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Table of Contents
Frank Jay Haynes papers, 1876-1962
Overview of the Collection
- Creator
- Haynes, F. Jay (Frank Jay), 1853-1921
- Title
- Frank Jay Haynes papers
- Dates
- 1876-1962 (inclusive)18761962
- Quantity
- 8 linear feet of shelf space
- Collection Number
- MC 146 (collection)
- Summary
- F. Jay Haynes (1853-1921) was official photographer for the Northern Pacific Railroad and for Yellowstone National Park. Records (1876-1962) consist of photograph order books, negative registers, copyright records, and a small amount of business records for the photography business of Haynes and of his son Jack Ellis Haynes (1884-1962).
- Repository
Montana Historical Society, Library & Archives
Montana Historical Society Research Center Archives
225 North Roberts
PO Box 201201
Helena MT
Telephone: 4064442681
Fax: 4064445297 - Access Restrictions
Collection open for research.
- Languages
- English
- Sponsor
- Funding for encoding this finding aid was provided through a grant awarded by the National Endowment for the Humanities.
Biographical NoteReturn to Top
Frank Jay Haynes was born on October 28, 1853, in Saline, Michigan. He received his early formal education in that town's public schools and his first business experience in his father's mercantile store. When the family business failed in 1874, Haynes worked briefly as a traveling salesman and then secured a position with S.C. Graham, a photographer in Beaver Dam, Wisconsin. Following his apprenticeship with Graham, Haynes worked for another Wisconsin photographer, William H. Lockwood, before opening his own studio in Moorhead, Minnesota, in 1876. Almost immediately Haynes received his first contract from the Northern Pacific to take high-quality views of the "bonanza" farms in the Red River Valley. This initial contract led to numerous other commissioned trips for the NPRR to photograph the railroad's construction route in the Dakota and Montana Territories.
In January 1878, Haynes married Lily Snyder, Lockwood's sister-in-law whom he had met while working in the Wisconsin studio. The following year, Haynes felt his studio business was successful enough to move to a new, larger studio in Fargo. Haynes continued to travel on contracts for the NPRR, while Lily retouched negatives and oversaw gallery operations.
In 1881 Haynes made an NP-sponsored trip to Yellowstone Park and immediately recognized the photographic and business opportunities offered by the area. Thereafter, the Park figured prominently in Haynes' career.
By 1885, the photographer had adapted a railroad coach for use as a studio and was touring the Northwest in his Haynes Palace Studio Car. During his trips over the NP lines, Haynes produced hundreds of negatives of railroad and trackside subjects. He also increased his studio staff in Fargo and, simultaneously, established branch photographic operations in Yellowstone National Park. Haynes moved his studio from Fargo to St. Paul in 1889. He still maintained the Palace Studio Car on the NP's tracks, but increasingly delegated its operation to several trusted assistants. Finally in 1905, the studio car ceased operation and Haynes ended his close association with the Northern Pacific.
From his modest beginnings in Yellowstone Park, F. Jay Haynes, with the assistance of his son, Jack Ellis Haynes, developed a lucrative photographic business in the Park. They photographed and marketed hundreds of views of scenery, wildlife and tourist activities. By 1916, because of failing health, Haynes transferred his photographic interests to his son Jack Ellis Haynes.
F. Jay Haynes died at his home in St. Paul, Minnesota, on March 10, 1921.
Content DescriptionReturn to Top
Records consist of photograph order books, negative registers, copyright records, and a small amount of business records for the photography business of F. Jay Haynes and of his son Jack Ellis Haynes.
Use of the CollectionReturn to Top
Restrictions on Use
Researchers must use collection in accordance with the policies of the Montana Historical Society. The Society does not necessarily hold copyright to all materials in the collection. In some cases permission for use may require additional authorization from the copyright owners. For more information contact an archivist.
Preferred Citation
Item description and date. Collection Title. Collection Number. Box and Folder numbers. Montana Historical Society Research Center, Archives, Helena, Montana.
Administrative InformationReturn to Top
Arranged by subgroup and series. Some material housed in Manuscript Volumes. See inventory below for more information.
Location of Collection
7:2-5Acquisition Information
Acquisition information available upon request
Related Materials
See MC 86 for the F. Jay Haynes Architectural Drawings Collection.
Haynes manuscript material not directly related to Montana Historical Society's Haynes Photographs are located at the Special Collections Library, Montana State University, Bozeman.
Detailed Description of the CollectionReturn to Top
The following section contains a detailed listing of the materials in the collection
F. Jay Haynes Return to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
Photographic Records |
Box/Folder | ||
1 / 1-2 | Photographic Register [portrait orders] #8788-17440 |
1883-1888 |
2 / 1-2 | Studio Registers 1-2 #8246-20827 [portrait orders] |
1895-1896 |
3 / 1-2 | Studio Registers 3-4 #20813-28309 [portrait orders;
includes Park Portraits, 1901] |
1896-1901 |
4 / 1 | Studio Register 5 #28289-31627 [includes Park
Portraits, 1902-1905] |
1996-1998 |
4 / 2-4 | Portrait Order Books [daybooks] #12246-15543 |
1885-1887 |
5 / 1-3 | Portrait Order Books [daybooks] #15544-19054 |
1887-1890 |
5 / 4-5 | Daily Order Registers 2 & 4 [portrait daybooks]
#1929-4228, 6480-7766 |
1890-1891 |
6 / 1-5 | Daily Order Registers 5-9 [portrait daybooks]
#7766-14952 |
1894 |
7 / 1-6 | Daily Order Registers 10-15 [portrait daybooks]
#14953-20159 |
1894-1895 |
8 / 1-5 | Daily Order Registers 16-20 [portrait daybooks]
#20160-25046 |
1895-1898 |
9 / 1-5 | Daily Order Registers 21-25 [portrait daybooks]
#25047-29704 |
1898-1902 |
10 / 1-3 | Daily Order Registers 27, 29 & 30 [portrait
daybooks] #30610-34208 |
1903-1905, 1907-1913 |
10 / 4 | Portrait Orders: sepia |
1894 |
10 / 5-6 | Park Order Registers [portraits] #4501-4792 |
1888-1893 |
10 / 7 | Park Order Register |
1906-1910 |
10 / 8 | Park Order Book [views and portraits] #1-562 |
1888 |
11 / 1 | Park Order Book [views and portraits] #1-302 |
1889 |
11 / 2-4 | Park Order Books [views and portraits] #1-378 |
1890 |
11 / 5 | Park Order Book [views and portraits] #1-208 |
1891 |
12 / 1-2 | Park Order Books [views and portraits] #209-577 |
1891 |
12 / 3 | Park Order Book [views and portraits] index |
1891 |
12 / 4-5 | Park Order Books [views and portraits] #1-517 |
1892 |
12 / 6 | Park Order Book [views and portraits] index |
1892 |
13 / 1-6 | View Order Books |
1882-1894 |
14 / 1-5 | View Order Books |
1894-1903, 1906-1911 |
15 / 1-3 | Palace Studio Car Registers A-C #1-10731 |
1885-1891 |
16 / 1-2 | Palace Studio Car Registers D-E #10732-18385
[includes Park Orders, 1893-1897] |
1891-1897 |
17 / 1 | Palace Studio Car Registers #18112-23642 [includes
Park Orders, 1898] |
1897-1899 |
17 / 2-4 | Palace Car Order Registers 2-4 [daybooks]
#1068-5653 [register 4 includes #3010-3118] |
1886-1888 |
18 / 1-5 | Palace Car Order Registers 5, 7-10 [daybooks]
#5654-6715, 7915-12627 |
1888-1893 |
19 / 1-5 | Palace Car Order Registers 11-15 [daybooks]
#12628-19864 |
1893-1898 |
20 / 1-5 | Palace Car Order Registers 16-20 [daybooks]
#19865-27278 |
1898-1902 |
21 / 1-4 | Palace Car Order Registers 21-24 [daybooks]
#27279-32158 |
1902-1905 |
21 / 5 | Palace Car reports on towns [alphabetical] and
"portraits on hand" |
1891 |
22 / 1 | Negative Register: St. Paul, Minnesota to Pacific
Coast and Alaska: stereographs |
1877-1891 |
22 / 2 | Negative Register: stereographs: Yellowstone Park,
etc. |
1876-1891 |
22 / 3 | Negative Register: portraits & Northern Pacific
Railroad |
1876-1887 |
22 / 4 | Negative Register: stereoscopes #1-180 [compiled by
J.E. Haynes] |
1876-1877 |
22 / 5 | Negative Register: Yellowstone Park |
1892-1913 |
22 / 6 | Negative Register: revised |
1900-1912 |
22 / 7-8 | Register of Retouched Negatives |
1891-1892, 1898 |
Financial Records |
Box/Folder | ||
23 / 1 | Baby Album Orders |
1888-1897 |
23 / 2-6 | Cash Books/Ledgers [Park Studio] |
1888-1889, 1893-1916 |
23 / 7-8 | Ledgers |
1876-1880, 1887-1889 |
24 / 1 | Ledger |
1914 |
24 / 2 | Notebook |
1874 |
24 / 3 | Order Book [photo supplies] |
1894 |
24 / 4 | Order Book [sheet music] |
circa 1878 |
24 / 5 | Portrait expenses and receipts |
1884-1885 |
24 / 6-7 | Sales and Order Books |
1886, 1895-1896 |
24 / 8 | Shipping Receipt Book [St. Paul, Minn. to Cinnebar,
Mont.] |
1895-1898 |
24 / 9 | Shipping Receipt Book [Mammoth, Mont. to
Yellowstone Park outlets] |
1894-1896 |
25 / 1 | Shipping Receipt Books [Mammoth, Mont. to
Yellowstone Park outlets] |
1898-1899, 1911-1913 |
25 / 2 | Shipping Receipt Books [Adams Express Company] |
1897-1899 |
Miscellany |
Box/Folder | ||
25 / 3 | Signature Book [lists Northern Pacific Railroad
registrants] |
1881-1888 |
25 / 4-5 | F. Jay Haynes catalogs |
1879-1890 |
25 / 6 | F. Jay Haynes & Bro. catalogs |
1890 |
25 / 7 | F. Jay Haynes catalogs: Alaska views |
1891 |
25 / 8 | F. Jay Haynes catalogs: Yellowstone Park; Northern
Pacific Railroad, Pacific Coast; Alaska |
1892 |
25 / 9 | F. Jay Haynes catalogs: lantern slides &
stereoscopes |
1893 |
25 / 10 | F. Jay Haynes catalogs |
1900, 1908-1911 |
25 / 11 | F. Jay Haynes catalogs: colored postcards |
1910, 1912 |
25 / 12 | F. Jay Haynes catalogs |
1912 |
25 / 13 | F. Jay Haynes catalogs: lantern slides |
1915 |
25 / 14 | F. Jay Haynes & Bro. information folder on
Yellowstone Park, including map |
1890 |
25 / 15 | F. Jay Haynes annual holiday announcement |
1896 |
25 / 16 | F. Jay Haynes railroad pass |
1878 |
26 / 1-4 | Portrait Proofs #H4390-H5354, un-numbered |
undated |
Jack Ellis Haynes Return to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
Photographic Records |
Box/Folder | ||
26 / 5 | Color Transparency Register |
1941-1967 |
26 / 6 | Photograph Lists: alphabetical |
1930-1937 |
26 / 7 | Photograph Lists: Palace Car negatives [list
compiled 1950] |
1885-1904 |
26 / 8 | Photograph Lists: Eldridge pictures |
1934 |
26 / 9 | Photograph Lists: Fee negatives [list compiled
1950] |
1890 |
26 / 10 | Photograph Lists: historical photos [list compiled
1960] |
1876-1894 |
27 / 1 | Photograph Lists: "Negatives that we have not made"
[list compiled 1950; earliest are photos of drawings and paintings] |
1804-1936 |
27 / 2 | Photograph Lists: Negatives of Pres. Chester Alan
Arthur's trip to Yellowstone [list compiled 1935] |
1883 |
27 / 3 | Photograph Lists: numerical |
1937-1938 |
27 / 4 | Photograph Lists: photos, lantern slides, etc. |
1923-1937 |
27 / 5-6 | Photograph Lists: prints, stereoscopes, &
negatives from private vault in St. Paul [list compiled 1950] |
1873-1936 |
27 / 7-8 | Negative Register: A-M |
1936-1937 |
28 / 1 | Negative Register: N-Z |
1936-1937 |
28 / 2 | Negative Register: A-Z |
1937-1941 |
28 / 3-5 | Negative Register: A-Ca |
circa 1956 |
29 / 1-9 | Negative Register: Ce-K |
circa 1956 |
30 / 1-7 | Negative Register: L-Sl |
circa 1956 |
31 / 1-6 | Negative Register: Sm-Z |
circa 1956 |
31 / 7-8 | Negative Register: numerical |
1862-1964 |
32 / 1-3 | Negative Register: numerical [three versions] |
1896-1941 |
Copyright Records |
Box/Folder | ||
33 / 1 | Copyright application forms [blank] |
undated |
33 / 2 | Copyright information |
1940-1941 |
33 / 3 | Copyright lists of Haynes photos |
1913-1937 |
33 / 4 | Copyright agreement between Haynes Picture Shops
Inc. and Jack Ellis Haynes |
1928 |
33 / 5 | Copyright assignment information |
1937 |
33 / 6 | Copyright assignment: Haynes Picture Shops Inc. to
Haynes Inc. |
1940 |
33 / 7 | Copyright assignment: Jack Ellis Haynes to Haynes
Inc. |
1940-1942 |
33 / 8 | Copyright assignment: Haynes Inc. to Haynes Studios
Inc. |
1949 |
33 / 9 | Copyright: Album: Yellowstone National Park:
America's Wonderland in Natural Colors |
1954-1960 |
33 / 10 | Copyright: Album: Yellowstone National Park: Haynes
Souvenir Album |
1958 |
33 / 11 | Copyright: Bauer, Clyde Max, The Story of
Yellowstone Geysers and Yellowstone Geysers |
1937, 1947 |
33 / 12 | Copyright: Campbell, Charles Malcolm linoleum cuts |
1936 |
33 / 13 | Copyright: Chaney, Jack, Foolish Questions |
1922-1929 |
33 / 14 | Copyright: Chittenden, Hiram H., The Yellowstone
National Park |
1924 |
33 / 15 | Copyright: correspondence cards |
undated |
33 / 16 | Copyright: decals |
1952 |
33 / 17 | Copyright: etchings |
undated |
33 / 18 | Copyright: Haynes Bulletin |
1922-1924 |
33 / 19 | Copyright: Haynes Catalog |
1920-1936 |
33 / 20 | Copyright: Haynes Guide |
1890-1961 |
33 / 21 | Copyright: Haynes maps of Yellowstone National Park |
1917, 1937 |
33 / 22 | Copyright: Haynes miniature sets |
1951 |
33 / 23-25 | Copyright: Haynes photographs |
1876-1952 |
33 / 26-27 | Copyright: Haynes photographs [expired; negatives
destroyed; etc.] |
1941 |
33 / 28 | Copyright: Haynes photographs [re-copyrighted] |
1941-1944 |
33 / 29 | Copyright: Haynes postcards #10079-40000 |
1927-1940 |
33 / 30 | Copyright: Haynes postcards [miscellaneous] |
1941 |
33 / 31-34 | Copyright: Haynes postcards #51K001-#53K455 |
1951-1954 |
34 / 1 | Copyright: Haynes postcards [miscellaneous] |
1954-1956 |
34 / 2 | Copyright: Haynes Road Log and Yellowstone National
Park |
1918, 1936 |
34 / 3 | Copyright: Haynes, J.E., Scenic Gems of Yellowstone
National Park |
1929 |
34 / 4 | Copyright: Haynes slides #8-486 |
1947-1952 |
34 / 5 | Copyright: Haynes snap packs |
1954 |
34 / 6 | Copyright: Haynes Souvenir Album of Yellowstone
National Park |
1889-1949 |
34 / 7 | Copyright: Haynes souvenir folder |
1915-1960 |
34 / 8 | Copyright: Haynes souvenir playing cards |
1951 |
34 / 9 | Copyright: Haynes, J.E. Treasures of Yellowstone
National Park |
1924, 1929 |
34 / 10 | Copyright: Haynes, F.J. Yellowstone National Park
in Photogravure |
1891 |
34 / 11 | Copyright: Haynes, F.J. Yellowstone National Park
Questions and Answers |
1914-1915 |
34 / 12 | Copyright: Haynes, J.E. Yellowstone Stage Holdups |
1959 |
34 / 13 | Copyright: Haynes, J.E. Yellowstone, the Wonderland
Domain |
1929 |
34 / 14 | Copyright: Haynes, J.E. Your People Want What We
Have |
1921 |
34 / 15 | Copyright: Hough, Emerson, Maw's Vacation |
1921 |
34 / 16 | Copyright: Langford, N.P., The Discovery of
Yellowstone Park |
1918 |
34 / 17 | Copyright: Mora, Jo, map of Yellowstone National
Park |
1935-1946 |
34 / 18 | Copyright: Thone, Frank, Trees and Flowers of
Yellowstone National Park |
1929 |
34 / 19-22 | Copyright File #689-17389 ["and subjects which we
are using which are not copyrighted"] |
1935 |
35 / 1-6 | Copyright File #17406- 40000 |
1935-1938 |
35 / 7 | Copyright File books |
1936-1937 |
35 / 8-10 | Copyright Office [miscellaneous] |
1911-1935 |
36 / 1-3 | Copyright Office [miscellaneous] |
1936-1956 |
36 / 4 | Copyright renewal |
1939-1942 |
Financial Records |
Box/Folder | ||
36 / 5 | Audit reports |
1952-1965 |
36 / 6-7 | Ledgers: Park Photo Shops |
1920-1937, undated |
36 / 8 | Ledgers: Park Photo Shops [W.A. Hall] |
undated |
36 / 9 | Order book [J.J. Hussett and E.W. Hunter] |
1922-1923 |
37 / 1-2 | Price lists [photographs, postcards, etc.] |
1917-1942 |
37 / 3 | Price lists [groceries, compared with nearby towns] |
1940 |
37 / 4 | Price lists [other photo studios] |
circa 1927 |
Organizational Records |
Box/Folder | ||
37 / 4a | Organizational chart of Haynes, Inc. |
1938 |
Miscellany |
Box/Folder | ||
37 / 5 | Captions for photos in exhibit |
undated |
37 / 6-10a | Haynes Catalogs |
1920-1937 |
37 / 11 | Haynes Christmas Cards |
circa 1930s - 1950s |
37 / 12 | Haynes Guide covers |
1935-1951 |
37 / 13 | Haynes Picture Shops: employee instructions |
1922-1966 |
37 / 14 | Haynes Picture Shops: lettering for signs |
1916, 1936 |
37 / 15-18 | Logos: Haynes seal; Haynes trademark; Haynes
miscellaneous; Northern Pacific Railway |
1923-1938 |
37 / 19 | Negative sleeves [samples] |
circa 1870s - 1920s |
37 / 20 | Non-copyrighted postcards #10072-35383P |
undated |
37 / 21 | Patent: Haynes Rapid Tripod |
1928-1931 |
38 / 1 | Photo identification: President Chester Alan
Arthur's visit, 1883 |
1934 |
38 / 2 | Photo identification: National Park Concessioners'
Conference, Canyon Hotel, 1911 |
1952 |
38 / 3 | Photo identification: U.S. National Park Service,
Yellowstone National Park department heads |
1948 |
38 / 4 | Photo reference charts (includes emulsion times,
price lists, etc.) |
1937-1938 |
Volume | ||
1 | Photo reference scrapbook |
circa 1930s - 1950s |
Box/Folder | ||
38 / 5 | Programs (includes concerts, lectures, etc.) |
1905-1957 |
38 / 6 | Miscellaneous (includes blank stationery;
illustration of Haynes Studio in St. Paul, 1895; notes; etc.) |
1895, undated |
Manuscript material photocopied By Jack Ellis Haynes Return to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
Miscellaneous Correspondence |
Box/Folder | ||
38 / 7 | James Stuart to N.P. Langford and S.T. Hauser;
B.L.E. Bonneville to N.P. Langford |
1870, 1874 |
38 / 8 | Three letters re President Chester Alan Arthur's visit
to Yellowstone National Park |
1884, 1927 |
38 / 9 | Martin H. Albin to C.E. Joslin (re Monida and
Yellowstone Stage Company) |
1908 |
38 / 10 | Charles M. Russell to P.T. Tucker (illustrated) |
1921 |
38 / 11 | George Bird Grinnell to Jack Ellis Haynes (re F.
Jay Haynes) |
1922 |
38 / 12 | Charles Lane Poor to L.A. Redman (re Einstein's
theory of relativity) |
1926 |
38 / 13 | Jack Ellis Haynes to Horace M. Albright and reply
(re lease of Haynes studio by Haynes Picture Shops Inc.) |
1928 |
38 / 14 | Jo Mora to Jack Ellis Haynes (illustrated letter re
his map) |
1935 |
38 / 15 | Horace M. Albright to Edmund Rogers (enclosing
sketch of lower falls by Thomas Moran, circa 1900) |
1938 |
Miscellany |
Box/Folder | ||
38 / 16 | American Fur Company medal |
undated |
38 / 17 | Bonneville on the Hill company stock certificate |
1918 |
38 / 18 | Chicago, Burlington and Quincy Railway transparency
case drawings |
circa 1924 |
38 / 19 | Jack Ellis Haynes: application for U.S. Signal
Corps commission |
1918 |
38 / 20 | Jack Ellis Haynes: drawings for patent on geyser
model |
1918, 1924 |
38 / 21 | Jack Ellis Haynes: travel graphs of tourist use of
Yellowstone National Park |
1920-1935 |
38 / 22 | Lyda Haynes: first paycheck |
1942 |
38 / 23 | Haynes family coat of arms |
undated |
38 / 24 | Dave Johnson medal ("The most artistic cusser in
Montana") |
1894 |
38 / 25 | N.P. Langford's admission as delegate to Republican
National Convention |
undated |
38 / 26 | Stephen T. Mather memo re hotel contract
[incomplete] |
1916 |
38 / 27 | National Park Service organizational chart |
1925 |
38 / 28 | Dr. Arvid Reuterdahl (includes linguistic charts of
world languages; patent drawings; sketches and drawings; clippings) |
1920s |
38 / 29 | F. Schlanze cartoon re U.S. Department of Interior |
1952 |
38 / 31 | Tunnelwest Club, St. Paul |
1918 |
38 / 32 | Union Pacific Railroad brochures |
1880 |
38 / 33 | War Savings Stamp cartoon made for Minnesota War
Savings Committee by McCutcheon |
circa 1918 |
38 / 34 | Yellowstone Park Company timetable |
1937 |
Clippings |
Box/Folder | ||
38 / 35 | Jack Ellis Haynes' artificial geyser |
1927 |
38 / 36 | Nez Perce War by Henry Buck |
1944-1945 |
38 / 36 | Byron Story's articles on Nelson Story (from
Bozeman Courier) |
1944-1945 |
38 / 37 | Byron Story's articles on Nelson Story (Bozeman
Courier) |
1938 |
38 / 38 | Miscellaneous (includes ads from Virginia City
Montana Post, 1865; page from The Moon, Fargo, Dakota, 1884; "Yellowstone's Golden
Anniversary" from Haynes Bulletin; "Art Devotees View Photos" from St. Paul Pioneer
Press, 1917; proposed dam in Yellowstone National Park, 1926; "Yellowstone Pictures"
from Photo Art Monthly, July 1935; article re Jim Bridger, 1940) |
1865-1940 |