels
1953 |
728/12 | Synthetic Rubber |
1942 |
729/1 | Tennessee Valley Authority
1938 |
729/2 | Tennessee Valley Authority
1944-1945 |
729/3 | Tennessee Valley Authority
1946-1948 |
729/4 | Tennessee Valley Authority
1953-1954 |
729/5 | Tennessee Valley Authority
1956-1958 |
729/6 | Tennessee Valley Authority
1959 |
729/7 | Tennessee Valley Authority
1969 |
730/1 | Tennessee Valley Authority,
Publications and Data |
1944-1945 |
730/2 | Tennessee Valley Authority,
Statements |
1945 |
730/3 | Tankers, American Flag
1960 |
731/1 | Tannery, Butte, Miles City
1935-1936 |
731/2 | Tansi, U.S. Attorney |
1936 |
731/3 | Tariffs |
1938 |
731/4 | Tariffs |
Jan. - June, 1939 |
731/5 | Tariffs |
Sept. - Dec., 1939 |
731/6 | Tariffs |
1940-1941 |
732/1 | Tariffs |
1942 |
732/2 | Tariffs |
1946-1947 |
732/3 | Tariffs |
1951-1952 |
732/4 | Tariffs |
1953-1959 |
732/5 | Tascher, Harold, "Maggie and
Montana" |
1954 |
732/6 | Tate and Hawley |
1936-1937 |
732/7 | Tax, Francis, Estate, Medicine
Lake, MT |
1935-1937 |
732/8 | Taxation of Building and Loan
Association |
1951 |
732/9 | Taxes |
1935 |
733/1 | Taxes |
1937-1938 |
733/2 | Taxes |
1939 |
733/3 | Taxes |
1940 |
733/4 | Taxes |
Feb. - June, 1941 |
733/5 | Taxes |
July - Aug., 1941 |
733/6 | Taxes |
Sept. - Dec., 1941 |
733/7 | Taxes |
Jan. - Feb., 1942 |
733/8 | Taxes |
Mar. - July, 1942 |
734/1 | Taxes |
Aug. - Sept., 1942 |
734/2 | Taxes |
Oct. - Dec., 1942 |
734/3 | Taxes |
Jan. - June, 1943 |
734/4 | Taxes |
July - Dec., 1943 |
734/5 | Taxes |
1944 |
734/6 | Taxes, Magazines |
1944-1945 |
734/7 | Taxes |
1945 |
734/8 | Taxes |
Jan. - Mar., 1946 |
735/1 | Taxes |
Apr. - Dec., 1946 |
735/2 | Taxes |
Jan. - June, 1946 |
735/3 | Taxes |
1947 |
735/4 | Taxes |
1948 |
735/5 | Taxes |
Jan. - Mar., 1949 |
735/6 | Taxes |
Apr. - Dec., 1949 |
735/7 | Taxes |
1950 |
735/8 | Taxes |
Jan. - June, 1951 |
736/1 | Taxes |
July - Dec., 1951 |
736/2 | Taxes |
Jan. - Apr., 1952 |
736/3 | Taxes |
May - Dec., 1952 |
736/4 | Taxes |
1953 |
736/5 | Taxes |
Jan. - Mar., 1954 |
736/6 | Taxes |
Apr. - Dec., 1954 |
736/7 | Taxes |
1955-1956 |
736/8 | Taxes |
1957 |
737/1 | Taxes |
1958 |
737/2 | Taxes, Broadcast, Cuts
1954 |
737/3 | Taxes, Cooperative |
1955-1956 |
737/4 | Taxes, Cooperative |
1957-1958 |
737/5 | Taxes, evasion |
1940 |
737/6 | Taxes, Excise |
1935 |
737/7 | Taxes, Excise |
1947-1948 |
737/8 | Taxes, Excise |
1953-1954 |
737/9 | Taxes, Excise |
1955-1956 |
737/10 | Taxes, Excise |
1957-1958 |
737/11 | Taxes, Gasoline |
1955 |
737/12 | Taxes, Income |
Jan. - Nov., 1943 |
738/1 | Taxes, Income |
Dec., 1943 - Feb., 1944 |
738/2 | Taxes, Income |
1945 |
738/3 | Taxes |
1947 |
738/4 | Taxes |
1948 |
738/5 | Taxes |
1949-1951 |
738/6 | Taxes |
1956-1957 |
738/7 | Taxes |
1958 |
738/8 | Taxes |
1960 |
738/9 | Taxes, Internal Revenue
1939 |
738/10 | Taxes, Internal Revenue
1942-1943 |
738/11 | Taxes, Internal Revenue
1947-1948 |
738/12 | Taxes, Internal Revenue
1951 |
738/13 | Taxes, Internal Revenue
1952, 1960 |
738/14 | Taxes, Poll |
1940-1942 |
738/15 | Taxes, Poll |
1943-1944 |
739/1 | Taxes, Poll |
1948 |
739/2 | Taxes, Railroad Men |
1950-1951 |
739/3 | Taxes, Related to Health Bills
1945 |
739/4 | Taxes, Revenue |
Jan. - June 18, 1935 |
739/5 | Taxes, Revenue |
June 20, 1935 - Mar. 6, 1946 |
739/6 | Taxes, Revenue |
Mar. 7 - May 22, 1936 |
739/7 | Taxes, Revenue |
May 23, 1936-1937 |
739/8 | Taxes, Transaction |
1936 |
739/9 | Taylor Grazing Act |
1937 |
739/10 | Telecasts |
1959-1960 |
739/11 | Telegrams |
1947-1949 |
739/12 | Telegraph Companies |
1942 |
739/13 | Telephone |
1950-1958 |
739/14 | Telephone |
1959-1960 |
739/15 | Telephone, Mountain States
1947-1948 |
739/16 | Telephone, Rates |
1951 |
739/17 | Telephone, Rural |
1945 |
739/18 | Telephone Services, Lodge Grass,
MT |
1949 |
740/1 | Television |
1946-1953 |
740/2 | Television |
1954 - June, 1956 |
740/3 | Television |
July - Dec., 1956 |
740/4 | Television |
Jan. - June, 1957 |
740/5 | Television |
July - Dec., 1957 |
740/6 | Television |
Jan. - Mar., 1958 |
740/7 | Television |
Apr. - June, 1958 |
740/8 | Television |
July - Oct., 1958 |
740/9 | Television |
Nov. - Dec., 1958 |
740/10 | Television |
Jan. 1 - 11, 1959 |
741/1 | Television |
Jan. 12, 1959 |
741/2 | Television |
Jan., 13 - 14, 1959 |
741/3 | Television |
Jan. 23-1931, 1959 |
741/4 | Television |
Feb. 1-198, 1959 |
741/5 | Television |
Feb. 9 - 10, 1959 |
741/6 | Television |
Feb. 11-1927, 1959 |
741/7 | Television |
Feb. 11-1927, 1959 |
742/1 | Television |
Mar. - Apr., 1959 |
742/2 | Television |
May - July, 1959 |
742/3 | Television |
Aug. - Dec., 1959 |
742/4 | Television |
Jan. - Feb., 1960 |
742/5 | Television |
Mar. - Apr., 1960 |
742/6 | Television |
May - Oct., 1960 |
742/7 | Terminal Leave |
1946 |
742/8 | Thanks |
1936 |
743/1 | Thanks |
1937-1939 |
743/2 | Thanks |
Jan. - Feb., 1940 |
743/3 | Thanks |
Mar. - Apr., 1940 |
743/4 | Thanks |
May - June, 1940 |
743/5 | Thanks |
July - Sept., 1940 |
743/6 | Thanks |
Oct. - Dec., 1940 |
743/7 | Thanks |
Jan. - Mar., 1941 |
743/8 | Thanks |
Apr. - May, 1941 |
743/9 | Thanks |
June - Aug., 1941 |
744/1 | Thanks |
Sept. - Dec., 1941 |
744/2 | Thanks |
Jan. - Mar., 1942 |
744/3 | Thanks |
Apr. - June, 1942 |
744/4 | Thanks |
July - Dec., 1942 |
744/5 | Thanks |
1943-1944 |
744/6 | Thanks |
1946-1948 |
744/7 | Thanks |
1951-1954 |
744/8 | Thanks |
1956-1957 |
744/9 | Thanks |
1958-1960 |
744/10 | Thatcher, M. W. |
1942-1944 |
744/11 | Third Term Issue |
1942-1944 |
744/12 | Thorkelson |
1939-1941 |
744/13 | Threlkeld, Ralph K. |
1943-1947 |
744/14 | Tickets |
1948-1949 |
745/1 | Timber |
1957-1958 |
745/2 | Timber Industry, J. Neils Lumber
Co. |
1949 |
745/3 | Tin Cans |
1947-1948 |
745/4 | Tobacco |
1944 |
745/5 | Townsend Plan |
1936 |
745/6 | Townsend Plan |
Jan. - May 12, 1939 |
745/7 | Townsend Plan |
May 15 - June, 1939 |
745/8 | Townsend Plan |
1940-1942 |
745/9 | Townsend Plan |
1945 |
745/10 | Townsend Plan |
1958 |
746/1 | Tractors, Liberty |
1934-1936 |
746/2 | Trade Agreements,
U.S./Canada/U.K. |
undated |
746/3 | Trade Agreements |
1940 |
746/4 | Trade, China |
1935 |
746/5 | Trade Commission |
1935-1937 |
746/6 | Trade Fair |
Mar. - July, 1952 |
746/7 | Trade Fair |
Mar., 1959 - July, 1960 |
746/8 | Trade, Federal |
1949-1953 |
746/9 | Trade, Foreign |
1936 |
746/10 | Trade, Reciprocal |
1936 |
746/11 | Trade, Reciprocity Agreements
1940 |
746/12 | Trade, Reciprocal, Agreements
1947 |
746/13 | Trade, Reciprocal |
1951 |
746/14 | Trade, Reciprocal, w/Canada
1937 |
747/1 | Trade, Reciprocal, w/Canada
1939 |
747/2 | Trade, Reciprocal, w/Cuba
1939 |
747/3 | Trade, Reciprocal, Fur
1939 |
747/4 | Trade, Reciprocal, Mining
1938-1940 |
747/5 | Trade Marks |
1945 |
747/6 | Transfers |
1934-1937 |
747/7 | Transfers |
Jan. - July, 1945 |
748/1 | Transfers |
1946 |
748/2 | Transfers |
1947 |
748/3 | Transfer of Manpower, Department
of Labor |
1943 |
748/4 | Transmission Lines |
1951 |
748/5 | Transmission Lines |
1959-1960 |
748/6 | Transportation |
1937-1939 |
748/7 | Transportation |
1940 |
748/8 | Transportation |
1941 |
748/9 | Transportation |
1942 |
748/10 | Transportation |
Jan. - Apr., 1943 |
748/11 | Transportation |
July - Sept., 1943 |
748/12 | Transportation |
Oct., 1943 |
748/13 | Transportation |
1944 |
748/14 | Transportation |
1945-1946 |
749/1 | Transportation |
1947 |
749/2 | Transportation |
1948 |
749/3 | Transportation |
1949 |
749/4 | Transportation |
1952 |
749/5 | Transportation |
1953-1954 |
749/6 | Transportation |
1955 |
749/7 | Transportation |
1956 |
749/8 | Transportation |
1959-1960 |
749/9 | Travel |
1942 |
749/10 | Travel Division |
1949 |
749/11 | Travertine, MT, Construction of
Federal Buildings |
1937 |
749/12 | Travertine, Procurement
1940 |
749/13 | Treasury |
1936 |
749/14 | Treasury, Butte |
1941 |
749/15 | Treasury Department |
1944-1948 |
749/16 | Treasury Department |
1951-1953 |
749/17 | Treasury Gold |
1937 |
749/18 | Treaties |
1935-1937 |
749/19 | Treaties, Mexican Water
1945-1946 |
749/20 | Treaty Law |
1954 |
749/21 | Trials |
1945 |
749/22 | Trials |
1949 |
750/1 | Tribute, Retirement of Murray
1960 |
750/2 | Tropic, Mary and Charles
1938 |
750/3 | Truman, Harry |
1945 |
750/4 | Truman, Harry |
1946-1948 |
750/5 | Truman, Harry |
1951-1952, 1956 |
750/6 | Trusts |
1942, 1947 |
750/7 | Tucker Corp. |
1948 |
750/8 | Tuttle Creek Dam Project
1953 |
750/9 | House of Un-American Activities
Committee |
1939-1945 |
750/10 | House of Un-American Activities
Committee |
1946-1950 |
750/11 | House of Un-American Activities
Committee |
1959 |
751/1 | Unemployment |
1936 |
751/2 | Unemployment |
1938-1943 |
751/3 | Unemployment |
1947, 1959 |
751/4 | Unemployment, Address to Work
Alliances |
1937-1938 |
751/5 | Unemployment, Hearings
1938 |
751/6 | Unemployment, Lay-offs at
Whitefish |
1936 |
751/7 | Unemployment, Testimonies
Mar. 1 - 15, 1938 |
751/8 | Unemployment, Testimonies
Mar. 15, 1938 |
751/9 | Unemployment, Testimonies
751/10 | Unemployment, Testimonies
751/11 | Unemployment, Testimonies
751/12 | Unemployment, Zollars
1938 |
751/13 | Unemployment Compensation
1941-1942 |
751/14 | Unemployment Compensation
1945-1946 |
751/15 | Unemployment Compensation
1948-1950 |
751/16 | Unemployment Compensation
1953 |
751/17 | Unemployment Compensation
1954 |
752/1 | Unemployment Hearings
1937 - Jan. 14, 1938 |
752/2 | Unemployment Hearings
Jan. 15 - Mar., 1938 |
752/3 | Unemployment Insurance
1935-1936 |
752/4 | Unemployment and Relief
1938-1940 |
752/5 | UNESCO |
1945 - Sept., 1946 |
752/6 | UNESCO |
Oct., 1946 |
752/7 | UNESCO |
Nov., 1946 |
752/8 | UNESCO |
1948 |
752/9 | UNRRA |
1945 |
752/10 | United World Federalists
1945-1948 |
752/11 | United Nations |
1950-1953 |
753/1 | United Nations |
1954 |
753/2 | United Nations |
1956-1960 |
753/3 | United Postage, Coverage
1959 |
753/4 | U.S. Conciliation Service
1953 |
753/5 | U.S. Customs |
1948 |
753/6 | U.S. Flag |
1953 |
753/7 | U.S. Information Service
1947 |
753/8 | U.S. Marshals |
1947, 1953 |
753/9 | U.S. Parks Service, Complaints
1959 |
753/10 | U.S. Student Exchange Program,
MT, Schools |
1959 |
753/11 | United World Federalists
1959 |
753/12 | Universities |
1939 |
753/13 | Urban Renewal |
1959 |
754/1 | Utilities |
1937-1939 |
754/2 | Utilities, Billings Co.
1935 |
754/3 | Utilities, Idaho Power Co.
1937, 1956 |
754/4 | Utilities, Montana - Dakota Co.
Jan. - June, 1939 |
754/5 | Utilities, Montana - Dakota Co.
Oct. - Dec., 1939 |
754/6 | Utilities, Montana - Dakota Co.
1940 |
754/7 | Utilities, Montana - Dakota Co.
1944 |
754/8 | Utilities, Montana - Dakota Co.
1946 |
754/9 | Utilities, Montana - Dakota Co.
1947 |
754/10 | Utilities, Montana - Dakota Co.
Jan. - Sept. 20, 1949 |
754/11 | Utilities, Montana - Dakota Co.
Sept. 21 - Dec., 1949 |
754/12 | Utilities, Montana - Dakota Co.
1950 |
754/13 | Utilities, Montana - Dakota Co.
1951-1954 |
754/14 | Utilities, Montana - Dakota Co.
1955-1956 |
754/15 | Utilities, Public |
1943 |
754/16 | Utilities, Public |
1954 |
754/17 | Vallecito Reservoir, Boating
Concession |
1945 |
755/1 | Van Cleve, Paul L. Jr.
1950 |
755/2 | Vaselenak, Peter |
1936 |
755/3 | Vatican |
1951-1953, 1959 |
755/4 | Veldhuis, Dr., Retention
1936 |
755/5 | Venereal Disease |
1937-1938 |
755/6 | Venereal Disease |
1939-1940 |
755/7 | Vermiculite, Libby |
1941 |
755/8 | Veterans' Administration
1936-1938 |
755/9 | Veterans' Administration
1945 |
755/10 | Veterans' Administration
1946-1947 |
755/11 | Veterans' Administration
1950 |
756/1 | Veterans' Administration
1951-1952 |
756/2 | Veterans' Administration, Glenn,
Wm. R |
1946-1950 |
756/3 | Veterans' Administration,
McCuster, Tom J. |
1949 |
756/4 | Veterans' Administration, Mecum,
Ida |
1948-1949 |
756/5 | Veterans' Administration,
Montgomery, Wm. |
1944 |
756/6 | Veterans' Administration, Murray,
Isaac |
1949 |
756/7 | Veterans' Administration,
Robbins, Vessa |
1948-1949 |
757/1 | Veterans' Administration, Smiley,
Chester A. |
1948-1949 |
757/2 | Veterans' Administration,
Stringari, Joseph P. |
1949 |
757/3 | Veterans' Administration,
Terminal Leave |
1947 |
757/4 | Veterans' Administration, Yates,
John R. |
1938 |
757/5 | Veteran Affairs |
1936-1937 |
757/6 | Veterans Appeals |
1945 |
757/7 | Veterans Benefits |
1945 |
757/8 | Veterans Benefits |
1960 |
757/9 | Veterans Bonds |
1937 |
757/10 | Veterans Case File |
1955 |
757/11 | Veterans Case File, A
1937-1944 |
758/1 | Veterans Case File, Anderson,
Grover |
1943-1947 |
758/2 | Veterans Case File, B
1937-1939 |
758/3 | Veterans Case File, B
1940-1944 |
758/4 | Veterans Case File, Baille
Jules, 1937-1938 |
758/5 | Veterans Case File, Bersherse and
List Clemency Requests |
1946 |
758/6 | Veterans Case File, Buckmaster,
Claude |
1941-1942 |
758/7 | Veterans Case File, C
1937-1938 |
758/8 | Veterans Case File, C
1947-1948 |
758/9 | Veterans Case File, Carlson,
Frank G. |
1937-1940 |
758/10 | Veterans Case File, D
1937-1939, 1944 |
758/11 | Veterans Case File, Dominick, F.
N. |
1935-1939 |
758/12 | Veterans Case File, E and F
1938-1940 |
759/1 | Veterans Case File, F
1943-1944 |
759/2 | Veterans Case File, Flynn, George
T. |
1938-1942 |
759/3 | Veterans Case File, Fullerton,
Robert W. |
1941-1942 |
759/4 | Veterans Case File, G
1937-1938 |
759/5 | Veterans Case File, G
1942-1948 |
759/6 | Veterans Case File, George, Ely
1938-1939 |
759/7 | Veterans Case File, Giulio, James
1937-1938 |
759/8 | Veterans Case File, Grant, J. R.
1939-1943 |
759/9 | Veterans Case File, H
1937-1940 |
759/10 | Veterans Case File, H
1948-1950 |
759/11 | Veterans Case File, Irving, A. J.
1938 |
759/12 | Veterans Case File, J
1937-1943 |
759/13 | Veterans Case File, James, Arthur
1937-1938 |
760/1 | Veterans Case File, K
1937-1944 |
760/2 | Veterans Case File, Kennedy,
Clint D. |
1937 |
760/3 | Veterans Case File, L
1940-1943 |
760/4 | Veterans Case File, Luttrel, R.
1938-1939 |
760/5 | Veterans Case File, M
1939, 1942, 1947-1948 |
760/6 | Veterans Case File, O'Leary,
Chris |
1937-1940 |
760/7 | Veterans Case File, Orie, Henry
C. |
1937-1938 |
760/8 | Veterans Case File, Patrick,
Gustava |
1936-1938 |
760/9 | Veterans Case File, Peterson, Guy
1948 |
760/10 | Veterans Case File, Pewitt, Otis
1938 |
760/11 | Veterans Case File, Pulver, Elmer
1936-1938 |
760/12 | Veterans Case File, Quinn, Frank
1940-1944 |
760/13 | Veterans Case File, R
1937-1939 |
760/14 | Veterans Case File, R
1947-1948 |
760/15 | Veterans Case File, S
1937-1938 |
761/1 | Veterans Case File, Stage, Donald
1944 |
761/2 | Veterans Case File, T
1936-1940 |
761/3 | Veterans Case File, Vesel,
Frances |
1948 |
761/4 | Veterans Case File, Van Horn, J.
R. |
1938 |
761/5 | Veterans Case File, W
1938 |
761/6 | Veterans Case File, Y
1937-1940 |
761/7 | Veterans Case File, A - K
1949 |
761/8 | Veterans Case File, L - Q
1949 |
761/9 | Veterans Case File, R - Z
1949 |
761/10 | Veterans Case File, A - K
1950 |
761/11 | Veterans Case File, L - Q
1950 |
761/12 | Veterans Case File, R - Z
1950 |
761/13 | Veterans Claims |
1941 |
761/14 | Veterans Claims |
1949 |
762/1 | Veterans Dinner |
1946 |
762/2 | Veterans Disability, Compensation
1941 |
762/3 | Veterans Disability, Review Board
1949 |
762/4 | Veterans Education |
1945 |
762/5 | Veterans of Foreign Wars, Form
Letters |
1943 |
762/6 | Veteran Hospitals |
1935, 1945 |
762/7 | Veteran Hospitals |
1950 |
762/8 | Veteran Hospitals, Fort Benton
1935-1936 |
762/9 | Veteran Hospitals, Fort Benton
1945 |
762/10 | Veteran Hospitals, Fort Harrison
1937 |
762/11 | Veteran Hospitals, Fort Harrison
1942, 1949-1951 |
762/12 | Veteran Hospitals, Fort Harrison
1956-1957 |
762/13 | Veteran Hospitals, Fort Harrison
1958 |
763/1 | Veteran Hospitals, Fort Harrison
1959-1960 |
763/2 | Veteran Hospitals, Miles City
1951-1953 |
763/3 | Veterans Housing |
1946 |
763/4 | Veterans Insurance |
1941 |
763/5 | Veterans |
1934 |
763/6 | Veterans |
Jan. - June, 1935 |
763/7 | Veterans |
July - Dec., 1935 |
763/8 | Veterans |
1936 |
764/1 | Veterans |
1937 |
764/2 | Veterans |
1938 |
764/3 | Veterans |
Jan. - June, 1939 |
764/4 | Veterans |
July - Dec., 1939 |
764/5 | Veterans |
Jan. - June, 1940 |
764/6 | Veterans |
July - Dec., 1940 |
764/7 | Veterans |
Jan. - Apr. 3, 1941 |
765/1 | Veterans |
Apr. 7 - Oct., 1941 |
765/2 | Veterans |
Jan. - June, 1942 |
765/3 | Veterans |
July - Dec., 1942 |
765/4 | Veterans |
Jan. - May, 1943 |
765/5 | Veterans |
June - Dec., 1943 |
765/6 | Veterans |
Jan. - Sept., 1944 |
765/7 | Veterans |
Oct., 1944 - Mar., 1945 |
765/8 | Veterans |
Apr. - Nov., 1945 |
766/1 | Veterans |
Jan. - May, 1946 |
766/2 | Veterans |
June - Dec., 1946 |
766/3 | Veterans |
Jan. - Feb., 1947 |
767/1 | Veterans |
Mar. - May, 1947 |
767/2 | Veterans |
June - Sept., 1947 |
767/3 | Veterans |
Oct. - Dec., 1947 |
767/4 | Veterans |
Mar. - Sept., 1948 |
767/5 | Veterans |
Oct. - Dec., 1949 |
767/6 | Veterans |
Jan. - Mar., 1949 |
767/7 | Veterans |
Apr. - July, 1949 |
768/1 | Veterans |
Aug. - Sept., 1949 |
768/2 | Veterans |
Oct. - Dec., 1949 |
768/3 | Veterans |
Jan. - June, 1950 |
768/4 | Veterans |
July, 1950 |
768/5 | Veterans |
Aug. - Sept. 13, 1950 |
768/6 | Veterans |
Sept. 14 - Dec., 1950 |
768/7 | Veterans |
Jan. - June, 1951 |
769/1 | Veterans |
July - Dec., 1951 |
769/2 | Veterans |
Jan. - June, 1952 |
769/3 | Veterans |
July - Dec., 1952 |
769/4 | Veterans |
Jan. - June, 1953 |
769/5 | Veterans |
July - Oct., 1953 |
769/6 | Veterans |
Jan. - May 17, 1954 |
769/7 | Veterans |
May 18 - Dec., 1954 |
769/8 | Veterans |
1955 |
770/1 | Veterans |
Jan. - June, 1956 |
770/2 | Veterans |
July - Dec., 1956 |
770/3 | Veterans |
Jan. - Mar. 21, 1957 |
770/4 | Veterans |
Mar. 22 - June 17, 1957 |
771/1 | Veterans |
July - Dec., 1957 |
771/2 | Veterans |
1958 |
771/3 | Veterans |
Jan. - June, 1959 |
772/1 | Veterans |
July - Dec., 1959 |
772/2 | Veterans |
Jan. - Mar., 1960 |
772/3 | Veterans |
Apr. - Nov., 1960 |
772/4 | Veterans, National Service Life
Insurance |
1945 |
772/5 | Veterans, Officers Retirement
772/6 | Veterans, Outpatients, Treatment
Status |
1957 |
773/1 | Veterans, Pamphlets and Info
1945 |
773/2 | Veterans, Pamphlets and Info
1946-1947 |
773/3 | Veterans, Pensions |
1935 |
773/4 | Veterans, Pensions |
Jan. - Aug., 1936 |
774/1 | Veterans, Pensions |
Sept. - Dec., 1936 |
774/2 | Veterans, Pensions |
1937 |
774/3 | Veterans, Pensions |
1943 |
774/4 | Veterans, Pensions |
Jan. - Mar., 1948 |
774/5 | Veterans, Pensions |
Apr. - June, 1948 |
774/6 | Veterans, Pensions |
1950, 1954 |
774/7 | Veterans, Physician Shortage
1941 |
774/8 | Veterans, Prisoner of War Camps
1945 |
774/9 | Veterans, Retirement Benefits
1945 |
774/10 | Veterans of Spanish/American War
1945-1946 |
774/11 | Veterans of Spanish/American War
1951-1952 |
774/12 | Veterans of Spanish/American War
1953-1954 |
774/13 | Veterans of Spanish/American War
1957-1958 |
774/14 | Veterans Training Program
1945 |
774/15 | Veterans' Widow Benefits
1957 |
775/1 | Veterans of WWI |
1934 - Mar., 1935 |
775/2 | Veterans of WWI |
Apr. - Dec., 1935 |
775/3 | Veterans of WWI |
1936 |
775/4 | Veterans of WWI |
1937 |
775/5 | Veterans of WWI |
1948 |
775/6 | Veterans of WWI |
1957-1958 |
775/7 | Veterans of WWI, Charlie McCarthy
1960 |
775/8 | Vietnam, "The Quiet American"
1957 |
775/9 | Virgin Islands |
1951-1954 |
775/10 | Virgin Islands |
1959 |
775/11 | Visa, Pritchett's |
1940 |
775/12 | Visa Requests |
1941, 1947 |
775/13 | Visitors |
1940, 1943 |
776/1 | Visitors |
1944 |
776/2 | Visitors |
1947 |
776/3 | Visitors |
1948 |
776/4 | Visitors |
1949 |
776/5 | Visitors |
1950-1952 |
776/6 | Visitors |
1953-1954 |
776/7 | Visitors |
1956 |
776/8 | Visitors |
1958-1960 |
776/9 | Visitors |
1940-1959 |
776/10 | Vocational Education |
1952-1954 |
776/11 | Vocational Education |
1956 |
776/12 | Vocational Education |
1957-1958 |
776/13 | Vocational Rehabilitation
1948 |
776/14 | Vocational Rehabilitation
1950 |
776/15 | Vocational Training |
1935 |
776/16 | Voting |
1943-1949 |
776/17 | Voting |
1951-1959 |
776/18 | Voting Record, Murray and Monagan
1938 |
776/19 | Voting Record, Rural Interests
1949-1950 |
776/20 | Voting Record |
1946, 1951-1952 |
777/1 | Voting Record |
1951-1953 |
777/2 | Voting Record |
1954 |
777/3 | Voting Record |
1955 |
778/1 | Voting Record |
1956 |
778/2 | Voting, Rural League |
1936 |
778/3 | Wadsworth - Longeway |
1936 |
778/4 | Wages, Garnishment |
1944 |
778/5 | Wage Stabilization Board
1945-1948 |
778/6 | Wake Island |
1946 |
778/7 | Walsh, Senator |
1959 |
778/8 | War |
1940 |
778/9 | War |
1941 - Feb., 1942 |
778/10 | War |
Mar. - Apr., 1942 |
778/11 | War |
June - Dec., 1942 |
778/12 | War |
1943 |
778/13 | War |
1945, 1949 |
778/14 | War, Air Forces |
1946 |
778/15 | War, Armories |
1941 |
778/16 | War, Army Commissions
1942 |
778/17 | War, Army Medical Officers
1946 |
778/18 | War, Army U.S. Corps of Engineers
1945 |
779/1 | War, War Assets Administration
1946 |
779/2 | War, War Assets Administration
Jan. - Mar., 1947 |
779/3 | War, War Assets Administration
Apr. - Dec., 1947 |
779/4 | War, War Assets Administration
1949 |
779/5 | War Bonds |
1943-1947 |
779/6 | War, Claims |
1953-1954 |
779/7 | War, Claims Act |
1949 |
780/1 | War Contractors |
1950 |
780/2 | War Contracts |
1942-1943 |
780/3 | War Contracts |
Jan. - Apr., 1944 |
780/4 | War Contracts |
May - June, 1944 |
780/5 | War Contracts |
July, 1944 |
780/6 | War Contracts |
Aug. - Dec., 1944 |
780/7 | War Contracts |
June, 1945 |
780/8 | War Contracts |
July, 1945 |
781/1 | War Contracts |
1946 |
781/2 | War Contracts |
1950-1951 |
781/3 | War Contracts, Personnel
1944-1945 |
781/4 | War Contracts, Press Release
1944 |
781/5 | War Contracts, Subcommittee
1944-1945 |
781/6 | War Contracts, Subcommittee,
Expenditures |
1944 |
781/7 | War Contracts, Subcommittee,
Memos Received |
1944-1945 |
781/8 | War Contracts, Subcommittee,
Memos Sent |
1944-1945 |
781/9 | War Contracts, Terminations and
Settlements |
1947 |
781/10 | War Crime Trials, Krupp Family
1950-1951 |
781/11 | War Department, Commissions
1945 |
781/12 | War Department |
1940-1947 |
781/13 | War Food |
1943 |
781/14 | War Food |
1944 |
781/15 | War Food |
1945 |
781/16 | War Industries |
1939-1942 |
781/17 | War Insurance |
1943 |
781/18 | War Labor Board |
1942-1945 |
782/1 | War Manpower Commission
Jan. - June, 1943 |
782/2 | War Manpower Commission
July - Dec., 1943 |
782/3 | War Manpower Commission,
Directive |
1945 |
782/4 | War Manpower Commission,
Employment Service |
1943 |
782/5 | War, Marine Corps |
1943, 1946 |
782/6 | War, Military Academy
1942 |
782/7 | War, Military Affairs
1943 |
783/1 | War Mobilization Sub-Committee
1944-1946 |
783/2 | War Munitions |
1942 |
783/3 | War, National Defense
1940-1941 |
783/4 | War, National Service Act
1944 |
783/5 | War, Naval Advertising
1941-1942 |
783/6 | War, Navy |
1942 |
783/7 | War, Navy |
1943 |
783/8 | War, Navy |
1946 |
783/9 | War, Navy |
1948 |
783/10 | War, Optometry Corps |
1946 |
783/11 | War, Post |
Apr. - July, 1943 |
783/12 | War, Post |
Aug. - Sept., 1943 |
783/13 | War, Post |
Oct. - Dec., 1943 |
784/1 | War, Post |
1944 |
784/2 | War, Post |
1945-1946 |
784/3 | War, Post, Construction
1943 |
784/4 | War Powers Act |
1947 |
784/5 | War Prisoners |
1943 |
785/1 | War Prisoners |
1944-1946 |
785/2 | War Prisoners |
1947-1948 |
785/3 | War Prisoners, Camps |
1943 |
785/4 | War Prisoners, Camps |
1944 |
785/5 | War Production Board, Priorities
Jan. - Apr., 1942 |
785/6 | War Production Board, Priorities
May, 1942 |
785/7 | War Production Board, Priorities
June, 1942 |
785/8 | War Production Board, Priorities
July, 1942 |
786/1 | War Production Board, Priorities
Aug. - Dec., 1942 |
786/2 | War Production Board, Priorities
Jan. - Feb., 1943 |
786/3 | War Production Board, Priorities
Mar., 1943 |
786/4 | War Production Board, Priorities
Apr. - June, 1943 |
786/5 | War Production Board, Priorities
Aug. - Dec., 1943 |
786/6 | War Production Board, Priorities
Jan., 1944 |
786/7 | War Production Board, Priorities
Feb. - June, 1944 |
786/8 | War Production Board, Priorities
July - Dec., 1944 |
787/1 | War Production Board, Priorities
Jan. - Mar., 1945 |
787/2 | War Production Board, Priorities
Apr. - June, 1945 |
787/3 | War Production Board, Priorities
July - Sept., 1945 |
787/4 | War Production Board, J. J.
Lacken |
1944-1945 |
788/1 | War Production Board, Preference
Rating, St. James |
1942 |
788/2 | War Production Board, Supplies
1942-1944 |
788/3 | War Profits |
1935-1937 |
788/4 | War Public Works |
788/5 | War Rationing |
1942 |
788/6 | War Relief |
1941, 1946 |
788/7 | War Relocation Authority
1942-1943 |
788/8 | War Relocation Center
1942 |
788/9 | War Risk Insurance |
1941-1942 |
788/10 | War Savings |
1942-1943 |
788/11 | War Selective Service
May - June, 1942 |
788/12 | War Selective Service
July - Aug., 1942 |
788/13 | War Selective Service
Sept., 1942 |
788/14 | War Selective Service
Oct. - Nov., 1942 |
788/15 | War Selective Service
1945 |
788/16 | War Selective Service
Jan. - Mar., 1946 |
788/17 | War Selective Service
Apr. - May, 1946 |
788/18 | War Taxes |
1947 |
788/19 | War Time |
1941-1945 |
789/1 | War Time Publications
1945 |
789/2 | War Trials |
1945 |
789/3 | War, WAVES |
1942 |
789/4 | War, World War II, Korean War,
Montana Bonus |
1958-1959 |
789/5 | Washington D. C., Suffrage,
Racist Letter |
undated |
789/6 | Waste |
1942-1943 |
789/7 | Water Compact |
1952 |
789/8 | Water Conservation |
1936-1938 |
789/9 | Water Conservation |
1941-1944 |
789/10 | Water Conservation |
1956 |
789/11 | Water Conservation |
1958 |
789/12 | Water Conservation |
1959-1960 |
789/13 | Water Development |
1945 |
789/14 | Water Development |
1958 |
789/15 | Water Development, Montana
1957-1959 |
789/16 | Water Development, Russian Trip
Jan., 1958 |
790/1 | Water Development, Russian Trip
Feb. - May, 1958 |
790/2 | Water Development, Russian Trip
June - Sept., 1958 |
790/3 | Water Development, Russian Trip
Oct. - Dec., 1958 |
790/4 | Water Development, Russian Trip
Jan. - Feb., 1959 |
790/5 | Water Development, Russian Trip
Mar. - June, 1959 |
791/1 | Water Pollution |
1948-1956 |
791/2 | Water Pollution, Booklets
1957 |
791/3 | Water Pollution, Booklets
1957 |
791/4 | Water Pollution, Letters
1957 |
791/5 | Water Pollution |
1958 |
791/6 | Water Pollution |
1959-1960 |
792/1 | Water Pollution Control
1945-1946 |
792/2 | Water Pollution Control Act
1952 |
792/3 | Water Resources |
1959-1960 |
792/4 | Water Resources |
1964 |
792/5 | Water Resources, Policy
Commission |
1950-1951 |
792/6 | Water Rights |
1947, 1956 |
792/7 | Water Shortage, MT |
1958 |
792/8 | Water Systems |
1956 |
792/9 | Water Systems |
Jan. - May, 1957 |
793/1 | Water Systems |
June, 1957-1958 |
793/2 | Water Systems |
1959 |
793/3 | Water Systems |
1960 |
793/4 | Waterways |
1942 |
793/5 | Waterton - Belly Project
1957 |
793/6 | Wattawa, John |
1949 |
793/7 | Weather Bureau |
1947, 1956 |
793/8 | Weir Larry |
1941-1942 |
793/9 | Welfare, Child |
1943-1944 |
793/10 | Welfare, Public |
1937-1938 |
793/11 | Welfare, Public |
Jan. - Mar., 1939 |
793/12 | Welfare, Public |
Apr. - June, 1939 |
794/1 | Welfare, Public |
July - Dec., 1939 |
794/2 | Welfare, Public |
Jan. - June, 1940 |
794/3 | Welfare, Public |
Aug., 1940-1941 |
794/4 | Welfare, Public |
1943-1957 |
794/5 | Whaling |
1937 |
794/6 | Wheeler |
1936-1940 |
794/7 | Wheeler |
1941-1943 |
795/1 | Wheeler |
1944-1947 |
795/2 | Wheeler, Campaign |
1946 |
795/3 | Wheeler, Legislative Record
1940-1944 |
795/4 | Wheeler, Tuss Case |
1936 |
795/5 | Wheeler, Memorandums |
1936-1945 |
795/6 | White House |
1934-1943, 1948 |
795/7 | Whittaker, M. M. |
1938-1939 |
795/8 | Wight, John |
1942 |
795/9 | Wight, John |
1943 |
795/10 | Wildlife, Benton Lake Refuge
1958 |
795/11 | Wildlife, Buffalo |
1945 |
795/12 | Wildlife, Conservation
1957 |
796/1 | Wildlife, Deer Surplus in
Yellowstone |
1958 |
796/2 | Wildlife, Elk |
1938-1939 |
796/3 | Wildlife, Elk Slaughter for
Japanese Internees |
Dec., 1 - 14, 1942 |
796/4 | Wildlife, Elk Slaughter for
Japanese Internees |
Dec. 15, 1942 |
796/5 | Wildlife, Elk |
1943-1945 |
797/1 | Wildlife, Elk Control
1949 |
797/2 | Wildlife, Elk Control
Jan. - June, 1950 |
797/3 | Wildlife, Elk Control
Nov. - Dec., 1950 |
797/4 | Wildlife, Elk |
1951-1952 |
797/5 | Wildlife, Elk |
1954 |
797/6 | Wildlife, Elk |
1957 - Jan., 1958 |
798/1 | Wildlife, Elk |
Feb. - May, 1958 |
798/2 | Wildlife, Elk |
Dec., 1958-1960 |
798/3 | Wildlife, Fish and Wildlife
Service |
1942, 1949 |
798/4 | Wildlife, Fish and Wildlife
Service |
1951-1952 |
798/5 | Wildlife, Fish and Wildlife
Service |
1957 |
798/6 | Wildlife, Game Preserves
1941 |
799/1 | Wildlife, Lake Bowdoin Bird
Sanctuary |
1934 |
799/2 | Wildlife, Miscellaneous
1939-1942 |
799/3 | Wildlife, Miscellaneous
1948-1949 |
799/4 | Wildlife, Miscellaneous
1950 |
799/5 | Wildlife, Miscellaneous
1955-1960 |
799/6 | Wilhelm, Frank L. |
1958-1960 |
799/7 | Wilkie |
1940 |
799/8 | Women's Clubs |
1945 |
800/1 | Work Progress Administration,
Beaverhead Projects |
1938-1941 |
800/2 | Work Progress Administration,
Benton Lake Refuge |
1935-1936 |
800/3 | Work Progress Administration, Big
Horn County |
1940-1941 |
800/4 | Work Progress Administration, Big
Muddy Dam |
1935-1937 |
800/5 | Work Progress Administration,
Billings |
1937-1938 |
800/6 | Work Progress Administration,
Blaine County |
1938-1941 |
800/7 | Work Progress Administration,
Bozeman |
1937-1938 |
800/8 | Work Progress Administration,
Broadwater County |
1938-1941 |
800/9 | Work Progress Administration,
Browning |
1937 |
800/10 | Work Progress Administration,
Buffalo Rapids |
1933-1934 |
801/1 | Work Progress Administration,
Buffalo Rapids, Application |
1935 |
801/2 | Work Progress Administration,
Buffalo Rapids |
1935 |
801/3 | Work Progress Administration,
Buffalo Rapids, Irrigation Report |
1935 |
801/4 | Work Progress Administration,
Buffalo Rapids |
1936 |
801/5 | Work Progress Administration,
Buffalo Rapids, Supplement |
1936 |
802/1 | Work Progress Administration,
Buffalo Rapids |
Jan. - May, 1937 |
802/2 | Work Progress Administration,
Buffalo Rapids |
June, 1937 |
802/3 | Work Progress Administration,
Buffalo Rapids, Telegrams |
June, 1937 |
802/4 | Work Progress Administration,
Buffalo Rapids |
July - Nov., 1937 |
802/5 | Work Progress Administration,
Buffalo Rapids, Supplemental Report |
1937 |
802/6 | Work Progress Administration,
Buffalo Rapids, Unit Z |
1938 |
802/7 | Work Progress Administration,
Buffalo Rapids |
1938 - Jan., 1939 |
803/1 | Work Progress Administration,
Buffalo Rapids |
Feb. - Apr., 1939 |
803/2 | Work Progress Administration,
Buffalo Rapids, Unit 2 |
1939 |
803/3 | Work Progress Administration,
Buffalo Rapids, Unit 2 |
1940 |
803/4 | Work Progress Administration,
Buffalo Rapids, Unit 2 |
1941-1945 |
804/1 | Work Progress Administration,
Buffalo Rapids, Unit 2 |
1949-1952 |
804/2 | Work Progress Administration,
Buffalo Rapids, Unit 2 |
1955-1957 |
804/3 | Work Progress Administration,
Butte |
1936 |
804/4 | Work Progress Administration,
Butte Office |
1937 |
804/5 | Work Progress Administration,
Butte |
1937-1938 |
805/1 | Work Progress Administration,
Butte Projects |
1939-1942 |
805/2 | Work Progress Administration,
Butte Sewing Project |
1943 |
805/3 | Work Progress Administration,
Carbon County |
1938-1941 |
805/4 | Work Progress Administration,
Carter County |
1939-1942 |
805/5 | Work Progress Administration,
Cascade County |
1937-1938 |
805/6 | Work Progress Administration,
Cascade County |
1939-1942 |
805/7 | Work Progress Administration,
Choteau County |
1938-1941 |
805/8 | Work Progress Administration,
Claims |
1941 |
805/9 | Work Progress Administration,
Combo, James E. |
1938-1940 |
805/10 | Work Progress Administration,
Custer County |
1938-1941 |
805/11 | Work Progress Administration,
Dagmar Water Project |
1937 |
805/12 | Work Progress Administration,
Daniels County |
1938-1941 |
805/13 | Work Progress Administration,
Dawson County |
1936 |
805/14 | Work Progress Administration,
Dawson County |
1938-1941 |
805/15 | Work Progress Administration,
Dead Man's Basin |
1936 |
806/1 | Work Progress Administration,
Dead Man's Basin |
1938-1940 |
806/2 | Work Progress Administration,
Deer Lodge |
1935 |
806/3 | Work Progress Administration,
Deer Lodge |
1936 |
806/4 | Work Progress Administration,
Deer Lodge |
1938-1941 |
806/5 | Work Progress Administration,
Deer Lodge County |
1938 |
806/6 | Work Progress Administration,
Discrimination |
1938-1939 |
806/7 | Work Progress Administration,
Dixon Water Project |
1935-1936 |
806/8 | Work Progress Administration,
East, MT |
1936 |
806/9 | Work Progress Administration,
Fallon County |
1938-1941 |
806/10 | Work Progress Administration,
Farm Security Administration |
1938 |
806/11 | Work Progress Administration,
Fenske |
1939 |
806/12 | Work Progress Administration,
Fergus County |
1937 - June, 1938 |
806/13 | Work Progress Administration,
Fergus County |
July, 1938-1942 |
806/14 | Work Progress Administration,
Flathead County |
1938-1942 |
806/15 | Work Progress Administration,
Fort Missoula |
1937 |
806/16 | Work Progress Administration,
Gallatin County |
1937-1941 |
806/17 | Work Progress Administration,
Garfield County |
1937-1941 |
806/18 | Work Progress Administration,
General Projects |
1938 |
806/19 | Work Progress Administration,
General Projects |
1940 |
806/20 | Work Progress Administration,
General Projects |
1943 |
806/21 | Work Progress Administration,
Glacier County |
1938-1941 |
807/1 | Work Progress Administration,
Glasgow |
1935-1936 |
807/2 | Work Progress Administration,
Golden Valley County |
1938-1940 |
807/3 | Work Progress Administration,
Granite County |
1938-1939 |
807/4 | Work Progress Administration,
Great Falls |
1935-1936 |
807/5 | Work Progress Administration,
Great Falls, Office |
1936 |
807/6 | Work Progress Administration,
Great Falls |
1937 |
807/7 | Work Progress Administration,
Great Falls |
1938 |
807/8 | Work Progress Administration,
Hamilton |
1935-1936 |
807/9 | Work Progress Administration,
Handicapped |
1943 |
807/10 | Work Progress Administration,
Hardin |
1936 |
807/11 | Work Progress Administration,
Hardin |
1937-1938 |
807/12 | Work Progress Administration,
Harlowton Armory |
1941 |
807/13 | Work Progress Administration,
Havre |
1936 |
807/14 | Work Progress Administration,
Havre |
1937-1939 |
807/15 | Work Progress Administration,
Helena Reclamation |
1936 |
807/16 | Work Progress Administration,
Helena Projects |
1938-1939 |
807/17 | Work Progress Administration,
Hill County |
1938-1941 |
808/1 | Work Progress Administration,
Hunter, Howard |
1939 |
808/2 | Work Progress Administration,
Indians |
1935-1936 |
808/3 | Work Progress Administration,
Ismay |
1935-1936 |
808/4 | Work Progress Administration,
Jefferson County |
1941 |
808/5 | Work Progress Administration,
Judith Basin |
1937 |
808/6 | Work Progress Administration,
Judith Basin |
1941 |
808/7 | Work Progress Administration,
Kalispell |
1936 |
808/8 | Work Progress Administration,
Kalispell |
1938 |
808/9 | Work Progress Administration,
Kalispell |
1939 |
808/10 | Work Progress Administration,
Kremlin |
1936 |
808/11 | Work Progress Administration,
Lake County |
1937-1938 |
808/12 | Work Progress Administration,
Lake County |
1941 |
809/1 | Work Progress Administration,
Lewiston |
1938 |
809/2 | Work Progress Administration,
Lewis and Clark County |
1938-1941 |
809/3 | Work Progress Administration,
Libby Court House |
1936 |
809/4 | Work Progress Administration,
Liberty County |
1939 |
809/5 | Work Progress Administration,
Lincoln County |
1937-1940 |
809/6 | Work Progress Administration,
Livingston |
1937-1938 |
809/7 | Work Progress Administration,
Madison County |
1938-1941 |
809/8 | Work Progress Administration,
McCone |
1937-1940 |
809/9 | Work Progress Administration,
Meagher County |
1937 |
809/10 | Work Progress Administration,
Miles City |
1935 |
809/11 | Work Progress Administration,
Miles City |
1938 |
809/12 | Work Progress Administration,
Mineral County |
1938-1941 |
809/13 | Work Progress Administration,
Miscellaneous |
1935 |
809/14 | Work Progress Administration,
Miscellaneous |
Jan. - May, 1936 |
810/1 | Work Progress Administration,
Miscellaneous |
June - Dec., 1936 |
810/2 | Work Progress Administration,
Miscellaneous |
1937-1939 |
810/3 | Work Progress Administration,
Miscellaneous |
1940 |
810/4 | Work Progress Administration,
Miscellaneous |
Jan. - Apr., 1941 |
810/5 | Work Progress Administration,
Miscellaneous |
May - Dec., 1941 |
810/6 | Work Progress Administration,
Miscellaneous |
Jan. - June, 1942 |
810/7 | Work Progress Administration,
Miscellaneous |
July - Dec., 1942 |
810/8 | Work Progress Administration,
Miscellaneous, A |
1936 |
810/9 | Work Progress Administration,
Miscellaneous, A |
1937 |
811/1 | Work Progress Administration,
Miscellaneous, A |
1938-1942 |
811/2 | Work Progress Administration,
Miscellaneous, B |
Jan. - May, 1936 |
811/3 | Work Progress Administration,
Miscellaneous, B |
June - Dec., 1936 |
811/4 | Work Progress Administration,
Miscellaneous, B |
Jan. - Mar., 1937 |
811/5 | Work Progress Administration,
Miscellaneous, B |
Apr. - July, 1937 |
811/6 | Work Progress Administration,
Miscellaneous, B |
Aug. - Dec., 1937 |
811/7 | Work Progress Administration,
Miscellaneous, B |
Jan. - May, 1938 |
812/1 | Work Progress Administration,
Miscellaneous, B |
June - Dec., 1938 |
812/2 | Work Progress Administration,
Miscellaneous, B |
1939 |
812/3 | Work Progress Administration,
Miscellaneous, B |
Jan. - Aug., 1940 |
812/4 | Work Progress Administration,
Miscellaneous, B |
Sept. - Dec., 1940 |
812/5 | Work Progress Administration,
Miscellaneous, B |
1941-1943 |
812/6 | Work Progress Administration,
Miscellaneous, C |
1935-1936 |
813/1 | Work Progress Administration,
Miscellaneous, C |
1937 |
813/2 | Work Progress Administration,
Miscellaneous, C |
Jan. - June, 1938 |
813/3 | Work Progress Administration,
Miscellaneous, C |
July - Dec., 1938 |
813/4 | Work Progress Administration,
Miscellaneous, C |
1939-1940 |
813/5 | Work Progress Administration,
Miscellaneous, C |
1941-1943 |
813/6 | Work Progress Administration,
Miscellaneous, D |
1936 |
813/7 | Work Progress Administration,
Miscellaneous, D |
1937 |
813/8 | Work Progress Administration,
Miscellaneous, D |
1938 |
814/1 | Work Progress Administration,
Miscellaneous, D |
1939 |
814/2 | Work Progress Administration,
Miscellaneous, D |
1940-1941 |
814/3 | Work Progress Administration,
Miscellaneous, D |
1942-1943 |
814/4 | Work Progress Administration,
Miscellaneous, E |
1936 |
814/5 | Work Progress Administration,
Miscellaneous, E |
1937 |
814/6 | Work Progress Administration,
Miscellaneous, E |
1938-1941 |
814/7 | Work Progress Administration,
Miscellaneous, F |
1936 |
814/8 | Work Progress Administration,
Miscellaneous, F |
1937 |
814/9 | Work Progress Administration,
Miscellaneous, F |
1938-1941 |
814/10 | Work Progress Administration,
Miscellaneous, G |
1936 |
815/1 | Work Progress Administration,
Miscellaneous, G |
1937 |
815/2 | Work Progress Administration,
Miscellaneous, G |
1938 |
815/3 | Work Progress Administration,
Miscellaneous, G |
1939 |
815/4 | Work Progress Administration,
Miscellaneous, G |
1940-1943 |
815/5 | Work Progress Administration,
Miscellaneous, H |
1935-1936 |
815/6 | Work Progress Administration,
Miscellaneous, H |
Jan. - June, 1937 |
815/7 | Work Progress Administration,
Miscellaneous, H |
July - Dec., 1937 |
815/8 | Work Progress Administration,
Miscellaneous, H |
Jan. - May, 1938 |
815/9 | Work Progress Administration,
Miscellaneous, H |
Aug. - Dec., 1938 |
816/1 | Work Progress Administration,
Miscellaneous, H |
1939 |
816/2 | Work Progress Administration,
Miscellaneous, H |
1940-1943 |
816/3 | Work Progress Administration,
Miscellaneous, I |
1938-1940 |
816/4 | Work Progress Administration,
Miscellaneous, J |
1936 |
816/5 | Work Progress Administration,
Miscellaneous, J |
1937 |
816/6 | Work Progress Administration,
Miscellaneous, J |
1938-1939 |
816/7 | Work Progress Administration,
Miscellaneous, J |
1940-1942 |
816/8 | Work Progress Administration,
Miscellaneous, K |
1936 |
816/9 | Work Progress Administration,
Miscellaneous, K |
1937 |
817/1 | Work Progress Administration,
Miscellaneous, K |
1938 |
817/2 | Work Progress Administration,
Miscellaneous, K |
1939 |
817/3 | Work Progress Administration,
Miscellaneous, K |
1940-1941 |
817/4 | Work Progress Administration,
Miscellaneous, K |
1942-1943 |
817/5 | Work Progress Administration,
Miscellaneous, L |
1936 |
817/6 | Work Progress Administration,
Miscellaneous, L |
1937 |
817/7 | Work Progress Administration,
Miscellaneous, L |
1938 |
817/8 | Work Progress Administration,
Miscellaneous, L |
1939-1940 |
817/9 | Work Progress Administration,
Miscellaneous, L |
1941-1943 |
818/1 | Work Progress Administration,
Miscellaneous, M |
Jan. - Feb., 1936 |
818/2 | Work Progress Administration,
Miscellaneous, M |
Mar. - July, 1936 |
818/3 | Work Progress Administration,
Miscellaneous, M |
Aug. - Dec., 1936 |
818/4 | Work Progress Administration,
Miscellaneous, M |
Jan. - Apr., 1937 |
818/5 | Work Progress Administration,
Miscellaneous, M |
May - July, 1937 |
818/6 | Work Progress Administration,
Miscellaneous, M |
Aug. - Dec., 1937 |
818/7 | Work Progress Administration,
Miscellaneous, M |
Jan. - Apr., 1938 |
819/1 | Work Progress Administration,
Miscellaneous, M |
May - Dec., 1938 |
819/2 | Work Progress Administration,
Miscellaneous, M |
Jan. - May, 1939 |
819/3 | Work Progress Administration,
Miscellaneous, M |
June - Dec., 1939 |
819/4 | Work Progress Administration,
Miscellaneous, M |
1940-1941 |
819/5 | Work Progress Administration,
Miscellaneous, M |
1942-1943 |
819/6 | Work Progress Administration,
Miscellaneous, N |
1937 |
819/7 | Work Progress Administration,
Miscellaneous, N |
1938-1942 |
819/8 | Work Progress Administration,
Miscellaneous, O |
1936 |
819/9 | Work Progress Administration,
Miscellaneous, O |
1937 |
820/1 | Work Progress Administration,
Miscellaneous, O |
1938-1939 |
820/2 | Work Progress Administration,
Miscellaneous, O |
1941-1942 |
820/3 | Work Progress Administration,
Miscellaneous, P |
1935-1936 |
820/4 | Work Progress Administration,
Miscellaneous, P |
1937 |
820/5 | Work Progress Administration,
Miscellaneous, P |
Jan. - May, 1938 |
820/6 | Work Progress Administration,
Miscellaneous, P |
June - Dec., 1938 |
820/7 | Work Progress Administration,
Miscellaneous, P |
1939 |
820/8 | Work Progress Administration,
Miscellaneous, P |
1940 |
820/9 | Work Progress Administration,
Miscellaneous, P |
1941-1943 |
821/1 | Work Progress Administration,
Miscellaneous, Q |
1936-1938 |
821/2 | Work Progress Administration,
Miscellaneous, R |
1936 |
821/3 | Work Progress Administration,
Miscellaneous, R |
1937 |
821/4 | Work Progress Administration,
Miscellaneous, R |
1938 |
821/5 | Work Progress Administration,
Miscellaneous, R |
1939 |
821/6 | Work Progress Administration,
Miscellaneous, R |
1940 |
821/7 | Work Progress Administration,
Miscellaneous, R |
1941-1943 |
821/8 | Work Progress Administration,
Miscellaneous, S |
1936 |
822/1 | Work Progress Administration,
Miscellaneous, S |
Jan. - Apr., 1937 |
822/2 | Work Progress Administration,
Miscellaneous, S |
May - June, 1937 |
822/3 | Work Progress Administration,
Miscellaneous, S |
July - Dec., 1937 |
822/4 | Work Progress Administration,
Miscellaneous, S |
Jan. - Dec., 1938 |
822/5 | Work Progress Administration,
Miscellaneous, S |
June - Dec., 1938 |
823/1 | Work Progress Administration,
Miscellaneous, S |
Jan. - June, 1939 |
823/2 | Work Progress Administration,
Miscellaneous, S |
July - Dec., 1939 |
823/3 | Work Progress Administration,
Miscellaneous, S |
Jan. - July, 1940 |
823/4 | Work Progress Administration,
Miscellaneous, S |
Sept. - Dec., 1940 |
823/5 | Work Progress Administration,
Miscellaneous, S |
1941-1943 |
823/6 | Work Progress Administration,
Miscellaneous, T |
1936 |
823/7 | Work Progress Administration,
Miscellaneous, T |
1938 |
823/8 | Work Progress Administration,
Miscellaneous, T |
1939 |
823/9 | Work Progress Administration,
Miscellaneous, T |
1940-1943 |
823/10 | Work Progress Administration,
Miscellaneous, U |
1941 |
823/11 | Work Progress Administration,
Miscellaneous, V |
1936-1938 |
823/12 | Work Progress Administration,
Miscellaneous, V |
1939-1940 |
823/13 | Work Progress Administration,
Miscellaneous, W |
1935-1936 |
824/1 | Work Progress Administration,
Miscellaneous, W |
1937-1938 |
824/2 | Work Progress Administration,
Miscellaneous, W |
Jan. - May, 1939 |
824/3 | Work Progress Administration,
Miscellaneous, W |
June - Dec., 1939 |
824/4 | Work Progress Administration,
Miscellaneous, W |
1940 |
824/5 | Work Progress Administration,
Miscellaneous, W |
1941-1942 |
824/6 | Work Progress Administration,
Missoula County |
1938-1942 |
824/7 | Work Progress Administration, MT
1935 |
824/8 | Work Progress Administration, MT
1936 |
824/9 | Work Progress Administration, MT
1939-1942 |
824/10 | Work Progress Administration, MT
Relief Comm. |
1937 |
824/11 | Work Progress Administration, MT
Water Conservation Board |
1938-1939 |
824/12 | Work Progress Administration,
Musselshell County |
1938-1941 |
824/13 | Work Progress Administration,
N.W. Ice and Cold Storage Co. |
1943 |
825/1 | Work Progress Administration,
N.W. Ice and Cold Storage Co. |
May, 1944 |
825/2 | Work Progress Administration,
N.W. Ice and Cold Storage Co. |
June - Sept., 1944 |
825/3 | Work Progress Administration,
Nursery Schools |
1943 |
825/4 | Work Progress Administration,
Office Set - up Change |
1937 |
825/5 | Work Progress Administration,
O'Neil, Eddy, Billings |
1937 |
825/6 | Work Progress Administration,
Park County |
1938-1941 |
825/7 | Work Progress Administration,
Parker, Joseph E., Administrator |
Apr., 1936 - Jan., 1937 |
825/8 | Work Progress Administration,
Parker, Joseph E., Administrator |
Apr., 1936 - Jan., 1937 |
826/1 | Work Progress Administration,
Petitions |
1938 |
826/2 | Work Progress Administration,
Petroleum County |
1938-1941 |
826/3 | Work Progress Administration,
Phillips County |
1938-1941 |
826/4 | Work Progress Administration,
Phillipsburg, Swimming Pool |
1936 |
826/5 | Work Progress Administration,
Pondera County |
1939-1941 |
826/6 | Work Progress Administration,
Powder River County |
1939-1940 |
826/7 | Work Progress Administration,
Powell County |
1937-1941 |
826/8 | Work Progress Administration,
Prairie County |
1937-1939 |
826/9 | Work Progress Administration,
Predatory Animal Control |
1936-1938 |
826/10 | Work Progress Administration,
Prevailing Wage |
1935-1936 |
826/11 | Work Progress Administration,
Prevailing Wage |
1938 |
826/12 | Work Progress Administration,
Projects, Miscellaneous |
1937-1939 |
826/13 | Work Progress Administration,
Projects, Miscellaneous |
1941-1942 |
826/14 | Work Progress Administration,
Projects, Approval |
1942 |
826/15 | Work Progress Administration,
Quota Increases |
1936 |
826/16 | Work Progress Administration,
Quota Increases |
1937 |
827/1 | Work Progress Administration,
Quotas |
Jan. - May, 1938 |
827/2 | Work Progress Administration,
Quotas |
June - Nov., 1938 |
827/3 | Work Progress Administration,
Quotas |
Dec., 1938 |
827/4 | Work Progress Administration,
Quotas |
1939 |
827/5 | Work Progress Administration,
Quotas |
1940 |
827/6 | Work Progress Administration,
Quotas |
1941-1942 |
827/7 | Work Progress Administration,
Ravalli County |
1937-1938 |
828/1 | Work Progress Administration,
Ravalli County |
1941 |
828/2 | Work Progress Administration,
Relief |
1935-1936 |
828/3 | Work Progress Administration,
Relief |
1939-1940 |
828/4 | Work Progress Administration,
Richland County |
1937-1942 |
828/5 | Work Progress Administration,
Rock Creek Dam |
1937 |
828/6 | Work Progress Administration,
Rocky Boy Reservation |
1938 |
828/7 | Work Progress Administration,
Roosevelt County |
1937-1938 |
828/8 | Work Progress Administration,
Roosevelt County |
1941 |
828/9 | Work Progress Administration,
Rosebud County |
1941 |
828/10 | Work Progress Administration,
Roundup |
1940 |
828/11 | Work Progress Administration,
Sanco Divide |
1937 |
828/12 | Work Progress Administration,
Sanders County |
1941 |
828/13 | Work Progress Administration,
Savoy Creek |
1936 |
828/14 | Work Progress Administration,
School Lunches |
1943 |
828/15 | Work Progress Administration,
Sheridan County |
1937-1938 |
828/16 | Work Progress Administration,
Sheridan County |
1941 |
828/17 | Work Progress Administration,
Shoshone |
1938 |
828/18 | Work Progress Administration,
Silver Bow County |
1938 |
828/19 | Work Progress Administration,
Silver Bow County |
1941 |
829/1 | Work Progress Administration, S.
E. MT County Association |
1937 |
829/2 | Work Progress Administration,
Stats |
1937-1938 |
829/3 | Work Progress Administration,
Stillwater County |
1941-1942 |
829/4 | Work Progress Administration,
Swamp Creek |
1938 |
829/5 | Work Progress Administration,
Sweet Grass County |
1938-1941 |
829/6 | Work Progress Administration,
Teton County |
1937-1941 |
829/7 | Work Progress Administration,
Thompson Falls |
1938 |
829/8 | Work Progress Administration,
Toole County |
1939-1941 |
829/9 | Work Progress Administration,
Treasure County |
1938-1940 |
829/10 | Work Progress Administration,
Unemployment Reports |
1938 |
829/11 | Work Progress Administration,
Union |
1938-1942 |
829/12 | Work Progress Administration, U.
of Chicago "Round Table" |
1939 |
829/13 | Work Progress Administration,
Valley County |
1937-1941 |
829/14 | Work Progress Administration,
Vocational Training |
1941 |
829/15 | Work Progress Administration,
Wage Increase |
1936 |
829/16 | Work Progress Administration,
West Yellowstone |
1937 |
829/17 | Work Progress Administration,
Wheatland County |
1937-1940 |
829/18 | Work Progress Administration,
Whitefish Land Clearing |
1938-1940 |
829/19 | Work Progress Administration,
Wibaux County |
1937-1939 |
829/20 | Work Progress Administration,
Winnett Water |
1936-1937 |
829/21 | Work Progress Administration,
Woody Creek |
1937-1938 |
829/22 | Work Progress Administration,
Yellowstone County |
1937-1938 |
829/23 | Work Progress Administration,
Yellowstone County |
1939-1941 |
829/24 | World Calendar |
1949-1955 |
829/25 | World Court |
1938 |
829/26 | World Food and Raw Materials
Reserve |
1955 |
829/27 | Wright Field, Senator L. B.
Johnson |
1951 |
829/28 | Writing Contests |
829/29 | Wyse, E.F. |
1940 |
830/1 | Yellowstone National Park
1938-1940 |
830/2 | Yellowstone National Park
1958 |
830/3 | Yellowstone River |
1935 |
830/4 | Yellowstone River |
1938 |
830/5 | Yellowstone River, Compact
Commission |
1954 |
830/6 | Yellowstone River, Compact
Commission |
1955 |
830/7 | Yellowtail Dam (Bighorn Dam)
1937 |
830/8 | Yellowtail Dam (Bighorn Dam)
1938 |
830/9 | Yellowtail Dam (Bighorn Dam)
1939 |
830/10 | Yellowtail Dam (Bighorn Dam)
1940-1942 |
830/11 | Yellowtail Dam (Bighorn Dam)
1945-1947 |
830/12 | Yellowtail Dam (Bighorn Dam)
1948 |
831/1 | Yellowtail Dam (Bighorn Dam)
1949 |
831/2 | Yellowtail Dam (Bighorn Dam)
1950-1951 |
831/3 | Yellowtail Dam (Bighorn Dam),
Reclamation |
1952 |
831/4 | Yellowtail Dam (Bighorn Dam)
1952-1954 |
831/5 | Yellowtail Dam (Bighorn Dam)
Jan. - May, 1955 |
831/6 | Yellowtail Dam (Bighorn Dam)
July, 1955 |
831/7 | Yellowtail Dam (Bighorn Dam)
Aug., - Oct., 1955 |
832/1 | Yellowtail Dam (Bighorn Dam)
Nov. - Dec., 1955 |
832/2 | Yellowtail Dam (Bighorn Dam)
Jan., 1956 |
832/3 | Yellowtail Dam (Bighorn Dam)
Feb. - Dec., 1956 |
832/4 | Yellowtail Dam (Bighorn Dam)
Jan. - Feb., 1957 |
832/5 | Yellowtail Dam (Bighorn Dam)
Mar. - Apr., 1957 |
832/6 | Yellowtail Dam (Bighorn Dam)
May - Dec., 1957 |
832/7 | Yellowtail Dam (Bighorn Dam)
Jan. - May, 1958 |
832/8 | Yellowtail Dam (Bighorn Dam)
June - July, 1958 |
833/1 | Yellowtail Dam (Bighorn Dam)
Aug. - Dec., 1958 |
833/2 | Yellowtail Dam (Bighorn Dam)
1959 |
833/3 | Yellowtail Dam (Bighorn Dam)
Jan. - Apr., 1960 |
833/4 | Yellowtail Dam (Bighorn Dam)
May - Oct., 1960 |
833/5 | Youth Legislation |
1940 |
834/1 | U.S. Standard Oil Co., CA, Elk
Hills Naval Oil Reserve |
1924-1925 |
834/2 | U.S. Standard Oil Co., CA, Elk
Hills Naval Oil Reserve |
1926-1935 |
834/3 | Unassociated Documents
1932 |
834/4 | Unassociated Documents
1942 |
Series II: Legislation , 1931-1960Return to Top
This series documents the actions of Senator Murray during his career in the Senate from the 72nd Congress to the 86th Congress (1934-1960). Throughout the series the bills are divided into the different types used in Congress; House Resolutions, House Joint Resolutions, House Concurrent Resolutions, Senate Concurrent Resolution, Senate Resolution, Senate Joint Resolution, and Senate Bills.
Most of the bills and resolutions that Murray kept in his files were ones in which he either directly sponsored or supported. Many of the bills that Murray supported dealt with his direct interests, including small business, labor, Native Americans, Missouri Valley Authority, and agriculture. In some of his bills he asked Congress to approve money or give concessions to widows who had lost their husbands in World War II or to couples who were seeking American citizenship.
A few of the bills and resolutions that are in this series are ones with which Murray was not directly involved. These bills were either introduced by fellow Montanan congressmen Mike Mansfield, Lee Metcalf, or Burton K. Wheeler, or were issues that would help Murray in his future goals. In many of the bills and resolutions introduced later in Murray's career, Mansfield and/or Metcalf co-sponsored the bills or supported them. Metcalf and Murray were co - supporters in many Montana conservation and labor bills.
In most of the folders within the series, both the published and working copies of the bills and resolutions are included. Also included are statistical facts about the topic, especially for issues on which Murray focused his attentions, such as small business or agriculture legislation. Murray would, many times, include correspondence about the legislation that was pertinent to his decision. This correspondence included state supporters, as well as national. If the legislation went on to become law, appropriate follow-up papers are included, consisting of committee reports and booklets as well as the signed law from the president.
Murray also included his personal notes on many of the working copies of the bills and resolutions; these include everything from basic corrections to re - workings of entire sections of the legislation. The series is arranged chronologically by session of Congress and then by legislation number of the bill or resolution. Legislation numbers are further divided into House Resolutions, House Bills, House Joint Resolutions, House Concurrent Resolutions, Senate Concurrent Resolutions, Senate Resolutions, Senate Joint Resolutions, and Senate Bills.
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
Box/Folder | ||
835/1 | S.R. 407 - 72nd Congress, Relief
of Stella M. Musselman, Sen. Walsh |
1931-1934 |
835/2 | S.R. 413 - 72nd Congress, Relief
of Wm. F. Brockschmidt, Sen. Walsh |
1931-1934 |
835/3 | S.R. 1049 - 72nd Congress, Relief
of L. R. Smith, Sen. Walsh |
1931-1934 |
835/4 | S.R. 870 - 73rd Congress, Relief
of L. R. Smith, Sen. Erickson |
1933-1934 |
835/5 | S.R. 1824 - 73rd Congress, Relief
of Wm. F. Brockschmidt, Sen. Erickson |
1933-1934 |
835/6 | S.R. 1825 - 73rd Congress, Vacant
Federal land to states, Sen. Erickson |
1933-1934 |
835/7 | S.R. 2395 - 73rd Congress, Vacant
Federal land to states, Sen. Erickson |
1933-1934 |
835/8 | S.R. 2547 - 73rd Congress,
Federal Judicial District of MT, Sen. Erickson |
1933-1934 |
835/9 | S.R. 2610 - 73rd Congress, Relief
of Leola Snyder, Sen. Erickson |
1933-1934 |
835/10 | S.R. 3295 - 73rd Congress, Relief
of Margaret Murphy, Sen. Erickson |
1933-1934 |
835/11 | S.R. 3351 - 73rd Congress,
Blackfeet Irrigation project, Sen. Erickson |
1933-1934 |
835/12 | S.R. 3784 - 73rd Congress,
Supplemental currency, Sen. Erickson |
1933-1934 |
835/13 | S.R. 543 - 74th Congress,
Employee and traveler safety on railroads |
1935-1936 |
835/14 | S.R. 920 - 74th Congress, Relief
of Ruth J. Barnes |
1935-1936 |
835/15 | S.R. 921 - 74th Congress, Relief
of C. J. Mast |
1935-1936 |
835/16 | S.R. 922 - 74th Congress, Museum
at Custer Battlefield |
1935-1936 |
835/17 | S.R. 1512 - 74th Congress, Relief
of Celeste C. Anderson |
1935-1936 |
835/18 | S.R. 1522 - 74th Congress,
Division of waters of Little Missouri River |
1935-1936 |
835/19 | S.R. 1571 - 74th Congress,
Division of waters of Little Missouri River |
1935-1936 |
835/20 | S.R. 2754 - 74th Congress, Indian
Reservations in MT |
1935-1936 |
835/21 | S.R. 2755 - 74th Congress,
Authorize Sec. of War to purchase lands |
1935-1936 |
835/22 | S.R. 3001 - 74th Congress, Relief
of Walter F. Brittan |
1935-1936 |
835/23 | S.R. 3733 - 74th Congress, Issue
patent on lands to Florence Kerr Facey |
1935-1936 |
836/1 | S.R. 3733 - 74th Congress, Issue
patent on lands to Florence Kerr Facey |
1935-1936 |
836/2 | S.R. 3961 - 74th Congress,
Allotment of Crow lands and distribution of tribal funds |
1935-1936 |
836/3 | S.R. 3981 - 74th Congress, Relief
of Wm. Hays Hammond |
1935-1936 |
836/4 | S.R. 4130 - 74th Congress,
Retirement privileges of Reserve officers |
1935-1936 |
836/5 | S.R. 4567 - 74th Congress, Renew
lease to CM and St. P RR on range land |
1935-1936 |
836/6 | H.R. 11321 - 74th Congress,
Amendments |
1935-1936 |
836/7 | H.R. 11375 - 74th Congress,
Vocational education |
1935-1936 |
836/8 | H.J.R. 324 - 74th Congress,
Amendments |
1935-1936 |
836/9 | S.C.R. 34 - 74th Congress, Create
joint committee to investigate mining conditions |
1935-1936 |
836/10 | S.J.R. 31 - 74th Congress, Relief
of drought stricken farmers in MT |
1935-1936 |
836/11 | S.J.R. 284 - 74th Congress,
National unemployment and relief commission |
1935-1936 |
836/12 | S.R. 124 - 74th Congress,
Investigation of sugar beet industry |
1935-1936 |
836/13 | S.R. 183 - 75th Congress, Same as
S. 1571, 74th Congress |
1937-1938 |
836/14 | S.R. 184 - 75th Congress, Relief
of Josephine M. Scott |
1937-1938 |
836/15 | S.R. 185 - 75th Congress, Relief
of Celeste C. Anderson |
1937-1938 |
836/16 | S.R. 186 - 75th Congress, Relief
of Mike Chetkovich |
1937-1938 |
836/17 | S.R. 187 - 75th Congress,
Suspension of annual assessment work on mining claims |
1937-1938 |
836/18 | S.R. 187 - 75th Congress,
Suspension of annual assessment work on mining claims |
1937-1938 |
837/1 | S.R. 187 - 75th Congress,
Suspension of annual assessment work on mining claims |
1937-1938 |
837/2 | S.R. 187 - 75th Congress,
Suspension of annual assessment work on mining claims |
1937-1938 |
837/3 | S.R. 188 - 75th Congress,
Authorize payment due on homestead entries on Indian reservations |
1937-1938 |
837/4 | S.R. 189 - 75th Congress, Grant
leave of absence to settlers of homestead land during 1937 |
1937-1938 |
837/5 | S.R. 190 - 75th Congress,
Jurisdiction of Court of Claims over claim of Waterton Oil, Land and Power
Company of Butte |
1937-1938 |
837/6 | S.R. 419 - 75th Congress, Public
education |
1937-1938 |
837/7 | S.R. 724 - 75th Congress, Indians
1937-1938 |
837/8 | S.R. 725 - 75th Congress, Same as
S. 543, 74th Congress |
1937-1938 |
837/9 | S.R. 726 - 75th Congress,
Granting pensions to Daisy Saunders |
1937-1938 |
837/10 | S.R. 727 - 75th Congress,
Validating homestead entry of Lillian J. Glinn |
1937-1938 |
837/11 | S.R. 1260 - 75th Congress, Amend
Social Security Act to apply to Indians |
1937-1938 |
837/12 | S.R. 1332 - 75th Congress, Relief
of Viking Mining Co. |
1937-1938 |
837/13 | S.R. 1333 - 75th Congress, Same
as S. 543 74th and S. 725, 75th Congress |
1937-1938 |
837/14 | S.R. 1334 - 75th Congress, Award
Congressional Medal of Honor to Robert Bruce Wallace |
1937-1938 |
838/1 | S.R. 1335 - 75th Congress,
Granting pension to Carrie Knowlton Morrow |
1937-1938 |
838/2 | S.R. 1690 - 75th Congress,
Provide holding terms of District Court in Miles City |
1937-1938 |
838/3 | S.R. 1691 - 75th Congress,
Residence requirements not applicable to retired judge |
1937-1938 |
838/4 | S.R. 1692 - 75th Congress,
Amendment to Criminal procedure for Alaska |
1937-1938 |
838/5 | S.R. 1888 - 75th Congress, Same
as S. 543, 74th and S. 725, 75th Congress |
1937-1938 |
838/6 | S.R. 2088 - 75th Congress, Relief
of Mary R. Horn |
1937-1938 |
838/7 | S.R. 2089 - 75th Congress, Relief
of Jessie May Baldwin |
1937-1938 |
838/8 | S.R. 2090 - 75th Congress,
Naturalization of Vernice May McBroom |
1937-1938 |
838/9 | S.R. 2254 - 75th Congress, Same
as S. 1692, 75th Congress |
1937-1938 |
838/10 | S.R. 2299 - 75th Congress, Relief
of M. M. Twichel |
1937-1938 |
838/11 | S.R. 2427 - 75th Congress, Relief
of Al Cochran |
1937-1938 |
838/12 | S.R. 2428 - 75th Congress, Sale
of tract of land in Billings |
1937-1938 |
838/13 | S.R. 2475 - Establish fair labor
standards |
1937-1938 |
838/14 | S.R. 2618 - 75th Congress,
Construction and maintenance of roads and trails in National Forests
1937-1938 |
838/15 | S.R. 2619 - 75th Congress, Amend
Interstate Commerce Act |
1937-1938 |
838/16 | S.R. 2713 - 75th Congress, Funds
for mapping program in MT |
1937-1938 |
838/17 | S.R. 2787 - 75th Congress,
Amendments |
1937-1938 |
838/18 | S.R. 2895 - 75th Congress, Relief
of Leona Draeger |
1937-1938 |
838/19 | S.R. 2896 - 75th Congress, Relief
of William Ferrell |
1937-1938 |
838/20 | S.R. 2897 - 75th Congress, Grant
pension to Anna J. Skillin |
1937-1938 |
838/21 | S.R. 2953 - 75th Congress, Timber
trespass on Federal Lands |
1937-1938 |
838/22 | S.R. 3191 - 75th Congress,
Amendment to Motor Carrier Act |
1937-1938 |
838/23 | S.R. 3192 - 75th Congress,
Additional judge for Dist. of MT |
1937-1938 |
839/1 | S.R. 3204 - 75th Congress,
Provide term of court at Kalispell |
1937-1938 |
839/2 | S.R. 3251 - 75th Congress, Relief
of Alice Minnick |
1937-1938 |
839/3 | S.R. 3390 - 75th Congress,
Guarantee of collective bargaining |
1937-1938 |
839/4 | S.R. 3534 - 75th Congress, Relief
of Christ Rieber |
1937-1938 |
839/5 | S.R. 3912 - 75th Congress, Remove
profit from war |
1937-1938 |
839/6 | S.R. 3916 - 75th Congress, Relief
of George Francis Burke |
1937-1938 |
839/7 | S.R. 3973 - 75th Congress, Add
lands to Sequoia National Park |
1937-1938 |
839/8 | S.R. 4034 - 75th Congress,
Authorize Federal Lands to be sold to Thomas C. Cooper |
1937-1938 |
839/9 | S.R. 4151 - 75th Congress,
Authorize Sec. of the Interior to issue patent for lands to Jordan N. Bean
1937-1938 |
839/10 | H.R. 193587 - 75th Congress,
Amendments |
1937-1938 |
839/11 | H.R. 4795 - 75th Congress
1937-1938 |
839/12 | H.R. 5897 - 75th Congress
1937-1938 |
839/13 | H.R. 7021 - 75th Congress,
Amendments |
1937-1938 |
839/14 | H.R. 8947 - 75th Congress,
Amendments |
1937-1938 |
839/15 | H.R. 9604 - 75th Congress
1937-1938 |
839/16 | H.R. 10238 - 75th Congress,
Amendments |
1937-1938 |
839/17 | 75th Congress, Amendment draft
1937-1938 |
839/18 | H.J.R. 153 - 75th Congress,
Relief of Kam N. Kathju |
1937-1938 |
839/19 | H.J.R. 361 - 75th Congress,
Appropriations for relief purposes |
1937-1938 |
839/20 | H.J.R. 361 - 75th Congress
1937-1938 |
839/21 | H.J.R. 361 - 75th Congress
1937-1938 |
839/22 | H.J.R. 361 - 75th Congress
1937-1938 |
840/1 | S.C.R. 24 - 75th Congress, Tariff
on manganese |
1937-1938 |
840/2 | S.J.R. 68 - 75th Congress,
National Unemployment and Relief Commission |
1937-1938 |
840/3 | S.J.R. 127 - 75th Congress,
Pardon for Thomas J. Mooney |
1937-1938 |
840/4 | S.J.R. 184 - 75th Congress,
Northern Montana College |
1937-1938 |
840/5 | S.J.R. 232 - 75th Congress,
Insect pests and plant diseases |
1937-1938 |
840/6 | S.J.R. 256 - 75th Congress,
Insect pests and plant diseases |
1937-1938 |
840/7 | S.J.R. 258 - 75th Congress,
Control of Insect pests |
1937-1938 |
840/8 | S.J.R. 270 - 75th Congress,
Referendum on war |
1937-1938 |
840/9 | S.J.R. 311 - 75th Congress,
Spanish-American and World War (I) veterans |
1937-1938 |
840/10 | S.R. 265 - 75th Congress
1937-1938 |
840/11 | S.R. 21 - 76th Congress,
Citizenship of Harry Ray Smith |
1939-1941 |
840/12 | S.R. 21 - 76th Congress,
Citizenship of Harry Ray Smith |
1939-1941 |
840/13 | S.R. 22 - 76th Congress,
Naturalization of native-born citizens who lost citizenship involuntarily
1939-1941 |
840/14 | S.R. 23 - 76th Congress, Miles
City District Court holding terms |
1939-1941 |
840/15 | S.R. 24 - 76th Congress, Grant
pension to Anna J. Skillin |
1939-1941 |
840/16 | S.R. 470 - 76th Congress, Relief
of Alice Minnick |
1939-1941 |
840/17 | S.R. 471 - 76th Congress, Provide
for TB hospitals and their operation |
1939-1941 |
840/18 | S.R. 472 - 76th Congress,
Transfer U.S. Employment Service from Department of Labor to Social Security
Board |
1939-1941 |
841/1 | S.R. 473 - 76th Congress, Relief
of George Francis Burke |
1939-1941 |
841/2 | S.R. 474 - 76th Congress, Term of
Court at Kalispell |
1939-1941 |
841/3 | S.R. 475 - 76th Congress, Issue
land patent to Jordan N. Bean |
1939-1941 |
841/4 | S.R. 476 - 76th Congress, Same as
S.B. 4034, 75th Congress |
1939-1941 |
841/5 | S.R. 631 - 76th Congress, Same as
S.B. 3973, 75th Congress |
1939-1941 |
841/6 | S.R. 783 - 76th Congress
1939-1941 |
841/7 | S.R. 1171 - 76th Congress, Fish
hatchery near Fromberg, MT |
1939-1941 |
841/8 | S.R. 1187 - 76th Congress,
Manganese |
1939-1941 |
841/9 | S.R. 1187 - 76th Congress
1939-1941 |
841/10 | S.R. 1214 - 76th Congress,
Persons carrying mail on star routes |
1939-1941 |
841/11 | S.R. 1265 - 76th Congress,
Establish Department of Public Works |
1939-1941 |
841/12 | S.R. 1287 - 76th Congress,
Homestead entries on Indian reservations |
1939-1941 |
841/13 | S.R. 1288 - 76th Congress, Same
as S.B. 187, 75th Congress |
1939-1941 |
841/14 | S.R. 1620 - 76th Congress, Enable
states to provide for general welfare |
1939-1941 |
842/1 | S.R. 1620 - 76th Congress
1939-1941 |
842/2 | S.R. 1620 - 76th Congress
1939-1941 |
842/3 | S.R. 1620 - 76th Congress
1939-1941 |
842/4 | S.R. 1620 - 76th Congress
1939-1941 |
842/5 | S.R. 1620 - 76th Congress
1939-1941 |
842/6 | S.R. 1620 - 76th Congress
1939-1941 |
842/7 | S.R. 1620 - 76th Congress
1939-1941 |
842/8 | S.R. 1620 - 76th Congress
1939-1941 |
843/1 | S.R. 1620 - 76th Congress
1939-1941 |
843/2 | S.R. 1620 - 76th Congress
1939-1941 |
843/3 | S.R. 1665 - 76th Congress,
Provide rehabilitation for regions of U.S. |
1939-1941 |
843/4 | S.R. 1777 - 76th Congress, Same
as S.B. 1571, 74th Congress |
1939-1941 |
843/5 | S.R. 1778 - 76th Congress, Land
patent for Martha Austin |
1939-1941 |
843/6 | S.R. 1836 - 76th Congress,
Promote farm ownership |
1939-1941 |
843/7 | S.R. 1885 - 76th Congress, Tax
profits out of war |
1939-1941 |
843/8 | S.R. 2094 - 76th Congress, Woody
Island Wildlife Refuge |
1939-1941 |
843/9 | S.R. 2095 - 76th Congress, Relief
of J. F. Goldsby |
1939-1941 |
843/10 | S.R. 2121 - 76th Congress, Tongue
River storage reservoir |
1939-1941 |
843/11 | S.R. 2191 - 76th Congress, MT
School of Mines |
1939-1941 |
843/12 | S.R. 2202 - 76th Congress,
Establish a Public Works Agency |
1939-1941 |
843/13 | S.R. 2256 - 76th Congress,
Silicosis compensation |
1939-1941 |
844/1 | S.R. 2507 - 76th Congress,
Unemployment relief with works program |
1939-1941 |
844/2 | S.R. 2639 - 76th Congress, Wiota,
Fort Peck Railroad |
1939-1941 |
844/3 | S.R. 2700 - 76th Congress, Relief
of Walter Daniels |
1939-1941 |
844/4 | S.R. 2701 - 76th Congress,
Assessment work on mining claims |
1939-1941 |
844/5 | S.R. 2702 - 76th Congress,
Assessment work on mining claims |
1939-1941 |
844/6 | S.R. 2736 - 76th Congress, Relief
of Bowdoin Oil and Gas Co. |
1939-1941 |
844/7 | S.R. 2765 - 76th Congress, Pay on
works projects |
1939-1941 |
844/8 | S.R. 2874 - 76th Congress, Amend
Emergency Relief Appropriations Act |
1939-1941 |
844/9 | S.R. 3039 - 76th Congress, Relief
of Twila Snyder |
1939-1941 |
844/10 | S.R. 3040 - 76th Congress, Relief
of Johnson Flying Service, Missoula |
1939-1941 |
844/11 | S.R. 3170 - 76th Congress,
Vocational guidance and education |
1939-1941 |
844/12 | S.R. 3230 - 76th Congress,
Construction of hospitals |
1939-1941 |
845/1 | S.R. 3230 - 76th Congress
1939-1941 |
845/2 | S.R. 3261 - 76th Congress,
Amendment to criminal code |
1939-1941 |
845/3 | S.R. 3262 - 76th Congress, Right
of way to MT Hwy. Commission |
1939-1941 |
845/4 | S.R. 3365 - 76th Congress,
Unemployment compensation |
1939-1941 |
845/5 | S.R. 4008 - 76th Congress, Loans
for development of deposits of strategic minerals |
1939-1941 |
845/6 | S.R. 4008 - 76th Congress
1939-1941 |
845/7 | S.R. 4041 - 76th Congress,
Establish a Division of Aviation Education |
1939-1941 |
845/8 | H.R. 4852 - 76th Congress,
Amendment |
1939-1941 |
845/9 | H.R. 5269 - 76th Congress,
Amendment |
1939-1941 |
845/10 | H.R. 5427 - 76th Congress, Labor
Department Appropriations |
1939-1941 |
845/11 | H.R. 7462 - 76th Congress,
Amendment |
1939-1941 |
845/12 | H.R. 8641 - 76th Congress,
Amendment |
1939-1941 |
845/13 | H.R. 10263 - 76th Congress,
Amendment |
1939-1941 |
845/14 | S.C.R. 34 - 76th Congress,
Conditions in Metal Mining |
1939-1941 |
845/15 | S.J.R. 31 - 76th Congress,
Employment for unemployed veterans |
1939-1941 |
846/1 | S.J.R. 37 - 76th Congress, Relief
of Kam N. Kathju |
1939-1941 |
846/2 | S.J.R. 76 - 76th Congress, Star
mail routes |
1939-1941 |
846/3 | S.J.R. 84 - 76th Congress,
Referendum on war |
1939-1941 |
846/4 | S.J.R. 98 - 76th Congress, Water
conservation and utilization projects |
1939-1941 |
846/5 | S.R. 7 - 76th Congress, Creation
of Committee on Operations |
1939-1941 |
846/6 | S.R. 298 - 76th Congress,
Committee to survey small businesses |
1939-1941 |
846/7 | S.R. 188 - 77th Congress,
Secretary of Agriculture to rehabilitate certain regions of U.S. |
1941-1942 |
846/8 | S.R. 189 - 77th Congress, Relief
of William Boyer |
1941-1942 |
847/1 | S.R. 190 - 77th Congress, Relief
of Stephen C. Maillet |
1941-1942 |
847/2 | S.R. 191 - 77th Congress, Relief
of Mathilda Olson |
1941-1942 |
847/3 | S.R. 194 - 77th Congress,
Research by Public Health Service |
1941-1942 |
847/4 | S.R. 195 - 77th Congress,
Investigation, treatment and control of TB |
1941-1942 |
847/5 | S.R. 195 - 77th Congress
1941-1942 |
847/6 | S.R. 195 - 77th Congress
1941-1942 |
847/7 | S.R. 196 - 77th Congress, Divide
of Judicial Dist. of MT into 6 divisions |
1941-1942 |
847/8 | S.R. 197 - 77th Congress,
Selective Training and Service Act |
1941-1942 |
848/1 | S.R. 198 - 77th Congress, Land
exchange, Fort Missoula |
1941-1942 |
848/2 | S.R. 275 - 77th Congress,
Amendment |
1941-1942 |
848/3 | S.R. 507 - 77th Congress, Lands
for Fort Peck Game Range |
1941-1942 |
848/4 | S.R. 508 - 77th Congress, Relief
of Dorothy Duncan Krecklow |
1941-1942 |
848/5 | S.R. 509 - 77th Congress, Enable
states to make more adequate provisions for prevention of hazardous industrial
health conditions |
1941-1942 |
848/6 | S.R. 510 - 77th Congress,
Increase salaries of village letter carriers |
1941-1942 |
848/7 | S.R. 511 - 77th Congress,
Armistice Day holiday for Railway Mail Service |
1941-1942 |
848/8 | S.R. 512 - 77th Congress,
Government owned motor vehicle service a part of the Postal Department
1941-1942 |
848/9 | S.R. 783 - 77th Congress,
Selective training and service act |
1941-1942 |
848/10 | S.R. 783 - 77th Congress
1941-1942 |
848/11 | S.R. 784 - 77th Congress,
Amendment, U.S. Housing Act |
1937, 1941-1942 |
848/12 | S.R. 1388 - 77th Congress, Mining
loans for preliminary development work |
1941-1942 |
848/13 | S.R. 1472 - 77th Congress, Funds
for Hays, MT school construction |
1941-1942 |
848/14 | S.R. 1515 - 77th Congress, Relief
of Mrs. Jessie A. Beechwood |
1941-1942 |
848/15 | S.R. 1666 - 77th Congress,
Coordinate Federal reporting services |
1941-1942 |
848/16 | S.R. 1904 - 77th Congress,
Confederate Salish and Kootenai tribe claims jurisdiction |
1941-1942 |
848/17 | S.R. 1999 - 77th Congress, Funds
for construction of ROTC buildings on campuses |
1941-1942 |
849/1 | S.R. 2114 - 77th Congress,
Collecting loans to farmers |
1941-1942 |
849/2 | S.R. 2155 - 77th Congress, Relief
of Berdella Smith Brown |
1941-1942 |
849/3 | S.R. 2250 - 77th Congress, Small
business |
1941-1942 |
849/4 | S.R. 2271 - 77th Congress, Relief
of Hazel Bedlack et al. |
1941-1942 |
849/5 | S.R. 2315 - 77th Congress, Relief
of dealers in rationed articles |
1941-1942 |
849/6 | S.R. 2315 - 77th Congress
1941-1942 |
849/7 | S.R. 2325 - 77th Congress, Reduce
interest on loans of Federal land banks |
1941-1942 |
849/8 | S.R. 2414 - 77th Congress,
Suspension of annual assessment work on mining claims |
1941-1942 |
849/9 | S.R. 2444 - 77th Congress,
Synthetic rubber production |
1941-1942 |
849/10 | S.R. 2517 - 77th Congress, Relief
of George W. Fenton |
1941-1942 |
849/11 | S.R. 2560 - 77th Congress, Rubber
tires |
1941-1942 |
849/12 | S.R. 2583 - 77th Congress,
Special exemptions from Nationality Act |
1940, 1941-1942 |
849/13 | S.R. 2793 - 77th Congress,
Acquire motor-propelled vehicles for war |
1941-1942 |
849/14 | S.R. 2802 - 77th Congress,
Amendments |
1941-1942 |
849/15 | S.R. 2909 - 77th Congress,
Suspend obligations against lode or placer miners |
1941-1942 |
850/1 | H.R. 1776 - 77th Congress,
Amendment |
1941-1942 |
850/2 | H.R. 3204 - 77th Congress,
Amendment |
1941-1942 |
850/3 | H.R. 3836 - 77th Congress,
Amendment |
1941-1942 |
850/4 | H.R. 4590 - 77th Congress,
Amendment |
1941-1942 |
850/5 | H.R. 5988 - 77th Congress,
Amendment |
1941-1942 |
850/6 | H.R. 6845 - 77th Congress,
Amendment |
1941-1942 |
850/7 | S.R. 45 - 77th Congress, Study of
past Administration of Senate Office Bldg. |
1941-1942 |
850/8 | S.R. 73 - 77th Congress,
Investigation of wage and working condition acts |
1941-1942 |
850/9 | S.R. 130 - 77th Congress, Small
business study |
1941-1942 |
850/10 | S.R. 139 - 77th Congress, Small
business study |
1941-1942 |
850/11 | S.R. 184 - 77th Congress,
Expenditure limits, small business study |
1941-1942 |
850/12 | S.R. 271 - 77th Congress, Small
business study |
1941-1942 |
850/13 | S.R. 301 - 77th Congress, Request
reports on development of additional resources of strategic materials
1941-1942 |
850/14 | S.R. 343 - 78th Congress,
Transportation home during furlough |
1943-1944 |
850/15 | S.R. 344 - 78th Congress, Suspend
obligations against lode or placer miners |
1943-1944 |
850/16 | S.R. 344 - 78th Congress
1943-1944 |
850/17 | S.R. 381 - 78th Congress, Loans
for mining |
1943-1944 |
850/18 | S.R. 607 - 78th Congress,
Establish Office of War Mobilization |
1943-1944 |
850/19 | S.R. 674 - 78th Congress, Payment
of allowances in lieu of quarters or rations |
1943-1944 |
850/20 | S.R. 729 - 78th Congress, Defer
from draft agricultural occupations |
1943-1944 |
850/21 | S.R. 730 - 78th Congress, Release
from service people for agricultural production |
1943-1944 |
850/22 | S.R. 883 - 78th Congress, Provide
for Asst. Sec. of Commerce for small business |
1943-1944 |
851/1 | S.R. 883 - 78th Congress
1943-1944 |
851/2 | S.R. 917 - 78th Congress, U.S.
hold trust lands for Indian use |
1943-1944 |
851/3 | S.R. 1122 - 78th Congress,
Distributions of motor vehicle tires |
1943-1944 |
851/4 | S.R. 1160 - 78th Congress,
Stimulate production of strategic materials |
1943-1944 |
851/5 | S.R. 1161 - 78th Congress, See S.
1050, 79th |
1943-1944 |
851/6 | S.R. 1266 - 78th Congress,
Petroleum Administration for War |
1943-1944 |
851/7 | S.R. 1268 - 78th Congress,
Facilitate termination of war contracts |
1943-1944 |
851/8 | S.R. 1388 - 78th Congress,
Division of Yellowstone River waters |
1943-1944 |
851/9 | S.R. 1470 - 78th Congress,
Mandatory loans to small businesses on termination of war contracts
1943-1944 |
851/10 | S.R. 1478 - 78th Congress,
Conservation and disposal of surplus war properties |
1943-1944 |
851/11 | S.R. 1479 - 78th Congress,
Suspension of requirements on work tunnel sites |
1943-1944 |
851/12 | S.R. 1496 - 78th Congress,
Partial construction of Hungry Horse Dam |
1943-1944 |
851/13 | S.R. 1549 - 78th Congress, Relief
of Vern M. Stanchfield |
1943-1944 |
851/14 | S.R. 1569 - 78th Congress,
Irrigation and reclamation bill |
1943-1944 |
851/15 | S.R. 1570 - 78th Congress,
Extension of Sugar Act of 1937 |
1943-1944 |
851/16 | S.R. 1582 - 78th Congress,
Stockpiles |
1943-1944 |
852/1 | S.R. 1609 - 78th Congress,
Government owned surplus |
1943-1944 |
852/2 | S.R. 1718 - 78th Congress,
Settlements from terminated war contracts |
1943-1944 |
852/3 | S.R. 1718 - 78th Congress
1943-1944 |
852/4 | S.R. 1718 - 78th Congress
1943-1944 |
852/5 | S.R. 1730 - 78th Congress, Create
Office of Demobilization |
1943-1944 |
852/6 | S.R. 1755 - 78th Congress, Crow
irrigation project |
1943-1944 |
852/7 | S.R. 1764 - 78th Congress,
Amendment, Emergency Price Control Act |
1943-1944 |
852/8 | S.R. 1767 - 78th Congress, Aid
for servicemen readjustment |
1943-1944 |
852/9 | S.R. 1823 - 78th Congress,
Establish Office of War Mobilization and Adjustment |
1943-1944 |
852/10 | S.R. 1893 - 78th Congress,
Establish Office of War Mobilization and Adjustment |
1943-1944 |
853/1 | S.R. 1912 - 78th Congress, Ores
and minerals |
1943-1944 |
853/2 | S.R. 1913 - 78th Congress,
Mobilize facilities of small business |
1943-1944 |
853/3 | S.R. 2009 - 78th Congress, Amend
Servicemen's Readjustment Act |
1943-1944 |
853/4 | S.R. 2048 - 78th Congress,
Anti-discrimination |
1943-1944 |
853/5 | S.R. 2051 - 78th Congress, Amend
Social Security Act |
1943-1944 |
853/6 | S.R. 2061 - 78th Congress, War
mobilization and post-war adjustment |
1943-1944 |
853/7 | S.R. 2061 - 78th Congress
1943-1944 |
853/8 | S.R. 2065 - 78th Congress,
Establish Surplus War Property Administration |
1943-1944 |
853/9 | S.R. 2088 - 78th Congress, Relief
of Galen E. Walter |
1943-1944 |
853/10 | S.R. 2090 - 78th Congress, Loans
for mining, milling, smelting |
1943-1944 |
853/11 | H.R. 2397 - 78th Congress,
Amendment |
1943-1944 |
853/12 | H.R. 2719 - 78th Congress,
Amendment |
1943-1944 |
853/13 | H.R. 2861 - 78th Congress,
Provide for general welfare |
1943-1944 |
853/14 | H.R. 2968 - 78th Congress,
Amendment |
1943-1944 |
853/15 | H.R. 3961 - 78th Congress,
Amendment |
1943-1944 |
853/16 | H.R. 4485 - 78th Congress,
Amendment |
1943-1944 |
853/17 | S.J.R. 146 - 78th Congress, Air
Policy Commission |
1943-1944 |
853/18 | S.J.R. 148 - 78th Congress,
Disposal of blood plasma reserves |
1943-1944 |
853/19 | S.J.R. 165 - 78th Congress,
Extend life of Smaller War Plants Corp. |
1943-1944 |
854/1 | S.R. 66 - 78th Congress, Small
business study |
1943-1944 |
854/2 | S.R. 102 - 78th Congress, Post
war economic planning |
1943-1944 |
854/3 | S.R. 106 - 78th Congress,
Increase money for study of American Small Business |
1943-1944 |
854/4 | S.R. 107 - 78th Congress, Study
of better mobilization of national resources |
1943-1944 |
854/5 | S.R. 114 - 78th Congress,
Favoring organization of U. N. |
1943-1944 |
854/6 | S.R. 122 - 78th Congress, Study
of American small business |
1943-1944 |
854/7 | S.R. 195 - 78th Congress,
Segregation of loyal and disloyal Japanese |
1943-1944 |
854/8 | S.R. 198 - 78th Congress,
Investigate war contracts |
1943-1944 |
854/9 | S.R. 203 - 78th Congress, Save
the Jews of Europe from extinction |
1943-1944 |
854/10 | S.R. 216 - 78th Congress, Limit
expenditures of Military Affairs Committee |
1943-1944 |
854/11 | S.R. 241 - 78th Congress,
Authorize Subcommittee on War Contract Termination |
1943-1944 |
854/12 | S.R. 288 - 78th Congress,
Increase funds for investigation of war contract termination |
1943-1944 |
854/13 | S.R. 308 - 78th Congress, Study
of American small business |
1943-1944 |
854/14 | S.R. 325 - 78th Congress,
Establish temporary havens in Palestine for the Jews |
1943-1944 |
854/15 | S.R. 329 - 78th Congress, Study
of American small business |
1943-1944 |
854/16 | S.R. 349 - 78th Congress, Study
of American small business |
1943-1944 |
854/17 | S.R. 101 - 79th Congress, Fair
Employment |
1945-1946 |
854/18 | S.R. 105 - 79th Congress, Small
business |
1945-1946 |
854/19 | S.R. 106 - 79th Congress, Loans
for mining, milling, and smelting |
1945-1946 |
854/20 | S.R. 107 - 79th Congress, Mine
operations |
1945-1946 |
854/21 | S.R. 190 - 79th Congress,
Establish National Institute of Dental Research |
1945-1946 |
854/22 | S.R. 243 - 79th Congress, Relief
of Galen E. Walter |
1945-1946 |
854/23 | S.R. 244 - 79th Congress, Relief
of Mrs. Ernest B. Wells |
1945-1946 |
854/24 | S.R. 291 - 79th Congress,
Amendment, Servicemen's Readjustment Act |
1945-1946 |
854/25 | S.R. 380 - 79th Congress, Full
production |
1945-1946 |
854/26 | S.R. 380 - 79th Congress, Full
production |
1945-1946 |
855/1 | S.R. 380 - 79th Congress, Full
production |
1945-1946 |
855/2 | S.R. 380 - 79th Congress, Full
production |
1945-1946 |
855/3 | S.R. 380 - 79th Congress, Full
production |
1945-1946 |
855/4 | S.R. 425 - 79th Congress, Lode
and placer mines |
1945-1946 |
855/5 | S.R. 440 - 79th Congress, Amend
Reclamation Project Act |
1939, 1945-1946 |
855/6 | S.R. 488 - 79th Congress, Crow
irrigation project |
1945-1946 |
855/7 | S.R. 502 - 79th Congress,
Strategic metals and petroleum |
1945-1946 |
855/8 | S.R. 555 - 79th Congress,
Missouri Valley Authority |
1945-1946 |
855/9 | S.R. 713 - 79th Congress,
Distribution of motor vehicle tires |
1945-1946 |
855/10 | S.R. 714 - 79th Congress,
Compensation for injury or death |
1945-1946 |
855/11 | S.R. 846 - 79th Congress, Payment
of allowances in lieu of quarters |
1945-1946 |
855/12 | S.R. 849 - 79th Congress, Create
Alaskan International Hwy. Commission |
1945-1946 |
855/13 | S.R. 878 - 79th Congress, Amend
Social Security Act |
1945-1946 |
855/14 | S.R. 942 - 79th Congress, Amend
Sherman Anti - 79th Congress, trust Act |
1945-1946 |
855/15 | S.R. 1050 - 79th Congress,
Provide for national security, health, and public welfare |
1945-1946 |
856/1 | S.R. 1050 - 79th Congress,
Related bills |
1945-1946 |
856/2 | S.R. 1050 - 79th Congress,
Related bills |
1945-1946 |
856/3 | S.R. 1050 - 79th Congress,
Related bills |
1945-1946 |
856/4 | S.R. 1050 - 79th Congress,
Related bills |
1945-1946 |
856/5 | S.R. 1050 - 79th Congress,
Related bills, A |
1945-1946 |
856/6 | S.R. 1050 - 79th Congress,
Related bills, A |
1945-1946 |
856/7 | S.R. 1050 - 79th Congress,
Related bills, B |
1945-1946 |
856/8 | S.R. 1050 - 79th Congress,
Related bills, B |
1945-1946 |
857/1 | S.R. 1050 - 79th Congress,
Related bills, C |
1945-1946 |
857/2 | S.R. 1050 - 79th Congress,
Related bills, C |
1945-1946 |
857/3 | S.R. 1050 - 79th Congress,
Related bills, D |
1945-1946 |
857/4 | S.R. 1050 - 79th Congress,
Related bills, A - D |
1945-1946 |
857/5 | S.R. 1050 - 79th Congress,
Related bills, E - F |
1945-1946 |
857/6 | S.R. 1050 - 79th Congress,
Related bills, G |
1945-1946 |
858/1 | S.R. 1050 - 79th Congress,
Related bills, E - G |
1945-1946 |
858/2 | S.R. 1050 - 79th Congress,
Related bills, H - J |
1945-1946 |
858/3 | S.R. 1050 - 79th Congress,
Related bills, H - J |
1945-1946 |
858/4 | S.R. 1050 - 79th Congress,
Related bills, H - J |
1945-1946 |
858/5 | S.R. 1050 - 79th Congress,
Related bills, K - L |
1945-1946 |
858/6 | S.R. 1050 - 79th Congress,
Related bills, K - L |
1945-1946 |
858/7 | S.R. 1050 - 79th Congress,
Related bills, M |
1945-1946 |
859/1 | S.R. 1050 - 79th Congress,
Related bills, M |
1945-1946 |
859/2 | S.R. 1050 - 79th Congress,
Related bills, M |
1945-1946 |
859/3 | S.R. 1050 - 79th Congress,
Related bills, N |
1945-1946 |
859/4 | S.R. 1050 - 79th Congress,
Related bills, N |
1945-1946 |
859/5 | S.R. 1050 - 79th Congress,
Related bills, N |
1945-1946 |
859/6 | S.R. 1050 - 79th Congress,
Related bills, O - Q |
1945-1946 |
859/7 | S.R. 1050 - 79th Congress,
Related bills, R |
1945-1946 |
860/1 | S.R. 1050 - 79th Congress,
Related bills, R |
1945-1946 |
860/2 | S.R. 1050 - 79th Congress,
Related bills, S |
1945-1946 |
860/3 | S.R. 1050 - 79th Congress,
Related bills, S |
1945-1946 |
860/4 | S.R. 1050 - 79th Congress,
Related bills, S |
1945-1946 |
860/5 | S.R. 1050 - 79th Congress,
Related bills, T - U |
1945-1946 |
860/6 | S.R. 1050 - 79th Congress,
Related bills, V - Z |
1945-1946 |
860/7 | S.R. 1050 - 79th Congress,
Related bills, V - Z |
1945-1946 |
861/1 | S.R. 1050 - 79th Congress,
Related bills |
1945-1946 |
861/2 | S.R. 1160 - 79th Congress,
Research in neuro-psychiatric disorders |
1945-1946 |
861/3 | S.R. 1161 - 79th Congress,
Security, health, and public welfare |
1945-1946 |
861/4 | S.R. 1161 - 79th Congress
1945-1946 |
861/5 | S.R. 1200 - 79th Congress, Loans
for mining, milling, smelting |
1945-1946 |
861/6 | S.R. 1263 - 79th Congress,
Granting a pension to Mrs. Nettie Clapp |
1945-1946 |
861/7 | S.R. 1274 - 79th Congress,
Orderly transition from war to peacetime |
1945-1946 |
861/8 | S.R. 1274 - 79th Congress
1945-1946 |
861/9 | S.R. 1274 - 79th Congress
1945-1946 |
861/10 | S.R. 1275 - 79th Congress,
Wearing apparel for discharges members of armed forces |
1945-1946 |
861/11 | S.R. 1282 - 79th Congress, Amend
Fair labor Standards Act |
1945-1946 |
861/12 | S.R. 1298 - 79th Congress,
Changes in the Department of Labor organizations |
1945-1946 |
861/13 | S.R. 1349 - 79th Congress, Amend
Fair Labor Standards Act |
1945-1946 |
862/1 | S.R. 1349 - 79th Congress
1945-1946 |
862/2 | S.R. 1367 - 79th Congress,
Appointment of 3 more Asst. Sec. Of Commerce |
1945-1946 |
862/3 | S.R. 1430 - 79th Congress, Relief
of Melvin and Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence McNeal |
1945-1946 |
862/4 | S.R. 1449 - 79th Congress,
Stabilization of construction industry |
1945-1946 |
862/5 | S.R. 1456 - 79th Congress,
National system of employment offices |
1945-1946 |
862/6 | S.R. 1463 - 79th Congress,
Development and control of atomic energy |
1945-1946 |
862/7 | S.R. 1497 - 79th Congress, Relief
of owners of gold mines |
1945-1946 |
862/8 | S.R. 1510 - 79th Congress, Return
of public employment offices to states |
1945-1946 |
862/9 | S.R. 1510 - 79th Congress
1945-1946 |
863/1 | S.R. 1530 - 79th Congress,
Utilization of Federal Works Agency in public works projects |
1945-1946 |
863/2 | S.R. 1531 - 79th Congress,
Assistance to states for useful public works |
1945-1946 |
863/3 | S.R. 1580 - 79th Congress, United
Nations participation |
1945-1946 |
863/4 | S.R. 1596 - 79th Congress, Amend
Gold Reserve Act of 1934 |
1945-1946 |
863/5 | S.R. 1606 - 79th Congress,
National Health Program |
1945-1946 |
863/6 | S.R. 1606 - 79th Congress
1945-1946 |
863/7 | S.R. 1797 - 79th Congress, Amend
section 125 of National Defense Act |
1945-1946 |
863/8 | S.R. 1815 - 79th Congress,
Premium payments for copper, lead and zinc |
1945-1946 |
863/9 | S.R. 1848 - 79th Congress,
National system of Employment offices |
1945-1946 |
863/10 | S.R. 1856 - 79th Congress,
Reserve for U.S. all deposits of fissionable materials contained in public
lands |
1945-1946 |
863/11 | S.R. 1962 - 79th Congress, Public
facilities for housing |
1945-1946 |
863/12 | S.R. 2028 - 79th Congress, Amend
Emergency Price Control Act of 1942 |
1945-1946 |
863/13 | S.R. 2065 - 79th Congress,
Establish Surplus War Property Administration |
1945-1946 |
863/14 | S.R. 2070 - 79th Congress,
Development of community recreation programs |
1945-1946 |
863/15 | S.R. 2079 - 79th Congress, Amend
1944 Act relating to contract settlement |
1945-1946 |
863/16 | S.R. 2079 - 79th Congress
1945-1946 |
863/17 | S.R. 2143 - 79th Congress,
Coordinate health functions of Federal Government |
1945-1946 |
863/18 | S.R. 2143 - 79th Congress
1945-1946 |
863/19 | S.R. 2180 - 79th Congress, Small
business in foreign trade |
1945-1946 |
864/1 | S.R. 2406 - 79th Congress, Relief
of Ward A. Besanson |
1945-1946 |
864/2 | S.R. 2438 - 79th Congress,
Correct Naval record of Simeon Vandeventer Kemper, Jr. |
1945-1946 |
864/3 | S.R. 2482 - 79th Congress,
Establishment of coordinated anti-monopoly program |
1945-1946 |
864/4 | S.R. 2487 - 79th Congress, Relief
of H. C. Biering |
1945-1946 |
864/5 | S.R. 2499 - 79th Congress,
Establish national policy for education |
1945-1946 |
864/6 | H.R. 3024 - 79th Congress,
Amendments |
1945-1946 |
864/7 | H.R. 3024 - 79th Congress
1945-1946 |
864/8 | H.R. 3109 - 79th Congress,
Appropriations for legislative branch |
1945-1946 |
864/9 | H.R. 3755 - 79th Congress, Est.
Optometry Corps |
1945-1946 |
864/10 | H.R. 4368 - 79th Congress
1945-1946 |
864/11 | H.R. 4908 - 79th Congress,
Provide additional facilities for mediation of labor disputes |
1945-1946 |
864/12 | H.R. 4908 - 79th Congress
1945-1946 |
864/13 | H.R. 6056 - 79th Congress,
Amendment |
1945-1946 |
865/1 | H.R. 6578 - 79th Congress
1945-1946 |
865/2 | H.R. 6941 - 79th Congress
1945-1946 |
865/3 | H.C.R. 125 - 79th Congress
1945-1946 |
865/4 | H.J.R. 127 - 79th Congress
1945-1946 |
865/5 | H.J.R. 269 - 79th Congress
1945-1946 |
865/6 | H.J.R. 305 - 79th Congress
1945-1946 |
865/7 | H.J.R. 305 - 79th Congress
1945-1946 |
865/8 | H.J.R. 313 - 79th Congress
1945-1946 |
865/9 | S.C.R. 73 - 79th Congress
1945-1946 |
865/10 | S.J.R. 30 - 79th Congress
1945-1946 |
865/11 | S.J.R. 89 - 79th Congress
1945-1946 |
865/12 | S.J.R. 135 - 79th Congress
1945-1946 |
865/13 | S.J.R. 135 - 79th Congress
1945-1946 |
865/14 | S.J.R. 140 - 79th Congress
1945-1946 |
865/15 | S.J.R. 182 - 79th Congress
1945-1946 |
865/16 | S.R. 11 - 79th Congress
1945-1946 |
865/17 | S.R. 28 - 79th Congress
1945-1946 |
865/18 | S.R. 46 - 79th Congress
1945-1946 |
865/19 | S.R. 49 - 79th Congress
1945-1946 |
865/20 | S.R. 50 - 79th Congress
1945-1946 |
865/21 | S.R. 78 - 79th Congress
1945-1946 |
865/22 | S.R. 95 - 79th Congress
1945-1946 |
865/23 | S.R. 183 - 79th Congress
1945-1946 |
865/24 | S.R. 199 - 79th Congress
1945-1946 |
866/1 | S.R. 202 - 79th Congress
1945-1946 |
866/2 | S.R. 228 - 79th Congress
1945-1946 |
866/3 | S.R. 239 - 79th Congress
1945-1946 |
866/4 | S.R. 243 - 79th Congress
1945-1946 |
866/5 | S.R. 279 - 79th Congress
1945-1946 |
866/6 | S.R. 287 - 79th Congress
1945-1946 |
866/7 | S.R. 318 - 79th Congress
1945-1946 |
866/8 | S.R. 318 - 79th
Congress |
1945-1946 |
866/9 | S.R. 318 - 79th Congress
1945-1946 |
866/10 | S.R. 318 - 79th Congress
1945-1946 |
866/11 | S.R. 72 - 80th Congress,
Anti-monopoly |
1947-1948 |
866/12 | S.R. 138 - 80th Congress, Mining
loans |
1947-1948 |
866/13 | S.R. 154 - 80th Congress, Amend
Fair Labor Standards Act of 1938 |
1947-1948 |
866/14 | S.R. 176 - 80th Congress,
Research relating to dental diseases and conditions |
1947-1948 |
866/15 | S.R. 178 - 80th Congress, Amend
Public Health Service Act |
1947-1948 |
866/16 | S.R. 216 - 80th Congress, Public
lands to Hill County for a public park |
1947-1948 |
866/17 | S.R. 217 - 80th Congress,
Continue Reconstruction Finance Corp. |
1947-1948 |
867/1 | S.R. 347 - 80th Congress, Free
postage to hospitalized veterans |
1947-1948 |
867/2 | S.R. 348 - 80th Congress, Amend
Internal Revenue Code, increase personal exemption |
1947-1948 |
867/3 | S.R. 348 - 80th Congress, Amend
Internal Revenue Code, increase personal exemption |
1947-1948 |
867/4 | S.R. 414 - 80th Congress, Small
business |
1947-1948 |
867/5 | S.R. 453 - 80th Congress,
Location of mining claims |
1947-1948 |
867/6 | S.R. 528 - 80th Congress,
Continue rent control |
1947-1948 |
867/7 | S.R. 593 - 80th Congress,
Flathead irrigation project |
1947-1948 |
867/8 | S.R. 594 - 80th Congress, Create
Alaskan International Hwy. Commission |
1947-1948 |
867/9 | S.R. 729 - 80th Congress, Pay M.
S. U. national service insurance of Ralph Coldwater |
1947-1948 |
867/10 | S.R. 730 - 80th Congress,
Pensions for WWI veterans |
1947-1948 |
867/11 | S.R. 823 - 80th Congress, Sale to
Crow Tribe estates of deceased Crow Indian allottees |
1947-1948 |
867/12 | S.R. 926 - 80th Congress, Amend
Reconstruction Finance Corp. Act |
1947-1948 |
867/13 | S.R. 938 - 80th Congress, Amend
assistance to Greece and Turkey |
1947-1948 |
867/14 | S.R. 952 - 80th Congress, TB
sanatorium at Galen |
1947-1948 |
867/15 | S.R. 984 - 80th Congress,
Prohibit discrimination in employment |
1947-1948 |
868/1 | S.R. 984 - 80th Congress,
Prohibit discrimination in employment |
1947-1948 |
868/2 | S.R. 1000 - 80th Congress, Civil
rights for Indian veterans |
1947-1948 |
868/3 | S.R. 1001 - 80th Congress, Fort
Peck Indian Reservation |
1947-1948 |
868/4 | S.R. 1021 - 80th Congress, Fort
Peck Indian Council |
1947-1948 |
868/5 | S.R. 1034 - 80th Congress,
Transfer Remount Service from War Department to Department of Agriculture
1947-1948 |
868/6 | S.R. 1121 - 80th Congress, Sell
lands in Glacier County |
1947-1948 |
868/7 | S.R. 1122 - 80th Congress, Sell
under supervision land of Richard Light |
1947-1948 |
868/8 | S.R. 1126 - 80th Congress, Amend
National Labor Relations Act |
1947-1948 |
868/9 | S.R. 1126 - 80th Congress, Amend
National Labor Relations Act |
1947-1948 |
868/10 | S.R. 1126 - 80th Congress, Amend
National Labor Relations Act |
1947-1948 |
868/11 | S.R. 1131 - 80th Congress, Aid to
states for education |
1947-1948 |
868/12 | S.R. 1156 - 80th Congress,
Missouri Valley Authority |
1947-1948 |
868/13 | S.R. 1156 - 80th Congress,
Missouri Valley Authority |
1947-1948 |
869/1 | S.R. 1156 - 80th Congress,
Missouri Valley Authority |
1947-1948 |
869/2 | S.R. 1156 - 80th Congress,
Missouri Valley Authority |
1947-1948 |
869/3 | S.R. 1157 - 80th Congress, Aid to
states for teachers' salaries |
1947-1948 |
869/4 | S.R. 1229 - 80th Congress,
Develop community recreation programs |
1947-1948 |
869/5 | S.R. 1320 - 80th Congress, Mental
health insurance and public health program |
1947-1948 |
869/6 | S.R. 1320 - 80th Congress, Mental
health insurance and public health program |
1947-1948 |
869/7 | S.R. 1351 - 80th Congress, Bonds
issued under Armed Forces Leave Act |
1946, 1947-1948 |
869/8 | S.R. 1385 - 80th Congress,
Authorize patent in fee to George Peters |
1947-1948 |
869/9 | S.R. 1386 - 80th Congress, Lower
Yellowstone irrigation district |
1947-1948 |
870/1 | S.R. 1404 - 80th Congress, Raise
minimum wage |
1947-1948 |
870/2 | S.R. 1452 - 80th Congress, Aid
for industry in undeveloped areas |
1947-1948 |
870/3 | S.R. 1584 - 80th Congress,
Protection of sugar industry |
1947-1948 |
870/4 | S.R. 1603 - 80th Congress,
Government loans for flood victims |
1947-1948 |
870/5 | S.R. 1628 - 80th Congress, Repeal
of Taft - 80th Congress, Hartley Act |
1947-1948 |
870/6 | S.R. 1647 - 80th Congress,
Columbia Valley Authority |
1947-1948 |
870/7 | S.R. 1679 - 80th Congress,
National program of retirement, survivors and extended disability insurance
1947-1948 |
870/8 | S.R. 1714 - 80th Congress, More
adequate provision for health of mothers and children and crippled |
1947-1948 |
870/9 | S.R. 1718 - 80th Congress,
Equitable distribution of newsprint |
1947-1948 |
870/10 | S.R. 1719 - 80th Congress,
Establish Alaska Industrial Commission |
1947-1948 |
870/11 | S.R. 1734 - 80th Congress, Amend
Social Security |
1947-1948 |
870/12 | S.R. 1735 - 80th Congress,
Establish two migratory bird zones |
1947-1948 |
870/13 | S.R. 1735 - 80th Congress,
Establish two migratory bird zones |
1947-1948 |
870/14 | S.R. 1740 - 80th Congress, Small
business |
1947-1948 |
870/15 | S.R. 1886 - 80th Congress, Amend
Communications Act of 1934 |
1947-1948 |
870/16 | S.R. 1886 - 80th Congress, Amend
Communications Act of 1934 |
1947-1948 |
870/17 | S.R. 1900 - 80th Congress, Relief
of Franz Eugene Laub |
1947-1948 |
870/18 | S.R. 1932 - 80th Congress, Relief
of Dorothy Singer |
1947-1948 |
870/19 | S.R. 1933 - 80th Congress, Convey
public lands to Roosevelt County |
1947-1948 |
870/20 | S.R. 1978 - 80th Congress, Patent
in fee to Thomas A. Pickett |
1947-1948 |
870/21 | S.R. 2014 - 80th Congress, Rent
control |
1947-1948 |
871/1 | S.R. 2062 - 80th Congress, Amend
Fair Labor Standards Act |
1947-1948 |
871/2 | S.R. 2189 - 80th Congress, Aid
states for local public health units |
1947-1948 |
871/3 | S.R. 2215 - 80th Congress,
Research in diseases of heart and circulation |
1947-1948 |
871/4 | S.R. 2227 - 80th Congress, Small
business |
1947-1948 |
871/5 | S.R. 2244 - 80th Congress, Crow
tribal delegate salaries |
1947-1948 |
871/6 | S.R. 2260 - 80th Congress, Social
security |
1947-1948 |
871/7 | S.R. 2351 - 80th Congress, Relief
of Beno and Margit Demenyi |
1947-1948 |
871/8 | S.R. 2376 - 80th Congress,
Purchase of agricultural commodities and raw materials in occupied areas
1947-1948 |
871/9 | S.R. 2422 - 80th Congress, Social
security |
1947-1948 |
871/10 | S.R. 2430 - 80th Congress, Amend
Railroad Unemployment Insurance Act |
1947-1948 |
871/11 | S.R. 2437 - 80th Congress, Amend
RR Retirement Act |
1947-1948 |
871/12 | S.R. 2437 - 80th Congress, Amend
RR Retirement Act |
1947-1948 |
871/13 | S.R. 2438 - 80th Congress, Amend
Railroad Unemployment Insurance Act |
1947-1948 |
871/14 | S.R. 2543 - 80th Congress, Capper
- 80th Congress, Hope bill |
1947-1948 |
871/15 | S.R. 2561 - 80th Congress, Julia
Balint as non-quota immigrant |
1947-1948 |
871/16 | S.R. 2782 - 80th Congress, Amend
Railroad Retirement Act |
1947-1948 |
871/17 | S.R. 2788 - 80th Congress, Patent
in fee to Leo Farwell Glenn |
1947-1948 |
871/18 | S.R. 2789 - 80th Congress,
Emergency aid to public facilities after catastrophes |
1947-1948 |
871/19 | S.R. 2934 - 80th Congress, Relief
of Virgil L. Hesterly |
1947-1948 |
871/20 | H.R. 1030 - 80th Congress,
Amendment |
1947-1948 |
871/21 | H.R. 2404 - 80th Congress,
Amendment |
1947-1948 |
871/22 | H.R. 2616 - 80th Congress
1947-1948 |
872/1 | H.R. 2793 - 80th Congress
1947-1948 |
872/2 | H.R. 2849 - 80th Congress
1947-1948 |
872/3 | H.R. 3579 - 80th Congress
1947-1948 |
872/4 | H.R. 3839 - 80th Congress
1947-1948 |
872/5 | H.R. 4075 - 80th Congress
1947-1948 |
872/6 | H.R. 4303 - 80th Congress
1947-1948 |
872/7 | H.R. 4387 - 80th Congress
1947-1948 |
872/8 | H.R. 4532 - 80th Congress
1947-1948 |
872/9 | H.R. 4533 - 80th Congress
1947-1948 |
872/10 | H.R. 5139 - 80th Congress
1947-1948 |
872/11 | H.R. 5524 - 80th Congress
1947-1948 |
872/12 | H.R. 5852 - 80th Congress
1947-1948 |
872/13 | H.R. 6099 - 80th Congress
1947-1948 |
872/14 | H.R. 6279 - 80th Congress
1947-1948 |
872/15 | H.R. 6556 - 80th Congress
1947-1948 |
872/16 | H.R. 6995 - 80th Congress
1947-1948 |
872/17 | H.J.R. 296 - 80th Congress
1947-1948 |
872/18 | S.C.R. 24 - 80th Congress
1947-1948 |
872/19 | S.J.R. 22 - 80th Congress
1947-1948 |
872/20 | S.J.R. 77 - 80th Congress
1947-1948 |
872/21 | S.J.R. 93 - 80th Congress
1947-1948 |
872/22 | S.J.R. 149 - 80th Congress
1947-1948 |
872/23 | S.J.R. 153 - 80th Congress
1947-1948 |
872/24 | S.J.R. 197 - 80th Congress
1947-1948 |
872/25 | S.J.R. 20 - 80th Congress
1947-1948 |
872/26 | S.R. 52 - 80th Congress
1947-1948 |
872/27 | S.R. 82 - 80th Congress
1947-1948 |
872/28 | S.R. 94 - 80th Congress
1947-1948 |
872/29 | S.R. 125 - 80th Congress
1947-1948 |
872/30 | S.R. 153 - 80th Congress
1947-1948 |
872/31 | S.R. 249 - 80th Congress
1947-1948 |
873/1 | S.R. 5 - 81st Congress, National
health insurance |
1949-1951 |
873/2 | S.R. 174 - 81st Congress,
Prohibit discrimination in employment |
1949-1951 |
873/3 | S.R. 174 - 81st Congress,
Prohibit discrimination in employment |
1949-1951 |
873/4 | S.R. 239 - 81st Congress, Amend
U.S. Employees' Compensation Act |
1949-1951 |
873/5 | S.R. 239 - 81st Congress, Amend
U.S. Employees' Compensation Act |
1949-1951 |
873/6 | S.R. 240 - 81st Congress,
Established Mine Incentive Payment Division |
1949-1951 |
873/7 | S.R. 240 - 81st Congress,
Established Mine Incentive Payment Division |
1949-1951 |
873/8 | S.R. 240 - 81st Congress,
Established Mine Incentive Payment Division |
1949-1951 |
873/9 | S.R. 240 - 81st Congress,
Established Mine Incentive Payment Division |
1949-1951 |
873/10 | S.R. 240 - 81st Congress,
Established Mine Incentive Payment Division |
1949-1951 |
874/1 | S.R. 240 - 81st Congress,
Established Mine Incentive Payment Division |
1949-1951 |
874/2 | S.R. 240 - 81st Congress,
Established Mine Incentive Payment Division |
1949-1951 |
874/3 | S.R. 240 - 81st Congress,
Established Mine Incentive Payment Division |
1949-1951 |
874/4 | S.R. 241 - 81st Congress, Amend
Contract Settlement Act |
1949-1951 |
874/5 | S.R. 241 - 81st Congress, Amend
Contract Settlement Act |
1949-1951 |
874/6 | S.R. 246 - 81st Congress, Aid to
education |
1949-1951 |
874/7 | S.R. 246 - 81st Congress, Aid to
education |
1949-1951 |
874/8 | S.R. 246 - 81st Congress, Aid to
education |
1949-1951 |
874/9 | S.R. 246 - 81st Congress, Aid to
education |
1949-1951 |
875/1 | S.R. 246 - 81st Congress, Aid to
education |
1949-1951 |
875/2 | S.R. 246 - 81st Congress, Aid to
education |
1949-1951 |
875/3 | S.R. 248 - 81st Congress, Amend
Fair Labor Standards Act |
1949-1951 |
875/4 | S.R. 249 - 81st Congress,
Diminish causes of labor disputes with regard to interstate and foreign
commerce |
1949-1951 |
875/5 | S.R. 250 - 81st Congress,
Community recreation program |
1949-1951 |
875/6 | S.R. 281 - 81st Congress, Full
employment in U.S. |
1949-1951 |
875/7 | S.R. 281 - 81st Congress, Full
employment in U.S. |
1949-1951 |
875/8 | S.R. 281 - 81st Congress, Full
employment in U.S. |
1949-1951 |
875/9 | S.R. 281 - 81st Congress, Full
employment in U.S. |
1949-1951 |
875/10 | S.R. 281 - 81st Congress, Full
employment in U.S. |
1949-1951 |
875/11 | S.R. 281 - 81st Congress, Full
employment in U.S. |
1949-1951 |
876/1 | S.R. 281 - 81st Congress, Full
employment in U.S. |
1949-1951 |
876/2 | S.R. 281 - 81st Congress, Full
employment in U.S. |
1949-1951 |
876/3 | S.R. 281 - 81st Congress, Full
employment in U.S. |
1949-1951 |
876/4 | S.R. 392 - 81st Congress, Patent
in fee to Thomas A. Pickett |
1949-1951 |
876/5 | S.R. 393 - 81st Congress, Relief
of Kaia Helle |
1949-1951 |
876/6 | S.R. 394 - 81st Congress, Admit
Julia Balint to U.S. |
1949-1951 |
876/7 | S.R. 395 - 81st Congress, Relief
of Dorothea Singer |
1949-1951 |
876/8 | S.R. 396 - 81st Congress, Relief
of Virgil L. Hesterly |
1949-1951 |
876/9 | S.R. 397 - 81st Congress, Relief
of Fran and Eugene Laub |
1949-1951 |
876/10 | S.R. 497 - 81st Congress, Loans
for mining, milling, and smelting |
1949-1951 |
876/11 | S.R. 520 - 81st Congress, Patent
in fee to Leo Farwell Glen |
1949-1951 |
876/12 | S.R. 522 - 81st Congress, Amend
Public Health Service Act |
1949-1951 |
876/13 | S.R. 614 - 81st Congress,
Hospital construction |
1949-1951 |
876/14 | S.R. 640 - 81st Congress,
Distribution of motor vehicle tires |
1949-1951 |
876/15 | S.R. 653 - 81st Congress, Amend
Fair Labor Standards Act |
1949-1951 |
876/16 | S.R. 705 - 81st Congress, Amend
Public Health Service Act |
1949-1951 |
877/1 | S.R. 716 - 81st Congress, Patent
in fee to George Peters |
1949-1951 |
877/2 | S.R. 787 - 81st Congress, Relief
of William Kotsakis |
1949-1951 |
877/3 | S.R. 788 - 81st Congress, Aid to
education |
1949-1951 |
877/4 | S.R. 870 - 81st Congress, Amend
Public Service Act |
1949-1951 |
877/5 | S.R. 904 - 81st Congress,
Research in child life and development |
1949-1951 |
877/6 | S.R. 926 - 81st Congress,
Drainage and sanitation for Polson |
1949-1951 |
877/7 | S.R. 978 - 81st Congress, Amend
Federal Alcohol Administration Act |
1949-1951 |
877/8 | S.R. 1036 - 81st Congress, Patent
in fee to Lavantia Pearson |
1949-1951 |
877/9 | S.R. 1037 - 81st Congress, Patent
in fee to Virginia Pearson |
1949-1951 |
877/10 | S.R. 1038 - 81st Congress, Patent
in fee to Ethel M. Pearson George |
1949-1951 |
877/11 | S.R. 1039 - 81st Congress, Patent
in fee to Lavanthia Pearson |
1949-1951 |
877/12 | S.R. 1040 - 81st Congress, Patent
in fee to Leah L. Pearson Louk |
1949-1951 |
877/13 | S.R. 1079 - 81st Congress, Relief
of Mrs. Hope Irene Buley |
1949-1951 |
877/14 | S.R. 1092 - 81st Congress,
Industrialization of underdeveloped areas |
1949-1951 |
877/15 | S.R. 1093 - 81st Congress, Small
business |
1949-1951 |
877/16 | S.R. 1101 - 81st Congress, Convey
lands in MT to Nick Langager |
1949-1951 |
877/17 | S.R. 1102 - 81st Congress,
Compensation to those who went into hiding to avoid capture |
1949-1951 |
877/18 | S.R. 1160 - 81st Congress,
Missouri Valley Authority |
1949-1951 |
877/19 | S.R. 1160 - 81st Congress,
Missouri Valley Authority |
1949-1951 |
877/20 | S.R. 1247 - 81st Congress, Aid to
Israel |
1949-1951 |
877/21 | S.R. 1320 - 81st Congress,
National health insurance |
1949-1951 |
877/22 | S.R. 1346 - 81st Congress, Relief
of Frank Eugene Laub |
1949-1951 |
877/23 | S.R. 1411 - 81st Congress, Aid to
education for health |
1949-1951 |
877/24 | S.R. 1430 - 81st Congress,
Discrimination against women |
1949-1951 |
877/25 | S.R. 1453 - 81st Congress, Amend
Public Health Service Act |
1949-1951 |
878/1 | S.R. 1477 - 81st Congress,
Bitterroot Irrigation District |
1949-1951 |
878/2 | S.R. 1562 - 81st Congress,
District to deal with claims of Caroline, William and George Henkel
1949-1951 |
878/3 | S.R. 1563 - 81st Congress,
Emergency flood control works on White Bear Island |
1949-1951 |
878/4 | S.R. 1564 - 81st Congress,
Transfer control over Indian tribal funds to tribes |
1949-1951 |
878/5 | S.R. 1627 - 81st Congress, Relief
of Francis Laforge, Fred Morrison, and Robert Yellowtail |
1949-1951 |
878/6 | S.R. 1628 - 81st Congress, Relief
of E. E. Drury and sons |
1949-1951 |
878/7 | S.R. 1629 - 81st Congress, Relief
of Kalispell Pole Co. |
1949-1951 |
878/8 | S.R. 1645 - 81st Congress,
Reorganize and consolidate Federal functions |
1949-1951 |
878/9 | S.R. 1645 - 81st Congress,
Reorganize and consolidate Federal functions |
1949-1951 |
878/10 | S.R. 1645 - 81st Congress,
Reorganize and consolidate Federal functions |
1949-1951 |
878/11 | S.R. 1679 - 81st Congress,
National health insurance |
1949-1951 |
878/12 | S.R. 1682 - 81st Congress,
Economic recovery of Blackfeet Indians |
1949-1951 |
878/13 | S.R. 1690 - 81st Congress,
Rehabilitate Chippewa Creek Tribe |
1949-1951 |
878/14 | S.R. 1691 - 81st Congress,
Rehabilitate Gros Ventre and Assiniboine Tribes |
1949-1951 |
879/1 | S.R. 1707 - 81st Congress,
National Service Life Insurance |
1949-1951 |
879/2 | S.R. 1708 - 81st Congress, Great
Northern RR to convey lands to town of Nashua |
1949-1951 |
879/3 | S.R. 1793 - 81st Congress,
Location of mining claims |
1949-1951 |
879/4 | S.R. 1829 - 81st Congress,
Transfer of buffalo to Crow Tribe |
1949-1951 |
879/5 | S.R. 1830 - 81st Congress,
Rehabilitate Crow Tribe |
1949-1951 |
879/6 | S.R. 1890 - 81st Congress, Lands
for public use, Missoula County |
1949-1951 |
879/7 | S.R. 1891 - 81st Congress, Lands
for use of MSU, Missoula |
1949-1951 |
879/8 | S.R. 1933 - 81st Congress, Relief
of C. L. Leffingwell |
1949-1951 |
879/9 | S.R. 2022 - 81st Congress, Repeal
act to suspend import taxes on copper |
1949-1951 |
879/10 | S.R. 2036 - 81st Congress,
Admission of Alaska to the Union |
1949-1951 |
879/11 | S.R. 2042 - 81st Congress,
Buffalo rapids project |
1949-1951 |
879/12 | S.R. 2067 - 81st Congress, Big
Porcupine Dam on Fort Peck project |
1949-1951 |
879/13 | S.R. 2211 - 81st Congress, Survey
of sickness in the U.S. |
1949-1951 |
879/14 | S.R. 2317 - 81st Congress, Aid to
education |
1949-1951 |
879/15 | S.R. 2320 - 81st Congress, Assist
mining industry |
1949-1951 |
879/16 | S.R. 2352 - 81st Congress, Child
and maternal health care |
1949-1951 |
879/17 | S.R. 2415 - 81st Congress,
Authorize Federal assistance in disasters |
1949-1951 |
879/18 | S.R. 2510 - 81st Congress, Fee in
patent to Anson Harold Pease |
1949-1951 |
879/19 | S.R. 2584 - 81st Congress,
Provide for inventory of illness |
1949-1951 |
879/20 | S.R. 2591 - 81st Congress,
Support research in arthritis and rheumatism |
1949-1951 |
879/21 | S.R. 2596 - 81st Congress,
Education for veterans |
1949-1951 |
879/22 | S.R. 2910 - 81st Congress, Relief
of Werner Plack |
1949-1951 |
879/23 | S.R. 2982 - 81st Congress, Relief
of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Henry Gonda |
1949-1951 |
879/24 | S.R. 3038 - 81st Congress,
Maintain in BLM record of title to Federal lands |
1949-1951 |
879/25 | S.R. 3052 - 81st Congress,
Prohibit travel with intent to abandon child |
1949-1951 |
879/26 | S.R. 3082 - 81st Congress, Relief
of Erika Kuebart and her minor son |
1949-1951 |
879/27 | S.R. 3083 - 81st Congress, Relief
of Rosa J. Cason |
1949-1951 |
879/28 | S.R. 3102 - 81st Congress,
Education for physically handicapped |
1949-1951 |
879/29 | S.R. 3144 - 81st Congress,
Reestablish Civilian Conservation Corps |
1949-1951 |
879/30 | S.R. 3147 - 81st Congress,
Establish National Comm. on Intergovernmental Relations |
1949-1951 |
879/31 | S.R. 3175 - 81st Congress,
Construction of forest fire fighting facilities |
1949-1951 |
879/32 | S.R. 3175 - 81st Congress,
Construction of forest fire fighting facilities |
1949-1951 |
879/33 | S.R. 3265 - 81st Congress, Amend
Agricultural Adjustment Act of 1938 |
1949-1951 |
880/1 | S.R. 3272 - 81st Congress,
Transfer of land to Richland County |
1949-1951 |
880/2 | S.R. 3273 - 81st Congress, U.S.
hold certain lands for Blackfeet tribe |
1949-1951 |
880/3 | S.R. 3274 - 81st Congress, Amend
Agricultural Adjustment Act |
1949-1951 |
880/4 | S.R. 3275 - 81st Congress, Relief
of Cecilio Lim |
1949-1951 |
880/5 | S.R. 3295 - 81st Congress, Amend
Railroad Labor Act |
1949-1951 |
880/6 | S.R. 3295 - 81st Congress, Amend
Railroad Labor Act |
1949-1951 |
880/7 | S.R. 3295 - 81st Congress, Amend
Railroad Labor Act |
1949-1951 |
880/8 | S.R. 3324 - 81st Congress, Relief
of Mrs. Maurice Aquino Mayo |
1949-1951 |
880/9 | S.R. 3325 - 81st Congress, Relief
of Isolde Bexner |
1949-1951 |
880/10 | S.R. 3326 - 81st Congress, Relief
of Katsutoshi Matsumoto |
1949-1951 |
880/11 | S.R. 3353 - 81st Congress, Relief
of Mary Penn |
1949-1951 |
880/12 | S.R. 3354 - 81st Congress,
Erection of Federal Building in St. Petersburg, FL |
1949-1951 |
880/13 | S.R. 3369 - 81st Congress,
Conveyance of lands in Custer County to Miles City |
1949-1951 |
880/14 | S.R. 3386 - 81st Congress, Small
business |
1949-1951 |
880/15 | S.R. 3387 - 81st Congress, Amend
Internal Revenue Code |
1949-1951 |
880/16 | S.R. 3388 - 81st Congress,
Additional punishment for restraint and monopoly |
1949-1951 |
880/17 | S.R. 3389 - 81st Congress, Patent
in fee to Walter Anson |
1949-1951 |
880/18 | S.R. 3473 - 81st Congress,
Authorize sale of land in Great Falls |
1949-1951 |
880/19 | S.R. 3533 - 81st Congress, Relief
of Louie Gam yean |
1949-1951 |
880/20 | S.R. 3534 - 81st Congress,
Promote economic recovery of Blackfeet tribe |
1949-1951 |
880/21 | S.R. 3535 - 81st Congress,
Flathead irrigation project |
1949-1951 |
880/22 | S.R. 3742 - 81st Congress, Death
payments to beneficiaries of Forest Service employees killed fighting fires
1949-1951 |
880/23 | S.R. 3546 - 81st Congress, Amend
Act of June 18 |
1934, 1949-1951 |
880/24 | S.R. 3907 - 81st Congress, Repair
of vessels in national Defense Reserve Fleet |
1949-1951 |
880/25 | S.R. 3928 - 81st Congress, Relief
of Fred Hess |
1949-1951 |
880/26 | S.R. 3929 - 81st Congress, Relief
of Conrad Xavier Charles Mauerer |
1949-1951 |
880/27 | S.R. 3976 - 81st Congress,
Rehabilitation of landless Indians of MT |
1949-1951 |
880/28 | S.R. 3977 - 81st Congress,
Rehabilitation of disabled veterans |
1949-1951 |
880/29 | S.R. 4051 - 81st Congress,
Employment for disabled |
1949-1951 |
881/1 | S.R. 4066 - 81st Congress, Funds
for dam and reservoir projects |
1949-1951 |
881/2 | S.R. 4177 - 81st Congress, Social
Security |
1949-1951 |
881/3 | S.R. 4178 - 81st Congress, Social
Security |
1949-1951 |
881/4 | S.R. 4179 - 81st Congress, Social
Security |
1949-1951 |
881/5 | S.R. 4180 - 81st Congress, Amend
Public Health Service Act |
1949-1951 |
881/6 | S.R. 4181 - 81st Congress, Amend
Public Health Service Act |
1949-1951 |
881/7 | S.R. 4182 - 81st Congress, Loans
to establish clinics |
1949-1951 |
881/8 | S.R. 4183 - 81st Congress, Amend
Public Health Service Act |
1949-1951 |
881/9 | S.R. 4194 - 81st Congress,
Proclamation for National Children's Dental Health Day |
1949-1951 |
881/10 | S.R. 4216 - 81st Congress, Relief
of fares for Nujra Saliba |
1949-1951 |
881/11 | S.R. 4229 - 81st Congress, Extend
benefits of Public Law 16, 78th Congress |
1949-1951 |
881/12 | S.R. 4242 - 81st Congress,
Veterans |
1949-1951 |
881/13 | H.R. 783 - 81st Congress
1949-1951 |
881/14 | H.R. 3838 - 81st Congress
1949-1951 |
881/15 | H.R. 3838 - 81st Congress
1949-1951 |
881/16 | H.R. 3838 - 81st Congress
1949-1951 |
881/17 | H.R. 3943 - 81st Congress
1949-1951 |
881/18 | H.R. 4567 - 81st Congress
1949-1951 |
881/19 | H.R. 4830 - 81st Congress
1949-1951 |
881/20 | H.R. 4941 - 81st Congress
1949-1951 |
882/1 | H.R. 5300 - 81st Congress
1949-1951 |
882/2 | H.R. 5895 - 81st Congress
1949-1951 |
882/3 | H.R. 6000 - 81st Congress
1949-1951 |
882/4 | H.R. 7786 - 81st Congress
1949-1951 |
882/5 | H.R. 8711 - 81st Congress
1949-1951 |
882/6 | H.R. 9526 - 81st Congress
1949-1951 |
882/7 | S.C.R. 10 - 81st Congress
1949-1951 |
882/8 | S.C.R. 56 - 81st Congress
1949-1951 |
882/9 | S.J.R. 25 - 81st Congress
1949-1951 |
882/10 | S.J.R. 38 - 81st Congress
1949-1951 |
882/11 | S.J.R. 57 - 81st Congress
1949-1951 |
882/12 | S.J.R. 93 - 81st Congress
1949-1951 |
882/13 | S.R. 16 - 81st Congress
1949-1951 |
882/14 | S.R. 28 - 81st Congress
1949-1951 |
882/15 | S.R. 29 - 81st Congress
1949-1951 |
882/16 | S.R. 29 - 81st Congress
1949-1951 |
883/1 | S.R. 29 - 81st Congress
1949-1951 |
883/2 | S.R. 29 - 81st Congress
1949-1951 |
883/3 | S.R. 58 - 81st Congress
1949-1951 |
883/4 | S.R. 113 - 81st Congress
1949-1951 |
883/5 | S.R. 139 - 81st Congress
1949-1951 |
883/6 | S.R. 140 - 81st Congress
1949-1951 |
883/7 | S.R. 140 - 81st Congress
1949-1951 |
883/8 | S.R. 184 - 81st Congress
1949-1951 |
883/9 | S.R. 367 - 81st Congress
1949-1951 |
883/10 | S.R. 1 - 82nd Congress, Universal
training program |
1951-1952 |
883/11 | S.R. 49 - 82nd Congress, Hawaii
statehood |
1951-1952 |
883/12 | S.R. 50 - 82nd Congress, Alaska
statehood |
1951-1952 |
883/13 | S.R. 266 - 82nd Congress, Bring
theater productions of land grant colleges to Washington |
1951-1952 |
883/14 | S.R. 331 - 82nd Congress,
Blackfeet Indian lands |
1951-1952 |
883/15 | S.R. 332 - 82nd Congress, Relief
of Brunhilda Elizabeth Baechle |
1951-1952 |
884/1 | S.R. 334 - 82nd Congress, Relief
of owners of Finnish sailing vessels |
1951-1952 |
884/2 | S.R. 335 - 82nd Congress, Relief
of Nujra Saliba |
1951-1952 |
884/3 | S.R. 336 - 82nd Congress,
National Children's Dental Health Day |
1951-1952 |
884/4 | S.R. 337 - 82nd Congress, Amend
Public Health Service Act |
1951-1952 |
884/5 | S.R. 337 - 82nd Congress, Amend
Public Health Service Act |
1951-1952 |
884/6 | S.R. 378 - 82nd Congress,
Restoring tribal lands to Colville Indians |
1951-1952 |
884/7 | S.R. 631 - 82nd Congress, Relief
of Conrad Xavier Charles Mauerer |
1951-1952 |
884/8 | S.R. 445 - 82nd Congress, Amend
Public Health Service Act |
1951-1952 |
884/9 | S.R. 629 - 82nd Congress,
Distribution of motor vehicle tires |
1951-1952 |
884/10 | S.R. 630 - 82nd Congress, Murdock
resolution |
1951-1952 |
884/11 | S.R. 632 - 82nd Congress, Amend
Servicemen's Readjustment Act |
1951-1952 |
884/12 | S.R. 677 - 82nd Congress, Marine
Corps, Joint Chiefs of Staff |
1951-1952 |
884/13 | S.R. 743 - 82nd Congress,
Rehabilitate landless Indians |
1951-1952 |
884/14 | S.R. 744 - 82nd Congress,
Leashing of Restricted Indian lands |
1951-1952 |
884/15 | S.R. 745 - 82nd Congress, Give
tribes control over tribal funds |
1951-1952 |
884/16 | S.R. 795 - 82nd Congress,
Prohibit labor espionage |
1951-1952 |
884/17 | S.R. 872 - 82nd Congress,
Emergency food aid to India |
1951-1952 |
884/18 | S.R. 900 - 82nd Congress,
Recreation programs for Federal employees |
1951-1952 |
884/19 | S.R. 936 - 82nd Congress,
Construction of VA hospitals |
1951-1952 |
884/20 | S.R. 946 - 82nd Congress, Mine
incentive payments |
1951-1952 |
884/21 | S.R. 947 - 82nd Congress, Federal
aid to education |
1951-1952 |
885/1 | S.R. 988 - 82nd Congress,
Smokejumpers base |
1951-1952 |
885/2 | S.R. 989 - 82nd Congress, Dam and
water reservoir projects |
1951-1952 |
885/3 | S.R. 990 - 82nd Congress,
Teacher's salaries |
1951-1952 |
885/4 | S.R. 991 - 82nd Congress, Amend
Longshoreman's and Harbor Workers' Compensation Act |
1951-1952 |
885/5 | S.R. 1106 - 82nd Congress,
Agricultural workers |
1951-1952 |
885/6 | S.R. 1202 - 82nd Congress,
Services to disabled persons |
1951-1952 |
885/7 | S.R. 1203 - 82nd Congress,
Additional Circuit Judges |
1951-1952 |
885/8 | S.R. 1259 - 82nd Congress, Relief
of Barbara Folan |
1951-1952 |
885/9 | S.R. 1311 - 82nd Congress,
Yellowstone River water |
1951-1952 |
885/10 | S.R. 1320 - 82nd Congress, Amend
Public Health Service Act |
1951-1952 |
885/11 | S.R. 1328 - 82nd Congress, Survey
of sickness in U.S. |
1951-1952 |
885/12 | S.R. 1346 - 82nd Congress, Place
natural gas pipelines under regulation of Federal Power Commission |
1951-1952 |
885/13 | S.R. 1347 - 82nd Congress, Amend
Railroad Retirement Act |
1951-1952 |
885/14 | S.R. 1353 - 82nd Congress, Amend
Railroad Retirement Act |
1951-1952 |
885/15 | S.R. 1373 - 82nd Congress, Convey
lands to Nick Langager |
1951-1952 |
885/16 | S.R. 1374 - 82nd Congress, Equal
pay for equal work for women |
1951-1952 |
885/17 | S.R. 1394 - 82nd Congress,
Additional employee benefits |
1951-1952 |
885/18 | S.R. 1397 - 82nd Congress, Amend
Defense Production Act |
1951-1952 |
885/19 | S.R. 1446 - 82nd Congress, Relief
of Olga Ilynikh |
1951-1952 |
886/1 | S.R. 1447 - 82nd Congress, Patent
in fee for School Dist. 28, Ronan |
1951-1952 |
886/2 | S.R. 1463 - 82nd Congress,
Education of physically handicapped |
1951-1952 |
886/3 | S.R. 1521 - 82nd Congress,
Automobiles for veterans |
1951-1952 |
886/4 | S.R. 1542 - 82nd Congress, Export
Insurance Act |
1951-1952 |
886/5 | S.R. 1543 - 82nd Congress, Small
Business Act |
1951-1952 |
886/6 | S.R. 1544 - 82nd Congress, Amend
laws against restraint and monopolies |
1951-1952 |
886/7 | S.R. 1567 - 82nd Congress, Patent
in fee to Mrs. Ursula Rutherford Ollinger |
1951-1952 |
886/8 | S.R. 1568 - 82nd Congress, Patent
in fee to Mrs. Rutherford Spearson |
1951-1952 |
886/9 | S.R. 1732 - 82nd Congress,
Anti-discrimination |
1951-1952 |
886/10 | S.R. 1733 - 82nd Congress,
Protection from lynching |
1951-1952 |
886/11 | S.R. 1734 - 82nd Congress,
Outlawing poll tax |
1951-1952 |
886/12 | S.R. 1735 - 82nd Congress,
Protection of civil rights |
1951-1952 |
886/13 | S.R. 1736 - 82nd Congress,
Anti-discrimination |
1951-1952 |
886/14 | S.R. 1737 - 82nd Congress, Amend
civil rights statutes |
1951-1952 |
886/15 | S.R. 1738 - 82nd Congress,
Protect political participation |
1951-1952 |
886/16 | S.R. 1739 - 82nd Congress,
Convict labor |
1951-1952 |
886/17 | S.R. 1864 - 82nd Congress,
Automobiles for disabled veterans |
1951-1952 |
886/18 | S.R. 1873 - 82nd Congress, Crow
Indian lands |
1951-1952 |
886/19 | S.R. 1874 - 82nd Congress, Amend
Public Health Service Act |
1951-1952 |
886/20 | S.R. 1883 - 82nd Congress,
Missouri Valley Authority |
1951-1952 |
886/21 | S.R. 1959 - 82nd Congress, Amend
National Labor Relations Act |
1951-1952 |
886/22 | S.R. 1976 - 82nd Congress, Home
rule for Washington, D. C. |
1951-1952 |
886/23 | S.R. 1980 - 82nd Congress, Relief
of Adelheid Wickman |
1951-1952 |
886/24 | S.R. 1981 - 82nd Congress,
Production of energy by wind power |
1951-1952 |
887/1 | S.R. 1983 - 82nd Congress, Amend
Social Security Act |
1951-1952 |
887/2 | S.R. 1985 - 82nd Congress,
Education of children with overseas Federal employees |
1951-1952 |
887/3 | S.R. 2195 - 82nd Congress, Relief
of Lauren F. Teutsch |
1951-1952 |
887/4 | S.R. 2241 - 82nd Congress, Mine
incentive payments |
1951-1952 |
887/5 | S.R. 2298 - 82nd Congress, Amend
Fair Labor Standards Act |
1951-1952 |
887/6 | S.R. 2300 - 82nd Congress, Drama
and Music programs at land grant institutions |
1951-1952 |
887/7 | S.R. 2301 - 82nd Congress, Amend
Public Health Service Act |
1951-1952 |
887/8 | S.R. 2308 - 82nd Congress, Relief
of Socorro Gerona de Castro |
1951-1952 |
887/9 | S.R. 2309 - 82nd Congress, Relief
of Musa Eid M. Abdes Salam |
1951-1952 |
887/10 | S.R. 2343 - 82nd Congress, Amend
immigration laws |
1951-1952 |
887/11 | S.R. 2388 - 82nd Congress, Relief
of Sister Jeanne Maria Henneth Langlo |
1951-1952 |
887/12 | S.R. 2389 - 82nd Congress, Relief
of Sister Louise Marie Josephine Belloir |
1951-1952 |
887/13 | S.R. 2390 - 82nd Congress, Amend
Soldiers' and Sailors' Civil Relief Act |
1951-1952 |
887/14 | S.R. 2412 - 82nd Congress, Civil
Service status for collectors of internal revenue |
1951-1952 |
887/15 | S.R. 2461 - 82nd Congress,
Extending Korean veterans benefits |
1951-1952 |
887/16 | S.R. 2503 - 82nd Congress, Amend
National Labor Relations Act |
1951-1952 |
887/17 | S.R. 2504 - 82nd Congress,
Supplementary unemployment compensation benefits |
1951-1952 |
887/18 | S.R. 2550 - 82nd Congress, Revise
immigration laws |
1951-1952 |
887/19 | S.R. 2550 - 82nd Congress, Revise
immigration laws |
1951-1952 |
888/1 | S.R. 2550 - 82nd Congress, Revise
immigration laws |
1951-1952 |
888/2 | S.R. 2563 - 82nd Congress, Land
acquired under Bankhead-Jones Act |
1951-1952 |
888/3 | S.R. 2563 - 82nd Congress, Land
acquired under Bankhead-Jones Act |
1951-1952 |
888/4 | S.R. 2570 - 82nd Congress,
Preference primaries |
1951-1952 |
888/5 | S.R. 2573 - 82nd Congress, Patent
in fee to Walter Anson Pease |
1951-1952 |
888/6 | S.R. 2602 - 82nd Congress,
Federal consolidated cash budget |
1951-1952 |
888/7 | S.R. 2620 - 82nd Congress,
Terminate Federal Discriminations against Indians of MT |
1951-1952 |
888/8 | S.R. 2639 - 82nd Congress, Amend
Railroad Unemployment Insurance Act |
1951-1952 |
888/9 | S.R. 2645 - 82nd Congress, Amend
Defense Production Act |
1951-1952 |
888/10 | S.R. 2705 - 82nd Congress, Amend
Social Security Act |
1951-1952 |
888/11 | S.R. 2714 - 82nd Congress, Safe
work places and practices |
1951-1952 |
888/12 | S.R. 2715 - 82nd Congress,
Community recreation programs |
1951-1952 |
888/13 | S.R. 2724 - 82nd Congress,
Veteran's canteen service |
1951-1952 |
889/1 | S.R. 2812 - 82nd Congress, Snake
River reclamation project |
1951-1952 |
889/2 | S.R. 2851 - 82nd Congress, Relief
of Mrs. Irma Benjamin |
1951-1952 |
889/3 | S.R. 2875 - 82nd Congress,
National act on adult illiteracy |
1951-1952 |
889/4 | S.R. 2893 - 82nd Congress, Exempt
Blackfeet tribal loans from Federal fund restrictions |
1951-1952 |
889/5 | S.R. 2894 - 82nd Congress, Relief
of Antonio Fopp |
1951-1952 |
889/6 | S.R. 2937 - 82nd Congress, Amend
Railroad Labor Act |
1951-1952 |
889/7 | S.R. 2991 - 82nd Congress, Patent
in fee to lands on Crow Reservation |
1951-1952 |
889/8 | S.R. 3001 - 82nd Congress,
Hospitalization Insurance Act |
1951-1952 |
889/9 | S.R. 3086 - 82nd Congress, Mutual
Security Act |
1951-1952 |
889/10 | S.R. 3126 - 82nd Congress, Amend
Tariff Act of 1930 |
1951-1952 |
889/11 | S.R. 3182 - 82nd Congress, Relief
of Sacred Heart Hospital, Havre, MT |
1951-1952 |
889/12 | S.R. 3297 - 82nd Congress, Patent
in fee to Olive Old Bull Comes In A Day |
1951-1952 |
889/13 | S.R. 3298 - 82nd Congress, Patent
in fee to Amy Old Bull |
1951-1952 |
889/14 | S.R. 3358 - 82nd Congress, Aid to
schools in critical defense areas |
1951-1952 |
889/15 | S.R. 3368 - 82nd Congress,
Anti-discrimination |
1951-1952 |
889/16 | S.R. 3417 - 82nd Congress, Amend
Social Security Act |
1951-1952 |
889/17 | S.R. 3433 - 82nd Congress, Relief
of Nobuko Sengoku |
1951-1952 |
889/18 | S.R. 3448 - 82nd Congress, Amend
Public Health Service Act |
1951-1952 |
889/19 | S.R. 3452 - 82nd Congress, Relief
of Svetoyar Peodorovic |
1951-1952 |
889/20 | S.R. 3455 - 82nd Congress,
Financial aid to higher education |
1951-1952 |
889/21 | S.R. 3475 - 82nd Congress, Relief
of Jessie Connelly |
1951-1952 |
889/22 | S.R. 3481 - 82nd Congress,
Protection against violence to Armed Forces |
1951-1952 |
889/23 | H.B. 1 - 82nd Congress
1951-1952 |
889/24 | H.B. 4473 - 82nd Congress
1951-1952 |
889/25 | H.B. 4740 - 82nd Congress,
Amendment |
1951-1952 |
889/26 | H.B. 5215 - 82nd Congress
1951-1952 |
889/27 | H.B. 5411 - 82nd Congress,
Amendment |
1951-1952 |
889/28 | H.B. 5715 - 82nd Congress,
Amendment |
1951-1952 |
889/29 | H.B. 7268 - 82nd Congress,
Amendment |
1951-1952 |
889/30 | H.J.R. 218 - 82nd Congress
1951-1952 |
889/31 | H.J.R. 337 - 82nd Congress
1951-1952 |
889/32 | H.R. 82 - 82nd Congress
1951-1952 |
890/1 | H.C.R. 4 - 82nd Congress
1951-1952 |
890/2 | S.C.R. 11 - 82nd Congress
1951-1952 |
890/3 | S.C.R. 44 - 82nd Congress
1951-1952 |
890/4 | S.C.R. 47 - 82nd Congress
1951-1952 |
890/5 | S.C.R. 54 - 82nd Congress
1951-1952 |
890/6 | S.J.R. 20 - 82nd Congress
1951-1952 |
890/7 | S.J.R. 20 - 82nd Congress
1951-1952 |
890/8 | S.J.R. 20 - 82nd Congress
1951-1952 |
890/9 | S.J.R. 20 - 82nd Congress
1951-1952 |
890/10 | S.J.R. 20 - 82nd Congress
1951-1952 |
890/11 | S.J.R. 20 - 82nd Congress
1951-1952 |
890/12 | S.J.R. 20 - 82nd Congress
1951-1952 |
890/13 | S.J.R. 20 - 82nd Congress
1951-1952 |
891/1 | S.J.R. 27 - 82nd Congress
1951-1952 |
891/2 | S.J.R. 93 - 82nd Congress
1951-1952 |
891/3 | S.J.R. 99 - 82nd Congress
1951-1952 |
891/4 | S.J.R. 105 - 82nd Congress
1951-1952 |
891/5 | S.J.R. 105 - 82nd Congress
1951-1952 |
891/6 | S.J.R. 168 - 82nd Congress
1951-1952 |
891/7 | S.J.R. 169 - 82nd Congress
1951-1952 |
891/8 | S.R. 34 - 82nd Congress
1951-1952 |
891/9 | S.R. 39 - 82nd Congress
1951-1952 |
891/10 | S.R. 71 - 82nd Congress
1951-1952 |
891/11 | S.R. 105 - 82nd Congress
1951-1952 |
891/12 | S.R. 124 - 82nd Congress
1951-1952 |
891/13 | S.R. 143 - 82nd Congress
1951-1952 |
891/14 | S.R. 148 - 82nd Congress
1951-1952 |
891/15 | S.R. 164 - 82nd Congress
1951-1952 |
891/16 | S.R. 169 - 82nd Congress
1951-1952 |
891/17 | S.R. 203 - 82nd Congress
1951-1952 |
891/18 | S.R. 243 - 82nd Congress
1951-1952 |
891/19 | S.R. 244 - 82nd Congress
1951-1952 |
891/20 | S.R. 284 - 82nd Congress
1951-1952 |
891/21 | S.R. 307 - 82nd Congress
1951-1952 |
891/22 | S.R. 315 - 82nd Congress
1951-1952 |
891/23 | S.R. 50 - 83rd Congress,
Statehood for Alaska |
1953-1954 |
891/24 | S.R. 50 - 83rd Congress
1953-1954 |
891/25 | S.R. 51 - Statehood for Hawaii
1953-1954 |
891/26 | S.R. 51 - 83rd Congress
1953-1954 |
891/27 | S.R. 51 - 83rd Congress
1953-1954 |
892/1 | S.R. 107 - 83rd Congress, Oil and
gas reserves on Continental Shelf |
1953-1954 |
892/2 | S.R. 158 - 83rd Congress, Dam and
water reservoir projects |
1953-1954 |
892/3 | S.R. 159 - 83rd Congress,
Transfer to tribes control over tribal funds |
1953-1954 |
892/4 | S.R. 160 - 83rd Congress,
Wind-driven generators |
1953-1954 |
892/5 | S.R. 161 - 83rd Congress, Patent
in fee to Crow Res. |
1953-1954 |
892/6 | S.R. 162 - 83rd Congress, Leasing
of restricted Indian lands in MT |
1953-1954 |
892/7 | S.R. 163 - 83rd Congress, Patent
in fee to Olive Old Bull Comes In A Day |
1953-1954 |
892/8 | S.R. 164 - 83rd Congress, Trust
lands of Blackfeet Indian Tribe |
1953-1954 |
892/9 | S.R. 165 - 83rd Congress, Patent
in fee to Amy Old Bull |
1953-1954 |
892/10 | S.R. 166 - 83rd Congress, Relief
of Sister Louise Marie Josephine Belloir |
1953-1954 |
892/11 | S.R. 167 - 83rd Congress, Relief
of Sister Jeanne Maria Henneth Langlo |
1953-1954 |
892/12 | S.R. 168 - 83rd Congress, Relief
of Sacred Heart Hospital, Havre, MT |
1953-1954 |
892/13 | S.R. 169 - 83rd Congress, Relief
of Lauren F. Teutsch |
1953-1954 |
892/14 | S.R. 170 - 83rd Congress, Relief
of Jessie Connelly |
1953-1954 |
892/15 | S.R. 171 - 83rd Congress, Relief
of Mrs. Irma Benjamin |
1953-1954 |
892/16 | S.R. 172 - 83rd Congress, Relief
of Nobuko Sengoku |
1953-1954 |
892/17 | S.R. 173 - 83rd Congress, Relief
of Socorro Gerona de Castro |
1953-1954 |
892/18 | S.R. 174 - 83rd Congress, Relief
of Musa Eid M. Abdes Salam |
1953-1954 |
893/1 | S.R. 175 - 83rd Congress,
Distribution of motor vehicle tires |
1953-1954 |
893/2 | S.R. 175 - 83rd Congress,
Distribution of motor vehicle tires |
1953-1954 |
893/3 | S.R. 176 - 83rd Congress, Equal
pay for women |
1953-1954 |
893/4 | S.R. 277 - 83rd Congress, Aid for
teachers' salaries |
1953-1954 |
893/5 | S.R. 367 - 83rd Congress, Patent
in fee to Frederick P. Knows Gun |
1953-1954 |
893/6 | S.R. 368 - 83rd Congress, Safe
work places and practices |
1953-1954 |
893/7 | S.R. 369 - 83rd Congress, Amend
National Labor Relations Act |
1953-1954 |
893/8 | S.R. 370 - 83rd Congress,
Construction of Veteran's Administration hospitals |
1953-1954 |
893/9 | S.R. 444 - 83rd Congress, Aid to
schools in critical defense areas |
1953-1954 |
893/10 | S.R. 462 - 83rd Congress,
Protection from lynching |
1953-1954 |
893/11 | S.R. 463 - 83rd Congress, Outlaw
of poll tax |
1953-1954 |
893/12 | S.R. 464 - 83rd Congress,
Reorganize Department of Justice for protection of civil rights |
1953-1954 |
893/13 | S.R. 465 - 83rd Congress,
Anti-discrimination |
1953-1954 |
893/14 | S.R. 466 - 83rd Congress, Protect
right to political participation |
1953-1954 |
893/15 | S.R. 467 - 83rd Congress,
Strengthen laws re: involuntary servitude |
1953-1954 |
893/16 | S.R. 468 - 83rd Congress, Amend
civil rights statutes |
1953-1954 |
893/17 | S.R. 544 - 83rd Congress, Adult
literacy |
1953-1954 |
893/18 | S.R. 589 - 83rd Congress, St.
Lawrence Seaway |
1953-1954 |
893/19 | S.R. 603 - 83rd Congress,
Prohibit labor espionage |
1953-1954 |
893/20 | S.R. 692 - 83rd Congress,
Prohibit discrimination |
1953-1954 |
893/21 | S.R. 702 - 83rd Congress, Relief
of Marten Van Der Toorn |
1953-1954 |
893/22 | S.R. 703 - 83rd Congress,
Protection of Armed Forces |
1953-1954 |
893/23 | S.R. 766 - 83rd Congress,
Additional anti-monopoly punishments |
1953-1954 |
893/24 | S.R. 849 - 83rd Congress, Export
Insurance Act |
1953-1954 |
893/25 | S.R. 956 - 83rd Congress, Relief
of Julianne Lee Nelson |
1953-1954 |
893/26 | S.R. 994 - 83rd Congress, Amend
Public Health Service Act |
1953-1954 |
893/27 | S.R. 999 - 83rd Congress,
District of Columbia representation |
1953-1954 |
893/28 | S.R. 1006 - 83rd Congress,
Consolidated cash budget |
1953-1954 |
893/29 | S.R. 1049 - 83rd Congress,
Presidential primaries |
1953-1954 |
893/30 | S.R. 1054 - 83rd Congress, Amend
Longshoreman's and Harbor Workers' Comp. Act |
1953-1954 |
893/31 | S.R. 1065 - 83rd Congress, St.
Lawrence Seaway |
1953-1954 |
894/1 | S.R. 1109 - 83rd Congress,
Establish National War Memorial Comm. |
1953-1954 |
894/2 | S.R. 1252 - 83rd Congress,
Tidelands |
1953-1954 |
894/3 | S.R. 1357 - 83rd Congress,
Anti-Price Discrimination Act |
1953-1954 |
894/4 | S.R. 1370 - 83rd Congress, Relief
of Linda Lee Drake |
1953-1954 |
894/5 | S.R. 1495 - 83rd Congress,
Maternity and infant care |
1953-1954 |
894/6 | S.R. 1515 - 83rd Congress,
Establish Western Interstate Committee for Higher Education |
1953-1954 |
894/7 | S.R. 1539 - 83rd Congress,
Strategic ores and minerals |
1953-1954 |
894/8 | S.R. 1567 - 83rd Congress,
Federal Commission on Migratory Labor |
1953-1954 |
894/9 | S.R. 1584 - 83rd Congress, Amend
Public Health Service Act |
1953-1954 |
894/10 | S.R. 1599 - 83rd Congress, Health
and safety conditions in quarries and mines |
1953-1954 |
894/11 | S.R. 1664 - 83rd Congress, Snake
River project |
1953-1954 |
894/12 | S.R. 1664 - 83rd Congress, Snake
River project |
1953-1954 |
894/13 | S.R. 1718 - 83rd Congress, Patent
in fee to Harvey Driftwood |
1953-1954 |
894/14 | S.R. 1727 - 83rd Congress,
Facilities for water storage |
1953-1954 |
894/15 | S.R. 1730 - 83rd Congress,
Freight rates |
1953-1954 |
894/16 | S.R. 1802 - 83rd Congress, Amend
U.S. Information and Educational Exchange Act |
1953-1954 |
894/17 | S.R. 1831 - 83rd Congress, Amend
National labor Relations Act |
1953-1954 |
894/18 | S.R. 1850 - 83rd Congress, Relief
of Dr. John D. MacLennan |
1953-1954 |
894/19 | S.R. 1851 - 83rd Congress,
Preserve scenic beauty of Niagra Falls |
1953-1954 |
894/20 | S.R. 1871 - 83rd Congress, Relief
of Antonio Fopp |
1953-1954 |
894/21 | S.R. 1901 - 83rd Congress,
Continental Shelf |
1953-1954 |
895/1 | S.R. 1901 - 83rd Congress,
Continental Shelf |
1953-1954 |
895/2 | S.R. 1906 - 83rd Congress, Amend
National Labor Relations Act |
1953-1954 |
895/3 | S.R. 1966 - 83rd Congress, Amend
Social Security |
1953-1954 |
895/4 | S.R. 2041 - 83rd Congress,
Anti-lynching |
1953-1954 |
895/5 | S.R. 2102 - 83rd Congress, Carry
over corn and wheat allotments |
1953-1954 |
895/6 | S.R. 2138 - 83rd Congress, Repeal
Trade Agreements Extension Act of 1951 |
1953-1954 |
895/7 | S.R. 2130 - 83rd Congress, St.
Lawrence Seaway |
1953-1954 |
895/8 | S.R. 2260 - 83rd Congress, Amend
Social Security Act |
1953-1954 |
895/9 | S.R. 2267 - 83rd Congress,
Emergency Agriculture Loans |
1953-1954 |
895/10 | S.R. 2319 - 83rd Congress, Relief
of Anthony Alexander and Alexandra Bari |
1953-1954 |
895/11 | S.R. 2320 - 83rd Congress,
Assessment work on mining claims |
1953-1954 |
895/12 | S.R. 2364 - 83rd Congress, Free
marketing of newly refined gold |
1953-1954 |
895/13 | S.R. 2365 - 83rd Congress,
Domestically produced manganese ores |
1953-1954 |
895/14 | S.R. 2395 - 83rd Congress, Land
titles of Railroad Companies |
1953-1954 |
895/15 | S.R. 2413 - 83rd Congress,
District of Columbia representatives |
1953-1954 |
895/16 | S.R. 2430 - 83rd Congress, Amend
Trade Agreement Extension Act |
1953-1954 |
895/17 | S.R. 2431 - 83rd Congress, Convey
certain lands to Missoula County |
1953-1954 |
895/18 | S.R. 2432 - 83rd Congress, Create
Department of Mineral Resources |
1953-1954 |
895/19 | S.R. 2501 - 83rd Congress, Relief
of Leo Zweig |
1953-1954 |
895/20 | S.R. 2551 - 83rd Congress, Oil
and Gas, Fort Peck Reservation |
1953-1954 |
895/21 | S.R. 2554 - 83rd Congress,
Commodity Credit Corporation loans on livestock |
1953-1954 |
895/22 | S.R. 2570 - 83rd Congress,
Federal aid to handicapped |
1953-1954 |
895/23 | S.R. 2585 - 83rd Congress,
Immigration revisions |
1953-1954 |
895/24 | S.R. 2590 - 83rd Congress, Amend
Federal Power Act |
1953-1954 |
895/25 | S.R. 2601 - 83rd Congress, School
construction |
1953-1954 |
895/26 | S.R. 2625 - 83rd Congress, Amend
Jurisdiction on Indian Reservations Act |
1953-1954 |
895/27 | S.R. 2650 - 83rd Congress, Amend
Labor Management Relations Act |
1953-1954 |
896/1 | S.R. 2717 - 83rd Congress,
Veterans vocational rehabilitation training |
1953-1954 |
896/2 | S.R. 2718 - 83rd Congress, Amend
Servicemen's Readjustment Act |
1953-1954 |
896/3 | S.R. 2719 - 83rd Congress, Amend
Servicemen's Readjustment Act |
1953-1954 |
896/4 | S.R. 2763 - 83rd Congress, Outer
Continental Shelf |
1953-1954 |
896/5 | S.R. 2779 - 83rd Congress,
Federal aid for school construction |
1953-1954 |
896/6 | S.R. 2839 - 83rd Congress, Oil
and gas lands on Fort Peck Reservation |
1953-1954 |
896/7 | S.R. 2875 - 83rd Congress, Mining
claims |
1953-1954 |
896/8 | S.R. 2886 - 83rd Congress, Mine
incentive payments |
1953-1954 |
896/9 | S.R. 2898 - 83rd Congress, Home
rule, Fort Peck Reservation |
1953-1954 |
896/10 | S.R. 2899 - 83rd Congress,
Establish Fort Peck Indian Lands Commission |
1953-1954 |
896/11 | S.R. 2914 - 83rd Congress, Amend
Fair Labor Standards Act |
1953-1954 |
896/12 | S.R. 2930 - 83rd Congress, Amend
Railroad Retirement Act |
1953-1954 |
896/13 | S.R. 2931 - 83rd Congress,
Establish U.S. Air Force Academy, Great Falls |
1953-1954 |
896/4 | S.R. 2932 - 83rd Congress, Pay
expenses of officials of Ft. Peck Tribes |
1953-1954 |
896/15 | S.R. 2941 - 83rd Congress, Relief
of Kim Kwang Suk and Kim Woo Shik |
1953-1954 |
896/16 | S.R. 2949 - 83rd Congress, Extend
Housing Act of 1949 |
1953-1954 |
896/17 | S.R. 2962 - 83rd Congress, Amend
Agricultural Act of 1949 |
1953-1954 |
896/18 | S.R. 3144 - 83rd Congress, Flood
control on Missouri River at Great Falls |
1953-1954 |
896/19 | S.R. 3154 - 83rd Congress, Relief
of Milton Beatty and others |
1953-1954 |
896/20 | S.R. 3326 - 83rd Congress, Relief
of P. H. McConnell |
1953-1954 |
896/21 | S.R. 3406 - 83rd Congress,
Increase of salary for postal employees |
1953-1954 |
896/22 | S.R. 3420 - 83rd Congress, Timber
access roads |
1953-1954 |
896/23 | S.R. 3443 - 83rd Congress,
Government employee salary increase |
1953-1954 |
896/24 | S.R. 3444 - 83rd Congress, Postal
salary increase |
1953-1954 |
896/25 | S.R. 3553 - 83rd Congress,
Unemployment reinsurance |
1953-1954 |
896/26 | S.R. 3623 - 83rd Congress, Cougar
Dam, Northwest Power Pool |
1953-1954 |
896/27 | S.R. 3624 - 83rd Congress, Green
Peter Dam, Northwest Power Pool |
1953-1954 |
896/28 | S.R. 3628 - 83rd Congress, School
construction |
1953-1954 |
896/29 | S.R. 3690 - 83rd Congress, Atomic
Energy Act |
1953-1954 |
896/30 | S.R. 3766 - 83rd Congress, Wheat
marketing quotas |
1953-1954 |
896/31 | H.B. 5173 - 83rd Congress
1953-1954 |
896/32 | H.B. 5173 - 83rd Congress,
Amendments |
1953-1954 |
896/33 | H.B. 5495 - 83rd Congress,
Amendments |
1953-1954 |
897/1 | H.B. 8367 - 83rd Congress
1953-1954 |
897/2 | H.B. 8377 - 83rd Congress
1953-1954 |
897/3 | H.B. 9474 - 83rd Congress
1953-1954 |
897/4 | H.J.R. 195 - 83rd Congress
1953-1954 |
897/5 | S.C.R. 3 - 83rd Congress
1953-1954 |
897/6 | S.C.R. 7 - 83rd Congress
1953-1954 |
897/7 | S.C.R. 10 - 83rd Congress
1953-1954 |
897/8 | S.C.R. 18 - 83rd Congress
1953-1954 |
897/9 | S.C.R. 27 - 83rd Congress
1953-1954 |
897/10 | S.C.R. 28 - 83rd Congress
1953-1954 |
897/11 | S.C.R. 32 - 83rd Congress
1953-1954 |
897/12 | S.C.R. 69 - 83rd Congress
1953-1954 |
897/13 | S.J.R. 1 - 83rd Congress
1953-1954 |
897/14 | S.J.R. 18 - 83rd Congress
1953-1954 |
897/15 | S.J.R. 45 - 83rd Congress
1953-1954 |
897/16 | S.J.R. 56 - 83rd Congress
1953-1954 |
897/17 | S.J.R. 107 - 83rd Congress
1953-1954 |
897/18 | S.J.R. 109 - 83rd Congress
1953-1954 |
897/19 | S.J.R. 110 - 83rd Congress
1953-1954 |
897/20 | S.J.R. 130 - 83rd Congress
1953-1954 |
897/21 | S.J.R. 132 - 83rd Congress
1953-1954 |
897/22 | S.J.R. 145 - 83rd Congress
1953-1954 |
897/23 | S.J.R. 182 - 83rd Congress
1953-1954 |
897/24 | S.R. 37 - 83rd Congress
1953-1954 |
897/25 | S.R. 38 - 83rd Congress
1953-1954 |
897/26 | S.R. 70 - 83rd Congress
1953-1954 |
897/27 | S.R. 93 - 83rd Congress
1953-1954 |
897/28 | S.R. 104 - 83rd Congress
1953-1954 |
897/29 | S.R. 113 - 83rd Congress
1953-1954 |
897/30 | S.R. 166 - 83rd Congress
1953-1954 |
897/31 | S.R. 180 - 83rd Congress
1953-1954 |
897/32 | S.R. 256 - 83rd Congress
1953-1954 |
898/1 | S.R. 298 - 83rd Congress
1953-1954 |
898/2 | S.R. 317 - 83rd Congress
1953-1954 |
898/3 | S.R. 1 - 84th Congress, Postal
salary increase |
1955-1956 |
898/4 | S.R. 1 - 84th Congress, Postal
salary increase |
1955-1956 |
898/5 | S.R. 5 - 84th Congress, Aid to
education |
1955-1956 |
898/6 | S.R. 11 - 84th Congress, Amend
Robinson-Patmann Act |
1955-1956 |
898/7 | S.R. 49 - 84th Congress,
Statehood for Hawaii |
1955-1956 |
898/8 | S.R. 50 - 84th Congress,
Distribution of motor vehicle tires |
1955-1956 |
898/9 | S.R. 51 - 84th Congress, Amend
Jurisdiction on Indian Reservation Act |
1955-1956 |
898/10 | S.R. 67 - 84th Congress, Federal
employees salary increase |
1955-1956 |
898/11 | S.R. 145 - 84th Congress, Amend
wheat marketing quota |
1955-1956 |
898/12 | S.R. 145 - 84th Congress, Amend
wheat marketing quota |
1955-1956 |
898/13 | S.R. 166 - 84th Congress,
Education assistance program for children of deceased servicemen from WWII or
Korea |
1955-1956 |
898/14 | S.R. 175 - 84th Congress, Relief
of Milton Beatty and others |
1955-1956 |
898/15 | S.R. 521 - 84th Congress, Amend
Social Security Act |
1955-1956 |
899/1 | S.R. 530 - 84th Congress, Relief
of Sacred Heart Hospital, Havre, MT |
1955-1956 |
899/2 | S.R. 594 - 84th Congress, Amend
Longshoremen's and Harbor Workers' Comp. Act |
1955-1956 |
899/3 | S.R. 621 - 84th Congress, Leasing
of restricted Indian lands |
1955-1956 |
899/4 | S.R. 622 - 84th Congress, Trust
lands for Blackfeet Indian tribe |
1955-1956 |
899/5 | S.R. 652 - 84th Congress,
Preferential primaries |
1955-1956 |
899/6 | S.R. 669 - 84th Congress,
District of Columbia home rule |
1955-1956 |
899/7 | S.R. 674 - 84th Congress, Amend
National Labor Relations Act |
1955-1956 |
899/8 | S.R. 686 - 84th Congress, Aid for
school construction |
1955-1956 |
899/9 | S.R. 693 - 84th Congress,
Establish Commission on Aging and Aged |
1955-1956 |
899/10 | S.R. 770 - 84th Congress, Amend
Fair Labor Standards Act of 1938 |
1955-1956 |
899/11 | S.R. 772 - 84th Congress, Outer
Continental Shelf |
1955-1956 |
899/12 | S.R. 789 - 84th Congress, Amend
Housing Act of 1949 |
1955-1956 |
899/13 | S.R. 861 - 84th Congress, Federal
lands to Missoula County |
1955-1956 |
899/14 | S.R. 862 - 84th Congress, Postage
stamp commemorating Charles Russell |
1955-1956 |
899/15 | S.R. 899 - 84th Congress,
Prohibit discrimination |
1955-1956 |
899/16 | S.R. 900 - 84th Congress,
Protection from lynching |
1955-1956 |
899/17 | S.R. 903 - 84th Congress, Right
to political participation |
1955-1956 |
899/18 | S.R. 904 - 84th Congress, Laws
relating to involuntary servitude |
1955-1956 |
899/19 | S.R. 905 - 84th Congress,
Supplement existing civil rights statutes |
1955-1956 |
899/20 | S.R. 906 - 84th Congress,
Establish Commission on Civil Rights |
1955-1956 |
899/21 | S.R. 907 - 84th Congress,
Establish Commission on Civil Rights |
1955-1956 |
899/22 | S.R. 908 - 84th Congress,
Prohibit discrimination in interstate transportation |
1955-1956 |
899/23 | S.R. 919 - 84th Congress, Suspend
importation of aluminum for one year |
1955-1956 |
899/24 | S.R. 920 - 84th Congress,
Encourage production of manganese |
1955-1956 |
899/25 | S.R. 922 - 84th Congress,
Encourage production of domestic minerals |
1955-1956 |
899/26 | S.R. 929 - 84th Congress, Aid to
states for practical nursing, etc. |
1955-1956 |
899/27 | S.R. 985 - 84th Congress,
Establish Alaska International Rail and Highway Commission |
1955-1956 |
899/28 | S.R. 1089 - 84th Congress,
Protection for members of Armed Forces |
1955-1956 |
899/29 | S.R. 1134 - 84th Congress, Relief
of Florence E. McConnell |
1955-1956 |
899/30 | S.R. 1172 - 84th Congress, Amend
Wildlife Restoration Act |
1955-1956 |
899/31 | S.R. 1172 - 84th Congress, Amend
Wildlife Restoration Act |
1955-1956 |
899/32 | S.R. 1173 - 84th Congress, Amend
National Labor Relations Act |
1955-1956 |
900/1 | S.R. 1206 - 84th Congress, Amend
immigration laws |
1955-1956 |
900/2 | S.R. 1219 - 84th Congress, Grant
minerals on Blackfeet Indian Reservation lands to individual Indians
1955-1956 |
900/3 | S.R. 1269 - 84th Congress, Amend
National Labor Relations Act |
1955-1956 |
900/4 | S.R. 1285 - 84th Congress, Amend
Davis-Bacon Act |
1955-1956 |
900/5 | S.R. 1323 - 84th Congress, Aid
for medical education and research facilities |
1955-1956 |
900/6 | S.R. 1333 - 84th Congress, Hells
Canyon Dam |
1955-1956 |
900/7 | S.R. 1333 - 84th Congress, Hells
Canyon Dam |
1955-1956 |
900/8 | S.R. 1333 - 84th Congress, Hells
Canyon Dam |
1955-1956 |
900/9 | S.R. 1373 - 84th Congress,
Promote economic use of Indian lands |
1955-1956 |
900/10 | S.R. 1408 - 84th Congress,
Authorize sale of certain land in Alaska to Pacific Northern Timber Co.
1955-1956 |
900/11 | S.R. 1460 - 84th Congress, Timber
access roads |
1955-1956 |
900/12 | S.R. 1463 - 84th Congress,
Disposition of public domain lands in Oklahoma |
1955-1956 |
900/13 | S.R. 1524 - 84th Congress, Credit
to finance vitally needed public works in States and municipalities
1955-1956 |
900/14 | S.R. 1526 - 84th Congress, Amend
National Labor Relations Act |
1955-1956 |
900/15 | S.R. 1534 - 84th Congress,
Facilitate construction of drainage works |
1955-1956 |
900/16 | S.R. 1535 - 84th Congress, Issue
patents to members of Blackfeet Indian Tribe |
1955-1956 |
900/17 | S.R. 1543 - 84th Congress,
Domestic minerals program |
1955-1956 |
900/18 | S.R. 1555 - 84th Congress,
Restore tribal ownership to some Crow Indian lands |
1955-1956 |
900/19 | S.R. 1556 - 84th Congress, Grant
mineral rights to certain Indians on Crow Reservation |
1955-1956 |
900/20 | S.R. 1576 - 84th Congress,
Encourage production of fluorspar |
1955-1956 |
900/21 | S.R. 1589 - 84th Congress, Amend
Railroad Retirement Act |
1955-1956 |
901/1 | S.R. 1635 - 84th Congress, Extend
Sugar Act of 1948 |
1955-1956 |
901/2 | S.R. 1635 - 84th Congress, Extend
Sugar Act of 1948 |
1955-1956 |
901/3 | S.R. 1696 - 84th Congress,
Compensation to Crow Tribe for lands |
1955-1956 |
901/4 | S.R. 1745 - 84th Congress, Patent
in fee to Nellie O. A. Moran |
1955-1956 |
901/5 | S.R. 1746 - 84th Congress,
Continuing Indian Claims Commission |
1955-1956 |
901/6 | S.R. 1747 - 84th Congress,
National Park System benefits |
1955-1956 |
901/7 | S.R. 1823 - 84th Congress, Niagra
River Power |
1955-1956 |
901/8 | S.R. 1837 - 84th Congress,
Allotment of lands to Crow Tribe |
1955-1956 |
901/9 | S.R. 1860 - 84th Congress, Amend
National Labor Relations Act |
1955-1956 |
901/10 | S.R. 1878 - 84th Congress, Convey
lands to Miles City |
1955-1956 |
901/11 | S.R. 1890 - 84th Congress,
Authorize John R. Quigley to construct and maintain sign on his property along
highway |
1955-1956 |
901/12 | S.R. 1948 - 84th Congress, Land
for Physically Handicapped Institute |
1955-1956 |
901/13 | S.R. 1951 - 84th Congress,
Establish Federal Agency for Handicapped |
1955-1956 |
901/14 | S.R. 2147 - 84th Congress, Aid
for polio vaccinations |
1955-1956 |
901/15 | S.R. 2280 - 84th Congress, Amend
Longshoremen's and Harbor Workers' Compensation Act |
1955-1956 |
901/16 | S.R. 2310 - 84th Congress, Relief
for George Belibasakis |
1955-1956 |
901/17 | S.R. 2444 - 84th Congress, Repeal
section 1157 of U.S. Code |
1955-1956 |
901/18 | S.R. 2501 - 84th Congress, Amend
Public Health Service Act |
1955-1956 |
901/19 | S.R. 2505 - 84th Congress, Amend
Domestic Minerals Program Act |
1955-1956 |
901/20 | S.R. 2556 - 84th Congress,
Assistance to landless Indians in MT |
1955-1956 |
901/21 | S.R. 2556 - 84th Congress,
Assistance to landless Indians in MT |
1955-1956 |
902/1 | S.R. 2556 - 84th Congress,
Assistance to landless Indians in MT |
1955-1956 |
902/2 | S.R. 2576 - 84th Congress,
Capital Transit amendment |
1955-1956 |
902/3 | S.R. 2613 - 84th Congress, Amend
Educational Exchange Act of 1948 |
1955-1956 |
902/4 | S.R. 2663 - 84th Congress, Amend
unemployment bill |
1955-1956 |
902/5 | S.R. 2702 - 84th Congress, Cotton
exports and imports |
1955-1956 |
902/6 | S.R. 2748 - 84th Congress, Amend
Fair Labor Standards Act of 1938 |
1955-1956 |
902/7 | S.R. 2761 - 84th Congress, Relief
of Fethi Hepcakici |
1955-1956 |
902/8 | S.R. 2837 - 84th Congress, Relief
of Thomas Cruse Mining Co. |
1955-1956 |
902/9 | S.R. 2884 - 84th Congress, Amend
Agricultural Adjustment Act of 1938 |
1955-1956 |
902/10 | S.R. 2885 - 84th Congress, Amend
Agricultural Adjustment Act of 1938 |
1955-1956 |
902/11 | S.R. 2889 - 84th Congress,
Preservation of Department of the Interior records re: mineral lands previously
held by RFC |
1955-1956 |
902/12 | S.R. 2924 - 84th Congress, Relief
of Mrs. Elsbe H. Van Dam Hurst |
1955-1956 |
902/13 | S.R. 2990 - 84th Congress, Extend
Poliomyelitis Vaccination Assistance Act |
1955-1956 |
902/14 | S.R. 2994 - 84th Congress, Relief
of Keith A. Botterud |
1955-1956 |
902/15 | S.R. 3004 - 84th Congress, Allow
canceling of debts of Indians |
1955-1956 |
902/16 | S.R. 3005 - 84th Congress, Convey
trust lands to David Peters |
1955-1956 |
902/17 | S.R. 3036 - 84th Congress,
Establish Miles City fish hatchery |
1955-1956 |
902/18 | S.R. 3042 - 84th Congress, Amend
Mineral Leasing Act |
1955-1956 |
902/19 | S.R. 3060 - 84th Congress,
Construction of roads and trails in National Park lands |
1955-1956 |
902/20 | S.R. 3067 - 84th Congress,
National Service life insurance for veterans |
1955-1956 |
902/21 | S.R. 3090 - 84th Congress, Burial
in national cemeteries of Public Health Service officers |
1955-1956 |
902/22 | S.R. 3158 - 84th Congress, Amend
housing act |
1955-1956 |
902/23 | S.R. 3159 - 84th Congress,
Establish Department of Housing and Urban Affairs |
1955-1956 |
902/24 | S.R. 3175 - 84th Congress, Relief
of Jose Ramon Perez Doalto |
1955-1956 |
902/25 | S.R. 3176 - 84th Congress,
Provide for poultry inspection |
1955-1956 |
903/1 | S.R. 3183 - 84th Congress,
Improved farm program |
1955-1956 |
903/2 | S.R. 3233 - 84th Congress, Amend
Public Law 874 |
1955-1956 |
903/3 | S.R. 3234 - 84th Congress, Amend
Public Law 815 |
1955-1956 |
903/4 | S.R. 3242 - 84th Congress,
Federal contributions to election campaigns |
1955-1956 |
903/5 | S.R. 3246 - 84th Congress,
Facilities for National Institute of Dental Research |
1955-1956 |
903/6 | S.R. 3254 - 84th Congress, Custer
County to convey lands to U.S. |
1955-1956 |
903/7 | S.R. 3275 - 84th Congress, United
States Fisheries Commission |
1955-1956 |
903/8 | S.R. 3308 - 84th Congress, Revise
Federal election laws |
1955-1956 |
903/9 | S.R. 3379 - 84th Congress,
Provide for production of tungsten |
1955-1956 |
903/10 | S.R. 3417 - 84th Congress,
Compact for apportionment of waters of Little Missouri |
1955-1956 |
903/11 | S.R. 3419 - 84th Congress,
Federal Advisory Committee on the Arts |
1955-1956 |
903/12 | S.R. 3431 - 84th Congress,
Education assistance program for children of Korean War fatalities |
1955-1956 |
903/13 | S.R. 3441 - 84th Congress,
Department of Mineral Resources |
1955-1956 |
903/14 | S.R. 3453 - 84th Congress,
Production of manganese |
1955-1956 |
903/15 | S.R. 3455 - 84th Congress,
Production of mica |
1955-1956 |
903/16 | S.R. 3462 - 84th Congress, Amend
Federal Highway Act of 1944 |
1955-1956 |
903/17 | S.R. 3484 - 84th Congress,
Location of mining claims |
1955-1956 |
903/18 | S.R. 3485 - 84th Congress,
Production of columbium-tantalum |
1955-1956 |
903/19 | S.R. 3486 - 84th Congress,
Production of beryl |
1955-1956 |
903/20 | S.R. 3496 - 84th Congress,
Production of antimony |
1955-1956 |
903/21 | S.R. 3497 - 84th Congress,
Production of mercury |
1955-1956 |
903/22 | S.R. 3499 - 84th Congress,
Production of asbestos |
1955-1956 |
903/23 | S.R. 3504 - 84th Congress,
Production of chromite |
1955-1956 |
903/24 | S.R. 3508 - 84th Congress,
Establish mining and metallurgical research |
1955-1956 |
903/25 | S.R. 3517 - 84th Congress, Safety
functions in government |
1955-1956 |
903/26 | S.R. 3523 - 84th Congress,
Production of manganese |
1955-1956 |
903/27 | S.R. 3525 - 84th Congress, Extend
program for aid to local education |
1955-1956 |
903/28 | S.R. 3526 - 84th Congress,
Financial assistance for school construction |
1955-1956 |
903/29 | S.R. 3556 - 84th Congress, Amend
Public Law 551 |
1955-1956 |
903/30 | S.R. 3558 - 84th Congress, Films
for hard of hearing |
1955-1956 |
903/31 | S.R. 3616 - 84th Congress, Amend
Railroad Retirement Act |
1955-1956 |
903/32 | S.R. 3620 - 84th Congress,
Research on mentally retarded children |
1955-1956 |
903/33 | S.R. 3698 - 84th Congress,
Allotment of lands of Crow Tribe for other purposes |
1955-1956 |
904/1 | S.R. 3702 - 84th Congress,
Suspend duty on aluminum |
1955-1956 |
904/2 | S.R. 3715 - 84th Congress, Relief
of Muh Po Fu and wife |
1955-1956 |
904/3 | S.R. 3790 - 84th Congress, Farm
credit |
1955-1956 |
904/4 | S.R. 3873 - 84th Congress,
Pension benefit plans |
1955-1956 |
904/5 | S.R. 3878 - 84th Congress, Convey
land to Theresa Brost |
1955-1956 |
904/6 | S.R. 3926 - 84th Congress, Charge
for services to purchasers of timber from Indian lands |
1955-1956 |
904/7 | S.R. 3927 - 84th Congress, Convey
to Indian tribes Federally owned buildings |
1955-1956 |
904/8 | S.R. 3940 - 84th Congress,
Content of paste products |
1955-1956 |
904/9 | S.R. 3958 - 84th Congress, Assist
training of practical nurses |
1955-1956 |
904/10 | S.R. 3962 - 84th Congress, Amend
Communications Act of 1934 |
1955-1956 |
904/11 | S.R. 3980 - 84th Congress,
Establish public use of national forests as a policy of Congress |
1955-1956 |
904/12 | S.R. 3981 - 84th Congress, More
equitable method to compute self-employment tax |
1955-1956 |
904/13 | S.R. 3982 - 84th Congress,
Provide for production of tungsten |
1955-1956 |
904/14 | S.R. 3983 - 84th Congress,
Poultry inspection |
1955-1956 |
904/15 | S.R. 3983 - 84th Congress,
Poultry inspection |
1955-1956 |
904/16 | S.R. 4002 - 84th Congress, Animal
disease lab |
1955-1956 |
904/17 | S.R. 4002 - 84th Congress, Animal
disease lab |
1955-1956 |
904/18 | S.R. 4039 - 84th Congress,
Production of manganese |
1955-1956 |
904/19 | S.R. 4096 - 84th Congress,
National Forests recreational use |
1955-1956 |
904/20 | S.R. 4156 - 84th Congress, Assist
cotton textile industry |
1955-1956 |
904/21 | S.R. 4178 - 84th Congress, Study
of insecticides, fungicides, etc. |
1955-1956 |
904/22 | S.R. 4179 - 84th Congress, Grants
to educational institutions |
1955-1956 |
905/1 | S.R. 4204 - 84th Congress,
Establish animal disease lab at M.S.U. |
1955-1956 |
905/2 | S.R. 4231 - 84th Congress, Amend
Food, Drug and Cosmetic Act |
1955-1956 |
905/3 | S.R. 4243 - 84th Congress,
Poultry inspections |
1955-1956 |
905/4 | S.R. 4255 - 84th Congress, Amend
National Housing Act |
1955-1956 |
905/5 | S.R. 4265 - 84th Congress, Relief
of Constantinos G. Diapoulis |
1955-1956 |
905/6 | S.R. 4278 - 84th Congress, Amend
Federal Power Act |
1955-1956 |
905/7 | S.R. 4301 - 84th Congress,
Vocational education |
1955-1956 |
905/8 | S.R. 4302 - 84th Congress,
Housing for middle income and elderly |
1955-1956 |
905/9 | H.B. 1 - 84th Congress
1955-1956 |
905/10 | H.B. 5265 - 84th Congress
1955-1956 |
905/11 | H.B. 6042 - 84th Congress
1955-1956 |
905/12 | H.B. 7225 - 84th Congress
1955-1956 |
905/13 | H.B. 7535 - 84th Congress
1955-1956 |
905/14 | H.B. 8810 - 84th Congress
1955-1956 |
905/15 | H.B. 9764 - 84th Congress
1955-1956 |
905/16 | H.B. 10660 - 84th Congress
1955-1956 |
905/17 | S.C.R. 2 - 84th Congress
1955-1956 |
905/18 | S.C.R. 8 - 84th Congress
1955-1956 |
905/19 | S.C.R. 12 - 84th Congress
1955-1956 |
905/20 | S.C.R. 18 - 84th Congress
1955-1956 |
905/21 | S.C.R. 22 - 84th Congress
1955-1956 |
905/22 | S.C.R. 34 - 84th Congress
1955-1956 |
905/23 | S.C.R. 63 - 84th Congress
1955-1956 |
905/24 | S.C.R. 85 - 84th Congress
1955-1956 |
905/25 | S.J.R. 19 - 84th Congress
1955-1956 |
905/26 | S.J.R. 20 - 84th Congress
1955-1956 |
905/27 | S.J.R. 31 - 84th Congress
1955-1956 |
905/28 | S.J.R. 36 - 84th Congress
1955-1956 |
905/29 | S.J.R. 38 - 84th Congress
1955-1956 |
905/30 | S.J.R. 41 - 84th Congress
1955-1956 |
905/31 | S.J.R. 46 - 84th Congress
1955-1956 |
906/1 | S.J.R. 68 - 84th Congress
1955-1956 |
906/2 | S.J.R. 74 - 84th Congress
1955-1956 |
906/3 | S.J.R. 82 - 84th Congress
1955-1956 |
906/4 | S.J.R. 86 - 84th Congress
1955-1956 |
906/5 | S.J.R. 101 - 84th Congress
1955-1956 |
906/6 | S.J.R. 135 - 84th Congress
1955-1956 |
906/7 | S.J.R. 135 - 84th Congress
1955-1956 |
906/8 | S.J.R. 135 - 84th Congress
1955-1956 |
906/9 | S.J.R. 135 - 84th Congress
1955-1956 |
906/10 | S.J.R. 139 - 84th Congress
1955-1956 |
907/1 | S.J.R. 148 - 84th Congress
1955-1956 |
907/2 | S.J.R. 151 - 84th Congress
1955-1956 |
907/3 | S.R. 11 - 84th Congress
1955-1956 |
907/4 | S.R. 16 - 84th Congress
1955-1956 |
907/5 | S.R. 18 - 84th Congress
1955-1956 |
907/6 | S.R. 21 - 84th Congress
1955-1956 |
907/7 | S.R. 71 - 84th Congress
1955-1956 |
907/8 | S.R. 81 - 84th Congress
1955-1956 |
907/9 | S.R. 85 - 84th Congress
1955-1956 |
907/10 | S.R. 86 - 84th Congress
1955-1956 |
907/11 | S.R. 101 - 84th Congress
1955-1956 |
907/12 | S.R. 139 - 84th Congress
1955-1956 |
907/13 | S.R. 179 - 84th Congress
1955-1956 |
907/14 | S.R. 183 - 84th Congress
1955-1956 |
907/15 | S.R. 192 - 84th Congress
1955-1956 |
907/16 | S.R. 229 - 84th Congress
1955-1956 |
907/17 | S.R. 236 - 84th Congress
1955-1956 |
907/18 | S.R. 280 - 84th Congress
1955-1956 |
907/19 | S.R. 281 - 84th Congress
1955-1956 |
907/20 | S.R. 298 - 84th Congress
1955-1956 |
907/21 | S.R. 1 - 85th Congress, Veterans
disability pensions |
1957-1958 |
907/22 | S.R. 11 - 85th Congress, Amend
Robinson-Patman Act |
1957-1958 |
907/23 | S.R. 39 - 85th Congress, Increase
compensation for disabled veterans |
1957-1958 |
907/24 | S.R. 40 - 85th Congress, Veterans
survivors benefits |
1957-1958 |
907/25 | S.R. 49 - 85th Congress,
Admission of Alaska to Union |
1957-1958 |
908/1 | S.R. 49 - 85th Congress,
Admission of Alaska to Union |
1957-1958 |
908/2 | S.R. 49 - 85th Congress,
Admission of Alaska to Union |
1957-1958 |
908/3 | S.R. 50 - 85th Congress,
Admission of Hawaii to Union |
1957-1958 |
908/4 | S.R. 193 - 85th Congress,
Housing, urban renewal |
1957-1958 |
908/5 | S.R. 194 - 85th Congress, College
housing |
1957-1958 |
908/6 | S.R. 195 - 85th Congress,
Housing, Federal Housing Administration mortgages |
1957-1958 |
908/7 | S.R. 323 - 85th Congress, Amend
Agricultural Adjustment Act |
1957-1958 |
908/8 | S.R. 325 - 85th Congress, Free
marketing of gold |
1957-1958 |
908/9 | S.R. 326 - 85th Congress,
Distribution of vehicle tires |
1957-1958 |
908/10 | S.R. 327 - 85th Congress, Convey
lands to Theresa Brost |
1957-1958 |
908/11 | S.R. 328 - 85th Congress,
Minerals on Indian lands |
1957-1958 |
908/12 | S.R. 329 - 85th Congress, Tribal
ownership to lands on Crow Reservation |
1957-1958 |
908/13 | S.R. 330 - 85th Congress, Lands
in trust for Blackfeet Tribe |
1957-1958 |
908/14 | S.R. 331 - 85th Congress, Amend
act re: criminal and civil cases committed on Indian reservations |
1957-1958 |
908/15 | S.R. 332 - 85th Congress, Amend
Crow allotment |
1957-1958 |
909/1 | S.R. 333 - 85th Congress, Provide
compensation for Crow lands re: Huntley irrigation project |
1957-1958 |
909/2 | S.R. 334 - 85th Congress, Amend
Mineral Leasing Act |
1957-1958 |
909/3 | S.R. 339 - 85th Congress,
Recreational use of national forests |
1957-1958 |
909/4 | S.R. 379 - 85th Congress, Crow
Creek pumping unit, Missouri River Basin Project |
1957-1958 |
909/5 | S.R. 380 - 85th Congress,
Construction of Indian hospitals |
1957-1958 |
909/6 | S.R. 380 - 85th Congress,
Construction of Indian hospitals |
1957-1958 |
909/7 | S.R. 381 - 85th Congress, Relief
of Constantinos G. Diapoulis |
1957-1958 |
909/8 | S.R. 395 - 85th Congress, Grants
for educating mentally retarded children |
1957-1958 |
909/9 | S.R. 500 - 85th Congress, Protect
right of political participation |
1957-1958 |
909/10 | S.R. 501 - 85th Congress,
Establish Commission on Civil Rights |
1957-1958 |
909/11 | S.R. 502 - 85th Congress,
Reorganize Department of Justice, re: civil rights |
1957-1958 |
909/12 | S.R. 503 - 85th Congress,
Anti-discrimination |
1957-1958 |
909/13 | S.R. 504 - 85th Congress, Civil
rights in armed forces |
1957-1958 |
909/14 | S.R. 505 - 85th Congress,
Protection from lynching |
1957-1958 |
909/15 | S.R. 506 - 85th Congress,
Prohibit discrimination in employment |
1957-1958 |
909/16 | S.R. 507 - 85th Congress,
Prohibit poll tax |
1957-1958 |
909/17 | S.R. 508 - 85th Congress, Amend
existing civil rights statutes |
1957-1958 |
909/18 | S.R. 509 - 85th Congress,
Prohibit involuntary servitude |
1957-1958 |
909/19 | S.R. 510 - 85th Congress,
Strengthen civil rights statutes |
1957-1958 |
909/20 | S.R. 512 - 85th Congress,
Construction on Niagra River for power |
1957-1958 |
909/21 | S.R. 555 - 85th Congress, Hells
Canyon dam |
1957-1958 |
909/22 | S.R. 555 - 85th Congress, Hells
Canyon dam |
1957-1958 |
909/23 | S.R. 555 - 85th Congress, Hells
Canyon dam |
1957-1958 |
910/1 | S.R. 555 - 85th Congress, Hells
Canyon dam |
1957-1958 |
910/2 | S.R. 574 - 85th Congress,
R.O.T.C. housing |
1957-1958 |
910/3 | S.R. 652 - 85th Congress, Relief
of Thomas Cruse Mining Co. |
1957-1958 |
910/4 | S.R. 653 - 85th Congress, Relief
of Mrs. Elsbe Hermine van Dam Hurst |
1957-1958 |
910/5 | S.R. 670 - 85th Congress, Social
Security for farmers |
1957-1958 |
910/6 | S.R. 676 - 85th Congress, Amend
National Labor Relations Act |
1957-1958 |
910/7 | S.R. 677 - 85th Congress, Allow
receipts from land grants for repairs of state capitol buildings in selected
states |
1957-1958 |
910/8 | S.R. 713 - 85th Congress,
Increase for civil service retirees |
1957-1958 |
910/9 | S.R. 726 - 85th Congress, Home
loans to veterans from National Service Life Insurance Fund |
1957-1958 |
910/10 | S.R. 768 - 85th Congress, Naming
of Washington D. C. bridge |
1957-1958 |
910/11 | S.R. 809 - 85th Congress,
Economic assistance to American Indians |
1957-1958 |
910/12 | S.R. 837 - 85th Congress, Amend
National Labor Relations Act |
1957-1958 |
910/13 | S.R. 840 - 85th Congress, Forest
products research |
1957-1958 |
910/14 | S.R. 844 - 85th Congress,
National health insurance |
1957-1958 |
910/15 | S.R. 844 - 85th Congress,
National health insurance |
1957-1958 |
910/16 | S.R. 844 - 85th Congress,
National health insurance |
1957-1958 |
911/1 | S.R. 844 - 85th Congress,
National health insurance |
1957-1958 |
911/2 | S.R. 845 - 85th Congress,
R.O.T.C. construction |
1957-1958 |
911/3 | S.R. 846 - 85th Congress,
Establish National Outdoor Recreation Resources Review Commission |
1957-1958 |
911/4 | S.R. 847 - 85th Congress, Hungry
Horse Dam |
1957-1958 |
911/5 | S.R. 853 - 85th Congress, Relief
of Fethi Hepcakici |
1957-1958 |
911/6 | S.R. 856 - 85th Congress, Repeal
section 9, National Labor Relations Act |
1957-1958 |
911/7 | S.R. 857 - 85th Congress, Amend
National Labor Relations Act |
1957-1958 |
911/8 | S.R. 858 - 85th Congress, Amend
National Labor Relations Act |
1957-1958 |
911/9 | S.R. 859 - 85th Congress, Amend
National Labor Relations Act |
1957-1958 |
911/10 | S.R. 931 - 85th Congress, Safety
functions of Federal Government |
1957-1958 |
911/11 | S.R. 964 - 85th Congress, Aid to
economically depressed areas |
1957-1958 |
911/12 | S.R. 964 - 85th Congress, Aid to
economically depressed areas |
1957-1958 |
911/13 | S.R. 994 - 85th Congress, White
Earth Reservation |
1957-1958 |
911/14 | S.R. 995 - 85th Congress, Repeal
section 1157, title 18, U.S. code |
1957-1958 |
911/15 | S.R. 996 - 85th Congress, Indian
debts |
1957-1958 |
911/16 | S.R. 997 - 85th Congress,
Education leave of BIA employees |
1957-1958 |
911/17 | S.R. 1058 - 85th Congress,
Production of iron ore |
1957-1958 |
911/18 | S.R. 1063 - 85th Congress,
Surrender Tree, Santiago, Cuba |
1957-1958 |
912/1 | S.R. 1064 - 85th Congress, Red
Lake Indian Forest |
1957-1958 |
912/2 | S.R. 1088 - 85th Congress, Extend
National Service life insurance |
1957-1958 |
912/3 | S.R. 1122 - 85th Congress,
Employee benefit plans |
1957-1958 |
912/4 | S.R. 1128 - 85th Congress,
Poultry inspection |
1957-1958 |
912/5 | S.R. 1135 - 85th Congress, Amend
Fair Labor Standards Act |
1957-1958 |
912/6 | S.R. 1136 - 85th Congress, Timber
access roads |
1957-1958 |
912/7 | S.R. 1138 - 85th Congress,
Extension of social security |
1957-1958 |
912/8 | S.R. 1159 - 85th Congress, Amend
Fair Labor Standards Act of 1938 |
1957-1958 |
912/9 | S.R. 1176 - 85th Congress,
Wilderness Preservation System |
1957-1958 |
912/10 | S.R. 1228 - 85th Congress,
National Radiation Health Institute |
1957-1958 |
912/11 | S.R. 1267 - 85th Congress, Amend
Fair Labor Standards Act of 1938 |
1957-1958 |
912/12 | S.R. 1273 - 85th Congress, Amend
Fair Labor Standards Act of 1938 |
1957-1958 |
912/13 | S.R. 1274 - 85th Congress, Remove
restrictions on Springfield Confederate Cemetery |
1957-1958 |
912/14 | S.R. 1275 - 85th Congress,
Deduction for medical expenses |
1957-1958 |
912/15 | S.R. 1298 - 85th Congress,
Vocational education |
1957-1958 |
912/16 | S.R. 1300 - 85th Congress, John
R. Quigley Highway sign, near Helena |
1957-1958 |
912/17 | S.R. 1313 - 85th Congress, Amend
Railroad Retirement Act of 1937 |
1957-1958 |
912/18 | S.R. 1313 - 85th Congress, Amend
Railroad Retirement Act of 1937 |
1957-1958 |
912/19 | S.R. 1313 - 85th Congress, Amend
Railroad Retirement Act of 1937 |
1957-1958 |
913/1 | S.R. 1318 - 85th Congress,
Donation of surplus property for park and recreational purposes |
1957-1958 |
913/2 | S.R. 1319 - 85th Congress,
Renounce right and title to certain lands in MT |
1957-1958 |
913/3 | S.R. 1343 - 85th Congress, Amend
National labor Relations Act |
1957-1958 |
913/4 | S.R. 1344 - 85th Congress, School
lands in Roosevelt County |
1957-1958 |
913/5 | S.R. 1417 - 85th Congress,
Affairs of Osage Tribe, Oklahoma |
1957-1958 |
913/6 | S.R. 1436 - 85th Congress, Amend
Soil Conservation Domestic Allotment Act |
1957-1958 |
913/7 | S.R. 1533 - 85th Congress, Farm
credit |
1957-1958 |
913/8 | S.R. 1556 - 85th Congress,
Apportionment of waters on Little Missouri River |
1957-1958 |
913/9 | S.R. 1594 - 85th Congress, Crop
insurance program |
1957-1958 |
913/10 | S.R. 1597 - 85th Congress,
Establish Federal Agency for Handicapped |
1957-1958 |
913/11 | S.R. 1620 - 85th Congress,
Poultry inspection |
1957-1958 |
913/12 | S.R. 1671 - 85th Congress, Amend
Antidumping Act of 1921 |
1957-1958 |
913/13 | S.R. 1694 - 85th Congress,
Moderate income and elderly housing |
1957-1958 |
913/19 | S.R. 1716 - 85th Congress,
Council on the Fine Arts |
1957-1958 |
913/15 | S.R. 1742 - 85th Congress,
Huntley Project irrigation |
1957-1958 |
913/16 | S.R. 1757 - 85th Congress, Tribal
ownership of surplus lands |
1957-1958 |
913/17 | S.R. 1758 - 85th Congress, Trust
lands for Fort Peck, and Reservations |
1957-1958 |
913/18 | S.R. 1767 - 85th Congress, Relief
for Eileen Sheila Dhanda |
1957-1958 |
914/1 | S.R. 1787 - 85th Congress, Amend
aid for Indian children |
1957-1958 |
914/2 | S.R. 1836 - 85th Congress, Sales
and use taxes not to apply in certain national parks |
1957-1958 |
914/3 | S.R. 1837 - 85th Congress, Repeal
taxes on transportation of property |
1957-1958 |
914/4 | S.R. 1839 - 85th Congress, Tax
relief for Indians |
1957-1958 |
914/5 | S.R. 1949 - 85th Congress,
Administration of public lands |
1957-1958 |
914/6 | S.R. 1950 - 85th Congress,
Establish procedures for acquiring non - Federal lands for National Park System
1957-1958 |
914/7 | S.R. 1951 - 85th Congress,
Deduction for expenses for transportation of handicapped |
1957-1958 |
914/8 | S.R. 2015 - 85th Congress, Amend
Soil Bank Act |
1957-1958 |
914/9 | S.R. 2113 - 85th Congress, Amend
Federal Power Act |
1957-1958 |
914/10 | S.R. 2115 - 85th Congress,
Veterans' Administration to purchase autos for disabled veterans |
1957-1958 |
914/11 | S.R. 2159 - 85th Congress,
Establish Department of Housing and Urban Affairs |
1957-1958 |
914/12 | S.R. 2183 - 85th Congress, Amend
act establishing Virgin Islands National Park |
1957-1958 |
914/13 | S.R. 2242 - 85th Congress, Oil
and gas leasing in Alaska |
1957-1958 |
914/14 | S.R. 2271 - 85th Congress, Tax on
importation of zinc and lead |
1957-1958 |
914/15 | S.R. 2395 - 85th Congress,
Minerals Security Act of 1957 |
1957-1958 |
914/16 | S.R. 2465 - 85th Congress,
Stimulate investment in production of strategic and critical metals or minerals
1957-1958 |
914/17 | S.R. 2466 - 85th Congress, Repeal
Sustained Yield Act of 1944 |
1957-1958 |
914/18 | S.R. 2512 - 85th Congress,
Huntley reclamation project |
1957-1958 |
914/19 | S.R. 2530 - 85th Congress, Land
to Rocky Boy Indian Reservation |
1957-1958 |
914/20 | S.R. 2532 - 85th Congress, Relief
of Leonard Mitchell |
1957-1958 |
914/21 | S.R. 2582 - 85th Congress, Amend
law relating to lease of Indian lands |
1957-1958 |
914/22 | S.R. 2596 - 85th Congress, Forest
fire research |
1957-1958 |
914/23 | S.R. 2602 - 85th Congress,
Commissioners on International Joint Commission of the U.S. and Canada
1957-1958 |
914/24 | S.R. 2692 - 85th Congress, Impose
import tax on tungsten |
1957-1958 |
915/1 | S.R. 2715 - 85th Congress,
Disestablish Balls Bluff National Cemetery |
1957-1958 |
915/2 | S.R. 2724 - 85th Congress,
Designate national historic sites at Lafayette Square, Washington, D.C.
1957-1958 |
915/3 | S.R. 2784 - 85th Congress, Amend
Flood Control Act of 1950 |
1957-1958 |
915/4 | S.R. 2843 - 85th Congress,
Renovate State Department Building |
1957-1958 |
915/5 | S.R. 2847 - 85th Congress, Amend
Federal Power Act |
1957-1958 |
915/6 | S.R. 2861 - 85th Congress, Extend
National Wool Act of 1954 |
1957-1958 |
915/7 | S.R. 2861 - 85th Congress, Extend
National Wool Act of 1954 |
1957-1958 |
915/8 | S.R. 2861 - 85th Congress, Extend
National Wool Act of 1954 |
1957-1958 |
915/9 | S.R. 2872 - 85th Congress, Amend
National Housing Act |
1957-1958 |
915/10 | S.R. 2888 - 85th Congress, Amend
pending bill on employee pensions |
1957-1958 |
915/11 | S.R. 2924 - 85th Congress, Price
supports for dairy products |
1957-1958 |
915/12 | S.R. 2933 - 85th Congress, Extend
life of Alaska International Rail and Hwy. Commission |
1957-1958 |
915/13 | S.R. 2998 - 85th Congress, Import
tax on copper |
1957-1958 |
916/1 | S.R. 3025 - 85th Congress,
Preservation of historic properties in New York City area |
1957-1958 |
916/2 | S.R. 3026 - 85th Congress, Repeal
Federal Explosives Act |
1957-1958 |
916/3 | S.R. 3034 - 85th Congress, Train
employees of Department of Interior |
1957-1958 |
916/4 | S.R. 3085 - 85th Congress, Import
tax on Aluminum and Bauxite |
1957-1958 |
916/5 | S.R. 3091 - 85th Congress, Price
supports on wheat |
1957-1958 |
916/6 | S.R. 3114 - 85th Congress,
Bonneville Project Act |
1957-1958 |
916/7 | S.R. 3186 - 85th Congress, Extend
programs for Tungsten, Asbestos, Fluorspar and Columbium-Tantalum production
1957-1958 |
916/8 | S.R. 3187 - 85th Congress,
National Defense Education Act |
1957-1958 |
916/9 | S.R. 3194 - 85th Congress, Small
business |
1957-1958 |
916/10 | S.R. 3220 - 85th Congress, Amend
Federal Aid Highway Act of 1956 |
1957-1958 |
916/11 | S.R. 3244 - 85th Congress,
Unemployment reinsurance |
1957-1958 |
916/12 | S.R. 3254 - 85th Congress,
Allowable deductions for corporate donations to educational institutions
1957-1958 |
916/13 | S.R. 3290 - 85th Congress, Amend
Federal Coal Mine Safety Act |
1957-1958 |
916/14 | S.R. 3311 - 85th Congress, Aid to
education, teacher and classroom shortage |
1957-1958 |
916/15 | S.R. 3311 - 85th Congress, Aid to
education, teacher and classroom shortage |
1957-1958 |
917/1 | S.R. 3311 - 85th Congress, Aid to
education, teacher and classroom shortage |
1957-1958 |
917/2 | S.R. 3311 - 85th Congress, Aid to
education, teacher and classroom shortage |
1957-1958 |
917/3 | S.R. 3315 - 85th Congress,
Assessment work on mining claims |
1957-1958 |
917/4 | S.R. 3344 - 85th Congress,
Passports |
1957-1958 |
917/5 | S.R. 3371 - 85th Congress,
Concessionaire leases |
1957-1958 |
917/6 | S.R. 3412 - 85th Congress,
Extension of functions of Secretary of the Interior |
1957-1958 |
917/7 | S.R. 3413 - 85th Congress, Public
Land Townsite Act |
1957-1958 |
917/8 | S.R. 3418 - 85th Congress,
Stimulate residential construction |
1957-1958 |
917/9 | S.R. 3496 - 85th Congress,
Low-grade manganese ores purchased |
1957-1958 |
917/10 | S.R. 3507 - 85th Congress,
Conservation of North Pacific fur seals |
1957-1958 |
917/11 | S.R. 3514 - 85th Congress, Food
allotment program |
1957-1958 |
917/12 | S.R. 3551 - 85th Congress,
Rehabilitation Act of 1958 |
1957-1958 |
917/13 | S.R. 3573 - 85th Congress, Social
Security for Guam |
1957-1958 |
917/14 | S.R. 3577 - 85th Congress,
Surplus food to schools and needy |
1957-1958 |
917/15 | S.R. 3682 - 85th Congress, Youth
Conservation Corps |
1957-1958 |
917/16 | S.R. 3600 - 85th Congress,
Purchase programs for copper, lead, etc. |
1957-1958 |
917/17 | S.R. 3613 - 85th Congress,
Damages case of Harmon W. Jones |
1957-1958 |
917/18 | S.R. 3521 - 85th Congress, Repeal
Act governing selection of superintendents of national cemeteries |
1957-1958 |
917/19 | S.R. 3662 - 85th Congress,
Acquire rights to land in Guam |
1957-1958 |
917/20 | S.R. 3670 - 85th Congress,
Transfer of land at Sand Island to Territory of Hawaii |
1957-1958 |
917/21 | S.R. 3683 - 85th Congress, Aid to
areas with unemployment |
1957-1958 |
917/22 | S.R. 3687 - 85th Congress, Aid to
education |
1957-1958 |
917/23 | S.R. 3694 - 85th Congress, Amend
Act of Aug. 5 |
1954, 1957-1958 |
917/24 | S.R. 3694 - 85th Congress, Amend
Act of Aug. 5 |
1954, 1957-1958 |
917/25 | S.R. 3709 - 85th Congress,
Forestry research |
1957-1958 |
917/26 | S.R. 3710 - 85th Congress, Extend
benefits for compulsory military service |
1957-1958 |
917/27 | S.R. 3713 - 85th Congress,
College housing |
1957-1958 |
917/28 | S.R. 3763 - 85th Congress, Amend
Railroad Labor Act |
1957-1958 |
917/29 | S.R. 3816 - 85th Congress, Amend
mining incentive payments |
1957-1958 |
917/30 | S.R. 3817 - 85th Congress,
Mineral resources program |
1957-1958 |
918/1 | S.R. 3865 - 85th Congress,
Distribution of autos in interstate commerce |
1957-1958 |
918/2 | S.R. 3882 - 85th Congress,
Government headstone and markers |
1957-1958 |
918/3 | S.R. 3891 - 85th Congress,
Mineral Leasing Act of 1920 |
1957-1958 |
918/4 | S.R. 3892 - 85th Congress,
Stabilizing the mining industry |
1957-1958 |
918/5 | S.R. 3898 - 85th Congress,
Indiana Dunes Park Bill |
1957-1958 |
918/6 | S.R. 3923 - 85th Congress, Pala
Indian Reservation |
1957-1958 |
918/7 | S.R. 3931 - 85th Congress, Relief
of Olivia Mary Galante |
1957-1958 |
918/8 | S.R. 3874 - 85th Congress, Labor
organizations disclosure |
1957-1958 |
918/9 | S.R. 3980 - 85th Congress,
Housing Conservation and Rehabilitation Finance Agency |
1957-1958 |
918/10 | S.R. 3981 - 85th Congress,
Revised Organic Act of Virgin Islands |
1957-1958 |
918/11 | S.R. 3992 - 85th Congress, Amend
Organic Act of Guam |
1957-1958 |
918/12 | S.R. 4011 - 85th Congress,
Purchase of copper |
1957-1958 |
918/13 | S.R. 4036 - 85th Congress,
Stabilize production of copper, lead, zinc, etc. |
1957-1958 |
918/14 | S.R. 4036 - 85th Congress,
Stabilize production of copper, lead, zinc, etc. |
1957-1958 |
918/15 | S.R. 4036 - 85th Congress,
Stabilize production of copper, lead, zinc, etc. |
1957-1958 |
918/16 | S.R. 4036 - 85th Congress,
Stabilize production of copper, lead, zinc, etc. |
1957-1958 |
918/17 | S.R. 4070 - 85th Congress,
Anti-trust re: sports teams |
1957-1958 |
918/18 | S.R. 4097 - 85th Congress, Alaska
Highway |
1957-1958 |
918/19 | S.R. 4098 - 85th Congress,
Surplus personal property to Territory of Alaska |
1957-1958 |
918/20 | S.R. 4115 - 85th Congress, Revise
Alaska game law |
1957-1958 |
918/21 | S.R. 4122 - 85th Congress,
Irrigation charges against non-Indian lands |
1957-1958 |
918/22 | S.R. 4123 - 85th Congress, Oregon
and California Railroad grant lands |
1957-1958 |
918/23 | S.R. 4146 - 85th Congress,
Strategic mineral production |
1957-1958 |
918/24 | S.R. 4157 - 85th Congress, Amend
Fair Labor Standards Act of 1938 |
1957-1958 |
918/25 | S.R. 4212 - 85th Congress, Amend
War Orphans' Educational Assistance Act |
1957-1958 |
918/26 | S.R. 4213 - 85th Congress,
Vocational rehabilitation for Veterans |
1957-1958 |
918/27 | S.R. 4237 - 85th Congress, Amend
bill to strengthen national defense |
1957-1958 |
919/1 | S.R. 4244 - 85th Congress,
Sherburne Lake Dam |
1957-1958 |
919/2 | S.R. 4248 - 85th Congress,
Production and conservation of coal |
1957-1958 |
919/3 | S.R. 4267 - 85th Congress,
Promote investment abroad |
1957-1958 |
919/4 | S.R. 4290 - 85th Congress,
Provide for sale or lease of Indian lands |
1957-1958 |
919/5 | S.R. 4291 - 85th Congress, Relief
of Michael Jur |
1957-1958 |
919/6 | S.R. 4312 - 85th Congress,
Strengthen Commissioned Corps of Public Health Service |
1957-1958 |
919/7 | S.R. 4321 - 85th Congress,
Establish Assistant Secretary of Health, Education and Welfare for Water
Pollution Control |
1957-1958 |
919/8 | 85th Congress, Paradise Dam bill
1957-1958 |
919/9 | 85th Congress, Paradise Dam bill
1957-1958 |
919/10 | 85th Congress, Paradise Dam bill
1957-1958 |
919/11 | 85th Congress, Paradise Dam bill
1957-1958 |
919/12 | 85th Congress, Paradise Dam bill
1957-1958 |
919/13 | 85th Congress, Paradise Dam bill
1957-1958 |
919/14 | 85th Congress, Paradise Dam bill
1957-1958 |
920/1 | 85th Congress, Paradise Dam bill
1957-1958 |
920/2 | 85th Congress, Paradise Dam bill
1957-1958 |
920/3 | H.R. 1 - 85th Congress
1957-1958 |
920/4 | H.R. 44602 - 85th Congress
1957-1958 |
920/5 | H.R. 5189 - 85th Congress
1957-1958 |
920/6 | H.R. 6659 - 85th Congress
1957-1958 |
920/7 | H.R. 7963 - 85th Congress
1957-1958 |
920/8 | H.R. 8381 - 85th Congress
1957-1958 |
920/9 | H.R. 11470 - 85th Congress
1957-1958 |
920/10 | H.R. 12591 - 85th Congress
1957-1958 |
920/11 | S.C.R. 3 - 85th Congress
1957-1958 |
920/12 | S.C.R. 3 - 85th Congress
1957-1958 |
921/1 | S.C.R. 5 - 85th Congress
1957-1958 |
921/2 | S.C.R. 14 - 85th Congress
1957-1958 |
921/3 | S.C.R. 32 - 85th Congress
1957-1958 |
921/4 | S.C.R. 49 - 85th Congress
1957-1958 |
921/5 | S.C.R. 68 - 85th Congress
1957-1958 |
921/6 | S.C.R. 69 - 85th Congress
1957-1958 |
921/7 | S.C.R. 70 - 85th Congress
1957-1958 |
921/8 | S.C.R. 76 - 85th Congress
1957-1958 |
921/9 | S.C.R. 80 - 85th Congress
1957-1958 |
921/10 | S.C.R. 91 - 85th Congress
1957-1958 |
921/11 | S.J.R. 16 - 85th Congress
1957-1958 |
921/12 | S.J.R. 24 - 85th Congress
1957-1958 |
921/13 | S.J.R. 34 - 85th Congress
1957-1958 |
921/14 | S.J.R. 35 - 85th Congress
1957-1958 |
921/15 | S.J.R. 88 - 85th Congress
1957-1958 |
921/16 | S.J.R. 94 - 85th Congress
1957-1958 |
921/17 | S.J.R. 105 - 85th Congress
1957-1958 |
921/18 | S.J.R. 123 - 85th Congress
1957-1958 |
921/19 | S.J.R. 178 - 85th Congress
1957-1958 |
921/20 | S.R. 46 - 85th Congress
1957-1958 |
921/21 | S.R. 64 - 85th Congress
1957-1958 |
921/22 | S.R. 78 - 85th Congress
1957-1958 |
921/23 | S.R. 81 - 85th Congress
1957-1958 |
921/24 | S.R. 90 - 85th Congress
1957-1958 |
921/25 | S.R. 148 - 85th Congress
1957-1958 |
921/26 | S.R. 148 - 85th Congress
1957-1958 |
921/27 | S.R. 195 - 85th Congress
1957-1958 |
921/28 | S.R. 225 - 85th Congress
1957-1958 |
921/29 | S.R. 229 - 85th Congress
1957-1958 |
921/30 | S.R. 248 - 85th Congress
1957-1958 |
921/31 | S.R. 304 - 85th Congress
1957-1958 |
921/32 | S.R. 310 - 85th Congress
1957-1958 |
921/33 | S.R. 318 - 85th Congress
1957-1958 |
921/34 | S.R. 345 - 85th Congress
1957-1958 |
921/35 | S.R. 356 - 85th Congress
1957-1958 |
922/1 | S.R. 2 - 86th Congress, Aid to
public education |
1959-1960 |
922/2 | S.R. 2 - 86th Congress
1959-1960 |
922/3 | S.R. 2 - 86th Congress
1959-1960 |
922/4 | S.R. 2 - 86th Congress
1959-1960 |
922/5 | S.R. 2 - 86th Congress
1959-1960 |
922/6 | S.R. 2 - 86th Congress
1959-1960 |
922/7 | S.R. 2 - 86th Congress
1959-1960 |
922/8 | S.R. 2 - 86th Congress
1959-1960 |
923/1 | S.R. 2 - 86th Congress
1959-1960 |
923/2 | S.R. 2 - 86th Congress
1959-1960 |
923/3 | S.R. 2 - 86th Congress
1959-1960 |
923/4 | S.R. 2 - 86th Congress
1959-1960 |
923/5 | S.R. 2 - 86th Congress
1959-1960 |
923/6 | S.R. 2 - 86th Congress
1959-1960 |
923/7 | S.R. 8 - 86th Congress, Federal
aid for school construction and teachers' salaries |
1959-1960 |
924/1 | S.R. 8 - 86th Congress
1959-1960 |
924/2 | S.R. 8 - 86th Congress
1959-1960 |
924/3 | S.R. 8 - 86th Congress
1959-1960 |
924/4 | S.R. 11 - 86th Congress, Amend
Clayton Act |
1959-1960 |
924/5 | S.R. 37 - 86th Congress,
Relocation of Fort Peck-Great Falls transmission line in Glasgow area
1959-1960 |
924/6 | S.R. 38 - 86th Congress,
Sherburne Lake Dam |
1959-1960 |
924/7 | S.R. 49 - 86th Congress, Coal
research |
1959-1960 |
924/8 | S.R. 50 - 86th Congress,
Admission of State of Hawaii |
1959-1960 |
924/9 | S.R. 52 - 86th Congress,
Distribution of motor vehicle tires |
1959-1960 |
924/10 | S.R. 54 - 86th Congress,
Sub-marginal Indian lands |
1959-1960 |
924/11 | S.R. 54 - 86th Congress,
Sub-marginal Indian lands |
1959-1960 |
925/1 | S.R. 56 - 86th Congress, Amend
Act of Aug. 5 |
1954, 1959-1960 |
925/2 | S.R. 56 - 86th Congress, Amend
Act of Aug. 5 |
1954, 1959-1960 |
925/3 | S.R. 82 - 86th Congress, National
Outdoor Recreation Resources Review Commission |
1959-1960 |
925/4 | S.R. 187 - 86th Congress,
Continue Sugar Act of 1948 |
1959-1960 |
925/5 | S.R. 188 - 86th Congress,
Prohibit some transportation of explosives |
1959-1960 |
925/6 | S.R. 226 - 86th Congress, Amend
Railroad Retirement Act |
1959-1960 |
925/7 | S.R. 226 - 86th Congress, Amend
Railroad Retirement Act |
1959-1960 |
925/8 | S.R. 226 - 86th Congress, Amend
Railroad Retirement Act |
1959-1960 |
925/9 | S.R. 269 - 86th Congress,
Equalize pay of retired members of uniformed services |
1959-1960 |
925/10 | S.R. 427 - 86th Congress, Patent
to heirs of Frank L. Wilhelm |
1959-1960 |
925/11 | S.R. 447 - 86th Congress,
Establish Federal Advisory Council on the Arts |
1959-1960 |
925/12 | S.R. 505 - 86th Congress,
Financial transactions of labor organizations |
1959-1960 |
925/13 | S.R. 571 - 86th Congress, Relief
of Michael Jur |
1959-1960 |
925/14 | S.R. 572 - 86th Congress, Mining
claims |
1959-1960 |
925/15 | S.R. 573 - 86th Congress, Create
Department of Mineral Resources |
1959-1960 |
925/16 | S.R. 584 - 86th Congress, Amend
Federal Power Act |
1959-1960 |
926/1 | S.R. 590 - 86th Congress, Permit
free marketing of gold |
1959-1960 |
926/2 | S.R. 590 - 86th Congress, Permit
free marketing of gold |
1959-1960 |
926/3 | S.R. 590 - 86th Congress, Permit
free marketing of gold |
1959-1960 |
926/4 | S.R. 619 - 86th Congress, Amend
Internal Revenue Code |
1959-1960 |
926/5 | S.R. 648 - 86th Congress, General
University extension education |
1959-1960 |
926/6 | S.R. 662 - 86th Congress, Amend
Soil Conservation and Domestic Allotment Act |
1959-1960 |
926/7 | S.R. 663 - 86th Congress, Food
commodities for distribution to needy |
1959-1960 |
926/8 | S.R. 680 - 86th Congress, Amend
National Labor Relations Act |
1959-1960 |
926/9 | S.R. 681 - 86th Congress, Amend
National Labor Relations Act |
1959-1960 |
926/10 | S.R. 682 - 86th Congress, Amend
Flood Control Act of 1950 |
1959-1960 |
926/11 | S.R. 722 - 86th Congress,
Alleviate persistent unemployment |
1959-1960 |
926/12 | S.R. 743 - 86th Congress, Amend
Coal Mine Safety Act |
1959-1960 |
926/13 | S.R. 772 - 86th Congress,
Services to handicapped |
1959-1960 |
926/4 | S.R. 791 - 86th Congress,
Unemployment reinsurance grants to states |
1959-1960 |
926/5 | S.R. 811 - 86th Congress, Mine
inspection |
1959-1960 |
927/1 | S.R. 812 - 86th Congress, Youth
Conservation Corps |
1959-1960 |
927/2 | S.R. 821 - 86th Congress, Student
funds in Indian schools |
1959-1960 |
927/3 | S.R. 822 - 86th Congress, San
Juan National Historical Site |
1959-1960 |
927/4 | S.R. 823 - 86th Congress, Kings
Mountain National Military Park |
1959-1960 |
927/5 | S.R. 824 - 86th Congress, Oregon
and California Railroad land grants |
1959-1960 |
927/6 | S.R. 825 - 86th Congress, Burial
in national cemeteries |
1959-1960 |
927/7 | S.R. 826 - 86th Congress, Devils
Tower National Monument |
1959-1960 |
927/8 | S.R. 827 - 86th Congress, Amend
Helium Act of 1937 |
1959-1960 |
927/9 | S.R. 831 - 86th Congress, Amend
Packers and Stockyards Act |
1959-1960 |
927/10 | S.R. 851 - 86th Congress, Water
rights |
1959-1960 |
927/11 | S.R. 910 - 86th Congress, Sums in
lieu of taxes to states |
1959-1960 |
927/12 | S.R. 953 - 86th Congress,
Economic assistance to American Indians |
1959-1960 |
927/13 | S.R. 992 - 86th Congress,
Exchange of Federal for State lands |
1959-1960 |
927/14 | S.R. 995 - 86th Congress, Amend
ICC Act |
1959-1960 |
927/15 | S.R. 996 - 86th Congress,
Railroad safety |
1959-1960 |
927/16 | S.R. 1001 - 86th Congress,
Indiana Dunes National Monument |
1959-1960 |
927/17 | S.R. 1016 - 86th Congress, Aid to
schools |
1959-1960 |
927/18 | S.R. 1040 - 86th Congress, Amend
Act of Aug. 21 |
1935, 1959-1960 |
927/19 | S.R. 1046 - 86th Congress, Amend
Fair Labor Standards Act of 1938 |
1959-1960 |
927/20 | S.R. 1056 - 86th Congress,
National Health Insurance |
1959-1960 |
927/21 | S.R. 1056 - 86th Congress,
National Health Insurance |
1959-1960 |
927/22 | S.R. 1056 - 86th Congress,
National Health Insurance |
1959-1960 |
928/1 | S.R. 1057 - 86th Congress, Relief
of Rachel Zilderstein |
1959-1960 |
928/2 | S.R. 1067 - 86th Congress, Iron
ore and steel survey |
1959-1960 |
928/3 | S.R. 1104 - 86th Congress, Relief
of Pak Jae Seun |
1959-1960 |
928/4 | S.R. 1106 - 86th Congress, Fort
Belknap Reservation |
1959-1960 |
928/5 | S.R. 1113 - 86th Congress,
National Service Life Insurance |
1959-1960 |
928/6 | S.R. 1123 - 86th Congress,
Wilderness preservation |
1959-1960 |
928/7 | S.R. 1125 - 86th Congress, Alaska
Highway |
1959-1960 |
928/8 | S.R. 1138 - 86th Congress,
Readjustment assistance to veterans |
1959-1960 |
928/9 | S.R. 1157 - 86th Congress,
Petroleum and coal reserves |
1959-1960 |
928/10 | S.R. 1208 - 86th Congress, Amend
wheat marketing quota provisions |
1959-1960 |
928/11 | S.R. 1211 - 86th Congress, Family
farm |
1959-1960 |
928/12 | S.R. 1212 - 86th Congress, Wright
Brothers National Memorial |
1959-1960 |
928/13 | S.R. 1213 - 86th Congress,
Federal assistance to Guam and Samoa |
1959-1960 |
928/14 | S.R. 1214 - 86th Congress, De
Soto National Memorial |
1959-1960 |
928/15 | S.R. 1215 - 86th Congress, Pala
Indian Reservation |
1959-1960 |
928/16 | S.R. 1216 - 86th Congress, Wind
River Indian irrigation project |
1959-1960 |
928/17 | S.R. 1217 - 86th Congress, Summit
Lake Indian Reservation |
1959-1960 |
928/18 | S.R. 1218 - 86th Congress, Lands
for Geological survey |
1959-1960 |
928/19 | S.R. 1219 - 86th Congress, Extend
Act of June 14 |
1926, 1959-1960 |
928/20 | S.R. 1226 - 86th Congress,
Knowles Dam |
1959-1960 |
928/21 | S.R. 1226 - 86th Congress,
Knowles Dam |
1959-1960 |
928/22 | S.R. 1226 - 86th Congress,
Knowles Dam |
1959-1960 |
929/1 | S.R. 1226 - 86th Congress,
Knowles Dam |
1959-1960 |
929/2 | S.R. 1226 - 86th Congress,
Knowles Dam |
1959-1960 |
929/3 | S.R. 1226 - 86th Congress,
Knowles Dam |
1959-1960 |
929/4 | S.R. 1226 - 86th Congress,
Knowles Dam |
1959-1960 |
929/5 | S.R. 1226 - 86th Congress,
Knowles Dam |
1959-1960 |
929/6 | S.R. 1226 - 86th Congress,
Knowles Dam |
1959-1960 |
929/7 | S.R. 1226 - 86th Congress,
Knowles Dam |
1959-1960 |
929/8 | S.R. 1245 - 86th Congress, Mining
incentive payments to producers |
1959-1960 |
930/1 | S.R. 1260 - 86th Congress, Oil
and gas on Crow Indian Res. |
1959-1960 |
930/2 | S.R. 1268 - 86th Congress,
Mineral leasing |
1959-1960 |
930/3 | S.R. 1285 - 86th Congress,
Fluorspar development and preservation |
1959-1960 |
930/4 | S.R. 1323 - 86th Congress,
Unemployment benefits |
1959-1960 |
930/5 | S.R. 1343 - 86th Congress, Amend
Agricultural Act of 1949 |
1959-1960 |
930/6 | S.R. 1358 - 86th Congress, Mount
Ranier National Park |
1959-1960 |
930/7 | S.R. 1359 - 86th Congress,
Montezuma Castle National Monument |
1959-1960 |
930/8 | S.R. 1375 - 86th Congress, The
Dalles Dam |
1959-1960 |
930/9 | S.R. 1388 - 86th Congress,
Pacific Northwest power and irrigation |
1959-1960 |
930/10 | S.R. 1425 - 86th Congress, Amend
Interstate Commerce Act |
1959-1960 |
930/11 | S.R. 1488 - 86th Congress,
Production of manganese |
1959-1960 |
930/12 | S.R. 1537 - 86th Congress, Mining
and mineral policy |
1959-1960 |
930/13 | S.R. 1541 - 86th Congress, State
of Alaska |
1959-1960 |
930/14 | S.R. 1555 - 86th Congress,
Financial transactions of labor unions |
1959-1960 |
930/15 | S.R. 1564 - 86th Congress, Aid to
education |
1959-1960 |
930/16 | S.R. 1565 - 86th Congress,
Employment of Indians |
1959-1960 |
930/17 | S.R. 1566 - 86th Congress, Prices
of lead and zinc |
1959-1960 |
930/18 | S.R. 1570 - 86th Congress, Wool
and mohair shearing operations |
1959-1960 |
930/19 | S.R. 1597 - 86th Congress,
Establish a Bureau of Submarines |
1959-1960 |
931/1 | S.R. 1631 - 86th Congress,
Establish Commission on Unemployment Problems |
1959-1960 |
931/2 | S.R. 1686 - 86th Congress, Food
stamp plan |
1959-1960 |
931/3 | S.R. 1699 - 86th Congress, Public
land townsite laws |
1959-1960 |
931/4 | S.R. 1711 - 86th Congress, Food
for peace |
1959-1960 |
931/5 | S.R. 1715 - 86th Congress, Oil
and gas on Crow Indian Reservation |
1959-1960 |
931/6 | S.R. 1716 - 86th Congress, Amend
Internal Revenue Code |
1959-1960 |
931/7 | S.R. 1717 - 86th Congress,
Judicial cases on Indian Reservations |
1959-1960 |
931/8 | S.R. 1718 - 86th Congress, Social
Security for farmers |
1959-1960 |
931/9 | S.R. 1743 - 86th Congress, Export
of capital |
1959-1960 |
931/10 | S.R. 1748 - 86th Congress, Amend
Agricultural Trade Development and Assistance Act of 1954 |
1959-1960 |
931/11 | S.R. 1782 - 86th Congress,
Hydroelectric power resources |
1959-1960 |
931/12 | S.R. 1782 - 86th Congress,
Hydroelectric power resources |
1959-1960 |
931/13 | S.R. 1782 - 86th Congress,
Hydroelectric power resources |
1959-1960 |
931/14 | S.R. 1782 - 86th Congress,
Hydroelectric power resources |
1959-1960 |
931/15 | S.R. 1789 - 86th Congress, Amend
Interstate Commerce Act |
1959-1960 |
931/16 | S.R. 1817 - 86th Congress,
Supplement the Federal reclamation laws |
1959-1960 |
931/17 | S.R. 1818 - 86th Congress, Warm
Springs Reservation, OR |
1959-1960 |
931/18 | S.R. 1819 - 86th Congress, School
properties to local school districts |
1959-1960 |
931/19 | S.R. 1826 - 86th Congress, Amend
Federal Aid Highway Acts of 1956 and 1958 |
1959-1960 |
931/20 | S.R. 1884 - 86th Congress,
Distribution of food surplus |
1959-1960 |
931/21 | S.R. 1886 - 86th Congress, Amend
Communications Act of 1934 |
1959-1960 |
931/22 | S.R. 1888 - 86th Congress, Repeal
on transportation of persons |
1959-1960 |
932/1 | S.R. 1903 - 86th Congress, Quapaw
Tribe |
1959-1960 |
932/2 | S.R. 1904 - 86th Congress,
Potawatomi Indians |
1959-1960 |
932/3 | S.R. 1905 - 86th Congress,
Disposal of public lands |
1959-1960 |
932/4 | S.R. 1906 - 86th Congress,
Administration of public lands |
1959-1960 |
932/5 | S.R. 1957 - 86th Congress, Tin
production |
1959-1960 |
932/6 | S.R. 1975 - 86th Congress, Relief
of Milton Beatty |
1959-1960 |
932/7 | S.R. 1984 - 86th Congress,
Bankhead-Jones Farm Tenant Act |
1959-1960 |
932/8 | S.R. 1997 - 86th Congress,
Anti-discrimination in transportation |
1959-1960 |
932/9 | S.R. 1998 - 86th Congress,
Protection against bodily attack for armed forces |
1959-1960 |
932/10 | S.R. 1999 - 86th Congress,
Anti-discrimination in employment |
1959-1960 |
932/11 | S.R. 2000 - 86th Congress, Outlaw
poll tax |
1959-1960 |
932/12 | S.R. 2001 - 86th Congress,
Supplement existing civil rights |
1959-1960 |
932/13 | S.R. 2002 - 86th Congress,
Convict labor |
1959-1960 |
932/14 | S.R. 2003 - 86th Congress,
Strengthen civil rights |
1959-1960 |
932/15 | S.R. 2023 - 86th Congress, Puerto
Rico |
1959-1960 |
932/16 | S.R. 2024 - 86th Congress, Guam,
Virgin Islands commissioners |
1959-1960 |
932/17 | S.R. 2026 - 86th Congress,
Advisory Commission on Intergovernmental Relations |
1959-1960 |
932/18 | S.R. 2041 - 86th Congress,
Protection from lynching |
1959-1960 |
932/19 | S.R. 2045 - 86th Congress, Coeur
d'Alene Indian Tribe |
1959-1960 |
932/20 | S.R. 2048 - 86th Congress,
Stockpiling minerals and metals |
1959-1960 |
932/21 | S.R. 2061 - 86th Congress,
Phosphate prospecting permits |
1959-1960 |
932/22 | S.R. 2077 - 86th Congress,
Problems of blindness |
1959-1960 |
932/23 | S.R. 2086 - 86th Congress,
National Wildlife Disease Laboratory |
1959-1960 |
932/24 | S.R. 2141 - 86th Congress, Amend
Fair Labor Standards Act |
1959-1960 |
932/25 | S.R. 2167 - 86th Congress,
Prohibit aircraft hunting for burros and wild horses |
1959-1960 |
932/26 | S.R. 2169 - 86th Congress, Import
duties on lead and zinc |
1959-1960 |
932/27 | S.R. 2194 - 86th Congress, Amend
Second Liberty Bond Act |
1959-1960 |
932/28 | S.R. 2240 - 86th Congress, Forest
access roads |
1959-1960 |
932/29 | S.R. 2241 - 86th Congress, Tax
credits for contributions |
1959-1960 |
933/1 | S.R. 2244 - 86th Congress, Amend
Federal Property and Administration Services Act |
1959-1960 |
933/2 | S.R. 2283 - 86th Congress, Amend
Virgin Island Organic Act |
1959-1960 |
933/3 | S.R. 2304 - 86th Congress, Amend
National Defense Education Act of 1958 |
1959-1960 |
933/4 | S.R. 2333 - 86th Congress, Relief
of heirs of Caroline Henkel |
1959-1960 |
933/5 | S.R. 2339 - 86th Congress,
Distribution of funds of Creek Tribe |
1959-1960 |
933/6 | S.R. 2346 - 86th Congress, Donate
some sub-marginal lands to Indians |
1959-1960 |
933/7 | S.R. 2358 - 86th Congress, Amend
immigration laws |
1959-1960 |
933/8 | S.R. 2375 - 86th Congress,
Development of mineral resources |
1959-1960 |
933/9 | S.R. 2410 - 86th Congress, D. C.
mileage for cultural activities |
1959-1960 |
933/10 | S.R. 2460 - 86th Congress,
Preserve shoreline areas |
1959-1960 |
933/11 | S.R. 2491 - 86th Congress,
Establish Federal Recreation Services |
1959-1960 |
933/12 | S.R. 2498 - 86th Congress,
Registration of contractors of migrant workers |
1959-1960 |
933/13 | S.R. 2511 - 86th Congress,
Cooperative outdoor recreation research |
1959-1960 |
933/14 | S.R. 2526 - 86th Congress,
Operation levels for Flathead Lake |
1959-1960 |
933/15 | S.R. 2526 - 86th Congress,
Operation levels for Flathead Lake |
1959-1960 |
933/16 | S.R. 2545 - 86th Congress,
Exemption of team sports from antitrust laws |
1959-1960 |
933/17 | S.R. 2549 - 86th Congress,
National policy on natural resources |
1959-1960 |
934/1 | S.R. 2565 - 86th Congress, Leases
of Indian lands |
1959-1960 |
934/2 | S.R. 2567 - 86th Congress, Amend
Helium Act of 1937 |
1959-1960 |
934/3 | S.R. 2581 - 86th Congress, Lead
and zinc market prices |
1959-1960 |
934/4 | S.R. 2587 - 86th Congress, Public
land withdrawals |
1959-1960 |
934/5 | S.R. 2593 - 86th Congress, Puerto
Rican vessels |
1959-1960 |
934/6 | S.R. 2594 - 86th Congress,
International Joint Commission of U.S. and Canada |
1959-1960 |
934/7 | S.R. 2601 - 86th Congress,
Stabilize mining of lead and zinc |
1959-1960 |
934/8 | S.R. 2604 - 86th Congress, Amend
Internal Revenue Code |
1959-1960 |
934/9 | S.R. 2623 - 86th Congress,
Emergency highway relief amendment |
1959-1960 |
934/10 | S.R. 2656 - 86th Congress, Amend
Revised Organic Act of Virgin Islands |
1959-1960 |
934/11 | S.R. 2675 - 86th Congress,
National Service Life Insurance |
1959-1960 |
934/12 | S.R. 2708 - 86th Congress, Puerto
Rico compact |
1959-1960 |
934/13 | S.R. 2710 - 86th Congress, Amend
student loan insurance bill |
1959-1960 |
934/14 | S.R. 2768 - 86th Congress, Relief
of Frederick T. C. Yu and wife |
1959-1960 |
934/15 | S.R. 2804 - 86th Congress,
Keweenaw Bay Indian Tribe |
1959-1960 |
934/16 | S.R. 2805 - 86th Congress, Amend
Act of July 1 |
1932, 1959-1960 |
934/17 | S.R. 2823 - 86th Congress,
Federal contribution to cost of election campaign |
1959-1960 |
934/18 | S.R. 2830 - 86th Congress, Amend
Library Services Act |
1959-1960 |
934/19 | S.R. 2858 - 86th Congress,
Preserve mineral reserves |
1959-1960 |
934/20 | S.R. 2859 - 86th Congress, Public
lands |
1959-1960 |
934/21 | S.R. 2864 - 86th Congress,
Education for children of migrant workers |
1959-1960 |
934/22 | S.R. 2865 - 86th Congress,
Education of migrant workers |
1959-1960 |
934/23 | S.R. 2868 - 86th Congress,
Prohibit poll tax |
1959-1960 |
934/24 | S.R. 2885 - 86th Congress,
Establish Office of Coal Research |
1959-1960 |
934/25 | S.R. 2914 - 86th Congress, Blue
Ridge and Natchez Trace Parkways |
1959-1960 |
934/26 | S.R. 2935 - 86th Congress, Amend
Interstate Commerce Act |
1959-1960 |
934/27 | S.R. 3003 - 86th Congress, Fort
Missoula property |
1959-1960 |
934/28 | S.R. 3004 - 86th Congress,
Confederated Salish and Kootenai Tribes |
1959-1960 |
934/29 | S.R. 3007 - 86th Congress,
College classroom improvements |
1959-1960 |
934/30 | S.R. 3020 - 86th Congress,
Improvement of transportation industry |
1959-1960 |
935/1 | S.R. 3054 - 86th Congress, State
of Hawaii |
1959-1960 |
935/2 | S.R. 3058 - 86th Congress, Amend
Mutual Security Act of 1954 |
1959-1960 |
935/3 | S.R. 3060 - 86th Congress,
Federal agricultural services to Guam |
1959-1960 |
935/4 | S.R. 3127 - 86th Congress, Amend
Mutual Security Act of 1954 |
1959-1960 |
935/5 | S.R. 3128 - 86th Congress,
Lafayette Square, D. C. as historic site |
1959-1960 |
935/6 | S.R. 3133 - 86th Congress, Duty
on pig aluminum |
1959-1960 |
935/7 | S.R. 3159 - 86th Congress, Amend
Agricultural Adjustment Act of 1938 |
1959-1960 |
935/8 | S.R. 3174 - 86th Congress,
Grazing lands |
1959-1960 |
935/9 | S.R. 3264 - 86th Congress,
Abolish Arlington Memorial Amphitheater Commission |
1959-1960 |
935/10 | S.R. 3265 - 86th Congress, Mining
Leases on Tribal Indian lands |
1959-1960 |
935/11 | S.R. 3266 - 86th Congress, Indian
timber |
1959-1960 |
935/12 | S.R. 3267 - 86th Congress, Public
lands in Alaska |
1959-1960 |
935/13 | S.R. 3290 - 86th Congress, Public
lands and nontaxable Indian lands |
1959-1960 |
935/14 | S.R. 3292 - 86th Congress,
Establish Department of Housing and Metropolitan Affairs |
1959-1960 |
935/15 | S.R. 3303 - 86th Congress,
Menominee Indian Tribe |
1959-1960 |
935/16 | S.R. 3321 - 86th Congress, Crow
Indian lands leases |
1959-1960 |
935/17 | S.R. 3322 - 86th Congress,
Grazing lands on Crow Reservation |
1959-1960 |
935/18 | S.R. 3323 - 86th Congress,
Compensate Crow Tribe |
1959-1960 |
935/19 | S.R. 3328 - 86th Congress, Guam
1959-1960 |
935/20 | S.R. 3468 - 86th Congress, Sale
of public lands |
1959-1960 |
935/21 | S.R. 3376 - 86th Congress, Amend
Helium Act |
1959-1960 |
935/22 | S.R. 3441 - 86th Congress, Fort
Necessity National Battlefield Site |
1959-1960 |
935/23 | S.R. 3449 - 86th Congress, Social
Security assistance to the blind |
1959-1960 |
935/24 | S.R. 3480 - 86th Congress, Miles
City land sale |
1959-1960 |
935/25 | S.R. 3481 - 86th Congress, Amend
National Defense Education Act |
1959-1960 |
935/26 | S.R. 3502 - 86th Congress, Amend
National Housing Act |
1959-1960 |
935/27 | S.R. 3503 - 86th Congress, Health
needs of aged |
1959-1960 |
935/28 | S.R. 3557 - 86th Congress, Saline
water conversion program |
1959-1960 |
935/29 | S.R. 3661 - 86th Congress, Lac du
Flambeau Reservation |
1959-1960 |
935/30 | S.R. 3580 - 86th Congress,
Revolving fund for Bureau of Reclamation |
1959-1960 |
935/31 | S.R. 3611 - 86th Congress,
Freedom Monument |
1959-1960 |
935/32 | S.R. 3710 - 86th Congress, Alaska
lands |
1959-1960 |
935/33 | S.R. 3711 - 86th Congress, Ft.
Greely, Alaska |
1959-1960 |
935/34 | S.R. 3736 - 86th Congress, Create
Commission on Noxious and obscene matters and materials |
1959-1960 |
935/35 | S.R. 3742 - 86th Congress, Lands
in Ladd-Eielson area, Alaska |
1959-1960 |
935/36 | S.R. 3743 - 86th Congress, Nevada
lands |
1959-1960 |
935/37 | S.R. 3762 - 86th Congress, Lands
east of Fairbanks, Alaska |
1959-1960 |
935/38 | S.R. 3793 - 86th Congress, Senior
citizens service training program |
1959-1960 |
935/39 | S.R. 3807 - 86th Congress, Office
of Aging |
1959-1960 |
935/40 | S.R. 3809 - 86th Congress,
National Wilderness Preservation system |
1959-1960 |
935/41 | S.R. 3847 - 86th Congress, Outer
Continental Shelf |
1959-1960 |
935/42 | S.R. 3864 - 86th Congress, Amend
Mutual Security Act |
1959-1960 |
935/43 | S.R. 3866 - 86th Congress, Outer
Continental Shelf |
1959-1960 |
935/44 | H.R. 22 - 86th Congress
1959-1960 |
935/45 | H.R. 2725 - 86th Congress
1959-1960 |
936/1 | H.R. 4322 - 86th Congress
1959-1960 |
936/2 | H.R. 5640 - 86th Congress
1959-1960 |
936/3 | H.R. 8385 - 86th Congress
1959-1960 |
936/4 | H.R. 10234 - 86th Congress
1959-1960 |
936/5 | H.R. 10548 - 86th Congress
1959-1960 |
936/6 | H.R. 11390 - 86th Congress
1959-1960 |
936/7 | H.R. 12580 - 86th Congress
1959-1960 |
936/8 | H.J.R. 402 - 86th Congress
1959-1960 |
936/9 | S.C.R. 4 - 86th Congress
1959-1960 |
936/10 | S.C.R. 7 - 86th Congress
1959-1960 |
936/11 | S.C.R. 24 - 86th Congress
1959-1960 |
936/12 | S.C.R. 27 - 86th Congress
1959-1960 |
936/13 | S.C.R. 35 - 86th Congress
1959-1960 |
936/14 | S.C.R. 66 - 86th Congress
1959-1960 |
936/15 | S.C.R. 69 - 86th Congress
1959-1960 |
936/16 | S.C.R. 73 - 86th Congress
1959-1960 |
936/17 | S.C.R. 74 - 86th Congress
1959-1960 |
936/18 | S.C.R. 76 - 86th Congress
1959-1960 |
936/19 | S.J.R. 39 - 86th Congress
1959-1960 |
936/20 | S.J.R. 41 - 86th Congress
1959-1960 |
936/21 | S.J.R. 66 - 86th Congress
1959-1960 |
936/22 | S.J.R. 86 - 86th Congress
1959-1960 |
936/23 | S.J.R. 95 - 86th Congress
1959-1960 |
936/24 | S.J.R. 107 - 86th Congress
1959-1960 |
937/1 | S.J.R. 119 - 86th Congress
1959-1960 |
937/2 | S.J.R. 126 - 86th Congress
1959-1960 |
937/3 | S.J.R. 136 - 86th Congress
1959-1960 |
937/4 | S.J.R. 148 - 86th Congress
1959-1960 |
937/5 | S.J.R. 152 - 86th Congress
1959-1960 |
937/6 | S.J.R. 160 - 86th Congress
1959-1960 |
937/7 | S.J.R. 165 - 86th Congress
1959-1960 |
937/8 | S.J.R. 175 - 86th Congress
1959-1960 |
937/9 | S.J.R. 199 - 86th Congress
1959-1960 |
937/10 | S.J.R. 217 - 86th Congress
1959-1960 |
937/11 | S.J.R. 218 - 86th Congress
1959-1960 |
937/12 | S.R. 19 - 86th Congress
1959-1960 |
937/13 | S.R. 19 - 86th Congress
1959-1960 |
937/14 | S.R. 19 - 86th Congress
1959-1960 |
937/15 | S.R. 48 - 86th Congress
1959-1960 |
937/16 | S.R. 70 - 86th Congress
1959-1960 |
937/17 | S.R. 71 - 86th Congress
1959-1960 |
937/18 | S.R. 78 - 86th Congress
1959-1960 |
937/19 | S.R. 95 - 86th Congress
1959-1960 |
937/20 | S.R. 101 - 86th Congress
1959-1960 |
937/21 | S.R. 111 - 86th Congress
1959-1960 |
937/22 | S.R. 118 - 86th Congress
1959-1960 |
937/23 | S.R. 129 - 86th Congress
1959-1960 |
937/24 | S.R. 147 - 86th Congress
1959-1960 |
937/25 | S.R. 162 - 86th Congress
1959-1960 |
937/26 | S.R. 163 - 86th Congress
1959-1960 |
937/27 | S.R. 179 - 86th Congress
1959-1960 |
937/28 | S.R. 230 - 86th Congress
1959-1960 |
937/29 | S.R. 340 - 86th Congress
1959-1960 |
937/30 | S.R. 388 - 86th Congress
1959-1960 |
Series III: Speeches and Writings , 1934-1960Return to Top
This series consists mostly of speeches and press releases that Murray gave while in the Senate. Some speeches are Montana related, but most are national in origin. Small business, labor, World War II, and the Missouri Valley Authority are major topics that he dealt with in his speeches.
Many radio speeches are represented in the series. Murray, with the use of the radio, could talk to his home state while in Washington, D.C. Official transcripts of the different speeches are included. There are few working copies of the speeches that Murray annotated. Many of the same speeches, given on different dates, are in the series. If the speech was published in a journal or newspaper, that information is included in the file. Copies of the publication are included in several instances.
The majority of the series consists of copies of press releases that Murray sent out to the different news agencies across the United States. These releases are included with correspondence that Murray added, either to help with support of the release or for opinion. There are only a few working copies of the releases. Also in the series are copies of speeches that other senators made on the senate floor, with very few exceptions. The exceptions are speeches and writings in publications that Murray was interested in for his own agendas. Murray made television speeches later in his career; copies of those speeches are included. The topics that Murray dealt with in these years tended to be labor, conservation, or national healthcare. A copy of Murray's farewell address, given 10 May 1960, is included in the series. The series is arranged chronologically.
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
Box/Folder | ||
938/1 | Farm Aid |
Dec. 4, 1934 |
938/2 | Agriculture |
May 1935 |
938/3 | Commencement, Carroll College
June 2, 1935 |
938/4 | Untitled |
June 26, 1935 |
938/5 | W.P.A. |
July 18, 1935 |
938/6 | Beet Sugar Industry |
July 30, 1935 |
938/7 | W.P.A. |
July 30, 1935 |
938/8 | Helena Assay Office |
July 1935 |
938/9 | Wool |
July 1935 |
938/10 | Army Air Base for MT |
Aug. 1, 1935 |
938/11 | Railroad Retirement Investigation
Aug. 27, 1935 |
938/12 | Montana cherries |
Aug. 1935 |
938/13 | Montana State Youth
Administration |
Aug. 1935 |
938/14 | Postal Employees |
Aug. 1935 |
938/15 | Subsistence Homesteads
Aug. 1935 |
938/16 | Public Works Loans and Grants
Oct. 1, 1935 |
938/17 | Fort Peck |
1935 |
938/18 | Irrigation |
1935 |
938/19 | Poplar River Project |
1935 |
938/20 | Untitled |
1935 |
938/21 | Untitled |
Jan. 29, 1936 |
938/22 | University Buildings, W. P. A.
Feb. 7, 1936 |
938/23 | Chain of Lakes |
Feb. 10, 1936 |
938/24 | Chain of Lakes |
Feb. 19, 1936 |
938/25 | Untitled |
Feb. 22, 1936 |
938/26 | Chain of Lakes |
Feb. 24, 1936 |
938/27 | Roger Toll |
Feb. 26, 1936 |
938/28 | Recovery |
Mar. 2, 1936 |
938/29 | Untitled |
Apr. 4, 1936 |
938/30 | Untitled |
May 18, 1936 |
938/31 | Radio Talk |
May 18, 1936 |
938/32 | Dedication of Great Falls
Swimming Pool |
June 6, 1936 |
938/33 | Untitled |
June 18, 1936 |
938/34 | Radio Talk |
June 27, 1936 |
938/35 | Future of Silver |
July 18, 1936 |
938/36 | Pro-F.D.R. Radio Talk
July 28, 1936 |
938/37 | Campaign Speech |
1936 |
938/38 | Campaign Speech |
1936 |
938/39 | Poplar River |
1936 |
938/40 | Radio Speech Correspondence
1936 |
938/41 | Radio Speech, Missoula
1936 |
938/42 | Untitled |
1936 |
938/43 | Untitled |
Dec. 3, 1937 |
938/44 | Untitled |
Mar. 3, 1938 |
938/45 | Economic Security and Justice
Mar. 18, 1938 |
938/46 | Untitled |
Mar. 22, 1938 |
938/47 | Untitled |
Apr. 2, 1938 |
938/48 | Untitled |
Apr. 20, 1938 |
938/49 | Jefferson Day Dinner Speech, L.A.
Apr., 1938 |
938/50 | Untitled |
May 24, 1938 |
938/51 | Untitled |
May 27, 1938 |
938/52 | "A Forecast of Industrial
Recovery," Radio Address (CBS) |
June 16, 1938 |
938/53 | Democratic Meeting Speech, Flint,
MI |
June 30, 1938 |
938/54 | Water Conservation |
July 16, 1938 |
938/55 | Untitled |
Sept. 2, 1938 |
938/56 | "For Downey and Olson at L.A."
Oct. 29, 1938 |
938/57 | Economic Progress and
Legislation, Washington, D.C. |
Dec. 12, 1938 |
938/58 | Untitled |
Dec. 23, 1938 |
938/59 | Billings Speech |
1938 |
938/60 | Highway Building Program
1938 |
938/61 | Ohio Speech |
1938 |
938/62 | Unemployment and Relief
1938 |
938/63 | Untitled |
Jan. 10, 1939 |
938/64 | Relief Appropriations
Jan. 25, 1939 |
938/65 | Work Relief Appropriation
Jan. 29, 1939 |
938/66 | St. Patrick's Day Speech, New
York |
Mar. 17, 1939 |
938/67 | Colorado University Chapter,
American Society of Civil Engineers |
May 4, 1939 |
938/68 | S. 2507 |
May, 1939 |
939/1 | Untitled |
June 5, 1939 |
939/2 | Relief Appropriations
June 24, 1939 |
939/3 | Untitled |
July 7, 1939 |
939/4 | Economic Expansion Act
July 1939 |
939/5 | Neutrality Act |
Oct. 26, 1939 |
939/6 | National Health |
Nov. 1939 |
939/7 | Untitled |
Dec. 29, 1939 |
939/8 | Untitled |
1939 |
939/9 | S. 1620, National Health Bill
Jan. 21, 1940 |
939/10 | S. 1620, District Medical Society
Feb. 7, 1940 |
939/11 | American Youth Act |
Feb. 9, 1940 |
939/12 | American Youth Act |
Feb. 13, 1940 |
939/13 | "The Future in Social Security",
New York |
Mar. 30, 1940 |
939/14 | "Anti-Alien Legislation"
Apr. 15, 1940 |
939/15 | Health Legislation, Grand Rapids
May 29, 1940 |
939/16 | Relief and Work Relief
Appropriations |
June 13, 1940 |
939/17 | Affiliated Young Democrats, New
York |
June 27, 1940 |
939/18 | American Security Conference
Aug. 19, 1940 |
939/19 | American Dental Association
Sept. 10, 1940 |
939/20 | American Mining Congress
Sept. 18, 1940 |
939/21 | Untitled |
Sept. 26, 1940 |
939/22 | Untitled |
Sept., 1940 |
939/23 | Small Business, Senate Floor
Oct. 8, 1940 |
939/24 | Work Relief Program |
Oct. 9, 1940 |
939/25 | Small Business |
Jan. 11, 1941 |
939/26 | Small Business |
Jan. 15, 1941 |
939/27 | "Position of Ireland in the
European War" |
Feb. 10, 1941 |
939/28 | "Amendment to Lend Lease Bill,"
H.R. 1776 |
Feb., 1941 |
940/1 | Lend Lease, Radio Speech
Mar. 2, 1941 |
940/2 | Untitled |
Mar. 14, 1941 |
940/3 | Untitled |
Mar. 25, 1941 |
940/4 | Untitled |
May 21, 1941 |
940/5 | Radio Address |
June 4, 1941 |
940/6 | Butte, MT |
June 4, 1941 |
940/7 | Catholic Hospitals Speech
June 17, 1941 |
940/8 | Minerals, Sugar, National Unity,
Billings, MT, Summer |
1941 |
940/9 | Minerals, Sugar, National Unity,
Great Falls |
July 29, 1941 |
940/10 | Helena Speech |
July 29, 1941 |
940/11 | Radio Speeches |
Aug. 9, 1941 |
940/12 | "Unity for Victory," Phoenix, AZ
Aug. 12, 1941 |
940/13 | Minerals, Phoenix, AZ
Aug. 13, 1941 |
940/14 | Speech, Bozeman |
Aug. 20, 1941 |
940/15 | Pioneers Banquet, Missoula
Aug. 30, 1941 |
940/16 | "Catholics and the Nazis"
Sept. 22, 1941 |
940/17 | "America's Unity for Defense"
Sept. 29, 1941 |
940/18 | Repeal of 1939 Neutrality Act
Nov. 7, 1941 |
940/19 | Committee to Defend America,
Denver |
Nov. 16, 1941 |
940/20 | Repeal of 1939 Neutrality Act,
Billings |
Nov. 18, 1941 |
940/21 | Fergus County Democratic Central
Committee, Lewistown |
Nov. 20, 1941 |
940/22 | "Unity" Speech, Cleveland, OH
Dec. 10, 1941 |
940/23 | Untitled |
Dec. 10, 1941 |
940/24 | Untitled |
Dec. 10, 1941 |
940/25 | Small Business |
Dec. 15, 1941 |
940/26 | Small Business |
Dec. 16, 1941 |
940/27 | Small Business Today |
Dec. 23, 1941 |
940/28 | Freedom of Press Speech, Butte
1941 |
940/29 | "Grass Roots Against Hitler,"
1941 |
941/1 | Untitled |
Jan. 2, 1942 |
941/2 | Small Business |
Jan. 5, 1942 |
941/3 | Small Business |
Jan. 17, 1942 |
941/4 | National Auto Dealers Association
Jan. 20, 1942 |
941/5 | Untitled |
Jan., 1942 |
941/6 | Small Business, S. 2250
Feb. 5, 1942 |
941/7 | Untitled |
Feb. 5, 1942 |
941/8 | Untitled |
Feb. 7, 1942 |
941/9 | Senate Banking and Currency
Committee, S 2250 |
Feb. 17, 1942 |
941/10 | Small Business, Radio Interview
Feb. 18, 1942 |
941/11 | House Office Building
Feb. 20, 1942 |
941/12 | Problems of Small Business
Feb. 25, 1942 |
941/13 | Small Business |
Feb. 1942 |
941/14 | Tire Dealers Problems
Mar. 3, 1942 |
941/15 | American Business Congress
Mar. 10, 1942 |
941/16 | War Production by Small Business
Mar. 12, 1942 |
941/17 | American Forum of the Air
Mar. 22, 1942 |
941/18 | Small Business |
Mar. 26, 1942 |
941/19 | Untitled |
Mar. 30, 1942 |
941/20 | Senate Debate, Small Business
Bill |
Mar. 31, 1942 |
941/21 | Holy Week Speech |
Apr. 3, 1942 |
941/22 | Untitled |
Apr. 9, 1942 |
941/23 | Insurance Agents |
Apr. 14, 1942 |
941/24 | Untitled |
Apr. 17, 1942 |
941/25 | Re-election (Radio) |
Apr. 17, 1942 |
941/26 | Radio Interview (Washington D.
C.) |
Apr. 30, 1942 |
941/27 | Jewish Army |
May 3, 1942 |
941/28 | Untitled |
May 3, 1942 |
941/29 | Untitled |
May 7, 1942 |
941/30 | Speeches |
May 10, 1942 |
941/31 | Statement |
May 12, 1942 |
941/32 | Untitled |
May 13, 1942 |
941/33 | Untitled |
May 14, 1942 |
941/34 | Radio Address "Russian War
Relief" |
May 14, 1942 |
941/35 | Untitled |
May 15, 1942 |
941/36 | Untitled |
May 16, 1942 |
941/37 | Untitled |
May 16, 1942 |
941/38 | Untitled |
May 17, 1942 |
941/39 | Untitled |
May 19, 1942 |
941/40 | Untitled |
May 20, 1942 |
941/41 | Untitled |
May 21, 1942 |
941/42 | Untitled |
May 21, 1942 |
941/43 | Untitled |
May 21, 1942 |
941/44 | Untitled |
May 21, 1942 |
941/45 | Untitled |
May 26, 1942 |
941/46 | Untitled |
May 28, 1942 |
941/47 | Untitled |
May 28, 1942 |
941/48 | Untitled |
May 29, 1942 |
941/49 | Untitled |
May 29, 1942 |
941/50 | Untitled |
May 30, 1942 |
941/51 | Untitled |
May 30, 1942 |
941/52 | Untitled |
May 31, 1942 |
941/53 | Untitled |
May, 1942 |
941/54 | Untitled |
June 4, 1942 |
941/55 | Untitled |
June 4, 1942 |
941/56 | Untitled |
June 4, 1942 |
941/57 | Untitled |
June 6, 1942 |
941/58 | Untitled |
June 8, 1942 |
941/59 | Untitled |
June 8, 1942 |
941/60 | Untitled |
June 9, 1942 |
941/61 | Untitled |
June 9, 1942 |
941/62 | Senate Banking and Currency
Committee Tire Bill |
June 9, 1942 |
941/63 | Gasoline Rationing |
June 9, 1942 |
941/64 | Untitled |
June 10, 1942 |
941/65 | Untitled |
June 11, 1942 |
941/66 | Untitled |
June 17, 1942 |
941/67 | Untitled |
June 17, 1942 |
941/68 | Untitled |
June 20, 1942 |
941/69 | War Relocation Center, Fort Peck
June 23 |
1942 |
941/70 | Untitled |
June, 1942 |
941/71 | Ferro-Chrome Plant,
Billings-Laurel |
June 1942 |
941/72 | Gas Rationing/Workers for Sugar
Beets |
June 1942 |
941/73 | Natural Resources |
June, 1942 |
941/74 | Untitled |
July 1, 1942 |
941/75 | S. 2560 |
July 1, 1942 |
941/76 | Untitled |
July 3, 1942 |
941/77 |
Synagogue Light statement |
July 11, 1942 |
941/78 | Untitled |
July 22, 1942 |
941/79 | American Legion Speech
July 1942 |
942/1 | Agriculture |
Aug. 26, 1942 |
942/2 | Radio Talk: "The Navy's Challenge
for Service" |
Aug. 26, 1942 |
942/3 | Untitled |
Aug. 28, 1942 |
942/4 | Untitled |
Aug. 28, 1942 |
942/5 | Untitled |
Sept. 1, 1942 |
942/6 | Untitled |
Sept. 5, 1942 |
942/7 | Montana Democratic Convention
Speech |
Sept. 5, 1942 |
942/8 | Bonds of Freedom (radio)
Sept. 8, 1942 |
942/9 | Small Business press release
Sept. 24, 1942 |
942/10 | Preservation of Small Business
Sept. 29, 1942 |
942/11 | Small Business |
Oct. 9, 1942 |
942/12 | Untitled |
Oct. 9, 1942 |
942/13 | Untitled |
Oct. 10, 1942 |
942/14 | Small Business |
Oct. 10, 1942 |
942/15 | Small Business |
Oct. 10, 1942 |
942/16 | War Production Board |
Oct. 11, 1942 |
942/17 | Second Front Rally |
Oct. 12, 1942 |
942/18 | Untitled |
Oct. 12, 1942 |
942/19 | Small Business |
Oct. 13, 1942 |
942/20 | Untitled |
Oct. 13, 1942 |
942/21 | Appointment of Westerner to the
Supreme Court |
Oct. 14, 1942 |
942/22 | Untitled |
Oct. 15, 1942 |
942/23 | "Winning the War" |
Oct. 15, 1942 |
942/24 | Biographical Sketch |
Oct. 16, 1942 |
942/25 | Untitled |
Oct. 22, 1942 |
942/26 | Radio Address, Great Falls,
Campaign Follow-up |
Nov. 17, 1942 |
942/27 | Untitled |
Dec. 3, 1942 |
942/28 | Small Business |
Dec. 5, 1942 |
942/29 | Small Business |
Dec. 7, 1942 |
942/30 | Untitled |
Dec. 14, 1942 |
942/31 | Yellowstone Elk Herd |
Dec. 15, 1942 |
942/32 | Untitled |
Dec. 17, 1942 |
942/33 | Untitled |
Dec. 21, 1942 |
942/34 | Untitled |
Dec. 28, 1942 |
942/35 | Small Business |
Dec. 1942 |
942/36 | "Are We Winning the War?" speech
1942 |
942/37 | Business and the War |
1942 |
942/38 |
International Teamster - reprint of speech on Wage
and Hours |
1942 |
942/39 | Remedial Legislation by Congress,
Winter 1942-1943 |
942/40 | War Prisoners for Montana farms
1942 |
942/41 | "What Price for Victory?" 1942
942/42 | "Why I Have Been Compelled to
Remain in Washington," 1942 |
942/43 | Untitled |
Jan. 5, 1943 |
942/44 | Ammunition for Livestock Men
Jan. 6, 1943 |
942/45 | Untitled |
Jan. 11, 1943 |
942/46 | Untitled |
Jan. 11, 1943 |
942/47 | Untitled |
Jan. 13, 1943 |
942/48 | Gold Miners, Press Release
Jan. 15, 1943 |
942/49 | Untitled |
Jan. 18, 1943 |
942/50 | Untitled |
Jan. 19, 1943 |
942/51 | The Truth About Silver
Jan. 19, 1943 |
942/52 | Untitled |
Jan. 20, 1943 |
942/53 | Untitled |
Jan. 21, 1943 |
942/54 | Prisoner Exchange |
Jan. 21, 1943 |
942/55 | Murray Urges Steel Plants for the
West |
Jan. 21, 1943 |
942/56 | Untitled |
Jan. 25, 1943 |
942/57 | Untitled |
Jan. 25, 1943 |
942/58 | Speech (Denver, CO) |
Jan. 30, 1943 |
942/59 | Mining Meeting, Denver, CO
(radio) |
Jan. 30, 1943 |
942/60 | Untitled |
Feb. 7, 1943 |
942/61 | Town Hall of the Air, N. Y.
(radio) |
Feb. 11, 1943 |
942/62 | Untitled |
Feb. 11, 1943 |
942/63 | Untitled |
Feb. 11, 1943 |
942/64 | Milk Prices |
Feb. 12, 1943 |
942/65 | Small Business Address
Feb. 15, 1943 |
942/66 | National Paper Trade Association
Speech, N.Y. |
Feb. 15, 1943 |
942/67 | Untitled |
Feb. 15, 1943 |
942/68 | Untitled |
Feb. 15, 1943 |
942/69 | Untitled |
Feb. 20, 1943 |
942/70 | Untitled |
Feb. 22, 1943 |
942/71 | Untitled |
Feb. 23, 1943 |
942/72 | Untitled |
Feb. 23, 1943 |
942/73 | T. V. A. and Democracy
Feb. 25, 1943 |
942/74 | Untitled |
Mar. 1, 1943 |
942/75 | Untitled |
Mar. 3, 1943 |
942/76 | Untitled |
Mar. 4, 1943 |
942/77 | Untitled |
Mar. 7, 1943 |
942/78 | Untitled |
Mar. 12, 1943 |
943/1 | Farmers on Ration Boards
Mar. 16, 1943 |
943/2 | "It Must Never Happen Again"
Mar. 19, 1943 |
943/3 | Education - Social Welfare
Mar. 23, 1943 |
943/4 | Land for Landless Indians
Mar. 24, 1943 |
943/5 | Havre Airport Release
Mar. 25, 1943 |
943/6 | Untitled |
Mar. 26, 1943 |
943/7 | Untitled |
Mar. 28, 1943 |
943/8 | Untitled |
Apr. 1, 1943 |
943/9 | Untitled |
Apr. 2, 1943 |
943/10 | Untitled |
Apr. 2, 1943 |
943/11 | Small Business Press Release
Apr. 5, 1943 |
943/12 | "I Salute the U.S. Army"
Apr. 6, 1943 |
943/13 | Untitled |
Apr. 16, 1943 |
943/14 | Small Business |
Apr. 17, 1943 |
943/15 | Untitled |
Apr. 22, 1943 |
943/16 | Untitled |
Apr. 29, 1943 |
943/17 | Untitled |
May 3, 1943 |
943/18 | Untitled |
May 5, 1943 |
943/19 | "Has Small Business a Future?"
May 15 |
1943 |
943/20 | B'nai B'rith Centennial Speech
May 16, 1943 |
943/21 | War Mobilization |
May 28, 1943 |
943/22 | Flathead Lake Project
May 29, 1943 |
943/23 | Washington War Mobilization
May, 1943 |
943/24 | Untitled Drafts |
June 2, 1943 |
943/25 | Post-War Social Security Bill
June 3, 1943 |
943/26 | Untitled |
June 6, 1943 |
943/27 | Untitled |
June 7, 1943 |
943/28 | What the New Social Security Bill
Will Do for the Farmer |
June 9, 1943 |
943/29 | Untitled |
June 9, 1943 |
943/30 | Address Re: Pope Pius XII
June 13, 1943 |
943/31 | "Why a New Social Security Bill?"
June 14 |
1943 |
6/32 | Untitled |
June 16, 1943 |
943/33 | Untitled |
July 19, 1943 |
943/34 | Untitled |
June 22, 1943 |
943/35 | S. 883 |
June 22, 1943 |
943/36 | Untitled |
June 25, 1943 |
943/37 | S. 883 |
June 25, 1943 |
943/38 | Untitled |
July 1, 1943 |
943/39 | Agriculture |
July 6, 1943 |
943/40 | Untitled |
July 7, 1943 |
943/41 | Montreal |
July 8, 1943 |
943/42 | Montreal Speech |
July 8, 1943 |
943/43 | Untitled |
July 12, 1943 |
943/44 | War Loan Drive |
July 13, 1943 |
943/45 | Press Release |
July 17, 1943 |
943/46 | Untitled |
July 17, 1943 |
943/47 | Untitled |
July 19, 1943 |
943/48 | Untitled |
July 19, 1943 |
943/49 | Untitled |
July 20, 1943 |
943/50 | Untitled |
July 28, 1943 |
943/51 | Crop Insurance Speech
July 1943 |
943/52 |
National Independent
July 1943 |
943/53 | "We Must Win the Peace"
July 1943 |
943/54 | Montana Prisoners of War Held by
Japanese |
Aug. 16, 1943 |
943/55 | Untitled |
Aug. 7, 1943 |
943/56 | Untitled |
Aug. 14, 1943 |
943/57 | Eight Birthday of Social Security
Aug. 14, 1943 |
943/58 | Press release Re: P.O.W.'s
Aug. 16, 1943 |
943/59 | Untitled |
Aug. 24, 1943 |
943/60 | Small Business |
Sept. 1, 1943 |
943/61 | Untitled |
Sept. 4, 1943 |
943/62 | Labor Day Speech, Butte, MT
Sept. 6, 1943 |
944/1 | Statement before Senate Banking
and Currency Bankhead - Cannon Bill S. 1457 |
Oct. 2, 1943 |
944/2 | Untitled |
Oct. 5, 1943 |
944/3 | Untitled |
Oct. 6, 1943 |
944/4 | Press Release |
Oct. 7, 1943 |
944/5 | S. 883 |
Oct. 7, 1943 |
944/6 | Untitled |
Oct. 12, 1943 |
944/7 | "Is This State Medicine?" Oct. 18
1943 |
944/8 | Untitled |
Oct. 22, 1943 |
944/9 | "War Bond Government Newspaper
Ads" |
Oct. 22, 1943 |
944/10 | Untitled |
Oct. 25, 1943 |
944/11 | Untitled |
Oct. 26, 1943 |
944/12 | U.F.W.A. speech |
Oct. 27, 1943 |
944/13 | Untitled |
Oct. 29, 1943 |
944/14 | "The Mainspring of Democracy"
Oct. 1943 |
944/15 | St. Thomas speech |
Nov. 1, 1943 |
944/16 | Untitled |
Nov. 9, 1943 |
944/17 | Newspaper Mergers |
Nov. 11, 1943 |
944/18 | American-Soviet Friendship
Nov. 14, 1943 |
944/19 | National Health Insurance,
Rochester, N.Y. |
Nov. 17, 1943 |
944/20 | Press Release Rochester, N.Y.
Nov. 17, 1943 |
944/21 | Petroleum Pipe Line |
Nov. 18, 1943 |
944/22 | Speech, Medical Care |
Nov. 19, 1943 |
944/23 | Association of Interns and
Medical Students |
Nov. 19, 1943 |
944/24 | Untitled |
Nov. 19, 1943 |
944/25 | Bitter Root Project |
Nov. 24, 1943 |
944/26 | Health Insurance (S. 1161)
Nov. 24, 1943 |
944/27 | Untitled |
Nov. 30, 1943 |
944/28 | Abraham Lincoln School Orchestra
Hall, Chicago, IL Foreign Policy (Red Issue) |
Dec. 2, 1943 |
945/1 | American Forum of the Air
Dec. 7, 1943 |
945/2 | Business from War to Peace
Dec. 7, 1943 |
945/3 | Buffalo Rapids Irrigation Project
Dec. 11, 1943 |
945/4 | Concentration of Business
Dec. 13, 1943 |
945/5 | S. 1122 |
Dec. 13, 1943 |
945/6 | Bill of Rights Day Speech
Dec. 15, 1943 |
945/7 | S. 883 |
Dec. 19, 1943 |
945/8 | Dr. Shields Misinterprets Bill
#1161 in Rotary Club Speech |
Dec. 29, 1943 |
945/9 | Untitled |
Dec. 30, 1943 |
945/10 | Farm Machinery |
Dec. 30, 1943 |
945/11 |
National Independent
Dec. 1943 |
945/12 | American Small Business
1943 |
945/13 | Protecting Free Enterprise
1943 |
945/14 | Untitled Speech on Unity
1943 |
945/15 | Explaining Social Security Bill
S. 1161 |
1943 |
945/16 | 2 unused National Health Speeches
S. 1161 |
1943 |
945/17 | Untitled |
1943 |
945/18 | Flood Control at Forsyth
Jan. 4, 1944 |
945/19 | Untitled |
Jan. 4, 1944 |
945/20 | Untitled |
Jan. 8, 1944 |
945/21 | Untitled |
Jan. 10, 1944 |
945/22 | Survivors Tax Rates |
Jan. 11, 1944 |
945/23 | Untitled |
Jan. 12, 1944 |
945/24 | "March of Time" Speech on
National Service Act |
Jan. 13, 1944 |
945/25 | National Service Act |
Jan. 14, 1944 |
945/26 | CIO for Political Action
Jan. 14, 1944 |
945/27 | Investigation of Film Industry
Jan. 20, 1944 |
945/28 | MT Food Corporations |
Jan. 20, 1944 |
945/29 | Savage Irrigation Project
Jan. 20, 1944 |
945/30 | Untitled |
Jan. 20, 1944 |
945/31 | Untitled |
Jan. 28, 1944 |
945/32 | Montana's Record on Home Loans
Jan. 28, 1944 |
945/33 | Untitled |
Feb. 1, 1944 |
945/34 | Hungry Horse Dam |
Feb. 2, 1944 |
945/35 | Untitled |
Feb. 4, 1944 |
945/36 | "Transition from War to Peace"
Feb. 8, 1944 |
945/37 | Untitled |
Feb. 11, 1944 |
945/38 | Harvard University Graduate
School of Business |
Feb. 12, 1944 |
945/39 | Missouri Basin Waters
Feb. 16, 1944 |
945/40 | Industrial Demobilization
Feb. 22, 1944 |
945/41 | National Council of
American-Soviet Friendship |
Feb. 27, 1944 |
945/42 | Untitled |
Feb. 28, 1944 |
945/43 | Queens Medical Society, NY
Feb. 29, 1944 |
945/44 | Business and Professional Women's
Club, Wash. D.C. (S. 1161) |
Mar. 1, 1944 |
945/45 | Untitled |
Mar. 3, 1944 |
945/46 | Untitled |
Mar. 7, 1944 |
945/47 | "Modern Medical Care for all
Americans" |
Mar. 8, 1944 |
945/48 | Untitled |
Mar. 9, 1944 |
945/49 | Social Security |
Mar. 10, 1944 |
945/50 | United Auto Workers |
Mar. 10, 1944 |
946/1 | Senate on National Health
Mar. 13, 1944 |
946/2 | Untitled |
Mar. 14, 1944 |
946/3 | Untitled |
Mar. 15, 1944 |
946/4 | Untitled |
Mar. 16, 1944 |
946/5 | American Business Congress
Mar. 17, 1944 |
946/6 | OPA to Amend Wheat Price
Mar. 17, 1944 |
946/7 | Untitled |
Mar. 17, 1944 |
946/8 | Untitled |
Mar. 18, 1944 |
946/9 | Untitled |
Mar. 20, 1944 |
946/10 | Untitled |
Mar. 20, 1944 |
946/11 | Radio Address, WWDC, Washington
Mar. 21, 1944 |
946/12 | Untitled |
Apr. 4, 1944 |
946/13 | Untitled |
Apr. 6, 1944 |
946/14 | National Health Insurance
Apr. 7, 1944 |
946/15 | Forum on National Health
Insurance |
Apr. 7, 1944 |
946/16 | Contract termination Legislation
Apr. 10, 1944 |
946/17 | Beet Labor Contracts |
Apr. 10, 1944 |
946/18 | Draft for Baltimore Speech
Apr. 11, 1944 |
946/19 | Union for Democratic Action,
Baltimore |
Apr. 18, 1944 |
946/20 | Missouri River Water Rights
Apr. 24, 1944 |
946/21 | Untitled |
Apr. 28, 1944 |
946/22 | Untitled |
May 3, 1944 |
946/23 | Untitled |
May 3, 1944 |
946/24 | Untitled |
May 13, 1944 |
946/25 | National Health (draft)
May 20, 1944 |
946/26 | National Conference of Social
Work |
May 22, 1944 |
946/27 | Association of Retail Bankers of
America |
May 23, 1944 |
946/28 | Untitled |
May 23, 1944 |
946/29 | Untitled |
May 24, 1944 |
946/30 | Montanans in the Armed Services
May 25, 1944 |
946/31 | Untitled |
May 26, 1944 |
946/32 | Untitled |
May 29, 1944 |
946/33 | Untitled |
May 30, 1944 |
946/34 | Untitled |
May 31, 1944 |
946/35 | Untitled |
June 1, 1944 |
946/36 | Untitled |
June 1, 1944 |
946/37 | Untitled |
June 5, 1944 |
946/38 | Untitled |
June 5, 1944 |
946/39 | Untitled |
June 6, 1944 |
946/40 | Untitled |
June 6, 1944 |
946/41 | Untitled |
June 8, 1944 |
946/42 | Untitled |
June 9, 1944 |
946/43 | Committee of Catholics for Human
Rights |
June 10, 1944 |
947/1 | Untitled |
June 12, 1944 |
947/2 | "Three Years of Soviet Resistance
to Fascism" |
June 13, 1944 |
947/3 | Untitled |
June 15, 1944 |
947/4 | Untitled |
June 16, 1944 |
947/5 | American Business Congress,
Speech |
June 19, 1944 |
947/6 | Untitled |
June 19, 1944 |
947/7 | New York Board of Trade
June 21, 1944 |
947/8 | New England Smaller Business
Association |
June 23, 1944 |
947/9 | Untitled |
June 23, 1944 |
947/10 | Re-conversion (Radio)
June 29, 1944 |
947/11 | Untitled |
June 29, 1944 |
947/12 | Labor in Post-War World, Social
Security |
July 1, 1944 |
947/13 | Untitled |
July 3, 1944 |
947/14 | International Workers Orders
Speech |
July 4, 1944 |
947/15 | Soil Improvement Fees
July 7, 1944 |
947/16 | Untitled |
July 7, 1944 |
947/17 | Montreal, Canada |
July 8, 1944 |
947/18 | Untitled |
July 10, 1944 |
947/19 | Untitled |
July 14, 1944 |
947/20 | Small Business in a Post-War
World |
July, 1944 |
947/21 | Rise of Sectionalism |
July, 1944 |
947/22 | Untitled |
Aug. 2, 1944 |
947/23 | Untitled |
Aug. 3, 1944 |
947/24 | Untitled |
Aug. 7, 1944 |
947/25 | Untitled |
Aug. 9, 1944 |
947/26 | Small Business |
Aug. 18, 1944 |
947/27 | Missouri Valley Authority
Aug. 18, 1944 |
947/28 | Untitled |
Aug. 18, 1944 |
947/29 | Untitled |
Aug. 26, 1944 |
947/30 | Democratic State Convention
Speech, Lewiston |
Sept. 9, 1944 |
947/31 | Untitled |
Sept. 25, 1944 |
947/32 | Untitled |
Sept. 25, 1944 |
947/33 | Untitled |
Sept. 29, 1944 |
947/34 | Untitled |
Sept. 29, 1944 |
947/35 | Untitled |
Sept. 29, 1944 |
947/36 | "The Mainspring of Bureaucracy"
Sept. 1944 |
947/37 | Montana mining |
Sept. 1944 |
947/38 | New York, Roosevelt Campaign
Sept. 1944 |
947/39 | Untitled |
Oct. 2, 1944 |
947/40 | Butte, MT (KGIR) Campaign (radio)
Oct. 3, 1944 |
947/41 | 31st Trade Convention, NY
Oct. 10, 1944 |
947/42 | Veterans, NY (radio) |
Oct. 12, 1944 |
947/43 | Small Brewers Convention, speech
Oct. 15, 1944 |
948/1 | Radio |
Oct. 17, 1944 |
948/2 | Untitled |
Oct. 23, 1944 |
948/3 | Campaign speech, KHGL Billings
(Radio) |
Oct. 24, 1944 |
948/4 | Untitled |
Oct. 27, 1944 |
948/5 | Untitled |
Oct. 30, 1944 |
948/6 | World TVA's |
Oct. 1944 |
948/7 | Great Falls and Missoula
Campaigns |
Nov. 4, 1944 |
948/8 | Untitled |
Nov. 6, 1944 |
948/9 | Untitled |
Nov. 15, 1944 |
948/10 |
NY UniversityLaw School Review
Nov. 1944 |
948/11 | Chicago Roundtable of the Air
(MVA) |
Dec. 3, 1944 |
948/12 | Untitled |
Dec. 7, 1944 |
948/13 | Montana Airports |
Dec. 13, 1944 |
948/14 | Full Employment Bill |
Dec. 18, 1944 |
948/15 | Untitled |
Dec. 20, 1944 |
948/16 | Untitled |
Dec. 21, 1944 |
948/17 | Untitled |
Dec. 25, 1944 |
948/18 | Letter to the Editor |
Dec. 26, 1944 |
948/19 | Untitled |
Dec. 27, 1944 |
948/20 |
Contract Settlement Act of 1944
1944 |
948/21 | Missouri Valley Authority
1944 |
948/22 | Full Employment |
Jan. 3, 1945 |
948/23 | Full Employment, NBC Radio
Address |
Jan. 14, 1945 |
948/24 | Untitled |
Jan. 22, 1945 |
948/25 | Untitled |
Jan. 28, 1945 |
948/26 | "Tribute to Yugoslavia"
Feb. 7, 1945 |
948/27 | Hosiery Wholesale (canceled)
Feb. 7, 1945 |
948/28 | Small Business |
Feb. 14, 1945 |
948/29 | Missouri Valley Authority (S.
555) |
Feb. 15, 1945 |
948/30 | Senate Speech on Missouri Valley
Authority |
Feb. 15, 1945 |
948/31 | Untitled |
Feb. 27, 1945 |
948/32 | Untitled |
Feb. 28, 1945 |
948/33 | Untitled |
Mar. 1, 1945 |
948/34 | Untitled |
Mar. 3, 1945 |
948/35 | Untitled |
Mar. 6, 1945 |
948/36 | Small Business (press release)
Mar. 9, 1945 |
948/37 | Small Business (press release)
Mar. 11, 1945 |
948/38 | "Wake Up America," (radio)
Mar. 11, 1945 |
949/1 | Federal Reports Act (radio)
Mar. 20, 1945 |
949/2 | Small Business |
Mar. 20, 1945 |
949/3 | Untitled |
Mar. 22, 1945 |
949/4 | Untitled |
Mar. 27, 1945 |
949/5 | Good Friday Speech |
Mar. 28, 1945 |
949/6 | "Jobs for All,"
Free World
Mar. 1945 |
949/7 | "Full Employment,"
Hosiery Magazine
Mar. 1945 |
949/8 | Untitled |
Apr. 10, 1945 |
949/9 | Untitled |
Apr. 11, 1945 |
949/10 | Untitled |
Apr. 13, 1945 |
949/11 | Full Employment |
Apr. 16, 1945 |
949/12 | Speech on S. 1161, St. Louis, MO
Apr. 20, 1945 |
949/13 | Untitled |
Apr. 27, 1945 |
949/14 | Untitled |
Apr. 30, 1945 |
949/15 | "Education Labor" |
Apr., May 1945 |
949/16 | Untitled |
May 4, 1945 |
949/17 | Untitled |
May 15, 1945 |
949/18 | Untitled |
May 17, 1945 |
949/19 | Union for Democratic Action, Full
Employment |
May 18, 1945 |
949/20 | Small Business |
May 20, 1945 |
949/21 | Full Employment, National
Association of Manufacturers |
May 24, 1945 |
949/22 | Small Business |
May 24, 1945 |
949/23 | Graybill Election, KGHL Billings,
MT (radio) |
May 26, 1945 |
949/24 | Graybill Election, Great Falls,
MT (radio) |
May 31, 1945 |
949/25 | Full Employment,
Catholic Mind
May 1945 |
949/26 | Untitled |
June 11, 1945 |
949/27 | Untitled |
June 13, 1945 |
949/28 | Untitled |
June 16, 1945 |
949/29 | Extension of Trade Agreements Act
June 19, 1945 |
949/30 | Untitled |
June 20, 1945 |
949/31 | Full Employment, NY |
June 22, 1945 |
949/32 | Anti-Nazi League |
June 23, 1945 |
949/33 | Untitled |
June 24, 1945 |
949/34 | Untitled |
June 26, 1945 |
949/35 | Untitled |
July 30, 1945 |
949/36 | Social Security, speech
July 30, 1945 |
949/37 | Reconversion and Small Business
July 30, 1945 |
949/38 | Untitled |
July 1945 |
950/1 | Full Employment, speech
Aug. 1, 1945 |
950/2 | Bill on Missouri Valley
Authority, press release |
Aug. 18, 1945 |
950/3 | Full Employment |
Aug. 24, 1945 |
950/4 | "Full Employment," CBS Radio, NY
Aug. 25, 1945 |
950/5 | Untitled |
Aug. 27, 1945 |
950/6 | Untitled |
Aug. 28, 1945 |
950/7 | Untitled |
Aug. 28, 1945 |
950/8 | Untitled |
Sept. 7, 1945 |
950/9 | Full Employment |
Sept. 12, 1945 |
950/10 | Untitled |
Sept. 13, 1945 |
950/11 | Untitled |
Sept. 13, 1945 |
950/12 | Missouri Valley Authority,
Irrigation and Reclamation Commission |
Sept. 18, 1945 |
950/13 | Untitled |
Sept. 18, 1945 |
950/14 | National Association of Education
Sept. 19, 1945 |
950/15 | Full Employment, Senate floor
speech |
Sept. 25, 1945 |
950/16 | Full Employment |
Sept. 1945 |
950/17 | Untitled |
Oct. 2, 1945 |
950/18 | Construction Stabilization
Oct. 2, 1945 |
950/19 | Untitled |
Oct. 3, 1945 |
950/20 | Untitled |
Oct. 4, 1945 |
950/21 | Untitled |
Oct. 6, 1945 |
950/22 | Aluminum |
Oct. 15, 1945 |
950/23 | Untitled |
Oct. 19, 1945 |
950/24 | Untitled |
Oct. 19, 1945 |
950/25 | Untitled |
Oct. 22, 1945 |
950/26 | Untitled |
Oct. 24, 1945 |
950/27 | United Auto Workers and General
Motors dispute, Senate Floor |
Oct. 26, 1945 |
950/28 | "Full Employment,"
Oct. 1945 |
950/29 | "Full Employment,"
Oct. 1945 |
950/30 | "Federal Employment Plan,"
Washington News Digest
Oct. 1945 |
950/31 | Untitled |
Nov. 21, 1945 |
950/32 | Untitled |
Nov. 28, 1945 |
950/33 | Untitled |
Nov. 29, 1945 |
950/34 | WOL/London UNESCO continued,
radio address |
Dec. 3, 1945 |
950/35 | S. 191, Senate floor speech
Dec. 10, 1945 |
950/36 | Untitled |
Dec. 10, 1945 |
950/37 | Untitled |
Dec. 14, 1945 |
950/38 | Untitled |
Dec. 15, 1945 |
950/39 | Untitled |
Dec. 18, 1945 |
950/40 | Untitled |
Dec. 21, 1945 |
951/1 | "Full Employment,"
American Political Science Review
Dec. 1945 |
951/2 | United Nations. Charter
1945 |
951/3 | Franklin Delano Roosevelt
Memorial, draft |
1945 |
951/4 | Small Business |
Jan. 4, 1946 |
951/5 | Untitled |
Jan. 15, 1946 |
951/6 | Untitled |
Jan. 17, 1946 |
951/7 | American Association of Junior
Colleges, speech |
Jan. 18, 1946 |
951/8 | OPA radio address |
Jan. 19, 1946 |
951/9 |
New Republic
Jan. 21, 1946 |
951/10 | Small Business |
Jan. 22, 1946 |
951/11 | UNESCO, speech |
Jan. 26, 1946 |
951/12 | Speech for Senator Pepper
Jan. 28, 1946 |
951/13 | New York University |
Jan. 31, 1946 |
951/14 | "Full Employment," New Republic
Jan. 1946 |
951/15 | Untitled |
Feb. 2, 1946 |
951/16 | Small Business |
Feb. 5, 1946 |
951/17 | Small Business, press release
Feb. 7, 1946 |
951/18 | Untitled |
Feb. 8, 1946 |
951/19 | Full Employment Act, press
release |
Feb. 8, 1946 |
951/20 | Small Business, press release
Feb. 9, 1946 |
951/21 | Palestine Christian Community,
Houston, TX |
Feb. 13, 1946 |
951/22 | Small Business and Civic Welfare
Feb. 14, 1946 |
951/23 | Untitled |
Feb. 20, 1946 |
951/24 | Surplus Property, press release
Feb. 22, 1946 |
951/25 | Untitled |
Feb. 22, 1946 |
951/26 | Surplus Property, press release
Mar. 4, 1946 |
951/27 | Untitled |
Mar. 8, 1946 |
951/28 | Untitled |
Mar. 12, 1946 |
951/29 | Untitled |
Mar. 12, 1946 |
951/30 | Untitled |
Mar. 13, 1946 |
951/31 | Hungry Horse, press release
Mar. 14, 1946 |
951/32 | Small Business, press release
Mar. 14, 1946 |
951/33 | Untitled |
Mar. 14, 1946 |
951/34 | National Health Insurance
Mar. 21, 1946 |
951/35 | Jackson Day Dinner, Butte, MT
Mar. 23, 1946 |
951/36 | Untitled |
Mar. 25, 1946 |
951/37 | Untitled |
Mar. 25, 1946 |
951/38 | National Health Bill Speech
Apr. 1, 1946 |
951/39 | Commission for Nation's Health
Apr. 1, 1946 |
951/40 | Untitled |
Apr. 2, 1946 |
951/41 | "To Your Health",
The Nation
Apr. 6, 1946 |
951/42 | Untitled |
Apr. 10, 1946 |
951/43 | Physicians Forum, speech
Apr. 11, 1946 |
952/1 | Wage-Hour Law Amendments
Apr. 14, 1946 |
952/2 | Birobidjan Dinner, Newark, NJ
Apr. 14, 1946 |
952/3 | Untitled |
Apr. 15, 1946 |
952/4 | Untitled |
Apr. 15, 1946 |
952/5 | Untitled |
Apr. 17, 1946 |
952/6 | Untitled |
Apr. 24, 1946 |
952/7 | Untitled |
Apr. 30, 1946 |
952/8 | S. 1606, Washington speech
May 2, 1946 |
952/9 | Power Lobby |
May 6, 1946 |
952/10 | National Health Bill, West
Virginia |
May 8, 1946 |
952/11 | Case Bill, Senate floor speech
May 13, 1946 |
952/12 | National Health Insurance Bill,
CBS Radio |
May 18, 1946 |
952/13 | American Birobidjan Committee
Chicago, IL |
May 19, 1946 |
952/14 | Mediation of Labor Disputes,
Senate floor speech |
May 20, 1946 |
952/15 | Untitled |
May 28, 1946 |
952/16 | Surplus Property, press release
May 29, 1946 |
952/17 | Hungry Horse, Fort Peck
May 29, 1946 |
952/18 | Full Employment Act |
May 31, 1946 |
952/19 | Senate Subcommittee on Interior
Department Appropriations |
May 1946 |
952/20 | "Republican Sabotage,"
Montana Democrat
May 1946 |
952/21 | Untitled |
June 3, 1946 |
952/22 | Streamlining on Full Employment
Bill |
June 4, 1946 |
952/23 | "Paying Our Way",
The Commonwealth
June 7, 1946 |
952/24 | National Health Insurance, radio
address |
June 12, 1946 |
952/25 | Small Business |
June 14, 1946 |
952/26 | Steel Plant Sale |
June 18, 1946 |
952/27 | Untitled |
June 18, 1946 |
952/28 | Untitled |
June 18, 1946 |
952/29 | Social Legislature,
Survey Graphic
June 1946 |
952/30 | Untitled |
June 1946 |
953/1 | Labor Legislation, Etc.,
Cleveland, OH |
July 5, 1946 |
953/2 | Dentists speech, Cleveland, OH
July 5 |
1946 |
953/3 | Doctors speech |
July 6, 1946 |
953/4 | "Social Insurance" |
July 8, 1946 |
953/5 | UNESCO |
July 17, 1946 |
953/6 | Untitled |
July 22, 1946 |
953/7 | "New Security for Your Job,"
American Magazine
July 1946 |
953/8 | Railroad Retirement Act, Senate
floor statement |
July 1946 |
953/9 | Untitled |
July 1946 |
953/10 | Untitled |
Aug. 2, 1946 |
953/11 | Untitled |
Aug. 7, 1946 |
953/12 | Missouri Valley Authority
Aug. 16, 1946 |
953/13 | Untitled |
Aug. 27, 1946 |
953/14 | In Fact |
Sept. 2, 1946 |
953/15 | Democratic Convention Speech,
Helena, MT |
Sept. 6, 1946 |
953/16 | Biographical Sketch |
Sept. 10, 1946 |
953/17 | Untitled |
Sept. 10, 1946 |
953/18 | Leif Erickson |
Sept. 11, 1946 |
953/19 | Veterans Housing, press release
Sept. 11, 1946 |
953/20 | Untitled |
Sept. 11, 1946 |
953/21 | Small Business, press release
Sept. 12, 1946 |
953/22 | Radio address |
Sept. 15, 1946 |
953/23 | Untitled |
Sept. 19, 1946 |
953/24 | Untitled |
Sept. 25, 1946 |
953/25 | Untitled |
Sept. 26, 1946 |
953/26 | National Farmers Union, speech
Oct. 24, 1946 |
953/27 | Erickson Campaign, Radio address,
Butte |
Nov. 4, 1946 |
953/28 | "The Menace of Monopoly,"
Small Business Quarterly
Nov. 1946 |
953/29 | Untitled |
Dec. 3, 1946 |
953/30 | Press release |
Dec. 17, 1946 |
953/31 | Untitled |
Dec. 17, 1946 |
953/32 | Untitled |
Dec. 19, 1946 |
953/33 | "A Program to Prevent Boom or
Bust," N.Y. Times Magazine |
Dec. 29, 1946 |
953/34 | Physicians Forum Bulletin
Nov./Dec., 1946 |
953/35 | "The Role of Government,"
Survey Graphic
Dec. 1946 |
953/36 | "The Force of Social Organization
in Regulating Deviance," 1946 |
953/37 | Senator Mead Campaign, speech
1946 |
953/38 | Taft-Harley Act |
1946 |
953/39 | UNESCO |
1946 |
954/1 | Press release |
Jan. 4, 1947 |
954/2 | Untitled |
Jan. 13, 1947 |
954/3 | Untitled |
Jan. 13, 1947 |
954/4 | Untitled |
Jan. 15, 1947 |
954/5 | Untitled |
Jan. 15, 1947 |
954/6 | Statement before Land and Public
Works Committee, S. J. Res. 22 |
Jan. 23, 1947 |
954/7 | Small Business, press release
Jan. 31, 1947 |
954/8 | "Action Now,"
New Republic
Jan. 1947 |
954/9 | Press release |
Feb. 3, 1947 |
954/10 | Untitled |
Feb. 7, 1947 |
954/11 | "Free Palestine" |
Feb. 8, 1947 |
954/12 | "Should Government Guarantee
Jobs?" WTOP |
Feb. 14, 1947 |
954/13 | Rent Control |
Feb. 18, 1947 |
954/14 | Motion to Postpone on Budget
Resolution |
Feb. 24, 1947 |
954/15 | Committee for Nation's Health
Feb. 25, 1947 |
954/16 | Institute of Social Order
Feb. 1947 |
954/17 | "Progressive Citizens"
Mar. 1, 1947 |
954/18 | Committee of Catholics for Human
Rights |
Mar. 3, 1947 |
954/19 | Speech |
Mar. 3, 1947 |
954/20 | Catholic Trade Unionists, N.Y.
Mar. 30, 1947 |
954/21 | Portal Labor Bill |
Mar. 1947 |
954/22 |
Apr. 1, 1947 |
954/23 | Labor Legislation Minority Report
Apr. 25, 1947 |
954/24 | Salaries for Teachers, press
release |
Apr. 28, 1947 |
954/25 | Labor Bill, Substitute for S.
1126 |
Apr. 30, 1947 |
954/26 | Labor Legislation |
May 1, 1947 |
954/27 | Radio |
May 4, 1947 |
954/28 | Untitled |
May 6, 1947 |
954/29 | Untitled |
May 13, 1947 |
954/30 | Increase in Subsistence for
Veterans |
May 15, 1947 |
954/31 | Hungry Horse Dam Project
Statement |
May 16, 1947 |
954/32 | National Health Bill |
May 20, 1947 |
954/33 | National Health |
May 21, 1947 |
954/34 | American Liberal Party of N.Y.
Labor, Brooklyn |
May 21, 1947 |
955/1 | Press release |
May 26, 1947 |
955/2 | Untitled |
May 27, 1947 |
955/3 | Conference Report on Labor Bill
May 29, 1947 |
955/4 | Radio |
June 2, 1947 |
955/5 | Naval Academy |
June 2, 1947 |
955/6 | Nati5nal Health, radio address
June 2, 1947 |
955/7 | Closed Shop and Union Shop
Provisions of Labor Bill, statement prepared for St. Louis |
June 3, 1947 |
955/8 | National Health |
June 3, 1947 |
955/9 | Army Medical Center |
June 5, 1947 |
955/10 | Opposed to Conference Report on
Taft-Hartley Bill, Senate floor speech |
June 6, 1947 |
955/11 | Reed-Bulwinkle Bill, Senate floor
speech |
June 11, 1947 |
955/12 | Untitled |
June 11, 1947 |
955/13 | Taft-Hartley Bill, Senate floor
speech |
June 21, 1947 |
955/14 | Labor, Senate floor comments
June 23, 1947 |
955/15 | Steel Industry, Senate floor
speech |
June 24, 1947 |
955/16 | Steel Industry, press release
June 26, 1947 |
955/17 | "Electric Power Transmission"
June 30, 1947 |
955/18 | Zionist Convention |
July 6, 1947 |
955/19 | Untitled |
July 10, 1947 |
955/20 | "Control of Floods", Missouri
Valley Authority, Senate floor speech |
July 18, 1947 |
955/21 | Missouri Valley Authority
Conference, Washington D. C. |
July 18, 1947 |
955/22 | National Health Insurance
July 25, 1947 |
955/23 | Missouri Valley Authority
Aug. 28, 1947 |
955/24 | Great Falls Labor Day Banquet
Sept. 1, 1947 |
955/25 | California State Bar Convention
Speech |
Sept. 12, 1947 |
956/1 | California State Bar Convention
Speech, Santa Cruz |
Sept. 12, 1947 |
956/2 | California State Bar Convention
Speech, Santa Cruz |
Sept. 12, 1947 |
956/3 | Damon Runyon Memorial Dinner
Sept. 21, 1947 |
956/4 | "Trade Union Courier"
Sept. 1947 |
956/5 | Reclamation, radio address
Oct. 4, 1947 |
956/6 | Radio address |
Oct. 6, 1947 |
956/7 | Untitled |
Oct. 11, 1947 |
956/8 | The Holy Savior Parish, Butte, MT
Oct. 15, 1947 |
956/9 | Radio address, Butte, MT
Oct. 16, 1947 |
956/10 | Knights of Columbus, Butte,
anti-Communism |
Nov. 23, 1947 |
956/11 | Message to Mine, Mill and Smelter
Workers Union, Helena, MT |
Dec. 14, 1947 |
956/12 | Message to Officers and Members,
Montana Smelters and Mine Workers |
Dec. 14, 1947 |
956/13 | Inflation |
Dec. 18, 1947 |
956/14 | "Register", Helena |
Jan. 8, 1947 |
956/15 | Steel Industry |
Jan. 14, 1948 |
956/16 | Untitled |
Jan. 14, 1948 |
956/17 | Untitled |
Mar. 6, 1948 |
956/18 | Public Affairs Institute
Mar. 8, 1948 |
956/19 | Untitled |
Mar. 12, 1948 |
956/20 | Objections to Joint Committee
Report on Labor Management |
Mar. 15, 1948 |
956/21 | Resource Development and
Conservation on the Missouri River |
Mar. 16, 1948 |
956/22 | Untitled |
Mar. 16, 1948 |
956/23 | Untitled |
Mar. 16, 1948 |
957/1 | Tax Bill 1948 |
Mar. 22, 1948 |
957/2 | Views on Re-nomination of Truman
Mar. 24, 1948 |
957/3 | Israel |
Mar. 25, 1948 |
957/4 | Christian Education for
Democracy, speech |
Mar. 31, 1948 |
957/5 | Forest Service Highways
Apr. 23, 1948 |
957/6 | Steel Industry, press release
Apr. 24, 1948 |
957/7 | Untitled |
Apr. 26, 1948 |
957/8 | One World Award, N.Y.
Apr. 27, 1948 |
957/9 | Untitled |
May 3, 1948 |
957/10 | Untitled |
May 7, 1948 |
957/11 | Untitled |
May 7, 1948 |
957/12 | "The Taft-Harley Act", radio
discussion |
May 26, 1948 |
957/13 | Flood Stricken Communities
June 4, 1948 |
957/14 | Untitled |
June 4, 1948 |
957/15 | Untitled |
June 4, 1948 |
957/16 | Untitled |
June 9, 1948 |
957/17 | Untitled |
June 14, 1948 |
957/18 | Flood Conditions on Missouri and
Yellowstone Rivers |
June 22, 1948 |
957/19 | Flood and Steel Situation
June 25, 1948 |
957/20 | Steel Industry, press release
June 30, 1948 |
957/21 | Steel Industry, press release
June 30, 1948 |
957/22 | Steel for Defense Contracts
July 2, 1948 |
957/23 | Untitled |
Aug. 7, 1948 |
957/24 | Untitled |
Aug. 22, 1948 |
957/25 | Untitled |
Aug. 25, 1948 |
957/26 | Untitled |
Aug. 31, 1948 |
957/27 | Untitled |
Aug. 31, 1948 |
957/28 | Untitled |
Sept. 3, 1948 |
957/29 | Radio address |
Sept. 23, 1948 |
957/30 | Rural Electrification Act meeting
Oct. 4, 1948 |
957/31 | Untitled |
Oct. 7, 1948 |
957/32 | Radio address |
Oct. 10, 1948 |
957/33 | "The Plight of Independent
Business" |
Oct., 1948 |
957/34 | Radio address |
Nov. 1, 1948 |
957/35 | Repeal of Taft-Hartley Act
Nov. 19, 1948 |
957/36 | Untitled |
Jan. 5, 1949 |
957/37 | National Association of Retail
Clothiers |
Jan. 25, 1949 |
957/38 | National Dental Care |
Feb. 7, 1949 |
957/39 | Untitled |
Feb. 14, 1949 |
957/40 | Health Bill,
Progressive Magazine
Feb. 1949 |
957/41 | Missouri Valley Authority, speech
Mar. 2, 1949 |
957/42 | Untitled |
Mar. 17, 1949 |
957/43 | UNESCO |
Apr. 4, 1949 |
957/44 | Health Bill |
Apr. 15, 1949 |
957/45 | National Health, radio address
Apr. 22, 1949 |
957/46 | Untitled |
Apr. 23, 1949 |
957/47 | Untitled |
Apr. 25, 1949 |
957/48 | Untitled |
Apr. 28, 1949 |
957/49 | Untitled |
Apr. 30, 1949 |
957/50 | Untitled |
May 1, 1949 |
957/51 | Taft-Hartley Act, press release
May 13, 1949 |
957/52 | Untitled |
May 20, 1949 |
957/53 | Untitled |
June 7, 1949 |
957/54 | Untitled |
June 7, 1949 |
957/55 | Untitled |
June 8, 1949 |
957/56 | Repeal of Taft-Hartley Act,
Senate floor speech |
June 14, 1949 |
957/57 | Untitled |
June 15, 1949 |
958/1 | Untitled |
June 22, 1949 |
958/2 |
Hospital Progress
June 1949 |
958/3 | Blair Moody, TV program
July 1, 1949 |
958/4 | Economic Expansion Act, speech
July 5, 1949 |
958/5 | Economic Expansion Act of 1949,
speech |
July 15, 1949 |
958/6 | Untitled |
July 15, 1949 |
958/7 | Economic Expansion Act of 1949
July 19, 1949 |
958/8 | Low Cost Public Power
July 21, 1949 |
958/9 | Untitled |
Aug. 16, 1949 |
958/10 | Partition of Ireland |
Sept. 20, 1949 |
958/11 | Democratic Banquet (for Senator
Pepper), St. Petersburg, Florida |
Oct. 8, 1949 |
958/12 | Confirmation of Leland Olds
Oct. 11, 1949 |
958/13 | "Council of Economic Advisors
Should Support It's Views" |
Nov., 1949 |
958/14 | Untitled |
Jan. 20, 1950 |
958/15 | Untitled |
Jan. 1950 |
958/16 | TV Speech |
Feb. 19, 1950 |
958/17 | Untitled |
Feb. 28, 1950 |
958/18 | Untitled |
Feb. 1950 |
958/19 | Untitled |
Mar. 7, 1950 |
958/20 | Untitled |
Mar. 17, 1950 |
958/21 | Untitled |
Mar. 22, 1950 |
958/22 | Untitled |
Apr. 10, 1950 |
958/23 | Untitled |
Apr. 13 - 15, 1950 |
958/24 | Untitled |
July 19, 1950 |
958/25 | Republican Attacks, press release
Aug. 14, 1950 |
958/26 | Banquet for Senator Pepper,
Statler Hotel |
Aug. 15, 1950 |
958/27 | Address to Montana Democratic
Convention, Billings |
Aug. 30, 1950 |
958/28 | Montana Farmers Union, speech
Oct. 12, 1950 |
958/29 | Untitled |
Dec. 13, 1951 |
958/30 | Untitled |
Jan. 22, 1951 |
958/31 | Roosevelt Day Dinner, Pittsburgh,
PA |
Jan. 25, 1951 |
959/1 | Untitled |
Feb. 5, 1951 |
959/2 | McMahon's peace resolution
Feb. 9, 1951 |
959/3 | Minerals, press release
Feb. 22, 1951 |
959/4 | Untitled |
Feb. 22, 1951 |
959/5 | Federal Aid to Medical Education
Feb. 25, 1951 |
959/6 | Untitled |
Feb. 28, 1951 |
959/7 | Untitled |
Mar. 6, 1951 |
959/8 | Untitled |
Mar. 15, 1951 |
959/9 | Untitled |
Apr. 14, 1951 |
959/10 | Untitled |
May 24, 1951 |
959/11 | Missouri Valley Authority, speech
July 23, 1951 |
959/12 | Untitled |
Aug. 22, 1951 |
959/13 | Mutual Security Program
Aug. 30, 1951 |
959/14 | Untitled |
Aug. 31, 1951 |
959/15 | Untitled |
Sept. 6, 1951 |
959/16 | Untitled |
Oct. 2, 1951 |
959/17 | Untitled |
Oct. 19, 1951 |
959/18 | Introduction for Senator Kerr,
Montana Democratic State Central Committee |
Dec. 8, 1951 |
959/19 | Hearings on the Defense Minerals
Program, speech |
Dec. 12, 1951 |
959/20 | Untitled |
Jan. 16, 1952 |
959/21 | Untitled |
Jan. 17, 1952 |
959/22 | Full Employment |
Jan. 22, 1952 |
959/23 | Untitled |
Feb. 4, 1952 |
959/24 | American Cancer Society
Feb. 15, 1952 |
959/25 | St. Patrick's Day Banquet
Mar. 17, 1952 |
959/26 | International Labor Organization,
Senate floor speech |
Mar. 27, 1952 |
959/27 |
Synagogue Light
Mar./Apr., 1952 |
959/28 | Untitled |
Apr. 2, 1952 |
959/29 | Untitled |
Apr. 5, 1952 |
959/30 | Untitled |
Apr. 10, 1952 |
959/31 | Missouri and Mississippi Basin
Flood Disasters |
Apr. 24, 1952 |
959/32 | Untitled |
Apr. 29, 1952 |
959/33 | Springfield Hearing before the
Missouri Basin Survey Committee |
May 15, 1952 |
959/34 | Montana Democratic Convention,
Helena |
May 20, 1952 |
959/35 | Utah Democratic Convention
Aug. 2, 1952 |
959/36 | Untitled |
Sept. 25, 1952 |
959/37 | Untitled |
Sept. 25, 1952 |
959/38 | Dedication at Fort Peck, Speech
Oct. 7, 1952 |
960/1 | Untitled |
Jan. 7, 1953 |
960/2 | Untitled |
Jan. 7, 1953 |
960/3 | Untitled |
Jan. 14, 1953 |
960/4 | Untitled |
Jan. 22, 1953 |
960/5 | Untitled |
Jan. 22, 1953 |
960/6 | Untitled |
Jan. 23, 1953 |
960/7 | Private Financial Interests of
Executive Officials |
Jan. 23, 1953 |
960/8 | Untitled |
Feb. 9, 1953 |
960/9 | Untitled |
Feb. 11, 1953 |
960/10 | Untitled |
Feb. 12, 1953 |
960/11 | Roosevelt Day Address, Americans
for Democratic Action, Bergen County, NJ Chapter |
Feb. 13, 1953 |
960/12 | Untitled |
Feb. 16, 1953 |
960/13 | Untitled |
Feb. 17, 1953 |
960/14 | Untitled |
Feb. 19, 1953 |
960/15 | Untitled |
Feb. 20, 1953 |
960/16 | Untitled |
Feb. 20, 1953 |
960/17 | Untitled |
Feb. 20, 1953 |
960/18 | Untitled |
Feb. 22, 1953 |
960/19 | Untitled |
Feb. 23, 1953 |
960/20 | Council of Economic Advisors
Feb. 25, 1953 |
960/21 | Untitled |
Mar. 2, 1953 |
960/22 | Untitled |
Mar. 4, 1953 |
960/23 | Untitled |
Mar. 4, 1953 |
960/24 | Untitled |
Mar. 11, 1953 |
960/25 | Untitled |
Mar. 11, 1953 |
960/26 | St. Patrick's Day Address
Mar. 16, 1953 |
960/27 | Untitled |
Mar. 16, 1953 |
960/28 | Falling Farm Prices |
Mar. 19, 1953 |
960/29 | Council of Economic Advisors
Mar. 24, 1953 |
960/30 | Untitled |
Mar. 30, 1953 |
960/31 | Untitled |
Mar. 31, 1953 |
960/32 | Council of Economic Advisors
Apr. 1, 1953 |
960/33 | Untitled |
Apr. 1, 1953 |
960/34 | Appropriations, comments
Apr. 2, 1953 |
960/35 | Untitled |
Apr. 2, 1953 |
960/36 | Submerged Lands |
Apr. 8, 1953 |
960/37 | Untitled |
Apr. 10, 1953 |
960/38 | Untitled |
Apr. 12, 1953 |
960/39 | American Federation of Government
Employees |
Apr. 13, 1953 |
960/40 | Untitled |
Apr. 13, 1953 |
960/41 | Untitled |
Apr. 13, 1953 |
960/42 | Untitled |
Apr. 13, 1953 |
960/43 | Untitled |
Apr. 14, 1953 |
960/44 | Untitled |
Apr. 15, 1953 |
960/45 | Untitled |
Apr. 16, 1953 |
960/46 | Untitled |
Apr. 23, 1953 |
960/47 | Untitled |
Apr. 24, 1953 |
960/48 | Offshore Oil |
Apr. 25, 1953 |
960/49 | Untitled |
Apr. 30, 1953 |
960/50 | Resignation of Earl J. McGrath
Apr., 1953 |
960/51 | Untitled |
May 4, 1953 |
960/52 | Untitled |
May 5, 1953 |
960/53 | Untitled |
May 5, 1953 |
960/54 | Untitled |
May 11, 1953 |
961/1 | Untitled |
May 12, 1953 |
961/2 | Senator R.F. Wagner, Senate floor
speech |
May 15, 1953 |
961/3 | Untitled |
May 15, 1953 |
961/4 | Untitled |
May 17, 1953 |
961/5 | Heisey Awards, Great Falls, MT
May 19, 1953 |
961/6 | Untitled |
May 19, 1953 |
961/7 | Untitled |
May 25, 1953 |
961/8 | Untitled |
May 25, 1953 |
961/9 | Untitled |
June 2, 1953 |
961/10 | Untitled |
June 3, 1953 |
961/11 | Untitled |
July 13, 1953 |
961/12 | Untitled |
July 16, 1953 |
961/13 | Untitled |
July 20, 1953 |
961/14 | Untitled |
July 22, 1953 |
961/15 | Untitled |
July 29, 1953 |
961/16 | Untitled |
July 30, 1953 |
961/17 | Untitled |
July 31, 1953 |
961/18 | Untitled |
Aug. 3, 1953 |
961/19 | Untitled |
Aug. 4, 1953 |
961/20 | Untitled |
Sept. 22, 1953 |
961/21 | Untitled |
Sept. 23, 1953 |
961/22 | Untitled |
Sept. 23, 1953 |
961/23 | Untitled |
Sept. 24, 1953 |
961/24 | National Economic Conference for
Israel |
Sept. 26, 1953 |
961/25 | Untitled |
Sept. 29, 1953 |
961/26 | Speech at Rural Electrical
Administration Convention, Billings, MT |
Oct. 8, 1953 |
961/27 | Untitled |
Oct. 8, 1953 |
961/28 | Interior Department Power Policy
Nov. 2, 1953 |
961/29 | Untitled |
Nov. 2, 1953 |
961/30 | Untitled |
Nov. 20, 1953 |
961/31 | Eisenhower's Farm Plan
Jan. 12, 1954 |
961/32 | Untitled |
Jan. 13, 1954 |
961/33 | Untitled |
Jan. 27, 1954 |
961/34 | End Recession, speech
Feb. 4, 1954 |
961/35 | Untitled |
Feb. 4, 1954 |
961/36 | Untitled |
Feb. 4, 1954 |
961/37 | Untitled |
Feb. 8, 1954 |
961/38 | Untitled |
Feb. 8, 1954 |
961/39 | Untitled |
Feb. 13, 1954 |
961/40 | Untitled |
Feb. 15, 1954 |
961/41 | Untitled |
Feb. 17, 1954 |
961/42 | Untitled |
Feb. 24, 1954 |
961/43 | Untitled |
Mar. 3, 1954 |
961/44 | Untitled |
Mar. 4, 1954 |
961/45 | School Funds, press release
Mar. 4, 1954 |
961/46 | Untitled |
Mar. 8, 1954 |
961/47 | Untitled |
Mar. 10, 1954 |
961/48 | Admission of Alaska to Statehood
Mar. 11, 1954 |
961/49 | Flood Control Dam, press release
Mar. 16, 1954 |
961/50 | Untitled |
Mar. 17, 1954 |
961/51 | Untitled |
Mar. 19, 1954 |
961/52 | National Recreation and Wildlife
Policy |
Mar. 27, 1954 |
961/53 | Untitled |
Mar. 28, 1954 |
961/54 | Tax Cuts |
Mar. 31, 1954 |
961/55 | Mineral Stockpile Policy
Mar. 31, 1954 |
962/1 | Untitled |
Apr. 7, 1954 |
962/2 | Land Grab Bills |
Apr. 7, 1954 |
962/3 | Untitled |
Apr. 8, 1954 |
962/4 | Hard Money Policy |
Apr. 9, 1954 |
962/5 | Cut Bank Parity Advertisement
Apr. 14, 1954 |
962/6 | The Dalles and Chief Joseph Dams
Apr. 16, 1954 |
962/7 | Freight Rate Bill |
Apr. 21, 1954 |
962/8 | Untitled |
Apr. 28, 1954 |
962/9 | Farm Price Supports |
Apr. 29, 1954 |
962/10 | Files for Re-election
May 5, 1954 |
962/11 | Untitled |
May 5, 1954 |
962/12 | Republican Architecture for Gloom
and Doom |
May 5, 1954 |
962/13 | American Economy |
May 5, 1954 |
962/14 | Vocational Education Funds
May 20, 1954 |
962/15 | Jefferson-Jackson Day Dinner,
Roundup, MT |
May 23, 1954 |
962/16 | Untitled |
May 23, 1954 |
962/17 | Knights of Columbus Convention,
Anaconda, MT |
May 24, 1954 |
962/18 | Untitled |
May 24, 1954 |
962/19 | Untitled |
May, 1954 |
962/20 | Untitled |
June 1, 1954 |
962/21 | Silicosis |
June 22, 1954 |
962/22 | Radio-TV Speech |
June 28, 1954 |
962/23 | Untitled |
June 29, 1954 |
962/24 | Untitled |
June 30, 1954 |
962/25 | Wheat Acreage Allotment
June 30, 1954 |
962/26 | Tax Bill, Radio-TV Speech
July 5, 1954 |
962/27 | Untitled |
July 12, 1954 |
962/28 | Untitled |
July 13, 1954 |
962/29 | Atomic Energy Bill |
July 17, 1954 |
962/30 | Untitled |
July 19, 1954 |
962/31 | Untitled |
July 21, 1954 |
962/32 | Power and Atomic Energy
July 26, 1954 |
962/33 | Untitled |
Aug. 6, 1954 |
962/34 | National Forest Grazing
Aug. 7, 1954 |
962/35 | Grazing Amendment |
Aug. 7, 1954 |
962/36 | Atomic Energy |
Aug. 10, 1954 |
962/37 | Untitled |
Aug. 11, 1954 |
962/38 | Untitled |
Aug. 19, 1954 |
962/39 | Untitled |
Oct. 21, 1954 |
962/40 | Untitled |
Oct. 24, 1954 |
962/41 | Untitled |
Oct. 26, 1954 |
962/42 | Oil |
Dec. 2, 1954 |
962/43 | Untitled |
Jan. 6, 1955 |
962/44 | Untitled |
Jan. 10, 1955 |
962/45 | Untitled |
Jan. 21, 1955 |
962/46 | Memorial Service for Senator
Maybank |
Feb. 1955 |
962/47 | Untitled |
Mar. 4, 1955 |
962/48 | Untitled |
Mar. 8, 1955 |
962/49 | Untitled |
Mar. 9, 1955 |
962/50 | International Food and Raw
Materials Reserve |
Mar. 10, 1955 |
962/51 | Untitled |
Mar. 10, 1955 |
962/52 | Untitled |
Mar. 15, 1955 |
962/53 | Untitled |
Mar. 17, 1955 |
962/54 | Untitled |
Mar. 21, 1955 |
962/55 | Untitled |
Mar. 22, 1955 |
962/56 | Untitled |
Mar. 25, 1955 |
962/57 | Untitled |
Mar. 29, 1955 |
962/58 | Untitled |
Mar. 29, 1955 |
962/59 | Untitled |
Mar. 29, 1955 |
962/60 | Untitled |
Mar. 30, 1955 |
962/61 | Untitled |
Mar. 30, 1955 |
962/62 | Untitled |
Mar. 30, 1955 |
962/63 | Untitled |
Mar. 31, 1955 |
962/64 | Untitled |
Apr. 1, 1955 |
962/65 | Untitled |
Apr. 7, 1955 |
962/66 | Untitled |
Apr. 7, 1955 |
962/67 | Untitled |
Apr. 14, 1955 |
962/68 | Untitled |
Apr. 14, 1955 |
962/69 | Untitled |
Apr. 14, 1955 |
963/1 | Untitled |
Apr. 21, 1955 |
963/2 | Untitled |
Apr. 26, 1955 |
963/3 | Untitled |
Apr. 26, 1955 |
963/4 | Untitled |
Apr. 28, 1955 |
963/5 | Untitled |
May 5, 1955 |
963/6 | Untitled |
May 11, 1955 |
963/7 | Untitled |
May 11, 1955 |
963/8 | Untitled |
May 12, 1955 |
963/9 | Untitled |
May 12, 1955 |
963/10 | Untitled |
May 12, 1955 |
963/11 | Untitled |
May 13, 1955 |
963/12 | Untitled |
May 19, 1955 |
963/13 | Untitled |
May 26, 1955 |
963/14 | Untitled |
June 2, 1955 |
963/15 | Untitled |
June 2, 1955 |
963/16 | Untitled |
June 2, 1955 |
963/17 | Untitled |
June 8, 1955 |
963/18 | Untitled |
June 9, 1955 |
963/19 | Untitled |
June 16, 1955 |
963/20 | Untitled |
June 23, 1955 |
963/21 | Untitled |
June 30, 1955 |
963/22 | Untitled |
July 1, 1955 |
963/23 | Untitled |
July 7, 1955 |
963/24 | Untitled |
July 7, 1955 |
963/25 | Untitled |
July 13, 1955 |
963/26 | Untitled |
July 14, 1955 |
963/27 | Untitled |
July 18, 1955 |
963/28 | Untitled |
July 21, 1955 |
963/29 | Untitled |
July 28, 1955 |
963/30 | Untitled |
July 30, 1955 |
963/31 | Untitled |
Aug. 1, 1955 |
963/32 | Untitled |
Aug. 3, 1955 |
963/33 | Untitled |
Aug. 4, 1955 |
963/34 | Untitled |
Aug. 4, 1955 |
963/35 | Untitled |
Aug. 9, 1955 |
963/37 | Untitled |
Aug. 15, 1955 |
963/38 | Untitled |
Sept. 1, 1955 |
963/39 | Untitled |
Sept. 1, 1955 |
963/40 | Development of Natural Resources
of the West |
Sept. 6, 1955 |
963/41 | Untitled |
Sept. 9, 1955 |
963/42 | Untitled |
Sept. 21, 1955 |
963/43 | Naval Academy Appointees
Sept. 27, 1955 |
963/44 | Untitled |
Sept. 30, 1955 |
963/45 | Untitled |
Sept. 30, 1955 |
963/46 | Untitled |
Oct. 4, 1955 |
963/47 | Untitled |
Oct. 6, 1955 |
963/48 | Untitled |
Oct. 24, 1955 |
963/49 | Untitled |
Oct. 31, 1955 |
963/50 | Untitled |
Dec. 7, 1955 |
963/51 | Untitled |
Dec. 7, 1955 |
963/52 | Untitled |
Dec. 9, 1955 |
963/53 | Untitled |
Dec. 12, 1955 |
963/54 | Untitled |
Dec. 30, 1955 |
963/55 | Untitled |
1955 |
963/56 | State of the Union Comments
Jan. 5, 1956 |
963/57 | American Indian |
Jan. 6, 1956 |
963/58 | Untitled |
Jan. 8, 1956 |
963/59 | Post Office |
Jan. 27, 1956 |
963/60 | Resources Conservation
Feb. 7, 1956 |
963/61 | Telecast |
Feb. 8, 1956 |
963/62 | Untitled |
Feb. 10, 1956 |
963/63 | OASI Payments for Farmers
Feb. 14, 1956 |
963/64 | James Roosevelt |
Feb. 16, 1956 |
963/65 | Untitled |
Feb. 21, 1956 |
963/66 | Price Supports |
Feb. 27, 1956 |
963/67 | Tungsten Mining |
Mar. 7, 1956 |
963/68 | Israel, Radio |
Mar. 12, 1956 |
963/69 | Electric Rates |
Mar. 15, 1956 |
963/70 | Untitled |
Apr. 13, 1956 |
963/71 | Untitled |
Apr. 25, 1956 |
963/72 | Folsom Dam Dedication, speech
May 5, 1956 |
963/73 | Untitled |
May 12, 1956 |
963/74 | Senate Resolution 86, statement
May 28, 1956 |
963/75 | Fred Seaton |
May 29, 1956 |
963/76 | Untitled |
May 31, 1956 |
963/77 | Untitled |
June 6, 1956 |
963/78 | Untitled |
June 6, 1956 |
963/79 | Water resources policy
June 13, 1956 |
963/80 | Hell's Canyon |
June 28, 1956 |
963/81 | Untitled |
July 13, 1956 |
963/82 | Hell's Canyon Dam Bill
July 18, 1956 |
963/83 | Untitled |
July 25, 1956 |
963/84 | Wesley D'Ewart |
July 26, 1956 |
963/85 | Untitled |
July 30, 1956 |
963/86 | Adlai Stevenson |
Aug. 1, 1956 |
963/87 | Resource Development |
Aug. 6, 1956 |
964/1 | Untitled |
Aug. 9, 1956 |
964/2 | Untitled |
Aug. 13, 1956 |
964/3 | Untitled |
Aug. 21, 1956 |
964/4 | Untitled |
Sept. 19, 1956 |
964/5 | Untitled |
Sept. 21, 1956 |
964/6 | Untitled |
Sept. 26, 1956 |
964/7 | Untitled |
Oct. 17, 1956 |
964/8 | Untitled |
Oct. 18, 1956 |
964/9 | Untitled |
1956 |
964/10 | Untitled |
Jan. 24, 1957 |
964/11 | Untitled |
Jan. 25, 1957 |
964/12 | Untitled |
Jan. 25, 1957 |
964/13 | Untitled |
Mar. 7, 1957 |
964/14 | Untitled |
Mar. 22, 1957 |
964/15 | Untitled |
May 16, 1957 |
964/16 | Untitled |
May 16, 1957 |
964/17 | Untitled |
June 26, 1957 |
964/18 | Untitled |
June 1957 |
964/19 | Untitled |
Aug. 26, 1957 |
964/20 | Untitled |
Sept. 19, 1957 |
964/21 | Untitled |
Oct. 29, 1957 |
964/22 | Untitled |
Nov. 6, 1957 |
964/23 | Untitled |
Nov. 19, 1957 |
964/24 | Untitled |
Nov. 27, 1957 |
964/25 | Untitled |
Nov. 27, 1957 |
964/26 | Untitled |
Nov. 1957 |
964/27 | Untitled |
Jan. 16, 1957 |
964/28 | Untitled |
Jan. 22, 1958 |
964/29 | Untitled |
Jan. 23, 1958 |
964/30 | Telecast on Congressional Matters
Feb. 4, 1958 |
964/31 | Untitled |
Feb. 6, 1958 |
964/32 | Untitled |
Feb. 12, 1958 |
964/33 | Untitled |
Feb. 18, 1958 |
964/34 | Untitled |
Feb. 19, 1958 |
964/35 | Anniversary of Franklin Delano
Roosevelt Inauguration |
Mar. 4, 1958 |
964/36 | Untitled |
Mar. 4, 1958 |
964/37 | Untitled |
Mar. 6, 1958 |
964/38 | Untitled |
Mar. 13, 1958 |
964/39 | Untitled |
Mar. 17, 1958 |
964/40 | Untitled |
Mar. 17, 1958 |
964/41 | Untitled |
Mar. 24, 1958 |
964/42 | Untitled |
Mar. 28, 1958 |
964/43 | Untitled |
Mar. 31, 1958 |
964/44 | Untitled |
Mar. 31, 1958 |
964/45 |
Rivers and Harbors, guest editorial |
Mar., 1958 |
964/46 | Untitled |
Apr. 11, 1958 |
964/47 | Untitled |
Apr. 16, 1958 |
964/48 | Untitled |
Apr. 17, 1958 |
964/49 | Untitled |
Apr. 30, 1958 |
964/50 | Untitled |
May 13, 1958 |
964/51 | Untitled |
June 10, 1958 |
964/52 | Untitled |
June 16, 1958 |
964/53 | Untitled |
June 18, 1958 |
964/54 | Untitled |
June 19, 1958 |
964/55 | Untitled |
June 23, 1958 |
964/56 | Untitled |
July 9, 1958 |
964/57 | S. 4036, Speech |
July 10, 1958 |
964/58 | Untitled |
July 16, 1958 |
964/59 | Untitled |
July 17, 1958 |
964/60 | Untitled |
Aug. 11, 1958 |
964/61 | Untitled |
Aug. 18, 1958 |
964/62 | Untitled |
Sept. 15, 1958 |
964/63 | Untitled |
Sept. 22, 1958 |
964/64 | Untitled |
Oct. 12, 1958 |
964/65 | Untitled |
Oct. 29, 1958 |
964/66 |
Public Employee
Oct. 1958 |
964/67 | Untitled |
Jan. 5, 1959 |
964/68 | Untitled |
Jan. 9, 1959 |
964/69 | Untitled |
Jan. 9, 1959 |
964/70 | Untitled |
Jan. 20, 1959 |
964/71 | Untitled |
Jan. 27, 1959 |
964/72 | Untitled |
Jan. 28, 1959 |
964/73 | Untitled |
Jan. 29, 1959 |
964/74 | Untitled |
Jan. 30, 1959 |
964/75 | Untitled |
Feb. 4, 1959 |
964/76 | Untitled |
Feb. 9, 1959 |
964/77 | Untitled |
Feb. 16, 1959 |
964/78 | Untitled |
Feb. 16, 1959 |
964/79 | Untitled |
Feb. 19, 1959 |
964/80 | Untitled |
Feb. 25, 1959 |
964/81 | Untitled |
Feb. 27, 1959 |
964/82 | Untitled |
Mar. 19, 1959 |
964/83 | Untitled |
Mar. 23, 1959 |
964/84 | Untitled |
Mar. 24, 1959 |
964/85 | Untitled |
Mar. 25, 1959 |
964/86 | Untitled |
Mar. 26, 1959 |
964/87 | Untitled |
Apr. 15, 1959 |
964/88 | Untitled |
Apr. 15, 1959 |
964/89 | Untitled |
Apr. 15, 1959 |
964/90 | Untitled |
Apr. 16, 1959 |
964/91 | Agriculture Appropriations
Apr. 29, 1959 |
964/92 | Untitled |
Apr. 29, 1959 |
964/93 | Untitled |
Apr. 29, 1959 |
964/94 | Untitled |
Apr. 29, 1959 |
964/95 | Untitled |
May 1, 1959 |
964/96 | Untitled |
May 14, 1959 |
964/97 | Untitled |
May 14, 1959 |
964/98 | Untitled |
May 19, 1959 |
964/99 | Untitled |
June 2, 1959 |
964/100 | Untitled |
June 9, 1959 |
964/101 | Untitled |
June 10, 1959 |
964/102 | Untitled |
June 11, 1959 |
964/103 | Untitled |
July 9, 1959 |
964/104 | Clark Canyon and Yellowtail Dams
July 9, 1959 |
964/105 | Untitled |
Aug. 20, 1959 |
964/106 | Untitled |
Aug. 31, 1959 |
964/107 | Untitled |
Sept. 4, 1959 |
964/108 | Untitled |
Oct. 26, 1959 |
964/109 | Untitled |
Nov. 5, 1959 |
964/110 | Untitled |
Nov. 6, 1959 |
964/111 | Untitled |
Nov. 10, 1959 |
964/112 | Federal Highway Program
Nov. 16, 1959 |
964/113 | Untitled |
Nov. 19, 1959 |
964/114 | Untitled |
Nov. 30, 1959 |
964/115 | Untitled |
Dec. 1, 1959 |
964/116 | Untitled |
Dec. 9, 1959 |
964/117 | Untitled |
Jan. 6, 1960 |
964/118 | Untitled |
Jan. 7, 1960 |
964/119 | Untitled |
Jan. 13, 1960 |
964/120 | Untitled |
Jan. 20, 1960 |
964/121 | Untitled |
Jan. 20, 1960 |
964/122 | Untitled |
Jan. 21, 1960 |
964/123 | "To Assure Democracy"
Jan. 26, 1960 |
964/124 | Untitled |
Jan. 28, 1960 |
964/125 | Untitled |
Feb. 12, 1960 |
964/126 | Untitled |
Mar. 10, 1960 |
964/127 | Untitled |
Mar. 25, 1960 |
964/128 | Untitled |
Apr. 7, 1960 |
964/129 | Untitled |
Apr. 12, 1960 |
964/130 | Untitled |
Apr. 18, 1960 |
964/131 | Sidney Soil and Water Research
Center |
Apr. 20, 1960 |
964/132 | Untitled |
Apr. 28, 1960 |
964/133 | Untitled |
Apr. 29, 1960 |
964/134 | Untitled |
May 2, 1960 |
964/135 | Untitled |
May 10, 1960 |
964/136 | Untitled |
May 17, 1960 |
964/137 | Untitled |
July 1, 1960 |
964/138 | Electoral College |
undated |
964/139 | Rationing Bill |
undated |
964/140 | What About Small Business
undated |
964/141 | "Why I'll Vote for Roosevelt,"
undated |
964/142 | Unassociated materials
undated |
Series IV: Clippings , 1936-1961 and undatedReturn to Top
Murray's staff collected these clippings on topics that interested Murray. They include newspaper and magazine articles, pamphlets, surveys, and federal agency findings. Not all of the newspaper articles have documented sources. Most of the clippings do not have to do directly with Murray himself, but focus on topics of interest. The clippings are mainly from national publications, not Montana publications. The clippings that represent Montana dealt with Burton K. Wheeler, senior senator from Montana during the beginning of Murray's senatorial career. The clippings are mainly newspaper articles, but there are some from magazines. Murray has made notes on some of the articles.
The other topics on which Murray kept clippings were the Missouri Valley Authority and full employment. The clippings that Murray kept for full employment include correspondence with the Division of Press Intelligence. They include several newspapers and magazine articles from around the nation on the topic of employment. Murray was interested in this topic for the Senate Bill 380, which he sponsored in 1945. During the late 1940's and throughout the 1950's, Murray was interested in public power, especially Aero-Generators, and collected articles on the topic. The information that he collected was from surveys and findings from the Federal Power Commission. The series is arranged chronologically with alphabetical subdivisions.
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
Box/Folder | ||
965/1 | General |
1936 |
965/2 | Copper |
1937 |
965/3 | Supreme Court |
1937 |
965/4 | Foreign policy |
1941 |
965/5 | Biographical sketch |
1942 |
965/6 | Small Business |
1942 |
965/7 | Claim settlements, war contracts
1944 |
965/8 | Missouri Valley Authority
1944 |
965/9 | Missouri Valley Authority
1944 |
965/10 | Missouri Valley Authority
1944 |
965/11 | Missouri Valley Authority
1944 |
966/1 | Missouri Valley Authority
1944 |
966/2 | Missouri Valley Authority
1944 |
966/3 | Missouri Valley Authority
1944 |
966/4 | Missouri Valley Authority
1944 |
966/5 | Missouri Valley Authority
1944 |
966/6 | Full employment S. 380, 79th
1944-1945 |
967/1 | Full employment |
1944-1945 |
967/2 | Full employment |
1944-1945 |
967/3 | Full employment |
1944-1945 |
967/4 | Missouri Valley Authority
1944-1945 |
967/5 | Full employment |
1945 |
967/6 | Full employment |
1945 |
968/1 | Full employment |
1945 |
968/2 | Full employment |
1945 |
968/3 | Full employment |
1945 |
968/4 | Full employment |
1945 |
968/5 | Full employment |
1945 |
968/6 | Full employment |
1945 |
968/7 | Full employment |
1945 |
969/1 | Full employment |
1945 |
969/2 | Full employment |
1945 |
969/3 | Full employment |
1945 |
969/4 | Jobless bill |
1945 |
969/5 | Missouri Valley Authority
1945 |
969/6 | Missouri Valley Authority
1945 |
969/7 | Missouri Valley Authority
1945 |
970/1 | Missouri Valley Authority
1945 |
970/2 | Missouri Valley Authority
1945 |
970/3 | Missouri Valley Authority
1945 |
970/4 | Missouri Valley Authority
1945 |
970/5 | Missouri Valley Authority
1945 |
970/6 | Missouri Valley Authority
1945 |
970/7 | Missouri Valley Authority
1945 |
971/1 | Missouri Valley Authority
1945 |
971/2 | Aero-generator |
1945-1949 |
971/3 | Full employment |
1945-1946 |
971/4 | Full employment |
1945-1946 |
971/5 | Missouri Valley Authority
1945-1946 |
971/6 | Missouri Valley Authority
1945-1946 |
972/1 | Social Security |
1945-1946 |
972/2 | Full employment |
1946 |
972/3 | Missouri Valley Authority
1946 |
972/4 | Missouri Valley Authority
1946-1947 |
972/5 | Missouri Valley Authority
1946-1947 |
972/6 | Missouri Valley Authority
1946-1947 |
972/7 | General |
1947 |
972/8 | Missouri Valley Authority
1947 |
972/9 | General |
1948 |
972/10 | Public power |
1949-1951 |
972/11 | Public power |
1949-1951 |
973/1 | General |
1951 |
973/2 | Aero-generator |
1951-1955 |
973/3 | General |
1952 |
973/4 | Public power |
1953-1954 |
973/5 | Public power |
1953-1954 |
973/6 | Public power |
1953-1954 |
973/7 | Public power |
1956 |
973/8 | Public power |
1956 |
973/9 | General |
1956-1961 |
974/1 | Burton K. Wheeler |
1926-1946 |
974/2 | Burton K. Wheeler |
1936 |
974/3 | Burton K. Wheeler |
1937 |
974/4 | Burton K. Wheeler |
1938 |
974/5 | Burton K. Wheeler |
1939 |
974/6 | Burton K. Wheeler |
1940 |
974/7 | Burton K. Wheeler |
1940 |
974/8 | Burton K. Wheeler |
1942 |
974/9 | Burton K. Wheeler |
1942 |
974/10 | Burton K. Wheeler |
1943 |
974/11 | Burton K. Wheeler |
1944 |
974/12 | Burton K. Wheeler |
1944-1946 |
974/13 | Burton K. Wheeler |
1945 |
974/14 | Burton K. Wheeler |
1946 |
974/15 | Burton K. Wheeler |
1946 |
975/1 | Burton K. Wheeler |
1947-1949 |
975/2 | Burton K. Wheeler, loose
clippings |
1937-1946 and undated |
975/3 | Burton K. Wheeler, complete
newspapers |
1946 and 1948 |
975/4 | Burton K. Wheeler, complete
newspapers |
1940-1948 |
975/5 | Burton K. Wheeler |
undated |
975/6 | Burton K. Wheeler, magazine
articles |
1937-1944 |
975/7 | Burton K. Wheeler, magazine
articles |
1945-1947 |
975/8 | Burton K. Wheeler, press releases
1939-1945 |
975/9 | Burton K. Wheeler, press releases
1941-1945 |
Series V: Film , 1953-1960 and undatedReturn to Top
This series contains nine reels of positive 16-millimeter film. It includes Murray's 1953 primary campaign speeches and reports from the 84th and 85th Congress that include Murray, Senator Mansfield and Representatives Lee Metcalf and Mr. Anderson. Films in this series have not been digitized and are not currently viewable without reproduction.
In 2021, all motion picture film reels were cleaned, cored, and rehoused for preservation purposes. Films were viewed to create content descriptions. In 2021, Reel 10 of this series was deaccessioned from the collection and tranferred to the Montana Historical Society along with 6 other reels that were not listed in the finding aid.
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
Reel | ||
1 | Senator Murray Farm Report
Black and White, 200 feet, Optical Sound
1953 |
2 | Primary Campaign Speech, Senator
Murray Black and White, 200 feet, Optical Sound
1953 |
3 | Primary Campaign Speech, Senator
Murray Black and White, 200 feet, Optical Sound
1953 |
4 | 84th Congress, First Session
Report, Senators Murray, Mansfield, and Representative Metcalf Black and White, 600 feet, Optical Sound
1957 |
5 | 84th Congress, Report featuring
Senators Murray and Mansfield and Representative Metcalf Black and White, 600 feet, Optical Sound
3 copies
1957 |
6 | 84th Congress, Report featuring
Senators Murray and Mansfield and Representative Metcalf Black and White, 600 feet, Optical Sound
3 copies
1957 |
7 | 85th Congress, Montanan's Report
from Washington, discussion featuring Senators Murray and Mansfield and
Representatives Metcalf and Anderson Black and White, 600 feet, Optical Sound
2 copies
1959 |
8 | 85th Congress, First Session
Report, featuring Senators Murray and Mansfield and Representatives Metcalf and
Anderson Black and White, 600 feet, Optical Sound
5 copies
1959 |
9 | 85th Congress, Annual Special
Second Session Report, Senators Murray and Mansfield and Representatives
Metcalf and Anderson Black and White, 600 feet, Optical Sound
2 copies
1960 |
Series VI: Photographs , 1933-1960 and undatedReturn to Top
This series contains 14 files of grouped photographs and 58 individually identified photographs. The series is separated into two subseries based on the preceding distinctions. The 14 files of grouped photographs are designated as the "Projects" subseries and have been maintained in the original categories under which they were donated to the archives. Basic preservation technique was the only processing applied to these materials. The second subseries is designated as "General" and consists of James Murray photographs previously donated to the archives and processed into the general photograph collection. These photographs were reintegrated into the Murray collection and assigned individual identification numbers since their original organizational context was lost.
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
Subseries 1: Projects |
Box/Folder | ||
976/1 | Montana Congressional
Delegation, group photographs |
1943-ca. 1960 |
976/2 | Fort Missoula |
ca. 1944 |
976/3 | Helena Earthquake damage
1933 |
976/4 | Woodland Park, Kalispell
1936 |
976/5 | Littleshell Indians, Hill 57
ca. 1940s |
976/6 | Reclamation, Activation of
Grand Coulee generator |
ca. June 3, 1949 |
976/7 | Montana Christmas tree, Nations
Christmas tree |
1959 |
976/8 | Life in Montana |
ca. 1930s-1940s |
976/9 | Life in Montana and Truman
Campaign |
1939-1950 |
976/10 | Missoula and Great Falls
1938-1960 |
976/11 | Paradise Dam project
1948 |
976/12 | Soil and Conservation
1936-1937 |
976/13 | Blackfoot Irrigation
1957 |
976/14 | Fort Peck, Wolf Point Public
School |
1934 |
Subseries 2: General |
Box/Folder | ||
976/15 | 91(VI):1: James E. Murray |
undated |
976/15 | 91(VI):2: James E. Murray sitting in a
chair |
1939 |
976/15 | 91(VI):3: James E. Murray and friends
standing by the dock edge |
1939 |
976/15 | 91(VI):4: James E. Murray and two other
men sitting by the river |
1939 |
976/15 | 91(VI):5: James E. Murray and group of
men on a boat mission |
1939 |
976/15 | 91(VI):6: James E. Murray and the trip in
the border lakes section of Minnesota |
undated |
976/15 | 91(VI):7: Metcalf, Murray, and Mansfield
photo |
undated |
976/15 | 91(VI):8: Murray, Mansfield and a group
of Native Americans |
undated |
976/15 | 91(VI):9: Lee Metcalf, an unidentified
man, J. Hugo Aronson, and Walter H. McLeod |
undated |
976/15 | 91(VI):10: Murray and five other men
standing for a group photo |
undated |
976/15 | 91(VI):11: "Washington Powwow," Jerome
Hewankorn, Lee Metcalf, James E. Murray, Senator Mike Mansfield, and Leroy
Anderson |
undated |
976/15 | 91(VI):12: "Washington Powwow," Jerome
Hewankorn, Lee Metcalf, James E. Murray, Senator Mike Mansfield, and Leroy
Anderson |
undated |
976/15 | 91(VI):13: James E. Murray, Senator
Mansfield, and six other men posing for a group photo |
undated |
976/15 | 91(VI):14: James E. Murray and two other
men sitting and smiling |
undated |
976/15 | 91(VI):15: James E. Murray and an
unidentified man holding a Charles Russell painting |
undated |
976/15 | 91(VI):16: James E. Murray discussing with
six other men that are standing around him |
undated |
976/15 | 91(VI):17: James E. Murray, Senator Mike
Mansfield, and four other men sitting around a diner table having coffee
undated |
976/15 | 91(VI):18: James E. Murray discussing a
flag that eight boy scouts are holding |
undated |
976/15 | 91(VI):19: James E. Murray and five other
men standing |
undated |
976/15 | 91(VI):20: "Washington Powwow," James E.
Murray, Senator Mike Mansfield, and ten unidentified people |
undated |
976/15 | 91(VI):21: James E. Murray and twenty-five
other people standing next to a very long table |
undated |
976/15 | 91(VI):22: "Washington Powwow," James E.
Murray, Senator Mike Mansfield, and five other men standing for a group photo
undated |
976/15 | 91(VI):23: Representatives Anderson and
Metcalf talking with Senator Murray |
undated |
976/15 | 91(VI):24: Representative Anderson,
Senators Mansfield and Murray, and Representative Metcalf sitting down and
talking |
undated |
976/15 | 91(VI):25: Senator Murray, Senator
Mansfield, and many more |
undated |
976/15 | 91(VI):26: Senator Murray standing next to
two unidentified men |
undated |
976/15 | 91(VI):27: Representative Anderson,
Senators Mansfield and Murray, and Representative Metcalf sitting down and
talking |
undated |
976/15 | 91(VI):28: Senator Murray sitting at the
head of the table talking with 11 other men |
undated |
976/15 | 91(VI):29: Representatives Metcalf and
Anderson, boy scout, and Senator Mansfield helping Senator Murray fix his tie
undated |
976/15 | 91(VI):30: Senator Murray and other
senators sitting around a round table talking |
undated |
976/15 | 91(VI):31: Fort Peck Indian Reservation, a
band playing at the bottom of the stairs |
undated |
976/15 | 91(VI):32: Senator Murray talking with two
other men |
ca. 1960 |
976/15 | 91(VI):33: St. John's Church under
construction |
undated |
976/15 | 91(VI):34: Front view of St. John's Church
with Father J. A. Gallagher and Senator Murray, Choteau, MT |
undated |
976/15 | 91(VI):35: Castle looking building
undated |
976/15 | 91(VI):36: Castle looking building
undated |
976/15 | 91(VI):37: Photo of Senator Murray and
unidentified man in Cleveland |
April 1949 |
976/15 | 91(VI):38: Senator Murray with the
American Indian in Holiday Magazine |
January 1956 |
976/16 | 91(VI):39: Fort Missoula under
reconstruction |
ca. 1940 |
976/16 | 91(VI):40: Recreation Hall, Fort Missoula
ca. 1940 |
976/16 | 91(VI):41: Mess Hall, Fort Missoula
ca. 1940 |
976/16 | 91(VI):42: Fort Missoula |
ca. 1940 |
976/16 | 91(VI):43: Fort Missoula aerial view
undated |
976/16 | 91(VI):44: Fort Missoula, inside reaction
hall |
ca. 1944 |
976/16 | 91(VI):45: Fort Missoula barracks
ca. 1945 |
976/16 | 91(VI):46: Fort Missoula laundry room
ca. 1944 |
976/16 | 91(VI):47: Fort Missoula dental office
ca. 1944 |
976/16 | 91(VI):48: Committee hearing, U.S. Senate,
James E. Murray |
undated |
976/16 | 91(VI):49: Senator Mike Mansfield,
Representative Lee Metcalf, Representative Leroy Anderson, and Senator James E.
Murray |
ca. 1958 |
976/16 | 91(VI):50: Jardine, Montana, looking NE
(1-r) mill, arsenic plant, cyanide plant |
undated |
976/16 | 91(VI):51: Jardine, Montana, view of main
mill taken near top of mine dump, looking NW |
undated |
976/16 | 91(VI):52: Jardine, Montana, nearer view
of cyanide mill and arsenic plant, looking SW |
undated |
976/16 | 91(VI):53: Jardine, Montana. Arsenic
precipitation. Solid arsenic settles out before gases reach stack at top of
hill. Stack vents arsenic-free gases |
undated |
976/16 | 91(VI):54: Jardine, Montana. Personnel
(1-r) Geologist Gilbert, Superintendent Almquist, Manager Swanson, Clyde Potter
(SWPC) |
undated |
976/16 | 91(VI):55: James. E. Murray, Lyndon B.
Johnson, and Mike Mansfield |
ca. 1960s |
976/16 | 91(VI):56: Mike Mansfield, James E.
Murray, Lyndon B. Johnson, Charlie Murray and wife |
ca. 1960s |
976/16 | 91(VI):57: Franklin D. Roosevelt signing
Senator James E. Murray's Bill S2250 to aid small business |
June 11, 1942 |
976/16 | 91(VI):58: James E. Murray with President
Franklin D. Roosevelt |
ca. 1942 |
Names and SubjectsReturn to Top
Subject Terms
- Agriculture and state--United States
- Indians of North America--Government policy
- Labor policy--United States
- Mines and mineral resources--United States
- Power resources--Government policy--United States
- Public works--United States
- Small business--Government policy--United States
- Veterans--Government policy--United States
- World War, 1939-1945
Corporate Names
Geographical Names
- Montana--Politics and government--20th century
- United States--Armed Forces
- United States--Emigration and immigration
- United States--Foreign relations--20th century
- United States--Politics and government--20th century
- United States. Congress. Senate