UW Ethnomusicology Archives video recordings: Pat Darrow recordings: Pat Darrow Collection, Undated

Overview of the Collection

Darrow, Pat
UW Ethnomusicology Archives video recordings: Pat Darrow recordings: Pat Darrow Collection
6 items  :  EC - 6 vcts (VHS); WD - 6 DVDs; Duration: 10:06:24; list of videotapes
Collection Number
This collection contains recordings and papers documenting the life and work of flamenco musician Anzonini del Puerto (Manuel Bermudez) (1917-1983), mostly in paper form (photos, letters, flyers, etc.); it also includes 6 videocassettes.
University of Washington Ethnomusicology Archives
University of Washington
Ethnomusicology Archives
Box 353450
Seattle, WA
Telephone: 2065430974
Access Restrictions

Unrestricted: collection is open for research.


Historical NoteReturn to Top

Manuel Bermúdez Junquera, "Anzonini del Puerto" (1917-1983) was a dancer and singer of fiesta flamenco.

Content DescriptionReturn to Top

All materials are from the personal collection of Pat Darrow, donated to the Archives following her death by her son and daughter.

Videocassette contents:

2014-16.1 EC - 1) Capitulo 1 - Triana Pura & Pura (56:40) [documentary; includes flamenco performances]; 2) Capitulo 4 - "Montoya: La Familia" (1:01:00) [documentary; includes flamenco performances]

2014-16.2 EC - 1) Capitulo 2 - Las Franteras del Flamenco (58:40) [documentary; includes flamenco performances]; 2) Capitulo 3 - El Territorio Flamenco (56:01) [documentary; includes flamenco performances (incl. Pedro Bacan)]

2014-16.3 EC - Flamenco performance at Kalisa's La Ida Cafe, Monterey, California - Anzonini, Lourdes (dancer), Isa (dancer & singer), and guitarist (name?) (1:36:50) [videotaped from audience]

2014-16.4 EC - Flamenco: A Personal Journey / A Film by Tao Ruspoli / 1999 (1:00:58); film features numerous musicians, including Paco Valdepenas & Juan Del Gastor.

2014-16.5 EC - Flamenco de Carlos Saura (1:42:45) [documentary (color)] [written on label] 37 [minutes] into film - Fernanda - 1995 - ? [Solea w/ Paco Del Gastor]

2014-16.6 EC - Diego Del Gastor - La Fernanda - La Bernarda - Joselero (1:53:30) [documentary (b & w) made by Spanish TV - no screen title, no date [probably made in mid-1960s - Fernanda mentions 1964 N.Y. World's Fair]

VHS tapes digitized and work discs produced 12/2014.

Pat Darrow's papers (stored in 1 box in room 52) have been organized into the following folders: Biographical Information, Correspondence, Documents, Event Announcements/Flyers, Manuscripts (Recipes), Manuscripts (Text), Personal Effects, Photos, Poems/Lyrics, Publications (Spain), Publication (U.S.)

Additional resource: For more information about flamenco and photos of Anzonini, see the guide to the Allen Yonge collection of recordings in the UW Ethnomusicology Archives: http://guides.lib.washington.edu/ethnoarchive_yonge

Documentation: Document folders (photos, correspondence, flyers, etc.)

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