Emergency Rally - Say No to Nazis March Photograph Collection, August 20, 2017

Overview of the Collection

Kinsey, Kristin
Emergency Rally - Say No to Nazis March Photograph Collection
August 20, 2017 (inclusive)
104 digital photographs
Collection Number
Photographs from the Emergency Rally - Say No to Nazis March
University of Washington Libraries, Special Collections
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Box 352900
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On August 20, 2017, the organization Americans For Refugees & Immigrants (AfRI) called for a demonstration against white supremacist violence, the Trump presidency, neo-Nazism, anti-Semitism, racism, as well as the influence of Sebastian Gorka and Stephen Miller in the White House. This rally was held in response to the Unite The Right rally in Charlottesville, Virginia on August 11 and 12, 2017, where Heather Heyer was killed. AfRI decried President Trump's response to the "violence, misogyny, anti-Semitism, and racism in Charlotte" as "lukewarm", according to their Facebook page. The event was also supported by the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU), Washington Congressman Adam Smith, and the Truman National Security Project.

Demonstrators gathered at Westlake Park to hear speeches from Michael Ramos, of the Church Council of Greater Seattle, Ross Cohen, of the Truman National Security Project, Cary Moon, candidate for Seattle Governor, Sheley Secrest, Vice President of the NAACP (National Association for the Advancement of Colored People), Chris Vance, former chair of the Washington State Republican Party, Rabbi David Basior, of Kadima Reconstructionist Community, and Rabbi Jim Mirel, rabbi emeritus at Temple B'nai Torah.

Content DescriptionReturn to Top

Photographs from the Emergency Rally - Say No to Nazis March, August 20, 2017.

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View the entire collection on the Libraries Digital Collections website

Restrictions on Use

Creator's copyrights transferred to the University of Washington Libraries Special Collections.

Administrative InformationReturn to Top

Acquisition Information

Donor: Kristin Kinsey, August 18, 2017.

Detailed Description of the CollectionReturn to Top


Kristin Kinsey PhotographsReturn to Top

Container(s) Description Dates
electronic_file item
Online KinseyK1
Protesters holding signs reading "Unite against bigots and the billionaire class!" and "We fight racism with solidarity", Westlake Park, Seattle, Washington
Text on signs read: "Unite against bigots and the billionaire class - Socialist Alternative"; "To do list: 1. Protest, 2. Eat cake"; "We fight racism with solidarity - Fred Hampton. Socialist Alternative [with an image of a raised fist]"; "Build a movement to Dump Trump." Fred Hampton (1948-1969) was an American activist and revolutionary, chairman of the Illinois chapter of the Black Panther Party (BPP), and deputy chairman of the national BPP. He was killed by police in December of 1969.
August 20, 2017
Online KinseyK2
Protester helping to inflate a giant chicken wearing President Donald Trump's signature hairstyle, Westlake Park, Seattle, Washington
The giant inflatable chicken sporting President Donald Trump’s signature hairstyle is the creation of Seattle based artist Taran Singh Brar. Brar debuted the chicken (nicknamed Chicken Don) at the Tax Day March on Seattle, held April 15, 2017. The original 30-foot tall chicken later made its way to the lawn of the White House, and smaller versions appeared at rallies and protests across the country.
August 20, 2017
Online KinseyK3
"Chicken Don", a giant inflatable chicken wearing President Trump's signature hairstyle, being inflated at Westlake Park, Seattle, Washington
The giant inflatable chicken sporting President Donald Trump’s signature hairstyle is the creation of Seattle based artist Taran Singh Brar. Brar debuted the chicken (nicknamed Chicken Don) at the Tax Day March on Seattle, held April 15, 2017. The original 30-foot tall chicken later made its way to the lawn of the White House, and smaller versions appeared at rallies and protests across the country.
August 20, 2017
Online KinseyK4
Protester standing next to a giant inflatable chicken that is wearing President Donald Trump's signature hairstyle, Westlake Park, Seattle, Washington
Text on sign reads: "Build a movement to dump Trump - Socialist Alternative." The giant inflatable chicken sporting President Donald Trump’s signature hairstyle is the creation of Seattle based artist Taran Singh Brar. Brar debuted the chicken (nicknamed Chicken Don) at the Tax Day March on Seattle, held April 15, 2017. The original 30-foot tall chicken later made its way to the lawn of the White House, and smaller versions appeared at rallies and protests across the country.
August 20, 2017
Online KinseyK5
Demonstrator holding a sign reading "Build a movement to Dump Trump", in front of "Chicken Don" balloon, Westlake Park, Seattle, Washington
Text on sign reads: "Build a movement to dump Trump - Socialist Alternative." The giant inflatable chicken sporting President Donald Trump’s signature hairstyle is the creation of Seattle based artist Taran Singh Brar. Brar debuted the chicken (nicknamed Chicken Don) at the Tax Day March on Seattle, held April 15, 2017. The original 30-foot tall chicken later made its way to the lawn of the White House, and smaller versions appeared at rallies and protests across the country.
August 20, 2017
Online KinseyK6
Demonstrators gathered with protest signs in Westlake Park, Seattle, Washington
Text on signs read: "We fight racism with solidarity"; "Build a movement to dump Trump - Socialist Alternative"; "God if you want us to impeach Trump, give us a sign. Like, blot out the sun some time this week. Thanks. -America"; "[Image of Heather Heyer] 1985-2017 - Hate is un-American"; "Love not hate." One protester is wearing a shirt that reads: "Indivisible." Heather Heyer was murdered when a man drove his car into a crowd of demonstrators who were protesting white nationalists in Charlottesville, Va., on August 12, 2017.A full solar eclipse took place on August 21, 2017. It was visible within a band across the entire contiguous United States.
August 20, 2017
Online KinseyK7
Protester holding a sign with an image of Heather Heyer, Westlake Park, Seattle, Washington
Text on signs read: "Build a movement to dump Trump - Socialist Alternative"; "[Image of Heather Heyer] 1985-2017 - Hate is un-American"; "Hey, Hey, Ho, Ho - Hate & Bigotry gotta go!!"; "Love not hate." One protester is wearing a shirt that reads: "Indivisible." Heather Heyer was murdered when a man drove his car into a crowd of demonstrators who were protesting white nationalists in Charlottesville, Va., on August 12, 2017.A full solar eclipse took place on August 21, 2017. It was visible within a band across the entire contiguous United States.
August 20, 2017
Online KinseyK8
Demonstrators gathering in front of giant inflatable chicken wearing President Donald Trump's signature hairstyle, Westlake Park, Seattle, Washington
Text on signs read: "What is Trump hiding?"; "We fight racism with solidarity - Fred Hampton. Socialist Alternative [with an image of a raised fist]"; "This aggression will not stand, man!." Fred Hampton (1948-1969) was an American activist and revolutionary, chairman of the Illinois chapter of the Black Panther Party (BPP), and deputy chairman of the national BPP. He was killed by police in December of 1969.The giant inflatable chicken sporting President Donald Trump’s signature hairstyle is the creation of Seattle based artist Taran Singh Brar. Brar debuted the chicken (nicknamed Chicken Don) at the Tax Day March on Seattle, held April 15, 2017. The original 30-foot tall chicken later made its way to the lawn of the White House, and smaller versions appeared at rallies and protests across the country.
August 20, 2017
Online KinseyK9
Protesters holding signs reading "Dump Trump" and "This is not about statues!", Westlake Park, Seattle, Washington
Text on signs read: "Build a movement to dump Trump - Socialist Alternative"; "This is not about statues!." The giant inflatable chicken sporting President Donald Trump’s signature hairstyle is the creation of Seattle based artist Taran Singh Brar. Brar debuted the chicken (nicknamed Chicken Don) at the Tax Day March on Seattle, held April 15, 2017. The original 30-foot tall chicken later made its way to the lawn of the White House, and smaller versions appeared at rallies and protests across the country.
August 20, 2017
Online KinseyK10
Crowd with large sign of a yellow submarine and the phrase "All you need is love!", Westlake Park, Seattle, Washington
Text on sign reads: "All you need is love [hung above a large sign of a yellow submarine]"; "Love trumps hate"; "Build a movement to dump Trump - Socialist Alternative"; "We fight racism with solidarity - Fred Hampton. Socialist Alternative [with an image of a raised fist]." One sign depicts a swastika with the symbol for "NO" imposed on it.Fred Hampton (1948-1969) was an American activist and revolutionary, chairman of the Illinois chapter of the Black Panther Party (BPP), and deputy chairman of the national BPP. He was killed by police in December of 1969.The giant inflatable chicken sporting President Donald Trump’s signature hairstyle is the creation of Seattle based artist Taran Singh Brar. Brar debuted the chicken (nicknamed Chicken Don) at the Tax Day March on Seattle, held April 15, 2017. The original 30-foot tall chicken later made its way to the lawn of the White House, and smaller versions appeared at rallies and protests across the country.
August 20, 2017
Online KinseyK11
Demonstrators carring signs reading "Queers against Islamaphobia" and "Human beings are illegal", Westlake Park, Seattle, Washington
Text on sign reads: "Queers against Islamaphobia"; "Human beings aren't illegal & fuck you Trump!."
August 20, 2017
Online KinseyK12
Stack of signs by Socialist Alternative reading "We fight racism with solidarity - Fred Hampton", Westlake Park, Seattle, Washington
Text on signs read: "We fight racism with solidarity - Fred Hampton. Socialist Alternative [with an image of a raised fist]." Fred Hampton (1948-1969) was an American activist and revolutionary, chairman of the Illinois chapter of the Black Panther Party (BPP), and deputy chairman of the national BPP. He was killed by police in December of 1969.
August 20, 2017
Online KinseyK13
Socialist Alternative materials at Westlake Park, Seattle, Washington
Text on sign reads: "Resist Trump - Green Jobs Now"; "Unite against Trump and the billionaire class"; "No deportations - stop the attacks on immigrants!"; "Repeal & Replace Capitalism"; "Sin muro, Sin redadas, Sin guerra - Resist Trump [Trans. from Spanish: No Wall, No Raids, No War]."
August 20, 2017
Online KinseyK14
Two signs reading "We fight racism with solidarity", Westlake Park, Seattle, Washington
Text on signs read: "We fight racism with solidarity - Fred Hampton. Socialist Alternative [with an image of a raised fist]." Fred Hampton (1948-1969) was an American activist and revolutionary, chairman of the Illinois chapter of the Black Panther Party (BPP), and deputy chairman of the national BPP. He was killed by police in December of 1969.
August 20, 2017
Online KinseyK15
Sign reading "Unite against bigots and the billionaire class - Socialist Alternative", Westlake Park, Seattle, Washington
Text on signs read: "Unite against bigots and the billionaire class - Socialist Alternative"; "Dump Trump"; "To do list: 1. Protest, 2. Eat cake." The giant inflatable chicken sporting President Donald Trump’s signature hairstyle is the creation of Seattle based artist Taran Singh Brar. Brar debuted the chicken (nicknamed Chicken Don) at the Tax Day March on Seattle, held April 15, 2017. The original 30-foot tall chicken later made its way to the lawn of the White House, and smaller versions appeared at rallies and protests across the country.
August 20, 2017
Online KinseyK16 August 20, 2017
Online KinseyK17
Sign reading "To do list: 1. Protest, 2. Eat cake", Westlake Park, Seattle, Washington
Text on sign reads: "To do list: 1. Protest, 2. Eat cake." The giant inflatable chicken sporting President Donald Trump’s signature hairstyle is the creation of Seattle based artist Taran Singh Brar. Brar debuted the chicken (nicknamed Chicken Don) at the Tax Day March on Seattle, held April 15, 2017. The original 30-foot tall chicken later made its way to the lawn of the White House, and smaller versions appeared at rallies and protests across the country.
August 20, 2017
Online KinseyK18
Sign reading "Our Diversity is our Strength", Westlake Park, Seattle, Washington
Text on sign reads: "Our diversity is our strength."
August 20, 2017
Online KinseyK19
Sign reading "Hey, hey, ho, ho - Hate & bigotry gotta go!!", Westlake Park, Seattle, Washington
Text on sign reads: "Hey, hey, ho, ho - Hate & bigotry gotta go!!."
August 20, 2017
Online KinseyK20
Sign reading "Hear me roar - Not meow!", Westlake Park, Seattle, Washington
Text on sign reads: "Hear me roar - not meow!."
August 20, 2017
Online KinseyK21
Protester holding sign reading "We fight racism with solidarity", Westlake Park, Seattle, Washington
Text on signs read: "We fight racism with solidarity - Fred Hampton. Socialist Alternative [with an image of a raised fist]." Fred Hampton (1948-1969) was an American activist and revolutionary, chairman of the Illinois chapter of the Black Panther Party (BPP), and deputy chairman of the national BPP. He was killed by police in December of 1969.
August 20, 2017
Online KinseyK22
Sign reading "White supremacy is terrorism!", Westlake Park, Seattle, Washington
Text on sign reads: "White supremacy is terrorism!."
August 20, 2017
Online KinseyK23
Socialist Alternative signs at Westlake Park, Seattle, Washington
Text on signs read: "Unite against bigots and the billionaire class - Socialist Alternative"; "We fight racism with solidarity - Fred Hampton. Socialist Alternative [with an image of a raised fist]"; "Build a movement to Dump Trump." Fred Hampton (1948-1969) was an American activist and revolutionary, chairman of the Illinois chapter of the Black Panther Party (BPP), and deputy chairman of the national BPP. He was killed by police in December of 1969.
August 20, 2017
Online KinseyK24
Sign reading "To do list: 1. Protest, 2. Eat cake" in front of a giant inflatable chicken, Westlake Park, Seattle, Washington
Text on sign reads: "To do list: 1. Protest, 2. Eat cake." The giant inflatable chicken sporting President Donald Trump’s signature hairstyle is the creation of Seattle based artist Taran Singh Brar. Brar debuted the chicken (nicknamed Chicken Don) at the Tax Day March on Seattle, held April 15, 2017. The original 30-foot tall chicken later made its way to the lawn of the White House, and smaller versions appeared at rallies and protests across the country.
August 20, 2017
Online KinseyK25
Sign reading "White supremacists are losers" in front of a giant inflatable chicken, Westlake Park, Seattle, Washington
Text on sign reads: "White supremacists are losers." The giant inflatable chicken sporting President Donald Trump’s signature hairstyle is the creation of Seattle based artist Taran Singh Brar. Brar debuted the chicken (nicknamed Chicken Don) at the Tax Day March on Seattle, held April 15, 2017. The original 30-foot tall chicken later made its way to the lawn of the White House, and smaller versions appeared at rallies and protests across the country.
August 20, 2017
Online KinseyK26
Sign reading "White supremacists are losers", Westlake Park, Seattle, Washington
Text on sign reads: "White supremacists are losers." The giant inflatable chicken sporting President Donald Trump’s signature hairstyle is the creation of Seattle based artist Taran Singh Brar. Brar debuted the chicken (nicknamed Chicken Don) at the Tax Day March on Seattle, held April 15, 2017. The original 30-foot tall chicken later made its way to the lawn of the White House, and smaller versions appeared at rallies and protests across the country.
August 20, 2017
Online KinseyK27
Moh Kilani, of the Truman National Security Project, speaking at Westlake Park, Seattle, Washington
Moh Kilani is a native of Iraq, but now calls the Pacific Northwest home. Moh has a bachelor’s degree in biology from the University of North Carolina at Greensboro, and a master’s in Applied International Studies from the University of Washington. With a wide array of experience, ranging from export to North Africa, to Arctic sub-nationalism to working directly with Syrian refugees, Moh brings a creative approach to strategy. He is a Security Fellow with the Truman National Security Project, and was an Arctic Initiative Fellow with the International Policy Institute at the University of Washington.
August 20, 2017
Online KinseyK28
Sign reading "Somewhere in the dark corners of the internet the 'alt-left' is planning universal healthcare and community gardens", Westlake Park, Seattle, Washington
Text on sign reads: "Somewhere in the dark corners of the internet the 'alt-left' is planning universal healthcare and community gardens!!! Oh, the horror... @pollydeemurdoeh."
August 20, 2017
Online KinseyK29
Demonstrator holding a sign reading "Human beings aren't illegal", Westlake Park, Seattle, Washington
Text on signs read: "Build a movement to dump Trump - Socialist Alternative"; "Human beings aren't illegal & fuck you Trump."
August 20, 2017
Online KinseyK30
Demonstrators with signs reading "We fight racism with solidarity" and "Human beings aren't illegal", Westlake Park, Seattle, Washington
Text on signs read: "God, if you want us to impeach Trump, give us a sign. Like, blot out the sun some time with week. Thanks - America"; "Human beings aren't illegal & fuck you Trump"; "We fight racism with solidarity - Fred Hampton. Socialist Alternative." Fred Hampton (1948-1969) was an American activist and revolutionary, chairman of the Illinois chapter of the Black Panther Party (BPP), and deputy chairman of the national BPP. He was killed by police in December of 1969.A full solar eclipse took place on August 21, 2017. It was visible within a band across the entire contiguous United States.
August 20, 2017
Online KinseyK31
Rabbi Jim Mirel, of Temple B'nai Torah, speaking at Westlake Park, Seattle, Washington
Rabbi Jim Mirel is rabbi emeritus at Temple B'nai Torah, a Reform synagogue in Bellevue, Washington.The giant inflatable chicken sporting President Donald Trump’s signature hairstyle is the creation of Seattle based artist Taran Singh Brar. Brar debuted the chicken (nicknamed Chicken Don) at the Tax Day March on Seattle, held April 15, 2017. The original 30-foot tall chicken later made its way to the lawn of the White House, and smaller versions appeared at rallies and protests across the country.
August 20, 2017
Online KinseyK32
Demonstrator wearing a NARAL Pro-Choice America shirt and holding a sign reading "We fight racism with solidarity", Westlake Park, Seattle, Washington
Text on signs read: "Build a movement to dump Trump - Socialist Alternative"; "God, if you want us to impeach Trump, give us a sign. Like, blot out the sun some time with week. Thanks - America"; "We fight racism with solidarity - Fred Hampton. Socialist Alternative." Text on clothing reads: "Peace"; "Resist & Persist - NARAL Pro-choice America." Fred Hampton (1948-1969) was an American activist and revolutionary, chairman of the Illinois chapter of the Black Panther Party (BPP), and deputy chairman of the national BPP. He was killed by police in December of 1969.A full solar eclipse took place on August 21, 2017. It was visible within a band across the entire contiguous United States.
August 20, 2017
Online KinseyK33
Demonstrators gathered at Westlake Park, Seattle, Washington
Text on sign reads: "White supremacists are losers." One protester is wearing red crosses taped to their arms. These crosses probably indicate that this is a street medic. Street medics, or action medics, are volunteers with varying degrees of medical training who help provide medical care, such as first aid, in situations frequently neglected by traditional institutions, such as protests.
August 20, 2017
Online KinseyK34
Protester holding a sign reading "Build a movement to Dump Trump", Westlake Park, Seattle, Washington
Text on sign reads: "Build a movement to dump Trump - Socialist Alternative."
August 20, 2017
Online KinseyK35
Signs reading "Unite against bigots and the billionaire class" and "Silence is not an option", Westlake Park, Seattle, Washington
Text on signs read: "Unite against bigots and the billionaire class"; "Silence is not an option."
August 20, 2017
Online KinseyK36
Street medic in front of group of protesters, Westlake Park, Seattle, Washington
Text on signs read: "Unite against the billionaire class"; "Dump Trump." One protester is wearing red crosses taped to their arms. These crosses probably indicate that this is a street medic. Street medics, or action medics, are volunteers with varying degrees of medical training who help provide medical care, such as first aid, in situations frequently neglected by traditional institutions, such as protests.
August 20, 2017
Online KinseyK37
Michael Ramos, of the Church Council of Greater Seattle, speaking at Westlake Park, Seattle, Washington
The giant inflatable chicken sporting President Donald Trump’s signature hairstyle is the creation of Seattle based artist Taran Singh Brar. Brar debuted the chicken (nicknamed Chicken Don) at the Tax Day March on Seattle, held April 15, 2017. The original 30-foot tall chicken later made its way to the lawn of the White House, and smaller versions appeared at rallies and protests across the country.
August 20, 2017
Online KinseyK38
Table with protest literature, Westlake Park, Seattle, Washington
Text on signs read: "Sin muro, sin redadas, sin guerra - Resist Trump - Socialist Alternative [Trans. from Spanish: No Wall, No Raids, No War]"; "Resist Trump - Unite against LGBTQ Homelessness, Affordable housing for all! - www.SocialistAlternative.org."
August 20, 2017
Online KinseyK39
Protester holding a sign where the number 45 is made to look like a swastika, Westlake Park, Seattle, Washington
Sign depicts the number 45 made to look like a swastika, with the symbol for "NO" on top of it. President Donald J. Trump is the 45th President of the United States.
August 20, 2017
Online KinseyK40
Protester in a red scarf holding a sign reading "Dump Trump", Westlake Park, Seattle, Washington
Text on sign reads: "Build a movement to dump Trump - Socialist Alternative."
August 20, 2017
Online KinseyK41
Demonstrators with signs reading "Muslims welcome in our home" and "Support working class needs, not billionaire greed", Westlake Park, Seattle, Washington
Text on signs reads: "Muslims welcome in our home"; "Support working class needs, not billionaire greed." Text on clothing reads "Real Change."
August 20, 2017
Online KinseyK42
Sign reading "No racists, sexists, fascists, Trump", Westlake Park, Seattle, Washington
Text on signs read: "We fight racism with solidarity - Fred Hampton"; "Build a movement to dump Trump"; "No racists, sexists, fascists, Trump." Fred Hampton (1948-1969) was an American activist and revolutionary, chairman of the Illinois chapter of the Black Panther Party (BPP), and deputy chairman of the national BPP. He was killed by police in December of 1969.
August 20, 2017
Online KinseyK43
Demonstrators holding signs reading "If not now, when" and "We fight racism with solidarity", Westlake Park, Seattle, Washington
Text on signs read: "We fight racism with solidarity - Fred Hampton, Socialist Alternative"; "Build a movement to Dump Trump"; "If not now, when"; "Unite against bigots and the billionaire class." Text on clothing reads: "Pramila for Congress." Pramila Jayapal currently serves as the U.S. Representative for Washington's 7th Congressional District.Fred Hampton (1948-1969) was an American activist and revolutionary, chairman of the Illinois chapter of the Black Panther Party (BPP), and deputy chairman of the national BPP. He was killed by police in December of 1969.
August 20, 2017
Online KinseyK44
Signs reading "Black Lives Matter" and "Dump Trump", Westlake Park, Seattle, Washington
Text on signs read: "Build a movement to Dump Trump - Socialist Alternative"; "Black Lives Matter"; "Unite against bigots and the billionaire class."
August 20, 2017
Online KinseyK45
Demonstrators gathered at Westlake Park, Seattle, Washington
Text on signs read: "We fight racism with solidarity - Fred Hampton, Socialist Alternative"; "Dump Trump"; "Black Lives Matter"; "Disarm Hate." Fred Hampton (1948-1969) was an American activist and revolutionary, chairman of the Illinois chapter of the Black Panther Party (BPP), and deputy chairman of the national BPP. He was killed by police in December of 1969.
August 20, 2017
Online KinseyK46
Demonstrator wearing a hat covered in political buttons, Westlake Park, Seattle, Washington
Text on sign reads: "Black Lives Matter." Text on buttons read: "Jesse Jackson, 1984"; "Anderson for President, 1980"; "John F. Kennedy for President"; "Shirley Chisholm, 1972"; "Obama '08, Gregoire Burner"; "Freedom Now Core"; "Jesse Jackson '88"; "March on Washington for Jobs & Freedom, August 28, 1963"; "Black Lives Matter"; "Alt-US National Park Service"; "I stand with Planned Parenthood"; "Keep calm and read the constitution - ACLU."
August 20, 2017
Online KinseyK47
Chris Vance, former chair of the Washington State Republican Party, speaking at Westlake Park, Seattle, Washington
Text on sign reads: "Americans for Refugees & Immigrants - Build bridges not walls!"; "Dump Trump."
August 20, 2017
Online KinseyK48 August 20, 2017
Online KinseyK49
Chris Vance, former chair of the Washington State Republican Party, speaking at Westlake Park, Seattle, Washington
Text on signs read: "Americans for Refugees & Immigrants - Build bridges not walls!"; "We will not be silenced [with an image of a raised fist]"; "Dump Trump."
August 20, 2017
Online KinseyK50
Chris Vance, former chair of the Washington State Republican Party, speaking at Westlake Park, Seattle, Washington
Text on signs read: "We fight racism with solidarity - Fred Hampton, Socialist Alternative"; "Build a movement to Dump Trump"; "Do nazis kiss their mothers with those mouths?"; "Be excellent to each other"; "White supremacists are losers"; "Silence is not an option"; "Losers in 1865 [image of Confederate flag], Losers in 1945 [image of flag with swastika], Losers in 2017 [image of Pepe the frog cartoon]"; "Black Lives Matter"; "What is Trump hiding?"; "Unite against bigots and the billionaire class." Fred Hampton (1948-1969) was an American activist and revolutionary, chairman of the Illinois chapter of the Black Panther Party (BPP), and deputy chairman of the national BPP. He was killed by police in December of 1969.
August 20, 2017
Online KinseyK51
Sign reading "No Nazis, no KKK, no fascist USA", Westlake Park, Seattle, Washington
Text on signs read: "We fight racism with solidarity - Fred Hampton, Socialist Alternative"; "No Nazis, no KKK, no fascist USA - We the people will prevail!." Fred Hampton (1948-1969) was an American activist and revolutionary, chairman of the Illinois chapter of the Black Panther Party (BPP), and deputy chairman of the national BPP. He was killed by police in December of 1969.
August 20, 2017
Online KinseyK52
Giant "Chicken Don" balloon alongside protesters at Westlake Park, Seattle, Washington
Text on signs read: "Silence is not an option"; "Dump Trump"; "An injury to one is an injury to all." One sign depicts the number 45 made to look like a swastika. President Donald Trump is the 45th President of the United States.The giant inflatable chicken sporting President Donald Trump’s signature hairstyle is the creation of Seattle based artist Taran Singh Brar. Brar debuted the chicken (nicknamed Chicken Don) at the Tax Day March on Seattle, held April 15, 2017. The original 30-foot tall chicken later made its way to the lawn of the White House, and smaller versions appeared at rallies and protests across the country.
August 20, 2017
Online KinseyK53
Giant "Chicken Don" balloon beside protesters at Westlake Park, Seattle, Washington
The giant inflatable chicken sporting President Donald Trump’s signature hairstyle is the creation of Seattle based artist Taran Singh Brar. Brar debuted the chicken (nicknamed Chicken Don) at the Tax Day March on Seattle, held April 15, 2017. The original 30-foot tall chicken later made its way to the lawn of the White House, and smaller versions appeared at rallies and protests across the country.
August 20, 2017
Online KinseyK54
Two signs reading "Bigotly" with pictures of President Donald Trump's face, Westlake Park, Seattle, Washington
Text on sign reads: "Bigotly [with an image of President Donald Trump's face]."
August 20, 2017
Online KinseyK55
Sign reading "Bigotly", Westlake Park, Seattle, Washington
Text on sign reads: "Bigotly [with an image of President Donald Trump's face]."
August 20, 2017
Online KinseyK56
Sign reading "Bigotly" with an image of President Donald Trump, Westlake Park, Seattle, Washington
Text on sign reads: "Bigotly [with an image of President Donald Trump's face]."
August 20, 2017
Online KinseyK57
Text on sign reading "We hold these truths to be self evident, that all men are created equal", Westlake Park, Seattle, Washington
Text on sign reads: "We hold these truths to be self evident, that all men are created equal."
August 20, 2017
Online KinseyK58
Stack of Socialist Alternative signs at Westlake Park, Seattle, Washington
Text on signs read: "Build a movement to dump Trump - Socialist Alternative"; "Unite against bigots and the billionaire class."
August 20, 2017
Online KinseyK59
Signs reading "Dump Trump" and "Bigotly", Westlake Park, Seattle, Washington
Text on signs read: "Dump Trump"; "Bigotly [with an image of President Trump's face]."
August 20, 2017
Online KinseyK60 August 20, 2017
Online KinseyK61
Sign reading "Things with many sides: my d20, a good dinner, [not] bigotry", Westlake Park, Seattle, Washington
Text on signs read: "Things with many sides: my d20, a good dinner, [not] bigotry"; "Black lives matter." Following violent protests between white nationalists and those opposing them in Charlottesville, Virginia, President Donald Trump was criticized for not speaking more forcefully against the white nationalists. President Trump described the the events in Charlottesville as an "egregious display of hatred, bigotry and violence on many sides, on many sides." A d20 is a twenty sided die, usually used for tabletop gaming.
August 20, 2017
Online KinseyK62
Two demonstrators standing beside a sign reading "We fight racism with solidarity", Westlake Park, Seattle, Washington
Text on sign reads: "We fight racism with solidarity - Fred Hampton, Socialist Alternative." Fred Hampton (1948-1969) was an American activist and revolutionary, chairman of the Illinois chapter of the Black Panther Party (BPP), and deputy chairman of the national BPP. He was killed by police in December of 1969.
August 20, 2017
Online KinseyK63
Signs reading "No place for hate" and "Deport Trump", Westlake Park, Seattle, Washington
Text on signs read; "No place for hate"; "Deport Trump."
August 20, 2017
Online KinseyK64 August 20, 2017
Online KinseyK65 August 20, 2017
Online KinseyK66
Demonstrators holding signs reading "We fight racism with solidarity" and "Black Lives Matter..." , Westlake Park, Seattle, Washington
Text on signs read: "In this house, we believe: Black Lives Matter, Women's Rights are Human Rights, No Human Is Illegal, Science is Real, Water is life, In religious freedom, Love is Love, Kindness is everything"; "We fight racism with solidarity - Fred Hampton, Socialist Alternative." Fred Hampton (1948-1969) was an American activist and revolutionary, chairman of the Illinois chapter of the Black Panther Party (BPP), and deputy chairman of the national BPP. He was killed by police in December of 1969.
August 20, 2017
Online KinseyK67
Sign reading "Heather Heyer - Say her name - She did not die in vain", Westlake Park, Seattle, Washington
Text on sign reads: "Heather Heyer - Say her name - She did not die in vain." Text on clothing reads: "Sorry about our president" in ten different languages.Heather Heyer was murdered when a man drove his car into a crowd of demonstrators who were protesting white nationalists in Charlottesville, Va., on August 12, 2017.
August 20, 2017
Online KinseyK68
Demonstrator carrying a sign with an image of Heather Heyer, Westlake Park, Seattle, Washington
Text on sign reads: [Image of Heather Heyer] 1985-2017 - Hate is un-American"; "All you need is love [above a sign in the shape of a yellow submarine]." Heather Heyer was murdered when a man drove his car into a crowd of demonstrators who were protesting white nationalists in Charlottesville, Va., on August 12, 2017.The giant inflatable chicken sporting President Donald Trump’s signature hairstyle is the creation of Seattle based artist Taran Singh Brar. Brar debuted the chicken (nicknamed Chicken Don) at the Tax Day March on Seattle, held April 15, 2017. The original 30-foot tall chicken later made its way to the lawn of the White House, and smaller versions appeared at rallies and protests across the country.
August 20, 2017
Online KinseyK69
Protester standing in front of giant "Chicken Don" balloon holding a sign in the shape of a yellow submarine, Westlake Park, Seattle, Washington
Text on sign reads: [Image of Heather Heyer] 1985-2017 - Hate is un-American"; "All you need is love [above a sign in the shape of a yellow submarine]." Text on clothing reads: "Indivisible." Heather Heyer was murdered when a man drove his car into a crowd of demonstrators who were protesting white nationalists in Charlottesville, Va., on August 12, 2017.The giant inflatable chicken sporting President Donald Trump’s signature hairstyle is the creation of Seattle based artist Taran Singh Brar. Brar debuted the chicken (nicknamed Chicken Don) at the Tax Day March on Seattle, held April 15, 2017. The original 30-foot tall chicken later made its way to the lawn of the White House, and smaller versions appeared at rallies and protests across the country.
August 20, 2017
Online KinseyK70 August 20, 2017
Online KinseyK71
Demonstrators holding sign while sitting on a curb, Westlake Park, Seattle, Washington
Text on sign reads: "God, if you want us to impeach Trump, give us a sign. Like, blot out the sun some time with week. Thanks - America." Text on clothing reads: "I stand with immigrants." A full solar eclipse took place on August 21, 2017. It was visible within a band across the entire contiguous United States.
August 20, 2017
Online KinseyK72
Sign reading "Confront racist relatives now", Westlake Park, Seattle, Washington
Text on sign reads: "Confront racist relatives now."
August 20, 2017
Online KinseyK73
Sign reading "No racists, sexists, fascists, Trump", Westlake Park, Seattle, Washington
Text on sign reads: "No racists, sexists, fascists, Trump."
August 20, 2017
Online KinseyK74
Musicians performing before the crowd at Westlake Park, Seattle, Washington
Text on signs read: "No wall"; "Dump Trump"; "Hate is un-American." The giant inflatable chicken sporting President Donald Trump’s signature hairstyle is the creation of Seattle based artist Taran Singh Brar. Brar debuted the chicken (nicknamed Chicken Don) at the Tax Day March on Seattle, held April 15, 2017. The original 30-foot tall chicken later made its way to the lawn of the White House, and smaller versions appeared at rallies and protests across the country.
August 20, 2017
Online KinseyK75 August 20, 2017
Online KinseyK76
Protester holding a sign reading "Hate is un-American", Westlake Park, Seattle, Washington
Text on sign reads: "[Image of Heather Heyer] 1985-2017 - Hate is un-American." Heather Heyer was murdered when a man drove his car into a crowd of demonstrators who were protesting white nationalists in Charlottesville, Va., on August 12, 2017.
August 20, 2017
Online KinseyK77
Demonstrators holding signs in front of giant "Chicken Don" balloon, Westlake Park, Seattle, Washington
Text on signs read: "Build a movement to dump Trump - Socialist Alternative"; "[Image of Heather Heyer] 1985-2017, Hate is un-American." Text on clothing reads: "Indivisible"; "No racism, no sexism, no homophobia." The giant inflatable chicken sporting President Donald Trump’s signature hairstyle is the creation of Seattle based artist Taran Singh Brar. Brar debuted the chicken (nicknamed Chicken Don) at the Tax Day March on Seattle, held April 15, 2017. The original 30-foot tall chicken later made its way to the lawn of the White House, and smaller versions appeared at rallies and protests across the country.
August 20, 2017
Online KinseyK78
Demonstrator wearing an Indivisible shirt and holding a sign with a picture of Heather Heyer, Westlake Park, Seattle, Washington
Text on sign reads: "[Image of Heather Heyer] 1985-2017 - Hate is un-American." Heather Heyer was murdered when a man drove his car into a crowd of demonstrators who were protesting white nationalists in Charlottesville, Va., on August 12, 2017.
August 20, 2017
Online KinseyK79 August 20, 2017
Online KinseyK80
Signs reading "Americans for Refugees & Immigrants", "No wall", and "De-escalate Washington", Westlake Park, Seattle, Washington
Text on signs read: "No Wall"; "Americans for Refugees and Immigrants"; "De-escalate Washington - Building bridges between communities and police. Sign I-940."
August 20, 2017
Online KinseyK81 August 20, 2017
Online KinseyK82
Signs reading "Racism is not patriotic" and "Dump Trump", Westlake Park, Seattle, Washington
Text on signs read: "Racism is not patriotic"; "Dump Trump."
August 20, 2017
Online KinseyK83
Protester holding sign reading "Dump Trump" in front of giant "Chicken Don" balloon, Westlake Park, Seattle, Washington
Text on sign reads: "Build a movement to dump Trump - Socialist Alternative." Text on clothing reads: "No racism, no sexism, no homophobia." The giant inflatable chicken sporting President Donald Trump’s signature hairstyle is the creation of Seattle based artist Taran Singh Brar. Brar debuted the chicken (nicknamed Chicken Don) at the Tax Day March on Seattle, held April 15, 2017. The original 30-foot tall chicken later made its way to the lawn of the White House, and smaller versions appeared at rallies and protests across the country.
August 20, 2017
Online KinseyK84
Two demonstrators wearing Guy Fawkes masks holding an Anonymous flag, Westlake Park, Seattle, Washington
Anonymous refers to a loosely associated international network of activist and "hacktivist" entities. Members of the group often identify themselves by wearing Guy Fawkes masks, in the style popularized by the graphic novel (and film of the same name) V for Vendetta.
August 20, 2017
Online KinseyK85
Two demonstrators holding an Anonymous flag, both wearing Guy Fawkes masks, Westlake Park, Seattle, Washington
Anonymous refers to a loosely associated international network of activist and "hacktivist" entities. Members of the group often identify themselves by wearing Guy Fawkes masks, in the style popularized by the graphic novel (and film of the same name) V for Vendetta.
August 20, 2017
Online KinseyK86
Demonstrator wearing a Guy Fawkes mask making the peace hand gesture, Westlake Park, Seattle, Washington
The Guy Fawkes mask is a stylized depiction of Guy Fawkes, the best-known member of the Gunpowder Plot. The plot was an attempt to blow up the House of Lords in London on 5 November 1605, in order to restore a Catholic head of state. The mask has become a well-known symbol for the online hacktivist group Anonymous, the Occupy movement, and other anti-government and anti-establishment protests around the world.
August 20, 2017
Online KinseyK87
Signs reading "Dump Trump" and "Queers against Islamaphobia", Westlake Park, Seattle, Washington
Text on signs read: "Build a movement to dump Trump"; "Queers against Islamaphobia."
August 20, 2017
Online KinseyK88
Demonstrator wearing a Guy Fawkes mask carrying a sign reading "Never Again", Westlake Park, Seattle, Washington
Text on sign reads: "Never again! No fascism! No oligarchy!." The Guy Fawkes mask is a stylized depiction of Guy Fawkes, the best-known member of the Gunpowder Plot. The plot was an attempt to blow up the House of Lords in London on 5 November 1605, in order to restore a Catholic head of state. The mask has become a well-known symbol for the online hacktivist group Anonymous, the Occupy movement, and other anti-government and anti-establishment protests around the world.
August 20, 2017
Online KinseyK89
Protester wearing a Guy Fawkes mask, Westlake Park, Seattle, Washington
The Guy Fawkes mask is a stylized depiction of Guy Fawkes, the best-known member of the Gunpowder Plot. The plot was an attempt to blow up the House of Lords in London on 5 November 1605, in order to restore a Catholic head of state. The mask has become a well-known symbol for the online hacktivist group Anonymous, the Occupy movement, and other anti-government and anti-establishment protests around the world.
August 20, 2017
Online KinseyK90
Sign reading "This aggression will not stand, man!", Westlake Park, Seattle, Washington
Text on sign reads: "This aggression will not stand, man!."
August 20, 2017
Online KinseyK91
Sign reading "God, if you want us to impeach Trump, give us a sign", Westlake Park, Seattle, Washington
Text on sign reads: "God, if you want us to impeach Trump, give us a sign. Like, blot out the sun some time this week. Thanks - America." A full solar eclipse took place on August 21, 2017. It was visible within a band across the entire contiguous United States.
August 20, 2017
Online KinseyK92
Protester in Guy Fawkes mask holding a sign reading "Never Again", Westlake Park, Seattle, Washington
Text on sign reads: "Never again - No fascism! No oligarchy!." Text on clothing reads: "Socialist Alternative." The Guy Fawkes mask is a stylized depiction of Guy Fawkes, the best-known member of the Gunpowder Plot. The plot was an attempt to blow up the House of Lords in London on 5 November 1605, in order to restore a Catholic head of state. The mask has become a well-known symbol for the online hacktivist group Anonymous, the Occupy movement, and other anti-government and anti-establishment protests around the world.
August 20, 2017
Online KinseyK93
Signs reading "Impeach Trump" and "Say no to Nazis", Westlake Park, Seattle, Washington
Text on signs read: "Impeach Trump [with the T in Trump replaced with a sickle and hammer]"; "Say no to Nazis"; "We fight racism with solidarity - Fred Hampton. Socialist Alternative." Text on clothing reads: "ACLU Resists." Fred Hampton (1948-1969) was an American activist and revolutionary, chairman of the Illinois chapter of the Black Panther Party (BPP), and deputy chairman of the national BPP. He was killed by police in December of 1969.
August 20, 2017
Online KinseyK94
Sign reading "Talk to your family about race before Breitbart does!", Westlake Park, Seattle, Washington
Text on signs read: "Talk to your family about race before Breitbart does!"; "Lies cannot hide ignorance, stupidity, greed, cruelty."
August 20, 2017
Online KinseyK95
Woman carrying sign reading "Nazis are bad", Westlake Park, Seattle, Washington
Text on signs read: "Nazis are bad"; "White supremacy is terrorism!"; "What is Trump hiding?."
August 20, 2017
Online KinseyK96
Sign reading "We stand with our Muslim neighbors", Westlake Park, Seattle, Washington
Text on sign reads: "We stand with our Muslim neighbors."
August 20, 2017
Online KinseyK97
Sign reading "Don't put me down if I'm brown, hear what I say", Westlake Park, Seattle, Washington
Text on sign reads: "Don't put me down if I'm brown, Hear what I say - El Chicano, Chicano Revolución."
August 20, 2017
Online KinseyK98 August 20, 2017
Online KinseyK99
Sign reading "Radical white terrorism must be stopped by whatever means necessary", Westlake Park, Seattle, Washington
Text on sign reads: "Fixed it: 'Radical ["Islamic" is crossed out and replaced by "WHITE"] terrorism must be stopped by whatever means necessary. - Trump."
August 20, 2017
Online KinseyK100
Sign reading "We won't go back", Westlake Park, Seattle, Washington
Text on sign reads: "We won't go back [with "NO" symbols on top of a drawing of a Klu Klux Klan hood, a wire coat hanger, and a swastika]."
August 20, 2017
Online KinseyK101
Sign reading "Stop pretending your racism is patriotism", Westlake Park, Seattle, Washington
Text on sign reads: "Stop pretending your racism is patriotism."
August 20, 2017
Online KinseyK102 August 20, 2017
Online KinseyK103 August 20, 2017
Online KinseyK104
Police officers on bicycles and a motorcycle riding behind the marchers, 4th Ave., Seattle, Washington
Text on signs read: "What is Trump hiding?"; "Black Lives Matter." One sign depicts the number 45 made to look like a swastika, with the symbol for "NO" on top of it. President Donald J. Trump is the 45th President of the United States.
August 20, 2017

Names and SubjectsReturn to Top

Subject Terms

  • Anti-Nazi movement--Washington (State)--Seattle--Photographs
  • Anti-racism--Washington (State)--Seattle
  • Demonstrations--Washington (State)--Seattle--Photographs
  • Photograph collections--Washington (State)--Seattle
  • Visual Materials Collections (University of Washington)

Corporate Names

  • University of Washington. Libraries--Catalogs