Wilbert McLeod Chapman papers, 1932-1970

Overview of the Collection

Chapman, Wilbert McLeod, 1910-1970
Wilbert McLeod Chapman papers
1932-1970 (inclusive)
59.3 cubic feet tape (144 boxes and 1 folder)
Collection Number
Papers of a fisheries biologist and administrator at the University of Washington
University of Washington Libraries, Special Collections
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Biographical NoteReturn to Top

Dr. Chapman was a fisheries biologist and administrator at the University of Washington. He obtained his degrees from the University of Washington. Between 1933 and 1942 he worked as biologist for the International Fisheries Commission, Washington State Department of Fisheries, and U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. From 1942 to 1947 he was Curator of Fishes for the California Academy of Sciences and in 1943-1944 was Fishery Development Officer in the Central and South Pacific war theaters for the Board of Economic Warfare. Dr. Chapman was director of the School of Fisheries at the University of Washington in 1947-1948. He served with the State Department from 1948 to 1951 as assistant to the Undersecretary of State for Fish and Wildlife. From 1951 to 1959 he was Director of Research for the American Tunaboat Association and from 1959 to 1961 was director of the Resources Committee. From 1961 to 1968 he was the director of Division of Resources at the Van Camp Sea Food Company. From 1968to 1969 he served as Director, Marine Resources, Ralston Purina Company (of which Van Camp Sea Food Company is now a division). He served as chairman of the Working Party on Fishery Oceanography, Scientific Committee on Oceanic Research, International Council of Scientific Unions, as well as many other panels and committees.

Content DescriptionReturn to Top

Contains correspondence, reports, papers, and speeches and writings concerning Chapman's career (1939-1970) as a fisheries biologist, in fishery development and diplomacy, and in the application of science and technology to world-wide fishery development.

Other Descriptive InformationReturn to Top

Memorial by Donald L. McKernan and William T. Burke

We write briefly to honor a colleague and friend of many years, Dr. W. M. (Wib) Chapman, whose papers are inventoried in this volume.

It is not easy to write of Wib. After seven years we still remember him and his activities with a keen sense of personal loss and emotion. His influence on us was major, and we are a tiny fraction of the ocean people to be touched and affected by him.

One of his friends, Professor John D. Isaacs of Scripps Institution of Oceanography, wrote Wib in May of 1969 saying he was reminded of Wib in the Pericles -- Prince of Tyre, Act II Scene 1:

"How from the finny subject of the sea
These fishers till the infirmities of men;
And from their watery empire recollect
All that may men approve or men detect!"

Since his death, others have written of him with feeling and eloquence. Wib's lifelong friend, and most unusual fisheries scientist and manager in his own right, Dr. John L. Kask, wrote as a dedication to the volume World Fisheries Policy ( J. L. Kask, "Dedication," in Brian J. Rothschild, World Fisheries Policy, University of Washington Press, Seattle, 1972, pp. XVII-XIX.) of Wib and Milner B. (Benny) Schaefer and their long association and careers. Few knew Wib as well as Jack Kask and that account of Wib and his career is particularly insightful.

Dr. Warren Wooster has provided an assessment of Wib's interest in oceanography. Writing for the Annual Report for 1972 of the Institute of Marine Resources of Scripps Institute of Oceanography, he emphasized Wib's contribution to ocean science as a scientist and "biogeopolitician" during a remarkable and influential career.

To these and other substantial descriptions of the unique qualities of this total fisheries man, we will attempt to add yet another and personal view of Wib and his career. Still it is the material in this valuable collection of his writings that speaks most eloquently of his contribution to world fisheries and to marine affairs generally.

We would argue that in addition to his prolific writings and their impact on fisheries, the fishing industry, and governments -- he left a distinct mark on people. It may well be that Wib's major legacy in the field of fisheries and ocean affairs was his positive, surely memorable, role in guiding and inspiring numerous individuals with whom he worked all over the world. He so influenced us and we know of many similarly affected.

Wib was a scientist. In his early career, influenced by Dr. W. F. Thompson, Director of the School of Fisheries at the University of Washington, he worked on the life history and spawning of halibut, and became an authority on the classification of a group of fishes, the blennies. Most blennies we know are small intertidal fishes and quite inconspicuous. Still, small and unimportant as a commercial species, Wib found them of interest and he studied their classification and that of other species through the bone structure, the osteology of the fishes.

Even as a graduate student, Chapman was a phenomenon of sorts. His keen mind, open friendly manner, and his enormous energy made him the leader of the graduate students and a favorite of the faculty. It was during this period, about the time Wib received his Ph. D. (1937), that the senior author of this paper met Wib. It is no exaggeration to say that he had a major influence on the course of McKernan's career from that time until his death, and with the exception of the war years, we were in almost constant contact with one another, either personally or by mail, until his death in 1970.

Wib's interests in fishery biology and management were catholic and his early professional career as a biologist for the Washington Department of Fisheries gave full scope to these broad interests. Oldtimers on the Columbia River drainage, from the Canadian border and near the Continental Divide to Ilwaco at the mouth of the Columbia, still remember Chapman's enthusiasm, energy, and blunt, aggressive support for maintaining the great salmon runs on the Columbia River in the face of the multi-billion dollar hydro-electric development plans. These developments resulted in a high dam at Grand Coulee and lower main-stream dams starting at Bonneville scarcely above tide water on the lower Columbia. The U.S. Corps of Engineers and Bureau of Reclamation were the enemy of fish with their advocacy of damming the great Columbia River and thus blocking the upstream migration of the salmon runs. Chapman played a major role, even then as a young biologist, along with Loyd Royal, Milo Bell, Joe Craig, and Arnie Suomela -- all state and federal fisheries biologists -- in convincing the Corps of Engineers, the public and the politicians, that the salmon runs should and could be maintained on the Columbia River in spite of the numerous dams to be constructed, both on the main stream and on tributaries. That they were correct is now well established, as the runs of salmon of this great river system continue to contribute to the commercial salmon fisheries from southeast Alaska to the San Francisco Bay and to the recreational fisheries all along the Pacific Northwest coast of the United States.

During the years as a fishery biologist for the State of Washington, Chapman set the tone and pace for the biological division of the State Fisheries Department. Chapman and "Benny" Schaefer, working with Loyd Royal -- then chief biologist for the department -- produced a lively and energetic, almost frenzied, pace. Surely, without taking any credit from the current excellent staff, nothing in the way of biological studies and publications has come from the Fisheries Department of the magnitude of those days, especially if consideration is given to the number of biologists or the funding of the research effort. Wib jumped from salmon to herring to razor clams to the native oyster with alacrity and zeal, leaving his mark everywhere.

His scientific efforts often led to better conservation and management of fisheries, for Wib was a practical and applied scientist, even with his oft professed love of systematic ichthyology.

Wib and World War II. After leaving the Washington State Fisheries Department, Wib worked with Dr. Victor B. Scheffer, who was in charge of a Pacific fur seal research project. Wib was again an ichthyologist, identifying fish serving as the food of the fur seals and using his beloved osteology for species identification. The work was short-lived because of the war and Wib went from there to the California Academy of Sciences as curator of fishes. After precious few months, Wib headed for the South Pacific because, as he related in his book Fishing in Troubled Waters "... the great white father decided that his warriors in the Pacific needed fresh fish to supplant their normal diet of Spam, Vienna sausages, New Zealand lamb, and K-rations." He ended up in the South Pacific in the Solomon Islands, establishing fisheries in many island areas and (trying in other areas) in order to supply fish for the United States troops stationed on the islands.

Fourteen months and innumerable experiences later, many of them hilariously funny, Chapman and Harlan Cheyne -- a long-time friend and fisheries colleague of Chapman -- returned from their fishing adventures to the United States. In the book, Wib writes of these times as only he could: of the frustrations, of the small successes, and of the people with whom he worked and lived. Perhaps best of all are his descriptions and anecdotes about people, including the natives of the region. This narrative of his experiences in the South Pacific shows an important side of Wib. He was a perceptive and sensitive man, who tried to understand what motivated the people he dealt with.

Wib as a Professor. Wib became Director of the School of Fisheries and Professor of Fisheries at the University of Washington in 1947. He continued his wide and varied activities while contributing mightily to the intellectual environment of the University. It was during this period that McKernan was invited to return to the University for a year's graduate study. Needless to say, being close to Chapman, with his ideas and wide interests, made it a stimulating and exciting year. He was receptive of ideas, hypercritical of mediocrity, and interested in student and faculty research and all activities relating to the oceans. Still, he was not fully satisfied and it appeared he felt somewhat out of the mainstream of world fisheries activities.

Wib, the Diplomat. In. 1948, stimulated by Chapman and others in the fishing industry who clearly saw the conflicts arising from the world-wide increase in ocean fisheries, and aggravated by the inattention to ocean affairs by the Department of State, Washington State senior Senator Warren G. Magnuson, with the help of influential senators and congressmen from the Atlantic Coast, forced a reluctant State Department to establish an office of Special Assistant for Fish and Wildlife to the Under-Secretary of State. Of course, Chapman was the natural candidate for the job and he took it, leaving his secure, but less exciting, post at the University of Washington.

The Department was not prepared for this big, bluff, bear of a man who wanted to get some things done today rather than next year and was not prepared to get clearances from five or six different "country desks". There were developing fisheries conflicts in the Northwest Atlantic involving some 15 nations fishing there; the tuna people of Southern California were being harassed and threatened off the coast of South America; and the return of the Japanese to the North Pacific fishing grounds following the war was imminent and disturbing to the salmon fishermen of the Northwest. Foreign fishing fleets were expanding activities everywhere. Chapman saw these developments as few people did in those days. He wanted to establish effective international organizations to ensure the conservation of the species of fish, and yet he also saw the need at that time to preserve the rights of nations to develop fisheries as a means of supplying food and rebuilding economies of war-raved coastal regions of the world.

He left an impressive record behind; the Department of State never recovered from him, much to the delight of his fishing cronies. Convention after convention was adopted, including the Northwest Atlantic Fisheries Convention and the Inter-American Tropical Tuna Convention; amendments were concluded to others and plans formulated for some that came later. All of these projects were discussed with the American fishing industry and negotiated with foreign governments and pushed forward by Chapman and his high seas amateur lobby. The State Department found it difficult to deal with him. He had the support not only of the fishing industry but also of Senator Magnuson and others in Congress. Chapman also kept an interest in the activities and views of marine scientists such as Roger Revelle and Athelstan Spillhaus. Of course he pushed too hard and stepped on toes. But Wib was interested in results and results are what he got. By 1951, Wib realized he had played out his string and was ready to leave the frustrations of the government.

Chapman, the Industry Advisor. The American Tunaboat Association, under the able leadership of Harold Cary, saw the problems of the American tuna fishery developing and the need for someone of Wib's stature and knowledge to deal with United States government officials, the 200-mile zones of Chile, Ecuador, and Peru, and our own expanding tuna fisheries. Chapman jumped into this new role with the same vigor and enthusiasm as always. He and Harold Cary were an imposing team. They were instrumental, along with Elton Sette, in establishing the Pacific Oceanic Fishery Investigation (POFI) in Hawaii, a laboratory that was very productive of good fishery oceanography, as Chapman termed the studies. Still, this group of scientists applied its results to locate large stocks of yellowfin tuna along the equator and explained with the evidence they collected the circumstances of their presence. And so the Cromwell Current, a great undersea river, was located. Also, a productive tuna fishing area was discovered slightly north of the equator in the mid-Pacific. A large Japanese longline tuna fishery soon began in the central Pacific area as a direct result of these studies and discoveries.

Chapman was of course somewhat disappointed; he wanted a United States fishery developed in the area. In any event, he followed the program and pushed the research on Pacific tunas ever wider. His primary interest was in good research and of course he wanted that research applied for the benefit of his tuna fishermen. This was a period of growth and rapid change, not only in the American tuna fishery, but tuna fisheries everywhere.

The Inter-American Tropical Tuna Commission came into being, again largely through the efforts of Chapman and his associates, with Milner B. Schaefer as its first scientific director. With Chapman pushing from the sidelines and Benny Schaefer's brilliant and dedicated scientific efforts on the Commission staff, this institution soon became a model of the well-run international fisheries commission. To this day, now under the capable leadership of Dr. James Joseph, and with a membership of eight nations, the IATTC continues to manage the yellowfin tuna stocks of the eastern tropical Pacific Ocean in a highly successful manner. More tuna have been harvested per year from these stocks during the past five years than ever before in spite of ever-increasing fishing effort, attesting to the competent management of the stocks by the Commission.

In his role as an industry advisor, first with the American Tuna Boat Association and later in 1960 with Van Camp Seafood Company, whose parent company is the Ralston-Purina Company, Chapman's influence began to grow, if that seems possible. He had been very active during the 1950's in the development of the first Law of the Sea Conference preparations and lent his energies wholeheartedly to the first and second L.O.S. Conference in 1958 and 1960. To say he was the most influential fisheries voice at the Conference would be to put it mildly; he had a very great impact on the United States overall law of the seas policy, not only fisheries, but on other issues as well. He opposed then and continued to oppose the extension of fisheries jurisdiction beyond narrow limits. He firmly believed that the international fisheries convention arrangement was best although he was aware of their frailties. He heard very clearly the developing sound of voices advocating extended coastal state jurisdiction. Until his death he was against the extension of fisheries jurisdiction beyond relatively narrow limits of the coast. Wib, recognizing the advancing tide of national and world opinion, was nevertheless willing to work with the advocates of an extended fisheries zone but strictly on the basis of international control over tuna.

Wib, the general advisor. Active as he was on behalf of the fishing industry, it was often difficult to discern a direct connection between Chapman's many professional roles and efforts and the benefit to his employer. He was dedicated to the support of, and public service with, a variety of governmental bodies at all levels, international, national and state. In an advisory capacity his vigorous promotion of fisheries and marine science research helped shape marine programs in FAO and UNESCO. He was a major player in one of the early and most effective state-level advisory groups, the Governor's Advisory Commission of Ocean Resources (GACOR) in his adopted state of California.

On the national level Wib's contributions to marine science and affairs in the National Academy of Sciences have had a long-lasting effect. The present Ocean Policy Committee, a vigorous unit within the Academy's Commision on International Relations, grew from a seed planted by Chapman in 1965 when he briefly chaired a short-lived panel of the Committee on Oceanography called (we recall) Laws, Uses of the Sea, and Technology in order to be given the acronym LUST. Wib was already beginning (or continuing) to anticipate the possibility of a new Law of the Sea Conference, although it was his steadfast opinion that the less said in public about this possibility the better.

Wib never completely left academia either, and served as a guide for individual graduate students as well as a productive collaborator in various academic enterprises. During the early years of the Law of the Sea Institute at the University of Rhode Island at Kingston, Rhode Island, Wib contributed in many and diverse ways to the functioning of the Institute, from co-organizer of programs, paper-giver, eager, humorous and thoughtful panel chairman and discussant, to the more serious post-session seminars where thirsts were assuaged for hours on end and discussion of marine law and policy still managed to intrude. The initial suggestions for the enterprise which is evidenced by this printed inventory came from the Executive Board of the Law of the Sea Institute during the course of discussions of how Wib's enormous and valued contributions could continue to be recognized and used.

Wib the communications center. In ways that are somewhat difficult to describe, but which his associates, collaborators and friends will instantly recognize, Chapman served as an indispensable communications center, linking ocean people all over the globe. Attached to his famous letters, sometimes as long as book manuscripts, were incredibly long lists of correspondents who were often moved to exchange views with each other as a result of Chapman's provocative thoughts and statements. As with Chapman himself, this role was unique and there is no replacement.

In light of the course of ocean affairs since 1970, it is noteworthy that Chapman was thoroughly against convening a third Law of the Sea Conference. He thought it was a mistake for this country to push such a conference. He felt we would lose much more than we could gain, and it is interesting indeed that now (in late 1977) almost eight years after his death, and ten years after extensive preparations started towards a third Law of the Sea Conference, nations of the world have not yet succeeded in their efforts to reach agreement and our own government is in the process of re-evaluating whether or not it is in the national interest to continue the effort to find compromise formulae for a widely acceptable Law of the Sea treaty. Many experts who have followed the long course of the negotiations now believe the new Law of the Sea treaty is a lost cause.

Many of us in ocean affairs have reflected on the effect Chapman might have had on the course of world ocean affairs had his strong voice been present. He would have been concerned and actively involved with the implementation of current fisheries law; he would have been particularly concerned about the effect of the Act upon world tuna fisheries and tuna stocks.

Almost certainly, Wib would be putting his energies towards making it possible for nations and mankind to achieve greater yields of food from the sea. His voice would be raised in efforts to improve the rational management of ocean resources and he would be scornful of timid conservative policies that would be almost bound to lead to failure because of that timidity.

He left fisheries as he entered it; seeking new knowledge about fish and the sea; seeking to improve the lot of fishermen everywhere; impatient with ignorance; and with a strong affinity for all those who made their living from and loved the sea. As he wrote about a decade ago, "...... humanity and its governments are composed of two sets of people -- the land people, and the sea people. The two are basically different. The sea tries out people who go upon it from all races, and casts back ashore the people it cannot tolerate."

"The sea people from different races have more in common with each other intellectually, psychologically, spiritually, and socially than each has with the land people of their own race. They are a breed apart."

Wib Chapman was a sea person. He cast his net often and it usually came in with a good catch. Now with this inventory of his papers being published and the collection available for study by scholars, his catch of knowledge and truth about the sea is again made available for the benefit and nourishment of all.

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Organized into 6 accessions.

  • Accession No. 1852-001, Wilbert McLeod Chapman papers, 1932-1970
  • Accession No. 1852-004, Wilbert McLeod Chapman papers, 1962-1968
  • Accession No. 1852-005, Wilbert McLeod Chapman articles and speeches, 1955-1970
  • Accession No. 1852-006, Wilbert McLeod Chapman letters to his wife, 1964, undated
  • Accession No. 1852-007, Wilbert McLeod Chapman papers, 1956-1970
  • Accession No. 1852-008, Wilbert McLeod Chapman papers, 1966-1970

Abel, Robert B. 57/3, 110/14, See also: Marine Technology Society; Ocean Science and Ocean Engineering Conference and Exhibit; United States Commercial Fisheries Bureau; United States Interagency Committee on Oceanography; United States National Science Foundation
Advances in Food Research 57/3
Alexander, Lewis M. 109/1, See also: Commission on Marine Science Engineering and Resources; University of Rhode Island; University of Rhode Island, Law of the Sea Institute
Alaska Packer's Association 12/16, 46/8
Alaska Salmon Industry 12/16, 22/1
Allen, Edward W. 4/13, 10/17, 12/7-9, 13/14, 13/16, 22/2, 44/18, 46/8, 57/4, 112/4, See also: International Fisheries Commission; International Pacific Halibut Commission; International Pacific Salmon Fisheries Commission
Alverson, Dayton L. (Lee) 57/5, 65/8-9, See also: United States Commercial Fisheries Bureau
Ambrose, Wade W. 15/7, 22-4, See also: American Tunaboat Association; United States Pacific Oceanic Fishery Investigations. Tuna Industry Advisory Committee; Westgate Sea Products; Westgate-Sun Harbor Company
American Association for the Advancement of Science 4/14, 57/6
American Bar Association See: Allen, Edward W.
American Bar Association. National Institute on Marine Resources. Advisory Committee 98/1
American Chemical Society 57/6
American Elsevier Publishing Company 57/7
American Fisheries Society 1/2, 12/16, 46/8, 57/8, 98/2-6
American Fishermen's Tunaboat Association See: American Tunaboat Association
American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics 57/9
American Institute of Fishery Research Biologists 46/8, 57/10, 98/7-15
American Magazine 12/10
American Management Association 57/11
American Miscellaneous Society 57/14
American Society for Oceanography 57/12
American Society of Ichthyologists and Herpetologists 1/2, 3/1, 12/16, 112/15-20
American Tunaboat Association 4/14, 10/17, 12/11-14, 44/1, 44/18, 46/7, 57/13, 107/18
Anderson, A.W 25-17, See also: United States Fish and Wildlife Service
Armstrong, Arthur O. 57/15
Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Commission 12/15, 22/3, 44/18, 46/8, See also: Eisenberg and Schwartz
Austin, Thomas S. 65-10, See also: United States Commercial Fisheries Bureau
Australia. Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organization 1/3, 4/14, 57/17, 102-4
Babcock, Ruth 46/9-10, See also: American Tunaboat Association; Van Camp Sea Food Company
Bailey, Reeve M. 5/19, See also: University of Michigan Zoology Museum
Bank of America 57/18
Banner, Albert Henry (Hank) 3/12, 4/15, 10/17, 12/19, 22/8, See also: University of Hawaii Marine Biology Institute
Barr, J.E 47/10, 64/21, See also: California Fish Canners Association; Shrimp Association of the Americas; Texas Shrimp Association; Tuna Research Foundation
Bartlett, E.L. (Bob) 57/19, See also: United States Senate; United States Senate Commerce Committee
Bates, Charles C. 109/20, 111/7-8, See also: United States Coast Guard; United States Naval Oceanographic Office
Beamon, Robert L. See: Van Camp Sea Food Company
Bell, F. Heward 4/16, See also: International Fisheries Commission
Bell, Milo C. 3/12, 12/19, See also: University of Washington Fisheries College
Bennett, Eugene D. 4/16, 10/17, 12/17, 22/5, 43/12, 46/12, 57/21, 104/2, 109/20, See also: Pacific Marine Fisheries Commission
Bennett, Ralph D. 109/20, 111/12, See also: United States Naval Oceanographic Office
Bishop, William W. 22/6, See also: University of Michigan
Blackburg, Maurice 22/8, 58/18, 102/4, See also: University of California Scripps Institution of Oceanography La Jolla
Brahtz, John F. 57/23
Brennan, B.M 1/17, See also: International Pacific Salmon Fisheries Commission; Washington Fisheries Department
Broadhead, Gordon See: Inter-American Tropical Tuna Commission; Living Marine Resources; Pacific Fishery Biologists; Van Camp Sea Food Company
Brock, Vernon E. 65/11, 102/4, See also: California Fish and Game Department; Hawaii Agriculture and Forestry, Commissioners Board; University of Hawaii Marine Biology Institute; University of Hawaii Oceanography Department; Oregon Fish Commission; United States Commercial Fisheries Bureau
Brokensha, David W. 58/1
Brooding, Milton E. 12/18, 22/8, 23/11, 58/5, See also: California Packing Corporation; International North Pacific Fisheries Commission; Pacific Fisheries Conference
Browning, David S. 58/2, 109/2
Bumble Bee Seafoods 58/3
Burke, William T. 58/4, 106/12, 109/2, See also: National Research Council, Oceanography Committee; University of Washington Law School
Burke, Arleigh See: United States Navy; United States Navy, Chief of Naval Operations
Calhoun, John C. 102/4, 110/1-2, See also: Gulf Universities Research Corporation; National Research Council. Oceanography Committee; Texas A and M University
California Cannery Board. Fisheries Technical Advisory Committee 1/4, 1/6, 3/1, 3/12, 4/17-18, 10/20, 12/20-21, 22/9-10
California Fish and Game Department 1/4, 1/6, 3/1, 3/12, 4/17-18, 10/20, 12/20-21, 22/9-10, 43/12, 46/13, 58/6, 98/18, 99/16
California Fisheries Laboratory 1/4, 3/1, 10/20, 12/22, 22/9, 58/7, 99/16
California Governor's Office 4/26, 46/19, 58/8, 98/16, 99/16
California Marine and Coastal Resources Advisory Commission 98/16-99/14
California. Marine Research Committee 99/15-100/12
California Reconstruction and Reemployment Commission 4/19
California Technical Services Act 50/20, 100/13
California Academy of Sciences, San Francisco 1/6, 3/12, 10/19, 22/16, 46/19, 59/1
California Academy of Sciences, San Francisco, Steinhart Aquarium 4/11-10/15, 12/23
California Fish Canners Association 12/24, 22/14-15, 46/14-18, 59/2-5
California Packing Corporation 4/26, 10/20, 12/24, 22/16, 46/19, See also: Brooding, Milton E.; Del Monte Corporation
California Tuna Clipper Cooperative 22/16, 43/5-8
Canada 1/6, 12/25, 59/9, 102/4
Canada, Deputy Minister of Fisheries 12/25, 22/18, 59/6
Canada Fisheries Research Board 1/5, 2/15, 3/1, 3/13, 4/25, 10/20, 12/25, 59/7
Canas, Joaquim 27/1, See also: American Tunaboat Association
Cannery Workers and Fishermen's Union 12/26, 22/17, 46/19, 59/9
Carnegie Endowment for International Peace 59/8
Carry, Charles R. 12/26, 13/28, 22/14, 24/3-4, 46/14-17, 64/22, 102/4, 104/1, See also: California Fish Canners Association; National Canners Association; Inter-American Tropical Tuna Commission; Tuna Research Foundation; United States Pacific Oceanic Fishery Investigations. Tuna Industry Advisory Committee
Carson, Rachel 12/26
Cary, Harold F. 12/11-14, 12/26, 22/18, 27/2-10, 44/8, 47/22, 68/19, 69/9-12, See also: American Tunaboat Association; California Tuna Clipper Cooperative; Tuna Council of the Americas; Tuna Fishermen's Trust Fund; United States Pacific Oceanic Fishery Investigations. Tuna Industry Advisory Committee; Van Camp Sea Food Company; Westgate-California Foods
Case, Mason See: Fishermen's Cooperative Association. San Pedro; Pacific Coast Fish Producers Institute; United States Pacific Oceanic Fishery Investigations. Tuna Industry Advisory Committee
Center for the Study of Democratic Institutions 59/10, 108/16
Chamber of Commerce, California 4/27, 12/26, 22/22
Chamber of Commerce, San Diego 59/10, 101/5
Chamber of Commerce, San Diego, Oceanographic Development Committee 101/5-7
Cheyne, Harlan G. 4/28, 12/26, See also: Alaska Packer's Association; California Packing Corporation; United States Economic Warfare Board; Washington. Pollution Commission
Chichester, C.O 100/19, 106/21, See also: Advances in Food Research; University of California Davis
Christy, Francis T.
Clagett, Earl N. 46/19, See also: American Tunaboat Association
Clark, Frances N. See: California. Fish and Game Department; California Fisheries Laboratory
Cleaver, Fred C 5/1, 10/20, 12/26, 22/22, 59/11, See also: Oregon Fish Commission; United States Commercial Fisheries Bureau; Washington Fisheries Department
Clemens, W.A 1/16, 3/13, 5/1, 10/20, 59/11, See also: Canada Fisheries Research Board; Pacific Fishery Biologists
Clotworthy, John H. (Jack) 59/11, 106/12, See also: Marine Technology Society; Westinghouse Electric Corporation
Coates, Jack A. 81/10, See also: Ralston Purina
Cofer (L.K.). Agents 22/19
Columbia Journal of World Business 59/12
Columbia River Packers Association 1/6, 5/1, 10/20, 12/27, 22/22
Columbia River Salmon and Tuna Packers Association 12/29, 22/22
Columbia University 59/12
Commission on Marine Science, Engineering and Resources 59/15
Companhia de Pesca e Congelacao de Cabo Verde 59/14
Copeland, Glenn H. 81/6, See also: Van Camp Sea Food Company
Cornelson, Paul F. 81/11, 109/10, See also: Ralston Purina
Council on Tuna Exports 22/20
Cox, Bascom 12/28, 22/21, 44/18, 59/16
Crivello, Jack See: Sun Harbor Packing Company; Sun-Pacific; Westgate-Sun Harbor Company
Croker, Richard S. 5/1, 12/20, 12/29, 22/22, 59/16, See also: American Fisheries Society; California Fish and Game Department; California State Fisheries Laboratory; Pacific Marine Fisheries Commission
Crowther, H.E. (Skip) 59/16, 65/13, See also: United States Commercial Fisheries Bureau
Crutchfield, James A. 59/16, 68/9, 106/21, See also: Commission on Marine Science, Engineering and Resources; University of Washington Economics Department
Culbertson, J. Steele 62/11, See also: Alaska Salmon Industry; National Fisheries Institute; National Fish Meal and Oil Association
Cushing, David H. 59/16, 102/4, See also: Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations; Great Britain Fisheries Laboratory, Lowestoft
Davis, Herbert C. 23/2, 46/18, See also: California Fish Canners Association
DeLacy, Allen C. 3/1, See also: Pacific Fishery Biologists; University of Washington Fisheries College
DeLucien, Ronald W. 62/9-10, See also: National Canners Association
DeSilva, J. See: California Fish Canners Association; South Coast Fisheries; United States Pacific Oceanic Fishery Investigations. Tuna Industry Advisory Committee
Del Monte Corporation 59/17, See also: California Packing Corporation
Dempster, Lillian 7/16, 11/1
Denmark, Marinbiologisk Laboratorium, Charlottenlund Slot 1/7, 5/2, 23/2
Driscoll, John Gerald 13/1, 23/1, 46/20, 102/4
Dunlop, Harry A. See: International Fisheries Commission; International Pacific Halibut Commission; Pacific Northwest Fishery Society
Eastern Pacific Oceanic Conference 59/19
Eisenberg and Schwartz 13/1
Ellington, G. P. (Tex) 59/21, See also: Van Camp Sea Food Company
Empresa Pesquera Peru, S.A 59/20
Engle, Clair 46/20, 59/21
Farley, John L. 25/18, See also: United States Fish and Wildlife Service
Farrington, Joseph R. 5/4, 13/3
Felando, August 57/13, 107/18, See also: American Tunaboat Association
Feron (P.) and Son 59/22
Finch, Ronald 65/15, See also: United States Commercial Fisheries Bureau
Finn, D.B 101/10, See also: Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations
Fishermen and Allied Workers Union, Local 33, ILWU 13/5, 23/8, 43/23, 46/20, 59/25, 104/3
Fishermen's Co-operative Association, San Pedro 5/5, 11/1, 13/2, 23/3-4, 44/18
Fishermen's Union, Alaska 23/5
Fishermen's Union, Atlantic 13/5, 23/8
Fishing Gazette 13/3, 59/25
Fishing News (Books) 59/24, See also: Highway (Arthur J.) Publications
Fishing Vessel Owner's Association 13/4, 23/8, 46/20
Five Star Fish and Cold Storage 23/6, 46/20
Flittner, Glenn A. 65/16, See also: United States Commercial Fisheries Bureau
Florida Attorney General's Office 23/7
Flory, William E.S 16/10, See also: United States State Department
Follett, William I. 5/5, See also: California Academy of Sciences, San Francisco. Steinhart Aquarium
Foerster, R.E. (Earle) See: Canada. Fisheries Research Board
Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations 5/5, 13/8, 23/8, 60/1, 101/9-103/14, 112/7
Fortune Fisheries 11/1
Foster, Fred J. See: International Pacific Salmon Fisheries Commission; Washington Fisheries Department
Foster, William C. 5/5, 81/12, See also: Ralston Purina; United States Senate Commerce Committee
Freeman, Miller 5/5, 11/1, 13/6, See also: Freeman (Miller) Publications; Pacific Fisheries Conference; Pacific Fisherman
Freeman (Miller) Publications 5/5, 11/1, 13/7, 46/20, See also: Freeman, Miller
French Sardine Company 11/1, 13/8, 23/8, See also: Star-Kist Foods
Fye, Paul M. 69/3, See also: Marine Technology Society, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution
General Motors Corporation Defense Research Laboratories 60/2
German (Federal Republic, 1949-) 60/3, See: Bundesforschungsanstalt für Fischerei
Germany. (Federal Republic, 1949-) 60/4, See: Bundesminister für Ernahrung, Landwirtschaft und Forsten
Gillenwaters, Ted R. 98/19, See also: California Marine and Coastal Resources Advisory Commission; Oceanic Library and Information Center
Gloucester Fisheries Association 13/9
Gosline, William 5/6, 11/2, 13/9, See also: University of Hawaii
Great Britain Agriculture and Fisheries Ministry 1/7, 13/9
Great Britain Agriculture, Fisheries and Food Ministry 23/9, 60/8
Great Britain, Fisheries Laboratory, Lowestoft 13/9, 60/7, 104/7
Great Britain, Natural Environment Research Council 60/8
Guggenheim (John Simon) Memorial Foundation 5/7, 11/2, 13/9, 46/21, 60/9
Guinean Trawling Survey See: Organization of African Unity
Gulf States Marine Fisheries Commission 13/9, 23/9
Gulf Universities Research Corporation 60/9
Gulland, J.A 101/11, See also: Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations
Hagen, William (Bill) See also: United States National Fisheries Center and Aquarium; United States Sport Fisheries and Wildlife Bureau
Hamlisch, R. 101/12, See also: Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations
Hamm, Carlton B. 106/10, 106/12, See also: National Oceanography Association
Hart, John Lawson See: American Institute of Fishery Research Biologists; Canada, Fisheries Research Board
Hartman, Lawton M. See: United States National Science Foundation, National Science Board
Harvard University, Center for Population Studies 60/11
Hawaii Agriculture and Forestry, Commissioners Board 5/9, 11/2, 13/10
Hedgpeth, Joel W. 60/16, 110/13, See also: International Oceanographic Foundation; Oregon State University; University of the Pacific
Heighway (Arthur J.) Publications 60/15, See also: Fishing News (Books)
Hendrix, Charles, N.G. (Monk) 60/16, See also: United States Naval Academy
Herrington, William C. 13/11, 26/4-7, 47/18, 111/19-112/1, See also: Natural Resources Section; United States Commercial Fisheries Bureau; United States Fisheries Bureau; United States State Department
Higman, James B. 68/5, See also: University of Miami, Marine Science Institute, Gulf and Caribbean Fisheries Institute
Holt, S.J 101/13-14, See also: Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations; Great Britain. Natural Environmental Research Council
Howard, Gerald V. 60/18, 65/17, See also: International Pacific Salmon Fisheries Commission; United States Commercial Fisheries Bureau
Hubbs, Carl L. 4/20-22, 10/18, 13/12, See also: University of California Scripps Institution of Oceanography, La Jolla; University of Michigan. Zoology Museum
Hubbs, Laura 4/23, See also: University of California Scripps Institution of Oceanography, La Jolla
Hughson, James W. (Jimmy) 60/17
Humphrey, George F. See: Australia. Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organization; International Council of Scientific Unions. Scientific Committee on Oceanic Research
Idyll, Clare P. 68/2-3, See also: International Pacific Salmon Fisheries Commission; University of Miami; University of Miami Marine Science Institute; University of Miam. Marine Science Institute, Gulf and Caribbean Fisheries Institute
India 1/8, 5/10, 11/4, 60/19
Indian Council of Agricultural Research 60/20
Inter-American Tropical Tuna Commission 13/13, 23/10, 47/3, 60/22-24, 104/1-5
International Commission for the Northwest Atlantic Fisheries 104/7
International Council for the Exploration of the Sea 13/19, 61/2
International Council of Scientific Unions 61/8, 104/6
International Council of Scientific Unions, Scientific Committee on Oceanic Research 104/6-105/17
International Fisheries Commission 1/8, 2/15, 3/1, 5/10, 13/14-15, See also: International Pacific Halibut Commission
International Nickel Company 61/3
International North Pacific Fisheries Commission 23/11-12, 47/13, 61/4, 104/7
International Oceanographic Foundation 47/3, 61/5
International Pacific Halibut Commission 61/8, See also: International Fisheries Commission
International Pacific Salmon Fisheries Commission 1/8, 3/1, 3/13, 5/11-12, 11/4, 13/16-18, 23/13, 47/3, 61/6
International Proteins Corporation 61/7
International Shrimp Council 61/8
Isaacs, John D. See: University of California Scripps Institution of Oceanography, La Jolla
Jackson, Charles E. 13/29, 23/13, 56/12, 61/9-10, See also: International Shrimp Council; National Fisheries Institute; Van Camp Sea Food Company
Jackson, Henry M. 13/19, 23/13
Jackson, Roy I. 23/12, 61/11, 101/15-16, 104/3, See also: Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations; International North Pacific Fisheries Commission
Johnson, Donald R. 11/4, 65/19-20, See also: United States Commercial Fisheries Bureau
Johnson, James H. 61/11, 65/21, See also: United States Commercial Fisheries Bureau
Jones, S. 61/12, See also: Marine Biological Association of India
Kasahara, Hiroshi 61/13, 109/10, See also: International North Pacific Fisheries Commission; United Nations. Development Programme; United Nations Special Fund; University of Washington Fisheries College
Kask, John Laurence (Jack) 5/13-14, 7/17, 11/3, 13/22, 23/14, 47/13, 60/22, 61/13, 98/9, See also: California Academy of Sciences, San Francisco; Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations; Inter-American Tropical Tuna Commission; International Pacific Salmon Fisheries Commission; United States Pacific Oceanic Fishery Investigation
Kendall, David W. See: United States Treasury Department
Kerr, Clark 58/10, See also: University of California Berkeley
Kesteven, G.L See: Australia. Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organization; Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations
King, Cecil R. 23/15, 47/3
Klawe, Witold L. (Witek) 61/14, See also: Inter-American Tropical Tuna Commission; United States Commercial Fisheries Bureau
Klein, Alfred M. 23/16-17, 47/1, 61/17
Knauss, John A. See: University of Rhode Island
Knowland, William F. 5/15, 13/22, 23/8
Kreuger, Robert B. (Bud) 61/15-16, 98/1, 98/19, 100/19, See also: California, Marine and Coastal Resources Advisory Commission
Kreuzer, R. 101/17-18, See also: Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations
Kuchel, Thomas H. 23/19, 47/2, 61/17
Laevastu, Taivo 61/18, See also: Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations; University of Hawaii Oceanography Department; United States Fleet Numerical Weather Facility
Lagler, Karl F. See: American Institute of Fishery Research Biologists; University of Michigan
Lassen, S. See: California Cannery Board, Fisheries Technical Advisory Committee; Van Camp Sea Food Company
Leitner, T.E 25/1, See also: Star-Kist Foods
Leffler, Ross 25/21, See United States Interior Department
Lenniger (August) Literary Agency 5/16, 11/4, 13/20, 47/3, 61/18
Linehan, John F. 24/19, See also: Seafood Producers Association
Lippincott (J.B.) Company 11/4, 13/21
Living Marine Resources 61/18
Loker, Donald P. 25/2, 61/19, 99/18, See also: California Fish Canners Association; French Sardine Company; Star-Kist Foods; United States Pacific Oceanic Fishery Investigations, Tuna Industry Advisory Committee
Lokken, Harold E. 13/4, 23/21, 61/19, See also: Fishing Vessel Owners' Association; Pacific Coast Fish Producers Institute
Longhurst, Alan R. 66/1, 99/18, See also: University of California Scripps Institution of Oceanography, La Jolla; United States Commercial Fisheries Bureau
Looney, Warren F. 16/12-13, 26/8, See also: United States State Department
Lucas, Cyril E. 61/20, 101/26, 109/2
Luckel, Frank 23/20
Lyman, John 47/15, 61/20, See also: United States Commercial Fisheries Burea; United States National Science Foundation
McFall, Jack R. 16/14, See also: United States State Department
McHugh, J.L 66/2, See also: University of California Scripps Institution of Oceanography, La Jolla; Inter-American Tropical Tuna Commission; United States Commercial Fisheries Bureau; United States Interior Department, Marine Resources Office; United States National Science Foundation
McKernan, Donald L. 5/18, 11/5, 45/4, 66/3-5, 67/21, 105/21, See also: Oregon Fish Commission; United States Commercial Fisheries Bureau; United States Pacific Oceanic Fishery Investigation; United States State Department; Washington Fisheries Department
Madruga, Joseph J. 23/23, 29/1, See also: American Tunaboat Association
Magnuson, Warren G. (Warren Grant), 1905-1989 5/18, 11/5, 13/23, 23/22, 47/4, 61/21, See also: United States Senate Commerce Committee
Maine Sea and Shore Fisheries Department 13/24
Marine Biological Association of India 61/23
Marine and Fisheries Engineering Research Institute, Woods Hole, Massachusetts See: Ocean Resources Institute, Woods Hole, Massachusetts
Marine Technology Society 61/24-25, 105/18-106/2
Marr, John C. (Jack) 13/25, 14/13, 47/8, 66/6-7, See also: Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations; United States Commercial Fisheries Bureau, United States Fish and Wildlife Service
Massachusetts Fisheries Association 13/25, 23/24, 47/8
Massachusetts Institute of Technology 62/2
Maxwell, Arthur E. 62/3, See also: American Miscellaneous Society; United States Naval Research Office; Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution
Medina, M. Machado 24/2, 29/2, See also: American Tunaboat Association
Michigan State University 62/4
Miller, Robert C 6/11, 99/18, See also: California Academy of Sciences, San Francisco
Miller, Robert Rush 6/11, See also: American Society of Ichthyologists and Herpetologists; University of Michigan, Zoology Museum; United States Smithsonian Institution
Mills, Wilbur D. 24/1
Minot, Francis 13/26, See also: Ocean Resources Institute, Woods Hole, Massachusetts
Mitchell, Hugh B. 13/27
Moore, Denton R. 63/7, See also: Ohio, State University
Moore, Milo 24/2, See also: International Pacific Salmon Fisheries Commission; Washington Fisheries Department
Morris, E.L 25/10-11, 44/17, 46/18, 47/8, See also: California Fish Canners Association; Tuna Council of the Americas; Tuna Research Foundation
Murphy, Garth I. 45/5, 62/5, 99/18, See also: American Institute of Fishery Research Biologists; California Academy of Sciences, San Francisco; California. Fish and Game Department; University of Hawaii Marine Biology Institute; United States Pacific Oceanic Fishery Investigation
Muskie, Edmund S. 62/5
Myers, George S. 11/5, See also: Stanford University
Nakatsu, Lorry M. 62/13, 66/9-12, See also: United States Commercial Fisheries Bureau
Nascimento, Ruy José Coelho 62/6
National Academy of Engineering 62/7, 104/4
National Academy of Engineering. International Decade of Ocean Exploration. Steering Committee 106/3-5
National Association of Manufacturers 62/8, 106/6-9
National Canners Association 13/28, 24/3-5, 47/5, 56/12, 62/9-10
National Fish Meal and Oil Association 62/11
National Fisheries Institute 5/22, 11/5, 13/29, 24/6, 47/8, 56/12, 62/12
National Oceanographic Data Center 62/19
National Oceanography Association 106/10-14
National Planning Association 62/14-15
National Research Council 5/22, 13/30, 62/16, 106/15
National Research Council, Africa Science Board 106/15-18
National Research Council. Food and Nutrition Board. Marine Protein Resource Development Committee 106/19-107/10
National Research Council, Latin American Science Board 107/11-14
National Research Council, Oceanography Committee 47/8, 104/8, 107/15-23, 110/13
National Security Industrial Association 108/1-7
National Shrimp Congress 24/7, 47/6, 62/17
Nation-Wide Committee on Import-Export Policy 24/8, 47/7, 62/18
Neblett, William R. 47/6, 47/8, 62/17, See also: National Shrimp Congress
Nordic Foods Products 11/5, 13/30
North American Aviation 62/21
North American Fisheries Conference 63/1
Ocean Resources Institute, Woods Hole, Massachusetts 43/9-10
Ocean Science and Ocean Engineering Conference and Exhibit 63/4
Ocean Science Capital Corporation 63/3
Oceanic Library and Information Center 63/6
Oceanology International 63/5
Office de la Recherche Scientifique et Technique Outre-Mer 63/11
Ohio, State University 63/7
Olcott, Harold S. 47/8, 63/8, 100/19, 106/21, See also: University of California Marine Resources Institute
Oregon Fish Commission 1/9, 5/23, 11/5, 13/31, 24/10, 63/11
Oregon State University 63/9, 110/13
Organization of African Unity 47/8, 63/10
Pacem in Maribus (Organization) 108/16-17
Pacific American Steamship Association 24/11
Pacific Coast Fish Producers Institute 24/15
Pacific Fisheries Conference 11/5, 14/1, 24/12
Pacific Fisherman 1/10, 5/23, 11/5, 14/6, 24/15, 47/8, 63/14, See also: Freeman, Miller; Freeman (Miller) Publications
Pacific Fishery Biologists 2/15-17, 3/14, 14/6, 24/15, 63/14
Pacific Islands (Territory) 63/12
Pacific Marine Fisheries Commission 14/2, 43/11-15, 63/13
Pacific Northwest Fisheries Society 1/10
Pacific Science Congress 14/6
Pacific Tuna Conference 63/14
Palma, Sebastião M. Perianes 63/15, See also: Companhia de Pesca e Congelacão de Cabo Verde; PROMAR
Panama 44/1-15
Panama Agencies Company 44/2-3
Panikar, N. See: India
Payne, Lee F. See: Inter-American Tropical Tuna Commission; Wilmington Press-Journal
Penacho, Joseph E. 29/3, See also: American Tunaboat Association
Perry, Frank M. 29/4, See also: American Tunaboat Association
Personal 112/11-20
Peru, Instituto del Mar 63/16
Peterson, A.E. (Pete) 66/13, See also: United States Commercial Fisheries Bureau
Peterson, John G. 63/19, 98/21, See also: Fortune Fisheries; Nordic Food Products; Washington Fish and Oyster Company of California
Petrov, Pierre 63/19, See also: International Proteins Corporation
Phister, Montgomery 6/13, 11/12, 14/3-5, 14/20-23, 24/13-14, 26/15-17, 44/8, 63/18, See also: California Fish Canners Association; Pacific Fisheries Conference; Tuna Council of the Americas; Van Camp Sea Food Company
Popper, F.E 101/20, See also: Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations
Postel, E. See: Office de la Recherche Scientifique et Technique Outre-Mer
Potter, David S. 98/21, 110/13, See also: General Motors Corporation, Defense Research Laboratory; Marine Technology Society
Pritchard, andrew L. See: Canada Fisheries Research Board; Washington Fisheries Department
PROMAR 63/20
Quistorff, Elmer 3/14, 14/6
Ralston Purina 81/10-14, See also: Van Camp Sea Food Company
Real, John J. See: Fishermen's Co-operative Association San Pedro
Reid, Joseph L. 47/8, 59/19, See also: University of California Scripps Institution of Oceanography, La Jolla; Eastern Pacific Oceanic Conference
Reid, Thomas See: International Pacific Salmon Fisheries Commission
Resources Committee 46/6-56/19
Resources for the Future 63/21
Revelle, Roger See: University of California Scripps Institution of Oceanography, La Jolla; Harvard University, Center for Population Studies
Rockefeller Foundation 63/24
Roedel, Philip M. 98/9, 98/18, See also: American Institute of Fishery Research Biologists; California Fish and Game Department; California Fisheries Laboratory; California. Marine Research Committee; United States Commercial Fisheries Bureau
Rosa, H. 101/21, See also: Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations
Rowland, Raymond E. 64/2, See also: Ralston Purina
Royal, John J. 99/18, See also: Fishermen and Allied Worker's Union, Local 33. ILWU
Royal, Loyd A. 1/21, 11/5, 13/17, 24/15, 61/6, 64/2, See also: International Pacific Salmon Fisheries Commission; Washington Fisheries Department
Royce, William F. 68/10, 98/9, See also: United States Fish and Wildlife Service; United States Pacific Oceanic Fishery Investigation; University of Washington Fisheries College; University of Washington Fisheries Research Institute
Ruivo, Mario 101/22-23, See also: Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations
Rutgers University 14/7, 64/1
Saila, Saul B. 64/5, See also: University of Rhode Island
Saltonstall, Leverett 24/16
Salzinski, Peter 64/3
San Diego Law Review 64/4
San Juan Fishing and Packing Company 14/7, 64/5
Sandoz, Thomas F. 12/27, 14/7, See also: Bumble Bee Seafoods; Columbia River Packers Association; Columbia River Salmon and Tuna Packers Association; United States Pacific Oceanic Fishery Investigations, Tuna Industry Advisory Committee
Saur, J.F.T. (Ted) 66/16, See also: United States Commercial Fisheries Bureau
Schaefer, Milner B. (Benny) 1/11, 1/22, 3/14, 5/26, 11/6, 11/8, 14/8, 24/17, 47/11, 58/14-16, 60/23, 64/7, 67/8, 98/20, 102/1, 104/3, 104/14, 106/12, 106/22, 107/12, 107/18, 109/10, 110/4, See also: University of California Marine Resources Institute; Inter-American Tropical Tuna Association; National Pacific Salmon Fisheries Commission; National Research Council. Oceanography Committee; United States Fish and Wildlife Service; United States Interior Department; United States Pacific Oceanic Fishery Investigation; United States Smithsonian Institution; Washington Fisheries Department
Scheffer, Victor B. 3/4, 64/7, See also: United States Fish and Wildlife Service
Schulman, Mary 23/7, See also: Florida Attorney General's Office; National Shrimp Congress
Schultz, Leonard P. 6/10, See also: United States Smithsonian Institution
Schweigert, Bernard S. 62/4, 106/22, See also: Michigan State University; National Research Council
Scottish Marine Biological Association 64/6, 104/14
Seafood Producers Association 14/9, 24/19
Sette, O.E 45/6-7, 66/17, See also: United States Commercial Fisheries Bureau; United States Fish and Wildlife Service; United States Fisheries Bureau; United States Pacific Oceanic Fishery Investigation
Seymour, Allyn H. 5/27, See also: International Fisheries Commission; University of Washington
Shimada, Kay K. 24/20
Shipman, Benjamin W. 14/9
Shrimp Association of the Americas 24/21, 47/11, 64/10
Sigma Delta Epsilon 64/8
Silva, Edward P. 29/5, See also: American Tunaboat Association
Simmons, Richard 5/27, 14/9, 64/9
Smith, F.G. Walton See: International Oceanographic Foundation; University of Miami; University of Miami, Marine Science Institute
Smith, Richard T. (Dick) 1/23, 6/1
Society of Systematic Zoology 14/10, 47/11, 64/11
South Coast Fisheries 14/10, 24/22
Southeastern Fisheries Association 24/22
Spangler, Miller B. 62/15, See also: National Planning Association
Spilhaus, Ahtelstan 106/12, See also: University of Minnesota Technology Institute
Sport Fishing Institute 24/22, 64/12
Sprague, Lucian M. 66/19, See also: University of Rhode Island; Rockefeller Foundation; United States Commercial Fisheries Bureau
Stanford Research Institute 24/23, 47/11, 64/12
Stanford University 1/11, 3/2, 3/14, 6/3, 11/7, 14/11, 25/6, 64/12
Stanford University, Hopkins Marine Station 6/2, 11/7, 64/12
Star-Kist Foods 25/1-4, 44/18, 47/11, 64/12, See also: French Sardine Company
Steele, George E. 24/5, 25/6, 56/12, 112/4, See also: National Canners Association; Southeastern Fisheries Association; Van Camp Sea Food Company
Steward, M.D See: Five Star Fish and Cold Storage
Steward, Harris B. 64/14, 65/6, 105/21, 106/12, See also: United States Coast and Geodetic Survey; United States Environmental Science Services Administration
Stommel, Henry 64/14, See also: Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution
Stoye, Frederick H. 6/4, 11/7, 14/11
Strackbein, O.R 24/8, 47/7, 62/18, See also: Nation-Wide Committee on Import-Export Policy
Sullivan, William L. 67/22, See also: United States State Department
Suomela, Arnie J. See: Oregon Fish Commission; United States Commercial Fisheries Bureau; United States Fish and Wildlife Service; United States Foreign Service
Sun Harbor Packing Company See: Sun-Pacific
Sun-Pacific 6/4, 11/7, 14/11, 25/6
Swaffield, Roland G. 25/5
Takenouti, A.Y 104/9, See also: UNESCO
Tapia C., F.S 25/7-8, 47/9
Tasso, John 47/11, 64/15
Taylor, Fred E. 25/12, 26/10, 47/19, 67/23, 112/2, See also: United States State Department
Terry, William M. 66/20, See also: United States Commercial Fisheries Bureau; United States Fish and Wildlife Service
Tester, Albert L. 45/8, See also: University of Hawaii; United States Pacific Oceanic Fishery Investigation
Texas Game, Fish and Oyster Commission 1/11, 6/6, 14/12
Texas A and M University 64/16, 110/13
Texas Shrimp Association 25/9, 47/10, 64/17, 112/4
Thompson, W.F See: American Institute of Fishery Research Biologists; International Pacific Salmon Fisheries Commission; University of Washington Fisheries College; University of Washington Fisheries Research Institute
Tollefson, Thor C. 11/7, 14/12, 25/12, 47/11, 64/19
Townley, Ralph 109/8, See also: United Nations Development Programme; United Nations Special Fund
Townsend, J.R 64/18
Townsend, Lawrence D. 1/12, 3/2, 3/15, 6/5, 11/7, 64/19, See also: Washington Pollution Commission
Traung, Jan-Olof 64/23, 101/24, See also: Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations
Treadwell, T.K 64/23, 111/10, See also: United States Naval Oceanographic Office
Trucial States Council 64/20
Trutanic, Nicholas F. (Nick) 25/3, 25/12, See also: Star-Kist Foods; Van Camp Sea Food Company
Tuna Council of the Americas 44/16-45/3
Tuna Fishermen's Trust Fund 25/12, See also: American Tunaboat Association
Tuna Research Foundation 25/10-11, 44/17, 47/11, 64/21-22, 99/17
UNESCO 47/25, 64/24-25, 102/4, 104/9-10
UNESCO, Intergovernmental 104/11, See: Oceanographic Commission
United Nations 47/25, 65/1, 109/10
United Nations Children's Fund 47/25, 65/2
United Nations Development Programme 109/7-9
United Nations Special Fund 109/6-22
United States Agency for International Development 65/3-4
United States Army Service Forces 6/7
United States Atomic Energy Commission 65/5
United States Coast and Geodetic Survey 47/21, 65/6
United States Coast Guard 26/14, 47/21, 65/7, 109/20
United States Coast Guard. Advisory Committee 109/19-22
United States Commerce Department 6/12, 14/16, 25/13, 47/21, 67/10
United States Commercial Fisheries Bureau 1/13, 14/16, 25/14-15, 47/12-13, 65/8-66/24, 102/2, 104/3, 104/12, 106/22, 110/16, See also: United States Fisheries Bureau
United States Customs Bureau 25/16
United States Embassy 14/16, 67/1
United States Economic Warfare Board 3/2, 4/1-10, 6/12
United States Environmental Science Services Administration 67/2, 104/14
United States Federal Trade Commission 26/14
United States Fish and Wildlife Service 1/13-14, 3/1-11, 3/15, 4/2, 6/8-9, 11/8, 14/13-14, 25/17-19, 67/3
United States Fisheries Bureau 1/13, See also: United States Commercial Fisheries Bureau
United States Fleet Numerical Weather Facility 67/4
United States Foreign Service 14/15, 25/20, 47/21, 67/10
United States Health, Education and Welfare Department 26/14, 67/5, 106/22
United States House, Merchant Marine and Fisheries Committee 26/14, 47/21, 67/6, 107/18
United States House, Ways and Means Committee 26/14
United States Hydrographic Office 26/14, 47/17, See also: United States Naval Oceanographic Office
United States Interagency Committee on Oceanography 67/7, 108/3
United States Interior Department 1/14, 6/12, 14/18, 25/21-22, 47/14, 56/12, 67/8-9, 106/22, 110/16
United States Interior Department, Fish and Wildlife. Advisory Committee 56/12-19
United States Interior Department, Marine Resources Office 67/10, 104/14
United States Justice Department 14/18, 26/1, 68/1
United States National Council on Marine Resources and Engineering Development 67/11
United States National Fisheries Center and Aquarium 110/1-6
United States National Science Foundation 47/15, 67/12, 110/14-15
United States National Science Foundation. National Science Board 110/7-10
United States National Science Foundation. Sea Grant Programs Office, Advisory Committees 110/11-111/5
United States Navy Academy 68/1
United States Naval Oceanographic Office 68/1, 110/16, 111/6-18, See also: United States Hydrographic Office
United States Naval Research Office 67/13, 114/16
United States Navy 4/2, 26/2-3, 47/21, 67/14, 112/14
United States Navy, Chief of Naval Operations 6/12, 47/16
United States Pacific Oceanic Fishery Investigations 14/17, 45/4-46/5
United States Pacific Oceanic Fishery Investigations, Tuna Industry Advisory Committee 45/10
United States Science and Technology Office 67/15
United States Senate 14/18, 26/14, 44/18, 67/17, 109/2
United States Senate, Commerce Committee 26/14, 67/16, 104/14
United States Smithsonian Institution 1/13, 3/2, 6/10-11, 11/10, 14/18, 47/21, 67/18
United States Sport Fisheries and Wildlife Bureau 47/21, 67/19, 110/4
United States State Department 6/12, 11/11, 26/4-11, 43/12, 44/4, 47/18-20, 67/20-24, 102/3, 104/13, 106/12, 110/16, 111/19-112/3
United States State Department, Fishing Industry Advisory Committee 111/19-112/6
United States Tariff Commission 14/18, 26/12
United States Treasury Department 14/18, 26/3, 30/1
Union Fishermen's Co-operative Packing Company 1/19, 6/14, 11/13, 15/1
Utt, James B. 26/19, 47/25, 68/9
University of California 12/24, 22/13, 46/19, 110/13
University of California Berkeley 10/20, 12/26, 46/19, 58/10-11, 100/13, 100/19
University of California Berkeley, Agriculture Department 100/14-17
University of California Davis 58/12
University of California George Williams Hooper Foundation 22/11
University of California Los Angeles 58/13
University of California Marine Resources Institute 22/13, 46/19, 58/12, 58/14-17, 100/18-101/4
University of California San Diego 58/21, 99/16
University of California Scripps Institution of Oceanography, La Jolla 3/12, 4/20-24, 10/18, 22/12, 46/19, 58/18-20, 99/16
University of Hawaii 5/9, 11/2, 13/10, 23/9, 60/14
University of Hawaii Marine Biology Institute 60/12
University of Hawaii Oceanography Department 60/13
University of Maryland 24/2, 62/1
University of Miami 68/6
University of Miami, Marine Laboratory See: University of Miami, Marine Science Institute
University of Miami, Marine Science Institute 14/19, 26/19, 47/25, 104/14, 110/16
University of Miami, Marine Science Institute, Gulf and Caribbean Fisheries Institute 26/19, 47/25, 68/5
University of Michigan 5/21, 13/27, 62/4
University of Michigan, Zoology Museum 1/9, 3/2, 3/14, 5/19-20, 11/5, 13/27
University of Minnesota Technology Institute 62/4
University of Rhode Island 63/23, 110/12
University of Rhode Island, Law of the Sea Institute 109/1-5
University of the Pacific 68/7
University of Washington 1/14, 3/15, 11/13, 15/5, 68/16, 110/16, 112/7
University of Washington Economics Department 68/9
University of Washington Fisheries College 1/14, 6/16, 15/3-4, 26/21, 68/10-13, 110/16, 112/7
University of Washington Fisheries College Visiting Committee 112/7-10
University of Washington Fisheries Research Institute 15/5, 26/24, 47/25, 68/14, 110/16
University of Washington Law School 68/16, 110/16
University of Washington Oceanography Department 68/15
Washington Fish and Oyster Company of California 15/8, 68/17
Van Camp, Gilbert C 81/8, See also: Van Camp Sea Food Company
Van Camp Foundation See: Van Camp Sea Food Company
Van Camp Sea Food Company 6/13, 11/12, 14/20-23, 26/15-18, 44/4, 47/22-23, 57/1-112/10
Van Campen, W.G. (Wil) 26/19, 66/21, See also: International North Pacific Fisheries Commission; United States Commercial Fisheries Bureau; United States Pacific Oceanic Fishery Investigation; United States State Department
Van Cleve, Richard 5/11, 15/4, 26/19, 68/11-12, See also: American Institute of Fishery Research Biologists, California. Fish and Game Department; International Fisheries Commission; International Pacific Salmon Fisheries Commission, University of Washington Fisheries College
Verhoeven, Leon A. See: Pacific Marine Fisheries Commission
Vetter, Richard C. 104/8, 107/15-16, See also: Marine Technology Society; National Research Council. Oceanography Committee
Voris, LeRoy 106/19, See also: National Research Council
Warren Fish Company 15/8, 26/20
Washington Fisheries Department 1/1-2/17, 3/2, 3/15, 6/15, 11/13, 15/2, 26/24, 47/25, 68/18
Washington Fisheries Department, Gig Harbor 3/12-20, 6/15
Washington Pollution Commission 1/15
Webb, George R. See: Fishermen's Co-operative Association. San Pedro
Wedin, John 69/1, See also: Pacific Marine Fisheries Commission; United States Senate, Commerce Committee
Western Society of Naturalists 6/17, 15/6
Westgate-California Foods 68/19
Westgate Sea Products 11/13, 15/7, See also: Westgate-Sun Harbor Company
Westgate-Sun Harbor Company 15/7, 26/24, See also: Westgate Sea Products
Westinghouse Electric Corporation 68/20, 108/2, 110/16
Wheelock, Charles D. See: University of California, Marine Resources Institute; University of California, Scripps Institution of Oceanography, La Jolla
White, Charles L. 26/24, 68/21
Wilby, G. Van 1/14, 3/2, 6/17
Wilcke, Harold L. (Scoop) 81/13, See also: Ralston Purina
Wildlife Management Institute 15/8, 26/24, 47/25, 56/12
Williams, Frank 58/20, 63/10, 69/1, See also: University of California, Scripps Institution of Oceanography, La Jolla; Organization of African Unity
Wilmington Press-Journal 26/24
Wilson, Bob 25/12, 47/24, 69/6
Wilson, Peter T. 63/12, 69/6, See also: Pacific Islands (Territory)
Wilson, Robert C 26/22, 66/22, See also: United States Commercial Fisheries Bureau
Wolff, Thomas 69/2
Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution 6/17, 15/8, 43/9, 47/25, 69/3-5
Wooster, Warren S. 26/24, 47/25, 58/19, 64/24, 69/7, 104/10, 109/10, See also: University of California Scripps Institution of Oceanography, La Jolla; International Council of Scientific Unions; International Council of Scientific Unions, Scientific Committee on Oceanic Research; UNESCO
Worsley (R.C.) Steamship Agent 26/23, 44/4
Xavier, Mal 63/1, 69/7, See also: North American Fisheries Conference

^ Return to Top

Detailed Description of the CollectionReturn to Top


Accession No. 1852-001: Wilbert McLeod Chapman papers, 1932-1970Return to Top

57 cubic feet (139 boxes)
Arrangement: The bulk of the papers have been arranged into subgroups representing the industry and governmental bodies that employed Chapman. The principal subgroups are as follows:
  • 1935-1941: Washington Fisheries Department
  • 1941-1942: U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
  • 1942: Washington. Fisheries Department. Gig Harbor
  • 1943-1944: United States Economic Warfare Board
  • 1943-1947: California Academy of Science, San Francisco. Steinhart Aquarium
  • 1947-1948: University of Washington Fisheries College
  • 1948-1951: United States State Department
  • 1951-1959: American Tunaboat Association
  • 1959-1961: Resources Committee
  • 1961-1970: Van Camp Sea Food Company
In addition, a number of subject series, within the employment subgroups, represent Chapman's committee and consultant activities. They appear in chronological order. When items could not be assigned to a specific subject series on the basis of scanning for keywords in context, they were left with the employment subgroup corresponding to the date of the item. Users may expect, therefore, to have to look in both places for related or overlapping material.Positioned at the end of the accession are Personal Papers, consisting of family letters, Chapman's private research, and the subject series American Society of Ichthyologists and Herpetologists.Within each subgroup and subject series, arrangement is by type of record, such as correspondence, reports, financial records, etc. The most significant series in each subgroup consist of incoming and outgoing letters. Incoming letters are arranged alphabetically by name of correspondent and outgoing letters are arranged chronologically. Included in outgoing letters series are outgoing letters of other officers of the organization constituting the subgroup. Outgoing letter series are divided into chronological sequences for each author.In cases when Chapman may not have been functioning as an official for the subgroup, his outgoing letters are grouped within the outgoing letters series but after those of subgroup officials.The series "Meetings, Conferences, Etc." includes materials concerning meetings but not correspondence. Correspondence pertaining to such meetings appears within correspondence series of the employment subgroups or subject series.

Scope and Content: Contains correspondence, reports, and speeches and writings concerning Mr. Chapman's career (1939-1970) as a fisheries biologist, in fishery development and diplomacy, and in the application of science and technology to fishery development on a world-wide basis.

Restrictions on Access: Access requires permission. Contact repository for details.

Acquisition Info: Gift of Mrs. Wilbert Chapman, January 11, 1972; U.S. State Dept. via W. Burke, UW Law School, June 12, 1973; and Richard Van Cleve, Fisheries School, September 27, 1974.

Processing Info: Merger of Accession Nos.1852-001 (1972), 1852-002 (1973), and 1852-003 (1074).

In 1973, the Van Camp Sea Food Company, a division of Ralston Purina, awarded the University a grant for processing the papers more fully. The company's subsequent grant in 1975 supported the preparation and publication of an inventory to the papers.

A number of staff members have been involved in the project under the general supervision of Richard C. Berner, Head of the Library's Archives and Manuscripts Division, and Karyl Winn and Liisa Fagerlund, both serving as Curator of Manuscripts. The major portion of the arrangement was done by Sally Heick, Maxine E. Lebo and Christine Back, with Ms. Lebo editing the inventory for publication.

Throughout the inventory, decisions had to be made by the processors as to whether material should be filed and listed under the personal name of a correspondent or under the name of employer/organization. The rule followed was to enter under the corporate name when the author was acting on its behalf. For this reason, communications from an individual appear in some places under his name and in others under his office. In the index, "see also" references are included for the various corporate names under which correspondence from an individual may be found.

The form of entry is governed by the following rule: an organization is entered under its name preceded by the parent body or jurisdiction. Such words as office, department, bureau, etc. are not used as filing elements, and the word order is changed so that the meaningful elements in the name will appear first.

Container(s) Description Dates
Washington Fisheries Department
Box/Folder Accession
1/1 1852-001
Biographical Features - Chapman
1 item
Incoming Letters
Box/Folder Accession
1/2 1852-001
American, Miscellaneous
10 items
1939-1941, undated
1/3 1852-001
A-B, Miscellaneous
16 items
1/4 1852-001
California, Miscellaneous
15 items
1/5 1852-001
Canada Fisheries Research Board
17 items
1/6 1852-001
C, Miscellaneous
24 items
1936, 1939-1941, undated
1/7 1852-001
D-H, Miscellaneous
18 items
1/8 1852-001
I-L, Miscellaneous
14 items
1/9 1852-001
M-O, Miscellaneous
28 items
1/10 1852-001
P, Miscellaneous
12 items
1936-1937, 1939-1941
1/11 1852-001
Q-T, Miscellaneous
14 items
1936, 1939-1941
1/12 1852-001
Townsend, Lawrence D.
6 items
1/13 1852-001
United States, Miscellaneous
27 items
1/14 1852-001
U-Y, Miscellaneous
23 items
1936, 1938-1941, undated
1/15 1852-001
Washington Pollution Commission
7 items
1938, 1940-1941
1/16 1852-001
3 items
Outgoing Letters
Washington Fisheries Department
Box/Folder Accession
1/17 1852-001
Brennan, B. M.
15 items
1937-1939, 1941, undated
1/18-20 1852-001
Chapman, Wilbert M.
53 items
1/21 1852-001
Royal, Loyd A.
32 items
1936, 1938-1939, 1941
1/22 1852-001
Schaefer, Milner B. (Benny)
5 items
1936, 1938
1/23 1852-001
7 items
1937-1938, undated
Meetings, Conferences, Etc.
Box/Folder Accession
1/24 1852-001
American Society of Ichthyologists and Herpetologists
3 items
Box/Folder Accession
1/25-26 1852-001
11 items
1898, 1937-1938, undated
1/27-28 1852-001
Reports - Chapman
20 items
1936, 1938, 1940-1941, undated
1/29-30 1852-001
Speeches and Writings - Chapman
12 items
1935, 1938-1939, 1941, undated
2/1-2 1852-001
Speeches and Writings - Others
16 items
1917, 1935-1941, undated
2/3 1852-001
Legislation and Related Papers
2 items
1919, 1937
Box/Folder Accession
2/4 1852-001
Chapman Publications
1 item
2/5-6 1852-001
Fish Data
49 items
2/7 1852-001
Fish Naming
7 items
2/8 1852-001
Puget Sound Purse Seiners and River Temperatures
11 items
2/9 1852-001
Translations of Foreign Papers
57 items
Box/Folder Accession
2/11 1852-001
2/12 1852-001
Graphic Materials
6 items
2/13 1852-001
5 items
2/14 1852-001
12 items
1937-1938, 1940-1941
Subject Series - Pacific Fishery Biologists
Box/Folder Accession
2/15 1852-001
General Correspondence
16 items
2/16 1852-001
Meetings, Conferences, etc.
7 items
1937-1939, 1941, undated
2/17 1852-001
7 items
1938, undated
United States Fish and Wildlife Service
Incoming Letters
Box/Folder Accession
3/1 1852-001
A-J, Miscellaneous
19 items
1941-1942, undated
3/2 1852-001
M-W, Miscellaneous
22 items
Outgoing Letters
United States Fish and Wildlife Service
Box/Folder Accession
3/3 1852-001
Chapman, Wilbert M.
29 items
3/4 1852-001
B-T, Miscellaneous
10 items
Box/Folder Accession
3/5 1852-001
Reports - Chapman
2 items
3/6 1852-001
Reports - Others
8 items
1892, 1894-1895, 1930
3/7 1852-001
Itineraries - Chapman
5 items
3/8 1852-001
Speeches and Writings
5 items
1941, undated
3/9-10 1852-001
Speeches and Writings - Chapman
13 items
1941-1942, undated
3/11 1852-001
7 items
1942, undated
Washington Fisheries Department, Gig Harbor
Incoming Letters
Box/Folder Accession
3/12 1852-001
A-Cal, Miscellaneous
24 items
3/13 1852-001
Can - K, Miscellaneous
22 items
3/14 1852-001
M-S, Miscellaneous
25 items
3/15 1852-001
T-W, Miscellaneous
23 items
Outgoing Letters
Washington Fisheries Department
Box/Folder Accession
3/16-18 1852-001
Chapman, Wilbert M.
60 items
1942, undated
Box/Folder Accession
3/19 1852-001
Speeches and Writings - Chapman
3 items
3/20 1852-001
13 items
1942, undated
United States Economic Warfare Board
Box/Folder Accession
4/1 1852-001
Biographical Features - Chapman
4 items
1943-1944, undated
4/2 1852-001
Incoming Letters
20 items
Outgoing Letters
United States Economic Warfare Board
Box/Folder Accession
4/3 1852-001
Chapman, Wilbert M.
11 items
4/4 1852-001
B-P, Miscellaneous
20 items
1943-1944, undated
4/5 1852-001
R-V, Miscellaneous
6 items
Box/Folder Accession
4/6 1852-001
5 items
1944, undated
4/7 1852-001
Speeches and Writings - Others
1 item
4/8 1852-001
4/9 1852-001
Graphic Materials - Photographs
2 items
4/10 1852-001
14 items
California Academy of Sciences, San Francisco, Steinhart Aquarium
Box/Folder Accession
4/11 1852-001
Organizational Materials
1 item
4/12 1852-001
Biographical Features - Chapman
17 items
1941, 1943, 1946, undated
Incoming Letters
Box/Folder Accession
4/13 1852-001
Allen, Edward W.
10 items
1945-1947, undated
4/14 1852-001
A, Miscellaneous
37 items
4/15 1852-001
Banner, A. Henry (Hank)
17 items
1945-1946, undated
4/16 1852-001
B, Miscellaneous
14 items
1945-1947, undated
4/17-18 1852-001
California Fish and Game Division
34 items
1944-1947, undated
4/19 1852-001
California Reconstruction and Re-employment Commission
23 items
University of California, Scripps Institution of Oceanography, La Jolla
Box/Folder Accession
4/20-22 1852-001
Hubbs, Carl L.
70 items
1944-1947, undated
4/23 1852-001
Hubbs, Laura
20 items
1945-1947, undated
4/24 1852-001
8 items
Box/Folder Accession
4/25 1852-001
Canada Fisheries Research Board
13 items
4/26 1852-001
Ca, Miscellaneous
21 items
1945-1947, undated
4/27 1852-001
Chamber of Commerce, California
10 items
4/28 1852-001
Cheyne, Harlan G.
15 items
5/1 1852-001
Ch-Cz, Miscellaneous
34 items
1943, 1945-1947
5/2 1852-001
D, Miscellaneous
19 items
5/3 1852-001
E, Miscellaneous
11 items
1945-1946, undated
5/4 1852-001
Fa-Fe, Miscellaneous
20 items
5/5 1852-001
Fi-Fu, Miscellaneous
27 items
1944-1947, undated
5/6 1852-001
Gosline, William
19 items
1944-1947, undated
5/7 1852-001
G, Miscellaneous
25 items
5/8 1852-001
H-Hav, Miscellaneous
18 items
5/9 1852-001
Hawaii, Miscellaneous
16 items
5/10 1852-001
Haw-In, Miscellaneous
25 items
1943-1947, undated
International Pacific Salmon Fisheries Commission
Box/Folder Accession
5/11 1852-001
Van Cleve, Richard
15 items
5/12 1852-001
9 items
1943, 1945-1947, undated
Box/Folder Accession
5/13-14 1852-001
Kask, John Laurence (Jack)
50 items
1945-1947, undated
5/15 1852-001
Ir-K, Miscellaneous
7 items
1945, 1947, undated
5/16 1852-001
Lenniger (August) Literary Agency
10 items
5/17 1852-001
L, Miscellaneous
19 items
1944-1946, undated
5/18 1852-001
Ma, Miscellaneous
21 items
1944-1947, undated
University of Michigan Zoology Museum
Box/Folder Accession
5/19 1852-001
Bailey, Reeve M.
15 items
5/20 1852-001
12 items
1929, 1943-1944, 1946-1947
Box/Folder Accession
5/21 1852-001
Mi-Mu, Miscellaneous
18 items
5/22 1852-001
N, Miscellaneous
26 items
1923, 1943-1947
5/23 1852-001
O-Pa, Miscellaneous
20 items
1942, 1945-1947
5/24 1852-001
Pe-R, Miscellaneous
19 items
1945-1947, undated
5/25 1852-001
Sa, Miscellaneous
14 items
1945-1947, undated
5/26 1852-001
Schaefer, Milner B. (Benny)
17 items
1945-1946, undated
5/26 1852-001
Sch-Simm, Miscellaneous
13 items
1943, 1945-1947
6/1 1852-001
Simp-Sta, Miscellaneous
20 items
1945-1947, undated
6/2 1852-001
Stanford University, Hopkins Marine Station
15 items
6/3 1852-001
Stanford University, Miscellaneous
9 items
1928-1929, 1945-1947
6/4 1852-001
Sto-Su, Miscellaneous
11 items
6/5 1852-001
Townsend, Lawrence D.
11 items
1945-1947, undated
6/6 1852-001
T, Miscellaneous
19 items
6/7 1852-001
United States Army Service Forces
5 items
6/8-9 1852-001
United States Fish and Wildlife Service
34 items
United States Smithsonian Institution
Box/Folder Accession
6/10 1852-001
B-M, Miscellaneous
16 items
6/11 1852-001
Schultz, Leonard B.
26 items
Box/Folder Accession
6/12 1852-001
United States, Miscellaneous
29 items
1944-1947, undated
6/13 1852-001
Van Camp Sea Food Company
21 items
6/14 1852-001
U-V, Miscellaneous
13 items
6/15 1852-001
Washington Fisheries Department
12 items
1944-1947, undated
6/16 1852-001
University of Washington Fisheries College
19 items
1943-1947, undated
6/17 1852-001
W-Z, Miscellaneous
27 items
1944-1947, undated
6/18 1852-001
14 items
1944-1947, undated
Outgoing Letters
California Academy of Sciences, San Francisco, Steinhart Aquarium
Box/Folder Accession
6/19-7/15 1852-001
Chapman, Wilbert M.
393 items
1942-1947, undated
7/16 1852-001
Dempster, Lillian
31 items
1947, undated
7/17 1852-001
15 items
1929, 1943-1946, undated
Box/Folder Accession
7/18-19 1852-001
Chapman, Wilbert M.
32 items
1943-1947, undated
Box/Folder Accession
7/20 1852-001
Meetings, Conferences, Etc. - Others
11 items
Financial Records
Box/Folder Accession
7/21 1852-001
Invoices of Specimens
15 items
7/22 1852-001
Itemized Expenditures
14 items
7/23 1852-001
13 items
1944, 1946-1947, undated
Box/Folder Accession
8/1 1852-001
Reports - Chapman
5 items
8/2 1852-001
Reports - Others
11 items
1945-1947, undated
8/3 1852-001
Speeches and Writings - Aquarium Journal
25 items
1946, undated
8/4-11 1852-001
Speeches and Writings - Chapman
50 items
1943-1948, undated
Speeches and Writings - Others
Box/Folder Accession
8/12 1852-001
B-H, Miscellaneous
9 items
1940, 1944-1946, undated
8/13 1852-001
J-W, Miscellaneous
5 items
1944, 47, undated
8/14 1852-001
18 items
1945, undated
Box/Folder Accession
9/1-10/1 1852-001
Research Notes - Chapman
940 items
1947, undated
10/2 1852-001
6 items
10/3 1852-001
Bulletins - Others
4 items
1943, 1946-1947
10/4 1852-001
News Releases
14 items
1945-1946, undated
10/5 1852-001
Legislation and Related Papers
7 items
1946, undated
Box/Folder Accession
10/6 1852-001
8 items
10/7 1852-001
9 items
1946, undated
10/8 1852-001
8 items
1942, 1944, 1946, undated
Box/Folder Accession
10/9 1852-001
10/10-12 1852-001
10/13 1852-001
Graphic Materials
38 items
10/14 1852-001
3 items
10/15 1852-001
20 items
10/16 1852-001
9 items
1945, 1947, undated
University of Washington Fisheries College
Incoming Letters
Box/Folder Accession
10/17 1852-001
A-B, Miscellaneous
20 items
1947-1948, undated
10/18 1852-001
University of California Scripps Institution of Oceanography, La Jolla
13 items
10/19 1852-001
California Academy of Sciences, San Francisco, Steinhart Aquarium
10 items
10/20 1852-001
C, Miscellaneous
23 items
1947-1948, undated
11/1 1852-001
D-F, Miscellaneous
20 items
1947-1948, undated
11/2 1852-001
G-H, Miscellaneous
15 items
11/3 1852-001
Kask, John Laurence (Jack)
10 items
11/4 1852-001
I-L, Miscellaneous
24 items
11/5 1852-001
M-R, Miscellaneous
18 items
1947-1948, undated
11/6 1852-001
Schaefer, Milner B. (Benny)
15 items
11/7 1852-001
S-T, Miscellaneous
17 items
United States Fish and Wildlife Service
Box/Folder Accession
11/8 1852-001
Schaefer, Milner B. (Benny)
12 items
1947-1948, undated
11/9 1852-001
19 items
1947-1948, undated
Box/Folder Accession
11/10 1852-001
United States Smithsonian Institution
9 items
11/11 1852-001
United States, Miscellaneous
12 items
1947-1948, undated
11/12 1852-001
Van Camp Sea Food Company
14 items
11/13 1852-001
University of Washington Fisheries College
21 items
1947, undated
11/14 1852-001
U-W, Miscellaneous/Unidentified
22 items
1947-1948, undated
Outgoing Letters
University of Washington Fisheries College
Box/Folder Accession
11/15-18 1852-001
Chapman, Wilbert M.
116 items
11/19 1852-001
21 items
1947, undated
Box/Folder Accession
11/20 1852-001
3 items
1947-1948, undated
11/21 1852-001
Meetings, Conferences, Etc. - General
4 items
11/22 1852-001
Financial Records
2 items
11/23 1852-001
Speeches and Writings - Chapman
8 items
1948, undated
11/24 1852-001
Speeches and Writings - Others
5 items
1947-1948, undated
11/25 1852-001
News Releases - Others
3 items
11/26 1852-001
7 items
12/1 1852-001
Graphic Materials
Box/Folder Accession
12/2 1852-001
11 items
12/3 1852-001
4 items
Box/Folder Accession
12/4 1852-001
7 items
12/5 1852-001
3 items
United States State Department
Box/Folder Accession
12/6 1852-001
Biographical Features - Chapman
10 items
Incoming Letters
Box/Folder Accession
12/7-9 1852-001
Allen, Edward W.
65 items
1948-1951, undated
12/10 1852-001
American Magazine
19 items
12/11-14 1852-001
American Tunaboat Association - Cary, Harold F.
73 items
1948-1951, undated
12/15 1852-001
Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Commission
17 items
12/16 1852-001
A, Miscellaneous
28 items
12/17 1852-001
Bennett, Eugene D.
8 items
12/18 1852-001
Brooding, Milton E.
5 items
1949-1950, undated
12/19 1852-001
B, Miscellaneous
23 items
1948-1951, undated
California Fish and Game Department
Box/Folder Accession
12/20 1852-001
Croker, Richard S.
25 items
12/21 1852-001
11 items
1933, 1936-1938, 1948-1950
Box/Folder Accession
12/22 1852-001
California Fisheries Laboratory
10 items
12/23 1852-001
California Academy of Sciences, San Francisco, Steinhart Aquarium
5 items
12/24 1852-001
Ca-Cam, Miscellaneous
21 items
1936, 1948-1950
12/25 1852-001
Canada, Miscellaneous
19 items
12/26 1852-001
Can-Cl, Miscellaneous
24 items
1948-1951, undated
12/27 1852-001
Columbia River Packers Association
32 items
1948-1951, undated
12/28 1852-001
Cox, Bascom
7 items
12/29 1852-001
Co-Cu, Miscellaneous
26 items
1948-1950, undated
13/1 1852-001
D-E, Miscellaneous
28 items
1948-1951, undated
13/2 1852-001
Fishermen's Cooperative Association, San Pedro
10 items
13/3 1852-001
Fishing Gazette
8 items
13/4 1852-001
Fishing Vessel Owners' Association
7 items
13/5 1852-001
Fa-Fi, Miscellaneous
15 items
13/6 1852-001
Freeman, Miller
17 items
13/7 1852-001
Freeman (Miller) Publications
13 items
13/8 1852-001
Fl-Fr, Miscellaneous
19 items
1948-1951, undated
13/9 1852-001
G, Miscellaneous
27 items
1948-1951, undated
13/10 1852-001
Ha, Miscellaneous
19 items
1948-1950, undated
13/11 1852-001
He-Ho, Miscellaneous
13 items
13/12 1852-001
Hubbs, Carl L.
17 items
13/13 1852-001
Inter-American Tropical Tuna Commission
6 items
International Fisheries Commission
Box/Folder Accession
13/14 1852-001
Allen, Edward W.
15 items
1949-1951, undated
13/15 1852-001
4 items
International Pacific Salmon Fisheries Commission
Box/Folder Accession
13/16 1852-001
Allen, Edward W.
17 items
13/17 1852-001
Royal, Loyd A.
13 items
1949-1951, undated
13/18 1852-001
14 items
1948-1950, undated
Box/Folder Accession
13/19 1852-001
I-J, Miscellaneous
15 items
13/20 1852-001
Lenniger (August) Literary Agency
18 items
13/21 1852-001
Lippincott (J. B.) Company
18 items
13/22 1852-001
K-L, Miscellaneous
24 items
13/23 1852-001
Mac-Mai, Miscellaneous
19 items
1949-1951, undated
13/24 1852-001
Maine Sea and Shore Fisheries Department
17 items
13/25 1852-001
Map-Mat, Miscellaneous
26 items
13/26 1852-001
Minot, Francis
9 items
13/27 1852-001
Me-Mu, Miscellaneous
17 items
13/28 1852-001
National Canners Association
20 items
13/29 1852-001
National Fisheries Institute
16 items
13/30 1852-001
N, Miscellaneous
25 items
1948-1951, undated
13/31 1852-001
O, Miscellaneous
12 items
14/1 1852-001
Pacific Fisheries Conference
21 items
1948-1951, undated
14/2 1852-001
Pacific Marine Fisheries Commission
13 items
1948-1950, undated
14/3-5 1852-001
Phister, Montgomery
58 items
1948-1951, undated
14/6 1852-001
P-Q, Miscellaneous
22 items
14/7 1852-001
R-Sa, Miscellaneous
23 items
14/8 1852-001
Schaefer, Milner B. (Benny)
26 items
1948-1951, undated
14/9 1852-001
Sch-Sl, Miscellaneous
21 items
1948-1951, undated
14/10 1852-001
So-Sp, Miscellaneous
14 items
1948-1951, undated
14/11 1852-001
St-Sy, Miscellaneous
20 items
14/12 1852-001
T, Miscellaneous
17 items
14/13-14 1852-001
United States Fish and Wildlife Service
42 items
14/15 1852-001
United States Foreign Service
15 items
14/16 1852-001
United States A-F, Miscellaneous
23 items
1949-1951, undated
14/17 1852-001
United States Pacific Oceanic Fishery Investigation
12 items
14/18 1852-001
United States I-U, Miscellaneous
23 items
14/19 1852-001
University of Miami, Coral Gables, Marine Science Institute
11 items
Van Camp Sea Food Company
Box/Folder Accession
14/20-23 1852-001
Phister, Montgomery
63 items
Box/Folder Accession
15/1 1852-001
U-V, Miscellaneous
15 items
15/2 1852-001
Washington Fisheries Department
12 items
1948-1951, undated
University of Washington Fisheries College
Box/Folder Accession
15/3 1852-001
B-P, Miscellaneous
17 items
15/4 1852-001
Van Cleve, Richard
26 items
Box/Folder Accession
15/5 1852-001
University of Washington Miscellaneous
20 items
15/6 1852-001
Western Society of Naturalists
4 items
15/7 1852-001
Westgate-Sun Harbor Company
17 items
15/8 1852-001
W, Miscellaneous
26 items
1948-1951, undated
15/9 1852-001
Y-Z, Miscellaneous/Unidentified
13 items
1948-1951, undated
Outgoing Letters
United States State Department
Box/Folder Accession
15/10-16/9 1852-001
Chapman, Wilbert M.
580 items
1948-1951, undated
16/10 1852-001
Flory, William E. S.
15 items
1948, undated
16/11 1852-001
A-H, Miscellaneous
26 items
1946, 1948-1951, undated
16/12-13 1852-001
Looney, Warren F.
52 items
1949-1951, undated
16/14 1852-001
McFall, Jack K.
18 items
16/15 1852-001
26 items
1948-1950, undated
Box/Folder Accession
16/16-17/7 1852-001
Chapman, Wilbert M.
278 items
1948-1951, undated
Box/Folder Accession
17/8-16 1852-001
158 items
1948-1951, undated
Meetings, Conferences, Etc.
Box/Folder Accession
17/17 1852-001
Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Commission
9 items
17/18 1852-001
Gulf States Marine Fisheries Commission
8 items
18/1 1852-001
International Commission for the Northwest Atlantic Fisheries
6 items
18/2 1852-001
Pacific Fisheries Conference
3 items
1948, 1950-1951
18/3 1852-001
Pacific Marine Fisheries Commission
5 items
18/4-5 1852-001
United States-Costa Rican Fisheries Conversations
2 items
18/6 1852-001
United States-Mexico, Discussion on Fishery Problems
3 items
18/7 1852-001
22 items
Box/Folder Accession
18/8 1852-001
Financial Records - Chapman
12 items
Box/Folder Accession
18/9 1852-001
Territorial Waters
5 items
1948, undated
18/10-11 1852-001
11 items
1948-1951, undated
Reports - Others
Box/Folder Accession
18/12 1852-001
A-I, Miscellaneous
5 items
18/13 1852-001
Pacific Marine Fisheries Commission
2 items
1948, undated
18/14 1852-001
P-U, Miscellaneous
20 items
1943, 1948-1951
Box/Folder Accession
18/15 1852-001
Reports - Cruise
5 items
Speeches and Writings
Box/Folder Accession
18/16 1852-001
Language Services Division Translations
4 items
1949, undated
18/17 1852-001
5 items
1948, undated
Box/Folder Accession
19/1-4 1852-001
Speeches and Writings - Chapman
34 items
1948-1951, undated
Speeches and Writings - Others
Box/Folder Accession
19/5 1852-001
Allen, Edward W.
7 items
1951, undated
19/6 1852-001
Bishop, William W., Jr.
3 items
1949-1950, undated
19/7 1852-001
A-D, Miscellaneous
10 items
1948-1949, undated
19/8 1852-001
G-H, Miscellaneous
8 items
1949, 51, undated
19/9 1852-001
I-L, Miscellaneous
10 items
1949-1950, undated
19/10 1852-001
M-P, Miscellaneous
8 items
1949-1950, undated
19/11 1852-001
Royal, Loyd A.
2 items
19/12 1852-001
S, Miscellaneous
7 items
1949, undated
19/13 1852-001
U-Z, Miscellaneous
11 items
1948-1950, undated
19/14 1852-001
13 items
1948-1949, undated
Box/Folder Accession
20/1 1852-001
Bulletins - Others
7 items
20/2-3 1852-001
News Releases
24 items
News Releases - Others
Box/Folder Accession
20/4 1852-001
National Canners Association
8 items
20/5 1852-001
10 items
Treaties, Conventions, Etc.
Box/Folder Accession
20/6-7 1852-001
Convention for the Establishment of an Inter-American Tropical Tuna Commission
24 items
20/8 1852-001
Halibut Treaty
13 items
1937, 1949-1951
20/9-10 1852-001
International Convention for Northwest Atlantic Fisheries
9 items
1948-1949, undated
20/11 1852-001
15 items
1800, 1933-1934, 1944-1951, undated
Legislation and Related Papers
Box/Folder Accession
20/12 1852-001
Tuna Convention Act, 1950
16 items
20/13 1852-001
6 items
1948-1949, undated
Box/Folder Accession
20/14 1852-001
12 items
20/15 1852-001
27 items
Box/Folder Accession
20/16 1852-001
20/17 1852-001
Graphic Materials
Box/Folder Accession
21/1 1852-001
21/2 1852-001
5 items
Box/Folder Accession
21/3-4 1852-001
8 items
Box/Folder Accession
21/5 1852-001
5 items
21/6-7 1852-001
27 items
Box/Folder Accession
21/8-9 1852-001
Miscellany - Electrical Aids to Fishing
21 items
American Tunaboat Association
Incoming Letters
Box/Folder Accession
22/1 1852-001
Alaska Salmon Industry Inc., Seattle
8 items
1954, 1957, 1959
22/2 1852-001
Allen, Edward W.
22 items
22/3 1852-001
Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Commission
7 items
1954, 1956-1957
22/4 1852-001
A, Miscellaneous
21 items
22/5 1852-001
Bennett, Eugene D.
9 items
1954, 1956-1957, 1959
22/6 1852-001
Bishop, William W., Jr.
9 items
1953, 1956
22/7 1852-001
Brittin, Burdick H. (Bert)
12 items
1956-1957, undated
22/8 1852-001
B, Miscellaneous
19 items
1952, 1954, 1956-1959
22/9-10 1852-001
California Fish and Game Department
20 items
University of California
Box/Folder Accession
22/11 1852-001
George Williams Hooper Foundation
7 items
22/12 1852-001
Scripps Institution of Oceanography, La Jolla
12 items
22/13 1852-001
10 items
1951, 1955-1959
California Fish Canners Association Inc., Terminal Island
Box/Folder Accession
22/14 1852-001
Carry, Charles R.
17 items
22/15 1852-001
B-P, Miscellaneous
21 items
1951, 1954, 1956, 1959
Box/Folder Accession
22/16 1852-001
C-Cal, Miscellaneous
9 items
1951, 1954, 1957
22/17 1852-001
Cannery Workers and Fishermen's Union
4 items
1954, 1958
22/18 1852-001
Cam-Car, Miscellaneous
19 items
1952-19591959, undated
22/19 1852-001
Cofer (L. K.) Agents
17 items
22/20 1852-001
Council on Tuna Exports
4 items
22/21 1852-001
Cox, Bascom
10 items
22/22 1852-001
Ce-Cr, Miscellaneous
27 items
23/1 1852-001
Driscoll, John Gerald, Jr.
11 items
23/2 1852-001
D-E, Miscellaneous
22 items
1951-1959, undated
Fisherman's Cooperative Association, San Pedro
Box/Folder Accession
23/3 1852-001
Case, Mason
17 items
23/4 1852-001
J-R, Miscellaneous
19 items
1952-1954, 1959
Box/Folder Accession
23/5 1852-001
Fishermens' Union, Alaska
4 items
23/6 1852-001
Five Star Fish and Cold Storage
7 items
1954, 1958-1959
23/7 1852-001
Florida Attorney General's Office
19 items
1956, undated
23/8 1852-001
F, Miscellaneous
23 items
23/9 1852-001
G-H, Miscellaneous
13 items
1952-1957, 1959
23/10 1852-001
Inter-American Tropical Tuna Commission
7 items
1953, 1955-1956, 1958, undated
International North Pacific Fisheries Commission
Box/Folder Accession
23/11 1852-001
Brooding, Milton E.
11 items
23/12 1852-001
Jackson, Roy I.
3 items
1955, 1958
Box/Folder Accession
23/13 1852-001
I-J, Miscellaneous
16 items
1952-1954, 1956-1957
23/14 1852-001
Kask, John Laurence (Jack)
5 items
1951-1952, 1958, undated
23/15 1852-001
King, Cecil R.
4 items
1954, 1958
23/16-17 1852-001
Klein, Alfred M.
42 items
23/18 1852-001
Knowland, William F.
12 items
1954, 1956-1957
23/19 1852-001
Kuchel, Thomas H.
20 items
1954, 1956-1957, 1959
23/20 1852-001
Luckel, Frank
10 items
1957, undated
23/21 1852-001
K-L, Miscellaneous
24 items
1952-1954, 1956-1958, undated
23/22 1852-001
Magnuson, Warren G.
9 items
1954-1957, 1959, undated
23/23 1852-001
Ma-Man, Miscellaneous
11 items
23/24 1852-001
Massachusetts Fisheries Association
8 items
24/1 1852-001
Mills, Wilbur D.
2 items
24/2 1852-001
Mar-Mo, Miscellaneous
18 items
National Canners Association
Box/Folder Accession
24/3-4 1852-001
Carry, Charles R.
18 items
1951-1955, 1957
24/5 1852-001
Steele, George E.
6 items
Box/Folder Accession
24/6 1852-001
National Fisheries Institute
18 items
24/7 1852-001
National Shrimp Congress
19 items
1956-1959, undated
24/8 1852-001
Nation-Wide Committee on Import-Export Policy
7 items
1954, 1957
24/9 1852-001
N, Miscellaneous
9 items
1951, 1956-1959, undated
24/10 1852-001
O, Miscellaneous
11 items
1952-1954, 1956, 1959
24/11 1852-001
Pacific American Steamship Association
10 items
24/12 1852-001
Pacific Fisheries Conference
5 items
1951-1952, 1954, undated
24/13-14 1852-001
Phister, Montgomery
42 items
24/15 1852-001
P-R, Miscellaneous
18 items
1951-1957, 1959, undated
24/16 1852-001
Satonstall, Leverett
7 items
1954, 1956, 1958
24/17 1852-001
Schaefer, Milner B. (Benny)
5 items
24/18 1852-001
Sa-Sc, Miscellaneous
15 items
1952-1959, undated
24/19 1852-001
Seafood Producers Association
9 items
1956-1958, undated
24/20 1852-001
Shimada, Kay K.
14 items
24/21 1852-001
Shrimp Association of the Americas
10 items
1954-1956, 1959
24/22 1852-001
Se-Sp, Miscellaneous
22 items
24/23 1852-001
Stanford Research Institute
5 items
Star-Kist Foods
Box/Folder Accession
25/1 1852-001
Leitner, T. E.
8 items
25/2 1852-001
Loker, Donald P.
10 items
1953, 1955-1957, undated
25/3 1852-001
Trutanic, Nicholas F. (Nick)
6 items
1952, 1958
25/4 1852-001
8 items
Box/Folder Accession
25/5 1852-001
Swaffield, Roland G.
3 items
25/6 1852-001
St-Sz, Miscellaneous
11 items
25/7-8 1852-001
Tapia C., F. S.
45 items
25/9 1852-001
Texas Shrimp Association
7 items
1954, 1956-1957
Tuna Research Foundation
Box/Folder Accession
25/10-11 1852-001
Mooris, E. L.
49 items
1952-1957, 1959
Box/Folder Accession
25/12 1852-001
T, Miscellaneous
18 items
1951-1959, undated
25/13 1852-001
United States Commerce Department
16 items
1955-1959, undated
United States Commercial Fisheries Bureau
Box/Folder Accession
25/14 1852-001
A-Mc, Miscellaneous
16 items
1952, 1955, 1958-1959, undated
25/15 1852-001
M-S, Miscellaneous
3 items
Box/Folder Accession
25/16 1852-001
United States Customs Bureau
8 items
1953-1954, 1957
United States Fish and Wildlife Service
Box/Folder Accession
25/17 1852-001
Anderson, A. W.
7 items
1952-1954, 1956-1957
25/18 1852-001
Farley, John L.
5 items
25/19 1852-001
16 items
1952-1953, 1956-1957
Box/Folder Accession
25/20 1852-001
United States Foreign Service
19 items
1948, 1951-1953
United States Interior Department
Box/Folder Accession
25/21 1852-001
Leffler, Ross
17 items
25/22 1852-001
9 items
1953, 1956, 1958
Box/Folder Accession
26/1 1852-001
United States Justice Department
2 items
1950, 1953
26/2-3 1852-001
United States Navy
21 items
1952, 1956, 1958-1959
United States State Department
Box/Folder Accession
26/4-7 1852-001
Herrington, William C.
49 items
1951-1959, undated
26/8 1852-001
Looney, Warren F.
5 items
1953, 1955
26/9 1852-001
B-M, Miscellaneous
19 items
1952-1959, undated
26/10 1852-001
Taylor, Fred E.
22 items
1952, 1955-1959
26/11 1852-001
P-U, Miscellaneous
18 items
Box/Folder Accession
26/12 1852-001
United States Tariff Commission
5 items
1952, 1955-1958
26/13 1852-001
United States Treasury Department
9 items
United States, Miscellaneous
Box/Folder Accession
26/14 1852-001
Van Camp Sea Food Company
22 items
1953-1959, undated
26/15-17 1852-001
Phister, Montgomery
65 items
26/18 1852-001
13 items
1951-1953, 1956-1957, 1959
Box/Folder Accession
26/21 1852-001
University of Washington Fisheries College
6 items
26/19 1852-001
U-V, Miscellaneous
17 items
1952-1957, 1959
26/20 1852-001
Warren Fish Company
7 items
1953, 1956-1957
26/22 1852-001
Wilson, Bob
17 items
1954, 1956-1957, 1959, undated
26/23 1852-001
Worsley (R.C.) Agent
7 items
26/24 1852-001
W-Z, Miscellaneous
14 items
1951-1952, 1954, 1956-1958
26/25 1852-001
28 items
1952-1954, 1956-1959, undated
Outgoing Letters
American Tunaboat Association
Box/Folder Accession
27/1 1852-001
Canas, Joaquim
16 items
27/2-10 1852-001
Cary, Harold F.
185 items
1952-1959, undated
27/11-28/13 1852-001
Chapman, Wilbert M.
261 items
1951-1959, undated
29/1 1852-001
Madruga, Joseph J.
7 items
29/2 1852-001
Medina, M. Machado
6 items
29/3 1852-001
Penacho, Joseph E.
8 items
29/4 1852-001
Perry, Frank M.
16 items
1951, undated
29/5 1852-001
Silva, Edward P.
8 items
29/6-7 1852-001
41 items
1951-1955, 1959, undated
Box/Folder Accession
29/8-18 1852-001
Chapman, Wilbert M.
104 items
1951-1959, undated
Box/Folder Accession
30/1 1852-001
General Correspondence - Appendix 1-24
19 items
30/2-3 1852-001
25 items
1951-1956, undated
Meetings, Conferences, Etc.
American Tunaboat Association
Box/Folder Accession
30/4 1852-001
Tuna Fishermen's Trust Fund
7 items
30/5-6 1852-001
33 items
1953-1957, 1959, undated
Box/Folder Accession
30/7 1852-001
Anglo-American Discussions
1 item
30/8 1852-001
A-F, Miscellaneous
14 items
1950, 1953-1956, 1958
30/9 1852-001
Gulf and Caribbean Fisheries Institute
5 items
1954, 1956
30/10 1852-001
International Commission for the Northwest Atlantic Fisheries
9 items
International Law Commission
Box/Folder Accession
30/11 1852-001
Draft Report
5 items
30/12 1852-001
Reports and Resolutions
4 items
1953, 1956, undated
30/13 1852-001
Conference Room Papers
26 items
30/14 1852-001
Draft Articles on Fisheries
9 items
30/15 1852-001
30/16 1852-001
7 items
1955, undated
Box/Folder Accession
30/17-20 1852-001
International North Pacific Fisheries Commission
26 items
1954-1955, 1957-1958, undated
31/1-2 1852-001
International Technical Conference on the Conservation of the Living Resources of the Sea
40 items
1955, undated
Organization of American States
Box/Folder Accession
31/3 1852-001
10 items
1954, 1956
31/4 1852-001
2 items
1954, 1956
31/5-7 1852-001
Official Working Papers
36 items
31/8 1852-001
Speeches and Writings - Chapman
12 items
31/9 1852-001
Speeches and Writings - Miscellaneous
11 items
1954, 1956, undated
31/10 1852-001
10 items
1954, 1956, undated
31/11 1852-001
5 items
31/12 1852-001
31/13 1852-001
5 items
Box/Folder Accession
31/14 1852-001
Pacific Fishery Biologists
10 items
31/15 1852-001
Pacific Tuna Conference
2 items
1954, 1957
Santiago Negotiations on Fishery Conservation Problems
Box/Folder Accession
31/16 1852-001
9 items
31/17-18 1852-001
3 items
31/19-21 1852-001
Speeches and Writings
51 items
1955, undated
32/1 1852-001
Position Papers
3 items
32/2 1852-001
Draft Conventions
9 items
32/3 1852-001
4 items
32/4 1852-001
5 items
1955, undated
United Nations Law of the Sea Conference
Box/Folder Accession
32/5 1852-001
Working Papers
4 items
32/6 1852-001
Speeches and Writings
6 items
1956, 1958
32/7 1852-001
News Releases
4 items
Box/Folder Accession
32/8 1852-001
2 items
32/9 1852-001
Voting Tallies
50 items
Box/Folder Accession
32/10 1852-001
32/11 1852-001
United States Commercial Fisheries Bureau. Technological Section
7 items
32/12 1852-001
United States Interior Department. American Fisheries Advisory Committee
6 items
1955-1956, 1958
32/13 1852-001
G-U, Miscellaneous
19 items
1952, 1954-1959, undated
Financial Records
Box/Folder Accession
32/14 1852-001
Accounts Receivable
4 items
32/15 1852-001
Audit Reports
3 items
1952, 1959
32/16 1852-001
Balance Sheets
12 items
1950-1954, 1956-1957, undated
32/17 1852-001
Boat Fleet Earnings
19 items
Box/Folder Accession
32/18 1852-001
Financial Records - Chapman
5 items
1952, 1957-1958
Financial Records - Others
Box/Folder Accession
32/19 1852-001
Grant and Loan Requests
4 items
1951, 1954, 1957
32/20 1852-001
Loans - Santa Anita
21 items
32/21 1852-001
16 items
1952-1959, undated
Box/Folder Accession
33/1-3 1852-001
28 items
1951-1955, undated
33/4 1852-001
Star-Kist Foods
8 items
1955-1956, undated
33/5-6 1852-001
57 items
33/7 1852-001
14 items
1953-1954, undated
Box/Folder Accession
33/8 1852-001
Agreements - Others
13 items
1951-1952, 1955, 1957, undated
33/9 1852-001
6 items
1952, 1955-1957
Box/Folder Accession
33/10-11 1852-001
136 items
33/12 1852-001
5 items
1954, 1957, undated
Box/Folder Accession
3/13 1852-001
Reports - Chapman
1 item
Reports - Others
Box/Folder Accession
33/14 1852-001
Columbia River Packers Association
4 items
1954, 1956-1958
33/15 1852-001
C-F, Miscellaneous
9 items
1951-1952, 1954, 1958, undated
33/16 1852-001
Harville, John P.
3 items
34/1 1852-001
Market Research Corporation of America
3 items
34/2 1852-001
Tuna Research Foundation
5 items
34/3 1852-001
United States Embassy Japan
2 items
34/4 1852-001
United States Fish and Wildlife Service
1 item
34/5-8 1852-001
United States Fish and Wildlife Service, Fishery Technological Laboratory, Seattle
42 items
34/9 1852-001
United States Foreign Service
1 item
34/10 1852-001
United States Interior Department
1 item
34/11-12 1852-001
United States Pacific Salmon Investigations
10 items
35/1 1852-001
Van Camp Sea Food Company
2 items
1951, 1958
35/2 1852-001
I-W, Miscellaneous
11 items
1952, 1954-1959, undated
35/3 1852-001
14 items
1953, 1956-1957, undated
Box/Folder Accession
35/4 1852-001
Reports - Cruise
25 items
1953, 1955-1958
35/5 1852-001
Plans and Proposals
8 items
1953-1956, 1959, undated
Box/Folder Accession
35/6 1852-001
3 items
35/7-9 1852-001
69 items
35/10 1852-001
Bait Boat Fleet
26 items
35/11 1852-001
Bait Boat Fleet in Operation
55 items
35/12 1852-001
Boat Unloading Schedules
14 items
1955, 57, undated
35/13-15 1852-001
Daily Tonnage Reports
84 items
35/16 1852-001
Health and Welfare Insurance
5 items
35/17 1852-001
Tonnage of Member Vessels
13 items
35/18 1852-001
World Tuna Production
1 item
36/1 1852-001
Yellowfin Tuna
5 items
36/2 1852-001
27 items
1950-1959, undated
Statistics - Others
Box/Folder Accession
36/3-4 1852-001
California Fish Canners Association
102 items
36/5 1852-001
Japan Fisheries Agency
4 items
36/6 1852-001
Japan Canned Foods Exporters Association
13 items
36/7 1852-001
Japan Frozen Foods Exporters Association
20 items
36/8-9 1852-001
Nihon Suisan Shinbun
58 items
1956-1957, undated
36/10-13 1852-001
Nikkan Suisan Tsushin
76 items
1953, 1957-1958, undated
36/14-16 1852-001
Nippo Suisan Keizai Shinbun
59 items
1957, undated
36/17 1852-001
16 items
36/18 1852-001
United States Agriculture Department Marketing Service
1 item
36/19 1852-001
Miscellaneous (on Japanese Fisheries)
22 items
37/1-2 1852-001
57 items
Box/Folder Accession
37/3-4 1852-001
Log Books
3 items
1928, 1945, undated
Speeches and Writings
Box/Folder Accession
37/5-6 1852-001
Cary, Harold F.
4 items
1955, 1957, undated
37/7 1852-001
2 items
1951, 1956
Box/Folder Accession
37/8-15 1852-001
Speeches and Writings - Chapman
41 items
1951, 1956-1959, undated
Speeches and Writings - Others
Box/Folder Accession
38/1 1852-001
Brittin, Burdick H. (Bert)
1 item
38/2 1852-001
Carry, Charles R.
4 items
1956-1957, undated
38/3 1852-001
A-D, Miscellaneous
8 items
1952, 1954, 1956-1958, undated
38/4 1852-001
Farber, Lionel
1 item
38/5 1852-001
Herrington, William C.
5 items
1951, 1953-1954, undated
38/6 1852-001
I-J, Miscellaneous
14 items
1953, 1955-1958, undated
38/7 1852-001
Kennedy, John F.
1 item
38/8 1852-001
Loker, Donald P.
1 item
38/9 1852-001
K-L, Miscellaneous
5 items
1956, 1958
38/10 1852-001
Magnuson, Warren G.
3 items
1957, undated
38/11 1852-001
M, Miscellaneous
7 items
38/12 1852-001
National Canners Association
1 item
38/13 1852-001
National Research Council, Oceanography Committee
13 items
38/14 1852-001
Phister, Montgomery
4 items
38/15 1852-001
N-P, Miscellaneous
6 items
1952, 1956-1957, undated
38/16 1852-001
Real, John J.
3 items
1955, undated
38/17 1852-001
Rice, Thomas D.
5 items
1956, undated
39/1-2 1852-001
Schaefer, Milner B. (Benny)
4 items
39/3 1852-001
Strackbein, O. R.
2 items
39/4 1852-001
R-S, Miscellaneous
12 items
1954, 1956-1957, undated
39/5 1852-001
United States Commercial Fisheries Bureau
13 items
1954, 1957-1959
39/6 1852-001
T-Z, Miscellaneous
13 items
1952-1954, 1956-1958, undated
39/7-40/1 1852-001
31 items
1952-1958, undated
Box/Folder Accession
40/2 1852-001
Position Papers
1 item
40/3 1852-001
18 items
40/4 1852-001
Newsletters - Others
18 items
1954-1958, 1960, undated
40/5 1852-001
Bulletins - Others
31 items
1927, 1952-1959, undated
40/6-7 1852-001
News Releases - Others
38 items
1952-1959, undated
40/8 1852-001
Treaties, Conventions, Etc.
6 items
1950, 1953-1954, 1957, undated
40/9 1852-001
Legislation and Related Papers - California
8 items
1951, 1956-1958
Legislation and Related Papers - United States
Box/Folder Accession
40/10 1852-001
Fishermen's Protective Act of 1954
14 items
1954, 1957, undated
40/11 1852-001
F, Miscellaneous
11 items
1956, 1958, undated
40/12 1852-001
Merchant Marine Act of 1936 - Amendment
3 items
1954, undated
40/13 1852-001
Saltonstall - Kennedy Act
12 items
1955, undated
40/14 1852-001
Tariff Act of 1930 - Amendment
17 items
1951-1953, undated
40/15 1852-001
United States, Miscellaneous
11 items
1954, 1957-1958, undated
Box/Folder Accession
41/1 1852-001
10 items
1953, undated
41/2 1852-001
Resolutions - Others
16 items
1950, 1952-1957, 1959, undated
41/3 1852-001
Rules and Regulations - Others
20 items
1948-1958, undated
Box/Folder Accession
41/4 1852-001
United States Federal Trade Commission
6 items
1956, undated
41/5 1852-001
United States National Labor Relations Board
1 item
41/6-7 1852-001
United States Tariff Commission
6 items
1951-1952, 1957, undated
Box/Folder Accession
41/8 1852-001
18 items
Lists - Others
Box/Folder Accession
41/9 1852-001
Pacific Fisheries Biologists
3 items
41/10 1852-001
19 items
Box/Folder Accession
41/11 1852-001
Chapman's Book
41/12 1852-001
Ellington, Tex
41/13-15 1852-001
Box/Folder Accession
42/1-6 1852-001
Graphic and Audio Materials
Box/Folder Accession
42/7 1852-001
42/8 1852-001
Audio Materials
2 items
Box/Folder Accession
42/9 1852-001
Statistic Tables of Fishing Vessels
1 item
42/10 1852-001
Tuna Fleet Mileage Tables
1 item
Box/Folder Accession
42/11 1852-001
8 items
Box/Folder Accession
42/12 1852-001
Pamphlets - Others
6 items
Box/Folder Accession
42/13 1852-001
9 items
43/1 1852-001
Tuna Recipes
19 items
43/2-3 1852-001
48 items
Box/Folder Accession
43/4 1852-001
3 items
1954, undated
Subject Series
California Tuna Clipper
Box/Folder Accession
43/5 1852-001
3 items
1951, 1953, undated
43/6 1852-001
9 items
43/7 1852-001
11 items
43/8 1852-001
25 items
Ocean Resources Institute
Box/Folder Accession
43/9 1852-001
General Correspondence
27 items
43/10 1852-001
14 items
Pacific Marine Fisheries Commission
Incoming Letters
Box/Folder Accession
43/11 1852-001
Pacific Marine Fisheries Commission
18 items
43/12 1852-001
B-W, Miscellaneous
4 items
Box/Folder Accession
43/13-14 1852-001
Meetings, Conferences, etc.
6 items
43/15 1852-001
Speeches and Writings - Others
1 item
Incoming Letters
Box/Folder Accession
44/1 1852-001
American Tunaboat Association
2 items
44/2-3 1852-001
Panama Agencies Company
39 items
44/4 1852-001
J-W, Miscellaneous
24 items
1952-1953, undated
Box/Folder Accession
44/5-7 1852-001
Outgoing Letters
15 items
44/8 1852-001
General Correspondence
34 items
44/9 1852-001
Financial Records
9 items
1953, undated
44/10 1852-001
Legal Documents and Decrees (Republic of Panama)
17 items
44/11 1852-001
12 items
44/12-13 1852-001
44/14 1852-001
Graphic Materials - Photographs
2 items
44/15 1852-001
13 items
1953, undated
Tuna Council of the Americas
Incoming Letters
Box/Folder Accession
44/16 1852-001
Tuna Council of the Americas
21 items
44/17 1852-001
Tuna Research Foundation
6 items
44/18 1852-001
A-U, Miscellaneous
12 items
1953-1954, undated
Box/Folder Accession
44/19 1852-001
Outgoing Letters
4 items
44/20 1852-001
Minutes and Agenda
4 items
44/21 1852-001
Financial Records
1 item
44/22 1852-001
Agreements and Resolutions
8 items
1953, undated
45/1 1852-001
14 items
1953-1954, undated
45/2 1852-001
Reports - Chapman
7 items
45/3 1852-001
Speeches and Writings - Chapman
5 items
United States Pacific Oceanic Fishery Investigations
Incoming Letters
Box/Folder Accession
45/4 1852-001
McKernan, Donald L.
21 items
45/5 1852-001
Murphy, Garth I.
11 items
1955-1958, undated
45/6-7 1852-001
Sette, O. E.
39 items
45/8 1852-001
Tester, Albert L.
22 items
45/9 1852-001
A-V, Miscellaneous
16 items
1948-1955, undated
Box/Folder Accession
45/10-11 1852-001
United States POFI. Tuna Industry Advisory Committee
24 items
1950-1951, 1953-1957
45/12-15 1852-001
Outgoing Letters
65 items
45/16 1852-001
Meetings, Conferences, etc.
6 items
1949, 1954-1956
45/17 1852-001
Financial Records
3 items
1949-1950, 1959
45/18 1852-001
5 items
1949, 1951, undated
45/19 1852-001
Reports - Cruise
9 items
1954, 1955
45/20 1852-001
Plans and Proposals
7 items
1950-1951, 1956-1958
46/2 1852-001
Speeches and Writings
4 items
1949-1950, 1957, undated
46/2 1852-001
46/3 1852-001
46/4 1852-001
Graphic Materials - Maps
3 items
46/5 1852-001
4 items
1955, undated
Resources Committee
Box/Folder Accession
46/6 1852-001
Organizational Materials
1 item
Incoming Letters
Box/Folder Accession
46/7 1852-001
American Tunaboat Association
17 items
46/8 1852-001
A, Miscellaneous
17 items
1960-1961, undated
46/9-10 1852-001
Babcock, Ruth
49 items
1959-1961, undated
46/11 1852-001
Brittin, Burdick H. (Bert)
11 items
1960-1961, undated
46/12 1852-001
B, Miscellaneous
15 items
1959-1961, undated
46/13 1852-001
California Fish and Game Department
29 items
California Fish Canners Association
Box/Folder Accession
46/14-17 1852-001
Carry, Charles R.
82 items
1959-1961, undated
46/18 1852-001
Morris, E. L.
13 items
Box/Folder Accession
46/19 1852-001
C, Miscellaneous
22 items
1960-1961, undated
46/20 1852-001
D-F, Miscellaneous
24 items
46/21 1852-001
G-H, Miscellaneous
11 items
1960-1961, undated
47/1 1852-001
Klein, Alfred M.
11 items
47/2 1852-001
Kuchel, Thomas H.
15 items
47/3 1852-001
I-L, Miscellaneous
18 items
1959-1961, undated
47/4 1852-001
Magnuson, Warren G.
8 items
47/5 1852-001
National Canners Association
11 items
1960-1961, undated
47/6 1852-001
National Shrimp Congress
7 items
47/7 1852-001
Nation-Wide Committee on Import-Export Policy
5 items
47/8 1852-001
M-R, Miscellaneous
24 items
47/9 1852-001
Tapia C., F. S.
6 items
47/10 1852-001
Texas Shrimp Association
12 items
1959-1961, undated
47/11 1852-001
S-T, Miscellaneous
26 items
1960-1961, undated
United States Commercial Fisheries Bureau
Box/Folder Accession
47/12 1852-001
A-H, Miscellaneous
20 items
47/13 1852-001
J-W, Miscellaneous
25 items
Box/Folder Accession
47/14 1852-001
United States Interior Department
19 items
47/15 1852-001
United States National Science Foundation
9 items
47/16 1852-001
United States Navy. Chief of Naval Operations
11 items
47/17 1852-001
United States Navy. Hydrographic Office
13 items
United States State Department
Box/Folder Accession
47/18 1852-001
Herrington, William C.
23 items
1960-1961, undated
47/19 1852-001
Taylor, Fred E.
20 items
47/20 1852-001
13 items
Box/Folder Accession
47/21 1852-001
United States, Miscellaneous
26 items
Van Camp Sea Food Company
Box/Folder Accession
47/22 1852-001
Cary, Harold F.
21 items
47/23 1852-001
B-V, Miscellaneous
13 items
Box/Folder Accession
47/24 1852-001
Wilson, Bob
12 items
47/25 1852-001
U-Z, Miscellaneous
24 items
1960-1961, undated
47/26 1852-001
8 items
1960-1961, undated
Box/Folder Accession
48/1-10 1852-001
Outgoing Letters - Resources Committee -Chapman
171 items
1959-1961, undated
Meetings, Conferences, Etc.
Box/Folder Accession
48/11 1852-001
Resources Committee
9 items
48/12 1852-001
Government - Industry Tuna Conference
9 items
48/13 1852-001
A-I, Miscellaneous
10 items
Pacific Science Congress
Box/Folder Accession
48/14 1852-001
4 items
48/15 1852-001
Box/Folder Accession
48/16 1852-001
N-T, Miscellaneous
9 items
United Nations Law of the Sea Conference
Box/Folder Accession
48/17 1852-001
1 item
48/18 1852-001
Reports - United States State Department Resumes
8 items
48/19 1852-001
Draft Proposals
1960, undated
49/1-5 1852-001
Speeches and Writings
33 items
49/6 1852-001
News Releases - Others
4 items
49/7 1852-001
4 items
1959-1960, undated
49/8 1852-001
7 items
1960-1961, undated
49/9 1852-001
49/10 1852-001
Graphic Material - Photograph
Box/Folder Accession
49/11-12 1852-001
United States Commercial Fisheries Bureau. Government - Industry Tuna Meeting
5 items
49/13-14 1852-001
United States - Japan Tuna Conference, Tokyo
5 items
Box/Folder Accession
49/15-18 1852-001
Financial Records
43 items
1959-1960, undated
49/19 1852-001
Financial Records - Chapman
4 items
1959-1960, undated
Financial Records - Others
Box/Folder Accession
50/1 1852-001
Loan Applications
6 items
50/2 1852-001
12 items
1959-1961, undated
Reports - Chapman
Box/Folder Accession
50/3 1852-001
Index - Partial Index to Reports
7 items
50/4 1852-001
A Series (Resource Committee Operations)
4 items
FR (Foreign Report) Series
Box/Folder Accession
50/5-8 1852-001
14 items
50/9 1852-001
4 items
50/10-12 1852-001
30 items
50/13 1852-001
International Meetings on Fish Meal
4 items
50/14 1852-001
International Labor Organization
2 items
50/15-16 1852-001
10 items
50/17 1852-001
1 item
50/18 1852-001
8 items
50/19 1852-001
West Africa
4 items
Box/Folder Accession
51/1-7 1852-001
G (General Report) Series [R.C. Administration]
49 items
51/8-9 1852-001
GC (Geneva Conference on the Law of the Sea) Series
12 items
51/10 1852-001
L (Legislation) Series
11 items
51/11-52/5 1852-001
LS (Law of the Sea) Series
84 items
52/6-53/10 1852-001
R (Research Report) Series
94 items
53/11-15 1852-001
TE (United States - Japan Tuna Conference Series
34 items
54/1-2 1852-001
6 items
Reports - Others
Box/Folder Accession
54/3 1852-001
University of California Scripps Institution of Oceanography, La Jolla
10 items
54/4 1852-001
C, Miscellaneous
4 items
54/5-6 1852-001
United Nations Law of the Sea Conference
10 items
1958, 60, undated
54/7-8 1852-001
United States Fish and Wildlife Service
16 items
54/9 1852-001
United States, Miscellaneous
9 items
1959-1961, undated
54/10 1852-001
West African Fishery Potential
1 item
54/11 1852-001
Z, Miscellaneous
2 items
Plans and Proposals
Box/Folder Accession
54/12 1852-001
American Tuna Canning Company
1 item
54/13 1852-001
United States Navy. Hydrographic Office
36 items
54/14 1852-001
14 items
1960-1961, undated
Box/Folder Accession
54/15 1852-001
7 items
1960-1961, undated
54/16 1852-001
13 items
55/1-2 1852-001
Speeches and Writings - Chapman
7 items
1960, undated
Speeches and Writings - Others
Box/Folder Accession
55/3 1852-001
A-J, Miscellaneous
9 items
1960-1961, undated
55/4 1852-001
United States Commercial Fisheries Bureau -Translations
16 items
55/5 1852-001
L-Z, Miscellaneous
16 items
1959-1961, undated
Box/Folder Accession
55/6 1852-001
Newsletters - Others
10 items
Bulletins - Others
Box/Folder Accession
55/7 1852-001
National Shrimp Congress
19 items
55/8 1852-001
12 items
Box/Folder Accession
55/9 1852-001
Serials - Others
4 items
55/10 1852-001
News Releases - Others
7 items
1960-1961, undated
Box/Folder Accession
55/11 1852-001
California; Ecuador
2 items
1960, 1961
55/12 1852-001
United States
3 items
1961, undated
Box/Folder Accession
55/13 1852-001
Resolutions - Others
6 items
1959-1960, undated
55/14 1852-001
Rules and Regulations - Others
2 items
56/1 1852-001
3 items
Lists - Others
Box/Folder Accession
56/2 1852-001
American Tunaboat Association - Membership
4 items
56/3 1852-001
Bait Boats and Purse Seiners
8 items
56/4 1852-001
18 items
Box/Folder Accession
56/5 1852-001
56/6-7 1852-001
56/8 1852-001
Graphic Materials
7 items
56/9 1852-001
5 items
56/10 1852-001
10 items
56/11 1852-001
8 items
1960, undated
Subject Series - United States Interior Department Fish and Wildlife Advisory Committee
Box/Folder Accession
56/12 1852-001
Incoming Letters
14 items
56/13-16 1852-001
Meetings, Conferences, Etc.
20 items
56/17 1852-001
3 items
1958, 1960
56/18 1852-001
Lists and Notes
3 items
56/19 1852-001
Graphic Materials
4 items
Van Camp Sea Food Company
Box/Folder Accession
57/1 1852-001
Organizational Materials
4 items
57/2 1852-001
Biographical Features - Chapman
10 items
1963-1965, 1967, 1969, undated
Incoming Letters
Box/Folder Accession
57/3 1852-001
A-Ad, Miscellaneous
21 items
1962-1970, undated
57/4 1852-001
Allen, Edward W.
8 items
57/5 1852-001
Ah-Amd, Miscellaneous
13 items
1963-1970, undated
57/6 1852-001
American Chemical Society
12 items
57/7 1852-001
American Elsevier Publishing Company
12 items
57/8 1852-001
American Fisheries Society
11 items
57/9 1852-001
American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics
5 items
1964-1965, undated
57/10 1852-001
American Institute of Fishery Research Biologists
19 items
1962-1970, undated
57/11 1852-001
American Management Association
5 items
57/12 1852-001
American Society for Oceanography
7 items
57/13 1852-001
American Tunaboat Association
6 items
1964, 1966-1968
57/14 1852-001
American, Miscellaneous
27 items
1963, 1966-1969, undated
57/15 1852-001
Armstrong, Arthur O.
4 items
57/16 1852-001
Americana-As, Miscellaneous
19 items
57/17 1852-001
At-Ay, Miscellaneous
24 items
57/18 1852-001
Bank of America
11 items
1962-1963, 1966-1967
57/19 1852-001
Bartlett, E. L. (Bob)
10 items
57/20 1852-001
Ba, Miscellaneous
21 items
1962, 1964-1969
57/21 1852-001
Bennett, Eugene D.
7 items
1966-1967, 1969
57/22 1852-001
Be-Bl, Miscellaneous
23 items
57/23 1852-001
Brahtz, John F.
9 items
1965-1967, 1969
57/24 1852-001
British Columbia University
17 items
57/25 1852-001
Brittin, Burdick H. (Bert)
20 items
1962-1964, 1969, 1973, undated
57/26 1852-001
Bo-Bri, Miscellaneous
26 items
1962-1963, 1965-1970
58/1 1852-001
Brokensha, David W.
11 items
58/2 1852-001
Browning, David S.
9 items
58/3 1852-001
Bumble Bee Seafoods
8 items
1964, 1967-1970
58/4 1852-001
Burke, William T.
19 items
58/5 1852-001
Bro-Bu, Miscellaneous
13 items
58/6 1852-001
California. Fish and Game Department
10 items
1961-1962, 1968
58/7 1852-001
California. Fisheries Laboratory
17 items
Box/Folder Accession
58/8 1852-001
A-R, Miscellaneous
24 items
1963-1968, 1970
58/9 1852-001
S, Miscellaneous
15 items
University of California
Box/Folder Accession
58/10 1852-001
Kerr, Clark
22 items
1962, 1965-1966
58/11 1852-001
10 items
1964-1967, 1969
Box/Folder Accession
58/12 1852-001
18 items
58/13 1852-001
Los Angeles
19 items
San Diego-- Marine Resources Institute
Box/Folder Accession
58/14-16 1852-001
Schaefer, Milner B. (Benny)
53 items
58/17 1852-001
4 items
Scripps Institution of Oceanography, La Jolla
Box/Folder Accession
58/18 1852-001
Blackburn, Maurice
9 items
58/19 1852-001
Wooster, Warren S.
10 items
58/20 1852-001
22 items
1963, 1965-1970
Box/Folder Accession
58/21 1852-001
5 items
1963, 1967-1969
Box/Folder Accession
59/1 1852-001
California Academy of Sciences, San Francisco
14 items
1962-1964, 1966, undated
California Fish Canners Association
Box/Folder Accession
59/2-4 1852-001
Carry, Charles R.
41 items
59/5 1852-001
5 items
Box/Folder Accession
59/6 1852-001
Canada. Deputy Minister of Fisheries
5 items
59/7 1852-001
Canada. Fisheries Research Board
17 items
59/8 1852-001
Carnegie Endowment for International Peace
3 items
59/9 1852-001
C-Car, Miscellaneous
23 items
59/10 1852-001
Cas-Che, Miscellaneous
18 items
59/11 1852-001
Chi-Cl, Miscellaneous
20 items
59/12 1852-001
Columbia Journal of World Business
11 items
59/13 1852-001
Columbia University
10 items
59/14 1852-001
Companhia de Pesca e Congelacao de Cabo Verde
6 items
59/15 1852-001
Co-Cop, Miscellaneous
24 items
1961-1969, undated
59/16 1852-001
Cor-Cy, Miscellaneous
22 items
59/17 1852-001
Da-Del, Miscellaneous
25 items
59/18 1852-001
Dem-Du, Miscellaneous
23 items
59/19 1852-001
Eastern Pacific Oceanic Conference
7 items
59/20 1852-001
Empresa Pesquera Peru S. A.
10 items
59/21 1852-001
E, Miscellaneous
25 items
1962, 1965-1970
59/22 1852-001
Feron (P) and Son Ltd., Wholesalers, Christchurch, New Zealand
10 items
1961-1963, 1968-1969
59/23 1852-001
F-Fir, Miscellaneous
17 items
59/24 1852-001
Fishing News (Books) Ltd.
19 items
59/25 1852-001
Fis-Fl, Miscellaneous
20 items
1962-1969, undated
60/1 1852-001
Fo-Fu, Miscellaneous
25 items
60/2 1852-001
General Motors Corporation. Defense Research Laboratories
14 items
60/3 1852-001
Germany (Federal Republic, 1949-) Bundesforschungsanstalt für Fischerei
22 items
60/4 1852-001
Germany (Federal Republic, 1949-) Bundesminister für Ernährung, Landwirtschaft und Forsten
7 items
60/5 1852-001
Ga-Gh, Miscellaneous
25 items
60/6 1852-001
Gi-Go, Miscellaneous
24 items
60/7 1852-001
Great Britain Fisheries Laboratory, Lowestoft
13 items
1961, 1965-1970, undated
60/8 1852-001
Gr, Miscellaneous
15 items
1963-1969, undated
60/9 1852-001
Gu-Gy, Miscellaneous
20 items
1961-1969, undated
60/10 1852-001
H-Han, Miscellaneous
14 items
1962-1970, undated
60/11 1852-001
Har, Miscellaneous
17 items
1962-1970, undated
University of Hawaii
Box/Folder Accession
60/12 1852-001
Marine Biology Institute
13 items
60/13 1852-001
Oceanography Department
8 items
1963-1965, 1969-1970
Box/Folder Accession
60/14 1852-001
Hat-Haz, Miscellaneous
20 items
1965-1969, undated
60/15 1852-001
Heighway (Arthur J.) Publications
12 items
60/16 1852-001
He-Hol, Miscellaneous
24 items
60/17 1852-001
Hughson, Jim W. (Jimmy)
19 items
1963-1964, 1967-1970, undated
60/18 1852-001
Hor-Hy, Miscellaneous
20 items
60/19 1852-001
India, Miscellaneous
16 items
1963, 1967-1970
60/20 1852-001
Indian Council of Agricultural Research
10 items
60/21 1852-001
Ib-Ind, Miscellaneous
13 items
1963-1966, 1969
Inter-American Tropical Tuna Commission
Box/Folder Accession
60/22 1852-001
Kask, John Laurence (Jack)
30 items
60/23 1852-001
Schaefer, Milner B. (Benny)
5 items
60/24 1852-001
9 items
Box/Folder Accession
61/1 1852-001
Ins-International B, Miscellaneous
24 items
61/2 1852-001
International Council for the Exploration of the Sea
9 items
61/3 1852-001
International Nickel Company
9 items
61/4 1852-001
International North Pacific Fisheries Commission
17 items
61/5 1852-001
International Oceanographic Foundation
8 items
1962-1963, undated
61/6 1852-001
International Pacific Salmon Fisheries Commission
11 items
61/7 1852-001
International Proteins Corporation
21 items
61/8 1852-001
International C-Iy, Miscellaneous
23 items
1963, 1965-1969
61/9-10 1852-001
Jackson, Charles E.
44 items
1962-1969, undated
61/11 1852-001
Ja-Joh, Miscellaneous
18 items
1962-1967, 1969-1970, undated
61/12 1852-001
Jon-Ju, Miscellaneous
14 items
61/13 1852-001
Ka-Ki, Miscellaneous
17 items
1966-1970, undated
61/14 1852-001
Klawe, Witold L. (Witek)
7 items
1963, 1965-1966, 1969, undated
61/15-16 1852-001
Krueger, Robert B. (Bud)
11 items
1966, 1968-1970
61/17 1852-001
Kl-Ky, Miscellaneous
25 items
1962-1970, undated
61/18 1852-001
La-Li, Miscellaneous
23 items
1963, 1965-1970
61/19 1852-001
Lo-Lou, Miscellaneous
16 items
1962-1970, undated
61/20 1852-001
Loy-Lu, Miscellaneous
14 items
61/21 1852-001
Magnuson, Warren G.
12 items
1962-1965, 1969-1970
61/22 1852-001
Ma-Man, Miscellaneous
20 items
61/23 1852-001
Marine Biological Association of India
14 items
61/24-25 1852-001
Marine Technology Society
32 items
1964-1970, undated
62/1 1852-001
University of Maryland
11 items
1964-1967, 1969
62/2 1852-001
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
16 items
62/3 1852-001
Mar-Me, Miscellaneous
22 items
62/4 1852-001
Mi, Miscellaneous
26 items
62/5 1852-001
Mo-Mu, Miscellaneous
19 items
1962-1970, undated
62/6 1852-001
Nascimento, Ruy Jose Coelho
3 items
62/7 1852-001
National Academy of Engineering
8 items
62/8 1852-001
National Association of Manufacturers
8 items
62/9-10 1852-001
National Canners Association
39 items
62/11 1852-001
National Fish Meal and Oil Association
11 items
62/12 1852-001
National Fisheries Institute
15 items
1962-1964, 1966, undated
62/13 1852-001
Na-National F., Miscellaneous
24 items
1962-1970, undated
62/14-15 1852-001
National Planning Association
14 items
1964, 1967-1970, undated
62/16 1852-001
National Research Council
7 items
62/17 1852-001
National Shrimp Congress
23 items
1962-1970, undated
62/18 1852-001
Nation-Wide Committee on Import-Export Policy
4 items
62/19 1852-001
National G.-Nav, Miscellaneous
10 items
62/20 1852-001
Ne-Ni, Miscellaneous
20 items
62/21 1852-001
North American Aviation, Inc., El Segundo, California
7 items
1964-1965, undated
63/1 1852-001
North American Fisheries Conference
12 items
63/2 1852-001
No-Nu, Miscellaneous
19 items
1964-1968, 1970, undated
63/3 1852-001
Ocean Science Capital, Palo Alto
16 items
63/4 1852-001
Ob-Ocean, Miscellaneous
16 items
63/5 1852-001
Oceanology International
11 items
1966-1967, 1969-1970
63/6 1852-001
Oceanic - Oceans, Miscellaneous
18 items
1964, 1967-1970
63/7 1852-001
Ohio State University
8 items
63/8 1852-001
Olcott, Harold S.
19 items
1962-1966, 1969-1970
63/9 1852-001
Oregon State University
20 items
63/10 1852-001
Organization of African Unity
12 items
1963-1966, 1968, undated
63/11 1852-001
Od-Oy, Miscellaneous
23 items
1961-1962, 1965-1969, undated
63/12 1852-001
Pacific Islands (Territory)
10 items
1961-1962, 1965-1966, 1968
63/13 1852-001
Pacific Marine Fisheries Commission
12 items
1962-1963, 1966-1970
63/14 1852-001
Pac-Pad, Miscellaneous
20 items
1961-1969, undated
63/15 1852-001
Pai-Pay, Miscellaneous
19 items
1963-1969, undated
63/16 1852-001
Peru, Instituto del Mar
7 items
1964-1965, undated
63/17 1852-001
Pel-Pes, Miscellaneous
24 items
63/18 1852-001
Phister, Montgomery
4 items
1962, 1966, 1968
63/19 1852-001
Pet-Ph, Miscellaneous
20 items
63/20 1852-001
Pi-Pu, Miscellaneous
24 items
1962, 1965-1970
63/21 1852-001
Resources for the Future
11 items
1963-1964, 1967-1969
63/22 1852-001
Ra-Re, Miscellaneous
16 items
63/23 1852-001
University of Rhode Island
19 items
63/24 1852-001
Rockefeller Foundation
7 items
64/1 1852-001
Rutgers University
12 items
64/2 1852-001
Ri-Ru, Miscellaneous
21 items
64/3 1852-001
Salzinski, Peter
5 items
64/4 1852-001
San Diego Law Review
10 items
1967-1970, undated
64/5 1852-001
Sa, Miscellaneous
18 items
1961-1970, undated
64/6 1852-001
Scottish Marine Biological Association
7 items
1963, 1967, 1969
64/7 1852-001
Sc, Miscellaneous
20 items
1961-1969, undated
64/8 1852-001
Sigma Delta Epsilon
8 items
64/9 1852-001
Simmons, Richard
15 items
64/10 1852-001
Se-Si, Miscellaneous
23 items
64/11 1852-001
Sl-So, Miscellaneous
24 items
1963-1969, undated
64/12 1852-001
Sp-Star, Miscellaneous
23 items
64/13 1852-001
Stau-Stei, Miscellaneous
5 items
1963, 1966, undated
64/14 1852-001
Ster-Sy, Miscellaneous
19 items
1962, 1965-1969, undated
64/15 1852-001
Tasso, John
27 items
1963-1968, undated
64/16 1852-001
Texas A and M University
13 items
64/17 1852-001
Ta-Th, Miscellaneous
26 items
1961, 1963-1969
64/18 1852-001
Townsend, J. R.
13 items
64/19 1852-001
To, Miscellaneous
13 items
64/20 1852-001
Trucial States Council
11 items
Tuna Research Foundation
Box/Folder Accession
64/21 1852-001
Barr, J. E.
3 items
1966, 1968
64/22 1852-001
Carry, Charles E.
24 items
Box/Folder Accession
64/23 1852-001
Tr-Tu, Miscellaneous
18 items
1962, 1964-1970, undated
Box/Folder Accession
64/24 1852-001
Wooster, Warren S.
11 items
64/25 1852-001
F-V, Miscellaneous
22 items
1962-1965, 1970
Box/Folder Accession
65/1 1852-001
United Nations
7 items
1963, 1968-1970
65/2 1852-001
United Nations Children's Fund
6 items
1962-1966, 1970
65/3-4 1852-001
United States Agency for International Development
40 items
65/5 1852-001
United States Atomic Energy Commission
6 items
1964-1965, 1968
65/6 1852-001
United States Coast and Geodetic Survey
16 items
65/7 1852-001
United States Coast Guard
8 items
United States Commercial Fisheries Bureau
Box/Folder Accession
65/8-9 1852-001
Alverson, Dayton L. (Lee).
31 items
65/10 1852-001
Austin, Thomas S.
16 items
65/11 1852-001
Brock, Vernon E.
8 items
65/12 1852-001
A-B, Miscellaneous
8 items
1962-1965, 1969-1970
65/13 1852-001
Crowther, H. E. (Skip)
19 items
1961-1969, undated
65/14 1852-001
C, Miscellaneous
13 items
65/15 1852-001
Finch, Roland
15 items
1964-1967, 1970
65/16 1852-001
Flittner, Glenn A.
5 items
1965-1966, 1969
65/17 1852-001
Howard, Gerald V.
16 items
65/18 1852-001
D-H, Miscellaneous
17 items
65/19-20 1852-001
Johnson, Donald R.
40 items
1961-1969, undated
65/21 1852-001
Johnson, James H.
10 items
66/1 1852-001
Longhurst, Alan R.
6 items
66/2 1852-001
McHugh, J. L.
16 items
1964-1968, undated
66/3-5 1852-001
McKernan, Donald L.
51 items
1961-1966, undated
66/6-7 1852-001
Marr, John C. (Jack)
43 items
66/8 1852-001
K-M, Miscellaneous
24 items
66/9-12 1852-001
Nakatsu, Lorry M.
33 items
66/13 1852-001
Peterson, A. E. (Pete)
4 items
66/14 1852-001
O-P, Miscellaneous
21 items
66/15 1852-001
R, Miscellaneous
9 items
66/16 1852-001
Saur, J. F. T. (Ted)
5 items
1962, 1964
66/17 1852-001
Sette, O. E.
6 items
1963-1966, 1970
66/18 1852-001
S-Sh, Miscellaneous
22 items
66/19 1852-001
Sprague, Lucian M.
7 items
66/20 1852-001
Terry, William M.
5 items
66/21 1852-001
Van Campen, W. G. (Wil)
4 items
66/22 1852-001
Wilson, Robert C.
8 items
66/23 1852-001
Si-W, Miscellaneous
20 items
66/24 1852-001
7 items
1962-1966, undated
Box/Folder Accession
67/1 1852-001
United States Embassy
13 items
1962, 1967-1970
67/2 1852-001
United States Environmental Science Service Administration
23 items
1965-1970, undated
67/3 1852-001
United States Fish and Wildlife Service
4 items
1962, 1964, 1968
67/4 1852-001
United States Fleet Numerical Weather Facility
24 items
67/5 1852-001
United States Health, Education and Welfare Department
5 items
1965-1966, 1970
67/6 1852-001
United States House, Merchant Marine and Fisheries Committee
11 items
1965-1966, 1969, undated
67/7 1852-001
United States Interagency Committee on Oceanography
6 items
United States Interior Department
Box/Folder Accession
67/8 1852-001
Schaefer, Milner B. (Benny)
17 items
1967-1969, undated
67/9 1852-001
12 items
Box/Folder Accession
67/10 1852-001
United States A-I, Miscellaneous
28 items
67/11 1852-001
United States National Council on Marine Resources and Engineering Development
16 items
1967-1970, undated
67/12 1852-001
United States National Science Foundation
10 items
1962-1963, 1965
67/13 1852-001
United States Naval Research Office
14 items
67/14 1852-001
United States Navy
14 items
1962-1967, 1969, undated
67/15 1852-001
United States Science and Technology Office
5 items
United States Senate
Box/Folder Accession
67/16 1852-001
Commerce Committee
20 items
1963-1970, undated
67/17 1852-001
Miscellaneous Committees
6 items
Box/Folder Accession
67/18 1852-001
United States Smithsonian Institution
21 items
67/19 1852-001
United States Sport Fisheries and Wildlife Bureau
8 items
1962-1965, 1969
United States State Department
Box/Folder Accession
67/20 1852-001
Brittin, Burdick H. (Bert)
6 items
1966, 1969-1970, undated
67/21 1852-001
McKernan, Donald L.
10 items
67/22 1852-001
Sullivan, William L.
9 items
67/23 1852-001
Taylor, Fred E.
19 items
1961-1963, 1965
67/24 1852-001
24 items
1961-1968, 1970, undated
Box/Folder Accession
68/1 1852-001
United States, J-T, Miscellaneous
25 items
University of Miami, Coral Gables
Marine Science Institute
Box/Folder Accession
68/2-3 1852-001
Idyll, C. P.
30 items
68/4 1852-001
18 items
Box/Folder Accession
68/5 1852-001
Marine Science Institute, Gulf and Caribbean Fisheries Institute
33 items
68/6 1852-001
10 items
Box/Folder Accession
68/7 1852-001
U, Miscellaneous
32 items
1962-1970, undated
68/8 1852-001
V, Miscellaneous
11 items
1963-1968, undated
University of Washington
Box/Folder Accession
68/9 1852-001
Economics Department
16 items
1962-1970, undated
Fisheries College
Box/Folder Accession
68/10 1852-001
Royce, William F.
11 items
1963-1970, undated
68/11-12 1852-001
Van Cleve, Richard
26 items
1961, 1964-1970
68/13 1852-001
12 items
Box/Folder Accession
68/14 1852-001
Fisheries Research Institute
14 items
68/15 1852-001
Oceanography Department
12 items
68/16 1852-001
19 items
Box/Folder Accession
68/17 1852-001
Washington Fish and Oyster Company of California
7 items
68/18 1852-001
Wa, Miscellaneous
15 items
1964-1968, 1970
68/19 1852-001
Westgate-California Corporation
9 items
68/20 1852-001
Westinghouse Electric Corporation
11 items
68/21 1852-001
White, Charles L.
3 items
1962, 64
69/1 1852-001
We-Will, Miscellaneous
23 items
69/2 1852-001
Wolff, Thomas
38 items
Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution
Box/Folder Accession
69/3 1852-001
A-F, Miscellaneous
10 items
69/4 1852-001
Mather, Frank J. III
12 items
69/5 1852-001
H-S, Miscellaneous
16 items
1962, 1965-1970
Box/Folder Accession
69/6 1852-001
Wils-Woods, Miscellaneous
28 items
69/7 1852-001
Wool-Z, Miscellaneous
23 items
69/8 1852-001
15 items
1962-1970, undated
Outgoing Letters
Van Camp Sea Food Company
Box/Folder Accession
69/9-12 1852-001
Cary, Harold F.
51 items
69/13-81/5 1852-001
Chapman, Wilbert M.
3991 items
1961-1970, undated
81/6 1852-001
Copeland, Glenn H.
12 items
1962-1965, undated
81/7 1852-001
A-F, Miscellaneous
20 items
1962-1967, 1970, undated
81/8 1852-001
Van Camp, Gilbert C.
19 items
1962-1964, undated
81/9 1852-001
H-V, Miscellaneous
25 items
1962-1966, undated
Ralston Purina
Box/Folder Accession
81/10 1852-001
Coates, Jack A.
12 items
81/11 1852-001
Cornelsen, Paul F.
9 items
1965-1966, 1969-1970
81/12 1852-001
Foster, William C.
20 items
81/13 1852-001
Wilcke, Harold L. (Scoop)
21 items
1965-1966, 1969-1970
81/14 1852-001
25 items
1965-1970, undated
Box/Folder Accession
81/15-83/11 1852-001
Chapman's Own File
359 items
83/12-85/9 1852-001
460 items
1961-1969, undated
Box/Folder Accession
85/10 1852-001
Meetings, Conferences, Etc.
2 items
1961, 1965
Meetings, Conferences, Etc. - Others
Box/Folder Accession
85/11-12 1852-001
American Chemical Society
11 items
1963, 1967
85/13 1852-001
American Institute of Fishery Research Biologists
12 items
1961-1962, 1967-1969
85/14 1852-001
American, Miscellaneous
14 items
85/15 1852-001
Conference on Fish Protein Concentrate
9 items
85/16 1852-001
Conference on the Future of the United States Fishing Industry
2 items
85/17 1852-001
Conference on, Miscellaneous
6 items
1963-1964, 1968
86/1 1852-001
Eastern Pacific Oceanic Conference
2 items
86/2 1852-001
Gulf and Caribbean Fisheries Institute
8 items
86/3 1852-001
D-G, Miscellaneous
7 items
86/4 1852-001
International Commission for the Northwest Atlantic Fisheries
8 items
86/5 1852-001
I, Miscellaneous
6 items
86/6 1852-001
Marine Technology Society
9 items
1964-1965, 1968-1969
86/7 1852-001
National Fish Meal and Oil Association
9 items
86/8 1852-001
National Research Council, Oceanography Committee
5 items
86/9 1852-001
North American Fisheries Conference
12 items
86/10 1852-001
Pacific Fishery Biologists
10 items
86/11-13 1852-001
Pacific Tuna Biology Conference
29 items
86/14-15 1852-001
United Nations Conference on the Application of Science and Technology for the Benefit of Less Developed Areas
38 items
1962-1963, undated
United States - Japan Tuna Conference
Box/Folder Accession
87/1 1852-001
Program and Agenda
2 items
87/2 1852-001
6 items
87/3 1852-001
Speeches and Writings
4 items
87/4 1852-001
Notes and List
2 items
Box/Folder Accession
87/5 1852-001
J-W, Miscellaneous
21 items
87/6 1852-001
2 items
1962, undated
Box/Folder Accession
87/7 1852-001
Financial Records
6 items
1962-1965, undated
87/8-13 1852-001
Financial Records - Chapman
80 items
Financial Records - Others
Box/Folder Accession
87/14 1852-001
3 items
1959-1960, 1964-1966
87/15 1852-001
11 items
1961-1963, 1966-1970
Box/Folder Accession
87/16 1852-001
Agreements - Chapman
2 items
87/17 1852-001
Agreements - Others
4 items
1967-1968, undated
88/1 1852-001
Decrees - Others
3 items
Box/Folder Accession
88/2 1852-001
Annual Reports
5 items
88/3 1852-001
Feasibility Survey - Pakistan
1 item
88/4 1852-001
Food Research
1 item
88/5 1852-001
India Plant Operations
17 items
88/6 1852-001
International and Military Sales Division
1 item
88/7 1852-001
International Operations
6 items
1962-1967, undated
88/8 1852-001
Operations Research
14 items
88/9 1852-001
Shrimp Operations
1 item
88/10 1852-001
Van Camp Foundation
1 item
Box/Folder Accession
88/11 1852-001
Reports - Chapman
3 items
Reports - Others
Box/Folder Accession
88/12 1852-001
Chemical and Engineering News
1 item
88/13 1852-001
A-C, Miscellaneous
9 items
88/14 1852-001
Dun and Bradstreet
3 items
88/15-16 1852-001
International Council for the Exploration of the Sea
11 items
1962, 1965, 1968, undated
88/17 1852-001
F-M, Miscellaneous
5 items
1963, 1967-1968, undated
89/1 1852-001
National Fisheries Institute
3 items
89/2 1852-001
Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development
2 items
1965, 1968
89/3 1852-001
N-S, Miscellaneous
7 items
1963-1965, 1967-1968, 1970
89/4 1852-001
Tuna Research Foundation
9 items
89/5 1852-001
United States Atomic Energy Commission
1 item
United States Commercial Fisheries Bureau
Box/Folder Accession
89/6 1852-001
Eastropac Information Papers
3 items
89/7-10 1852-001
12 items
1961-1966, 1968
Box/Folder Accession
89/11 1852-001
U, Miscellaneous
5 items
1962-1963, 1965, 1968, undated
89/12 1852-001
University of Washington Fisheries College
1 item
89/13 1852-001
Wildlife Management Institute
1 item
89/14 1852-001
W, Miscellaneous
4 items
1964, 1966-1967
89/15 1852-001
1 item
Reports - Others - Geographical
Box/Folder Accession
90/1 1852-001
1 item
90/2 1852-001
4 items
90/3 1852-001
6 items
1958-1959, 1964
90/4 1852-001
Muscat and Oman
2 items
90/5 1852-001
A-M, Miscellaneous
6 items
1961, 1963, 1965, undated
90/6 1852-001
6 items
90/7 1852-001
Persian Gulf Principalities
4 items
90/8 1852-001
N-S, Miscellaneous
5 items
1961-1962, 1966, undated
Box/Folder Accession
90/9 1852-001
Reports - Statistical
3 items
1961-1963, 1965
Reports - Statistical - Others
Box/Folder Accession
90/10 1852-001
Institutes for Environmental Research
1 item
90/11 1852-001
3 items
1963-1964, undated
Box/Folder Accession
90/12 1852-001
Reports - Cruise
4 items
1963-1964, 1966-1969
90/13 1852-001
Plans and Proposals
2 items
Plans and Proposals - Others
Box/Folder Accession
90/14 1852-001
3 items
1963, 1967
90/15 1852-001
Ichthyological Research Corporation
1 item
90/16 1852-001
International Commission for the Northwest Atlantic Fisheries
1 item
91/1 1852-001
Lockheed Missiles and Space Co. Sunnyvale, California
1 item
91/2 1852-001
North American Aviation
1 item
91/3 1852-001
Sores Inc., Montreal
1 item
91/4 1852-001
United States Commercial Fisheries Bureau
5 items
1969, undated
University of Washington
Box/Folder Accession
91/5 1852-001
Fisheries College
4 items
1963, 1966
91/6 1852-001
Fisheries Research Institute
5 items
1963, 1970
Box/Folder Accession
91/7 1852-001
5 items
1963, 1965, 1967, undated
Box/Folder Accession
91/8 1852-001
9 items
1962-1963, 1966, undated
91/9 1852-001
5 items
Statistics - Others
Box/Folder Accession
91/10 1852-001
Fish Meal Sales Statistics
2 items
91/11 1852-001
Pacific Marine Fisheries Commission
3 items
1967, 1969
91/12-15 1852-001
25 items
Speeches and Writings - Van Camp
Box/Folder Accession
91/16 1852-001
Dean, R. Hall
1 item
1966, undated
91/17 1852-001
Van Camp Family History
2 items
Box/Folder Accession
92/1-12 1852-001
Speeches and Writings - Chapman
37 items
1963-1970, undated
Speeches and Writings - Others
Box/Folder Accession
93/1-3 1852-001
Alverson, Dayton L. (Lee)
8 items
1959, 1968, undated
93/4 1852-001
American Tunaboat Association
1 item
93/5 1852-001
A-B, Miscellaneous
9 items
1963-1964, undated
93/6 1852-001
C-D, Miscellaneous
8 items
1964-1968, undated
93/7 1852-001
E-G, Miscellaneous
3 items
1965, 1969
93/8 1852-001
H-J, Miscellaneous
9 items
1962-1965, 1969
93/9 1852-001
McHugh, J. L.
2 items
1969, undated
93/10 1852-001
McKernan, Donald L.
2 items
93/11 1852-001
K-M, Miscellaneous
6 items
1965, 1969, undated
93/12 1852-001
N, Miscellaneous
5 items
1962-1963, undated
93/13 1852-001
P-R, Miscellaneous
6 items
1966, undated
93/14 1852-001
Schaefer, Milner B. (Benny)
4 items
1964, 1970, undated
94/1 1852-001
Spangler, Miller
1 item
94/2 1852-001
Strackbein, O. R.
3 items
94/3 1852-001
S-T, Miscellaneous
7 items
1964, 1969, undated
United States Commercial Fisheries Bureau
Box/Folder Accession
94/4-5 1852-001
11 items
1964-1968, undated
94/6 1852-001
4 items
Box/Folder Accession
94/7 1852-001
U-W, Miscellaneous
9 items
1962, 1965, 1967, undated
94/8 1852-001
9 items
1962, 1965, undated
94/9 1852-001
2 items
1969, undated
Box/Folder Accession
94/10-12 1852-001
Notebooks - Chapman
3 items
94/13 1852-001
5 items
Newsletters - Others
Box/Folder Accession
94/14 1852-001
California Academy of Sciences, San Francisco
45 items
95/1 1852-001
A-I, Miscellaneous
11 items
95/2 1852-001
Marine Technology Society
13 items
95/3 1852-001
Nation-Wide Committee on Import-Export Policy
27 items
95/4 1852-001
Ocean Science Capital Corporation
13 items
1964, 1966, undated
95/5 1852-001
Sport Fishing Institute
14 items
95/6-7 1852-001
United States Commercial Fisheries Bureau
22 items
95/8 1852-001
N-W, Miscellaneous
19 items
1962, 1964-1969, undated
Bulletins - Others
Box/Folder Accession
95/9 1852-001
American Association for the Advancement of Science
7 items
1964-1965, 1968
95/10 1852-001
National Shrimp Congress
18 items
95/11 1852-001
15 items
1961-1962, 1965-1970
Box/Folder Accession
95/12 1852-001
News Releases
4 items
1963-1966, undated
News Releases - Others
Box/Folder Accession
95/13 1852-001
United States, Miscellaneous
21 items
1963-1969, undated
95/14 1852-001
C-W, Miscellaneous
23 items
1961-1969, undated
Treaties, Conventions, Etc.
Box/Folder Accession
95/15 1852-001
International Convention for the Conservation of Atlantic Tuna
3 items
Box/Folder Accession
95/16 1852-001
13 items
1962-1965, undated
95/17 1852-001
Resolutions - Others
8 items
1962, 1965, 1969, undated
95/18 1852-001
Rules and Regulations
2 items
1962, undated
95/19 1852-001
Hearings - Others
1 item
96/1 1852-001
8 items
1961-1963, undated
Lists - Others
Box/Folder Accession
96/2 1852-001
Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Organization of Australia - Reprints
1 item
96/3-5 1852-001
34 items
1962-1969, undated
Box/Folder Accession
96/6-8 1852-001
96/9 1852-001
Box/Folder Accession
96/10 1852-001
Congressional Record
96/11-16 1852-001
Graphic Materials
Box/Folder Accession
97/1 1852-001
9 items
97/2 1852-001
Drawings - Map
1 item
97/3-5 1852-001
9 items
97/6-8 1852-001
Tables, Charts, etc.
14 items
Box/Folder Accession
97/9-10 1852-001
Pamphlets - Others
11 items
97/11 1852-001
Brochures - Others
6 items
Box/Folder Accession
97/12 1852-001
9 items
97/13-14 1852-001
37 items
97/15-16 1852-001
41 items
Box/Folder Accession
97/17 1852-001
8 items
1960-1967, undated
Subject Series
American Bar Association National Institute on Marine Resources, Advisory Committee
Box/Folder Accession
98/1 1852-001
General Correspondence
6 items
American Fishery Society
Box/Folder Accession
98/2 1852-001
Organizational Materials
3 items
1966, 1969, undated
98/3 1852-001
General Correspondence
9 items
1964, 1966,1969
98/4 1852-001
Meetings, Conferences, etc.
2 items
98/5 1852-001
7 items
98/6 1852-001
2 items
American Institute of Fishery Research Biologists
Box/Folder Accession
98/7 1852-001
Organizational Material
8 items
1962-1964, 1966
Incoming Letters
Box/Folder Accession
98/8 1852-001
American Institute of Fishery Research Biologists
11 items
98/9 1852-001
11 items
Box/Folder Accession
98/10 1852-001
Outgoing Letters
9 items
1962, 1965-1966
98/11 1852-001
Meetings, Conferences, etc.
16 items
98/12 1852-001
2 items
98/13 1852-001
Speeches and Writings
2 items
1960, undated
98/14 1852-001
8 items
98/15 1852-001
5 items
California, Marine and Coastal Resources Advisory Commission
Incoming Letters
Box/Folder Accession
98/16 1852-001
California Governor's Office
6 items
98/17 1852-001
California Marine and Coastal Resources Advisory Commission
9 items
98/18 1852-001
California., Miscellaneous
14 items
1966, 1969-1970
98/19 1852-001
A-L, Miscellaneous
15 items
98/20 1852-001
Schaefer, Milner B. (Benny)
5 items
98/21 1852-001
M-W, Miscellaneous
17 items
Box/Folder Accession
98/22-99/11 1852-001
Outgoing Letters
204 items
99/12 1852-001
2 items
1966, 969
99/13 1852-001
Speeches and Writings
2 items
1969, undated
99/14 1852-001
News Releases and Clipping
2 items
California Marine Research Committee
Incoming Letters
Box/Folder Accession
99/15 1852-001
California Marine Research Committee
7 items
99/16 1852-001
California, Miscellaneous
22 items
99/17 1852-001
Tuna Research Foundation
2 items
99/18 1852-001
22 items
Box/Folder Accession
100/1-3 1852-001
Outgoing Letters
44 items
100/4 1852-001
Financial Records
2 items
100/5-8 1852-001
Reports - CALCOFI Investigations
9 items
100/9 1852-001
Reports - Statistical
68 items
100/10 1852-001
Speeches and Writings
3 items
1961-1963, 1966
100/11 1852-001
Speeches and Writings - Chapman
3 items
1966, 1968
100/12 1852-001
9 items
1964-1966, undated
California, State Technical Services Act Advisory Council
Box/Folder Accession
100/13 1852-001
General Correspondence
7 items
University of California Berkeley, Agriculture Department Advisory Committee
Incoming Letters
Box/Folder Accession
100/14 1852-001
University of California Berkeley, Agriculture Department
7 items
Box/Folder Accession
100/15 1852-001
Outgoing Letters
3 items
100/16 1852-001
Financial Records
3 items
100/17 1852-001
3 items
University of California San Diego, Marine Resources Institute, Advisory Council
Incoming Letters
Box/Folder Accession
100/18 1852-001
University of California Marine Resources Institute
12 items
1956-1963, 1968-1969
100/19 1852-001
15 items
Box/Folder Accession
100/20 1852-001
Outgoing Letters
14 items
100/21-22 1852-001
Meetings, Conferences, etc.
15 items
1956-1964, 1970
100/1-2 1852-001
8 items
101/3 1852-001
Plans and Proposals
5 items
1962, 1964, undated
101/4 1852-001
3 items
1968, undated
Chamber of Commerce, San Diego, Oceanographic Development Committee
Incoming Letters
Box/Folder Accession
101/5 1852-001
Chamber of Commerce, San Diego
11 items
1964-1967, undated
Box/Folder Accession
101/6 1852-001
Outgoing Letters
3 items
101/7 1852-001
4 items
1964, undated
Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations
Box/Folder Accession
101/8 1852-001
Organizational Materials
2 items
Incoming Letters
Food and Agriculture Organization of the United States
Box/Folder Accession
101/9 1852-001
A-D, Miscellaneous
17 items
101/10 1852-001
Finn, D. B.
11 items
101/11 1852-001
Gulland, J. A.
14 items
101/12 1852-001
Hamlisch, R.
7 items
101/13-14 1852-001
Holt, S. J.
35 items
101/15-10 1852-001
Jackson, Roy I.
35 items
101/17-18 1852-001
Kreuzer, R.
19 items
101/19 1852-001
L, Miscellaneous
24 items
101/20 1852-001
Popper, F.E.
15 items
101/21 1852-001
Rosa, H.
6 items
1961-1962, 1965
101/22-23 1852-001
Ruivo, Mario
39 items
101/24 1852-001
Traung, Jan-Olof
19 items
1962, 1965-1967
101/25 1852-001
M-W, Miscellaneous
24 items
1961-1968, undated
Box/Folder Accession
101/26 1852-001
Lucas, Cyril E.
13 items
102/1 1852-001
Schaefer, Milner B. (Benny)
9 items
102/2 1852-001
United States Commercial Fisheries Bureau
11 items
102/3 1852-001
United States State Department
4 items
102/4 1852-001
17 items
Box/Folder Accession
102/5-103/3 1852-001
Outgoing Letters
262 items
Meetings, Conferences, etc.
Box/Folder Accession
103/4 1852-001
World Tuna Meetings
11 items
103/5 1852-001
7 items
Box/Folder Accession
103/6 1852-001
3 items
1965, 1969, undated
Box/Folder Accession
103/7 1852-001
United States Delegation to FAO
1 item
103/8 1852-001
7 items
Box/Folder Accession
103/9-10 1852-001
Occasional Papers - Indo-Pacific Fisheries Council
21 items
103/11 1852-001
Informational Papers - Regional Fisheries Commission for Western Africa
10 items
103/12 1852-001
Speeches and Writings
7 items
1961-1964, undated
103/13 1852-001
Speeches and Writings - Chapman
1 item
103/14 1852-001
12 items
1959, 1964-1965, undated
Inter-American Tropical Tuna Commission
Incoming Letters
Box/Folder Accession
104/1 1852-001
Carry, Charles R.
9 items
1962-1964, 1970
104/2 1852-001
Inter-American Tropical Tuna Commission
20 items
104/3 1852-001
7 items
Box/Folder Accession
104/4 1852-001
Outgoing Letters
9 items
104/5 1852-001
2 items
1964, 1967
International Council of Scientific Unions, Scientific Committee on Oceanic Research
Incoming Letters
Box/Folder Accession
104/6 1852-001
International Council of Scientific Unions
17 items
104/7 1852-001
A-I, Miscellaneous
20 items
1962-1970, undated
104/8 1852-001
National Research Council, Oceanography Committee
6 items
Box/Folder Accession
104/9 1852-001
Takenouti, A. Y.
1 item
104/10 1852-001
Wooster, Warren S.
10 items
1961-1963, undated
Box/Folder Accession
104/11 1852-001
UNESCO Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission
6 items
1964, 1968-1970
104/12 1852-001
United States Commercial Fisheries Bureau
5 items
1962, 1964, 1970
104/13 1852-001
United States State Department
3 items
104/14 1852-001
M-W, Miscellaneous
20 items
1962-1969, undated
Box/Folder Accession
104/15-22 1852-001
Outgoing Letters
175 items
1961-1962, 1967-1969, undated
105/1 1852-001
Meetings, Conferences, etc.
8 items
1961-1963, undated
Box/Folder Accession
105/2 1852-001
UNESCO Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission
2 items
105/3 1852-001
United States Delegation
1 item
105/4-7 1852-001
15 items
1962-1969, undated
Box/Folder Accession
105/8 1852-001
Position Papers
2 items
105/9 1852-001
Plans and Proposals
4 items
Speeches and Writings
Box/Folder Accession
105/10 1852-001
CSK Symposium Abstracts
1 item
105/11 1852-001
7 items
1962-1963, 1969, undated
Box/Folder Accession
105/12 1852-001
Speeches and Writings - Chapman
1 item
Box/Folder Accession
105/13 1852-001
5 items
1962, 1964
105/14 1852-001
SCOR, International Indian Ocean Expedition
6 items
Box/Folder Accession
105/15 1852-001
Membership - National Committee
3 items
105/16 1852-001
5 items
Box/Folder Accession
105/17 1852-001
10 items
1961-1966, undated
Marine Technology Society
Box/Folder Accession
105/18 1852-001
Organizational Material
2 items
1967, 1969
Incoming Letters
Box/Folder Accession
105/19-20 1852-001
Marine Technology Society
24 items
105/21 1852-001
6 items
Box/Folder Accession
106/1 1852-001
Outgoing Letters
15 items
106/2 1852-001
8 items
Steering Committee on International Decade of Ocean Exploration. (National Academy of Sciences Committee on Oceanography - National Academy of Engineering Committee on Ocean Engineering)
Box/Folder Accession
106/3-4 1852-001
Outgoing Letters
106/5 1852-001
Meetings, Conferences, etc.
1 item
National Association of Manufacturers
Incoming Letters
Box/Folder Accession
106/6 1852-001
National Association of Manufacturers
9 items
106/7 1852-001
4 items
Box/Folder Accession
106/8 1852-001
Outgoing Letters
8 items
106/9 1852-001
5 items
National Oceanography Association
Incoming Letters
Box/Folder Accession
106/9 1852-001
National Oceanography Association
6 items
Box/Folder Accession
106/10 1852-001
Hamm, C. B.
6 items
106/11 1852-001
9 items
Box/Folder Accession
106/12 1852-001
24 items
106/13 1852-001
Outgoing Letters
12 items
106/14 1852-001
8 items
1967-1969, undated
National Research Council, Africa Science Board
Incoming Letters
Box/Folder Accession
106/15 1852-001
National Research Council
4 items
1966, 1968
106/16 1852-001
Outgoing Letters
12 items
106/17 1852-001
8 items
106/18 1852-001
4 items
National Research Council, Food and Nutrition Board, Marine Protein Resource Development Committee
Incoming Letters
National Research Council
Box/Folder Accession
106/19 1852-001
Voris, LeRoy
14 items
106/20 1852-001
10 items
106/21 1852-001
B-O, Miscellaneous
10 items
106/22 1852-001
P-U, Miscellaneous
15 items
1963, 1969-1970, undated
Box/Folder Accession
107/1-4 1852-001
Outgoing Letters
42 items
107/5 1852-001
Meetings, Conferences, etc.
2 items
107/6 1852-001
3 items
1962-1963, 1968
107/7 1852-001
3 items
1962-1963, undated
107/8 1852-001
Reports - Others
3 items
Newsletters - Others
Box/Folder Accession
107/9 1852-001
National Center for Fish Protein Concentrate
26 items
Box/Folder Accession
107/10 1852-001
12 items
1963, 1969, undated
National Research Council, Latin American Science Board
Incoming Letters
Box/Folder Accession
107/11 1852-001
National Research Council
4 items
107/12 1852-001
Schaefer, Milner B. (Benny)
6 items
1963, undated
Box/Folder Accession
107/13 1852-001
Meetings, Conferences, etc.
2 items
107/14 1852-001
1 item
National Research Council, Oceanography Committee
Incoming Letters
National Research Council, Oceanography Committee
Box/Folder Accession
107/15-16 1852-001
Vetter, Richard C.
29 items
107/17 1852-001
5 items
Box/Folder Accession
107/18 1852-001
9 items
1965, 1969-1970
Box/Folder Accession
107/19-23 1852-001
Outgoing Letters
66 items
National Security Industrial Association
Incoming Letters
Box/Folder Accession
108/1 1852-001
National Security Industrial Association
1 item
108/2 1852-001
Westinghouse Electric Corporation
5 items
108/3 1852-001
6 items
1963-1964, 1966
Box/Folder Accession
108/4 1852-001
Outgoing Letters
16 items
1965-1967, undated
108/5 1852-001
2 items
1968, undated
108/6 1852-001
Speeches and Writings - Chapman
1 item
108/7 1852-001
10 items
1963, 1966-1967, undated
Organization of African Unity
Box/Folder Accession
108/8-9 1852-001
Meetings, Conferences, etc.
9 items
108/10-13 1852-001
Informational Papers
54 items
1960-1965, undated
108/14 1852-001
3 items
108/15 1852-001
10 items
1963-1964, undated
Pacem in Maribus (Organization)
Box/Folder Accession
108/16 1852-001
Incoming Letters
5 items
108/17 1852-001
Outgoing Letters
7 items
University of Rhode Island, Law of the Sea Institute
Incoming Letters
Box/Folder Accession
109/1 1852-001
University of Rhode Island, Law of the Sea Institute
33 items
109/2 1852-001
15 items
Box/Folder Accession
109/3 1852-001
Outgoing Letters
24 items
109/4 1852-001
Meetings, Conferences, etc.
9 items
109/5 1852-001
5 items
United Nations Special Fund
Incoming Letters
Box/Folder Accession
109/6 1852-001
United Nations Development Programme
18 items
United Nations Special Fund
Box/Folder Accession
109/7 1852-001
A-H, Miscellaneous
16 items
1960-1963, 1969
109/8 1852-001
Townley, Ralph
20 items
109/9 1852-001
K-W, Miscellaneous
7 items
Box/Folder Accession
109/10 1852-001
19 items
Box/Folder Accession
109/11-13 1852-001
Outgoing Letters
34 items
Box/Folder Accession
109/14 1852-001
2 items
109/15 1852-001
7 items
Plans and Proposals
Box/Folder Accession
109/16 1852-001
1 item
109/17 1852-001
3 items
1962, 1967, undated
Box/Folder Accession
109/18 1852-001
9 items
United States Coast Guard Advisory Committee
Box/Folder Accession
109/19 1852-001
Biographical Features - Chapman
3 items
109/20 1852-001
Incoming Letters
5 items
109/21 1852-001
Outgoing Letters
9 items
109/22 1852-001
Speeches and Writings
1 item
United States National Fisheries Center and Aquarium Study Team
Incoming Letters
Box/Folder Accession
110/1-2 1852-001
Calhoun, John C.
9 items
110/3 1852-001
United States National Fisheries Center and Aquarium
9 items
110/4 1852-001
5 items
Box/Folder Accession
110/5 1852-001
Outgoing Letters
4 items
110/6 1852-001
6 items
1963, undated
United States National Science Foundation, National Science Board
Incoming Letters
Box/Folder Accession
110/7 1852-001
United States National Science Foundation, National Science Board
11 items
Box/Folder Accession
110/8-10 1852-001
27 items
United States National Science Foundation, Sea Grant Programs Office Advisory Committees
Box/Folder Accession
110/11 1852-001
Organizational Materials
4 items
1967, 1970
Incoming Letters
Box/Folder Accession
110/12 1852-001
University of Rhode Island
20 items
1965-1966, 1968-1970
110/13 1852-001
A-T, Miscellaneous
18 items
1966, 1969-1970
United States National Science Foundation
Box/Folder Accession
110/14 1852-001
Abel, Robert B.
16 items
110/15 1852-001
14 items
Box/Folder Accession
110/16 1852-001
U-W, Miscellaneous
22 items
Box/Folder Accession
110/17-18 1852-001
Outgoing Letters
27 items
111/1 1852-001
Reports - Evaluations
8 items
1969, undated
111/2 1852-001
Plans and Proposals
1 item
111/3 1852-001
Speeches and Writings
6 items
1966-1970, undated
111/4 1852-001
Speeches and Writings - Chapman
2 items
111/5 1852-001
8 items
1965, 1968-1970
United States Naval Oceanographic Office
Box/Folder Accession
111/6 1852-001
Organizational Material
5 items
1965, undated
Incoming Letters
United States Naval Oceanographic Office
Box/Folder Accession
111/7-8 1852-001
Bates, Charles E.
20 items
111/9 1852-001
A-M, Miscellaneous
13 items
111/10 1852-001
Treadwell, T. K.
7 items
111/11 1852-001
O-W, Miscellaneous
12 items
Box/Folder Accession
111/12 1852-001
5 items
1966, 1969-1970
Box/Folder Accession
111/13-14 1852-001
Outgoing Letters
28 items
111/15 1852-001
Speeches and Writings
3 items
1965, 1970
111/16 1852-001
News Releases
8 items
1966, undated
111/17 1852-001
Graphic Materials
6 items
111/18 1852-001
9 items
1964-1969, undated
United States State Department, Fishing Industry Advisory Committee
Incoming Letters
United States State Department
Box/Folder Accession
111/19-112/1 1852-001
Herrington, William C.
35 items
1952-1966, undated
112/2 1852-001
Taylor, Fred E.
11 items
112/3 1852-001
8 items
1955, 1960-1968
Box/Folder Accession
112/4 1852-001
14 items
1954-1964, undated
Box/Folder Accession
112/5 1852-001
Outgoing Letters
12 items
1959, 1962, 1967-1969
112/6 1852-001
2 items
1957, 1960
University of Washington Fisheries College, Visiting Committee
Box/Folder Accession
112/7 1852-001
Incoming Letters
21 items
112/8 1852-001
Outgoing Letters
9 items
112/9 1852-001
2 items
112/10 1852-001
3 items
1966-1971, undated
Personal Papers
Box/Folder Accession
112/11 1852-001
Biographical Features
15 items
1947, 1963, 1969-1970, undated
112/12 1852-001
Incoming Letters
4 items
1955, undated
112/13 1852-001
Speeches and Writings
6 items
1948, undated
112/14 1852-001
Graphic Materials - Photographs
5 items
Subject Series - American Society of Ichthyologists and Herpetologists
Incoming Letters
American Society of Ichthyologists and Herpetologists
Box/Folder Accession
112/15 1852-001
Western Division
15 items
112/16 1852-001
12 items
1939-1940, 1946-1950, 1958
Box/Folder Accession
112/17 1852-001
6 items
Box/Folder Accession
112/18 1852-001
Outgoing Letters
12 items
1939, 1947, undated
112/19 1852-001
Meetings, Conferences, etc.
4 items
1949-1950, undated
112/20 1852-001
10 items
1939-1940, 1950, undated
Outgoing Letters
Box/Folder Accession
113/1-2 1852-001
Dean, R. H.
3 items
March 14, 1966, undated
113/3 1852-001
Tasso, John
2 items
February 23 and June 5, 1967
113/4 1852-001
Vignolo, Albert
1 item
April 7, 1966
Box Accession
114-138 1852-001
Fish Data
Personal papers
Restrictions on Access: Restricted.
Box/Folder Accession
139/1 1852-001
Incoming letters
2 items
1937, 1967
139/2-9 1852-001
Outgoing letters
71 items
139/10 1852-001
2 items
139/11 1852-001
4 items

Accession No. 1852-004: Wilbert McLeod Chapman papers, 1962-1968Return to Top

.84 cubic feet (2 boxes)

Scope and Content: Correspondence, 1962-1967; speeches and writings, 1963-1968; statements, 1965-1966. The papers represent correspondence from Chapman during the period when Maxwell was head of Geophysics for the Navy Department.

Restrictions on Access: Access requires permission. Contact repository for details.

Acquisition Info: Gift of A.E. Maxwell, Woods Hole, Massachusetts via D. McKernan, June 1, 1976.

Container(s) Description Dates
Box/Folder Accession
1/1 1852-004
Incoming Letters
7 items
1962, 1964, 1967
1/2-10 1852-004
Outgoing Letters
74 items
1961-1968, undated
2/1-5 1852-004
Speeches and Writings - Chapman
15 items
2/6 1852-004
Comments - Chapman and Others
2 items
2/7-8 1852-004
Statements - Chapman
4 items

Accession No. 1852-005: Wilbert McLeod Chapman articles and speeches, 1955-1970Return to Top

.42 cubic feet (1 box)

Scope and Content: Photocopies of unmarked articles and speeches sent by Chapman to William Burke. Some may be represented already in Accession No. 1852-001.

Restrictions on Access: Open to all users.

Acquisition Info: Relocated from the William Burke papers, Special Collections, February 7, 1984.

Processing Info: Minimally processed.

Accession No. 1852-006: Wilbert McLeod Chapman letters to his wife, 1964, undatedReturn to Top

2 items

Scope and Content: Drafts of personal letters written by Chapman to his wife, but never sent. Sentiments are of a very personal nature, but also describe the overal trajectory of his career and reasons for decisions that he made along the way.

Restrictions on Access: CLOSED. Access requires permission of University Archivist

Acquisition Info: Gift of Mrs. Wilbert Chapman, San Diego, California, January 11, 1972.

Accession No. 1852-007: Wilbert McLeod Chapman papers, 1956-1970Return to Top

.84 cubic feet (2 boxes)

Scope and Content: Correspondence, speeches and writings; 1956-1958, 1962-1970. These papers date from Chapman's years with Van Camp Seafood Company and the American Tunaboat Association, but also reflect his other professional activities.

Restrictions on Access: Access requires permission. Contact repository for details.

Acquisition Info: Gift of Debra Losey, Southwest Fisheries Center Library, La Jolla, March 1986.

Container(s) Description Dates
Box/Folder Accession
1/1 1852-007
Biographical Information
American Tunaboat Association
Box/Folder Accession
1/2 1852-007
Incoming Letters
Outgoing Letters
Box/Folder Accession
1/3 1852-007
Chapman, Wilbert
1/4 1852-007
Madruga, Joseph J.
1/5 1852-007
Medina, M. Machado
1/6 1852-007
Silva, Edward P.
Van Camp Seafood Company
Box/Folder Accession
1/7 1852-007
Incoming Letters
1967, 1969
1/8 1852-007
Outgoing Letters
1/9 1852-007
1/10-11 1852-007
Speeches & Writings - Statements and Testimony
2/1-4 1852-007
Speeches and Writings
Subject Files
Box/Folder Accession
2/5 1852-007
California Marine Resources Advisory Commission
2/6 1852-007
California Marine Research Committee
2/7 1852-007
National Security Industrial Association

Accession No. 1852-008: Wilbert McLeod Chapman papers, 1966-1970Return to Top

0.18 cubic feet (1 box )

Scope and Content: Correspondence and papers written by Chapman while working for the Van Camp Seafood company.

Restrictions on Access: No restrictions on access.

Restrictions on Use: Status of creator's copyrights is unknown; restrictions may exist on copying, quotation, or publication. Users are responsible for researching copyright status before use.

Acquisition Info: Stetson Tinkham, Deputy Director, Office of Marine Conservation, U.S. Department of State, 2006; via Louise Richards, UW Fisheries-Oceanography Library

Names and SubjectsReturn to Top

Subject Terms

  • Canned fish industry
  • Canned foods industry--United States
  • Fisheries--International cooperation
  • Fisheries--United States
  • Fisheries--Washington (State)
  • Fishery law and legislation--International cooperation
  • Fishery management, International
  • Fishery processing industries--United States
  • Fishery scientists--United States vArchives
  • Tuna fisheries
  • Tuna industry
  • University Archives/Faculty Papers (University of Washington)

Personal Names

  • Allen, Edward Weber, 1885-1976--Correspondence
  • Bennett, Eugene D. (Eugene Dunlap), 1894-1968--Correspondence
  • Carry, Charles R.--Correspondence
  • Cary, Harold F.--Correspondence
  • Chapman, Wilbert McLeod, 1910-1970--Archives
  • Kask, J. L. (John Laurence), 1906- --Correspondence
  • Magnuson, Warren G. (Warren Grant), 1905-1989
  • Marr, John C.--Correspondence
  • Maxwell, A. E. (Albert Ernest)--Correspondence
  • McKernan, Donald L. (Donald Lynn), 1918-1979--Correspondence
  • Phister, Montgomery, 1926- --Correspondence
  • Schaefer, Milner Baily, 1912-1970--Correspondence
  • Tollefson, Thor C. (Thor Carl), 1901-1982--Correspondence
  • Utt, James B. (James Boyd), 1899-1970--Correspondence
  • Van Cleve, Richard, 1906-1984--Correspondence
  • Wooster, Warren S. (Warren Scriver), 1921- --Correspondence

Corporate Names

  • American Tunaboat Association--Correspondence
  • Van Camp Sea Food Company--Correspondence


  • Ichthyologists

Other Creators

  • Corporate Names
    • American Tunaboat Association (creator)
    • University of Washington. University Archives
    • Van Camp Sea Food Company (creator)