Archives West Finding Aid
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Eugene Starr Papers, 1911-1988
Overview of the Collection
- Creator
- Starr, Eugene Carl, 1901-
- Title
- Eugene Starr Papers
- Dates
- 1911-1988 (inclusive)19111988
- Quantity
- 115 linear feet, (235 boxes) : ;
- Collection Number
- MSS Starr
- Summary
- Eugene Starr (1901-1988) enjoyed a widespread reputation as a distinguished scientist and engineer. A 1923 graduate of Oregon Agricultural College, he achieved international recognition for his work in the fields of electrical engineering and nuclear physics. In 1958 Starr was awarded the Department of the Interior's highest honor, the Distinguished Service Award, for his work with the Bonneville Power Administration. Starr's papers include personal correspondence and scientific reports, with a focus on his work in nuclear fission and the transmission of high-voltage electricity.
- Repository
Oregon State University Libraries, Special Collections and Archives Research Center
Special Collections and Archives Research Center
121 The Valley Library
Oregon State University
Corvallis OR
Telephone: 5417372075
Fax: 5417378674 - Access Restrictions
Restrictions on
Permission to examine will be granted to qualified researchers upon completion of an "Application for Use" form, and contingent upon the researcher's agreement to abide by the rules and policies governing the use of manuscripts.
- Languages
- English
- Sponsor
- Funding for encoding this finding aid was provided through a grant awarded by the National Endowment for the Humanities.
Biographical NoteReturn to Top
Dr. Eugene Starr enjoyed a widespread reputation as a distinguished scientist, brilliant engineer, and a dedicated public servant. He achieved both national and international recognition for his attainments in the fields of electrical engineering and nuclear physics, and was a pioneer in many areas of high-voltage transmission science, including the development of series and shunt capacitor applications and tests, generator characteristics, circuit breaker advances, and high-voltage transformer and cable problems.
A 1923 graduate of Oregon State University, Starr returned to teach Electrical Engineering from 1927 to 1954. From 1939 to 1954 he also served as consultant to the Bonneville Power Administration, and was its Chief Engineer from 1954 to 1961. In that position he demonstrated outstanding managerial ability and leadership during an era of rapid expansion and technological change. For his professional competence, administrative excellence and dedicated public service, Starr was granted the Department of the Interior's highest honor, the Distinguished Service Award, in 1958.
From the beginning of the Government's program with nuclear fission, Dr. Starr demonstrated a keen professional interest in the field. During World War II he served as consultant to the National Defense Research Committee of the Office of Scientific Research and Development as an official investigator, coordinator and supervisor of important defense projects. In 1946 he was a Civilian Scientific Observer at the Bikini atom bomb tests. Subsequently Mr. Starr was heavily involved in applying nuclear concepts to the generation of electric energy and to correlating such developments with the requirements of the Federal power system in the Pacific Northwest. Beginning in 1961 he served the Bonneville Power Administration as Consulting Engineer specializing in extra-high-voltage AC- DC transmission and in nuclear power development. He later won several prizes for his research papers in the field of high-voltage engineering and aircraft radio coordination. In 1965 he was named Engineer of the Year for Oregon.
Historical NoteReturn to Top
Content DescriptionReturn to Top
The Starr papers - containing nearly 10,000 items and occupying 38 cubic feet of space - are comprised chiefly of personal correspondence and scientific reports, with a focus on Starr's activities in the fields of nuclear fission and high-voltage transmission. Several research programs and publications headed by Starr are detailed within the collection, as are materials related to his work as a classroom instructor and consultant to organizations ranging from the United Nations to the Atomic Energy Commission. The materials in the Starr collection exemplify the practical application of scientific principals in relation to electricity, and help illustrate the peaceful use of nuclear power in the 20th century.
Other Descriptive InformationReturn to Top
Use of the CollectionReturn to Top
Alternative Forms Available
Alternative Forms Available
Preferred Citation
Preferred CitationCourtesy of the Eugene Starr Papers, Special Collections, Oregon State University Libraries.
Administrative InformationReturn to Top
The Starr Papers have received a preliminary arrangement into ten subject-specific series. Further organization within each series is forthcoming.
Preservation Note
Location of Originals
Custodial History
Custodial History
Acquisition Information
Acquisition InformationAccessioned from Dr. Eugene Starr in Fall 1987.
Future Additions
Future Additions
Processing Note
Processing NotePreliminary arrangement by Marci Simmons.
Separated Materials
Separated Materials
Detailed Description of the CollectionReturn to Top
The following section contains a detailed listing of the materials in the collection.
1: High Voltage Transmission, 1911-1988Return to Top
Eugene Starr is perhaps best known for his important contributions to the practice of transmitting high-voltage electricity across distances of many hundreds of miles. The large collection of published papers, internal reports, field data, correspondence and memoranda in Series 1 documents Starr's seven decades of work on the issue of high-voltage transmission. In so doing, the series reflects Starr's interest in engineering and testing reliable transmission systems able to withstand the natural elements while minimizing the risks posed by the systems to humans and other animal life.
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
Box | ||
1.001 | Papers and Presentations by Starr |
1942 |
Folder | ||
1.1 | "Basic Analysis of Electric Power Transmission - Conventional
and Compensated Alternating-Current and Proposed Direct-Current Systems"
(EC Starr) - binder with materials |
1942 |
1.2 | "Basic Analysis of Electric Power Transmission - Conventional
and Compensated Alternating-Current and Proposed Direct-Current Systems"
(EC Starr) Copy 1 |
1942 |
1.3 | "Basic Analysis of Electric Power Transmission - Conventional
and Compensated Alternating-Current and Proposed Direct-Current Systems"
(EC Starr) Copy 2 |
1942 |
1.4 | "Basic Analysis of Electric Power Transmission - Conventional
and Compensated Alternating-Current and Proposed Direct-Current Systems"
(EC Starr) Copy 3 |
1942 |
1.5 | "Basic Analysis of Electric Power Transmission - Conventional
and Compensated Alternating-Current and Proposed Direct-Current Systems"
(EC Starr) Copy 4 |
1942 |
1.002 | Papers and Presentations by Starr |
1926-1927, 1945, 1952, 1979 |
Folder | ||
2.1 | "Dielectric Phase Angle Measurements by Means of the
Cathode-Ray Oscillograph" (EC Starr) |
1926 |
2.2 | "The Cathode-Ray Oscillograph as a High-Voltage Wattmeter" (EC
Starr) |
1927 |
2.3 | "Evaluation of Transmission-System Resistance and Corona Power
Losses" (EC Starr) - 2 copies |
1945 |
2.4 | "The Economy of Higher Transmission Voltages" (EC Starr) - 9
copies, data, calculations, and figures |
1952 |
2.5 | "Electric Power Generation" - revision for Encyclopedia of
Science and Technology |
1979 |
1.003 | Papers and Presentations by Starr |
1960, 1969, 1972, 1980-1981, 1984 |
Folder | ||
3.1 | "Power Circuit Breaker Testing in the Field" - draft of summary
for CIGRE (EC Starr) |
1960 |
3.2 | "Trends of Development in Electric Power Generation and
Transmission" (EC Starr) |
1960 |
3.3 | "Snettisham HVDC Project" (EC Starr) |
1969 |
3.4 | "Transient Performance of Pacific Intertie" (EC
Starr) |
1972 |
3.5 | "The Developments in High Voltage Direct Current - an Overview"
(EC Starr) - 4 copies |
1980 |
3.6 | "Mechanical Model of AC Electric Transmission" (EC Starr) -
original, draft and 23 copies |
1981 |
3.7 | "Generating Resource Protection by Asynchronous Connection to
Network" (EC Starr) |
1984 |
3.8 | "Recent Major Interruptions of Pacific NW-SW AC Intertie" (EC
Starr) - 20 copies |
1984 |
1.004 | Papers and Presentations by Starr |
1938, 1940; undated |
Folder | ||
4.1 | "Artificial Transmission Line Simulating" (EC Starr) - drafts,
data and calculations |
1938 |
4.2 | "Storm Static Radio Interference Phenomena Originating on
Aircraft" (EC Starr) - handwritten draft w/appendices |
4.3 | "Transmission-Line Loading for Maximum Economy of Operation"
(EC Starr) - original drafts |
undated |
4.4 | "Transmission-Line Power and Current Density for Maximum
Economy" (EC Starr) - handwritten draft and calculations |
1940 |
4.5 | "AC Power Limit Studies - Steady State" (EC Starr) - multiple
drafts, materials + Appendix I |
1940 |
1.005 | Papers and Presentations by Starr |
1984; undated |
Folder | ||
5.1 | "Transmission Project Planning" (EC Starr) + materials and
other reports by Starr |
1984 |
5.2 | ECS Reports on Power Transmission - materials, drafts,
notes |
1.006 | Papers and Presentations by Starr |
1930, 1948, 1963-1964, 1970, 1977; undated |
Folder | ||
6.1 | "Research" - presentation by Starr |
1930 |
6.2 | "Radio Interference" - presentation by Starr |
undated |
6.3 | "Power System Stability" - lecture given by Starr at NW Power
Pool |
1948 |
6.4 | Materials for General Report on DC Transmission - I |
1963 |
6.5 | Materials for General Report on DC Transmission -
II |
1963 |
6.6 | "General Report on DC Transmission - I" (EC Starr) - Conference
Paper for AIEE 1963 Winter General Meeting - materials and
drafts |
1963 |
6.7 | Group 42 (EHV A-C) presentation by Starr |
undated |
6.8 | Group 43 H-V DC - presentation by Starr |
1964 |
6.9 | "Status of the HVDC Pacific Intertie" |
1970 |
6.10 | "HVDC Pacific Intertie Developments" (EC Starr) |
1977 |
6.11 | "Report to D-C Subcommittee of Transmission and Distribution
Committee" (EC Starr) |
1977 |
1.007 | Papers and Presentations by Starr |
1942, 1960-1964, 1968-1969; undated |
Folder | ||
7.1 | Figures from Radio Influence of HV Lines by ECS and
1942 |
7.2 | List of slides, vault withdrawal orders, prints of some slides,
color enlargements, speech notes + LMFBR viewgraph |
1960; 1969 |
7.3 | Photos and Figures for HVDC Paper by Starr |
7.4 | Binder of Slides with descriptions from
Westinghouse |
1968 |
7.5 | Small and Large Prints of 2x2 slides with
descriptions |
1960-1964 |
1.008 | Glass Slides Prepared for Lectures by Eugene Starr 50 items
Descriptions of glass slides contained in Starr Box 1.007, Folder
1960, 1969 |
1.009 | Slides, Negatives and Prints from Presentations by Eugene
Starr 224 items
Presentations on multiple topics including nuclear energy.
1970 |
1.010 | Slides, Negatives and Prints from Presentations by Eugene
Five numbered sets of prints on the following subjects: corona, the
Bonneville Power Administration High Voltage Test Facility, inverter
operation and rectifier operation.
Four slides related to a sodium graphite reactor, Atomic Energy
Two slides on fault test data collected by the Bonneville Power
1955 |
1.011 | Research Materials re: Direct Current |
1959-1982, 1984 |
Folder | ||
11.1 | "High Voltage Direct Current Transmission - an Annotated
Bibliography" (Lava) |
1968 |
11.2 | "Study Committee 10 - D.C. Transmission at Extra High Voltage -
Progress Report: 1966-1968" + Appendices A, 1, 2, 3, 4 (Lane,
Last) |
1968 |
11.3 | Direct Current Links - Agenda Items, Procedures |
1970; 1974 |
11.4 | High Voltage Direct Current - CIGRE Special Reports,
Discussions, Proceedings |
1962-1982 |
11.5 | Reports on Trips and Meetings |
1968-1980 |
11.6 | Status and Trends in High Voltage Direct Current Transmission -
10 papers |
1959-1982 |
11.7 | "An Annotated Bibliography of High Voltage Direct Current
Transmission 1969-1983" (BPA) |
1984 |
1.012 | Research Materials re: Direct Current |
1915, 1939, 1945-1976 |
Folder | ||
12.1 | "High-Voltage High-Pass Network" - lab information,
measurements (Stone) |
1961 |
12.2 | "The Thury System of Direct Current Transmission" (Baum) +
other materials and negatives of Thury and Generator |
1915; 1939 |
12.3 | HVDC Papers (undated) |
12.4 | HVDC Papers |
1962-1969 |
12.5 | HVDC Power Transmission - correspondence |
1945-1976 |
1.013 | Research Materials re: Direct Current |
1963-1983 |
Folder | ||
13.1 | "DC and Low Frequency Impedance for the Ground Return Mode of
an Overhead HVDC Transmission Line - Final Report: Phase 1 Volume I"
(Bracken, Feero) |
1982 |
13.2 | "Magnetospheric Effects of Power Line Radiation" (Park &
Helliwell) |
1978 |
13.3 | "Report on the Study of Solar Induced Currents for the Proposed
500 kV Transmission Line" (Goddard & Boerner) |
1978 |
13.4 | AC/DC Harmonic Measurements / AC-DC Transmission
Systems |
1977-1978 |
13.5 | AC-DC Interconnection - papers |
1963-1982 |
13.6 | DC Links - special report and papers |
1982 |
13.7 | HVDC Papers |
1970-1983 |
13.8 | HVDC Transmission - data |
1963-1973 |
13.9 | HVDC Transmission Publications |
1962-1965 |
1.014 | Research Materials re: Direct Current |
1967-1983, 1988 |
Folder | ||
14.1 | "Superconducting Power Transmission by Low-Voltage Cable"
(Merriam / Gulf General Atomic) |
1968 |
14.2 | "Superconducting Transmission Lines" (Snowden / Gulf General
Atomic) 2 copies |
1970 |
14.3 | Superconductivity - papers and articles |
1967-1983 |
14.4 | "Superconductivity Applications on an Electric Power System: a
system engineering study" - draft (BPA) |
1988 |
14.5 | Multiterminal Transmission - 2 papers |
1968; 1979 |
14.6 | "Multiterminal HVDC Systems" (Vithayathil) - 2
copies |
1983 |
14.7 | "Panel Session on Prospects for Multiterminal HVDC
Transmission" IEEE Summer Meeting - 9 papers |
1977 |
14.8 | "Panel Session on Prospects for Multiterminal HVDC
Transmission" IEEE Winter Meeting - 9 papers |
1980 |
1.015 | Research Materials re: Direct Current |
1978, 1983 |
Folder | ||
15.1 | "International Symposium on HVDC Technology - 'Sharing the
Brazilian Experience' - Proceedings Part I - Papers" |
1983 |
15.2 | "International Symposium on HVDC Technology - 'Sharing the
Brazilian Experience'" - Final Announcement + Program Brochure |
1983 |
15.3 | "Proceedings of the Symposium on HVDC Power Transmission - Held
by the US-USSR Joint Committee on Cooperation in the Field of Energy"
(BPA) |
1978 |
15.4 | American Papers from US/USSR DC Power Transmission
Symposium |
1978 |
15.5 | Russian Papers from US/USSR DC Power Transmission
Symposium |
1978 |
1.016 | Research Materials re: Direct Current |
1940-1975, 1982-1983 |
Folder | ||
16.1 | "Study Report of Electric Utility Industry in Eight European
Countries" (BPA) |
1975 |
16.2 | HVDC in England |
1963-1969 |
16.3 | HVDC in Italy / Europe |
1964-1969; 1983 |
16.4 | HVDC in Japan |
1962-1969; 1982 |
16.5 | HVDC in New Zealand |
1965-1969 |
16.6 | HVDC in Sweden - technical data and articles |
1940-1974 |
16.7 | HVDC in the USSR |
1968-1971 |
16.8 | Russian & Swiss Papers - untranslated |
1962; 1964 |
16.9 | Volga Hydroelectric Station, 500 & 750 kV Transmission
Lines - translated from Russian |
16.10 | 500 amp; 750 kV Transmission Lines - untranslated |
1.017 | Research Materials re: Direct Current |
1939, 1963-1984 |
Folder | ||
17.1 | "A Survey of the Electric Power System of the Cornucopia Gold
Mines, Cornucopia, Oregon" (Stone) |
1939 |
17.2 | "Electricity in South Africa" (Electricity Supply
Commission) |
1975 |
17.3 | "Generating Capacity in the U.S. Electric Utilities - An
Update" (EPRI) |
1984 |
17.4 | "HVDC in Canada - Manitoba Hydro, Hydro-Quebec, Nelson River
Project |
1963-1983 |
17.5 | "The CPA/UPA 400 kV HVdc Project" (Poppens, Heiser, Nelson) - 2
items |
1976 |
17.6 | CIGRE Reports on the Equipment of the Cabora Bassa
Scheme |
1975 |
17.7 | HVDC in California - South end of Pacific Intertie |
1969 |
17.8 | HVDC in Paraguay and Brazil |
1979; 1982 |
17.9 | HVDC in Zaire and South Africa |
1969; 1972; 1975 |
1.018 | Research Materials re: Direct Current |
1967-1969, 1982 |
Folder | ||
18.1 | "HVDC Transmission Notes" (Gunn) |
1968 |
18.2 | "Main Roles of the Three Gorge Project Defined in the Yangtze
River Basin Planning" + other projects planned in China |
1982 |
18.3 | HVDC Papers (Hingorani) - 6 papers |
1967-1969 |
1.019 | ASEA HVDC Transmission Study Course, Ludvika |
1962 |
1.020 | Assorted Papers re: High Voltage Electricity |
1927, 1951-1956, 1961-1962, 1968-1969, 1971-1979, 1982-1984 |
Folder | ||
20.1 | HV Papers |
1927; 1951-1956; undated |
20.2 | HV Papers |
1961-1962; 1968-1969 |
20.3 | HV Papers |
1971-1979 |
20.4 | HV Papers |
1982-1984 |
1.021 | Assorted Papers re: High Voltage Electricity |
1961, 1966, 1973-1974, 1984-1986 |
Folder | ||
21.1 | "Guide for Safety in Alternating-Current Substation Grounding"
(AIEE) |
1961 |
21.2 | "Revue Generale de l'Electricite" (Organe de la Societe
Francaise des Electriciens) |
1966 |
21.3 | Communication - papers and reports |
1974; 1984 |
21.4 | EHV - UHV Symposium - Proceedings and papers |
1973 |
21.5 | Outline of chapter on power transmission & high voltage -
entry for Encyclopedia of Physical Science & Technology (S.A.
Annestrand) + detailed instructions for authors |
1986 |
21.6 | "Power Transmission, High Voltage" article for Encyclopedia of
Physical Science and Technology (Annestrand) |
1985 |
1.022 | Materials re: High Voltage Electricity Standards |
1927, 1952-1963, 1968-1971, 1973-1976, 1980-1986 |
Folder | ||
22.1 | Notes on Better Grounding (Copperweld Steel Co.) |
1927 |
22.2 | Standards - Reports |
1952-1962 |
22.3 | National Academy of Sciences - Sub-Panel 01 Advisory to Bureau
of Standards on High Voltage Laboratory |
1960-1963 |
22.4 | Correspondence and Reports regarding revision of standard c92.2
- voltages above 500 kV |
1968-1971 |
22.5 | International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) Standard
Voltages |
1973-1975 |
22.6 | Revision comments for NESC Grounding Rules |
1976 |
22.7 | Standards Material from P. L. Bellaschi |
1980-1983 |
22.8 | NESC - American National Standard C2 - Revision Comments for
Grounding Rules |
1984-1986 |
22.9 | IEEE Standards Committee - contract |
1986 |
1.023 | Materials re: High Voltage Electricity Testing |
1962-1978; undated |
Folder | ||
23.1 | High Voltage Engineering Lab - figures and
calculations |
undated |
23.2 | HV-DC Test Center - test data, reports, photos |
1962-1978 |
1.024 | Materials re: High Voltage Electricity Testing |
1965, 1971-1980; undated |
Folder | ||
24.1 | "Benton-Franklin #2 115-kV Line - Test Report"
(BPA) |
24.2 | HVDC R&D Work by BPA - "A 1500 kV DC Test Project" (5
copies) |
1965 |
24.3 | "Prototype 1100 kV Test Facilities Project Progress Reports
12-24" |
1975-1976 |
24.4 | Dedication of Project UHV Test Facility (General Electric
(GE)) |
1978 |
24.5 | 1100/1200 kV UHV Test Program |
1971-1979 |
24.6 | BPA Test Program |
1974-1975; 1980 |
24.7 | "1200 kV Prototype Transmission Project" (BPA) - Quarterly
Reports 4, 11, and 14 + photos |
1977-1980 |
1.025 | Materials re: High Voltage Electricity Testing |
1944-1976; undated |
Folder | ||
25.1 | High Voltage Test Facilities - correspondence |
1968-1972 |
25.2 | "Proposal for Conducting a Study of Transmission and
Distribution Laboratory Facilities" (EPRI) |
1974 |
25.3 | EPRI Test Lab Facilities Studies |
1944-1975 |
25.4 | EPRI Test Lab Facilities Study |
1975 |
25.5 | "Study of Transmission and Distribution Laboratory Facilities -
final report" (EPRI) |
1975 |
25.6 | "Recommendations for Transmission and Distribution Test
Facilities" (EPRI) |
1976 |
25.7 | CESI (Centro Elettrotecnico Sperimentale Italiano) - lab
activity and facility reports |
1.026 | Materials re: High Voltage Electricity Testing |
1965-1973 |
Folder | ||
26.1 | Electric Power Research & Development Center |
1968 |
26.2 | Edison Electric Institute - correspondence re: Electric
Research Council Funding |
1965-1970 |
26.3 | "Electric Utilities Industry Research and Development Goals
through the Year 2000" (Electrical Research Council) |
1971 |
26.4 | Electric Research Council |
1970-1973 |
1.027 | Materials re: High Voltage Electricity Testing |
1962-1983; undated |
Folder | ||
27.1 | High Voltage Transmission Research Facility in Heidelberg - 4
publications |
1972; undated |
27.2 | "Bipolar DC Transmission Research Above ± 600 kV at Project
1980 |
27.3 | 1980 CIGRE Paper - "Bipolar HVDC Transmission Lines Research
above ± 600kV" |
27.4 | High Power Testing - information on foreign test facilities,
reports |
1962-1983 |
1.028 | Materials re: High Voltage Electricity Testing |
1939-1940, 1961, 1963-1964, 1973; undated |
Folder | ||
28.1 | "Preliminary Proposal Covering Electronic Rectifier/Inverter
Equipment for an Experimental High Voltage D.C. Transmission System"
(Allis-Chalmers) |
1939 |
28.2 | HVDC rectifier test data bibliography |
1939-1940 |
28.3 | "Design and Development of High Voltage Plastic Bushings for DC
Test Facility" (Gradasoff) w/photos |
1961 |
28.4 | "Shiobara 600 kV Laboratory -Central Research Institute of
Electric Power Industry" |
1963 |
28.5 | "BPA Big Eddy HVDC Terminal - Preliminary Engineering Study -
Book # 2" (General Electric, ASEA) |
1964 |
28.6 | HVDC Test Line Data Photos |
1964 |
28.7 | "Extra High Voltage Direct Current Test Center - Big Eddy
Substation / The Dalles, Oregon" (BPA) |
1973 |
28.8 | "Proposal to the Edison Electric Institute for the
Construction, Operation, and Evaluation of a 1 kilowatt-hour Load Leveling
Battery Test Module" (ESB, Inc.) |
undated |
28.9 | "BPA D-C Test Program" - purpose, drawings, photos |
undated |
1.029 | Materials re: High Voltage System Planning |
1945-1985 |
Folder | ||
29.1 | "Preliminary Draft - 230 kV Transmission Economic
Study" |
1945 |
29.2 | Transmission Costs and Transient Limits |
1945; 1957 |
29.3 | Phase-Angle Meter for Power System Analysis - articles and
ads |
1967-1969 |
29.4 | Sylmar Earthquake |
1971 |
29.5 | Short and Long Range Power Planning Task Force |
1972 |
29.6 | "HVDC - Research for the 70's - A Basic Program" (Hughes
Brothers) |
1972 |
29.7 | "HVDC in Future Power Systems" (Hughes Research
Laboratories) |
1972 |
29.8 | "Northwest Public Power Association Engineering and Operations
Conference Proceedings" |
1976 |
29.9 | Transmission Line Capacity Allocation Study (Poon) |
1977 |
29.10 | System planning and analysis / costs - papers and
correspondence |
1946-1985 |
1.030 | Materials re: High Voltage System Planning |
1978-1979 |
Folder | ||
30.1 | "Cost Components of High Capacity Transmission Options - Draft
Report - Sections 2-10" (Gilbert, Commonwealth) |
1978 |
30.2 | "Transmission System Facilities Ten-Year Development 1978-1987
- Tentative Forecast" (BPA) |
1978 |
30.3 | "Transmission System Facilities Ten-Year Development 1979-1988
- Tentative Forecast" (BPA) |
1979 |
1.031 | Materials re: High Voltage System Planning |
1980, 1982, 1984 |
Folder | ||
31.1 | "Incorporating HVDC Power Transmission into System Planning - a
Symposium Sponsored by the Division of Electric Energy Systems United
States Department of Energy" - Proceedings |
1980 |
31.2 | "Countermeasures for Earthquakes in the Electric Utility
Industry of Japan" (Japan IERE Council) |
1980 |
31.3 | "Forecasts of Electricity Consumption in the Pacific Northwest
- Final" (Bonneville Power Administration) |
1982 |
31.4 | "Neglected Opportunities" (The Institute for the Oregon Policy
Studies) |
1982 |
31.5 | Task Force for Study of Cost Difference in AC and DC Systems -
papers on transmission and energy transfer |
1984 |
1.032 | Materials re: High Voltage System Planning |
1962, 1974, 1980, 1982, 1984 |
Folder | ||
32.1 | "Incorporating HVDC Power Transmission into System Planning - a
Symposium Sponsored by the Division of Electric Energy Systems United
States Department of Energy" - Proceedings |
1980 |
32.2 | "The Developments in High Voltage Direct Current - an Overview"
(EC Starr) - paper for Department of Energy HVDC Symposium |
1980 |
32.3 | System Planning - special reports and papers |
1982 |
32.4 | Power System Planning and Operation - special reports and
papers |
1962; 1974 |
32.5 | Power System Planning and Development - special reports and
papers |
1984 |
32.6 | Power System Analysis and Techniques - special reports and
papers |
1984 |
32.7 | Power System Operation and Control - special reports and
papers |
1984 |
1.033 | Materials re: High Voltage System Planning |
1925-1983 |
Folder | ||
33.1 | "Economic Comparison Between AC and DC Power Transmission for
the Rail Belt in Alaska" (Lindh) |
1968 |
33.2 | AC/DC Economic Comparison |
1959-1975 |
33.3 | Cost Analysis |
1925-1973 |
33.4 | System Planning - papers |
1964-1983 |
33.5 | Use of Digital Analyzer/Simulator |
1962-1970 |
1.034 | Materials re: High Voltage Reliability |
1962, 1965-1967 |
Folder | ||
34.1 | Northeast Blackout of Nov 1965 - Reports, Wanapum Load
Rejection Data, "Northwest Power Pool Load Dropping During Pool
Emergencies 1965-66 Program" |
1962; 1965 |
34.2 | Federal Power Commission - Northeast Power Blackout |
1965 |
34.3 | "Eastern New York - New England Power System Behavior During
the Northeast Power Interruption of November 9,1965 - Report to Federal
Power Commission" (Eastern New York - New England System Studies
Group) |
1966 |
34.4 | Material on the Northeast Blackout of 1965 |
1965-1967 |
1.035 | Materials re: High Voltage Reliability |
1972-1973 |
Folder | ||
35.1 | "Report of Bay Ridge and Richmond Hill Network Shutdowns During
July 1972" (Consolidated Edison Co.) |
1973 |
35.2 | "Report of Preliminary Investigations of the Bay Ridge and
Richmond Hill Networks of the Con Edison System" (Debrosky,
Eich) |
1972 |
35.3 | Richmond Hill Area Shutdown - Correspondence and
Report |
1972-1973 |
1.036 | Materials re: High Voltage Reliability |
1970-1973, 1977 |
Folder | ||
36.1 | Con Edison Consulting File - 1972 Service Interruption,
distribution evaluation committee |
1970-1973 |
36.2 | Con Edison Blackout - Reports |
1977 |
1.037 | Materials re: High Voltage Reliability |
1966 |
Folder | ||
37.1 | "Reliability of Bulk Electric Power Supply" - a Report to the
Federal Power Commission by the Advisory Committee on Reliability of
Electric Bulk Power Supply + Appendices A-E + comments for
revision |
Dec 1, 1966 |
37.2 | "Reliability of Bulk Electric Power Supply" - a Report to the
Federal Power Commission by the Advisory Committee on Reliability of
Electric Bulk Power Supply + Appendices A-I |
Dec 1, 1966 |
37.3 | "Reliability of Bulk Electric Power Supply" - a Report to the
Federal Power Commission by the Advisory Committee on Reliability of
Electric Bulk Power Supply + missing Appendix E |
Dec 19, 1966 |
1.038 | Materials re: High Voltage Reliability |
1966-1969 |
Folder | ||
38.1 | "Reliability of Bulk Electric Power Supply" - a Report to the
Federal Power Commission by the Advisory Committee on Reliability of
Electric Bulk Power Supply - drafts of appendices, correspondence,
correction |
1966 |
38.2 | Federal Power Commission Advisory Committee -
meetings |
1966 |
38.3 | Final Report - Reliability of Electric Bulk Power
Supply |
1967 |
38.4 | BPA - Reliability of Power Supply for Federal Power
Commission |
1967-1969 |
1.039 | Materials re: High Voltage Reliability |
1963-1966 |
Folder | ||
39.1 | Federal Power Commission - National Power Survey |
1963-1964 |
39.2 | Advisory Committee Minutes & Reports |
Nov. 1965 - Mar. 1966 |
39.3 | Advisory Committee Minutes & Reports |
Apr. 1966 - May 1966 |
1.040 | Materials re: High Voltage Reliability |
1966-1968 |
Folder | ||
40.1 | Advisory Committee Minutes & Reports |
Jun. 1966 - Oct. 1966 |
40.2 | Advisory Committee Minutes & Reports |
Nov. 1966 - Feb. 1968 |
1.041 | Materials re: High Voltage Reliability |
1967, 1977 |
Folder | ||
41.1 | FPC Electric Power Reliability Act - comments on
(1/2) |
1967 |
41.2 | FPC Electric Power Reliability Act - comments on
(2/2) |
1967 |
41.3 | Prevention of Power Failures - Report to the Commission -
Volumes I - III |
1967 |
41.4 | Statement of Charles B. Curtis to Joint Committee on Defense
Production concerning Vulnerability of Electric Utility
Systems |
1977 |
1.042 | Materials re: High Voltage Reliability |
1973, 1975, 1977-1978 |
Folder | ||
42.1 | "Distribution Evaluation Committee Report" (Consolidated Edison
Co.) |
May 1973 |
42.2 | "Coordination of Northwest Power Pool Load Shedding Program
with Abnormal Frequency Capability of Nuclear Power Plants" (Starr et
al) |
1975 |
42.3 | "National Electric Reliability Council - 7th Annual Review of
Overall Reliability and Adequacy of the North American Bulk Power
Systems |
1977 |
42.4 | "Status of Emergency Load Shedding Studies"
(Mittelstadt) |
1977 |
42.5 | Northwest Power Pool Load Shedding Program |
1977-1978 |
42.6 | 5th Annual Reliability Engineering Conference - BPA -
brochures |
1978 |
1.043 | Materials re: High Voltage Reliability |
1969-1983; undated |
Folder | ||
43.1 | Reliability and Design Criterion from: Western Systems
Coordinating Council, BPA, and North American Electric Reliability
Council |
43.2 | IEEE Reliability of Bulk Power Supply - panel
discussion |
1966 |
43.3 | BPA Reliability Board |
1973 |
43.4 | Security Assessment of Power Systems - Progress Report
(Purdue) |
1980 |
43.5 | "National Electric Power Grid Assessment Program - Phase I"
(Boeing) |
1982 |
43.6 | System Reliability |
1969-1983 |
1.044 | Materials re: High Voltage Reliability |
1979-1980, 1982 |
Folder | ||
44.1 | BPA "Reliability Criteria and Standards" - 2 copies |
1979 |
44.2 | BPA "Reliability Criteria and Standards" |
1980 |
44.3 | "IEEE Tutorial Course - Power System Reliability
Evaluation" |
1982 |
1.045 | Materials re: Biological Effects of High Voltage
Electricity |
1968, 1970-1972, 1976 |
Folder | ||
45.1 | Induced Voltages in EHV Lines - work for KG&E + papers on
Induced Voltages (Poland) |
1968 |
45.2 | "Project RP98 - Biological Effects of Exposure to High
Intensity Electric Fields" (Edison Electric Institute) - proposal and
progress reports |
1970-1971 |
45.3 | "Project RP98 - Biological Effects of Exposure to High
Intensity Electric Fields" (Edison Electric Institute) - progress
reports |
1972 |
45.4 | "Biological Effects of High Strength Electric Fields on Small
Laboratory Animals - Interim Progress Report" (Battelle NW) |
Sep 1976 |
45.5 | "Effects of Electric Fields on Large Animals" (Battelle
NW) |
Dec 1976 |
1.046 | Materials re: Biological Effects of High Voltage
Electricity |
1977 |
Folder | ||
46.1 | "Selected Biological Parameters Associated with ± 400 kV DC
Transmission Line in Oregon" (Griffith) - 2 copies |
1977 |
46.2 | "Effects of Electric Fields on Large Animals - Second Interim
Report" |
Mar 1977 |
46.3 | "Biological Effects of Static and Low Frequency Electromagnetic
Fields: an Overview of U.S. Literature" (Battelle NW) |
Apr 1977 |
46.4 | "Biological Effects of High Strength Electric Fields - Second
Interim Progress Report" (Battelle NW) |
May 1977 |
1.047 | Materials re: Biological Effects of High Voltage
Electricity |
1977-1979 |
Folder | ||
47.1 | Effect of Transmission Lines on Bird Flight and Mortality - BPA
Report (Meyer) |
1978 |
47.2 | "Design, Construction and Testing of a DC BioEffects Test
Enclosure for Small Animals" (Battelle NW) |
Jun 1978 |
47.3 | Lyons 1100/1200 kV UHV Test Program - Biological Effects
study |
1977-1979 |
1.048 | Materials re: Biological Effects of High Voltage
Electricity |
1977-1983 |
Folder | ||
48.1 | "Biological Effects of Electric Fields" - study by Battelle NW
- papers and correspondence |
1977-1978 |
48.2 | "Biological Effects of Electric Fields" - study by Battelle NW
- papers and correspondence |
1979-1983 |
1.049 | Materials re: Biological Effects of High Voltage
Electricity |
1940, 1966-1973 |
Folder | ||
49.1 | Biological Effects of Electric Fields - papers and
reports |
1940; 1966-1972 |
49.2 | Biological Effects of Electric Fields - papers and
reports |
1973 |
1.050 | Materials re: Biological Effects of High Voltage
Electricity |
1974-1984 |
Folder | ||
50.1 | Biological Effects of Electric Fields - papers and
reports |
1974-1975 |
50.2 | Biological Effects of Electric Fields - papers and
reports |
1976-1978 |
50.3 | Biological Effects of Electric Fields - papers and
reports |
1979-1984 |
1.051 | Materials re: Lightning Protections for High Voltage
Electricity Systems |
1926, 1930, 1939-1940, 1944 |
Folder | ||
51.1 | "Investigation of Current in Stroke of Natural Lightning" (EC
Starr) - handwritten report for GE + typed copy w/figures |
1926 |
51.2 | "Investigation of Photograph of Stroke of Natural Lightning"
(EC Starr) |
1926 |
51.3 | "The Influence of Polarity of High-Voltage Discharges"
(McMillan & Starr) |
1930 |
51.4 | Radio Round Table Discussions on Lightning, Common Electrical
Hazards, and Innovations |
1939-1940 |
51.5 | "Lightning Sparkover Characteristic of High Voltage Lines and
the Probability of Transmission Line Outages" (EC Starr) - notes,
materials, calculations |
1944 |
51.6 | "Lightning Sparkover Characteristic of High Voltage Lines and
the Probability of Transmission Line Outages" (EC Starr) -
draft |
1944 |
51.7 | "Lightning Sparkover Characteristic of High Voltage Lines and
the Probability of Transmission Line Outages" (EC Starr) - final
draft |
1944 |
1.052 | Materials re: Lightning Protections for High Voltage
Electricity Systems |
1920-1932, 1976 |
Folder | ||
52.1 | Lightning Protection - data and figures |
undated |
52.2 | "Lightning Protection of Distribution Systems" (Starr) draft
and figures |
1920-1930 |
52.3 | Impulse Generator - figures, photos |
1929-1931 |
52.4 | Lightning Arresters for the Protection of Distribution Systems
- articles, conference papers and brochures |
1930-1932 |
52.5 | "Lightning Protection of Distribution Systems" (EC
Starr) |
1932 |
52.6 | Lightning Protection - figures, drawings, photostats,
negatives |
1932 |
52.7 | "A Most Unusual Lightning Observer" (EC Starr) |
1976 |
1.053 | Materials re: Lightning Protections for High Voltage
Electricity Systems |
1926-1930, 1936-1939, 1941-1946; undated |
Folder | ||
53.1 | Negatives for Prints in Lightning Investigation Progress
Report |
undated |
53.2 | "Analysis of Lightning Arrester Test Data" (EC
Starr) |
undated |
53.3 | "An Investigation of Lightning and its Relation to Forest
Protection" (McMillan & Starr) - multiple drafts +
materials |
1926-1928 |
53.4 | Lightning Investigation - Expense Accounts |
1928-1929 |
53.5 | Lightning Investigation - correspondence and
materials |
1928-1930 |
53.6 | Lightning |
1936-1939 |
53.7 | Lightning Study Report - EC Starr draft notes |
1941-1946 |
1.054 | Materials re: Lightning Protections for High Voltage
Electricity Systems |
1935, 1943-1944, 1951-1983 |
Folder | ||
54.1 | "Some Polarity Characteristics of Sphere Gap Sparkover" (Biele,
Pugsley) |
1935 |
54.2 | "Transmission Line Flashover Detector" (Scarborough, Kinyon) +
photos, data and letter |
1943-1944 |
54.3 | "A Lightning Stroke Pathfinder" (Armstrong,
Whitehead) |
1963 |
54.4 | Pathfinder Research Project - Mechanism of Lightning Flashover
- monthly reports |
Jan 1965 - Jun 1966 |
54.5 | Pathfinder Research Project - Final Report Phase II
(Whitehead), Supplement (Armstrong, Whitehead), Expanded
Summary |
1964-1966 |
54.6 | "Current Status Report on the EEI Research Project Mechanism of
Lightning Strokes to Transmission Lines" (EEI, IITRI) |
1967 |
54.7 | EEI & IITRI Study w/ BPA - Mechanism of Lightning
Flashover |
1966-1971 |
54.8 | Earth Grounding |
1951-1983 |
1.055 | Materials re: Lightning Protections for High Voltage
Electricity Systems |
1927-1983 |
Folder | ||
55.1 | Lightning Arresters |
1928 |
55.2 | Instruments for Recording Lightning Currents |
1939 |
55.3 | "Lightning Electromagnetic Environment and Laboratory
Reproduction Techniques - Applications in Hazard Reduction Researches for
Aerospace Vehicle System" (Newmann, et al.) |
1964 |
55.4 | "An Investigation of the Lightning Elimination and Strike
Reduction Properties of Dissipation Arrays - Final Report" (Bent,
Llewellyn) |
1976 |
55.5 | Lightning Protection - buildings, people, transmission
lines |
1927-1979 |
55.6 | "Electric Forum - Distribution System Protection" |
1982 |
55.7 | Surge Arresters - papers |
1930-1983 |
1.056 | Materials re: Lightning Protections for High Voltage
Electricity Systems |
1927-1984 |
Folder | ||
56.1 | Electrical Engineering - w/letter to editor by Starr "Electric
Shock Induced by Lightning Stroke" + correspondence and draft |
1941-1942 |
56.2 | "The Brown Boveri Review - Vol. 40" w/article on impulse
breakdown of sphere-gaps |
1953 |
56.3 | Lightning and Surges - summary of discussion |
1965 |
56.4 | Lightning and Surges - summary of discussions |
1968 |
56.5 | Ball Lightning - ten articles |
1960-1969 |
56.6 | American Scientist - Article on Ball Lightning (Finkelstein
& Powell) |
May-June 1970 |
56.7 | Lightning Studies - papers |
1927-1983 |
56.8 | Protections - special reports |
1974; 1984 |
1.057 | Materials re: High Voltage Electrical Cables and
Insulation |
1931, 1934-1966 |
Folder | ||
57.1 | "Overhead Conductor Vibration" (Monroe) |
1931 |
57.2 | "Electrical Characteristics of A. C. S. R." (Aluminum Company
of America) |
1934 |
57.3 | "Performance Charts for 60-Cycle Transmission Lines" (General
Electric) |
1939 |
57.4 | "Conductors and Accessories Data" (BPA) |
1941 |
57.5 | "A.C.S.R. 220,000-Volt Transmission Lines in the United States
and Canada" (Aluminum Company of America) |
1941 |
57.6 | "Electrical World - A Special Engineering Report - Insulated
Aluminum Wire and Cable" |
1947 |
57.7 | "An Analysis of Conductor Vibration Field Data" (Steidel, Jr.,
Elton) |
1951 |
57.8 | "Research on Tension and Torsion of Cable (Theory and
Experiment)" (Otsuki) |
1959 |
57.9 | "Swinging Motion of Jumper on Overhead Lines" (Sakamoto,
Otsuki) |
1963 |
57.10 | "Theory of Statistical Analysis of Distributed Constant
Corollary and Studies on Problems with Transmission Lines Resulting from
Wind" (Ohtsuki) |
1963 |
57.11 | Transmission Line / Overhead Conductors data |
1935-1966 |
57.12 | Bare Conductors and Mechanical Calculations of Overhead Lines -
correspondence |
1958-1966 |
57.13 | Bare Conductors and Mechanical Calculations of Overhead Lines -
papers |
1960-1966 |
57.14 | "Working Group: Overhead Conductors and Line Insulation" -
presentation by Starr |
1967 |
1.058 | Materials re: High Voltage Electrical Cables and
Insulation |
1968-1976, 1984; undated |
Folder | ||
58.1 | "Dimensional Data - Okolite-Okoprene Wires and Cables"
(Okonite) |
undated |
58.2 | "Power Line Carrier Equipment" (Westinghouse) |
undated |
58.3 | "Conductor Creep and Transmission Line Construction" - for
CIGRE SC #22 |
1970 |
58.4 | "Remarks on the Mechanical Calculations Pertaining to
Conductors in Aerial Electrical Lines" - Italian Paper, parts I-IV +
translations |
1971 |
58.5 | US-USSR Technical Exchange of Transmission Line
Data |
1972 |
58.6 | Cables - papers |
1968-1974 |
58.7 | IEEE Papers on Subsynchronous Resonance |
1975 |
58.8 | "Analysis and Control of Subsynchronous Resonance"
(IEEE) |
1976 |
58.9 | Overhead Lines - special reports and papers |
1974; 1984 |
1.059 | Materials re: High Voltage Electrical Cables and
Insulation |
1928-1973, 1975, 1982-1983, 1985; undated |
Folder | ||
59.1 | Cables |
1928-1973 |
59.2 | "The Development of Low Cost Preservative Treatments for Rural
Line Poles" (Brown) |
1936 |
59.3 | DC Transmission Line Data |
1938-1940 |
59.4 | "Grouped Conductors" (Siemens - Schuckertwercke) - translation
- 2 copies |
1948 |
59.5 | "Economics of Single and Bundle Conductors for Extra-High
Voltage Transmission" (Abetti, Lindh, Simmons, Jr.) |
1960 |
59.6 | Towers |
1960-1962 |
59.7 | Towers and Foundations |
1968 |
59.8 | "EHV Structures" (Hughes Brothers) |
1975 |
59.9 | "Italy/USA Joint UHV Workshop - Working Group C - Substations
and Cables - Portland, OR" |
Jul 1982 |
59.10 | Metal Transmission Structures |
1983; 1985 |
1.060 | Materials re: High Voltage Electrical Cables and
Insulation |
1964-1970, 1972-1983 |
Folder | ||
60.1 | IEC - TC28: Insulation Coordination |
1964-1967 |
60.2 | Insulation Coordination - papers |
1969-1970 |
60.3 | ANSI Committee C92 - meeting minutes |
1972-1974 |
60.4 | American National Standards (ANSI) Committee on Insulation
Coordination, C92 |
1972-1983 |
1.061 | Materials re: High Voltage Electrical Cables and
Insulation |
1946-1953, 1960-1984 |
Folder | ||
61.1 | Insulating Materials |
1962-1984 |
61.2 | HV Insulated Cable - special reports and papers |
1960-1984 |
61.3 | Insulation Coordination - special reports and
papers |
1973-1984 |
61.4 | Insulation - AIEE Coordinating Committee No. 8 on Basic
Insulation Levels |
1946-1953 |
1.062 | Materials re: High Voltage Electrical Cables and
Insulation |
1915-1926, 1940-1968 |
Folder | ||
62.1 | Insulation - notes and drawings |
1915-1926 |
62.2 | Insulation - papers, reports, and studies |
1940-1968 |
1.063 | Materials re: High Voltage Electrical Cables and
Insulation |
1969-1984 |
Folder | ||
63.1 | Insulation - papers, reports, and studies |
1969-1984 |
1.064 | Materials re: High Voltage Electrical Cables and
Insulation |
1948, 1962, 1966-1973 |
Folder | ||
64.1 | Insulation Coordination |
1962; 1968 |
64.2 | Insulation contamination/unexplained flashover including: bird
caused flashovers |
1948; 1966-1969 |
64.3 | Flashover Criteria Task Force - BPA Engineering Review Board
(unexplained outages and flashover materials) |
1968-1973 |
1.065 | Materials re: High Voltage Electrical Cables and
Insulation |
1924, 1926, 1963-1976; undated |
Folder | ||
65.1 | "Sectional Committee for Electrical Safety Code - Test on Pin
Type Insulators" (Westinghouse) |
1924 |
65.2 | "Capacitance Measurements on Various Makes of Suspension,
Pedestal, and Pin Type Insulators" - laboratory report (General
Electric) |
1926 |
65.3 | Flashover and Impulse Characteristics of Insulators |
1963-1969 |
65.4 | HVDC Insulation Tests (Electricite de France) |
undated |
65.5 | Insulators |
1968-1976 |
1.066 | Materials re: Radio Interference and Corona of High Voltage
Transmission Lines |
1925-1927, 1941-1942, 1945 |
Folder | ||
66.1 | "Condenser Dielectric Loss at High Frequency and Low Potential
Stress" (EC Starr) |
1925 |
66.2 | "The Structural Nature of Corona Loss" (EC Starr) |
1925 |
66.3 | Corona (EC Starr) - figures and graphs |
1926 |
66.4 | "Influence of Altitude on Atmospheric Ionizing Gradient" (EC
Starr) |
1941-1942 |
66.5 | "Evaluation of Transmission-System Resistance and Corona Power
Losses" (EC Starr) |
1945 |
66.6 | "Radio Interference from Conductor Corona" (EC Starr) - two
drafts |
1945 |
66.7 | Corona Loss Studies (EC Starr) - figures and graphs |
1926-1927; 1945 |
1.067 | Materials re: Radio Interference and Corona of High Voltage
Transmission Lines |
1931-1947, 1958-1964, 1966-1983; undated |
Folder | ||
67.1 | Radio Interference and Corona Papers |
undated |
67.2 | Radio Interference and Corona Papers |
1931-1947 |
67.3 | Radio Interference and Corona Papers |
1958-1964 |
67.4 | Radio Interference and Corona Papers |
1966-1969 |
67.5 | Radio Interference and Corona Papers |
1970-1977 |
67.6 | Radio Interference and Corona Papers |
1978-1979 |
67.7 | Radio Interference and Corona Papers |
1980-1983 |
1.068 | Materials re: Radio Interference and Corona of High Voltage
Transmission Lines |
1964-1965 |
Folder | ||
68.1 | "High-Voltage Direct Current Development Program - First Fair
Weather Corona Loss and Radio Interference Measurements on Energized Test
Line" (BPA) |
1964 |
68.2 | "High-Voltage Direct Current Development Program - Corona Loss
Performance at ± 400 kV" (BPA) |
1965 |
68.3 | "High-Voltage Direct Current Development Program - Corona
Source Inspections" (BPA) |
1965 |
68.4 | "High-Voltage Direct Current Development Program - Night
Photography and Corona Observations on Energized Test Line Part I - Main
Specimen Line - Steel Tower Section" (BPA) |
1965 |
68.5 | "High-Voltage Direct Current Development Program - R.I., Corona
Loss, and Insulator Leakage ± 400 kV Operation" (BPA) |
1965 |
68.6 | "High-Voltage Direct Current Development Program -
Signal-To-Noise Ratio Tests HVDC" (BPA) |
1965 |
1.069 | Materials re: Radio Interference and Corona of High Voltage
Transmission Lines |
1919, 1944-1945, 1950-1956, 1961-1962, 1968, 1976, 1978 |
Folder | ||
69.1 | "University of Illinois Bulletin - Corona Discharge" (Warner,
Kunz) |
1919 |
69.2 | "Corona Losses for Weathered Conductors" (Carroll) |
1944 |
69.3 | Corona Radiation Tests - reports, data, correspondence &
Corona and Radio Noise Tests |
1944-1945; 1950-1956 |
69.4 | "Investigation of Corona on Overhead Transmission Line
Conductors at High Voltage D.C. - A Progress Report" (Morris, Pedersen)
1961 |
69.5 | "Investigation of Corona on Overhead Transmission Line
Conductors at High Voltage D. C. - A Progress Report on Radio
Interference" (Rakosh Das, Morris) |
1962 |
69.6 | "RI Tests on B. C. Hydro's Four Conductor Bundle 500 kV AC Line
(Portage Mountain-Williston Section)" (BPA) |
1968 |
69.7 | "High-Voltage Direct-Current Transmission Radio Noise, Corona
Loss, and Insulator Leakage" (BPA) |
1968 |
69.8 | "Recommended Guide for Measurement of Electrical Noise and
Harmonic Filter Performance of High-Voltage Direct-Current Systems"
(IEEE) |
1976 |
69.9 | "Corona Performance of the Bonneville Power Administration HVDC
Test Line to ± 600 kV" (Bracken et al) -2 copies |
1978 |
69.10 | "Progress Report D.C. Corona Measurements on Transmission Line
Conductors" (Morris, Morse) |
1968 |
1.070 | Materials re: Radio Interference and Corona of High Voltage
Transmission Lines |
1911-1912, 1942, 1966-1984 |
Folder | ||
70.1 | "The Law of Corona and the Dielectric Strength of Air" Parts
I-III (Peek) |
1911-1912 |
70.2 | "Response of Tuned Circuit to Various Transients" - multiple
drafts + materials, unknown author |
1940s |
70.3 | "American Standard for Measurement of Test Voltage in
Dielectric Tests" (AIEE) |
1942 |
70.4 | Single Pole Reclosing |
1966-1976 |
70.5 | Fault Studies |
1967-1983 |
70.6 | Interference - special reports and papers |
1974; 1984 |
1.071 | Materials re: Transformers Used in High Voltage Transmission
Systems |
1920-1929, 1930, 1938, 1963-1966 |
Folder | ||
71.1 | Lectures on Magnetic Steel (General Electric) |
1924 |
71.2 | "Rogowski Equations as Applied to Transformer"
(Shildneck) |
1926 |
71.3 | "Tests on Constant-Current Transformers in La Grande Substation
of Eastern Oregon Light and Power Company" (EC Starr) - report,
materials |
1930 |
71.4 | Three-Winding Transformers - Photostats of papers by Bergval,
Peters + foreign article (Ziegler) |
1920-1929; 1938 |
71.5 | VEPCO 500 kV Transformer Failure - consulting
assignment |
1963-1966 |
1.072 | Materials re: Transformers Used in High Voltage Transmission
Systems |
1965-1974 |
Folder | ||
72.1 | Elin - test reports, transformer failure, drawings, and
calculations |
1965-1967 |
72.2 | Transformers (EHV) - failure reports & testing |
1967-1974 |
1.073 | Materials re: Transformers Used in High Voltage Transmission
Systems |
1968-1976 |
Folder | ||
73.1 | Power System Oscillations |
1970 |
73.2 | Specifications for EHV and UHV transformers |
1971-1974 |
73.3 | Partial Discharge Corona Transformer Testing + Testing of
Spacer Damper and Insulators - studies, papers, etc. |
1968-1976 |
1.074 | Materials re: Transformers Used in High Voltage Transmission
Systems |
1971-1977, 1979 |
Folder | ||
74.1 | Corona Testing Requirements of 230kV and 500kV Transformers
incl. Contract w/Westinghouse |
1971-1975 |
74.2 | General Electric 345 kV Auto Transformer T-1518 -
correspondence |
1976-1977 |
74.3 | Lyons 1100/1200 kV Test Program - transformer failure
reports |
1979 |
1.075 | Materials re: Transformers Used in High Voltage Transmission
Systems |
1930-1966, 1969-1983 |
Folder | ||
75.1 | Transformers - papers and reports |
1930-1966 |
75.2 | Transformers - papers and reports |
1969-1983 |
1.076 | Materials re: Transformers Used in High Voltage Transmission
Systems |
1941, 1947, 1950-1984; undated |
Folder | ||
76.1 | "Power Transformers" (General Electric) |
undated |
76.2 | "Influence of Generator Transient Reactance on the Approximate
Power Limit of an Uncompensated, 200-Mile, 230-kV Transmission Line" (EC
Starr) - paper and materials |
1947 |
76.3 | Synchronous Reactors - tests, reports, notes |
1941; 1950-1954 |
76.4 | Synchronous Machines - papers |
1971-1983 |
76.5 | Power Generators |
1950-1983 |
76.6 | Transformers - special reports and papers |
1960-1984 |
76.7 | Generators, Alternators, Rotating Machines - special reports
and papers |
1962-1984 |
1.077 | Materials re: Circuit Breakers Used in High Voltage
Transmission Systems |
1940-1984; undated |
Folder | ||
77.1 | Circuit Breakers - figures and negatives |
undated |
77.2 | "High-Speed Circuit Breaker Rating" (EC Starr) - multiple
drafts and materials |
1951 |
77.3 | "High Voltage Circuit Interruption" - presentation given by
Starr |
1953 |
77.4 | "A New Basis for Rating Power Circuit Breakers" (AIEE Working
Group) - formal discussion document, materials, and
correspondence |
1954 |
77.5 | Circuit Breakers - special report and papers |
1966 |
77.6 | Trip to Fontenay, France to observe circuit breaker testing -
correspondence, calculations, data |
1966 |
77.7 | Cogenel, Inc. Delle Circuit Breakers - correspondence and
failure reports |
1965-1970 |
77.8 | Circuit Breaker File - papers |
1940-1972 |
77.9 | Circuit Breaker File - papers |
1973-1983 |
77.10 | Switching Equipment (circuit breakers) - special reports and
papers |
1960-1984 |
1.078 | Materials re: Circuit Breakers Used in High Voltage
Transmission Systems |
1951-1953, 1975, 1979-1980; undated |
Folder | ||
78.1 | "Brown-Boveri Circuit Breaker Tests - 230 kV Air-Blast Circuit
Breaker" |
1951 |
78.2 | Circuit Breaker Field Tests (GE) |
1951 |
78.3 | Circuit Breaker Interruption Rating - correspondence, papers,
and discussion |
1951-1952 |
78.4 | Oerlikon Line Dropping and Fault Tests |
1951-1953 |
78.5 | Circuit Breaker Testing |
1975, 1979 |
78.6 | "Field Test of Westinghouse Metallic Return Transfer Breaker at
Celilo Converter Station October 23-24, 1980" |
1980 |
78.7 | Breaker Test Oscillographs from Grand Coulee |
undated |
1.079 | Materials re: Circuit Breakers Used in High Voltage
Transmission Systems |
1948-1974; undated |
Folder | ||
79.1 | "Pacific Oerlikon Oil Circuit Breaker Tests - Volume
II" |
1951 |
79.2 | Interruption Tests |
1948-1974 |
79.3 | Grand Coulee Breaker Test Oscillographs |
undated |
1.080 | Materials re: Circuit Breakers Used in High Voltage
Transmission Systems |
1950, 1961, 1966-1983; undated |
Folder | ||
80.1 | "Report of High Power Laboratory Tests 230/196 kV GM-6 10,000
mVA Oil Circuit Breaker" (Westinghouse) |
1950 |
80.2 | "Effect of Breaker Resistance on 230 kV Line Switching
Transients" (BPA) |
1961 |
80.3 | "DC Circuit Breaker Development from Hughes Research
Laboratories" - proposal |
1967 |
80.4 | "Technical Proposal for the Development of a Prototype HVDC
Breaker" (General Electric) |
1974 |
80.5 | Switching Surges - papers |
1966-1983 |
1.081 | Materials re: Circuit Breakers Used in High Voltage
Transmission Systems |
1959-1969, 1971-1986 |
Folder | ||
81.1 | "Development of Liquid Metal Plasma Valves"
(EDRA-Hughes) |
1975 |
81.2 | "IEEE Power Engineering Review - September 1983" [includes
article on new solid state valves for HVDC] |
81.3 | Converter Valves - papers |
1959-1967 |
81.4 | Converter Valves - papers |
1968 |
81.5 | Converter Valves - papers |
1969 |
81.6 | Converter Valves - papers |
1971-1986 |
1.082 | Materials re: Circuit Breakers Used in High Voltage
Transmission Systems |
1960-1984 |
Folder | ||
82.1 | BPA - Specifications for HVDC Converter Terminals - Request for
Proposals |
1965 |
82.2 | AC-DC Converting Plants - special reports and
papers |
1968-1969 |
82.3 | "SF6 Gas Insulated Substations Assessment and Recommendations"
(H. C. Ramberg and M.A. Currie) |
1976 |
82.4 | Background Material on Engineering & Design Aspects of the
Taft Gas Insulated Substation |
1983 |
82.5 | Substations/Converter Stations |
1960-1983 |
82.6 | Substations - special reports and papers |
1974; 1984 |
1.083 | Materials re: Capacitors Used in and Stability of High Voltage
Transmission Systems |
1926, 1943, 1951, 1953, 1957, 1973, 1979; undated |
Folder | ||
83.1 | Untitled draft on stability - handwritten notes and
calculations |
undated |
83.2 | "A - C Transmission Power Flow Control" (EC Starr) - 8
copies |
undated |
83.3 | "A Study of Traveling Waves" (EC Starr) - multiple
drafts |
1926 |
83.4 | Series Capacitor papers by Starr - drafts |
1940s |
83.5 | "Power Limit and Stability of Transmission Systems" (EC Starr)
- two drafts |
1943 |
83.6 | "Economic Aspects of Series Capacitors in High Voltage
Transmission" (Seymour, Starr) - 4 copies |
1951 |
83.7 | Functional Requirements of Series Capacitors in Long Distance
Transmission Lines and a Description of Fundamental Features of the
Installation in the Bonneville Power Administration System" (Dojikov,
Starr) - 2 copies |
1951 |
83.8 | Shunt Capacitors in Large Transmission Networks (Starr,
Harrington) |
1953 |
83.9 | "Transmission Stability" (EC Starr) - drafts and
figures |
1957 |
83.10 | "Pacific Intertie Series Capacitors, Oregon Section" (EC Starr)
- 5 copies |
1973 |
83.11 | "Experience with 500 kV Series Capacitor Installations and New
Protection Schemes on the BPA System" (Starr, Courts) -1980 CIGRE paper
and correspondence |
1979 |
1.084 | Materials re: Capacitors Used in and Stability of High Voltage
Transmission Systems |
1930-1980 |
Folder | ||
84.1 | Capacitor notes, figures, and data |
1930-1980 |
84.2 | Capacitor Information - reports, memos, data |
1935-1949 |
84.3 | Capacitor Information - reports, memos, data |
1950-1968 |
1.085 | Materials re: Capacitors Used in and Stability of High Voltage
Transmission Systems |
1936-1969, 1971-1977 |
Folder | ||
85.1 | Capacitor correspondence |
1936-1969 |
85.2 | Capacitor Information - reports, memos, data |
1971-1975 |
85.3 | Capacitor Information - reports, memos, data |
1976-1977 |
1.086 | Materials re: Capacitors Used in and Stability of High Voltage
Transmission Systems |
1926-1927, 1940, 1978-1980; undated |
Folder | ||
86.1 | "A Mechanical Analogy to the Problem of Transmission Stability"
(Griscom) |
1926 |
86.2 | "Static Stability Limits and the Intermediate Condenser
Station" (Wagner, Evans) |
1927 |
86.3 | "Stability Limitations of Long-Distance A-C Power Transmission
Systems" (GE) |
1940 |
86.4 | Capacitor Information - reports, memos, data |
1978-1980 |
86.5 | Capacitor Information + 2 photos |
undated |
1.087 | Materials re: Capacitors Used in and Stability of High Voltage
Transmission Systems |
1921, 1928, 1945-1953, 1967-1968, 1973, 1980 |
Folder | ||
87.1 | McNary Generator Stability Study |
1945-1953 |
87.2 | Western Systems Coordinating Committee - control equipment for
excitation systems |
1967-1968 |
87.3 | Report to WSCC Loop Flow Working Group on the Midway-Vincent
Phase Shifter Stability Evaluation |
1973 |
87.4 | Intermediate Condensers - articles, reports |
1921; 1928; 1980 |
1.088 | Materials re: Capacitors Used in and Stability of High Voltage
Transmission Systems |
1947-1949, 1952-1953, 1957, 1969-1978, 1981-1984 |
Folder | ||
88.1 | Series Capacitors - Chehalis |
1947-1949 |
88.2 | Rocky Ford Series Capacitors (Ev Harrington's File) |
1952-1953 |
88.3 | Use of Series Capacitors in Sweden |
1957 |
88.4 | Bakeoven Series Capacitors - tests and reports |
1969-1978 |
88.5 | Garrison Series Capacitor Installation - contract, reports,
correspondence |
1981-1984 |
1.089 | Materials re: Capacitors Used in and Stability of High Voltage
Transmission Systems |
1948-1953, 1964, 1973-1976 |
Folder | ||
89.1 | "Proposal - 230 kV Series Capacitor Equipment for City of Los
Angeles Owens George Project" (Westinghouse Electric Corp.) |
1948 |
89.2 | "Descriptive and Performance Specifications - Outdoor Series
Capacitor Equipment for BPA Invitation No. 4679" (General
Electric) |
1949 |
89.3 | Proposal for BPA Invitation Number 4679 Outdoor Series
Capacitor Equipment (Westinghouse) |
1949 |
89.4 | Proposal for Outdoor Series Capacitor Equipment of BPA
Invitation No. 4679 (I-T-E Circuit Breaker Company) |
1949 |
89.5 | "Addendum No. 4 to Invitation No. 5155" (BPA) |
1950 |
89.6 | Bibliography on Power Capacitors |
1951 |
89.7 | Series Capacitor Testing |
1952 |
89.8 | Line Dropping Restrike Performance Tests - Capacitor Breaker
Tests and Reports |
1952-1953 |
89.9 | "Proposal for Shunt Capacitor Equipment Invitation No. 6894"
(Westinghouse Electric Corp.) |
1953 |
89.10 | "Capacitor Evaluation Tests April - July 1963 (Partington,
BPA) |
1964 |
89.11 | "Transmission - a magazine for electric utilities -
Transmission Line Compensation Issue" (General Electric) |
1973 |
89.12 | "NGH Series Capacitor Protection Scheme Invitation No. 4321-
Unit 2 - Administrative Provisions" (BPA) |
1973 |
89.13 | "Solicitation, Offer, and Award No. 4321 for NGH Series
Capacitor Protection Scheme" (BPA) |
1974 |
89.14 | "Results of Subsynchronous Resonance Test at Mohave" (Walker et
al) |
1975 |
89.15 | "Development of a 1200 kV Ceramic Oxide Voltage Limiter for
Power Systems Applications - Fourth Quarter Progress Report" (Sweetana,
Westinghouse) |
1976 |
1.090 | Materials re: Capacitors Used in and Stability of High Voltage
Transmission Systems |
1951-1953, 1960, 1962, 1972-1973, 1975-1981 |
Folder | ||
90.1 | AIEE Working Group on Volt-Time Characteristics of Capacitors -
Short-Time 60-cycle Overvoltages |
1951-1953 |
90.2 | Sangamo's Third Annual Power Capacitor Seminar - Starr gave
presentation "Use of Capacitors on High Voltage Transmission Systems" -
Springfield, IL |
1960 |
90.3 | Sangamo's Fifth Annual Power Capacitor Seminar - Starr gave
presentation "Use of Capacitors on High Voltage Transmission Systems" -
Springfield, IL + Springfield visitors guides |
1962 |
90.4 | Series Capacitor meetings |
1972-1973 |
90.5 | IEEE Capacitor Subcommittee - ANSI Standards for Series
Capacitors - drafts w/revisions |
1973 |
90.6 | IEEE Summer Power Meeting - Capacitor Session - papers,
correspondence, slides |
1973 |
90.7 | IEEE Capacitor Subcommittee - Bibliography on Power
Capacitors |
1975-1981 |
1.091 | Materials re: Capacitors Used in and Stability of High Voltage
Transmission Systems |
1924-1936, 1940-1949 |
Folder | ||
91.1 | Capacitor papers |
1924-1936 |
91.2 | Capacitor papers |
1940-1949 |
1.092 | Materials re: Capacitors Used in and Stability of High Voltage
Transmission Systems |
1950-1953, 1960-1969 |
Folder | ||
92.1 | "Capacitor - Excited Induction Generator" (Laughlin) - masters
thesis |
1950 |
92.2 | Capacitor papers |
1951-1953 |
92.3 | Capacitor papers |
1960-1969 |
1.093 | Materials re: Capacitors Used in and Stability of High Voltage
Transmission Systems |
1972-1978, 1980-1983 |
Folder | ||
93.1 | Capacitor papers |
1972-1978 |
93.2 | Capacitor papers |
1980-1983 |
1.094 | Materials re: Underground Transmission of High Voltage
Electricity |
1931, 1938-1972 |
Folder | ||
94.1 | Rome Trenchlay Non-Metallic Sheathed Underground Cables + Cable
Failure Test |
1931; undated |
94.2 | HV Submarine Cable including "Spokane Fault Test Report"
(Purviance) |
1952 |
94.3 | "Proposed Research Projects - EHV AC and DC Underground
Transmission Task Force" (Electrical Research Council) |
1965 |
94.4 | Underground Power Transmission |
1938-1965 |
94.5 | Underground Power Transmission |
1965-1972 |
1.095 | Materials re: Underground Transmission of High Voltage
Electricity |
1968, 1970-1973, 1982-1983 |
Folder | ||
95.1 | "Superconducting Underground DC Power Transmission" (Merriam
and Stern, Gulf General Atomic) |
1968 |
95.2 | "Underground Power Transmission" (Arthur D. Little,
Inc.) |
1972 |
95.3 | Underground Utility Lines Program - City of
Portland |
1970-1973 |
95.4 | "Evaluation of Underground DC Transmission Systems" - 5th and
6th Technical Progress Reports (Philadelphia Electric Company) |
1982-1983 |
1.096 | Materials re: Underground Transmission of High Voltage
Electricity |
1960-1963; undated |
Folder | ||
96.1 | "The High-Voltage DC Transmission to Gotland"
(ASEA) |
undated |
96.2 | Cross-Channel HVDC Transmission |
1960-1963 |
96.3 | "Cross-Channel Power Link" (Central Electricity Generating
Board) |
1961 |
96.4 | Electrical World "Special Report - Dc Transmission Around the
World" |
1962 |
2: Precipitation-Static Reduction Research, 1931-1951Return to Top
The materials in Series 2 date to Starr's major contributions toward eliminating weather-related static electricity interference as it pertained to radio communications in aircraft.
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
Box | ||
2.001 | Precipitation-Static Reduction Research: Progress Reports by
Eugene Starr |
1938, 1941-1942 |
Folder | ||
1.1 | "United Airlines Precipitation-Static Report" |
Jan. 1938 |
1.2 | "Progress Report on C-21 Precipitation-Static Reduction
Research" (Starr / Huggins) |
Jul. 1941 |
1.3 | "Progress Report 2 on C-21 Precipitation-Static Reduction
Research" (Starr / Huggins) |
Sep. 1941 |
1.4 | "Progress Report 3 on C-21 Precipitation-Static Reduction
Research" (Starr / Huggins) |
Nov. 1941 |
1.5 | "Progress Report 4 on C-21 Precipitation-Static Reduction
Research" (Starr / Huggins) |
Jan. 1942 |
1.6 | "Progress Report 5 on C-21 Precipitation-Static Reduction
Research" (Starr / Huggins) |
Mar. 1942 |
1.7 | "Progress Report 6 on C-21 Precipitation-Static Reduction
Research" (Starr / Huggins) |
May 1942 |
2.002 | Precipitation-Static Reduction Research: Progress Reports by
Eugene Starr |
1942-1943 |
Folder | ||
2.1 | "Progress Report 7 on C-21 Precipitation-Static Reduction
Research" (Starr / Huggins) |
Jul. 1942 |
2.2 | "Progress Report 8 on C-21 Precipitation-Static Reduction
Research" (Starr / Huggins) + "Progress Report 9on C-21
Precipitation-Static Reduction Research" (Starr / Huggins) |
1942 |
2.3 | "Precipitation-Static Reduction Research - Final Report" - copy
1 |
Mar. 1943 |
2.4 | "Precipitation-Static Reduction Research - Final Report" - copy
2 + photos and notes |
Mar. 1943 |
2.003 | Precipitation-Static Reduction Research: Progress Reports by
Eugene Starr |
1943 |
Folder | ||
3.1 | "Precipitation-Static Reduction Research - Final Report" (Starr
/ Huggins) - copy 3 - printer's draft |
Mar. 1943 |
2.004 | Precipitation-Static Reduction Research: Papers by Eugene
Starr |
1938-1943 |
Folder | ||
4.1 | "Storm-Static Radio Interference Phenomena Originating on
Aircraft" (EC Starr) |
1938-1939 |
4.2 | "High-Voltage Direct-Current Point Discharges" (EC Starr) -
multiple drafts |
1939 |
4.3 | "Aircraft Precipitation-Static Radio Interference" (EC Starr) -
multiple drafts |
1939-1940 |
4.4 | Aircraft Precipitation Static Materials |
1939-1942 |
4.5 | "Precipitation-Static Research - Recommended Program for
Immediate Improvement of Aircraft Radio Reception Under
Precipitation-Static Conditions" (EC Starr) |
1943 |
2.005 | Precipitation-Static Reduction Research: Non-Starr Progress
Reports |
1940-1943 |
Folder | ||
5.1 | "A Progress Report on Elimination of Rain and Snow Static"
(Slayter Electronics Corp.) |
ca. 1940 |
5.2 | "Preliminary Report on Atmospheric Electrical Discharges to
Aircraft" (US Weather Bureau) |
1941 |
5.3 | "First Partial Report on Precipitation Static Problem" (Naval
Research Laboratory) - 2 copies |
1942 |
5.4 | "Report on the Radio-Influence Characteristics of
Radioactivated Dischargers" (Canadian Radium & Uranium
Corp.) |
1942 |
5.5 | Precipitation Static Research - progress reports (University of
New Mexico) |
1942-1943 |
5.6 | "Progress Report No. 2 - Study of the Effect of Aircraft
Surface Treatment on Electrical Charges Causing Precipitation Static"
(Purdue University) |
1943 |
5.7 | Progress Reports - Precipitation Static Research (United
Airlines) |
1943 |
2.006 | Precipitation-Static Reduction Research: Non-Starr Progress
Reports |
1938-1939, 1942-1943 |
Folder | ||
6.1 | Refrigerated Wind Tunnel Tests - Icing Test of Radio Equipment
for American Airlines (B.F. Goodrich Company) |
1938 |
6.2 | "A Laboratory Investigation of Precipitation Static" (Purdue
University) |
1939 |
6.3 | "Report on Preliminary Tests on the Radio-Influence
Characteristics of a Radioactivated-Point Discharger"
(Huggins) |
1942 |
6.4 | "Radio Noise of Precipitation-Static Origin" (Consolidated
Vultee) |
1943 |
6.5 | "A Report on Precipitation-Static Reduction Research" (Huggins)
- multiple drafts |
1943 |
2.007 | Precipitation-Static Reduction Research: Non-Starr Progress
Reports |
1943-1944 |
Folder | ||
7.1 | Progress Reports 1-5 on Precipitation Static Reduction (State
College of Washington) |
1943 |
7.2 | "A Final Report on Precipitation Static Reduction Research"
(Washington State College) |
1944 |
2.008 | Research Materials re: Precipitation-Static
Reduction |
1937-1951; undated |
Folder | ||
8.1 | Canadian Radium & Uranium Corporation - data |
undated |
8.2 | Photos and Negatives of Test Facility and Results |
undated |
8.3 | United Airlines - correspondence, data, and
calculations |
1937-1938 |
8.4 | Radio Interference Frequency Spectra - data and
calculations |
1939 |
8.5 | Precipitation Static Research (Civil Aeronautics
Administration) |
1940 |
8.6 | Radium Discharger Report - draft w/graph |
1942 |
8.7 | Aircraft Precipitation Static Investigations (TWA) - lab
results |
1942-1943 |
8.8 | Precipitation-Static - ARL Progress Report |
1943 |
8.9 | Precipitation Static Bulletin Correspondence |
1938-1945 |
8.10 | Advisory Reports |
1940-1951 |
2.009 | Research Materials re: Precipitation-Static
Reduction |
1931, 1941-1943; undated |
Folder | ||
9.1 | Aircraft Precipitation Static Proposed Resistive Discharger for
Aircraft + Experimental Positive-Point-Discharger Frequency
Spectrum |
undated |
9.2 | Point discharges and Precipitation Static
Illustrations |
undated |
9.3 | Static Discharge Study - drafts |
undated |
9.4 | Figures for Discharge Current and Flame Behavior |
9.5 | "The Effect of an Electric Field on Flames and their
Propagation" (Lewis) + "The Effect of an Electric Field on the Propagation
of Flame" (Guenault, Wheeler) |
1931 |
9.6 | Flame Discharger - correspondence, test results |
1941-1943 |
9.7 | Discharger Data |
1941-1943 |
9.8 | Aircraft Precipitation Static Discharge Devices - graphs,
figures, paper |
1943 |
9.9 | Precipitation Static Research - propeller tip discharge
testing |
1942-1943 |
2.010 | Research Materials re: Precipitation-Static
Reduction |
1938-1944; undated |
Folder | ||
10.1 | Rough Draft Materials - handwritten and typed appendices
(Starr) |
undated |
10.2 | Technical Data - calculations and notes |
1938-1944 |
2.011 | Research Materials re: Precipitation-Static
Reduction |
1942-1944; undated |
Folder | ||
11.1 | Airplane discharge characteristics - original drawings,
photostat negatives |
undated |
11.2 | Vacuum Chamber - drawings & calculations
(Huggins) |
1942 |
11.3 | Blower-Exhauster - correspondence re: building an air tunnel
test chamber |
1942-1943 |
11.4 | Experiment materials: cathode ray oscillograms and negatives -
Point Discharge Studies, Performance Characteristics of Discharge
Devices |
1944; undated |
3: Nuclear Power, 1940-1988Return to Top
A member of the Manhattan Project and later a consultant to the Atomic Energy Commission, Eugene Starr was closely acquainted with the development of nuclear power from its inception. The materials in Series 3 reflect this life-long interest, and specifically detail his contacts with nuclear power interests in the Pacific Northwest. Starr's participation as a civilian observer at the first Operation Crossroads nuclear test on Bikini Atoll is also documented in this series.
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
Box | ||
3.001 | Materials re: Washington Public Power Supply, New Production
Reactor |
1962-1964, 1974, 1983 |
Folder | ||
1.1 | Planning Conferences - notes |
1962-1964 |
1.2 | BPA Committee |
Nov 1962 - Jan 1963; June 1974 |
1.3 | NW Power Planning Council (NWPPC) - "WPPSS 1, 2, & 3 -
Decisions Under Uncertainty" - draft |
1983 |
3.002 | Materials re: Washington Public Power Supply, New Production
Reactor |
1962-1964 |
Folder | ||
2.1 | Transmission Planning |
Nov 1962 - Mar 1963 |
2.2 | Transmission Planning |
Apr 1963 - Feb 1964 |
3.003 | Materials re: Washington Public Power Supply, New Production
Reactor |
1962-1964, 1970, 1975 |
Folder | ||
3.1 | "Preliminary Feasibility Analysis" (RW Beck &
Associates) |
1962 |
3.2 | Site Survey Materials |
1962-1963 |
3.3 | "Proceedings Commercial Fabrication of Plutonium Fuels"
(Hanford Laboratories) |
1964 |
3.4 | BPA "Special Hanford NPR Study" |
1970 |
3.5 | "Status Report - Conceptual Fuel Cycle Studies for the Hanford
Nuclear Energy Center" (Battelle NW) - 4 copies |
1975 |
3.004 | Materials re: Washington Public Power Supply, New Production
Reactor |
1960-1963 |
Folder | ||
4.1 | Cooling System - flow diagrams |
1960; 1962 |
4.2 | Control Systems |
Apr 1961 - Dec 1962 |
4.3 | Sixth Loop |
1962-1963 |
4.4 | Steam Pressure and Quality - calculations |
1962-1963 |
3.005 | Materials re: Washington Public Power Supply, New Production
Reactor |
1963-1982 |
Folder | ||
5.1 | Washington Public Power Supply System (WPPSS) Hanford
Project |
1963 |
5.2 | Progress Reports |
1963-1964 |
5.3 | WPPSS Hanford Plant - Operating data, reports |
1963-1965 |
5.4 | WPPSS Hanford Plant - Operating data, reports |
1965-1982 |
3.006 | Materials re: Washington Public Power Supply, New Production
Reactor |
1961-1963, 1966, 1973-1984 |
Folder | ||
6.1 | "Power Conversion Studies - Hanford New Production
Reactor" |
1961 |
6.2 | Ground-breaking for the Hanford Steam Plant -
program |
1963 |
6.3 | Willis T. Batcheller, consulting engineer - NPR Design
Deficiencies |
1962; 1963; 1966 |
6.4 | Reactor Termination [Jan 1963 - Mar 1971] + Oregonian
Article |
1980 |
6.5 | Governor's Panel Report on Impact of WPPSS 4 & 5 + Final
Report to Washington State Legislature + Report to Regional
Council |
1981-1982 |
6.6 | WPPSS 3 & 5 - Frequency Decay Study |
1982 |
6.7 | Analysis of Resource Alternatives: WNP-3 |
1983 |
6.8 | Daily Report Journal from Hanford Generating Plant |
Aug 1973 - Apr 1984 |
3.007 | Materials re: Washington Public Power Supply, New Production
Reactor |
1960-1965 |
Folder | ||
7.1 | Contracts |
1960-1962 |
7.2 | AEC - correspondence |
1962-1963 |
7.3 | Burns & Roe - correspondence |
1962-1963 |
7.4 | Tennessee Valley Authority - correspondence |
1962-1963 |
7.5 | Turbine Generator - specifications, bids and
analysis |
1962-1963 |
7.6 | Schedules for Construction, Bids and Contracts |
1962-1965 |
3.008 | Materials re: Washington Public Power Supply, New Production
Reactor |
1958, 1961-1965, 1969, 1976, 1979 |
Folder | ||
8.1 | Bond Issuance - official statement |
1963 |
8.2 | 5-6 loop Conversion - cost estimates, incremental
analysis |
1963-1964 |
8.3 | Construction Budget |
May 1963 - Jul 1965 |
8.4 | Auxiliary Steam Supply Systems - cost comparisons
(Warchol) |
1969 |
8.5 | Fuel - research, development and costs |
1958; 1961-1964; 1969 |
8.6 | WPPSS Cost and Budget Information |
1976; 1979 |
3.009 | Materials re: Washington Public Power Supply, New Production
Reactor |
1961-1965, 1969, 1976, 1979 |
Folder | ||
9.1 | Turbine-Generators - performance and cost estimates |
1963 |
9.2 | Cost estimates |
1961-1965 |
9.3 | Operation - costs, output and outages |
1962-1964; 1967 |
9.4 | Position Paper - budget, contract information |
1981 |
9.5 | Turbine Generator - data and reports |
1976-1988 |
3.010 | Materials re: Washington Public Power Supply, New Production
Reactor |
1960-1967 |
Folder | ||
10.1 | NPR - 16 viewgraphs for overhead projector |
10.2 | NPR - engineering aspects |
1960-1962 |
10.3 | NPR - lecture notes, photos & materials |
1961-1964 |
10.4 | NPR - Conversion, Feasibility Studies |
1962 |
10.5 | NPR - Conversion, Feasibility Studies |
1963 |
10.6 | NPR Hanford Plant - plant factors |
1963-1967 |
3.011 | Materials re: Washington Public Power Supply, New Production
Reactor |
1960-1973 |
Folder | ||
11.1 | NPR - memos |
1960-1963 |
11.2 | NPR - financing |
1962-1963 |
11.3 | NPR - WPPSS - contract w/General Electric (GE) |
1963 |
11.4 | WPPSS Nuclear Project No. 2 - Agreement |
1970 |
11.5 | Hanford Contracts |
1962-1973 |
3.012 | Materials re: Washington Public Power Supply, New Production
Reactor |
1963-1966, 1970, 1982 |
Folder | ||
12.1 | Hanford Electric Generating Project |
1963 |
12.2 | NPR - personnel - employee reviews [1964-1968], position
descriptions, organization |
1963-1966 |
12.3 | WPPSS Hanford Nuclear Steam Plant Inspection - Units #1 &
#2 |
July 1970 |
12.4 | "Draft Final Report - Independent Review of WNP-4 and 5"
(Washington Energy Resource Center, Washington State University,
University of Washington) |
1982 |
3.013 | Materials re: Atomic Energy Commission Ad Hoc Advisory
Committee |
1956, 1958, 1960 |
Folder | ||
13.1 | Meeting Minutes |
Oct 3, 1958 |
13.2 | Liquid Metal Fuel Reactor studies (5 items) |
1958 |
13.3 | "Program 4000 - Reactor Development - Status & Progress
Report" (Oak Ridge National Laboratories) |
Sept 1958 |
13.4 | "Molten Salt Reactor Program" (Oak Ridge National
Laboratories) |
1958 |
13.5 | "The ORNL Gas-Cooled Reactor" (Oak Ridge National Laboratories)
+ "The ORNL Gas-Cooled Reactor - Advanced Concepts" (Oak Ridge National
Laboratories) |
1958 |
13.6 | Operation Know-How (General Electric) + Operation Sunrise
(General Electric) |
13.7 | 3 Pages from Nuclear Power re: British Power Stations and
Reactors |
Sept 1958 |
13.8 | Committee materials given to EC Starr - including "Plutonium
Recycling in Thermal Reactors" |
1958 |
13.9 | Committee materials given to EC Starr - including "Experimental
Power and Test Reactors" (AEC) [1956] and "Civilian Power Reactor Program
- Plans for Development" |
1960 |
13.10 | Committee materials given to EC Starr - including
correspondence |
1958 |
13.11 | Committee materials given to EC Starr - including "Eight
Reactor Types - A Thermodynamic Comparison (Burns and Roe, Inc.) [1958]
and "Fact Sheets on Nuclear Energy Power Projects" |
1958 |
3.014 | Materials re: Atomic Energy Commission Ad Hoc Advisory
Committee |
1956-1960 |
Folder | ||
14.1 | "Statistical Charts & Data for Ad Hoc Advisory Committee on
Reactor Policies & Programs" |
Oct - Nov 1958 |
14.2 | AEC Ad Hoc Committee on Reactor Policies and Programs -
correspondence, reports, materials |
1956-1959 |
14.3 | AEC Ad-Hoc Advisory Committee on Reactor Policies and Programs
- correspondence on final draft, minutes, testimonies |
1958-1960 |
3.015 | Materials re: Atomic Energy Commission Ad Hoc Advisory
Committee |
1958-1959 |
Folder | ||
15.1 | AEC Ad-Hoc Advisory Committee on Reactor Policies and Programs
- correspondence, minutes, reports |
1958-1959 |
15.2 | AEC Civilian Power Program - Part IV Program Recommendations
for Civilian Power Reactors |
1959 |
15.3 | "Civilian Nuclear Power - Report by Ad Hoc Advisory Committee
on Reactor Policies and Programs United States Atomic Energy
Commission" |
1959 |
3.016 | Materials re: Atomic Energy Commission Ad Hoc Advisory
Committee |
1953-1954, 1958, 1960, 1963 |
Folder | ||
16.1 | "Report of the Sodium Graphite Technical Task
Force" |
1958 |
16.2 | Atomic Energy Commission - Nuclear Power |
1953-1954 |
16.3 | Atomic Energy Commission - Puget Sound |
1954 |
16.4 | Atomic Energy Commission Civilian Power Reactor Program - Parts
1960 |
16.5 | Atomic Energy Commission Releases |
1963 |
3.017 | Materials re: Atomic Energy Commission Ad Hoc Advisory
Committee |
1955-1964, 1966 |
Folder | ||
17.1 | "Radioactive Fallout - A Two-Year Summary Report"
(Dunham) |
1959 |
17.2 | Civilian Nuclear Power - Report by Ad Hoc Advisory Committee on
Reactor Policies and Programs |
1959 |
17.3 | "Atomic Energy Commission Civilian Power Program - Part I
Current Status of Reactor Concepts" |
1959 |
17.4 | "Atomic Energy Commission Civilian Power Program - Part II
Economic Potential and Development Program" |
1959 |
17.5 | Atomic Energy Commission Publications |
1955-1963 |
17.6 | Atomic Energy Commission Remarks |
1955; 1964; 1966 |
3.018 | Papers, Reports and Publications re: Nuclear Power |
1953-1964 |
Folder | ||
18.1 | Papers, reports and publications |
1953-1957 |
18.2 | Papers, reports and publications |
1958-1959 |
18.3 | Papers, reports and publications |
1960-1964 |
3.019 | Papers, Reports and Publications re: Nuclear Power |
1966, 1968-1976 |
Folder | ||
19.1 | Papers, reports and publications |
1966 |
19.2 | Papers, reports and publications |
1968-1969 |
19.3 | Papers, reports and publications |
1970-1976 |
3.020 | Papers, Reports and Publications re: Nuclear Power |
1977-1986 |
Folder | ||
20.1 | Papers, reports and publications |
1977-1979 |
20.2 | Papers, reports and publications |
1980-1982 |
20.3 | Papers, reports and publications |
1983-1986 |
3.021 | Presentations and Photos re: Nuclear Power |
1949-1968 |
Folder | ||
21.1 | "Nuclear Power - Its Future in the Northwest" (EC Starr) -
materials and drafts for presentation |
1958 |
21.2 | Nuclear Plant Photos - Shippingport & others |
1958 |
21.3 | Nuclear Power Presentations - materials, drafts, note cards,
photos |
1949-1959 |
21.4 | Rugeley Plant Cooling Towers - photos |
1968 |
3.022 | Materials re: Three Mile Island and the Atomic Bomb |
1945-1979 |
Folder | ||
22.1 | Operation Crossroads - invitation, correspondence, presentation
notices including first impressions of A-Bomb test |
1945-1948 |
22.2 | Special Briefing on Harrisburg Events (Three Mile
Island) |
1979 |
22.3 | Three Mile Island Incident |
1979 |
3.023 | Materials re: Particle Accelerators and Nuclear Fusion
Research |
1961-1986 |
Folder | ||
23.1 | "Catalogue of High Energy Accelerators" (Brookhaven National
Laboratory) |
1961 |
23.2 | High Energy Physics - Accelerators - several
publications |
1961-1965 |
23.3 | Accelerator Site Selection Committee |
1965 |
23.4 | Engineering Test Reactor for Fusion Research - discussion,
reports |
1985-1986 |
23.5 | Materials on Fusion Energy Research as it relates to an
Engineering Test Reactor |
1986 |
3.024 | Materials re: Costs of Nuclear Power Generation |
1952-1982 |
Folder | ||
24.1 | Power Generation Cost Comparisons -nuclear, coal,
hydro |
1952-1959 |
24.2 | "Costs of Nuclear Power" (AEC) |
1959 |
24.3 | Nuclear Power Costs - Passamaquoddy, Oyster Creek, TVA,
etc. |
1963-1968 |
24.4 | "The Economics of Nuclear Power" (Brandfon) + "Economic and
Technical Experience of Nuclear Power Production in the U.S."
(Behnke) |
1982 |
3.025 | Materials re: Non-U.S. Nuclear Power Systems |
1959-1960, 1969-1970, 1984-1985 |
Folder | ||
25.1 | "Scientific Research in Great Britain - With Emphasis on Basic
Research and Research in Atomic Energy" |
1959 |
25.2 | "Relative Water and Power Resource Development in the USSR and
the USA" |
1960 |
25.3 | British Nuclear Forum's Trade Mission |
1970 |
25.4 | Nuclear Power in the United Kingdom, Dounreay Fast Reactor -
reports |
1969-1970 |
25.5 | "Disparities in Nuclear Plant Performance in the United States
and the Federal Republic of Germany" (Hansen, Winje) |
1984 |
25.6 | "Comparative Evaluation of Nuclear Power in Japan and the
United States - A Report to the Japanese-United States Friendship
Commission" (Lowinger, Hinman) |
1985 |
3.026 | Materials re: Nuclear Power Plant Siting |
1967-1968 |
Folder | ||
26.1 | "Nuclear Power Plant Siting in the Pacific Northwest" for BPA -
Summary Report (Battelle-Northwest) |
1967 |
26.2 | "Nuclear Power Plant Siting in the Pacific Northwest" for BPA
(Battelle-Northwest) |
1967 |
26.3 | Federal Power Commission S.2564/S.3330 - Nuclear plant
siting/sharing - papers and memos |
1968 |
3.027 | Assorted Materials re: Nuclear Power |
1940, 1965-1968 |
Folder | ||
27.1 | "Feed Water Heating" (Reynolds) |
1940 |
27.2 | Waste Heat - cooling towers, river regulation, steam
vents |
1965-1968 |
3.028 | Assorted Materials re: Nuclear Power |
1954-1964 |
Folder | ||
28.1 | "Development of Steam Generated Electric Power Resources -
Preliminary Report" (Washington State Power Commission) |
1954 |
28.2 | "US Reactor Operating History 1943-1956" (Moteff) |
1956 |
28.3 | Second UN Conference on the Peaceful Uses of Atomic Energy - 9
papers |
1958 |
28.4 | AIEE/IEEE Nuclear Science Group - correspondence, papers,
meetings |
1955-1964 |
3.029 | Assorted Materials re: Nuclear Power |
1962-1963, 1966-1969 |
Folder | ||
29.1 | Minnesota Power Study - data & reports |
1962-1963 |
29.2 | IEEE Summer General Meeting and Nuclear Radiation Effects
Conference - Toronto |
1963 |
29.3 | Use of Plutonium in Water Reactors - contract documents
(General Electric) |
February 1966 - February 1967 |
29.4 | Use of Plutonium in Water Reactors - monthly reports June '66 -
December '66 (General Electric) |
1966-1967 |
29.5 | Use of Plutonium in Water Reactors - monthly reports January
'67 - July '67 (General Electric) |
1966-1967 |
29.6 | Use of Plutonium in Water Reactors - progress reports
(Westinghouse) |
Aug 1966 - Dec 1967 |
29.7 | "Quality Control" (Vickers Limited) |
1968 |
29.8 | Kiket Island Nuclear Plant Site - Preliminary site data &
speech |
1969 |
3.030 | Assorted Materials re: Nuclear Power |
1970-1975, 1982-1983 |
Folder | ||
30.1 | PGE Trojan Interim Engineering Review Committee |
1972 |
30.2 | American Nuclear Society - correspondence, minutes |
1970-1975 |
30.3 | "Study of a Conceptual Nuclear Energy Center at Green River,
Utah - Final Summary Report" (Utah Energy Office) |
1982 |
30.4 | "National Electric Power Grid Assessment Program - Phase I
Final Report (Boeing) |
1982-1983 |
30.5 | Atomic Industrial Forum - BPA membership and dues
correspondence |
1981-1984 |
30.6 | 1563 MW(e) HTGR Plant Concepts (Edison, TVA, GE, Bechtel, etc.)
3.031 | Classified Nuclear Power Material Receipts &
Inventories |
1953-1976 |
Folder | ||
31.1 | Classified Nuclear Power Material Receipts &
Inventories |
1953-1962 |
31.2 | Classified Nuclear Power Material Receipts &
Inventories |
1963-1976 |
4: Power Generation, 1948-1988Return to Top
Through his long association with the Bonneville Power Administration, Eugene Starr encountered many opportunities for research and discussion on new forms of electric power generation. This series documents his interest in a variety of power sources, including alternative power generation through wind, hydroelectric and solar means.
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
Box | ||
4.001 | Materials re: Energy Conservation |
1973-1978 |
Folder | ||
1.1 | OEPBS Series on Northwest Energy Problems |
1973 |
1.2 | Northwest Regional Conference on the Energy Crisis - Lewis and
Clark College - w/presentation by Starr + IEEE Cassette: "Energy Crisis
Engineering Solutions" |
1974 |
1.3 | "The National Energy Plan - Summary of Public Participation"
(Executive Office of the President/Energy Policy and Planning) |
1977 |
1.4 | "The National Energy Plan" (Executive Office of the
President/Energy Policy and Planning) |
1977 |
1.5 | Energy Conservation - projects and studies |
1976-1977 |
1.6 | Energy - papers, articles, etc. |
1974-1978 |
4.002 | Materials re: Energy Conservation |
1979-1983 |
Folder | ||
2.1 | "Energy for the '80s" Conferences |
1980-1981 |
2.2 | Energy - papers, articles, etc. |
1979-1982 |
2.3 | "Northwest Conservation and Electric Power Plan - Vol. I"
(Northwest Power Planning Council) |
1983 |
2.4 | "Regional Conservation and Electric Power Plan" (Northwest
Power Planning Council) - draft + responses to draft energy
plan |
1983 |
4.003 | Materials re: Alternative Energy Sources |
1960-1979; undated |
Folder | ||
3.1 | Energy Storage |
1971-1974 |
3.2 | Energy Storage |
1975-1976 |
3.3 | Alternative Energy - papers and reports |
1960-1979 |
3.4 | Wave Energy and Utilization of Municipal Refuse - 1 item
each |
undated |
4.004 | Materials re: Alternative Energy Sources |
1974-1984 |
Folder | ||
4.1 | BPA Raft River Geothermal Plant Project |
1978-1981 |
4.2 | Transportable Power Generation Equipment |
1979 |
4.3 | French Publications on Renewable Energy Options
(untranslated) |
1980-1982 |
4.4 | Fuel Cell Power Plants |
1981 |
4.5 | Waste Heat Utilization |
1974-1984 |
4.005 | Materials re: Alternative Energy Sources |
1980-1983 |
Folder | ||
5.1 | "Report on the Evaluation of Eleven Geothermal Proposals"
(Kaiser Engineers Power Corporation) |
1982 |
5.2 | Alternative Energy - papers and reports |
1980-1983 |
5.3 | Kopp's Concept for Using Deep, Condensate-Rich Gas Traps for
Power |
1983 |
4.006 | Materials re: Solar Voltaic Energy |
1956, 1974-1987 |
Folder | ||
6.1 | Alfred H. Canada correspondence on 'Strategic' Solarvoltaic
Generation - 4 copies of letter + 10 enclosures |
1978-1984 |
6.2 | Solar Voltaic Power Generation |
1956; 1974-1987 |
4.007 | Materials re: Wind Energy |
1975-1987 |
Folder | ||
7.1 | "Small Wind Energy Conversion Systems" (University of
Washington) |
1983 |
7.2 | Wind Power - papers and publications |
1975-1987 |
4.008 | Materials re: Wind Energy |
1978-1988 |
Folder | ||
8.1 | "MOD-2 Wind Turbine Farm Stability Study for NASA" (Hinrichsen
& Nolan) |
1980 |
8.2 | BPA MOD-2 Wind Power Research Test Program |
1978-1988 |
4.009 | Materials re: Wind Energy |
1983 |
Folder | ||
9.1 | BPA MOD-2 Wind Power Research Test Program Review |
June 30, 1983 |
4.010 | Materials re: Hydroelectricity |
1941, 1951, 1957, 1962-1965, 1976 |
Folder | ||
10.1 | Boulder Dam Generator Data |
1941 |
10.2 | "Hydroelectric Power Resources of the United States - Developed
and Undeveloped" (Federal Power Commission) |
1957 |
10.3 | Maps of Hydroelectric Projects and Transmission
Systems |
1962-1965 |
10.4 | BPA - Hanford Project Critical Hydro Conditions |
1965 |
10.5 | Ontario Hydro - report on need for R & D and publication on
Research Laboratory |
1967 |
10.6 | Teton Topographical Map |
1951 |
10.7 | Teton Dam failure - article on need for new plant in
Ellensburg |
1976 |
4.011 | Materials re: Hydroelectricity |
1957-1981 |
Folder | ||
11.1 | Hydroelectric Power Generation |
1957-1980 |
11.2 | Kaplan Turbine Accident Reports - reverse water hammer
accident |
1980 |
11.3 | "Observations and Comments on the Turbine Failure at Yankee
Atomic Electric Company, Rowe, Massachusetts" (Goldberg,
Streit) |
1981 |
11.4 | "Simplified Methodology for Economic Screening of Potential
Low-Head Small-Capacity Hydroelectric Sites" (EPRI) |
1981 |
11.5 | "Tyee Lake Hydroelectric Project - Environmental Impact
Statement" (Federal Energy Regulatory Commission) |
1981 |
11.6 | "B.C. Hydro Research & Development 1984/85 Work Program"
4.012 | Materials re: Hydroelectricity |
1977, 1979 |
Folder | ||
12.1 | "1st Progress Report of Feasibility Study of Hydroelectric
Generation at Pelton Reregulating Dam" (Dibble) |
1977 |
12.2 | "Pelton Reregulating Dam Hydroelectric Project - Feasibility
Report" (The Confederated Tribes of the Warm Springs Reservation of
Oregon) |
1979 |
4.013 | Materials re: Steam Plants |
1948-1985 |
Folder | ||
13.1 | Steam Plants - loading studies, typical economy, heat
balance |
1949-1951 |
13.2 | "Harbor Steam Plant - Power System" (Department of Water and
Power, City of Los Angeles) |
1950 |
13.3 | Centralia Steam Plant Development |
1969 |
13.4 | "The Role of the Bonneville Power Administration in the Pacific
Northwest Power Supply System Including its Participation in the
Hydro-Thermal Power Program - EIS Summary Report" (BPA) |
1977 |
13.5 | Daily Reports and Notes on Power Plants |
Oct 1978 - Jul 1979 |
13.6 | Steam Plants |
1948-1985 |
4.014 | Materials re: Coal Plants |
1969-1977 |
Folder | ||
14.1 | Coal Transportation Costs |
1969-1977 |
14.2 | Reports on Smokestacks at Coal Fired Plants |
1971-1974 |
14.3 | Colstrip Power Transmission Project - maps, photos, and
reports |
1972-1977 |
4.015 | Materials re: Coal Plants |
1958-1980, 1983 |
Folder | ||
15.1 | Coal Power - articles and reports |
1958-1980 |
15.2 | "Energy Legislation - Combined Cycle Power Generation
Option" |
1977 |
15.3 | "Slurry Pipelines: Economic and Political Issues"
(Banks) |
1977 |
15.4 | Coal-Slurry Project - Salem Harbor |
1979 |
15.5 | "Colstrip Interim Operating Studies" (Kreipe) |
1983 |
5: Organizations, 1932-1988Return to Top
Starr's close association with a handful of professional organizations are documented in this series. Of particular interest are the twelve boxes of materials related to Starr's interactions with the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, including his two-year stint as a member of the group's Board of Directors.
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
Box | ||
5.001 | Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) -
Board of Directors |
1963 |
Folder | ||
1.1 | IEEE Board of Directors Meeting - New York |
January 1963 |
1.2 | IEEE Board of Directors Meeting - during Southwest IRE
Conference (SWIRECO) - Dallas |
April 1963 |
1.3 | IEEE Board of Directors Meeting - during IEEE Summer General
Meeting - Ontario |
June 1963 |
1.4 | IEEE Board of Directors Meeting - during NEC -
Chicago |
October 1963 |
5.002 | Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) -
Board of Directors |
1964-1965 |
Folder | ||
2.1 | IEEE Board of Directors Meeting - during Annual Assembly - New
York |
January 1964 |
2.2 | IEEE Board of Directors Meeting - minutes missing - New
York |
April 1964 |
2.3 | IEEE Board of Directors Meeting - during WESCON and IEEE Summer
General Meeting - L.A. |
August 1964 |
2.4 | IEEE Board of Directors Meeting - during NEC -
Chicago |
October 1964 |
2.5 | IEEE Board of Directors Meeting - during Annual Assembly -
minutes missing - New York |
January 1965 |
5.003 | Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) -
Awards |
1961-1984 |
Folder | ||
3.1 | "IEEE Awards Board Manual" |
1964 |
3.2 | IEEE Field Awards Committee - correspondence and
materials |
1963-1969 |
3.3 | IEEE Field Awards Committee - correspondence and
materials |
1970-1975 |
3.4 | IEEE Field Awards Committee - nominations |
1961-1983 |
3.5 | IEEE Lamme Medal Committee |
1981-1984 |
3.6 | IEEE Field Awards Candidate Search Committee |
1983-1984 |
5.004 | Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) -
Awards |
1962-1966, 1969, 1971-1974, 1976, 1982-1984, 1988 |
Folder | ||
4.1 | EC Starr Endorsements of Nominations for Harbishaw Awards:
Gunnar Jancke 1971, Cahill and Archambault 1972, Edward Kimbark 1976, and
J.J. Dougherty 1983 |
1971-1972, 1976, 1983 |
4.2 | EC Starr Endorsements of Nominations: L. M. Robertson for
Founders Medal 1976, Harold Peterson for Nikola Tesla Award 1975 and
Education Medal 1976 |
1975-1976 |
4.3 | "IEEE Awards - An Invitation to Nominate" |
1965; 1969; 1973; 1976; 1983 |
4.4 | IEEE Awards - brochures |
1962-1966 |
4.5 | Nomination of Everett Harrington for IEEE William Martin
Harbishaw Award |
1973-1974 |
4.6 | Power Engineering Educator Award Nomination for Eric T. B.
Gross |
1976 |
4.7 | Response of P. L. Bellaschi to receipt of Willam Harbishaw
Award |
1982 |
4.8 | IEEE Centennial Medal - correspondence and
materials |
1982-1983 |
4.9 | Nomination of I. Birgen Johnson for IEEE Lamme Medal (EC Starr
nominated) |
1984 |
4.10 | IEEE Fellow Nomination Packet - blank + IEEE rejection of Marv
Klinger's nomination |
1988 |
4.11 | Nomination of L. M. Robertson for IEEE William Martin Harbishaw
Award |
1963 |
4.12 | Nomination of Ralph S. Gens for IEEE William Martin Harbishaw
Award |
1982 |
5.005 | Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) -
Senior and Fellow Grade References |
1964-1971, 1973-1978, 1980-1984 |
Folder | ||
5.1 | IEEE Senior and Fellow Grade References |
1964-1971 |
5.2 | IEEE Senior and Fellow Grade References |
1973-1976 |
5.3 | IEEE Senior and Fellow Grade References |
1977-1978 |
5.4 | IEEE Senior and Fellow Grade References |
1980-1984 |
5.006 | Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) -
Paper Reviews and Discussions |
1937-1949, 1970-1986 |
Folder | ||
6.1 | IEEE Paper Reviews/Discussions |
1937-1949 |
6.2 | IEEE Paper Reviews/Discussions |
1970-1975 |
6.3 | IEEE Paper Reviews/Discussions |
1976-1977 |
6.4 | IEEE Paper Reviews/Discussions |
1978-1986 |
5.007 | Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) -
Correspondence and Meeting Minutes |
1932, 1962-1964, 1976, 1985 |
Folder | ||
7.1 |
The Journal of the Institution of
Electrical Engineers
June 1932 |
7.2 | Merge of the Institute of Radio Engineers (IRE) and the
American Institute of Electrical Engineers (AIEE) |
1962 |
7.3 | IEEE Board of Directors Policy Manual including Engineers
Council for Professional Development Report |
1962 |
7.4 | IEEE Report of the Secretary |
1963 |
7.5 | IEEE Section Manual |
1963 |
7.6 | "IEEE Student Branch Manual" |
1964 |
7.7 | "Manual for IEEE Counselors" |
1964 |
7.8 | "The US Energy Equation and the Role of Electricity - a
position statement" (IEEE) |
1976 |
7.9 | "Standard Procedure for Measurement of Power Frequency Electric
and Magnetic Fields from AC Power Lines" (IEEE) |
1985 |
5.008 | Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) -
Correspondence and Meeting Minutes |
1962-1986 |
Folder | ||
8.1 | IEEE Publications Board |
1966-1967 |
8.2 | IEEE Materials - brochures, notes, newsletters |
1963-1985 |
8.3 | IEEE Correspondence |
1962-1986 |
5.009 | Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) -
Correspondence and Meeting Minutes |
1963-1964, 1966, 1971, 1975-1976 |
Folder | ||
9.1 | AIEE Winter General Meeting - committee info and correspondence
- New York |
1963 |
9.2 | IEEE Pacific Annual Meeting - Spokane |
1963 |
9.3 | IEEE International Convention - New York |
1964 |
9.4 | Western Electronics Show and Convention (WESCON) - IEEE Meeting
- session C information - L.A. |
1964 |
9.5 | IEEE Cultural and Scientific Exchange |
Apr - Sep 1966 |
9.6 | IEEE Summer Power Meeting & International Symposium on High
Power Testing - chair materials and biographical sketches of
speakers |
1971 |
9.7 | Joint Power Generation Conference - Winter Meeting - chair
materials: biographical sketches of authors, introductions - Portland,
OR |
1975 |
9.8 | IEEE Power Generation Committee "Energy Development - D"
Technical Session Summer Power Meeting |
1976 |
9.9 | IEEE Winter Power Meeting |
1976 |
5.010 | Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) -
Correspondence and Meeting Minutes |
1978, 1982-1984 |
Folder | ||
10.1 | IEEE Winter Power Meeting - notes and discussions |
1978 |
10.2 | IEEE Summer Meeting |
1982 |
10.3 | IEEE Winter Meeting - New York |
1983 |
10.4 | IEEE Centennial Program 1984 - preparation
materials |
1983 |
10.5 | IEEE Summer Meeting, LA - papers, brochures,
materials |
1983 |
10.6 | IEEE Summer Power Meeting - minutes, reports,
brochures |
1984 |
10.7 | IEEE Winter Power Meeting - minutes, reports, and
brochures |
1984 |
5.011 | Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) -
Correspondence and Meeting Minutes |
1943-1944, 1950, 1976-1986 |
Folder | ||
11.1 | AIEE Subcommittee on Guide for Impulse Testing -
correspondence |
1943-1944 |
11.2 | West Coast Sub Committee on Electronic Power Converters - memo
of meeting, committee report, bibliography on power converters |
1950 |
11.3 | Insulation Subcommittee of Rotating Machinery Committee -
minutes |
1977 |
11.4 | "IEEE Recommended Practice for Thermal Evaluation of Insulation
Systems for A C Electrical Machinery Employing Form-Wound Preinsulated
Stator Coils - Machines rated 6900 volts and below" (IEEE)
drafts |
1979; 1983 |
11.5 | IEEE Power Generation Committee - Minutes of
Meetings |
1976-1984 |
11.6 | Energy Development Subcommittee, DC Transmission Task Force,
Standards Subcommittee |
1979; 1982-1985 |
11.7 | IEEE Transmission and Distribution Capacitor Subcommittee -
correspondence, drafts, meeting minutes |
1980; 1982; 1986 |
5.012 | Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) -
Correspondence and Meeting Minutes |
1949-1953, 1964, 1969, 1976, 1981, 1985-1986 |
Folder | ||
12.1 | AIEE Transmission and Distribution - correspondence |
1949-1953 |
12.2 | IEEE Transmission and Distribution Committee Meeting - New
York |
1964; 1969 |
12.3 | IEEE Power Meeting - minutes and standards information for
Transmission and Distribution Committee |
1976 |
12.4 | "IEEE Transmission and Distribution Committee - Report of
Meeting" |
1981; 1985; 1986 |
12.5 | IEEE Transmission & Distribution Committee and Subcommittee
binders |
5.013 | International Council on Large Electric Systems (CIGRE) -
Correspondence and Meeting Minutes |
1958-1962 |
Folder | ||
13.1 | CIGRE - general - correspondence, minutes,
proceedings |
1958-1961 |
13.2 | CIGRE Study Committee #10 - correspondence |
1959-1961 |
13.3 | US Technical Subcommittee - correspondence |
1960-1961 |
13.4 | CIGRE Study Committee #10 - meeting correspondence
Paris |
1962 |
13.5 | HVDC Seminar in Sweden - schedules, correspondence |
1962 |
5.014 | International Council on Large Electric Systems (CIGRE) -
Correspondence and Meeting Minutes |
1962-1964 |
Folder | ||
14.1 | CIGRE - general - correspondence, minutes,
proceedings |
1962-1963 |
14.2 | CIGRE Study Committee #10 - meeting correspondence, minutes
London |
1963 |
14.3 | CIGRE - general - correspondence, minutes,
proceedings |
1964 |
14.4 | CIGRE conference Paris - correspondence |
1964 |
5.015 | International Council on Large Electric Systems (CIGRE) -
Correspondence and Meeting Minutes |
1965-1969 |
Folder | ||
15.1 | CIGRE - general - correspondence, minutes,
proceedings |
1965-1969 |
15.2 | CIGRE Study Committee #10 - meeting notes |
1966 |
15.3 | CIGRE meeting notes (EC Starr) |
1967 |
15.4 | CIGRE Study Committee #10 - meeting correspondence
Heidelberg |
1968 |
5.016 | International Council on Large Electric Systems (CIGRE) -
Correspondence and Meeting Minutes |
1962-1968 |
Folder | ||
16.1 | CIGRE Study Committee #10 - correspondence |
1962-1963 |
16.2 | CIGRE Study Committee #10 - correspondence |
1964 |
16.3 | CIGRE Study Committee #10 - correspondence |
1965-1968 |
5.017 | International Council on Large Electric Systems (CIGRE) -
Correspondence and Meeting Minutes |
1970-1979 |
Folder | ||
17.1 | CIGRE (L.A.) & IEEE (Portland) meetings - materials,
correspondence, arrangements for delegates |
1971 |
17.2 | Welcoming Statement by EC Starr at Opening Session of Cigre
Study Committee No. 14 |
14 July 1971 |
17.3 | "Recent Performance of the HVDC Pacific Intertie (Report to
CIGRE Study Committee 14)" (EC Starr) |
1973 |
17.4 | CIGRE Study Committee #14 - correspondence Tokyo |
1973 |
17.5 | CIGRE Study Committee #14 - correspondence
Johannesburg |
1975 |
17.6 | CIGRE - general - correspondence, minutes,
proceedings |
1970-1974 |
17.7 | CIGRE - general - correspondence, minutes,
proceedings |
1975-1979 |
5.018 | International Council on Large Electric Systems (CIGRE) -
Correspondence and Meeting Minutes |
1980-1985; undated |
Folder | ||
18.1 | "CIGRE Executive Report Fall - 1980" (Ransom & Casazza,
Inc.) |
18.2 | Electra |
Dec 1982 |
18.3 | CIGRE - general - correspondence, minutes,
proceedings |
1980-1982 |
18.4 | CIGRE - general - correspondence, minutes,
proceedings |
1983-1985 |
18.5 | CIGRE - general - correspondence, minutes,
proceedings |
undated |
5.019 | National Academy of Engineering (NAE) and Professional
Engineers of Oregon (NSPE/PEO) |
1959-1987 |
Folder | ||
19.1 | Nomination of Dr. Edward W. Kimbark for membership to the
National Academy of Engineering |
1978 |
19.2 | "National Academy of Engineering - Nomination Forms
1981" |
19.3 | National Academy of Engineering - Peer Committee and
Rosters |
1982 |
19.4 | "Genetic Engineering and the Engineer" (NAE) |
1982 |
19.5 | "National Academy of Engineering Articles of Organization and
Bylaws" |
1985 |
19.6 | "National Academy of Engineering - Nomination for Membership" -
nomination packets 1978, 1983, 1984, 1986 |
19.7 | National Academy of Engineering - memorial tribute to Dr.
Edward W. Kimbark (EC Starr) + background materials |
1986 |
19.8 | National Academy of Engineering - correspondence and
materials |
1977-1987 |
19.9 | "Policies Professional and Administrative including
Constitution and Bylaws" (NSPE) |
1959 |
19.10 | "1962 Directory Code of Ethics Constitution and By-Laws"
(Professional Engineers of Oregon) |
19.11 | National Society of Professional Engineers - correspondence and
materials |
1959-1961 |
6: Bonneville Power Administration, 1935-1988Return to Top
Series 6 is comprised of administrative records and project files collected by Starr during his more than three decades of service to the Bonneville Power Administration. One highlight is the collection of internal reports and correspondence related to the landmark Pacific Northwest/Pacific Southwest high voltage intertie.
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
Box | ||
6.001 | Bonneville Power Administration - Alaska Power
Survey |
1965-1971 |
Folder | ||
1.1 | Alaska Power Survey Study Committee 4 - Coordinated System
Development and Interconnections - Regional Task Forces - correspondence,
regional reports |
1965-1967 |
1.2 | Alaska Power Survey - reports, newspaper clippings |
1965-1968 |
1.3 | "Report to Federal Power Commission Alaska Power Survey
Advisory Committee from Subcommittee No. 4 on Coordinated System
Development and Interconnection" - initial draft and 2 final
drafts |
1967; 1968 |
1.4 | "Alaska Power Survey" (Federal Power Commission) - 3
copies |
1969 |
1.5 | "Ice Fog Studies in Alaska: A Survey of Past, Present and
Proposed Research" (Well, Geophysical Institute) |
1969 |
1.6 | Alaska Power Survey Advisory Committee and Study Committee No.
4 (Coordinated System Development and Interconnection) - meeting minutes,
correspondence, and reports |
1967-1971 |
6.002 | Bonneville Power Administration - Alaska Power
Survey |
1965-1966, 1968 |
Folder | ||
2.1 | Alaska Power Survey Advisory Committee and Study Committee No.
4 (Coordinated System Development and Interconnection) - meeting minutes,
correspondence, and reports (1/2) |
1965 |
2.2 | Alaska Power Survey Advisory Committee and Study Committee No.
4 (Coordinated System Development and Interconnection) - meeting minutes,
correspondence, and reports (2/2) |
1965 |
2.3 | Alaska Power Survey Advisory Committee and Study Committee No.
4 (Coordinated System Development and Interconnection) - meeting minutes,
correspondence, and reports |
1966 |
2.4 | "Coordinated System Development and Interconnection - a Study
Prepared for the Federal Power Commission Alaska Power Survey"
(Subcommittee No. 4 - Alaska Power Survey Advisory Committee) - final
draft |
1968 |
6.003 | Bonneville Power Administration - Alaska Power
Administration |
1961, 1964-1975, 1981 |
Folder | ||
3.1 | Rampart Project - Alaska - reconnaissance, correspondence, cost
estimates |
1961; 1967 |
3.2 | "First Annual Report 1968" (Norwood / Alaska Power
Administration) |
1969 |
3.3 | "Water Power in Alaska - A Bibliography" (Alaska Power
Administration) + "Bibliography And Historical Notes 1946-1968 Upper Yukon
River Study Canada - United States" (APA) |
1969 |
3.4 | Alaska Power Administration - transmission studies |
1964-1971 |
3.5 | Alaska Power Administration - creation of |
1967-1971 |
3.6 | Alaska correspondence |
1965-1975 |
3.7 | "A Regional Electric Power System for the Lower Kuskokwim
Vicinity - A Preliminary Feasibility Assessment" (Robert W. Retherford
Associates) |
1975 |
3.8 | Alaska Power Authority - Request for Proposals |
1981 |
6.004 | Bonneville Power Administration - Snettisham HVDC Transmission
Project |
1967-1970 |
Folder | ||
4.1 | Snettisham Project Alaska - Design Memorandum No. 9 -
Transmission Facilities (U.S. Army Corps of Engineers) |
December 1966 |
4.2 | Snettisham Project - Department of the Army - Alaska District
Corps of Engineers - GE - Preliminary Information |
October 1967 |
4.3 | Snettisham Project - location and vicinity maps |
1966-1968 |
4.4 | Snettisham Project Alaska - Supplement No. 1 to Design
Memorandum No. 9 - Direct Current Transmission (U.S. Army Corps of
Engineers) |
1968 |
4.5 | Snettisham HVDC evaluation |
1967-1970 |
6.005 | Bonneville Power Administration - Snettisham HVDC Transmission
Project |
1968-1969 |
Folder | ||
5.1 | "Step I Request for Technical Proposals for HVDC Transmission
System at Snettisham, Alaska" - partial copy (U.S. Army Corps of
Engineers) |
October 1968 |
5.2 | "Step I Request for Technical Proposals for HVDC Transmission
System at Snettisham, Alaska" (U.S. Army Corps of Engineers) |
December 1968 |
5.3 | Snettisham - Pre-proposal Conference - minutes |
February 1969 |
5.4 | Anchorage HVDC First Stop Proposal Conference - minutes and
correspondence |
1969 |
5.5 | GE Proposal Document |
October 1969 |
6.006 | Bonneville Power Administration - Snettisham HVDC Transmission
Project |
1967-1970, 1979-1980; undated |
Folder | ||
6.1 | Snettisham Project correspondence, data, and
studies |
1967-1969 |
6.2 | "Transcript of Negotiations for HVDC Transmission System at
Snettisham, Alaska between General Electric Company and Corps of Engineers
at Anchorage, Alaska 19-23 January 1970 " |
6.3 | "Snettisham-Ketchikan Transmission System - Preliminary
Feasibility Design - Appendix I (Harstad Associates, Inc.) |
1979 |
6.4 | "Snettisham-Ketchikan Transmission System - Preliminary
Feasibility Design (Harstad Associates, Inc.) |
Mar 1980 |
6.5 | "Alaska Power Administration Snettisham-Ketchikan Transmission
System - Preliminary Feasibility Design" (Harstad Associates,
Inc.) |
Jan 1980 |
6.6 | Westinghouse Proposal for HV-DC Converter Terminal Facilities
for Snettisham Project |
undated |
6.007 | Bonneville Power Administration - Snettisham HVDC Transmission
Project |
1982 |
Folder | ||
7.1 | "Alaska Power Administration - Reconnaissance Design and Cost
Estimate of Submarine DC Electric Power Transmission System in Southeast
Alaska - Task D Report" (Teshmont Consultants, Inc.) |
1982 |
7.2 | U.S. Department of Energy Alaska Power Administration contract
with Teshmont Consultants, Inc. |
1982 |
7.3 | "Alaska Power Administration - Reconnaissance Design and Cost
Estimate of DC Transmission in Southeast Alaska - Task A
Report" |
1982 |
7.4 | "Southeast Alaska Intertie DC Transmission System -
Reconnaissance Design and Cost Estimate" (Teshmont Consultants,
Inc.) |
November 1982 |
7.5 | "Southeast Alaska Intertie DC Transmission System -
Reconnaissance Design and Cost Estimate - Appendix I" (Teshmont
Consultants, Inc.) |
November 1982 |
6.008 | Bonneville Power Administration - Alberta Export Power
Project |
1979-1981 |
Folder | ||
8.1 | Fording Coal Limited - Export Power Project - Preliminary
Benefit-Cost Analysis + 1980 Program (Montreal Engineering Company,
Limited) |
1979-1980 |
8.2 | Alberta Export Power Project - Report of the System Planning
Committee |
1980 |
8.3 | Alberta Export Power Project - meeting minutes and
reports |
November 1979 - October 1980 |
8.4 | Alberta Export Power Project - meeting minutes and
reports |
November 1980 - June 1981 |
6.009 | Bonneville Power Administration - Itaipu Sete Quedas
Transmission Study |
1972-1974 |
Folder | ||
9.1 | Itaipu - Sete Quedas Transmission Study - Advisory Committee -
Minutes and Working Papers |
1972-1973 |
9.2 | Itaipu - Sete Quedas Transmission Study - Advisory Committee
Meeting No. 3 - Working Papers |
1973 |
9.3 | Itaipu - Sete Quedas Transmission Study - Advisory Committee -
Minutes and Working Papers |
1974 |
6.010 | Bonneville Power Administration - Itaipu Sete Quedas
Transmission Study |
1966-1974 |
Folder | ||
10.1 | Itaipu - Sete Quedas Transmission Study - Transmission Lines -
reports, drawings |
1971-1972 |
10.2 | "Application of Series Capacitors in the 750 kV Sete Quedas
Transmission System - Preliminary Investigation" (Fletcher) |
1973 |
10.3 | Itaipu - Sete Quedas Transmission Study - Series Capacitors and
Overvoltage Studies - papers, meetings, correspondence |
1966-1974 |
6.011 | Bonneville Power Administration - Itaipu Sete Quedas
Transmission Study |
1942, 1962-1972 |
Folder | ||
11.1 | Itaipu - Sete Quedas Transmission Study - papers on high
voltage transmission including "Report on the Pacific Intertie" (EC Starr)
(2 copies) |
1971 |
11.2 | Itaipu - Sete Quedas Transmission Study - Papers related to
long distance transmission & ac saturated reactors |
1942; 1962-1972 |
6.012 | Bonneville Power Administration - Itaipu Sete Quedas
Transmission Study |
1970-1974 |
Folder | ||
12.1 | Itaipu - Sete Quedas Transmission Study - cost data |
1970-1972 |
12.2 | Itaipu - Sete Quedas Transmission Study - AC transmission model
oscillograms of reactions after faults |
1972 |
12.3 | Itaipu - Sete Quedas Transmission Study -
correspondence |
1971-1974 |
6.013 | Bonneville Power Administration - Itaipu Sete Quedas
Transmission Study |
1972; undated |
Folder | ||
13.1 | Itaipu - Sete Quedas Transmission Study - books and brochures
on FURNAS, tourist brochures |
undated |
13.2 | "Itaipu - Sete Quedas Transmission Study - Preliminary Report -
Volume 1" |
1972 |
13.3 | "Itaipu - Sete Quedas Transmission Study - Preliminary Report -
Volume 2" |
1972 |
13.4 | Itaipu System Information - Vol. 3 Part 6 |
undated |
6.014 | Bonneville Power Administration - Pacific Northwest-Southwest
HVDC Intertie |
1971-1972, 1975, 1977 |
Folder | ||
14.1 | "Report on the Pacific Intertie" (EC Starr) for presentation at
University of Wisconsin - 5 copies + photos, diagrams, and
negatives |
1971 |
14.2 | "Transient Performance of Pacific Intertie" (EC Starr) - 4
drafts, photos, oscillograms and negatives - prepared for CIGRE SC
#14 |
1972; 1975 |
14.3 | "Recent Developments in HVDC Transmission" (Vithayathil) +
draft of another paper on the Intertie |
1977 |
6.015 | Bonneville Power Administration - Pacific Northwest-Southwest
HVDC Intertie |
1971-1984 |
Folder | ||
15.1 | Notes for CIGRE Reports |
1971-1975 |
15.2 | Operational Experience Reports for Celilo Terminal |
1973-1977 |
15.3 | Operational Performance Reports of Pacific HVDC
Intertie |
1974; 1977; 1979 |
15.4 | Celilo - CIGRE reports |
1976-1983 |
15.5 | Celilo summary of operation |
1975-1980; 1983-1984 |
6.016 | Bonneville Power Administration - Pacific Northwest-Southwest
HVDC Intertie |
1941-1943, 1951, 1968-1972, 1975 |
Folder | ||
16.1 | Coulee- Spokane Transmission |
1941-1942 |
16.2 | Grand Coulee Bus Split - tracings |
1943 |
16.3 | Backup Relaying at Coulee (meeting in Schultz's
Office) |
1951 |
16.4 | "The USA Pacific Northwest-Southwest HVDC Intertie - A Progress
Report" (Osborn) |
1968 |
16.5 | "Celilo - Northern Terminal Pacific HV-DC Intertie" |
1969 |
16.6 | Electrical West - article on Pacific Intertie |
1970 |
16.7 | Valve Faults at Sylmar-Celilo terminal - reports and
correspondence |
1970-1971 |
16.8 | DC Intertie Restoration |
1972 |
16.9 | "United States Department of the Interior Bonneville Power
Administration - Budget Proposals for the Supply of D.C. Converter
Equipment for Celilo Terminal HVDC Pacific Northwest-Southwest Intertie -
Bipole 2" (English Electric Corporation) |
1975 |
6.017 | Bonneville Power Administration - Pacific Northwest-Southwest
HVDC Intertie |
1967, 1970-1974, 1976, 1982-1983 |
Folder | ||
17.1 | Pacific Intertie Task Force - meeting minutes |
January 1972 - November 1973 |
17.2 | Pacific Intertie Systems Technical Studies Task Force - reports
on meetings & reports on Intertie |
1967; 1970-1974 |
17.3 | Celilo - research on Earth Electrode Performance |
1970; 1976 |
17.4 | "Test Program to Measure the DC and Low Frequency Impedance of
the Ground Return Mode of the Pacific DC Intertie - Preliminary Report"
(Bracken) |
1982 |
17.5 | Intertie Options (Mittelstadt) |
1983 |
17.6 | "WSCC System Disturbance Report for the 500kV Pacific Intertie
Separation on Wednesday, December 22, 1982" (WSCC Formal Review
Committee) |
1983 |
17.7 | "Pacific Intertie 1,100 MW HVDC Expansion Project - Progress
Report No. 2 - Project Design and WSCC System Performance
Assessment" |
1985 |
6.018 | Bonneville Power Administration - Pacific Northwest-Southwest
HVDC Intertie |
1978-1981, 1983-1984 |
Folder | ||
18.1 | "Report on Feasibility of Upgrading the Pacific D-C Intertie to
± 500 kV" - 3 copies |
1979 |
18.2 | "Corona Phenomenon, Electric Field, and Ion Measurements at the
Dalles HVDC Test Line to Determine Feasibility of Uprating the DC
Intertie" (Chartier, Bracken, Stearns) |
1979 |
18.3 | BPA Technical Report - "The Investigation of the Loading
Capability of Pacific DC Intertie - Celilo Equipment" (Branch of System
Engineering) |
1979 |
18.4 | "Report on Feasibility of Upgrading the Pacific D-C Intertie to
± 500 kV" - 2 drafts |
1978-1979 |
18.5 | "Draft Final Report - Pacific HVDC Intertie Voltage Upgrading
Project - Technical Consultants Study" (Chas T. Main, Inc.) |
1980 |
18.6 | Celilo uprate info - diagrams and specifications |
1979-1981 |
18.7 | HVDC Uprate to 3100 MW - binder w/ periodic reports |
1983-1984 |
6.019 | Bonneville Power Administration - Pacific Northwest-Southwest
HVDC Intertie |
1981 |
Folder | ||
19.1 | Final Report - "Pacific HVDC Intertie Voltage Upgrade Project -
Technical Consultant Study" (Chas T. Main, Inc.) |
1981 |
6.020 | Bonneville Power Administration - Pacific Northwest-Southwest
HVDC Intertie |
1965-1974 |
Folder | ||
20.1 | Pacific Intertie - reports, correspondence, etc. |
1965-1969 |
20.2 | Pacific Intertie - reports, correspondence, etc. |
1970-1974 |
6.021 | Bonneville Power Administration - Pacific Northwest-Southwest
HVDC Intertie |
1975-1985; undated |
Folder | ||
21.1 | Pacific Intertie - reports, correspondence, etc. |
1975-1976 |
21.2 | Pacific Intertie - reports, correspondence, etc. |
1977-1979 |
21.3 | Pacific Intertie - reports, correspondence, etc. |
1980-1985; undated |
6.022 | Bonneville Power Administration - Correspondence and
Administrative Records |
1951, 1962-1965, 1967, 1969-1974, 1977, 1980, 1982 |
Folder | ||
22.1 | Seven copies of tabulated information on steam turbines and
surface condensers (Allis Chalmers), handwritten notes |
1951 |
22.2 | ASEA - correspondence + maps and transparencies re: HVDC
Transmission |
1962-1963 |
22.3 | Battelle Study on Utilization of Fly Ash - proposal, research
report, monthly progress reports |
1962-1965 |
22.4 | BPA Relations with Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA) |
1967 |
22.5 | Technical Visits from foreign engineers |
1969-1974 |
22.6 | EPRI Regional Meeting - agenda, publications list |
1977 |
22.7 | BPA Mt. St. Helens - eruption and subsequent tests |
1980 |
22.8 | Oak Ridge Power Systems Technology Program |
1982 |
6.023 | Bonneville Power Administration - Correspondence and
Administrative Records |
1953, 1957, 1964-1977, 1979; undated |
Folder | ||
23.1 | "Report on Special Assignment to U.S. Department of State
Assistance to Malaysia and Thailand" (Eastvedt) |
undated |
23.2 | "Conference on Universities and the Public Service" |
1953 |
23.3 | International Power Conference, Belgrade + HVDC Inspections -
arrangements |
1957 |
23.4 | Wescon meeting - correspondence |
1964 |
23.5 | "Presentation by General Electric to the Federal Power
Commission Special Task Force Relative to Use of Real-Time Computers for
System Security" |
1966 |
23.6 | EHV Symposium + Gehrig European Trip Report |
1965-1967 |
23.7 | ASEA - Sweden trip for BPA inspection |
1968 |
23.8 | WSU Power Professorship & Thermal Power Option |
1972-1973 |
23.9 | Speeches by BPA Personnel (6 speeches) |
1965-1976 |
23.10 | BPA public involvement program |
1977 |
23.11 | Northwest Power Bill |
1979 |
6.024 | Bonneville Power Administration - Correspondence and
Administrative Records |
1976, 1978-1979, 1982-1983 |
Folder | ||
24.1 | "Investigation of Electrical Phenomena Associated with K.
Richardson / N. Trapp BPA Claim" (West) + Judge's decision on Richardson
Claim |
1976; 1979 |
24.2 | Fatality of John T. Zabriskie - Investigations |
1976 |
24.3 | Mystery Air Wave Impulse in Eugene |
1978 |
24.4 | "General Electric / Bonneville Power Administration
Review" |
1982 |
24.5 | Trapp-Richardson Claim - materials |
1982-1983 |
6.025 | Bonneville Power Administration - Correspondence and
Administrative Records |
1969; undated |
Folder | ||
25.1 | Contract, Newspaper Clipping, Relief Program
(ConEd) |
1969 |
25.2 | Maps - 8B80 - 8B89 |
undated |
25.3 | Maps - 9B01 - 9B12 |
undated |
25.4 | Maps of Feeder Routes - Bay Ridge, Brooklyn &
Queens |
undated |
25.5 | Maps of Low Tension Mains & Service Plates |
undated |
6.026 | Bonneville Power Administration - Correspondence and
Administrative Records |
1935, 1960, 1962-1965, 1971-1984; undated |
Folder | ||
26.1 | Stability Study for City of Eugene (EC Starr) - final reports,
correspondence, calculations |
1935 |
26.2 | Motor Starting Tests for City of Eugene Water Board (EC
Starr) |
1935 |
26.3 | Eugene Water & Electric - blueprints |
1960 |
26.4 | California Water Project |
1962-1965 |
26.6 | Consulting Assignment - Sacramento Municipal Utility
District |
1971 |
26.7 | Illinois Power Right-of-way condemnation |
1972 |
26.8 | EPRI - consulting position |
Oct 1975 - Jan 1976 |
26.9 | Deposition - Westinghouse/Foreign Switch Gear Manufacturing, EC
Starr, EH Gehrig, and Ev Harrington |
1979 |
26.10 | Consulting Possibilities |
1972-1982 |
26.11 | Report to Long Island Lighting Co. of Base Load Alternatives
for 1981-1984 |
26.12 | Drawings of Royal Water Power Board, Sweden |
undated |
6.027 | Bonneville Power Administration - Correspondence and
Administrative Records |
1937-1940, 1954-1955, 1967-1985 |
Folder | ||
27.1 | Westinghouse Price Sheets |
1937-1940 |
27.2 | Columbia Basin Inter-Agency Committee |
1954-1955 |
27.3 | Committee for Future Recognition of Professional
Engineers |
1969 |
27.4 | IEEE Paper - "Engineering Registration in the Future" (Tynes) -
Starr presented in New York |
1971 |
27.5 | BPA Engineering Review Board - materials and memos |
1968-1985 |
27.6 | Western Systems Coordinating Council |
1967-1975 |
27.7 | UN Economic and Social Council Committee on Electric
Power |
1978 |
27.8 | EPRI Information Sheets (17) - Transmission planning,
underground cables, HV Transmission, Insulation, Substations, Lightning
Protection, Transformers |
1979-1981 |
27.9 | Portland Area Cooperative Precipitation Network - data and
report |
1983 |
6.028 | Bonneville Power Administration - Correspondence and
Administrative Records |
1912-1947, 1951, 1957-1958, 1962-1963, 1965, 1967-1975, 1981, 1983 |
Folder | ||
28.1 | "Preliminary Instruction Book for Navy Model BN Radio
Equipment" |
1943 |
28.2 | "Preliminary Instruction Book for Radio Equipment Model
BN-1" |
1944 |
28.3 | "Preliminary Instruction Book for 1945 Signal Generator
Equipment - Model LAF-1" |
1945 |
28.4 | "Preliminary Instruction Book for Pulse Analyzer Equipment
Models AN/APA-6A and AN/SPA-1" |
1945 |
28.5 | Gibbs & Hill Inc. Photographs of Consulting
Work |
1912-1947 |
28.6 | "Half a Century of Engineering Progress with Jackson &
Moreland" |
1951 |
28.7 | Imatran Voimaa Osakeyhtiö 25 Vuotta (Finland) -
untranslated |
1957 |
28.8 | Damodar Valley Corporation (DVC) In Prospect and
Retrospect |
1958 |
28.9 | Associates Buying Guides |
1962-1963; 1965 |
28.10 | Hughes Research Laboratories - publications on HVDC
research |
1967-1975 |
28.11 | ASEA Journal |
1981; 1983 |
28.12 | "United States Energy Data Book" (General Electric) |
1983 |
6.029 | Bonneville Power Administration - Correspondence and
Administrative Records |
1954, 1964, 1966-1980, 1982, 1984; undated |
Folder | ||
29.1 | Survey Team Report - personnel reductions |
1954 |
29.2 | Pumping Columbia River Water to Southwest |
1964 |
29.3 | Future of BPA |
1966 |
29.4 | Job Applications & resumes + proposed meeting with
engineering department heads |
1966-1975 |
29.5 | 10th Standard Handbook for Engineers - revision
correspondence |
1967 |
29.6 | National Bureau of Standards Sale of Surplus High Voltage
Equipment to BPA |
1971 |
29.7 | Siam Meeting - EC Starr gave presentation |
1973 |
29.8 | BPA - Adoption of Metric System in the Section |
1975 |
29.9 | Monthly lists of laboratory and technical reports |
October 1976 - May 1979 |
29.10 | Power Shortages - six speeches by Sterling Munro,
1979-1980 |
29.11 | "Technical Support Document for the proposed BPA Near-Term
Resource Policy Statement" |
1982 |
29.12 | "Computer Aided Operation of Large Power Systems - summary
report" (Zaborsky) |
1984 |
29.13 | BPA Unit 3 Technical Specs |
undated |
29.14 | EC Starr BPA File Storage Info |
undated |
6.030 | Bonneville Power Administration - Correspondence and
Administrative Records |
1923, 1940, 1952-1981; undated |
Folder | ||
30.1 | Luckiamute Dam - measurements and graphs |
1923 |
30.2 | "Completion of North Bonneville Substation for 230 kV
Operation" |
1940 |
30.3 | IBM Course - 'Data Processing for Engineering Executives'
Poughkeepsie, NY - notebook, correspondence, transistors article, and
Grand Coulee-Olympia Series Compensation Study (digital) |
Dec 10-14, 1956 |
30.4 | BPA Analyzer and Digital Computer - policies and
studies |
1952-1975 |
30.5 | System Data |
1966-1980 |
30.6 | "1982-1982 F.Y. Transmission System Power Flows Jan and Aug
Peak Loads Jan 1981-Aug 1986" (BPA) |
1980 |
30.7 | Steno Notebook - data, notes |
1973-1981 |
30.8 | DC Performance Oscillograms |
undated |
30.9 | Handwritten notes and calculations |
undated |
6.031 | Bonneville Power Administration - Correspondence and
Administrative Records |
1940-1969, 1974-1976 |
Folder | ||
31.1 | Unfiled correspondence, reports, and data |
1940-1968 |
31.2 | Unfiled correspondence, reports, and data |
1969 |
31.3 | Unfiled correspondence, reports, and data |
1974 |
31.4 | Unfiled correspondence, reports, and data |
1975-1976 |
6.032 | Bonneville Power Administration - Correspondence and
Administrative Records |
1977-1988; undated |
Folder | ||
32.1 | "Time to Commercial Introduction of Electricity Generation
Technologies" - questionnaire with 7 responses |
undated |
32.2 | copies of correspondence - "reading file" |
1979-1983 |
32.3 | Unfiled correspondence, reports, and data |
1977-1979 |
32.4 | Unfiled correspondence, reports, and data |
1980-1983 |
32.5 | Unfiled correspondence, reports, and data |
1984-1988; undated |
6.033 | Bonneville Power Administration - Correspondence and
Administrative Records |
1964 |
Folder | ||
33.1 | Atomic Energy Clearing House - Congressional Information
Bureau, Inc. |
1964 |
7: United Nations Special Fund Assignment to India, 1957-1959Return to Top
This small series documents Starr's five-week United Nations consulting assignment in India, the government of which had issued a grant proposal for funds to support power engineering research. A testament to his prestige at that time, Starr was tasked with heading a review of the Indian request.
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
Box | ||
7.001 | United Nations Special Fund Assignment to India |
1957-1959 |
Folder | ||
1.1 | Informational Materials |
1957-1959 |
1.2 | "India - a Reference Annual" (Publications
Division) |
1959 |
1.3 | Expenses + Article in BPA Bulletin |
1959 |
1.4 | UN Assignment to India - correspondence |
Jun - Aug 1959 |
7.002 | United Nations Special Fund Assignment to India |
1958-1959 |
Folder | ||
2.1 | Reports (Ministry of Irrigation and Power) |
1958-1959 |
2.2 | "Government of India Engineering Research Institute Proposals -
Report of Inspection Tour and Discussion Meetings in India with Summary
and Recommendations" (EC Starr) |
1959 |
2.3 | Correspondence |
1959 |
2.4 | Photostat material (Central Water and Power
Commission) |
1959 |
8: Properties of Electricity, 1922-1982Return to Top
The four boxes comprising Series 8 consist of published and unpublished papers, laboratory data and other assorted materials related to the study of electricity. A subset of these items date to Eugene Starr's years as an undergraduate student at Oregon Agricultural College.
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
Box | ||
8.001 | Properties of Electricity |
1938, 1940-1981; undated |
Folder | ||
1.1 | "High Voltage Gaseous-Conductor Lamps" (McMillan &
Starr) |
undated |
1.2 | Calibration of Dynamometer, Induction Motor, Robbins &
Meyers DC Motor |
undated |
1.3 | Drafts of papers on various subjects |
undated |
1.4 | Electric Field Around Points and Equivalent Circuit - drawings,
calculations |
undated |
1.5 | "A Low Frequency Harmonic Wave Analyzer" (Hall) - voltage and
current wave distortion - draft and multiple final copies |
1938 |
1.6 | Measuring Equipment - drawings, parts lists |
1940-1949 |
1.7 | "Observations of 'Limiting' Effects of Oscillating Detector"
(Huggins) - draft and figures |
1943 |
1.8 | Equivalent Reactance Tests - materials, diagrams |
1947-1948 |
1.9 | Ampere-Inch Curves |
1950-1959 |
1.10 | AC Machines |
1942-1981 |
8.002 | Properties of Electricity |
1921-1982; undated |
Folder | ||
2.1 | DC Motors - general notes |
2.2 | Surface Controlled Mercury Pool Rectifier (Libby) |
2.3 | "Ultra Short Wave Communication (Larson, Clothier) |
1936 |
2.4 | "Impulse Measurements by Repeated-Structure Networks" (Dawes,
Thomas, Drought) |
1949 |
2.5 | "Bed-Wall Heat Transfer in Fluidized Systems"
(Levenspiel) |
1954 |
2.6 | Electrostatic Phenomena - a history of electric and magnetic
fields with photos |
1957 |
2.7 | "Weak A-C Systems - Response of AC/DC Systems with Low Short
Circuit Capacity at the Receiving Terminals" (Clifford,
Pokorny) |
1968 |
2.8 | Electrostatic Field Measurements (ERDA) |
1976 |
2.9 | Electricity - papers |
1921-1982 |
8.003 | Properties of Electricity |
1922, 1924; undated |
Folder | ||
3.1 | "Juice Reports" Alternating Current Generator Short Circuit
Transient Characteristics - OSC oscillograms and notes |
undated |
3.2 | OSC Test Oscillograms - starting current transients of a D-C
motor |
undated |
3.3 | OSC Test Oscillograms - voltage wave forms |
undated |
3.4 | Test Results - multiple copies - incandescent lamp test,
synchronous condenser test, composite load tests |
3.5 | "Instruction for Using the Type C Cathode Ray Oscillograph
Tube" |
1922 |
3.6 | "The Cathode-Ray Oscillograph" (Dufour) -
translation |
1924 |
3.7 | Fault Test Oscillographs - labeled "BBC Tests" |
undated |
8.004 | Properties of Electricity |
1970; undated |
Folder | ||
4.1 | BPA Power System Oscillations |
1970 |
4.2 | Fault Current Wave Figures for AIEE Proceedings |
undated |
9: Biographical, 1930-1987Return to Top
The Biographical series consists of Eugene Starr's personal correspondence, photographs and newspaper clippings, financial records, travel materials and a variety of mementos mostly relating to Starr's long career in electrical engineering.
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
Box | ||
9.001 | Personal Correspondence |
1954-1980, 1984 |
Folder | ||
1.1 | Personal Correspondence |
1954-1964 |
1.2 | Personal Correspondence |
1965-1971 |
1.3 | Personal Correspondence |
1972-1980 |
1.4 | Personal Correspondence |
1984 |
9.002 | Personal Correspondence |
1933, 1943-1983; undated |
Folder | ||
2.1 | Personal notes, letters, calculations, stationary |
undated |
Box | ||
2.2 | Harold Rorden Materials, correspondence |
1955-1959 |
Folder | ||
2.3 | Soviet EE Journals Editorial Board - correspondence re:
translations (Ralph McElroy Co.) |
1970-1971 |
2.4 | Correspondence from Ivan Bloch - energy and power
generation |
1968-1974 |
2.5 | Honorary Doctorate Testimonials - 25 letters of endorsement
from friends and associates |
1975 |
2.6 | Christmas, birthday, farewell, & post cards |
1933; 1962-1979; 1983 |
2.7 | Letters |
1943-1983 |
2.8 | Telegrams and reply regarding offer from New York University to
Eugene Starr to head Electrical Engineering Department |
1946 |
9.003 | Awards and Biographical Newspaper Clippings |
1939-1985 |
Folder | ||
3.1 | Honors & Citations - incl. Distinguished Service Award
citation & list of publications |
1958 |
3.2 | Department of the Interior 19th Honor Awards Convocation -
program (5 copies) |
1958 |
3.3 | Professional Engineers of Oregon - Engineer of the
Year |
1965 |
3.4 | Hungary Horse News Columbia Falls, MO - obituary on Hal Kanzler
(OSU 1943) |
Jan 27 1967 |
3.5 | Harbishaw Award - congratulations, clippings |
1968-1969 |
3.6 | Hunting Clippings |
1966-1979 |
3.7 | IEEE Lamme Medal - congratulations, brochures,
articles |
1980 |
3.8 | Articles and Clippings - including paper by EC Starr on being
struck by lightning |
1939-1983 |
3.9 | "History of the Department of Electrical and Computer
Engineering, OSU" |
1984 |
3.10 | "Electrifying the Northwest: A Technical History of the
Bonneville Power Administration" (first draft of contents) |
1985 |
9.004 | Travel Materials |
1973; undated |
Folder | ||
4.1 | "Iceland in Relation to the Mid-Atlantic Ridge" (Palmason,
Soemundsson) |
1973 |
4.2 | Maps, Air Atlas', Travel Brochures |
undated |
9.005 | Travel Materials |
1958, 1969; undated |
Folder | ||
5.1 | Personal Materials - European Tour |
1958 |
5.2 | Roadmaps for California and Oregon, Wallowa-Whitman National
Forest brochure, WD-40 brochure, tourist information for Siberia/Soviet
Union |
5.3 | Trip to Moscow - map, brochures, tourist info |
1969 |
9.006 | Photographs and Assorted Biographical Materials |
1962, 1964-1977, 1983, 1985-1986; undated |
Folder | ||
6.1 | "Sounds from Outer Space" - 45mm + "On the Track of
Sasquatch" |
undated |
6.2 | Dover Book Covers |
undated |
6.3 | Assorted jokes and humorous anecdotes |
undated |
6.4 | Oregon State Centennial ad |
1968 |
6.5 | Photographs - Personal |
undated |
6.6 | Motor Trend magazine |
June - July 1962 |
6.7 | "A Visit to Atomics International" - a photo book including
pictures of Starr |
November 29-30, 1965 |
6.8 | Boeing Supersonic Transport and 747 Brochures |
1969 |
6.9 | Time magazine |
July 3, 1972 |
6.10 | Newsletters - committee of concerned EE's, IEEE Professional
Activities |
1976-1977 |
6.11 | News about Pay & Societies |
1964-1977 |
6.12 | The Planetary Report - periodical of the Planetary Society (6
issues) |
1983; 1985-1986 |
9.007 | French Magazines |
1956, 1963-1965; undated |
Folder | ||
7.1 | "Boulogne - Grand Porte de Peche" (Vercel) |
1956 |
7.2 | "Cahier de la Ceramique du Verre et des Arts du Feu" Volume
32 |
1963 |
7.3 | "Cahier de la Ceramique du Verre et des Arts du Feu" Volume 33
(2 copies) |
1964 |
7.4 | "Cahier de la Ceramique du Verre et des Arts du Feu" Volume
34 |
1964 |
7.5 | "Cahier de la Ceramique du Verre et des Arts du Feu" Volume 35
+ supplement |
1965 |
9.008 | Photographs |
1920-1929; undated |
Folder | ||
8.1 | Photo Factory Camera Brochures |
8.2 | Photographs from General Electric High Voltage Lab,
Pittsfield |
1920-1929 |
8.3 | Photos of EC Starr |
8.4 | Photos of Induced Lightning and Equipment |
8.5 | 8x10 Photographs of HV Structures - labeled
"Apollo" |
undated |
8.6 | Photos of Little Weary Ridge |
8.7 | Photo of National Reactor Testing Station, Idaho |
undated |
9.009 | Investment Information |
1963-1965, 1976, 1980; undated |
Folder | ||
9.1 | Mail to EC Starr |
undated |
9.2 | Investment Materials - compound interest and annuity tables,
unopened investment mail |
1963-1964 |
9.3 | Newberry's Annual Report |
1965 |
9.4 | GM Public Interest Report |
1976 |
9.5 | AMOCO Standard Oil Company publication |
1980 |
9.010 | Travel Vouchers and Reimbursement Forms |
1961-1971 |
Folder | ||
10.1 | Travel and Transportation File - vouchers and reimbursement
forms |
1961-1966 |
10.2 | Travel and Transportation File - vouchers and reimbursement
forms |
1967-1971 |
9.011 | Travel Receipts, Vouchers and Reimbursement Forms |
1960-1963, 1972-1976 |
Folder | ||
11.1 | Travel receipts |
1960-1963 |
11.2 | Travel and Transportation File - vouchers and reimbursement
forms |
1972-1976 |
9.012 | Employment Records, Personal and Medical Data |
1954-1983; undated |
Folder | ||
12.1 | Eugene Starr - applications and forms for employment,
professional societies, etc. |
1956-1977 |
12.2 | Personal and Medical Data - passport information, government
driver's license renewals, job description - chief engineer |
12.3 | Starr Employment Records |
1954-1983 |
9.013 | Mementos and Keepsakes |
undated |
Folder | ||
13.1 | 3 mementos - battery, cable, insulator |
undated |
13.2 | Corona cyclograms - framed graphs |
undated |
13.3 | Westinghouse 1945 diary - unused, General Electric 1949 diary -
sparsely used |
undated |
13.4 | Sparkover - framed photo |
undated |
13.5 | United Airlines - 1,000,000 Miler Plaque |
undated |
9.014 | Mementos and Keepsakes |
1930, 1952; undated |
Folder | ||
14.1 | "Measurements" (Lord Kelvin) + Photo of Lightning |
undated |
14.2 | Dance card from OSU Associated Engineers Winter
Informal |
1930 |
14.3 | ENEL briefcase |
14.4 | Steno notebook - notes on various topics |
14.5 | Samples of rubber from Allis-Chalmers Transformer Engineering
Section |
1952 |
9.015 | Mementos and Keepsakes |
undated |
Folder | ||
15.1 | Eugene Starr Business Cards |
15.2 | MICO Instrument Company - metal shavings for Electrical
Engineering Department |
9.016 | Directories |
1983-1988 |
Folder | ||
16.1 | BPA - Ross Complex Telephone Directory |
1983 |
16.2 | BPA directory |
1986 |
16.3 | BPA Staffing Charts by Organization |
1986 |
16.4 | BPA Telephone Supplement + update |
1985; 1987 |
16.5 | Federal Telecommunications System - Telephone User's
Guide |
1984 |
16.6 | IEEE Power Engineering Society Organization Manual and
Membership Directory |
1984 |
16.7 | Professional Engineers of Oregon 1984/1985
Directory |
16.8 | Professional Engineers of Oregon 1986/1987
Directory |
16.9 | Professional Engineers of Oregon 1987/1988
Directory |
16.10 | US Department of Energy Telephone Directory |
1987 |
9.017 | Directories |
1972-1975, 1982-1985 |
Folder | ||
17.1 | U.S. National Committee CIGRE 1972/1975 Directory |
17.2 | 1983 Directory of U.S. National Committee CIGRE |
17.3 | 1985 Directory of U.S. National Committee CIGRE |
17.4 | National Academy of Engineering of the United States of America
- Directory of Members and Foreign Associates July 1983 |
17.5 | Organization and Members NAS/NAE/IOM/NRC 1982-1983 |
17.6 | Organization and Members NAS/NAE/IOM/NRC 1983-1984 |
9.018 | Telephone / Business Card Files |
undated |
Folder | ||
18.1 | 2 Telephone / Business Card Files from desk |
9.019 | Telephone / Business Card File |
undated |
Folder | ||
19.1 | Telephone / Business Card File |
10: Class Materials, 1934-1956Return to Top
Lectures and curricula developed by Starr for use in the classroom are collected in Series 10. Most of the items in the Class Materials series date to Starr's twenty-seven years on staff at Oregon Agricultural College, known later in his tenure as Oregon State College.
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
Box | ||
10.001 | Class Materials |
1939-1952, 1955-1956; undated |
Folder | ||
1.1 | EE 311 - Water Rheostat Assignment |
undated |
1.2 | EE 312 - Transformers - lecture notes, labs,
materials |
1939-1952 |
1.3 | EE 321-2-3 - Electrical Laboratory |
1935-1936 |
1.4 | EE 321-2-3 Synchronous Motors |
1941-1942 |
1.5 | EE 355 - Ignition |
undated |
1.6 | EE 405/505 - Synchronous Machines |
1955-1956 |
1.7 | EE 405/AST 403 - Introduction to Tensor Analysis - class
materials |
undated |
1.8 | Transformer Characteristics - class materials |
1943 |
10.002 | Class Materials |
1934, 1938-1942, 1948-1949; undated |
Folder | ||
2.1 | EE 414 - Electrical Design |
2.2 | EE 416 - Electrical Circuits - Transients |
2.3 | EE 422 - Synchronous Machines |
1938-1942 |
2.4 | EE 423 - Power Transmission - outlines - originals and
duplicates |
2.5 | EE 432 - Induction machines - class materials |
2.6 | "Induction Motor Characteristics" (Wagner) - student
assignment |
1934 |
2.7 | "Induction Machines - EE 432" (Schaufelberger) - student
assignment |
1948 |
2.8 | "Electric Power Systems - EE 541,542,543"
(Armstrong) |
1948-1949 |
2.9 | "Electric Power Systems - EE 541,2,3" (Gehrig) |
1949 |
10.003 | Class Materials |
1942-1943 |
Folder | ||
3.1 | Army Specialized Training (AST) Course Outlines |
1943 |
3.2 | AST 403 - Electrical Measurements |
1942-1943 |
3.3 | AST 405 - Electric and Magnetic Phenomena |
1943 |
3.4 | AST 414 - Electric Circuits - experiments, lecture
notes |
1943 |
3.5 | AST 415 - Electronics and Associated Circuits - lecture notes,
labs, quizzes |
1943 |
3.6 | AST 416 - Electric Circuits - Transients |
1943 |
3.7 | AST 417 - Electric Circuits - Distributed Constants |
1943 |
3.8 | AST 420 - High Frequency and Ultra High Frequency (UHF)
Circuits |
1943 |
3.9 | AST 426 - Radiation & Propagation |
1943 |
10.004 | Class Materials |
1943, 1949; undated |
Folder | ||
4.1 | Electromagnetic Radiation and Induction - lecture notes (EC
Starr) |
1943 |
4.2 | "Transmission Line Problem" (Beauchamp) |
1949 |
4.3 | Harmonic Analysis, Wave Mixing - lecture notes (EC Starr) -
originals and carbons |
undated |
4.4 | Heaviside operators, root-square method, equivalent operators -
class materials |
undated |
4.5 | Lecture Notes and Class Materials - misc. |
undated |
Names and SubjectsReturn to Top
Subject Terms
- Dielectrics.
- Electric lines--Health aspects.
- Electric lines.
- Electric power distribution.
- Electric power production--India.
- Electric power production--Northwest, Pacific.
- Energy conservation--Northwest, Pacific.
- Engineering--Study and teaching (Higher)--Oregon--Corvallis.
- Nuclear power plants--Washington (State)
- Operation Crossroads, Marshall Islands, 1946.
- Power resources--Alaska.
- Renewable energy sources.
- World War, 1939-1945--War work--Schools.
Corporate Names
- Army Specialized Training Program (U.S.)
- General Electric Company.
- Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers.
- International Council on Large Electric Systems.
- Oregon State College. School of Engineering.
- United States. Bonneville Power Administration.