Brock Adams photograph collection, approximately 1920-1992

Overview of the Collection

Adams, Brock, 1927-2004
Brock Adams photograph collection
approximately 1920-1992 (inclusive)
1959-1992 (bulk)
approximately 4,500 photographs (10 boxes)
Collection Number
Photographs documenting Brock Adams's political career in the U.S. House of Representatives and Senate
University of Washington Libraries, Special Collections
Special Collections
University of Washington Libraries
Box 352900
Seattle, WA
Telephone: 2065431929
Fax: 2065431931
Access Restrictions

The collection is open to the public.

Request at UW

Additional Reference Guides


Biographical NoteReturn to Top

Brockman (Brock) Adams was born January 13, 1927, in Atlanta, Georgia, and grew up in Portland, Oregon, and Seattle, Washington. Adams served in the United States Navy from 1944 until 1946 and graduated from the University of Washington in 1949 with a degree in economics. He received his law degree from Harvard University in 1952.

Adams went into private practice in Seattle, where he also taught law at the American Banking Institute. As a result of Adams's involvement in John. F. Kennedy's presidential campaign, he was appointed U.S. Attorney for the Western District of Washington in 1961. He held this position until 1964, when he campaigned for a seat in the House of Representatives. Adams, a Democrat, represented the greater Seattle area and was re-elected six times.

During Adams's career in the House of Representatives, he served on several committees, including Interstate and Foreign Commerce, Revenue and Financial Affairs, Banking and Currency, and Agriculture. Adams became chairman of the House Budget Committee in 1974. His expertise regarding transportation issues led to his appointment as Secretary of Transportation by President Jimmy Carter in 1977. Adams resigned his House seat and worked in Carter's cabinet until his resignation in 1979. Adams then returned to Seattle to enter private law practice.

In 1985 Adams ran for the U.S. Senate against incumbent Republican Slade Gorton, winning Gorton's seat in an upset victory. Shortly after Adams launched his re-election campaign in 1992, the Seattle Times published a front-page story in which eight anonymous women accused the senator of sexual misconduct. Adams denied the allegations but withdrew from the re-election race and retired from public life at the conclusion of his Senate term.

In his Senate career, Brock Adams championed women's issues as well as those of senior citizens. He took a conservationist stance on many environmental issues, focusing particularly on the Hanford Nuclear Reservation. Adams also opposed Presidents Ronald Reagan and George Bush, Sr., in many aspects of foreign policy, especially regarding United States involvement in the Persian Gulf War.

Brock Adams died in 2004 at his home in Maryland. He was 77 years old.

Content DescriptionReturn to Top

The collection contains photographs documenting Adams's political career. Activities and events documented include hearings, receptions, activities with school groups, meetings with other politicians and with constituents, campaign speeches and other activities, rallies, and other events. Many photographs relate to women's rights or women's health; events relating to senior citizens and environmental issues are also highlighted.

Brock Adams appears in all photographs unless otherwise indicated.

Use of the CollectionReturn to Top

Restrictions on Use

Restrictions may exist on reproduction, quotation, or publication. Contact the Special Collections division, University of Washington Libraries, for details.

Items 18 through 23 may not be reproduced without the permission of Sam Angeloff or Time-Life Inc.

Administrative InformationReturn to Top


The collection is arranged in series based on periods of Adams's life and career. These series include: Early years, U.S. House of Representatives, Department of Transportation, U.S. Senate, and Portraits. Within these series, materials are arranged chronologically.

Processing Note

Processed by Shannon B. Lynch, 2003-2005.

Contact sheets have been made for all negatives in the collection; wherever a contact sheet is identified, corresponding negatives exist. Each set of negatives covers an event or activity. Contact sheets for each set of images have been given a "primary number." For instance, a contact sheet may have the number 622.12; any prints made from negatives in this set have been given numbers such as 622.12-5, 622.12-11, and so on. Full-size prints do not exist for all images found in the negatives; however, each negative has a corresponding contact print.

Contact sheets and prints are stored together, while negatives are stored in separate boxes. Prints for which negatives and contact sheets do not exist are numbered individually, as are slides.

These photographs were relocated from the Brock Adams Papers (Manuscript Accession Nos. 1096-001, 1096-002, 1096-003, 1096-004, and 1096-016), in the Special Collections division, University of Washington Libraries, in 2003.

Detailed Description of the CollectionReturn to Top


Early years, 1920s-1960sReturn to Top

Container(s) Description Dates
Brock Adams as a child and young adult
Box/Folder item
1/1 1-2 circa 1930
1/1 3
As a young boy in Atlanta
circa early 1930s
1/1 4
As a young man
circa 1940s
Alitak, Alaska
Box/Folder item
1/2 5
Alitak warehouse crew
Adams is in the middle of the back row.
circa 1940s
1/2 6
Alitak fishing boat
Galen Biery (photographer)
1/2 7
Houses in Alitak
Galen Biery (photographer)
1/2 8
Aerial view
Galen Biery (photographer)
box-folder:oversize item
8/1 9
University of Washington class of 1949 ten-year reunion
1/3 10 1960s
1/4 11
As U.S. attorney
Adams appears in office, with colleagues, and with his family.
1/5 12-13
Press conference as U.S. attorney
Bob Peterson Photos, Seattle, Washington (photographer)

Political activities: U.S. House of Representatives, 1960sReturn to Top

Container(s) Description Dates
Box/Folder item
1/6 14
With several attorneys general and staff
With attorneys general Henry Seidel, Ramsay Clark, Louis Oberdorfer, and members of staff.
1/7 15-16 1960s
1/8 17
Signing ceremony with Lyndon Johnson
1/9 18-23
With Eugene McCarthy
Sam Angeloff (photographer)
1/10 24 1960s
1/11 25 1960s
1/12 26 1960s
1/13 27-28
With men and helicopters
U.S. Army (photographer)
With Colonel C.C. Holbrook (Seattle district engineer, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers), Scott Wallace (county commissioner), and Warren Gonnason (assistant county engineer for King County, Washington).
1/14 29
With presidential scholars Randall Smith and Carolyn Toly
1/15 30 1960s
1/16 31 1960s
1/17 32a
With man
1/17 32b
With African-American men
9/1 33
House Science and Astronautics Committee
Brock Adams is in the front row on the far left; other members pictured include Tiger Teague, Carl Albert, and George Miller (chairman of committee).
1/18 34-35
Congressional representatives
Ron Allen Photography, Olympia, Washington (photographer)
1/19 36 1964
Space program
Adams's space program activities
Box/Folder item
1/20 37
With NASA officials, preparing for moon shot
McConnell Aircraft Corporation (photographer)
1965 February 17
1/20 38
Subcommittee visit to Cape Canaveral
Hopkins, Technicolor Corp(for NASA) (photographer)
circa 1965
1/20 39 circa 1965-1966
1/20 40
With astronaut Gus Grissom
Del Ankers Photography, Washington, D.C. (photographer)
Box/Folder item
1/21 41-60
NASA: astronauts and photos from space
NASA (photographer)
Astronauts, photos of earth and moon taken by Surveyor I and several Gemini spacecraft.
Box/Folder item
1/22 61 1965 February 22
1/23 62-68
Dinner at Walnut Hill
Brock Adams does not appear. Spark Matsunaga may appear in some photographs. Includes note from O. Roy Chalk (Walnut Hill may have been Chalk's residence).
1965 May 12
1/24 69-70
Burien Post Office dedication
With Superintendent Marvin J. Robbins and Regional Postal Services Director William T. Andrews.
1965 July 2
1/25 71-72
Seattle Artificial Kidney Center event
With James Pratt, William Bogh, Ivo Andrews, Arnold Nicodemus, and Senator Henry M. Jackson.
1965 November
1/26 73
Bill signing with Lyndon B. Johnson
Dev O'Neill (photographer)
1/27 74 1966
1/28 75-76
Astronauts' visit
Senator Warren G. Magnuson appears in the photographs and may have been a featured speaker at this event.
1/29 77
With Hal Edgar and Carol Wick
1966 February
1/30 78
With Julia Butler Hansen and woman
1966 February 23
1/31 79-83
Launching of ship Queenfish
Newport News Shipbuilding and Dry Dock Company (photographer)
Queenfish christening by Julia Butler Hansen. Brock Adams does not appear.
1966 February 25
1/32 84 1966 May 26
1/33 85
Meeting with local civil rights leaders
With John T. Cornethan, Mrs. Ola Browning, Alfred E. Cowles, Gary Gayton, and Edwin T. Pratt.
1966 June 6
1/34 86
Signing of U.S.-Norway air transport agreement
Robert H. McNeill, Department of State (photographer)
With Charge d'Affaires Olaf Solli of Norway, Assistant Secretary of State for Economic Affairs Anthony M. Solomon, and Senator E.L. Bartlett of Alaska.
1966 June 7
1/35 87
Signing of United States-Danish bilateral air transport agreement
Robert H. McNeill, Department of State (photographer)
With Senator E.L. Bartlett, Assistant Secretary of State for Economic Affairs Anthony M. Solomon, and Ambassador Torben Rønne of Denmark.
1966 June 7
1/36 88
With Harley Staggers
1966 June 7
1/37 89
Signing ceremony for Grand Coulee Dam bill with Lyndon Johnson
S. 1761 authorized construction of a third powerhouse at Grand Coulee Dam.
1966 June 14
1/38 90 1966 June 14
1/39 91-93 1966 October
8/2 94 1966 October 15
1/40 95-97
With Girl and Boy Scouts, Roy Velling, and Velling children
1966 November
1/41 98-101
Brock Adams holding maritime industry posters
8/3 102 1967 November 7
8/4 103 1967 November 21
8/5 104-105 1967 December 5
8/6 106 1967 December 14
9/2 107
House Committee on Interstate and Foreign Commerce, 2nd Session, 90th Congress
Brock Adams is in the middle row, fourth from left.
1/42 108-109
With Congressman Tom Pelly and machinist union representatives
Del Ankers Photographers, Washington, D.C. (photographer)
1/43 110-111 1968
1/44 112
Launching of ship Indian Mail
Newport News Shipbuilding and Dry Dock Company (photographer)
With Betty Adams and Warren and Jermaine Magnuson.
1968 July 27
8/7 113 1968 October 2
1/45 114
Speaking at Green River Community College
1/46 115
Herb Doggett
Brock Adams does not appear.
1969 January
1/47 116
Aerial view of Union Pacific Property and dikes along California Coast
The Inman Co, Long Beach, California (photographer)
1969 March 16

Political activities: U.S. House of Representatives, 1970sReturn to Top

Container(s) Description Dates
Box/Folder item
1/48 117-120e
Dev O'Neill, Alice C. Plaisted (photographer)
Photographs of various 1970s events. Pictured are Larry Pressler, John Anderson, Lloyd Meeds and his wife Mary, Dixy Lee Ray, Kay and Luke Graham, Mary Lou and Neale Chaney, and others.
1/49 121
Speech to National Council of Farmer Cooperatives
Convention Photographers Intl (photographer)
1/50 122-124
Multi-Media Productions, Seattle, Washington (photographer)
1/51 125-126
With Joel Pritchard, Tom Foley, and others
National Education Association (photographer)
8/8 127
Richard Nixon addressing Congress
Dev O'Neill (photographer)
89 128 1970s
1/52 129-130
With Peggy Fleming and poster child
Dev O'Neill, U.S. News Service (photographer)
circa 1970
1/53 131-132
Congressional baseball game
Dev O'Neill (photographer)
With Carl Albert, Gerald Ford, John McCormack, Morris Udall, and others.
circa 1970
1/54 133
Testifying before the House Banking and Currency Committee
1/55 134 1970
1/56 135-136
Congressional activities
Alice C. Plaisted, Del Ankers Photographers, Washington, D.C. (photographer)
Adams appears with John Volpe and other unidentified individuals.
1/57 137
Lake Lindeman, Klondike Gold Rush National Park
National Park Service (photographer)
Related to the Adams-sponsored bill H.R. 1194, Establishment of Klondike Gold Rush National Park, 1975. Lake Lindeman was part of a waterway trail that led miners into the Yukon territory during the 19th-century gold rush.
1970 August 2
1/58 138
With Reps. Dan Rostenkowski, Carl Albert, Hale Boggs
Dev O'Neill (photographer)
1/59 139-141
With Washington, D.C., Mayor Walter Washington
Dev O'Neill (photographer)
1/60 142-145
With Boeing executives and model of 747
Del Ankers Photographers, Washington, D.C. (photographer)
1/61 146-152
Department of Transportation events
With Bill Allen and John Ingraham.
1/62 153
With military officers
Alice C. Plaisted (photographer)
Nametag on one man may read "Haberle."
1/63 154-158
Donation of first U.S. jet transport Boeing 387-80 to the Smithsonian Institution
With William Allen and Mrs. Allen, James Beggs, Collins, Rep. McFall, Secore Brown.
1/64 159 1972
1/65 160
S-2507, Bayh Handgun Bill
The photograph shows a variety of handguns and is captioned "Handguns which Bayh bill would ban." Forms part of materials compiled by the National Rifle Association in opposition to the bill.
1/66 161
With Shriver and McGovern
Dev O'Neill (photographer)
2/1 162-164 1972
2/2 165-172
Robert A. Glass Creative Photography, McLean, Virginia (photographer)
1972 January 26
2/3 163-176
Bush garden party
With Betty Adams, John and Patsy Mink, Tak Kabota, and John Sato.
1972 February
2/4 177-180
Auburn School
Includes images from Auburn off-campus school and open concept school, as well as one image from the Rehab Center for the Blind.
1972 March
2/5 181a
Hearing on Public Health Service Hospital, Seattle, Washington
With Congressman Paul Rodgers and Congressman Bill Roy.
1972 March 3
2/5 181b
With Rep. John Blatnik
1972 March 22
2/6 182
At Hale Boggs's garden party
Dev O'Neill (photographer)
1972 June
2/7 183-190
1972 Democratic National Convention, Miami, Florida
Dev O'Neill (photographer)
With Morris Udall, Lloyd Meeds, Claude Pepper, Sam Gibbons, John Brademas, [Pat Lucy?], and Governor [Wise?].
1972 July 10-13
2/8 191
Proposed Capitol Building renovations/additions
Brock Adams does not appear.
2/9 192 1973
2/10 193
With Dr. Pat Smith
Dev O'Neill (photographer)
Dr. Pat Smith was the founder/director of a hospital in Kautuin, South Vietnam.
1973 April
2/11 194
With ALTA officials, San Francisco
With Edward Crane and General Joseph Adams.
1973 May 23
2/12 195
McDonnell-Douglas tour
Inspecting a DC-9 engine pylon at the Douglas Aircraft Co. with Douglas officials, Long Beach, California.
2/13 196
Bucharest Interparliamentary Union Conference
Campaign 1974
Box/Folder item
2/14 197-209 1974
Campaigning in Burien, Washington
Box/Folder item
2/15 210
Visiting Lockheed plant, at restaurant, on telephone
2/16 211
Greeting Lockheed workers
2/17 212
Touring store, fire station
2/18 213
2/19 214
2/20 215
2/21 216
Touring department store
Bob Peterson Photographer, Seattle, Washington (photographer)
2/22 217
Speeches and meetings
2/23 218
2/24 219
With people
Bob Peterson Photographer, Seattle, Washington (photographer)
Box/Folder item
2/25 220-221
Speaking at aeromechanics dinner
With Eugene Glover (International Association of Machinists general secretary treasurer) and Gearold Dargitz (secretary-treasurer, District Lodge 759).
1974 June
2/26 222
With women at High Point housing project
Office of Information Services (photographer)
1974 September 2
2/27 223-225
National Governors' Conference
With Governor Shapp in Washington, D.C.
2/28 226-241
Budget Committee meeting
Pictured are Smith, Giamo, Jim Wright, and Lud Ashley, among others.
2/29 242-245
Chairing Budget Committee
Dev O'Neill (photographer)
With George Gross, Budget Committee staff director, and Linda Kamm, Budget Committee counsel.
2/30 246
Signing Declaration of Independence replica
With Tom Clark, retired U.S. Supreme Court justice, and Joseph Kanter, president of National Conference on Citizenship.
1975 September
Flooding in Snohomish County
Box/Folder item
2/31 247
Flooding of Cedar River, King County
1975 September 4
2/31 248
Snohomish County Airfield
1975 September 7
Box/Folder item
2/32 249
Meeting in Kent, Washington
With Floyd Hicks and Don Bonker.
1975 November
2/33 250-251
With Governor Jimmy Carter
Dev O'Neill (photographer)
2/34 252-261
Department of Transportation portrait unveiling
Dev O'Neill (photographer)
Event celebrating unveiling of Department of Transportation Brock Adams portrait. Congressmen Bill Lehman and Bob Bergland, among others, appear in the photographs.
2/35 262-263
Democratic convention
Dev O'Neill (photographer)
2/36 264-265a
Democratic dinner at Washington Hilton
Dev O'Neill (photographer)
2/36 265b
Adams at event
Dev O'Neill (photographer)
Adams may be pictured at the Democratic dinner at the Washington Hilton.
2/37 266-267 1976
2/38 268-269 1976 February
2/39 270-272
Budget Committee press conference
With Carl Albert and John Brademas.
1976 Spring
2/40 273-275
Budget Committee
Dev O'Neill (photographer)
With Tip O'Neill and Carl Albert.
1976 March-September
2/41 276-310
Budget Committee meetings and hearings
1976 March
2/42 311-334
With Speaker Carl Albert and Butler Derrick
1976 March
2/43 335
Congressional staff
Members of Adams's staff: Brenda Campbell, Alan Butchman, Woody Price, Margo Dupuy. Adams does not appear.
1976 June
2/44 336
Bicentennial program on capitol steps
The program featured the Washington State High School Bicentennial Band and the Washington State Boys' Choir.
1976 September
2/45 337-338
Visit to Shadle Park High School
Larry Clark and Don Miller of Shadle Park High School appear in the photographs.
1976 October 12
2/46 339 1976 October 23
8/10 340-341 1977 February 14
8/11 342 1977 March 4

Department of Transportation, 1978-1979Return to Top

Container(s) Description Dates
Box/Folder item
2/47 343-348 1978 March
2/48 349-359
Department of Transportation activities, staff
Jill Krementz (photographer)
1978 July 12
2/49 360-362
Department of Transportation in New York
Department of Transportation (photographer)
With Annie actors, presenting Department of Transportation check to city of New York.
1978 August 7
2/50 363-364
Washington Celebrity Tennis Tournament of Charities
Volvo of America Corporation (photographer)
With Count Wilhelm Wachtmeister, Swedish ambassador.

Political activities: U.S. Senate 1980s-1990sReturn to Top

The dates in this series are not specific.

Container(s) Description Dates
Box/Folder item
2/51 365
Speaking at Spokane Marketplace, Spokane, Washington
between 1981 and 1999
2/52 366-367 between 1981 and 1999
2/53 368
Elementary school visit
Bokmon Dong (photographer)
between 1981 and 1999
2/54 369
With group of men
between 1981 and 1999
2/55 370 between 1981 and 1999
2/56 371-373 between 1981 and 1999
2/57 374
With March of Dimes poster child
between 1981 and 1999
2/58 375
Coast Guard flyover of oil refinery
between 1981 and 1999
3/1 376a
With Bill Gerberding, University of Washington president
between 1981 and 1999
3/2 376b
In meeting
between 1981 and 1999
3/3 377-378a
Tri Cities event
Alice C. Plaisted (photographer)
With Betty Adams and Terry Weiss.
circa 1983
3/4 378b
With Sgt. Larry Higginson, Outstanding Home Study Graduate
circa 1985
3/5 379-385
Marysville, Washington, school visit
circa 1987

Political activities: U.S. Senate 1986Return to Top

Container(s) Description Dates
Campaign 1986
Box/Folder item
3/6 386
At campaign rally or speech
With family members: daughter-in-law Chris Adams, daughter Kokie Adams, grandson Brock Adams, Patricia Harris, niece [Rory?].
3/7 387
Campaign speech
3/8 388-397b
Campaign event with Booth Gardner, Olympia, Washington
3/9 398-422
Speaking at Washington Democratic Convention
3/10 423-431
Campaign event
With politicians and others, including Slade Gorton, Gary Gayton, Sam Volpentest, Don Bonker, Mr. and Mrs. John Miller, Booth Gardner, and Betty Adams.
3/11 432
At campaign event with singer Stephen Stills
Steve Schneider (photographer)
3/12 433
Campaign event
Steve Schneider (photographer)
3/13 434
Campaigning with constituents at Port of Tacoma, Tacoma, Washington
3/14 435-439
With constituent at campaign event
3/15 440-442
With Tom Harkin and constituents at campaign event
3/16 443
Dinner party with Claude Pepper

Political activities: U.S. Senate 1987Return to Top

Container(s) Description Dates
Box/Folder item
3/17 444-451
Campaigning at Meed Smelter, Spokane, Washington
Don Hamilton Photography, Spokane, Washington (photographer)
3/18 452
Harvard Class of 1952 reunion
Martha Stewart (photographer)
With Vester Hughs and Margaret Wilson.
3/19 453
Minimum Wage Bill mark-up
3/20 454-455
National Council on Aging event with Neil Simon and Kevin Spacey
3/21 456-457
Dinner at Chinese Embassy
With Ambassador Han Xu and Betty Adams.
3/22 458-468
With students at Chief Sealth High School, Seattle, Washington
3/23 469
With Senator Dan Evans, Rep. John Miller, and student group
3/24 470-484
Mattox Commercial Photography, Alexandria, Virginia (photographer)
With George Bush, Sr., Gary Gayton, Tip O'Neill, Stan Baer, Wendell Ford, Lloyd Meeds, Bill Bradley, Tom Harkin, Ellen Globokar, Barbara Smith, Gretchen Sorenson, Betty Adams, and grandson Brock Adams.
1987 January 6
3/25 485-486
Freshman dinner at White House
Official White House photograph
With President Reagan, and Betty Adams with Nancy Reagan.
1987 March 8
3/26 487-488
With Miss America Kellye Cash at Schering-Plough All-American Barbeque
Robert Knudsen (photographer)
1987 April 6
3/27 489
With Senator Dan Evans and Close Up students
1987 May
3/28 490
With Close Up student group
U.S. Senate photograph
1987 May 4
3/29 491
With student group and constituents
U.S. Senate photograph
1987 June 18
3/30 492
Nuclear waste interviews
With Senators Reid, Sasser, and Mitchell.
1987 July
3/31 493
With young man (intern or student visitor)
U.S. Senate photograph
1987 July 13
3/32 494
With Tacoma mayor Doug Sutherland
U.S. Senate photograph
1987 July 16
3/33 495
At All-American Cities event with Joe Tanner
1987 July 16
3/34 496
All-American Cities award ceremony
1987 August
3/35 497
Spokane visit
With military aircraft, at fish hatchery, at picnic with constituents; may have been a campaign stop.
1987 August
3/36 498
Seattle Labor Committee hearing
With Senator Paul Simon.
1987 August
3/37-38 499-500
Trade Bill Conference Committee/war powers press conference
With George Mitchell, Joseph Kennedy II, Robert Torricelli, Paul Simon, Robert Matsui, Peter DeFazio, Don Bonker.
1987 August 6
3/45 501
Posed pictures with various people
3/40 502
With Senator Warren and Jermaine Magnuson
U.S. Senate photograph
1987 September 30
3/41 503
With Eileen Filler and her son at Filler's going-away party
1987 October 22

Political activities: U.S. Senate 1988Return to Top

Container(s) Description Dates
Box/Folder item
3/42 504
Staff; Adams at events with Betty Adams and Don Bonker
3/43 505
3/44 506
Land reform luncheon
1988 January 15
3/45 507
Pap smear hearing
With Senator Barbara Mikulski and others; Adams staffers also appear in some photographs.
1988 January 28
3/46 508
Pap smear hearing and reception
With Dan Evans. Included are images of pap smear hearing, a reception, and another hearing.
1988 January 28
3/47 509
With Washington Center student and Senator John Breaux
Senator John Breaux appears with constituents.
1988 March 2
3/48 510
Uniform poll closing hearing
U.S. Senate photograph
1988 May 12
3/49 511
Uniform poll closing hearing
With Al Swift and Bill Thomas; with Larsen family.
3/50 512
With staff and constituents
With Alan Osaki's father-in-law, Gerb Oordt, other staff members and/or constituents.
1988 June
3/51 513
On boating trip; viewing airplanes
1988 June
3/52 514-516
Washington State Democratic Convention
Gant W. Eichrodt (photographer)
With Booth Gardner, Don Bonker, Karen Fraser, Adele Ferguson, Gary Gayton, Mike Lowry, and Michael Dukakis.
1988 June
4/1 517a-b
1988 June 10
4/2 518
1988 June 10
4/3 519
Outdoor reception
1988 June 10
4/4 520
Meeting at Democratic Convention
1988 June 10
4/5 521
With Senator Dan Evans and Sharon Lee Nicholson
1988 July
4/6 522-523
Bellingham Air Traffic Control Tower dedication
1988 July
4/7 524
Bellingham visit
Visiting Gerb Oordt farm and participating in parade.
1988 July 2
4/8 525a-c
Rafting with family
1988 July
4/9-10 526-527
Pro-choice rally at Pike Place Market
1988 July
4/11 528-529
Fourth of July parade, Burien, Washington
1988 July 4
4/12 530
Fourth of July parade, Winslow, Washington
1988 July 4
4/13 531-532
Peace cranes
Muhammed Zamzami presenting peace cranes at Adams's office in Seattle, Washington. Adams does not appear.
1988 August
4/14 533
With television and radio news media
1988 September 7
4/15 534
Adams's staff
1988 September 7
4/16 535
Speaking at City Club
1988 October
4/17 536-538
Veterans of Foreign Wars parade, Vancouver, Washington
Cliff Barbour Barbour's Photography, Vancouver, Washington (photographer)
1988 October
4/18 539
With constituents
With Navy Veteran David Kutschara; with Danuta and Richard Smethurst and sons Kryztof and Darek Jarski. Memos detailing constituents' stories are included with the photographs.
1988 October 26
4/19 540-542
In Eastern Washington
At Agricultural Trade Center opening in Walla Walla, Washington; touring Woodward Canyon Winery; at BLM Land; at meeting in Walla Walla.
1988 November
4/20 543
Testifying before Legislative Transportation Committee on Truck Safety
1988 December
4/21 544
With James Baker at staff Christmas party
1988 December
4/22 545
Muhammad Ali with staffers
Adams does not appear.
1988 December 5

Political activities: U.S. Senate 1989Return to Top

Container(s) Description Dates
Box/Folder item
4/23 546
Jim McDermott, Mel Levine, Claudine Schneider, Les Aucoin, Howard Berman, George Miller, Louise Slaughter, Tony [illegible], Barbara Boxer, Howard Wolpe, Ted Weiss, Brock Adams, Nancy Pelosi, Jolene Unsoeld. Several people in the photograph are unidentified.
4/24 547
Speaking at hearing
4/25 548-551
Activities 1989
With students on capitol steps; visiting Coast Guard facility; speaking; attending hearings or meetings.
4/26 552
With space shuttle Discovery commander Rick Hanel
1989 January
4/27 553-554
At Port of Seattle hearing with Cranstan
Don Wilson Port of Seattle (photographer)
1989 February 21
4/28 555-562
Hanford press conference
At Tri-Cities Clean-Up Agreement press conference in Washington, D.C. With Booth Gardner, J. Winston Porter, Donna Fitzpatrick, Les AuCoin, Slade Gorton, Norm Dicks, Neil Goldschmidt, and Jolene Unsoeld.
1989 February 27
4/29 563-564
Receiving award from National Association of Community Health Centers representatives
1989 March
4/30 565
Staff and Capitol Hill monuments
Adams does not appear.
1989 March
4/31 566
Senate Wives Club
U.S. Senate photograph
Speakers and audience at Senate Wives conference.
1989 March 2
4/32 567-572
With Seattle community organizers
1989 May
4/33 573
With woman in wheelchair
1989 May 10
4/34 574
With Joy Hall, 1989 National Easter Seal child
Chas Geer (photographer)
1989 May 15
4/35 575
Capitol Hill ice cream party
At Capitol Hill ice cream reception (given by Milk Industry Foundation and International Ice Cream Association) with Bill Baar.
1989 June 22
4/36 576-580
Visit to Naval Undersea Warfare Engineering Station, Keyport, Washington
1989 July 5
4/37 581
With summer interns
Two copies of the same photograph are inscribed to two different people.
1989 August
4/38 582-584
Visiting Purex and TreeTop plants in Yakima/Tri Cities, Washington
1989 August
4/39 585
With Slade Gorton and residents of Lynnwood, Washington
U.S. Senate photograph
1989 October 19
4/40 586-594
Washington Avenue naming ceremony, Washington, D.C.
U.S. Senate photograph
With Marion Barry, Jolene Unsoeld, Dave Clarke, C.S. Wetherell, Norm Dicks.
1989 November 16
4/41 595
At clearcut site
1989 December 8

Political activities: U.S. Senate 1990Return to Top

Container(s) Description Dates
Box/Folder item
4/42 596
With Rep. Dean Gallo
4/43 597-599
Washington, D.C. event
With Betty Adams, Zora Brown (advocate for breast cancer patients), Rep. Henry Waxman, Marydale DeBor (Revlon), Ron Perlman (Revlon CEO).
4/44 600
Visit to TreeTop plant, Wenatchee, Washington
With Betty Adams and TreeTop lobbyist John McAllister.
4/45 601
Eastern Washington visit
Speaking with constituents, wearing hardhat, at meeting.
1990 January 8
5/1 602
Meeting with union representatives
1990 January 25
5/2 603
With Tacoma mayor Karen Vialle
U.S. Senate photograph
1990 January 25
5/3 604 1990 February 6
5/4 605
Presidential Classroom students
U.S. Senate photograph
With students Kimberly Chu, Thomas Deem, Bobbie Justin, and Heather Dowell.
1990 February 6
5/5 606
With Soviet exchange students from Tashkent, U.S.S.R.
U.S. Senate photograph
Adams wears a traditional Russian outfit.
1990 February 22
5/6 607-608 1990 February 23
5/7 609
With constituents
U.S. Senate photograph
With Doug Olson (president, Batelle Memorial Institute) and Dusan Stanojevic (Farmer to Farmer Program of Volunteers in Overseas Cooperative Assistance).
1990 February 27
5/8 610 1990 March 2
5/9 611
With crew of space shuttle Columbia
U.S. Senate photograph
1990 March 2
5/10 612
Tacoma Veterans meeting
1990 March 3
5/11 613
Grand Canyon
Grand Canyon images for Clean Air Act Parks Amendment. Adams does not appear.
1990 March 8
5/12 614
St. Patrick's Day event
1990 March 17
5/13 615 1990 March 29
5/14 616 1990 April 19
5/15 617
With students and constituents at Washington, D.C., office
1990 April 23
5/16 618
Students and "enviros"
U.S. Senate photograph
Adams posing with Ian Craig and Melissa Briscoe (Washington Workshop students) and "enviros" Doug North, Susan Dixon, and Genevieve Thompson.
1990 May 2
5/17 619-626 1990 Summer
5/18 627-654
Washington State Democratic Convention, Spokane, Washington
1990 Summer
5/19 655
Anti-Adams logger rally
Loggers and families rallying against Adams in front of Federal Building, Seattle, Washington. Adams does not appear.
1990 June 14
5/20 656
With Yakima students
U.S. Senate photograph
1990 June 19
5/21 657 1990 June 26
5/22 658
With students
U.S. Senate photograph
With DECA students Cindy Rowell and David Gass; with presidential classroom students Chris Kodama and Anthony Tagavilla.
1990 June 26
5/23 659
With Linda McMonagle (assistant to Rep. Ernest Crane) and Mac McMonagle
U.S. Senate photograph
1990 June 28
5/24 660
Central Washington visit
At TreeTop plant tour (Cashmere, Washington), Icicle Canyon Benefit Concert (Leavenworth, Washington), Chelan County Democrats (Wenatchee, Washington). With Betty Adams and TreeTop lobbyist John McAllister.
1990 July
5/25 661
USDA Fruit and Vegetable Insect Research Lab groundbreaking/river rafting in Eastern Washington
1990 July
5/26 662
Traveler's Aid outdoor meeting/reception
1990 July
5/27 663 1990 July
Toppenish parade
Box/Folder item
5/28 664 1990 July
5/29 665
Parade participants
Pictured are Native Americans in traditional garb as well as people on horseback. Adams does not appear.
1990 July
5/30 666-672 1990 July
Box/Folder item
5/31 673 1990 July 19
5/32 674
With woman in wheelchair
U.S. Senate photograph
1990 July 26
5/33 675-676
Presenting petition with Jim Harrell
U.S. Senate photograph
With Jim Harrell of American Federation of Government Employees (AFGE), presenting a petition from government employees facing furloughs.
1990 September 20
5/34 677-678
Transportation Trades Department meeting
1990 October 9
5/35 679
With Amy Paro of Center for Research and Development in Law-Related Education
U.S. Senate photograph
1990 October 14
5/36 680
Women's Health Issues press conference
U.S. Senate photograph
With Senator Barbara Mikulski, Reps. Pat Schroeder and Marilyn Lloyd.
1990 October 18
5/37 681
With staff in Washington, D.C., office
1990 October 28
5/38 682 1990 October 31
5/39 683-684
Demonstration against Slade Gorton
Brock Adams does not appear.
1990 November
5/40 685-690
Ancient forests rally
Shows Adams supporters; Brock Adams does not appear.
1990 December

Political activities: U.S. Senate 1991Return to Top

Container(s) Description Dates
Box/Folder item
5/41 691
Speaking at event and hearing
circa 1991
5/42 692
Softball game with Rainier Recycling Team
circa 1991-1992
5/43 693
Speaking at events, and around the office
circa 1991-1992
5/44 694
With female journalists
With Andrea Mitchell, Lisa Meyers, Jane Pauley.
5/45 695-697
China Relations Council luncheon
5/46 698
Royal Seafoods Plant tour
5/47 699
With staff member Dave Gallik
5/48 700
Joint hearing on senior health care costs
With Rep. Ed Roybal.
5/49 701
With students
Breast Cancer event
Box/Folder item
5/50 702
Greeting event participants
5/51 703 1991
6/1 704 1991
Gulf War protests
Box/Folder item
6/2 705
Adams's daughter, Kokie Adams, appears in some of the photographs. Brock Adams does not appear.
1991 January 15
6/3 706
Brock Adams does not appear.
1991 January 17
Box/Folder item
6/4 707
With Congressional Youth Leaders
U.S. Senate photograph
Includes Jason Warner of Woodinville, Washington.
1991 January 23
6/5 708
With National Catholic Justice representatives
U.S. Senate photograph
Receiving 100% rating from National Catholic Justice group; includes Catherine Pinkerton.
1991 January 30
6/6 709
Staff and constituents at Washington, D.C., office
With Alan Osaki, Anne Badgley, and [Carole Gronberg?].
1991 January 30
6/7 710
Chairing Older Americans Act hearing
U.S. Senate photograph
With Dr. Arthur Flemming, Ty Duhamel, Patricia Lashway.
1991 January 31
6/8 711-712
Chairing in-state mammography hearing
Gant W. Eichrodt (photographer)
With Rep. Jim McDermott.
1991 February 13
6/9 713-714
Long-term health care hearing
Gant W. Eichrodt (photographer)
With Tacoma mayor Karen Vialle.
1991 February 15
6/10 715
With Tom Ryan of Tacoma Private Industry Council
U.S. Senate photograph
1991 February 25
6/11 716
With Steve Peterson, chief of analysis and medical review
U.S. Senate photograph
Peterson received an award for an AIDS project.
1991 March 7
6/12 717-721
Democratic Party meeting
1991 April 2
6/13 722-723
With Betty Adams, Billy Frank, Jolene Unsoeld, and others.
1991 April 5
6/14 724
Senators and students
U.S. Senate photograph
On capitol steps with Slade Gorton, Sid Morrison, and students from Twisp and Winthrop, Washington.
1991 April 9
6/15 725
With students
U.S. Senate photograph
On capitol steps with students from Canyon Park Jr. High School, Bothell, Washington.
1991 April 18
6/16 726
With opera singer Karen Beardsley
U.S. Senate photograph
Beardsley was visiting from New York City to testify in favor of National Endowment for the Arts funding.
1991 April 18
6/17 727-728 1991 April 19
6/18 729
With two police chiefs
U.S. Senate photograph
With Steve Harris (Redmond, Washington, chief of police) and Kevin Patrick (legislative director of International Chiefs of Police).
1991 April 23
6/19 730
Easter Seal representatives
U.S. Senate photograph
With Cyndie Pearson, Easter Seal poster person.
1991 April 24
6/20 731
Joint hearing: Older Americans Act and Native Americans, Toppenish, Washington
With Rep. Marty Martinez, Rep. Charlie Hayes, Cindy Laws, and others.
1991 May 4
6/21 732 1991 May 4
6/22 733
With Rainier Recycling Team
1991 May 8
6/23 734
S.429 supporters
U.S. Senate photograph
With representatives from Association of Attorneys General, Burlington Coat Factory, Senior Citizens/Public Citizens, thanking Adams for support of S.429 (regarding retail competition).
1991 May 15
6/24 735
With Jim Brummitt of Service Employees Union
U.S. Senate photograph
1991 May 15
6/25 736
With Ira Spring
U.S. Senate photograph
1991 May 18
6/26 737
With Washington Workshop student Ryan Booth of La Conner, Washington
U.S. Senate photograph
1991 May 21
6/27 738
ACLU press conference
Press conference regarding Supreme Court decision on Title X. Washington, D.C. With Senator Ted Kennedy, Rep. Henry Waxman, Rep. Ron Wyden, and press secretaries Rex Carney and Pam McKinney.
1991 May 23
6/28 739
With ATF (Advanced Tactical Fighter) Lockheed contract lobbying team
1991 May 28
6/29 740-742
KCTS luncheon
John Gallone (photographer)
A KCTS (public television station, Seattle) award was presented to Brock Adams for his work on behalf of public television. With Burnill F. Clark (KCTS president and CEO) and Ken Solid (KCTS Association chair).
1991 May 30
6/30 743
With Norm Rice.
1991 May 31
6/31 744
Senior Action Day
Speaking on the Mall, Washington, D.D., with Daniel Patrick Moynihan.
1991 June 5
Breast Cancer Challenge
Box/Folder item
6/32 745
At hearing
1991 June 11
6/33 746 1991 June 11
6/34 747 1991 June 11
Box/Folder item
6/35 748-749
Presenting award to man in Navy uniform
U.S. Senate photograph
1991 June 18
6/36 750-751
With pages Michelle Semple and Rachelle Snowdon
U.S. Senate photograph
1991 June 18
6/37 752-753
Title X hearing and student group
1991 June 18
6/38-40 754-756
Meeting with women's leadership group
1991 July 1
6/41 757
Speech to World Trade Club, Tacoma, Washington
With Jolene Unsoeld and others.
1991 July
6/42 758
At an event
1991 July
6/43 759
Fourth of July parade, Tacoma, Washington
With Betty Adams.
1991 July
6/44 760-761
Breast Cancer Challenge hearing
U.S. Senate photograph
With Jill Eikenberry, Nancy Brinker, Zora Brown.
1991 July 2
6/45 762
Breast Cancer Challenge luncheon honoring Brock Adams
1991 July 3
6/46 763 1991 July 3
6/47 764
With Tom Baker of machinists' union
U.S. Senate photograph
1991 July 9
6/48 765
Fundraiser at Adams home
1991 July 12
6/49 766
Introduction of timber bill
1991 July 24
6/50 767 1991 July 24
7/1 768
With senior constituents in Yakima, Washington
1991 August
7/2 769-770
With Betty Adams, and Jack and Dorotha Saunders at farmers' market
Jack and Dorotha Saunders are referred to as "Westernaires" on the verso of the photographs.
1991 August
7/3 771
Campaign event
Making speech, talking with constituents.
1991 August
7/4 772
Campaign event
Making speech, talking with constituents.
1991 August
7/5 773
Roadside scenes
1991 August
7/6 774
At reception with Betty Adams
U.S. Senate photograph
1991 October 24

Political activities: U.S. Senate 1992Return to Top

Container(s) Description Dates
Box/Folder item
7/7 775
Hearing and office activities
7/8 776 1992
7/9 777-780
Nutrition screening event
Art Stein (photographer)
1992 February
7/10 781-782
Menopause hearing, Aging Subcommittee
Stein, Art (photographer)
1992 February 20
7/11 783
1992 February 20
7/12 784 1992 February 21
7/13 785-793
Port Angeles, Washington, visit
Includes visits to Daishowa paper mill and Elwha Dam.
1992 March
7/14 794
With Easter Seal representatives
Chas Geer Photography, Arlington, Virginia (photographer)
1992 May
7/15 795
Betty Adams and Barbara Bush
White House photograph
Brock Adams does not appear.
1992 May 5
With constituents
U.S. Senate photographs
Box/Folder item
7/16 796
With Mary Ellen Eagle, Jefferson Award winner
1992 June 16
7/16 797
With representatives from El Centro de la Raza, Roberto Maestas and Stella Ortega, and Betty Adams
1992 June 24
7/16 798
With David Soukup, CASA (Court Appointed Special Advocate) founder and King County Superior Court judge
1992 June 28
7/16 799
With Sally Jackson of Spokane County Democrats and David Soukup
1992 June 28
7/16 800
With Sally Jackson
1992 June 28
7/16 801
With Israeli immigrants and United Jewish appeal representatives
1992 June 28
7/16 802
With Congressional Youth Leaders
1992 June 30
Box/Folder item
7/17 803-805
Trip to Europe
With Betty Adams, Senator and Mrs. Howell Heflin, Barbara Pryor, other members of Congress and families.
1992 August
7/18 806
With man and woman
The man is wearing a Native American feather headdress.
1992 September 23

Portraits: 1950s-1980sReturn to Top

Container(s) Description Dates
Box/Folder item
7/19 807-808
District attorney campaign
Myers and Pinegar, Seattle, Washington (photographer)
7/20 809 late 1950s
7/21 810
Chase Studios Ltd, Washington, D.C. (photographer)
7/22 811-812
7/23 813 1960s
9/3 814
Oversized portrait
7/24 815
late 1960s
7/25 816
Campaign portraits in office
7/26 817 1964
7/27 818
Studio portrait
Fred Milkie Photographers, Seattle, Washington (photographer)
7/28 819-821
Portraits in Washington, D.C.
Bob Peterson Photos, Seattle, Washington (photographer)
7/29 822-830 1965 or 1966
9/4 831
Photograph of a painting.
See also item 822.
7/30 832-836
Portraits in office
At desk with view of Capitol in background.
1968 April
7/31 837-866
Portraits in office
Candid photographs of Adams at desk, on telephone.
1968 July
7/32 867-882
Washington, D.C. portraits
Dick Larsen (photographer)
7/33 883-884
7/34 885-897
Candid portraits
7/35 898-911
Adams and family
Includes family portrait showing Adams's wife Betty and their children, Scott, Dean, Aleen, and Kokie, as well as portraits of Brock Adams in his office.
1969 September
7/36 912
7/37 913-914 1970s
7/38-7/40 915-922
7/41 923
Adams on telephone
circa 1970
7/42 924-926
Candid portraits in Seattle
Bob Peterson Photos, Seattle, Washington (photographer)
7/43 927-928
Candid portraits in office
7/44 929
Fabian Bachrach (photographer)
7/45 930
M266 (photographs mapcase) 931
7/46 932-942
Washington, D.C., portraits
7/47 943-949
Dennis Brack(Black Star Publishing), Fairfax, Virginia (photographer)
7/48-7/49 950-958
7/50 959-961 1986
7/51 962-971
Campaign portraits
Bob Peterson, Seattle, Washington (photographer)
7/52 972
Portrait as senator
U.S. Senate photograph
1987 May 15
7/53 973
Brock and Betty Adams
Olan Mills (photographer)
7/54 974
Portraits among trees
7/55 975
Portrait from Tacoma Morning News Tribune
Tacoma Morning News Tribune (photographer)
1988 February
7/56 976
Bob Peterson, Seattle, Washington (photographer)
1988 March 11
7/57 977
Portraits at 1988 Washington State Democratic Convention
Gant W. Eichrodt (photographer)
1988 June
7/58 978
Portraits in office
U.S. Senate photograph
1990 May 22
7/59 979
Portraits in office
U.S. Senate photograph
1990 June 27

Names and SubjectsReturn to Top

Subject Terms

Personal Names

Corporate Names

Geographical Names

Other Creators