Blanche Payne Regional Costume Photograph and Drawing Collection, 1930-1963

Overview of the Collection

Photographer and collector
Payne, Blanche, 1897-1972
Blanche Payne Regional Costume Photograph and Drawing Collection
1930-1963 (inclusive)
1930-1937 (bulk)
25 watercolor paintings (1 box) ; various sizes
1,654 prints (5 boxes) ; various sizes
1,233 negatives (4 boxes) ; 3 1/2 x 2 1/2 inches each
839 postcards (3 boxes) ; various sizes
140 pattern drawings on 66 sheets (1 box) ; various sizes
Collection Number
Prints, postcards, pattern drawings, and watercolor paintings collected and created by Blanche Payne during her travels in the 1930s
University of Washington Libraries, Special Collections
Special Collections
University of Washington Libraries
Box 352900
Seattle, WA
Telephone: 2065431929
Fax: 2065431931
Access Restrictions

The collection is open to the public.

Request at UW


Biographical NoteReturn to Top

Blanche Payne was born in 1897 in Thayer, Kansas. She earned a bachelor's degree in home economics from Kansas State Teacher's College in 1916 and a master of arts degree in clothing from Columbia University in 1924. Payne taught high school English and home economics classes in Kiowa, Kansas, and Lewiston, Idaho, before servng as a student nurse at Camp Lewis, Washington in 1918. In 1919 she joined the faculty at Arizona State Teachers College, where she taught classes in textiles and clothing. From 1924 to 1926 Payne taught clothing classes at high schools in New York City, studied draping with French designer Madame Geo, and started her own design business.

Payne joined the University of Washington faculty in 1927, where she taught costume and apparel design in the School of Home Economics. In 1929 she took a leave of absence to study flat pattern at the Mitchell School of Design in New York City, then extended her leave until 1930 to travel through Central Europe and the Balkans surveying folk costume in Czechoslovakia, Hungary, Rumania, Bulgaria, Turkey, Greece, Albania, and Yugoslavia. Payne resumed her duties at the University of Washington in 1931 but returned to Yugoslavia in 1936 to 1937 for additional study. Her research focused on the regions of South Serbia (Macedonia), Croatia, Bosnia, North Serbia, and Dalmatia. In addition to exploring museum collections, Payne visited remote villages, markets, and festivals throughout the country to study and photograph peasant costumes. She also augmented her studies by drafting patterns from the clothing she encountered.

Payne's Yugoslav research failed to result in a full-length publication due to the prohibitive costs of publishing and the destruction of some of her color plates during World War II. However, in 1965 Payne published a textbook entitled History of Costume, which described the evolution of fashion from 3000 B.C. to 1900. The book contained detailed descriptions of historical and cultural fashions together with renditions of small-scale garment patterns that she meticulously drafted from various museum collections. In researching her book, Payne spent two years avidly collecting illustrations. Considered a foremost resource in the study of costume history, the text reflected her teaching philosophy that the study of original artifacts is of essential importance in understanding good design.

In addition to her intensive research on clothing and historic costume, Payne supervised work on the Textile and Costume Study Collection housed in the University of Washington School of Home Economics. As part of her studies of non-Western folk dress and embroidery technique, she collected original ethnic costumes along with textile and embroidery examples. She used her Balkan research as a valuable source for studying ethnic dress in its original context and to provide her students with primary source material for the study of modern costume construction and fine craftsmanship.

During the 1960s Payne consulted for the Brooklyn Museum, work that included a research trip to Europe to find costumes from the House of Worth for an exhibition. Payne retired from the University of Washington in 1966 and died in 1972.

Historical BackgroundReturn to Top

Historical Background of Yugoslavia

Until WWI (1914-1918), Austria-Hungary ruled the territories of today’s Slovenia, Croatia, Vojvodina, and Bosnia and Herzegovina, while the Ottoman Empire controlled Serbia and Montenegro until 1878, and Macedonia until 1912. People identified mostly with their historic regions or lands until the nineteenth century, when the development of capitalism and integration processes caused the birth of modern national identities—so that Slovenes, Croats, Serbs, Bosnian Muslims (present-day Bosniaks), Macedonians, and Montenegrins each started to identify themselves as ethnic nations. Also at this time, there was a resurgence of interest in regional dress, which coincided with a romanticized and idealized idea of the peasant past, which culminated in the idea of “our dress,” emblematic of national identity.

In 1918, Serbia and Montenegro united with the South Slavic territories of the former Austro-Hungarian Empire, which resulted in the formation of the Kingdom of Serbs, Croats, and Slovenes. In 1929, this entity became the Kingdom of Yugoslavia, ruled by King Aleksandar Karadjordević. In 1941, the Kingdom of Yugoslavia was occupied by Axis forces and became the Democratic Federal Yugoslavia, and in 1945, the Federal People’s Republic of Yugoslavia. This entity was renamed the Socialist Federative Republic of Yugoslavia in 1963. In 1991, it disintegrated into five independent states: the Republic of Slovenia, the Republic of Croatia, the State of Bosnia and Herzegovina, the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia (including Serbia and Montenegro), and the Republic of Macedonia. Currently, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Macedonia, Montenegro, Serbia, and Slovenia are all independent states. Kosovo declared its independence from Serbia in 2008, with oversight given to the United Nations.

Yugoslav Regional Costume

The people of the former Yugoslavia were very diverse: they spoke different languages such as Slovenian, Croatian, Serbian, and Macedonian; they had different alphabets, Roman and Cyrillic; and different religions, Roman Catholicism, Serbian or Macedonian Orthodoxy, and Islam. In addition, there were non-Slavic populations that made their homes there, including Albanians, Hungarians, Romanians, and Turkish peoples. Although these different populations were unified under one governing body during the time Blanche Payne was completing her research, they kept their cultural traditions alive through a revived interest in dance and costume. While the specific materials and motifs of costume varied from place to place, regional costume from the former Yugoslavia also shared common features.

Traditionally, women hand-made clothing for their families, which was altered and worn throughout one’s lifetime. Various factors influenced regional costume design, including social station, marriage status, age, and season. Costume was generally made of linen or wool, originally homespun, that was later replaced by store-bought cloth. Costume ranged in color from monochromatic to very colorful, and embellishment from very plain to featuring decorations such as leather and cloth appliqué, metallic thread stitching, and heavy embroidery. Interaction with other countries and the impact of new technologies resulting from Industrialization affected costume production, materials and motifs. New materials and dyes became available over time. Traditional crafts such as costuming and tailoring declined, therefore types of embroidery (such as the gold thread embroidery of Bosnia and Hercegovina) became less common. As embroidery became more commercial rather than something that was done in the home, new fashionable motifs were introduced to please urban buyers. By the time of World War II, regional costume was mostly worn for festivals and traditional dance.

Generally, the basis of a woman's costume was an ankle long shirt, or long skirt and shirt combination, depending on the geographical region. In some regions, women wore long baggy trousers and voluminous blouses. Over the undergarments women would wear one or two aprons. Over these would be worn an overcoat, varying in style from short to long, sleeveless to long sleeved. Generally there would be a belt or sash of some kind, leggings or stockings, and soft leather shoes. Headdresses could also range from small caps and folded kerchiefs, to long turbans and ribbons. Hairstyles varied according to class and maturity, and women would often weave flowers or coins into their hair. Many times women carried embroidered bags and wore necklaces made of coins or clothing decorated with coins. Clothing like this was often a young girl’s dowry. Women’s costume generally varied in color, with girls and young women wearing lighter or brighter colors such as red, light blue, or white, and married or older women wearing black or dark violet.

A man's costume generally consisted of cotton or woolen trousers, which could be fitted or loose; belts or sashes; and leggings and stockings worn with soft leather shoes, work shoes, or boots for special occasions. Various types of head coverings were worn, including caps and fezzes. Over the clothing, men would wear various layers of waistcoats, long coats, and hooded or sheepskin coats, which would often be heavily embroidered or adorned with metal thread. For special occasions, many men would wear belts with pouches to hold smoking implements and weapons.

Content DescriptionReturn to Top

Images of costumes and textiles, the majority of which are of Yugoslavian regional dress, collected by Professor Blanche Payne while performing research for several unpublished manuscripts. Also includes twenty-five watercolor paintings, mostly created by Olga Benson, depicting traditional folk costumes of Southern Europe, and sixty-six sheets of pattern drawings by Blanche Payne of Yugoslavian costume.

Use of the CollectionReturn to Top

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Restrictions on Use

Restrictions might exist on reproduction, quotation, or publication. Contact the repository for details.

Administrative InformationReturn to Top


The collection is arranged into five series: Yugoslav costume photographs and postcards, Yugoslav costume pattern drawings (from Blanche Payne's manuscript on Yugoslav regional costume), Yugoslav costume watercolor plates (also included in the manuscript), photographs and postcards of regional costume from other countries, and photographs of Blanche Payne's travels or costume and textile production. Within the series, the Yugoslav costume photographs and postcards are arranged by country, then town or region, and within those subseries, by type of costume. The photographs and postcards from other countries are arranged by country and then type of costume. Images of towns and villages within the different regions and countries are also integrated with the costume photographs and postcards to provide further context. The watercolor plates and pattern drawings are arranged in the order that Blanche Payne indicated in her manuscript.

Because Blanche Payne collected photographs of costume pieces from museum collections, these photographs do not have negatives. Only the photographs Payne personally took have negatives, therefore there are gaps in the numbering of negatives in the collection.

The majority of the materials in this collection were acquired or created by Blanche Payne in 1930 and 1936-1937, a time when the (now independent) countries of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Macedonia (South Serbia), Montenegro, Serbia, Serbia (Kosovo), and Slovenia were part of Yugoslavia. This collection reflects the fact that, at the time, Yugoslavia was the correct term used to identify this grouping of countries. Since the 1930s, the former Yugoslavia has undergone many different political and geographical shifts, and the arrangement of the finding aid and collection tries to reflect the localities as Blanche Payne identified them at the time.

When held at the Henry Art Gallery, these prints, postcards, and negatives were given a numbering system by volunteers. For example, 6700.6 for Payne photographs, and P6700.6 for postcards and photographs Payne collected, but didn't create. Some did not have old numbers indicated, due to the fact that they were never numbered as part of the work done on the collection by the volunteers. The numbering system was changed to reflect the arrangement and archival standards used by the University of Washington Libraries, however the old numbers are included in the case file for reference.

Custodial History

After Blanche Payne’s death, other than the textile collection of the School of Home Economics at the University of Washington, the bulk of her collections went to the Museum of History and Industry (MOHAI) and to John Sweet, the executor of her estate.

Acquisition Information

Donor: John Sweet for Blanche Payne Estate, 1991; Museum of History and Industry, via the Henry Art Gallery, 1991 (three enlarged photographs and one watercolor)

Processing Note

Processed by Erin Whitney in 2009-2012.

Three photographs and twenty-five watercolors (which were originally transferred from the Henry Art Gallery) were relocated from the Blanche Payne Papers, Accession No. 1918-012, in the repository in 2005. The pattern drawings were relocated from the Blanche Payne Papers, Accession No. 1918-012 in 2009.

Separated Materials

Material Described Separately:

Blanche Payne papers

Detailed Description of the CollectionReturn to Top


Yugoslav Costume - Photographs and PostcardsReturn to Top

Costumes from Bosnia and Hercegovina, Croatia, Macedonia (South Serbia), Montenegro, Serbia, Serbia (Kosovo), and Slovenia, which formerly made up the country of Yugoslavia. Within each country, objects are listed by region, town, or village name, in alphabetical order. Those photos that could not be identified are listed at the top of each section. Most of the photographs were taken in the original country but a few of the costumes are modeled by UW students at the University. Sections of women's costume include girls and men's costume includes boys. Sections only labeled "Costume" include both men's and women's clothing.

Postcard sections include both photographic and illustrated postcards.

Container(s) Description Dates
Unidentified Places in Yugoslavia
Box item
1 A1-A3
General Costume - Photographs
circa 1930-1937
1 A4-A5 circa 1930-1937
1 A6-A8
Men's Costume - Photographs
circa 1930-1937
Costume Pieces - Photographs
Box item
1 A9
Embroidered costume fragment
Costume piece in Henry Art Gallery collection, under catalog number TC 92.10-101
circa 1930-1937
1 A10-A17
Costume Pieces
circa 1930-1937
Bosnia and Hercegovina - Unidentified Towns
Now Bosnia and Herzegovina
Box item
1 A18-A27 circa 1930-1937
6 A28
General Costume - Postcards
circa 1930-1937
1 A29-A42 circa 1930-1937
6 A43-A45 circa 1930-1937
1 A46-A47 circa 1930-1937
6 A48-A49 circa 1930-1937
1 A50-A52
Costume Pieces - Photographs
circa 1930-1937
1 A53 circa 1930-1937
Bosnia and Hercegovina - Bosnia
Unidentified Towns
General Costume - Photographs
Box item
1 A54-A56
Women and men in costume
Blanche Payne (photographer)
circa 1930-1937
1 A57
Women and men in costume
Ethnographic Museum in Belgrade, Serbia (photographer)
circa 1930-1937
Women's Costume - Photographs
Box item
1 A58-A61
Women in costume
Blanche Payne (photographer)
A58 has notes about costume details on back.
circa 1930-1937
1 A62-A63
Women in costume
Ethnographic Museum in Belgrade, Serbia (photographer)
circa 1930-1937
1 A64-A65
Women in costume
Croatian National Museum, Zagreb (photographer)
circa 1930-1937
Men's Costume - Photographs
Box item
1 A66-A71
Men in costume
Blanche Payne (photographer)
circa 1930-1937
1 A72
Museum exhibit of man on horseback
Ethnographic Museum in Belgrade, Serbia (photographer)
circa 1930-1937
Box item
1 A73-A74
Costume Pieces - Photographs
Blanche Payne (photographer)
ca. 1930-1937
Banja Luka
Box item
6 A75
General Costume - Postcards
Notes about costume details on back
circa 1930-1937
6 A76
General Costume (Moslem) - Postcards
Notes about costume details on back.
circa 1930-1937
1 A77
Women's Costume - Photographs
Blanche Payne (photographer)
Notes about costume details on back.
circa 1930-1937
1 A78-A81
Women's Costume (Moslem) - Photographs
Blanche Payne (photographer)
circa 1930-1937
6 A82
Women's Costume (Moslem) - Postcards
Notes about costume details on back.
circa 1930-1937
1 A83-A84
Men's Costume (Catholic) - Photographs
Blanche Payne (photographer)
Notes about costume details on back.
circa 1930-1937
Box item
1 A85
Women's Costume - Photographs
Croatian National Museum, Zagreb (photographer)
circa 1930-1937
Box item
1 A86
Men's Costume - Photographs
Croatian National Museum, Zagreb (photographer)
circa 1930-1937
Box item
1 A87
Men's Costume - Photographs
Ethnographic Museum in Belgrade, Serbia (photographer)
circa 1930-1937
Notation on photographs indicates that certain people wearing Orthodox costume were from Pravoslav, which is in Bulgaria (not the former Yugoslavia). It is possible that they are visitors or immigrants from Bulgaria.
Box item
5 A88a
General Costume - Notes
Handwritten notes from Blanche Payne about costume descriptions and costume piece names from Jajce.
circa 1930-1937
1 A88b
General Costume - Photographs
Ethnographic Museum in Belgrade, Serbia (photographer)
circa 1930-1937
1 A89-A91
Women's Costume - Photographs
Blanche Payne (photographer)
A89-A90 have notes about costume details on back
circa 1930-1937
1 A92-A95
Women's costume (Orthodox) - Photographs
Blanche Payne (photographer)
A93 has notes about costume details and location on back.
circa 1930-1937
1 A96
Men's Costume - Photographs
Blanche Payne (photographer)
circa 1930-1937
1 A97-A99
Men's Costume (Catholic) - Photographs
Blanche Payne (photographer)
circa 1930-1937
Kordun Region
Box item
1 A100-A101
Costume Pieces - Photographs
Croatian National Museum, Zagreb (photographer)
circa 1930-1937
Kotor Varoš
Box item
1 A102-A103
General Costume (Orthodox) - Photographs
Blanche Payne (photographer)
Notes about costume details on backs.
circa 1930-1937
1 A104
General Costume (Catholic) - Photographs
Blanche Payne (photographer)
circa 1930-1937
1 A105
Women's Costume - Photographs
Blanche Payne (photographer)
circa 1930-1937
1 A106
Women's Costume (Orthodox)- Photographs
Blanche Payne (photographer)
circa 1930-1937
1 A107-A109
Women's Costume (Catholic)- Photographs
Blanche Payne (photographer)
Notes about costume detail on back
circa 1930-1937
1 A110
Men's Costume (Catholic) - Photographs
Blanche Payne (photographer)
Notes about costume detail on back
circa 1930-1937
Costume Pieces - Photographs
Box item
1 A111-A112
Woman's chemise (kosulja)
Blanche Payne (photographer)
This piece is in the Henry Art Gallery's collection, catalog number TC 92.10-257
circa 1930-1937
1 A113
Costume Pieces - Photographs
Blanche Payne (photographer)
Original piece is in the Henry Art Gallery's collection, no catalog number
circa 1930-1937
1 A114
Woman's chemise skirt panel
Blanche Payne (photographer)
Original piece is in the Henry Art Gallery's collection, catalog number 92.10-128
circa 1930-1937
Lipenica Region
Now Lepenica
Box item
1 A115-A119
General Costume - Photographs
Blanche Payne (photographer)
Notes about costume details and location on back. These images depict Catholic men and women harvesting at the foot of Ban Brdo hill.
circa 1930-1937
1 A120-A121
Women's Costume - Photographs
Blanche Payne (photographer)
Original piece is in the Henry Art Gallery's collection, no catalog number.
circa 1930-1937
1 A122-A127
Women's costume (Catholic) - Photographs
Blanche Payne (photographer)
Notes about costume details on back. Images depict young women wearing regional costumes from the 1930s, 1900s, and 1880s.
Mrkonjić Grad
General Costume - Photographs
Box item
1 A128-A136
Women and men in costume
Blanche Payne (photographer)
6106.14 has an enlarged print in Box 8/1
circa 1930-1937
1 A137-A138
Women and men in costume
Ethnographic Museum in Belgrade, Serbia (photographer)
circa 1930-1937
Box item
1 A139-A145
Women's Costume - Photographs
Blanche Payne (photographer)
circa 1930-1937
1 A146-A158
Men's Costume - Photographs
Blanche Payne (photographer)
A146 has notes about costume details on back
circa 1930-1937
Costume Pieces - Photographs
Box item
1 A159
Costume Pieces - Photographs
Blanche Payne (photographer)
Original piece is in Henry Art Gallery collection, HAG TC 92.10-133
circa 1930-1937
1 A160
Woman's chemise sleeves
Blanche Payne (photographer)
Original piece is located in the Henry Art Gallery's collection, catalog number TC 78.3-33, m1
circa 1930-1937
Box item
1 A161a-b
Men's Costume (Orthodox) - Photographs
Blanche Payne (photographer)
circa 1930-1937
Sanski Most
Box item
1 A162a
General Costume (Catholic) - Photographs
Croatian National Museum, ZagrebEthnographic Museum Zagreb (photographer)
circa 1930-1937
1 A162b
Women's Costume - Photographs
Blanche Payne (photographer)
6108.1 had no original print. Was printed by UW CSS, neg number 29180
circa 1930-1937
Box item
1 A163
General Costume - Photographs
Blanche Payne (photographer)
circa 1930-1937
6 A164-A167
General Costume - Postcards
Notes about costume details on backs
circa 1930-1937
1 A168
General Costume (Moslem) - Photographs
Blanche Payne (photographer)
circa 1930-1937
1 A169-A171
General Costume (Orthodox) - Photographs
Blanche Payne (photographer)
A170 and A171 have notes about costume details on back
circa 1930-1937
Women's Costume - Photographs
Box item
1 A172-A181
Women in costume
Blanche Payne (photographer)
circa 1930-1937
1 A182
Woman in costume
Ethnographic Museum in Belgrade, Serbia (photographer)
circa 1930-1937
Box item
6 A183-A188
Women's costume - Postcards
A186-A187 have notes about costume detail on back
circa 1930-1937
Women's Costume (Orthodox) - Photographs
Box item
1 A189-A204
Women in costume
Blanche Payne (photographer)
circa 1930-1937
1 A205
Orthodox wife in costume
Ethnographic Museum in Belgrade, Serbia (photographer)
circa 1930-1937
Box item
1 A206
Women's Costume (Catholic) - Photographs
Notes about costume details and location on back
circa 1930-1937
Men's Costume - Photographs
Box item
1 A207-A216
Men in costume
Blanche Payne (photographer)
Notes about costume details on back of A212
circa 1930-1937
1 A217
Man in costume, holding gun and wearing belt with weapons and tobacco pipe tucked into it (6109.40)
Ethnographic Museum in Belgrade, Serbia (photographer)
circa 1930-1937
Box item
6 A218
Men's Costume - Postcards
Notes about costume details on back
circa 1930-1937
1 A219-A224
Men's Costume (Orthodox) - Photographs
Blanche Payne (photographer)
Notes about person on back of A224A221 has an enlarged print in Box 8/1
circa 1930-1937
Costume Pieces - Photographs
Box item
1 A225
Woman's blouse sleeves (Moslem)
Blanche Payne (photographer)
Original piece is in the Henry Art Gallery's collection, catalog number TC 92.10-192 1&2
circa 1930-1937
Box item
6 A226 circa 1930-1937
Near Sanski Most
Box item
1 A227
Women's Costume - Photographs
Blanche Payne (photographer)
Notes about costume details on back
circa 1930-1937
1 A228
Men's Costume - Photographs
Blanche Payne (photographer)
Note about subject of photograph on back
circa 1930-1937
Box item
1 A229
Costume (Orthodox) - Photographs
Blanche Payne (photographer)
Orthodox festival
circa 1930-1937
1 A230-A231
Women's Costume - Photographs
Blanche Payne (photographer)
circa 1930-1937
1 A232-A239
Men's Costume (Orthodox) - Photographs
Blanche Payne (photographer)
Orthodox festivalNotes about subject of photographs on backs of A232-A233. Notes about costume details on backs of A235-A237, A239.
circa 1930-1937
Near Sarajevo
Box item
1 A240-A241
Women's Costume - Photographs
Blanche Payne (photographer)
circa 1930-1937
Box item
1 A242-A243
General Costume - Photographs
Blanche Payne (photographer)
Travnik market
circa 1930-1937
1 A244-245
General Costume (Catholic) - Photographs
Blanche Payne (photographer)
Travnik market
circa 1930-1937
1 A246-A250
Women's Costume - Photographs
Blanche Payne (photographer)
Notes about subject of photograph on the back of A250.
circa 1930-1937
1 A251-A261
Women's Costume (Catholic) - Photographs
Blanche Payne (photographer)
Notes about person in photo on back of A253, notes about location on back of A257, A259-A260
circa 1930-1937
6 A262 circa 1930-1937
1 A263
Men's Costume - Photographs
Blanche Payne (photographer)
circa 1930-1937
Men's Costume (Catholic) - Photographs
Box item
1 A264-A265
Men in costume at Travnik market
Blanche Payne (photographer)
circa 1930-1937
1 A266
Men in costume
Croatian National Museum, Zagreb (photographer)
circa 1930-1937
Box item
6 A267 circa 1930-1937
Bosnia and Hercegovina - Hercegovina
Unidentified Towns
Box item
1 A268
Women's Costume - Photographs
Blanche Payne (photographer)
circa 1930-1937
Costume Pieces - Photographs
Box item
1 A269-A273
Costume pieces
Blanche Payne (photographer)
Notes about costume details on back of A269-A270.
circa 1930-1937
1 A274
Embroidery detail
Croatian National Museum, Zagreb (photographer)
circa 1930-1937
Box item
6 A275-A276
Costume Pieces - Postcards
Embroidery details
circa 1930-1937
Gornji Vakuf
Box item
1 A277-A279
General Costume - Photographs
Blanche Payne (photographer)
Notes on back of A277
circa 1930-1937
1 A280-A283
Women's Costume (Catholic) - Photographs
Blanche Payne (photographer)
Notes about costume details on back of A280, A282, and A283
circa 1930-1937
1 A284-A286
Men's Costume (Catholic) - Photographs
Blanche Payne (photographer)
Notes about costume details on back of A285-A286
circa 1930-1937
1 A287
Bogomil Tombs near Gornja Vakuf
Blanche Payne (photographer)
circa 1930-1937
1 A288
[Number not used]
Box item
1 A289-A290
Men's Costume - Photographs
Blanche Payne (photographer)
Notes about costume details on back
circa 1930-1937
6 A291
Furniture in Konjic - Postcards
circa 1930-1937
6 A292
Boračko Lake near Konjic - Postcards
circa 1930-1937
Blanche Payne notes the town as Kupreš, but it is currently spelled without diacritics
Box item
1 A293-A294
General Costume - Photographs
Blanche Payne (photographer)
circa 1930-1937
1 A295
Women's Costume - Photographs
Blanche Payne (photographer)
circa 1930-1937
Between Livno and Duvno
Now Livno and Tomislavgrad
Box item
1 A296-A297
Women's Costume - Photographs
circa 1930-1937
1 A298
Men's Costume - Photographs
Unknown (photographer)
circa 1930-1937
Box item
1 A299
General Costume - Photographs
Blanche Payne (photographer)
circa 1930-1937
1 A300-A309
Women's Costume - Photographs
Blanche Payne (photographer)
circa 1930-1937
1 A310-A311
Men's Costume - Photographs
Blanche Payne (photographer)
circa 1930-1937
Box item
1 A312-A315
General Costume (Moslem) - Photographs
Blanche Payne (photographer)
circa 1930-1937
6 A316 circa 1930-1937
1 A317-A322
Women's Costume - Photographs
Blanche Payne (photographer)
circa 1930-1937
1 A323-A331
Women's costume (Moslem) - Photographs
Blanche Payne (photographer)
circa 1930-1937
6 A332 circa 1930-1937
1 A333-A335
Men's Costume - Photographs
Blanche Payne (photographer)
circa 1930-1937
1 A336-A337 circa 1930-1937
6 A338 circa 1930-1937
Near Šćit
Box item
1 A339-A340
General Costume (Catholic) - Photographs
Blanche Payne (photographer)
circa 1930-1937
Box item
1 A341-A344
General Costume - Photographs
Blanche Payne (photographer)
circa 1930-1937
1 A345-A346
General Costume (Catholic) - Photographs
Blanche Payne (photographer)
Catholics in Šćit on day of Assumption of the Virgin
circa 1930-1937
1 A347-A348
Women's Costume - Photographs
Blanche Payne (photographer)
circa 1930-1937
1 A349-A355
Women's Costume (Catholic) - Photographs
Blanche Payne (photographer)
Notes about costume details on back of A349
circa 1930-1937
1 A356-A361
Men's Costume - Photographs
Blanche Payne (photographer)
circa 1930-1937
Box item
1 A362-A363
General Costume - Photographs
Blanche Payne (photographer)
circa 1930-1937
1 A364-A368
Women's Costume - Photographs
Blanche Payne (photographer)
circa 1930-1937
1 A369
Town of Trebinje
Blanche Payne (photographer)
circa 1930-1937
Unidentified Towns
Box item
1 A370-A374
Women's Costume - Photographs
Blanche Payne (photographer)
circa 1930-1937
1 A375-A376
Men's costume - Photographs
Blanche Payne (photographer)
circa 1930-1937
6 A377 circa 1930-1937
Costume Pieces - Photographs
Box item
1 A378-A379
Sleeve bands (left), apron bands (right)
Blanche Payne (photographer)
Original pieces found in the Henry Art Gallery's collection, catalog numbers TC 92.10-26 (left), TC 92.10-29 (right)
circa 1930-1937
1 A380-A381
Woman's blouse panel
Blanche Payne (photographer)
Original piece found in the Henry Art Gallery's collection, catalog number TC 92-10-23. Number 4 has two prints.
circa 1930-1937
1 A382-A386
Costume Pieces - Photographs
Blanche Payne (photographer)
circa 1930-1937
Costume Pieces - Postcards
Box item
6 A387a
Woman's apron (pregača)
circa 1930-1937
Box item
1 A387b-A388
Women's Costume - Photographs
Ethnographic Museum Zagreb, Croatia (photographer)
Notes about costume details on back
circa 1930-1937
Baranja Region
Box item
1 A389
General Costume - Photographs
Religious procession
circa 1930-1937
Women's Costume - Photographs
Box item
1 A390-A400
Women in costume
Blanche Payne (photographer)
Notes about costume details on back of A390
circa 1930-1937
1 A401-A403
Women in costume
Ethnographic Museum in Belgrade, Serbia (photographer)
circa 1930-1937
Men's Costume - Photographs
Box item
1 A404-A408
Men in costume
Blanche Payne (photographer)
circa 1930-1937
5 A409 circa 1930-1937
Box item
6 A410 circa 1930-1937
Costume Pieces - Photographs
Box item
1 A411-A417
Costume Pieces - Photographs
circa 1930-1937
2 A418-A422
Man's embroidered wedding shirt front
Original pieces is found in Henry Art Gallery's collection, catalog number TC 78.3-2
circa 1930-1937
Costume Pieces - Postcards
Box item
6 A423
Man's shirt (rubača)
circa 1930-1937
6 A424
Costume piece
circa 1930-1937
Box item
1 A425-A426
Women's Costume - Photographs
Blanche Payne (photographer)
circa 1930-1937
Branjin Vrh
Box item
1 A427-A428
General Costume - Photographs
Blanche Payne (photographer)
Notes about costume detail on back of A427
circa 1930-1937
6 A429-A433 circa 1930-1937
1 A434-A436
Women's Costume - Photographs
Blanche Payne (photographer)
Notes about costume detail on back
circa 1930-1937
6 A437-A438 circa 1930-1937
1 A439
Men's Costume - Photographs
Blanche Payne (photographer)
Notes about costume detail on back
circa 1930-1937
Box item
1 A440-442
Costume Pieces - Photographs
Blanche Payne (photographer)
circa 1930-1937
Between Bratina and Jamnica Pisarovinska
Box item
1 A443
Women's Costume - Photographs
Blanche Payne (photographer)
circa 1930-1937
1 A444
Costume Pieces - Photographs
Blanche Payne (photographer)
circa 1930-1937
Between Bratina and Kupinec (near Pisarovina)
Box item
1 A445-A446
Women's costume (front and back)
Croatian National Museum, Zagreb (photographer)
circa 1930-1937
Between Brodjanci and Bizovac (near Osijek)
Notes on verso indicate that this image is from between the towns of Brodjanci and Bizovac, near the town of Osijek.
Box item
1 A447
Women's Costume - Photographs
Croatian National Museum, Zagreb
circa 1930-1937
Bukovica is a Serbian community in the Dalmatia region of Croataia, between Obrovac and Knin.
Box item
6 A448 circa 1930-1937
6 A449-A450 circa 1930-1937
6 A451 circa 1930-1937
6 A452
Town of Bukovica - Postcards
circa 1930-1937
Box item
6 A453 circa 1930-1937
Costume Pieces - Photographs
Box item
1 A454-A456
Blanche Payne (photographer)
circa 1930-1937
1 A457-A458
Woman's chemise front and sleeve cuffs
Blanche Payne (photographer)
Original pieces found in the Henry Art Gallery's collection, catalog number TC 92.10-205
circa 1930-1937
Between Čilipi and Konavle (in Dalmatia), by Dubrovnik
Box item
1 A459-A460
General Costume - Photographs
Blanche Payne (photographer)
Image A460 depicts people performing kolo dance in Čilipi
circa 1930-1937
Women's Costume - Photographs
Box item
1 A461-A469
Women in costume
Blanche Payne (photographer)
Images A461-A464 have notes about costume details on back
circa 1930-1937
1 A470
Women in costume (back side)
Croatian National Museum, Zagreb (photographer)
circa 1930-1937
Box item
1 A471-A472
Men's Costume - Photographs
Blanche Payne (photographer)
circa 1930-1937
Dalmatia Region
Box item
1 A473-A475
General Costume - Photographs
Blanche Payne (photographer)
circa 1930-1937
6 A476-A479 circa 1930-1937
1 A480-A486
Women's Costume - Photographs
Blanche Payne (photographer)
A483-A484 have notes about costume details on back
circa 1930-1937
6 A487-A500 circa 1930-1937
1 A501-A503
Men's costume - Photographs
Blanche Payne (photographer)
circa 1930-1937
6 A504-A520
Men's Costume - Postcards
Notes about costume details on the backs of A514 and A520
circa 1930-1937
Costume Pieces - Postcards
Box item
6 A521
Man's or woman's long shirt (košulja)
circa 1930-1937
6 A522 circa 1930-1937
6 A523 circa 1930-1937
General Costume - Photographs
Box item
1 A524-A526
Women in costume
Blanche Payne (photographer)
circa 1930-1937
1 A527
Woman holding young boy on front porch
Ethnographic Museum Zagreb, Croatia (photographer)
circa 1930-1937
Box item
6 A528 circa 1930-1937
1 A529-A534
Women's Costume - Photographs
Blanche Payne (photographer)
circa 1930-1937
Box item
1 A535-A538
General Costume - Photographs
Blanche Payne (photographer)
Images A535-A536 depict a procession to bless the fields.
circa 1930-1937
6 A539 circa 1930-1937
1 A540-A550
Women's Costume - Photographs
Blanche Payne (photographer)
Images A540-A541, A543, A545-A548 have notes about costume details on back
circa 1930-1937
1 A551-A552
Men's Costume - Photographs
Blanche Payne (photographer)
A552 has notes about costume detail on back
circa 1930-1937
Box item
1 A553
General Costume - Photographs
Blanche Payne (photographer)
circa 1930-1937
6 A554-A557 circa 1930-1937
1 A558
Women's Costume - Photographs
Blanche Payne (photographer)
Notes about costume details on back
circa 1930-1937
6 A559-A561 circa 1930-1937
6 A562-A564 circa 1930-1937
Between Dubrovnik and Kotor
Box item
1 A565
General Costume - Photographs
This is a print of a painting depicting a Christmas procession between Dubrovnik and Kotor, which is 60-80 years old (according to description on verso). Has no negative.
circa 1930-1937
Dugo Selo
Box item
1 A566-A568
Women's Costume - Photographs
Croatian National Museum, Zagreb (photographer)
circa 1930-1937
Box item
1 A569
Men's Costume - Photographs
Croatian National Museum, Zagreb (photographer)
circa 1930-1937
Box item
1 A570
General Costume - Photographs
Ethnographic Museum Zagreb, Croatia
circa 1930-1937
Women's Costume - Photographs
Box item
1 A571-A581c
Women in costume
Blanche Payne (photographer)
A577 and A580 have notes about costume details on back.
circa 1930-1937
1 A582
Woman in costume holding flowers
Croatian National Museum, Zagreb (photographer)
circa 1930-1937
Box item
1 A583-A588
Men's Costume - Photographs
Blanche Payne (photographer)
A583 has notes about costume details on back.
circa 1930-1937
6 A589 circa 1930-1937
6 A590-A594 circa 1930-1937
Box item
1 A595-A601
Women's Costume - Photographs
Blanche Payne (photographer)
A597 has notes about costume detail on back.
circa 1930-1937
1 A602
Men's Costume - Photographs
Blanche Payne (photographer)
Notes about costume details on back
circa 1930-1937
Gornji Sjeničak (near Pisarovina)
Box item
1 A603
Women's Costume - Photographs
Croatian National Museum, Zagreb (photographer)
circa 1930-1937
Gušće (near Sisak)
Box item
1 A604
Women's Costume - Photographs
Croatian National Museum, Zagreb (photographer)
circa 1930-1937
Box item
1 A605
Women's Costume - Photographs
Croatian National Museum, ZagrebEthnographic Museum Zagreb, Croatia (photographer)
circa 1930-1937
Between Jamnica Pisarovinska and Pisarovina
Box item
1 A606
Women's Costume - Photographs
Ethnographic Museum Zagreb, Croatia (photographer)
circa 1930-1937
Between Kapela and Veliki Bukovec
Box item
1 A607-A608
Women's Costume - Photographs
Croatian National Museum, Zagreb (photographer)
circa 1930-1937
Between Kašina and Sveti Ivan Zelina
Box item
1 A609
Women's Costume - Photographs
Croatian National Museum, ZagrebEthnographic Museum Zagreb, Croatia (photographer)
circa 1930-1937
Box item
6 A610 circa 1930-1937
1 A611-A614
Women's Costume - Photographs
Blanche Payne (photographer)
A611 has notes about costume details on back
circa 1930-1937
1 A615-A617
Men's costume - Photographs
Blanche Payne (photographer)
A616 has notes about costume details on back.
circa 1930-1937
6 A618-A622
Men's Costume - Postcards
Notes on the back of A618
circa 1930-1937
6 A623-A625 circa 1930-1937
Between Kordun and Slunj
Box item
6 A626 circa 1930-1937
Box item
1 A627
Women's Costume - Photographs
Croatian National Museum, ZagrebEthnographic Museum Zagreb, Croatia (photographer)
circa 1930-1937
Box item
6 A628-A629
General Costume - Postcards
Notes about location on back
circa 1930-1937
Between Kupcina and Pisarovina
Box item
6 A630-A631 circa 1930-1937
Women's Costume - Photographs
Box item
1 A632-A635
Women in costume
Blanche Payne (photographer)
circa 1930-1937
1 A636-A637
Close up of woman wearing headdress (back and front)
Croatian National Museum, ZagrebEthnographic Museum Zagreb, Croatia (photographer)
circa 1930-1937
Kupinec (near Pisarovina)
Box item
1 A638
General Costume - Photographs
Croatian National Museum, ZagrebEthnographic Museum Zagreb, Croatia (photographer)
circa 1930-1937
Women's Costume - Photographs
Box item
1 A639-A643
Woman wearing various types of headdresses
Croatian National Museum, Zagreb (photographer)
circa 1930-1937
1 A644
Women in costume (from the back)
Croatian National Museum, ZagrebEthnographic Museum Zagreb, Croatia (photographer)
circa 1930-1937
Lazina (near Draganić and Karlovac)
Box item
1 A645
General Costume - Photographs
Ethnographic Museum Zagreb, Croatia (photographer)
circa 1930-1937
1 A646
Women's Costume - Photographs
Croatian National Museum, ZagrebEthnographic Museum Zagreb, Croatia (photographer)
circa 1930-1937
6 A647 circa 1930-1937
Box item
6 A648 circa 1930-1937
6 A649 circa 1930-1937
Levanjska Varoš (near Đakovo)
Box item
1 A650-A651
Women's Costume - Photographs
Croatian National Museum, Zagreb (photographer)
circa 1930-1937
Box item
1 A652-A654
Women's Costume - Photographs
Croatian National Museum, Zagreb (photographer)
circa 1930-1937
Marija Bistrica
Box item
1 A655
General Costume - Photographs
Blanche Payne (photographer)
circa 1930-1937
1 A656-A657
Women's Costume - Photographs
Blanche Payne (photographer)
circa 1930-1937
Box item
1 A658-A659
General Costume - Photographs
Blanche Payne (photographer)
circa 1930-1937
6 A660 circa 1930-1937
6 A661 circa 1930-1937
Costume Pieces - Photographs
Box item
1 A662
Woman's blouse
Blanche Payne (photographer)
circa 1930-1937
1 A663
Woman's apron
Blanche Payne (photographer)
circa 1930-1937
1 A664
Woman's short wool jacket (sadak)
Blanche Payne (photographer)
circa 1930-1937
1 A665
Woman's long wool coat (zobun)
Blanche Payne (photographer)
circa 1930-1937
1 A666
Woman's kerchief headdress
Blanche Payne (photographer)
circa 1930-1937
Box item
1 A667
Women's Costume - Photographs
Blanche Payne (photographer)
Notes about costume detail on back
circa 1930-1937
1 A668
Men's Costume - Photographs
Blanche Payne (photographer)
Notes about costume detail on back
circa 1930-1937
Costume Pieces - Photographs
Box item
1 A669
Woman's outer garment
Blanche Payne (photographer)
Original piece found in Henry Art Gallery collection, catalog number TC 92.10-243
circa 1930-1937
1 A670-A671
Woman's kerchief headdress (marama)
Blanche Payne (photographer)
circa 1930-1937
1 A672
Woman's belt
Blanche Payne (photographer)
Original piece found in Henry Art Gallery collection, catalog number TC 92.10-122
circa 1930-1937
1 A673
Woman's apron
Blanche Payne (photographer)
Original piece found in Henry Art Gallery collection, catalog number TC 92.10-121
circa 1930-1937
1 A674
Man's coat
Blanche Payne (photographer)
Original piece found in Henry Art Gallery collection, catalog number TC 92.10-245
circa 1930-1937
Box item
6 A675
Costume Pieces - Postcards
circa 1930-1937
Obrovo Bistransko
Near Dugo Selo
Box item
1 A676-A677
Women's Costume - Photographs
Croatian National Museum, Zagreb (photographer)
circa 1930-1937
Box item
6 A678-A685 circa 1930-1937
Box item
1 A686
Women's Costume - Photographs
Croatian National Museum, ZagrebEthnographic Museum Zagreb, Croatia (photographer)
circa 1930-1937
Pokupsko (near Pisarovina)
Now Gornji Sjaničak
Box item
1 A687
General Costume - Photographs
Croatian National Museum, ZagrebEthnographic Museum Zagreb, Croatia (photographer)
circa 1930-1937
Posavina Region
Box item
6 A688 circa 1930-1937
1 A689-A692
Women's Costume - Photographs
Blanche Payne (photographer)
circa 1930-1937
6 A693-A694 circa 1930-1937
1 A695
Men's Costume - Photographs
Blanche Payne (photographer)
circa 1930-1937
Ravni Kotari
Box item
6 A696 circa 1930-1937
1 A697-A700
Women's Costume - Photographs
circa 1930-1937
1 A701
Costume pieces (woman's chemise [kosulja])
The alternate item number in parentheses is also used in the Dubrovnik & Kotor section to describe PH Coll 380.A565.Original costume piece found at the Henry Art Gallery, catalog number TC 78.3-3, t2
circa 1930-1937
Box item
1 A702
Men's Costume - Photographs
Croatian National Museum, Zagreb (photographer)
circa 1930-1937
General Costume - Photographs
Box item
1 A703-A704 circa 1930-1937
1 A705
Family posing in front of their home
Croatian National Museum, ZagrebEthnographic Museum Zagreb, Croatia (photographer)
circa 1930-1937
Women's Costume - Photographs
Box item
1 A706-A716 circa 1930-1937
1 A717
Women standing in a circle, wearing folk costume
Croatian National Museum, ZagrebEthnographic Museum Zagreb, Croatia (photographer)
circa 1930-1937
Box item
1 A718-A724 February 28, 1927
Selišće Sunjsko
Near Sunja
Box item
1 A725-A727
Women's Costume - Photographs
Croatian National Museum, Zagreb (photographer)
circa 1930-1937
Box item
1 A728-A729
General Costume - Photographs
A729 has notes about costume details and kolo dance on back.
circa 1930-1937
6 A730 circa 1930-1937
6 A731-A733 circa 1930-1937
1 A734-A735
Men's costume - Photographs
Notes on costume details on back
August 1937
6 A736-A738 circa 1930-1937
Alkar Festival
The Alkar are Dalmatian heroes, corresponding to the knights of chivalry. The alkar festival is held each August in Sinj. These images depict men in formal dress, riding horses in a procession.
Box item
1 A739-A757 August 1937
1 A758-A765 August 1937
1 A766-A771 August 1937
1 A772-A773
Horse ridden by the standard bearer
Notes about details of trappings on back
August 1937
Box item
2 A774-A810
Women's Costume - Photographs
Blanche Payne (photographer)
A795 has costume details written on back
circa 1930-1937
6 A811
Women's Costume - Postcards
Blanche Payne (photographer)
circa 1930-1937
Student from the University of Washington modeling costume pieces from the Henry Art Gallery collections
Box item
2 A812-A815
Costume one; front view
Blanche Payne (photographer)
Original costume found in Henry Art Gallery collection, catalog number 92.10-254.
May 3, 1939
2 A816
Costume one; right proper side view
Blanche Payne (photographer)
Original costume found in Henry Art Gallery collection, catalog number 92.10-254.
May 3, 1939
2 A817-A818
Costume one; back view
Blanche Payne (photographer)
Original costume found in Henry Art Gallery collection, catalog number 92.10-254.
May 3, 1939
2 A819
Costume one; front view, wearing kerchief
Blanche Payne (photographer)
Original costume found in Henry Art Gallery collection, catalog number 92.10-254.
May 3, 1939
2 A820
Costume one; back view, wearing kerchief
Blanche Payne (photographer)
Original costume found in Henry Art Gallery collection, catalog number 92.10-254.
May 3, 1939
2 A821-A831
Costume two; front view
Blanche Payne (photographer)
Costume pieces found in Henry Art Gallery, catalog number TC 78.3-9.
June 12-14, 1939
2 A832
Costume two; proper left side
Blanche Payne (photographer)
Costume pieces found in Henry Art Gallery, catalog number TC 78.3-9.
June 12-14, 1939
2 A833-A838
Costume two; back view
Blanche Payne (photographer)
Costume pieces found in Henry Art Gallery, catalog number TC 78.3-9.
June 12-14, 1939
Costume Pieces - Photographs
Box item
2 A839-A842
Costume one zastor; woman's pleated apron
Blanche Payne (photographer)
Original costume piece found in Henry Art Gallery, catalog number TC 92.10-254, t3.
November 11, 1938
2 A843
Costume one peča; woman's head kerchief
Blanche Payne (photographer)
Original costume piece found in Henry Art Gallery, catalog number TC 92.10-254, t5
November 11, 1938
2 A844-A845
Costume one poculica; woman's cap
Blanche Payne (photographer)
Original costume piece found in Henry Art Gallery, catalog number TC 92.10-254, t4.
November 11, 1938
2 A846
Four pas (woman's belts)
Blanche Payne (photographer)
Original costume pieces found in Henry Art Gallery, catalog numbers TC 92.10-116, TC 92.10-254, t6, TC 92.10-119, TC 92.10-255, t5.
November 11, 1938
2 A847-A848
Costume two zastor; woman's pleated skirt
Blanche Payne (photographer)
Original piece is found in the Henry Art Gallery collection, catalog number TC 92.10-255, t2.
circa 1930-1937
2 A849-A850
Costume two opleće; woman's blouse
Blanche Payne (photographer)
Piece is found in the Henry Art Gallery collection, catalog number TC 78.3-9.
circa 1930-1937
2 A851
Costume two poculica; woman's cap
Blanche Payne (photographer)
Original piece is found in the Henry Art Gallery collection, catalog number TC 78.3-9
circa 1930-1937
2 A852
Zastor (woman's pleated apron)
Blanche Payne (photographer)
Original piece is found in the Henry Art Gallery collection, catalog number TC 92.10-113.
circa 1930-1937
2 A853-A856
Peča (woman's head kerchief)
Blanche Payne (photographer)
Original pieces are found in the Henry Art Gallery collection, catalog number TC 92.10-255, t4, TC 92.10-114, TC 92.10-20.
November 7, 1938
2 A857-A858
Costume fragments
Croatian National Museum, Zagreb (photographer)
Costume Pieces - Postcards
Box item
6 A859-A861 circa 1930-1937
6 A862 circa 1930-1937
6 A863-A864 circa 1930-1937
Slavonija Region
Now Slavonia
Box item
5 A865 circa 1930-1937
6 A866-A868 circa 1930-1937
2 A869-A870
Men's Costume - Photographs
Blanche Payne (photographer)
circa 1930-1937
Costume Pieces - Photographs
Box item
2 A871-A872
Man's wedding shirt front
Blanche Payne (photographer)
Original piece found in Henry Art Gallery collection, catalog number TC 92.10-55.
August, 31, 1938
Box item
6 A873 circa 1930-1937
Box item
6 A874 circa 1930-1937
6 A875 circa 1930-1937
6 A876 circa 1930-1937
Stružec (near Popovača and Sisak)
Box item
2 A877
Men's Costume - Photographs
Croatian National Museum, Zagreb (photographer)
circa 1930-1937
Between Stupnik and Hrvatski Leskovac (near Blato neighborhood of Zagreb)
Box item
2 A878-A881
General Costume - Photographs
Croatian National Museum, Zagreb (photographer)
circa 1930-1937
Box item
2 A882-A890
Women's Costume - Photographs
Blanche Payne (photographer)
circa 1930-1937
6 A891 circa 1930-1937
Students from the University of Washington modeling costume pieces from the Henry Art Gallery collections
Box item
2 A892-A894
Costume one; front view
Blanche Payne (photographer)
circa 1930-1937
2 A895-A896
Costume one; back view
Blanche Payne (photographer)
circa 1930-1937
2 A897-A898
Costume one; with head kerchief, front view
Blanche Payne (photographer)
circa 1930-1937
2 A899
Costume one; with head kerchief, side view
Blanche Payne (photographer)
circa 1930-1937
2 A900
Costume one; with head kerchief, back view
Blanche Payne (photographer)
circa 1930-1937
2 A901-A903
Costume two; front view
Blanche Payne (photographer)
circa 1930-1937
2 A904-A905
Costume two; with head kerchief, front view
Blanche Payne (photographer)
circa 1930-1937
2 A906
Costume three; front view
Blanche Payne (photographer)
circa 1930-1937
Costume Pieces - Photographs
Box item
2 A907
Woman's outer garment
Blanche Payne (photographer)
circa 1930-1937
2 A908
Peča (woman's head kerchiefs)
Blanche Payne (photographer)
circa 1930-1937
2 A909
Peča (woman's head kerchief)
Blanche Payne (photographer)
Original piece found in the Henry Art Gallery collection, catalog number TC 78.3-7, t6.
circa 1930-1937
2 A910
Peča (woman's head kerchiefs)
Blanche Payne (photographer)
Original piece found in the Henry Art Gallery collection, catalog number TC 92.10-112.
circa 1930-1937
2 A911
Poculica (woman's cap)
Blanche Payne (photographer)
Original piece found in the Henry Art Gallery collection, catalog number TC 92.10-253, t4.
circa 1930-1937
2 A912-A913
Opleće (woman's blouse)
Blanche Payne (photographer)
Original piece found in the Henry Art Gallery collection, catalog number TC 92.10-253, t3. Same blouse being modeled by student in costume one, A892-A899.
circa 1930-1937
Sunjska Greda (near Sisak)
Box item
2 A914
Women's Costume - Photographs
Croatian National Museum, ZagrebEthnographic Museum Zagreb, Croatia (photographer)
circa 1930-1937
Costume Pieces - Photographs
Box item
2 A915
Zastor (woman's pleated skirt)
Blanche Payne (photographer)
circa 1930-1937
2 A916-A917
Poculica (woman's cap)
Blanche Payne (photographer)
Original piece found in the Henry Art Gallery collection, catalog number TC 78.3-6, t4.
circa 1930-1937
Sveta Nedjelja (near Samobor)
Box item
2 A918
Women's Costume - Photographs
Croatian National Museum, ZagrebEthnographic Museum Zagreb, Croatia (photographer)
circa 1930-1937
6 A919 circa 1930-1937
Sveti Ivan Zelina
Box item
2 A920
Zobun (long wool coat)
Croatian National Museum, Zagreb (photographer)
circa 1930-1937
Box item
6 A921 circa 1930-1937
6 A922 circa 1930-1937
6 A923-A929
Town of Šibenik (architecture) - Postcards
circa 1930-1937
Šišljavić (near Karlovac)
Box item
2 A930
Men's Costume - Photographs
Croatian National Museum, ZagrebEthnographic Museum Zagreb, Croatia (photographer)
circa 1930-1937
Box item
2 A931-A936
Women's Costume - Photographs
Croatian National Museum, Zagreb (photographer)
circa 1930-1937
Women's Costume - Photographs
Box item
2 A937-A948
Women in costume
Blanche Payne (photographer)
circa 1930-1937
2 A949
Woman demonstrating jalba technique of making the white plaited cap of Trg
Croatian National Museum, Zagreb (photographer)
circa 1930-1937
2 A950
Woman in costume
Ethnographic Museum Zagreb, Croatia (photographer)
circa 1930-1937
Box item
6 A951
Costume Pieces - Postcards
circa 1930-1937
Box item
6 A952 circa 1930-1937
6 A953-A954
Town of Trogir (architecture) - Postcards
circa 1930-1937
Box item
6 A955 circa 1930-1937
6 A956 circa 1930-1937
Box item
2 A957-A958
Women's Costume - Photographs
A958 has notes about costume details on back
circa 1930-1937
Box item
6 A959-A961 circa 1930-1937
6 A962-A964 circa 1930-1937
6 A965 circa 1930-1937
6 A966-A967 circa 1930-1937
Vrbnik (near Knin)
Box item
6 A968 circa 1930-1937
6 A969 circa 1930-1937
Box item
2 A970
Women's Costume - Photographs
Croatian National Museum, ZagrebEthnographic Museum Zagreb, Croatia (photographer)
circa 1930-1937
Now Gvozd
Box item
2 A971
Women's Costume - Photographs
Blanche Payne (photographer)
Notes about location on back.
circa 1930-1937
Box item
2 A972-A978
General Costume - Photographs
Blanche Payne (photographer)
All have notes about costume details, subject, or location on back
circa 1930-1937
6 A979-A980 circa 1930-1937
Women's Costume - Photographs
Box item
2 A981-A989
Women in costume
Blanche Payne (photographer)
Notes about costume details and locations on backs of A981-A985.A988 appears to be the reference for watercolor Plate 14, PH Coll 380.A1686, created by Olga Benson.
circa 1930-1937
5 A990-A991
Woman in costume
Ethnographic Museum in Belgrade, Serbia (photographer)
circa 1930-1937
Box item
6 A992 circa 1930-1937
2 A993-A1008
Men's Costume - Photographs
Blanche Payne (photographer)
A995 and A997 havenotes about costume details and subjects on back.
circa 1930-1937
2 A1009-A1011
Costume Pieces - Photographs
circa 1930-1937
6 A1012-A1035 circa 1930-1937
Box item
6 A1036 circa 1930-1937
Between Vukovar and Srem
Box item
2 A1037
Men's Costume - Photographs
Ethnographic Museum in Belgrade, Serbia (photographer)
circa 1930-1937
Vukšin Šipak (near Draganić and Jastrebarsko)
Box item
2 A1038
General Costume - Photographs
Ethnographic Museum Zagreb, Croatia (photographer)
circa 1930-1937
Box item
2 A1039-A1040
Costume Pieces - Photographs
circa 1930-1937
Zagorje Region
Box item
6 A1041 circa 1930-1937
6 A1042 circa 1930-1937
Box item
2 A1043
General Costume - Photographs
Croatian National Museum, ZagrebEthnographic Museum Zagreb, Croatia (photographer)
circa 1930-1937
6 A1044-A1045 circa 1930-1937
6 A1046 circa 1930-1937
Zagreb (Bistra and Brezovica)
Box item
2 A1047
Costume Pieces - Photographs
Croatian National Museum, Zagreb (photographer)
circa 1930-1937
Zagreb (Brezovica)
Box item
2 A1048-A1053
Women's Costume - Photographs
Croatian National Museum, ZagrebEthnographic Museum Zagreb, Croatia (photographer)
circa 1930-1937
6 A1054 circa 1930-1937
Costume Pieces - Photographs
Box item
2 A1055
Costume piece
Croatian National Museum, ZagrebEthnographic Museum Zagreb, Croatia (photographer)
circa 1930-1937
2 A1056
Costume piece
Croatian National Museum, Zagreb (photographer)
circa 1930-1937
Zagreb (Mikulići)
Box item
2 A1057
General Costume - Photographs
Croatian National Museum, ZagrebEthnographic Museum Zagreb, Croatia (photographer)
circa 1930-1937
Zagreb (Sveti Šimon)
Box item
6 A1058 circa 1930-1937
Zagreb (Šestine)
Box item
2 A1059-A1074
General Costume - Photographs
Blanche Payne (photographer)
circa 1930-1937
6 A1075-A1082 circa 1930-1937
2 A1083-A1111
Women's Costume - Photographs
Blanche Payne (photographer)
circa 1930-1937
6 A1112-A1116 circa 1930-1937
Men's costume - Photographs
Box item
2 A1117-A1137
Men in costume
Blanche Payne (photographer)
circa 1930-1937
2 A1138
Men in costume
Croatian National Museum, ZagrebEthnographic Museum Zagreb, Croatia (photographer)
circa 1930-1937
2 A1139
Men in costume
Miloš Mandić (photographer)
circa 1930-1937
Box item
6 A1140-A1142 circa 1930-1937
Costume Pieces - Photographs
Box item
2 A1143-A1144
Costume pieces
Blanche Payne (photographer)
circa 1930-1937
2 A1145
Jacket (okolica)
Croatian National Museum, ZagrebEthnographic Museum Zagreb, Croatia (photographer)
circa 1930-1937
Box item
6 A1146-A1148
Costume Pieces - Postcards
circa 1930-1937
2 A1149
Costume Production - Photographs
Blanche Payne (photographer)
circa 1930-1937
Zagreb (Vukomerc)
Box item
6 A1150 circa 1930-1937
Zagreb (Wovočice)
Box item
6 A1151 circa 1930-1937
Macedonia (Southern Serbia)
Unidentified towns
Box item
2 A1152-A1153 circa 1930-1937
6 A1154
General Costume - Postcards
circa 1930-1937
Women's Costume - Photographs
Box item
2 A1155-A1156
Women in costume
Blanche Payne (photographer)
circa 1930-1937
2 A1157-A1158
Women in costume
circa 1930-1937
Box item
2 A1159
Men's costume - Photographs
Blanche Payne (photographer)
circa 1930-1937
Men's Costume - Postcards
Box item
6 A1160
Men in costume
Notes about costume details on back
circa 1930-1937
6 A1161 circa 1930-1937
Costume Pieces - Photographs
Box item
2 A1162-A1164
Costume pieces
Blanche Payne (photographer)
circa 1930-1937
2 A1165-A1166
Front and back of garment on mannequin
circa 1930-1937
Box item
6 A1167-A1182
Costume Pieces - Postcards
Embroidery samples
circa 1930-1937
Box item
2 A1183-A1185 circa 1930-1937
Women's Costume - Photographs
Box item
2 A1186-A1190 circa 1930-1937
2 A1191
Portrait of woman in costume, posing with jug
circa 1930-1937
Men's Costume - Photographs
Box item
2 A1192-A1193 circa 1930-1937
2 A1194
Men plowing field
circa 1930-1937
Box item
2 A1195-A1198 circa 1930-1937
6 A1199
Costume Pieces - Postcards
circa 1930-1937
Bukovo (near Bitola)
Box item
2 A1200
Women's Costume - Photographs
circa 1930-1937
2 A1201
Costume Pieces - Photographs
circa 1930-1937
Between Čučer and Sandevo
Box item
2 A1202
General Costume - Photographs
Photographs depict Uncle Lazar and his family.
circa 1930-1937
2 A1203-A1215
Women's Costume - Photographs
Photos depict the bride's announcement party
circa 1930-1937
2 A1216-A1217 circa 1930-1937
Box item
2 A1218-A1220
General Costume - Photographs
Photos depict people at Debar market.
circa 1930-1937
2 A1221-A1226
Women's Costume - Photographs
Photos A1224-A1226 depict a woman in the marketplace wearing kerchief found in Henry Art Gallery collection, catalog number TC 92.10-201.
circa 1930-1937
2 A1227-A1230 circa 1930-1937
Costume Pieces - Photographs
Box item
2 A1231-A1233
Blanche Payne (photographer)
Original costume piece is found in the Henry Art Gallery's collection under catalog number TC 92.10-201.
circa 1930-1937
2 A1234
Woman's chemise front
Blanche Payne (photographer)
Original costume piece is found in the Henry Art Gallery's collection under catalog number TC 92.10-98.
circa 1930-1937
2 A1235
Chemise sleeves
Blanche Payne (photographer)
Original costume piece is found in the Henry Art Gallery's collection under catalog number TC 92.10-95, m1-m2.
circa 1930-1937
Women's Costume - Photographs
Box item
2 A1236-A1239
Women in costume
Blanche Payne (photographer)
circa 1930-1937
2 A1240
Women in costume
Ethnographic Museum Zagreb, Croatia (photographer)
circa 1930-1937
Box item
2 A1241-A1242
General Costume - Photographs
Blanche Payne (photographer)
circa 1930-1937
6 A1243-A1245
General Costume - Postcards
A1243 has notes about costume details on back.
circa 1930-1937
2 A1246-A1251
Women's Costume - Photographs
Blanche Payne (photographer)
circa 1930-1937
6 A1252 circa 1930-1937
2 A1253
Men's costume - Photographs
Blanche Payne (photographer)
circa 1930-1937
6 A1254
Men's Costume - Postcards
Notes about costume details on back.
circa 1930-1937
Box item
6 A1255
Costume Pieces - Postcards
Short jacket with sleeves (mintan)
circa 1930-1937
Box item
2 A1256
Costume Pieces - Photographs
Woman's chemise (kosulja) sleeves from Kičevo and near Ohrid.
circa 1930-1937
Box item
2 A1257-A1259
General Costume - Photographs
Blanche Payne (photographer)
circa 1930-1937
2 A1260-A1261
Women's Costume - Photographs
Blanche Payne (photographer)
circa 1930-1937
2 A1262-A1263
Men's Costume - Photographs
Blanche Payne (photographer)
circa 1930-1937
Costume Pieces - Photographs
Box item
2 A1264-A1265
Woman's apron (futa)
Blanche Payne (photographer)
Original costume piece is in the Henry Art Gallery's collection under catalog number TC 92.10-246, t6.
November 25, 1938
2 A1266-A1267
Woman's chemise (kosulja)
Blanche Payne (photographer)
Original costume piece in the Henry Art Gallery's collection, under catalog number TC 92.10-246, t1.
circa 1930-1937
2 A1268
Woman's outer garment
Blanche Payne (photographer)
Original costume piece in the Henry Art Gallery's collection, under catalog number TC 92.10-246, t2
November 25, 1938
2 A1269-A1270
Woman's vest
Blanche Payne (photographer)
Original costume piece in the Henry Art Gallery's collection, under catalog number TC 92.10-246, t3.
circa 1930-1937
Costume Pieces - Postcards
Box item
6 A1271
Long wool coat (zobun)
circa 1930-1937
6 A1272
Embroidered fabric piece
circa 1930-1937
Mariovo Region
Box item
2 A1273
Women's Costume - Photographs
circa 1930-1937
Mavrovi Hanovi
Now known as Mavrovi Anovi
Box item
2 A1274-A1275
General Costume - Photographs
Blanche Payne (photographer)
circa 1930-1937
2 A1276-A1284
Women's Costume - Photographs
Blanche Payne (photographer)
circa 1930-1937
Neprosteno (near Tetovo)
Box item
2 A1285-A1288
General Costume - Photographs
Blanche Payne (photographer)
circa 1930-1937
Box item
2 A1289-A1290
General Costume - Photographs
Blanche Payne (photographer)
circa 1930-1937
2 A1291-A1292
Town of Nerezi
Blanche Payne (photographer)
Photo A1292 depicts cloth stretched on the mountainside to bleach.
circa 1930-1937
2 A1293
Costume Pieces - Photographs
Blanche Payne (photographer)
Woman's chemise (kosulja)
circa 1930-1937
Costume Pieces - Photographs
Box item
2 A1294
Woman's chemise (kosulja) sleeves
Blanche Payne (photographer)
Sleeve on the left is found in the Henry Art Gallery collection, catalog number TC 92.10-153 (and possibly also 92.10-99); sleeve on the right is also from Ohrid, catalog number TC 92.10-155, m1-m2.
November 25, 1938
2 A1295
Woman's chemise (kosulja), back view
Costume piece found in the Henry Art Gallery's collection, under catalog number TC 92.10-275.
circa 1930-1937
Box item
2 A1296-A1299
Travel Photographs
Images depict St. Jovan Cathedral, the town of Ohrid, and Blanche Payne with Dary and Russel at the Roman fort.
circa 1930-1937
2 A1299a circa 1930-1937
Box item
2 A1300
General Costume - Photographs
Blanche Payne (photographer)
circa 1930-1937
2 A1301-A1304
Women's Costume - Photographs
Blanche Payne (photographer)
circa 1930-1937
2 A1305-A1306
Men's Costume - Photographs
Blanche Payne (photographer)
circa 1930-1937
Costume Pieces - Photographs
Box item
2 A1307
Woman's headdress
Blanche Payne (photographer)
Original costume piece is located in the Henry Art Gallery's collection, under catalog number TC 92.10-163.
circa 1930-1937
2 A1308-A1309
Woman's chemise sleeves
Blanche Payne (photographer)
Original costume pieces are located in the Henry Art Gallery collection, under catalog numbers TC 92.10-157, m1-m2
December 17, 1938
2 A1310
Woman's chemise (kosulja)
Blanche Payne (photographer)
Original costume piece is located in the Henry Art Gallery's collection, under catalog number TC 78.3-23.
December 17, 1938
2 A1311
Woman's headdress
Blanche Payne (photographer)
Original costume piece is located in the Henry Art Gallery collection, under catalog number TC 78.3-24.
December 17, 1938
Box item
2 A1312
Town of Prilep
Blanche Payne (photographer)
Fort of Kraljević Marko, Prilep
circa 1930-1937
Box item
2 A1313-A1316
General Costume - Photographs
Blanche Payne (photographer)
A1313 has description about subject and location on back
circa 1930-1937
6 A1317-A1331
General Costume - Postcards
A1317, A1319, and A1328 have notes about costume details and people on back.Images depict groups of people posing, gathering in marketplaces, and participating in kolo dances
circa 1930-1937
2 A1332-A1341
Women's Costume - Photographs
Blanche Payne (photographer)
A1337 has notes about location on back
circa 1930-1937
6 A1342-A1343
Women's Costume - Postcards
Notes about costume details on back
circa 1930-1937
2 A1344-A1349
Men's costume - Photographs
Blanche Payne (photographer)
circa 1930-1937
2 A1350-A1351 circa 1930-1937
2 A1352-A1353
Costume Pieces - Photographs
Blanche Payne (photographer)
circa 1930-1937
Skopska Blatija
Costume Pieces - Photographs
Box item
2 A1354
Woman's chemise (kosulja)
Blanche Payne (photographer)
Original costume piece is in the Henry Art Gallery's collection, under catalog number TC 92.10-276
circa 1930-1937
Skopska Crna Gora Region
Box item
2 A1355-A1356
General Costume - Photographs
Blanche Payne (photographer)
circa 1930-1937
6 A1357-A1358 circa 1930-1937
2 A1359-A1364
Women's Costume - Photographs
Blanche Payne (photographer)
circa 1930-1937
6 A1365
Women's Costume - Postcards
circa 1930-1937
Costume Pieces - Photographs
Box item
2 A1366-A1368
Woman's outer garment (dolama), front and back views
Blanche Payne (photographer)
Original costume piece is in the Henry Art Gallery's collection, under catalog number TC 78.3-19, t1.
circa 1930-1937
2 A1369
Woman's wedding chemise (krstovi), back view
Blanche Payne (photographer)
Original costume piece is in Henry Art Gallery's collection, under catalog number TC 78.3-19, t2.
circa 1930-1937
2 A1370-A1371 circa 1930-1937
2 A1372
Woman's chin strap
Original costume piece found in Henry Art Gallery's collection, under catalog number TC 92.10-151.
circa 1930-1937
2 A1373-A1374
Woman's apron
Original costume piece found in Henry Art Gallery's collection, under catalog number TC 92.10-152.
November 25, 1938
Box item
2 A1375
General Costume - Photographs
Blanche Payne (photographer)
circa 1930-1937
2 A1376-A1393
Women's Costume - Photographs
Blanche Payne (photographer)
circa 1930-1937
6 A1394-A1397 circa 1930-1937
2 A1398 circa 1930-1937
2 A1399-A1401
Men's costume - Photographs
Blanche Payne (photographer)
circa 1930-1937
6 A1402 circa 1930-1937
Costume Pieces - Photographs
This is almost a complete costume that is held in the Henry Art Gallery. Pieces from this costume are shown worn by resident of Smilevo in images PH Coll 380.A1382-A1387, as well as modeled by a student from the University of Washington in image PH Coll 380.A1398.
Box item
2 A1403-A1404
Woman's chemise (kosulja)
Blanche Payne (photographer)
Original piece found in Henry Art Gallery collection, under catalog number TC 78.3-20, t2.
circa 1930-1937
2 A1405-A1407
Woman's outer garment, front and back views
Blanche Payne (photographer)
Original costume piece found in Henry Art Gallery collection, under catalog number TC 92.10-252, t1.
December 17, 1938
2 A1408
Woman's sash
Blanche Payne (photographer)
Original costume piece found in Henry Art Gallery collection, catalog number TC 92.10-252, t5
circa 1930-1937
2 A1409
Woman's wedding headdress (sokaj)
Blanche Payne (photographer)
Original costume piece found in Henry Art Gallery collection, catalog number TC 92.10-252, t7
circa 1930-1937
2 A1410
Woman's wedding apron
Blanche Payne (photographer)
Original costume piece found in Henry Art Gallery collection, catalog number TC 92.10-252, t3
circa 1930-1937
Box item
2 A1411
Town of Smilevo
Blanche Payne (photographer)
circa 1930-1937
Box item
2 A1412-A1413
Women's Costume - Photographs
Blanche Payne (photographer)
circa 1930-1937
Sveti Nikita
Now Sveti Nikola
Box item
2 A1414-A1418
General Costume - Photographs
These images depict people performing a kolo dance near fields
circa 1930-1937
Box item
2 A1419
General Costume - Photographs
Blanche Payne (photographer)
circa 1930-1937
2 A1420-A1421
Women's Costume - Photographs
Blanche Payne (photographer)
circa 1930-1937
2 A1422-A1423
Men's Costume - Photographs
Blanche Payne (photographer)
circa 1930-1937
Costume Pieces - Photographs
Box item
2 A1424
Woman's chemise (kosulja)
Croatian National Museum, Zagreb (photographer)
Box item
2 A1425-A1427
General Costume - Photographs
Blanche Payne (photographer)
These images depict a young married couple winding yarn around the St. Demetrius Orthodox Church to ensure the birth of a child.
circa 1930-1937
2 A1428
Men's Costume - Photographs
Blanche Payne (photographer)
circa 1930-1937
Unidentified towns
Older man and woman are the Montenegrin couple who own the hotel in Peć, Kosovo
Box item
2 A1429
General Costume - Photographs
Blanche Payne (photographer)
circa 1930-1937
6 A1430-A1431 circa 1930-1937
2 A1432-A1433
Women's Costume - Photographs
Blanche Payne (photographer)
circa 1930-1937
6 A1434 circa 1930-1937
2 A1435-A1438
Men's costume - Photographs
Blanche Payne (photographer)
circa 1930-1937
6 A1439 circa 1930-1937
Costume Pieces - Photographs
Box item
2 A1440
Woman's blouse
Blanche Payne (photographer)
Original costume piece found in the Henry Art Gallery collection, catalog number TC 92.10-188
circa 1930-1937
2 A1441
Man's vest
Blanche Payne (photographer)
Original costume piece found in the Henry Art Gallery collection, catalog number TC 2003.1-170, t3 (but might be incorrectly listed)
ca. 1970s
Box item
2 A1442-A1445
Women's Costume - Photographs
Blanche Payne (photographer)
These images depict Mrs. Ike Radonović, and her daughter Bosiljka Radonović.
circa 1930-1937
Costume Pieces - Photographs
Box item
2 A1446-A1447
Woman's belt
Blanche Payne (photographer)
Belt belonged to Mrs. Ike Radonović's mother, and is worn by her in images 6301.1-3.
circa 1930-1937
2 A1448-A1449
Man's coat
Blanche Payne (photographer)
Coat belongs to Mr. Radonović. Hard to tell from thumbnail, but could possibly be in Henry Art Gallery collection, catalog number TC 2003.1-170, t4.
circa 1930-1937
Box item
6 A1450 circa 1930-1937
Box item
6 A1451 circa 1930-1937
Box item
2 A1452
Costume Pieces - Photographs
Ethnographic Museum in Belgrade, Serbia (photographer)
circa 1930-1937
Unidentified Towns in Serbia
Box item
2 A1453-A1454
Women's Costume - Photographs
Blanche Payne (photographer)
circa 1930-1937
2 A1455-A1458 circa 1930-1937
Costume Pieces - Photographs
Box item
2 A1459
Man's short jacket (ćurče)
Note on back about costume details
circa 1930-1937
Box item
2 A1460 circa 1930-1937
Also listed as Beograd
Box item
6 A1461
General Costume - Postcards
circa 1930-1937
Women's Costume - Photographs
Box item
2 A1462
Old town costume of Belgrade (back view)
Blanche Payne (photographer)
Notes about costume details on back
circa 1930-1937
2 A1463
Various costumes from near Belgrade, from 50 to 60 years old
Ethnographic Museum in Belgrade, Serbia (photographer)
circa 1870-1880
2 A1464
Costumes from between Belgrade and Umka
Ethnographic Museum in Belgrade, Serbia (photographer)
circa 1930-1937
Box item
6 A1465
Women's Costume - Postcards
circa 1930-1937
6 A1466
Costume Pieces - Postcards
circa 1959
Belgrade (Sopott)
Box item
2 A1467
Men's Costume - Photographs
Ethnographic Museum in Belgrade, Serbia (photographer)
From Sopott, suburb of Belgrade
circa 1930-1937
Belgrade (Topčider park)
Box item
2 A1468
General Costume - Photographs
Blanche Payne (photographer)
circa 1930-1937
2 A1469-A1478
Women's Costume - Photographs
Blanche Payne (photographer)
A1477-A1478 depict women's costume during Petrovdan, an Orthodox holiday.
circa 1930-1937
2 A1479
Men's Costume - Photographs
Blanche Payne (photographer)
circa 1930-1937
Belgrade (Umka)
Box item
2 A1480-A1482
Costume of bride and wedding party
Ethnographic Museum in Belgrade, Serbia (photographer)
circa 1930-1937
Box item
2 A1483-A1484
Women's Costume - Photographs
Ethnographic Museum in Belgrade, Serbia (photographer)
circa 1930-1937
Box item
2 A1485
Women's Costume - Photographs
Ethnographic Museum in Belgrade, Serbia (photographer)
circa 1930-1937
6 A1486
Women's Costume - Postcards
circa 1930-1937
Lužica (in Czech Republic, near Germany)
Box item
2 A1487
Women's Costume - Photographs
Ethnographic Museum in Belgrade, Serbia (photographer)
circa 1930-1937
Box item
2 A1488
Women's Costume - Photographs
Blanche Payne (photographer)
circa 1930-1937
Pirot District
Box item
2 A1489-1491
Women's Costume - Photographs
Ethnographic Museum in Belgrade, Serbia (photographer)
Notes about costume terminology on the backs
circa 1930-1937
5 A1492
Women's costume - Postcards
circa 1930-1937
2 A1493-A1494
Men's Costume - Photographs
Ethnographic Museum in Belgrade, Serbia (photographer)
circa 1930-1937
Box item
2 A1495
Men's Costume - Photographs
Ethnographic Museum in Belgrade, Serbia (photographer)
circa 1930-1937
Surdulica (near Vlasotinci and Pirot)
Box item
2 A1496
Women's Costume - Photographs
Ethnographic Museum in Belgrade, Serbia (photographer)
circa 1930-1937
2 A1497
Men's Costume - Photographs
Ethnographic Museum in Belgrade, Serbia (photographer)
circa 1930-1937
Šumadija Region
Box item
2 A1498
General Costume - Photographs
Blanche Payne (photographer)
circa 1930-1937
2 A1499-A1506
Women's Costume - Photographs
Blanche Payne (photographer)
circa 1930-1937
6 A1507
Women's Costume - Postcards
circa 1930-1937
2 A1508
Men's Costume - Photographs
Ethnographic Museum in Belgrade, Serbia (photographer)
circa 1930-1937
Costume Pieces - Photographs
Box item
2 A1509-A1511
Shoes (opanke)
Blanche Payne (photographer)
circa 1930-1937
2 A1512-A1514
Vest (front and back view)
Blanche Payne (photographer)
circa 1930-1937
2 A1515-A1516
Blanche Payne (photographer)
circa 1930-1937
2 A1517
Blanche Payne (photographer)
circa 1930-1937
2 A1518
Blanche Payne (photographer)
circa 1930-1937
2 A1519
Woman's outer garment
Ethnographic Museum in Belgrade, Serbia (photographer)
circa 1930-1937
Box item
2 A1520-A1521
Women's Costume - Photographs
Ethnographic Museum in Belgrade, Serbia (photographer)
circa 1930-1937
Serbia (Kosovo)
Kosovo is currently a disputed region in the Balkans. Its majority is governed by the partially-recognised Republic of Kosovo, which has de facto control over the territory, except for some Serb enclaves. Serbia does not recognise the secession of Kosovo and considers it a United Nations-governed entity within its sovereign territory, the Autonomous Province of Kosovo and Metohija, according to the Constitution of Serbia (2006). Kosovo has a high number of Serbs as well as Albanians, including those from Albania, referred to as Arnauti.
Unidentified towns
Box item
2 A1522
General Costume - Photographs
Blanche Payne (photographer)
circa 1930-1937
2 A1523-A1524
Women's Costume - Photographs
Blanche Payne (photographer)
circa 1930-1937
2 A1525-A1528
Men's Costume - Photographs
Blanche Payne (photographer)
circa 1930-1937
Costume Pieces - Postcards
Box item
6 A1529
Head kerchief (marama)
circa 1930-1937
6 A1530
circa 1930-1937
Box item
2 A1531
Gračanica monastery
Blanche Payne (photographer)
circa 1930-1937
Kosovo Polje
Costume Pieces - Postcards
Box item
6 A1532
Back aprons
circa 1930-1937
6 A1533
circa 1930-1937
6 A1534
circa 1930-1937
6 A1535
Embroidered short trouser (Šalvare)
circa 1930-1937
Box item
2 A1536-A1540
General Costume - Photographs
Blanche Payne (photographer)
A1536-A1537 have notes about costume details on back
circa 1930-1937
2 A1541-A1542
Women's Costume - Photographs
Blanche Payne (photographer)
circa 1930-1937
Costume Pieces - Photographs
Box item
2 A1543-A1544
Woman's chemise sleeve fragments
Blanche Payne (photographer)
Original pieces found in Henry Art Gallery collection, catalog number TC 92.10-161
November 25, 1938
Peć (Arnauti People)
The Arnauti are Albanian people who live in Kosovo
Box item
2 A1545-A1549
General Costume - Photographs
Blanche Payne (photographer)
6403.8 had no original print, was printed by UW CSS, neg number 29181
circa 1930-1937
2 A1550-A1552
Women's Costume - Photographs
Blanche Payne (photographer)
circa 1930-1937
2 A1553-A1557
Men's Costume - Photographs
Blanche Payne (photographer)
circa 1930-1937
Costume Pieces - Photographs
Box item
2 A1558
Woman's back apron
Blanche Payne (photographer)
Original costume piece found in the Henry Art Gallery collection, catalog number TC 92.10-223
circa 1930-1937
2 A1559
Woman's stockings
Blanche Payne (photographer)
Original costume piece found in the Henry Art Gallery collection, catalog number TC 92.10-224, m1-m2
circa 1930-1937
Box item
2 A1560-A1563
General Costume - Photographs
Blanche Payne (photographer)
circa 1930-1937
2 A1564-A1565
General Costume (Romani People) - Photographs
Blanche Payne (photographer)
circa 1930-1937
2 A1566
Women's Costume - Photographs
Blanche Payne (photographer)
circa 1930-1937
2 A1567
Men's Costume - Photographs
Blanche Payne (photographer)
circa 1930-1937
Box item
2 A1568
General Costume - Photographs
Blanche Payne (photographer)
circa 1930-1937
Women's Costume - Photographs
Box item
2 A1569
Woman wearing costume in marketplace
Blanche Payne (photographer)
An enlarged copy of this print can be found in Box 8 Folder 1
circa 1930-1937
2 A1570
Portrait of woman in costume
Ethnographic Museum in Belgrade, Serbia (photographer)
circa 1930-1937
Box item
6 A1571
Women's Costume - Postcards
circa 1930-1937
2 A1572
Men's Costume - Photographs
Blanche Payne (photographer)
Turkish man
circa 1930-1937
Costume Pieces - Photographs
Box item
2 A1573-A1575
Woman's chemise (kosulja) border and fragment
Blanche Payne (photographer)
Original costume pieces found in Henry Art Gallery collection, catalog number TC 92.10-159 (border) and TC 92.10-158 (fragment)
circa 1930-1937
General Costume - Postcards
Box item
6 A1576
Short jacket with sleeves (mintan)
circa 1930-1937
Box item
2 A1577-A1579
General Costume - Photographs
Man and woman from other photographs, wearing the same costumes.
circa 1930-1937
2 A1580-A1594
Women's Costume - Photographs
Blanche Payne (photographer)
Woman is the same in all photographs. She is wearing the same costume, but the views are of the front, back, and sides, and sometimes she is wearing different kerchiefs.
circa 1930-1937
2 A1595-A1597
Men's Costume - Photographs
Blanche Payne (photographer)
Same man in all photographs, wearing floral shirt, leather pants and thigh-high boots, coat, and hat.
circa 1930-1937
2 A1598-A1605
Houses in Slovenia - Photographs
House exteriors and interiors
circa 1930-1937

Yugoslav Costume - Pattern DrawingsReturn to Top

Pattern drawings were originally arranged in numerical order in Blanche Payne's manuscript on regional costume in the former Yugoslavia. Each illustration was on a separate page, with identification and description. However, the drawings themselves appear out of order, with several drawings appearing on one sheet of paper. These drawings were labeled with drawing number and location information in Payne's handwriting. Though there was a preliminary inventory of the drawings, it was decided to treat each sheet of paper as an individual item and describe the drawings that it contains. Each sheet contains drawings from more than one locality. [Not sure if these drawings were created during her trips or after] The item descriptions are taken from the Blanche Payne manuscript.

Container(s) Description Dates
Box/Folder item
9/2 A1606 circa 1930-1937
9/2 A1607 circa 1930-1937
9/2 A1608
Unlabeled pattern drawing
Note on drawing says "omit."
circa 1930-1937
9/2 A1609 circa 1930-1937
9/2 A1610 circa 1930-1937
9/2 A1611 circa 1930-1937
9/2 A1612
Scale drawings of a coat and waistcoat from Kosovo Polje, Serbia (Kosovo).
Payne manuscript pattern illustrations 7b and 7c.
circa 1930-1937
9/2 A1613 circa 1930-1937
9/2 A1614 circa 1930-1937
9/2 A1615 circa 1930-1937
9/2 A1616 circa 1930-1937
9/3 A1617 circa 1930-1937
9/3 A1618 circa 1930-1937
9/3 A1619 circa 1930-1937
9/3 A1620 circa 1930-1937
9/3 A1621 circa 1930-1937
9/3 A1622 circa 1930-1937
9/3 A1623 circa 1930-1937
9/3 A1624 circa 1930-1937
9/3 A1625 circa 1930-1937
9/3 A1626 circa 1930-1937
9/3 A1627 circa 1930-1937
9/4 A1628 circa 1930-1937
9/4 A1629-A1630 circa 1930-1937
9/4 A1631 circa 1930-1937
9/4 A1632 circa 1930-1937
9/4 A1633 circa 1930-1937
9/4 A1634 circa 1930-1937
9/4 A1635 circa 1930-1937
9/4 A1636 circa 1930-1937
9/4 A1637 circa 1930-1937
9/5 A1638 circa 1930-1937
9/5 A1639 circa 1930-1937
9/5 A1640 circa 1930-1937
9/5 A1641 circa 1930-1937
9/5 A1642
Scale drawing of a man's shirt from Banja Luka, Bosnia.
Payne manuscript pattern illustration 54
circa 1930-1937
9/5 A1643 circa 1930-1937
9/5 A1644
Scale drawing of embroidery from a cap from Livno, Herzegovina.
Payne manuscript pattern illustrations 57
circa 1930-1937
9/5 A1645 circa 1930-1937
9/5 A1646
Scale drawings of a dress (kosulja) from Mrkonjić Grad, Bosnia.
Payne manuscript pattern illustration 58b
circa 1930-1937
9/6 A1647 circa 1930-1937
9/6 A1648 circa 1930-1937
9/6 A1649 circa 1930-1937
9/6 A1650 circa 1930-1937
9/6 A1651 circa 1930-1937
9/6 A1652
Scale drawing of a blouse from Vrlika, Croatia.
Payne manuscript pattern illustrations 69
circa 1930-1937
9/6 A1653 circa 1930-1937
9/6 A1654
Scale drawings of a blouse and short jacket (sadak) from Obrovac, Croatia.
Payne manuscript pattern illustrations 71 and 72b
circa 1930-1937
9/6 A1655 circa 1930-1937
9/6 A1656 circa 1930-1937
9/7 A1657 circa 1930-1937
9/7 A1658 circa 1930-1937
9/7 A1659 circa 1930-1937
9/7 A1660 circa 1930-1937
9/7 A1661 circa 1930-1937
9/7 A1662 circa 1930-1937
9/7 A1663 circa 1930-1937
9/7 A1664
Scale drawing of a shirt from Potočec, Croatia.
Payne manuscript pattern illustration 87
circa 1930-1937
9/7 A1665 circa 1930-1937
9/7 A1666 circa 1930-1937
9/8 A1667 circa 1930-1937
9/8 A1668 circa 1930-1937
9/8 A1669
Scale drawing of a woman's blouse from Đakovo, Croatia.
Payne manuscript pattern illustration 105a
circa 1930-1937
9/8 A1670 circa 1930-1937
9/8 A1671
Scale drawing of a shirt from Đakovo, Croatia.
Payne manuscript pattern illustration 109
circa 1930-1937
9/8 A1672
Scale drawing of a coat from the Slavonia region of Croatia.
Payne manuscript pattern illustration 111
circa 1930-1937

Yugoslav Costume - Watercolors by Olga BensonReturn to Top

The Olga Benson watercolor paintings are arranged in the order that they appeared in Blanche Payne's unpublished manuscript on regional costume in the former Yugoslavia. They also retain the original handwritten captions. The last watercolor is not by Benson, but was transferred from the Museum of History and Industry, via the Henry Art Gallery.

Container(s) Description Dates
Box/Folder item
10/1 A1673 circa 1930-1937
10/2 A1674 circa 1930-1937
10/3 A1675 circa 1930-1937
10/4 A1676 circa 1930-1937
10/5 A1677 circa 1930-1937
10/6 A1678 circa 1930-1937
10/7 A1679
Young girl of Montenegro (Crna Gora)
Montenegro is called Crna Gora in Montenegrin.
circa 1930-1937
10/8 A1680 circa 1930-1937
10/9 A1681 circa 1930-1937
10/10 A1682 circa 1930-1937
10/11 A1683 circa 1930-1937
10/12 A1684 circa 1930-1937
10/13 A1685 circa 1930-1937
10/14 A1686
Matron of Vrlika, Dalmatia Region, Croatia
This painting seems to use photograph PH Coll 380.A988 as a reference.
circa 1930-1937
10/15 A1687 circa 1930-1937
10/16 A1688 circa 1930-1937
10/17 A1689 circa 1930-1937
10/18 A1690 circa 1930-1937
10/19 A1691 circa 1930-1937
10/20 A1692 circa 1930-1937
10/21 A1693 circa 1930-1937
10/22 A1694 circa 1930-1937
10/23 A1695 circa 1930-1937
10/24 A1696 circa 1930-1937
10/25 A1697 circa 1930-1937

Other Regional Costume - Photographs and PostcardsReturn to Top

Photographs and postcards that Blanche Payne took and collected during her collecting trips in 1930 and 1936-1937. Some images have only been identified as to region.

Container(s) Description Dates
Unidentified Countries
Box item
3 B1-B2
Costume Pieces - Photographs
Blanche Payne (photographer)
circa 1930-1937
5 B3
Costume pieces - Large Photographs
Blanche Payne (photographer)
circa 1930-1937
Box item
7 B4
Women's Costume - Postcards
circa 1930-1960
7 B5
Men's Costume - Postcards
Including the towns of Skadar/Scutari (now Shkodër), Tirana, Durazzo (now Durrës), and the mountains near the Serbian border
General Costume - Photographs
Box item
3 B6-B13
Men and women in costume
Blanche Payne (photographer)
circa 1930-1937
3 B14
Man and woman in costume
Ethnographic Museum in Belgrade, Serbia (photographer)
circa 1930-1937
Box item
7 B15
General Costume - Postcards
circa 1930-1960
3 B16-B21
Women's Costume - Photographs
Blanche Payne (photographer)
circa 1930-1937
3 B22 circa 1930-1937
7 B23-B43 circa 1930-1960
Men's Costume - Photographs
Box item
3 B44-B52
Men in costume
Blanche Payne (photographer)
circa 1930-1937
3 B53-B55
Men in costume
Ethnographic Museum in Belgrade, Serbia (photographer)
circa 1930-1937
Box item
7 B56-B68 circa 1930-1960
3 B69-B74
Costume Pieces - Photographs
Blanche Payne (photographer)
circa 1930-1937
7 B75
Costume Pieces - Postcards
circa 1930-1960
Box item
7 B76
Women's Costume - Postcards
circa 1930-1960
Box item
7 B77-B100 circa 1930-1960
7 B101-B110
Women's Costume - Postcards
circa 1930-1960
7 B111-B118
Men's Costume - Postcards
circa 1930-1960
7 B119-B121
Interiors of Buildings - Postcards
circa 1930-1960
Box item
7 B122-B124
General Costume - Postcards
circa 1930-1960
3 B125
Women's Costume - Photographs
Women embellishing textiles
circa 1930-1937
7 B126-B129
Women's Costume - Postcards
circa 1920-1930
7 B130
Costume Pieces - Postcards
circa 1920-1930
Regional costume in north Bulgaria and south Bulgaria, and the towns of Sliven, Kustendil, Sofia, Samokov, Rhodopes Mountains, Stara Zagora, Jambol. Events include the Festival of St. Lazarus, national dance ("choro" or "horo"), hay-making, bleaching linen, shelling beans, curing tobacco, washing at the river, carnival, and weaving.
General Costume - Photographs
Box item
3 B131-B142
People in costume
Blanche Payne (photographer)
circa 1930-1937
3 B143-B150 circa 1930-1937
Box item
5 B151-B158 circa 1930-1937
3 B159-B165 circa 1930-1937
5 B166-B173 circa 1930-1937
Men's Costume - Photographs
Box item
3 B174
Men in costume
Blanche Payne (photographer)
circa 1930-1937
3 B175-B176 circa 1930-1937
Box item
5 B177-B178 circa 1930-1937
Costume Pieces - Photographs
Box item
3 B179
Detail of textile
Blanche Payne (photographer)
circa 1930-1937
3 B180 circa 1930-1937
Box item
3 B181 circa 1930-1937
Women's Costume - Postcards
Box item
7 B182
Earthenware figure of a woman from the T'ang dynasty (618-906)
7 B183
Black marble bas-relief sculpture depicting an empress and her court, ca. 522 AD
Box item
7 B184
Costume Pieces - Postcards
Imperial Theatrical coat for a female warrior from the 18th century
Unidentified Towns in Czechoslovakia
Box item
3 B185-B190
General Costume - Photographs
Blanche Payne (photographer)
circa 1930-1937
7 B191-B199
General Costume - Postcards
B191 is a booklet that contains 18 images of regional costume and scenery from various localities in Czechoslovakia.
circa 1930-1960
3 B200-B209
Women's Costume - Photographs
Blanche Payne (photographer)
circa 1930-1937
3 B210-B215 circa 1930-1937
7 B216-B238
Women's Costume - Postcards
circa 1930-1960
Men's Costume - Photographs
Box item
3 B239-B245
Men in costume
Blanche Payne (photographer)
circa 1930-1937
3 B246
Man wearing costume
Unknown (photographer)
circa 1930-1937
Box item
7 B247-B258
Men's Costume - Postcards
circa 1930-1960
3 B259-B269 circa 1930-1937
7 B270-B271
Towns and countryside in Czechoslovakia - Postcards
circa 1930-1960
Czech Republic
Images of people, markets, regions, and towns in the Czech Republic, including Jasina, Mherskj Zrovharovia, Český Krumlov, and Uherské Hradiště.
Box item
3 B272-B277
General Costume - Photographs
Blanche Payne (photographer)
circa 1930-1937
3 B278-B279
Women's Costume - Photographs
Blanche Payne (photographer)
circa 1930-1937
3 B280-B281
Men's Costume - Photographs
Blanche Payne (photographer)
circa 1930-1937
3 B282-B289 circa 1930-1937
Images of regional costume from the region of Bohemia, including the towns of Dolany, Orlavy, Plasy, Koniggratz, Podeprodu, and Chovsko
Box item
5 B290-B291
General Costume - Large Photographs
Unknown (photographer)
circa 1930-1937
5 B292-B297
Women's Costume - Large Photographs
Unknown (photographer)
circa 1930-1937
3 B298
Costume Pieces - Photographs
Unknown (photographer)
circa 1930-1937
Including the towns of Breclav, Brod, Kostice, Hroznová Lhota, Stare Mesto, Starý Hcozenkov, Tavarinka, Uherský Brod,Veleling, and Velka.
Box item
3 B299-B306
General Costume - Photographs
Unknown (photographer)
circa 1930-1937
3 B307-B308
Women's Costume - Photographs
Unknown (photographer)
circa 1930-1937
5 B309
Women's Costume - Large Photographs
Unknown (photographer)
circa 1930-1937
3 B310 circa 1930-1937
Slovakia (Slovak Republic)
Images of people, markets, regions, and towns in Slovakia (now known as the Slovak Republic), including Bratislava, Chesove, Čičmany, Derova, Detva, Dobrá Niva, Dolné Srnie, Fryvald, Istebné, Kecerovski, Lataj, Manyin, Mitra, Modra, Novi Mesto, Osada-Liptov, Pastony, Stankovce, Stara Tura, Trievidza, Urbovce, Uyjava, Vajnary, Važci, Vlčnov, Zacuch, and Zvolen.
General Costume - Photographs
Box item
4 B311-B313
Men and women in costume
Blanche Payne (photograph)
circa 1930-1937
4 B314-B320 circa 1930-1937
Box item
5 B321-B322 circa 1930-1937
Women's Costume - Photographs
Box item
4 B323a-B336
Women in costume
Blanche Payne (photograph)
circa 1930-1937
4 B337-B347 circa 1930-1937
Box item
5 B348-B351 circa 1930-1937
4 B352-B354 circa 1930-1937
5 B355-B357 circa 1930-1937
4 B358-B365 circa 1930-1937
Box item
7 B366-B372
General Costume - Postcards
circa 1930-1960
5 B373
Women's Costume - Large Photographs
Danish Folk Museum (photographer)
Woman preparing Easter dinner in Sealand, Denmark.
circa 1930-1960
7 B374-B380
Women's Costume - Postcards
circa 1930-1960
Box item
4 B381-B382
General Costume - Photographs
Blanche Payne (photographer)
circa 1930-1960
7 B383-B384
General Costume - Postcards
circa 1930-1960
4 B385
Women's Costume - Photographs
Blanche Payne (photographer)
circa 1930-1937
7 B386
Women's Costume - Postcards
circa 1930-1960
4 B387-B389
Men's Costume - Photographs
Blanche Payne (photographer)
8040.2-3, 12
circa 1930-1937
7 B390-B391
Men's Costume - Postcards
circa 1930-1960
5 B392
Costume Pieces - Large Postcards
August 23, 1965
Box item
7 B393-B397
Women's Costume - Postcards
circa 1930-1960
7 B398-B399
Men's Costume - Postcards
circa 1930-1960
7 B400-B405
Costume Pieces - Postcards
circa 1930-1960
Box item
7 B406
Women's Costume - Postcards
circa 1930-1960
7 B407
Costume pieces - Postcards
circa 1930-1960
Box item
4 B408-B409
General Costume - Photographs
P5830.1, 3
General Costume - Postcards
Box item
7 B410
Men and women harvesting fruit in an orchard
December 8, 1901
7 B411
Men and women harvesting fruit in an orchard
7 B412
Illustrated scene of men, women, and children in a parade
Women's Costume - Postcards
Box item
7 B413-B422
Photographic postcards of women in costume from different regions
7 B423-B429
Illustrated postcards of women in costume from different regions
Costume Pieces - Postcards
Box item
7 B430
7 B431
Box item
7 B432
General Costume - Postcards
circa 1930-1937
7 B433-B442
Women's Costume - Postcards
circa 1930-1937
5 B443
Women's Costume - Large Postcards
circa 1930-1937
Images of costume, towns, and farming in Greece, mostly near Florina. Postcard locations include Arakhova, Arcadia, Attica, Bulgaria (Greek refugee), Corfu, Crete, Delphi, Epirus, Megara, Pontus, Thessaly, and Thrace. Costumes depicted include general Greek national costume, as well as Greek National Guard (Euzone Uniform).
Box item
3 B444-B447
General Costume - Photographs
Blanche Payne (photographer)
circa 1930-1937
7 B448-B451 circa 1930-1937
3 B452-B457
Women's Costume - Photographs
Blanche Payne (photographer)
circa 1930-1937
7 B458-B478B circa 1930-1937
Men's Costume - Photographs
Box item
4 B479-B481
Men in costume
Blanche Payne (photographer)
circa 1930-1937
5 B482
Young boys in costume
Near East Foundation, New York, NY (photographer)
circa 1930-1937
Box item
7 B483-B500 circa 1930-1937
4 B501
Costume Pieces - Photographs
Item found in Henry Art Gallery collection, catalog number 92.10-207
circa 1930-1937
4 B502-B506 circa 1930-1937
Box item
5 B507 circa 1930-1937
7 B508
General Costume - Postcards
circa 1930-1937
5 B511-B515 circa 1930-1937
7 B516-B518
Women's Costume - Postcards
circa 1930-1937
5 B519
Costume Pieces - Large Photographs
circa 1930-1937
Box item
7 B520
Women's Costume - Postcards
circa 1930-1937
Postcards depiciting bridal costumes, national dress, Madonna-Girl, Matyóman in cape, shepherds, cattle herdsmen, and localities such as Borsod and Sió.
Box item
4 B521 circa 1930-1937
General Costume - Postcards
Box item
5 B522
Booklet that contains 14 illustrations of women's and men's folk costume, as well as a map of Hungary
circa 1930-1937
7 B523-B526 circa 1930-1937
Box item
4 B527
Women's Costume - Photographs
Blanche Payne (photographer)
circa 1930-1937
5 B528 circa 1930-1937
7 B529-B534 circa 1930-1937
7 B535-B541 circa 1930-1937
7 B542
Hungarian House Interiors - Postcards
circa 1930-1937
Box item
7 B543
General Costume - Postcards
circa 1930-1937
7 B544-B547
Women's Costume - Postcards
circa 1930-1937
Photos take place in Nias.
Box item
5 B548-B549
Men's Costume - Large Photographs
Unknown (photographer)
circa 1930-1937
Box item
7 B550-B551
Women's Costume - Postcards
circa 1930-1937
Costume pieces - Large Photographs
Box item
5 B552
Costume Piece
circa 1930-1937
5 B553
Costume Piece
Scuola Battini, Perugia (photographer)
circa 1930-1937
Box item
7 B554-B555
Costume Pieces - Postcards
circa 1930-1937
Box item
7 B556
Women's Costume - Postcards
circa 1930-1937
7 B557
Costume Pieces - Postcards
circa 1930-1937
Box item
5 B558
General Costume - Large Photographs
March 25, 1949
7 B559
Women's Costume - Postcards
circa 1930-1937
Box item
4 B560-B561
Women's Costume - Photographs
Blanche Payne (photographer)
circa 1930-1937
7 B562
Women's Costume - Postcards
circa 1930-1937
4 B563-B564
Men's Costume - Photographs
Blanche Payne (photographer)
circa 1930-1937
4 B565-B590
Costume Pieces - Photographs
Blanche Payne (photographer)
circa 1930-1937
4 B591
Pyramid in Mexico - Photographs
Blanche Payne (photographer)
circa 1930-1937
7 B592
Pyramid in Mexico - Postcards
circa 1930-1937
Middle East
Box item
4 B593
Women's Costume - Photographs
Blanche Payne (photographer)
Modeled by a female student at the University of Washington.
circa 1930-1937
7 B594
Men's Costume - Postcards
circa 1930-1937
Box item
7 B595
Women's Costume - Postcards
circa 1930-1937
Box item
7 B596
General Costume - Postcards
circa 1930-1937
Box item
7 B597-B608
Women's Costume - Postcards
circa 1930-1937
Box item
7 B609
Women's Costume - Postcards
circa 1930-1937
Box item
5 B610 circa 1930-1937
7 B611
Men's Costume - Postcards
circa 1930-1937
7 B612-B613
Textile Pieces - Postcards
circa 1930-1937
Box item
7 B614-B618
Women's Costume - Postcards
circa 1930-1937
7 B619
Men's Costume - Postcards
circa 1930-1937
Images of costume at various marketplaces in the town of Cluj, and costume from the Carpathians.
Box item
4 B620-B625 circa 1930-1937
4 B626-B628 circa 1930-1937
8 B629-B630 circa 1930-1937
8 B631-B632 circa 1930-1937
Box item
8 B633-B634
Men's Costume - Postcards
circa 1930-1937
Box item
8 B635
General Costume - Postcards
circa 1930-1937
8 B636
General Costume - Postcards
Summer 1933
8 B637
General Costume - Postcards
February 20, circa 1930-1937
8 B638
Women's Costume - Postcards
March 30, 1925
8 B639
Women's Costume - Postcards
February 16, 1936
Box item
8 B640-B653
General Costume - Postcards
B640-B648 is a set of 9 small postcards depicting boys and girls in traditional dress from different regions of Sweden.
circa 1930-1937
8 B654-B655
Women's Costume - Postcards
circa 1930-1937
8 B656
Women's Costume - Postcards
August 4, 1937
Box item
8 B657-B660
General Costume - Postcards
circa 1930-1937
8 B661-B686
Women's Costume - Postcards
circa 1930-1937
8 B687-B689
Men's Costume - Postcards
circa 1930-1937
Box item
8 B690
Women's Costume - Postcards
circa 1930-1937
Images depicting people drying tobacco, washing in the river, and weaving blankets for oxen and horses
Box item
5 B691 circa 1930-1937
5 B692 circa 1930-1937
5 B693-B694 circa 1930-1937
4 B695
Costume Pieces - Photographs
Blanche Payne (photographer)
Note about costume detail on back
circa 1930-1937
8 B696
Costume Pieces - Postcards
circa 1930-1937
Box item
5 B697 circa 1930-1937
Box item
8 B698-B700
Women's Costume - Postcards
circa 1930-1937
8 B701-B703
Men's Costume - Postcards
circa 1930-1937
Miscellaneous Costume
University of Washington students modeling various costumes from Blanche Payne's collection of regional costume, including those from Albania, Croatia, Czechoslovakia, Hungary, Macedonia (?), and the Middle East.
See image PH Coll 380.B22 for close-up of student modeling a costume from Albania. See image PH Coll 380.B210 for close-up of student modeling a costume from former Czechoslovakia. See image PH Coll 380.B527 for close-up of student modeling a costume from Hungary. See image PH Coll 380.B593 for close-up of student modeling a costume from the Middle East.
Box item
4 B704-B705 undated

Travel and Textile Production - PhotographsReturn to Top

Container(s) Description Dates
Travel Photographs
Box item
4 B706a
Envelope previously containing Egypt travel photographs
Blanche Payne (photographer)
circa 1930-1937
4 B706b-B717b
Blanche Payne (photographer)
Images of ruins and boats on a body of water
circa 1930-1937
4 B718-B724
Blanche Payne (photographer)
Places in England, including Canterbury Cathedral, and views of the Thames River and surrounding countryside from Windsor Castle.
circa 1930-1937
Textile Production
Box item
4 B725a
Typed note accompanying textile production photographs
4 B725b-B742
Silk weaving factory and workers in Nanking, China.
5 B743
France - Large Photographs
Blanche Payne (photographer)
circa 1930-1937
5 B744-B749
Guatemala - Large Photographs
Blanche Payne (photographer)
4 B750-B751
Women weaving in Baguio, Philippines.

Names and SubjectsReturn to Top

Subject Terms

  • Clothing and dress--History--Sources
  • Costume--Drawings
  • Costume--History--Sources
  • Costume--Photographs
  • Ethnic costume--Yugoslavia--History--Sources
  • Home economics teachers--Washington (State)--Seattle--Archives
  • Needlework--Drawings
  • Slavs, Southern--Clothing--History--Sources
  • Visual Materials Collections (University of Washington)
  • Women college teachers--Washington (State)--Seattle--Archives
  • Women historians--Washington (State)--Seattle--Archives

Personal Names

  • Payne, Blanche, 1897-1972--Archives

Corporate Names

  • University of Washington--Faculty--Archives