Edith Morgan photograph collection, 1921-1949

Overview of the Collection

Morgan, Edith
Edith Morgan photograph collection
1921-1949 (inclusive)
1936-1949 (bulk)
64 photographic prints
7 ephemera
Collection Number
Photographs and ephemera related to the lives of Edith and Virgil Morgan and family showing grounds, buildings, and staff of Eastern State Hospital in Medical Lake, Washington
University of Washington Libraries, Special Collections
Special Collections
University of Washington Libraries
Box 352900
Seattle, WA
Telephone: 2065431929
Fax: 2065431931
Access Restrictions

Collection is open to the public.

Request at UW


Content DescriptionReturn to Top

The collection contains one album of photographs, clippings, and handwritten captions documenting the lives of Edith and Virgil Morgan, employees of Eastern State Hospital, Medical Lake, Washington. Assembled by Edith Morgan, the album includes the couple's wedding portrait, images of her beauty parlor in the hospital, and photographs of staff events, co-workers, modeled hairstyles, and the hospital's buildings and grounds. The album also contains photographs of her brother and sister-in-law, Fred and Dorothy Ettlich, and her nephews, Ernest and William. Also included are two beauty school certificates and obituaries of Edith Morgan's brother. The album was probably assembled later in her life, as the nostalgic tone of the inscriptions suggests.

Other Descriptive InformationReturn to Top

Eastern State Hospital opened in 1888 as Eastern Washington Hospital for the Insane in Medical Lake, twenty miles southwest of Spokane, Washington.

Administrative InformationReturn to Top

Acquisition Information

Source: Fairlook Antiques, Seattle, Washington, 2003.

Processing Note

Processed by Nicolette Bromberg and Sarah Nelson. The original album has been disbound, but pages are arranged in their original order.

Detailed Description of the CollectionReturn to Top


The following section contains a detailed listing of the materials in the collection.

Container(s) Description Dates
Page item
1 1 Virgil and Edith Morgan wedding portrait
Caption: "Mr. & Mrs. Virgil D. Morgan 'Deedee & Virge' November 16th 1921."
Nov. 1921
2 2a Virgil Morgan Edith Morgan displaying hairstyles
Caption: "A Portrait of 'Kingpin Virge' with photos of his 'Princess Deedee' Nov. 1924."
Nov. 1924
2 2b Edith Morgan modeling hairstyle Nov. 1924
3 3a-b Edith Morgan modeling hairstyle Nov. 1924
4 4a-b Two views of ward employees at Eastern State Hospital, Medical Lake, Wash..
Caption: "A group of our friends and coworkers at Eastern State Hospital, Medical Lake, Wash. 1937 thru 1942."
5 5a-e Five views of women working in the beauty shop with two newspaper articles about the beauty shop
Caption: "Deedee busily engaged in her occupational therapy work. These were rewarding and satisfying days."The first article begins, “Down in the basement under Ward A, Mrs. V. Morgan holds sway in her up-to-date Beauty Shop. With nearly 800 prospective customers, she never has to worry about a business slump.”
6 6a-d Views of the administration building and “Deedee lunch hour rest”
7 7a Grounds and exterior of the women's ward facing south
7 7b Roosevelt Hall
7 7c Greenhouse
7 7d Roosevelt Hall, nurses' home
Caption: "Those of us who rated quarters here were lucky."
8 8a Ambulance entrance and buildings
8 8b South entrance side of the male ward
Caption: "Virgil was charge attendant on Ward One, which covered the entire first floor."
8 8c Virgil Morgan on duty on Ward One
8 8d South entrance of the male ward building
9 9a Women's ward
Caption: "Beauty shop located in lower end of basement."
9 9b Entrance to the male wards
9 9c Grounds and buildings
Caption: "This area was for sitting out and relaxing in the fresh air and sunshine."
9 9d Theater and recreation hall
9 9e Maximum security building
10 10a East entrance of the women's ward building
10 10b Woman in front of building
Caption: "Helen R. in front of Pts. Dining room. She also was one of my assistants in the Beauty Shop."
10 10c-e Hospital grounds covered in snow
10 10f Two women in front of building
Caption: "Ruth and Deedee headed for the chow lines."
11 11a-d Mr. and Mrs. Fred Ettlich family
Fred Ettlich was Edith's brother.Caption: "Doty and Fred with their little new pride and joy [William Ettlich b. Jan. 7, 1936].
ca. 1936
12 12a-b William and Ernest Ettlich
Ernest Ettlich was born Nov. 11, 1937.
ca. 1948
13 13a-f Fred Ernest Ettlich and his family while on his leave from the Seebees during WW II
Fred Ettlich was Edith Morgan’s brother.Caption: "So wonderful having our dear Fred back with us again and he was so happy being home with his Dorothy and boys. We took several pictures, but I gave most of mine to Ernie, those with Fred, Dorothy and boys together—so do not have them to paste in now. Yes, indeed, Doty was home too and so thrilled and happy. She fried chicken and made so many goodies that were favorites of Fred's and we all enjoyed too. Fred's leave was a happy time for all of us, but Doty and I weren’t so happy as we sat in the car the last night and watched the train pull away with Fred, curtains drawn and no lights on!! Such is the ravages of War!"
14 14 Fred Ernest Ettlich with sons, Ernest Earl and William Fred
Caption: "Last photo of brother Fred—Taken with Bill and Ernie, May 31st, 1949 at Crow Point, Columbia River Highway, on way home from Milton—Freewater, Oregon."Accompanying two newspaper obituaries on page with photograph: "Fred served with the Navy Seebees, in the South Pacific, about three years and then he was discharged and came home to be with and again live with his dear ones. He soon adjusted to home life and took up where he had left off. Worked on their place, painting and putting every thing in shape, as well as carrying on with his whole sale equipment business and taking time for his favorite sport fishing. He enjoyed taking his two young sons with him—when suddenly a career ended and Fred left the family again, as the following clippings relate."
May 1949
15 15a-c Dorothy, Ernest, and William Ettlich
Caption: "Time marches on. The boys are grown. Busy getting a good education and our Doty the same sweet efficient Mother."
16 16 Eastern State Hospital employees group at banquet
Caption: "One day we decided we’d throw a feed together quickly and here we are with part of the table and some of the food showing—also the fancy news paper table cloth. Girl who was assigned the job of buying the table covering got busy!! and didn’t get out to buy it. Food was delicious and we had fun!"
17 17 Morse School of Beauty Culture diploma for Edith Morgan, Jan. 26, 1926 Jan. 1926
18 18 Certificate of Award for course of study in permanent waving for Edith Morgan, May 1927
Caption: "The next year I returned to Morse School of Beauty Culture and completed a full course of study in Permanent Waving."
May 1927
19 19 [Virgil Morgan]
Photograph missing.Note explains that Virgil was a barber at the Grand Hotel Barber Shop. The photograph was taken in the early thirties.
20 20a Virgil Morgan
20 20b-c Edith Morgan modeling hairstyle
Caption: "...Here we are set for a night out dining and dancing at The Grand Hotel. Virgil always insisted I pose for several pictures to be sure I'd get a good one..."
21 21a-d Edith Morgan modeling hairstyle
22 22a-b Edith's girlfriends modeling hairstyles
Caption: "My special girlfriends with their 'Deedee hair dos'..."
23 23a-b Edith's girlfriends modeling hairstyles