Brown and Caldwell Metro Sewage Disposal Photograph Collection, 1963-1976

Overview of the Collection

Brown and Caldwell
Brown and Caldwell Metro Sewage Disposal Photograph Collection
1963-1976 (inclusive)
1,758 photographic prints ((6 boxes)) ; 8"x10"
Collection Number
Photos documenting Seattle's Metro Sewage Disposal Project, 1963-1974, provided by the environmental engineering firm of Brown and Caldwell.
University of Washington Libraries, Special Collections
Special Collections
University of Washington Libraries
Box 352900
Seattle, WA
Telephone: 2065431929
Fax: 2065431931
Access Restrictions

Open to all users.

Request at UW

Funding for encoding this finding aid was partially provided through a grant awarded by the National Endowment for the Humanities.

Historical NoteReturn to Top

Brown and Caldwell, an environmental engineering firm specializing in the design of wastewater treatment systems, participated in Seattle's Metro Sewage Disposal Project.

Historical BackgroundReturn to Top

During the 1940s and 1950s, Seattle citizens became aware of the growing problem of pollution of area lakes and rivers. Effluent discharged into Lake Washington from local sewage treatment plants was creating a serious algae problem in the lake. Even worse, raw sewage was being dumped into Elliott Bay and Puget Sound, which presented such a serious health hazard that many beaches were closed to the public. This and other city problems prompted the creation of Metro (or the Municipality of Metropolitan Seattle), which proposed to deal with problems such as sewage treatment and transportation. Signed into law by Governor Rosellini in 1957, Metro was initially rejected by King County voters because of suburban opposition. Metro narrowed its focus, emphasizing sewage treatment solutions, and redrew the boundaries of its proposed jurisdiction. With the opposing suburbs no longer affected by the plan, Metro was passed September 9, 1958, by a majority of voters in both Seattle and the suburbs. Metro officials embarked on a proposed 10-year plan to improve sewage treatment and clean up area waters at a cost of $125 million. Metro planned to build four major treatment plants around the Seattle area, and by 1968, its interceptor system had eliminated effluent discharges into Lake Washington (at one time 20 million gallons per day).

Content DescriptionReturn to Top

The collection documents the Metro Sewage Disposal Project during the years 1963 to 1974 and depicts the construction of and alterations to pumping stations, regulators, interceptors, and odor control facilities. The collection includes interior views of rooms and equipment in various stages of construction, as well as exterior views of building construction, construction workers, and the finished facilities. Some images include features of the local landscape, such as the Space Needle, Husky Stadium, and Lake Washington. The photographs were made by ten different Seattle area photographers, including Richter Photography and Buchanan Photo Service.

Administrative InformationReturn to Top


The collection is arranged alphabetically by contract name. Contracts also have a number, which refers to the year the contract was awarded (for example, Contract 68-9 was awarded in 1968). Within each contract, photographs are arranged chronologically.

Processing Note

Processed by Scott Rawlings and Shannon Lynch, 2003.

Detailed Description of the CollectionReturn to Top


Container(s) Description Dates
Box/Folder item
1/1-2 1-25 Bellevue Pumping Station (Contract 63-7)
Photographs of Bellevue Pumping Station, including exterior views of building, control rooms, pumping equipment, and the site and construction of the pumping station.Photographed by: Forde Photography (Seattle, Washington); Yuki (Seattle, Washington); and Dudley, Hardin, and Yang (Seattle, Washington).
Oct. 1964 - July 1965
1/3-10 26-106 Belvoir and 30th Avenue NE Pumping Stations (Contract 69-3)
Photographs of pumping stations, including interior and exterior views, control room, pumping equipment, motor room, and construction of pumping stations. Also pictured in some images: University Village, Taylor Nurseries, Carnation Plant.
July 1969-Feb. 1971
1/11-12 107-124 Denny Way Regulating Station Construction (Contract 66-6)
Photographs of Denny Way Regulating Station, including exterior views of pumping station (construction and finished building).
Nov. 1968-Oct. 1969
1/13-18 125-187 Dexter Avenue Regulator (Contract 69-6)
Photographs of Dexter Avenue Regulator, including interior and exterior views of the building, gate room, control room, ventilation, tunnel, superstructure, and the site and construction of the regulator. Also pictured in some images: Daniel Boone Paints building, Space Needle, Lake Washington.
Feb. 1970-Oct. 1971
1/19-25 188-263 Duwamish Pumping Station (Contract 67-1)
Photographs of Duwamish Pumping Station, including interior and exterior views, pump room, equipment room, influent sewer, discharge structure, instrument panel, and site and construction of the pumping station. Also pictured in some images: railroad tracks, Cascade Mchy. and Electric building. Photographed by: Robert L. Niclas.
July 1967-Nov. 1969
1/26-27 264-284 East Marginal Pumping Station (Contract 62-8)
Photographs of East Marginal Pumping Station, including exterior and interior views, motor room, screen room, pump room, motor control center, control room, entry room, wet well, air compressor and water pump, and site and construction of pumping station.Photographed by: Richter Photography (Seattle, Washington); Price Photo Service (Seattle, Washington).
March 1963-Jan. 1964
2/1-7 285-352 East Pine Street Pumping Station (Contract 74-1)
Photographs of East Pine Street Pumping Station, including exterior and interior views and site and construction of pumping station.Photographed by: Roy Montgomery Industrial and Marine Photography (Seattle, Washington).
Oct.1974-July 1976
2/8-10 353-375 Eastlake Pumping Station (Contract 63-7)
Photographs of Eastlake Pumping Station, including interior and exterior views, motor room, control room, pump room, foundation, and site and construction of building.Photographed by: Richter Photography (Seattle, Washington).
June 1964 - June 1965
2/11-30 376-582 Elliott Bay Interceptor Regulator (Contract 69-1)
Photographs of regulators (Connecticut Street, Hanford Street, King Street, Lander Street): interiors and exteriors, cement pipes, sites and construction of regulators. Also pictured in some images: Pier 37, Pier 25 (looking west and east), grain towers and Great Northern Way Railroad cars, Alaskan Way Viaduct, railroad tracks and pedestrian bridge at Pier 28. Corners and intersections: Alaska Way S. and Connecticut Street, 1st Ave. and Connecticut Street, King Street and Alaska Way S., intersection of Hanford Street and East Marginal Way.
Sept. 1969 - April 1971
3/1-9 583-675 Hollywood-Woodinville Pumping Stations (Contract 72-12)
Photographs of Hollywood and Woodinville pumping stations: interiors and exteriors, control rooms, motor rooms, pump rooms, caissons, effluent structures, jacking tunnels, backfill over influence sewer, jacking pit, sites of pumping stations before and during construction.
Nov.1972 - July 1974
3/10-15 676-732 Interbay Pumping Station (Contract 65-5)
Photographs of Interbay pumping station: interiors and exteriors, pump room, engine room, screen room, motor control panel, auxiliary control equipment, emergency generator, main control panel, construction site.
July 1965 - April 1967
3/16-18 733-768 Juanita Bay Pumping Station (Contract 66-2 #1)
Photographs of Juanita Bay pumping station: interiors and exteriors, caisson, pump room, motor room, control room, construction of building.Photographed by: Richter Photography (Seattle, Washington).
Dec.1966 - Sept. 1968
3/19-22 769-801 Juanita Heights Pumping Station (Contract 66-2 #2)
Photographs of Juanita Heights pumping station: interiors and exteriors, construction of building, pump room, control room, shop.Photographed by: Richter Photography (Seattle, Washington).
Dec. 1966 - Sept. 1968
3/23-26 802-843 Juanita Bay Pumping Station Addition and Alterations (Contract 68-13)
Photographs of modifications to Juanita Bay pumping station: interiors and exteriors, pump room, control room, wet well access, cable room, motor room, equipment room.Photographed by: Richter Photography (Seattle, Washington).
March 1969 - June 1970
3/27-29 853-872 Juanita Heights Pumping Station Addition and Alterations (Contract 68-13)
Photographs of modifications to Juanita Heights pumping station: interiors and exteriors, generator room, equipment room, switch gear room, engine room, control room.Photographed by: Richter Photography (Seattle, Washington).
March 1969 - June 1970
4/1-16 873-1028 Kenmore Pumping Station (Contract 64-5)
Photographs of site for Kenmore pumping station: exteriors. Downtown Kenmore, area businesses, clearings, railroad tracks. Aerial views of area.Photographed by: Jesse Ebert Photographers (Seattle, Washington); Puget Sound Blue Print Co. (Seattle, Washington).
September 1964 - April 1965
4/17-18 1029-1046 Kirkland Pumping Station (Contract 65-1)
Photographs of Kirkland pumping station: interiors and exteriors, control room, pump room, site and construction.Photographed by: Richter Photography (Seattle, Washington).
April 1965 - September 1966
4/19-30, 5/1-3 1047-1214 Lake City Pumping Station (Contract 64-1)
Photographs of Lake City (Matthews Beach) pumping station: interiors and exteriors, drop structure, landfall structure, coffer dam, sinking caisson, influent tunnel, force mains, motor room, pump room, screen room, fan room, equipment room, switch-gear room, locker room, engine room, entrance lobby, main control, silencer room, storage, elevator, fence forms, culvert, washroom, tool room, Sand Point Way crossing, site and construction, aerial views of area. Sites for influent tunnel, force mains - playground, wooded area.Photographed by: Richter Photography (Seattle, Washington).
May 1964 - April 1967
5/4-5 1215-1233 Lake City Tunnel Regulating System (Contract 68-7)
Photographs of Lake City Tunnel regulating station: interiors and exteriors. Also visible: Ship Canal Bridge (1-5 overpass).
Sept. 1968 - Oct. 1969.
5/6-7 1234-1250 Modification to Hillside Interceptor Section 1 (Contract 71-6)
Photographs of interceptor: interior and exterior. Renton interceptor site?Photographed by: Buchanan Photo Service (Seattle, Washington).
Sept. 1971 - Jan. 1972
5/8-12 1251-1299 Modification to Elliott Bay Interceptor (Contract 71-7)
Photographs of regulators: interior and exterior. Brandon St.: regulator, outfall, emergency by-pass. Michigan St.: regulator, outfall, emergency by-pass. Norfolk: regulator, overflow weir, control panels, sewage sampler.Photographed by: Buchanan Photo Service (Seattle, Washington).
Feb. 1972 - Feb. 1973
5/13-20 1300-1379 North Mercer Island Pumping Station (Contract 68-3)
Photographs of North Mercer Island pumping station: interiors and exteriors, site and construction, wet well, motor room, equipment room, control room, pump room, generator room, air break tank, engine room.
Aug. 1968 - June 1970
5/21 1380-1386 Odor Control Facilities, Bellevue (Contract 72-6)
Photographs of odor control facilities, Bellevue: interiors and exteriors, wet well access, electrolytic cell, Pepcon unit.
Feb. - June 1973
5/22 1387-1390 Odor Control Facilities, North Mercer (Contract 72-6)
Photographs of odor control facilities, North Mercer: interiors and exteriors, wet well access, electrolytic cell, Pepcon unit.
Feb. - June 1973
5/23-25 1391-1415 Odor Control Facilities, South Mercer (Contract 72-6)
Photographs of odor control facilities, South Mercer: interiors and exteriors, access road, exterior views of building, construction, generator room, odor control room.
Feb. - June 1973
5/26 1416-1421 Odor Control Facilities, Sweylocken (Contract 72-6)
Photographs of odor control facilities, Sweylocken: interiors and exteriors, building construction, Pepcon unit.
Feb. - June 1973
5/27 1422-1427 Odor Control Facilities, Yarrow Bay (Contract 72-6)
Photographs of odor control facilities, Yarrow Bay: interiors and exteriors, building construction, electrolytic cell, Pepcon unit.
March - June 1973
5/28-33 1428-1485 Rainier Avenue Pumping Station (Contract 69-9)
Photographs of Rainier Ave. pumping station: interiors and exteriors, preconstruction, construction, demolition, temporary pumping station, temporary caisson, sand catcher, storage room, motor room, pump room, suction piping, generator room, control room, equipment room, odor control, wet well access, exterior views of building.
Nov. 1971 - Feb. 1973
6/1-5 1486-1539 Rehabilitation North Trunk Fremont (Contract 71-1)
Photographs of rehabilitation, north trunk, Fremont: interiors and exteriors, utility tunnel, bypass channel, bypass slide gates, overflow openings, retaining wall, water main, weir floor, slide gate chamber, bypass chamber, after-bay, regulators, fore-bay, Canal St. bypass, Stone Way regulator, Phinney Regulator. Also pictured: Pacific College.Photographed by: Buchanan Photo Service (Seattle, Washington).
March 1971 - April 1972
6/6-8 1540-1577 South Henderson Street Pumping Station (Contract 72-7)
Photographs of South Henderson St. pumping station: interiors and exteriors, preconstruction, construction. Seward Park Avenue.Photographed by: Totem Photo.
Aug. 1974 - June 1975
6/9-11 1578-1607 South Mercer Island Pumping Station (Contract 64-6)
Photographs of South Mercer Island pumping station: interiors and exteriors, construction of building, pump room, control room, wet well.Photographed by: Richter Photography (Seattle, Washington).
Sept. 1964 - Oct.1965
6/12-17 1608-1673 University Regulator Station (Contract 73-4)
Photographs of University regulator station: interiors and exteriors, construction, controls and equipment. Also pictured: UW Hospital, Husky Stadium.Photographed by: Roy Mongomery Industrial and Marine Photography (Seattle, Washington).
Nov. 1974 - May 1976
6/18-29 1674-1705 West Marginal Pumping/Regulation Station (Contract 65-11)
Photographs of West Duwamish interceptor, Diagonal Avenue interim pumping station, Chelan, Harbor, 8th Avenue regulators, West Marginal pumping station, West Michigan regulator (control room, gate room, pump room, wet well).Photographed by: Richter Photography (Seattle, Washington).
Dec. 1965 - April 1967
6/21-22 1706-1726 Wilburton Pumping Station (Contract 63-7)
Photographs of Wilburton pumping station: interiors and exteriors, construction, motor room, pump room, control room.Photographed by: Richter Photography (Seattle, Washington).
March 1964 - June 1965
6/23-25 1727-1759 Yarrow Bay Pumping Station (Contract 66-5)
Photographs of Yarrow Bay pumping station: interiors and exteriors, construction, wet well access, pump room, control room.
Nov. 1966 - Feb. 1973

Names and SubjectsReturn to Top

Subject Terms

  • Construction workers--Washington (State)--Seattle Metropolitan Area--Photographs
  • Pumping stations--Design and construction--Washington (State)--Seattle Metropolitan Area--Photographs
  • Pumping stations--Washington (State)--Seattle Metropolitan Area--Photographs
  • Sewage disposal plants--Washington (State)--Seattle Metropolitan Area--Photographs
  • Sewage disposal--Environmental aspects--Washington (State)--Seattle Metropolitan Area
  • Sewage--Purification--Washington (State)--Seattle Metropolitan Area
  • Sewerage--Odor control--Washington (State)--Seattle Metropolitan Area
  • Sewerage--Washington (State)--Seattle Metropolitan Area
  • Visual Materials Collections (University of Washington)

Geographical Names

  • Municipality of Metropolitan Seattle (Wash.)