Erastus Brainerd papers, approximately 1880-1919

Overview of the Collection

Brainerd, Erastus, 1855-1922
Erastus Brainerd papers
approximately 1880-1919 (inclusive)
2.16 cubic feet (6 boxes)
Collection Number
4624 (Accession No. 4624-001)
Journalist, editor, politician and civic leader
University of Washington Libraries, Special Collections
Special Collections
University of Washington Libraries
Box 352900
Seattle, WA
Telephone: 2065431929
Fax: 2065431931
Access Restrictions

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Biographical NoteReturn to Top

Erastus Brainerd, journalist, editor, politician, and civic leader, acted as lobbyist for the Seattle Chamber of Commerce during and after the Klondike gold rush and as editor of the Seattle Post-Intelligencer from 1904 to 1911. Brainerd was born in Middletown, Connecticut, on February 25, 1855. In 1870 he graduated from the Phillips Exeter Academy and entered Harvard, from which he received his A.B. in 1874. From October 1874 to April 1878, he worked for Boston publisher James R. Osgood and Company. Brainerd traveled to Europe in 1878; the next year he returned to America and began his newspaper career.

Before moving to Seattle, Brainerd served on the editorial staffs of the New York World, the Philadelphia Press, and the Atlanta Constitution, where he was working when he married Mary Bella Beale of Richmond, Virginia, on May 30, 1882. (The Brainerds had three daughters: the first, Mary Beale, died in infancy; the second was also named Mary Beale; and the third, Elizabeth.) Brainerd also served as editor in chief of the Atlanta Star, as well as editor and co-owner of the Philadelphia Daily News. After he and his family moved to Seattle in 1890, Brainerd edited the Seattle Press, which bought out another evening newspaper, the Times, in 1891 to become the Seattle Press Times under Brainerd’s editorship. Brainerd left his post at the Press Times in 1893 to become a member of the Board of State Land Commissioners, a position he held until the Fusionists came to power in 1897.

Shortly after Brainerd’s term as land commissioner ended, news of gold in the Klondike reached Seattle. Brainerd was appointed secretary of the Seattle Chamber of Commerce’s newly formed Bureau of Information. As secretary he carried out an international advertising campaign, promoting Seattle as the gateway to Alaska. He sometimes acted as lobbyist in Washington D.C. for the Chamber and other Seattle businesses from 1897 to 1903. One of his successful lobbying campaigns was convincing Congress to assign Seattle a government assay office. During the same period, Brainerd also spent some time traveling in Alaska, where he worked as a mining consultant, having received investment capital from Philadelphia streetcar magnates, Elkins and Hivener, and from his cousin, Frank Brainerd. In December of 1901, Erastus Brainerd was sent to Washington, D.C. to represent Seattle throughout the Congressional session. During the session, he played a key role in getting a federal appropriation for the construction of the Lake Washington Canal.

Brainerd was active in Republican party politics. While he was essentially a Taft Republican, a Taft Republican was frequently a McKinley Republican somewhat chastened by the municipal reformers, populist agitators, the muckrakers' ex¬posures of the corrupt associations of business and politics, and the Rooseveltian disruption of standpatism within the Party. He believed the political influence of the railroad interests in the state was unfortunate. Brainerd served as a delegate to the Republican National Convention in 1904 and represented Washington at other conferences, including the Conference of Governors in 1908 and the National Convention of the American Academy of Political and Social Science in 1912.

As editor of the Post-Intelligencer, Brainerd infused the newspaper with a "reform vigor" which revoked the newspaper's past. "Reform" was conservative, not radical; Brainerd believed in a stewardship doctrine of politics, and with many of his contemporaries, believed that stewardship was justifiable only if politics was purged of vicious and corrupt elements. When corruption became evident in the Seattle police department under Police Chief C. W. Wappenstein and Mayor Hiram Gill, a committee of church people was formed who, led by the Rev. Mark A. Matthews of the First Presbyterian Church, urged Brainerd to oppose Mayor Gill. Brainerd acceded to the demands and using P-I editorials, led one of the nation's first recall campaigns. Gill, who was elected in 1910, was removed from office in 1911. (He was, however, reelected in 1914 and 1916.) Wappenstein was fired and indicted for accepting bribes. In addition, Brainerd has been credited with initiating impeachment proceedings against Judge Cornelius H. Hanford. Impeachment hearings were held in 1912 and Hanford resigned. (In addition to speaking out against public figures, Brainerd also later campaigned against prohibition for the Anti-Prohibition Association on the grounds that such legisla¬tion would encourage "secret vice and law breaking.")

Brainerd fully exploited the potential afforded by his associations with local men of prestige, position, and power. Many such people accredited the Direct Primary Law to Brainerd. Frank Fitts, Brainerd’s secretary at the P-I, witnessed Brainerd's summoning of Samuel Cosgrove, a Seattle lawyer, out of a sickbed, to be coerced by Brainerd into becoming the Republican candidate for Governor. In addition to choosing candidates, Brainerd kept himself well-informed concerning the activities of men already in office; for example, he was able to keep close tabs on Governor Mead through Ashmun N. Brown, private secretary to Mead and former employee of the P-I.

Brainerd also worked closely with men who were intimately involved in the advancement of the state's farm economy. He cooperated with William H. Paulhamus when Paulhamus was speaker of the Senate during Governor Mead's administration. Brainerd also cooperated with Wilbur W. Robertson, publisher of the Yakima Republic, on behalf of eastern Washington farmers, particularly those in the Wenatchee and Yakima valleys.

In 1911 W. W. Chapin, general manager of the Post lntelligencer, brought in Scott Bone to replace Brainerd, who, long discontented with the management, had offered his resignation in 1910 but did not actually leave the paper until Bone was hired. In 1913, Chapin was managing a San Francisco newspaper, the Call, and despite their previous differences, hired Brainerd as editor. He edited the Call for six months, but the newspaper was suffering financial problems and was sold. Brainerd returned to his home at Richmond Beach, a short distance from Seattle.

Brainerd served as president of the Board of Seattle Park Commissioners from 1914 1916, and during World War I, he became Assistant Federal Food Administrator for Western Washington (1917). In 1919 he served as Northwest consul for Paraguay, having previously represented Paraguay in Philadelphia during President Cleveland’s administration. He died at the Western State Hospital in Steilacoom, WA, on December 25, 1922.

Content DescriptionReturn to Top

Incoming letters concerning his editorship of the Seattle Post-Intelligencer, 1904-1911; his involvement in Republican politics; and his role in securing Klondike gold rush trade for Seattle; some legal documents and memorabilia.

The papers are composed mainly of letters to Brainerd which span his career from ca. 1880 to 1919. About one third of the incoming letters are concentrated in the period for 1904 to 1911 when he was editor of the Post-Intelligencer. There are also letters relating to matters in which Brainerd was concerned but to which he was not directly a party; e.g., copies of letters recommending Brainerd for various positions, and letters enclosed with those expressly addressed to him. Letters from Brainerd to other parties are also in the collection. Two of the three documents included are petitions to President McKinley on behalf of Brainerd's unsuccessful candidacy for the position of Alaskan consulate. The third document is Brainerd's argument before the Washington Board of State Land Commissioners in Sanderson vs. Winsor concerning the purchase of Ballard tidelands. The papers also contain memorabilia and a few photocopies of Post-Intelligencer articles.

Included in the papers covering Brainerd’s term on the Board of State Land Commissioners is material on the development of the Seattle harbor and the private speculation corporation headed by Eugene Semple. Also included is material on Brainerd’s trips to Alaska and his work in Washington D.C. for the Seattle Chamber of Commerce and other Seattle businesses. In the papers concerning his lobbying efforts in Washington D.C. are materials on his work to obtain support for the Lake Washington ship canal, a naval basin, the Lawton infantry post, and development of Alaska. The material covering Brainerd’s Post-Intelligencer editorship includes discussions of municipal, state and national politics. Topics discussed include the Mead-Turner senatorial campaign of 1904; the antagonism between the Seattle Times and the Post-Intelligencer (which was chiefly antagonism between Brainerd and Times editor, Colonel Alden J. Blethen); the “municipal-ownership” election in Seattle in 1906; reports of interviews and analyses of Roosevelt, Taft, and Washington congressmen, the 1908 senatorial campaign, the Ballinger-Pinchot dispute and general conservation policies; the Wilson-Burke-Poindexter senatorial campaign of 1910; and the recall of Mayor Gill in 1911.

Letters from Brainerd’s most prolific correspondents, Ashmun N. Brown and Walter Eli Clark, seem to touch on a large proportion of people and events that are most significant in the Brainerd papers. Brown had become private secretary to Governor Mead in 1905 with the help of Brainerd’s influence. In 1909, at the time of the Ballinger Pinchot controversy, Brown was sent to Washington, D.C. as the P-I’s special correspondent. Walter Eli Clark, prior to his appointment as Governor of the Territory of Alaska in 1909, worked as the P l’s Washington D.C. correspondent from 1902 to 1909, although he was primarily associated with the New York Sun and the New York Commercial.

Major correspondents include Richard Achilles Ballinger, Ashmun N. Brown, William Turnbull Burwell, Stephen James Chadwick, William Wallace Chapin, Walter Eli Clark, J. G. Crowley, Thomas B. Donaldson, Thomas H. Downing, Marion E. Hay, William E. Humphrey, Wesley L. Jones, John H. McGraw, Mark Allison Matthews, Albert E. Mead, William H. Paulhamus, Samuel H. Piles, Robert P. Porter, Wilbur Wade Robertson, Eugene Semple, William M. Sheffield, George Turner, John Lockwood Wilson, Charles E. Woodruff, and the Seattle Chamber of Commerce.

Use of the CollectionReturn to Top

Restrictions on Use

Creator's literary rights not transferred to the University of Washington Libraries.

Administrative InformationReturn to Top


In instances when a letter writer acted as agent for another party (corporate or personal) the letter is placed under the name of the party for whom the author acted as agent. (Authors of a few letters were not identified; consequently these letters are placed in a separate folder at the end of the incoming letter file.) Letters for which Brainerd is not directly a party are arranged alphabetically in two folders and are inventoried as “Enclosures”; some of these letters are filed by the name of the author, others are filed by the name of the recipient, depending on the probable source from which the enclosures were received. Brainerd’s outgoing letters are arranged alphabetically by name of addressee. The inventory of incoming letters is arranged in two groups; (1) an alphabetical list of letters in individual name folders; (2) an alphabetical list of letters in miscellaneous folders.

Detailed Description of the CollectionReturn to Top


Container(s) Description Dates
1/1 American Academy of Political and Social Science
11 letters
1/2 American Civic Association
6 letters
1/3 Andrews, E. W.
2 letters
1903, 1912
1/4 Ankeny, Levi
1 letter
1/5 Atkinson, John D.
5 letters
1/6 Miscellaneous A
Letters. Abbott, Anabel; Adams, Charles E.; Alaska Road Committee; Alexander, D. S.; Alexander Hamilton Institute; Allen, Arn S.; Allen, M. C.; Allen, P. L.; American Federation of Labor; American Association for the Advancement of Science; American Illustrated Magazine; American Highway Association; American Institute of Architects; Ames, E. G.; Ames Shipbuilding and Drydock Co., Seattle; Anderson, Karl M.; Anderson, Mary F.; Arnold, M. A.; Associated Press; Association for the Prevention and Relief of Tuberculosis; Association for the Relief of Dependent Catholic Children; A. B.
1/7 Balliet, Andrew J.
7 letters
1905, 1914
1/8 Ballinger, Richard Achilles
22 letters
1/9 Barrett, John E.
6 letters
1/10 Battle, Alfred
2 letters
1/11 Blaine, E. L.
4 letters
1/12 Brainerd, Frank
10 letters
1/13 Brainerd, Frank
5 letters
1/14 Bratlie, Hans J.
8 letters
1905, 1908-1915
1/15 Bringhurst, Harry W.
7 letters
1/16 Brockhagen, Carl H.
12 letters
1/17 Brown, Ashmun N.
27 letters
1/18 Brown, Ashmun N.
16 letters
1/19 Brown, Ashmun N.
15 letters
1/20 Brown, Ashmun N.
23 letters
1/21 Brown, Ashmun N.
12 letters
1/22 Brown, Ashmun N.
13 letters
1/23 Brown, Ashmun N.
17 letters
1/24 Brown, Ashmun N.
15 letters
1/25 Burwell, William Turnbull
20 letters
1/26 Miscellaneous Ba
Backus, M. F.; Bailey, Charles L.; Bailey, E. H.; Bailey, Edward; Baker, B.W.; Baker, F. W.; Balan, A. R.; Ballaine, John E.; Ballinger, Julia A.; Bannick, Claude G.; Bardsley, John; Barker, Wharton; Barnard, Charles; Barnes, William; Barrett, Harry Hudson; Barry, Richard; Bartlett, George T.; Bartow, Allen A.; Batwell, E. A.; Bausman, Frederick; Bayne, Thomas M.
1/27 Miscellaneous Be
Beaton, R. C.; Beck, B. C.; Beebe, Albert H.; Beede, J. F.; Belgian Order of St. John of Jerusalem; Bell, Edwin; Bell, Landon C.; Bennett, Ira E.; Benson, Henry K.; Berg, G. L.
1/28 Miscellaneous Bl-Bo
Blaine, E. F.; Blethen, C. B.; Blethen, Joseph; Bloedel, J. H.; Blue, Wilson; Bobbett, F. W.; Bohlke, H. C.; Bone, Scott C.; Boston Herald; Bothwell, William J.; Bourns, F. S.; Bower, Ward T.; Bowes, R. F.; Boyd, W. A.; Boyle, Neal
1/29 Miscellaneous Br
Bradford, James; Bragg, Edward S.; Brainerd, Chauncey C.; Brainerd, E. LeRoy; Brainerd, Ezra; Brainerd, George; Brainerd, Ida; Brainerd, J. B.; Brainerd, Lillian; Brainerd, Mary B.; Brennan, George J.; Brewer, W. A.; Broderick, Henry; Bronson, Ira; Brooks, Alfred H.; Brown, Beriah; Brown. J. H.; Bryan, R. B.
1/30 Miscellaneous Bu-By
Bubb, B.C.; Buchanan, Charles M.; Buckley, Louis W.; Bugge, H. J.; Bullock, J. W.; Bureau of Municipal Research, New York; Butler, Ellis; Bunnell, M. Dick; Burkhart, D. I.; Burnett, C. H.; Burton, T. E.; Bush, Daniel; Business Chronicle; Butler, Nicholas Murray; Byrne, L. R.
2/1 Chadwick, Stephen James
39 letters
2/2 Chapin, Herman
7 letters
2/3 Chapin, William Wallace
36 letters
2/4 Chittenden, Hiram Martin
14 letters
2/5 Clark, Walter Eli
24 letters
2/6 Clark, Walter Eli
15 letters
2/7 Clark, Walter Eli
18 letters
2/8 Clark, Walter Eli
14 letters
2/9 Clark, Walter Eli
30 letters
2/10 Clise, James William
10 letters
2/11 Connolly, Christopher Powell
12 letters
2/12 Cosgrove, Samuel G.
2 letters
2/13 Cotterill, George F.
4 letters
1905, 1907, 1910
2/14 Cowen, Edward D.
13 letters
2/15 Cowles, W.H.
2 letters
1908, 1912
2/16 Crowley, J.G.
25 letters
2/17 Crawford & Conover
3 letters Real Estate, Seattle
1908, 1910
2/18 Cushman, Francis Wellington
12 letters
2/19 Miscellaneous Ca
Cahey, P. W. ; Caldwell, Ethel H.; Calhoun, Annie H.; Calhoun, Scott; Calkins, W. H.; Calvin, Martin V.; Cameron, J. D.; Cameron, Samuel J.; Campbell, James; Campbell, Lindsay; Canse, J. M.; Carkeek, W. J.; Carnation Milk Products Co.; Carr, E. K.; Carrigan, M. J.; Carroll, H. W.; Carson, John M.; Case, Otto.; Casey, Thomas J.
2/20 Miscellaneous Ce-Cl
Central Council of Patriotic Service; Chadwick, H. A.; Chadwick, Emma P.; Chander, Alfred W.; Charities and the Commons; Charity Organization Society of Seattle; Cheasty, Edward c.; Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul; Railway Co.; Chilberg, J. E.; Citizens Committee of Seattle; Clarke, C. H.; Clarke, W. T.; Clausen, C. W.; Clise, Harry R.
2/21 Miscellaneous Co-Cu
Cogswell, Daniel J.; Cohen, A. Lou; Cohoon, Eugene; Collins, C. R.; Collins, W. G.; Colman, L. J.; Comer, Cornelia; Compton, J.; Conover,C.T.; Cooper, Frank B.; Cort, John; Cosgrove, Howard G.; Covington, L. J.; Coxe, R. Cleveland; Cowles, Paul; Crane, Charles E.; Crehan, James; Crichton, J. E.; Croly, Herbert; Crow, Herman D.; Cummings, Amos J.; Curran, Henry H.; Curtis, Asahel
2/22 Dilling, George W.
3 letters
1908, 1911
2/23 Dole, N. H.
5 letters
2/24 Donaldson, Thomas B.
21 letters
2/25 Donovan, J. J.
5 letters
2/26 Donworth, George
7 letters
2/27 Downing, Thomas H.
27 letters
2/28 Dysart, George
1 letter
2/29 Miscellaneous D
Daily News. Philadelphia; Dana, Richard H.; Davies, Joseph E.; Dean, John M.; Dearborn, H. H.; Deems, Clarence; Delaney (?); Delkin, Anton; DeVoe, Emma Smith; DeYoung, M. H.; Dickson, Samuel; Direct Legislation League ofthe State of Washington; Disston, Eamilton; Dodge, Mrs.; Dole, Arthur A.; Doolittle, William H.; Dorr, R. E. A.; Dorry, C. W.; Douglas, J. W.; Dovell. W. T.; Downing, R. F.; Drum, Henry; Duce, Henry C.; Durham, John; Dykeman, King
2/30 Easterday, Joseph Holt
9 letters
2/31 Miscellaneous E
Eades, Joseph F.; Eden, Jonathan C.; Elkins, George W.; Edgers, E. B.; ; Elliott, C. F.; Erickson, Oliver I.; Ewart, William I.; Ewing, H. C.
2/32 Falconer, J. A.
3 letters
2/33 Farrell, John D.
13 letters
2/34 Fechter, O. A.
3 letters
1914, 1918
2/35 Fenn, Charles
12 letters
2/36 Fitts, Frank
10 letters
2/37 Furth, Jacob
6 letters
2/38 Miscellaneous F
Fairbanks, Charles W.; Fairchild, Daniel; Fairchild, H. A.; Fanning, N. O.; Farrell, C. H.; Fee, Elizaueth B.; Fenwick, A. R.; Filter, Edwin H.; Ford, Franklin; Ford, J. C.; Forrest, W. T.; Foster, A. G.; Foster, H. E.; Fowler, C. E.; Fox, R. R.; Frazier, Raymond R.; Frazier, S. R.; Frederick, D. E.; Freeman, Miller; Frink, J. M.; Frost, J. E.; Frye, Charles N.; Fuller, Robert Brainerd; Fuller, S. R.; Funk, T. K.
3/1 Gilbert, James W.
8 letters
3/2 Gill, H.C.
2 letters
1914, 1915
3/3 Gilman, L. C.
4 letters
3/4 Glassford, W. A.
12 letters
3/5 Goldsmith, James S.
14 letters
3/6 Green, Joshua L.
2 letters
1908, 1916
3/7 Greene, Roger S.
3 letters
3/8 Griffiths, Austin E.
9 letters
3/9 Miscellaneous G
Gallagher, Henry; Gano, Laura; Garretson, Hiram F.; Garrett, Garet; Gat, E. Thomas; Gaven, Herbert H.; Georgeson, C. C.; Ghent, J. A.; Gilkeson, B. F.; Gillam, M. M.; Gillespy, Sherwood; Glover, Charles C.; Goldfagle, Harry M.; Gordon, W. J. S.; Gorham, Wm. H.; Goss, Frank P.; Gould, Carl F.; Gould, J. A.; Graham, George S.; Graham, James M.; Graves, Edward O.; Graves, Frank Pierrepont; Graves, Will G.; Great Northern Steamship Co.; Green, Howard; Greene, Charles T.; Grosscup, B. S.; Grovedabe, E. L.; Grubbs, John L.; Gunn, Arthur; Gunn, J. B.
3/10 Hanford, Cornelius
5 letters
3/11 Hanson, Ole
10 letters
3/12 Hay, Marion E.
24 letters
3/13 Hayden, John L.
10 letters
3/14 Hoge, James Doster
10 letters
3/15 Hughes, Ellwood Clarke
10 letters
3/16 Humphrey, William E.
54 letters
3/17 Miscellaneous Ha
Haas, A. F.; Hager, George; Haight, James A.; Hale, Julius F.; Halford, W. E.; Hall, F. S.; Hamilton, R. F.; Handy, Egbert G.; Handy, M. P.; Handy, William; Hanford, Frank; Hanna, E. K.; Hanson, Howard; Harper, VincentHarriman, Averill; Harris, W. F.; Harris, William J.; Harrison, W. J.; Hart, Emma C.; Hart, Joseph K.; Hart, Thomas Burdett; Hartman, John P.; Hartranft, W. G.; Hastings, D. H.; Hastings, H. H. A.; Hawkins, Erastus C.; Hayden, Mira E.; Hazeltine, F. A.
3/18 Miscellaneous He-Hu
Heffernan, J. T.; Heins, John; Hemrich, Louis; Henderson, Wm. H.; Hendrick, B. J.; Henry, E. Stevens; Henry, H. C.; Hensel, W. U.; Hercules Powder Co.; Hernan, J. J.; Herrington, Clayton; Hetterington, A. G.; Higgins, Anthony; Higginson, Edward; Hill, R. W.; Hill, Samuel; Hitt, J. M.; Hodge, Robert G.; Holland, E. O; Holman, Alfred; Holmes, C. E.; Hoopes, E. M.; Hopkins, C. B.; Horr, Christopher W.; Howarth, William; Howell, E. W.; Hoyt, John P; Hubbard, Samuel; Huggins, N. W.; Hulbert, W. D.; Humphries, John E.; Hunt, Thomas F.
3/19 Miscellaneous I
2 letters: Irvine, Leigh H; Ives, J. F.
3/20 Jackson, Huntington W.
5 letters
3/21 Jonas, M. G.
7 letters
3/22 Jones, Wesley Livsey
61 letters
3/23 Jones, Wesley Livsey
37 letters
3/24 Jones, Wesley Livsey
11 letters
3/25 Jones, Wesley Livsey
1 letter
3/26 Miscellaneous J
Jackling, Frances; James, Edmund J.; Japan. Ministry of Foreign Affairs; Jarvis, D. H.; Jenkins, D. C.; Jenner, Ernest C.; Jennings, Judson T.; Johnson (D. C.) Co.; Johnson, Joseph French; Jones, R. W. W.; Jones, Richard Saxe; Joseph, Thomas; Justice, J. R.
3/27 Kane, Thomas F.
7 letters
3/28 Keys, C. W.
5 letters
3/29 Miscellaneous K
Karner, C.W.; Kegrize, Michael; Kelleher, Daniel; Kelley, Philip F.; Kellogg, F. W.; Kellogg, G.; Kellogg, James Y. C.; Kelly, Guy E.; Kerr, J. E.; Kiefer, James; Kimball, Horace; Kincaid, Trevor; King Chung Lung Co., Seattle; King County, Washington Assessor.; King County, Washington Commercial Waterway District No. 1; King County Humane Society; Kinnear, J. R.; Kline, R. L.; Knights of Columbus; Knights of the Royal Arch, Washington
3/30 Langhorne, Maurice
5 letters
3/31 Lewis James H.
4 letters
3/32 Miscellaneous L
Lachau, Lena; LaFarge, Oliver H. P.; Landes, Henry; Lane, Franklin K.; Latimer, N. H.; Laughlin, John; Lawler, James T.; Lawrence, J. C.; Laymen's Missionary Movement Committee; Lee, Francis, W.; Leahey, Maurice D.; Leghorn, James T.; Lemmon, Samuel L.; Leonard, Alton W.; Leonard, P. C.; Lesh, D. E.; Lewis, B. R.; Lewis, E. G.; Lewis, L. D.; Lindsay, L. Seton; Lippincott, Martha S.; Lister, Ernest; Liver, Edwin; Lloyd, J. P. D.; Longworth, Nicholas; Lord, Albert B.; Lorton, Eugene; Los Angeles Chamber of Commerce; Lowell, J. D.; Lowman, J. D.; Lull, H. T.; Luther, Otto L.; Lyau, S. A. M.; Lyons, James H.
3/33 McFarland, J. Horace
5 letters
3/34 McGraw, John Harte
48 letters
3/35 McMicken, Maurice
10 letters
3/36 Mackintosh, Kenneth
4 letters
3/37 Matthews, Mark Allison
31 letters
4/1 Maxwell, William H.
14 letters
4/2 Mead, Albert Edward
43 letters
4/3 Miller, John F.
5 letters
4/4 Moran, Robert
5 letters
4/5 Moran Bros. Co., Seattle, WN.
16 letters
4/6 Miscellaneous Ma-Mc
McClure, S. S.; McComb, Samuel; McCorry, T. J.; McCumber, P. J.; McCutcheon, I. D.; McDermott, Frank M.; McElroy, James F.; McGeorge, William; McGill, O. H.; McGlinn, Robert E.; McHugh, Patrick; MacKenzie, A. H.; McKenzie, D. A.; McLean, Henry S.; McManus, John E.; McMicken, Alice M.; McMillan, James M.; McMullen, J. S.; Major, W. A.; Macquis (A. N.) and Co.; Martin, C. M.; Mathews, E. J; Maxwell, George H.
4/7 Miscellaneous Me-My
Mead, Mina J.; Meany, Edmund S.; Meigs, Leonard O.; Meikle, James B.; Mercer, David H.; Merrill, R. D.; Michael, Clayton M.; Metcalfe, J. B.Metcalfe, Ralph; Milligan, Edward; Miller, John B.; Millis, John; Mills, William H.; Molera, E. J.; Moore, Harry E.; Moore, J. A.; Moore, Wm. Hickman; Morris, Page; Morrison, C. G.; Morrison, E. H.; Muncie, J. B.; Munday, Charles F.; Munerati, O.; Municipal League of Seattle; Municipal Plans League, Seattle; Munroe, Hall and Hopkins, Washington, D. C.; Munson, C. LaRue; Munter, S.; Murphy, Harry; Murphy, J. T.; Murphy, W. H.; Myrick, J. B.
4/8 Municipal League - National Office
12 letters
4/9 Miscellaneous N
"National American Committee of the Polish Victims Relief Fund; National Association of Cotton Manufacturers; National Board of Fire Underwriters; National Conference of Charities andCorrection; National Economic League; National Editorial Association; National Foreign Trade Council; National Geographic Society; Nelson, Arthur E. L.; Nelson, J. B.; Nettleton, Clark; New England Club; New York (City) Department of Health; New York (City) Mayor's Office; New York American; Newlands, George; News Publishing Co. Philadelphia; Nichols, Ralph S.; Normagle, J. E.; Northern Pacific Railroad Co.; Northwest Development League; Nottingham, William; Nyvall, David"
4/10 O'Dea, Bishop Edward John
13 letters
4/11 Miscellaneous O
7 letters: O'Brien, J. E.; O'Connor, J.; O'Neill, Charles
4/12 Paraguay. Consulado General, New York
5 letters
4/13 Parry, Will H.
9 letters
4/14 Paulhamus, W. H.
23 letters
4/14a Payne, Thos.
4 letters
1906-1907, n.d.
4/15 Penhallow, Charles S. (Chas)
9 letters
4/16 Peters, William Allison
5 letters
4/17 Piles, Samuel H.
18 letters
4/18 Piper, Edgar B.
11 letters
4/19 Porter, Robert P.
21 letters
4/20 Miscellaneous P
Pace, J. W.; Pacific Creosoting Co., Seattle; Padelford, Frederick Morgan; Parker, Adella M.; Parker, Ross; Parrish, Thomas A.; Parsons, Benjamin; Parsons, Reginald; Paterson, J. V.; Patterson, R. S.; Payne, Thomas; Perkins, George C.; Perkins, William T.; Perley, A. W.; Peters, Madison C.; Pettit, Silas W.; Pierce, R. W.; Phelps, Byron; Phillips, Osmund; Pigott, Wm.; Plamondon, L. N.; Poindexter, Miles; Polson, Alex; Pontius, Nevin D.; Poweles, J. B.; Preston, George H.; Price, Hickman; Priest, A. R.; Prosser, Wm. Thornton; Public Welfare League, Inc.; Puget Sound Traction, Light Co., Seattle; Purdy, E. M.; Pyle, J. G.
4/21 Red Cross, U.S. American National Red Cross
6 letters
4/22 Reeves, Walter
1 letter
4/23 Republican Party
10 letters
4/24 Robertson, Grace B.
7 letters
4/25 Robertson, Wilbur Wade
29 letters
4/26 Root, Milo A.
6 letters
4/27 Miscellaneous R
Radcliffe College; Rainier Club; Ramsay, Claude C.; Randolph, W. T.; Ray, S. H.; Raymond Commercial Club; Rayner, Iridon; Rea, John A.; Reber, E. S.; Reed, Anna Y.; Reed, C. S.; Reed, Henry; Reed, Mark E.; Reeder, Frank; Rees, S. H.; Reid, Robert T.; Remsberg, C. E.Republican Invincibles of Philadelphia; Revelle, Thomas P.; Ridgely, Charles; Riley, J. E.; Robb, Charles N.; Roberts, John W.; Robertson, Grace B.; Robinson, A.; Robinson, E. B.; Robinson, Joseph; Rockwell, T. D.; Rodey, Bernard S.; Ross, E. W.; Ross, J. D.; Ross, W. A.; Rotan, Samuel P.; Round, William M.; Russell, William
4/28 San Diego Chamber of Commerce
5 letters
4/29 Sawyer, A. P.
10 letters
4/30 Scott, James W.
5 letters
4/31 Seattle. Alaska-Yukon Exposition
8 letters
4/32 Seattle Chamber of Commerce
23 letters
4/33 Seattle Chamber of Commerce and Commercial Club
12 letters
4/34 Seattle Central Council of Social Agencies
5 letters
4/35 Semple, Eugene
19 letters
5/1 Semple & Hale Law Firm, Seattle
1 letter
5/2 Sheffield, William M.
24 letters
5/3 Shippen, Joseph
5 letters
5/4 Sims, Edgar Albert
8 letters
5/5 Smith, Charles Wesley
5 letters
5/6 South Seattle Land Co.
4 letters
5/7 Stedman, Livingston Boyd
3 letters
5/8 Stewart, A. B.
7 letters
5/9 Stine, J. Howard
13 letters
5/10 Strong, Rev. Sydney Dix
7 letters
5/11 Miscellaneous S-Si
San Diego Union; Schlumpf, Joseph; Schoenfeld, Herbert A.; Scribner's (Charles) Sons; Seattle Department of Health and Sanitation; Seattle Board of Park Commissioners; Seattle Library Board; Seattle Public Library; Seattle Commercial Club; Seattle Electric Co.; Seattle Golf and Country Club; Seattle National Bank; Seattle Post Intelligencer; Seattle Power Boat Club; Seattle Press Club; Seattle Real Estate Association; Seattle Symphony Orchestra Society; Seattle-Tacoma Power Co.; Selfridge, Thomas O.; Seymour, Edmund; Shaffrath, Paul; Shapley, Rufus E.; Shayler, E. V.; Sheafe, E. M.; Sheafer, Arthur W.; Shelby, P. P.; Shepard, Charles E.; Shields, B. F.; Shoemaker, Joel; Sharrock, E.; Short, William; Siegfriedt, T. A. A.; Sizer, H. L.
5/12 Miscellaneous Sl-Sw
Sleicher, John A.; Slipper, John H.; Smiley, Albert K.; Smith, A. A.; Smith, C. J.; Smith, Edward Lincoln; Smith, Everett; Smithsonian Institution; Snowden, C. A.; Society for the Suppression of Unnecessary Noise; Sons of the American Revolution; Spreckels, John D.; Stern, A.; Stevenson, George H.; Stitzel, Jacob; Stone, Melville E.; Storey, T. P.; Stoddard, Henry L.; Stratford Company, Boston; Strout, E. A.; Struve, Frederick K.; Stuart, E. H.; Stuart, Edwin S.; Sullivan, P. C.; Sumner, Samuel R.; Sundwall Co. Inc.; Suzzallo, Henry; Sweeney, John P.; Swisher, M. D.
5/13 Thomson, Reginald H.
2 letters
5/14 Titus, Hazen J.
12 letters
5/15 Turner, George W.
16 letters
5/16 Miscellaneous T
Tamplin, E.H.; Taft, William Howard (by secretary); Tam, Eng; Tawney, James A.; Taxpayers' League of Seattle; Taylor, Alonza S.; Taylor, Howard D.; Tchihashi, Yamato; Thayer, Walter R.; Thornburg, Frank J.; Todd, Elmer E.; Tourny, George; Townsend, Lilburn H.; Treat, H. W.; Theosophical Society of America; Thorpe, Merle; Titus, Harry L.; Turnbull, George
5/17 U. S. Federal Trade Commission
5 letters
5/18 U. S. Food Administration
9 letters
5/19 Miscellaneous U
Union League Club, Chicago; Union Savings and Trust Co., Seattle; U.S. Department of Agriculture; U.S. Army 91st Division; U.S. Army Quartermaster; U.S. Civil Service Commission; U.S. Department of Commerce and Labor; U.S. Consular Service Barmen; U.S. Bureau of Fisheries; U.S. Geological Survey; U.S. Department of Justice; U.S. Office of Naval Intelligence; U.S. Bureau of Navigation; U.S. Office of Postmaster General; U.S. Shipping Board; U.S. Superintendent of Documents; U.S. Treasury Department; United Commercial Travelers; University of Washington Alumni Association
5/20 Villard, Oswald Garrison
2 letters
5/21 Miscellaneous V
15 letters: Vaille, Frederick O.; Van Smith, George A.; Vanderveer, George F.; Vassar College; Venezuela Legacion U.S.; Vernon, James M.; Vernon, Mercer; Votes for Women
5/22 Wallace, H.C.
9 letters
5/23 Wickersham, James
6 letters
5/24 Wilson, Edna Sweet
12 letters
n. d., 1909-1913
5/25 Wilson, Henry Lane
10 letters
5/26 Wilson, John Lockwood
19 letters
5/27 Wood, Lovett Mortimer
10 letters
5/28 Woodruff, Charles E.
18 letters
5/29 Woodruff, Clinton Rogers
10 letters
5/30 Miscellaneous W-We
G. W.; Waedensohwiler, D.; Wakeman, Edgar L.; Walker, George H.; Walla Walla Commercial Club; Walsh, Wm. S.; Wappenstein, C. W.; War-Camp Community Recreation Fund; Warwick, Charles F.; Washington State Board of Health; Washington State Board of Tax Commissioners; Washington Children's Home Society; Washington Conference of Charities and Correction; Watrous, A. E.; Weare, P. B.; Wegener, O. F.; Wells, Calvin; Wells, E. H.; Wells, Samuel; West and Wheeler, Inc.; Western Steel Corp.; Western Washington Wholesale Grocers Association; The Westerner
5/31 Miscellaneous Wh-Wr
Wharton, Fletcher L.; Wharton, S. E.; Wheeler, Benjamin I.; Whister, G. N.; White (James T.) and Co. New York; Whiteley, James G.; Whitham, John W.; Whitney, W. M.; Wiggins, Frank; Wilcox, Delos F.; Wiley, Harvey W.; Williams, Talcott; Wilson, James M.; Wilson, Robert; Wilson, Rufus; Wilson, Worrall; Winslow, Stephan A.; Wood. W. D.; Woodcock, Grace H.; Worcester, F. W.; Wright, George E.
5/32 Miscellaneous Y
5 letters
5/33 Miscellaneous Z
2 letters
5/34 Miscellaneous Unidentifiables
Letters to Brainerd from unidentified authors
5/35 Enclosures B,C
Miscellaneous correspondence to which Brainerd is not directly a party
5/36 Enclosures D-H
Miscellaneous correspondence to which Brainerd is not directly a party
5/37 Enclosures J
Miscellaneous correspondence to which Brainerd is not directly a party
5/38 Enclosures K-R
Miscellaneous correspondence to which Brainerd is not directly a party
5/39 Enclosures S-W
Miscellaneous correspondence to which Brainerd is not directlya party
5/40 Inclosures B-W
Miscellaneous correspondence to which Brainerd is not directlya party
6/1 Seattle Post-Intelligencer
Letters sent to the Seattle Post-Intelligencer regarding a variety of topics
1905-1911, n.d.
6/2 Letters of recommendation and introduction for Consulate at Dawson, Alaska 1898
6/3 Letters of recommendation and introduction for position on Federal Trade Commission
Some letters very faded
6/4 Letters of recommendation and introduction with application for Commissioner of Indian Affairs 1912
6/5 Miscellaneous letters of recommendation 1890-1902
6/6 Letters of recommendation and introduction as Washington, D.C. Representative of Seattle Business Groups 1901
6/7 Outgoing Letters
The 17 letters from Brainerd to other parties are: Clark, W.E.; Hopkihs, Charles B.; Jones, Wesley L. (2); Leonard, P. C.; Low, A. Maurice; News Editor; O'Dea, E. J.; Parry, Will H.; Porter, Robert F. (2 letters); Rainier Club; Reeves, Walter; Sheffield, W. H.; Stone, M. E.; Tawney, James A.; Washington. Board of State Land Commissioners; Wilson, John L. (2 letters)
6/8 Outgoing Letters 1913
6/9 Legal Documents
Before the Board of State Land Commissionsers of the State of Washington Walter P. Sanderson vs. Thomas Winsor and Ida A. Winsor involving right to purchace part of lots 7,8,9 and 10 of Blk. 9 Ballard tike lands
6/10 Letter from Thomas Donaldson to Mary Brainerd
Letter from Thomas Donaldson to Mary Brainerd, 15 Aug. 1906
6/11 Three items given by P-I March 25, 1965
Photocopies of articles on Brainerd from the Post-Intelligencer Library
6/12 Clover Club
Meeting dates, invitations, constitution and bylaws, memorabilia, The Clover Leaf newspaper 1884
6/13 Invitations and Awards
Includes Lewis and Clark Centennial commemorative diploma for valuable services
6/14 People: lists and descriptions n.d.
6/15 Memorabilia: Books and Pamphlets 1875-1919
6/16 Memorabilia: Pictures and Photographs 1884-1897

Names and SubjectsReturn to Top

Subject Terms

  • Personal Papers/Corporate Records (University of Washington)

Personal Names

  • Brainerd, Erastus, 1855-1922--Archives
  • Brainerd, Erastus, 1855-1922--Correspondence
  • Brown, Ashmun N.--Correspondence
  • Clark, Eli--Correspondence

Corporate Names

  • Republican Party (U.S. : 1854- )--History--Sources

Geographical Names

  • Washington (State)--Politics and government--History--Sources

Other Creators

  • Personal Names
    • Ballinger, Richard Achilles, 1858-1922 (creator)
    • Chittenden, Hiram Martin, 1858-1917 (creator)
    • Clark, Walter Eli, 1869- (creator)
    • Crowley, J. G (creator)
    • Donaldson, Thomas Blaine, 1876- (creator)
    • Downing, Thomas H (creator)
    • Hay, Marion E., 1865-1933 (creator)
    • Humphrey, William E. (William Ewart), 1862-1934 (creator)
    • Jones, Wesley Livsey, 1863-1932 (creator)
    • Matthews, Mark A. (Mark Allison), 1867-1940 (creator)
    • McGraw, Thomas Harte (creator)
    • Mead, Albert Edward (creator)
    • Paulhamus, William H (creator)
    • Piles, Samuel Henry, 1858- (creator)
    • Robertson, Wilbur Wade (creator)
    • Semple, Eugene, 1840-1908 (creator)
    • Sheffield, William (creator)
    • Smith, Charles W. (Charles Wesley), 1877-1956 (creator)
    • Strong, Sydney, 1860-1938 (creator)
    • Wilson, John Lockwood, 1850-1912 (creator)
    • Woodruff, Charles E (creator)
    Corporate Names
    • Moran Brothers Company (Seattle, Wash.) (creator)
    • Seattle Chamber of Commerce (creator)