Link and Haire, Architects, records, 1904-1926

Overview of the Collection

Link and Haire, Architects
Link and Haire, Architects, records
1904-1926 (inclusive)
2 linear feet of shelf space
Collection Number
MC 152
Link and Haire, Architects, was a firm founded by J.G. Link and Charles Haire that designed public and private buildings throughout Montana, including jails, courthouses, schools, hotels, etc. Records (1904-1926) include correspondence about architectural jobs, Scottish Rite Freemasonry, and social life; court papers; and miscellany.
Montana Historical Society, Library & Archives
Montana Historical Society Research Center Archives
225 North Roberts
PO Box 201201
Helena MT
Telephone: 4064442681
Fax: 4064445297
Access Restrictions

Collection is open for research.

Funding for encoding this finding aid was provided through a grant awarded by the National Endowment for the Humanities.

Historical NoteReturn to Top

Link and Haire, Architects, was formed in 1906, when Charles Haire joined with J. G. Link to create the firm. Link was born in Bavaria on May 13, 1870, and attended the Royal Academy at Landau before immigrating to the United States. He taught for three years before going to work for the Union Pacific Railroad in 1886, and for the Great Northern Railroad the following year. While working for these railroads he studied architecture, and was later hired by the firm of Wallace and Thornburn, a real estate and building company.

Link and Haire, Architects, provided the plans for a variety of Montana jails, court houses, schools, and state buildings, in addition to designing buildings for Yellowstone Park Hotel Company and Yellowstone Park Transportation Company. Their buildings include dormitories at Montana State University in Missoula and Montana State College in Bozeman, the Kline Hotel in Livingston, the Post Office Block in Miles City, St. Mary's Academy in Deer Lodge, a gymnasium for Mount St. Charles [Carroll] College in Helena, the Usuline Convent in Great Falls, and the Methodist Episcopalian Church in Bozeman. They also designed private homes and businesses.

Charles S. Haire died in 1925, and was succeeded in the firm by his son Thomas Haire. J.G. Link retired in 1926, and E.B. Benson, an employee, became a partner. The firm became Haire and Benson, Architects.

J. G. Link was head of the Montana Board of Architectural Examiners, and a member of the Silver Bow and Montana Clubs, and the Scottish Rite in which he attained the thirty third degree honorary.

Content DescriptionReturn to Top

This collection consists of outgoing correspondence (1904-1907, 1918-1919) and general correspondence (1920-1926). The correspondence is concerned with the day-to-day business of the firm and includes information on construction of specific buildings. This information is scattered among correspondence with the owner of the building, the contractors, and materials suppliers. In addition there are personal comments by the architects discussing the architectural profession, letters with Frank Linderman which deal with Masonry, etc. Also included are one court document (1922) ads, and list of school buildings they planned.

Use of the CollectionReturn to Top

Restrictions on Use

The Montana Historical Society is the owner of the materials in the Research Library and makes available reproductions for research, publication, and other uses. Written permission must be obtained from the Research Library before any reproduction use. The Society does not necessarily hold copyright to all of the materials in the collections. In some cases, permission for use may require seeking additional authorization from the copyright owners.

Preferred Citation

item description and date. Collection Title. Collection Number. Box and Folder numbers. Montana Historical Society Research Center, Archives, Helena, Montana.

Administrative InformationReturn to Top


by series

Location of Collection

MC 152

Acquisition Information

Acquisition information available upon request

Detailed Description of the CollectionReturn to Top

Outgoing CorrespondenceReturn to Top

Container(s) Description Dates
1 / 1
A (correspondents include Mother Amadeus, American Bridge Company, American Institute of Architects, Anaconda Copper Mining Company)
1 / 2
B (correspondents include J. H. Baker, Bateman-Switzer Company, W. R. Bement, Willard Bennett, George F. Benninghoff, Verna L. Bickett, Frankie Blair, Boulder Hot Springs, Bozeman School District No. 7, A. A. Bratten, L. C. Bruning, Buffalo Forge Company, Burns Boiler Company, C. W. Butler)
1 / 3
C (correspondents include Bishop John P. Carroll, Thomas H. Carter, Frank Chestnut, George Cox, Custer County Commissioners, Custer County High School)
1 / 4
D (correspondents include W. S. Davidson, W. H. Davis, E. C. Day, J. P. Dolan, Drake Tile and Marble Company, Eschle Plumbing and Heating Company)
1 / 5
Burr Fisher
1 / 6
F (correspondents include J. E. Farnum, George W. Farr, James A. Fennell, Fergus County Clerk and Recorder, Mrs. D. A. G. Floweree, George D. Fox, Wm. A. French Company)
1 / 7
G (correspondents include E. H. Gagnon, Gallatin County Commissioners, Gallatin State Bank, Charles Garnier, General Engineering Company, Cass Gilbert, Glass and Prudhomme Company, A. F. Graeter)
1 / 8
H (correspondents include Ben Hager, J. A. Hall, C. S. Hefferlin, George P. Heinz, Helena School District No. 1, A. M. Holter Hardware Company)
1 / 9
J-L (correspondents include M. A. Jacobs, W. A. Jordan, J. B. Kain, Charles F. Kelly, M. D. Kern, I. A. Leighton, Chas. F. Lorenzen and Company, Mr. Loring, Lyons Boiler Works)
1 / 10
Montana (correspondents include Montana Agricultural College, Montana Association of Architects, Montana Iron Works, Montana Orphan's Home, Montana Sandstone Company, Montana State Fair, Montana State Normal College, Montana State Reform School, Montana State School for the Deaf and Blind)
1 / 11
M (correspondents include H. R. Marcy, L. H. Mickel, V. H. Middlekauf, A. W. Miles, George M. Miles, Jacob Mills, Minneapolis Steel and Machinery Company, J. C. Moore, P. T. Morris, Mosaic Tile Company)
1 / 12
N-R (correspondents include N. O. Nelson Manufacturing Company, Austin North, North Western Terra Cotta Company, W. M. Oliver, Omaha Hydraulic Press Brick Company, H. B. Palmer, Paxton and Vierling Iron Works, Lewis Penwell, W. T. Perham, Jesse I. Phelps, George W. Pierson, Reid Brothers)
1 / 13
St. Paul Foundry Company
1 / 14
A. L. Stone
1 / 15
S (correspondents include St. Joseph's Orphans Home; St. Paul Roofing, Cornice, and Ornament Company; St. Peter's Mission; John R. Scahill; Charles Scharf; John E. Seaquist; Sixth Avenue Building Company; Smith and Wyman; E. A. Stiefel; C. R. Stranahan; H. W. Stringfellow; Jere Sullivan; Frank C. Sutphen; W. D. Symmes)
1 / 16
T-V (correspondents include George H. Tay Company, J. W. Toussaint, Troy Laundry Machinery Company, Ursaline Sisters, Vapor Heating Company, F. W. Vreeland)
1 / 17
W-Y (correspondents include Edward Wagner, Warner Hardware Company, Weary and Alford, Western Iron Works, Western Montana Flouring Company, B. F. White, Wayland Wood, Harry Yeager, Yellowstone Park Hotel Company)
1 / 18
A (correspondents include A. G. Electric and Manufacturing Company, American Bridge Company, American Seating Company, American Smelting and Refining Company)
1 / 19
F. A. Buttrey
1 / 20
B (correspondents include Banking Corporation of Montana, Baxter Furniture Company, W. G. Bennett, Charles Betcher Lumber Company, Frank Boucher, R. B. Bradford, J. W. Bridge, J. M. Burlingame)
1 / 21
C (correspondents include Bishop John P. Carroll, J. P. Carson, E. M. Chase, Frank Chestnut, Conrad Mercantile Company, Crane and Ordway Company, Crown Iron Works, Culbertson School District No. 17, Curtis-Yale-Howard Company)
1 / 22
W. S. Devine (Link and Haire employee)
1 / 23
D-F (correspondents include Denver Terra Cotta Company, Edward Donlan, N. Ebert and Company, Engineers R. O. T. C., Fergus County State Bank, First National Bank [Twin Bridges], D. E. Fryer and Company)
1 / 24
G-H (correspondents include Gagnon and Company, Gardner Governor Company, Raymond C. Grant, M. W. Griffin, C. S. Haire, Thomas C. Haire, C. S. Hefferlin, Helena Country Club, Henderson-Ames Company, R. C. Hugenin, I. N. Hughes)
1 / 25
J-L (correspondents include James and Ainslie, Arthur D. Johnson, Josephine Kline, J. E. Lane, Leigland and Kleppe, Frank Bird Linderman, Oliver I. Lines)
1 / 26
Masonic Lodges
1 / 27
M (correspondents include Malta National Bank, Howard McCafferty [Link and Haire employee], Meagher County Clerk and Recorder, A. W. Miles, Minneapolis Steel and Machinery Company, Montana Board of Examiners, Montana State School for the Deaf and Blind, M. Montgomery and Son, T. J. Murray, H. B. Myers)
2 / 1
N-R (correspondents include National Electric Supply Company, National X-Ray Reflector Company, Norris and Hurd, Northern Clay Company, Otis Elevator Company, Phillips County Commissioners, Frederick Post Company, A. L. Powers, Frank W. Richardson, Roe-James Glass Company, S. J. Rundle, A. M. Russell)
2 / 2
Sound Cconstruction Company
2 / 3
S-U (correspondents include E. H. Sargent and Company, Josephine H. Scott, Spokane Sash and Door Company, State Nursery and Seed Company, Sweets Catalogue Service, Carl H. Turk, U. S. Civil Service Commission, U. S. War Dept.
2 / 4
V-Y (correspondents include Vermont Marble Company; Ben Wahle Jr.; Washington Brick, Lime, and Sewer Pipe Company; West Mercantile Company; W. H. Wheeler; Whitehall School District No. 4; H. C. Whittemore; H. C. Willits; C. B. Wilson; Yellowstone Tile and Mantel Company)

General CorrespondenceReturn to Top

Container(s) Description Dates
2 / 5
Ralph Adams
2 / 6
American Institute of Architects
2 / 7
American Seating Company
2 / 8
Associated General Contractors of America
2 / 9
A (correspondents include John Allen, The American Architect, American Bridge Company, American Building and Loan Association, American Concrete Institute, American Legion, American Reflector and Lighting Company, American Society of Landscape Architects, Anaconda Copper Mining Company, Armstrong Machinery Company, Arnold and Van House, Fred E. Arthur, Automobile Club of Southern California)
2 / 10
Boise Stone Company
2 / 11
Boukind Company
2 / 12
B (correspondents include Baker and Walford, W. H. Bannister, William Bayley Company, Beaver Board Companies, Belden and DeKalb, Belton Masonic Club, Benwell Phillips and Company, W. M. Biggs and Company, Boulder Hot Springs, R. B. Bradford, J. G. Braun, Fred Briggs, A. Broadland, Broadwater Hotel Company, Ed Bryan, Builders Exchange, J. M. Burlingame, F. A. Buttrey Company)
2 / 13
C. H. Cochran
2 / 14
Conrad Mercantile Company
2 / 15
Crane and Ordway
2 / 16
C (correspondents include Canyon Creek Co-operative Association, Bishop John P. Carroll, S. J. Casper, Frank N. Chessman, Chicago Faucet Company, Chilton Company, Consistory Shrine Temple Association, P. and F. Corbin, J. C. Currah, Cutler-Hammer Manufacturing Company)
2 / 17
W. S. Devine, Link and Haire employee
2 / 18
D (correspondents include E. C. Day, Deam Paint Company, Charles M. Donaldson, John J. Donovan, Duggan Plumbing and Heating Company)
2 / 19
Edward C. Elliott, Chancellor of University of Montana
2 / 20
F (correspondents include Fergus County High School Board, W. M. Fergus, F. W. Fitzpatrick, W. S. Fleming, Forman Ford and Company, Gust D. Forssen, D. E. Fryer and Company)
2 / 21
E. J. Garrahan, Plumbing and Heating Contractor
2 / 22
Raymond C. Grant, Building Materials
2 / 23
G (correspondents include Gagnon and Company, M. H. Gerry Jr., Fred L. Gibson, Glasser Construction Company, Great Falls Brick and Tile Company, Harold H. Griffis)
2 / 24
Haire family
2 / 25
Huetter Construction Company (re Stevensville School)
2 / 26
H (correspondents include Father Hanna, J. F. Harrington, W. S. Hartman, John Hastie, R. E. Hathaway, Haws Sanitary Drinking Faucet Company, Heinz Roofing Tile Company, Helena Concrete Pipe Company, Helena Country Club, Helena School District No. 1, W. E. Holt, Frank S. Hornbeck, Rev. I. N. Hughes, Humphrey Company)
2 / 27
I-J (correspondents include Illinois Engineering Company, Chandler Ingersoll, Interstate Lumber Company, M. A. Jacobs, James and Ainslie, C. O. Jarl, Johns-Manville Company, Hugh Johnston, J. R. Jones, O. H. Junod)
2 / 28
Josephine Kline (re Elite Hotel, Livingston)
2 / 29
K (correspondents include Henry Kain, Paul J. Kalman Company, E. J. Kane, Kellogg-Mackay Company, Charles Kirk, Kliegl Bros., Kohler Supply and Tiling Company, J. Henry Krause, Kroffganz and Frank)
3 / 1
Lease and Richards; N. T. Lease
3 / 2
Leveque, Felsheim, and Baverley
3 / 3
Lewistown School District No. 1 (C. C. Manning)
3 / 4
Frank Bird Linderman (re Masonic order)
3 / 5
J. J. Lohrenz
3 / 6
L (correspondents include Lamson Company, Langley and Ewart, Lauzier-Wolcott Company, Lembke the Plumber, K. F. Lott Company,
3 / 7
Masonic lodges [various]
3 / 8
A. W. Miles
3 / 9
Minneapolis Steel and Machinery Company
3 / 10
Montana State University, Missoula (includes Inez Bozarth, Charles Clapp, R. C. Hugenin)
3 / 11
Montana State University, Missoula (re bids and specifications)
3 / 12
S. G. Morin
3 / 13
R. M. Murray
3 / 14
M (correspondents include Major Equipment Company; Thomas A. Marlow; Frank M. McHaffie; John J. McHatton; Meagher County Clerk and Recorder; Fred Medart Manufacturing Company; J. W. Merriman; E. W. Merritt Jr.; Miller, O'Connor and Miller; Minneapolis Builders Exchange; Missoula Mercantile Company; Montana Association of Architects; Montana Deaconess School; Montana Granite and Marble Company; Montana State Board of Examiners; Montana State School for Deaf and Blind; Montana Wesleyan College; Morgan-Crago Plumbing and Heating Company; Mount St. Charles College)
3 / 15
Northern Clay Company
3 / 16
N (correspondents include F. A. Naramore, National X-Ray Reflector Company, Northern Hardware Company, Northwest Gypsum Products Company)
3 / 17
O (correspondents include Arthur O'Brien Estate, Omaha Steel Works, O'Neill Hardware and Plumbing Company, Otis Elevator Company, Ozone Pure Airifier Company)
3 / 18
George H. Pew (re Josephine Kline's Elite Hotel, Livingston)
3 / 19
Philipsburg School Board
3 / 20
W. R. Plew (re Montana Association of Architects; Montana State College)
3 / 21
P (correspondents include Pacific Iron Works, Lewis Penwell Company, F. E. Peterson, Phoenix Development Company, Pittsburgh-Des Moines Steel Company, Pittsburgh Plate Glass Company, C. W. Pomeroy, Porter Bros. Company)
4 / 1
Frank W. Richardson
4 / 2
A. S. Robertson (re Josephine Kline's Elite Hotel, Livingston)
4 / 3
R (correspondents include Raecolith Flooring Company, George M. Rasque, E. C. Richmond, Roberts-Hamilton Company, Rotisserie Range Company)
4 / 4
Josephine H. Scott (re Star Theater, White Sulphur Springs)
4 / 5
Hilmer J. Settergren (re Stevensville School)
4 / 6
W. Wellington Smith
4 / 7
James Smyth Plumbing and Heating Company
4 / 8
Spokane Sash and Door Company
4 / 9
Stevensville School District No. 2 (Elmer Johnson)
4 / 10
Harry A. Sylvester (re Lewistown Junior High School)
4 / 11
S (correspondents include Milton Sayler, Sheridan Public Schools, Sherwin-Williams Company, George H. Siedhoff, Sixth Avenue Building Company, John L. Slattery, Sloan Valve Company, E. W. Spottswood, Gilbert C. Staehle, Standard Sanitary Manufacturing Company, State Savings and Realty Company, E. A. Stiefel, B. F. Sturtevant Company, George Swanstrom, Sweets Catalogue Service, W. D. Symmes, Synthetic Tile Company)
4 / 12
T (correspondents include H. TeRoller Building Materials, T. E. Thomas Plumbing and Heating Company, N. A. Tibbitts, Toledo Coldmaker Company, Trenton Potteries Company, Twin Bridges Consolidated Schools, Tyler Underground Heating System)
4 / 13
U-V (correspondents include Union Fibre Company, U. S. Commissioner of Internal Revenue, Arthur Van Horn)
4 / 14
Washington Brick, Lime, and Sewer Pipe Company
4 / 15
Western Iron Works
4 / 16
F. H. Whisler
4 / 17
W-Y (correspondents include Thomas J. Walsh, W. M. Welch Manufacturing Company, Western Blower Company, Walter H. Wheeler, Wiese Laboratory Furniture Company, A. J. Wilcomb, Harry L. Woodley, Rudolph Wurlitzer Manufacturing Company, Yellowstone Park Hotel Company, Yellowstone Tile and Mantel Company)
4 / 18
Archie W. Adams
4 / 19
American Bridge Company (re Yellowstone Park Transportation Company)
4 / 20
American Stoker Company (re Yellowstone Park Transportation Company)
4 / 21
A-B (correspondents include The American Architect, American District Steam Company, American Society of Heating and Ventilating Engineers, The Architectural Forum, Armstrong Cork Company, Baker Ice Machine Company, Board of Fire Underwriters of the Pacific, Bostwick Steel Lath Company, Bridge-Sullivan Manufacturing Company, Brown Bros. Lumber Company, Ellen Burton, Butte Buick Company, Butte School District No. 1)
4 / 22
C-D (correspondents include Carter Bloxonend Flooring Company, Bishop John P. Carroll, Celotex Company, Chicago Art Marble Company, C. H. Cochran, Conrad Mercantile Company, Craftex Company, R. P. Crago, Crane Company, E. C. Day, A. B. DeKay, Denver Steel and Iron Works, Detroit Stoker Company, W. S. Devine, Dixie Metal Products Company, Mrs. J. M. Dolan)
5 / 1
E-F (correspondents include Ben F. Evans, Archie G. Ewart and Company, James W. Farrell, Fergus County Creamery, Flour City Ornamental Iron Company, Frost Manufacturing Company)
5 / 2
G (correspondents include Gagnon and Company, General Electric Company, General Fireproofing Company, Raymond C. Grant, Great Falls Brick Company)
5 / 3
Haire family
1924-1925, undated
5 / 4
H-I (correspondents include B. O. Hallin, A. M. Holter Hardware Company, Henry W. Howell, R. C. Hugenin, Ilg Electric Ventilating Company, Independent Order of Odd Fellows, Interstate Lumber Company)
5 / 5
J-K (correspondents include J. M. Jensen, Johns-Manville Company, Judith Basin County Surveyor, Judith Basin County Commissioners, Kalman Steel Company, F. E. Kammermeyer, Kellogg-Mackay Company, Kinnear Manufacturing Company, Kroffgans and Frank)
5 / 6
Lembke the Plumber
5 / 7
L (correspondents include H. W. Larson, N. T. Lease, J. G. Link)
5 / 8
A. W. Miles
5 / 9
M (correspondents include Majestic Steel Cabinet Company, Marshall-Wells Company, Masonic Temple Association of Butte, Minneapolis Steel and Machinery Company, Montana Children's Home Society, Montana School for the Deaf and Blind, Montana State Boiler Inspector, Montana State Hospital, Moore School Board, Mosler Safe Company, F. E. Myers and Brother Company
5 / 10
Northern Clay Company
5 / 11
Northern Plumbing and Heating Company
5 / 12
O-P (correspondents include Otis Elevator Company, Paraffine Companies, Henry M. Parchen, Park Avenue Building Company, William W. Peterson, Philipsburg School District No. 1, Pittsburgh Plate Glass Company, C. A. Porter, Frederick Post Company)
5 / 13
Richardson-Adams Company; Frank W. Richardson
5 / 14
R (correspondents include Raecolith Flooring Company, Red Cedar Lumber Manufacturers' Association, Ruberoid Company, Ryniker-Winter Sheet Metal Works)
5 / 15
S (correspondents include St. Joseph Orphan Home, Edward Field Sanford Jr., Sloan Valve Company, C. D. Smith, Hedley F. Smith, Spokane Sash and Door Company, C. A. Stilphen, B. F. Sturtevant Company, Sullivan Valve and Engineering Company, Superior Schools, Sweets Catalogue Service)
5 / 16
T-V (correspondents include Gordon M. Tamblyn, Thomsen-Ellis Company, Truscon Steel Company, Union Iron Works, United States Metal Products Company, Ventilouvre Company)
5 / 17
W (correspondents include Washington Brick, Lime, and Sewer Pipe Company; Western Iron Works; Walter H. Wheeler; White Sulphur Springs School Board; White Sulphur Springs City Commissioners; Worthington Company)
5 / 18-19
Yellowstone Park Hotel Company; Yellowstone Park Transportation Company
5 / 20
York Products Corporation; York Mid-West Ice Machine Company

Court PapersReturn to Top

Container(s) Description Dates
5 / 21
Frank Puccinelli vs. Josephine Kline, et al. notice to produce (defendants include Link and Haire)

MiscellanyReturn to Top

Container(s) Description Dates
5 / 22
Miscellaneous (includes list of school houses built, advertisements, sketch of floor plan of unidentified hotel or restaurant kitchen)
1920-1925, undated