Montana Mining Company, Ltd. records, 1892-1905

Overview of the Collection

Montana Mining Company
Montana Mining Company, Ltd. records
1892-1905 (inclusive)
5 linear feet
Collection Number
MC 256 (collection)
Montana Mining Company Ltd., a British corporation, operated the Drumlummon Mine in Marysville, Montana, from 1882-1911. Records include interoffice correspondence (1893-1905); outgoing correspondence (1893-1904); incoming correspondence (1890-1905); employment records including payroll, contracts, insurance, and inquests (1893-1902); financial records including bank deposits, bills of lading, board register, checkbook, cash accounts, corporate balance sheets, estimates, invoices, operating expenses, production/assay reports, receipts, statements, and tax information (1888-1905); legal documents including agreements, contracts, and court materials (1892-1899); miscellany; and printed material including advertising, handbills, catalogs, and price lists for suppliers/vendors of mining equipment.
Montana Historical Society, Library & Archives
Montana Historical Society Research Center Archives
225 North Roberts
PO Box 201201
Helena MT
Telephone: 4064442681
Fax: 4064445297
Access Restrictions

Collection open for research.

Funding for encoding this finding aid was provided through a grant awarded by the National Endowment for the Humanities.

Historical NoteReturn to Top

On November 11, 1882, the Joint Stock Association, a London syndicate, agreed to purchase the Drumlummon Mine in Marysville, Montana Territory, from Thomas Cruse. Cruse filed a claim on the Drumlummon in 1876 and he spent the next four years driving a 500-foot tunnel. Two years later a five stamp mill constructed by the Mayger Bros. was processing Drumlummon ore and turning a profit. That same year Cruse transformed his small claim into a return of $1,500,000 by selling the Drumlummon to British investors. The Drumlummon would become Montana's richest gold mine, delivering over $16,000,000 in bullion over time. In 1883 the British syndicate organized the Montana Mining Company, Limited, to repurchase and operate the property. The company appointed George Attwood as general manager. He was forced to resign, along with the company's directors, in 1884 due to stockholder dissatisfaction with his management of the property. The stockholders were especially unhappy with the uneven balance between capital investments for expanded milling capacity and production revenues. That same year, Henry Bratnober and R.T. Bayliss took over management of the Drumlummon. Their management soon increased production yielding dividends averaging 22.5 percent by 1887. Thereafter profits declined due to lower grade ore. In addition, between 1889-1907, the company became involved in costly and disrupting apex litigation over several adjoining properties. The most important of these suits was brought by the St. Louis Mining and Milling Company. When that suit was finally settled in the United States Supreme Court in 1911, the Montana Mining Co., Ltd. was forced to sell the Drumlummon Mine to the St. Louis Mining and Milling Company at sheriff's sale. In 1916 the St. Louis Mining and Milling Co. reopened Marysville operations with increased mill capacity. Over its lifetime 1880-1940, miners in the Marysville District extracted over $40,000,000 in gold and silver ore.

Content DescriptionReturn to Top

This collection contains incoming, interoffice and outgoing correspondence, employment records, financial records, legal documents, miscellany, and printed materials, documenting the operation of the Drumlummon Mine, as well as a number of smaller mining properties owned by the Montana Mining Company, Ltd. and located in Arizona. The bulk of the collection is dominated by Incoming Correspondence (1893-1904) from suppliers. More significant is the Interoffice Correspondence (1893-1905), from the home office in London to operators in Marysville, which includes correspondence from mine engineers R.T. Bayliss, H.C. Cutler, J.H. Hall, J.W. Morris, and C.A. Wolsoly. The Financial Records include extensive production reports and balance sheets(1893-1905), bank transactions(1897-1902), and a scattering of invoices and equipment orders(1893-1904). There is a very small amount of Employment Records(1893-1902) (including contracts, payroll, and inquests)and Legal Documents (primarily items related to the litigation with St. Louis Mining and Milling Co). The Printed Materials in the collection document the mining and milling technology in use in the Montana silver industry between 1893 and 1905. These materials are primarily of an illustrative nature. For other collections related directly to the Montana Mining Co. Ltd., see the Thomas Cruse Papers, MC 36 and SC 1028.

Use of the CollectionReturn to Top

Restrictions on Use

Researchers must use collection in accordance with the policies of the Montana Historical Society Library & Archives. The Library & Archives does not necessarily hold copyright to all materials in the collection. In some cases permission for use may require additional authorization from the copyright owners. For more information contact an archivist.

Preferred Citation

Item description and date. Collection Title. Collection Number. Box and Folder numbers. Montana Historical Society Library & Archives, Helena, Montana.

Administrative InformationReturn to Top


This collection is arranged into nine series: Interoffice Correspondence (1893-1905); Incoming Correspondence (1893-1905); Miscellaneous Correspondence (1896-1903); Outgoing Correspondence (1885-1904); Employment Records (1891-1902); Financial Records (1892-1905); Legal Documents (1892-1899); Printed Material (1893-1904); and Miscellany (1895-1900).

Location of Collection


Acquisition Information

Acquisition information available upon request.

Detailed Description of the CollectionReturn to Top

The following section contains a detailed listing of the materials in the collection

Interoffice Correspondence Return to Top

Container(s) Description Dates
1 / 1-11
London to Marysville (correspondents include H. Neal, C.J. Cooke, London secretaries)
2 / 1-4
London to Marysville (correspondents include C.J. Cooke)
2 / 5
London to Marysville (telegrams)
2 / 6
London to Marysville (correspondents include R.T. Bayliss re financial affairs of Company)
2 / 7
H.C. Cutler (correspondence from Arizona to Marysville re prospective mining properties)
2 / 8
J.H. Hall (correspondence from mine engineer to Marysville re prospective mining properties)
2 / 9
J.W. Morris (correspondence from mine engineer to Marysville re mining operations in Arizona)
2 / 10
C.A. Wolsoly (correspondence from mine engineer to Marysville re prospective mining properties)
2 / 11
Interoffice memo codes

Incoming Correspondence Return to Top

Container(s) Description Dates
3 / 1
A (correspondents include Arthur Ackerman, C.J. Adams, George B. Aiton, Matt W. Alderson, H.F. Allan, Alfred H. Allen, O.R. Allen, W.D. Allen and Company, Allison Coupon Company, Amberg File and Index Company, Anderson Brothers Company, W.J. Anson, Ansonia Electrical Supply Company, E. Anton, Samuel Argall, Ed Attfield, M.B. Austin and Company, William Lawrence Austin, Daniel J. Avery)
3 / 2
Allis Chalmers (successor to Fraser & Chalmers)
3 / 3
American ... (correspondents include American Association for the Advancement of Science, American Developing and Mining Company [E.L. Whitmore], American Engineering Works, American National Bank [T.C. Power], American Smelting and Refining Company [Walter T. Page], American Spiral Pipe Works)
3 / 4
Anaconda Copper Mining Company
3 / 5
Ba-Bl (correspondents include Bach, Cory and Company; F.W. Bacorn; Henry T. Baker, Bald Butte Mining Company, Balfour, Guthrie and Company; Ballach Smelting and Refining Company; Bernard Bandler; Charles J. Barclay; N. Belanger; Belgrade Mercantile Company; Belmont School District #12; Berg Hardware Company; C.G. Birdseye and Company; M.D. Birge and Company; R.C. Bishop; Louis I. Blood)
3 / 6
Bo-By (correspondents include E.L. Bonner Company; Borden and Selleck Company; S.E. Bowlby; Bozeman Milling Company; Braden Brothers; Bridger Coal Company; Brown Brothers and Company; A.E. Bruce; Amos Buck Mercantile Company; M. Buckley; James S. Burroughs and Company; R.C. Burton; James W. Byrnes Belting and Hose Company)
3 / 7
Charles Billin & Co.
3 / 8
Boston & Montana Consolidated Copper & Silver Mining Co.
3 / 9
Ca (correspondents include Caird and Hawksworth; Cameron, Amberg and Company; A.S. Cameron Steam Pump Works; Thomas E. Candler, Capital Electric Company; Capital Lumber Company; J.A.B. Carbis; J.J. Carmichael; J.T. Carroll; Edward Carver)
3 / 10
Ce-Cl (correspondents include Central Commercial Company; Edley Chapman; Chrome Steel Works; August T. Chur; P.J. Cirkel; Horace F. Clark; Clarke Fork Coal Mining Company; J.M. Clements; The Club, Marysville)
3 / 11
Co (correspondents include Coast Lumber Company; Jeremiah Collins; Colorado Smelting and Mining Company; C.P. Connolly; J.H. Conrad; J.R.B. Coon; Cooperative Building Plan Association; Cottonwood Coal Company)
3 / 12
Cr-Cu (correspondents include G.W. Crane and Company; S.H. Crookes; Robert Crooks and Company; Fred Crowther; Hubert P. Crowther; B.S. Cullen; Cullingworth and Peters; E.S. Cunningham; Thomas Cunningham; Arthur P. Curtin)
4 / 1
H. Channon Company
4 / 2
Chicago ... (correspondents include Chicago and Aurora Smelting and Refining Company; Chicago Fish Company; Chicago General Fixture Company; Chicago Great Western Railway)
4 / 3
Continental Oil Company
4 / 4
Thomas Cruse
4 / 5-6
Cullen & Toole
4 / 7
Cullen, Day & Toole
4 / 8
Cullen, Day & Cullen
4 / 9
D (correspondents include C.L. Dahler; A.F. Davis; James S. Dawes; DeLamar Mining Company; Edwin Delbanco; Dimmick Concentrating Company; C. Dinsmore; George T. Dixon; J.W. Dougherty; N. Dougherty; C.E. Dutton)
4 / 10
E (correspondents include East Pacific Mine [R.A. Bell, C.K. Tibbetts]; Eastern Oregon Mining Company; John W. Eddy; Edson Manufacturing Company; K. Eitner; Electric Vehicle Company; Elkhorn Mining Company; Henry Elling; Elliston Lime Company; Engineering and Mining Journal; The Exploration Company, Ltd. [C.A. Molson])
4 / 11
F (correspondents include Fairbanks, Morse and Company; L.P. Faison; Falls Rivet and Machinery Company; John H. Farmer; Felt and Tarrant Manufacturing Company; First National Bank of Helena; First National Bank of Kalispell; Thomas W. Fisher; W.O. Fisher; Frank E. Fitts Manufacturing and Supply Company; Thomas Flynn; William Frecheville; Anthony Freeman; Freyschlag, Huffman and Company; B.A.M. Froiseth)
5 / 1-2
Fraser & Chalmers
5 / 3
Fuerst Bros. & Co.
5 / 4
Ga-Gl (correspondents include Galt Coal Company; A.D. Gamble; Fred Gamer; W.H. Gardner; Garlock Packing Company; W.H. Gassert; Gebo Coal Company; General Electric Company; Gibson Gas Fixture Works; J.E. Gilbert; D.M. Gilmore and Company; Globe Carbon Company)
5 / 5
Go-Gu (correspondents include W.S. Godfrey; Leopold Goldschmiedt; C.W. Goodale; Goodell and Goodell; Goodwin Manufacturing Company; Goodyear Tire and Rubber Company; David Goss; Granite from the Rockies; Granite Mountain Mining Company; Grasselli Chemical Company; Great Falls and Canada Railway Company; Great Northern Express Company; Benn Greenhood Company; Greyhound Mining and Milling Company; Charles P. Grove; G.S. Gunnis; Andrew D. Guy)
5 / 6
Gutta Percha & Rubber Mfg. Co.
5 / 7
Ha-He (correspondents include Hart and Hegeman Manufacturing Company; Hartford Steam Boiler Inspection and Insurance Company; Charles S. Hartman; Henry Heil Chemical Company; Helena Book and Stationery Company; Helena Frisco Mining Company; Helena Iron Works; Helena and Livingston Smelting and Reduction Company; James H. Henley; D.A. Herron)
5 / 8
Hi-Hy (correspondents include Cerf Hirsch and Company; J.B. Hodson; S.P. Holden; Frank T. Holloway; Fred Holroyd; Homestake Gold Mining and Milling Company [Colorado]; Homestake Mining Company [South Dakota]; Hotel Helena; Stephen Humble; A.J. Huneke)
5 / 9
A.M. Holter Hardware Co.
6 / 1-2
A.M. Holter Hardware Co.
6 / 3
Charles J. Hughes Jr., Atty. (re mining litigation)
6 / 4
I (correspondents include Illinois Malleable Iron Company; Illinois Roofing and Supply Company; Ingersoll-Sergeant Drill Company; Inland Crystal Salt Company; Inland Oil Company; Inter-Mountain Salt Company; International Correspondence Schools; International Motor Car Company [Waverly Electric Vehicles])
6 / 5
J (correspondents include Jeffrey Manufacturing Company; Samuel H. Jenkins; Jewell Belting Company; John Johnson and Company; Jones and Laughlin Steel Company)
6 / 6
K (correspondents include H.A. Keller; Kessler Brick and Sewer Pipe Works; George W. King; M. Kirkpatrick; Kleinschmidt and Brother; H.G. Klenzl [Klenze?]; A. Klipstein and Company; Kuehn Brothers)
6 / 7
L (correspondents include Lamb and Gorham; S.W. Langhorne; James Lee and Company; Lewis and Clark County government; Lexington Mining Company; Walter H. Little; John Logan; Los Angeles Mining Review)
6 / 8
John W. and R.A. Luke Insurance
6 / 9
Ma-Me (correspondents include Magnolia Metal Company; Manchester Fire Assurance Company; A.G. Mandel; Manila Mining and Investment Company; I. Marks; Marysville Electric Light and Water Company; Marysville Iron Works; Marysville Meat Company; Joe Mayer; Mechanical Rubber Company; Charles W. Merrill [Montana Mining Company, Ltd.; Homestake Mining Company]; Fred Meyers)
6 / 10
Mc (correspondents include McConnell and McConnell; W.J. McConnell; E. McCormick; John D. McDonald; E. McGinnis; D.B. McKillican; Hal M. McLaughlin; Kenneth McLea; J.M. McPhee; Irving McQuarry)
7 / 1
Mi-Mu (correspondents include Michigan Wire Cloth Company; Midvale Steel Company; Mine and Smelter Supply Company; Mines and Minerals; Mines Selection Syndicate, Ltd; W.W. Morris; Charles Munson Belting Company; H.B. Mulligan; Will H. Murgittroyd; William Muth; R.M. Myers)
7 / 2
McDermott & Duffield, Mining Engineers
7 / 3
Montana ... (correspondents include Montana State Boiler Inspector's Office; Montana Coal and Coke Company; Montana College of Agriculture and Mechanic Arts; Montana Club; Montana Electric Company; Montana Hardware Company; Montana Iron Works; Montana State Mineral Land Commission; Montana State School of Mines)
7 / 4
Montana National Bank (later known as National Bank of Montana)
7 / 5
Mullan Pass Coal Company
7 / 6
N (correspondents include National Carbon Company; National Tube Works; Thomas M. Newland; C.C. Newman; Herbert Nicholson and Company; Frank P. Nicoll; John M. Norris; North Pacific Lumber Company; North Western Fuel Company; Northern Electrical Company; Northwestern General Electric Company; Northwestern Improvement Company)
7 / 7
National Bank of Montana
7 / 8
Northern Pacific Railroad Company
7 / 9
O (correspondents include R.J. O'Connor; Oberne Leather Company; Omaha and Grant Smelting Company; Overland Consolidated Gold Mining Company; Handel E. Owen)
7 / 10
Pa-Ph (correspondents include Pacific Coast Borax Company; Parchen Drug Company; Parkhurst and Wilkinson Company; Passmore and Company; James Patten; Penobscot Mining Company; People's Forwarding Company; Charles T. Perry and Company; Philadelphia Smelting and Refining Company; William M. Philpott; Phoenix Steel Wire Broom and Brush Company; Phoenix Wire Works)
7 / 11
Pi-Pu (correspondents include Pickards, Brown and Company; Pinkerton National Detective Agency; Pope and O'Connor, Druggists; Thomas C. Power; T.C. Power and Company; Pneumatic Engineering Company; Precious Metals Extraction Company, Ltd.; S.F. Price; Osgood Putnam)
8 / 1
Q-Re (correspondents include Queen of the Hill Mining Company; Quigley Mercantile Company; N. Ralia [N. Ralya]; William Q. Ranft; Reid Commission Company; Republic Consolidated Gold Mining Company; Thomas Reynolds)
8 / 2
Rh-Ru (correspondents include G.W. Rhodes; James H. Rhodes and Company; Jacob H. Rice; W.T. Rich; J.E. Rickards Company; Rix Engineering and Supply Company; W.L Robertson; G.H. Robinson; Fred J. Rowlands; Joseph T. Ryerson and Son)
8 / 3
Robinson & Cary Company
8 / 4
Rocky Fork Coal Company of Montana
8 / 5
Roessler & Hasslacher Chemical Co.
8 / 6
Sa-Sc (correspondents include S.H. Supply Company; A.G. Safford; W.H. Salisbury and Company; Sand Coulee Coal Company; Sand Point Lumber Company; Sanders and Sanders; Sanderson Brothers Steel Company; Sands Brothers; Morris Sands; A.W. Schreiber; John Schuermyer; Scottish American Development Company; John R. Scupham)
8 / 7
Se-Sh (correspondents include Felix Senecal; W.J. Sharwood; Francis M. Shaw [Montana Mining Company]; G.W. Shaw; Theodore Shed; Sheffield Car Company; Robert W. Shoquist)
8 / 8
Si-Sp (correspondents include Simonds Manufacturing Company; William Singleton; Frank L. Sizer; J.H. Slavens; I.N. Sloan; H.S. Slocum; A.H. Smith; I.N. Smith; J.R. Smith; Louis Solomon; Southern Trade Record, Joseph F. Spellman)
8 / 9
St-Sw (correspondents include Otto Stalmann; Standard Ore Company [Harry E. Steece]; H.T. Stanes; George H. Stanton; Stedman Foundry and Machine Company; Steele, Hindson and Company; Robert Stevenson; G.R. Stimpson; Julian Strawn; Randolph Stuart; Summit Wood Company; Sunbeam Incandescent Lamp Company; Alex Swan; Swedish-American Telephone Company; Switzer Brick and Terra-Cotta Company)
8 / 10
Schoellkopf, Hartford & MacLagan
9 / 1
T (correspondents include Taylor Iron and Steel Company; John Taylor and Company; W.H. Taylor; Thew Automatic Shovel Company; Thompson Investment Company; Thompson-Hoof Company; H.S. Thurber and Company; O. Tibbets; B. Tibbey; J.S. Toppan Company; C.B. Towers; Trent Engineering and Machinery Company; Trenton Iron Company; Trump Manufacturing Company; C.A.P. Turner; James Twiford; F. Twinch)
9 / 2
U-V (correspondents include Union Bank and Trust Company [George L. Ramsay]; Union Mercantile Company [Louis Hillebrecht]; United Smelting and Refining Company; United States Assay Office, Helena; United States Commission to the Antwerp International Exposition; United States Fidelity and Guaranty Company; United States Geological Survey; United States Dept. of the Interior; United States Marshal's Office, Nevada; United States Post Office Dept.; United States Surveyor General; United States Treasury Dept.; United States Weather Bureau; Vacuum Oil Company)
9 / 3
Wa-We (correspondents include P.C. Waite; Walker Brothers, Bankers; W.S. Walker; Wallace and Hart, Assayers; Thomas Wallace; Warehouse and Builders' Supply Company; Watson and Lund; M.D. Wells and Company; E. Wenstrom; Carl Werngren; Western Forge and Rolling Mills; Western Mining Supply Company; Westinghouse Electric and Manufacturing Company; Wetherill Separating Company;)
9 / 4
Wh-Z (correspondents include Oscar W. White; Whitman and Barnes Manufacturing Company; J.R. Whitmire; C.W. Wiley; Thomas Williams; George W. Wilson; James Winscott; Albert Winston; J.W. Winwood; P. Wiseman; Thomas P. Wood; Woonsocket Rubber Company; World's Fair and Louisiana Purchase Exposition Company; F.E. Wright; Yale and Towne Manufacturing Company; M. Zortman)
9 / 5
Miscellaneous (unidentified)

Miscellaneous Correspondence Return to Top

Container(s) Description Dates
9 / 6
Correspondence between suppliers and other agents

Outgoing Correspondence Return to Top

Container(s) Description Dates
9 / 7
From Marysville to suppliers and business agents

Employment Records Return to Top

Container(s) Description Dates
9 / 8
Miscellaneous (includes contracts, insurance, inquests, payroll)

Financial Records Return to Top

Container(s) Description Dates
9 / 9-12
Bank transactions
10 / 1-2
Bank transactions
10 / 3
Bank transactions (statements)
10 / 4
Bills of lading
10 / 5
Cash accounts
10 / 6
Corporate balance sheets
10 / 7
Equipment and materials estimates and orders
10 / 8
Insurance: Estimates and policies
10 / 9
10 / 10
Invoices: Fraser & Chalmers
10 / 11
Operating expenses
10 / 12
Production assays
10 / 13-18
Production (balance sheets)
11 / 1-7
Production (balance sheets)
11 / 8
Production (technical reports)
11 / 9
11 / 10
Reports and receipts: Bumble Bee Mine (Turkey Creek, Arizona)
12 / 1
Statements: suppliers
12 / 2
Tax materials

Legal Documents Return to Top

Container(s) Description Dates
12 / 3
Court papers re St. Louis Co. suit, land agreements, mineral patents

Printed Material Return to Top

Container(s) Description Dates
13 / 1
Advertising, announcements, handbills
13 / 2
Annual reports
13 / 3-4
Catalogs, order forms, price lists (A-Z)
13 / 5
Circulars (product information)

Miscellany Return to Top

Container(s) Description Dates
13 / 6
Charts, legislative bills, articles, graphs

Names and SubjectsReturn to Top

Subject Terms

  • Gold mines and mining--Montana--Marysville
  • Mine accidents--Montana--Marysville
  • Mines and mineral resources--Montana--Marysville
  • Mines and mineral resources--Arizona
  • Mining engineering--Montana--Marysville
  • Mining machinery--Design and construction

Corporate Names

  • Montana Mining Company (creator)

Geographical Names

  • Bumble Bee Mine (Turkey Creek, Ariz.)
  • Drumlummon Mine (Marysville, Mont.)
  • Marysville (Mont.)