Seattle Student Walkout for Gun Control Reform Photograph Collection, March 14, 2018

Overview of the Collection

Seattle Student Walkout for Gun Control Reform Photograph Collection
March 14, 2018 (inclusive)
498 digital photographs
Collection Number
Photographs from the Seattle Student Walkout for Gun Control Reform, March 14, 2018
University of Washington Libraries, Special Collections
Special Collections
University of Washington Libraries
Box 352900
Seattle, WA
Telephone: 2065431929
Fax: 2065431931
Access Restrictions

The collection is entirely digital and can be viewed only on the Libraries Digital Collections website.

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Historical BackgroundReturn to Top

On March 14, 2018 Washington State students participated in a nationwide school walkout to protest gun violence and petition lawmakers to reform gun laws. Several thousand students from Roosevelt and Nathan Hale high schools, University Prep, Seattle Academy of Arts and Sciences and the Bush School marched to the University of Washington and assembled in Red Square. Mayor Jenny A. Durkan, Seattle City Council members including Teresa Mosqueda and Lorena González, and several students from Roosevelt High School addressed the rally calling for common sense gun reform and encouraging students to register to vote and make their voices heard. The impetus for this event originated with the mass school shooting at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida on February 14, 2018, which took the life of 17 students. Students took it upon themselves to seek legislation for gun reform following this tragic event. The walkout was supported nationally by the Women’s March Network and locally, by the Seattle Young People’s Project who encouraged students throughout Washington to participate in walkout events. The Seattle School Walkout was also supported by Seattle City Council members and Mayor Jenny A. Durkan through legislation that urged Seattle Public Schools to support its students’ right to assemble and protest Congress’ inaction to end gun violence in the nation’s schools and communities.

Content DescriptionReturn to Top

Photographs from the Seattle Student Walkout for Gun Control Reform, March 14, 2018.

Use of the CollectionReturn to Top

Alternative Forms Available

View the collection on the Libraries Digital Collections website

Restrictions on Use

Photographer's rights transferred to the University of Washington Libraries Special Collections.

Administrative InformationReturn to Top

Acquisition Information

Donors: Kris Kinsey, Linda Ambre, Jamie Colman, 2018.

Detailed Description of the CollectionReturn to Top


Jamie Colman photographsReturn to Top

Container(s) Description Dates
electronic_file item
Online ColmanJ1
Students with signs deploring gun violence, Ballard High School, Seattle, Washington
Colman, Jamie (photographer)
Text on signs reads: "Protect our kids"; "Lock up guns, not schools"; "Students against gun violence"; "Protect schools"; "Sick of being scared"; "Gun violence has its roots in racism & bigotry"
March 14, 2018
Online ColmanJ2 March 14, 2018
Online ColmanJ3 March 14, 2018
Online ColmanJ4
Man with "Never again; we stand with you" sign, Ballard High School, Seattle, Washington
Colman, Jamie (photographer)
Text on sign reads: "Never again; we stand with you"
March 14, 2018
Online ColmanJ5
Demonstrators with orange balloons and flowers, Ballard High School, Seattle, Washington
Colman, Jamie (photographer)
The color orange brings awareness to gun violence.
March 14, 2018
Online ColmanJ6
"Protect kids, not guns" sign, Ballard High School, Seattle, Washington
Colman, Jamie (photographer)
Text on sign reads: "Protect kids, not guns"
March 14, 2018
Online ColmanJ7 March 14, 2018
Online ColmanJ8
Group of demonstrators dressed in orange displaying signs outside of Ballard High School, Seattle, Washington
Colman, Jamie (photographer)
Text on signs reads: "Schools, not warzones" [with image of rifles radiating out from a peace symbol]; "Hear our voice"; "Never again; we stand with you"The color orange is intended to bring awareness to gun violence.
March 14, 2018
Online ColmanJ9
Sign protesting assault weapons, Ballard High School, Seattle, Washington
Colman, Jamie (photographer)
Text on signs reads: "'Crooked Hillary said that I want guns brought into the school classroom. Wrong!' - Donald Trump May 2016. 'Assault weapons?' Think about it. Their only purpose is to kill the max # of people, quickly. Why should they be legal for anyone except military?"; "The 2nd Amendment is not about assault weapons"; "NRA is trying to buy our legislature. Say NO to NRA $$$. NRA spent more in Washington state elections that any other state (by a lot)!"
March 14, 2018
Online ColmanJ10 March 14, 2018
Online ColmanJ11
Student with "Thoughts and prayers are great, but we want action!" sign, Ballard High School, Seattle, Washington
Colman, Jamie (photographer)
Text on sign reads: "Thoughts and prayers are great, but we want action!"
March 14, 2018
Online ColmanJ12
"#ENOUGH" sign, Ballard High School, Seattle, Washington
Colman, Jamie (photographer)
Text on sign reads: "#Enough"
March 14, 2018
Online ColmanJ13
"Gun violence has its roots in racism & bigotry" sign, Ballard High School, Seattle, Washington
Colman, Jamie (photographer)
Text on sign reads: "Gun violence has its roots in racism & bigotry"
March 14, 2018
Online ColmanJ14
"Stop letting us die" sign, Ballard High School, Seattle, Washington
Colman, Jamie (photographer)
Text on sign reads: "Stop letting us die"
March 14, 2018
Online ColmanJ15 March 14, 2018
Online ColmanJ16
"Protect our kids, not the NRA" sign held high over students' heads, Ballard High School, Seattle, Washington
Colman, Jamie (photographer)
Text on sign reads: "Protect our kids, not the NRA"
March 14, 2018
Online ColmanJ17
"The NRA increased ZYN prices; #NeverAgain" sign, Ballard High School, Seattle, Washington
Colman, Jamie (photographer)
Text on sign reads: "The NRA increased ZYN prices; #NeverAgain"
March 14, 2018
Online ColmanJ18
"Protect lives, not guns!" sign Ballard High School, Seattle, Washington
Colman, Jamie (photographer)
Text on sign reads: "Protect lives, not guns!"
March 14, 2018
Online ColmanJ19
"No more deaths!" sign, Ballard High School, Seattle, Washington
Colman, Jamie (photographer)
Text on sign reads: "No more deaths!"
March 14, 2018
Online ColmanJ20
Young boy with sign listing high profile mass shootings and victims' names from the Sandy Hook and Marjory Stoneman Douglas school shootings, Ballard High School, Seattle, Washington
Colman, Jamie (photographer)
Sign depicts: Heart labeled "#Enough" surrounded by the names of victims of the Sandy Hook and Marjory Stoneman Douglas school shootings, as well as dates and locations of other high profile mass shootings of the last 20 years
March 14, 2018
Online ColmanJ21 March 14, 2018
Online ColmanJ22 March 14, 2018
Online ColmanJ23 March 14, 2018
Online ColmanJ24 March 14, 2018
Online ColmanJ25 March 14, 2018
Online ColmanJ26 March 14, 2018
Online ColmanJ27 March 14, 2018
Online ColmanJ28 March 14, 2018
Online ColmanJ29 March 14, 2018
Online ColmanJ30 March 14, 2018
Online ColmanJ31
"We shouldn't have to go to school scared!" sign, Ballard High School, Seattle, Washington
Colman, Jamie (photographer)
Text on sign reads: "We shouldn't have to go to school scared!"
March 14, 2018
Online ColmanJ32 March 14, 2018
Online ColmanJ33 March 14, 2018
Online ColmanJ34 March 14, 2018
Online ColmanJ35 March 14, 2018
Online ColmanJ36 March 14, 2018
Online ColmanJ37 March 14, 2018
Online ColmanJ38 March 14, 2018
Online ColmanJ39 March 14, 2018
Online ColmanJ40 March 14, 2018
Online ColmanJ41 March 14, 2018
Online ColmanJ42 March 14, 2018
Online ColmanJ43 March 14, 2018
Online ColmanJ44 March 14, 2018
Online ColmanJ45 March 14, 2018
Online ColmanJ46
Two older demonstrators with signs protesting at Ballard High School, Seattle, Washington
Colman, Jamie (photographer)
Text on signs read: "Never again. We stand with you", "Protect kids not [guns]"
March 14, 2018
Online ColmanJ47
Sign listing events from the past Womxn's March, Ballard High School, Seattle, Washington
Colman, Jamie (photographer)
Text on sign reads: "Womxn Act on Seattle, Phinney Neighborhood Association, January 21, 2018" followed by a schedule of events
March 14, 2018
Online ColmanJ48
Signs promoting taking action, Ballard High School, Seattle, Washington
Colman, Jamie (photographer)
Text on signs reads: "Thoughts and prayers are great, but we want action!"; "Enough is enough is enough"; "Be intersectional: Remember our fellow students protestors in Chicago. Listen to our black and brown youth"
March 14, 2018
Online ColmanJ49
"Strange, but people without guns rarely shoot anyone." sign, Ballard High School, Seattle, Washington
Colman, Jamie (photographer)
Text on sign reads: "Strange, but people without guns rarely shoot anyone."
March 14, 2018
Online ColmanJ50
"Arms are for hugging, ya dingus," "Change and action," and "Why are guns more important than students' lives?" signs, Ballard High School, Seattle, Washington
Colman, Jamie (photographer)
Text on signs reads: "Arms are for hugging, ya dingus"; "['Thoughts and prayers' crossed out], change and action"; "Why are guns more important than students lives"
March 14, 2018
Online ColmanJ51
Young students with signs promoting the protection of life over gun rights, Ballard High School, Seattle, Washington
Colman, Jamie (photographer)
Text on signs reads: "What matters more? Guns or lives?"; "Protect kids, not guns"; "Stop gun violence!"
March 14, 2018

Kristin Kinsey photographsReturn to Top

Container(s) Description Dates
electronic_file item
Online KinseyK1
Demonstrators holding signs reading "End gun violence," "Fear has no place in schools," "No more silence after all of this violence," and "My right to safety out weighs your rights to guns." Red Square, University of Washington campus, Seattle, Washington
Text on signs read, from left to right: "End gun violence."; "Fear has no place in schools."; "No more silence after all this violence."; "My right to safety out weighs your right to guns."
March 14, 2018
Online KinseyK2
Demonstrators holding their signs during the walkout in Red Square, University of Washington campus, Seattle, Washington
Text on signs read, from left to right: "How many more?"; "End gun violence."; "Guns are the death of us."; "Fear has no place in schools."; "I would prefer not to be shot."; "This demonstration is for the future generation."; "Fear has no place in schools [with an image of two hands]."; "No more silence after all this violence."; "Gun violence is preventable [with an image of Washington state]."; "My right to safety outweighs your right to guns."; "Lives over lobbyists."; "Not one more."; "I don't know how to explain that you should care about our nations children."; "#neveragain."
March 14, 2018
Online KinseyK3
"My right to safety out weighs your right to guns" sign, Red Square, University of Washington campus, Seattle, Washington
Text on signs read, from left to right: "No more silence after all this violence."; "My right to safety out weighs your right to guns."; "Violence begets violence, only light can drive out darkness, only love can overcome hate."; "Not one more."; "Fear has no place in our schools."
March 14, 2018
Online KinseyK4 March 14, 2018
Online KinseyK5
Demonstrators holding their signs including one that reads "Roosevelt students against gun violence", Red Square, University of Washington campus, Seattle, Washington
Text on signs read, from left to right: "Lives over lobbyists."; "Roosevelt students against gun violence."; "Enough is enough. Gun reform is far overdue."
March 14, 2018
Online KinseyK6
Demonstrator holding a sign reading "I don't know how to explain that you should care about our nation's children." Red Square, University of Washington campus, Seattle, Washington
Text on signs read, from left to right: "Is your kid next?"; "I don't know how to explain that you should care about our nation's children."
March 14, 2018
Online KinseyK7 March 14, 2018
Online KinseyK8 March 14, 2018
Online KinseyK9
Participants holding their signs including one that reads "Disarm hate.", Red Square, University of Washington campus, Seattle, Washington
Text on signs read, from left to right: "Disarm hate"; "How many more?"; "Fear has no place in schools, keep kids safe."; "End gun violence."; "96 people die from gun violence everyday."; "How many must die? Sandy Hook 27, Columbine 14, Virginia Tech 32, Las Vegas Concert 58, Pulse Nightclub 49, Stoneman Douglas 17."; "We walk for Alyssa Alhadeff, freshman."
March 14, 2018
Online KinseyK10 March 14, 2018
Online KinseyK11
Demonstrator holding a sign reading "Fear has no place in our schools." Red Square, University of Washington campus, Seattle, Washington
Text on sign reads: "Fear has no place in our schools." Text on clothing reads: "Make a difference."
March 14, 2018
Online KinseyK12
Signs reading "Fear has no place in our schools" and "We are victims, we are students, we are change. #enough." Red Square, University of Washington campus, Seattle, Washington
Text on signs read, from left to right: "Fear has no place in our schools."; "We are victims, we are students, we are change. #enough."
March 14, 2018
Online KinseyK13
Signs urging demonstrators to register to vote, Red Square, University of Washington campus, Seattle, Washington
Text on signs read, from left to right: "Register to vote here."; "We can't learn with guns to our heads. #enoughisenough."; "Register to vote here."; "In memory of Alyssa Alhadeff 14, Scott Beigel 35, Martin Duque Anguiano 14, Nicholas Dworet 17, Aaron Fies 37, Jamie Guttenberg 14, Chris Hixon 49, Luke Hoyer 15, Cara Loughran 14, Gina Montalto 14, Joaquin Oliver 17, Alaina Petty 14, Meadow Pollack 18, Helena Ramsay 17, Alex Schachter 14, Carmen Schentrup 16, Peter Wang 15."; "End gun violence. #neveragain #wemakenoise #marchforourlives."
March 14, 2018
Online KinseyK14
"Register to vote here" sign in Red Square, University of Washington campus, Seattle, Washington
Text on signs read, from left to right: "Register to vote here."; "In memory of Alyssa Alhadeff 14, Scott Beigel 35, Martin Duque Anguiano 14, Nicholas Dworet 17, Aaron Fies 37, Jamie Guttenberg 14, Chris Hixon 49, Luke Hoyer 15, Cara Loughran 14, Gina Montalto 14, Joaquin Oliver 17, Alaina Petty 14, Meadow Pollack 18, Helena Ramsay 17, Alex Schachter 14, Carmen Schentrup 16, Peter Wang 15."
March 14, 2018
Online KinseyK15 March 14, 2018
Online KinseyK16
Walkout participants holding their signs in front of Suzzallo Library, Red Square, University of Washington campus, Seattle, Washington
Text on signs read, from left to right: "Learn in safety."; "Register to vote here."; "Register to vote here."; "Enough."; "In memory of Alyssa Alhadeff 14, Scott Beigel 35, Martin Duque Anguiano 14, Nicholas Dworet 17, Aaron Fies 37, Jamie Guttenberg 14, Chris Hixon 49, Luke Hoyer 15, Cara Loughran 14, Gina Montalto 14, Joaquin Oliver 17, Alaina Petty 14, Meadow Pollack 18, Helena Ramsay 17, Alex Schachter 14, Carmen Schentrup 16, Peter Wang 15."; "We can't learn with guns to our heads. #enoughisenough."
March 14, 2018
Online KinseyK17
Students assembled in front of Suzzallo Library with protest signs, Red Square, University of Washington campus, Seattle, Washington
Text on signs read, from left to right: "Learn in safety."; "Register to vote here."; "In memory of Alyssa Alhadeff 14, Scott Beigel 35, Martin Duque Anguiano 14, Nicholas Dworet 17, Aaron Fies 37, Jamie Guttenberg 14, Chris Hixon 49, Luke Hoyer 15, Cara Loughran 14, Gina Montalto 14, Joaquin Oliver 17, Alaina Petty 14, Meadow Pollack 18, Helena Ramsay 17, Alex Schachter 14, Carmen Schentrup 16, Peter Wang 15."; "People kill people with guns."
March 14, 2018
Online KinseyK18 March 14, 2018
Online KinseyK19
Walkout participants holding their signs in Red Square, University of Washington campus, Seattle, Washington
Text on signs read, from left to right: "Enough is enough."; "Protect children, not guns. March for our Lives."; "G(un)safe."; "Ban assault weapons [now] We need gun reform."; "Enough is enough. Gun reform now."; "Protect people not guns! #neveragain #march4ourlives."; "Register to vote here."; "How many more?"
March 14, 2018
Online KinseyK20
Walkout participants holding their signs in Red Square, University of Washington campus, Seattle, Washington
Text on signs read, from left to right: "Fear has no place in school."; "SAAS."
March 14, 2018
Online KinseyK21 March 14, 2018
Online KinseyK22 March 14, 2018
Online KinseyK23
Sign reading "N.ot R.ight for A.merica." Red Square, University of Washington campus, Seattle, Washington
Text on sign reads: "N.ot R.ight for A.merica" [the punctuation spells out NRA]. Text on button reads: "I support stronger gun laws."
March 14, 2018
Online KinseyK24
Signs reading "We call BS" and N.ot R.ight for A.merica" in Red Square, University of Washington campus, Seattle, Washington
Text on signs read, from left to right: "We call BS."; "N.ot R.ight for A.merica [with the first letters of the three words spelling out NRA accompanied with the image of a hand]." Text on button reads: "I support stronger gun laws."
March 14, 2018
Online KinseyK25 March 14, 2018
Online KinseyK26 March 14, 2018
Online KinseyK27 March 14, 2018
Online KinseyK28 March 14, 2018
Online KinseyK29 March 14, 2018
Online KinseyK30
Roosevelt High School Senior Gabe Rosenbloom addressing the crowd at Red Square, University of Washington campus, Seattle, Washington
Text on signs read, from left to right: "Vegas 8, Aurora, Colorado 12, San Bernardino 14, Parkland, FL 17, Orlando, FL 49, Columbine 13, Sutherland Springs 25, Virginia Tech 33."; "Guns are not school supplies. Tax the rich to fully fund schools. Socialist Alternative."; "96 people die from gun violence everyday."; "How many more?"; "Lost lives are not statistics."; "No more."; "What will it take America? [with the image of a gun firing a red rose]."
March 14, 2018
Online KinseyK31 March 14, 2018
Online KinseyK32
Bicycle police presence during the walkout, Red Square, University of Washington campus, Seattle, Washington
Text on sign reads: "SAAS." Text on clothing reads: "Stop the killing."
March 14, 2018
Online KinseyK33 March 14, 2018
Online KinseyK34 March 14, 2018
Online KinseyK35
Sign reading "Guns are not school supplies. Tax the rich to fully fund schools. Socialist Alternative." Red Square, University of Washington campus, Seattle, Washington
Text on signs read, from left to right: "Register to vote."; "Guns are not school supplies. Tax the rich to fully fund schools. Socialist Alternative."
March 14, 2018
Online KinseyK36
Two signs reading "Stop gun violence" and "Register to vote", Red Square, University of Washington campus, Seattle, Washington
Text on signs read, from right to left: "Stop gun violence."; "Register to vote."
March 14, 2018
Online KinseyK37 March 14, 2018
Online KinseyK38 March 14, 2018
Online KinseyK39 March 14, 2018
Online KinseyK40 March 14, 2018
Online KinseyK41 March 14, 2018
Online KinseyK42 March 14, 2018
Online KinseyK43
Two demonstrators holding signs reading "Protect kids not guns" and "Fear has no place in schools. Resist.Resist.Resist" in Red Square, University of Washington campus, Seattle, Washington
Text on signs read, from left to right: "Protect kids not guns [with an image of a crossed out gun]."; "Fear has no place in schools. Resist.Resist.Resist."
March 14, 2018
Online KinseyK44
Video of particpants after the assembly in Red Square, University of Washington campus, Seattle, Washington
Text on signs read, from beginning to end: "SAAS."; "Lives over lobbyists."; "#Enough."; "Just remember we vote next."; "In memory of Alyssa Alhadeff 14, Scott Beigel 35, Martin Duque Anguiano 14, Nicholas Dworet 17, Aaron Fies 37, Jamie Guttenberg 14, Chris Hixon 49, Luke Hoyer 15, Cara Loughran 14, Gina Montalto 14, Joaquin Oliver 17, Alaina Petty 14, Meadow Pollack 18, Helena Ramsay 17, Alex Schachter 14, Carmen Schentrup 16, Peter Wang 15."
March 14, 2018

Names and SubjectsReturn to Top

Subject Terms

  • Demonstrations--Washington (State)--Seattle--Photographs
  • Gun control--United States
  • Photograph collections--Washington (State)--Seattle
  • Student protesters--Washington (State)--Seattle--Photographs
  • Student strikes--Washington (State)--Seattle--Photographs
  • Visual Materials Collections (University of Washington)

Corporate Names

  • University of Washington. Libraries--Catalogs

Other Creators

  • Personal Names
    • Ambre, Linda (photographer)
    • Colman, Jamie R (photographer)
    • Kinsey, Kristin (photographer)