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University of Utah Department of Geology and Geophysics records, 1968-1983
Overview of the Collection
- Creator
- University of Utah. Dept. of Geology and Geophysics
- Title
- University of Utah Department of Geology and Geophysics records
- Dates
- 1968-1983 (inclusive)19681983
- Quantity
- 4 linear feet
- Collection Number
- Acc0420
- Summary
- The departments of Geology and Geophysics merged in 1969 to create the Department of Geological and Geophysical Sciences. In 1974 the name was changed to the Department of Geology and Geophysics. This collection contains personal and departmental correspondence, research proposals and reports, memoranda, and meeting minutes. A major portion of the collection consists of records of the Apollo Lunar Sounder Experiment sponsored by the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA). At the University of Utah the Experiment was headed by Stanley H. Ward who also served as department head until 1981.
- Repository
University of Utah Libraries, University Archives and Records Management
University Archives and Records Management, J. Willard Marriott Library
University of Utah
666 Guardsman Way
Salt Lake City, UT
Telephone: 8015818242 - Access Restrictions
Materials must be used on-site; advance notice suggested. Access to parts of this collection may be restricted under provisions of state or federal law.
- Languages
- English
Content DescriptionReturn to Top
This collection contains personal and departmental correspondence, research proposals and reports, memoranda, and meeting minutes. A major portion of the collection consists of records of the Apollo Lunar Sounder Experiment sponsored by the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA).
Use of the CollectionReturn to Top
Preferred Citation
Initial Citation: University of Utah Department of Geology and Geophysics records, Acc. 420, Box [ ]. University Archives and Records Management. University of Utah, J. Willard Marriott. Salt Lake City, Utah.
Following Citations:Acc. 420.
Administrative InformationReturn to Top
Detailed Description of the CollectionReturn to Top
Apollo Lunar Experiment: A-LReturn to Top
Container(s): Box 1
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
Folder | ||
1 | Abstract - Lunar Subsurface Exploration with Coherent Radar |
undated |
2 | Acceptance Plan |
1972 |
3 | Acquisition of Signature Data by Aircraft Flights with S-209 Hardware |
undated |
4 | Action Item Summary |
1971 |
5 | Goodyear Aerospace Corporation - Apollo Recorder Preliminary Design Review |
1971 |
6 | Ambient Noise Literature Survey |
1971 |
7 | Antenna - Electrical Design |
1971 |
8 | Antenna - Preliminary Design Review |
1971 |
9 | Antenna - Strength Calculations |
1971 |
10 | Antenna - Stress/Thermal and Mechanical Design |
1971 |
11 | Antenna - Thermal Design Report |
1971 |
12 | Antenna Systems - Critical Design Review |
1971 |
13 | Blueprint |
1971 |
14 | Description of Target |
1972 |
15 | Dissector Facility |
undated |
16 | Draft |
undated |
17 | Goodyear Aerospace Corporation - Block Diagram |
undated |
18 | Hardware Specifications |
1970-1971 |
19 | Imaging Radar Spacecraft Data Processing |
1974 |
20 | Investigators Information |
undated |
21 | Jet Propulsion Laboratory - Memoranda |
1971; 1973 |
22 | Lunar Sample Security |
1974 |
23 | Lunar Science Institute |
1972; 1974 |
24 | Lunar Sounder Technical Review |
1972 |
Apollo Lunar Experiment: M-NReturn to Top
Container(s): Box 2
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
Folder | ||
1 | Memoranda |
1972-1973 |
2 | Minutes - Apollo 17/ Preliminary EMC. Review |
1971 |
3 | Minutes - The Circuit Development Group of the Apollo Optical Recorder PDR |
1971 |
4-5 | NASA - Apollo Spacecraft Program Plan |
1972 |
6 | NASA - Apollo 16, Change a Flight Plan |
1972 |
7 | NASA - Apollo 17, MSC Flight Readiness Review |
1972 |
8 | NASA - Apollo 17, Mission Science Planning Document |
1972 |
9-10 | NASA - Apollo 17, Report |
1972-1973 |
11 | NASA - Award, Grant NSG 7090 (Basic) |
1974 |
12 | NASA - Contract Number NAS 5-21883 MMC 307 |
1973 |
13 | NASA - Contract Number NSA 9-11475/ Report |
1971 September |
14 | NASA - Contract Number NAS 9-11475, Final Report |
1971 |
15 | NASA - Contract Number NAS 9-11475, Report/ Science Objectives and Requirements, Apollo Lunar Sounder S-209 (Baseline Version) |
1971 |
Apollo Lunar Experiment: NASAReturn to Top
Container(s): Box 3
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
Folder | ||
1 | NASA - Contract Number NAS 9-12168, Budget |
1971; 1973 |
2 | NASA - Contract Number NAS 9-12168, Proposal |
1971; 1973 |
3-5 | NASA - Contract Number NAS 9-12168, Report |
1971-1974 |
6 | NASA - Contract Number NAS 9-13322 |
1973 |
7 | NASA - Contract Number NGR 43-003-090, Report/ Electrical Parameter Measurements on Lunar Samples Returned from Apollo 14 and 15 |
1972 February 1-July 31 |
8 | NASA - Correspondence |
1970; 1972; 1974-1975 |
9 | NASA - The Cutting and Chipping of Lunar Rock |
1972 |
10 | NASA - Handbook of Pilot Operational Equipment for Manned Space Flight |
1972 |
11-13 | NASA - Memoranda |
1971-1975 |
14 | NASA - Memoranda, Minutes of the 10th Science Working Panel |
1971 |
15 | NASA - Memoranda, Minutes of the 11th Science Working Panel |
1971 |
16 | NASA - Memoranda, Minutes of the 12th Science Working Panel |
1971 |
17 | NASA - Memoranda, Minutes of the 13th Science Working Panel |
1972 |
Apollo Lunar Experiment: N-PReturn to Top
Container(s): Box 4
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
Folder | ||
1 | NASA - Memoranda, Minutes of the 14th Science Working Panel |
1972 |
2 | NASA - Memoranda, Minutes of the 15th Science Working Panel |
1972 |
3 | NASA - Memoranda, Minutes of the 17th Science Working Panel |
1972 |
4 | NASA - Memoranda, Minutes of the 18th Science Working Panel |
1972 |
5 | NASA - Memoranda, Minutes of the 19th Science Working Panel |
1972 |
6 | NASA - News |
1971 |
7 | NASA - Principal Investigator/ Dauphin, Vern |
1971-1973 |
8 | NASA - Principal Investigator/ Linlor, William I. |
1972-1973 |
9 | NASA - Principal Investigator/ McDivitt, James A. |
1971 |
10 | NASA - Principal Investigator/ Phillips, Roger J. - Correspondence |
1971; 1973 |
11 | NASA - Principal Investigator/ Phillips, Roger J. - Memoranda |
1971-1972 |
12 | NASA - Principal Investigator/ Phillips, Roger J. - Report |
1971-1972 |
13 | Noise Measurements |
1971 |
14 | Principal Investigator - Brown, Walter E. |
1971; 1974 |
15 | Principal Investigator - Sill, William R. |
1972-1973 |
16 | Principal Investigator / Ward, Stanley H. - Correspondence |
1970-1974 |
17 | Principal Investigator / Ward, Stanley H. - Memoranda |
1970-1972; 1974 |
Apollo Lunar Experiment: P-UReturn to Top
Container(s): Box 5
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
Folder | ||
1 | Principal Investigator / Ward, Stanley H. - Minutes |
1971-1972 |
2 | Principal Investigator / Ward, Stanley H. - Miscellaneous |
1971-1972 |
3-4 | Principal Investigator / Ward, Stanley H. - Technical Progress Letter Report |
1971-1974 |
5 | Proposal - Digital System Data Reduction Implementation |
1972 |
6 | Proposal - Digital Systems Data Reduction Program (DSDR) |
undated |
7 | Prototype Test |
1971 |
8 | Radar Images of the Moon |
1973 |
9 | Report - Graph 0070 Flight Unit |
1972 |
10 | Report - Lunar Sounder Radar Analysis, March 20 - April 20 |
undated |
11 | Report - Rock Property Measurements, S-209 |
1972 |
12 | Solid Lunar Geophysics |
1972 |
13 | Statement of Work |
1974 |
14 | Summary of Apollo 17 Preliminary Examination Team Results |
1973 |
15 | Supporting Studies Plan |
1971 |
16 | Tables of Geological Features |
1971 |
17 | Team Charter |
1972 |
18 | Timeline Layout |
undated |
19 | Timeline Options |
1972 |
20 | University of California, Berkeley - Technical Report on NASA Contract NAS 2-5078 |
1968-1969 |
21 | University of Michigan - Informal Report |
1972 |
22 | University of Michigan - Proposal: Volume I-Technical Proposal |
1971 |
23 | University of Michigan - Proposal: Volume II-Cost Proposal |
1971 |
Apollo Lunar Experiment to Faculty MeetingReturn to Top
Container(s): Box 6
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
Folder | ||
1 | Apollo Lunar Experiment: University of Utah - Proposal / Volume I -Technical Proposal |
1971-1973 |
2 | Apollo Lunar Experiment: University of Utah - Proposal / Volume II - Cost Proposal |
1971-1973 |
3 | Apollo Lunar Experiment: University of Utah - Proposal / Volume III - Business Management Proposal |
1971-1973 |
4 | Curriculum |
1973-1979 |
5 | Earth Science Laboratory (ESL): University of Utah Research Institute (UURI) - Miscellaneous |
1977-1978 |
6-7 | Executive Committee Meeting |
1970-1979 |
8 | Faculty Meeting |
1977-1978 |
Miscellaneous Department Notes to SubcontractReturn to Top
Container(s): Box 7
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
Folder | ||
1 | Miscellaneous Department Notes |
1973-1975 |
2 | Miscellaneous Department Notes: Faculty and Staff Members - Bruhn, Ronald L. / Proposal |
1979-1983 |
3 | Miscellaneous Department Notes: Faculty and Staff Members - Chapman, D. S. / Justification |
1979 |
4 | Miscellaneous Department Notes: Faculty and Staff Members - Evans, Stan H. / Proposal |
1979 |
5 | Miscellaneous Department Notes: Faculty and Staff Members - Nash, William P. |
1979 |
6 | Miscellaneous Department Notes: Faculty and Staff Members - Wilson, Raymond C. / Mechanical Properties of Rock |
1972 |
7 | Miscellaneous Department Notes: Faculty and Staff Members - Wilson, Raymond C. The Mechanical Properties of the Shear Zone of the Lewis Overthrust, Glacier National Park, Montana |
1970 |
8 | Miscellaneous Department Notes: Faculty and Staff Members - Wilson, Raymond C. / Resignation |
1975 |
9 | Miscellaneous Department Notes: Faculty and Staff Members - Wilson, Raymond C. / " The Stress-Drop Paradox: A Problem of Scale?" |
1974 |
10 | Radiological Health Department: Miscellaneous |
1972; 1974; 1979 |
11 | Remodeling - Applied Research Building, Room 100 |
1976-1980 |
12 | Report: " Completion of Installation of High-Gain Telemetered Seismograph Stations for the Data Colleection and Epicenter Determination Along the Wasatch Front, Utah" - Contract Number 14-08-0001-14107 |
1973-1976 |
13 | Report: " Earthquake Hazards and Prediction Research in the Wasatch Front - Southern Intermountain Seismic Belt" - Contract Number 14-08-0001-19257 |
1980-1982 |
14 | Report: " Earthquake Research and Network Operations in the Intermountain Seismic Belt - Wasatch Front" - Contract Number 14-08-0001-16725 |
1977-1980 |
15 | Report: " Studies of Seismicity and Feasibility of Earthquake Prediction and Operation of Seismic Network - Along the Wasatch Front, Utah" - Contract Number 14-08-0001-15895 |
1976-1977 |
16 | Report: " A Study of the Detailed Seismicity and Feasibility of Earthquake Prediction Along the Wasatch Front, Utah" - Contract Number 14-08-0001-14585 |
1974-1976 |
17-18 | Seismography Stations Meeting |
1974-1976 |
19 | Subcontract between University of Utah and Micro Geophysics Corporation |
1976-1977 |
Uinta Basin Seismological Obervatory to United States Department of EnergyReturn to Top
Container(s): Box 8
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
Folder | ||
1 | Uinta Basin Seismological Observatory (UBO): Miscellaneous |
1970; 1976 |
2 | United States Department of Energy (DOE): Budget Planning Notes |
1979-1980 |
3 | United States Department of Energy (DOE): Program Review for Division of Geothermal Energy |
1979 March 29 |
4 | United States Department of Energy (DOE): Proposal |
1979 August 13 |
5 | United States Department of Energy (DOE): Proposal |
1979 September 30 |
6 | United States Department of Energy (DOE): Report - " Induced Seismicity and Seismic Baseline Studies at Roosevelt, Hot Springs and Cove Fort/Sulphurdale, Utah" |
1978 September 15-1980 March 31 |
7 | United States Department of Energy (DOE): Report - " Management Assistance for the Development of Hydrothermal Energy in the Rocky Mountain/Basin and Range Region" |
1977 October 19-1979 December 31 |
8 | United States Department of Energy (DOE): Report - " Management Assistance and Technical Support for the Programs in Exploration Technology" |
1978 December 1-1980 February 28 |
Names and SubjectsReturn to Top
Subject Terms
- Geology--Research--Utah
- Geology--Study and teaching--Utah--History--Sources
- Geophysics--Utah
- Universities and colleges--Utah--Salt Lake City--History--Sources
Personal Names
Corporate Names
- Apollo Lunar Sounder Experiment
- University of Utah--Archives
- University of Utah. Dept. of Geological and Geophysical Sciences (contributor)