Archives West Finding Aid
Table of Contents
Montana State AFL-CIO records, 1895-2000
Overview of the Collection
- Creator
- Montana State AFL-CIO
- Title
- Montana State AFL-CIO records
- Dates
- 1895-2000 (inclusive)18952000
- Quantity
- 9.4 linear feet
- Collection Number
- MC 341 (collection)
- Summary
- Records (1895-2000) of the Montana State Federation of Labor and the Montana State AFL-CIO consist of correspondence, financial records, and convention materials, subject files, minutes, voting records, and clippings. There are subgroups for the Committee on Political Education (COPE) and the Workers' Education Club of Helena, Montana.
- Repository
Montana Historical Society, Library & Archives
Montana Historical Society Research Center Archives
225 North Roberts
PO Box 201201
Helena MT
Telephone: 4064442681
Fax: 4064445297 - Access Restrictions
Collection is open for research
- Languages
- English
- Sponsor
- Funding for encoding this finding aid was provided through a grant awarded by the National Endowment for the Humanities.
Biographical NoteReturn to Top
The 1893 industrial depression made clear that only well-organized labor unions with large treasuries could survive economic downturns. In response, the Butte Industrial Conference and the State Trades and Labor Assembly (Helena) considered a merger into one organization sufficient in size and financial resources to advocate for Montana workers’ economic and political interests in 1895. The organization became the State Trades and Labor Council of Montana (MSTLC). The federation officially changed its name to the Montana Federation of Labor (MFL) in 1903.
The state federation initially rejected the conservative policies of the craft-oriented American Federation of Labor (AFL), instead allying with the Western Federation of Miners (WFM) in 1898 to create the Western Labor Union (WLU). The WLU affiliated with unions “committed to organizing all workers regardless of craft, skill, race, gender, or ethnic origin.”
By 1902, the MFL openly endorsed the Socialist Party of Montana. Electoral failures in 1904 and 1908, however, eroded support for Socialism within the federation. A growing number of federation members disagreed with the MFL’s close association with the Socialist Party. As a result, local unions began to endorse candidates within the Democratic and Republican Parties who pushed for labor legislation.
A fight over chartering unions unaffiliated with either the AFL or the IWW (Industrial Workers of the World) weakened the MFL in 1906, when the WFM ordered 29 of their affiliates to withdraw from the federation. A year later, MFL president Alex Fairgrieve attended the national AFL convention in an attempt to shore up the state federation. While there, he assured the delegates that the MFL differed little in policy and procedure from the AFL. Fairgrieve recognized that “In the past the Montana Federation has been controlled by those who rebelled against the other States and against the American Federation of Labor,” but promised a different future. Upon his return to Montana, Fairgrieve completed the necessary paperwork for AFL affiliation and the state federation received its AFL charter on January 2, 1908.
Beginning in 1914, Montana went through a twenty-year period of “open shops,” which severely undercut unions in the mining and lumber industries. This changed in 1934 with the establishment of the National Labor Relations Act. NLRA regulations guaranteed workers the right to organize “without fear of discrimination or discharge.” With labor’s hands untied for the first time in two decades, industrial organizing swept the state. The union shop was once again re-established in the labor strongholds of Butte, Anaconda, and Great Falls.
In 1935, the Committee for Industrial Organization formed within the AFL in response to the growing number of industrial unions comprised of unskilled workers. A rift between the AFL and the CIO soon resulted in the expulsion of the CIO from the AFL and the establishment of the Congress of Industrial Organizations. The Montana State Industrial Union Council affiliated with the national CIO on November 16, 1938. The two state federations operated without much of the bitterness that engulfed their two national organizations, helping to prepare the way for their eventual merger in 1956 as the Montana AFL-CIO.
Content DescriptionReturn to Top
Records of the Montana State Federation of Labor and the Montana State AFL-CIO consist of correspondence, financial records, organizational records, reports, subject files, minutes, and clippings.
The correspondence falls into two groups for files kept by President James D. Graham (1927-1937) and that kept by James S. Umber (1958-1967). Financial records (1895-1951) consist primarily of per capital dues contributed by local unions around the state. These are useful for documenting when various unions were active. There are also audits (1934-1961). Organizational records consist of convention proceedings (1933-1966), and nominations and elections of officers. Subject files concern organization of workers in New Deal projects, opposition to Right-to-Work legislation, politics, etc.
There are subgroups for the Committee on Political Education (COPE) and the Workers' Education Club of Helena, Montana. The COPE subgroup includes general correspondence (1959-1965), minor financial records, reports of Activities Director Albert F. Root, and other materials. The Workers' Educational Club subgroup consists of a record book of articles of incorporation, minutes, and legal documents.
An addendum to the collection was added in 2015 which includes AFL-CIO Board meeting minutes (1992-2000), Montana Family Union minutes (1990-1995), voting records of Montana Legislatures from the Montana AFL-CIO as well as various Montana based organizations (1955-1989), subject files on the 1974 election from COPE, the 1976 US presidential campaign, and the 1983 state senate committees. The rest of the addition consists of news clippings focusing on the AFL-CIO (1982- 1987).
Use of the CollectionReturn to Top
Restrictions on Use
The Montana Historical Society is the owner of the materials in the Research Library and makes available reproductions for research, publication, and other uses. Written permission must be obtained from the Research Library before any reproduction use. The Society does not necessarily hold copyright to all of the materials in the collections. In some cases, permission for use may require seeking additional authorization from the copyright owners.
Preferred Citation
[item description and date]. Name of Collection. Collection Number. [box and folder number]. Montana Historical Society Research Center. Archives. Helena, Montana.
Administrative InformationReturn to Top
Arranged by subgroup and series. Some material housed in Archives Map Case, Manuscript Volumes, and Multimedia cabinet. See Location of Collection above and inventory below for more information.
Detailed Description of the CollectionReturn to Top
Montana State Federation of Labor / Montana State AFL-CIO, 1895-1979Return to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
General Correspondence (Stephen Ely; James
D. Graham) |
Box/Folder | ||
1 / 1 | Amalgamated Meat Cutters and Butcher
Workmen of North America, Local 242 (Missoula) |
1936 |
1 / 2-3 | American Federation of Labor (William
Green, president) |
1927-1936 |
1 / 4 | American Federation of Labor (Frank
Morrison, secretary) |
1927-1936 |
1 / 5 | Billings local unions |
1930-1935 |
1 / 6 | Butte local unions |
1930-1936 |
1 / 7 | Cereal Workers Union |
1936, undated |
1 / 8 | Circular letters |
1929-1937 |
1 / 9 | Fort Peck Federal Labor Union
#20192 |
1935-1936 |
1 / 10 | Great Falls local unions |
1928-1935 |
1 / 11 | Laverne Hamilton |
1933-1935 |
1 / 12 | Highway construction
projects |
1933 |
1 / 13 | International Hod Carriers, Building
and Common Laborers Union of America |
1934-1936 |
1 / 14 | Laundry Workers International Union,
Butte local # 25 |
1919, 1929-1930 |
1 / 15 | Missoula County Central Trades and
Labor Council |
1933 |
1 / 16 | Montana Legislative
Assembly |
1929-1933 |
1 / 17 | Montana Relief Commission |
1934-1935 |
1 / 18 | Montana State Board of Education (re
wage scale on school construction projects) |
1933-1935 |
1 / 19 | National Labor Relations
Board |
1934-1935 |
1 / 20 | National Recovery
Administration |
1933-1935 |
1 / 21 | National Reemployment Service (James
D. Graham, state director) |
1934 |
2 / 1-3 | National Reemployment Service (James
D. Graham, state director; includes contractor bills, primarily from
Ft. Peck Dam project) |
1935-1938 |
2 / 4 | Public Works
Administration |
1933-1935 |
2 / 5 | Retail Clerks International Protective
Association |
1931-1933 |
2 / 6 | Sidney Federal Labor Union
#19687 |
1933-1935 |
2 / 7 | U. S. Department of Labor |
1932-1933 |
2 / 8 | Thomas J. Walsh |
1929-1930 |
2 / 9 | Burton K. Wheeler |
1929-1937 |
2 / 10 | A-Y; unidentified (correspondents
include Anaconda Smeltermen's Union, Clarence Blewett, Bozeman
Barbers' Union, Emergency Conservation Work, McCusker and Bailey, O.
J. Murphy, Silver Bow Trades and Labor Council, Socialist Party,
United Mine Workers of America, Utah State Federation of Labor,
Wallace, Idaho Trades and Labor Council re organizing of Butte
Miners Union) |
1929-1937 |
General Correspondence (James S.
Umber) |
Box/Folder | ||
2 / 11 | AFL-CIO |
1955-1964 |
2 / 12 | AFL-CIO Committee on Political
Education (COPE) |
1963-1966 |
2 / 13 | A-F (correspondents include American
Federation of State, County, and Municipal Employees Montana State
Council 9; American Red Cross, Congressman James F. Battin, Harry
Cloke, Committee for Paradise Dam, Violet M. Eastman, R. D. Eaton,
Educational Cooperative Publishing Company) |
1959-1965 |
2 / 14 | G-L (correspondents include Gerald
Givres, Glacier County United Labor Council, Leo Graybill, Greyhound
Bus Lines, Group Research Inc., Ray A. Hanson, George B. Heliker,
Robert A. Hill, Hotel and Restaurant Employees and Bartenders
International Union, Charles V. Huppe, International Association of
Machinists, International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers,
International Woodworkers of America, Lloyds of London, Lester H.
Loble, Lumber and Sawmill Workers Union) |
1958-1966 |
2 / 15 | Senators Mike Mansfield and Lee
Metcalf |
1959-1965 |
2 / 16 | Perry Melton (Brotherhood of Painters,
Decorators and Paperhangers; Montana State Conference of Painters
and Allied Crafts) |
1963-1964 |
2 / 17 | M-T (correspondents include Lena
Mattausch, Missoula County Democratic Women's Club, Montana
Democratic Labor Activities Committee, Montana Farmers Union,
Montana Secretary of State, J. L. Moore, National Planning
Association, Congressman Arnold Olsen, Roland R. Renne, Scobey Lions
Club, Seena A. Shirodkar, Fred A. Sonnenburg, Joseph
Strnisha) |
1958-1967 |
2 / 18 | U-Y, unidentified (correspondents
include U.S. Bonneville Power Administration, U. S. Equal Employment
Opportunity Commission, United Steelworkers of Anaconda, Joseph A.
Vanesko) |
1963-1967 |
2 / 19 | Circular letters |
1955-1960 |
General Correspondence |
Box/Folder | ||
2 / 20 | D-J (correspondents include Jerry
Driskoll, Eugene Fenderson, John Forkan, Greg Hagenston, and Don
Judge) |
1996-2003 |
Court Papers |
Box/Folder | ||
2 / 21 | Stephen Ely vs. Montana State
Federation of Labor |
1943 |
Financial Records |
Box/Folder | ||
2 / 22 | Audits (incomplete run) |
1934-1961 |
3 / 1-3 | Cash books |
1907-1916 |
Oversize Folder | ||
1 | Financial report of
secretary-treasurer (includes list of affiliated unions) |
1915-1916 |
Box/Folder | ||
3 / 4 | Financial statements |
1966 |
3 / 5-6 | Journals: receipts from affiliated
unions |
1906-1909 |
Volume | ||
1-4 | Journals: receipts from affiliated
unions |
1939-1951 |
5 | Ledger: affiliated unions |
1895-1900 |
Box/Folder | ||
4 / 1 | Ledger: affiliated unions |
1900-1909 |
Volume | ||
6-8 | Ledgers: affiliated unions |
1909-1915 |
Box/Folder | ||
4 / 2 | Ledger: affiliated unions |
1948-1950 |
4 / 3 | Ledger: affiliated unions (not the
same as Box 4, Folder 1) |
1906-1907 |
Volume | ||
9 | Per capita tax register: local
unions |
1917-1923 |
Box/Folder | ||
4 / 5 | President's accounts, James S.
Umber |
1959-1960 |
Volume | ||
10 | Trial balance book |
undated |
11 | Trial balance book: local
unions |
1923-1925 |
Legal Documents |
Box/Folder | ||
5 / 1 | Proposed contract with Anaconda Copper
Mining Company |
undated |
Organizational Records |
Box/Folder | ||
5 / 2 | Committee for Union Democracy articles
of incorporation |
1957 |
5 / 3 | Constitution: Montana State CIO
Industrial Union Council |
undated |
5 / 4 | Constitution and bylaws: Montana State
Federation of Labor / Montana State AFL-CIO |
1930, 1956, 1967, 1972 |
5 / 5-15 | Convention proceedings and related
materials (incomplete set) |
1933-1966 |
5 / 16 | Minutes: Building Trades Dept. |
1934 |
5 / 17 | Minutes etc.: Executive Board
(scattered) |
1930-1936, 1972, 1976 1992, 2001 |
5 / 18 | Nomination and election of
officers |
1929-1931 |
5 / 19 | Requests to affiliate |
1935 |
5 / 20 | Union elections |
1951 |
Press Releases |
Box/Folder | ||
5 / 21 | Press releases |
1960-1964, 2002, undated |
Reports |
Box/Folder | ||
5 / 22 | Legislative report |
1963, 1973, 1979 |
5 / 23 | Reports to national
1964 |
Subject Files |
Box/Folder | ||
5 / 24 | "24th Annual Convention" |
1980 |
5 / 25 | "46th Annual Convention" |
2002 |
5 / 26 | Communist Party |
1927-1934 |
5 / 27 | Convention invitations from
out-of-state unions |
1965 |
5 / 28 | Democratic Platform
Convention |
1960 |
5 / 29 | Equal Opportunity League |
1958 |
5 / 30 | Farmer-Labor Institute |
1961-1964 |
5 / 31 | Funds collected for organization of
Butte miners |
1927 |
5 / 32 | Group Research (re right-wing
groups) |
1962-1964 |
5 / 33 | Harvard University Trade Union
Program |
1959-1965 |
5 / 34 | Helena High School (re wage scale for
construction workers |
1934 |
6 / 1 | Injunction law |
1932-1933 |
6 / 2 | Insurance |
1965 |
6 / 3 | Lumber and Sawmill Workers Union,
Montana District Council |
1956 |
6 / 4 | Map: AFL-CIO districts |
undated |
6 / 5 | Missoula motel dispute |
1963 |
6 / 6 | Montana Contractors Association and
labor representatives meeting |
1936 |
6 / 7 | Montana Industrial Health
Committee |
1952 |
6 / 8 | Montana Legislative Assembly
compilation of bills re hours (9th-24th sessions) |
1905-1935 |
6 / 9 | Montana Legislative Council (Montana
Federation of Labor council, not state council) |
1933 |
6 / 10 | Montana State CIO Industrial Union
Council constitution |
undated |
6 / 11 | Northern Cheyenne training program for
jobs at Colstrip #3-4 |
circa 1980 |
6 / 12 | Oil leases on state land (re school
funding) |
1953 |
6 / 13 | Political |
1928-1950, undated |
6 / 14 | Political: governor's race Eugene
Mahoney vs. Forrest Anderson |
1968 |
6 / 15 | Public relief |
1933-1934 |
6 / 16 | Public works employees |
1933-1934 |
6 / 17 | Right-to-Work" legislation |
1952-1955 |
6 / 18 | Right-to-Work" legislation: ads,
articles, speeches, etc. |
1956 |
6 / 19 | Right-to-Work" legislation:
correspondence |
1956 |
6 / 20 | Right-to-Work" legislation:
petitions |
1956 |
6 / 21 | Right-to-Work" legislation:
intercollegiate debate kits |
1957 |
6 / 22 | Right-to-Work" legislation: ads and
articles |
1958 |
6 / 23 | Right-to-Work" legislation: clerk and
recorder regulations re petitions |
1958 |
6 / 24-25 | Right-to-Work" legislation:
correspondence |
1958 |
6 / 26 | Right-to-Work" legislation: flyers and
pamphlets |
1958 |
6 / 27 | Right-to-Work" legislation:
legislative campaign |
1958 |
6 / 28 | Right-to-Work" legislation: mailing
lists |
1958 |
6 / 29 | Right-to-Work" legislation: Montana
Citizens for Economic Progress (anti-right-to-work
group) |
1958 |
7 / 1-3 | Right-to-Work" legislation: Montana
United Labor Council; Montana Labor Advisory Committee |
1958 |
7 / 4-6 | Right-to-Work" legislation: petitions
(includes requests for names of signers, withdrawal of signatures,
etc.) |
1958 |
7 / 7 | Right-to-Work" legislation: press
releases |
1958 |
7 / 8 | Right-to-Work" legislation: Rev. Paul
Conine controversy |
1958 |
7 / 9 | Right-to-Work" legislation: general
information |
1958 |
7 / 10 | Right-to-Work" legislation: ads,
brochures, etc. |
circa 1960-1969 |
7 / 11 | Right-to-Work" legislation: Blackfeet
Indian Tribal Council resolution |
1964 |
7 / 12 | Right-to-Work" legislation:
correspondence |
1962-1965 |
7 / 13 | Right-to-Work" legislation: brochures,
etc. of proponents of Right-to-Work |
1962-1965 |
7 / 14 | Rural Electric Cooperatives |
1964-1965 |
7 / 15 | Sugar beet workers |
1934-1935 |
7 / 16 | Unemployment compensation
questionnaire |
1962 |
7 / 17 | Unfair labor practices |
1930-1933 |
7 / 18 | United States Congress |
1932 |
7 / 19 | Veterans Hospital, Fort Harrison,
addition (re working conditions) |
1931-1932 |
7 / 20 | Workers Education Bureau |
1936 |
7 / 21 | Workers Protective Union |
1935 |
7 / 22 | Workmen's Compensation |
1929-1935, undated |
7 / 23 | Yearbook publishing |
1932 |
7 / 24 | Yearbook publishing - Annual
Convention |
1980-1983 |
Speeches and Writings |
Box/Folder | ||
7 / 25 | Carl F. Kraenzel, "On Montana's
Education Problems" |
1962 |
7 / 26 | Miscellaneous speeches |
undated |
multimedia | ||
MM 67 | Recorded debate: "Gibbons-Billings
KFDW" Ed Gibbons, publisher of Alert
Magazine of Los Angeles and Harry Billings, publisher of
People's Voice of Helena,
discuss American Legion's support for Legislative investigation of
subversion, and the People's Voice's
alleged pro-Communist views. |
undated |
Miscellany |
Box/Folder | ||
7 / 27 | Fidelity bond: Ernest
Salvas |
1958 |
7 / 28 | List of labor officials in Western
Congressional District |
1966 |
7 / 29 | List of right-wing groups |
circa 1964 |
7 / 30 | Miscellaneous |
undated, 2001 |
Clippings |
Box/Folder | ||
7 / 31 | James S. Umber |
1961-1964 |
Committee on Political Education (COPE), 1959-1965Return to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
General Correspondence |
Box/Folder | ||
8 / 1-6 | Chronological (correspondents include
national COPE; national AFL-CIO; local unions, etc. |
1959-1965 |
8 / 7 | Chronological (Women's Activities
Division, Gretchen Billings) |
1959-1960 |
Financial Records |
Box/Folder | ||
8 / 8 | Affiliated unions per capita |
1961 |
8 / 9 | Financial reports |
1959-1960 |
8 / 10 | Matching grants |
1959-1961 |
8 / 11 | Warrants |
1963-1964 |
Organizational Records |
Box/Folder | ||
8 / 12 | COPE Convention |
1960, 1972 |
Reports |
Box/Folder | ||
8 / 13-15 | Field reports: Activity Director
Albert F. Root |
1959-1963 |
8 / 16-17 | Field reports: Director Albert F.
Root |
1964-1965 |
8 / 18 | Reports to Montana State AFL-CIO
Convention: Activity Director Albert F. Root |
1958-1960 |
Subject Files |
Box/Folder | ||
9 / 1 | Cascade County COPE |
1964 |
9 / 2 | Citizenship Education
meetings |
1959 |
9 / 3 | Congressman James F. Battin
record |
1962 |
9 / 4 | List of nominations for Montana
legislature |
1964 |
9 / 5 | Membership |
1959-1961 |
9 / 6 | National 50% refund |
1959-1961 |
9 / 7 | Pilot Program |
1959-1960 |
9 / 8 | Voter education drive |
1964 |
Miscellany |
Box/Folder | ||
9 / 9 | COPE brochures |
1959 |
Workers' Educational Club (Helena, Mont.), 1905-1909Return to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
Organizational Records |
Box/Folder | ||
9 / 10 | Record book (includes articles of
incorporation, minutes, lease agreement, reports, etc.) |
1959-1965 |
Addendum, 1955-2000Return to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
Minutes |
Box/Folder | ||
10 / 1-27 | Montana AFL-CIO Board
minutes |
1992-2000 |
11 / 1-10 | Montana Families Union
minutes |
1989-1995 |
Reports |
Box/Folder | ||
11 / 11 | Voting Records MT/Legislature MT
1955-1965, 1971-1974 |
11 / 12 | MT AFL-CIO Legislative
Bulletins/Legislative Reports |
1975 |
Voting Records |
11 / 13 | "MT AFL-CIO" |
1977-1983 |
11 / 14 | International Union of Mine, Mill, and
Smelter Worker; The Joint Legislative Board of Railway Brotherhoods;
State Council of Hotel & Restaurant Employees; The People's
Voice |
1955-1967 |
11 / 15 | Montana Farmers Unions; Montana
Associated Utilities; Montana Rural Electrics |
1969, 1971, 1973, 1974 |
11 / 16 | Just Us; Ayes & Nays; Montana
Environmental Information Center |
1975 |
11 / 17 | Just Us Inc.; Montana Democratic State
Central Committee; Montana Environmental Information Center;
Citizens Legislative Coalition; Common Cause; Women's Lobbyist
Fund |
1976-1983 |
12 / 1-3 | "MT AFL-CIO" |
1985-1989 |
12 / 4 | "MT AFL-CIO" [Bill
Outcomes] |
1991 |
12 / 5 | Montana Chamber of
Commerce |
1993 |
Correspondence |
12 / 6 | James Murry ( include A
G Pillen, Walter Marshall, Lyle Leeds, Arnold Olson, Fred Barrett,
James L Grahl, John A Layne III et. al, Marilyn Koetter, Howard
Rosenleaf) |
1969-1974, 1983 |
Press Releases |
12 / 7 | Re: Ed Smith, Richard
Shoup |
1972 |
Speeches/Writings |
12 / 8 | Testimonies of James Murry to: the
Environmental Protection Agency; the Constitutional Convention
Committee on Public Health, Welfare, Labor & Industry; the
Montana Economic Development Board |
1972, 1984 |
Subject Files |
12 / 9 | 1972 Campaigns Correspondence,
Ephemera, Clippings |
1972 |
12 / 10 | "Campaign and Election-1974"
[COPE] |
1974 |
12 / 11 | [Campaigns: Presidential
General] |
1972 |
12 / 12 | "Congressional
Race-1973-1974" |
1973-1974 |
12 / 13 | Elections and Campaigns Campaign
Reform |
1973-1974 |
12 / 14 | [Great Falls Tribune Union Contract
Negotiations] |
1986 |
12 / 15 | [James Murry] |
1976, 1977, undated |
12 / 16 | Jim Murry Retirement |
1991 |
12A / 1 | Legal Cases |
1977-1982 |
12A / 2 | "MT State Senate Committee
Information: 1983" |
1983 |
12A / 3 | "President Campaigns: Carter: Party
Platforms-1976" |
1976 |
12A / 4 | Solidaniase/Solidarity/ Lech
Walesa |
1976 |
12A / 5 | Solidarity Day 1981 |
1981 |
Clippings |
12A / 6 | "Campaign - Censure -
1974" |
1974 |
12A / 7 | "Campaigns: Presidential
General" |
1974, 1975, 1976 |
12A / 8 | Western District House
Campaign |
1974 |
12A / 9 | 1976 Montana Senate Campaign (Mike
Mansfield) |
1976 |
12A / 10 | "Campaign '76 Other Democratic
Presidential Candidates " |
1976 |
12A / 11 - 14 / 2 | Montana AFL-CIO |
1969-1991 |
14 / 3 | "AFL-CIO Probe: IAM Election Stories
August 22-October 4, 1984" |
1984 |
14 / 4 | "AFL-CIO Probe: MT Law Week (Frank
Adams) 10-12 and 10-19-84" |
1984 |
14 / 5 | "AFL-CIO Probe: Extra 10-21-84
IRs" |
1984 |
14 / 6 | "AFL-CIO Probe: Extra 10-22-84
IRs" |
1984 |
14 / 7 | "AFL-CIO Probe: October 1984
Press" |
1984 |
14 / 8 | "AFL-CIO Probe: Cozzens' News Releases
(October-November 1984" |
1984 |
14 / 9 | "AFL-CIO Story List 1-21/11-7
1984" |
1984 |
14 / 10 | "AFL-CIO Probe: November 1984
Press" |
1984 |
14 / 11 | "AFL-CIO Probe: I.R.
Retractions" |
1984 |
14 / 12 | "AFL-CIO Probe: December 1984
Press" |
1984 |
14 / 13 | "Audit Probe Dec '85-Jan
'86" |
1985-1986 |
14 / 14 | "AFL-CIO Probe
01/85-12/85" |
1985 |
14 / 15 | "AFL-CIO Probe: 1986-1987
Press" |
1984 |
Miscellaneous |
14 / 16 | Press Related Items |
1972-1983 |
14 / 17 | 1972, 1983, 1984 | |
Audio Recordings |
multimedia | ||
MM 67 | Gibbons-Billings KFDW |
Undated |
Names and SubjectsReturn to Top
Subject Terms
Personal Names
- Billings, Gretchen
- Graham, James D., 1874-1951
- Montana State AFL-CIO (creator)
- Murry, James W.
- Root, Albert F, 1908-1989
- Umber, James S., 1903-1981