Washington State Jewish Historical Society Landmarks Committee records, circa 1910-1982

Overview of the Collection

Washington State Jewish Historical Society. Landmarks Committee
Washington State Jewish Historical Society Landmarks Committee records
circa 1910-1982 (inclusive)
.14 cubic foot plus 4 sound cassettes, 125 slides, 32 items, 1 vertical file and circa 13 photographs
Collection Number
Records of the Committee including photograph of the hoome of director of the society, taped information describing the homes and families and other recollections
University of Washington Libraries, Special Collections
Special Collections
University of Washington Libraries
Box 352900
Seattle, WA
Telephone: 2065431929
Fax: 2065431931
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Accession No. 3128-001: Washington State Jewish Historical Society Landmarks Committee photograph, circa 1960Return to Top

.14 cubic foot

Scope and Content: Photograph and copy negative.

Photgraph is of the home of May Goldsmith, Director of Jewish Welfare Society at 1118 41st East in Seattle. The house was torn down ca. 1965. Caroline Danz now lives in a house on the property.

Restrictions on Access: Access restricted: For terms of access, contact Special Collections.

Restrictions on Use: Creator's literary rights not transferred to the University of Washington Libraries.

Acquisition Info: Donated by Caroline Danz, 8/1/1980.

Washington State Jewish Historical Society Landmarks Committee photograph

Accession No. 3128-002: Washington State Jewish Historical Society Landmarks Committee records, 1980Return to Top

2 sound cassettes (60 min. each); 21 slides

Scope and Content: Taped information covers the period 1850 - present and describes the homes and families and was recorded 7/17/1980.

Mrs. Buttnick and Mrs. Rucker used early membership lists from the Seattle section of the National Council of Jewish Women and drove around Seattle recording information about the early families and the location of their homes.

Restrictions on Access: Access restricted: For terms of access, contact Special Collections.

Restrictions on Use: Creator's literary rights not transferred to the University of Washington Libraries.

Acquisition Info: Donated by Meta Buttnick and Helen Rucker, 8/1/1980.

Washington State Jewish Historical Society Landmarks Committee records

Accession No. 3128-003: Washington State Jewish Historical Society Landmarks Committee records, 1980Return to Top

1 sound cassette (60 min.)

Scope and Content: Tape covers the period of ca. 1900-1930.

As they drive around Capitol Hill neighborhoods Mrs. Rucker identifies homes of early Seattle Jewish Families and gives her personal recollections of their members and activities.

Restrictions on Access: Access restricted: For terms of access, contact Special Collections.

Restrictions on Use: Creator's literary rights transferred to the University of Washington Libraries.

Acquisition Info: Donated by Meta Buttnick and Helen Rucker, 10/23/1980.

Washington State Jewish Historical Society Landmarks Committee records

Accession No. 3128-004: Washington State Jewish Historical Society Landmarks Committee records, circa 1910Return to Top

4 items

Scope and Content: 2 photographs, note and card.

Photographs of the Berkman House at 2803 Yesler Way and the Berkman children: Helen Berkman Blumenthal, Milton Berkman, and Cora Berkman.

Restrictions on Access: Open to all users.

Restrictions on Use: Creator's literary rights not transferred to the University of Washington Libraries.

Acquisition Info: Donated by Carolyn Danz and Helen Blumenthal, 2/1/1981.

Washington State Jewish Historical Society Landmarks Committee records

Accession No. 3128-005: Washington State Jewish Historical Society Landmarks Committee records, circa 1948-1961Return to Top

1 folder (3 black and white photographs)

Scope and Content: Three photographs and copy negatives.

1. Bernie Minsk and Eddie Barat outside Jake Friedman's surplus store, 1013 1st Ave., 1948. 2. Arcade Bldg., 1951, 1st and University, before it became Pearl Electronics. 3. Pearl Electronics, formerly Weatherman's, 1961.

Restrictions on Access: Access restricted: For terms of access, contact Special Collections.

Restrictions on Use: Creator's literary rights not transferred to the University of Washington Libraries.

Acquisition Info: Donated by Eddie Barrat, 11/1/1980.

Washington State Jewish Historical Society Landmarks Committee records

Accession No. 3128-006: Washington State Jewish Historical Society Landmarks Committee records, 1981Return to Top

54 color slides

Scope and Content: Slides of Capitol Hill homes built by Seattle Jews (bulk of slides are of 747 16th East).

Restrictions on Access: Access restricted: For terms of access, contact Special Collections.

Restrictions on Use: Creator's literary rights not transferred to the University of Washington Libraries.

Acquisition Info: Donated by Meta Buttnick, 3/16/1981.

Washington State Jewish Historical Society Landmarks Committee records

Accession No. 3128-007: Washington State Jewish Historical Society Landmarks Committee records, 1981Return to Top

24 items (1 writing plus 23 Ektachrome slides)

Scope and Content: Writing, photographic slides.

Writing by Meta Buttnick describes 3 large Capitol Hill homes built between 1908 and 1915 for prominent Jewish families, as well as describe the lifestyle and some family history. The houses were owned by Sigismund Aronson, Nathan Eckstein, and Samuel Loeb; the Loeb home was later occupied for 30 years by the Julius Shafer family. The slides show details of the three houses.

Restrictions on Access: Access restricted: For terms of access, contact Special Collections.

Restrictions on Use: Creator's literary rights not transferred to the University of Washington Libraries.

Acquisition Info: Donated by Meta Buttnick, 3/1/1981.

Washington State Jewish Historical Society Landmarks Committee records

Accession No. 3128-008: Washington State Jewish Historical Society Landmarks Committee records, 1981Return to Top

Photographs (contact print and negatives)

Scope and Content: Bikur-Cholim - Machzikay Hadath fire damage and other unidentified buildings.

Restrictions on Access: Access restricted: For terms of access, contact Special Collections.

Restrictions on Use: Creator's literary rights not transferred to the University of Washington Libraries.

Acquisition Info: Donated by David Levin, 10/1/1981.

Washington State Jewish Historical Society Landmarks Committee records

Accession No. 3128-009: Washington State Jewish Historical Society Landmarks Committee records, 1981Return to Top

1 sound cassette (60 min.)

Scope and Content: Tape-recorded neighborhood tour.

Gordon DeLeon talks about the old Sephardic neighborhood in Seattle and remembers businesses, residences, synagogues, organizations and Sephardic life in general in Seattle before World War II.

Restrictions on Access: Access restricted: For terms of access, contact Special Collections.

Restrictions on Use: Creator's literary rights not transferred to the University of Washington Libraries.

Acquisition Info: Donated by Gordon DeLeon and Meta Buttnick, 1/1/1981.

Washington State Jewish Historical Society Landmarks Committee records

Accession No. 3128-010: Washington State Jewish Historical Society Landmarks Committee records, 1982Return to Top

2 items

Scope and Content: Mayor's proclamation, and photograph.

Mayor Charles Royer declares May 23, 1982 Jewish History Day in Seattle. Photograph is of Mayor Royer, Howard Droker, Royes, Ann Nieder, Dorothy Schrocter.

Restrictions on Access: Open to all users.

Restrictions on Use: Creator's literary rights transferred to the University of Washington Libraries.

Acquisition Info: Donated by Charles Royer, 4/12/1982.

Washington State Jewish Historical Society Landmarks Committee records

Accession No. 3128-011: Washington State Jewish Historical Society Landmarks Committee poster, 1982Return to Top

1 vertical file

Scope and Content: Poster for Landmarks Bus Tour of Jewish historical landmarks in Seattle, May 23, 1982.

Restrictions on Access: Open to all users.

Restrictions on Use: Creator's literary rights not transferred to the University of Washington Libraries.

Acquisition Info: Donated by Howard Droker, 6/7/1982.

Washington State Jewish Historical Society Landmarks Committee poster

Accession No. 3128-012: Washington State Jewish Historical Society Landmarks Committee records, 1982Return to Top

50 color slides; 10 color photos with negatives; 2 items

Scope and Content: Photographs and color slides, program, and publication notice.

Photographs of Nathan Eckstein home, 1000 14th East, Seattle with exterior and interior views.

Restrictions on Access: Access restricted: For terms of access, contact Special Collections.

Restrictions on Use: Creator's literary rights not transferred to the University of Washington Libraries.

Acquisition Info: Donated by WSJHS, 1992, 1/1/1992.

Washington State Jewish Historical Society Landmarks Committee records