UW Ethnomusicology Archives audio recordings: Jeanette Snyder field recordings (Tibet), 1964

Overview of the Collection

Snyder, Jeanette
UW Ethnomusicology Archives audio recordings: Jeanette Snyder field recordings (Tibet)
5 items  :  OT-5 reels (7 1/2 ips, 1/2 tr. mono, 7"); 5 WAV files (48 kHz, 24-bit); Duration: 2:42:40
Collection Number
Music of Tibet recorded in Kalimpong (2/1964) and Darjeeling, West Bengal (6/1964)
University of Washington Ethnomusicology Archives
University of Washington
Ethnomusicology Archives
Box 353450
Seattle, WA
Telephone: 2065430974
Access Restrictions

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Biographical NoteReturn to Top

Jeanette Snyder was a writer, researcher, and graduate student in Tibetan Studies at the University of Washington. In 1964, she received a Fulbright Grant to study Tibetan theater and conduct research in India, Nepal, and Sikkim.

Norbu Tsering was an actor, director and teacher for the Lha mo, or Tibetan opera, troupe named Skyor mo lung pa.

Content DescriptionReturn to Top

Originally recorded with Uher 2000.


Tape 1 (2/64) - Lhamo I (Padma 'od bar) - Performers: Skyor mo lung pa (recorded at Tharchin's house), Norbu Tsering ("Lapa"), leader; Instruments: sbub chas (cymbals), rnga chen (drum); Introduction with Rngon po mkha' 'gro ma, rgyal lu; from beginning of Padma 'od bar with entrance of Mu tig rgyal po, to the interchange between Padma 'od bar's father and Mu tig rgyal po about postponing trip for wishing jewel.

Tape 2 (2/64) - Lhamo II (Padma 'od bar, continuation) - from Padma 'od bar's father asking to be excused from trip for Mu tig rgyal po, to Padma 'od bar asking about his father after seeing deer, to speaking to mother after boys tease him.

Tape 3 (2/64) - Lhamo III (Padma 'od bar, continuation) - from making of golden threads and going to market to selling of threads to old lady of the mountain.

Tape 4 (2/94) - Lhamo IV (Padma 'od bar, continuation) - Mu tig rgyal po discovers threads and sends for Padma 'od bar, to Padma 'od bar on quest for Mu tig rgyal po encountering sea serpent.

Tape 5 (6/64) - Lhamo - Skyor mo lung pa - excerpts recorded during actual performance of Skyor mo lung pa of Kalimpong; sbub chas (cymbals), rnga chen (drums); Minister looking for dog at house; Aria - Mother-Minister-Father; Exchange - all Dance; Minister-Father-exchange

OT analog reels digitized 10/2016 (48 kHz, 24-bit) - 68-5.1.wav (32:11), 68-5.2.wav (32:31), 68-5.3.wav (32:27), 68-5.4.wav (32:21), 68-5.5.wav (32:21).

Audio dropout noted at 05:27 on 68-5.1 OT

Documentation: Hand-written notes.

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