Joe Hill Conference photograph collection, 1915-1990s

Overview of the Collection

Sillito, John
Joe Hill Conference photograph collection
1915-1990s (inclusive)
53 photographs
Collection Number
The Joe Hill Conference photograph collection contains photographs of the Eselius House and other buildings in Salt Lake City associated with Joe Hill. The collection also contains a photographic reproduction of The Joe Hill songbook, photographs of various locations in Utah taken in the 1930s and photographs of folk singer Faith Petric.
University of Utah Libraries, Special Collections
Special Collections, J. Willard Marriott Library
University of Utah
295 South 1500 East
Salt Lake City, UT

Telephone: 8015818863
Access Restrictions

Twenty-four hour advanced notice encouraged. Materials must be used on-site. Access to parts of this collection may be restricted under provisions of state or federal law.


Content DescriptionReturn to Top

The photographs document Joe Hill's involvement in the early labor movement and the effect on the labor movement after he was put to death in Utah in 1915. Notably, the Eselius house where Mr. Hill was living at the time of his arrest. A photographic reproduction of The Joe Hill Songbook which included written work by Joe Hill and other authors inspired by Joe Hill. The collection also includes photographs of folk singer Faith Petric. The photographs are recent reproductions from the original negatives.

Use of the CollectionReturn to Top

Restrictions on Use

The library does not claim to control copyright for all materials in the collection. An individual depicted in a reproduction has privacy rights as outlined in Title 45 CFR, part 46 (Protection of Human Subjects). For further information, please review the J. Willard Marriott Library’s Use Agreement and Reproduction Request forms.

Preferred Citation

Collection Name, Collection Number, Box Number, Folder Number. Special Collections, J. Willard Marriott Library, The University of Utah.

Administrative InformationReturn to Top


Collection is arranged topically.

Acquisition Information

Gift of John Sillito and an anonymous donor.

Separated Materials

Audio-visual materials were transferred to the Joe Hill Conference audio-visual collection (A0573).

Processing Note

Dale Larsen in 1992

Detailed Description of the CollectionReturn to Top

Joe Hill's involvement in the early labor movement, Eselius House and his song bookReturn to Top

Container(s) Description
Box Folder
1 1
Eselius House
  • Photograph number 1-3: The Eselius House.
  • Photograph number 4-5: The Morrison Store on 800 South and West Temple in Salt Lake City.
  • Photograph number 6-8: Street corner businesses in 1950s Salt Lake.
  • Photograph number 9-10: The Salt Lake County Building in Salt Lake.
1 2
Joe Hill Songbook
  • Photograph number 1-30: Various copy prints of written work by Joe Hill and other authors inspired by Joe Hill. Includes news articles which chronicle the life of Joe Hill.
1 3
  • Photograph number 1: Unidentified men looking over a written sheet of music.
  • Photograph number 2: Portrait of unidentified man
  • Photograph number 3: Unidentified prison yard and building
  • Photograph number 4: Employment office offering 75 cents an hour
  • Photograph number 5: Two men looking out from a window (circa 1930s)
  • Photograph number 6: Christian rescue mission (circa 1930s)
  • Photograph number 7: Employment office (circa 1930s)
  • Photograph number 8: Bingham Copper Mine in Utah (circa 1930s)
  • Photograph number 9: Early view of Park City, Utah
  • Photograph number 10: Arch with the label "The Gateway" (circa 1930s)
  • Photograph number 11-13: Photographs of folk singer Faith Petric
1 4
  • Photograph number 1-35: USongs and Articles.