Archives West Finding Aid
Table of Contents
Alaska Packers Association records, 1841-1989
Overview of the Collection
- Creator
- Alaska Packers Association
- Title
- Alaska Packers Association records
- Dates
- 1841-1989 (inclusive)18411989
1890-1974 (bulk)18901974 - Quantity
- 170 Linear Feet, ( )
- Collection Number
- XOE_CPNWS0026apa (collection)
- Summary
- The Alaska Packers Association records document the history of one of the most dominant forces in the commercial fishing industry in Alaska and the Puget Sound from the late nineteenth through the late twentieth century. The bulk of the records span from 1890 through 1974, documenting the growth of the industry, its technological and economic development, the geographic expansion of the salmon trade, and labor conditions. The records include administrative and financial records, production records, maps, plans, photographs, newspaper clipping files, industry publications, and extensive information relating to APA personnel.
- Repository
Western Washington University, Center for Pacific Northwest Studies
Goltz-Murray Archives Building
808 25th St.
Bellingham, WA
Telephone: (360) 650-7534 - Access Restrictions
Access to personnel records containing social security numbers and other sensitive information is restricted until further notice.
- Additional Reference Guides
Microfilm in the Alaska Packers Association records at the Center for Pacific Northwest Studies is described in the inventory in accordance with the collection's main series and subseries arrangement. To facilitate physical access to the microfilm, the collection file at the Center contains a list of microfilm contents in the order that they appear on each reel.
- Languages
- English.
- Sponsor
- Funding for preparing this finding aid was provided through a grant awarded by the National Historical Publications and Records Commission. Funding for encoding the finding aid was awarded by the National Endowment for the Humanities.
Historical NoteReturn to Top
From the 1890s through the 1960s, the Alaska Packers Association (APA) comprised a dominant force in the fishing industry of the Pacific Northwest. With operations located in the Puget Sound and across Alaska, APA was closely involved in many of the major developments and conflicts relating to fishing activities and rights in the region during this period, including use of land, labor and conservation techniques.
APA's origins reflect early commercial concerns within the Alaska fishing industry. As production of canned salmon rose dramatically during the 1880s and 1890s, Alaska-based fishing and packing companies began to suffer increasingly from competition and lack of consumer demand. In 1892 therefore, the majority of fisheries-related operations in Alaska joined forces to form the Alaska Packing Association, aiming to regulate their operations and pursue more successful marketing strategies. In February 1893, twenty-five of the thirty-three Alaska companies formed the Alaska Packers Association, the records of which are contained within this collection.
By consolidating and expanding the holdings of predecessor companies including the Chignik Bay Packing Company and the Central Alaska Company, the APA soon comprised one of the largest operations in the fishing industry. Through the early 1930s, the Association was noted in particular for its "star fleet," of up to thirty large sailing ships, which transported men, supplies and goods between San Francisco and Alaska. APA controlled and established fishing and cannery stations and salteries at sites that included Nushagak, Kvichak, Ugashik, Naknek and Egegik in the Bristol Bay area. The association also maintained stations at Karluk, Alitak, Cook Inlet and Chignik in Central Alaska, and Fort Wrangell and Loring in southeastern Alaska. Puget Sound operations included a cannery at Point Roberts, Washington (acquired in 1894 and operational until the 1920s), and canneries, warehouses and a boat repair yard located on Semiahmoo Spit, in Blaine, Washington. APA operations were supervised and directed from central offices in San Francisco, with regional headquarters based in Seattle until the early 1960s and then at Semiahmoo until 1974. In 1961, APA opened regional offices in Kodiak and Anchorage in Alaska, to supervise production activities. The association was dependent upon labor from Native Alaskan, Chinese, Mexican, Filipino and African American workers, as well as men and women of European and Anglo-American descent. Although its operations focused primarily on the catch, processing and sale of salmon, APA also harvested marine life such as razor clams and king crab from Kodiak and Cordova from 1961.
APA experienced its largest period of growth and prosperity during the first two decades of the twentieth century. In 1905, APA introduced the successful Argo brand canned salmon to the consumer market. From 1916, following acquisition of the corporation's interests by San-Francisco-based California Packing Company (CALPAC), APA products were marketed and sold under the popular "Del Monte" and "Pioneer" labels.
The 1920s, however, heralded a period of growing economic uncertainty and political conflict for APA and other fishery operations in Alaska. The 1920s and 1930s witnessed the beginning of major federal efforts to regulate the activities of the commercial fishing industry, in attempts to minimize the depletion of marine stocks, and also to protect the interests and fishing rights of Native Alaskans. The White Act of 1924 comprised the first in a series of restrictive legislation, enabling the Secretary of Commerce to impose limits on the number of salmon caught and canned each year, as well as limiting fishing seasons, and determining the use and type of fishing gear. With the passage of Initiative 77 in 1935, the Washington State Legislature prohibited use of fixed gear (namely fish traps and set nets) in the Puget Sound. Use of floating fish traps in Alaska was finally outlawed in 1959, when the Territory acquired statehood. Such regulations comprised a source of growing conflict between Bureau of Fisheries officials, commercial fisheries and native and non-native local fishermen. Efforts by native Alaskans to define and protect their rights to fishing and ancestral grounds during this period resulted in prolonged legal conflicts. Claims by members of the Haida and Tlingit tribes, and villagers in Karluk on Kodiak Island, for example, were among those protested by APA and other packing companies. Perceived competition from Japanese and Russian fishing on the high seas comprised a further source of concern within the industry in the post-war period. US fishing operations including APA and also Bellingham-based Pacific American Fisheries formed inter-organizational lobbying groups such as the Bristol Bay Salmon Canners and the Association of Pacific Fisheries to defend their interests. Conflicts and legal battles regarding rights to fish and property in Alaskan territory - and the right of the government to regulate the commercial fisheries - continued to rage through the 1960s and beyond.
By the 1940s, all major fishing operations in Alaska were affected adversely by declining salmon runs, as well as disruption caused by the conscription of men and ships during World War II. Fluctuating salmon runs and high operating costs necessitated increasingly conservative management of cannery operations during the post-war period. Despite recovering sufficiently to gain slight profits during the 1950s, APA was unable to enjoy the same degree of prosperity and possibilities for commercial expansion it had found in the early twentieth century. The 1958 Del Monte Annual Report acknowledged the uncertain future of the Alaska salmon industry - salmon runs during the previous year had failed to meet pre-season estimates, and the APA salmon division had operated at a loss.
In the early 1960s, now under the corporate leadership of the Del Monte Corporation, APA moved its regional offices from Seattle to Semiahmoo, Washington. Over the next two decades, Del Monte began gradually to divest its interests and property in Alaska and the Alaska fishing industry. Several of APA's former stations and canneries in Alaska continued to operate under new ownership, sometimes on a season-to-season basis. APA ended its salmon canning operations at Blaine in 1964, although continued to manufacture labels there for another decade, moving its head offices to Bellevue, Washington in 1974. The boat repair yard remained in operation until 1981, at which point APA transferred all its Semiahmoo property (including buildings, artifacts and records) to Whatcom County Park and Recreation Board. In March 1982, Alaska Packers Association was formally renamed DMC Properties. As a subsidiary of Del Monte Corporation, DMC Properties continued to deal in real estate in Alaska.
Background information from:
The Alaska Packers Association records, Center for Pacific Northwest Studies, Western Washington University, Bellingham, WA, 98225
DeMuth, Phyllis & Sullivan, Michael, A Guide to the Alaska Packers Association records 1891-1970 , ( Juneau, Alaska: Alaska Department of Education Division of State Libraries and Museums, July 1983).
Content DescriptionReturn to Top
The records of the Alaska Packers Association at the Center for Pacific Northwest Studies reflect the history of APA and the development of commercial fisheries in the Pacific Northwest from the late nineteenth through the late twentieth centuries. While the collection contains records dating from 1841 through 1989, the bulk of materials are dated between 1890 and 1974. These bulk dates correspond to APA’s history from its inception in 1893 through its decline as a dominant force in the Alaska fishing industry over the 1960s and 1970s.
Administrative and corporate records and financial records comprise part of the “core” of the APA collection at the CPNWS, most of which were created and maintained in the company’s central offices in San Francisco, California. Administrative and Corporate records document APA’s incorporation in February 1893, and its early consolidation of property and interests in Alaska and the Puget Sound. Administrative record books dated 1891-1941 include a mixture of minutes, agreements, correspondence and contracts. Together with cannery agreements from 1893-1910, the administrative record books reflect APA’s early acquisition and expansion of fishing and cannery operations. The administrative and corporate series also contains internal correspondence maintained by APA’s regional offices in Seattle between 1958 and 1961. This includes a small amount of correspondence from officials including APA vice president and general manager Aubin Barthold, general correspondence files, and “cannery correspondence.” Much of the correspondence pertains to meetings, statistical date, and operational procedure, including references also to labor needs and appointments, wages, shipping and supply of goods to Alaska.
Financial records include bound account ledgers and voucher and receipt books maintained at APA’s San Francisco offices, spanning the period 1902-1967. These ledgers contain detailed documentation of APA income and expenditures, including breakdowns of accounts at individual canneries, and with various companies and suppliers. The series contains additional account books and financial statements specific to the workings, receipts and expenditures of different canneries. Sales records document charges for equipment and materials relating to the APA’s boat yard operations at Semiahmoo between 1961 and 1964.
Property records reflect APA’s interest in California and particularly in Alaska and the Puget Sound. Many of the textual property records were generated by APA for tax purposes and include estimated values of real estate and moveable assets including buildings, equipment and vessels. Capital Asset cards pertain primarily to property at Naknek and Kvichak in Alaska. The series also contains general property and survey maps from Alaska and the Puget Sound, Alaska homestead claim maps dating from 1892 through 1937 and cannery maps (mostly 1950-1960s). Correspondence and information files document APA’s concerns and actions in relation to Native Alaskan land and fishing claims through the period 1939-1954. Additional materials concerning Native Alaskan land and fishing rights are located in Series VI (Fishing Activities and Operations). The John McFarlane Cuthill Collection at the CPNWS contains related material regarding APA property and that of its successor company, DMC Properties.
Personnel records reflect the composition, duties and wages of APA’s workforce from 1907 through 1972. Researchers should note that access to payroll, retirement and personnel cards containing social security numbers or recent payroll information is restricted until further notice. General employment data files contain clippings, memos and correspondence pertaining to employment regulations and procedures during the 1950s and 1960s, with particular reference to employee wages, and occasional mention of union and labor activity in 1959. Contracts and agreements spanning the period 1911-1963 are small in number, but document APA’s agreements with independent and company fishermen as to the duties and payment of employees in Alaska and the Puget Sound. Payroll records are arranged in two main groups, with records arranged chronologically in each. The first group comprises payroll records for workers in both Alaska and the Puget Sound, spanning the period 1913-1970. Records include bound payroll registers maintained at APA’s San Francisco offices between 1913-1947 and 1968-1970, and partial records for warehouse and cannery workers from the 1950s and 1964. The remaining group of payroll records comprises hours and wage records for Puget Sound workers between 1961 and 1964, generated at APA’s Semiahmoo offices. The series also contains personnel cards for regular APA employees (ca. 1918-1951) and gillnet fishermen (1907-41), arranged alphabetically by name of employee. Cards document the service record of individual employees, often including date and place of birth and other family information.
General Cannery Operations comprises records relating primarily to APA’s daily operations and procedure at canneries and fishing stations in Alaska and the Puget Sound, with the bulk of material dating from 1893-1974. These include the select correspondence of cannery superintendents at Chignik and Semiahmoo, reflecting their communication and relations with local businesses as well as with officials in APA’s San Francisco offices, and government bodies such as the Departments of Labor and Licensing. Letters mostly concern procedural matters such as the use and supply of equipment, labor and licensing regulations, insurance, taxes and business accounts. Pack records document salmon catches from APA’s entire operations in the Puget Sound and Alaska, spanning the period 1893-1972. Supply and shipping records, equipment and machinery records and work orders reflect APA’s distribution and transfer of canned goods, equipment, machinery and vessels between its various operations. Supply records and work orders include a large body of files documenting activities and repair work at the Blaine/Semiahmoo shipyard between 1963-1964. In addition to records of “ground” activity, the series contains logbooks generated by launch captains and engineers of APA fishing vessels (mostly dated between 1950 and 1970), and pilot’s journals dated 1946-1973.
Fishing Operations and Activities records reflect APA’s involvement in and response to many of the issues and debates surrounding expansion of the commercial fisheries in Alaska and the Puget Sound during the twentieth century. APA’s San Francisco and Seattle offices both maintained central subject files entitled “Alaska Fisheries Operations,” “Karluk,” “Legislation and Regulations” and “Alaska Fishing Matters Conferences,” which document many of the major developments and conflicts in the Alaska fishing industry from the 1920s through the 1960s. These files include memos, internal and external correspondence and clippings regarding federal regulation of fishing seasons and gear, Native land and fishing claims, labor disputes, Japanese high seas fishing, and the perceived impact of such issues on APA fisheries in Alaska. The files also contain clippings, memos and occasional minutes and transcripts relating to the Fish and Wildlife Service hearings on fishing regulations, including information about salmon runs and fishing restrictions in areas including Chignik, Karluk, and in particular, the Bristol Bay area. Correspondence and minutes in both the “special subject” and Alaska Fishing Matters Conference files reflect APA’s membership and involvement in commercial fisheries interest groups and inter-institutional lobbying organizations such as the Bristol Bay Packers. Correspondents in these files include US Bureau of Fisheries Commissioner Frank T. Bell, and Washington Senator Warren Magnusson.
Records in Fishing Operations also include navigational maps, and maps and a small number of textual records documenting the location and use of APA fish traps in Alaska from around 1904-32. Additional plans and drawings are located in the engineering records, which comprise mostly oversize plans and architectural drawings, arranged into separate categories relating to buildings, vessels, and equipment and machinery. Record books dated 1950 also contain photographs and structural specifications for buildings at Chignik, Karluk, Larsen Bay, Pilot Point, Semiahmoo and Ugashik.
The reference series contains valuable source material regarding the background and history of the Alaska Packers Association, and the major changes affecting the fishing industry from the late nineteenth century through the late 1960s. Company-maintained “History Files” include clippings, and copies of articles and notes regarding APA, the star fleet of sailing vessels, and the history of the commercial fisheries in the Pacific Northwest. Publications and reports spanning the period 1909-1978 include printed material generated by APA, fishing and canning organizations including the National Canners Association, and government agencies such as the Bureau of Commercial Fisheries and the Fish and Wildlife Service. The bulk of these materials date from around 1940 through the 1960s, and reflect industry-related research and technological developments, as well as the processes of economic expansion and decline affecting commercial fishing bodies such as APA. The collection contains copies of the Del Monte Shield, the magazine of APA’s parent company Del Monte, dating from 1948 through 1965. Other significant materials in the reference series are the newspaper clippings maintained by APA, including bound volumes of clippings dated 1898-1939. These files include a wealth of information about the issues and changes shaping the commercial fishing industry during this period, with reference to company and cannery agreements, fish prices and salmon runs, legislative changes, Native Alaskan land and fishing claims and labor conflicts. Some of these files are indexed, or contain clippings arranged topically. Reference files also include a small number of photographs of APA stations and fishing vessels in Alaska, and samples of APA salmon can labels used during the 1950s and from 1966 through 1972.
Use of the CollectionReturn to Top
Preferred Citation
Alaska Packers Association records, Center for Pacific Northwest Studies, Western Libraries Archives & Special Collections, Western Washington University, Bellingham WA 98225-9123.
Administrative InformationReturn to Top
The Alaska Packers Association records are organized according to the following series and sub-series arrangement:
- Series I: Corporate and Administrative records 1864-1961
- Subseries 1. Agreements 1893-1910
- Subseries 2. Stock records 1903-1949
- Subseries 3. Administrative Record Books 1864-1941
- Subseries 4. Internal Correspondence 1958-1962
- Series II: Financial records, 1893-1968
- Subseries 1. Accounts 1902-1967
- Subseries 2. Financial Statements 1893-1950
- Subseries 3. Cash records 1933-1968
- Subseries 4. Tax and Insurance records 1929-1967
- Subseries 5. Fish Prices 1905-1963
- Subseries 6. Sales 1963-1965
- Series III: Property records, 1841-1989 (1892-1960s)
- Subseries 1. Real Estate 1859-1945
- Subseries 2. Company Assets 1893-1981
- Subseries 3. Vessels 4. Native Land and Fishing Rights 1935-1954
- Subseries 5. General Property and Area Maps 1841-1987
- Subseries 6. Survey Maps 1893-1937
- Subseries 7. Cannery Maps 1903-1969
- Series IV: Personnel records, 1894-1972 (1907-1972)
- Subseries 1. General employment data and correspondence 1950-1961
- Subseries 2. Contracts and Agreements 1911-1963
- Subseries 3. Payroll records 1913-1972
- Subseries 4. W4 Cards ca. 1947-1969
- Subseries 5. Personnel Cards 1894-1951
- Subseries 6. Seasonal Employee records 1953-1961
- Subseries 7. Retirement records 1940-1959
- Subseries 8. Medical records 1919-1970
- Series V: General Cannery Operations, 1878-1982 (1893-1974)
- Subseries 1. Superintendents' records 1926-1963
- Subseries 2. Pack records 1878-1972
- Subseries 3. Labor Requirements 1958-1962
- Subseries 4. Equipment and Machinery1912-1982
- Subseries 5. Supply and Shipping 1952-1975
- Subseries 6. Work Orders 1963-1964
- Subseries 7. Log Books 1905-1975
- Series VI: Fishing Operations and Activities, 1857-1982
- Subseries 1. Alaska Fisheries Operations Files 1920-1946
- Subseries 2. Karluk ca. 1900-1945
- Subseries 3. Legislation and Regulations Files 1889-1958
- Subseries 4. Alaska Fishing Matters Conference files 1926-1982
- Subseries 5. Correspondence re: Fishing Operations 1940-1946
- Subseries 6. Navigational records 1792-1982
- Subseries 7. Fish Trap records ca. 1904-1931
- Series VII: Engineering records, 1922-1985
- Subseries 1. Buildings 1945-1985
- Subseries 2. Vessels 1931-1961
- Subseries 3. Equipment and Machinery 1922-1972
- Series VIII: Reference files, 1741-1983 (1898-1967)
- Subseries 1. Company History Files 1893-1983
- Subseries 2. Publications and Reports 1906-1978
- Subseries 3. Professional Organizations and Activities 1959-1963
- Subseries 4. Newspapers and Clippings 1898-1982
- Subseries 5. Salmon Can Labels & Trademarks 1893-1972
- Subseries 6. Photographs ca. 1905-1960
- Subseries 7. Ephemera 1910-1967
Location of Originals
The Alaska Packers Association records at the CPNWS contains copies of microfilm and the microfiche produced by the Alaska Historical Library. Microfilm and microfiche in the CPNWS collection was generated in 1983 through a duplication project by Alaska State Historical Library. In 1970, the Alaska Historical Library received a select number of APA records housed previously housed at San Francisco, California and Semiahmoo, Washington. In 1983, the Alaska Historical Library created microfilm copies of these records, together with microfiche copies of additional APA records held at Semiahmoo.
Acquisition Information
Whatcom County Park and Recreation Board transferred the bulk of the Alaska Packers' Association records to the Center for Pacific Northwest Studies in August 2001. These materials were merged with one linear foot of APA records donated by Rick Metzger in 1995, and microfilm and microfiche previously in the John McFarlane Cuthill Collection.
Processing Note
Ruth Steele processed the Alaska Packers Association records for the Center for Pacific Northwest Studies in 2002 with assistance from Jason Viers, Amber Raney and Jamie Cartwright. During processing, Center staff merged materials donated by Whatcom County Park and Recreation Board with materials donated by Rick Metzger in 1995, and microfilm and microfiche previously in the John McFarlane Cuthill Collection. The bulk of the APA records were in good original order when donated to the CPNWS. Center staff removed all duplicate materials from the collection, including textual records duplicated on 35mm microfilm. Of the sales invoice records from Blaine (dated 1951-64), the Center retained a sample of only 1 in 10 records. Textual records, maps, drawings, microfilm, microfiche and oversize volumes are now described in one comprehensive finding aid.
Processing Note
About Harmful Language and ContentTo learn more about problematic content in our collections, collection description and teaching tools (including how to provide feedback or request dialogue on this topic), see the following Statement About Potentially Harmful Language and Content
Related Materials
The John McFarlane Cuthill Collection at the Center for Pacific Northwest Studies contains related material regarding APA property and that of its successor company, DMC Properties.
Separated Materials
Runs of the following publications were removed from the collection at the Center for Pacific Northwest Studies and destroyed: American Food Institute: Weekly Digest (1954-1961), Better Business Bureau Bulletin, 1954-1961), Business Management (1964), Compost Science (1962), Contamination Control (1963), The Fish Boat (1961-1964), Food Engineering (1963-64), Food Processing (1963-64), Food Technology (1964), Industrial Improvement (1963-1964), Inplant Food Management Magazine (1962-1963), Kiplinger Washington Letter (1954 - 1961), Nation's Business (1964), National Fisheries Institute Yearbook (1946-48, 1950), Package Engineering (1964), Fishing Gazette (1962-1964), Food Engineering (1963) and World Port and Marine News (1963).
An additional collection of Alaska Packers Association records is available at the Alaska Historical Library in Juneau Alaska. The Alaska Historical Library's APA collection contains the master copies of the microfilm and microfiche available at the Center for Pacific Northwest Studies, as well as additional textual information. Detailed description is contained in a published guide by Phyllis DeMuth and Michael Sullivan (see bibliography section, below).
DeMuth, Phyllis & Sullivan, Michael, A Guide to the Alaska Packers Association records 1891-1970, ( Juneau, Alaska : Alaska Department of Education Division of State Libraries and Museums , July 1983 ).Detailed Description of the CollectionReturn to Top
The following section contains a detailed listing of the materials in the collection.
Series I : Corporate and Administrative records, 1864-1961, (bulk 1893-1961) Return to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
1893-1910 | |
Box/Folder | ||
1A/1 | APA By-laws |
1893 |
1A/2 | Cannery Agreements |
1893-1900 |
1A/3 | Cannery Agreements |
1901-1905 |
1A/4 | Cannery Agreements |
1906-1910 |
Microfilm Reel | ||
5 | APA Deed of Trust |
undated |
Stock records
1908-1949 | |
Volume | ||
1 | Stock Transfer Journal |
1908-1912 |
2 | Stock Ledger |
1913 |
3 | Stock Transfer Journal |
1913-1923 |
Microfilm Reel | ||
5 | APA 54th Annual Reports for stockholders |
1946-1949 |
Administrative Record
The APA administrative records (Microfilm Reels 1 to 3), arranged by year, contain annual summaries of administrative information including annual meeting minutes, list of companies included in the Association (1891), shareholders at the time of incorporation (1892), insurance, and dividends. Production information includes production by cannery and brand, salmon prices and disposition of pack. Operations information includes vessels in use, Chinese crew contracts, and a labor contract (1941). The year 1907 includes a 15-year comparative statement of production, costs, and profit.
1864-1941 | |
Microfilm Reel | ||
1 | Administrative History Record Book |
1891-1904 |
1 | Administrative History Record Book |
1905-1909 |
2 | Administrative History Record Book |
1910-1914 |
2 | Administrative History Record Book |
1922-(1927) |
2 | Administrative History Record Book |
1928-(1934) |
3 | Administrative History Record Book |
1935-(1940) |
3 | Administrative History Record Book |
1941- |
Box/Folder | ||
1A/5 | New England Fishing Company |
December 1864 - March 1879 |
Volume | ||
4 | Records of New England Fish Co. |
1896-1902 |
Box/Folder | ||
1A/6 | Northwestern Fishing Company |
1903-1912 |
1A/7 | Northwestern Fishing Company |
1915-1918 |
Internal Correspondence (Seattle
1958-1962 | |
Central Correspondence
Box/Folder | ||
1A/8 | Company Directory |
1958 |
1A/9 | Company Directory |
January-April, 1958 |
1B/10 | Company Directory |
May-August, 1958 |
1B/11 | Company Directory |
September-December, 1958 |
1B/12 | Memos (financial) |
January-April, 1958 |
1B/13 | Memos (financial) |
May-August, 1958 |
1B/14 | Memos (financial) |
September-December, 1958 |
1B/15 | Barthold, Aubin (Incoming) |
January-April, 1958 |
1B/16 | Barthold, Aubin (Incoming) |
May-August, 1958 |
1B/17 | Barthold, Aubin (Incoming) |
September-December, 1958 |
1B/18 | Barthold, Aubin (Outgoing) |
January-April, 1958 |
1C/19 | Barthold, Aubin (Outgoing) |
May-August, 1958 |
1C/20 | Barthold, Aubin (Outgoing) |
September-December, 1958 |
1C/21 | Barthold, Aubin (Personal) |
January-December, 1958 |
1C/23 | Barthold, Aubin (Telegrams) |
March-December, 1958 |
Cheyne, Harlan G. |
March, 1958 | |
2A/1 | Cooper, J.D (Incoming) |
March-December 1958 |
2A/2 | Cooper, J.D (Outgoing) |
January-December 1958 |
2A/3 | Cuthill, J.M. |
January-December, 1958 |
2A/4 | Day, Clifton (Incoming) |
January-July, 1958 |
2A/5 | Day, Clifton (Incoming) |
August-December, 1958 |
2A/6 | Day, Clifton (Outgoing) |
January-July, 1958 |
2A/7 | Day, Clifton (Outgoing) |
August-December, 1958 |
2A/8 | Delebeque, Louis A. |
April-May, 1958 |
2A/9 | Morrow, Janice |
February-December, 1958 |
2A/10 | Tripp, Doyle C. |
January-December, 1958 |
General Correspondence Files
Box/Folder | ||
2A/11 | Internal Correspondence
("Miscellaneous") |
1959 |
2A/12 | Internal Correspondence
("Miscellaneous") |
July 1959 to May 1960 |
2A/13 | Internal Correspondence
("Miscellaneous") |
January-December, 1960 |
2A/14 | 'O' (Miscellaneous) |
1961 |
2B/15 | O'Neill, Herald A. |
1961 |
2B/16 | 'P' (Miscellaneous) |
1961 |
2B/17 | Pacific American Fisheries |
January-December, 1961 |
2B/18 | Pack records |
June 1961 ; August-October, 1961 |
2B/19 | Pillsbury, Madison and Sutro Law Offices |
March-June, 1961 |
2B/20 | 'Q' (Miscellaneous) |
1961 |
2B/21 | 'R' (Miscellaneous) |
1961 |
2B/22 | 'S' (Miscellaneous) |
1961 |
2B/23 | Shiel, W.P., & Co. |
June-September 1961 |
2B/24 | 'T' (Miscellaneous) |
1961 |
2B/25 | Telegrams (Incoming) |
January-June, 1961 |
2B/26 | Telegrams (Incoming) |
July-December, 1961 |
2C/27 | Telegrams (Outgoing) |
January-June, 1961 |
2C/28 | Telegrams (Outgoing) |
July-December, 1961 |
3A/1 | Teletypes (Originals) |
1961 |
3A/2 | Teletypes (Copies, some annotated) |
1961 |
3A/3 | Totten, M.P. & Co. |
1961 |
3A/4 | 'U' (Miscellaneous) |
1961 |
3A/5 | Unions |
1961 |
3A/6 | US Engineers |
1961 |
3A/7 | US Printing Office |
1961 |
3A/8 | 'V' (Miscellaneous) |
1961 |
3A/9 | 'W' (Miscellaneous) |
1961 |
3A/10 | Washington State |
1961 |
3A/11 | Western Union |
January-July, 1961 |
3A/12 | Western Union |
July-December, 1961 |
3A/13 | 'X-Z' (Miscellaneous) |
1961 |
3B/14 | General Internal |
January-April, 1962 |
3B/15 | General Internal |
January-April, 1962 |
Correspondence with Canneries
Box/Folder | ||
3B/16 | Chignik (Incoming) |
January-November, 1961 |
3B/17 | Chignik (Outgoing) |
January-November, 1961 |
3B/18 | Cordova (Incoming) |
January-October, 1961 |
3C/19 | Cordova (Outgoing) |
January-December, 1961 |
3C/20 | Egregik |
February-August, 1961 |
3C/21 | Egregik (Outgoing) |
January-August, 1961 |
3C/22 | Ketchikan |
February-August, 1961 |
3C/23 | Kodiak Area Office (Incoming) |
1961 |
3C/24 | Kodiak Area Office (Outgoing) |
January-May, 1961 |
3C/25 | Kodiak Area Office (Outgoing) |
June-December, 1961 |
3C/26 | Kodiak Area Office (Outgoing) |
May 1961 ; October-November, 1961 |
3C/27 | Larsen Bay (Incoming) |
May-September, 1961 |
3C/28 | Larsen Bay (Outgoing) |
January-September, 1961 |
3C/29 | Naknek |
January-September, 1961 |
3C/30 | Nushagak |
January-August, 1961 |
3C/31 | Pilot Point |
January-August, 1961 |
3C/32 | Semiahmoo |
1961 |
Series II : Financial records, 1893-1968 Return to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
1902-1967 | |
Volume | ||
5 | Financial Ledger |
1902-1903 |
6 | Financial Ledger |
1905 |
7 | General Ledger |
1906 |
8 | General Ledger |
1907 |
9 | "Miscellaneous" Account Book |
1907 |
10 | General Ledger |
1908 |
11 | General Ledger |
1909 |
12 | Financial Ledger (Cannery Stations) |
1909 |
13 | General Ledger |
1910 |
14 | General Ledger |
1911 |
15 | General Ledger |
1912 |
16 | General Ledger |
1913 |
17 | General Ledger |
1914 |
18 | General Ledger |
1915 |
19 | General Ledger |
1916 |
20 | General Ledger |
1917 |
21 | General Ledger |
1918 |
22 | General Ledger |
1919 |
23 | General Ledger |
1920 |
24 | General Ledger |
1921 |
25 | General Ledger |
1922 |
26 | General Ledger |
1923 |
27 | General Ledger |
1924 |
28 | General Ledger |
1925 |
29 | General Ledger |
1926 |
30 | General Ledger |
1927 |
31 | General Ledger |
1928 |
32 | General Ledger |
1929 |
33 | General Ledger |
1930 |
34 | General Ledger |
1931 |
35 | General Ledger |
1932 |
36 | General Ledger |
1933 |
37 | General Ledger |
1934 |
38 | General Ledger |
1935 |
39 | General Ledger |
1936 |
40 | General Ledger |
1937 |
41 | General Ledger |
1938 |
42 | General Ledger |
1939 |
43 | General Ledger |
1940 |
44 | General Ledger |
1941 |
45 | General Ledger |
1942 |
46 | General Ledger |
1943 |
47 | General Ledger |
1944 |
48 | General Ledger |
1945 |
49 | General Ledger |
1946 |
50 | Miscellaneous Financial Journal |
1947 |
51 | General Ledger |
1947 |
52 | General Ledger |
1948 |
53 | General Ledger |
1949 |
54 | General Ledger |
1949-1950 |
55 | General Ledger |
1950-1951 |
56 | General Ledger |
1951-1952 |
57 | General Ledger |
1952-1953 |
58 | General Ledger |
1953-1954 |
59 | General Ledger |
1954-1955 |
60 | General Ledger |
1955-1956 |
61 | General Ledger |
1956-1957 |
62 | General Ledger |
1957-1958 |
63 | General Ledger |
1958-1959 |
64 | General Ledger |
1959-1960 |
65 | General Ledger |
1960-1961 |
66 | General Ledger |
1961-1962 |
67 | General Ledger |
1962-1963 |
68 | General Ledger |
1963-1964 |
69 | General Ledger |
1964-1965 |
70 | General Ledger |
1965-1966 |
71 | General Ledger |
1966-1967 |
72 | General Ledger (Voucher and Receipts
Register) |
1952-1953 |
73 | General Ledger (Voucher and Receipts
Register) |
1953-1954 |
74 | General Ledger (Voucher and Receipts
Register) |
1954-1955 |
75 | General Ledger (Voucher and Receipts
Register) |
1955-1956 |
76 | General Ledger (Voucher and Receipts
Register) |
1956-1957 |
77 | General Ledger (Voucher and Receipts
Register) |
1957-1958 |
78 | General Ledger (Voucher and Receipts
Register) |
1958-1959 |
79 | General Ledger (Voucher and Receipts
Register) |
1959-1960 |
80 | General Ledger (Voucher and Receipts
Register) |
1960-1961 |
81 | General Ledger (Voucher and Receipts
Register) |
1961-1962 |
82 | General Ledger (Voucher and Receipts
Register) |
1962-1963 |
83 | General Ledger (Voucher and Receipts
Register) |
1963-1964 |
84 | General Ledger (Voucher and Receipts
Register) |
1964-1965 |
85 | General Ledger (Voucher and Receipts
Register) |
1965-1966 |
86 | General Ledger (Voucher and Receipts
Register) |
1966-1967 |
Microfiche | ||
1-227 | Journals (15 volumes) |
1915-1946 |
228-290 | Voucher Journals (6 Volumes) |
1941-1946 |
Volume | ||
87 | Account Book (Banking Records &
Statements) |
1940-1951 |
88 | Account Ledger (APA West Sacramento
Property) |
1949-1955 |
89 | Karluk Cannery Financial records |
1940-1951 |
90 | Puget Sound Station, Semiahmoo Ledger |
1944 |
91 | Puget Sound Account Ledger |
1955 |
92 | Fisherman's Ledger |
1939 |
93 | Fisherman's Ledger |
1940 |
Box/Folder | ||
4/1 | Semiahmoo Expense Account (Building Repairs)
1946 |
4/2 | Monthly Travel Expenses, Naknek |
1958-1964 |
4/3 | Accounts Receivable sub-ledger |
1962 |
Financial Statements
Statements of Cannery Costs (Microfiche
312-339) document costs relating to materials, fuel and oil, labor, commissary
and other expenses for APA canneries in Alaska and the Puget Sound.
1893-1950 | |
Volume | ||
94 | Cost, Account & Distribution of Profit and Loss,
Account to Canneries |
1893-1911 |
95 | Cannery Cost and Sales, Profit and Loss |
1912 |
96 | Distribution of Profit and Loss to
Canneries |
ca. 1925 |
97 | Trial Balance Subsidiary |
1931-1947 |
98 | Encinal Terminal Reports (to Board of Directors of
Price Waterhouse) |
1940-1950 |
Microfiche | ||
312-339 | Statements of Cannery Costs |
1893-1946 |
343-356 | Statement of Canneries and Hatcheries |
ca. 1893-1937 |
343-356 | Statement of Fleet Account |
ca. 1893-1937 |
Microfilm Reel | ||
5 | Alameda Shipyard Trial Balance Sheets |
1934; ; 1935 |
Cash records
1933-1968 | |
Volume | ||
99 | Cash Book |
1933-1935 |
100 | Cash Book |
1935-1937 |
101 | Cash Book |
1937-1938 |
102 | Cash Book |
1938-1940 |
103 | Cash Book |
1940 |
104 | Cash Book |
1942 |
105 | Cash Book |
1946 |
106 | Cash Book |
March, 1950 - February, 1951 |
107 | Cash Disbursements |
1951 |
Box/Folder | ||
4/4 | Cash Deposits |
Undated |
4/5 | Statement re: Blaine Division Office |
1967 |
4/6 | Insufficient Funds File |
1964-1968 |
Sub-series 4
Tax and Insurance records
1929-1967 | |
Volume | ||
108 | Insurance Fund Investments |
1929-1954 |
Box/Folder | ||
4/7 | Taxable Income and Payment records |
ca. 1950's |
4/8 | Insurance Correspondence |
1966-1967 |
Fish Prices
1905-1963 | |
Volume | ||
109 | Salmon Prices |
Undated |
110 | Salmon Prices |
1905-1912 |
111 | Salmon Prices |
1913-1920 |
112 | Salmon Prices |
1921-1929 |
113 | Salmon Prices |
1930-1935 |
114 | Salmon Prices |
1936-1941 |
Box/Folder | ||
4/9 | Fish Prices Cost Estimates File |
ca.1962-1963 |
1963-1965 | |
Box/Folder | ||
5/1 - 5/14 | Sales Slips (Materials), Blaine |
March-July, 1963 |
6/1 - 6/13 | Sales Slips (Materials), Blaine |
July 1963 - February 1964 |
7/1 - 7/11 | Sales Slips (Materials), Blaine |
March-August, 1964 |
8/1 - 8/6 | Sales Slips (Materials), Blaine |
September 1964 - February 1965 |
8/7 - 8/15 | Sales Invoices, Blaine (1 in 10 sample) |
1961 - 1964 |
Series III: Property , 1841-1989, (bulk 1892-1960s ) Return to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
Real Estate
1859-1945 | |
Microfilm Reel | ||
5 | Data on Alaska Land Patents |
Undated |
Box/Folder | ||
9/1 | Alaska and Puget Sound Land Claims (partial record)
1859 |
9/2 - 9/3 | Alaska Land Patents (summaries) |
ca.1900-1934 |
9/4 | Carlisle Packing Company |
1927; ; 1945 |
9/5 | Correspondence re: Drayton Harbor (Semiahmoo)
tidelands |
1914-1918 |
9/6 | Semiahmoo Tideland Deeds |
ca.1911-1918 |
9/7 | Semiahmoo Tidelands & Point Roberts Property
Assessments |
ca. 1920 |
9/8 | Whatcom County Property Assessments |
ca. 1950s |
9/9 | Property Assessments (West Sacramento, California)
1944-47 |
9/10 | Property Assessment Proofs (West Sacramento,
California) |
1944-47 |
Property Assessment cards (West
Sacramento Property)
ca. 1920-1949 | |
Box/Folder | ||
10/1 | City Farms Subdivision |
ca. 1920-1941 |
10/2 | Garden Subdivision |
ca. 1920-1941 |
10/3 | Glide Subdivision |
ca. 1920-1940 |
10/4 | Jefferson Subdivision |
ca. 1920-1941 |
10/5 | Midland Subdivision |
ca. 1920-1941 |
10/6 | Un-subdivided |
ca. 1920-1941 |
10/7 | City Farms Subdivision |
ca. 1940s |
10/8 | Garden Subdivision |
ca. 1940s |
10/9 | Glide Subdivision |
ca. 1940s |
10/10 | Jefferson Subdivision |
ca. 1940s |
10/11 | Midland Subdivision |
ca. 1940s |
10/12 | Un-subdivided |
ca. 1940s |
10/13 | "Factors" |
Undated |
Company Assets
Materials on Microfiche #308-311 include
data regarding canneries acquired and built by APA, as well as documentation of
APA land patents in Alaska and in Whatcom and Skagit Counties, WA.
1893-1981 | |
Microfiche | ||
308-311 | Company Assets: General |
1893-1947 |
Oversize Folder | ||
1 | List of Alaska Fisheries & Companies (location and
ownership) |
1920 |
Volume | ||
115 | Capital Asset Ledger |
1935-1951 |
116 | Asset Ledger |
ca. 1896-1940 |
117 | Capital Assets/Plants (includes Vessel Lists)
ca. 1940's |
Box/Folder | ||
11/1 | APA "Personal Property" statement - Whatcom County
1955 |
Capital Asset Property records
ca. 1947-1959 | |
Box/Folder | ||
11/2 | Unknown location |
Undated |
11/3 - 11/4 | Kvichak Cannery (with index) |
Undated |
11/5 | Naknek Cannery |
Undated |
12/1 | Naknek Cannery |
ca. 1947-1959 |
13/1 - 13/2 | Naknek Cannery |
ca. 1947-1959 |
13/3 | Plants <O> and <P> |
ca. 1950 |
13/4 | Pilot Point "Old Cards - new cards made" |
ca. 1955-1957 |
Volume | ||
118 | Appraisal APA Diamond Cannery, Naknek |
1941 |
119 | Appraisal APA Diamond M Cannery, Naknek |
1941 |
120 | Blaine Assets |
1981 |
Vessels sold, wrecked, or abandoned, (Microfiches 444-446) 1 of 2: A first group lists physical and administrative information of ships’ final disposition, with some laws applicable to the individual ships included.
A second group lists book values of ships in the 1940s; private and company telegraph codes for confidential communication of fishing information; radio addresses.
A third group comprises Masters Memoranda, 1894 to 1936, 1 of 2: Listing and biographies of masters and captains qualified to command APA ships. Includes birthdate, place, employment resume, and salary.
Vessel Information (Microfiches 441-443), volumes 1 to 6. Each volume contains notes regarding shipping definitions and laws, lists of ships in various classes, with details concerning physical parameters, history of construction and licensure, official numbers and call letters, and their eventual disposition. Included in the volumes are lists of vessels at various locations.
Fleet Books/APA records of company assets for the years 1949 to 1965 (Microfiches 303-307) include the San Francisco office list of buildings, with their descriptions and uses in 1948 as well as purchases made in 1948. Also included is the value of equipment and small vessels in canneries in 1950 for insurance. The Fleet Book (undated but after 1951) for small vessels and launches provides physical detail as well as administrative information, some with photographs.
The records include lists of materials used in building Columbia River boats in Blaine and a list of fishing boats in Alaska stations in 1948 and 1949.
1894-1982 | |
Microfiche | ||
444-445 | Record of vessels sold, abandoned and
wrecked |
Undated |
Microfilm Reel | ||
5 | Boat Licenses |
1923 |
Box/Folder | ||
14/1 | List of APA-owned vessels in San Francisco
1908 |
14/2 | APA Scows - record of sale |
1906 |
14/3 | Araphoe |
1922 |
14/4 | Chirikof |
1946-1947 |
14/5 | Delahof |
1946-1947 |
14/6 - 14/9 | West Point |
1948-1953 |
14/10 | Zachary R |
1982 |
Microfiche | ||
441-443 | Vessel Information |
1894-1936 |
303-307 | Fleet Book |
ca. 1950 |
Volume | ||
121 | Fleet Book (Assets, vessels and launches) |
1950 |
Native Land and Fishing Rights
Files and data contained in box/folder no.
14/11 - 14/15 duplicate many of the records on Microfilm Reel 8. The date spans
and contents of the Seattle files are slightly different, however, from those
maintained in the San Francisco central office.
1935-1954 | |
Box/Folder | ||
14/11 | Report - W.C. Arnold, "The Hydaburg Reservation: Its
Background, Validity and Effects" |
December 1950 |
Indian Fishing and Ancestral
Rights Files (Seattle Regional Office)
Box/Folder | ||
14/12 - 14/13 | Volume 1 (General) |
1939-54 |
14/14 | Volume 2 (Kodiak) |
1939-45 |
14/15 | Volume 3 (Reports and Hearings) |
1939-45 |
Indian Fishing and Ancestral
Rights Files (San Francisco Office)
Microfilm Reel | ||
8 | General File |
1935-1944 |
8 | Kodiak File |
1939-1950 |
8 | Regulations and Hearings |
1944-1945 |
General Area and Property
The sub-series includes maps documenting
the location of US surveys in Alaska, as well the locations of APA operations
and property in Washington and Alaska. Researchers should note that additional
Location Maps and Cannery Surveys for Alaska are available on Microfiche No.
1841-1987 | |
Alaska Maps
Volume | ||
122 | Book of Alaska Tidelands Maps |
1962 |
Oversize Folder | ||
1 | Alaska US Geological Survey Maps (4 Items)
Undated |
1 | Bristol Bay (Snake River) Map |
1925 |
1 | Bristol Bay (Togiak Bay) Map |
1924 |
1 | Chignik District Map showing Canneries, Land Claims,
and Fish Trap Locations |
1946 |
1 | Chignik Survey Maps (6 Items) |
Undated |
Rolled Document | ||
1 | Chignik District, Alaska Peninsula |
1932 |
2 | U.S. Patent Surveys of Chignik, AK |
1932 |
3 | Chignik District, Alaska Peninsula, corrected
1937 |
4 | Chignik Lagoon, Southwestern Alaska |
1932 |
5 | Chignik Cannery Location and Pipe Line |
1916 |
6 | Chignik Lagoon |
1912 |
7 | Columbia River Packers Association, Chignik, AK
Undated |
8 | Anchorage Bay, Chignik, AK |
1912 |
9 | Chignik Lagoon, Chignik Bay, Western
Alaska |
Undated |
10 | Chignik Lagoon, Alaska |
1924 |
11 | Survey of Anchorage Bay Area |
Undated |
12-13 | Chignik Townsite |
1968 |
Oversize Folder | ||
1 | Chilkat Inlet Map |
1905 |
1 | Cook Inlet Map |
1903 |
1 | Copper River Map |
Undated |
1 | Egegik River Maps (2 Items) |
1903 |
1 | Isanotski Strait Map |
Undated |
Rolled Document | ||
14 | Karluk District Locations (subsequent updates)
1903 |
15 | Karluk Spit, Locations of Hauling Ground and
Building of N.W.F Co. |
1913 |
16 | Kodiak Area, Salmon Streams, Bay Closures, Fishing
Districts |
1972 |
17 | Kodiak Island, AK, Shrimp Quota Districts
1972 |
18 | Kodiak Island, AK |
1938 |
Oversize Folder | ||
2 | Ketchikan Town Map |
1944 |
2 | Kodiak Island Map |
1939 |
2 | Kodiak Island (Karluk River) Map |
1889 |
2 | Kodiak Island (Karluk) Location of U.S. Survey Maps
(2 Items) |
Undated |
2 | Kodiak Island (Karluk) Reconnaissance Map
Undated |
2 | Kodiak Island (Karluk) Personal Properties Survey
Map |
Undated |
2 | Kodiak Island (Karluk District) Locations Map
1903 |
2 | Kodiak Island (Larson Bay) |
1912 |
2 | Kodiak Island (Olga Bay) Chart Map |
1918 |
2 | Kvichak Bay Area Map |
1923 |
2 | Kvichak River Maps (2 Items) |
1903 |
2 | Little River Fishing Station Map |
1892 |
2 | Loring Fish Hatchery Property Maps (2
Items) |
1931 |
2 | Naknek River Reconnaissance Map |
1903 |
2 | Naknek River U.S. Survey Maps (2 Items) |
1903 |
2 | Nushagak River Location of U.S. Surveys Maps (2
Items) |
1903 |
2 | Prince William Sound (Orca Inlet) Map |
1903 |
2 | Ugashik River Bound Survey Map |
Undated |
2 | Ugashik River Location of U.S. Surveys Map (2
Items) |
1903 |
2 | Ugashik Quadrangle survey |
1951 |
2 | Ugashik Quadrangle survey (showing Pilot Point
Station) |
1951 |
2 | Wood River Map |
1903 |
Washington Survey and Property
Oversize Folder | ||
3 | U.S. Geological Survey, Washington, Anacortes
Quadrangle |
1943 |
3 | U.S. Geological Survey, Washinton, Samish Lake
Quadrangle |
1947 |
3 | U.S. Geological Survey, Washington, Sumas
Quadrangle, Survey Map |
1943 |
3 | Blaine Tideland Ownership List |
Undated |
3 | Blaine Tidelands Maps (4 Items) |
1939 |
3 | Bound Puget Sound Property Maps (16
Items) |
1916 |
3 | Birch Bay Maps (6 Items) |
Undated |
3 | Drayton Plat Map |
1890 |
3 | Point Roberts Property Map |
Undated |
4 | Semiahmoo Hand-drawn Tidelands Ownership Map
1936 |
4 | Rough Plan re: Semiahmoo Park |
Undated |
4 | Bound Property Plats of Semiahmoo Spit & Point
Roberts (6 Items) |
1971 |
4 | Historical map of Whidbey Island |
Undated |
4 | Probable Territory of Semiahmoo Tribe (Hand-drawn
copy) |
Undated |
5 | Kroll Map of Bellingham (mounted in cork
board) |
Undated |
Rolled Document | ||
19 | Semiahmoo Park, Road Easement, Semiahmoo Parkway,
Whatcom County Park Property |
1987 |
20 | Semiahmoo Park, Aerial View of Park and
Bay |
Undated |
21-22 | Semiahmoo Park, Gas line location, Blaine,
WA |
Undated |
23 | Semiahmoo Park, Restoration Plan |
1981 |
24-26 | Semiahmoo Park, Gas line location, Blaine, WA (3
items) |
Undated |
27 | Semiahmoo Park, Interpretive Center |
1982 |
28 | Semiahmoo Park, Gas line location, Blaine, WA, sheet
8 |
Undated |
29-31 | Drayton Harbor Road Relocation, Semiahmoo Spit Plan
1989 |
32 | City of Blaine |
1938 |
33 | Blaine Harbor |
1891 |
34 | Point Roberts, Birch Bay, and Drayton's
Cove |
1841 |
35 | Semiahmoo Park, Whatcom County Parks, Interpretive
Center |
1982 |
36 | Semiahmoo Bay, Drayton Harbor, Blaine, WA
Undated |
37-39 | Drayton Harbor Road Relocation, Semiahmoo Spit
Plan |
1989 |
40 | Salmon Canneries, Salteries, and Cold Storage Plants
on Pacific Coast |
1903 |
41 | Photo Print of 1903 Pacific Fisherman Map, Locations
of Salmon Canneries, Salteries, and Cold Storage Plants on Pacific
Coast |
Undated |
42 | Map of Salmon Canneries. Salteries and Storage
Plants on the Pacific Coast, copyrighted |
1903 |
43 | Birch Bay Area, Township 40, Range 1E, Section 30
1975 |
44 | Birch Bay Area, Township 40, Range 1E, Section 31
1959 |
45 | Birch Bay Area, Township 40, Range 1W, Section 36
1959 |
46 | Orthophoto Map of Semiahmoo Spit, Semiahmoo Bay, and
Drayton Harbor |
1984 |
47 | Blaine Tide Lands, Blaine, WA (page 35) |
1939 |
48 | Blaine Tide Lands, Blaine, WA (page 36) |
1939 |
49 | Mountainview, Addition to Semiahmoo |
1938 |
50 | Semiahmoo, Washington, Plant. Insurance Diagram
1964 |
Survey Maps
Researchers should note that the homestead
claim maps on Microfiche 465-498 are also available in original form. See
oversize folders 6-7 (Alaska Packers Association Claims [84 items], 1903-1937)
and oversize folders 8-14 (non-APA companies and individuals [270 items],
1892-1909 ).
1893-1937 | |
Microfiche | ||
447 | US Survey No. 1 (Amended) Pyramid Harbor Packing Co.,
Chilkat Inlet |
August 1897 |
447 | Plat of Survey No. 2 tract of land on the NE shore of
Chilkat Inlet Alaska, claimed by SH Perin |
Undated |
447 | Plat of Amended S. No. 2 for Chilkat Packing Co,
Surveyed August 12 & 13 |
1892 |
447 | Amended Survey No. 3 Tract of public land claimed by
Hugh Murray situated on northerly shore of Chilkat Inlet |
August 14-17, 1897 |
447 | Amended US Survey No. 8 - Alaska Salmon Packing and
Fur Company. Loring, Naha Bay, surveyed |
September 1-4, 1897 |
448 | Amended US Survey no. 9. Aberdeen Packing CO. NW end
of Wrangell Island |
Undated |
448 | Amended US Survey No. 14. Rocky Point Fishing and
Trading CO. northerly shore of Uganuk Bay, westerly coast of Kodiak
Island |
July 15-17, 1899 |
448 | Survey no. 16 for Moses N. Hirsch |
May 17 & 18, 1892 |
448 | Survey no. 23 by Royal Packing Company Afognak Island
(132 acre tract of land on shore of Afognak Bay) |
1892 |
448 | Survey no. 23 tract of land on south shore of Afognak
Bay, Afognak Island, Alaska, claimed by Royal Packing Co. |
Undated |
448 | Amended U.S. Survey no. 24, Karluk Packing Co., on
Karluk Spit, Island of Kodiak, claim of Karluk Packing Co. (plat includes land
and improvements) |
April 29, to May 19, 1892 |
449 | Amended U.S. Survey No. 24, Karluk Packing Co., on
Karluk Spit, Island of Kodiak, claim of Karluk Packing Co. (plat includes land
and improvements, and copy of sealed certification by the Commissioner of the
General Land Office, Department of the Interior) |
April 29, to May 19, 1892 |
449 | Amended U.S. Survey no. 24, Karluk Packing Co., on
Karluk Spit, Island of Kodiak, claim of Karluk Packing Co. (including land and
improvements) |
April 29-May 19, 1892 |
449 | Survey no. 25, tract of land at the mouth and right
bank of the Molina River on the West Coast of Afognak Island, claimed by George
V. Vogel |
Undated |
449 | Survey no. 26, tract of land at the mouth and left
bank of the Molina River, on the West Coast of Afognak Island, claimed by Elkan
Wasserman |
Undated |
449 | Survey no. 27, tract of land on south shore of Uganik
Bay on the West Coast of Kodiak Island, claimed by John Malovansky |
Undated |
449 | Amended Survey no. 27, claimed by John Malovansky
(tract of land on Uginuk Bay) |
May 8 and 9, 1897 |
450 | Survey no. 28 for Daniel E. Hayes (tract of land at
confluence of Shelik of Straits and Little River) |
July 19, 1892 |
450 | Survey no. 29 for William Gerstle (tract of land
between Shelikof Straits and Little River, area 5.45 acres) |
July 9, 1892 |
450 | Survey no. 29, tract of land near Little River, Kodiak
Island, claimed by William Gerstle |
Undated |
450 | Survey no. 30, tract of land on the S.W. shore of
Afognak Bay, Afognak Island, Alaska, claimed by Gustav Niebaum |
Undated |
450 | Survey no. 31, tract of land on the S.W. shore of
Afognak Bay, Afognak Island, Alaska, claimed by Russian American Packing
Co. |
Undated |
450 | Survey no. 32 tract of land on the North shore of
Afognak Bay, Afognak Island, Alaska. Claimed by Albert Rowe |
Undated |
451 | Survey no. 37, Hume Packing Co. situated on Karluk
Spit near mouth of Karluk River, Kodiak Island, Alaska (See Amended Survey no.
40) |
12, 13, & 14 of April 1892 |
451 | Survey no. 38, Arctic Packing Co., situated on Karluk
Spit near mouth of Karluk River, Kodiak Island, Alaska (See Amended Survey no.
40) |
14 and 15 of April 1892 |
451 | Survey no.39 claimed by the Kodiak Packing Co. Situate
on Karluk Spit, near mouth of Karluk River, Kodiak Island, Alaska (See Amended
Survey no. 40) |
15 and 16 of April, 1892 |
451 | Amended U.S. Survey no. 40…Claimed by Jeffrey Grant.
Situate at the head of Karluk Spit between Karluk River and Shelikof Straits,
Kodiak Island |
August 23, 1897 |
451 | Amended Survey no. 40. Description taken from U.S.
Patent dated City of Washington |
12th day of October 1900 |
451 | Amended U.S. Survey no. 40…Claimed by Jeffrey Grant.
Situate at the head of Karluk Spit between Karluk River and Shelikof
Straits |
August 23, 1897 |
452 | Amended U.S. Survey no. 40…for a tract of public land
claimed by Jeffrey Grant. Situate at the head of Karluk Spit between Karluk
River and Shelikof Straits, Kodiak Island |
August 23, 1897 |
452 | Survey no. 40, Jeffrey Grant situated on Karluk River,
Kodiak Island, Alaska…surveyed April and Sept. 1892…See Amended Survey no. 40.
Survey no. 41, Karluk Spit Fishing Station on Karluk Spit, Kodiak Island,
Alaska |
April 11, 1892 |
452 | U.S. Survey no. 45…tract of public land claimed by the
North Olga Fishing Station. Situate on northerly shore of Olga Bay on southerly
side of Kodiak Island |
May 1892 |
452 | North Olga Fishing Station application…for surveyed
lands on northerly shore of Olga Bay, Alaska (description of lands on Olga Bay
included) |
ca. 1900 |
452 | Red Star Olga Fishing Station application…for surveyed
lands on southeasterly shore of Olga Bay included |
ca. 1900 |
453 | U.S. Survey no. 45 for North Olga Fishing Station
(certified copy of original plat on file with U.S. Deputy Surveyor) |
Undated |
453 | Survey no. 46 for White Star Olga Fishing Station
(Kodiak Island) |
May 5, 1897 |
453 | Survey no. 47 South Olga Fishing Station on south
shore of Olga Bay on southerly side of Kodiak Island, Alaska |
May 9, 1892 |
453 | Amended Survey no. 47 for South Olga Fishing
Station |
June 29 & 30, 1897 |
453 | Survey no. 48 for Uganuk Fishing Station (plat of land
on shore of Uganuk Bay, Kodiak Island) |
July 7, 1892 |
453 | Survey no. 49, Red Star Olga Fishing Station, (plat of
land and houses on shore of Olga Bay, Kodiak Island) |
May 7, 1892 |
454 | Amended U.S. Survey no. 50…for a tract of land claimed
by Snug Harbor Cannery Co. Situate at Snug Harbor, Alitak Bay, Kodiak
Island |
July 1 and 2, 1897 |
454 | Survey no. 50, Snug Harbor Cannery Co. at Snug Harbor
Alitak Bay on southerly side of Kodiak Island, Alaska |
May 1892 |
454 | Survey no. 54, Afognak River Fishing Station on the
Alaska Peninsula on west side of Shelikof Straits, Alaska |
July 11, 1892 |
454 | Amended Survey no. 60, claimed by Bennett H. Madison,
(plat of land and cannery buildings on bank of Ugashik River Alaska
Peninsula) |
June 15, 1897 |
454 | Amended U.S. Survey no. 63…for a tract of public land
claimed by Charles H. Williams. Situate on the right bank of the Ugashik River
at a point known as Pilot Station |
June 11 & 12, 1897 |
454 | Amended Survey no. 64 for Bering Sea Packing Co. (a
plat of land, dwelling and salt house on banks of Ugashik River, Alaska
Peninsula), (See Survey no. 555) |
June 15 & 16, 1891 |
454 | Amended U.S. Survey no. 65…for a tract of public land
claimed by Alaska Packing Co. Situate on westerly shore of Nushagak
River |
May 14, 1899 |
455 | U.S. amended Survey no. 66…for a tract of public land
claimed by Bristol Bay Canning Co. Situate on westerly shore of Nushagak River
(page 5) |
May 25 and 26, 1897 |
455 | Amended U.S. Survey no 67…for a tract of public land
claimed by Nushagak Canning Co. Situate on the southerly shore of Nushagak
River Bering Sea |
May 13, 1899 |
455 | Survey no. 67, Nushagak Canning Co. (apparent field
sketch) |
Undated |
455 | Amended U.S. Survey no. 67…for a tract of public land
claimed by Nushagak Canning Co. Situate on southerly shore of Nushagak River
Bering Sea |
May 13, 1899 |
455 | U.S. Amended Survey no. 68…for a tract of public land
claimed by Fort Alexander Fishing Station. Situate on southeasterly shore of
Nushagak River |
May 28 and 29, 1897 |
456 | Survey no. 68, Fort Alexander Fishing Station
(Nushagak River. Includes cannery, Kanuleck Indian Village Site, and Carinel
Mission School House)…See Amended Survey no. 68 |
Undated |
456 | Survey no. 69, Naknek Fishing Station (Naknek River.
Includes fish processing facilities and Kiniaak Indian Village site), (See
Amended Survey no. 69) |
Undated |
456 | U.S. Amended Survey no. 69, Naknek Fishing Station
situated on south shore of Naknek River |
May 15th and 17th, 1897 |
456 | U.S. Amended Survey no. 70…for a tract of public land
claimed by Point Roberts Canning Co. Situate on easterly shore of Kvichak
River |
May 19 and 20 1927 |
456 | U.S. Land Office, Sitka, Alaska, Notice…the Comet
Fishing and Trading Co…does hereby apply to purchase…public land. Situate on
Right Bank of Ugashik River, on the western coast of the Alaskan Peninsula
(land description included) |
March 25 1901 |
456 | Amended U.S. Survey no. 71, Charles A. Johnson and Wm.
H. Metson (land and improvements on bank of Ugashik River) |
June 12, 1899 |
457 | Amended U.S. Survey no. 71…for a tract of public land
claimed by C.A. Johnson and Wm. H. Metson. Situate on right bank of Ugashik
River on western coast of Alaskan Peninsula |
June 12, 1899 |
457 | U.S. Amended Survey no. 72…for a tract of public land
claimed by Charles Brandermann Jr. Situate on east shore and at the mouth of
Kvichak River |
May 22 and 23, 1897 |
457 | Survey no. 74, Uyak Fishing Station on Larsens Cove in
Uyak Bay on Kodiak Island |
June 8-11, 1892 |
457 | Amended Survey no. 74 for Uyak Fishing Station
(Larsens Cove, Kodiak) |
July 10 and 11, 1897 |
457 | Survey no. 75. Situate on Karluk Spit near mouth of
Karluk River, Kodiak Island, Alaska claimed by Jay Deming |
April 24, 1892 |
457 | Exterior boundaries of Amended Survey no. 77 showing
locations of improvements or plated from field notes (shore of Larsen Bay on
Kodiak Island) |
Undated |
458 | Amended U.S. Survey no. 77…for a tract of public land
claimed by the Gold Coin Fishing and Mining Co. Situate on Tanglefoot Bay near
Karluk River on Kodiak Island |
August 22-23 1901 |
458 | Amended Survey no. 78 for Horatio J. Barling (bank of
Karluk River on Kodiak Island), (See Survey no. 263) |
April 19, 1897 |
458 | Survey no. 79 for Little River Fishing Station (bank
of Little River On Kodiak Island), (See Survey no. 262) |
June 13-14, 1892 |
458 | Amended Survey no. 80, claimed by John J. Staiger
(shore of Uganuk Bay, Kodiak Island), (See Survey no. 261) |
May 7, 1897 |
458 | U.S. Survey no. 82…for a tract of public land claimed
by Sidney S. Smith. Situate on Snug Harbor, Karluk River, Kodiak
Island |
April 21, 1897 |
458 | Amended U.S. Survey no. 83…for a tract of public land
claimed by Arctic Fishing Co. Situate at the mouth and on the right bank of
Kussilof River, Cook Inlet |
July17-18, 1897 |
459 | Amended Survey no. 84, claimed by George W. Hume (land
and cannery on bank of Kussilof [Kassilof] River, Cook Inlet, Alaska), (See
Survey no. 253) |
July 18-19, 1897 |
459 | Survey no. 85, Wm. Bankowski (bank of Karluk River on
Kodiak Island. Plat includes house, Russian Church, schoolhouse, near village
of Karluk), (See Survey no. 263) |
April 20, 1897 |
459 | Amended Survey no. 88 for Andrew Nielsen (bank of
Egegik River, Alaskan Peninsula), (See Survey no. 551) |
June 13, 1897 |
459 | U.S. Survey no. 89…for a tract of public and claimed
by George P. Parker. Situate on right bank of Egegik River on the Alaskan
Peninsula |
July 5, 1894 |
459 | Survey no. 90 for Jacob Babler (on bank of Karluk
River, Kodiak Island, Alaska. Includes land and improvements, Russian Church,
graveyard and schoolhouse), (See Survey no. 263) |
April 19, 1897 |
459 | Amended U.S. Survey no. 91, Charles Nelson (on bank of
Egegik River, on the Alaskan Peninsula. Includes land and
improvements) |
June 8-9, 1897 |
460 | Amended U.S. Survey no. 91…for a tract of public land
claimed by Charles Nelson. Situate on the right bank of Egegik River near its
mouth on Alaskan Peninsula |
June 8-9, 1897 |
460 | Survey no. 92 for Harry C. Jensen (land and
improvements on bank of Karluk River, Kodiak Island, Alaska), (See Survey no.
263) |
April 19, 1897 |
460 | Amended Survey no. 95 claimed by Frank L Ely (on shore
of Shelikof Straits) |
July 3, 1897 |
460 | Amended U.S. Survey no 96…for a tract of public land
claimed by Chignik Bay Packing Co. Situate on the southerly shore of Chignik
Bay on the Alaskan Peninsula |
August 28-29 1901 |
460 | Amended U.S. Survey no 100…for a tract of public land
claimed by Pacific Packing Co. Situate on the easterly shore of Prince William
Sound at Eyak |
July 26-27, 1897 |
460 | Survey no. 100, tract of land on the easterly shore of
Prince William Sound Alaska claimed by Pacific Packing Co., (See Amended Survey
no. 100) |
Undated |
461 | Survey no. 103, tract of land at fort Kenai at the
mouth and right bank of the Kenai River on the east shore of Cook's Inlet,
claimed by Louis Sloss Jr., (See Survey no. 257) |
Undated |
461 | Amended Survey no. 103 for Louis Sloss, Jr., (bank of
Kenai River), (See Survey no. 257) |
July 22, 1897 |
461 | Survey no. 104, tract of land on the right bank of the
Kenai River, Cook Inlet, Alaska, claimed by Northern Packing Co. (See Amended
survey no. 104) |
Undated |
461 | Amended U.S. Survey no 104…claimed by the Northern
Packing Co. Situate on the right bank of Kenai River about one and one-half
miles above its mouth, Cook Inlet |
July 21-22, 1897 |
461 | Amended U.S. Survey no. 112…claimed by Prosper Fishing
and Trading Co. Situate on easterly shore of Kvichak River |
June 7-8, 1899 |
461 | U.S. Survey no .118…claimed by the Central Alaska co.
Situate on west coast of Kodiak Island near 5 mile Point known as N.E.
Harbor |
August 1893 |
462 | Survey no. 118, claimed by Central Alaska Co., Kodiak
Island, Karluk, Alaska |
Undated |
462 | Survey no. 121 for Premier Fishing and Mining Co.
(land and improvements on Uganuk Bay, Kodiak Island) |
July 14-15, 1897 |
462 | U.S. Survey no. 127 of the Homestead Claim of Guardian
Fishing and Mining Co. Situate at the mouth and on the left bank of Naknek
River |
June 7, 1897 |
462 | U.S. Survey no. 128…claimed by Walter M. Adams.
Situate on the east shore of Kvichak River |
June 5, 1897 |
462 | Survey no. 129 for Peter H. Johnson (on bank of Wood
River), (See Survey no. 756) |
May 31, 1897 |
463 | U.S. Survey no. 130…claimed by August Larson. Situate
on east shore of Nushagak River |
June 1-2, 1897 |
463 | U.S. Survey no. 131…claimed by Philip L. Damant.
Situate on left bank of Nushagak River |
June 2-3, 1897 |
463 | U.S. Survey no. 132 for Charles Tryon (on bank of
Egegik River), (See Survey no. 552) |
June 9, 1897 |
463 | Survey no. 134 for William Christiansen (at confluence
of Ugashek River and Dago Creek, Alaska Peninsula) |
June 21, 1897 |
463 | U.S. Survey no. 150 of the Homestead Claim of Warren
Gregory. Situate at and around the mouth of Bradfords Creek on the right bank
of Nushagak River about 1 mile below the Scandinavian Cannery |
May 27, 1899 |
463 | U.S. Survey no. 152. Situate on North East Harbor,
Kodiak Island…(no claimant) |
July 12-13, 1899 |
464 | U.S. Survey no. 152 of the Homestead Claim of Crest
Fishing and Mining co. Situate on North East Harbor, Kodiak Island |
July12-13, 1899 |
464 | U.S. Survey no 153…Situate on the southerly shore of
North East Harbor on Kodiak Island, no claimant |
July 11-12, 1899 |
464 | U.S. Survey no. 153 of the Homestead Claim of Central
Alaska Co. Situate on the southerly shore of North East Harbor on Kodiak
Island |
July 11-12, 1899 |
464 | U.S. Survey no 154. Situate at the waterfalls, 3 miles
from Karluk, Kodiak Island, (no claimant) |
July 10-11, 1899 |
464 | U.S. Survey no. 154 of the Homestead Claim of This
Point Packing Co. Situate at the waterfalls, 3 miles from Karluk, Kodiak
Island |
10-11, 1899 |
464 | U.S. Survey no. 156 of the Chilkat Packing Co. Situate
on the N.E. shore of Chilkat Inlet |
August 8-9, 1899 |
465 | U.S. Survey no. 158 of the Soldiers Additional
Homestead Claim under May 14, 1898 of Charles R. Cowan. Situate on right bank
of Nushagak River |
May 15-16 1901 |
465 | U.S. Survey no. 160A of the Soldiers Additional
Homestead Claim under act of May 14, 1898 of Robert Smith. Situate on the
southerly shore of Pyramid Harbor Chilkat Inlet |
May 29 1902 |
465 | U.S. Survey no. 161 of the Homestead Claim of E.D.
Mendell. Situate at the head of Chilkoot Inlet |
August 12, 14, 1899 |
465 | U.S. Survey no. 162 of the Homestead Claim of Karluk
River Fishing Co. Situate on the left bank of the Karluk River |
May 2-3, 1899 |
465 | U.S. Survey no. 163 of the Homestead Claim of Sailor
Fishing and Mining Co. Situate on the right bank of An-An Creek on Eastern
Passage |
September 1-2, 1899 |
465 | U.S. Survey no. 164 of the Homestead Claim of Northern
Light Fishing and Trading Co. Situate on the left bank of Nushagak
River |
May 16-17, 1899 |
466 | U.S. Survey no. 165 of the Homestead Claim of
Chieftain Fishing and Mining Co. Situate at and around the mouth of Johnsons
Creek on the left bank of Nushagak River |
May 18, 1899 |
466 | U.S. Survey no. 166 of the Homestead Claim of Helmet
Fishing and Mining Co. Situate near the left bank of the Nushagak
River |
May 19, 1899 |
466 | U.S. Survey no. 167 of the Homestead Claim of Canoe
Fishing and Mining Co. Situate on the right bank of the Nushagak River
adjoining the Claim of the Alaska Packing Co. being Amended Survey no.
65 |
May 20, 1899 |
466 | U.S. Survey no. 168 of the Homestead Claim of
Kearsarge Fishing and Mining Co. Situate on the left bank of Nushagak
River |
May 22, 1899 |
466 | U.S. Survey no. 169 of the Homestead Claim of Otto L.
Olsen. Situate on the left bank of Clarks Creek where it joins the Nushagak
River |
May 23-24, 1899 |
466 | U.S. Survey no. 170 of the Homestead Claim of Sledge
Fishing and Mining Co. Situate on the right bank of the Nushagak
River |
May 29-30, 1899 |
467 | U.S. Survey no. 171 of the Homestead Claim of Ancon
Fishing and Mining Co. Situate on the left bank of Nushagak River…Amended
Survey no. 67 |
May 26, 1899 |
467 | U.S. Survey no. 172 of the Homestead Claim of Louis
Schott. Situate on the right bank of the Nushagak River |
May 31, 1899 |
467 | U.S. Survey no. 173 of the Homestead Claim of Moose
Head Fishing and Mining Co. Situate on the right bank of the Nushagak
River |
May 29, 1899 |
467 | U.S. Survey no. 174 of the Homestead Claim of Red Star
Olga Fishing Station. Situate on the south easterly shore of Olga Bay at and
the mouth of Salmon River |
July 5-6, 1899 |
467 | U.S. Survey no. 174 of the homestead Claim of Red Star
Olga Fishing Station. Situate on the south easterly shore of Olga Bay at and
the mouth of Salmon River |
July 5-6, 1899 |
467 | Mineral Survey no. 247 Lot no. 37. Plat of the Claim
of Horatio J. Barting upon the Francis Placer Mine. Ayakulek Smith Mining
District (on shore of Shelikof Strait) |
August 1895 |
468 | U.S. Survey no. 251 of the Soldiers' Additional
Homestead Claim…Nautilus Fishing and Mining Co. Situate on southerly shore of
Eyak Cove, Prince William Sound |
May 6-7 1903 |
468 | U.S. Survey no. 252 of the Soldiers' Additional
Homestead Claim…of Sailor Fishing and Mining Co. Situate Fleming Spit, Orca
Inlet, Prince William Sound |
May 8 1903 |
468 | U.S. Survey no. 254 of the Soldiers' Additional
Homestead Claim…of Canoe Fishing & Mining Co. Situate on easterly shore of
Cook Inlet, at a point known as Stariskrig (includes sealed
certification) |
May 12 1903 |
468 | U.S. Survey no. 254 of the Soldiers' Additional
Homestead Claim…of Canoe Fishing & Mining Co. Situate on easterly shore of
Cook Inlet, at a point known as Stariskrig |
May 12, 1903 |
468 | U.S. Survey no. 255 of the Soldiers' Additional
Homestead Claim…of Sledge Fishing and Mining Co. Situate on eastside of Cook
Inlet at a point known as Deep Creek (includes sealed
certification) |
May 13, 1903 |
468 | U.S. Survey no. 255 of the Soldiers' Additional
Homestead Claim…of Sledge Fishing and Mining Co. Situate on eastside of Cook
Inlet at a point known as Deep Creek |
May 13, 1903 |
469 | U.S. Survey no. 256 of the Soldiers' Additional
Homestead Claim…of Moosehead Fishing and Mining Co. Situate on east shore of
Cook Inlet at a point known as Ninilchik (includes sealed
certification) |
May 14, 1903 |
469 | U.S. Survey no. 256 of the Soldiers' Additional
Homestead Claim…of Moosehead Fishing and Mining Co. Situate on east shore of
Cook Inlet at a point known as Ninilchik |
May 14, 1903 |
469 | U.S. Survey no. 257 of the Soldiers' Additional
Homestead Claim…of Iceberg Fishing and Mining Co. Situate at mouth and on right
bank of Kenai River, Cook Inlet (includes sealed certification) |
May 16, 1903 |
469 | U.S. Survey no. 257 of the Soldiers' Additional
Homestead Claim…of Iceberg Fishing and Mining Co. Situate at mouth and on right
bank of Kenai River, Cook Inlet |
May 16, 1903 |
469 | U.S. Survey no. 258 of the Soldiers' Additional
Homestead Claim…of Helmet Fishing and Mining Co. Situate on right bank of
Karluk River at a point known as the Hatchery |
May 19-20, 1903 |
469 | U.S. Survey no. 259 of the Soldiers' Additional
Homestead Claim…of Canoe Fishing and Mining Co. Situate on right bank of Karluk
River adjoining on the East Hatchery location |
May 20-21, 1903 |
470 | U.S. Survey no. 260 of the Soldiers' Additional
Homestead Claim…of Helmet Fishing and Mining Co. Situate on southerly shore of
Uganuk Bay, Kodiak Island (includes sealed certification) |
May 23, 1903 |
470 | U.S. Survey no. 260 of the Soldiers' Additional
Homestead Claim…of Helmet Fishing and Mining Co. Situate on southerly shore of
Uganuk Bay, Kodiak Island |
May 23, 1903 |
470 | U.S. Survey no. 261 of the Soldiers' Additional
Homestead Claim…of Canoe Fishing and Mining Co. Situate on east shore of Uganuk
Bay, Kodiak Island |
May 25-26, 1903 |
470 | U.S. Survey no. 262 of the Soldiers' Additional
Homestead Claim…of Nautilus Fishing and Mining Co. Situate on N.W. Coast of
Kodiak Island at the mouth of Little River (includes sealed
certification) |
May 28, 1903 |
470 | U.S. Survey no. 262 of the Soldiers' Additional
Homestead Claim…of Nautilus Fishing and Mining Co. Situate on N.W. Coast of
Kodiak Island at the mouth of Little River |
Undated |
470 | U.S. Survey no. 262 of the Soldiers' Additional
Homestead Claim…of Helmet Fishing and Mining Co. Situate on left bank of Karluk
River about 10 chains above its mouth |
May 29, 1903 |
471 | U.S. Survey no. 294 of the S.A. Homestead Claim…of
Alaska Packers Association. Situate on Naha Bay, Revillagigedo Island (includes
sealed certification) |
June 11-13, 1903 |
471 | U.S. Survey no. 294 of the S.A. Homestead Claim…of
Alaska Packers Association. Situate on Naha Bay, Revillagigedo
Island |
June 11-13, 1903 |
471 | U.S. Survey no. 295 of the S.A. Homestead Claim…of
Alaska Packers Association. Situate on Moser Bay, Revillagigedo Island
(includes sealed certification) |
June 16-19, 1903 |
471 | U.S. Survey no. 295 of the S.A. Homestead Claim…of
Alaska Packers Association. Situate on Moser Bay, Revillagigedo
Island |
June 16-19, 1903 |
471 | U.S. Survey no. 296 of the S.A. Homestead Claim…of
Alaska Packers Association. Situate on Moser Bay, Revillagigedo Island
(includes sealed certification) |
October 9-15, 1903 |
471 | U.S. Survey no. 296 of the S.A. Homestead Claim…of
Alaska Packers Association. Situate on Moser Bay, Revillagigedo
Island |
October 9-15, 1903 |
472 | U.S. Survey no. 297 of the S.A. Homestead Claim…of
Alaska Packers Association. Situate on Moser Bay, Revillagigedo Island
(includes sealed certification) |
October 16-20, 1903 |
472 | U.S. Survey no. 297 of the S.A. Homestead Claim…of
Alaska Packers Association. Situate on Moser Bay, Revillagigedo
Island |
October 16-20, 1903 |
472 | U.S. Survey no. 299 of the Soldiers' Additional
Homestead Claim… of the Alaska Packers Association. Situate one-quarter mile
east of Survey 45 Cannery Cove, Olga Bay, Kodiak Island |
September 8-9, 1912 |
472 | U.S. Survey no. 325 of the Soldiers' Additional
Homestead Claim…of the Alaska Packers Association. Situate adjoining Survey no.
45 Cannery Cove, Olga Bay, Kodiak Island |
September 9, 1912 |
472 | U.S. Survey no. 334 of the Soldiers' Additional
Homestead Claim…of Alaska Packers Association. Situate on right bank of
Nushagak River |
1910 |
472 | U.S. Survey no. 334 of the Soldiers' Additional
Homestead Claim…Of Alaska Packers Association. Situate on right bank of
Nushagak River |
1911 |
473 | U.S. Survey no. 360 of the Soldiers' Additional
Homestead Claim…of the Alaska Packers Association. Situate Larsen Bay Spit,
Larsen Bay, Kodiak Island |
September 15-16, 1912 |
473 | U.S. Survey no. 361 of the Soldiers' Additional
Homestead Claim…of the Alaska Packers Association. Situate about ¾ mile from
Cannery of Alaska Packers Association, Larsen Bay, Kodiak Island |
September 15-20, 1912 |
473 | U.S. Survey no. 362 of the Soldiers' Additional
Homestead Claim…of the Alaska Packers Association. Situate at Hatchery of
Alaska Packers Association, Karluk River, Kodiak Island |
September 17-18, 1912 |
473 | U.S. Survey no. 364 of the Soldiers' Additional
Homestead Claim of the Alaska Packers Association. Situate Ladd's Station, Cook
Inlet |
June 6, 1912 |
473 | U.S. Survey no. 365 of the Soldiers' Additional
Homestead Claim…of Alaska Packers Association. Situate on right bank of
Nushagak River about 4 ¾ miles N.E. of coffee Pt., Bristol Bay |
July 3, 1912 |
473 | U.S. Survey no. 366 of the Soldiers' Additional
Homestead Claim…of the Alaska Packers Association. Situate on right bank of
Nushagak River about 30 chains N.E. of Coffee Pt., Bristol Bay |
July 6-7, 1912 |
474 | U.S. Survey no. 369 of the Soldiers' Additional
Homestead Claim…of the Alaska Packers Association. Situate on right bank of
Nushagak River about 10 chains N. of Coffee Pt. Bristol Bay |
July 9, 1912 |
474 | U.S.A. Survey no 425 of the Soldiers' Additional
Homestead Claim…of the Anchor Fishing and Trading co. Situate on Tanglefoot
Bay, Kodiak Island (includes sealed certification) |
June 1905 |
474 | U.S.A. Survey no 425 of the Soldiers' Additional
Homestead Claim…of the Anchor Fishing and Trading co. Situate on Tanglefoot
Bay, Kodiak Island |
June 1905 |
474 | U.S. Survey no. 426 of the Soldiers' Additional
Homestead Claim…of Canoe Fishing & Mining Co. Situate on northerly shore of
Karluk Lagoon, near head of Spit |
June 1, 1903 |
474 | U.S. Survey no.427 of the Soldiers' Additional
Homestead Claim…of Sledge Fishing & Mining Co. Situate at the slide about 1
mile N.E. of Karluk on Kodiak Island |
June 2, 1903 |
474 | U.S. Survey no. 428 of the Soldiers' Additional
Homestead Claim…of Helmet Fishing and Mining Co. Situate on easterly shore of
Cannery Cove, Olga Bay, Kodiak Island |
June 4-5, 1903 |
475 | U.S. Survey no. 429 of the Soldiers' Additional
Homestead Claim…of Canoe Fishing & Mining Co. Situate on southerly shore of
Olga Bay, Kodiak Island |
June 6, 1903 |
475 | U.S. Survey no. 430 of the Soldiers' Additional
Homestead Claim…of Sledge Fishing & Mining Co. Situate on southerly shore
of Olga Bay, Kodiak Island |
June 8, 1903 |
475 | U.S. Survey no. 431 of the Soldiers' Additional
Homestead Claim…of Moosehead Fishing & Mining Co. Situate near upper end of
Cannery cove, Olga Bay, Kodiak Island |
June 9, 1903 |
475 | U.S. Survey no. 432 of the Soldiers' Additional
Homestead Claim…of Sledge Fishing & Mining Co. Situate on N.W. end of
Chignik Island, Chignik Lagoon (includes sealed certification) |
June 12-13, 1903 |
475 | U.S. Survey no. 432 of the Soldiers' Additional
Homestead Claim…of Sledge Fishing & Mining Co. Situate on N.W. end of
Chignik Island, Chignik Lagoon |
June 12-13, 1903 |
475 | U.S. Survey no. 433 of the Soldiers' Additional
Homestead Claim…of Moosehead Fishing & Mining Co. Situate on northerly
shore of Chignik Lagoon |
June 15, 1903 |
476 | US Survey no. 433 of the Soldiers' Additional
Homestead Claim…Moosehead Fishing and Mining co. Situate on northerly shore of
Chignik Lagoon |
June 15, 1903 |
476 | US Survey no. 434 of the Soldiers' Additional
Homestead Claim…Iceberg Fishing & Mining Co. Situate on 4 southerly shores
of Chignik Bay |
June 16-17, 1903 |
476 | US Survey no. 434 of the Soldiers' Additional
Homestead Claim Iceberg Fishing and Mining Co. Situate on southerly shore of
Chignik Bay |
June 16-17, 1903 |
476 | US Survey no. 485 of the Soldiers' Additional
Homestead Claim Sailor Fishing and Mining Co. Situate near the north bank of
Egegik River |
June 29, 1903 |
476 | U.S. Survey no. 485 of the Soldiers' Additional
Homestead Claim Sailor Fishing and Mining Co. Situate near the left bank of
Egegik River |
June 29, 1903 |
476 | U.S. Survey no. 487 of the Soldiers' Additional
Homestead Claim. Situate at the north and left bank of Naknek River |
July 1-2, 1903 |
477 | U.S. Survey no 487 of the Soldiers' Additional
Homestead Claim, Nautilus Fishing and Mining Co. |
July 1-2, 1903 |
477 | U.S. Survey no. 488 of the Soldiers' Additional
Homestead Claim…of Sledge Fishing and Mining Co. Situate on the left bank of
Bear Creek |
July 6, 1903 |
477 | U.S. Survey no. 489 of the Soldiers' Additional
Homestead Claim…Moosehead Fishing and Mining Co. |
July 7, 1903 |
477 | U.S. Survey no. 490 of the Soldiers' Additional
Homestead Claim, Iceberg Fishing and Mining Co. Situate on left bank of Kvichak
River |
July 8, 1903 |
477 | U.S. Survey no. 490 of the Soldiers' Additional
Homestead Claim, Iceberg Fishing and Mining Co. Situate on left bank of Kvichak
River |
July 8, 1903 |
477 | U.S. Survey no. 501 of the Homestead Claim of Bartlett
Bay Packing Co. Situate near the right bank of Ugashik River |
June 10, 1899 |
478 | U.S. Survey no. 502 of the Homestead Claim of Meteor
Fishing and Trading co. Situate on the right bank of Ugashik River about one
mile above Pilot Station Point |
June 13, 1899 |
478 | U.S. Survey no.503 of the Homestead Claim of Joseph E.
Dorward. Situate on the right bank of the Ugashik River about 1½ miles above
Pilot Station Point |
June 14, 1899 |
478 | U.S. Survey no. 504 of the Homestead Claim of North
Pole Fishing and Mining Co. Situate near the right bank of Ugashik River about
¼ mile above Pilot Station point and adjoining amended Survey no. 63 for
cannery site |
June 9, 1899 |
478 | U.S. Survey no. 505 of the Homestead Claim of J.H.
Winter. Situate near the left bank of Nushagak River at and around Saguyak Pond
on top of Saguyak Point |
June 12, 1899 |
478 | U.S. Survey no. 506 of the Homestead Claim of Initial
Fishing and Mining Co. Situate on the right bank of Duck Creek where it joins
the Kvichak River, Bristol Bay |
June 5, 1899 |
478 | U.S. Survey no. 507 of the Homestead Claim of Lion
Fishing and Mining Co. Situate on the right bank of Jensen's Creek where it
joins the Kvichak River, Bristol Bay |
June 3, 1899 |
479 | U.S. Survey no. 508 of the Homestead Claim of Ensign
Fishing and Mining Co. Situate on the left bank of the Kvichak River about ¼
mile above the sand knolls |
June 6, 1899 |
479 | U.S. Survey no. 509 of the Homestead Claim of South
Olga Fishing Station. Situate on the left bank of Kvichak River adjoining the
native village of Koggiung on the S.W. |
June 7, 1899 |
479 | U.S. Survey no. 518 of the Soldiers' Additional
Homestead Claim…of Prosper Fishing and Trading Co. Situate on the left bank of
Bear Creek at its confluence with Kvichak River |
May 29-30, 1901 |
479 | U.S. Survey no. 519 of the Soldiers' Additional
Homestead Claim…of Prosper Fishing and Trading Co. Situate near left bank of
Kvichak River |
May 30-31, 1901 |
479 | U.S. Survey no. 520 of the soldiers' Additional
Homestead Claim…of Prosper Fishing and Trading co. Situate about ½ mile inland
left bank of the Kvichak River |
May 31 and June 1, 1901 |
479 | U.S. Survey no. 526 of the Soldiers' Additional
Homestead Claim…of Ancon Fishing and Mining Co. Situate on left bank of
Nushagak River |
June 5-6, 1901 |
479 | U.S. Survey no. 528 of the Soldiers' Additional
Homestead Claim…of Lion Fishing and Mining Co. Situate on left bank of Snug
Creek, about 5.00 chains above its confluence with Kvichak River |
Undated |
480 | U.S. Survey no. 529 of the Soldiers' Additional
Homestead Claim…of Lion Fishing and Mining co. Situate about ¾ mile inland from
left bank of Kvichak River |
June 11-12, 1901 |
480 | Plat no. 530 of the Soldiers' Additional Homestead
Claim…of Lion Fishing and Mining Co. Situate on left bank of Snug Creek about
5.00 chains above its confluence with Kvichak River |
June 12-13, 1901 |
480 | U.S. Survey no. 531 of the Soldiers' Additional
Homestead Claim…of Lion Fishing and Mining Co. Situate on right bank of Snug
Creek about 5 chains above its confluence with Kvichak River |
June 13-14, 1901 |
480 | U.S. Survey no. 533 of the Soldiers' Additional
Homestead Claim…of Initial Fishing and Mining Co. Situate on the left bank of
Jensen's Creek at its confluence with Kvichak River |
June 17-18, 1901 |
480 | U.S. Survey no. 534 of the Soldiers' Additional
Homestead Claim…of Initial Fishing and Mining Co. Situate on the left bank of
duck Creek at its confluence with Kvichak River |
Undated |
481 | U.S. Survey no. 535 of the Soldiers' Additional
Homestead Claim…of Initial Fishing and Mining Co. Situate on the right bank of
Prosper Creek at its confluence with Kvichak River |
June 21-22, 1901 |
481 | U.S. Survey no. 536 of the Soldiers' Additional
Homestead Claim…of Glacier Fishing and Mining Co. Situate about ½ mile inland
from Koggiung Point Kvichak River |
June 21-22, 1901 |
481 | U.S. Survey no. 537 of the Soldiers' Additional
Homestead Claim…of Glacier Fishing and mining co. Situate on right bank of
Kvichak River about ¼ mile below the upper native village |
June 24-25, 1901 |
481 | U.S. Survey no. 539 of the Soldiers' Additional
Homestead Claim…of Glacier Fishing and Mining Co. Situate on the point between
the right and left forks of Jensen's Creek Kvichak River |
June 26-27, 1901 |
481 | U.S. Survey no. 542 of the Soldiers' Additional
Homestead Claim…Charles R. Cowan. Situate on the left bank of Grave Yard River
just above mouth of Right Fork |
July 1-2, 1901 |
481 | U.S. Survey no. 543 of the Soldiers' Additional
Homestead Claim…of Guardian Fishing and Mining Co. Situate on left bank of the
Naknek River about 8 miles above its mouth |
July 2-3, 1901 |
482 | U.S. Survey no. 545 of the Soldiers' Additional
Homestead Claim…of chieftain Fishing and Trading co. Situate at the Mouth of
Ravine about 1 mile inland from Clarks Point, Nushagak River |
July 8-9, 1901 |
482 | U.S. Survey no. 546 of the Soldiers' Additional
Homestead Claim…of Herald Fishing and Mining Co. Situate on left bank of Clarks
Creek about 1 mile above its confluence with Nushagak River |
July 9-10, 1901 |
482 | U.S. Survey no. 547 of the Soldiers' Additional
Homestead Claim…of Iceberg Fishing and Mining Co. Situate near Clark's Point,
Nushagak River |
July 10-11, 1901 |
482 | U.S. Survey no. 548 or the Soldiers' Additional
Homestead Claim…of Capstan Fishing and Trading Co. Situate on the left bank of
Egegik River about 3 miles above cannery |
July 15-16, 1901 |
482 | U.S. Survey no. 549 of the Soldiers' Additional
Homestead Claim…of Capstan Fishing and Trading Co. Situate on the right bank
and at the mouth of Egegik River |
July 16-17, 1901 |
483 | U.S. Survey no. 551 of the Soldiers' Additional
Homestead Claim…of Capstan Fishing and Trading Co. Situate on the left bank of
Egegik River just above Bluff Point |
July 19-20, 1901 |
483 | U.S. Survey no. 552 of the Soldiers' Additional
Homestead Claim…of Polar Fishing and Trading Co. Situate on right bank of
Egegik River opposite A.P.A. Cannery |
July 22-23, 1901 |
483 | U.S. Survey no. 553 of the Soldiers' Additional
Homestead Claim…of Polar Fishing and Trading Co. Situate on the right bank of
Egegik River, just below the mouth of King Salmon River |
July 23-24, 1901 |
483 | U.S. Survey no.554 of the Soldiers' Additional
Homestead Claim…of Polar Fishing and Trading Co. Situate on right bank of
Egegik River about 4 miles above mouth of King Salmon River |
July 24-25, 1901 |
483 | U.S. Survey no. 555 of the trade and manufacturing
site…of Comet Fishing and Trading Co. Situate on left bank of Ugashik River
about ¾ mile below the native village of Ugashik (includes sealed
certification) |
July 25-26, 1901 |
483 | U.S. Survey no. 555 of the trade and manufacturing
site…of Comet Fishing and Trading Co. Situate on left bank of Ugashik River
about ¾ mile below the native village of Ugashik |
July 25-26, 1901 |
484 | U.S. Survey no. 558 of the Soldiers' Additional
Homestead Claim…of Moosehead Fishing and Mining Co. Situate on the right bank
of Egashak River about 3 miles above its confluence with Nushagak
Bay |
July 17-18, 1903 |
484 | U.S. Survey no. 560 of the Soldiers' Additional
Homestead Claim…of Iceberg Fishing and Mining Co. Situate on right bank of
Egashak River about 1½ miles above its confluence with Nushagak Bay |
July 21, 1903 |
484 | U.S. Survey no. 561 of the Soldiers' Additional
Homestead Claim…of Nautilus Fishing and Mining Co. Situate on right bank of
Egashak River about 12 miles above its mouth (includes sealed
certification) |
July 23-24, 1903 |
484 | U.S. Survey no. 561 of the Soldiers' Additional
Homestead Claim…of Nautilus Fishing and Mining Co. Situate on right bank of
Egashak River about 12 miles above its mouth |
July 23-24, 1903 |
484 | U.S. Survey no.562 of the Soldiers' Additional
Homestead Claim…of Sailor Fishing and Mining Co. Situate at the mouth and on
the left bank of Wood River, Bristol Bay |
July 28-29, 1903 |
484 | U.S. Survey no. 671 of the Soldiers' Additional
Homestead Claim…of Alaska Packers Association. Situate on left bank of Naknek
River |
1910 |
485 | U.S. Survey no. 672 of the Soldiers' Additional
Homestead Claim…of the Alaska Packers Association. Situate at Larsen Bay,
Kodiak Island |
1910 |
485 | U.S. Survey no. 673 of the Soldiers' Additional
Homestead Claim…of the Alaska Packers Association. Situate at Larsen Bay,
Kodiak Island |
1910 |
485 | U.S. Survey no. 751 of the Soldiers' Additional
Homestead Claim…of Iceberg Fishing and Mining Co. Situate on right bank of Wood
River about 7 ½ miles above its confluence with Nushagak
River…surveyed |
July30-31, 1903 |
485 | U.S. Survey no. 752 of the Soldiers' Additional
Homestead Claim…of Canoe Fishing and Mining Co. Situate on right bank of wood
River about 7 ¼ miles above its confluence with Nushagak River |
August 3, 1903 |
485 | U.S. Survey no. 752 of the Soldiers' Additional
Homestead Claim…of Sledge Fishing and Mining Co. Situate on right bank of Wood
River about 12 miles above its confluence with Nushagak River |
August 5-6, 1903 |
485 | U.S. Survey no. 754 of the Soldiers' Additional
Homestead Claim…of Sailor Fishing and Mining Co. Situate on left bank of Wood
River about 12 miles above its confluence with Nushagak River |
August 6, 1903 |
486 | U.S. Survey no. 755 of the Soldiers' Additional
Homestead Claim…Iceberg Fishing and Mining Co. Situate on left bank of Wood
River about 12 ¾ miles above its confluence |
August 10, 1903 |
486 | U.S. Survey no. 756 of the Soldiers' Additional
Homestead Claim of Sailor Fishing and Mining Co. Situate on right bank of Wood
River about 13 ¼ miles above its confluence |
August 12, 1903 |
486 | U.S. Survey no. 772 of the Soldiers' Additional
Homestead Claim of the Alaska Packers Association. Situate near Coffee Point,
Nushagak River |
1910 |
486 | U.S. Survey no. 773 of the Soldiers' Additional
Homestead Claim of Alaska Packers Association. Situate at Coffee Point,
Nushagak River |
1910 |
486 | U.S. Survey no. 774 of the Soldiers' Additional
Homestead Claim of Alaska Packers Association. Situate on right bank of
Nushagak River |
1910 |
486 | U.S. Survey no. 995 of the Soldiers' Additional
Homestead Claim of Sailor Fishing and Mining co. Situate on right bank of
Nushagak River |
May 30, 1908 |
487 | U.S. Survey no. 996 of the Soldiers' Additional
Homestead Claim, Canoe Fishing and Mining Co. Situate on right bank of Nushagak
River |
May 31, 1908 |
487 | U.S. Survey no.997 of the Soldiers' Additional
Homestead Claim of Helmet Fishing and Mining Co. Situate on right bank of
Nushagak River at coffee Point |
July 23, 1908 |
487 | U.S. Survey no. 998 of the Soldiers' Additional
Homestead Claim of Helmet Fishing and Mining Co. Situate on right bank of
Nushagak River about 3 ¼ miles above Coffee Point |
July 24, 1908 |
487 | U.S. Survey no. 999 of the Soldiers' Additional
Homestead Claim, Helmet Fishing and Mining Co. Situate on the left bank of
Naknek River |
Aug. 3, 1908 |
487 | U.S. Survey no. 1000 of the Soldiers' Additional
Homestead Claim, Sailor Fishing and Mining Co. Situate on left bank of Naknek
River |
Aug. 3, 1908 |
487 | U.S. Survey no. 1025 of the Soldiers' Additional
Homestead Claim of the Alaska Packers Association. Situate on east shore of
Cooks Inlet |
1910 |
488 | U.S. Survey no. 1026 of the Soldiers' Additional
Homestead Claim…of the Alaska Packers Association. Situate at Ladds Station,
Cooks Inlet |
1910 |
488 | U.S. Survey no. 1028 of the Soldiers' Additional
Homestead Claim…of the Alaska Packers Association. Situate on left bank of
Naknek River, between U.S. Survey no's. 69 and 527, about 57 chains S.W. of
latter survey. Bristol Bay, Bering Sea |
May 12-14, 1913 |
488 | U.S. Survey no. 1029 of the Soldiers' Additional
Homestead Claim…of the Moosehead Fishing and Mining Co. Situate on left bank of
Ugashik River about ¾ mile below native village of Ugashik and 43.41 chains
south of Survey no. 556 Bristol Bay, Bering Sea |
May 24-25, 1913 |
488 | U.S. Survey no. 1030 of the Soldiers' Additional
Homestead Claim…of the Alaska Packers Association. Situate on right bank of
Copenhagen Creek, just above its confluence with Kvichak Bay about 25 miles
N.E. of Etolin Point, Bristol Bay, Bering Sea |
June 3-4, 1913 |
488 | U.S. Survey no. 1031 of the Soldiers' Additional
Homestead Claim…of the Alaska Packers Association. Situate near U.S. Survey no.
237 on Loves Creek about 2 miles east of Entrance Point, Bering Sea |
June 11, 1913 |
488 | U.S. Survey no. 1032 of the Soldiers' Additional
Homestead Claim…of the Alaska Packers Association. Situate on narrow sand spit
about 1 ¼ miles N.E. of Entrance Point, Port Moller, Bering Sea |
June 12, 1913 |
489 | U.S. Survey no. 1033 of the Soldiers' Additional
Homestead Claim…of the Alaska Packers Association. Situate just north of U.S.
Survey no. 1032 about 1 ¼ miles N.E. of Entrance Point, Port Moller, Bering
Sea; Latitude 55-59'30" N, Longitude 160-32' W |
June 12, 1913 |
489 | U.S. Survey no. 1034 of the Soldiers' Additional
Homestead Claim…of the Alaska Packers Association. Situate on Port Moller Spit
about 2 miles N.E. of U.S. Survey 1148 Bering Sea |
June 15, 1913 |
489 | U.S. Survey no. 1045 of the Soldiers' Additional
Homestead Claim…of the Alaska Packers Association. Situate on Love's Lake, near
Love's Creek about 2 miles east of Entrance Point, Bering Sea |
June 18, 1913 |
489 | U.S. Survey no. 1046 of the Soldiers' Additional
Homestead Claim…of the Alaska Packers Association. Situate just west of Lowe
Point and ½ mile east of Bluff Point, Mine Harbor, Herendeen Bay, Bering
Sea |
June 23-24, 1913 |
489 | U.S. Survey no. 1047 of the Soldiers' Additional
Homestead Claim…of the Alaska Packers Association. Situate just south of Coal
Creek Herendeen Bay, Bering Sea |
June 24, 1913 |
489 | U.S. Survey no. 1049 of the Soldiers' Additional
Homestead Claim of the Alaska Packers Association. Situate on southerly shore
of Anchorage just south of U.S. Survey no. 307 Chignik, Alaska |
July 6, 1913 |
490 | U.S. Survey no. 1102 of the Soldiers' Additional
Homestead Claim…of the Alaska Packers Association. Situate at west end of a
large lake, and about 4.80 chains east of U.S. Survey no. 575, Anchorage,
Anchorage Bay, Chignik |
July 7, 1913 |
490 | U.S. Survey no. 1125 of the Soldiers' Additional
Homestead Claim…of the Alaska Packers Association. Situate west shore of
Chignik Bay |
August 12, 1911 |
490 | U.S. Survey no.1126 of the Soldiers' Additional
Homestead Claim…Alaska Packers Association. Situate at Mento Point on Northwest
Shore of Chignik Lagoon |
August 27-28, 1911 |
490 | U.S. Survey no. 1128 of the Soldiers' Additional
Homestead Claim…of the Alaska Packers Association. Situate north shore of
Chignik Lagoon opposite cannery of Alaska Packers Association |
August 17 to September 2, 1911 |
490 | U.S. Survey no. 1222 of the Soldiers' Additional
Homestead Claim of the Alaska Packers Association…Situate near south side of
Chignik Lagoon adjoining U.S. Amended Survey no. 96 |
July 26-31, 1916 |
490 | U.S. Survey no. 1223 of the Soldiers' Additional
Homestead Claim of the Alaska Packers Association…Situate near south side
Chignik Lagoon adjoining U.S. Survey no. 1222 |
July 26-31, 1916 |
491 | U.S. Survey no. 1224 of the Soldiers' Additional
Homestead Claim of the Alaska Packers Association…Situate west side of Moser
Bay, Kodiak Island |
August 14-16, 1916 |
491 | U.S. Survey no. 1422 of the Soldiers' Additional
Homestead Claim of the Alaska Packers Association…Situate on east shore of
Anchorage Bay, an arm of Chignik Bay, adjoining and lying northeast of U.S.
Survey no. 307, Alaska Peninsula |
July 31-August 7, 1922 |
491 | U.S. Survey no. 1423 of the Soldiers' Additional
Homestead Claim of the Alaska Packers Association. Situate on east side of
Anchorage Bay, an arm of Chignik Bay; adjoining, and lying southeast of U.S.
Survey no. 307, Alaska Peninsula |
July 31- August 7, 1922 |
491 | .S. Survey no. 1424 of the Soldiers' Additional
Homestead Claim of the Alaska Packers Association. Situate south side Naknek
River, Alaska Peninsula; adjoining U.S. Amended Survey no. 69 |
July 8-13, 1922 |
491 | U.S. Survey no. 1425 of the Soldiers' Additional
Homestead Claim of Alaska Packers Association…Situate south shore of Naknek
River, Alaska Peninsula |
July 8-13, 1922 |
491 | U.S. Survey no. 1426 of the Soldiers' Additional
Homestead Claim of Alaska Packers Association…Situate east shore of Ugashik
River, approximately 0.6 miles south of Pilot Station Point and adjoining U.S.
Survey no. 501 |
July 15-8, 1922 |
492 | U.S. Survey no. 1537 of the Soldiers' Additional
Homestead Claim of Carlisle Packing Co…Situate on west bank Kvichak River,
approximately 6 ¼ miles above mouth Alagnak River |
July 11-12, 1924 |
492 | U.S. Survey no. 1577 of the Soldiers' Additional
Homestead Claim of Alaska Packers Association…situate on north shore of Olga
Bay and west side of the lagoon east of and adjoining Survey no. 45, south end
of Kodiak Island Latitude 57-9' 17" N. Longitude 154-15' 22" W. |
August 10-13, 1925 |
492 | U.S. Survey no. 1578 of the Soldiers' Additional
Homestead Claim of Alaska Packers Association…situate south shore of Olga Bay
near mouth of Salmon River west of U.S. Survey no. 174, south end of Kodiak
Island |
August 14-15, 1925 |
492 | U.S. Survey no. 1579 of the Soldiers' Additional
Homestead Claim of Alaska Packers Association. Situate south shore of Olga Bay
northeast of and adjoining U.S. Survey no. 174; south end of Kodiak
Island |
August 17-18, 1925 |
492 | U.S. Survey no. 1580 of the Soldiers' Additional
Homestead Claim of the Alaska Packers Association…on the Lagoon on north shore
of Olga Bay between U.S. Surveys no. 45 and 299, south end of Kodiak
Island |
August 6-7, 1925 |
492 | U.S. Survey no. 1581 of the soldiers' Additional
Homestead Claim of Alaska Packers Association. Situate south shore of Naknek
River, west of and adjoining U.S. Amended Survey no. 69 |
June 26-July 1, 1925 |
493 | U.S. Survey no. 1582 of the Soldiers' Additional
Homestead Claim of Alaska Packers Association. Situate on east shore of Kvichak
Bay, approximately 1 ¾ miles northerly from Cape Suwaroff |
June 28-29, 1925 |
493 | U.S. Survey no. 1583 of the Soldiers' Additional
Homestead Claim of Alaska Packers Association. Situate on east shore of
Isanotski Strait of western end of Alaska Peninsula, approximately 9500ft.
southwesterly from Morzhovoi Village |
Undated |
493 | U.S. Survey no. 1703 of the Soldiers' Additional
Homestead Claim of Carlisle Packing Co. Situate on east shore of Nushagak Bay,
near Ekook Point - south of and adjoining U.S. Amended Survey no.
769 |
June 18-19, 1926 |
493 | U.S. Survey no.1825 of the Soldiers' Additional
Homestead Claim of Crosby Fisheries Inc. Situate on east shore of Shelikof
Strait, west side of Kodiak Island approximately 2000 ft. west of Karluk
Spit |
June 8-10, 1928 |
493 | 1866 Soldiers' Additional Homestead Claim Alaska
Packers Association on west shore of Uyak Bay, approximately 7000 ft. south of
Alfred Island |
June 28-29, 1929 |
493 | 1886 Soldiers' Additional Homestead Claim Alaska
Packers Association on N.W. shore of Olga Bay at Silver Salmon Creek, south end
of Kodiak Island |
July 18-21, 1929 |
494 | 1887 Soldiers' Additional Homestead Claim Alaska
Packers Association on the south shore of Olga bay, near the mouth of Salmon
River, southwest of and adjoining U.S. Survey no. 1578, south end of Kodiak
Island |
July 14-15, 1929 |
494 | 1888 Soldiers' Additional Homestead Claim Alaska
Packers Association on south shore of Olga Bay, northeast of and adjoining U.S.
Survey no. 1579, south end of Kodiak Island |
July 15-17, 1929 |
494 | 1888 Soldiers' Additional Homestead Claim Alaska
Packers Association on east shore of Horse Marine Bay, an arm of Olga Bay,
south end of Kodiak Island |
July 22-23, 1929 |
494 | 1890 Soldiers' Additional Homestead Claim Alaska
Packers Association on west shore of the south arm of Olga Bay, near entrance
to the narrows |
July 24-26, 1929 |
494 | 1891 Soldiers' Additional Homestead Claim Alaska
Packers Association on east shore of Shelikof Strait, west side of Kodiak
Island; southerly from Cape Karluk |
July 2-3, 1929 |
494 | Soldiers' Additional Homestead Claim Alaska Packers
Association on east shore of Shelikof Strait, west side of Kodiak Island,
between Cape Karluk and Sturgeon River |
June 30-July 1, 1929 |
495 | U.S. Survey no. 1917 of the Soldiers' Additional
Homestead Claim of Crosby Fisheries Inc. Situate at Cape Ugat on west shore of
Kodiak Island, east side of Shelikof Strait, immediately south of the extreme
point of the Cape |
June 20-21, 1930 |
495 | U.S. Survey no. 1918 of the Soldiers' Additional
Homestead Claim of Crosby Fisheries Inc. Situate south side of entrance to
Spiridon Bay; east side of Shelikof Strait, west shore of Kodiak
Island |
June 23-25, 1930 |
495 | U.S. Survey no.1949 of the Soldiers' Additional
Homestead Claim of Alaska Packers Association. Situate on east shore of
Shelikof Strait, west side of Kodiak Island, 1600 ft. N.E. of the Sturgeon
River |
August 13-15, 1929 |
495 | U.S. Survey no. 1950 of the Soldiers' Additional
Homestead Claim of Alaska Packers Association…on east shore of Shelikof
Strait |
June 28, 1930 |
495 | U.S. Survey no. 1951 of the Soldiers' Additional
Homestead Claim of Alaska Packers Association…on east shore of Shelikof Strait
approximately 1600 ft. S.W. of the mouth of Sturgeon River west side of Kodiak
Island |
August 11-13, 1929 |
495 | U.S. Survey no. 1975 of the Soldiers' Additional
Homestead Claim of Alaska Packers Association. Situate at Trap Point, on west
shore of Moser Bay, south end of Kodiak Island, north of and adjoining U.S.
Survey no. 1224 |
August 5-7, 1930 |
496 | U.S. Survey no. 1976 of the Soldiers' Additional
Homestead Claim of Alaska Packers Association. Situate at Trap Point on west
shore of Moser Bay, south end of Kodiak Island, west of and adjoining U.S.
Survey no. 1224 |
Undated |
496 | U.S. Survey no. 1997 of the Soldiers' Additional
Homestead Claim of Alaska Packers Association. Situate on S.E. shore of North
Arm of Portage Bay, an arm of Alitak Bay, near south end of Kodiak
Island |
August 14-15, 1930 |
496 | U.S. Survey no.1998 of the Soldiers' Additional
Homestead Claim of Alaska Packers Association. Situate on south shore of South
Arm of Portage Bay, near south end of Kodiak Island |
August 12-13, 1930 |
496 | U.S. Survey no. 2000 of the Soldiers' Additional
Homestead Claim of Crosby Fisheries Inc. Situate on west shore of Kodiak
Island, south side of Uganik Bay, approximately 5300 ft southerly from Broken
Point |
July 13-14, 1930 |
496 | U.S. Survey no.2006 of the Soldiers' Additional
Homestead Claim of Alaska Packers Association. Situate near village of Karluk,
Kodiak Island, approximately 10.00 chains south of Karluk River |
August 16-18, 1930 |
496 | U.S. Survey no.2007 of the Soldiers' Additional
Homestead Claim of Alaska Packers Association. Situate west shore of Deadman's
Bay, approximately 1 ½ miles north of north end of Kodiak Island |
August 21-23, 1930 |
497 | U.S. Survey no. 2008 of the Soldiers' Additional
Homestead Claim of Alaska Packers Association. Situate on the east side of
Deadman's on Fox Island, Deadman's Bay, Kodiak Island |
August 20-21, 1930 |
497 | U.S. Survey no. 2056 of the Soldiers' Additional
Homestead Claim of Alaska Packers Association. Situate on the north arm of
Portage Bay, on arm of Alitak Bay |
June 14-15, 1931 |
497 | U.S. Survey no. 2057 of the Soldiers' Additional
Homestead Claim of Alaska Packers Association. Situate on west shore of North
Arm of Portage Bay |
June 12-13, 1931 |
497 | U.S. Survey no. 2075 Alaska Packers Association of San
Francisco, California (no legend with this map) |
Undated |
497 | U.S. Survey no. 2076 Loving Fish Hatchery Alaska
Packers Association of San Francisco, California (no legend with this
map) |
Undated |
497 | U.S. Survey no. 2308 of the Soldiers' Additional
Homestead Claim of Alaska Pacers Association. Situate approximately 4200
easterly from a point on Kvichak River |
May 29-June 1, 1936 |
498 | U.S. Survey no. 2309 of the Soldiers' Additional
Homestead Claim of Alaska Packers Association. Situate on easterly shore of
Kvichak River |
May 25-28, ? |
498 | U.S. Survey no. 2366 of the Soldier's Additional
Homestead Claim of Alaska Packers Association. Situate on south shore of Egegik
River |
June 4-6, 1937 |
498 | U.S. Survey no. 2367 of the Soldiers' Additional
Homestead Claim of Alaska Packers Association. Situate just south of south
shore of Egegik River |
June 7-10, 1937 |
Cannery Maps
1903-1969 | |
Oversize Folder | ||
15 | Photocopied Photograph of A.P.A. Cannery |
1950 |
15 | Illustration of Royal Packing Company, Afagnak Island,
Alaska |
Undated |
15 | Bound Cannery Plat Maps: Chignik, Ugashik, Larson Bay,
Pilot Point, Egegik, Kvichak, Clark Point, South Naknek |
1969 |
15 | Afognak Island, Royal Packing Co. Ground Plan
Undated |
15 | Bristol Bay (Naknek), NN Cannery |
1957 |
15 | Bristol Bay (Ugashik), Wingard Packing Co. Map
1949 |
15 | Bristol Bay (Ugashik), Wingard Packing Co. Detail
Drawings (4 Items) |
Undated |
15 | Bristol Bay (Ugashik), Pilot Point PP Cannery Property
Map |
1950 |
15 | Chignik, C Cannery |
1957 |
15 | Chignik C Cannery Detail Drawings (4
Items) |
1954 |
15 | Chignik Cannery Location & Pipeline Map
1916 |
15 | Clark Point NC Cannery Survey Map |
1948 |
15 | Cook Inlet Cannery Location Map |
1903 |
15 | Kodiak Island (South End District), Cannery Location
Map |
1903 |
15 | Kvichak J Cannery Sewer System (5 Items) |
1950 |
15 | Anacortes Salmon Packing Cannery |
Undated |
15 | Semiahmoo Spit Cannery (4 Items) |
Undated |
15 | Semiahmoo, Washington Insurance Diagram |
1964 |
Cannery Fire Insurance
Microfiche | ||
503 | Chignik |
July 21 1964 |
503 | South Naknek, Bristol Bay |
March 15 1968 |
503 | Semiahmoo, WA |
October 26 1964 |
Series IV: Personnel records , 1894-1972 , (bulk 1907-1972 ) Return to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
General employment data
1950-1961 | |
Box/Folder | ||
15/1 | Unemployment Compensation File |
1950-1959 |
15/2 - 15/4 | Wages and Hours File |
1960-1961 |
Contracts and Agreements
1911-1963 | |
Volume | ||
123 | Seamen, Fishermen, Beachman, Trapmen
Agreements |
1911-1942 |
Microfilm Reel | ||
9 | Union Contracts |
1946-1948 |
Box/Folder | ||
15/5 | Fishing Vessel Loan Policy |
ca. 1957 |
15/6 | Correspondence re: Contracts and Benefits, Semiahmoo
1958 |
15/7 | Tendermen |
1958-1962 |
15/8 | Correspondence re: Independent Fisherman Agreements
1962 |
15/9 | Alaska Fisherman's Union Bristol Bay Agreement
1963 |
Payroll records
1913-1972 | |
Alaska and Puget
Microfilm Reel | ||
5 | Recapitulation of Wages |
1913-1922 |
5 | Comparison of Wages |
1939-1941 |
Volume | ||
124 | Office Payroll |
1936-1939 |
125 | Office Payroll |
1940-1941 |
126 | Office Payroll |
1942-1943 |
127 | Office Payroll |
1944-1945 |
128 | Office Payroll |
1946-1947 |
129 | Office Payroll |
1948 |
Box/Folder | ||
16/1 | General Payroll |
1938-1943 |
16/2 | General Payroll |
1943-1945 |
16/3 | General Payroll |
1946 |
16/4 | General Payroll |
1947 |
Volume | ||
130 | 1942-1946 |
Check Register, Payroll |
Box/Folder | ||
17/1 | Comparative Wages Data |
ca. 1950's |
17/2 | APA pay rates data (Chignik) |
ca. 1950's |
17/3 | APA pay rates data (Larsen Bay) |
ca. 1950's |
17/4 | Report: Payroll Procedure of APA |
1962 |
17/5 | Incomplete time sheets (payroll) |
Undated |
17/6 | Machinists' Earnings |
1953; ; 1955-1957 |
17/7 | Machinists' Overtime records |
ca. 1950's |
17/8 | Alaska/Semiahmoo Unemployment Compensation *
File Restricted
1957-1960 |
18/1 - 18/4 | Chignik * File
1964 |
19/1 - 19/2 | Egegik * File
1964 |
19/3 | Kodiak * File
1964 |
19/4 - 19/7 | Larsen Bay * File
1964 |
20/1 - 20/2 | Larsen Bay * File
1964 |
20/3 - 20/4 | Naknek * File
1964 |
20/5 | Nushagak * File
1964 |
21/1 | Pilot Point * File
1964 |
21/2 | Semiahmoo * File
1964 |
21/3 | Semiahmoo * File
1964 |
21/4 | Semiahmoo * File
1964 |
Volume | ||
131 | Alaska Employees (Taxable Earnings, Stations 850
& 851) * Volume Restricted
1964-1965 |
132 | Alaska Employees (Taxable Earnings, Stations 851) *
Volume Restricted
1964 |
Box/Folder | ||
22/1 | Payroll register * File
1968 |
22/2 | Payroll register * File
1969 |
22/3 | Payroll register * File
1970 |
Volume | ||
133 | Name Lists, FICA and Tax Quarterly Earnings *
Volume Restricted
1970 |
Box/Folder | ||
23/1 - 23/3 | Larsen Bay * File
1971 |
23/4 | Deductions and Advances, Tender Crew *
File Restricted
1972 |
Box/Folder | ||
23/5 | Blaine Warehouse Workers Hour and Wages
Correspondence File * File
1961 |
23/6 | Blaine Hour and Wages records (Warehouse Workers) *
File Restricted
1961-1962 |
23/7 | Blaine Hour and Wage records *
File Restricted
1962 |
23/8 - 23/19 | Blaine Hour and Wage records *
File Restricted
1963 |
23/20 | Blaine Hour and Wage records *
File Restricted
1964 |
23/21 | Blaine social security tapes *
File Restricted
1963 |
23/22 - 23/27 | Puget Sound (Blaine) Payroll *
File Restricted
- May 1963 |
24/1 - 24/6 | Puget Sound (Blaine) Payroll *
File Restricted
August-December 1963 |
24/7 - 24/8 | Payroll and Tax Information File (Blaine) *
File Restricted
ca. 1960-1963 |
24/9 | Correspondence/Data re: Blaine Earnings, Tax and
Social Security * File
1963 |
24/10 | Blaine Employees' Quarterly Earnings *
File Restricted
1963 |
24/11 | Blaine Seasonal Payroll *
File Restricted
1958 |
24/12 | Blaine Seasonal Employees' Withholding Tax *
File Restricted
1963 |
25/1 | Blaine Office Seasonal Payroll *
File Restricted
1963 |
25/2 | Puget Sound (Blaine) Payroll Check records *
File Restricted
January 1963 - January 1964 |
W4 Cards
ca. 1947-1969 | |
Box | ||
26 | W4 cards (A-Sk) * Cards
ca. 1947-1960s |
27 | W4 cards (Sm-Z) * Cards
ca. 1947-1960s |
Sub-series 5
Personnel Cards
Duplicate personnel cards for gillnet
fishermen are located on Microfiche 388-404
1894-1951 | |
Box | ||
28 | APA Employees (A - Alm) * Cards
ca. 1918-1951 |
28A | APA Employees (Alm - An) * Cards
ca. 1918-1951 |
28B | APA Employees (Ant - Bar) * Cards
ca. 1918-1951 |
29 | APA Employees (Bas - Blo) * Cards
ca. 1918-1951 |
29A | APA Employees (Blo - Bru) * Cards
ca. 1918-1951 |
29B | APA Employees (Bry - Car) * Cards
ca. 1918-1951 |
30 | APA Employees (Car - Cho) * Cards
ca. 1918-1951 |
30A | APA Employees (Chr - Coy) * Cards
ca. 1918-1951 |
30B | APA Employees (Cra - Dec) * Cards
ca. 1918-1951 |
31 | APA Employees (Dem - Fly) *
Cards Restricted
ca. 1918-1951 |
32 | APA Employees (Foa - Han) *
Cards Restricted
ca. 1918-1951 |
33 | APA Employees (Han - Joh) *
Cards Restricted
ca. 1918-1951 |
34 | APA Employees (Joh - Lee) *
Cards Restricted
ca. 1918-1951 |
35 | APA Employees (Lef - McK) *
Cards Restricted
ca. 1918-1951 |
36 | APA Employees (McL - Nyw) *
Cards Restricted
ca. 1918-1951 |
37 | APA Employees (O-P) * Cards Restricted
ca. 1918-1951 |
38 | APA Employees (Q-Scu) * Cards Restricted
ca. 1918-1951 |
39 | APA Employees (Sea - Tho) *
Cards Restricted
ca. 1918-1951 |
40 | APA Employees (Tho-Wil) * Cards Restricted
ca. 1918-1951 |
41 | APA Employees (Wil - Z) * Cards Restricted
ca. 1918-1951 |
42 | Gill Net Fishermen (A-Cor) |
ca. 1907-1941 |
43 | Gill Net Fishermen (Cor-Joh) |
ca. 1907-1941 |
44 | Gill Net Fishermen (Joh-Nel) |
ca. 1907-1941 |
45 | Gill Net Fishermen (Nel-Saj) |
ca. 1907-1941 |
46 | Gill Net Fishermen (Saj - Z) |
ca. 1907-1941 |
Microfilm Reel | ||
5 | Foremen and Physicians |
1923-1941 |
Microfiche | ||
445-446 | APA masters and captains (2 volumes) |
1894-1936 |
Seasonal employee records
Duplicate seasonal employee records
located on microfiche 405-423.
1953-1961 | |
Box/Folder | ||
47/1 - 47/7 | Seasonal employee records (annual, all
canneries) |
1953 - 1959 |
47/8 | Seasonal Employee records (Chignik) |
1961 |
47/9 | Seasonal Employee records (Cordova) |
1961 |
47/10 | Seasonal Employee records (Egregik) |
1961 |
47/11 | Seasonal Employee records (Nushagak) |
1961 |
47/12 | Seasonal Employee records (Pilot Point) |
1961 |
Retirement records
ca. 1940-1959 | |
Box/Folder | ||
48/1 | APA Retirement Annuity Plan *
File Restricted
ca. 1948 |
48/2 | APA Employee Service and Retirement records *
File Restricted
ca. 1940 - 50s |
Medical records
1919-1970 | |
Box/Folder | ||
48/3 | Chignik * Restricted
1966 |
48/4 - 48/7 | Egegik * Restricted
1966; ; 1970 |
48/8 - 48/9 | Larsen Bay * Restricted
1966; ; 1970 |
48/10 - 48/16 | Naknek * Restricted
1966; ; 1970 |
Microfilm Reel | ||
5 | APA Report on 1919 Influenza Epidemic |
Undated |
Box/Folder | ||
49/1 - 49/25 | Medical X-rays * Files
1965 |
Series V: General Cannery Operations , 1878-1982 , (bulk 1893-1974 ) Return to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
Superintendent's records
Internal correspondence is arranged by
year, with corresponding indexes. External correspondence is arranged
alphabetically by name of correspondence. Private Code books are duplicated on
Microfiche No. 445.
1926-1963 | |
Microfilm Reel | ||
5 | General Superintendent's record book |
Undated |
Volume | ||
134 | Superintendents Cannery Report |
Undated |
135 | Superintendents Cannery Report |
1926-1956 |
136 | Superintendents Cannery Report, Office Copy
ca. 1928-1940s |
137 | Superintendents Cannery Report |
ca. 1940s |
Box/Folder | ||
50/1 - 50/4 | General Superintendent's Record Books |
1955; ; 1957-1958 |
50/5 | General Instruction Manual |
1963 |
Box/Folder | ||
50/6 | Incoming Correspondence to APA Blaine
(photocopies) |
1897 |
50/7 - 50/13 | Internal Correspondence |
1943-1946 |
51/1 - 51/10 | Internal Correspondence |
1947-1950 |
51/11 - 51/20 | External Correspondence |
1945-1946 |
52/1 - 52/17 | External Correspondence |
1947-1949 |
52/18 - 52/20 | External Correspondence (A-M) |
1950 |
53/1 - 53/2 | External Correspondence (N-Z) |
1950 |
Box/Folder | ||
53/3 | Chignik Correspondence (incoming and outgoing
interfiled) |
1959 |
53/4 - 53/6 | Private Code Books |
Undated; ; 1953 |
Pack records
1878-1972 | |
Microfilm Reel | ||
4 | Pack Reports |
1893-1917 |
4 | Pack Reports |
1918-1937 |
4 | Pack Reports |
1938-1957 |
4 | Pack Reports |
1893-1956 |
Box/Folder | ||
53/7-53/8 | Correspondence re: Alaska and Puget Sound
Pack |
1904; ; 1929; ; 1939 |
53/9 - 53/13 | Salmon Orders (weekly records) |
September 1963 - February 1965 |
53/14 | Pack Reports ledger |
1893-1957 |
Volume | ||
138 | Pack Reports |
1893-1917 |
139 | Pack Reports |
1918-1937 |
140 | Daily Pack Reports |
1895-1909 |
141 | Daily Pack Reports Southeast Alaska, Puget
Sound |
Undated |
142 | Daily Pack Reports: Southeast Alaska, Puget Sound
1910-1940 |
143 | Daily Pack Reports: Central Alaska |
1910-1940 |
144 | Daily Pack Reports: Central Alaska |
ca. 1940s |
145 | Daily Pack Reports: Bristol Bay |
1910-1940 |
146 | Daily Pack Reports: Bristol Bay |
ca. 1940s |
147 | Daily Salmon Report |
1925-1941 |
148 | Pack records |
1938-1957 |
Box/Folder | ||
53/15 | Pack Reports ledger |
1947-1957 |
Volume | ||
149 | Pack Statistics |
ca. 1890s-1930s |
150 | Pack Statistics |
ca. 1890s-1940s |
151 | Caught, Bought, Packed Salmon" Report |
1893-1934 |
152 | Caught, Bought & Packed (Washington) |
ca. 1920s-40s |
153 | Fish Ledger |
1931 |
Box/Folder | ||
54/1 | Summary Pack Reports, Bristol Bay Area |
1948-58; ; 1959 |
54/2 | Pack Reports |
1953-1964 |
Pack Reports
1963-64 | |
Box/Folder | ||
54/3 | All canneries |
July-September 1963 |
54/4 | Blaine |
July-September 1963 |
54/5 | Chignik |
July-August 1963 |
54/6 | Cordova |
July -August 1963 |
54/7 | Ketchikan |
July-October 1963 |
54/8 | Kodiak |
July 1963-February 1964 |
54/9 | Larsen Bay |
July-September 1963 |
54/10 | All canneries |
1964 |
54/11 | Blaine |
June-August 1964 |
54/12 | Bristol Bay |
June-July 1964 |
54/13 | Chignik |
June-August 1964 |
54/14 | Ketchikan |
June-September 1964 |
54/15 | Larsen Bay |
August-September 1964 |
54/16 - 54/17 | Naknek |
June-August 1964 |
Box/Folder | ||
55/1 | Pack Receipts |
1968-1972 |
Oversize Folder | ||
16 | Charts of Fish Caught, unknown location (7
Items) |
1964 |
Microfiche | ||
542-656 | World Salmon Pack Statistics |
1878-1947 |
Labor Requirements
1958-1962 | |
Box/Folder | ||
55/2 - 55/7 | "Manpower" records (all canneries) |
1958-1962 |
Equipment and Machinery
1912-1982 | |
Box/Folder | ||
55/8 - 55/10 | Point Roberts Inventory |
1942-1944 |
55/11 | Clarke's Point Inventory |
1953 |
55/12 | Kodiak Inventory |
1958 |
Volume | ||
154 | Stock Ledger (inventory) |
1972 |
155 | APA Inc. M & S (Inventory) |
1982 |
Invoices for Machinery and Machine
Box/Folder | ||
56/1 | American Can Company |
1912-1947 |
56/2 | Boats & Boat Gear |
1912-1947 |
56/3 | Electrical Equipment |
1912-1947 |
56/4 | Furniture and Fixture |
1912-1947 |
56/5 | Fire Apparatus |
1912-1947 |
56/6 | Machinery Parts and Repairs |
1912-1947 |
56/7 - 56/13 | Machinery |
1912-1947 |
56/14 | Radio apparatus |
1912-1947 |
56/15 | Ranges and Stoves |
1912-1947 |
56/16 | Shipyard - New Construction |
1912-1947 |
56/17 | Tanks |
1912-1947 |
Box/Folder | ||
57/1 - 57/3 | Office Machine records |
Undated |
57/4 - 57/5 | Machine reports (Pressure Vessels) |
1958-1960 |
57/6 | Machine reports (Electric Motor) |
1958-1960 |
57/7 | Correspondence re: Fire Equipment at Blaine Station
1980-1981 |
Supply and Shipping records
1952-1975 | |
Box/Folder | ||
57/8 | Memos re: Marketing |
1952 |
57/9 | Warehouse Operation Instructions |
1965 |
57/10 | Supply and Distribution Instructions |
1964-1967 |
57/11 | Freight Tariff Instruction File |
1974-1975 |
57/12 - 57/13 | Motor Tariffs |
1972 |
57/14 | Canned Food Stock Codes, Blaine |
1964 |
57/15 - 57/17 | Material and Supply Transfers |
1967-1972 |
57/18 | Material and Supply Purchases |
1967-1972 |
57/19 | Canned Processed Salmon Orders (Daily
Listings) |
1972-1973 |
57/20 | Bills of Lading |
1972 |
57/21 | Supply Invoices (New England Fish Company) |
1971-1972 |
Blaine Shipping and Repair Files
Box/Folder | ||
57/22 | Chignik "Plunder" |
1963-1964 |
57/23 | Clark's Point "Plunder" |
1963-1964 |
57/24 | Cordova "Plunder" |
1963-1964 |
57/25 | Egegik "Plunder" |
1963-1964 |
57/26 | Ketchikan "Plunder" |
1963-1964 |
57/27 | Kodiak "Plunder" |
1963-1964 |
57/28 | Larsen Bay "Plunder" |
1963-1964 |
57/29 | Naknek "Plunder" |
1963-1964 |
57/30 | Pilot Point "Plunder" |
1963-1964 |
57/31 | Clark's Point "Down Cargo" |
1963-1964 |
57/32 | Cordova "Down Cargo" |
1963-1964 |
57/33 | Egegik "Down Cargo" |
1963-1964 |
57/34 | Kodiak "Down Cargo" |
1963-1964 |
57/35 | Larsen Bay "Down Cargo" |
1963-1964 |
57/36 | Naknek "Down Cargo" |
1963-1964 |
57/37 | Pilot Point "Down Cargo" |
1963-1964 |
Blaine Purchase Orders
Box/Folder | ||
58/1 | Camp and Mess Hall Office Equipment |
1964 |
58/2 - 58/3 | Docks and Marine Ways Equipment |
1964 |
58/4 | Food, Provisions and Supplies |
1964 |
58/5 | Fuel and Oil |
1964 |
58/6 | Labeling and Casing Lines |
1964 |
58/7 | Lift Trucks and Automotive Equipment |
1964 |
58/8 | Office Supplies |
1964 |
58/9 | Power House |
1964 |
58/10 | Power Plants and Lines |
1964 |
58/11 | Shop Equipment (general) |
1964 |
58/12 | Carpenter Shop Equipment |
1964 |
58/13 | Electric Shop Equipment |
1964 |
58/14 | Machine Shop Equipment |
1964 |
58/15 | Shipways Shop Equipment |
1964 |
58/16 | Welding Shop Equipment |
1964 |
58/17 | Welding Shop Equipment |
1964 |
58/18 | Terminal Tools and Gear |
1964 |
58/19 | Warehouse Building |
1964 |
58/20 | Water System |
1964 |
Work Orders
1963-1964 | |
Box/Folder | ||
58/21 - 58/27 | Shipyard Work Orders, Blaine |
1963 |
59/1 - 59/5 | Shipyard Work Orders, Blaine |
1963 |
60/1 - 60/9 | Shipyard Work Orders, Blaine |
1963-1964 |
Log Books
The APA fleet record books (Microfiches 422-433) include personnel records for various canneries in Alaska during the fishing seasons of 1953 to 1961, organized by year. A first group of records list individual crew members and their employment classification, including independent fishermen.
A second group comprise ship log summaries and memoranda of APA vessels active from 1905 to 1944, organized by year; these logs include dates and places of ship departures and arrivals, cargo carried, and charters, including some by the US War Shipping Administration during World War II. Also included are occasional notes of incidents that occurred during passage such as accidents, deaths, grounding, etc., and related newspaper articles concerning the fleet. Documentation details participation in wartime activities.
A third group of record books is organized by year, ship, master and master salary pay dates, and departures and arrivals.
1905-1975 | |
Microfiche | ||
422-433 | Fleet Record Books |
1905-1928; ; 1929-1939; ; 1944 |
Maritime Logs
Microfiche | ||
434-440 | SS Delarof - Chief Officers’ Log |
July 24 1933 – August 17 1936 |
434-440 | SS Gerty Story – Log Book |
May 1 1922 – September 14 1922 |
434-440 | SS Kvichak – Mates Log Book |
August 23 – September 11 1927 |
434-440 | SS Kvichak – Chief Officers’ Log |
August 15 1934 – May 8 1935 |
Launch Captain's Daily
Box/Folder | ||
60/10 | General - Larsen Bay |
1971 |
60/11 | American Viking |
1963 |
60/12 - 60/15 | Balena |
1960; ; 1962; ; 1964 |
61/1 - 61/7 | Balena |
1965-67; ; 1974 |
61/8 | Beluga |
1960 |
61/9 - 61/15 | Blackfish |
1960; ; 1964-1966 |
62/1 - 62/3 | Blackfish |
1967; ; 1973 |
62/4 - 62/11 | Cachalot |
1961-1962; ; 1964-1967 |
62/12 -62/14 | Challenger |
1963 |
62/15 - 62/20 | Dolphin |
1960; ; 1962; ; 1965-1967 |
63/1 | Dolphin |
Undated |
63/2 - 63/8 | Finback |
1961-1962; ; 1964-1967 |
63/9 | Flying Dutchman |
1963 |
63/10 - 63/11 | Grampus |
1963 |
63/12 | Griffin Bay Scow ("P.S. # 10") |
1963 |
63/13 | Heather |
1963 |
63/14 - 63/21 | Heron |
1961-1962; ; 1972-1974 |
63/22 | Lois Anderson |
1960 |
64/1 - 64/14 | Lois Anderson |
1961-1962; ; 1964-1969; ; 1973-1974 |
64/15 | Long Island |
1963 |
64/16 - 64/18 | Manatee |
1961-1962; ; 1964 |
65/1 - 65/3 | Manatee |
1965-1967 |
65/4 | Michelle Eve |
1959 |
65/5 | Narwhale |
1961-1962; ; 1964-1969 |
65/6 - 65/15 | Narwhale |
1961-1962; ; 1964-1969 |
66/1 - 66/5 | Orca |
1962; ; 1965-1966 |
66/6 - 66/7 | Penguin |
1963; ; 1974 |
66/8 | Pipit |
1963 |
66/9 | Porpoise |
1967 |
66/10 | St. Francis |
1960 |
66/11 - 66/12 | Satrania |
1963 |
66/13 | Seal |
1967 |
66/14 - 66/16 | Sea Lion |
1955-1956; ; 1960 |
67/1 - 67/2 | Sea Lion |
1969; ; 1973-1974 |
67/3 | Sea Lion |
1969; ; 1973-1974 |
67/4 - 67/5 | Seven Seas |
1963 |
67/6 - 67/13 | Sprig |
1967-1972 |
67/14 | Teal |
1960 |
68/1 - 68/4 | Teal |
1968-69; ; 1971; ; 1973 |
68/5 - 68/6 | Thistle |
1965 |
68/7 | Totem |
1972; ; 1974 |
68/8 - 68/9 | Totem |
1972; ; 1974 |
68/10 | Tula |
1960 |
68/11 - 68/13 | Ugashik I |
1966-1967; ; 1973 |
68/14 - 68/15 | Voyager |
1963 |
68/16 | Western Traveller |
1961 |
68/17 | Widgeon |
1969 |
68/18 | Yarsh |
1960 |
69/1 - 69/2 | Yarsh |
1961 |
Engine Room
Box/Folder | ||
69/3 | Grampus |
1961 |
69/4 - 69/8 | Lois Anderson |
1967-1970 |
69/9 | Nautilus |
1961 |
69/10 - 69/11 | Sprig |
1961 |
69/12 - 69/13 | Western Traveler |
1961 |
Pilot House
Box/Folder | ||
69/14 | Unidentified vessels |
1944; ; 1954 |
69/15 | Balena |
1959 |
69/16 - 69/17 | Grampus |
1957-1958 |
69/18 | Heron |
1965-66 |
70/1 - 70/3 | Heron |
1967-1969 |
70/4 | Nautilus |
1961 |
70/5 - 70/8 | Penguin |
Undated; ; 1927-28; ; 1950-1952 |
70/9 - 70/11 | Pipit |
1950-1952 |
70/12 - 70/13 | Sea Lion |
1958-1959 |
70/14 | Semidi |
1950-51 |
70/15 | Semidi & Tana |
1953 |
70/16 | Sonia |
1954 |
70/17 | Tolstoi |
1955 |
70/18 | Tula |
1960 |
70/19 | Western Traveller |
1959 |
70/20 | Vita[?]lyi |
1955 |
Box | ||
71 | Pilot's Journals |
1946-1953 |
72 | Pilot's Journals |
1954-1961 |
73 | Pilot's Journals |
1962-1963; ; 1970; ; 1972-1973 |
73 | Diesel Truck Logs |
1969-1971 |
Series VI: Fishing Operations and Activities , 1792-1982 , (bulk 1903-1967) Return to Top
This series includes a large number of subject-based data and correspondence files that were created and maintained both by APA's San Francisco central office and the Seattle Regional office. In the majority of cases, the San Francisco Files (preserved on microfilm) and Seattle Office Files were identical in content. In these cases, the CPNWS kept the microfilmed copies of the San Francisco Office records and disposed of the textual materials maintained at Seattle. Wherever the Seattle and San Francisco records differed in content, both microfilm and textual records were retained for research use. For example, Seattle Office File data in Box 74/1 - 74/2 contains additional correspondence and reports to the material on Microfilm Reel #6.
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
Alaska Fisheries Operations
1920-1946 | |
San Francisco Office
Microfilm Reel | ||
6 | Rehabilitation of Canneries (1 binder) |
1945 |
6 | Map of Dam, Reservoir and Pipelines at Chignik,
Alaska |
May-September 1921 |
6 | Miscellaneous Data (fish traps) |
ca 1920-1936 |
6 | Map of Shelikoff Straits and Afogak Island (US Dept
of Commerce ) |
1933 |
6 | Data on special subjects- Miscellaneous ("Vol. 1")
1924-1939 |
6 | Data on special subjects - Miscellaneous ("Vol. 1a")
1944-1945 |
6 | Data on special subjects - Bristol Bay, ("Vol.
2a") |
ca. 1934-1950 |
6 | Data on special subjects - Central Alaska (Vol. 3")
1928-1945 |
6 | Data on special subjects - Central Alaska (Vol. 3a")
1923-1941 |
6 | Data on special subjects - miscellaneous (traps
& licenses "Vol. 5") |
1939-1956 |
6 | Data on special subjects - "Under War Conditions"
("Vol 5") |
1942-1945 |
6 | Data on special subjects - Bristol Bay ("Vol. 2")
1920-1946 |
6 | Index to Volumes and Subjects ("Vol. 6")
Undated |
Seattle Office Files
Box/Folder | ||
74/1 | Data on Alaska Fishing Operations for Bristol Bay
(Vol. 2A) |
1934-1945 |
74/2 | Data on Alaska Fishing Operations for Central Alaska
(Vol. 3) |
1928-1945 |
ca. 1900-1945 | |
San Francisco Office
Microfilm Reel | ||
7 | Data for compilation of Karluk Historical Record
(property and land matters) |
Undated |
7 | Karluk and Vicinity - Miscellaneous Data (land and
fishing rights) |
ca. 1900-1940s |
7 | Karluk and Vicinity - Legislative Matters (fishing
rights) |
ca. 1921-45 |
7 | Karluk and Vicinity - Excerpts from Various
Government Reports |
Undated |
7 | Karluk and Vicinity - Bureau of Fisheries, Fish
& Wildlife Service Data (hearings and correspondence) |
1917-1941 |
Legislation and Regulations
1889-1958 | |
San Francisco Office
Microfilm Reel | ||
9 | Bureau of Fisheries, Dept of Commerce |
1889-1923 |
9 | Bureau of Fisheries, Dept of Commerce |
1924-1928 |
9 | Bureau of Fisheries, Dept of Commerce |
1929-1932 |
9 | Bureau of Fisheries, Dept of Commerce |
1933-1938 |
9 | Bureau of Fisheries, Dept of Commerce |
1939-1941 |
10 | Fish & Wildlife Service, Dept. of Interior
1943-1944 |
10 | Fish & Wildlife Service, Dept. of Interior
1945-1948 |
10 | Fish & Wildlife Service, Dept. of Interior
1949-1952 |
10 | Correspondence and legal cases re: Alaska Fisheries
ca. 1953-1954 |
10 | Correspondence and hearings re: Alaska Fisheries
regulations |
1954-1956 |
10 | Correspondence and legal cases re: Alaska Fisheries
1963-1954 |
Seattle Office
Box/Folder | ||
74/3 - 74/4 | Fish and Wildlife Service, Hearings and Fishery
Reports |
1946-1950 |
74/5 - 74/6 | Fish and Wildlife Service, Hearing and Fishery
Regulations |
1951-1952 |
74/7 - 74/9 | Fish and Wildlife Service, Hearing and Fishery
Regulations |
1953-1954 |
74/10 - 74/11 | Fish and Wildlife Service Hearings |
1955 |
74/12 - 74/13 | Fish and Wildlife Service Regulations |
1956 |
74/14 - 74/15 | Fish and Wildlife Service Regulations |
1957-1958 |
Alaska Fishing Matters Conference
1926-1951 | |
San Francisco Office
Microfilm Reel | ||
7 | Conference Files |
1926-1934 |
7 | Conference Files |
1935-1941 |
7 | Conference Files (Effects of WW2 on Salmon Canning")
1942 |
7 | Conference Files ("Concentration Plan') |
1943 |
7 | Conference Files |
1944-1945 |
7 | Conference Files |
1946-1951 |
Correspondence re: Fishing
1940-1946 | |
Box/Folder | ||
75/1 | Correspondence |
1940-1946 |
Navigation Maps
1792-1982 | |
Oversize Folder | ||
17 | Track Charts(Blank) |
Undated |
17 | Alaska Hydrographic & Navigational Maps (20
Items) |
Undated |
18 | British Columbia Hydrographic & Navigational Maps
(19 Items) |
Undated |
18 | Washington Hydrographic & Navigational Map
(Straits of Georgia & Juan De Fuca) |
1967 |
18 | Washington Hydrographic & Navigational Map
(Admiralty Inlet and Puget Sound to Seattle) |
1945 |
18 | Puget Sound Commerical Salmon Fishing Areas &
Preserves Map |
1919 |
18 | Semiahmoo Bay Hydrographic Map |
1941 |
18 | Map of Blaine Harbor |
1891 |
18 | Galiano's Chart (Copy), Navigational Map, in
Spanish |
1792 |
Rolled Document | ||
51 | Photo Print of Semiahmoo Bay Hydrographic
Drawing |
1857 |
52 | Birch Bay and Oregon Coast |
Undated |
53 | Inside Passage to Stuart Island, from Maritime Museum,
British Columbia, Canada |
1977 |
54 | South Coast of Alaska, Prince William Sound, Eastern
Entrance |
1938 |
55 | British Columbia, Canada, Namu Harbor to Dryad Point
1963 |
56 | South Coast of Alaska, Alaska Peninsula, Portage and
Wide Bays |
1967 |
57 | British Columbia, Canada, Sutil Channel to Stuart
Island |
1960 |
58 | Southeast Coast of Alaska, Ernest Sound - Eastern
Passage and Zimovia Strait |
1963 |
59 | British Columbia, Canada, Race Rocks to Turn Point
1962 |
60 | Birch Point and Blaine Quadrangle, Topographic map,
Whatcom County, Washington |
1972 |
61 | British Columbia, Canada, Otter Passage to McKay Reach
1962 |
62 | Southeast Alaska, Prince of Wales Island, Kendrick Bay
to Shipwreck Point |
1965 |
63 | South Coast of Alaska, Kodiak Island |
1961 |
64 | West Coast of North America, Gulf of Alaska, Strait of
Juan de Fuca to Kodiak Island |
1966 |
65 | Survey of the Kissiloff River |
Undated |
66 | Port Moller and Herendeen Bay |
1913 |
67 | Pyramid Harbor, Chilkat Inlet, Lynn Canal |
1891 |
68 | West Coast of the United States, Strait of Juan de
Fuca to Strait of Georgia |
1981 |
69 | Southeast Coast of Alaska, Stephens Passage to Cross
Sound including Lynn Canal |
1969 |
70 | Photo Print of 1888 Topography of Gulf of Georgia,
Birch Bay to Boundary |
Undated |
71 | Southeast Coast of Alaska, Coronation Island to
Lisianski Strait |
1965 |
72 | South Coast of Alaska, Alaska Peninsula, Shumagin
Islands to Sanak Islands |
1964 |
73 | Southeast Coast of Alaska, Dixon Entrance to Cape St.
Elias |
1966 |
74 | South Coast of Alaska, Morzhovoi Bay and Isanotski
Strait |
1967 |
75 | South Coast of Alaska, Alaska, Peninsula, Unga Island
to Pavlof Bay |
1967 |
76 | Alaska, Aleutian Islands, Unimak and Akutan Passes and
Approaches |
1967 |
77 | South Coast of Alaska, Prince William Sound
1967 |
78 | South Coast of Alaska, Shuyak Strait to Bluefox Bay
1941 |
79 | West Coast of Alaska, Bristol Bay, Nushagak Bay and
Approaches |
1966 |
80 | South Coast of Alaska, Cape St. Elias to Shumagin
Islands |
1966 |
81 | South Coast of Alaska, Kodiak Island, Cape Ikolik to
Cape Kuliuk |
1932 |
82 | South Coast of Alaska, Kodiak Island, Gull Point to
Kaguyak Bay |
1965 |
83 | British Columbia, Canada, Idol Point to Ocean Falls
1963 |
84 | British Columbia, Canada, Milbanke Sound and
Approaches |
1969 |
85 | South Coast of Alaska, Kodiak and Afognak Islands,
Marmot Bay and Kupreanof Strait |
1967 |
86 | South Coast of Alaska, Alaska Peninsula, Cold Bay and
Approaches |
1967 |
87 | South Coast of Alaska, Prince William Sound, Latouche
Elrington & Prince of Wales Passages |
1927 |
88 | South Coast of Alaska, Kodiak Island, Chiniak Bay to
Dangerous Cape |
1964 |
89 | British Columbia, Canada, Turn Point to Sand Heads
1962 |
90 | South Coast of Alaska, Kodiak Island, Uganik and Uyak
Bays |
1943 |
91 | South Coast of Alaska, Kodiak Island, Sitkinak Strait
and Alitak Bay |
1965 |
92 | South Coast of Alaska, Point Elrington to East Chugach
Island |
1933 |
93 | South Coast of Alaska, Prince William Sound
1965 |
94 | South Coast of Alaska, Kodiak Island |
1965 |
95 | West Coast of Alaska, Port Heiden |
1967 |
96 | West Coast of Alaska, Port Moller and Herendeen Bay
1967 |
97 | Alaska, Aleutian Islands, Krenitzin Islands
1967 |
98 | Alaska, Alaska Peninsula and Aleutian Islands to
Seguam Pass |
1965 |
99 | South Coast of Alaska, Cape Spencer to Icy Point
1945 |
100 | South Coast of Alaska, Cape St. Elias to Shumagin
Islands |
1953 |
101 | Southeast Coast of Alaska, Dixon Entrance to Cape St.
Elias |
1969 |
102 | South Coast of Alaska, Cape St. Elias to Shumagin
Islands |
1967 |
103 | Washington, Strait of Juan de Fuca to Strait of
Georgia |
1972 |
104 | South Coast of Alaska, Kodiak Island |
1944 |
105 | Washington, Strait of Juan de Fuca to Strait of
Georgia |
1982 |
106 | South Coast of Alaska, Alaska Peninsula, Chignik and
Kujulik Bays |
1964 |
107 | British Columbia, Canada, Granville Channel, Baker
Inlet to Ogden Channel |
1970 |
108 | British Columbia, Canada, Cape Scott to Cape Calvert
1963 |
109 | Copy of map of Drayton's Cove |
1841 |
110 | Department of Highways Right of Way Map, Route S-987
Undated |
111 | Department of Highways Right of Way Map, Route S-987
Undated |
112 | Department of Highways Right of Way Map, Route S-987
Undated |
113 | Department of Highways Right of Way Map, Route S-987
Undated |
Fish Trap records
Field Notes re: Salmon Trap Locations are
duplicated on Microfiche 541. Fish Trap Location Maps for Alitak, Chignik, Cook
Inlet, Fort Wrangell, Karluk, Kvichak, Loring and Nushagak are duplicated on
microfiche 504-540.
ca. 1904-1931 | |
Box/Folder | ||
75/2 | List of Alaska Fish Trap Owners |
Undated |
75/3 | Agreements re: Chignik Fish Traps |
ca. 1904-1913 |
Field Notes re: Salmon Trap
Box/Folder | ||
75/4 | Wrangell, Alaska |
1912 |
75/5 | Loring, Alaska |
1912; ; 1914 |
Fish Trap Location Maps
Rolled Document | ||
114-120 | Fish Trap Locations in Alaska |
1931 |
121 | Chignik Bay, AK and Vicinity, trap
locations |
Undated |
122 | Map of Chignik Lagoon and Bay, shows US Surveys and
Trap Sites |
1911 |
Oversize Folder | ||
19 | Alaska Territory Fish Trap Locations Map
1926 |
19 | Chignik (42 Items) |
1904-1932; ; (1912-1914) |
20 | Clarence Strait (8 Items) |
1916-1925 |
20 | Cook Inlet Printing Negatives (13 Items) |
Undated |
20 | Cook Inlet (29 Items) |
1912-1916 |
20 | Fort Wrangle Printing Negatives (8 Items)
Undated |
20 | Fort Wrangle (23 Items) |
1912-1916 |
21 | Kodiak Island -Alitak Station (15 Items) |
1919-1929 |
21 | Kodiak Island -Karluk Station (2 Items) |
Undated |
21 | Kodiak Island -Moser Bay (7 Items) |
1916-1919 |
21 | Kodiak Island -Olga Bay |
1919 |
21 | Kodiak Island -Uyak Bay (6 Items) |
1924 |
21 | Kvichak River (2 Items) |
1912 |
21 | Loring Printing Negatives (15 Items) |
Undated |
21 | Loring Station (20 Items) |
1912-1919 |
21 | Loring (9 items) |
1912 |
21 | Nushagak Bay Printing Negative |
Undated |
21 | Nushagak Bay (2 Items) |
1917 |
21 | Nushagak River (4 Items) |
1912 |
21 | J.A. Largaud, Point Roberts |
1909 |
21 | Prince of Wales Island, Fish Trap Location Map
1916 |
21 | Prince of Wales Island, Amended Fish Trap Locations
1933 |
21 | Revillagigedo Channel -Point Alava (1
Item) |
1917 |
21 | Revillagigedo Channel -Point Sykes (1
Item) |
1916 |
21 | Revillagigedo Island -Lucky Cove (1
Item) |
1918 |
21 | Revillagigedo Island -Tongass Narrows (1
Item) |
1916 |
Series VII: Engineering records , 1922-1985 Return to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
Many building record books include
photographs of APA properties. Duplicate and additional building records for
Chignik, Larsen Bay, Nushagak, Pilot Point, Egegik, Karluk Spit & Alitak,
Kvichak and Naknek available on Microfiche no. 291-302.
1945-1985 | |
Building Record
Box/Folder | ||
75/6 - 75/7 | Chignik (Work copy) Books 1 and 2 |
1950 |
75/8 | Karluk Spit and Alitak (Work copy) |
1949-1950 |
75/9 | Karluk Spit and Alitak (Station copy) |
1949-1950 |
75/10 | Karluk Spit and Alitak (Seattle Office copy)
1949-1950 |
75/11 | Larsen Bay (Work Copy) |
1950 |
75/12 | Larsen Bay (Station copy) |
1950 |
75/13 | Larsen Bay (Seattle Office copy) |
1950 |
75/14 | Pilot Point (Work copy) |
1950 |
75/15 | Pilot Point |
1950 |
75/16 - 75/17 | Puget Sound (Semiahmoo) |
ca. 1947 1950 |
75/18 | Ugashik Plant |
1956 |
76/1 | Kvichak |
undated [ca. 1950] |
76/2 | Naknek, Diamond O Cannery |
undated [ca. 1950] |
76/3 | Nushagak |
1950 |
Building Plans and
Oversize Folder | ||
22 | Floor plan of unidentified Building |
Undated |
22 | Kvichak Cannery Net House (8 Items) |
1949 |
22 | Kvichak Marine Ways |
Fall 1958 |
22 | Bell Street Terminal Plan of Warm Storage
Warehouse |
Undated |
22 | Bunkhouse Plans for Cannery NN & J |
1945 |
22 | Future Blaine Boat Haven Photo Plan |
ca. 1952 |
22 | 75' Cannery Building Drawings (9 Items) |
1946 |
22 | 75' Building Plans (3 Items) |
1946 |
22 | 342' Warehouse Erection Diagram |
1946 |
22 | Drayton plan |
Undated |
Rolled Document | ||
123-131 | Addition to Office Building floor plan, Semiahmoo
(Blaine, WA) |
May/June 1969 |
132-138 | Addition to Office Building Floor Plan, Semiahmoo
(Blaine,WA) |
May/June 1969 |
139 | Inn at Semiahmoo, Site Plan Blaine, WA |
1985 |
140 | Inn at Semiahmoo, Demolition Site Plan Blaine, WA
1985 |
141-144 | Inn at Semiahmoo, First Floor Plan, Areas A-D
Blaine, WA |
1985 |
145-148 | Inn at Semiahmoo, Second Floor Plan, Areas A-D
Blaine, WA |
1985 |
149-150 | Inn at Semiahmoo, Third Floor Plan, Areas A-B
Blaine, WA |
1985 |
151-152 | Inn at Semiahmoo, Fourth Floor Plan, Areas A-B
Blaine, WA |
1985 |
153-155 | Inn at Semiahmoo, TypicAK Unit Plans Blaine, WA
1985 |
156 | Diamond Plant no. 851 South Naknek, Naknek River,
Bristol Bay, AK |
1972 |
157 | Diamond Plant no. 853 Clarks Point, Nushagak
(Bristol Bay Area) AK |
1972 |
158 | Diamond Plant no. 854 Egegik, Egegik River, Bristol
Bay, AK |
1972 |
159 | Diamond Plant no. 855 Pilot Point Ugashik River,
Bristol Bay, AK |
1972 |
160 | Diamond Plant no. 860 Chignik AK |
1972 |
161 | Plant V-1, Cordova, AK |
1972 |
162 | Diamond Plant no. 858 Larsen Bay, Kodiak Island, AK
1972 |
163-165 | Mess Hall & Galley Nushagak, AK |
1948 |
166-172 | Plans for Frozen Seafood Plant, Chignik, AK
1974 |
173-175 | Floor Plans for Warehouse at Nushagak, AK
1950 |
176 | Power and Light Feeders at Nushagak, AK (Warehouse
added 1948/1950) |
1950 |
177 | Diamond Plant no. 853 Clarks Point, Nushagak, AK
(Bristol Bay Area) |
1972 |
178 | Plot Plan, Semiahmo,o Blaine, WA |
1952 |
179 | Office and Warehouse Sections (found with Tamxwiqsen
Housing Project plans) |
Undated |
180-185 | Tamxwiqsen Housing Project, Lummi Indian
Reservation, Bellingham, WA |
1985 |
186 | Unidentified Cafeteria |
Undated |
187 | Plans for Bathhouse |
Undated |
188 | Plans for Bathhouse, more details added |
Undated |
189 | Plans for Bathhouse |
Undated |
190 | Unidentified Cannery Plant |
Undated |
1931-1961 | |
Plans and
Box/Folder | ||
77/1 | Material required for Fishing Boats |
1946; ; Undated |
77/2 | Penguin Deck House Plans |
1946; ; Undated |
Oversize Folder | ||
23 | Record Book: Material and Fastenings for Bristol Bay
Gillnet Boats |
Undated |
23 | 72' Wooden Towboat Construction Sections Design
1943 |
23 | 46' Steel Seiner Deck & Hold Arrangement
1961 |
23 | 46' Steel Seiner Outboard Profile |
1961 |
23 | 46' Steel Seiner Lines and Offsets |
1961 |
23 | 46' Steel Seiner Body Plan and Offsets Of Webframes
and Bulkheads |
1961 |
23 | 46' Steel Seiner Curves of Form |
1961 |
23 | 32' Stock Gillnetter Ship Design |
Undated |
23 | Towboat 'Osprey' Rudder Detail Design |
1947 |
23 | Tally Scow Designs (in Manila Folder) |
1934 |
23 | 72' Wooden Towboat Design |
1943 |
23 | 52'x15' Seine Boat, Plan 181, by William
Garden |
November 1948 |
23 | Rudder Detail for Towboat "Osprey".Drawing #1413 by
Edwin Monk |
January 9 1947 |
23 | Reconstruction Plan for 29' Gillnet Boat (tender
Penguin), by William Garden |
August 1951 |
23 | New Deck House, Tender Penguin, Drawing # 1420 by
Edwin Monk |
February 20 1948 |
23 | New House for "Cerlew" Towboat, Drawing # 1145-1, by
Edwin Monk |
November 9, 1945 |
23 | 28' 10" Gillnet Boat, by William Garden (2
drawings) |
Undated |
23 | New House, Towboat Ansonia, by Edwin
Monk |
December 4, 1945 |
23 | New Deck House, Tender Penguin, Drawing # 1420 by
Edwin Monk |
February 20, 1947 |
Sketch of BB boat sail from Stagg Bruno |
Undated | |
Rolled Document | ||
191 | Columbia River Salmon Fishing Boat |
February 1931 |
192 | Reconstruction Plan - Gillnet Boats (29'+), sheet #1
August 1951 |
193 | General Lay Out Plan on Power Roller for Bristol Bay
Gillnet Boats, Semiahmoo |
Undated |
194-195 | Details on Power Roller for Bristol Bay Gillnet
Boats |
Undated |
196 | Full Size Pattern for End Plates for Power Roller
for Bristol Bay Boats |
Undated |
197 | Reconstruction Plan - Gillnet Boats
(29'+) |
August 1951 |
198 | Outboard Profile and Arrangement, 57' Combination
Fishing Vessel |
March 1947 |
199 | Lighter Vessel, 24' x 70 ' |
February 1934 |
200 | Cut out Details for Bristol Bay Boats |
Undated |
201-202 | Material and Fastening for Conversion of Bristol Bay
Gillnet Boat |
Undated |
203-206 | General Reconstruction Plan for Bristol Bay Gillnet
Boats, Semiahmoo |
February 1952 |
207 | Conversion of 29' Gillnet Boat |
March 1950 |
208 | 28' Gillnet Boat |
Undated |
209 | Boat, Dr. E-1, no. 1 |
1933 |
210 | Boat, Dr. E-1, no. 2 |
1933 |
211 | M.S. Brant, Midship cross-section |
1930 |
212-213 | M.S. Brant, Main and Lower Deck Arrangements |
1930 |
214-216 | Boat, E-1, no. 25 |
Undated |
217-220 | Reconstruction Plans for Bristol Bay Gillnet Boats,
Semiahmoo |
1952 |
221-224 | Power Rollers for Bristol Bay Gillnet Boats,
Semiahmoo, Blaine, WA |
Undated |
225 | Cut Out Details for Bristol Bay Boats, Semiahmoo
1952 |
226 | Assembly Chart for Bilge Horses for Bristol Bay
Boats |
Undated |
227 | Bristol Bay Boats Lighting Harness and Wiring
Diagram for Bristol Bay Boats Gray Marine Engine |
Undated |
228-229 | Material and Fastenings for Conversion of One
Bristol Bay Gillnet Boat |
Undated |
230 | Plans for Power Scow |
Undated |
231 | Trap Scow for Chignik |
1934 |
232 | Power Barge, Construction Plan, Maritime Shipyards,
Seattle WA |
1944 |
233 | 46' Steel, Deck and Hold Arrangement |
1961 |
Equipment and Machinery
1922-1972 | |
Plans and
Oversize Folder | ||
24 | Kvichak Cannery Plan of Cradle |
1949 |
24 | Hydraulic Motor for Roller Drive Design |
Undated |
24 | Crab Squeezer Designs, 4 Items |
Undated |
24 | Pipe Fabrication Plans,(2 Items) |
1958 |
24 | Traying Device Plan |
1946 |
24 | Attached Tray Filling Device, End of Can Line Plans
(4 Items) |
1946 |
24 | Fish House Belt Conveyer Design |
1953 |
24 | Septic Tank Installation Detail Plan |
Undated |
24 | Semiahmoo Marine Ways Plans & Designs (4
Items) |
1943-1964 |
24 | Semiahmoo Marine Railway Pile Reinforcing Plan
1952 |
24 | Semiahmoo Haulback Sheeve for Cradle Design
Undated |
24 | Semiahmoo Bridle Design |
1943 |
24 | Ship Ways and Cradle Design |
Undated |
24 | 48' Gins for No. 3 Pile Driver at Chignik, by W.
Heinbocker |
20 January 1932 |
24 | Arch and Brick Setting, Iron Fireman Burner, drawn
by A. Nash |
13 January 1958 |
24 | Hodgson Dry Pipe Valve, Ginch Model C |
Undated |
Rolled Document | ||
234 | Area Plan, Elevations, and Flow Plan, Semiahmoo,
Blaine, WA |
1957 |
235 | Proposed Fish Reduction Plant for Semiahmoo, Blaine,
WA |
1957 |
236 | Plan View, Fish Reduction Plant and Receiving
Equipment Outside |
1957 |
237 | Proposed Fish Reduction Plant, Semiahmoo, Blaine, WA
1957 |
238-242 | Shrimp L.O. Monorail, Kodiak, AK |
1972 |
243-244 | Shrimp Layout Monorail Trolley, Kodiak, AK
1972 |
245-354 | Can Patterns on Pallets, Depalletizer, Hoist Fork,
and Hydraulic Power Plant Impact Guards, Honolulu, HI |
1962-1965 |
255-273 | Plans for Depalletizer, Honolulu, HI |
1963 |
274 | Preliminary Plan for Vertical Fish
Elevator |
Undated |
275 | Fish Receiving Scow, Semiahmoo |
Undated |
276 | Proposed Elevating Platform in Place of
Float |
Undated |
277 | Fish Receiving Through with Belt Conveyor and Apron,
Semiahmoo |
1951 |
278 | Fish Float [probably Semiahmoo] |
ca. 1951 |
279 | Retort Car for <M>, San Francisco, CA
1924 |
280 | Retort Car for Chignik |
1937 |
281 | 281Cradle Launch for "Gony" |
1932 |
282 | Automatic Temperature and Time Controller and
Recording Thermometer Applied to Horizontal Retort |
Undated |
283 | Engine Room, Gas launch, "Sparrow" |
1922 |
284-285 | Karluk Cooler and copy (2 items) |
1940 |
286-287 | 50 lb/hr Incinerator, General Layout (2 items)
1970 |
288 | Can Rack for #10 Cans, Bellingham, WA |
1972 |
289 | Arrangement for Coen Oil Burning System |
Undated |
290 | C.C. Control - Vacuum Machine and
Clincher |
Undated |
291 | New Kewanee Boiler Layout, Naknek, AK |
1958 |
Series VIII: Reference files , 1741-1983 , (bulk 1898-1967) Return to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
Company History Files
Items listed in the APA Book Inventory are
NOT included in the CPNWS collections. Box 79 contains index cards for a now
obsolete APA filing system. Cards are arranged A-Z and contain some background
information about Alaskan fishing companies and their agreements and
relationships with APA.
1893-1983 | |
General Company
Box/Folder | ||
78/1 | APA History (printed notes) |
Undated |
78/2 | APA Organizational Chart |
May 1961 |
78/3 | APA Plant List |
1893; ; 1934; ; 1965 |
78/4 | Memo re: APA Operations on Puget Sound |
1949 |
78/5 | Del Monte Shield articles re: Company History
Undated |
78/6 | Point Adams Packing Company (handwritten
history) |
ca.1975 |
78/7 | Semiahmoo Cannery (Clippings) |
1910; ; 1983 |
78/8 | APA Book Inventory, (San Francisco
Office) |
1969 |
78/9 | Draft of novel, unknown author |
Undated |
Box/Folder | ||
78/10 | Correspondence re: former employees |
Undated |
78/11 | Bradford, William B. |
1916; ; 1980 |
78/12 | Fortman, Henry |
Undated; ; 1980; ; 1982 |
78/13 | Widerstrom, Axel |
1981 |
APA Vessels and Navigational
Box/Folder | ||
78/14 | Histories of APA sailing vessels |
Undated |
78/15 | Sailing Vessels of the Alaska Packers Association
Undated |
78/16 | "A New 'Star' in the North," Del Monte Shield
April, 1965 |
78/17 | Huycke, Harold D. "Emigrant Ship to Copra Hulk: The
Iron Bark Bougainville" [Star of Peru] |
1948 |
78/18 | Huycke, Harold D. "Alaska Packer's Fleet: San
Francisco's Great Ships of Sail," Del Monte Shield |
June 1949 |
78/19 | Huycke, Harold D. "Colonial Trader to Museum Ship:
The Bark Star of India" |
1950 |
78/20 | Huycke, Harold D. "The Great Star Fleet," Sea Letter
1960 |
78/21 | Smith, Phillip D. "Stand Clear of Coronation…"
reprinted from Del Monte Shield |
March 1959 |
78/22 | Star of Finland (Kaiulana) article, from Matsonews
May-June 1950 |
78/23 | Material re: Charles Wilkes & 1838-1942 US
Exploring Expedition |
Undated; ; 1889; ; 1971 |
Salmon Industry
Box/Folder | ||
78/24 | Barnes, Lillian. "Point Roberts in the Day when
Salmon was King" |
Undated |
78/25 | "Discoveries, Explorations and Settlements on the
North Pacific Coast : Alaska and Environs" (from Dall's Alaska and its
Resources") |
Undated |
78/26 | "The Salmon Industry," paper given by AK Tichenor
(APA Vice President) |
Undated |
78/27 | Miscellaneous notes and articles re: Salmon industry
Undated |
Box | ||
79 | Index cards to old [obsolete] APA filing
system |
Undated |
Publications and Reports
The series contains publications and
reports produced by APA and Del Monte, general publications relating to the
fishing and canning industries, and government publications. Information
regarding Alaska Shipwrecks (Microfiche 657-720) is arranged A-Z by name of
ship, and includes information regarding the vessel and the name, date and
location of disasters.
1906-1978 | |
Company Publications and
Box/Folder | ||
80/1 - 80/17 | Del Monte Shield |
December 1948 -1962 |
81/1 - 81/2 | Del Monte Shield |
February 1963 - January 1965 |
81/3 | Del Monte California Packing Company Annual Reports
1956-1958; ; 1960; ; 1978 |
81/4 | Del Monte California Packing Company Legislative
Digest |
1960-1961 |
81/5 | "Service: The true measurement of any institution
lies in the service it renders." |
Undated |
81/6 | APA"Investigation of Fraser River Sockeye Spawning
Areas" |
Undated |
81/7 | Report re: National Recovery Act |
1933 |
81/8 | Canned Frozen Salmon |
1954 |
81/9 | APA, "Alaska Packers: A profile of one of Alaska's
leading canning companies." |
1961 |
81/10 | Report re: 1961 US Legislature and Political
Representatives |
1961 |
81/11 | APA, "March 27 Earthquake and Tidal Wave - Damage
Estimate and Factual Data, City of Kodiak, Alaska," (includes
photographs) |
April, 1964 |
Volume | ||
156 | Examinations of Canned Salmon (APA
reports) |
1911-1914 |
General Fisheries and Canning
Publications and Reports
Box/Folder | ||
81/12 - 81/15 | Alaska Line Newsletter |
1956-1958; ; 1960-1961 |
81/16 - 81/22 | National Canners Association: Fishery Information
Bulletin |
1955-1958; ; 1960-1961 |
81/23 - 81/26 | National Canners Association: Information
Letter |
1954-1957 |
82/1 - 82/3 | National Canners Association: Information
Letter |
1958; ; 1960-1961 |
82/4 | National Fisheries Institute "Flashes" |
1954 |
82/5 - 82/11 | Western Fisheries |
1954-1960 |
83/1 - 83/4 | Western Fisheries |
1961-1964 |
83/5 | Canned Salmon Institute, "Canned Salmon Fact
book" |
Undated |
83/6 | Deming's Canned Seafood, "Take a can of Salmon."
Undated |
83/7 | Northwest Canners Association, "The Silver Harvest
of the Sea" |
Undated |
83/8 | British Columbia Packers Association Directors'
Reports |
1906-1917 |
83/9 | Baicusky, B. and J. Caldwell, Reports re: Fishery
Industries of Siberia |
1909-1922; ; 1916; ; 1926 |
83/10 | Fishery Board for Scotland, "The Artificial and
Natural Breeding of the Salmon" |
1924 |
83/11 | Fishery Board for Scotland, "A Preliminary
Investigation of the Food of the Sea Trout" |
1930 |
83/12 | School of Public Health, University of California,
"A Sanitation Manual for Food Industries" |
1946 |
83/13 | Somers, Ira I. "How to Establish a Plant Cleaning
Program" |
1948 |
83/14 | Bristol Bay Packers, "The Bristol Bay Dispute: A
Frank Statement of Facts by the Bristol Bay Packers" |
January 1952 |
83/15 | National Canners' Association, "Better Salmon
Central Plan" |
1954 |
83/16 | International North Pacific Fisheries Commission
Annual Report |
1962 |
83/17 | University of Washington, "Research in Fisheries:
Annual Report of the College of Fisheries" |
1974 |
Microfilm Reel | ||
10 | Report: Depletion of Puget Sound Salmon Runs,
Investigation by Seattle P.I. |
Undated |
10 | Report: Willis H. Rich, Notes on the Laws and
Regulations affecting the Alaska Salmon Fisheries |
Undated |
10 | Oysters - Notes and Correspondence |
ca. 1932-1933 |
10 | Crab Canning - Correspondence and
reports |
ca. 1929-1933 |
10 | Herring - report on Herring Fisheries, Killisnoo,
Admiralty Island |
Undated |
Government Publications and
Microfiche | ||
657-720 | Alaska Shipwrecks |
1741-1939 |
Box/Folder | ||
83/18 | Bureau of Commercial Fisheries, "Safety Notes for
the Alaskan Fisherman" |
Undated |
83/19 | US Department of Commerce (Bureau of 83/20
Fisheries), "A Plan for the Development of the Hawaiian Fisheries" |
1939 |
83/20 | Child Labor Act, Territory of Alaska |
1949 |
83/21 | US Coast Guard, Treasury Dept. "Rules to Prevent
Collisions of Vessels and Pilot Rules" |
1949 |
83/22 | International Pacific Salmon Fisheries Commission,
Annual Report |
1950 |
83/23 | FSA Public Health Service, "Handbook of Sanitation
of Vessels in Operation" |
1951 |
83/24 | US Department of the Interior, Fish and Wildlife
Service, Canned Fish Retail Prices reports |
1958-1959 |
83/25 | US Department of the Interior, Fish and Wildlife
Service, Canned Fish Consumer Purchases reports |
1958-1959 |
84/1 | Alaska Department of Fish and Game. "Alaska
Fisheries Catch" |
1960 |
84/2 | US Coast Guard, "Rules of the Road: International -
Inland" |
September 1965 |
Professional Organizations and
1959-1963 | |
Box/Folder | ||
84/3 - 84/5 | Association of Pacific Fisheries |
1959-1961 |
84/5 | Association of Washington Industries |
1960 |
84/6 - 84/10 | Canned Salmon Institute |
1959-1961; ; 1962-1963 |
Sub-series 4
Newspapers and Clippings
1898-1982 | |
APA Clippings
Volume | ||
157 | Clippings File |
January 1898-1901 |
158 | Clippings File |
January-July 1901 |
159 | Clippings File |
1901-1902 |
160 | Clippings File |
April-December 1902 |
161 | Clippings File |
December 1902 - June 1903 |
162 | Clippings File |
June-October 1903 |
163 | Clippings File |
November 1903 - April 1904 |
164 | Clippings File |
May-November 1904 |
165 | Clippings File |
November 1904 - April 1905 |
166 | Clippings File |
April-August 1905 |
167 | Clippings File |
August-November 1905 |
168 | Clippings File |
November 1905 - August 1906 |
169 | Clippings File |
August 1906 - August 1907 |
170 | Clippings File |
August-December 1907 |
171 | Clippings File |
1908 |
172 | Clippings File |
1909 |
173 | Clippings File |
1910 |
174 | Clippings File |
1911 |
175 | Clippings File |
1912 |
176 | Clippings File, (Consular Reports and Clippings)
1912-1913 |
177 | Clippings File |
1913 |
178 | Clippings File |
1914 |
179 | Clippings File |
1915 |
180 | Clippings File |
1916 |
181 | Clippings File |
1918 |
182 | Clippings File |
1919 |
183 | Clippings File |
1920 |
184 | Clippings File |
1921 |
185 | Clippings File |
1922 |
186 | Clippings File |
1923 |
187 | Clippings File |
1924 |
188 | Clippings File |
1925 |
189 | Clippings File |
1926 |
190 | Clippings File |
1927 |
191 | Clippings File |
1928 |
192 | Clippings File |
1929 |
193 | Clippings File |
1930 |
194 | Clippings File |
1931 |
195 | Clippings File |
1932 |
196 | Clippings File |
1933 |
197 | Clippings File |
1934 |
198 | Clippings File |
1935 |
199 | Clippings File |
1936 |
200 | Clippings File |
1937 |
201 | Clippings File |
1939 |
Oversize Folder | ||
25 | Blaine Journal |
1906 |
25 | Blaine Journal |
April 1909 |
Clippings re: "Foreign Invasion of
American Fisheries"
Microfilm Reel | ||
8 | Congressional records |
1937-1938 |
8 | The Pacific Fisherman |
1937-1939 |
8 | Various clippings and pamphlets |
1905-1945 |
Box/Folder | ||
84/11 - 84/13 | "Calpak" Newspaper Excerpts Files (maintained by APA
Seattle Office) |
1957; ; 1960; ; 1961 |
84/14 | Newspaper Clippings File |
March-December 1961 |
84/15 - 84/17 | Fisherman's News |
1959; ; 1960 |
84/18 | Kodiak Mirror |
14 March 1959; ; 17 November 1961 |
84/19 | "The Bristol Bay Story," Bellingham Herald |
Sunday August 22, 1982 |
Salmon Can Labels & Trademarks
1893-1972 | |
Box/Folder | ||
84/20 | Sample can labels |
Undated |
84/21 | Memo re: Salmon Labels |
1951 |
84/22 | Salmon can label information file |
1966-1972 |
Microfiche | ||
357-365 | General Data on Trademarks |
ca. 1893-1960 |
365-387 | Trademarks data and information – Alphabetical Files
A-W |
Undated |
ca. 1905-1960s | |
Oversize Folder | ||
25 | San Francisco Loan Bonds Office |
circa 1919 |
Microfilm Reel | ||
5 | APA Offices, San Francisco |
1905-1923 |
Box/Folder | ||
85/1 | APA Offices, San Francisco, CA (photo
book) |
1905-1923 |
Buildings and Structures
undated; ; [ca. 1920-1950s] | |
Box/Folder | ||
85/2 | Alameda |
Undated |
85/3 | Alitak |
Undated |
85/4 - 85/5 | Chignik |
Undated |
85/6 | Egegik |
Undated |
85/7 | Hells Gate, Fraser River, B.C. |
Undated |
85/8 | Ketchikan |
Undated |
85/9 - 85/13 | Kvichak |
Undated |
85/14 | Larsen Bay |
Undated |
85/15 - 85/16 | Naknek |
Undated |
85/17 | Nushagak |
Undated |
85/18 | Pilot Point |
Undated |
85/19 | Point Roberts |
Undated |
85/20 | Semiahmoo |
Undated |
85/21 | Semiahmoo |
Undated |
85/22 - 85/25 | Unidentified locations |
Undated |
Undated | |
Box/Folder | ||
85/26 | Chignik |
Undated |
85/27 | Karluk |
Undated |
85/28 | Unidentified |
Undated |
85/29 | Unidentified |
Undated |
Box/Folder | ||
85/30 | People and Employees |
Undated |
85/31 | "Argo Boys" photo |
1907 |
85/32 | "Day Trip" photos |
Undated |
1910-1967 | |
Box/Folder | ||
85/33 | Panama-Pacific Exposition letter re: exhibition award
1915 |
85/34 | Out of the Spirit of '49: A California Souvenir.
California Packing Company, Del Monte Food Products |
1923 |
85/35 | Advertisement, "Wanted: Your Vote For No. 77"
(Initiative 77) |
Undated |
Rolled Document | ||
292-293 | Marketing Posters for Alaska Salmon (Alaska Seafood
Marketing Institute) |
Undated |
294 | Alaskeros Exhibit poster |
Undated |
295 | APA Calendar |
1967 |
296 | APA Calendar |
1967 |
Oversize Folder | ||
25 | The Blaine Two-Step Musical Notation, by Harriet Roger
Owens |
1910 |
Names and SubjectsReturn to Top
Subject Terms
- Salmon fisheries--Alaska--History--Sources--Photographs.
- Fishery law and legislation--Alaska--History--Sources.
- Fishery law and legislation--United States--History--Sources.
- Indians of North America--Fishing Law and Legislation--History--Sources.
- Indians of North America--Land Tenure--History--Sources.
- Salmon Fisheries--Alaska--History--Sources--Maps.
- Salmon fisheries--Alaska--History--Sources.
- Salmon fisheries--Washington (State)--Puget Sound--History--Sources.
- Salmon fisheries--Washington (State)--Puget Sound--History--Sources.
- Salmon canning industry--Alaska--History--Sources--Maps.
- Salmon canning industry--Alaska--History--Sources--Photographs.
- Salmon canning industry--Alaska--History--Sources.
- Salmon canning industry--Pacific Coast (U.S.)--History--Sources.
- Salmon canning industry--Washington (State)--Puget Sound--History--Sources--Maps.
- Salmon canning industry--Washington (State)--Puget Sound--History--Sources.