Archives West Finding Aid
Table of Contents
- Overview of the Collection
Historical Note
- Content Description
- Administrative Information
Detailed Description of the Collection
- Accounting Files
- Alcoholism Files
- Alphabetical Files
- Consortium Files
- Correspondence Files
- Grant Files
- ICAP Correspondence Files
- Indian Education Files
- Indian Legal Services Files
- Miscellaneous Files
- Report Files
- Reservation Files: A-A-O
- Reservation Files: Washington
- Task Folders Files
- University of South Dakota Files
- Names and Subjects
Indian Community Action Program records, 1965-1972
Overview of the Collection
- Creator
- Indian Community Action Program
- Title
- Indian Community Action Program records
- Dates
- 1965-1972 (inclusive)19651972
- Quantity
- 14 linear ft.
- Collection Number
- Acc0165
- Summary
- The Indian Community Action Program was established in 1965 to coordinate government assistance programs to tribal organizations. Although the regional headquarters was located on the campus of the University of Utah, the program operated independently of the University. This collection includes grant applications and reports concerning educational and self-help programs. Also included are conference and activity reports and correspondence (1965-1971). Records of many non-governmental organizations are included, particularly tribal organizations, universities, and private groups. Most of these materials concern tribes in Washinton State and Oregon.
- Repository
University of Utah Libraries, University Archives and Records Management
University Archives and Records Management, J. Willard Marriott Library
University of Utah
666 Guardsman Way
Salt Lake City, UT
Telephone: 8015818242 - Access Restrictions
Materials must be used on-site; advance notice suggested. Access to parts of this collection may be restricted under provisions of state or federal law.
- Languages
- English
Historical NoteReturn to Top
The Indian Community Action Program was established in 1965 to coordinate the financial aid activity of the federal government with the various Indian tribal organizations in the Intermountain West and the Pacific Northwest states areas. The regional headquarters of the Indian Community Action Program office were centered on the campus of the University of Utah. Although the positioning of the program office on a university campus would be more advantageous for procuring federal funding, the Indian Community Action Program operated independently of the University of Utah.
The functions of the Indian Community Action Program were varied and involved the many aspects of governmental assistance programs. These included applications and statements of federal grants and monies to provide for Indian education and self-help programs. Also, conference and evaluation reports of Indian activity with the Indian Community Action Program are included. In addition to the varied federal programs many non-governmental organizations are represented in the Indian Community Action Program files. These include the many Indian tribal organizations located in the Intermountain West and the Pacific Northwest states areas, universities and university organizations, as well as private firms that have been involved directly and/or indirectly with the Indian Community Action Program.
Content DescriptionReturn to Top
This collection includes grant applications and reports concerning educational and self-help programs. Also included are conference and activity reports and correspondence (1965-1971). Records of many non-governmental organizations are included, particularly tribal organizations, universities, and private groups. Most of these materials concern tribes in Washinton State and Oregon.
Use of the CollectionReturn to Top
Preferred Citation
Initial Citation: Indian Community Action Program records, Acc. 165, Box [ ]. University Archives and Records Management. University of Utah, J. Willard Marriott. Salt Lake City, Utah.
Following Citations:Acc. 165.
Administrative InformationReturn to Top
This collection is organized alphabetically by subject. Arranged alphabetically within each subject.
Detailed Description of the CollectionReturn to Top
Accounting FilesReturn to Top
Container(s): Series 1
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
Box | ||
1 | Accounting Records |
Folder | ||
1-2 | Accounting Records
(Folders 1-2 are restricted.)
1965-1966 |
3-4 | Consultant Reports |
5 | Honorariums |
6 | Reimbursement Records |
7 | Requisitions |
8 | Time Cards |
9 | Travel Requests |
10-19 | Accounting Records
(Folders 10-19 are restricted.)
1968-1970 |
2 | Miscellaneous to Accounting Reports |
Folder | ||
1-5 | Miscellaneous
(Folders 1-5 are restricted.)
1967-1968 |
6-14 | Accounting Reports
(Folders 6-14 are restricted.)
1967-1968 |
3 | Account Summary Statements to Unexpended Federal Funds Report |
Folder | ||
1-4 | Account Summary Statements (3096-3112) |
5-6 | ICAP Files |
7-8 | Internal Financial Reports |
9 | Tribal Services Association |
10 | Unexpended Federal Funds Report |
Alcoholism FilesReturn to Top
Container(s): Series 2
Container(s) | Description |
Box | |
4 | Alcoholism Conference Reports to Western Region Indian Alcoholism Training Center |
Folder | |
1 | Alcoholism Conference Reports |
2-3 | Alcoholism Questionnaires |
4 | CAP Employees |
5-6 | Correspondence |
7-10 | General Information |
11 | Jicarilla Apache Alcoholism Project |
12 | Miscellaneous |
13 | Sundown M Ranch |
14 | University of Utah School of Alcohol Studies |
15 | Western Region Indian Alcoholism Training Center |
Alphabetical FilesReturn to Top
Container(s): Series 3
Container(s) | Description |
Box | |
5 | A to CAMPS Training Program |
Folder | |
1 | A |
2-19 | Arizona State University ICAP Files |
20 | B |
21 | Brigham Young University |
22 | Bureau of Indian Services |
23 | CAMPS Training Program |
6 | Ce-Coo to General Research Corporation |
Folder | |
1 | Ce-Coo |
2-5 | Chehallis Indians |
6 | Community Survey |
7-12 | Curriculum Guide |
13 | Consortium Files |
14 | Consultant Files |
15 | D |
16 | General Research Corporation |
7 | Kay M. Haws to NUEA Western Regional Conference |
Folder | |
1 | Kay M. Haws |
2-3 | Health Files |
4-5 | HUD Files |
6 | I |
7 | Indian Advisory Board |
8 | Indian Conference |
9 | Indian Consortium |
10 | Indian Statistics |
11 | K-L |
12 | M |
13 | N |
14-15 | National Congress of American Indians |
16 | NUEA Western Regional Conference |
8 | OEO Files to Tribal Officials Directory |
Folder | |
1-4 | OEO Files |
5-11 | Oklahomans for Indian Opportunity |
12 | S |
13 | Services to Indians in Oregon |
14 | Shorthand Course |
15 | T |
16-18 | Training Program |
19 | Tribal Officials Directory |
9 | U to W |
Folder | |
1 | U |
2-4 | University of Utah |
5 | Urban Indian Conference |
6 | U. S. Office of Education |
7 | V |
8 | W |
Consortium FilesReturn to Top
Container(s): Series 4
Container(s) | Description |
Box | |
10 | Chippewa Indians to Indians of Oklahoma Report |
Folder | |
1-3 | Chippewa Indians |
4-7 | Consortium Reference Reports |
8-9 | Correspondence |
10 | Ft. Peck Reservation Report |
11 | Indians of Oklahoma Report |
11 | Miscellaneous to State Advisory Commission Report |
Folder | |
1-3 | Miscellaneous |
4 | OEO Programs |
5 | Ogala Irrigation Project Report |
6 | Proposal Reports |
7 | Sisseton Reservation Reports |
8-9 | Staff and Consultant Reports |
10 | State Advisory Commission Report |
Correspondence FilesReturn to Top
Container(s): Series 5
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
Box | ||
12-18 | Correspondence
(Boxes 12-18 are restricted.)
1965-1971 |
19 | Cut and Sew to Western Analytical Research Laboratory |
Folder | ||
1 | Cut and Sew |
2 | Grizzly Ridge Proposal |
4 | Movie Company |
5 | Standard Saddle Tree Company |
6 | Utahn Saddle Company |
7 | Ute Plastics Ltd. |
8 | Western Analytical Research Laboratory |
Grant FilesReturn to Top
Container(s): Series 6
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
Box | ||
20 | ICAP Grants
(Box 20 is restricted.)
Folder | ||
1-14 | 1965-1970 | |
21 | ICAP Grants to Head Start Grants |
Folder | ||
1-7 | ICAP Grants
(Folders 1-7 are restricted.)
1969-1971 |
8-11 | Head Start Grants |
ICAP Correspondence FilesReturn to Top
Container(s): Series 7
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
Box | ||
22 | Head Start Correspondence
(Box 22 is restricted.)
Folder | ||
1-10 | 1965-1968 | |
23 | Head Start Correspondence
(Box 23 is restricted.)
Folder | ||
1-14 | 1968-1969 | |
24 | Head Start Correspondence to ICAP Correspondence
(Box 24 is restricted.)
Folder | ||
1-7 | Head Start Correspondence |
1969-1971 |
8-11 | ICAP Correspondence |
1961-1966 |
25-26 | ICAP Correspondence
(Boxes 25 and 26 are restricted.)
1966-1967 |
27 | ICAP Correspondence |
Folder | ||
1-2 | ICAP Correspondence
(Folders 1-2 are restricted.)
1967 |
3 | ICAP Correspondence - Miscellaneous |
Indian Education FilesReturn to Top
Container(s): Series 8
Container(s) | Description |
Box | |
28 | Annual Conference on Indian Affairs to Progress Report |
Folder | |
1 | Annual Conference on Indian Affairs |
2 | Miscellaneous |
3-4 | Progress Report |
Indian Legal Services FilesReturn to Top
Container(s): Series 9
Container(s) | Description |
Box | |
29 | CAP Application Forms to Miscellaneous |
Folder | |
1 | CAP Application Forms |
2 | Correspondence |
3 | Miscellaneous |
Miscellaneous FilesReturn to Top
Container(s): Series 10
Container(s) | Description |
Box | |
30 | AIDC Files to Property Reports |
Folder | |
1 | AIDC Files |
2 | Conference Evaluation |
3 | Correspondence |
4 | Miscellaneous |
5-8 | Miscellaneous Small Tribe Grants |
9 | Property Reports |
Report FilesReturn to Top
Container(s): Series 11
Container(s) | Description |
Box | |
31 | ICAP Accomplishments Reports to ICAP Evaluations |
Folder | |
1 | ICAP Accomplishments Reports |
2-3 | ICAP Annual Activity Reports |
4 | ICAP Conference Handbook |
5-6 | ICAP Contracts |
7 | ICAP Evaluations |
32 | ICAP Evaluation Reports to ICAP Expenditure Reports |
Folder | |
1-3 | ICAP Evaluation Reports |
4-6 | ICAP Expenditure Reports 2002-2007
(Folders 4-6 are restricted.)
33 | ICAP Expenditure Reports to ICAP Financial Reports |
Folder | |
1-2 | ICAP Expenditure Reports (2071-2165) |
3-7 | ICAP Financial Reports |
34 | ICAP Financial Reports |
35 | ICAP Grants to ICAP Monthly Financial Reports |
Folder | |
1 | ICAP Grants |
2 | ICAP Head Start Expenditures |
3 | ICAP Head Start Grant |
4-5 | ICAP Internal Reports |
6 | ICAP LOG Reports |
7 | ICAP Miscellaneous |
8-9 | ICAP Monthly Financial Reports |
36 | ICAP Monthly Reports to ICAP Monthly Staff Reports |
Folder | |
1-2 | ICAP Monthly Reports |
3-8 | ICAP Monthly Staff Reports |
37 | ICAP Progress Reports to ICAP Training Programs |
Folder | |
1 | ICAP Progress Reports |
2-5 | ICAP Quarterly Reports |
6-9 | ICAP Technical Assistance Reports |
10-12 | ICAP Training Programs |
38 | ICAP Training Programs to Indian Development Opportunities Reports |
Folder | |
1-7 | ICAP Training Programs |
8 | ICAP Unused Tickets |
9 | Indian Development Opportunities Reports |
39 | Miscellaneous to MIS Statistics Reports |
Folder | |
1-5 | Miscellaneous |
6-11 | MIS Statistics Reports |
40 | OEO Services Reports |
Reservation Files: A-A-OReturn to Top
Container(s): Series 12
Container(s) | Description |
Box | |
41 | Alaska to Klamath Indians |
Folder | |
1 | Alaska |
2 | Arizona |
3 | Burns Paiute Colony |
4-11 | Coleville Confederated Tribes |
12-16 | Kalispel Indians |
17-18 | Klamath Indians |
42 | Navajo Indians to Reservation Progressive Worksheets File |
Folder | |
1 | Navajo Indians |
2 | Oregon |
3 | Oregon State University |
4-5 | Pacific Coast Fisheries Report |
6 | Reservation Progressive Worksheets File |
43 | Salt River Pima-Maricopa Report to Warm Springs Reservation |
Folder | |
1 | Salt River Pima-Maricopa Report |
2-7 | Task Form Files |
8-11 | Umatilla Indians |
12-13 | Warm Springs Reservation |
44 | Warm Springs Reservation |
Reservation Files: WashingtonReturn to Top
Container(s): Series 13
Container(s) | Description |
Box | |
45 | Inter-Tribal Council Files to Lummi Indians |
Folder | |
1-9 | Inter-Tribal Council Files |
10-13 | Lummi Indians |
46 | Lummi Indians |
47 | Lummi Indians to Makah Indians |
Folder | |
1-11 | Lummi Indians |
12-15 | Makah Indians |
48 | Makah Indians |
49 | Metlakatla Indians |
50 | Metlakatla Indians to Muckleshoot Indians |
Folder | |
1-4 | Metlakatla Indians |
5 | Miscellaneous |
6 | Miscellaneous Small Tribes |
7-20 | Muckleshoot Indians |
51 | Nisqually Indians to Quileute Indians |
Folder | |
1 | Nisqually Indians |
2 | Nooksack Indians |
3 | Puyallup Indians |
4-13 | Quileute Indians |
52-53 | Quinault Indians |
54 | Quinault Indians to Spokane Indians |
Folder | |
1-6 | Quinault Indians |
7-11 | Skokomish Indians |
12-14 | Spokane Indians |
55-56 | STOWW Files |
57 | Suquamish Indians to Swinomish Indians |
Folder | |
1-5 | Suquamish Indians |
6-19 | Swinomish Indians |
58 | Swinomish Indians |
59 | Swinomish Indians to Tulalip Indians |
Folder | |
1-9 | Swinomish Indians |
10-13 | Tulalip Indians |
60 | Tulalip Indians |
61-63 | Yakima Indians |
Task Folders FilesReturn to Top
Container(s): Series 14
Container(s) | Description |
Box | |
64 | Task Folders (801-858) |
65 | Task Folders (859-898) |
66 | Task Folders (899-940) |
67 | Task Folders (941-965) |
68 | Task Folders (1001-1041) |
69 | Task Folders (1042-1072) |
University of South Dakota FilesReturn to Top
Container(s): Series 15
Container(s) | Description |
Box | |
70 | Correspondence to MIS Quarterly Reports |
Folder | |
1 | Correspondence |
2 | ICAP Evaluation Report |
3-6 | ICAP Monthly Report |
7 | ICAP Plans and Priorities Reports |
8 | ICAP Report |
9-11 | Miscellaneous |
12 | MIS Quarterly Reports |
71 | Training Reports |
Names and SubjectsReturn to Top
Subject Terms
- Indians of North America--Alcohol use
- Indians of North America--Education
- Indians of North America--Government relations
- Indians of North America--Oregon
- Indians of North America--Washington (State)