Hanford Site Forty-Year Environmental Data Collection, 1943-1986

Overview of the Collection

Hanford Site Forty-Year Environmental Data Collection
1943-1986 (inclusive)
0.70 cubic feet, (2 boxes)
Collection Number
MSS Hanford
This Hanford Site Forty-Year Environmental Data Collection contains government documents and internal technical reports that document environmental monitoring at the Hanford Site, a nuclear production complex in southeast Washington that was constructed beginning in 1943 and fully decommissioned in 1987. Included among the collection's environmental monitoring reports are documents related to effluent releases into the environment, both planned and unplanned.
Oregon State University Libraries, Special Collections and Archives Research Center
Special Collections and Archives Research Center
121 The Valley Library
Oregon State University
Corvallis OR
Telephone: 5417372075
Fax: 5417378674
Access Restrictions

The collection is open for research.


Content DescriptionReturn to Top

This collection, consisting solely of photocopies and digital files, contains a series of government documents and internal technical reports that document environmental monitoring at the Hanford Site, a nuclear production complex in southeast Washington that was constructed beginning in 1943 and fully decommissioned in 1987. Included among the collection's environmental monitoring reports are documents related to effluent releases into the environment, both planned and unplanned.

Use of the CollectionReturn to Top

Preferred Citation

Hanford Site Forty-Year Environmental Data Collection (MSS Hanford), Oregon State University Special Collections and Archives Research Center, Corvallis, Oregon.

Administrative InformationReturn to Top


The collection in is two series: Series 1, Physical Reports, contains photocopied reports for which no digital file could be located. Series 2, Digital Reports, shows reports that were formerly part of the physical collection, but have since been deaccessioned. Links are provided to digital copies of these reports.

Acquisition Information

The Hanford Site Forty-Year Environmental Data Collection was accessioned from the Oregon State University Libraries Government Documents collection.

Processing Note

The original collection of 18 boxes was reprocessed in 2017 to reflect digitized copies of reports in the Department of Energy's online reading room. Physical items for which digitized copies could not be found were retained, and all other reports were deaccessioned.

Related Materials

Items related to Hanford's environmental history can also be found in the Nuclear Science Technical Reports , as well as in the History of Atomic Energy Collection of published materials.

Detailed Description of the CollectionReturn to Top

Series 1:  Physical Reports, 1943-1970Return to Top

This series contains photocopied reports, many of which are very difficult to read. No digital files were located for these reports.

Container(s) Description Dates
Memorandum: Proposed Locations of Monitoring Stations, by B. J. Bugbee, to J. W. Tilley, document DUH 11853
November 26, 1943
Report: Tolerable Concentrations of Fission Products in Air and Water, by W. E. Cohn, document DUH 4517
April 28, 1944
Report: Activities Discharged into the Atmosphere, by R. S. Apple, document HW-7-4275 DEL
June 18, 1946
Report: First Annual Report of the Botany Field Station, by E. C. Berry and J. F. Cline, document HW-16056
January 20, 1950
Letter: Radiation Exposure Data, by H. M. Parker, to D. G. Sturges, document HW-19404
November 8, 1950
Report: Radioactive Contamination in the Environs of the Hanford Works for the Period April, May, June, 1950, by H. J. Paas and W. Singlevich, document HW-19454
November 24, 1950
Report: A Report of Particle Contamination February 20, 1951 to August 15, 1951, by R. C. Thorburn, document HW-22072
August 31, 1951
Report: Radiation Aspects for River Navigation through Hanford Project, by H. V. Clukey, document HW-47252
December 7, 1956
Article: Probability of Human Contact and Inhalation of Particles, by L. Schwendiman, Health Physics, Vol. 1, pp. 352-356
August 28, 1958
Report: Proceedings of the Second United Nations International Conference on the Peaceful Uses of Atomic Energy, by J. W. Healy, B. V. Andersen, H. V. Clukey, and J. K. Soldat, United Nations
September 1, 1958
Report: Progress in Biological Research, A Summary of Hanford Laboratories Achievements in These Programs Under General Electric, 1956-1964, by H. A. Kornberg, document HW-83613
November 1964
Report: A Statistical Study of the Habits of Fishermen Utilizing the Columbia River Below Hanford, by J. K. Soldat, document BNWL-SA-1451
January 5, 1968
Report: Hanford Experience with Composite Environmental Dose Estimates, by J. P. Corley, document BNWL-SA-1452
January 24, 1968
Report: Hanford Waste Disposal Summary, 1967, by R. B. Hall, document BNWL-793
May 14, 1968
Report: A Comparison of Radionuclide Releases from Hanford Facilities with Environmental Dose Estimates, 1963-1967, by T. H. Essig and J. P. Corley, document BNWL-886
August 27, 1968
Article: A Survey of Environmental Dose Evaluations, by J. F. Honstead, Nuclear Safety, Vol. 9, No. 5, pp. 383-393
September - October, 1968
Report: The Uptake and Retention of P32 and Zn65 from the Consumption of Columbia River Fish, by J. F. Honstead and D. N. Brady, document BNSA-45
October 7, 1969
Report: Age-Dependent Radiation Dose Estimates for Residents of the Hanford Environs, 1945-1968, by T. H. Essig and S. K. Bhagat, document BNWL-SA-3079
June 15, 1970
Report: Hanford Waste Disposal Summary - 1969, by R. B. Hall, document BNWL-1427 REV C-65
September 1970
Report: Radiation Exposure to the Local Population, by R. F. Foster, document BNWL-SA-3455
September 15, 1970
Report: Quantitative Evaluation of Environmental Factors Affecting Population Exposure Near Hanford, by J. F. Honstead, document BNWL-SA-3203
October 26, 1970
Report: Hanford Waste Disposal Summary - 1970, by T. H. Essig, document BNWL-1618
September 1971
Article: Radioactive Strontium and Cesium in Cultivated and Abandoned Field Plots, by J. F. Cline and W. H. Rickard, Health Physics, Vol. 23, pp. 317-324
September 1972
Report: Radiochemical Analyses of Hanford Well-Water Samples, by F. P. Brauer and H. G. Rieck, Jr., document BNWL-CC-1800 83
June 16, 1972
Report: Concentrations of 65Zn in Marine Foodstuffs and Pacific Coastal Residents, by T. H. Essig, G. W. R. Endres, J. K. Soldat and J. F. Honstead, document BNWL-SA-4206
July 10, 1972
Report: Columbia River Studies Final Report, 1961-1973, by A. H. Seymour, document RLO-2225-T1-15
April 15, 1975
Article: A Study of Selected Parameters Affecting the Radiation Dose from Radionuclides in Drinking Water Downstream of the Hanford Project, by D. H. Denham and J. K. Soldat, Health Physics, Vol. 28, pp. 139-144
February 1975
Maps: Temperature Distribution, Nov.-Dec. 1975; Tritium Concentrations, Dec. 1975; and Gross Beta Concentrations (Calculated as 106Ru)
December 1975
Report: Environmental Monitoring Report on Radiological Status of the Ground Water Beneath the Hanford Site, January-December, 1974, by J. R. Raymond, D. A. Myers, J. J. Fix, V. L. McGhan, and P. M. Schrotke, document BNWL-1970-UC-70
March 1976
Report: Environmental Surveillance at Hanford for CY-1976 Data, by P. J. Blumer and J. J. Fix, document unknown
June 1977
Report: Ecology of the 200 Area Plateau Waste Management Environs: A Status Report, by L. E. Rogers and W. H. Rickard, document PNL-2253-UC-11
October 1977
Report: The Estimation of Air Concentrations Due to the Diffusion, Deposition and Resuspension of Contaminants by the Wind, by T. W. Horst, document PNL-2426-UC-11
October 1977
Report: Revegetation of a Waste Disposal Site in the 200 Areas of the Hanford Reservation, by J. F. Cline and V. A. Uresk, document PNL-2454-UC-11
November 1977
Report: Environmental Monitoring Report on the Status of Ground Water Beneath the Hanford Site January-December 1977, by D. A. Myers, document PNL-2624-UC-41
April 1978
Article: Rejecta Cast from Heron Nests as an Indicator of Food Chain Contamination, by W. H. Rickard, J. D. Hedlund, and R. G. Schreckhise, The Auk, Vol. 95, No. 2, pp. 425-427
April 1978
Article: 90Sr and 137Cs in Coyote Scats from the Hanford Reservation, by J. T. Springer, Health Physics, Vol. 36, pp. 31-33
January 1979
Report: Cesium-137 in Coots (Fulica americana) on Hanford Waste Ponds: Contribution to Population Dose and Offsite Transport Estimates, by L. L. Cadwell, R. G. Schreckhise, and R. E. Fitzner, document PNL-SA-7167
April 1979
Report: Environmental Surveillance at Hanford for CY-1978, by J. R. Houston and P. J. Blumer, document PNL-2932-UC-41
April 1979
Report: Radiological Status of the Ground-Water Beneath the Hanford Project, January-December, 1978, by P. A. Eddy, document PNL-2899-UC-41
April 1979
Report: The American Coot (Fulica americana) on the Hanford Site Part 1: Nesting Biology, by R. E. Fitzner and R. G. Schreckhise, document PNL-2462-UC-11
May 1979
Article: Loose Rock as Biobarriers in Shallow Land Burial, by J. F. Cline, K. A. Gano, and L. E. Rogers, Health Physics, Vol. 39, pp. 497-504
September 1980
Report: Carbon-14 in Sagebrush on the Hanford Site and Vicinity, by K. R. Price, document PNL-3766-UC-41
July 1981
Article: Movement of Radiostrontium in the Soil Profile in an Arid Climate, by J. F. Cline and L. L. Cadwell, Health Physics, Vol. 46, No. 5, pp. 1136-1138
May 1984
Article: Iodine in Terrestrial Wildlife on the U.S. Department of Energy’s Hanford Site in Southcentral Washington, by W. H. Rickard and K. R. Price, Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, Vol. 4, pp.379-388
Report: UNC Nuclear Industries Reactor and Fuels Production Facilities 1984 Effluent Release Report, by D. J. Rokkan, document UNI-3284
March 15, 1985

Series 2:  Digitized Reports, 1945-1986Return to Top

This series contains reports which were formerly part of the physical collection, but have been deaccessioned with links to digital files. Links are to PDFs that download automatically.

Description Dates
1: Report: Leaks in 107-F and 107-D Basins, by J. W. Healy, document HW-3-3259
This item has been digitized by the U.S. Department of Energy
November 26, 1945
2: Report: Tolerable Concentrations of Radio-Iodine on Edible Plants, by H. M. Parker, document HW-7-3217
This item has been digitized by the U.S. Department of Energy
January 14, 1946
3: Report: Tolerance Dose: Interpretation of Permissible Daily Dose, by H. M. Parker, document DUH-12744
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February 22, 1946
4: Report: I131 Accumulation in the Thyroid of Sheep Grazing near HEW, by K. E. Herde, document HW-3-3455
This item has been digitized by the U.S. Department of Energy
March 1, 1946
5: Report: Vegetation Contamination for First Quarter of 1946, by J. W. Healy, document HW-3-3495
This item has been digitized by the U.S. Department of Energy
March 1, 1946
6: Report: Vegetation Contamination for Second Quarter of 1946, by L. D. Turner and J. W. Healy, document HW-3-3603
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August 6, 1946
7: Report: I131 Deposition in Cattle Grazing on North Margin of H.E.W., by K. E. Herde, document HW-3-3628
This item has been digitized by the U.S. Department of Energy
August 29, 1946
8: Report: Vegetation Contamination for Period July 2, 1946 to August 31, 1946, by L. D. Turner, document HW-3-5055
This item has been digitized by the U.S. Department of Energy
October 22, 1946
9: Report: A Study of Total Amounts of Active Waste Released in all Manners by the H.E.W. Process to date, by F. P. Seymour, document HW-7-5463 DEL
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December 5, 1946
10: Report: Vegetation Contamination on Wahluke Slope and Outlying Districts in February, 1947, by L. D. Turner and J. W. Healy, document HW-3-5313
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February 18, 1947
11: Report: The Trend of Contamination Observed in the Air, Columbia River, and Vegetation, at the Hanford Engineer Works for 1946, by L. D. Turner, document HW-3-5402
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March 27, 1947
12: Report: The Trend of Contamination Observed in the Air, the Columbia River, Vegetation, and Waste at the Hanford Engineer Works for the Period January 1, 1947 to March 25, 1947, by L. D. Turner, document HW-3-5511
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May 9, 1947
13: Report: Vegetation Contamination for the Period Sept. 3, 1946 to Dec. 31, 1946, by L. D. Turner, document HW-3-5521
This item has been digitized by the U.S. Department of Energy
May 15, 1947
14: Report: The Trend of Contamination in the Air, the Columbia River, Vegetation, and waste at the HEW for the Period 3/25/47 – 6/30/47, by J. W. Healy, document HW-7317
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August 12, 1947
15: Report: The Trend of Contamination in the Air, the Columbia River, Rain, Sanitary Water, Vegetation, and Wastes at the Hanford Works for the Period July, August, September, 1947, by W. Singlevich, document HW-8549 DEL
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December 28, 1947
16: Report: Radioactivity in Upland Wild-Fowl from Areas Surrounding the H.W. Project, by K.E. Herde, document HW-8668
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January 26, 1948
17: Report: The Trend of Contamination in the Air, Columbia River, Rain, Sanitary Water, Vegetation, and Wastes at the Hanford Works and Vicinity for the Period October, November, December, 1947, by W. Singlevich, document HW-9496 DEL
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March 20, 1948
18: Report: Review of the Stack Discharge Active Particle Contamination Problem, by H. M. Parker, document HW-9259
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March 22, 1948
19: Report: Report of a Study of the Fate of 200 Area Stack Gases, by F. E. Adley, document HW-9864
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May 21, 1948
20: Report: Radioactive Contamination in the Columbia River and in the Air and Radiation Levels Measured in the Air at Hanford Works and Vicinity for 1945, 1946, 1947, and Early 1948, by W. Singlevich, document HW-9871
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May 24, 1948
21: Report: Radioactive Contamination in the Environs of the Hanford Works and Vicinity for the Period January, February, March, 1948, by W. Singlevich, document HW-10242 DEL
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June 10, 1948
22: Report: Long-Lived Fission Activities in the Stack Gases and Vegetation at the Hanford Works, by J. W. Healy, document HW-10758
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August 17, 1948
23: Report: Radioactive Contamination in the Environs of the Hanford Works for the Period April, May, June, 1948, by W. Singlevich., document HW-11333 DEL
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October 15, 1948
24: Report: A Second Annual Check of Radioactivity in Upland Wild-Fowl Near the H. W. Project, by K. E. Herde, document HW-11987
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December 7, 1948
25: Report: Radioactive Contamination in the Environs of the Hanford Works for the Period July, August, September, 1948, by W. Singlevich, document HW-12677 DEL
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March 10, 1949
26: Report: Radioactive Contamination in the Environs of the Hanford Works for the Period October, November, December, 1948, by W. Singlevich and H. J. Paas, document HW-13743 DEL
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June 22, 1949
27: Report: Concentration of Gross Radioactivity in the Columbia River, no author given, document GEH-18774
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ca. 1940s
28: Report: Density of Iodine-131 Deposited on Vegetation in Richland, no author given, document GEH-18775
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ca. 1940s
29: Report: Radioactive Contamination in the Environs of the Hanford Works for the Period January, February, March, 1949, by W. Singlevich and H. J. Paas, document HW-14243 DEL
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December 23, 1949
30: Report: Radioactive Contamination in the Environs of the Hanford Works for the Period October, November, December, 1949, by H. J. Paas and W. Singlevich, document HW-17003 DEL
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March 2, 1950
31: Report: Radioactive Contamination in the Environs of the Hanford Works for the Period April, May, June, 1949, by H. J. Paas and W. Singlevich, document HW-17434 DEL
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April 3, 1950
32: Report: Feasibility of Reduction of Cooling Time – Separations Process, by H. M. Parker, document HW-18409
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July 25, 1950
33: Report: Radioactive Contamination in the Environs of the Hanford Works for the Period January, February, March, 1950, by H. J. Paas and W. Singlevich, document HW-18446
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July 28, 1950
34: Letter: Reduction of Decay Cooling Period, by H. M. Parker, to D. F. Shaw, document HW-18367
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August 10, 1950
35: Report: Radioactive Contamination in the Environs of the Hanford Works for the Period July, August, September, 1949, by H. J. Paas and W. Singlevich, document HW-18615
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August 30, 1950
36: Report: Radioactive Contamination in the Environs of the Hanford Works for the Period July, August, September, 1950, by H. J. Paas and W. Singlevich, document HW-20700
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April 6, 1951
37: Report: The Second Annual Report of the Botany Field Station, by J. F. Cline and J. W. Porter, document HW-20999
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May 1, 1951
38: Report: Radioactive Contamination in the Environs of the Hanford Works for the Period January, February, March, 1951, by H. J. Paas and W. Singlevich, document HW-21214
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June 1, 1951
39: Report: Radioactive Contamination in the Environs of the Hanford Works for the Period October, November, December, 1950, by H. J. Paas, document HW-21566
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July 13, 1951
40: Report: Activity Densities in Waterfowl of the Hanford Reservation and Environs, by K. E. Herde, R. L. Browning, and W. C. Hanson, document HW-18645
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August 21, 1951
41: Report: Radioactive Contamination in the Environs of the Hanford Works for the Period April, May, June, 1951, by H. J. Paas, document HW-22313
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October 8, 1951
42: Report: Radioactive Contamination in the Environs of the Hanford Works for the Period July, August, September, 1951, by H. J. Paas, document HW-23133
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December 29, 1951
43: Report: Radioactive Contamination in the Environs of the Hanford Works for the Period October, November, December, 1951, by H. J. Paas, document HW-24203
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April 22, 1952
45: Report: Permissible Limits – Release of Reactor Effluent to the Columbia River, by H. M. Parker, document HW-24356
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May 6, 1952
46: Letter: Toxicity of I131 in Sheep, by H. M. Parker, to K. L. Englund, document HW-25239
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August 4, 1952
47: Report: Radioactive Contamination in the Environs of the Hanford Works for the Period January, February, March, 1952, by H. J. Paas, document HW-25866
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October 15, 1952
48: Report: Radioactive Contamination in the Environs of the Hanford Works for the Period April, May, June 1952, by H. J. Paas, document HW-26493
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December 15, 1952
49: Report: Radioactive Contamination in the Environs of the Hanford Works for the Period July, August, September, 1952, by H. J. Paas, document HW-27510
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April 15, 1953
50: Report: Radioactive Contamination in the Environs of the Hanford Works for the Period October, November, December, 1952, by H. J. Paas, document HW-27641
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April 20, 1953
51: Report: Radioactive Contamination in the Hanford Environs for the Period January, February, March, 1953, by H. J. Paas, document HW-28009
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May 22, 1953
52: Report: Radioactive Particles in the Hanford Environs November – December 1952, by H. J. Paas, document HW-28300
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June 22, 1953
53: Report: Radioactive Contamination in the Hanford Environs for the Period April, May, June, 1953, by H. J. Paas, document HW-29514
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October 2, 1953
54: Report: Radioactive Contamination in the Hanford Environs for the Period July August, September, 1953, by H. J. Paas, document HW-30174
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December 5, 1953
55: Report: Radioactive Contamination in the Hanford Environs for the Period October, November, December, 1953, by H. J. Paas, document HW-30744
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January 29, 1954
56: Report: Radioactive Contamination in the Hanford Environs for the Period January, February, March, 1954, by H. J. Paas, document HW-31818
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May 10, 1954
57: Report: A History of the REDOX Ruthenium Problem, by D. P. Ebright, document HW-32473
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July 16, 1954
58: Report: Status of Ground Contamination Problem, by H. M. parker, document HW-33068
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September 15, 1954
59: Report: Fallout Comparisons, by H. M. Parker, document HW-33754
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November 10, 1954
60: Report: Radioactive Contamination in the Hanford Environs for the Period April, May, June, 1954, by H. J. Paas and G. E. Pilcher, document HW-33896
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November 24, 1954
61: Report: I131 Emission Problem – Bismuth Phosphate Plant, by W. G. Browne, document HW-36112
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April 6, 1955
62: Report: Radioactive Contaminations in the Hanford Environs for the Period July, August, September, 1954, by G. E. Pilcher, J. K. Soldat, Z. E. Carey, document HW-36504
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April 20, 1955
63: Report: Radioactive Contamination in the Hanford Environs for the Period October, November, and December, 1954, by G. E. Pilcher, document HW-36505
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April 29, 1955
64: Report: Radioactive Contamination in the Hanford Environs for the Period January, February, and March, 1954, by G. E. Pilcher, document HW-36506
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May 15, 1955
65: Report: Symposium on Iodine Problem, by O. F. Hill, document HW-39073
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August 3, 1955
66: Report: Radioactive Contamination in the Hanford Environs for the Period April, May, June, 1955, by B. V. Andersen, document HW-38566
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August 9, 1955
67: Report: Radioactive Contamination in the Hanford Environs for the Period July, August, September, 1955, by B. V. Andersen and J. K. Soldat, document HW-39429
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October 10, 1955
68: Report: Radioactive Contamination in the Hanford Environs for the Period October, November, December, 1955, by B. V. Andersen and J. K. Soldat, document HW-40871
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February 6, 1956
69: Report: Basic Anatomical, Dietary, and Physiological Data for Radiological Calculations, by L. K. Bustad and J. L. Terry, document HW-41638
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February 24, 1956
70: Report: Radioactive Contamination in the Hanford Environs for the Period January, February, March, 1956, by B. V. Andersen and J. K. Soldat, document HW-43012
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May 28, 1956
71: Report: Earth Sciences’ Waste Disposal Monitoring Activities Summary, January, 1956, by Earth Sciences Personnel, document HW-43149
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May 31, 1956
72: Report: Radioactive Contamination in the Hanford Environs for the Period April, May, June, 1956, by B. V. Andersen and J. K. Soldat, document HW-43012
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August 7, 1956
73: Report: Radioactive Contamination in the Hanford Environs for the Period July, August, September, 1956, by B. V. Andersen, M. W. McConiga, and J. K. Soldat, document HW-46726
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December 7, 1956
74: Report: Concentration of Radioisotopes in Columbia River Whitefish in the Vicinity of the Hanford Atomic Products Operation, by D. G. Watson and J. J. Davis, document HW-48523
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February 18, 1957
75: Report: Radioactive Contamination in the Hanford Environs for the Period October, November, December, 1956, by B. V. Andersen, M. W. McConiga, and J. K. Soldat, document HW-48374
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February 25, 1957
76: Report: Dispersion of Dissolved Material in the Columbia River, by J. F. Honstead, document HW-49008
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March 12, 1957
77: Report: The Turbulent Diffusion of River Contaminants, by H. T. Norton, document HW-49195
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March 25, 1957
78: Report: Chemical Effluents Technology Waste Disposal Investigations – July, August, September, 1956, by D. J. Brown, document HW-49465
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April 12, 1957
79: Report: Chemical Effluents Technology Waste Disposal Investigations – October, November, December, 1956, by D. J. Brown, document HW-50186
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May 14, 1957
80: Report: Radioactive Contamination in the Hanford Environs for the Period January, February, March, 1957, by M. W. McConiga and J. K. Soldat, document HW-51009
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June 17, 1957
81: Report: Chemical Effluents Technology Waste Disposal Investigations – January, February, March, 1957, by D. J. Brown, document HW-51095
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June 26, 1957
82: Report: The Regional Monitoring Program, by B.V. Andersen and J. K. Soldat, document HW-52038
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August 26, 1957
83: Report: Chemical Effluents Technology Waste Disposal Investigations – April, May, June, 1957, by D. J. Brown, document HW-53225
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September 25, 1957
84: Report: Radioactive Contamination in the Hanford Environs for the Period April, May, June, 1957, by M. W. McConiga and J. K. Soldat, document HW-52803
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October 28, 1957
85: Report: Chemical Effluents Technology Waste Disposal Investigations – July, August, September, 1957, by D. J. Brown, document HW-54655
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December 27, 1957
86: Report: Summary of Environmental Contamination Incidents at Hanford 1952-1957, by J. M. Selby and J. K. Soldat, document HW-54636
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January 25, 1958
87: Report: Chemical Effluents Technology Waste Disposal Investigations – October, November, December, 1957, by W. H. Bierschenk, document HW-54848
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January 30, 1958
88: Report: Radioactive Contamination in the Hanford Environs for the Period July, August, September, 1957, by M. W. McConiga, J. M. Selby, and J. K. Soldat, document HW-54841
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February 24, 1958
89: Report: Radioactive Contamination in the Hanford Environs for the Period October, November, December, 1957, by M. W. McConiga, J. M. Selby, and J. K. Soldat, document HW-54842
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February 28, 1958
90: Report: History of Airborne Contamination and Control – 200 Areas, by R. E. Roberts, document HW-55569 RD
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April 1, 1958
91: Report: Earth Sciences’ Waste Disposal Monitoring Activities Summary, April, 1956, by Earth Sciences Personnel, document HW-44354
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ca. 1950s
92: Report: Regional Monitoring (1957), by B. V. Andersen, document HW-89066
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ca. 1950s
93: Report: Chemical Effluents Technology Waste Disposal Investigations – January, February, March, 1958, by Chemical Effluents Technology Operation Personnel, document HW-55841 RD
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April 24, 1958
94: Report: Strontium-90 Concentrations in the Hanford Environs, by W. B. Silker, document HW-55117
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May 20, 1958
95: Report: Chemical Effluents Technology Waste Disposal Investigations – April, May, June, 1958, by Chemical Effluents Technology Operation Personnel, document HW-57002 RD
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July 10, 1958
96: Report: Calculation of Drinking-Water Radiation Exposures from Columbia River Water Sources, by H. V. Clukey and M. W. McConiga, document HW-57411
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September 16, 1958
97: Report: Chemical Effluents Technology Waste Disposal Investigations – July, August, September, 1958, by Chemical Effluents Technology Operation Personnel, document HW-58023 RD
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October 30, 1958
98: Report: Chemical Effluents Technology Waste Disposal Investigations – October, November, December, 1958, by Chemical Effluents Technology Operation Personnel, document HW-58811 RD
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January 9, 1959
99: Report: Chemical Effluents Technology Waste Disposal Investigations – January, February, March, 1959 by Members of the Chemical Effluents Technology Operation, document HW-60163 RD
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April 20, 1959
100: Report: Chemical Effluents Technology Waste Disposal Investigations – April, May, June, 1959, by Members of the Chemical Effluents Technology Operation, document HW-61197 RD
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July 22, 1959
101: Report: Hanford Environmental Monitoring Annual Report, 1958, by B. V. Andersen, document HW-61676
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August 27, 1959
102: Report: Chemical Effluents Technology Waste Disposal Investigations – July, August, September, 1959, by Members of the Chemical Effluents Technology Operation, document HW-62692 RD
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November 20, 1959
103: Report: Off-Project Exposure from Hanford Reactor Effluent, by R. F. Foster and R. L. Junkins, document HW-63654 REV
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February 1, 1960
104: Report: Reactor Effluent Water Disposal, by R. B. Hall and P. C. Jerman, document HW-63653
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February 1, 1960
105: Report: Chemical Effluents Technology Waste Disposal Investigations – October, November, December, 1959, by W. A. Haney, document HW-64094 RD
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March 1, 1960
106: Report: Evaluation of Radiological Conditions in the Vicinity of Hanford for 1959, by R. L. Junkins, E. C. Watson, I. C. Nelson, and R. C. Henle, document HW-64371
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May 9, 1960
107: Report: Chemical Effluents Technology Waste Disposal Investigations – January, February, March, 1960, by W. A. Haney, document HW-65464 RD
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May 19, 1960
108: Report: Monitoring for Air-Borne Radioactive Materials at Hanford Atomic Products Operation, by J. K. Soldat, document HW-SA-38
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August 1960
109: Report: MPC’s for Ingestion of Rare Earths in Columbia River Water, by M. W. McConiga, document HW-66026
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September 1, 1960
110: Report: Chemical Effluents Technology Waste Disposal Investigations – April, May, June, 1960, by W. A. Haney, document HW-66859 RD
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September 22, 1960
111: Report: Chemical Effluents Technology Waste Disposal Investigations – July, August, September, 1960, by W. A. Haney, document HW-67753 RD
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December 9, 1960
112: Report: Chemical Effluents Technology Waste Disposal Investigations – October, November, December, 1960, by W. A. Haney, document HW-68543 RD
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March 7, 1961
113: Report: Evaluation of Radiological Conditions in the Vicinity of Hanford for 1960, by R. F. Foster, document HW-68435
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June 1, 1961
114: Report: Chemical Effluents Technology Waste Disposal Investigations – January-June, 1961, by W. A. Haney, document HW-70806 RD
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August 28, 1961
115: Report: Chemical Effluents Technology Waste Disposal Investigations – July-December, 1961, by Members of the Chemical Effluents Technology Operation, document HW-72645 RD
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February 1962
116: Report: Evaluation of Radiological Conditions in the Vicinity of Hanford for 1961, by R. F. Foster, document HW-71999
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March 1, 1962
117: Report: The Status of Gaseous Effluent Monitoring at HAPO, December, 1961, by D. McConnon, document HW-69025 REV
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August 27, 1962
118: Report: Incidents Related to Reactor Safety, by F. W. Van Wormer, document HW-73060
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March 15, 1962
119: Report: Recuplex Incident, April 7, 1962 Emission of Fission Products from the 291-Z Stack, by J. K. Soldat, document HW-77345
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May 23, 1962
120: Report: Dispersion of 300 Area Liquid Effluent in the Columbia River, by G. E. Backman, document HW-73672
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May 25, 1962
121: Report: Chemical Effluents Technology Waste Disposal Investigations – January-June, 1962, by D. J. Brown, document HW-74915
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September 10, 1962
122: Report: The Columbia River Environmental Monitoring Program, by R. H. Wilson, document HW-75076
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October 1, 1962
123: Report: Evaluation of Discharging Radioactive Wastes into Fresh Water Streams, by R. B. Hall and R. H. Wilson, document HW-SA-2748
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October 1962
124: Report: Chemical Effluents Technology Waste Disposal Investigations – July-December, 1962, by D. J. Brown, document HW-76120
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January 31, 1963
125: Report: Evaluation of Radiological conditions in the vicinity of Hanford for 1962, by R. F. Foster, document HW-76526
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February 25, 1963
126: Report: The Relationship Between I131 Concentrations in Various Environmental Samples, by J. K. Soldat, document HW-SA-2887 REV
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June 13, 1963
127: Report: Chemical Effluents Technology Waste Disposal Investigations – January-June, 1963, by D. J. Brown, document HW-78951
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September 16, 1963
128: Report: Environmental Effects of a Fuel Element Failure, by R. B. Hall, document HW-79073
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September 27, 1963
129: Report: Chemical Effluents Technology Waste Disposal Investigations – July-December, 1963, The movement of Contaminated Ground Water from the areas to the Columbia River, by D. J. Brown and W. A. Haney, document HW-80909
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February 18, 1964
130: Report: Evaluation of Radiological Conditions in the Vicinity of Hanford for 1963, by R. F. Foster, document HW-80991
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February 24, 1964
131: Report: Ringold – A Hanford Environmental Study, by I. C. Nelson and R. F. Foster, document HW-78262 REV
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April 3, 1964
132: Report: Chemical Effluents Technology Waste Disposal Investigations – January- December, 1964, by D. J. Brown, document HW-84549
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December 31, 1964
133: Report: Summary of Environmental Contamination Incidents at Hanford, 1958-1964, by G. E. Backman, document HW-84619
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April 12, 1965
134: Report: Release of Radioactivity to the Columbia River from Irradiated Fuel Element Ruptures, by P. C. Jerman, W. N. Koop, and F. E. Owen, document RL-REA-2160
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May 27, 1965
135: Report: Evaluation of Radiological Conditions in the Vicinity of Hanford for 1964, by R. F. Foster, document BNWL-90
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July 1965
136: Report: Chemical Effluents Technology Waste Disposal Investigations – January- June, 1965, by D. J. Brown, document BNWL-CC-285
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July 28, 1965
137: Article: Ringold Farms – A Hanford Environmental Study, by I. C. Nelson and R. F. Foster, Health Physics, Vol. 11, pp. 397-401
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138: Article: Environmental Evaluation of an Acute Release of 131I to the Atmosphere, by J. K. Soldat, Health Physics, Vol. 11, pp. 1009-1015
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139: Report: Earth Sciences Waste Disposal Investigations – July - December, 1965, by J. R. Eliason, document BNWL-CC-574
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May 25, 1966
140: Report: Evaluation of Radiological Conditions in the Vicinity of Hanford for 1965, by R. F. Foster, document BNWL-316
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September 1966
141: Report: Evaluation of Radiological Conditions in the Vicinity of Hanford for 1965, Appendices, by R. F. Foster, document BNWL-316 APP
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September 1966
142: Report: Environmental Status of the Hanford Project – 1965 Annual Summary, by T. H. Essig and R. B. Hall, document BNWL-CC-913
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November 8, 1966
143: Report: Earth Sciences Waste Disposal Investigations – January - June, 1966, by J. R. Eliason, document BNWL-CC-887
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November 1, 1966
144: Report: Environmental Status of the Hanford Reservation for December, 1966 (Annual Summary), by T. H. Essig and R. B. Hall, document BNWL-CC-637-12
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March 20, 1967
145: Report: Earth Sciences Waste Disposal Investigations – July - December, by J. R. Eliason, document BNWL-432
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June 14, 1967
146: Report: Evaluation of Radiological Conditions in the Vicinity of Hanford for 1966, by J. F. Honstead, document BNWL-439
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June 1967
147: Report: Evaluation of Radiological Conditions in the Vicinity of Hanford for 1966, Appendices, by J. F. Honstead, document BNWL-439 APP
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May 1967
148: Report: Earth Sciences Waste Disposal Investigations – January - June, 1967, by J. R. Eliason, document BNWL-687
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December 27, 1967
149: Report: Environmental Statues of the Hanford Reservation for November-December, 1967 (Annual Summary), by Members of Environmental Health Department, document BNWL-CC-1197-6
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April 1968
150: Report: Radiological Status of the Ground Water Beneath the Hanford Project, July-December, 1967, by T. H. Essig, document BNWL-835
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June 5, 1968
151: Report: Criteria Used to Estimate Radiation Doses Received By Persons Living in The Vicinity of Hanford: Interim Report, by R. H. Wilson and T. H. Essig, document BNWL-706
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July 1968
152: Report: Evaluation of Radiological Conditions in the Vicinity of Hanford for 1967, by J. P. Corley, document BNWL-983-UC-41
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March 1969
153: Report: Evaluation of Radiological Conditions in the Vicinity of Hanford for 1967, Appendices, by J. P. Corley, document BNWL-983-UC-41 APP
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February 1969
154: Report: Environmental Status of the Hanford Reservation for January-June, 1968, by Members of Environmental Evaluation Radiation Protection Technical Services Division, document BNWL-CC-1850
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September 1968
155: Report: Radiological Status of the Ground Water Beneath the Hanford Project January-June, 1968, by T. H. Essig, document BNWL-984
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January 6, 1969
156: Report: Environmental Status of the Hanford Reservation for July-December, 1968, by Members of the Environmental Evaluations Staff, document BNWL-CC-2026
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April 17, 1969
157: Report: Criteria Used to Estimate Radiation Doses Received by Persons Living in the Vicinity of Hanford: Interim Report No. 2, by T. H. Essig and J. P. Corley, document BNWL-1019-UC-41
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April 1969
158: Report: Significance of Rupture Debris in the Columbia River, by J. D. McCormack and L. C. Schwendiman, document HW-61325
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August 17, 1959
159: Report: Hanford Waste Summary, by R. B. Hall, document BNWL-1081-C-65
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May 1969
160: Report: Radiological Status of the Ground Water Beneath the Hanford Project, July-December, 1968, by D. H. Denham, document BNWL-1047-UC-70
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May 1969
161: Report: Recreational Use of the Columbia River – Evaluation of Environmental Exposure, by J. F. Honstead, document BNWL-CC-2299
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October 7, 1969
162: Report: Radiological Status of the Ground Water Beneath the Hanford Project, January-June, 1969, by D. H. Denham, document BNWL-1233-UC-70
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November 1969
163: Report: Radiological Considerations of Opening the Columbia River for Recreational Purposes – Ringold to 100-F Area, by D. H. Denham and W. L. Fisher, document BNWL-CC-2363
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December 22, 1969
164: Report: Environmental Status of the Hanford Reservation for January – June, 1969, by C. B. Wilson and T. H. Essig, document BNWL-CC-2478
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April 7, 1970
165: Report: Environmental Status of the Hanford Reservation for July-December, 1969, by C. B. Wilson and T. H. Essig, document BNWL-CC-2583
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May 26, 1970
166: Report: Evaluation of Radiological Conditions in the Vicinity of Hanford for 1968, by W. L. Fisher, document BNWL-1341-UC-41
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May 1970
167: Report: Evaluation of Radiological Conditions in the Vicinity of Hanford for 1968, Appendices, by W. L. Fisher, document BNWL-1341-UC-41 APP
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May 1970
168: Report: Radiological Status of the Ground Water Beneath the Hanford Project, July-December, 1969, by D. H. Denham, document BNWL-1392-UC-70
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May 1970
169: Report: Evaluation of Radiological Conditions in the Vicinity of Hanford for 1969, by C. B. Wilson and T. H. Essig, document BNWL-1505-UC-41
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November 1970
170: Report: Evaluation of Radiological Conditions in the Vicinity of Hanford for 1969, Appendices, by J. P. Corley, document BNWL-1505-UC-41 APP
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November 1970
171: Report: Effects of Hanford Reactors on Columbia River and Adjacent Land Areas, by R. F. Foster, document BNWL-SA-3679
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December 15, 1970
172: Report: Radiological Status of the Groundwater Beneath the Hanford Project January-June, 1970, by T. H. Essig, document BNWL-1539
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December 1970
173: Report: A Bibliography of Environmental Research: Ecosystems Department, by T. P. O’Farrell and V. K. Christensen, document BNWL-1549-UC-48
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January 1971
174: Report: Radiological Considerations of Opening the Columbia River for Public Access Upstream from 100-F Area, by W. L. Fisher, document BNWL-B-71 Part I
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March 1971
175: Report: Radiological Considerations of Opening the Columbia River for Public Access Upstream from 100-F Area, by W. L. Fisher, document BNWL-B-71 Part II
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March 1971
176: Report: Radiological Status of the Groundwater Beneath the Hanford Project July-December, 1970, by T. H. Essig, document BNWL-1613
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September 1971
177: Report: Radiological Status of the Groundwater Beneath the Hanford Project January-June, 1971, by K. L. Kipp, Jr., document BNWL-1649
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April 1972
178: Report: Environmental Status of the Hanford Reservation for 1970, by P. E. Bramson, document BNWL-C-96
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June 1972
179: Report: Environmental Surveillance at Hanford for CY-1971, by P. E. Bramson and J. P. Corley, document BNWL-1683-UC-41
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August 1972
180: Report: Environmental Surveillance at Hanford for CY-1971 (Addendum), by P. E. Bramson and J. P. Corley, document BNWL-1683 ADD
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August 1972
181: Report: Environmental Surveillance at Hanford for CY-1970, by J. P. Corley, document BNWL-1669-UC-41
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September 1973
182: Report: Environmental Surveillance at Hanford for CY-1970 Data, by J. P. Corley, document BNWL-1669 ADD
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August 1973
183: Report: Environmental Status of the Hanford Reservation for 1971, by P. E. Bramson and J. P. Corley, document BNWL-B-228
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September 1972
184: Report: Hanford Waste Disposal Summary-1971, by J. J. Soehnlein, document BNWL-1701
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November 1972
185: Report: Radiation Survey of Wahluke Slope, by P. E. Bramson and J. P. Corley, document BNWL-B-237
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December 1972
186: Report: Radiological Status of the Groundwater Beneath the Hanford Project July-December 1971, by K. L. Kipp, Jr., document BNWL-1680
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January 1973
187: Report: Environmental Surveillance at Hanford, by P. E. Bramson and J. P. Corley, document BNWL-1727-UC-41
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April 1973
188: Report: Environmental Surveillance at Hanford for CY-1972, by P. E. Bramson and J. P. Corley, document BNWL-1727 ADD
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May 1973
189: Report: Radiological Status of the Groundwater Beneath the Hanford Project, January-June, by K. L. Kipp, Jr., document BNWL-1737
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May 1973
190: Report: Radiological Status of the Groundwater Beneath the Hanford Project, July-December 1972, by K. L. Kipp, Jr., document BNWL-1752
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August 1973
191: Report: Environmental Status of the Hanford Reservation for CY-1972, by P. E. Bramson, J. P. Corley, and W. L. Nees, document BNWL-B-278
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September 1973
192: Report: Potential Airborne Release of Surface Contamination During a Range Fire in the B-C Controlled Area, by J. Mishima, document BNWL-B-303
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December 1973
193: Report: Emitted and Decayed Values of Radionuclides in Gaseous Wastes Discharged to the Atmosphere from the Separation Facilities through Calendar Year 1972, by J. D. Anderson, document ARH-3026
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March 1, 1974
194: Report: Environmental Surveillance at Hanford for CY-1973, by W. L. Nees and J. P. Corley, document BNWL-1811-UC-41
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April 1974
195: Report: Environmental Surveillance at Hanford for CY-1973 Data, by W. L. Nees and J. P. Corley, document BNWL-1811 ADD
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April 1974
196: Report: Hanford Waste Disposal Summary, 1972, by J. H. Soehnlein, document BNWL-1779-UC-70
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December 1974
197: Report: Environmental Status of the Hanford Reservation for CY-1973, by W. L. Nees and J. P. Corley, document BNWL-B-336
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January 1975
198: Report: Radiological Status of the Groundwater Beneath the Hanford Reservation, January-December 1973, by K. L. Kipp, Jr., document BNWL-1860-UC-70
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January 1975
199: Report: Environmental Surveillance at Hanford for CY-1974, by J. J. Fix, document BNWL-1910-UC-41
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April 1975
200: Report: Environmental Surveillance at Hanford for CY-1974 Data, by J. J. Fix and P. J. Blumer, document BNWL-1910-UC-41 ADD
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April 1975
201: Report: Environmental Status of the Hanford Reservation for CY-1974, by J. J. Fix, document BNWL-B-429
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September 1975
202: Report: Environmental Monitoring Report on the Status of Ground Water Beneath the Hanford Site, by D. A. Myers, J. J. Fix, P. J. Blumer, J. R. Raymond, V. L. McGhan, E. L. Hilty, document BNWL-2034
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January - December, 1975
203: Report: Environmental Surveillance at Hanford for CY-1975 Data, by P. J. Blumer, J. J. Fix, and Dwayne R. Speer, document BNWL-1980-UC-41
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April 1976
204: Report: Environmental Status of the Hanford Site for Cy-1975, by J. J. Fix, D. R. Speer, and P. J. Blumer, document BNWL-B-477-UC-41
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June 1976
205: Report: Environmental Surveillance at Hanford for CY-1975, by D. R. Speer, document BNWL-1979 REV UC-41
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June 1976
206: Report: Thermoluminescent Dosimeter (CaF2:Dy) Measurement of the Hanford Environs, 1971-1975, by J. J. Fix and P. J. Blumer, document BNWL-2140-UC-41
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January 1977
207: Report: Environmental Monitoring Report on the Status of Ground Water Beneath the Hanford Site, January-December, 1976, by D. A. Myers, J. J. Fix, and J. R. Raymond, document BNWL-2199-UC-41
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April 1977
208: Report: Environmental Surveillance at Hanford for CY-1976, by J. J. Fix, P. J. Blumer, G. R. Hoenes, and P.E. Bramson, document BNWL-2142-UC-41
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April 1977
209: Report: Radiochemical Analyses of Game Birds Collected from the Hanford Environs, 1971-1975, by J. J. Fix and P. J. Blumer, document BNWL-2089-UC-41
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July 1977
210: Report: Radionuclide Concentrations in Selected Foodstuffs and Wildlife from the Hanford Environs, 1971-1975, by J. J. Fix, S. C. Leete, and P. E. Bramson, document PNL-2383-UC-41
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November 1977
211: Report: Environmental Status of the Hanford Site for CY-1976, by J. J. Fix, P. J. Blumer, and P. E. Bramson, document BNWL-2246-UC-41
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May 1977
212: Report: Radiochemical Analyses of Soil and Vegetation Samples Taken from the Hanford Environs, 1971-1976, by M. L. Miller, J. J. Fix, and P. E. Bramson, document BNWL-2249-UC-41
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June 1977
213: Report: Soils of the Pacific Northwest Shrub-steppe. Occurrence and Properties of Soils on The Arid Land Ecology Reserve, Hanford Reservation, by R. E. Wildung, document BNWL-2272
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July 1977
214: Report: Association of Hanford Origin Radionulcides with Columbia River Sediment, by D. E. Robertson and J. J. Fix, document BNWL-2305-UC-41
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August 1977
215: Report: Environmental Surveillance at Hanford for CY-1977, by J. R. Houston and P. J. Blumer, document PNL-2614-UC-41
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April 1978
216: Report: Environmental Status of the Hanford Site for CY-1977, by J. R. Houston and P. J. Blumer, document PNL-2677-UC-41
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June 1978
217: Report: Tagging Studies of Mule Deer Fawns on the Hanford Site, 1969-1977, by L. E. Eberhardt, J. D. Hedlund, and W. H. Rickard, document PNL-3147-UC-11
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October 1979
218: Report: Darkling Beetle Populations (Tenebrionidae) of the Hanford Site in Southcentral Washington, by L. E. Rogers, N. Woodley, J. K. Sheldon, and V. A. Uresk, document PNL-2465-UC-11
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February 1978
219: Report: Comparative Ecology of Nuclear Waste Ponds and Streams on the Hanford Site, by R. M. Emery and M. C. McShane, document PNL-2499-UC-70
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October 1978
220: Report: Analysis of Small Mammal Populations Inhabiting the Environs of a Low-Level Radioactive Waste Pond, by K. A. Gano, document PNL-2479-UC-11
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March 1979
221: Report: Biobarriers Used in Shallow-Burial Ground Stabilization, by J. F. Cline, document PNL-2918-UC-70
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March 1979
222: Report: Radioactivity Associated with Biota and Soils of the 216-A-24 Crib, by E. L. Klepper, L. E. Rogers, J. D. Hedlund, and R. G. Schreckhise, document PNL-1948-UC-70
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March 1979
223: Report: Environmental Status of the Hanford Site for CY 1978, by J. R. Houston and P. J. Blumer, document PNL-2933-UC-41
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August 1979
224: Report: Shrub-Inhabiting Insects of the 200 Area Plateau, Southcentral Washington, by L. E. Rogers, document PNL-2713-UC-11
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October 1979
225: Report: Decline of Radionuclides in Columbia River Biota, by C. E. Cushing, D. G. Watson, A. J. Scott, and J. M. Gurtisen, document PNL-3269-UC-11
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March 1980
226: Report: Environmental Surveillance at Hanford for CY-1979, by J. R. Houston and P. J. Blumer, document PNL-3283-UC-41
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April 1980
227: Report: Radiological Status of the Ground Water Beneath the Hanford Project, January-December, 1979, by P. A. Eddy and J. S. Wilbur, document PNL-3346-UC-41
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April 1980
228: Report: Radiological Survey of Exposed Shorelines and Islands of the Columbia River Between Vernita and the Snake River Confluence, by M. J. Sula, document PNL-3127-UC-41
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April 1980
229: Report: Environmental Status of the Hanford Site for CY 1979, by J. R. Houston and P. J. Blumer, document PNL-3284-UC-41
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August 1980
230: Report: Iodine-129 in Forage and Deer on the Hanford Site and Other Pacific Northwest Locations, by K. R. Price, L. L. Cadwell, R. G. Schreckhise, and F. P. Brauer, document PNL-3357-UC-11-UC-41
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February 1981
231: Report: Environmental Surveillance at Hanford for CY-1980, by M. J. Sula and P. J. Blumer, document PNL-3728-UC-41
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April 1981
232: Report: Radiological Status of the Ground Water Beneath the Hanford Site, January-December, 1980, by P. A. Eddy and J. S. Wilbur, document PNL-3768-UC-41
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April 1981
233: Report: Americium-241 in Surface Soil Associated with the Hanford Site and Vicinity, by K. R. Price, R. O. Gilbert, and K. A. Gano, document PNL-3731-UC-41
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May 1981
234: Report: Plutonium in Surface Soil Near the Southwest Boundary of the Hanford Project, by K. R. Price and R. L. Dirkes, document PNL-3647-UC-11
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May 1981
235: Report: Raptors of the Hanford Site and Nearby Areas of Southcentral Washington, by R. E. Fitzner, W. H. Rickard, L. L. Cadwell, and L. E. Rogers, document PNL-3212-UC-11
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May 1981
236: Report: Environmental Status of the Hanford Site for CY 1980, by M. J. Sula, P. J. Blumer, and R. L. Dirkes, document PNL-3729-UC-41
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August 1981
237: Report: Population Estimates for the Areas Within a 50-Mile Radius of Four Reference Points on the Hanford Site, by D. J. Sommer, R. G. Rau, and D. C. Robinson, document PNL-4010-UC-11-UC-41
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November 1981
238: Report: Radiological Status of the Ground Water Beneath the Hanford Site, January-December, 1981, by P. A. Eddy, C. S. Cline, and L. S. Prater, document PNL-4237-UC-41
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April 1982
239: Report: Environmental Surveillance at Hanford for CY-1981, by M. J. Sula, W. D. McCormack, R. L. Dirkes, K. R. Price, and P. A. Eddy, document PNL-4211-UC-41
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May 1982
240: Report: Environmental Status of the Hanford Site for CY 1981, by M. J. Sula, P. J. Blumer, and R. L. Dirkes, document PNL-4212-UC-41
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August 1982
241: Report: Hanford Dose Overview Program: Standardized Methods and Data for Hanford Environmental Dose Calculations, by W. D. McCormack, document PNL-3777-UC-41
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September 1982
242: Report: Analysis of Radionuclide Concentrations and Movement Patterns of Hanford Site Mule Deer, by L. E. Eberhardt, E. E. Hanson, and L. L. Cadwell, document PNL-4420-UC-41
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October 1982
243: Report: Uranium and Other Heavy Metals in Soil and Vegetation from the Hanford Environs, by K. R. Price and R. R. Kinnison, document PNL-4466-UC-41
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November 1982
244: Report: Environmental Surveillance at Hanford for CY 1982, by M. J. Sula, J. M. V. Carlile, K. R. Price, and W. D. McCormack, document PNL-4657-UC-41-UC-11
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May 1983
245: Report: Climatological Summary for the Hanford Area, by W. A. Stone, J. M. Thorp, O. P. Gifford, and D. J. Hoitink, document PNL-4622-UC-11
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June 1983
246: Report: Ground-Water Surveillance at The Hanford Site for CY 1982, by P. A. Eddy, L. S. Prater, and J. T. Rieger, document PNL-4659-UC-41-UC-11
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June 1983
247: Report: Environmental Status of the Hanford Site for CY 1982, by M. J. Sula, P. J. Blumer, R. L. Dirkes, J. M. V. Carlile, document PNL-4658-UC-41-UC-11
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August 1983
248: Report: Environmental Surveillance at Hanford for CY 1983, by K. R. Price, J. M. V. Carlile, R. L. Dirkes, and M. S. Trevathan, document PNL-5038-UC-41-UC-11
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May 1984
249: Report: Hanford Dose Overview Program: Standardized Methods and Data for Hanford Environmental Dose Calculations, by W. D. McCormack, J. V. Ramsdell, and B. A. Napier, document PNL-3777 Rev 1 UC-41
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May 1984
250: Report: Ground-Water Surveillance at the Hanford Site for CY 1983, by L. S. Prater, J. T. Rieger, C. S. Cline, E. J. Jensen, T. L. Liikala, K. R. Oster, and P. A. Eddy, document PNL-5041-UC-41-UC-11
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July 1984
251: Report: Environmental Status of the Hanford Site for CY 1983, by K. R. Price, P. J. Blumer, J. M. V. Carlile, R. L. Dirkes, and M. S. Trevathan, document PNL-5039-UC-41-11
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August 1984
252: Report: Investigation of Ground-Water Seepage from the Hanford Shoreline of the Columbia River, by W. D. McCormack and J. M. V. Carlile, document PNL-5289-UC-41-11
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November 1984
253: Report: Rooting Depth and Distributions of Deep-Rooted Plants in the 200 Area Control Zone of the Hanford Site, by E. L. Klepper, K. A. Gano, and L. L. Cadwell, document PNL-5247-UC-11
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January 1985
254: Report: Environmental Monitoring at Hanford for 1984, by K. R. Price, J. M. V. Carlile, R. L. Dirkes, R. E. Jaquish, M. S. Trevathan, and R. K. Woodruff, document PNL-5407-UC-41-UC-11
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May 1985
255: Report: Unsaturated Water Flow at the Hanford Site: A Review of Literature and Annotated Bibliography, by G. W. Gee and P. R. Heller, document PNL-5428-UC-70
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May 1985
256: Report: Anadromous Salmonids of the Hanford Reach, Columbia River: 1984 Status, by C. D. Becker, document PNL-5371-UC-97e
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September 1985
257: Report: Ground-Water Monitoring at the Hanford Site, January-December, 1984, by C. S. Cline, J. T. Rieger, J. R. Raymond, and P. A. Eddy, document PNL-5408-UC-41-UC-11
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September 1985
258: Report: Offsite Radiation Doses Summarized from Hanford Environmental Monitoring Reports for the Years 1957-1984, by J. K. Soldat, K. R. Price, and W. D. McCormack, document PNL-5795-UC-70
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February 1986